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Q1. The vessel in which you are the Chief Engineer is about to be laid up for 3 months for commercial
reasons. All equipment and machinery on board require to be preserved during the lay-up period for re-
commissioning when required. Describe the actions you will take as Chief Engineer to prepare the
Axillary diesel engine for preserving during the lay-up period.
2018/SR09 2018/OCT 2018/DEC 2019/JAN 2019/FEB 2019/AUG

Q2. Discuss the procedure of entry into force of An IMO convention after its adoption? State the provision
and its importance towards entry into force of the convention. For a convention of important technical
nature state the general rules/conditions observed by the states for its entry into force. Explain the
terms (i) Accession (ii) Signature subject to Ratification, acceptance or approval. 2019/APR 2019/JULY 2019/AUG

Q3. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas
(SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge
for owners, operators and crews. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
(a) Cylinder lubrication strategies; (b) Cat-fines related issues; (c) Fuel change-over procedures.
2016/FEB 2016/APR 2016/JUN 2017/JUN 2019/JAN 2019/FEB 2019/APR 2019/AUG

Q4. A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of trouble free run of machineries,
optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonal conflicts and less intervention from shore authorities.
Considering the ship as an Organization how this can be best achieved?
2011/SR01 2011/SR06 2019/AUG

Q5. With reference to Marine Insurance, write short notes on following:

(a) Port of Refuge (b) Particular Average and General Average (c) Total Loss and Constructive Loss.

Q6. The initial IMO strategy for GHG reduction adopted at MEPC 72 is the first milestone set out in the
roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ship:
(a) Define the objectives of this Initial Strategy. (b) State the levels of ambition identified in the Initial Strategy.
(c) List out the small term, mid-term and long term candidate measures with possible timelines as
discussed in the IMO Strategy for reduction of GHG emissions. 2019/APR 2019/JULY 2019/AUG

Q7. With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on (a) Role of company (b) Advantage of drills and
exercises (c) Documented procedures (d) Management Review.
2018/SR09 2018/OCT 2018/DEC 2019/FEB 2019/AUG

Q8. Explain the following maritime terms: - A. Charter Party; B. Freight; C. Bare Boat charter; D. Bill of
Lading; E. Lay time; F. Demurrage and Off-hire.
2015/AUG 2017/OCT 2019/AUG

Q9. State the responsibilities and liabilities, under the Hague-Visible Rules of:
A. The Shipper
B. The Shipowners
And explain the difference between the Hague rules and Hague-Visby Rule.
JULY 2019

Q1. With reference to the 0.5% sulphur limit applied to residual fuel oils applicable from 1st Jan 2020,
enumerate the regulations in the MARPOL convention according which this limit is applied globally. Also
prepare a plan for changeover of ships fuel oil tanks and engine fuel oil systems to low (0.5%) sulphur
fuel oil so that the ships tanks are ready to comply with the new regulations.
2019/MAR 2019/JUN 2019/JULY

Q2. Discuss the principles of Marine Insurance. Explain each of the principle with suitable examples.
2018/MAR 2019/MAR 2019/JUN 2019/JULY

Q3. Discuss with merits and demerits of different principles used to operate reciprocating internal-
combustion engines on gas, with special focus on the following: a. Pre-mixed Low-pressure Gas injection. b. High-
pressure Gas injection Diesel - Gas engines. 2019/JAN 2019/APR 2019/JULY

Q4. Reference to the "Maritime Labour Convention" (MLC) 2006, discuss

a) Flag State and Port State responsibilities. b) On-board and On-shore complaint procedures.
c) Detainable deficiencies. d) Grievance redressal mechanisms for Indian seafarers.
2017/AUG 2019/JAN 2019/APR 2019/JULY

Q5. Your owner have asked you to propose suitable retrofit for your ship with Ballast water Management
Equipment, Give a reasoned response. You may make any assumptions but list the assumptions in the beginning.

Q6. Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
Oil Pollution Damage, 2001. Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ
from other similar Convention such as CLC’92. (a) Pollution damage; (b) Bunker oil; (c) Time limits for claims; (d)
Exclusions. 2018/APR 2018/JULY 2019/JAN 2019/APR 2019/JUN 2019/JULY

Q7. Discuss the procedure of entry into force of An IMO convention after its adoption? State the provision
and its importance towards entry into force of the convention. For a convention of important technical
nature state the general rules/conditions observed by the states for its entry into force. Explain the terms (i)
Accession (ii) Signature subject to Ratification, acceptance or approval.
2019/APR 2019/JULY

Q8. Define communication. Enumerate and discuss the different types of communications. Discuss the
various barriers to effective communication.
You are doing a main engine decarbonisation and the work is carried out in two groups, one working on
the cylinder head platform and the other group working in the bottom platform. Identify the areas in
this operation where there can be a hazard due to failure of communication. Also suggest risk mitigation
measures to mitigate the hazard of failure of communication.
2018/APR 2018/JULY 2018/SR09 2018/DEC 2019/FEB 2019/APR 2019/JUN 2019/JULY

Q9. The initial IMO strategy for GHG reduction adopted at MEPC 72 is the first milestone set out in the
roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ship:
(a) Define the objectives of this Initial Strategy. (b) State the levels of ambition identified in the Initial Strategy.
(c) List out the small term, mid-term and long term candidate measures with possible timelines as discussed in
the IMO Strategy for reduction of GHG emissions.
2019/APR 2019/JULY
JUNE 2019
Q1. Define communication. Enumerate and discuss the different types of communications. Discuss the
various barriers to effective communication.
You are doing a main engine decarbonisation and the work is carried out in two groups, one working on
the cylinder head platform and the other group working in the bottom platform. Identify the areas in
this operation where there can be a hazard due to failure of communication. Also suggest risk mitigation
measures to mitigate the hazard of failure of communication. 2018/DEC 2019/FEB 2019/APR 2019/JUN

