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46 FLIGHT International, {0 January 1974

TURBINE ENGINES OF THE WORLD RS.360 Gem Free-turbine three-shaft turboshaft. GE and
Rolls-Royce (1971) signed an agreement in 1971, later ex-
tended to the end of 1973, for the US company to explore
licensed manufacture also by Alfa Romeo and Orenda. To- the market in America for the 900 s.h.p. RS.360 Gem turbo-
gether with civil CJ610 version and the CF700 aft-fan deriva- shaft. GE also holds an option to license manufacture. The
tive, the series has flown more than 14' 2 million hours since RS.360 is the commercial designation for the BS.360-07 engine
production deliveries started over eleven years ago. The latest powering the Westland WG.13 Lynx helicopter, a version of
version is the J85-GE-21 powering the Northrop F-5E Tiger which is a contender in the US Navy's Lamps (Light Air-
II, production deliveries of which started early last year to borne Multi-Purpose System) programme. See also page 53.
the USAF. Northrop sees a market for up to 1,000 F-5Es
world-wide by 1980, indicating a worthwhile future in addi-
tion to the more than 8,000 J85s already built. Recent flame- T58 Free-turbine two-shaft turboshaft. The T58 has been
out problems with the J85-GE-21 in the F-5E are in process extensively produced for US Navy and USAF helicopters, and
of being resolved. is license-built by Rolls-Royce (1971), Alfa Romeo and Ishi-
kawajima-Harima Industries. There is also a joint pro-
Applications and projects. Aeritalia G-91Y (2X4,0801b A/B gramme with Rolls-Royce (1971) for development to higher
J85-GE-13D); Canadair CL-41G (2X2,9501b J85-J4); Cessna ratings (the R-R version being the Gnome). The commercial
A-37A (2X2,8501b J85-GE-17A); McDonnell Douglas ADM-20C version of the engine, the CT58, was the first US helicopter
Quail (1X J85-GE-7); Northrop T-38A (2X3,8501b A/B J85-GE- turbine to enter airline service.
5J); Northrop F-5A and -5B (2X4,0801b A/B J85-GE-13D);
Northrop F-5E Tiger II (2X5,0001b A/B J85-GE-21); Rockwell Applications and projects. Bell X-22A (4X1,250 s.h.p. YT58-
International OV-10BZ Bronco (2XJ85); Rockwell Interna- GE-8D); Bell UH-1F (1X1,272 s.h.p. T58-GE-3); Boeing Vertol
tional T-2C and -2D (2X2,9501b J85-GE-4A); Rockwell Inter- CH-46D and UH-46D (2X1,400 s.h.p. T58-GE-10); Boeing Vertol
national XFV-12A rig (2X2,9501b J85-GE-4A); Saab 105X7 CH-46E (2X1,870 s.h.p. T58-GE-16); Boeing Vertol Model 107
(2X2,8501b J85-GE-17); Teledyne Ryan MQM-34D Model II Fire- (2X1,250 s.h.p. CT58-110 or 2X1,400 s.h.p. CT58-140);
bee (1XJ85). Sikorsky HH-3 (2X1,500 s.h.p. T58-GE-5); Sikorsky SH-3
(2X1,350 s.h.p. T58-GE-8F); Sikorsky SH-3D and -3H (2X1,400
J85-GE-21 Nine-stage compressor, annular combustor, two- s.h.p. T58-GE-10); Sikorsky S-67 Blackhawk (2X1,500 s.h.p.
stage turbine, afterburner with variable convergent-diver- T58-GE-5); Sikorsky S-61 (2X1,500 s.h.p. CT58-110); Sikorsky
gent nozzle. Take-off 3,5001b basic, rising with re-heat to S-62A (1X1,500 s.h.p. CT58-110-11.
5,0001b; pressure ratio 8-1:1; mass flow 52-01b/sec; length T58-GE-16 Ten-stage compressor, annular combustor, two-
112-5in; diameter 21in; weight 6751b. stage compressor and power turbines. Integral rear-mounted
gearbox. Take-off 1,870 s.h.p.; pressure ratio 8-4:1; mass flow
J97 Single-shaft turbojet with afterburner. Derived from the 13-71b/sec; length 63-6in; width 20-7in; height 21-5in; weight
GE1/J1 series of turbojets (utilising the 5,0001b GE1 core 4401b.
engine), the J97 is a USAF-financed high-performance turbo-
jet of compact design for RPV and drone installations. Its
main application in the Boeing YQM-94A Compass Cope B T64 (CT64) Free-turbine two shaft turboshaft and turboprop.
