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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203




CP7028 - Enteprise Application Integration

Regulation – 2013

Academic Year 2017 – 18

Prepared by

Mr.M.Mayuranathan Assistant Professor/CSE

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.



Year & Semester : II/ III

Branch : M.E CSE
Subject Code : CP7028
Subject Name : Enteprise Application Integration
Degree & Branch : M.E – C.S.E.
Staff in charge : MR. M. MAYURANATHAN

Requirements for EAI -Challenges in EAI –Integration with legacy systems –Integration with partners -
Heterogeneous environment –Implementation approaches –Web services, messaging, ETL, direct data
integration –Middleware requirements –Approaches to integration –services oriented and messaging.

Q.No Questions Competence Level
1. Define EAIand EAI process . Remember BTL 1

2. Identify a legacy system. Analyze BTL 4

3. Discuss the need for EAI. Understand BTL 2

4. List out advantages of EAI and disadvantages of EAI. Remember BTL 1

5. How enterprise information system differ from enterprise Understand BTL 2

sytem bus?
6. How can we integrate multiple applications so that they Understand BTL 2
work together and can exchange information?
7. Differentiate the various web services. Analyze BTL 4
8. Compare and contrast the types of data integration Understand BTL 2
9. Define Requirement of EAI. Remember BTL 1
10. What is the enterprise need EAI? Apply BTL 3
11. Can you justify your answer for the requirement of Evaluate BTL 5
12. If you are an application developer how do you connect Evaluate BTL 5
your application to the messaging system?

13. Construct the characteristic of legacy system. Create BTL 6

14. List the the types of integration based on architecture. Remember BTL 1
15. Build an ETL. Apply BTL 3
16. Define enterprise information system . Remember BTL 1
17. What is middleware ? Remember BTL 1
18. Can you define the different forms of middleware. Analyze BTL 4

19. What are the technologies used to build EAI? Apply BTL 3

20. Consider a Enterprise ,what are the Challenges of EAI.? Create BTL 6


1. Summarize the requirement of middle Understand BTL 2

2. (i)List the web services.(8)(April/May-2015) Remember BTL 1
(ii) Describe in detail about middleware.(5)
3. (i)Define the steps to be followed in EAI.(5) Remember BTL 1
(ii)Exiplain in detail about four common types of
4. (i)What is enterprise application integration (EAI)? Remember BTL 1
Discuss in detail. (8)(Nov/Dec -2014)
(ii)Explain the components of EAI with a neat diagram.(5)
)(Nov/Dec -2014)
5. (i)Discuss with an example how enterprise applications can Understand BTL 2
be used in platforms for new cross functional services.(8)
(Nov/Dec -2014)
(ii)Explain the technologies involved in data level enterprise
application integration.(5)( Nov/Dec -2014)
6. By Considering an EAI explain the following Analyze BTL 4
a)Challenges in integration of EAI (4)( Nov/Dec 2015)
b)messaging models(4)
ii)Expalin in detail about the implementation of EAI(5)
7. i)Assume a Legacy system , explain the integration with Apply BTL 3
legacy system. (8)( Nov/Dec 2015), )(April/May-2015)
ii)Draw the hierarchy of service types and explain about the
service integration (5)
8. i)Describe in detail the architecture of EAI with a neat Understand BTL 2

ii)How would describe the challenges of EAI. (5)(Nov/Dec

9. i)Develop the patterns of EAI.(7 ) (Nov/Dec 2015) Create BTL 6
ii)Explain in detail SOA architecture with neat diagram.(6)

10. i)Assume an Enterprise ,demonstrate direct data

integration.(8) Apply BTL 3
ii)Describe about the EAI process.(5)
11 i)Point out the advantages of implementing EAI.(5) Analyze BTL 4
ii)Describe the functioning of EAI.(8)
12. Explain the OSI model layer for EAI.(8) Analyaze BTl 4
What is messaging ?what arethe advantages of messaging ?
explain in detail.(5)
13. Describe how to manage ERP systems in heterogenous Remember BTL 1
Explain how messaging plays a key role in heterogenous
integration system.(5) )(Nov/Dec-2014)
14 Compare and contrast ETL ,EAI,EII .(8) Evaluate BTL 5
Define ETL.Describe in detail about ETL(5)


