Articles About Economic

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Articles about Economic


Market is one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and

infrastructures in which businesses sell goods, services and labor for the people in exchange for
money. Goods and services sold to use as legal tender fiat money. This activity is part of the economy.
It is an arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange items. Competition is very important in
the market, and separate from the trading market. Two people may do the trade, but it takes at least
three people to have a market, so there is competition on at least one of the two sides. Markets vary in
size, range, geographic scale, location, type and variety of the human community, as well as the type
of goods and services traded. Some examples include local farmers market held in the town square or
parking lots, shopping centers and shopping malls, international currency and commodity markets, the
law creating such a market for pollution permits, and illegal markets like the market for illicit drugs.

In mainstream economics, the concept of the market is any structure that allows buyers and
sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information. Exchange of goods or services for
money is a transaction. Market participants consist of all buyers and sellers are both affecting its price.
This influence is a major study of economics and has spawned several theories and models of basic
market forces of supply and demand. There are two roles in the market, buyers and sellers. Markets
facilitate trade and allow the distribution and allocation of resources in the community. Markets allow
all items to be evaluated and traded prices. An emerging market is more or less spontaneous or
deliberately constructed by human interaction to allow the exchange of rights (ownership) services and
Articles about Culture

The culture of Indonesia

The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and
multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far
East, South Asia, and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced
by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity, all
strong in the major trading cities. The result is a complex cultural mixture very different from the
original indigenous cultures.

Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hindu Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism,
Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan. Balinese
dances have stories about ancient Buddhist, and Hindu kingdoms, while Islamic art forms and
architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art,
music, and sport are combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.

The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment such as
television shows, film, and music, as well as political system and issues. India has notably influenced
Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is often
mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.

Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve uniquely
indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja, and many others
are still practicing their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.
Articles about Education

Why do Students Drop Out of School?

Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%. There are many reasons for
students leaving school, which are for two thirds of the dropouts motivation is the problem. They can’t
just work hard enough, almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that they could
not catch up any more, many said that they were not prepared well enough in their earlier school and
for a third of them getting a job was more important than finishing school.

High school dropouts have more problems in society and in their future lives. They are more
likely to be unemployed or live in poverty. There is also a big difference in income if you compare
high school dropouts with graduates. According to data by the US Census bureau Americans with a
bachelor’s degree earn about $ 50,000 , those with a high school diploma about $28,000 and dropouts
only about $ 20,000.

Many pupils do not understand the implications of dropping out of school. They often demand
better teachers, more lessons to catch up in subjects and more help with learning problems. Some
schools have adopted to this situation. They offer evening classes or allow students to come back at a
later age.
Articles about Technology

3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease

When you use a home air conditioner, do not forget to take care of on a regular basis. Because when
AC is not treated regularly and carefully, it will have a bad air and becomes a place to spread the
disease. The dirty AC can store a variety of viruses and bacteria that continuously spread throughout
the room. It also enters into the smell of the inhabitants. As a result, the occupant will experience pain
or repeated infections. The following treatments below should you do in order to make AC work
optimally and be durable.

Do not forget to turn off the AC

When traveling or in a space that is not used, do not forget to turn off AC. If the air is not too hot, try
to shut down about one or two hours a day. If necessary use a reminder or timer contained in the AC
facility. When the air conditioner is turned off, open the windows and doors widely so that there is an
air exchange.

Clean the AC regularly

Check the filter components on the air conditioning, at least once a month. A dirty air filter will hinder
the air circulation and being a comfortable place for germs, bacteria, and fungi. Bacteria are what will
flow to the evaporator coil (evaporator coil) and then spread back across the room. The dirty AC
components can affect the performance of the cooling system becomes more severe, so it does not
produce the maximum cold and wasteful.

Selective in use

Minimize the potential health problems with the use of air conditioning as selective as possible.
Because, if in the same room there is a family member which is sick, viruses and bacteria can be
spread through the air helped. So when a family member is sick with the flu, for example, try using the
AC to a minimum. This advice also applies if there is one family member who smoked in the room or
when the middle of the room and furniture cleaned.
Articles about Politics

European Parliament – Task and Powers of the General Assembly

Every five years Europe’s 490 million citizens select their members of the European Parliament. Since
1979 MEPs have been elected directly by the people. Every citizen of a member country can vote,
wherever they live. Even though it does not have the power that national parliaments have, the
European Parliament influences the lives of Europe’s citizens.

