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Administrat- ;rder No.05

Series of 2Ol2


Section 1. Title- This Administrative Order shall be known as the NCIP Merit-Based
Scholarship (NCIP-MBS) and EducationalAssistance (NCIP-EA) Guidelines of 2012.

Seclion 2: Objectives of the Program, T' rrograms shall have the following objectives:

a. Developmental Objective: -\
" ./
To invest inhuman capital through the grant of scholarships to deserving Indigenous
Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (lCCs/IPs) who seek the opportunity and qualify
for educational advancement and/or skills development, thereby empowering them to
become self-reliant and capacitated to meaningfully contribute to the promotion of their
being and to nation- building.

b. Specific Objectives:

l. To make available and accessible, meaningful scholarship or educational assistance

poor but deserving ICCs/Ips;

) To inspire ICCs/IPs, who are able elify for the scholarship or educational
assistance, to develop pride in th.i, n..iiuge and be able to contribute to the
recognition and promotion of the rights and well-being of ICCs/lps;

J. To encourage qualified ICCs/tPs to undergo post secondary or college education in
priority and relevant courses or areas of training;
- '!:r:twq,St; tr;l''


4. To develop academicaily or
who can be depencled upon as ryercred and sociaily responsibre tccs/Ips
ierad+rs within
nation at-large;
. .. ,.ir
"r;;;;id" "f their communities and the
5' To motivate ICCs/rps to varue and
appreoiate education oe B riboreting
empowering toor in responding to personar and
anc community needs; and

6' To provltle ICCs/lPs witlt various skills and/or capacities

to contribute their share to
nation-build ing.

Section 3: Delinirion of Terms. The follor.ving

terms or. phrases are defined as follows:
Alvardees - refer to the qualified and deserving
recipients/beneficiaries of the Merit-
Based scholarship who were selected based
on the criteria set forth in this Guiclelines.
General weighted Average (GV':'l - efi,:rs
to the average grades in all subje*cts taken,
whether passed or failed. It servesa: lhe indicator
of a stlaent:s u.uoiliffirformance
for a given semester or school year. :.,- .

c. Grantees - refer to the qualifiecl recipients of the educational

assistance prgram.
d. IP Traditional Leaders - IP traditibiia! le4clers 'are
dehnecl by the dynamics of
ctlstomary lavrs anrt practices; they evolv.
r.o, u-ri;;; of conscious assertion and
practice of traditional values and betiefs.
Flence, they are recognized aut6orities
conflict resolution and peace-building processes, orr
on spiritual practices, rituals and
ceremonials and in doing so, they possess
the attributes of wisdom ancl integrity.
lead and assist the community in decision-making They
processes aimed at protecting and
promoting the sustainable development
of their ancestral dornains.
Low cohort survival Rate refers to the low percentage
- of those who reached the final
grade or year of the erementary ci'.
rd':or:1pry-lever as-compared to the percentage
enrolees at the beginning grade o. of
J#r. ..rrooLy.u..
Illustration: '

Eligible for Eligible,".,for Eligible. fot

Grade III
t;.ii1if ftade.,V,,,,r,, Grade.VI
,i','..=, :ii'L'1ri,;.r..l1.

100 pupils 80 t0 60 50 40

Merit-Based scrrorarship
- It is that a program aimed at providing meaningfur
scholarship to qualified/deserving IP
students based on the screening criteri a, andbenefits
or privileges set forth in this Guidelines.

'. i I
-: ./

g. Educational Assistance Program - tr; r: the program that aims to provide limited
financial assistance to qualified ICC/IP students based on the criteria set forth in this

h.- Upper 107o below the l't

Quartile - refers to those who passed the college entrance
examination, but were not admitted/ accepted due to the cut-off rate of the I't quartile.

i. Upper Quartile - refers to the ft 25Yo of the total number of college entrance
examination passers. It is usually used as a cut-off rate for acceptance/admission in some
colleges and universities.

j. 609 Municipalities identified municipalities for povefty reduction by National Anti-

Poverty Commission (NAPC).which consist of the 4tn , 5" and 6th class Municipalities.

