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Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention & Exhibition May 2010



Bagus Ari Wijaya*

Ficky Kusuma Adijaya*
Chris Avant**

ABSTRACT sand, the others are producing commingle with

other sands due to high water cut. The first well
Bekasap Formation is the main reservoir in completed using this methodology, produced over
Kotabatak with current recovery factor is 26%. five times more fluid than previous wells perforated
About 31% of total recoverable oil reserve is with conventional perforating charges under
located in relatively low permeability reservoir (less overbalanced conditions. Additional wells
than 400 mD), which is not effectively drained by perforated with this technique have had similar,
current perforation technology and method which is higher than expected, results.
using conventional perforating gun (theoretical deep
penetration is less than 29”) and overbalance The productivity index of relatively low
method. permeability Bekasap Formation has been improved
by implementing extra deep penetration gun and
Producing oil from the relatively low permeability static underbalanced perforation technique.
Bekasap sand has proved challenging in the past.
Utilizing regular penetrating guns with overbalance INTRODUCTION
have historically resulted in less than 200 BFPD of
production. Productivity Index has been improved The field was discovered in 1952 when the
via fracturing, but this increases completion costs Kotabatak No. 1 well was drilled near the crest of
and the thin shale barriers do not always stop structure in the northern portion of the field which
fracture propagation into wet sands. is about 45 Km. Northwest from Pekanbaru
(Figure 1). To date 355 wells have been drilled,
An opportunity exists to improve the effectiveness
including 229 producer wells, 98 injector wells, 3
of completion efforts while developing this field.
observation wells, 25 inactive shallow water source
Perforating simulation software (SPAN*) indicates
wells. Secondary recovery by peripheral water
potential performance for various perforating
flooding has been implemented since year 1975 and
systems under reservoir and completion conditions.
pattern water flooding since 1998. The main
This modeling allows for application of the most
completion target is in Bekasap formation at A, B
beneficial gun system.
and C sand with 4000-5500 ft depth.
Extra-deep Penetrating Shaped Charge (59.2”
penetration, API-RP19B) has been chosen to Kotabatak has 3 type of wells; vertical, deviated and
maximize penetration depth. Static underbalanced horizontal wells. The vertical and deviated wells
was applied when perforating in an effort to allow used 7” production casing while horizontal wells
perforation tunnels to clean up. WEM Simulator used 9-5/8” production casing with open hole liner
was used to design the underbalanced pressure completion. The common completion for vertical
needed to perforate the wells. This is as and deviated wells in Kotabatak Field is cased hole
combination of perforation technology and perforated.
method for first step in improving perforation
process. Current production is dominated by Bekasap A1,
A3, and C sand because of better quality sand.
Five wells had been completed using the methodo- Bekasap A2, A4 and B sand are still challenging to
logy. 3 wells out of 5 wells are producing on single be produced since having sand quality is relatively
lower compared to A1, A3 and C sand. Using
* Chevron Pacific Indonesia
** Schlumberger
previous perforation technology (deep penetration

