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Reiki Level 1:

Beginners Course

By Rosemary Owen
The Origins of Reiki ............................................................ 2
How does Reiki work? ......................................................... 3
The Benefits of Reiki .......................................................... 4
Receiving Universal Energy ................................................ 10
Positions for self treatment ................................................ 12
Body Treatment .......................................................... 17
Back Treatment .......................................................... 22
Positions for Reiki treatment on others ................................. 27
Head and Neck Treatment ................................................. 27
Body treatment........................................................... 35
Back Treatment .......................................................... 40
Legs and Feet Treatment ................................................... 44
Receiving your Reiki Attunement and Certificate ................... 48
The Origins of Reiki

The origins of Reiki are shrouded in mystery. We believe it has

been practiced by eastern cultures in one form or another for
hundreds of years.

However the Reiki knowledge was a closely guarded secret

available only to a select few usually among the priesthood of
their culture.

Its secrets were never written down but passed to each initiate
by word of mouth from the master. Probably for this reason
there have been conflicting opinions on the exact method to be

However I believe that no one way is right or wrong. Reiki

primarily requires that it is used with the intention of bringing
about the highest good of the recipient. It is an excellent way of
bringing emotional balance into your life, a wonderful relaxation
technique and a form of meditation.

It appears Reiki fell from prominence at some point and was

almost forgotten until in the late nineteenth century Mikao Usui a
Shingon Buddhist, came across it during his studies.

He saw the potential of the therapy and realized it could be

adapted making it suitable for a much wider section of people,
by removing any specific religious connection to Reiki.

He practiced and taught Reiki for many years.

Reiki however was practically unknown in the western world until

in 1937 Mrs. Hawayo Takata travelled to the west and
introduced us to the power of Reiki.

She could never have imagined the phenomenal impact this

amazing therapy would have as millions of people have since her
arrival received and practiced Reiki.

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The true meaning of Reiki is to promote balance and harmony of
mind, body and spirit.

When this is accomplished it brings with it a natural feeling of


It is not to be seen as an alternative to conventional medicine.

Rather it should be seen as a complimentary therapy de-
stressing you and bringing peace and harmony into your life and
thereby reducing your risk of stress based illness.

Never promise or insinuate that you can heal a person.

Reiki is a healing energy but you cannot predict what will

happen, it is quite simply an amazing form of relaxation.

This relaxation brings its own benefits.

You should not administer Reiki if the intended recipient has a

pacemaker fitted or if you think there is a possibility of broken

How does Reiki work?

Everything in the universe works on vibrational levels this

includes human beings.
The Universal energy is available to every one of us, we only
need to find a way to access it.
Reiki teaches us how to tap into and use this energy for the
benefit of mankind and the world.
This powerful energy is a positive force and therefore does not
respond to negativity and is indeed used to dispel negative
vibrations, feelings and thoughts.
Once open to Reiki its healing energies flow through our bodies
touching and cleansing our chakra points and purifying and
clearing any blockages from our meridian flow lines.

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It also moves into our auras, the vibrational space around our
body, cleansing and purifying.
As a Reiki master I believe that every cell and organ, every fiber
and tissue of our beings benefits from and is fed and nourished
by this magnificent energy flow that is Reiki.

The Reiki attunement raises your vibrational level, opening the

Heart, Crown and Palm Chakras allowing you to receive the
universal (Rei) life force energy (Ki).

This energy flows through the Crown Chakra, down the spine
and into the Palm Chakras. The energy system is then with us
for life whether or not we decide to use it.

The Benefits of Reiki

In this modern day and age stress and its related illnesses and
problems has reached epidemic proportions. The world Health
Organisation (WHO) has declared it to be one of the most lethal
diseases of the twenty first century.

Doctors are inundated with patients seeking help for this

condition which at best can be described as unpleasant but when
allowed to continue unchecked can become totally debilitating.

Each one of us owes it to ourselves to be able to manage our

stress levels and prevent them from spiraling out of control.

It’s no good waiting until we become ill or our life starts falling
apart, far better that we take time to relax and centre ourselves
before any symptoms appear.

Prevention is far better than the cure.