,/Section 4. Categories. The following a,o:' 'hi'program categories:

a. Merit-based - It shall be available in two (2) categories as follows:

l. Degree/Baccalaureate Program -
2. Post Graduate/Masteral/Doctorate

b. Educational Assistance - It shall be available in four (4) categories as follows:

l. Degree Program - 4 to 5 year courses ( trimesters, two semesters; including
ladderized courses)
2. Vocational - 6-month and one (l) to three (3) year cou$es (short term,
technical, vocational, or ladderized course/training)
3. High School - This refers to the span under the "K to 12" Program
4. Elementary - This refers to the span under the'oK to 72" program

Section 5. Criteriafor Selection The selection shall be of two (2) levels, as
follows: , ',r' t

a. General Criteria: The applicant must possess the following qualifications:

l. -Bonafide member of an ethno-linguistic group in his/her community duly recognized
by NCIP;
2. Income parents or guardian must not be more than PhP 150,000.00 per annum, provided
that the family is not the owner of land/s and/or business rvhere the estimated income
therefrom is more than PhP 150,000.00 per annum;
3" Parent/s or guardian must commit to support the child throughout his/her studies/training;
4. For children of NCIP employee/s, the gross annual salaryiies must not exceed PhP

l" ,.3

5. Favorable endorsement of at least two (2) respoctedlaeknowledged IP trnditional leadere of

hislher ethno-linguistic group recognized by NCIP;

4 . Willingness to sign an undertaking to Serve his/her community /Ancestral Domain after

completion of his/her studies should there be opportunity;

5. Taking of priority courses neecled in ,mmunity in a duly accredited

priority course is available
college/university in or near his/her domic,.-, provided the chosen
Laws or oth'er
7. Applicant for post graduate studies in law must specialize in Indigenous
in medicine
appropriate fields related thereto; and applicant for post graduate studies
practices, or other fields
commits to specialize in indigenous medicines or traditional health
related thereto.

b. Specific,Criteria'. For NCIP'EAP

l. Must pass tlre aptitr.rde examination corrducted by NCIP'
2l Must have a general weighted average grade of not lower than 80%.
c. Specifie Criteria: For NCIP-MBS
Belongs to the top ten (10) of the gp;,, .g class certified by the schoolprincipal
L with a
general weighted average of not less ihqn-857o; Provided that, the school must
be (l) public school (2) lP dominated , 4tr' and 5th class municipality (3) low cohort
survival rate and (4) from pool most marginalized groups (Bugkalots, Dumagats'
. Mamanwa, Agta, Tagbanua, Agutaynen, Manobo, Ata, Manobo gj.c')

z. pass the entrance examination aclministered by the school/college/university of his/her

rate of
choice; provided however, that in cases rvhere he/she is unable to meet the cut-off
such school/college/upiversity, he/she must be within the upper l0% immediately below
the Itt quartile, or on the list of the Dean's discretion'

d. Actditional Specilic Criteriafor NCIP-MB^S. The specific criteria shall be as follows:

Components: % Weight
. Bonafide [P
: 20%
. Academic Excellence rl,p., -.t' = 30%
. Extra CurricularActivities/Citatibns = lA%
.' Parents'/Guardian's lncome
: 30%
. SocialResponsibility/Potential/Attitude
(lnterview) = lDYo
TOTAL 100%

l. Bonafide IP (based on genealogy) =20"h


. l00%o IP (both parents are IP) : 20yo

. 75Yo IP (one r:f parents halfIP) : 15yo
r 50% IP (one ofparents not IP or both parents halflP : lUyo
.. 50% IP (one of the parents is only half lP) = 5o/o

2. .Academic Excellence =30o/o

. High Average 85o/o-87Yo = 20o

' Very Satisfactory = 88o/o'90o/o : 25%

. Excellent = 9lo/a above : 30%


Curricular Activities (citations, recognitions, awards, membership in school

3. Extra
orgrenization) =l0oh

4. Parents Income =30"h

o Unomployed parents or underemployed

(seasonal jobs) and irregular income : 30%
n Parents income below P150,000/annum : 25yo
n Parents income within P150,000/annum = 20%

5. Potential/Attitude (Social Responsibility) =l0o/o

n Communication skills =2%

n Proficiency and ability to assume sc::')i'
Commun ity responsibi lity =3%
, Involvement/advocacy in the IP rights =3%
". Willingness to support school finances
and activities = 2o/o

Section 6. Documents Requirerl. The following are the documents required of applicants for the

