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TEST I. True or False : Direction: Write A if the statement is correct and write B if the statement is in-
correct. Use black or blue pen NO ERASURE.

1. Most sociologists hold that biology determines behavior.

2. Steven Goldberg argues that men’s tendency to dominate is inborn.
3. According to one theory, women were able to gain more knowledge about the world
than men in ancient times because the women were the ones who usually connected
with people outside their groups.
4. Legitimate power is called authority.
5. Efficient communications systems led to the development of extensive political
6. To understand why people go to war, sociologists focus on the fact that humans are an
innately violent species
7. All households are made up of families.
8. Our society still exhibits elements of a patriarchal system.
9. The taboo against incest makes family members understand how they are supposed to
play their roles.
10. Romantic love is based on both thoughts and feelings.
11. “boomerang children” are irresponsible.
12. Men are more likely than women to survive their spouses.
13. Because of the development of international human rights and international aid,
education in the least industrialized societies looks very much like education in the
most industrialized societies.
14. Sociologists believe that a nation’s education is intimately tied to its culture.
15. Conflict theorists stress that hidden curriculum helps to perpetuate social inequalities.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Read carefully and analyze the given question. Write the letter
only of a correct answer. NO ERASURE.

1. __________ sex characteristics are those involved in reproducing.

a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary

2. Secondary sex characteristics __________.

a. are characteristics you have when you are born b. emerge as you get older
c. occur in males, but not in females d. are identical in males and females

3. Which is an example of a male developing secondary sex characteristics?

a. When Mike turns 16, he decides to go into the Army.
b. When Trevor turns 13, he realizes that a real man takes responsibility for his actions
and stands up for himself.
c. When Arthur turns 14, he goes through a growth spurt, his voice changes, and he gets
hair on his chin and chest.
d. When Steve turns 15, he starts making out with girls.
4. Which of the following statements would be made by someone who holds the standard
sociological view?
a. Biology is the primary cause of how people’s behavior is influenced.
b. Behavior is primarily determined by cultural influences.
c. People’s actions are genetically predetermined.
d. Female behavior is preordained, but male behavior is culturally determined.

5. One theory holds that male domination originated because __________.

a. women were preoccupied with having and taking care of children
b. men were threatened by women’s success, so they threatened to leave until women
greed men could be in charge
c. men staged a successful rebellion and overthrew the women who were originally in
d. men were upset they could not be the ones to bear children

6. Which of the following is an example of sex typing?

a. Jill, a female, bakes the bread in the commune because that is considered women’s
b. Typing is considered an appropriate job for both men and women.
c. Welding is considered an appropriate job for both men and women.
d. Zeke, a male, types up a lecture on reproduction.

7. The __________ is hard to see, but it keeps women from getting to the top.
a. glass ceiling b. clouded blanket c. crooked elevator d. cement in the pipeline

8. When parents exercise authority over their children, it is an example of __________?

a. charismatic authority b. rational–legal authority
c. traditional authority d. illegitimate authority

9. Charismatic leaders pose a threat to established leaders because __________.

a. they are elected by the people b. they are not as corrupt
c. they are not regulated by tradition or law, only the people
d. the majority of charismatic leaders are religious leaders

10. Authority in a democracy comes from __________.

a. tradition b. the people c. charismatic rulers d. religion

11. What is the difference between a representative democracy and a direct democracy?
a. A direct democracy allows every person to have a voice and vote on each issue.
b. A representative democracy relies more on charismatic authority.
c. Direct democracy consists of decision making by a few elected leaders.
d. Representative democracy exists only in theory, not in practice.

