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The designing phase of our project involves desiging of our website for the purpose of
search engine optimization. After the keyword analysis, a theme for the website was

The website would be based upon ---------------------- for good SEO, the content of website
plays a crucial role.Hence ,we aim at building a website that is different from the
rest,thereby reducing the competition for search engine optimization.

The viewer will be facilitited to enquire about the experiences futher from the
author,though a comments section ,that will enhance the informative content on the
website.The website built is in sync with the rules for on page optimization complying
with techniques like ,metadescription,optimizingimages,responsive web pages,xml
sitemaps,webmasters,meta titles.

content playes a key role and hence the following has been ensured in making of this

1.content should be unique 2.content

should be original and not plagiarized. 3.content must be
long enough ,at least 500words minimum for each page. 4.keyword density must be
3 to 5 percent. 5.content

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