$. For Application:

1. Application form to be obtained from NCIP office;

2. Certificate of Confirmation of tribal membership;
3. 2 pcs. latest 2"x2" [D picture.
5. Certification of good moral character from guidance counsellor/principal.
6. Annual Income Tax Return of Pi,"e ardian or Certificate of Tax Exemption from
BIR, and Certificate frorn the T'ribai'T-e;--,7:Barangay Captain that the family belongs to
the poor family in the concept of IPs, prdvtded, it is validated by the NCIP-EAP focal
person with the conformity of the Provincial Officer

In addition to the foregoing, for the NCIP-IVIBS, the applicant shall submit the following:
'"rs5q4q rr*r*is?+_a6s l

o Cerrification of the School RegistrarlAdmission

office that he/she passed the
of his/her choice'
entrance.*u*inution of the coilege/university
oCertitjea"opyofbirthcertificateoritsequivalentifnotyetav.ailablebelongs to the top
e certificarion from the high .Joor principel that the epplicant
ten of the graduating class'
o Form 1381r high school report
, j

I'iC"' shall submit the follo*'ing:

In addition to the above, for the '' tire applicant
o.rq 138(High school Report
high school: f
r For incoming fieshman from
of Ascounts'
Registrar) and Statement prevrou s schoolyear
l{igh School crantees: Form 138 of the
o For H.*ni".y and
anci clitrent enrolment form


2. Duly accomplished application
3. 1*; (2) pieces latest
2" x 2' picture
4. Authentiiated Transcript of Rec"rrd"
5. Certificate of good moral charqc!"t' 1

L. rrn of the applicant or its equivalent

be qualified to avail of
following shall not
section 7. Limitation of Awards/Grants'T'he
this scholarshiP Program

provided by government e'g'
Vi.- dffi;es orottrer major scholarship prograrn
CHED, GSIS and the like;
POST, ., ,.^
or previous beneficiary;or
3. Fullo, nuff t'*ttttil'i'tt' of a current or Lmplove" *itrtin the 3'd civil degree of
4. Retative ;i il-;;Tint Nctp "iii.1"r provided in Section 5 (4) of this
co,sanguir\ity or affinity, ".;;;;;;;;;it"

sha, be a Regional Screening

g. Regionar screening and seretc'tibn,cbmmittee. There
section Region, composed of the following:
a'd serection committee (RSSG) in each Ac{ministrative
The Commissioner from the
Ethnographic Region
Oversight Official :
Chairperson : Regional Director
Vice-Chairperson TM SD Ch ief/Provincial Offi cer

Members Regional Focal Person

Concerned Provincial Focal Person
Concerned CSC Focal Person

screening of the aPPlicants:
Three days after the last day of submission
of application, the chairperson of the RSSC
shall convene the committee to agree on
their ptan and strategies'
a place where the Committee can work
b. Screening and selection shall be Jone in
be devoid of any undue disturbance or
independently and impartially. The site should
c. The duration for the selection and
screening will be one ( I ) week'

d. The final result of the screening and

selection shall be submitted to the Regional Director
for recording in the proper Master List format' '
the Chairperson' Vice
e. Master List must be accomplished, signed and duly sworn to by Section 20'c'l l' and
Chairperson and members of the Committee
in accordance with
the OECH'
thereafter submitted to the central office through

Saation 9. Ftow of APPlication

together with required documents
tt. Prospective awardees/grantees submit their application
nearest to the aPPlicant'
the supporting documents of all
b. The cSC or PO, as the case may be, initially evaluates
applicants and for the CSC, submits the list with
completed documents to the PO'
recommendations to the RSSC'
on the provisions of this Guidelines'
d. RSSC conclucts final screening and selection based
based on the result of the screening
e, RSSC prepares, under oath, the regional master list
and selection.
master list to the cEB through the
J. Commissioner from the Region endorses regional
cE,B agenda'
OECH, with notice to the oED for inclusion in the
g. The CEB acts on the master List'
notify the concerned RD rvho slrall
h. one day after the action by the CEB, ttic oECH shall
cause immediate notification of the qual it'ieci awarilees/grantees'
RD directs the convening of the awardees by the PO or CSC, as the case may be, for the
orientation. Notices of orientation should also be furnished the OECH and the concerned

