Pilgrim Bank C Questions

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Pilgrim Bank (A) Case

The following questions are simply meant as a guideline for you to think about the case.
You must think about the whole case (as a business problem) and come prepared to
discuss the case in class. You will not have to turn any report in for this case.

• What are the rationales behind the opposing strategies of charging fees for online
use versus offering positive incentives for using the online channel?

• We know that the average customer profitability of the sample is $111.50. What
can we conclude about the profit of the entire population of Pilgrim’s retail

• How does Profit online compare to Profit offline?

• Compare Profit online versus Profit offline controlling for demographics.

(District is a categorical variable) What can you say?

• Explore the missing data and its impact on your analysis.

Pilgrim Bank (B) Case Questions

• Explore drivers of customer profitability (i.e., how well customer attributes in

1999 explain and predict customer profitability in 2000).
• Explore drivers of customer retention (i.e., how well customer attributes in 1999
explain and predict whether a customer stayed with the bank in 2000).

Pilgrim Bank (C) Case Questions

• Explore the impact of electronic billpay option on customer retention.

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