MEO CLASS 1 Question Papers 2019

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April 2019

Q1. Discuss the capital, voyage and operating costs of ship operation and explain Chief Engineer’s role
in optimizing them. What are the modern management principles used in Inventory control?

Q2. Discuss with merits and demerits of different principles used to operate reciprocating internal-
combustion engines on gas, with special focus on the following:
a. Pre-mixed Low-pressure Gas injection.
b. High-pressure Gas injection Diesel - Gas engines.

Q3. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas
(SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge
for owners, operators and crew. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
(a) Cylinder lubrication strategies;
(b) Cat-fines related issues;
(c) Fuel change-over procedures.

Q4. Reference to the "Maritime Labour Convention" (MLC) 2006, discuss

a) Flag State and Port State responsibilities.
b) On-board and On-shore complaint procedures.
c) Detainable deficiencies.
d) Grievance redressal mechanisms for Indian seafarers.

Q5. Describe the general structure of a Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, highlighting the
following methods of treatment: -
a) UV Treatment method
b) Gas Treatment method
c) Electrolysis method
d) Magnetic Separation method.

Q6. Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
Oil Pollution Damage, 2001. Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ
from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
(a) Pollution damage; (b) Bunker oil; (c) Time limits for claims; (d) Exclusions.

Q7. Discuss the procedure of entry into force of An IMO convention after its adoption? State the
provision and its importance towards entry into force of the convention. For a convention of important
technical nature state the general rules/conditions observed by the states for its entry into force. Explain
the terms (i) Accession (ii) Signature subject to Ratification, acceptance or approval.

Q8. Define communication. Enumerate and discuss the different types of communications. Discuss the
various barriers to effective communication.
You are doing a main engine decarbonisation and the work is carried out in two groups, one working on
the cylinder head platform and the other group working in the bottom platform. Identify the areas in
this operation where there can be a hazard due to failure of communication. Also suggest risk mitigation
measures to mitigate the hazard of failure of communication.

Q9. The initial IMO strategy for GHG reduction adopted at MEPC 72 is the first milestone set out in the
roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ship:
(a) Define the objectives of this Initial Strategy.
(b) State the levels of ambition identified in the Initial Strategy.
(c) List out the small term, mid-term and long term candidate measures with possible timelines as
discussed in the IMO Strategy for reduction of GHG emissions.
MARCH 2019
Q1. With reference to the 0.5% sulphur limit applied to residual fuel oils applicable from 1st Jan 2020,
enumerate the regulations in the MARPOL convention according which this limit is applied globally. Also
prepare a plan for changeover of ships fuel oil tanks and engine fuel oil systems to low (0.5%) sulphur
fuel oil so that the ships tanks are ready to comply with the new regulations.

Q2. One of the objectives of UNCLOS is protection of marine environment and prevention of pollution.
Define pollution as per UNCLOS and discuss the key features of obligations of coastal states in this

Q3. Explain Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation. As chief engineer onboard, stress the issues you
will address for lack of motivation, differences in attitude and to increase sense of competitiveness for
better management and effective control?

Q4. Discuss the principles of marine insurance. Explain each of the principle with suitable examples.
2018/MAR 2019/MAR

Q5. Define an ‘Unseaworthy ship’ within the meaning of MS Act 1958, as amended. Explain ‘detainable
deficiency’ with reference to a PSC inspection and describe the procedure to be followed for timely
release of a vessel detained for serious structural deficiencies under PSC.

Q6. Referring generally to a general Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, explain;
a. Requirements related to construction and technical performance.
b. Requirements related to onboard installation of the system.
c. Special requirements for tankers and ships carrying dangerous chemicals.

Q7. With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on (a) Masters Responsibility and Authority (b)
Advantage of drills and exercises (c) Internal Audits (d) Management Review.

Q8. In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was
badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will present
the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special emphasis on
the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are honored.

Q9. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issues you will address with proper
justification in the following areas:
a. Training Programmes
b. Long term personnel development concept
c. Attitude and motivation development
d. Emergency Response.
e. Coping up with stress.
Feb 2019

Q1. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas
(SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge
for owners, operators and crew. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
a) Cylinder lubrication strategies; b) Cat-fines related issues; c) Fuel change-over procedures.