Section 10. Release of Financial Benqlits (On*oin*). For the release of, finencisl hsnafitr. th*
following are required:

.'1. Pre-assessment form

Registration Form
2. Certificate of enrolment from the registrar's office with copy of
4. A certificate of final grade.of the previous semester'
Section tl
Disqualification/Discantinu&nct',',P"t';.:'-flcemenl. The awardee/grantee
subsequently be disqualified on the following grounds:
and its
Tampering or falsification of documents relative to his/her application
supporting Papers;
2. Becomes mentally and physically unfit to continue studies without prejudice to the
differently abled;
3. Enjoys another major scholarship grant provided by the.government; for
4. E;; a grade below 85% general weighted average during the semester endedvery
NCIp-M.BS and below 80% generalweighted average for MBS-EA except in
meritorious cases which is duly explained and the concerned Commissioner
recommends consideration;
-5. lncurs an incomplete grade not completed within the prescribed period;
6. Shifts to anothei of course and transtbrs to another school without the approvalof the
C-ommission; and
7. Enrol in less than Eighteen (lS) uwul'c &ylring a particular semester except
when it is
the remaining requirements for a graluating awardeelgrantee.
/s Drops a sub.iect.
9. Incur failing grade/grades in any subjectls regardless of the units.
10. Drops tiom ttre sctool withoui the approval of NCIP. To avoid the
termination of
the awardlgrant, the student must formally request, through the Regional Director
and the concerned Commissioner. for the deferment of the same and the
grounds for
his/her clropping. Should the ground/s be found justifiable, the award or grant shall
be deferred for only one semester. The justifiable grounds may be ailment that
requires medical operation or confinement or prolonged rest duly certified by a
gor"**"rt medical practitioner, or safety and security reasons where his/her life is
in clear and imminent danger or at stake.

Section Fund Allocation, The fund allocation for scholarship grant shall be dependent on
approved budget of the program for the year. Slots allocation
by province shall be
based on
alfiA"O by thJ Commission-based on the ze.o. bA6ed allocation formula as determined
population size of ICCllPs and other development indicators
that the commission, up.n the
advice of the 0ECH, may deem appropriate for consideration,

Section 13. Soutce of Funds. frunds for the implementation of the NCIp-MBS
NCIP-EA are provided in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) as a regular budget for

Section 14. Financial Bene/its. The bener", :.iat shall accrue to the awardee or grantee shall
be as


t. 'fuition and miscellaneous fbes - PhP 8,000.00 per semester; provided however, that
i?the tuition and miscellaneous fees is less that P8,000.00 the excess will still be
given to the awardoe, provided further, that in case the tuition and miscellaneous fbes
are more th'an PhP 8,000.00, the balance shall be shouldered by the parents/guardian.
2. Book allowance/school supplies-PhP 2,000.00 per semester
3. Uniform allowance - PhP 1,000.00 per semester
4. Transportation from point of origin to school (for opehing of classes and going
home for semestral break) - PhP 2,000.00 per semester
5. Lodging/Boarding/Food allowance- PhP 2,400 per month or a duration o1'five
(5) months each semester .

h. NCIF-EA: *ir,,,
b.l For Degree/Vocational Program grantees - TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00) PESOS
per semester/tri-mester, which shall be divided into T"uirion and Miscellaneous Fees- PhP
. 8,000.00 and Book allou,ance - PhP 2,000.00, provided however, that in case of
insufficiency of firnds or any justifiable reasorl, the Regional Office may recommend a
decrease to the CEB, which when approved shall be implemented accordingly.

b.2 For High Scht-rol Grantees - FM THOUSAND (P5,000.00) PESOS per school

b.3 For Elementary Grantees - TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (P2,500.00)

PESOS per school year.

