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F3: Heat Transfer in Forced Convection

Date of Experiment: 13th August, 2019

By: Thejeshwara Reddy P. (17XJ1A0337)

Other Group Members:

Rishik Reddy M. (17XJ1A0339)

Rahul K. (17XJA0338)
4.1 Introduction:

Convection is the mode of heat transfer with fluid as a medium for transferring heat from one point to
another. There are two types of convection: natural and forced convection.

Natural convection uses the density variation of unevenly heated fluid to provide heat transfer. The
fluid molecules nearby the hot surface gets heated up by conduction. Since, the fluid above the surface is
cold, the hot molecules tend to rise and move away from the surface. The relatively cold molecules tend
to occupy the places left by the hot rising molecules. This process repeats until the entire atmosphere
gets heated up and reaches a steady state.

Forced convection involves the use of blowers or other source to drive the fluid faster.

4.2 Experimental Setup:

The apparatus consists of a blower to supply air. The air from the blower passes through a flow passage,
heater. Air flow is measured by an orifice meter placed near the flow pipe. The heat transfer values are
taken down as T1, T2, and T3 p to T6. Temperature of the air at inlet and at outlet is measured using
thermocouples. And the volts to be set for 40V, 45V, 50V and the ampere readings to noted down.

4.3 Results and Discussions:

Table 4.3.1:

For 40 V and 0.296 Amp.

V(Volt) I(amps) T1(ºC) T2(ºC) T3(ºC) T4(ºC) T5(ºC) T6(ºC) Manometer

OFF 40 0.296 35.9 47.3 51.1 54.5 52.9 40.3 19
ON 40 0.296 33.9 39.9 40.8 43.2 43.8 36.8 19
Q a = 31.12 J/s

m = 0.0107 kg/s

h = 94.28 Watt/m^2 ºC

ΔH = 15.49 m of air

Q = 1.37 * 10^ (-4) m3/s

Ts = 41.925 ºC

Ta = 35.35 ºC

Table 4.3.2:

For 45 V and 0.333 Amp.

V(Volt) I(amps) T1(ºC) T2(ºC) T3(ºC) T4(ºC) T5(ºC) T6(ºC) Manometer

OFF 45 0.333 35.3 45.3 48.0 51.2 50.6 39.1 19
ON 45 0.333 33.8 41.2 42.6 45.0 44.7 37.0 19
Q a = 34.5 J/s

m = 0.0107 kg/s

ΔH = 15.49 m of air

h = 85.80 Watt/m^2 ºC

Q = 1.37 * 10^ (-4) m3/s

Ts = 43.375 ºC

Ta = 35.4 ºC

Table 4.3.3:

For 50 V and 0.370 Amp.

V(Volt) I(amps) T1(ºC) T2(ºC) T3(ºC) T4(ºC) T5(ºC) T6(ºC) Manometer

OFF 50 0.370 35.9 51.5 56.6 60.7 59.1 40.8 22

ON 50 0.370 33.3 43.0 43.6 45.6 46.0 37.3 22

Q a = 42.94 J/s

m = 0.0116 kg/s

ΔH = 17.94 m of air

h = 92.47 Watt/m^2 ºC

Q = 1.45 * 10^ (-4) m3/s

Ts = 44.55 ºC

Ta = 35.3 ºC

4.4 Conclusions:

From the above experiment, we found out the heat transfer co-efficient (h) for different temperatures and
volts. There is an increasing trend for the values of T1 to T5 and then it decreases for T6 which is
present in the out let.

4.5 Appendix:

U = Q a / (A*(Ts - Ta)) = 31.13 / (0.0502* 6.575) = 94.31 Watt/m^2

Ts = (T2 + T3 + T4 + T5) / 4 = (39.9 + 40.8 + 43.2 + 43.8)/ 4 = 41.925 ºC

Ta = (T6 +T1)/ 2 = (33.9 + 36.8) /2 = 35.35 ºC

ΔH = R ((ῥ w/ῥ a) -1) = 0.019*((1000/1.225) -1) = 15.49 m

Q = (Co π dp2 do2 (2g* ΔH) 1/2))/ (4*(dp2 - do2)1/2)

= (0.62* π*(0.028*0.028)*(0.02*0.02)*(2*10*15.49)1/2)/ (4* ((0.028*0.028)-(0.02*0.02))1/2)

= 1.37* 10^ (-4) m3/s

Q a = m Cp ΔT = 0.0107*1003.2*2.9 = 31.13 J/s

ΔT = T6 –T1 = (36.8 – 33.9) = 2.9 ºC

m = ῥ a C d A p (2g* ΔH) ½ = 1.225 * 0.62 * 0.00080424 *(2*10* 15.49)1/2 = 0.0107 kg/s

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