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Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8

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Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as

the primary imaging modality in the diagnosis of paediatric
appendicitis? A systematic review
G. Ogunmefun a, *, M. Hardy b, S. Boynes b
Radiology Department University College Hospital Queen Elizabeth Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Faculty of Health Studies, University of Bradford, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain requiring surgical inter-
Received 30 October 2015 vention in paediatric patients. Ultrasound is generally the diagnostic imaging modality of choice, fol-
Received in revised form lowed by CT, where paediatric appendicitis is suspected. However, high operator dependency and
10 December 2015
diagnostic restrictions related to anatomical and clinical presentation may limit consistency of appli-
Accepted 2 January 2016
Available online xxx
cation. This paper explores whether MRI is a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
Method: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken. A search of Medline, Cinahl, PubMed
Central and Google Scholar was undertaken supplemented by a review of reference lists, author
Paediatric searching and review of NICE evidence base for existing guidelines. Included studies were assessed for
Appendicitis bias using the QUADAS-2 quality assessment tool and data were extracted systematically using a pur-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) posefully designed electronic data extraction proforma.
Results: Seven studies were included in final review. The age range of participants extended from 0 to 19
years. Only one study with a patient age range of 0e14 used sedation. Sensitivity estimates from the
included studies ranged from 92% to 100% while specificity ranged from 89% to 100%. A significant
variation in the number and type of sequences was noted between the studies.
Conclusion: MRI offers high sensitivity and specificity comparable to contrast enhanced CT and greater
than ultrasound as reported in the literature. Where accessibility is not a restriction, MRI is a viable
alternative to ultrasound in the assessment and diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis. Clinical practice
recommendations have been provided to facilitate the translation of evidence into practice.
© 2016 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction In the United States of America, the annual incidence of

appendicitis is 37 cases per 10,000 children aged between 0 and 14
Appendicitis is defined as the inflammation of the vermiform years8 with approximately 70,000 cases reported among all
appendix, often as a consequence of bacterial aggregation, resulting American children annually.9 In the United Kingdom, acute
in the appendix becoming inflamed and pus filled.1e3 Appendicitis appendicitis accounts for an estimated 34,000 hospital admissions
is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain requiring sur- among the general population with 20% of these cases (approxi-
gical intervention in paediatric patients.4e6 The global incidence of mately 6800) reported to be in children of 0e14 years of age.10
appendicitis in children increases from 1 to 2 cases per 10,000 The diagnosis of acute appendicitis can be very challenging. In
children aged less than 4 years to 25 cases per 10,000 in children adults, appendicitis often presents with a typical progression of
between the ages of 10 and 17 years.7 symptoms: periumbilical pain progressing to nausea, right lower
quadrant pain and eventually vomiting and fever.11,12 As a result,
successful diagnosis can often be made on presenting clinical fea-
tures and results of laboratory tests (e.g. Total Leukocyte Count
(TLC), C-reactive protein; neutrophil count).11,13e15 In children,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 7557415188, þ234 8033739297. appendicitis may not present with such typical symptoms.11,12
E-mail address: (G. Ogunmefun).
1078-8174/© 2016 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
2 G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8

