User Manual: Script Submission System

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Script Submission System

Directorate of Management Information System

National Open University of Nigeria

Plot 91 Cadastral Zone, Jabi Abuja

January, 2018
SSS User Guide 2018

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
LOGIN PAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
HOME PAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 4
CREAT USER................................................................................................................................................... 5
CHANGE PASSWORD ..................................................................................................................................... 5
RESET PASSWORD ......................................................................................................................................... 6
VIEW ENVELOPES .......................................................................................................................................... 6
CREATE ENVELOP .......................................................................................................................................... 7
TAKING ATTENDANCE (SCRIPT SUBMISSION) ........................................................................................... 9
UPLOAD ENVELOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 12
CHANGE STUDY CENTER ............................................................................................................................. 14
LOGIN AS NORMAL-USER............................................................................................................................ 15
NORMAL-USER HOME PAGE ................................................................................................................... 16
VIEW ENVELOPES .................................................................................................................................... 17
CREATE ENVELOP .................................................................................................................................... 17
TAKING ATTENDANCE (SCRIPT SUBMISSION) ......................................................................................... 19
LOGOUT ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

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This platform is designed to mitigate the manual process of taking students attendance during Pen on
Paper (POP) examination.

The system has two access levels

 Admin User Access Level and

 Normal User Access Level

To Login to the system as Admin follow these steps:

Note: You have to activate the server by selecting the study center to use the server

1. Open any latest version of web-browser installed on your system (Internet Explorer Not
2. Type the server I.P address in your web-address bar, successful I.P address will direct you to
screen below:

The platform allows the admin user to login with their official email addresses as username, and their
default password, which will be provided to them through official email.

If Successful, the system directs the user to the platform HOME PAGE.

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The home page is the first page you see when you log in to the Script Submission System. It
consists of a number of menus that you need to be familiar with as you can see from the
screenshot below; the first displays a dashboard which displays;

 COURSES: This shows the number of courses taken (with envelops created), also there
is a summary table below that gives details of the courses (course code, course title,
number of envelops and number of scripts.
 ACTIVE ENVELOPS: The next information at the top of the page is the ACTIVE
ENVELOPS which shows the number of envelops that have been created.
 SCRIPTS: This shows the exact number of scripts submitted in the system.
 UPLOADED SCRIPTS: This shows the exact number of scripts that have been uploaded
into the MIS Server. Uploaded Scripts should always equal total Scripts

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This is for the admin user to create normal users what will take attendance and receive scripts

 Click the Create User and system display the screenshot below:
 Fill the form with the correct details
 Click CREATE the system display success or error for invalid information.

This function allows both admin user and the normal user to change their password.

 Click on Change Password

 Fill the correct details
 Click Submit

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This function is for admin users to use to reset normal user/other admin users password, if the
password is forgotten.

This menu allows admin user to view all the envelopes and number of scripts contain in each
envelope created by all users and their upload status. An admin user can create an envelope
when necessary.

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Note: Meaning of the different Upload Status

Empty: The envelope doesn’t contain any record to upload

None: This means none of the records in the envelope has been uploaded

Partial: This means some records inside a particular envelope have been uploaded while some
are still pending

Complete: This means all the record in the envelop have been successfully uploaded

Merge: This is a status that appears only when the status of an envelope is “None”

NOTE: Merge only happens when the envelopes involved have less than 50 scripts and the
total after merging would 50 scripts or less

This function is mainly for the normal users to CREATE new envelope for the course in which
the attendance will be taken, although admin users can also create envelope when necessary.

 Click on “Create Envelope”

 Select the time of exam
 Select course
 Click CREATE button

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On success the system will display as below:

Click Close button, the systemm will return to Course/Envelope Summary page with the list of
all created envelopes indicating Empty in the upload status as shown below:

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Opened envelope

Click on the envelope code to open the envelope

Type the student matric number where it reads “Type Matric Number”

 After inputting the student matric number click Search

 Student that has registered exam for that particular course will display a screenshot
shown below

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On Click Submit: The system return successfully added Envelope……..

 Student that has not registered exam for that particular course will display a screenshot
shown below

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 Student that is attempting submit twice for a particular course, the system will display a
screenshot shown below

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The upload envelope page enables us to upload the created envelops into central MIS database
and also counts the number of records being uploaded. The screenshot below shows an
envelope with no uploaded records.

 Click on the upload button

 Take note of the number of scripts not yet uploaded
 Click on “click me for online upload” until the count is zero(0)
 Click on “Click me for backup records” to backup on the local machine
 Send the downloaded backup records to

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Upload Page

Note: The “upload rate” drop down menu is used to select the number of records to be
uploaded at a button click (100, 50, 20, 10). This is used in case you have a poor internet
connection and much record can’t be uploaded at once.

Another thing you can do here is to back up all your records on the local machine and monitor
your upload rate.

you are expected to back up your records at the end of everyday.

Click on “Click me to backup records”

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This function allows the admin officer to change Study Center on conditions below:

If your center has more than one server allocation and the nearest study center request
one due to one reason or another.

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The normal-user is the one in charge of taken the attendance; he/she have the following role in
the SSS:

1. Create an envelope
2. Take attendance

Login as Normal-user

The normal-user will log in to the system using the same server I.P address and Login Screen is
the same as show in 1.1 LOGIN PAGE

As login to the system the first action to perform is to change his/her Password, which is
mandatory without doing so he/she cannot do anything in SSS.

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The home page is the first page you see when you log in to the Script Submission System
software. It consist of a number of items that you need to be familiar with as you can see from
the pictorial representation below; what you first see at the top of this page are the;

 COURSES which shows the number of courses to be taken in a specific day and time,
here you will find a table that consists of the course code, course title the, number of
envelops and the number of scripts.
 The next item at the top of the page is the ACTIVE ENVELOPS which shows the number
of envelops that have been created in the specific day.
 The SCRIPTS which shows the exact number of scripts that was recorded in a particular
day during a specific examination.
 UPLOADED SCRIPTS which shows the exact number of scripts that have been uploaded
into the system in a particular day.

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This menu allows admin user to view all the envelopes and number of scripts contain in each
envelope created by all users and their upload status. An admin user can create an envelope
when necessary.

Note: Meaning of the different Upload Status

Empty: The envelope doesn’t contain any record to upload

None: This means none of the records in the envelope has been uploaded

Partial: This means some records inside a particular envelope have been uploaded while some
are still pending

Complete: This means all the record in the envelop have been successfully uploaded

Merge: This is a status that appears only when the status of an envelope is “None”

NOTE: Merge only happens when the envelopes involved have less than 50 scripts and the
total after merging would 50 scripts or less

This function is mainly for the normal users to CREATE new envelope for the course in which
the attendance will be taken, although admin users can also create envelope when necessary.

 Click on “Create Envelope”

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 Select the time of exam
 Select course
 Click CREATE button

On success the system will display as below:

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Click Close button, the systemm will return to Course/Envelope Summary page with the list of
all created envelopes indicating Empty in the upload status as shown below:


Opened envelope

Click on the envelope code to open the envelope

Type the student matric number where it reads “Type Matric Number”

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 After inputting the student matric number click Search
 Student that has registered exam for that particular course will display a screenshot
shown below

On Click Submit: The system return successfully added Envelope……..

 Student that has not registered exam for that particular course will display a screenshot
shown below

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 Student that is attempting submit twice for a particular course, the system will display a
screenshot shown below

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