EE101-Introduction To Electronics (Experiment No.1 - Simple RC Circuits and Its Frequency Response)

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EE101- Introduction to Electronics

(Experiment No.1- Simple RC circuits and its frequency response)

1. Connect the RC circuit shown in Fig.1. Note: R=1KΩ and C=1μF

2. Observe input and output voltage waveforms for Vin = 10Vpp, 50Hz sinusoidal signal,
R=1KΩ and C=1μF.

Figure 1: Simple RC Circuit

3. Vary the frequency of Vin from 50Hz to 50kHz with appropriate steps and measure Vout and
phase difference between Vout and Vin keeping the magnitude of Vin constant.
4. Show the waveforms to the TA and note the readings on the logbook. Get the readings signed
by the TA.
5. Plot the frequency response (log magnitude and phase w.r.t. log frequency).
6. Now, change the positions of R and C and repeat steps 2 to 5.
7. Explain your observations in the logbook. Show the observations and plots to your TA and
get it signed in the next lab session.

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