Parental Preferences in School Choice: The Problem and Its Background

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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Laguna
Siniloan Integrated National High School
Senior High School
Siniloan, Laguna

Parental Preferences in School Choice

Cabusay, Bernadette Mckenzie Mamogay
Fernandez, Joseph Isidro Kagahastian

Chapter 1


I. Introduction

Parent’s plays a vital role in children’s life. The parents, together with relatives and
communities are the first influencers that children experience, and the dominant influence
in their lives throughout their schooling years and beyond. Moreover, the function or role
of parents for their children’s education is obvious from the direct links between people’s
family background and their probability of success in and through education. In some
cases, Genetic factors, wealth and family networks are important for children’s education
At the basic education level, first parental engagement can include involvement in
school management committees or parent’s associations, interactions with teachers, and
support for school and homework. In the other hand, higher levels of education, parents
may provide specific advice on subject choices and preparation for higher education,
vocational education or links to employment.
Parental choice in school is having the choice of a parents to choose the specific
school for their children; they are also the caregivers of their children and have the full
responsibility of educating their children in a school if their choice. In addition, parents
prioritize academic quality in their choice of school, as they believe their children will
receive a better education, and what school they can excel more. Sometimes, sending
their children in school is a conflict; if the parent cannot afford to send their children in
private school, they have no choice but to send their children in the nearest public school,
except if the student will be granting a scholarship. If the parents belong to middle class,
they have the additional option to enroll their children in private school. However if the
parents are rich and have no problem financially, they’ll have the opportunity and choices
to send their children to private or high-class school.
The result of this study might provide us information what decision making does
parents do in order to know where secondary school they want their children to be
enrolled in. Furthermore, to know what or who are the influence/r that made the parents
come up with that school decision.

II. Background of the Study

Education is essential for development of society. The more educated people of a
society are, the more civilized and well discipline the society will be (Chowa, G., Masa,
R., & Tucker, J., 2013). Mainly, family has a responsibility to socialize children for making
them productive members of a community. The more the parents involve in the process
of imparting education to their children, the more the children might excel in their
academic career and to become productive and responsible members of society.
Parental involvement in school has been linked with academic achievement.
Previous researchers stated that parental involvement arises from parental vibes and
educational aspirations and that these are exhibited continuously through parental
enthusiasm and positive parenting style. In this new study, the researches will determine
the level of influence of family-related factors.

III. Review of Related Literature

Chaudhry et al. (2015) founded that mostly parents took care of their children
academic activities which increased their achievements in schools. Children need extra
care in their elementary level education for the better understanding and sharpening their
lifestyles. If students get good scores in their exams and follow good morale than the
credit goes to parents and teachers, especially the mother who is the first teacher of the
child. Student learning activities such as reading or listening to the work of the school and
helping the children in studying give good result of achievement. The parent’s
involvement also shapes the behavior of children and understand dealing with teachers
and fellows. The communication of parents and teachers should be strong and close in
order to improve the children performance.
McNeal (2014) has found that some forms of parent involvement, specifically
parent-child discussion largely effects on student attitudes, behaviors, and achievement
as compared to others. The intensity of parent involvement leaves behind parents’
involvement influence on the achievement of children through the attitudinal and
behavioral measures. Indeed, the indirect influences of the children discussion,
involvement, monitoring’s cumulative effect on grade achievement are greater than direct
effects measures. Those parents which are used reactively who are not engaged
proactively indicted negative relationship between educational support policies and
students’ attitudes, behavior, and achievement. The direct interruption of parents in
school had negative impacts on children and children faces many difficulties and cannot
fulfill the expectations. Even generally perceived that it enhances the performance of
children but the correct strategy is to create a better understanding of the timing of parent
Ghazi et al. (2010) have found that Parents mostly discussed significance of
education and educational affairs and praises and appreciation with their children at home
which triggers them toward academic motivation. And, Parents tried to avoid children from
social evils and from family financial ups and downs so that they may not be confused
with these issues. Moreover, parents ensured balanced diet and proper health care of
children which was a positive aspect for children academic motivation. Educated mothers
and fathers are well-known to the academic strengths and weaknesses of their children.
The supervision of children performance from the very early life of children leaves out a
great effect on the achievement of children education. The parents who discussed
children about studies, attend their school meetings and appreciate them for good
performance has the highly significant impact on children. The most important thing is
that parents instruct their children and polish their potentials for the better quality and
performance. Indeed, parental involvement leads the children academic performance
positively and better result.
According to Topor et al. (2010) increased parent involvement, as the teacher's
perception of the positive attitude parents have toward their child's education, teacher,
and school, was significantly related to increased academic performance. And it was
found that child’s intelligence was also related significantly to the parents’ involvement in
academic performances. Further, it was found that increased parent involvement also
increases the perception of cognitive competence of child and quality of the student-
teacher relationship.
IV. Statement of the Problem.
This study aim to determine the Parental Preferences in School Choice by the
respondents. Specifically it seek to answer the following question.
1. Did school academic performance in secondary schools influence parent’s
school choice in Siniloan Laguna?
2. To what extent did parent’s socio-economic status affect the way they chose
secondary schools for their children in Siniloan Laguna?
3. In what ways was location of parents linked in choosing of secondary schools
by parents in Siniloan Laguna?
4. How did school moral and religious values influence parents in their school
choice of secondary schools for their children in Siniloan Laguna?