Instead, while childhood appendicitis may present initially with Radiography), review of reference lists, author searching and re-
periumbilical pain, symptom progression may lead to flatulence, view of the NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence)
bowel irregularity/diarrhoea, indigestion, and general malaise.16 evidence base for existing guidelines. Citations were identified
Consequently, a substantial proportion of paediatric appendicitis using the following key search terms (and their alternatives):
cases may be misdiagnosed if clinical decision making is based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI; MR; Nuclear Magnetic Reso-
physical examination, symptoms and laboratory investigations nance (NMR)); Appendicitis (vermiform appendix, epiphylitis).The
alone.17 To prevent misdiagnosis and reduce negative appendec- search was limited to primary research studies published from
tomy rates, imaging has been recommended as part of the diag- January 2005 to April 2015 to take account of the recent advances in
nostic pathway.16 MRI pulse sequences and the broader clinical application of the
Ultrasound (US) is generally the diagnostic imaging modality of technology.
choice where paediatric appendicitis is suspected as it is: readily Following the identification of all potentially relevant research
available; has no radiation risk; is relatively fast; and, in compari- studies, the titles and abstracts were screened to determine
son to other cross-sectional imaging modalities, is relatively inex- whether they met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. These criteria
pensive.18 High sensitivity (88%: 95%CI[86e90]) and specificity were derived from the primary research question “is MRI a viable
(94%: 95%CI[94e96]) have also been documented for US in the alternative to Ultrasound as the primary imaging modality in the
assessment of paediatric appendicitis.18,19 However, the focussed diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis” and are listed in Table 1. De-
nature of ultrasound assessment limits its contribution in deter- cision making around inclusion was based on the “rule out” prin-
mining alternative causes of presenting symptoms20 and operator ciple with papers only being rejected where the reviewer was
dependency remains an acknowledged fundamental limitation.18 certain of their lack of relevance. At each stage, if uncertainty
Further, the accurate diagnosis of appendicitis using US may be existed over whether a paper should be included in the review, the
restricted as a consequence of bowel gas or distension, patient paper was retained. The full text of all retained articles was
obesity and a retro-caecal (deeply situated) appendix.21 examined to make the final decision on inclusion/exclusion.
Computed Tomography (CT) has previously been considered the All retained full text papers were independently assessed for
main alternative to US and has a high sensitivity and specificity in quality using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy
the diagnosis of appendicitis with much reduced operator de- Studies (QUADAS-2)23 by at least 2 authors and data were extracted
pendency.21 A meta-analysis by Doria et al. (2006)19 compared CT directly into a Microsoft Excel24 spread sheet using a purposefully
and US in the diagnosis of appendicitis and determined that in the pre-designed extraction framework to promote consistency. Any
diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis, the evidence reviewed sug- inconsistencies in opinion re inclusion or paper quality were
gested that CT had a pooled sensitivity of 94% (95%Cl: 92 to 97) and resolved through discussion and consensus agreement. Paper