Reiki is an excellent method of reducing stress and its negative

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effects whilst also inducing peace and relaxation. This state of
natural relaxation can assist in improving, maintaining and
promoting our health.

When we are in a peaceful, calm and relaxed state mentally,

physically and emotionally, the natural healing resources within
us are triggered bringing with them balance and harmony.

By opening ourselves to Reiki we are inviting life force energies

to work within our lives and for our highest good.

As with all holistic therapies Reiki does not only work with the
physical body but with our entire being, mind, body and spirit.
The Oxford Dictionary describes the medicinal meaning of
holistic as: “Characterized by the treatment of the whole
person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather
than just the symptoms of the disease”.

In holistic therapy we believe that mind, body and spirit should

be working together in perfect unison, if one of these
components is not in harmony with the other two we become ill
in some way.

The dictionary description of the philosophy of holistic says;

“Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are
intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the

As you can see from these definitions our belief is that by

working to reduce the stress and bring peace and relaxation into
our lives we are promoting all round health and well-being.
Medical practitioners are in agreement that stress reduction and
relaxation are crucial to good health.

Past Trauma

When emotional or physical trauma enters our life our natural

world seems to fall in around us. We put all our energies into

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getting through the day, on coping with the pain and anguish
mentally, physically and emotionally. Our mind tends to dwell on
the upheaval we are going through and we cannot find peace.
Our bodies then go into a self-protection mode, we develop
blockages within our energy flow lines, it’s as if our whole being
shuts down and is only running on standby.

This self-protection mode encodes itself into our neurology and

physiology and long after the trauma has ended is still affecting

It may be that we freeze, either physically or emotionally, in

certain situations or when a memory is invoked.

This protection mode which was triggered to bring us safely

through a bad situation is now working against us by constantly
replaying the negative emotional havoc within us, we tend to
hold onto the unhealthy thoughts and feelings that were part of
the situation we were going through.

This often holds us back, prevents us from moving forward as

we would like to in our lives. The blockages in our energy lines
can cause us to become ill physically, mentally or emotionally,
which are often the cause of low energy.

Reiki is a wonderful therapy, working at a very deep level within

us it brings and promotes feelings of peace, calmness and
relaxation. For those who are in a healthy state it can help to
maintain this desirable condition. For those who are unwell it can
assist in the healing process as the peaceful state gives our
inner being a quiet time to trigger the natural healing process.
For those who have undergone trauma a regular Reiki treatment
can dissolve the blockages allowing our life force energies to
once again flow freely through our bodies.

All our bodies have an inbuilt system of healing. If we cut

ourselves the wound heals and repairs itself and in the same way
all our cells and organs have the ability to undertake the healing

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process. Reiki guides you into the natural state required for this
process to begin.

It can therefore help with many issues a few of which I list


 It reduces stress levels.

 It releases negative emotions from the body.*

 The relaxation can reduce blood pressure and assist in a good

night's sleep.

 Again the relaxation can ease headaches or migraines, reduce or

in some cases take away the distressing symptoms when a
treatment is given during an anxiety or asthma attack.

 Assist in stopping smoking, a Reiki treatment helps detox the

body, when you stop smoking your body has to expel all the
poisons and toxins that cigarettes have filled your system with.
A detox treatment will speed up this process.

 Reiki can help you find your own spiritual path.

 Help you through depression.

 As your being is brought back into harmony, your energy levels

can increase and you may find a reduction in any pain you have
been suffering.

*After a Reiki treatment it is not unusual to find yourself

dreaming of past events in your life that left scars.

This is nothing to worry about it is a natural release mechanism,

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your inner self is processing those events and then releasing
them from your being.

Whilst using Reiki regularly both for myself and others, I always
advocate seeing a medical practitioner for any health concerns.
Reiki is an amazing COMPLIMENTARY therapy which can work
alongside conventional medicine. It does not take its place. Put
simply Reiki supports you in your life.


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How do I perform a Reiki Session?

Prepare a quiet dimly lit room for your treatment where you are
not likely to be disturbed. It is acceptable to light candles but
this is a matter of personal choice. Play some soft music in the
background. Many pieces have been written specifically for use
in a Reiki treatment and you will find a large selection of them
on YouTube music.