Section I5- Moie of Paymenls. Toprevent undue detay of fund releases and other
inconveniences to the awarrleesigrantees , the mode of pavment or release shall be as follows:
1. NCIP-MBS - All benelits stated in Sectinn i4, items 2 to 5 atrd the .i*.ess ot'the tuition
fee and miscellaneous f'ee will be deposited to hislher ATNAaccount/Cash cardlC-Card.
Fees for the basic tuition fees, ineluding miscellafleous f6es if lvitlrin the maximum of
PE,000 shall be ntade directly payable,r un.iversity, prcwitled hou,ever,that
if already paid as evidenced by an oficial receipt, the awardee shall be entitled to direct
reimbursement by NCIP.
l. NCIP-EA - The Regional Of'fice shall release financial benefits except tuition and
miscellaneous fees to the individual grantee through check peyment. All
disbursement vouchers shall be supported by the required documents and all the cash
advances shall also be supported by payroll with the necessary supporting documents
in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
2. In plaoes where banks are nof ev*ii*fule, the Provincial Qffice may release the
financial benefits to the grantees irr r&*t respeetive area of jurisdiction through cash
advances. Cash advances shall be supported by payrolls with supporting documents
in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

the project cost as

Section 16. Administrative Cost The implementing office may utilize l0% of
of the
administrative cost to cover expenses relative to the implementation and administration
of the scholarship fund
progro*r, provided however, that an annual f-rnancial statement/status
frorn the
,t uit u" reio*ed to the Central office. The Regional otfices may utilize the{avinAs
For purposes of equity, the
administrative cost exclusively fbr adclitiorral selolarship slots.
Administrative Cost shall be distribute,J as foH&ws:

CSC :4%o
PO :3o/o
RO :3Yo )

Section l7- Academic Requiremezts. Acaden.. .rad for Degree/Post Graduate/Vocational

Programs: I L., rr'

1. Awardee/grantee is required to carry regutar load on the baccalaureate course he/she

is taking prescribed in the approved curriculum of the school concerned
Z. Educational assistance is continued for succeeding semester if the awardee passes all
subjects taken during the semester and corftplied with all the requirements.
3. An academic load of l8 units for a semester.
4. An academic load of 15 units for a trimester.

Section School Preference: To be practical, state universities in the locality shall

18- be

prefened in the choice of school.

Section 19 - Priority Course;. The friority courses will be in Social Sciences, Agriculture,
Forestry, Economics, Community Deve!opment, Anthropology, Education, Environmental
Sciences, Community Development, Entre-'-," .;urship, Foreign Service, Geology' ln the
meantime, Bachelor of Science in Nursingr., tJotel and Restaurant Management, Pre-law,
Bachelor of Arts are not considered priority courses. The CEB may approve courses that will be
recommended by Regional offices in consultation with other government units and IP
communities in the area. The CEB may also delist courses of priority in certain areas betbre the
start of the processing of application for any given school-year, on grounds that it may deem


Section 20. Role of the various levels of NCIe,,$ithe

administration of the NCIp_MBS, the role
of each level ofNCIp shall be as follows:

a. Community Service Centers

l. Accepts application papers filed by applicant;

2. Assist applicant to compry with the required documents;
3' Submit applications to Provincial Office, provided however, that for CSC in
provinces where there is no provincial office, it shall perform the
role of the
provincial office.

b. Provincial Office/CSC without provincial office

l. conducts initial evaluation and validation of the supporting papers;

2.;[onsolidates list from various servi,- , ers;
evaluated and vali<ii.,-", appiications and consolidated listings to
Regional Offices; provided however that said listings shall be prepared
under oath
thro' a swom statement attesting that the applicants were initially validated and
with complete supporting documents.
4' Prepare and submit semestralphysical and financial status report to the Regional
Offices; r
5' Prepare and submit Forms A-G to Regional Office on or before December
narrative reports;
6' To conduct provincial monitoring of awardees to have information
on their progress.
7. EAP Focal Person shall do mentoring and counselling to the

c. Regional Offices

l ' Submits all reports of processed applications received from the provincial
offices or
CSCs, as the case may be, to the Region.l Selection Committee;
2. Endorses final list of recommended ', ,,..€es with the concurrence
of the
Ethnograph i c comm i ssioners to the,chai rperson for approval
3. Send notice to the awardees and condilt#s orientation on them;
4' Facilitates the MoA execution between the awardee/grantee
and NCIp, to be signed by
the Regional Director with the conformity of the Etlinographic Commissioner;
5. Release benefits to the awardees/grantees and/or the state
' 6. Consolidates data from the EAPIS; results of the NCIP
aptitude tesi 6Ncar) and
submits Forms A-c submitted by the Provincial offices, with 'explanations
further thru,
narrative reports as well as the other reports required by the
- 7' Assist awardees/grantees in job placement or .nti"f.*neurship
after graduation;
8. Decide and implement decision in cases of disqualification,
discontinuance, deferment, and appeals;
9' Conducts periodic monitoring and submit reports relative thereto
to the Office of
the chairperson, copy furnished the OECH, oppR, FAo & Ethnographic
10. Propose amendments or enhancernr. " ,- 'this Guidelines.
I l. Submit to the Central Office & SWorr. -.itement attesting that
the qualified