a pooled specificity of 95% (95% CI: 94 to 97). However, CT also quality was documented using an adaptation of the QUADAS-2
presents a far greater risk of harm to the child from exposure to assessment checklist summary criteria24 (Table 2). A summary
ionising radiation and reaction to intravenous contrast media.22 As value was awarded to each paper in Table 3 with ‘High’ repre-
a result, the trend is not to refer paediatric patients for CT where senting a study with low risk of bias and low concerns regarding
appendicitis is suspected.22 applicability of study findings, ‘Average’ representing a study with
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been successfully an unclear risk of bias and unclear concerns regarding applicability,
adopted in the assessment of appendicitis in pregnant women of- and ‘Low’ representing a study with a high risk of bias and high
fering high soft tissue contrast without the use of radiation.20 concerns regarding applicability. Only papers considered to be of
However, long examination times and limited clinical availability high or average quality were retained in the final evaluation
have been cited as major limitations to the wider application of MRI (Table 3).
in the assessment of acute clinical conditions requiring timely de- Data analysis was by descriptive synthesis and comparison of
cision making.20 In addition, long examination times and move- extracted data. Meta-analysis or pooling of extracted data was not
ment restriction requirements previously meant that sedation of appropriate due to the diversity of study designs, variations in
children may have been considered necessary to reduce anxiety clinical characteristics and technical parameters, and differences in
and optimise MRI (and perhaps CT) imaging outcomes. Today, the how diagnostic accuracy was determined.
greater accessibility to MRI within the clinical radiology setting
globally, and the development of new and faster imaging se-
Table 1
quences, reduces the impact of these concerns when identifying Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
MRI as the diagnostic imaging modality of choice. As a result, it is
Question Inclusion Exclusion
time to consider whether MRI should be considered a viable
alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging modality in the
Population Children 0e19 years with Adults studies involving children
assessment of paediatric appendicitis. This paper reports the find-
suspected appendicitis. but where child data could not be
ings of a systematic review of the research evidence and considers independently evaluated.
whether MRI should form part of the diagnostic pathway where Index test MR Studies not involving MRI or where
paediatric appendicitis is suspected and explores the optimal MRI data cannot be independently
diagnostic scan sequences to reduce examination time. No previ- evaluated.
Comparison Ultrasound Other imaging modalities
ously published systematic reviewed has explored the value of MRI test
as the index test in the assessment of paediatric appendicitis and Outcome Sensitivity and specificity
therefore this review provides a significant contribution to the measures Diagnostic accuracy
evidence base. Examination time
Study Diagnostic test studies Studies without comparison
design between ultrasound and MRI.
Method Qualitative studies
Reference Surgical confirmation
A search of Medline, Cinahl and PubMed central databases and standard Histopathology
Google Scholar was undertaken supplemented by hand searching Clinical follow-up of
of key imaging journals (e.g. British Journal of Radiology;