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less than 29”) and overbalance method for opening effect of this damage is worsened by chemical
A2, A4 and B sand resulted low productivity index reaction induced by this process.
as well as fluid production. Productivity Index in
A4 and B sand in some wells have been improved Perforation induced damage
via fracturing, but this increases completion costs
and the thin shale barriers do not always stop Every cased well must be perforated so that fluid
fracture propagation into wet sands. Most of the can flow through it. Unfortunately, explosive
wells have thin shale barrier that can be penetrated perforating also pulverizes formation rock grains
by fracture propagation. causing a change in matrix rock that results in low
permeability crushed zone immediately surrounding
Improving perforation technique and method from the perforation tunnels and creating potential for
previous state is the first choice for improving migration of fine particles. The process also leaves
productivity index in low quality sands. It needs some residual detonation debris inside the
low cost and can be applied in recent condition and perforation. The general practice to minimize the
technology availability. detrimental effect of the crushed zone is to perforate
Previous Perforation Method
Previous perforation used conventional gun with
deep penetration less than 29” theoretically or less The main factors affecting well performance are
than 20” effective at the perforation with completion, formation and fluid properties, and
overbalance method. There is no issue when reservoir geometry. Of these, factors such as
applying the conventional perforation gun from the hydrocarbon saturation, porosity, permeability, fluid
production stand point in relatively good sand properties, and geometry can be measured or
quality in Kotabatak Field. When dealing with low inferred from measurements. However, they cannot
sand quality, it will be an issue since resulted low usually be controlled. By contrast, the completion is
Productivity Index as well as Fluid Rate. a controlled operation, and as such its design affects
well performance. Because perforations are a
A general study was carried out to analyze and critical part of the completion, careful consideration
evaluate the problem and establish a strategy and should be given to the type, size, number, and
methodology to optimize perforating design for orientation of the perforations in addition to the
Kotabatak Wells. Diverse critical areas of conditions in the well during perforation whether
improvement were identified: using overbalance, static underbalanced, or dynamic
underbalanced method.
Formation damage
Five Wells were chosen to conduct trial with static
The additional near-wellbore pressure drop caused underbalanced and Ultra-deep Penetrating Shaped
by formation damage or skin significantly affects Charge gun. 4 wells are perforation job of new
well productivity. The skin factor is a dimensionless wells, and 1 well is re-perforation job. Then, the
variable that represents the degree of formation results were compared with the new well that
damage in the near-wellbore zone, between well previously perforated using regular gun and
and virgin reservoir. The skin damage caused by overbalance method.
fluid invasion and that induced by perforating are Improved Perforation Method
the most important skin components which are
independent of nature and that can be optimized. In order to address the inefficient reservoir drainage
The first can be minimized by strict control of the and lower than expected productivity, a multi-
drilling and completion process. Improving disciplinary team comprising members from both
perforating practices can minimize the second. the operator and the service company, defined the
following perforating design requirements:
Invasion formation damage
• Static Underbalanced Perforating
This refers to the effective permeability reduction in • Extra-deep Penetrating Shaped Charge
the near wellbore region, caused by the
displacement of formation fluids by foreign fluids A. Static Underbalanced Perforating
during drilling or completion operations. This
occurs due to the overbalance pressure between the The perforation method then was changed from
wellbore pressure and formation pressure. The overbalance to be static underbalanced. This is as

