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A) warm-up (3-5 min) in pairs

1.How do you spend your day? 2.Do you work?

3.What is your favorite job? 4.Can you name an exciting job?

B) Picture description

1.What is she doing? 2.Is he happy?

C) Students should close the books and try to answer comprehension questions listening to the
on the board:
True or False?
-Andrea loves her job
-Jason has a full time job
-Andrea takes people on tours to Asia
D) Play the audio again, students open books, listen and check their answers
E) Read the conversation & clarify new words (e.g. guide = Someone who takes tourists to a
place and show them)
F) Repetition: Choral Individual Choral
while repeating, according to the next grammar we should mention Wh-Questions: What do you
G) listen to the rest of conversation and answer the book`s questions
H) role play:
i) first role play the exact conversation in pairs
ii) Imagine you are friends and you have seen each other after a while, talk about your jobs in
groups (3-4 students)

S. Abbas Asgari

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