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210 CNE Course Syllabus

Course Code 210CNE

Course Name Signals and Systems
Credit Hours 3
Contact Hours 4
Instructor Name Dr. Ahmed Said Badawy

Text Book (title, author, and year)

 Signals and Systems , Prentice hall, 2nd edition, Oppenheim
 Signals and Systems, William H Tranter D R Fannin Rodger E Ziemer

Specific Course Information

This course gives basics of signals, their types, some important signals, signal
operations and convolution. Basics of Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, and
Catalog Description
Laplace transform and some of their properties and applications are given. Finally
the Systems, their properties and types are introduced.
Prerequisites MATH 319
Co-requisites NIL
Required/Elective required

Course Learning Outcomes

1 To outline the mathematical skills needed for solving problems involving convolution,
scaling, shifting, and modulation.
2 To describe the fundamental characteristics of signals and systems and outline their
general properties.
3 To characterize analytically and graphically continuous-time signals and explain the basic
magnitude and time handling methods.
4 To explain time and frequency domain representation of linear signals and systems and to
analyze a continuous-time signal using the standard FS, FT, and Laplace Transform.
5 To show basic use of simulation tools such as Matlab for analysing signals and systems.
6 To develop the student’s appreciation of and respect for values and attitudes regarding
carry out directed private study using textbooks, and other provided resources
7 To demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively through written assignments.
Student Learning Outcomes
LOs # a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 c3 d1 d2
1 √
2 √
3 √
4 √
5 √
6 √
7 √

List of Theory Topics

Introduction to Signals: Continuous and Discrete Time Signals, periodic signals, even and odd signals, some
important signals, sinusoidal signals, unit step signal, unit impulse signal, real and complex exponentials.
, unit Impulse response of Signals
Signal operations and convolution: Amplitude scaling, shifting and inversion, time scaling, shifting and
inversion, convolution of continuous-time signals.
Fourier theory: Trigonometric Fourier Series representation for periodic signals, Fourier Transform for
Continuous-time Signals, Some properties of Fourier Transform, Some applications of Fourier series and Fourier
Transform for electrical circuit analysis.
Introduction to Laplace Transform: Some properties of Laplace Transform, Some applications of Laplace
Transform for electrical circuit analysis.
Systems: Systems properties, Memoryless and Memory Systems, Causal & Non-causal, Linear system, Stable
Systems, Linear Time –Invariant systems.

List of Lab Experiments

1. Introduction to MATLAB.
2. Basics of signal plotting using PLOT & STEM commands.
3. Generation of Unit Impulse Signal, Unit Step Signal, and Unit Ramp Signal.
4. Generation of exponential Signal, continuous Sine wave and continuous Cosine wave, and square wave.
5. Different operation on signals (Addition, multiplication, Shifting, Scaling)
6. Implementing continuous-time convolution.
7. Finding Fourier series for a periodic signal.
8. Finding Fourier transform for some aperiodic signals.
9. Finding Laplace transform for some signals
211 CNE Course Syllabus

Course Code 211 CNE

Course Name Computer Design and Organization
Credit Hours 3
Contact Hours 4
Instructor Name Dr. Ahmed NEFFATI

Text Book (title, author, and year)

 Computer Organization and architecture, William Stallings, 2006.
 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture, Mostapha Abdelbar and Hishem
Erraouini, 2005.

Specific Course Information

This course introduce the elements of computer system, design, timing,
Catalog Description Instructions and Control, Register transfer and Micro operation, Basic Computer
Organization, Central Processing Unit and Design, and Memory Organization.
Prerequisites CPE 120.
Co-requisites NIL
Required/Elective required

Course Learning Outcomes

1 To outline the mathematical methods used for implementing computer data
representations, and how to convert them from one form to another.
2 To list the computer generations, and describe the technology of modern computer
systems and relate them to real examples implemented in commercially successful
3 To define the basic components of a computer system including CPU, memories, and
input/output devices and explain the main components of CPU.
4 To conduct professional experiments for implementing simple computer system and its
5 To summarize the impact of computer systems on the development of economic and
6 To show the liability and professionalism when using computer systems.
7 To illustrate the ability for engaging in lifetime learning necessary for staying at the
forefront of computing systems development.
8 To prepare small group oral presentations about new trends in computer systems.

Mapping course LOs to the SLO.

Student Learning Outcomes

Course a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 c3 d1 d2
LOs #
1 √
2 √
3 √
4 √
5 √
6 √
7 √
8 √

List of Theory Topics

Fundamentals of Computer Organization: Organization and Architecture, Structure and Function, Functional
Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Interconnection structure (Two different architectures), Bus Structures.
Data representations in Computer Systems: Data types, Number systems, Integers Representations, Integer
Arithmetic, Fixed-point representations, Floating-point representations, Alphanumeric Representations (character
codes), error detection codes.
Central Processing Unit: Processor structure and function, Arithmetic and logic Unit, Registers and Memory,
Stack organization, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Control unit operation, Micro Operations, Performance
of CPU.
Memory System: Computer memory system overview, Types of memory, hierarchical memory systems, Cache
memory, Memory Management Hardware.
Input /Output Organization: Peripherals Devices, I/O Interfaces, Types of data transfer, Modes of transfer,
DMA, Serial communication.

List of Lab Experiments

1. Introduction to FPGA, Quartus and Verilog
2. Switches and Multiplexer
3. Latches, Flip-Flops and Registers
4. Circuit for Master – Slave D Flip – Flop
5. Design Counter Cicuits
6. Implementing 7 Segment Decoder
7. Implementing 4 Bit Ripple Carry Adder
8. Memory Blocks
9. RAM using 7 Segment Display
10. Simple Processor

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