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8 3

Table 2
QUADAS-2 appraisal of included studies.

Study Risk of bias Applicability concerns

Patient selection Index test Reference standard Flow and timing Patient selection Index test Reference standard
Bayraktutan et al. (2014) Low Low Low Unclear Low Low Low
Herliczek et al.26 (2013) Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
Johnson et al.27 (2012) Unclear Low Low Low Low Low Low
Moore et al.28 (2012) Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
Orth et al.29 (2014) Unclear Low Low Unclear Low Low Low
Rosines et al.30 (2014) High Low Low Unclear Low Low Low
Thieme et al.31 (2014) Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

Results studies utilized at least two or more T2 weighted sequences. With

the exception of Bayraktutan et al. and Orth et al., single shot se-
A flow chart detailing the review process is provided in Fig. 1. quences featured heavily in the studies. Balanced gradient echo
Details of the included studies are summarized in Table 3 with sequences were used by Rosines et al. and Thieme et al. Diffusion
quality assessment grading identified in the final column. Details of Weighted Imaging (DWI) was employed in three studies (Bayr-
the index test characteristics and extracted outcome measures are aktutan et al., Orth et al. and Thieme et al.). Fat saturation was used
detailed in Tables 4 and 5 respectively. by all studies except Rosines et al. and Thieme et al. and a volume
3D T2-weighted FSE SPACE, a volumetric isotropic acquisition, was
Sensitivity estimates utilized by Herliczek et al.
Given the variation in field strength and sequences used it is
All the included studies used pathology following surgery, or not surprising that scan time varied among the included studies.
clinical follow-up of those patients receiving conservative care, as Four studies (Johnson et al., Moore et al., Orth et al. and Thieme
the reference standard. Sensitivity across the included studies et al.) recorded scan times of less than 20 min per patient.
ranged from 92% to 100%. Only one study (Rosines et al.) employed Johnson et al. reported a median scan time of 5 min 40 s with all
Gadolinium contrast agent (Gadobenate Dimeglumine (Bracco di- examinations completed within 8 min and 45 s. This study was
agnostics) administered intravenously with a weight based dosage performed using a 3T magnet and four fast T2 weighted se-
of 0.2 ml per kg) and they reported an examination sensitivity of quences. The longest time was reported by Herliczek et al. with a
94%, which is lower than the sensitivities reported by Herliczek mean image acquisition time of 30.5 min but with a reported time
et al., Johnson et al., Moore et al., and Thieme et al. The study by range of 10e66 min, this may be influenced by a small number of
Bayraktutan et al. explicitly set out to evaluate the accuracy of lengthy examinations. No median time was reported to confirm
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and reported a sensitivity of this. Bayraktutan et al. and Rosines et al. did not provide exact
78%, 81%, and 92% for DWI, conventional MRI sequences, and data on scan time.
combined DWI and conventional sequences respectively.
Specificity estimates
The patient pathway, modality and techniques assessment of
Specificity across the included studies ranged from 89% to 100%. acute appendicitis in children has been the subject of debate
The study by Rosines et al., employing Gadolinium contrast agent, internationally.32 Contemporary pre-operative imaging modalities
reported a specificity of 100% as did the study by Bayraktutan et al. in the evaluation of paediatric appendicitis are currently ultrasound
The study by Thieme et al. reported the lowest specificity at 89% (US) as the primary tool and CT as the secondary complimentary
with all other studies reporting sensitivities of 96% or higher. The imaging modality33 as recommended by the Royal College of Ra-
study by Bayraktutan et al. evaluating the accuracy of DWI reported diologists in the UK.34 An ionising radiation-free cross sectional
a specificity of 67%, 100% and 100% for DWI, conventional MRI se- imaging pathway of US, selectively followed by MRI where US
quences, and combined DWI and conventional sequences findings are inconclusive, is a new and novel approach to the
respectively. diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis that is being considered by the
imaging community.35 However, with the acknowledged limita-
Variations in diagnostic sequence pathway and scan time tions of ultrasound and the greater accessibility to faster MRI
technologies, it is likely that questions will soon be asked around
Scan time is dependent on several variables including magnetic preferred primary imaging approach. This systematic review is the
field strength, RF coil type and pulse sequences used. All studies, first to consider whether MRI is a viable alternative to US as the
with the exception of Herliczek et al., used a multichannel phased primary imaging modality in the diagnosis of paediatric
array coil. Herliczek et al. did not indicate the type of coil used. The appendicitis.
studies by Johnson et al. and Herliczek et al. utilised a 3T Seven primary research studies met the inclusion criteria for
magnet although Herliczek et al. combined this with a 1.5 T magnet. this review. Reported sensitivities for MRI were high across all
All other studies used 1.5T magnets which remains the most included studies ranging from 92% to 100% with three studies
common magnet field strength in the UK. With the exception of reporting 100% sensitivity. Reported specificities were also high
Herliczek et al., all studies standardised their within study imaging across included studies ranging from 89% to 100% with two studies
sequences but there was significant variation between the studies reporting 100% specificity. Reported positive (PPV) and negative
with respect to the sequences employed. Four studies, Bayraktutan (NPV) predictive values were also relatively high across the studies,
et al., Herliczek et al., Orth et al., and Rosines et al. included T1 despite the varying prevalence of appendicitis within the cohorts
sequences together with T2 weighted images. However, contrast examined, suggesting that the diagnostic outcome of MRI exami-
enhanced T1 sequences were only employed by Rosines et al. All nation is accurate and reliable.

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
4 G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8

Table 3
Characteristics and quality assessment (QA) of included studies.

Study Title Objectives Country Study type Number Mean age Positive diagnostic criteria QA
author/Year of origin (n) (age range)