1 Analyze the enterprise application integration Analyze BTL-4

(a)Discuss how the the data integrated in the various four levels in an
IT system (4)
(b)Discuss the technques for integrating (4)
(c) Show how rebuilding the target data store is impractical for all
small data .(4)
(d) What is the biggest issue in the business users and how it should be
handled .(3)

2 How several EII vendors provide Federated access to unstructured data Create BTL-6
(a)With suitable example ,Develop the technolgies that use the
unstructured data and semi structured data integration.(5)
(b)What are the types of source data involved in projects and the types
of database involved in data integration .(5)
(c) Discuss how MDM and CDI provide a consistant view of dispersed
data .(5)
3. The Siebel application has remained steadfastly neutral with respect to Evaluate BTL-5
other Enterprise product solutions.
(a)Explain Why Oracle Fusion Middleware is the best middleware for
Siebel Application.(8)
(b) Discuss mechanism for integrating process and Data with Seibel.(7)

4 What are the challenges of testing enterprise integration Create BTL-4

solution.Develop a testing approach to tackle the inherent
complexities.Create a framework for testing complex business
application. (15)

Integration Patterns
Introduction to integration patterns Architecture for application Integration –Integration patterns –Point to
point, broker, message bus, publish/subscribe, Challenges in performance, security, reliability -Case
Part-A (2 MARKS)

Questions Competence Level

1. Analyse the pattern diagram for integration style. Analyze BTL 4
2. Demonstrate messaging gateway. Apply BTL 3
3. Construct any five types of integration styles. Apply BTL 3
4. List the challenges of enterprise integration pattern. Remember BTL 1
5. What is point -to- point channel. Remember BTL 1
6. List the four main approaches of integration pattern. Remember BTL 1
7. Illustrate scatter-gather. Apply BTL 3
8. What is correlation. Understand BTL 2
9. Give an architecture that enables separate applications to work Understand BTL 2
together, but in a decoupled fashion such that applications can be
easily added or removed without affecting the others.
10. Give the Need for enterprise integration. Understand BTL 2
11. What is broker? Remember BTL 1
12. Can you give out any two challenges in reliability. Create BTL 6
13. Decide how can the sender broadcast an event to all interested Evaluate BTL 5
14. Define patterns available for message transformation. Remember BTL 1
15. Write the Advantages of message bus. Understand BTL 2
16. What are the types for implementing integration pattern. Remember BTL 1
17. Point out any two challenges in performance. Analyze BTL 4
18. Point out any two challenges in security. Analyze BTL 4
19. Develop the pattern for Publish/Subscribe using the Pull. Create BTL 6
20. Compare between notification and application . Evaluate BTL 5
1. i)Explain in detail about Publish/Subscribe with suitable Analyze BTL 4
ii)Explain with diagrammatic illustration how publish/subdcribe
pattern is modeled.(5)(Nov/Dec-2014)
2. i)Describe in detail about the architecture for application Remember BTL 1
integration. (8)(April/May-2015).
ii)What is Point –to-point messaging ?Explain with diagrammatic
illustration.(5) )(Nov/Dec-2014)
3. i)Define enterprise integration pattern ?Explain with example the Remember BTL 1
process of designing with enterprise integration patterns.(13)
4. Understand BTL 2
(i)Discuss in detail bout the primary components of message
brokers with a neat diagram.(8)
(ii)Discuss about the message brokers.(5)

5. Apply BTL 3
(i)Classify the various types of application integration .(8)
(ii)Expalin the various types of EAI solutions based on
6. (i)Design pipes and filters for sending messages .(5) Create BTL 6
(ii)Explain with a neat diagram how a router is connected to
multiple channels with a neat diagram.(8)
7. (i)Conclude your answer how do you decouple the destination of Evaluate BTL 5
amessage from the sender and maintain central control over the
flow of messages(13)(Nov/Dec-2015)
8. Understand BTL 2
(i)Summarize the challenges of integration patterns .(6)
(ii)Expalin the approaches in integration strategies.(7)
9. Analyze BTL 4
(i)Point out the challenges in security.(7)
(ii)Explain in detail about challenges in reliability.(6)