12. A group of people who support a particular issue and who can be mobilized for political action is a
a. lobbyist b. demographic c. voting bloc d. special-interest group

13. A system of producing goods and services is known as __________.

a. socialism b. capitalism c. an economy d. an industrial society

14. The earliest humans had __________ economic systems.

a. hunting and gathering b. pastoral c. agricultural d. industrial

15. Polygyny occurs when __________.

a. a man has two or more wives b. a woman has two or more husbands
c. someone marries a person who is from a different group
d. someone marries a person who is from the same group

16. Endogamy occurs when __________.

a. a man has two or more wives b. a woman has two or more husbands
c. someone marries a person who is from the same group
d. someone marries a person who is from a different group

17. Functionalists focus on the ways in which the family __________.

a. makes sure society is perpetuated b. allows some members to dominate others
c. comes to an understanding about who should do what tasks in the household
d. puts down women

18. Parents teaching children to do chores would be an example of __________.

a. enabling the economic pursuits of the family b. ensuring children are socialized
c. making sure the elderly are protected d. ensuring the society continues to be populated

19. The conflict perspective examines __________ in families.

a. utility b. meaning c. power d. purpose

20. On which of the following scenarios would a conflict theorist focus?

a. a mother smiling and laughing at her new baby
b. parents teaching their children how to handle money
c. a grandparent coming to live with the family and help take care of the children
d. a husband and wife fighting over which investments the family should make

21.Which of the following illustrates what is of interest to symbolic interactionists?

a. how much money the household has to spend
b. how much housework a husband thinks he should do
c. how much the mother controls the family
d. how much society impacts the family

22. The empty nest refers to a situation in which __________.

a. people have no money left
b. children leave independence behind and come back to live with their parents
c. the family’s children are grown and no longer live at home
d. the family home has been destroyed in a disaster, such as a fire, tornado, or hurricane

23. “Adultolescents” would likely argue that they __________.

a. make too much money to live with their parents
b. have every right to continue to act like teenagers as long as they live on their own
c. have tried to please their parents too much
d. cannot afford to live on their own

24. Which of the following is characteristic of the credential society?

a. Diplomas and degrees determine who gets jobs even if the actual diploma is not relevant to the
specific job.
b. Personal networks, not diplomas, are what people use to get jobs.
c. Jobs come first and then people earn the diplomas that justify their position.
d. Our society gives a lot of credit to people with jobs.

25. Which of the following is characteristic of the credential society?

a. Diplomas and degrees determine who gets jobs even if the actual diploma is not relevant to the
specific job.
b. Personal networks, not diplomas, are what people use to get jobs.
c. Jobs come first and then people earn the diplomas that justify their position.
d. Our society gives a lot of credit to people with jobs.

26. The transmission of mainstream values is __________.

a. particular to the United States educational system
b. explicitly not a part of the education system
c. a manifest function of education
d. a specific part of the curriculum in most countries

27. What is a role that schools fill that used to belong to families?
a. nurturing b. sex education c. health care d. religious instruction

28. Conflict theorists stress that the way schools are funded __________.
a. results in an equal educational experience for all citizens
b. is good in theory but falls apart in practice
c. discriminates against the poor
d. is against the Constitution

29. What did Emile Durkheim call a system of beliefs and practices that separate the profane
from the sacred and its adherents into a moral community?
a. church b. profane c. sacred d. religion

30. What are the main elements of religion?

a. beliefs, practices, a moral community b. morality, ethics, recruitment
c. judgment, afterlife, socialization d. evangelism, baptism, marriage

31. How do functionalists explain the universality of religion?

a. Powerful leaders use religion to exert control. b. God is present everywhere.
c. Religion meets universal human needs.
d. Religious impulses are a part of the human genetic code.

32. Which of the following is a function of religion?

a. social solidarity b. economic development
c. organizing goods and services d. health and wellness

33. Daily prayers, marriage ceremonies, and coming of age rites of passage are examples of ___.
a. cult activities b. charisma c. cosmology d. rituals

34. Which of the following religious organizations offer a new kind of religious interpretation?
a. cult b. sect c. church d. ecclesia

35. Another term for a state religion where religion is extremely integrated into culture is
a. cult b. sect c. church d. ecclesia
III. ESSAY: Choice at least 2 question and depend your answer. (10 point each).
1. Why do states bother with educating citizens? Why not just leave it up to individual
amilies and private educational companies to establish schools and educate children?

2. How might it help women to delay getting married and having children? How might
such delays hurt them? How do women’s experiences in these matters contrast with the
experiences of men who delay marriage and procreation?

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