Bayraktutan Diagnostic Performance of To determine the value of Turkey Prospective. 45 7 years Thickening of the Average
et al.25 Diffusion-Weighted MR diffusion-weighted MRI in Cohort study. (0e14) appendix > 6 mm in outer
(2014) Imaging in Detecting Acute diagnosis of acute appendicitis Single centre. diameter, intraluminal fluid,
Appendicitis in Children: in Children and inflammation of the
Comparison with Convectional periappendeceal tissue.
MRI and Surgical Findings Periappendiceal fluid collections
and markedly hyperintensity on
DWI, hypointensity on ADC maps
Herliczek Utility of MRI After To examine the utility of U.S.A Retrospective 60 13.4 years Appendix visualization, Average
et al.26 Inconclusive Ultrasound in appendix MRI in evaluation of Cohort study. (7e17) appendiceal diameter (>7 mm
(2013) Paediatric Patients with paediatric patients with right Single centre. was considered to be pathologic),
Suspected Appendicitis: lower quadrant pain and appendeceal mural thickening of
Retrospective Review of 60 inconclusive sonography more than 3 mm, appendicieal
Consecutive Patients. appendix sonography findings mural edema, the presence of
appendiceal intraluminal fluid.
The presence of appendiceal
inflammation, the presence of
RLQ inflammation and the
presence of an appendicolith
Johnson Ultrafast 3T MRI in the Feasibility of ultrafast 3T MRI U.S.A Prospective 42 11.4 years Markedly hyperintense Average
et al.27 Evaluation of Children With in the evaluation of children Cohort study. (4e17) thickened wall, marked
(2012) Acute Lower Abdominal Pain with acute lower abdominal Single centre. hyperintense periappendiceal
for the Detection of pain for the detection of tissue, and dilated appendix
Appendicitis appendicitis (6 mm) which can often be
accompanied by free fluid in
the pelvis.
Moore MRI for clinically suspected To describe the development USA Retrospective 208 11.2 years Focal periappendiceal High
et al.28 paediatric appendicitis: an and results of a fully Cohort study. (3e17) inflammation and fluid.
(2012) implemented program implemented clinical Single centre Appendeceal enlargement,
programme using MRI as the intraluminal high signal intensity
primary imaging modality. and signal void consistent with
Orth et al.29 Prospective Comparison of To prospectively compare non- USA Prospective 81 12.4 years Appendiceal dilatation, wall Average
(2014) MR Imaging and US for the enhanced MR imaging and Cohort study. (4e17) thickening or inflammation,
Diagnosis of Paediatric Ultrasound for the diagnosis of Single centre presence of an appendicolith,
Appendicitis paediatric appendicitis periappendiceal inflammation as
indicated by increased signal
intensities as indicted by fluid
sensitive sequences and or
supraphysiologic free fluid or a
loculated fluid collection.
Rosines Value of Gadolinium-Enhanced To determine both the value USA Retrospective 49 12.9 years visualization of an enlarged Average
et al.30 MRI in Detection of Acute of gadolinium-enhanced MRI in Cohort study. (7e19) appendix greater than 7 mm in
(2014) Appendicitis in Children and children with suspected acute Single centre diameter, periapendical fat
Adolescents appendicitis and the best stranding; mucosal
sequences for detecting acute enhancement for contrast-
appendicitis, to thereby enhanced sequences
decrease imaging time
Thieme Diagnostic accuracy and To compare Magnetic Holland Prospective 104 12 years Appendix diameter, presence of High
et al.31 patient acceptance of MRI in Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Cohort study. (4e18) peri-appendiceal infiltration,
(2014) children with suspected Ultrasound (USS) in children Single centre fluid, abscess, appendicolith,
appendicitis with suspected appendicitis. lymphadenopathy and restricted

A diagnosis of appendicitis was based on defined criteria and all therefore be inferred that the 1 mm difference in appendiceal outer
studies considered an enlarged outer diameter of the appendix to diameter measurement made very little difference to reported
be an important criterion. However, the numerical measure used to sensitivity and specificity values and as such, the smaller value
determine an enlarged diameter varied slightly across included (6 mm) is recommended to reduce risk of false negative findings.
studies with Bayraktutan et al. and Johnson et al. fixing their Field strengths of 1.5T and 3.0T were employed by included
diagnostic boundary at  6 mm while Rosines et al. and Herliczek studies. Johnson et al. utilised a field strength of 3.0T and reported a
et al. fixed the diameter at  7 mm. The remaining three studies did sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99%. Herliczek et al. used a
not define the numerical value for the diameter but instead combination of 1.5T and 3.0T field strengths and reported a sensi-
mentioned a thickened appendiceal wall, presumably assessed tivity of 100% and 96% but distinction was not made as to any
subjectively on image review. With the diagnostic boundary set at variation in sensitivity or specificity between the 2 field strengths.
 6 mm, Bayraktutan et al.25 and Johnson et al.27 reported sensi- At 3.0T, there is an increase in Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and
tivities of 92%25 and 100%27 and specificities of 100%25 and 99%27 Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR) which may lead to improved image
respectively. With the diagnostic boundary set at  7 mm, Ros- resolution and shortened scan times.36 These gains in SNR are more
ines et al.30 and Herliczek et al.26 reported sensitivities of 94%30 and pronounced in T2-weighted images than T1 sequences.36 However,
100%26 and specificities of 100%,30 96%26 respectively. It can be at 3.0T there is potentially greater magnetic susceptibility and