10. (i)Discuss the EAI topology.(8) Remember BTL 1

(ii)What are the requirements for EAI solution.(5)

11. (i)Explain in detail about architecture that enables separate Analyze BTL 4
applications to work together, but in a decoupled fashion such
that applications can be easily added or removed without
affecting the others.(8)
ii)Discuss integration with packaged integration brokers.(5)
12 Discuss Enterprise Application Integration Based on Workflow Remember BTL1
Management System .(13)
13 (i)Illustrate how EAI software implemented with five layers of Apply BTL 3
Discuss the EAI solution evaluation methodology,.(5)
14 (i)Discuss the four scenarios for EAI implementation.(8) Understand BTL2
(ii)Discuss the EAI market segmentation.(5)
1 For Bond Trading System. Analyze BTL 4
(a) Explain how the Market Data Comonent communicate with
the TIB. (4)
(b)How to integrate the Java thick client and the two Java server
components in order to exchange data. (4)
(c)How to connect the MQSeries messaging system with the
standalone C++ Contribution server and the TIBCO based Market
Data and Analytics Engine servers. (4)
(d)How efficiently to use the Publish-Subscribe Channel in the
context of the market data server communicating with the
analytics engine. (3)
2. Consider a messaging patterns Create BTL 6
(a)Develop how messaging patterns are organized. (5)
(b) What about REST / SOA / Web Service Patterns? (5)
(c) What makes for good application integration? (5)

3 Consider Widgets & Gadgets ‘R Us (WGRUS), an on-line retailer Evaluate BTL-5

that buys widgets and gadgets from manufacturers and resells
them to customers.Deduce a message –based solution and also the
II infrastructure . (15)

4. We build an on-line banking system that allows customers to Create BTL 6

deposit money into their account from another bank. To perform
this function, the front-end Web application has to be integrated
with the back-end financial system that manages fund transfers.
(a)Formulate how to connect these two systems. (5)
(b)Write the coding for the same. (5)
(c) Major problems with integration. (5)

Service Oriented Integration
Business process integration -Composite applications-services –Web services –Service choreography and
orchestration -Business process modeling -BPMN, Business process execution -BPEL –Middleware
infrastructure -Case studies


Q.No Questions Competence BT Level

1. What is Service oriented integration? Understand BTL 2

2. Summarize Business Process Integration (BPI). Understand BTL 2
3. Define Integration Barriers. Remember BTL 1
4. List out some web service protocols. Remember BTL 1
5. Draw the diagramof business process reengineering . Understand BTL 2
6. Compare BPMN and BPEL. Understand BTL 2
7. What is composite application? Remember BTL 1
8. Define business process modeling. Evaluate BTL 5
9. Explain BPMN. Remember BTL 1
10. Design BPEL goals Creating BTL 6
11. Compare between service choreography and orchestration. Analyze BTL 4
12. Demonstrate middleware infrastructure with example. Apply BTL 3
13. Summarise BPEL. Evaluate BTL 5
14. What is web service and give examples? Remember BTL 1
15. Construct business process execution. Apply BTL 3
16. What orchestration? Analyze BTL 4
17. What is the purpose of business process modeling? Remember BTL 1
18. Illustrate the types of business processes. Apply BTL 3
19. Explain business process management. Analyze BTL 4
20. Generalise the scope of BPEL. Create BTL6
1. (i)Discuss in detail about business process integration with Understand BTL 2
suitable example(8)(Nov/Dec-2014)
8 short notes on Middleware Integration.(5)
2. (i)Examine in detail about composite application Service .(8) Remember BTL 1
(ii)Discuss middleware infrastructure, explain in detail(5)
3. (i)What is business process execution? .Discuss in detail Remember BTL 1
(8)(Nov/Dec 2015)
(ii)List out the business process execution languages(5)
4. Describe a business process model and its notation.(13) Remember BTL-1
(Nov/Dec 2015)
5. (i)Define BPEL. explain in detail.(7) )(Nov/Dec-2014) Remember BTL 1
(ii)How business process execution is used to specify business
collaboration and to implement them as composite web service
Explain with an example.(6) )(Nov/Dec-2014)
6. (i)Summarize about business process management(6). Understand BTL 2
(ii)What are the various types service oriented integration ?(7)
7. Discuss the various phases of Business process modelling.(13) Analyze BTL 4