V. Research Guide Question

1. Is the school academic performance influence your way in choosing school for your
children? How?
2. Is the family monthly income influence your way in choosing school for your
children? How?
3. Is your residence location affect your way of choosing school for your children?
4. Is your religion affect your way in choosing school for your children? How?
VI. Scope and Limitation
This investigation as conducted to specify the parental process of selecting
secondary school for their children in Siniloan, Laguna. The aspect looked by the
researchers were the influence of parents to their children in decision making for their
secondary class school.
Although the place were in Siniloan, there were still some unavoidable limitations.
First, the time limit given, this research might covered a long period of time. Therefore, to
lessen the cramming of the researchers, the study should have specific participants or
respondents at different aspects. Second, the parents overloaded things to do, to some
extent, may delay or can affect the findings of the investigation.

VII. Significance of the Study

The importance of the study to the school is they got the chance to improve all of
the disadvantages that will be found throughout the investigation. As for the individuals,
including parents, they will be more knowledgeable in choosing a secondary school for
their children. For the teachers who are teaching in the chosen school they’ll be benefited
by means of knowing if they need to improve their teaching skills or change their teaching
strategy for a better learning. And as for the researchers, they will be getting a nice grade
if the investigation came up with a good result.

VIII. Definition of Terms

Parental - relating to a person's parent or parents
School - an institution for educating children
Choice - an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more
Capacity - the maximum amount that something can contain
Involvement - the fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something
Responsibility - the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having
control over someone
Academic - relating to education and scholarship


This chapter presents the methods and procedure used by the researchers in
accomplishing the research .This includes the research design, research setting,
research participants, sampling technique, research procedure, research instrument,
data analysis and Ethical consideration.

I. Research Design

This study makes use the qualitative research process. According to stake (2010), this
method is interpretative, experimental, situational and personal. The researchers will
employ this design to describe the lived experiences of several individuals relating to a
parental involvement in school preference of secondary class school. Furthermore, the
researcher will be using the Grounded Theory, since in this design interpretations are
continually derived from raw data.
The academic will start with a broad topic, then by the use of qualitative method, they
will gather information that further refines a research question. Instead of defining a
specific question, a grounded theorist would simply begin by interviewing parents in
different subjects about their preferences when it comes to school choice. After that,
follow by the process of developing themes from analyzing the answers of the
respondents, with the use of a highlighter the researchers would mark where the
respondents mentioned a common thing.
II. Setting of the Study

This study will take place around the Municipality of Pangil, Pakil and Paete,
Laguna, that this 3 municipality have their own High school and Senior high school
establishment with a total of 3 Parents respondents who enrolled their children in Siniloan
Integrated National High school for the school year. 2019 - 2020.

The study will aim to determine the factors that the participants considering in
choosing school for their children. However, the result of the study will be based on the
answers of the participants in the research guide questions that will prepare by the

III. Research Participants

The participants of the study will be selected according to several characteristics it

must be, living in municipality of Pangil, Pakil and Paete Laguna for more than 5 yrs. and
who have a monthly salary 30,000 and above, . And parents who send their children in
Siniloan Integrated National High school for the School Year 2019-2020. These
participants are the one who are acknowledge answering the questions given by the

IV. Sampling Technique

This study utilizes the purposive sampling, this sampling is widely used in qualitative
research for the identification and selection of information cases related to the process of
choosing a secondary school.
This sampling anchored in the study to be able knows the purpose of the researchers
to a specific respondents or having a target participants. The participants will be
consisting of 3 in each category which is enough to reach the main point of research.
V. Research Procedure

Phase 1
To obtain the objectives of the study, the researchers will consider process, the
investigator formulate a three title but unfortunately it got rejected in their title defense
and told to formulate another subject of the study, and it took several days before their
thesis adviser approved their study, after the approval, the researchers will make the
chapter 1 and 2, and will be waiting for their colloquium.

Phase 2
The researchers will allot vigorous time, effort and cooperation in developing their
questionnaire so as to serve its intended respondents.

Phase 3
The survey will be created using suitable questions modified from related research
and individual questions formed by the researchers. The researchers will make a letter
for the approval to conduct.

Phase 4
The survey will composed of set of guide questions. After collecting all data, the
researchers with the help of the adviser to be analyzed and interpreted.

VI. Research Instrument

This study will be conducted through face-to-face type of interview questions to gather
data about parents’ preferences in school choice. To know the parents perception in
choosing a school for their children and why did they end up choosing Siniloan INHS as
a second home for their children. The researchers used a set of questions that is written
in Filipino Language for the better understanding of the parents
VII. Data Analysis

This part shows the process on how the data gathered will be treated, analyze and
interpreted so that the researcher found the participants for his/her inquiry in a particular
subject under study. 3 participants will be involved in this study; the participants’ answers
will be analyzed and interpreted. Nevertheless, based on what they answer, some
literature review will be supported their answer. The data from the participants will be
gathered through direct interview.

VIII. Ethical Consideration

This chapter introduces the CIA triad, a model to secure information and to avoid
confusion between the researcher and the respondents. Confidentiality are designed to
prevent sensitive information from the respondents. The researcher and the respondents
will be having a safe communication wherein the information has been correctly heard
and process also the researchers will provide a safe storage where all of the data hasn't
been altered and modified and can be used for the thesis defense. The integrity is
designed to protect data from deletion or modification from any unauthorized party, this
explained that the information from the respondents will only be between the participant
and the researchers. The researchers will be explaining the process of data collection
and the confidentiality to ensure the full trust from the respondents. The availability refers
to the availability of the respondents and data. The researchers will be giving time to the
participants for them to be prepared for the interview and the researcher will protect and
ensure the data is available when it’s needed.
IX. Bibliography.

Godfrey Kaoma (2016) Determinants of School Choice: Understanding How

Parents Choose Secondary Schools in Lusaka District

Yonson (2019) Level of Parent Involvement in the Elementary and Secondary


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