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8 5

AddiƟonal records through web

Database searching searches; hand searches, author and
n=138 citaƟon searches

n =70

Remaining records remained aŌer duplicates removed


Studies excluded at

Full text arƟcles reviewed

Studies excluded at full text
review (Literature review, case
study; unrelated outcome
measures; data not available)

Studies included in the review


Figure 1. Flow diagram of included studies.

chemical shift artefact with radio frequency pulse inhomogeneity discriminating between perforated and non-perforated
also being a potential source of artefact in large or obese children appendicitis.40,41
and young people.36 Due to the limited data available within the T2-weighted sequences were used by all studies and, when
included studies in relation to field strength variations, it is not combined with ultra-fast sequences, are noted to greatly improve
possible to determine the added value of 3.0T MRI imaging over assessment of lesions in the small bowel.42 T2 weighted sequences
and above 1.5T MRI with respect to diagnostic accuracy in paedi- are very sensitive to fluid filled pathology such as oedema which
atric appendicitis and further work is required to explore this. appears as a hyper-intense signal.36,43 The T2 FSE 3D (SPACE)
The use of Gadolinium in the examination of appendicitis has sequence utilized by Herliczek et al. is an approach to volumetric
been advocated, as enhanced T1 weighted sequences are useful for acquisition that allows retrospective reformatting in multiple ori-
subtle mucosal enhancement and establishing complications with entations of the appendix.44 Fat saturated sequences demonstrate
appendicitis.37 However, only Rosines et al. employed Gadolinium oedema or inflammatory processes as a hyper-intense signal within
contrast agent within this review and as their reported sensitivity the wall or adjacent to fat.43,45
and specificity values were comparable to those reported by other T1 weighted sequences utilised by four studies in this review
authors, it appears unlikely that Gadolinium is a requirement for can be useful in demonstrating the normal appendix.36,45 T1
optimising the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis. This suggestion weighted GRE sequences were employed by Orth et al. and Rosines
is supported by the finding that non-contrast enhanced MRI is et al. and may be useful in the diagnostic work up for acute
equivalent to contrast enhanced CT in the assessment of the ap- appendicitis as gas or negative oral contrast within the appendix
pendix in pregnant women.38 However, given the wide variation in (suggesting luminal patency) will demonstrate susceptibility arte-
technical parameters between studies included in this review, fact on these sequences.46 The unenhanced T1 weighted sequence
further work is required to confirm the contribution of Gadolinium has been shown to be of little use in demonstrating an inflamed
contrast media within the context of paediatric appendicitis before appendix. Evidence from the diagnostic outcome measures of the
recommendations for its adoption or exclusion can be made with primary articles within this review supports this view as the
confidence. diagnostic outcomes of the three studies which did not employ any
A diverse range of pulse sequences were used within the T1 weighted sequence (Johnson et al., Moore et al., Thiemme et al.)
included studies. Bayraktutan et al. evaluated the improvement in were comparable to those studies that did. Enhanced T1 weighted
diagnostic accuracy as a result of including DWI as an adjunct to sequences add to the imaging time, thereby raising the risk of
conventional sequences. DWI demonstrates an inflamed appen- perforation, and also increase the risk of Nephrogenic Systemic
dix and surrounding fat as high signal, secondary to a restriction Fibrosis (NSF) in patients with impaired renal function.47 Johnson
in water diffusion.39 DWI has previously been shown to have high et al., Thieme et al. and Bayraktutan et al. also made use of parallel
sensitivity and specificity values and therefore useful in imaging to reduce scan time. Parallel imaging enables faster image

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
6 G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8

Table 4
Index test characteristics extracted from included studies.