Lather up; simply wash your hands under running water

lathering well with soap. This simple procedure helps dispel any
negative vibrations you may have been carrying around with

Ensure the recipient is in a comfortable position either lying

down or seated. A therapy bed or reclining chair are both
excellent for this purpose.

The recipient should remove their shoes and loosen any tight

Protect yourself. When performing any therapy you should

always protect yourself to avoid any negative vibes which the
recipient has been carrying around transferring to you. This is
quite simple to do, with your eyes closed picture yourself in a
bubble of light hold the intention that you remain in this
protective bubble throughout the session.

Before beginning any Reiki session you should take a moment

with eyes closed and hands held out palms upward to receive
the Universal energy. This is known as the receiving position
and is shown in the following picture (see Image 1).

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Receiving Universal Energy

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 1)

 Take time to give thanks for the Reiki energy and ask that
it be used for the highest good of the recipient.

 Begin the treatment with the facial hand position then

follow the hand positions shown in this file to give a full
treatment. Each position should be maintained for three to
four minutes; spending longer on any area you feel needs
extra energy.

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 Trust that the Reiki energy will flow freely through you. It
is not necessary for you to try to make this happen. Just
relax with the intention that the energy will flow.


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Positions for self treatment

Head and Neck Treatment

Position 1

As shown in the picture, cup your hands over your face covering
eyes and nose with the finger tips touching your hairline.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 2

Place your hands in the position shown on the picture resting

them gently on your head. Pressure should not be applied.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 3

As you see there are two ways to perform this movement (see
image 2 and 3). Choose the one which feels most comfortable
and follow the hand positions shown in the pictures.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 2)

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Position 3 (continued)

Image Copyright RosemaryImage

Owencopyright Rosemary
Hypnotherapy Owen
(Image 3)
Image 3 Hypnotherapy

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Position 4

Place your right hand on your upper chest area and left hand
cupped loosely at your throat. Follow the hand position in the

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Body Treatment

Position 5

In all of these positions follow the example of the pictures


Place your hands covering your entire breast.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 6

Place your hands below your breast with middle fingers


Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 7

With your lower edge of the hand resting on your waistline

repeat the position of level 6.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 8

Dropping down one hand width again repeat the position.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 9

With your hands pointing downward, thumbs and index fingers

touching allow the tips of your fingers to lightly touch the pubic

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Back Treatment

Once again carefully follow the hand positions shown.

Position 10

Place your hands on your shoulder muscles with the finger tips
of your middle fingers touching the indentation on either side of
the spine (see images 4 and 5).

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 4)

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Position 10 (continued)

Choose one move from the two pictures; you should go with
whichever feels most comfortable for you.

The pictures are self explanatory and easy to follow.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 5)

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Position 11

Place one hand above the other covering each side of the spine.
The lower of the two hands should be resting on the waistline.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 12

With your hands pointing downward touch the edges of your

hands and little fingers together and the heel of your hand at
the waistline with the tips of fingers touching the top of the

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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This completes the hand positions needed for a Reiki self healing

Please give yourself a Reiki treatment every day for the

next twenty one days.

This allows you to become familiar with the movements and

begins a purification process ensuring the Reiki energy is flowing

Do remember always to place your hands lightly as pressure is

not needed and could cause discomfort.

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Positions for Reiki treatment on others

Once again on all positions look carefully at the pictures and

imitate the hand position. Each position should be maintained
for around four minutes.

Head and Neck Treatment

Position 1

Stand behind the recipient and gently cup your hands over their
face, placing the heel of the hands at their hairline, index fingers
and thumbs touching (see images 6 and 7).

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 6)

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Position 1 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include the Third Eye Chakra,
the face, sinus area and ear nose and throat.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 7)

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Position 2

Place the heels of the hands on the crown, hands gently resting
on the skull and fingers pointing toward the ears (see images 8
and 9).

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 8)

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Position 2 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include The Crown Chakra,

head, and nervous and emotional balance areas.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 9)

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Position 3

Whilst the recipient is lying on their back, place your hands on

the back of their head. (In the picture my client laid on her
tummy only so the hand position could be clearly seen).