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the first step improving the methodology from Penetration Average is 40.67” (Appendix 2.A).
previous state which was using overbalance Productivity analysis results PI: 2.51 STB/Day/Psi,
condition when perforating production zone. Static and 806 STB/day for the rate maximum at Pwf: 322
underbalanced; this is the conventional psi (Appendix 3.A).
underbalanced perforating approach where the
pressure in the wellbore is less than the pressure in B. Well KB352:
the reservoir at the time of perforating. The intent is
to have the well flow immediately after perforating It was drilled and completed in 2009 to a total depth
to clean-up the perforations. Static underbalanced of 5,189 ft MD. Target sand was B sand with an
perforating has long been recognized as the primary average 140 md of permeability and 1437 psi of
means of removing perforating damage and formation pressure. WEM simulator results the
maximizing productivity through a cased and minimum static underbalanced pressure is 489 psi
perforated completion. The amount of static and maximum is 1437 psi (Appendix 1.B). Then,
underbalanced required can be a function of 600 psi of wellbore pressure was applied for
porosity, permeability, tunnel diameter, reservoir perforating the well.
characteristics and is determined using one or more
accepted industry practices. The SPAN results 5 SPF Extra-deep Perforating
Shaped Charge had the best results. Total
WEM Simulator was used to design the appropriate Penetration Average is 40.46” (Appendix 2.B).
wellbore pressure for conducting perforation static Productivity analysis results PI: 0.2 STB/Day/Psi,
with static underbalanced method. Operational and 141 STB/day for the rate at Pwf: 719 psi
procedure for creating static underbalanced (Appendix 3.B).
condition in the wellbore is to swab unloads until
recommended depth (based on pressure C. Well KB354:
recommended by WEM results).
It was drilled and completed in 2009 to a total depth
B. Extra-deep Penetrating Shaped Charge
of 5,189 ft MD. Target sand was B sand with an
Perforating simulation software (SPAN*) was used average 2 md of permeability and 1649 psi of
to design the appropriate type of gun for perforating formation pressure. WEM simulator results the
the relatively tight sands. The simulation used 3 minimum static underbalanced pressure is 986 psi
scenarios type of gun; 6 SPF and 8 SPF regular gun and maximum is 1649 psi (Appendix 1.C). Then,
with deep penetration less than 29” and compared 1000 psi of wellbore pressure was applied for
with 5 SPF Extra-deep Penetrating Shaped Charge perforating the well.
gun with deep penetration 59”. To bypass the
deeper invasion damaged zones, Extra-deep The SPAN results 5 SPF Extra-deep Perforating
Penetrating Shaped Charges were selected so as to Shaped Charge had the best results. Total
apply the maximum penetration available to the Penetration Average is 41.46” (Appendix 2.C).
industry based on API-RP19B certifications Productivity analysis results PI: 0.1 STB/Day/Psi,
(Figure2), because the simulation results showed and 13 STB/day for the rate maximum at Pwf: 300
that Extra Deep Penetration Gun gave the best psi (Appendix 3.C).
productivity results.
D. Well KB355:
Field Trial (Design)
It was drilled and completed in 2009 to a total depth
A. Well KB340:
of 5,267 ft MD. Target sand was B sand with an
It was drilled and completed in 2008 to a total depth average 80 md of permeability and 1863 psi of
of 5,230 ft MD. Target sand was A2 sand with an formation pressure. WEM simulator results the
average 200 md of permeability and 643 psi of minimum static underbalanced pressure is 590 psi
formation pressure. WEM simulator results the and maximum is 1863 psi (Appendix 1.D). Then,
minimum static underbalanced pressure is 351 psi 1200 psi of wellbore pressure was applied for
and maximum is 643 psi (Appendix 1.A). Then, 400 perforating the well.
psi of wellbore pressure was applied for perforating
the well. The SPAN results 5 SPF Extra-deep Perforating
Shaped Charge had the best results. Total
The SPAN results 5 SPF Extra-deep Perforating Penetration Average is 42.17” (Appendix 2.D).
Shaped Charge had the best results. Total Productivity analysis results PI: 1.27 STB/Day/Psi,

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and 1984 STB/day for the rate maximum at Pwf: compared to previous technique and
300 psi (Appendix 3.D). methodology (Figure 3).

E. Well KB275 (Reperforate): CONCLUSIONS

It was drilled and completed in 2004 to a total depth • Preliminary perforating design using
of 5,265 ft MD. Target sand was A4 sand with an perforation simulator is needed to get better
average 12 md of permeability and 1890 psi of results.
formation pressure. WEM simulator results the
minimum static underbalanced pressure is 590 psi • Productivity can be improved using new
and maximum is 1890 psi (Appendix 1.E). Then, perforation technology and methodology
600 psi of wellbore pressure was applied for compared to previous perforation technique and
perforating the well. methodology. 3 wells can be produced single
sand only, another 2 wells produced commingle
The SPAN results 5 SPF Extra-deep Perforating since high water cut.
Shaped Charge had the best results. Total
Penetration Average is 41.54” (Appendix 2.E). • Perforating in static underbalanced condition
Productivity analysis results PI: 0.17 STB/Day/Psi, reduce the negative effects of perforation
and 270 STB/day for the rate maximum at Pwf: 300 damage and gives additional benefits in well
psi (Appendix 3.E). productivity whenever this is possible.
• Going from regular gun to 5 SPF Extra-deep
Once the work was completed, the well was Penetrating Shaped Charge can have a
evaluated through swab test data and production significant impact on well productivity.
rate test. The results of this evaluation were as
follows: • There is always room for improvement in order
to achieve targets and improve best practices.
• KB340: Produce single from A2 sand with 2000
BFPD/366 BOPD. Productivity Index is 2.85
BFPD/psi which is higher than expected ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(expected PI : 2.51 BFPD/psi).
The authors wish to thank BPMIGAS and PT.
• KB352: Produce single from B sand with 600 Chevron Pacific Indonesia for permission to publish
BFPD/211 BOPD. Productivity Index is 2.22 this paper. We wish to thank William P. Lacobie
BFPD/psi which is much higher than expected and William F. Mallett III support to this study.
(0.2 BFPD/psi). Special thank to Alvaro Javier Nunez and Tony
Supriadi from Schlumberger for the support with
• KB354: Produce commingles with other sands
SPAN Simulator. My fellow Production Engineer
since water cut is high. Swab data resulted 775
of RMT Kotabatak/Petapahan – Sumatra Light
BFPD and 0.244 BFPD/psi which is higher than
Operating Unit, PT CPI for supporting this study.
expected (0.1 BFPD/psi).