8. (i)Decide why do you prefer web service Choreography?(8) Evaluate BTL 5

(ii)Discuss about Synchronicity.(5)

9. (i)Examine about BPMN with suitable example.(8)(Nov/Dec Apply BTL 3

(ii)What are the advantages of BPEL.(5)
10. Explain in detail Analyze BTL 4
a.Web services. (6)
b.Service choreography and orchestration(.7)
11. Design BPEL .Discuss the objectives of BPEL.(13) Create BTL-6
12. (i)Discuss the following services Understand BTL-2
(a)Service interfaces.(7)
(b) Messages.(6)

13. (i)Compare and Contrast Service choreography and Service Analyze BTL-4
(ii)Discuss how process design develop the as-is process
14. (i)Illustrate the four categories of BPMN elements for Apply BTL-3
modeling with suitable diagram.(8)
(ii)What are the various approaches in process design? (5)


1 Using business modeling notation (BPMN) ,Explain a model for an Analyze BTL 4
insurance claim registration system presented below
When a claim is received ,it is first checked whether the claimant has
avalid insurance policy.If not ,the claimant is informed that the claim
is rejected due to invalid policy .Otherwisw,the severity of claim is
evaluated .Based on the outcome (simple or complex claims)relevant
forms are sent to the claimant.Once the forms are returned ,they are
checked for completeness .If the forms are complete ,the claim is
registered in the claimsManagement system and the evaluation of the
claim may start .Otherwise ,the claimant is asked to update the
forms,once reception of the updated corms,they are checked again .
(15) (Nov/Dec-2014)
2 Design how to solves IT integration in health care sector with the Create BTL-6
innovative use of ASP software solutions . (15)

3 Explain that the webservices enable new computing paradigms and Evaluate BTL 5
architecture specifically towards serice-oriented paradigms.How
webservices solves the application integration problem. (15)

4 Develop how Oracle SOA Suite can enable a service-oriented Create BTL-6
foundation for creating, modifing, and combining information from
all types of software applications and intelligent devices. Using real
world examples, demonstrate how Oracle customers have solved a
wide variety of data management challenges using SOA and related
technologies from the Oracle Fusion Middleware family. (15)
Messaging Based Integration
Messaging –Synchronous and asynchronous –Message structure
–Message oriented middleware –Reliability mechanisms –Challenges –Messaging infrastructure –Java
Messaging Services –Case Studies

Q.No Questions Competence Level

1. What is the Message Based Integration? Understand BTL 2

2. What is the format of synchronous Message? Apply BTL 3
3. Can you list out some properties of message structure . Remember BTL 1
4. List the characteristics of messaging. Analyze BTL 4
5. What is Message-oriented middleware? Remember BTL1
6. Define concepts of key integration. Remember BTL1
7. What is Asynchronous Message-Based Integration? Understand BTL 2
8. How to structure a message? Remember BTL 1
9. Will you differentiate Message queuing system vs email system. Understand BTL 2
10. Illustrate the challenges in reliability mechanisms. Apply BTL 3
11. What is the metrics of reliability mechanisms? Evaluate BTL 5
12. Define the format of Asynchronous Message. Remember BTL 1
13. How to construct of loosely coupled distributed application Create BTL 6
14. Can you differetiate between synchronous and asynchronous MBI. Evaluate BTL 5
15. Define the format of Asynchronous Message. Remember BTL 1
16. What are the categories of Middleware? Understand BTL 2
17. Create java messaging services. Create BTL 6
18. Compare the two models in JMS . Analyze BTL 4
19. What is Advantages and disadvantages of MOM? Analyz BTL 4
20. What the elements of JMS. Apply BTL 3


