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Name : Kira Malik Nirwana

Class : XII MIA5/17

Type text : Discussion text
Online Games
An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the
internet or any other computer network available. Online games have attracted players from
variety of ages. Online games have become a central element of children and adults’ life.
Online games help to develop not only psychomotor skills but also other intellectual abilities.
Many educators are starting to use games to teach and learn some tools. However, many
parents are fear of the effect of online game on kids development. They are not sure if they
should or not let their kids play online game for so long.
Online games have many positive sides. Online games can help children learning math,
spelling, understanding problems of the world, learning about animals and countries. Through
online games educators and parents can get the attention of the children and help them to supply
what they learn in class. The potential of games as a teaching and learning tool is an evident
opportunity. A variety of studies have shown that playing online games help exercising some
mental abilities. They often face also puzzles and problems which become gradually tougher
during games, helping the player to understand the logic behind these problems and learn how
to solve them.
Besides that, online game can stimulate children memory. Players need to memorize
the movements of their characters and their opponents, where things appear on screen, and how
to avoid dangers. Many also online games inspire kids interests in history and culture. Online
games and movies often become one of the first points of contacts with past cultures and
civilizations for many children. Online games can push children to become interesting and read
more about different epochs in history.

On the other sides, online games have been accused of glorifying violence. In most
games, players fight and kill enemies. Many parents struggle to prevent children from accessing
violent content. Some children may want to imitate them, usually violent, and protagonists of
games. Not everyone manages to disentangle very clearly what fiction is from what real life
is. Not only that, online games can also generate addiction. Some children develop an excessive
and compulsive pattern of using online games which may interefere with their normal life and
negatively effect of their psychological development and personality. Children who
spend much time playing online games may not have time to do their homework and chores.

The lack of social interaction is one of the most commonly argued cons of online
games. Playing online games for few hours a week would not have a negative effect on kids
behavior. About an hour and half is the general rule of game time for children. Too much time
playing games and staring at a screen can lead to negative health effects such as headaches,
eyestrain, carpal tunnel, backaches and numbness. However, obsessive gaming can have long-
term social consequences. Problem linked to gaming addictions is usually related to social
awkwardness, which in term incentivizes further limits for socializing of the gamer. People
who engage in online gaming as a way of life will tend to be shy around other people because
of their constant lack of social interaction. Oftenly, they will not know what to do when they
are confronted by another human being because they are so used to be in front of a PC (Personal

So, parents need to take more active role in understanding what their kids consume
every day and how to optimize it. Parents need to know how to exploit the benefits found in
the games that their children have already owned. Parents need to carefully examine the content
of online games before allowing their children to use them. There are thousands of online
games available that are both fun and educational. Parents should be very careful in screening
all of their games, and in limiting the amount of time for playing online game.

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