• KB355: Produce single from B sand with 900 REFERENCES

BFPD/44 BOPD. Productivity Index is 0.322
BFPD/psi which is lower than expected Haney Ibrahim, Ali Harrasi, Alan Salsman, Alvaro
(expected PI : 1.27 BFPD/psi). The main Javier Nunez, Haposan Situmorang: Overcoming
concern is wellbore pressure when conducting Near Wellbore Damage Induced Flow Impairement
perforation job is still high (1200 psi). with Improved Perforation Job Design and
Execution Method, SPE 121964 (2009)
• KB275: : Produce commingles with other sands
since water cut is high. Swab data resulted 1428 H. Rodriguez, O. Molina, A.K. Rondon, M.
BFPD and 0.38 BFPD/psi which is higher than Mendez, A. Fayard, C. Gama, C. Smitheman, A.
expected (0.17 BFPD/psi). Marmol, E. Cervantez: Customized Reperforating
With New Technologies for Optimal Field Drainage
• The new perforation technique and and Productivity Enhancement: East Venezuela
methodology resulted better productivity index Applications, SPE 103070 (2006)

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Al-Marri Faisal, Hassan Ibrahim Khalil, Alan Tariq, S.M: New, Generalized Criteria for
Salsman, Majed Shaaban Abu Lawi: New determining the Level of Underbalance for
Perforating Technique Improves Well Productivity Obtaining Clean Perforations, SPE 20636 (1990)
and Operational Efficiency, SPE 101278 (2006)
Behrmann, L. : Underbalance Criteria for Minimum
Perforation Damage, SPE 30081 (1996)

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Figure 1 - Kotabatak Field Location Map

Figure 2 - Extra-deep Penetrating Shaped Charge to maximize well productivity


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Figure 3 - Productivity improvement from Extra-deep Perforating Shaped Charge with Static
Underbalanced Method compared to Regular Gun with Overbalanced Method

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Appendix 1.A. WEM Simulator results of Static Underbalanced Pressure KB340

Appendix 1.B. WEM Simulator results of Static Underbalanced Pressure KB352


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Appendix 1.C. WEM Simulator results of Static Underbalanced Pressure KB354

Appendix 1.D. WEM Simulator results of Static Underbalanced Pressure KB355


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Appendix 1.E. WEM Simulator results of Static Underbalanced Pressure KB275

Appendix 2.A. SPAN Analysis : Perforating performance of KB340

Appendix 2.B. SPAN Analysis : Perforating performance of KB352


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Appendix 2.C. SPAN Analysis : Perforating performance of KB354

Appendix 2.D. SPAN Analysis : Perforating performance of KB355

Appendix 2.E. SPAN Analysis : Perforating performance of KB275

Appendix 3.A. SPAN Analysis : Productivity performance of KB340


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Appendix 3.B. SPAN Analysis : Productivity performance of KB352

Appendix 3.C. SPAN Analysis : Productivity performance of KB354


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Appendix 3.D. SPAN Analysis : Productivity performance of KB355

Appendix 3.E. SPAN Analysis : Productivity performance of KB275

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