1. Describe message infrastructure with suitable example.(13) Remember BTL 1

2. (i)What is synchronous and asynchronous compare with example Understand BTL 2

and diagrammatic illustrations ?(8)(April/May-2015) (Nov/Dec-
(ii)Write a shorts on point-to-point message based model.(5)

3. (i)What is MOM .(8)(April/May-2015) Understand BTL 2

(ii)Discuss in detail about the Integration challenges.(5)

4. (i)Illustrate XML based chain integration.(7) (April/May-2015) Apply BTL 3

(ii)Illustrate the four application integration approaches for
exchanging information.(6)
5. (i)Describe in detail about reliability mechanisms.(8)(Nov/Dec- Remember BTL 1
(ii)Discuss in detail about Loosely –coupled systems.(5)
6. (i) Explain in detail about message structure.(8) (Nov/Dec-2015). Analyze BTL -4
(ii)Describe the standardized interaction with MQS(5)
7. (i)What is detail about JMS(7)(Nov/Dec-2015) (Nov/Dec-2014) Evaluate BTL 5
(ii)What is Message queuing and its application.(6)
8. (i)Explain message model in MOM.(7) Analyze BTL 4
(ii)What is message wrapper.(6)
9. (i)Design message queuing model.(7) Create BTL 6
(ii)Discuss the various services provided by the integration
10. Describe a case study of how MSMQ provides different ways to Remember BTL 1
create a message channels.(13)

11. (i)Discuss in detail about how messages are transmitted with Understand BTL 2
suitable diagram.(7)
(ii)What are the various levels of message transformation.(6)

12. (i)Point out the Challenges of Asynchronous messaging.(5) Remember BTL 1

(ii)How does an application connect to messaging channels to send
and receive messages .(8)
13. i)Compare distributed application and integration.(8) Analyze BTL-4
ii)Describeabout challenges in reliability mechanisms.(5)(Nov/Dec-

14. i)Examine the four categories of commercial messaging systems.(8) Apply BTL 3
ii)Differentiate MOM and message Brokers.(5)


1 Analyse a case study with a deployment of benchmark using the Analyze BTL-4
JMS platform .Use a standard workload to stress the JMS server.
Present a detailed performance analysis of the platform considering
both the P2P and pub/sub messaging domains.(15)
2 An enterprise has multiple applications that are being built Create BTL-6
independently, with different languages and platforms. The
enterprise needs to share data and processes in a responsive way.
How can I Integrate multiple applications so that they work
together and can exchange information? How RMI enables to share
hfunctionality? (15)
3 How to connect the MQSeries messaging system with the Create BTL-6
standalone C++ Contribution server and the TIBCO based Market
Data and Analytics Engine servers. Develop which type of JMS
Message Channels the Java components should be used to
communicate. (15)

4 Explain how the EBM ease the exchange of business messages Evaluate BTL-5
within an XML framework. By Message Translator
implementations, how it is particularly useful in scaling integration
to extranets and to B2B communication between business partners.

Enterprise Service Bus
Enterprise Service Bus –routing, scalable connectivity, protocol and message transformations, data
enrichment, distribution, correlation, monitoring –Deployment configurations –Global ESB, Directly
connected, Federated, brokered ESBs –Application server based
–Messaging system based –Hardware based ESBs –Support to SOA, message based and event based
integrations -Case studies.