RPV (see also AiResearch F104) suffered a setback in August Primarily a turboshaft, the T64 powers a variety of US Army,
1973 when the first of two prototypes crashed. Other applica- Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps helicopters, a potentially
tions are in the Teledyne Ryan AQM-91A surveillance drone, important addition being the Sikorsky YCH-53E (3X3,925 s.h.p.
and a Nasa V/Stol research vehicle. T64-GE-413A or 3X4,380 s.h.p. T64-GE-415) which has been
YJ97-GE-100 Fourteen-stage compressor, annular combustor, financed by the USN and USMC for two prototypes to be
two-stage turbine, afterburner. Take-off 5,2701b basic, rising flown and evaluated this year. An impending turboprop
with re-heat to approximately 8,0001b; pressure ratio 13• 8:1; application is the Aeritalia G.222 at present flying with two
length 109-5in; diameter 24-4in; weight 6941b. 3,400 s.h.p. T64/P4Ds. GE is understood to be developing a
5,000 s.h.p. T64 variant for the production aircraft. Manufac-
ture of the T64 is licensed to Motoren- und Turbinen-Union,
J101 Single-shaft "leaky" turbojet with afterburner. Initi- Fiat and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries. Civil version
ated as a GE private venture (under the designation GE15; of the engine is the CT64.
J1A5), using the scaled-down F101 core engine, the J101 was
awarded a USAF development contract in April 1972 for the Applications and projects. Aeritalia G.222 (2X3,400 s.h.p.
twin-engined Northrop YF-17 lightweight fighter; the turbo- T64/P4D); Canadair SCS CL-84-8 (2XT64); de Havilland DHC-5
jet has also been selected to power the very similar Northrop (2X2,970 s.h.p. CT64-820-1); de Havilland Canada C-8A (2X
P-530 Cobra. Five engines and a core are being used in the 2,765 s.h.p. T64-GE-10); Kawasaki P-2J (2X2,765 s.h.p. T64-GE-
development programme which was planned to have re- 10); Shin Meiwa PS-1 (4X2,765 s.h.p. T64-GE-10); Sikorsky
sulted in PFRT (Preliminary Flight Test Rating) approval CH-53A (2X3,080 s.h.p. T64-GE-6); Sikorsky CH-53C, HH-53C
in November last year, with about l,300hr testing completed and -53-D (2X3,936 s.h.p. T64-GE-7A); Sikorsky CH-53D
at that point. Initial deliveries of JlOls to Northrop are (2X3,925 s.h.p. T64-GE-413A); Sikorsky RH-53D (2X4,380 s.h.p.
imminent to meet a YF-17 first-flight date in April. There is T64-GE-415).
no commitment by the USAF to a production order for T64-GE-415 Ten-stage compressor, annular combustor, two-
either the YF-17 or the competing General Dynamics YF-16, stage compressor and power turbines. Direct drive. Maximum
but for the P-530 Cobra type of aircraft Northrop sees a power 4,380 s.h.p.; pressure ratio 14:1; mass flow 281b/sec;
worldwide m a r k e t of around 1,000 units. length 79-0in; diameter 20-0in; weight 7201b.
YJ101-GE-100 Ten-stage compressor, annular combustor, two-
stage turbine, close-coupled afterburner operating on turbine T700 (GE12) Free-turbine two-shaft turboshaft. Likely to be
exhaust and a permanent compressor air bleed. Take-off built in very considerable numbers over the next decade, the
15,0001b with reheat; pressure ratio over 20:1; length 142in; T700 is under US Army-financed development for the two
diameter 32-5in. competing Uttas (Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System)
twin-engined helicopters, the Boeing Vertol YUH-61A and
LF460 Single-shaft lift-fan. This is one of a number of tur- Sikorsky YUH-60A. The T700 first ran in February 1973 and
bine tip-drive lift-fans being studied by GE as part of a con- should be ready for ground-testing in an airrcaft by March.
tinuing programme of Nasa-financed work on this mode of Flight-qualified T700s are scheduled to be supplied to Boeing
V/Stol propulsion. Among Nasa-sponsored airframe studies Vertol and Sikorsky in August, preparatory to first flights in
is a Rockwell International transport design embodying six November. Thereafter a production contract should be
YJ97-GE-100 gas-generators energising six LF460A lift-fans, awarded to the winning contractor in March 1977, with
each of approximately 10,0001b thrust. deliveries to the Army following in mid-1978. Both airframe
companies are to build commercial versions of their Uttas
Nasa QCSee Two-shaft turbofan. GE was awarded an ap- designs, the Boeing Vertol Model 179 and Sikorsky S-70 respec-
proximately $31 million, £13-2 million contract by Nasa in tively, and similarly both companies are developing designs
October 1973 to design, build and test two non-flying QCSee for the US Navy, in particular for the Lamps (Light Airborne
(Quiet Clean Short-haul Experimental Engines) units over Multi-Purpose Systems) competition for which a contractor is
a 56-month period. This award followed detailed preliminary to be selected this spring. In addition the T700 powers both
design studies during 1972/73 in which Detroit Diesel Allison competing designs in the US Army's AAH (Advanced Armed
and Hamilton Standard also participated — and no doubt Helicopter) programme being built by Bell and Hughes. A
recognises GE's extensive work under Nasa's earlier Quiet competitive fly-off between these two twin-engined helicop-
Engine programme. For QCSee, GE is required to demon- ters is scheduled for 1976. A further potential application for
strate exhaust emission levels as proposed by the US the T700 is via the US Army's Advanced Scout Helicopter
Environmental Protection Agency for 1979, and to achieve study where new or existing airframes may use the GE
a 90EPNdB noise footprint on take-off and landing no larger turboshaft. Rated shaft power of the T700 on test is 1,538 s.h.p.,
than 12 sq mile. somewhat above specification.

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