Q2. State the UNCLOS requirements for member states (A) to register ships flagged with them and (B)
to control safety, pollution and civil/Social aspects of ships. (C) What mechanism is used in India to
comply with these requirements? 2017/FEB 2017/DEC 2018/APR 2018/JUL 2019/JUN

Q3. A. What is P&I clubs? Describe how P&I clubs collect fund from ship-owners;
B. What are the risks that are covered under the term “protection” and “indemnity?”
C. State briefly what are the advantages of the formation of a P&I club in India?
2010/JUN 2010/JUL 2010/FEB 2011/APR 2011/APR 2012/JUN 2014/OCT 2016/APR 2018/APR 2018/JUL 2019/JUN

Q4. With reference to port State control inspection;

(A) What are "clear grounds" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct a
more detailed inspection of the ship?
(B) List out five deficiencies, which may lead to detention of the vessel. Also, enumerate the cause of
such deficiency and preventive action you, as Chief Engineer, will take to avoid re-occurrence of such
detainable deficiencies. 2017/FEB 2017/FEB 2017/JUN 2017/DEC 2018/SR04 2018/JULY 2019/JUN

Q5. You are deputed by your company to a shipyard for taking delivery of a new ship fitted with an
intelligent engine for main propulsion. Assuming that you have never worked on these engines,
enumerate: A. How you would ascertain the items that need to be personally examined by you, &,
B. How you would carry out the examining of each item stated at ‘A.’ Confine you answers for ‘A. & ‘B.’
with respect to the main propulsion only.
2011/MAR 2018/JUN 2018/JULY 2019/JUN

Q6. With reference to the 0.5% sulphur limit applied to residual fuel oils applicable from 1st Jan 2020, enumerate
the regulations in the MARPOL convention according which this limit is applied globally. Also prepare a plan for
changeover of ships fuel oil tanks and engine fuel oil systems to low (0.5%) sulphur fuel oil so that the ships tanks
are ready to comply with the new regulations. 2019/MAR 2019/JUN

Q7. What are the principles of modern salvage law? What is General Average, explain in context of
General Average, A. Entitlement; B. Artificial; C. Adjustment; D. Contestation
2012/MAR 2016/APR 2017/FEB 2017/DEC 2018/APR 2018/JULY 2019/JUN

Q8. Discuss the principles of Marine Insurance. Explain each of the principle with suitable examples.
2018/MAR 2019/MAR 2019/JUN

Q9. Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
Oil Pollution Damage, 2001. Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ
from other similar Convention such as CLC’92. (a) Pollution damage; (b) Bunker oil; (c) Time limits for claims; (d)
Exclusions. 2018/APR 2018/JULY 2019/JAN 2019/APR 2019/JUN
Fuel Oil Changeover Plan

All ships should have a robust, ship specific Fuel Oil Changeover Plan that ensures that only compliant fuel is
being burnt on and after 1 January 2020. The plan should consist of step by step changeover procedures from
bunker tanks through to injection. The Fuel Oil Changeover Plan should include, as a minimum, the following:

• The date and time for commencement of the changeover procedure. This should be based on considerations
including the time needed to clean the fuel oil system (if required as per the ship’s Implementation Plan), and the
date of bunkering of the 0.50% Smax compliant fuels etc.;
• The identification of bunker tanks designated to receive and store the 0.50% Smax compliant fuel that will be
used for the changeover procedure; 22 Compliance with the 2020 ‘Global Sulphur Cap’
• Procedures and schedule for checking remote indication, transmitters, alarm and shutdown systems for fuel oil
storage, settling, service and overflow tanks, and for checking the availability of standby machinery to promptly
start in case of any issues. These checks should be carried out before initiating the changeover procedure;
• The time that would be required to changeover the fuel oil system to compliant fuel based on the maximum
volume of fuel in the system to be flushed. It is recommended that the changeover calculators provided by many
classification societies be used for this purpose;
• Detailed description of the navigational and operational safety considerations during the expected time of
commencement of the changeover procedure. This includes the sea traffic conditions, visibility, proximity to land,
load on the running engines, availability of standby engines etc.;
• Detailed description of the complete changeover procedure including the sequence of operation, location of
valves, pumps and heaters etc.;
• Associated changes in auxiliary systems. For example, purifier gravity discs for different viscosities, cylinder oil
with different base numbers etc.;
• Procedure for detailed checks of the system for leaks from pipes, flanges, glands, seals etc. during every step of
the changeover procedure;
• Continued checks on system parameters such as pressure, temperature, viscosity etc.;
• Procedures for operational checks on propulsion machinery which includes operation ahead and astern;
• Any required inspection or maintenance schedules; and
• Availability of a sufficient number of adequately trained and competent personnel to carry out the changeover
procedure. In addition to being familiar with the ship’s fuel system and its changeover procedure, the crew
involved should be adequately trained in contingency measures during any resultant emergencies such as fuel
leaks, fire, loss of power, local control of propulsion, and emergency manoeuvring. The Fuel Oil Changeover Plan
should also include measures to offload or consume any remaining noncompliant fuel. Ships will be prohibited
from carrying non-compliant fuel oil for combustion purposes for propulsion or operation on board the ship from
1 March 2020.

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