awardees had undergone the process,

met all the criteria,s set forth in this
Guideline. and does not posejs/in"ur
uny oiilr.'.ur.". for disqualifications
provided in Sec. 6 of the Guideline.

d. Central Office
l. The Commission .-l

l. l. Acts on proposed poricies/guiderines or amendments thereto;

l ' 2' circularizes orders and issuances relative
to scholarship programs when approved;
l' 3'Approves the master Iists of awardees and g.-r..,
and approves allocation and
release of funds;
l ' 4' Endorse or assist in.the placement of graduating
awardees/grantees in other
government agencies or in the job market.


2. l. Prepare yearly assessment/evaluation

2'2' Submits consolidated report to l\4alacaff
ung &.DBM through the chairperson;
2.3. Conduct impact study oithe NCIP-EAp. a -- -
2.4. conduct periodic monitoring and .aluaiion
to Regionar offices; ,
2.5. Study and recommend ameridments
ro tr-,i" curi"rines to the cEB;
2.6. Craft MOA between the awardee/grantee
2'7 ' Ctaft the.appropriate MoA with.
cilab.;i;; ";J;"
institution, like co,eges and
universities, DepEd, CHED, and others;
" '
2'8' Facilitate the processing of the release
orrunos under this cuidelines; and
2'9' Disseminate to the field offices the existence
' anJ p.iorities of placement in job

section 2l- General Provisions,lt shall

be the obligation of the various stakeholders
the following: to observe

a. For the Awardee/Grantee:

l '
Enrol the prescribed load of not less than
l8 units in the curriculum for a given
semester and should have a General
weighted Average (Gwtip;, semesrer
not less than g5% for Merit bas,:.: 0,,,-,,, of
noi i.r, than g0% for EAp.
2' Participate in community activrr,;. os maybe required
specially during vacations;
and render on-the-job-training in NCIP
within or nearest his/her
community; "if,*;
J. Finish course/training within
the prescribed period;
4. books purchased to a community ribrary
Ponu,: at the end of studies.
5. Exercise or practice vocation_or
professlon, p.":fbdit in iiin". cornmunity,
period equivalent to the rength of time for a
heAhe L'..r,orurship or
educational assistance; "njoy*i,t
6. Maintain moral and social responsibility;
7. Inform NCIP of status and wiereabouts
after graduation;


b.' For the Parent/Guardian:

I. Shoulder other tuition snd matriculation feeo in exeeag of the P8,00Q,00i
2. Shoulder expenses during summer olasn snd ln tho svont the rerldoney of th!
course is Prolonged.
Shoulderitr. ,n"Oi"al expenses in case of sickness, disability, or death of
3 .
3. prouiJe oii.,., of the awardee/grantee which are not specified in this
4. Help and cooperate in the moral, spiritual, socal, and cultural development of'the
awardee/grantee; and
th-e obligatiorito pay whatever amount the awardee/grantee
shall be
5. Assume
required to refundln the eveni he/she refuses to comply
with the provisions of any of
the foregoing including the MOA'

Section 22. Monitoring and Evaluation

The offices concerned shall conduct r*r-r,rii.oring and evaluation of awardees/grantees
their respective areas as bases in preparing status reports and policy recommendations'
must be adhered
The following policies for monitoring and evaluation of the scholarship

a. Monitoring
. a.l. The provincial Office shall device a monitoring chart and files of their
respective grantees that include the age, gender, course, year level, dropouts,
graduates, and the like, in coordination with their respective schools and submit to
the Regional Office their progress report per semester in the case of college
students and annually in the case of elementary and high school students.
lt shall
be done through coordination with concerned schools'

a.Z. The Regional Office shail fltlow the above procedure and consolidate the
provincial and Regional progress reports and submit the same to the /central
Office for validation. They shall ufdate and maintain all EAP reports using the

a.3. The Central Office, through the OECH, will evaluate the consolidated
and conduct investigations as the need warrants

a.4. There should also be a home visit for problem cases at the Provincial
office/community level for career guidance and motivation.


