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Name of plant: Periwinkle

Scientific name: Catharantus roseus linn.

Family name: Apocynaceae

Local name: Kemunting Cina

Other names: Tapak Dara, Pervinca, Rumput Jalang,

Kembang Sari Cina, Ros Pantai

Location: In front of KH block in IPG Kampus Pulau Pinang

Habitat: Best growth on sandy place.

Date of collection: 11 August 2010

Name of collector: Seow Lee Fern

Mohd. Fadhli b. Daud

Description: Small tree, about 1m. Leaves in a whorl with

entire margin. Flower is solitary with 5 petal or sometime in
a small inflorescent. There is several color of petal which is
purple or white. Widely distributed in tropical area.

Benefit: Used by the pharmaceutical industry to extract the

phytochemical vincamine. Vincamine can be used to treat
cerebrovascular disorders such as dizziness and memory
loss. Studies have shown that vincamine acts by reducing
the blood pressure and increasing the blood flow to the
brain. Used to treat fever, as a tonic and anti cancer.

Flower Root

Leaves Stem

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