Magnet Coil type Number of Pulse sequence Scan time Gadolinium Sedation
strength sequences agent

Bayraktutan et al.25 1.5T 18 channel phased 7 FSE T1 axial Not Disclosed None 26 (58%) of patients
(2014) array FSE T1 coronal were sedated
FSE T2 axial STIR
FSE T2 coronal STIR
DWI (b50, b400 and b800)
Herliczek et al.26 1.5T (49 Not Disclosed 5 Protocol varied but sequences 10e66 min; mean None None
(2013) patients) included: time 30.5 min
3.0T (11 STIR
patients) 3D FSE T2 coronal SSFSE T2
True FISP axial
In and out of phase T1
Johnson et al.27 3.0T 16 channel 4 SS-TSE T2 axial 2 min 29 se8 min None None
(2012) SS-TSE T2 coronal 45 s. Median time:
SS-TSE T2 sagittal 5 min 40 s.
SS-TSE T2 axial STIR
Moore et al.28 1.5T 4 or 6 channel 4 SS-TSE T2 coronal Median time: None None
(2012) phased array SS-TSE T2 axial 12 min, Mean time:
SS-TSE T2 axial STIR 14.2 min
Coronal SPAIR
Orth et al.29 (2014) 1.5T Multichannel 6 FSE T2 coronal 17 min None None
Coil FSE T2 axial
FSE T2 axial STIR
DWI b50 and b400
Rosines et al.30 1.5T 8 channel 6 Balanced SSFP T1 axial Not stated IV Contrast None
(2014) Balanced SSFP T1 coronal (Suggests Scan time (Multihance)
Balanced SSFP T2 axial can be reduced to
Balanced SSFP T2 coronal 10e15 min if
Contrast enhanced balanced balanced SSFP
SSFP T1 axial sequences
Contrast enhanced balanced excluded)
SSFP T1 coronal
Thieme et al.31 1.5T Phased array 6 True FISP (axial and coronal) 12 min in room None None
(2014) Haste (axial and coronal) time
DWI (axial and coronal)

FSE¼ Fast Spin Echo; STIR¼ Short T1 Inversion Recovery; DWI ¼ Diffusion Weighted Imaging; EPI ¼ Echo Planar Imaging; SSFSE¼ Single shot Fast Spin Echo; TSE ¼ Turbo Spin
Echo; FISP¼ Coherent gradient echo; HASTE¼ Half-Fourier Acquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo; SSFP¼ Steady State Free Procession; GRE ¼ GRadient Echo; SPAIR¼
Spectrally Attenuated Inversion Recovery.

Table 5
Extracted outcome measure data.

Bayraktutan et al. Herliczek et al. Johnson et al. Moore et al. Orth et al. Rosines et al. Thieme et al. (2014)31
(2014)25 (2013)26 (2012)27 (2012)28 (2014)29 (2014)30

True Positive (TP) 33 10 Not Discernable 40 29 Not Disclosed 58

False Positive (FP) 0 2 Not Discernable 5 1 Not Disclosed 5
True Negative (TN) 3 48 Not Discernable 162 50 Not Disclosed 41
False Negative (FN) 3 0 Not Discernable 1 1 Not Disclosed 0
Sensitivity 92% 100% 100% 97.6% 93.3% 94% 100%
Specificity 100% 96% 99% 97% 98% 100% 89%
95% Confidence Sensitivity: Sensitivity: Sensitivity: Sensitivity: Sensitivity: Not Disclosed Sensitivity: 0.92e1.00
Interval 0.775e0.983 Specificity: 0.72e1.00 0.93e1.00 0.871e0.999 0.779e0.992 Specificity: 0.77e0.95
0.292e1.00 Specificity: 0.87 Specificity: Specificity: 0.932 Specificity:
(calculated from data) e0.98 0.95e1.00 e0.99 0.896.-100
Positive Predictive 100% 83% 98% 88.9% 96.5% 100% 92%
Value (PPV)
Negative Predictive 50% 100% 100% 99.4% 96.2% 97% 100%
Value (NPV)

