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6/5/2019 What is the difference between Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Volume Method (FVM) and Finite

Finite Difference Method (FDM) ? – caend…


A blog for FEM enthusiasts


What is the difference between Finite Element

Method (FEM), Finite Volume Method (FVM) and
Finite Difference Method (FDM) ?

NOVEMBER 4, 2017OCTOBER 4, 2018

FDM – Finite Difference Method || FEM – Finite Element Method || FVM – Finite Volume Method

Disclaimer before you start: This post is very introductory in nature. For those seeking mathematical or
deeper understanding, this might not satiate your intellectual hunger.

Unity is not always good – Maybe this was realized by the Hrennikoff [1] or Courant [2] in their pursuit
of solving problems regarding elasticity or equilibrium. This led to the conceptualization of a new
methodology – dividing a big analysis domain to smaller and simpler parts (finite elements), calculate
the physics in each of these elements and then rearrange them into the original domain to understand
and analyze its behavior.

All these methods are some form of numerical methods that are used for solving the partial differential
equations (PDEs). These PDEs mathematically represent the functional relationship between the
influencing state variables in the domain of analysis. The PDEs can be classified into hyperbolic,
parabolic and elliptic based on their discriminant value. This depends on the physical phenomenon
which is formulated using a PDE.

The laws of conservation, namely conservation of mass, momentum and energy are applied to arrive at
this PDE. The way in which this formulation happens (strong form, weak form, etc.) is again a separate
topic of investigation, which I will write probably in a different post. To make this formulated PDE
easier to solve, boundary conditions are introduced. This is based on applying engineering sense to the
specific problem you are solving. Applying boundary conditions reduces the number of unknowns 1/5
6/5/2019 What is the difference between Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Volume Method (FVM) and Finite Difference Method (FDM) ? – caend…

reducing the computational time without loss of accuracy. Sometimes, we might also be knowing the
values of certain variables when we are about to start solving the problem. This belongs to the “initial
value problem” category.

It should always be kept in mind that these numerical methods are always approximations. Therefore
the deviation from the exact results is always inevitable. So as FE analysts, one should try to identify its
source as well as the magnitude. If this deviation is acceptable, the FE simulation results become valid.
For example, most of the analyses which I do are those of metal forming processes which are implicit
(Implicit and Explicit FE analysis (h ps:// nonlinear
analysis with adaptive meshing techniques. Here volume loss is an important criterion that is checked
after every simulation to evaluate its validity. So based on the specific problem and phenomenon you are
solving, identify a parameter which could help you in validating your simulation.

Now let’s focus on the different numerical methods available for solving these PDEs.

Finite Difference Method – FDM

Mostly for defined geometries which could be represented by structured grids

I feel this method is a subset of finite element method as it works mainly for structured spatial
discretization. Which means, the problems solved by finite difference method could be solved using
finite element method, but the converse is not necessarily true.
One of the deviations in the case of FDM would come from approximating the higher order terms in
Taylor’s series which is used to linearize the PDE. This is called as truncation error.
Other important differentiating factor of FDM compared to FEM and FVM is that it is based on the
differential form of governing equations. FEM and FVM are based on the integral form or weak

Finite Element Method – FEM

Discretizes the domain into finite elements and calculates the properties in every node.
Shape functions or basis functions are used to interpolate inside the finite element, the solutions
obtained at these nodes. Generally linear interpolation is acceptable. If this is not the case, quadratic
or cubic shape functions can also be used at the expense of computational time. It is always a custom
during our FE lecture sessions at the university that, when this topic is taught, a simple problem (Ex:
Cantilever beam) is asked to solve using both linear and quadratic shape functions to understand the
Every finite element is formulated with a stiffness matrix, which is called local stiffness matrix. These
local stiffness matrices are assembled which results in global stiffness matrix of the whole structure
under investigation
As a result, the partial differential equations are converted into a set of algebraic equations which are
comparatively easier to solve.
There are already established subroutines to solve these algebraic equations
FEM is the most commonly used and it is efficient for all geometries including ones with complicated
shapes and features

Finite Volume Method – FVM

The properties are calculated for every cell instead of a node

Based on the integral form of conservation laws and can handle discontinuities in solutions. In simple
terms, what comes in, must go out. 2/5
6/5/2019 What is the difference between Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Volume Method (FVM) and Finite Difference Method (FDM) ? – caend…

FVM approximates the value of the integral on the reference cell

Efficient in solving fluid flow problems
Like FEM, lot of established and theoretically proven subroutines are in place for FVM which can be
directly implemented in your code.

I have wri en just a very basic and introductory piece on the three numerical methods in solving a
partial differential equation.

Prost !


For further understanding, these books could be referred.

Some standard text books:

1. Introduction to Finite Elements 3rd Edition by Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla Ashok D. Belegundu

(h ps://
2. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3rd Edition (McGraw Hill Series in Mechanical
Engineering), 2006 – by J N Reddy (h ps://
3. The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Seventh Edition 7th Edition by Olek C
Zienkiewicz (h ps://
author=Olek+C+Zienkiewicz&sort=relevancerank), Robert L Taylor
(h ps://
alias=books&field-author=Robert+L+Taylor&sort=relevancerank), J.Z. Zhu
(h ps://

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