Q.No Questions Competence BT Level

1. Distinguish between message based and integration. Understand BTL 2

2. Define ESB . Remember BTL 1
3. Describe the benefits of ESB. Understand BTL 2
4. Compare federated and brokered in ESB. Analyze BTL 4
5. What is protocol transformation? Remember BTL 1
6. Define routing. Remember BTL 1
7. What is the capabilities of ESB? Remember BTL 1
8. Evaluate correlation identifier. Evaluate BTL 5
9. Generalise the disadvantages of ESB. Create BTL 6
10. Explain the role of SOA. Analyze BTL 4
11. What is data enrichment? Create BTL 6
12. Define monitoring in ESB. Remember BTL 1
13. Express why ESB and SOA is needed? Understand BTL 2
14. Define service of data enrichment. Remember BTL 1
15. Compare the characteristics of ESB. Analyze BTL 4
16. Demonstrate the benefits of SOA. Apply BTL 3
17. Can you define SOA. Apply BTL 3
18. What is are the types of monitoring? Evaluate BTL 5
19. What are the sections of monitoring? Understand BTL 2
20. Demostrate event based integration. Apply BTL 3
1. (i)List the application message based integration.(7) Remember BTL 1
(ii)Describe about distribution in ESB.(6)
2. (i)Describe in detail about message based integration.(5) Remember BTL 1
(ii)Discuss the following
(b)Monitoring .(4)
3. Summarize the following Understand BTL 2
a) Message brokered in ESB. (8)
b) Federated in ESB . (5) .(April/May-2015)
4. (i)Discuss deployment configuration Understand BTL 2
a) file (4) b)properties.(4)(Nov/Dec 2015)
(ii)Describe in detail about the logical components.(5)
5. (i)Illustrate with an example at is event based integration Apply BTL 3
(8)(Nov/Dec 2015)
(ii)Discuss indetail about Data enrichment.(5)
6. Describe in detail about hardware based integration.(8) Remember BTL 1
.(April/May-2015) (Nov/Dec 2015)
Discribe in detail about Enterprise Service Bus.Explain the key
characteristics of an ESB(5)(Nov/Dec-2014).
7. Show how the Lightweight service bus technologies is used in Apply BTL 3
Describe the core functionaltites of ESB.(5)
8. Explain how ESB support SOA.(8)(Nov/Dec 2015) Evaluate BTL 5
Discuss in detail about requirements of QOS.(5)
9. What is Lightweight service bus technologies in ESB.(5) Create BTL 6
Describe the following
(i)Adapters (4)
(ii) Dispatcher (4)
10. Point out the the necessity of (i)Routing (4) Analyze BTL 4
(ii) scalable connectivity,(4)
11. Descibe how WESB ,WMB and websphere represent the classes Remember BTL1
in IBM product.(13)
12. Explain the following Analyze BTL-4
(i)Logical components (4)
(ii)Enrichment component.(4)
(iii)Routing and Rules Engine.(5)
13. (i)Explain a in detail how SOA is used in user interface .(8) Analyze BTL-4
(ii)Present an ESB centric view of the service oriented
architecture (SOA) foundation logical model.DEiscuss its
application.(5) (Nov/Dec-2014)
14. Discuss about open standards based internal access with an Understand BTL2
(ii) Discuss how secure and reliable connectivity third party


1 Premier Bank has grown over a number of years through acquisitions Analyze BTL-4
and mergers, which have resulted in a heterogeneous and complex
IT environment. In particular, the Account Open process
has been exposed as a SOAP/HTTP Web Service.
(a)Explain how an ESB interact multiple channels. (8)
(b)How WESB is fit for the deployment as an ESB on the consumer service
side. (7)
2 Premier Bank has a requirement to use third-party services such as credit Create BTL-6
and address verification for opening new accounts and processing loan
applications.The connection to the third party must be secure because of the
confidentialty requirements.Develop the requirements concerning
connectivity for the third –party and solution for confidentiality. (15)
3 Popular variants today is the Enterprise Service Bus . Different IT systems Create BTL-6
are connected to the ESB via different protocols, like Java Message Service
(JMS) or Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.
(a)Develop how the coupling state for an integration solution be identified
for a specific type of coupling? (5)
(b)How can the identification of the coupling state for an integration
solution be integrated? (5)
(c)How can it be ascertained whether or not it is beneficial to migrate to a
different coupling state. (5)
4 Evaluate two integration strategies with particular respect to performance Evaluate BTL-5
in a service-oriented context by implementing them using an integration
middleware product (MIP) and Web serices technologies. (15)

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