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No, F.Misc/ DDc/20t6

/ r
,143 Dated: alg,l>Q+
The Dy. Secy
lnformation & Technology Department,
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Delhi Secretariat, l.P. Estate
New Delhi-110002.

Sub: Uploading of Delhiinternship programme guidelines,

S ir,

Please find enclosed herevyith Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi lnternship
Programme Guidelines for uploading on this commission's website.

You are requested to take necessary action at the earliest.

Yours faithfully

(Pradeep Tewari)
Office Superintendent

64 e-

3, s HA M NAil
#[:;,Tl:ll rr,..
No' F'IDD c/Ntisc/2ora
f t &sv*pg r Dated: Qx
h^..-, Please find enclosed herewiil
Development commission or oethl 'quidelines for internship in Dialogue
ror necessary action ir approved by
uu und
at your en;'1" the competen-t'l'r",'nlr,rv

Deputy Secretarr

Chairman, Internship
Committee, DDC
UO no.

Copy to:
1. Members, Internship
Committee, DDC
2. PA to VC, DDC
3. PA to Secretary, DDC


Dialogue E DevelopmEnt Iommission of Delhi

Internship Program (Euidelines)

Government of N[T sf Delhi

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Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi '

to implement
The Government of NCT of Delhi constituted Dialogue & Development commission
model of and
its vision for governance. The commission aims tc pr:ovide a unique .collaborative
further this goal' The
inclusive development along with sugger:ting ways to use technology to
issues by studying good
Commission will come up with appropriate solutions to a range of civic
them in the
practices, policies and plans from across the country and the world and conveying
form of concrete recommendations.

Dialogue & Development commission has identified 21 focus areas

that include Governance'
Health' Women Safety' Delhi
Electricity, Clean Water, Clean Yamuna, Clean irelhi, Education,
colonies, JJ clusters' Price
Rural, Trade, Job & Job security, Pollution, Transport, Unauthorized
& Sports'
Rise, Traffic, Speedy Justice, M-Governance, Wi-Fi & CCTV

NCT of Delhi invites applications

The Dialogue and Development commission crf Delhi, Govt. of
The internship
tro, vorig students/ Scholars/researchers for internship in the Commission' and its Subordinate
program will provide a platform for interactior' by officers of the Commission
institutions' whr: are
formations with young scholars and research's from reputed academic
pursuing graduition andPost-Graduation/Research in Social

Work/Engineering/Economics/Finance/Management/Law and
other courses as and when
to familiarize themselves with
required. The program will provide an opportunity for the interns
of policy measures'
the activities of the commission at the macro level, and formation

t. Objective:
of various recognized Universities and
(i) To provide exposure to the interested and willing students
Research lnstitutes in lndia and abroad about the
policy and governance matters'
made by the
(ii) To evolve strategy (s) for expeditious implementation of the recommendations
Dialogue and Developrnent Commission of Delhi'
(iii) To support in formulation of various initiatives relating to development and resourcll

il. Eligibility and APP!icabilitY:-

(i) Applicable to lndian and foreign nationals'
(ii) rnternship shall be available throughout the year based on
the requirement of the Dialogue and
Development Commission of Delhi.
(iii candidate pursuing .Graduation a'rd Post-Graduation/Research in (ocial
and other courses are eligible for

(iv) No pending of criminal case against him/her, in the
court of law'
months at one time' in a year'
(v) lnternship shall be for the period of maximum to three
than three terms' in total'
(vi) The lnternship for any individual shall not be more
job in the Dialogue and Development commission of
(vii) It is neither a job nor any assurance for a

t rrt

ilt. Procedure of selection:

(i) The applications received in DDC shall be scrutinized based on academic record, course
lnstitute/U niversity of enrolment, preference of sector etc,
(ii) The scrutiny committee constituted for the internship shall make recommendations for their
engagement, for the approval of competen'. authority.
(iii) All interns, who are completing their internship in a particular month, shall compulsorily submit
their report to their reporting officer and inform the Administration about completion of their
internship for initiation of further action, at least 7 days of before completion of their internship'

lv. Logistic Support:

items of
(i) tnterns shali be provided with a minimum logistic support i.e. office space and other
stationery. They shall be advised to bring their own personal laptop etc'

v. Reporting and Certificate

(i) All interns shall report to the Administration, DDC.
(ii) A certificate regarding successful completion of the lnternship shall be issued by Dialogue
Development Commission of Delhi (DDC).

vt. Language
The official languages are Hindi and English.

tx. Office Timings:

per the Govt. of
The working hours of the Dialogue & Development commission of Delhi is as
NCT of Delhi.

x lnformation Security Policy:

of the
one of the imperatives of Dialogue & Development commission's vision is assurance
to us
security of information assets belonging to DDC, and also the information that is entrusted
by employees, customers, vendors, investors anrl the public at large'

Xl. Conduct
external source
at any time to the media or to any institution, person, Government or any other
with the DDc and
any information that has become known to then, by reason of their association
such information
information without the written authorization of the appropriate official and
end ofthe internshlp
may never be used for personal gain. These obliSations also apply afterthe
with the DDc.
lX confidentiality

papers on the basis of
the course of their internships and may not publish any reports or


information obtained, unless authorized to do so by DDC. The interns shall also keep all
information's required during course of internship confidential. The interns shall not interact or
provide information to any media.

x. Mode of Application:
(i) lnterested applicants pursing studies at various Universities and recognized research institutes
may send their applicdtions in the enclosed Performa along with their CVs,
(ii) Candidates should specifically mention the period for which they want to undertake
lnternship, starting with 1st or 15th of the nlonth.
(iii) Applicants are required to produce a letter from their Supervisor/Heao of
Department/Principal, indicating their status in the lnstitution and "No Objection" for allowing
their student to undergo tnternship program for the period for which he or she is selected.
(iv) The candidate for internship should not have any criminal case pending against him/her for
which an undertaking will have to be furnished by him/her, in the court of law.
(v) The completed applications may sent either by pcst or by hand to reach the Deputy Secretary
(Admin ), Dialogue and Development Jommission of Delhi, 33 Shamnath Marg, Delhi-110054
or via email at




PP.P. size photo

iduly ailested)

Fatherrs/Husbbnd Name
Address for correspondence (with contact nu.)
Date of Birth
Educational Qualification (Starting from 10th onward)

',:.'.r'.".: ;r,Pa$ad.dt,fl::ii, !r IP.],?JflNE it{,iih'rpe-iidrit et,l, i

courses presently pursuing, the University/lnstitute and its duration :

(Letter from the present institution indicating his/ner status to be enclosed)

Period during which internship required

Areas/Sector of interest in which internship is required
(indicate 3 options)

Previous work experience (if any)

tWfty do you want to join this internship in chosen sector

(ln brief not exceeding 100 words)

Previous duration of lnternship with DDC, if any

Self'Undertaking for not pending criminal case against him/her : yes/No

Date Signature



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