Images 10 and 11 show my thumb touching together but when

the client is laid on their back it will be your little fingers that
are touching together.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 10)

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Position 3 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include neck and upper spinal

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 11)

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Position 4

Hands resting on the upper chest area, position the heels of

your hands a little above the neck line with index fingers and
thumbs touching (see images 12 and 13).

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 12)

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Position 4 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include The Throat Chakra,

thyroid gland, throat and thymus.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 13)

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Body treatment

Position 5

Position your hands exactly as shown in the picture. Place your

Left hand on the Left side Clavicle and your Right hand on the
Right side Clavicle (see images 14 and 15).

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 14)

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Position 5 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include The Heart Chakra,

lungs and circulatory system.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 15)

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Position 6

Place your left hand under the breast line on the recipient’s
right side with your right hand in the same position on their left

The areas covered by this position include The Solar Plexus

Chakra, the sternum, spleen and digestive areas.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 7

(This is a two position move)

With your hands in the same place as position 6 move them

one hand’s width down the body (approximately 4 inches) and
complete the Reiki therapy, then move down the body again one
hands width and again complete the therapy.

The areas covered by this position include gall bladder and


Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 8

Please Note, for this position you must ensure that your hands
do not make contact with the recipients' body, hold them
above the genitalia in the hand position shown.

The areas covered by this position include The Sacral and

Base/Root Chakra, the reproductive organs and urinary tracts.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Back Treatment

Position 9

Place your left hand on the left shoulder blade and your right
hand on the right shoulder blade.

The areas covered by this position include neck and shoulders.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 10

Place your hands on the shoulder blades.

The areas covered by this position include heart and lung area.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 11

With your hands in the same position as the previous image

move them one hand’s width down the back, hold the position
and then once again move to the lower part of the back as
shown. (See images 16 and 17)

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 16)

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Position 11 (continued)

The areas covered by this position include lymph, diaphragm

and adrenal glands. The lower position covers the pelvic area,
reproductive and digestive system.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy (Image 17)

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Legs and Feet Treatment

Many Reiki masters do not teach the leg and foot positions
however I would like you to have a full knowledge of all
movements and so I am including them in your Reiki course.

Do remember in all positions to always place your hands lightly,

as pressure is not needed and could cause discomfort.

Never place the client in a position they are uncomfortable in.

Always ask your client if they have a preference when lying
down on the therapy bed, such as would they like the back rest
of the therapy bed raised any more than normal or whether they
would like extra pillows. Their comfort should always be you

When carrying out a therapy on the knee of a female client

make sure that a blanket or towel is placed to cover the upper
part of the legs.

The images shown are of the area's most commonly treated.

However as you grow in your Reiki experience you will find that
you can adapt treatment positions as required.

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Position 12

With one hand under the knee place your other hand to gently
cover the kneecap, and then repeat this therapy on the other

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 13

Place one hand under the ankle and the other covering the top
of the ankle, then repeat this therapy on the other ankle.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Position 14

Place one hand on the sole of the foot and the other cupped
across the top of the foot, and then repeat this therapy on the
remaining foot.

Image copyright Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy

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Receiving your Reiki Attunement and Certificate

Once you are familiar with the Level 1 requirements please

contact me via my website e-mail system to suggest a time and
date (in your own time zone) to receive the Reiki 1 distant

What is a Level 1 Distant Attunement

The level 1 attunement is intended to open you to the Reiki

energy allowing it to flow freely throughout your being. This is
the first attunement on your Reiki journey. Once this is
completed you will receive your Level 1 certificate.

This completes your Reiki Level 1 training.

I hope you gain as much from your Reiki journey as I have done
from mine.

Peace and light in all of your endeavors.

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This document and its contents and images are copyrighted and are the sole intellectual
property of Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy. They are not to be copied, reprinted, reused, sold
or resold under any condition. The purchaser of the course gets exclusive rights to view the
information contained therein but must not assume ownership of the course this is and will
remain the sole property of Rosemary Owen Hypnotherapy. Page 49

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