Q2. Define communication. Enumerate and discuss the different types of communications. Discuss the
various barriers to effective communication. You are doing a main engine decarbonisation and the work
is carried out in two groups, one working on the cylinder head platform and the other group working in
the bottom platform. Identify the areas in this operation where there can be a hazard due to failure of
communication. Also suggest risk mitigation measures to mitigate the hazard of failure of

Q3. The vessel in which you are the Chief Engineer is about to be laid up for 3 months for commercial

reasons. All equipment and machinery on board require to be preserved during the lay-up period for re-
commissioning when required. Describe the actions you will take as Chief Engineer to prepare the main
propulsion diesel engine for preserving during the lay-up period.

Q4. A. Define an unseaworthy ship within the meaning of MS Act 1958, as amended.
B. Explain detainable deficiency with reference to a PSC inspection and
C. Describe the procedure to be followed for timely release of a vessel detained for serious structural
deficiencies under PSC.

Q5. Discuss the capital, voyage and operating costs of ship operation and explain Chief Engineer’s role
in optimizing them. What are the modern management principles used in Inventory control?

Q6. Describe the general structure of a Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, highlighting the
following methods of treatment: -
a) UV Treatment method
b) Gas Treatment method
c) Electrolysis method
d) Magnetic Separation method.

Q7. Illustrate the salient factors for “onboard training’ and standard of competence as laid out in STCW
95 Chapter III. Underline the specific roles a Chief Engineer needs to perform towards satisfactory
training of engine room personnel under the existing and new Regulation. What will be the criteria for
evaluating competence for onboard training by a Chief Engineer?
2011/FEB 2010/OCT 2010/AUG 2011/AUG 2015/AUG 2016/JUN 2017/OCT 2018/SR09 2018/NOV
Q8. Explain the key features of the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea? Enumerate the
various areas covered under this convention?
2013/SR01 2013/SR09 2018/SR09 2019/FEB

Q9. With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on (a) Role of company (b) Advantage of drills and
exercises (c) Documented procedures (d) Management Review.

Q1. The vessel in which you are the Chief Engineer is about to be laid up for 3 months for commercial
reasons. All equipment and machinery on board require to be preserved during the lay-up period for re-
commissioning when required. Describe the actions you will take as Chief Engineer to prepare the main
propulsion diesel engine for preserving during the lay-up period.
2018/SR09 2018/OCT 2018/DEC 2019/JAN

Q2. The utilization of renewable energy sources is currently benefiting from vast intonational attention
in many industrial fields, including shipping. Discuss the most promising technologies under
development for the utilization of non- conventional energy in shipping.

Q3. Discuss various techniques for 'Risk Assessment' applied onboard, with brief description on the
following techniques: -
a) Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).
b) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
c) Event Tree Analysis (ETA).

Q4. Discuss with merits and demerits of different principles used to operate reciprocating internal-
combustion engines on gas, with special focus on the following:
a. Pre-mixed Low pressure Gas injection.
b. High-pressure Gas injection Diesel - Gas engines.

Q5. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas
(SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge
for owners, operators and crew. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
a) Cylinder lubrication strategies; b) Cat-fines related issues; c) Fuel change-over procedures.
2016/FEB 2016/APR 2016/JUN 2017/JUN 2019/JAN

Q6. With respect to typical High Voltage System onboard, briefly describe, comparing with low voltage
systems: -
a) Earthing b) Protection devices c) Emergency Shut-down devices d) Plugs & sockets.

Q7. Describe the general structure of a Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, highlighting the
following methods of treatment: -
a) UV Treatment method b) Gas Treatment method c) Electrolysis method
d) Magnetic Separation method.

Q8. Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
Oil Pollution Damage, 2001. Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ
from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
a) Pollution damage; b) Bunker oil; c) Time limits for claims; d) Exclusions.
2016/FEB 2016/APR 2016/SEP 2017/JAN 2017/APR 2017/JUN 2017/JUN
2018/APR 2018/JULY 2019/JAN

Q9. Reference to the "Maritime Labour Convention" (MLC) 2006, discuss

a) Flag State and Port State responsibilities. b) On-board and On-shore complaint procedures.
c) Detainable deficiencies. d) Grievance redressal mechanisms for Indian seafarers.

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