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3. Were the main points organized in a way that helped the audience understand ‘and remember the ideas in the speech? 44. Were transitions provided between each main point? '5, id the conclusion remind the audience of the main points? motivate the audience to remember the main ideas of the speech?’ 66. Did the speaker use words that were accurate and clear? _vivid and emphatic? appropriate and inclusive? (microstructure) 7. Did the speaker use rhetorical devices that gained the audience's attention? held the audience's interest? (microstructure) Delivery 1. Did the speaker use the appropriate volume? rate of speaking? 2. Did the speaker use proper pronunciation? _enunciation? 3, Was the speaker's voice inteligible?__conversational?_expressive? 4. Did the speaker look up from his or her notes most ofthe time and make eye contact with the audience? 5._ Did the speaker use appropriate facial expressions and gestures to reinforce important points? 6. Did the speaker appear poised and confident? ‘TEourseMate You can use your Speech Communication CourseMate to access, this checklist, complete it online and compare your feedback to that of the authors, or print a copy to use in class. SPEECH Speech of Self-Introduction Mirror Image by Kris Treinen** ‘TCourseMate Use your CourseMate for Challenge to watch a video clip of Kris presenting her speech in class. INTRODUCTION |. Have you ever looked into a mirror and seen your reflection and realized that the Attention getter, reflection in the mircar wasn’t really you? | have, many times. 1. As you listen to my speech today, | believe you'll begin to understand how Listener relevance li important | believe it isto believe in yourself, your family and friends, and, most important, your dreams. 1M. Today, I'd like to introduce myself to you by talking about why my mirror image Thesis statement with makes me unique, how where | grew up influenced my choice of majors, and main point preview how, vitimately, my major has helped shape my career goal. CONTINUED Chapter 1 Foundations of Public Speaking | 15 (iinet i lt ae Body Main Point When was chil hd a miror image that wasn't really meandIstivhaveit toda Ustenerrelevance lnk Thinking of my miro image reminds me how important isto have fay and fiends who love me. A. My mirror image isn't really an “it” but a “her.” 41, Her name is Karla, and she is my identical “mirror image” twin sister. 2. Every day | am away from her, | realize how easy it was to take her and my family for granted. B. Mysister and | were born right here a a local hospital in Fargo, North Dakota, 1, We were born three minutes apart. 2. Iwas born first, 0 'm the oldest. C. We were known as the “good” twin and the “evil” twin. 1, Here isa story about me as the “good” twin. 2. Here isa story about her as the “evil” twin. ‘Transition: Now that you know how having my own mirror image—my twin—makes me unique, let's talk abit about how where | grew up influenced my choice of a major. Main Point i I spent most of my life growing up in the lakes area of Brainerd, Minnesota. Perhaps you'll want to visit this area after you hear about it today. Listener-relevance link A. | grew up in a small town called Nisswa, Minnesota. 1, I moved to Nisswa when | was three years old. 2. We lived in a house that was very special to me. 1B. AS! grew up in an area knawn for lats of snow in the winter, | got involved in snowboarding. 1, I started snowboarding recreationally. 2. Then | competed as a snowboarder. 3._ Eventually, I taught snowboarding as a part-time job. Transition: So my upbringing led me to realize | love to snowboard and to teach snowboarding, which is why I chose to come to school here at North Dakota State University (NDSU}. Main Point it | chose to further my education with a major in hospitality management, |e! lucky every ime | realize | can get a major and eventually ear a living doing Listener-relevance link something | love—working with people in the hospitality and recreation fields. |A. NDSU has a reputable program. BB. The winters in the Fargo area allow me to continue to pursue snowooarding. . Ultimately, my degree will help me pursue my goal to workiina ski resort area and help children with disabilities learn to snowboard. Conclusion |. Now that you know little bit about me as a twin and why I chose to major in hos- ‘Thesis restatement pitality management, | hope you'll be inspired to also follow your career dreams. ‘main point summary hope younow see why {have learned to look beyond the reflection seein the mir clincher ror to understand who I realy am on the way to who Iwill one day become Summary Public speaking is important to achieving success in nearly every walk of life. It is one form of human communication, which.consists.of participants-messages, channels-noise,and-feedbackePublic speaking occurs within the public com- munication context, Intcapersonal, interpersonal,-and-group-communieation axeadditional.contexts.within.which.we communication-regularly 16 Part Orientation 36 Parta Orientation ASSIGNMENT Preparing a Narrative/Personal Experience Speech Prepare a three: to five-minute narrative/personal experience speech, Think about ‘experiences you have had that shaped your morals in some way. CHECKLIST General Criteria You can use this checklist to critique anarrative/personal experience speech that you hearin cass. (You can also use it to critique your own speech.) As you listen to the speaker, consider what makes a speech effective. Then, answer the following questions. Content 4. Did the speaker's narrative make an important point (moral of the story)?__ 2, Did the speaker provide sufficient details about the setting(s), character(s), and event(s)? 3. Did the speaker dramatize the story with dialogue or emotional incidents? _ 4, Did the speaker offer listener-relevance links? 5. Did the speech fall within the time constraints of the assignment? Structure 1 Did the speech provide all the basic elements of an effective speech: introduc- tion, body, conclusion, and transitions? (macrostructure) 2. Did the introduction catch the audience's interest? state the goal of the speech? preview the main points of the speech? 3, Were transitions provided between each main point? __ 44. Did the conclusion remind the audience of the main points? ‘motivate the audience to remember the main points of the speech? 5. Did the speaker use words that were accurate and clear? Vivid and emphatic? ‘appropriate and inclusive? (microstructure) Delivery 1. Was the speaker's voice inteligible? conversational? expressive? 2. Did the speaker look up from his or her notes most of the time and make eye contact with the audience? 3. Did the speaker use appropriate facial expressions to convey emotion? 4. Did the speaker use appropriate gestures to reinforce important points? 5, Did the speaker appear to be poised and confident? ‘FCourseMate You can use your CourseMate for Challenge to access this checklist, complete it online and compare your feedback to that ofthe authors, or print a copy to use in class

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