a'5' The Provincial office/Regional office
may conduct consultation s/dialogues
with the grantees for update.

a'6' The central office thru' the OECH conduct an

on the spot rnonitoring,
general assembly for the students and parents, and
dielogu* with the focal

a.7. The OECH shall review the scholarship programs, its guidelines and related
documents annually.

a.8- Conduct rural services or community immersion programs for the Ip grantees
as a monitoring and enhancement exercise to gauge the level of awareness
to their
tribal identity and strengthen their socio-cultural consciousness.

b. Evaluation (Post-scholarshipperiod)

b.l. Evaluation shall be conducted by the OECH with an entry point of establishing a
systematic data bank out of primary and secondary information wherein qualitative
analysis are based on especially with reference to determining the follo*ing:

b.l - l Percentage of emproyment anJ unemproyed graduates

b.1.2 What courses has more o1'trwtunities foiemployment
b.1.3 What priority courses are to be endorsed
b.1.4 To aid in the improvement of scholarship guidelines and policies
b.1.5 Collate data/reports from Regional and esiablish appropriate
' indicators to determine the success/relevance of the EAp.

b'2' Conduct appropriate research to assess the impact of the program to the Ip grantees
and their respective communities to verify/complement information/data
from secondary sources.

b'3 Enhance the NCIP aptitude test every after 3 years and to maintain
the confidentiality.
b'4' The OECH shall submit evaluation reports to the Commission with significant
findings and recommendations, copy. furnished the concerned congressmen
of beneficiary
districts and the DBM.

Section 23. Reports to be submitted ,r .,;

For purposes of maintaining close coordinative efforts among the Regional

Offices and the Central Office towards an effective implementation of the program,
following reports should be prepared and submitted to the Central Office:

a. End of Semester:

l. Semestral Financial Reports
, 2. Proposed expenditures for the administrative cost including the proposed
inclusionof additional grantees from the savings.
b. End ofSchool Year
b.l. Annual Financial Status Reports
b.2. Updated Status report using the format prescribed by the Central Office
(Forms A,B,C,D,E)
b.3. List of grantees supposed to graduate, terminated, replaced and their
4. Reports on the status of graol:'r*.es (employed, gainfully employed,
unemployed, if employed, where are they employed and what is their job)
b.4. Narrative Summaiy and Trend Analysis

Section 24 * Qualifications of Focal Person in lhe Field Offices

For purposes of ensuring a responsible and smooth implementation of the program, the
following are set for the qualifications of focal persons in the Regional, Provincial, and
Community service Center units:

a. Must preferably be a graduate in education or other related courses;

b. Must be willing to mentor/tutor the grantees/awardees during/after his/her official
time of duty.
c. Must be computer literate.

Section 25 - Crearion of lhe Grievance Comniwe

In order to respond/address without b,ipep. any complaints filed by the grantees/awardees,
a Grievance Committee shall be created whodU'ifiembers shall be constituted as follows:

Chairman : Regional Hearing Officer

Members : t. At least 3 NCIP staff designated by the Regional Directors with the
exception of focal persons.
2. Representatives from Partner NGO preferably involved in
education and IP Leaders who are recognized and accredited by

Section 26 - Roles of the Grievance Committeb

l. Conduct hearings on the complaints filed by the grantees/awardees;

2. Analyze the merits or circumsta:,;' ;f the complaints and give recommendations
whereby the Commission shall re.qcl.. its decision.

Section 27. Amendments.The CEB shall have ihe authority to amend, revise, or modify any
provision on this Guidelines as it deems fit.

Sdction 28. Repealing Clause.All adndnistrative orders, rules, regulation, circulars and other
orders inconsistent to the provisions of this gui4eline are deemed repealed or otherwise modified.

Section 29. Effectivity. This guideliae shall take effect irnrnediately upon its approval.

Approved this day of ,,2412.


Cornmissioner, Region II Commissioner Region III & rest of Luzon


Commissioner, lsland GrouP and Commissioner, Southern & Eastern
rest of the Visayas Mindanao


Cornmissioner, North & Westem Central Mindanao



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