acquisition resulting in fewer motion artefacts and improving res- influences the scan time per patient. By limiting the number of
olution.48 The remaining studies did not make reference to the use sequences acquired to four, as well as employing T2 ultra-fast se-
of parallel imaging and therefore its contribution to diagnosis and quences, parallel imaging and 3T field strength, Johnson et al. were
examination speed are unclear. able to report the fastest scan times without evidence of compro-
This systematic review has focused on the ability of MRI to mising diagnostic accuracy compared to other studies in this re-
enable accurate diagnosis of acute paediatric appendicitis. Acute view. While an abdominal US examination typically takes
Appendicitis is a progressive clinical condition occurring over a 20e30 min in children,50 US examination for the evaluation of
period of 24e36 h.49 The number of sequences employed greatly paediatric appendicitis may take even longer as a child may

Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),
G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8 7

become uncooperative and experience pain with the rebound  A focussed sequence pathway using a phased array coil and
technique at McBurney's point.50 The findings of this review sug- parallel imaging is recommended to optimise diagnosis and
gest that if the number of MRI sequences can be restricted and minimise scan time. From the evidence reviewed, the optimum
tailored to T2 fluid filled and fat suppressing sequences with a sequence selection is:
phase array coil, then it is possible that MRI examination time for  FSE/SSFSE T2 axial
assessment of the paediatric appendix may be shorter than an US  FSE/SSFSE T2 coronal
examination without compromising accuracy. This focussed  FSE/SSFSE T2 sagittal
approach to MRI assessment of the appendix may reduce its  FSE/SSFSE T2 axial fat saturation
contribution to determining differential diagnoses (e.g. Crohn's  FSE/SSFSE DWI (axial and coronal b500)
disease, endometriosis, Meckel's diverticulum)51 but this argument
could also be made for other focussed examinations across imaging
modalities specifically directed to answering the clinical question Conclusion
A previous restriction on the use of MRI for acute paediatric The evidence from this review suggests that MRI has high
conditions has been the increased use in sedation to reduce anxiety sensitivity and specificity in relation to the accurate diagnosis of
and improve compliance with movement restrictions. In this re- acute appendicitis in children, comparable to those reported for
view, only Bayraktutan et al. sedated patients with 58% of partici- contrast enhanced CT and greater than Ultrasound. Consequently,
pants receiving sedation. This may be as a consequence of the wide we conclude that is a viable alternative to ultrasound and may be
age range of participants (0e14 years) as the remaining included adopted as the primary imaging modality of choice, where acces-
studies restricted the lower age range to 3 years minimum and sibility is not restricted, or used to complement ultrasound where
permitted parents/guardians to accompany the child into the findings are indeterminate or inconclusive. Practice recommenda-
magnet room. Given the comparability in diagnostic outcomes tions have been provided based upon the evidence reviewed and
across studies reviewed, it would appear that sedation is not these require validation within the practice setting.
required in the assessment of acute appendicitis in children aged 3
years and over and should no longer be a perceived barrier to Conflict of interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose
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Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
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8 G. Ogunmefun et al. / Radiography xxx (2016) 1e8

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Please cite this article in press as: Ogunmefun G, et al., Is magnetic resonance imaging a viable alternative to ultrasound as the primary imaging
modality in the diagnosis of paediatric appendicitis? A systematic review, Radiography (2016),

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