The European Parliament has 785 members from 27 countries. They sit together in political groups,
not in country blocks. The two biggest groups are the Christian Democrats or Conservatives, with 278
seats and the Socialist with currently 216 seats. Other groups are the Liberals, Nationalists, the Greens,
and other smaller parties.

Each country elects a certain number of MEP’s, depending on their population. Germany, for example,
has 99 MEPs, whereas small countries, like Malta, only have 5 MEPs. The parliament gets together in
Strasbourg but most of the MEPs do their work in Brussels.

The European Parliament has three main tasks.

1. Together with the Council, it passes laws. Even though it does not have very much power there
are some areas in which the Council must ask Parliament for approval. A new country, for
example, cannot become a member of the European Union without Parliament’s approval.
2. It oversees the work of the other EU organs, especially the Commission. Before a new
commissioner can begin their job parliament has to approve. MEPs can ask questions and there
are regular meetings between parliament members and the Commission.
3. It decides and monitors how the EU spends money.

When the new Treaty of Lisbon is passed by all member states the European Parliament will get more
rights and become more of a real parliament than it is now.
Articles about Environment

Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide is a compound in which two oxygen atoms are connected to a carbon atom. At normal
temperatures, it is a colorless gas that exists naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere. The air that we
breathe has about 0.03% of carbon dioxide in it. Carbon dioxide is an important part of the carbon
cycle and essential for life on Earth. Without it, temperatures on our planet would be very low.

Plants use the sunlight and take up the CO2 in the atmosphere to produce energy and oxygen. This
process is called photosynthesis.
The gas is also produced when fossil fuels are burned. The carbon dioxide that has been stored for
millions of years in coal, oil and natural gas is set free. Living creatures produce carbon dioxide when
they breathe out. It is emitted from volcanoes and hot springs. Deforestation sets carbon that is stored
in trees free.

Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas. The light that enters the atmosphere it is converted to
heat. Higher amounts of CO2 make the atmosphere denser and keep it from getting out. CO2 is a gas
that is highly responsible for global warming. Since the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s, the amount
of CO2 in our atmosphere has risen by 40%.
Throughout the centuries carbon dioxide has been in balance. Now more carbon dioxide is being
produced than can be absorbed by nature.

Uses of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is used in various industries to produce food, chemicals and oil products. It is
especially common as a food additive and is added to beverages to give fizz to sparkling wine and
water. It is also responsible for a beer’s foam.
As a pressurized gas carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishers because it does not burn. Put in
cartridges it can be used to inflate bike tires. In its solid form, CO2 is called dry ice. It is used for
cooling fresh food or ice cream. Liquid carbon dioxide is needed to remove caffeine from coffee

Carbon dioxide in oceans

Oceans are carbon sinks. They absorb more than 25% of all the carbon dioxide that people emit into
the atmosphere. As a result, the ocean’s water is becoming more acidic. This change affects the food
chain and all sea organisms.

Carbon dioxide poisoning

Although carbon dioxide is not poisonous in normal amounts it can kill you if there is more than 10%
in the air. High concentrations can lead to dizziness, bad sight, breathing problems as well as high
blood pressure and an increased heartbeat. High levels of CO2 occur when there is not enough fresh air
in a room.
Articles about Health

Bacteria are small living things that can be found almost everywhere. They live on the ground, in
oceans, in the food that we eat and even in our bodies. They have been on earth long before there were
any other organisms. Bacteria are so small you can only see them with the help of a microscope. They
have only one cell and very simple structures.

Bacteria have outer cell walls that protect the inside. A cell membrane is inside the cell wall. It
prevents harmful substances from getting in and out. Inside the membrane is a soft, jelly-like substance
called the cytoplasm. It has chemicals that help build the parts of a cell and break down food. Within it
is the nucleoid, which contains the DNA. It controls a cell’s growth and other activities

Bacteria appear in different shapes. Spherical bacteria are round or ball-like. Rod-shaped bacteria live
in your intestine and form chains. Spiral-shaped bacteria have a twisted form.
Bacteria absorb nutrients and remove waste through their cell walls. They reproduce by splitting
themselves in the middle. The two new cells can then split into four cells and so on. In a short time, a
single bacteria can reproduce billions of times.

Some bacteria can get inside the human body, reproduce and cause an infection. These harmful
bacteria are called pathogens. Our immune system is in charge of fighting off these bacteria. However,
sometimes we need a vaccine to help fight off these intruders. Vaccines are weak or dead forms of the
bacteria itself. Such a substance helps our body fight off bacteria in the future. Some examples of
illnesses caused by bacterial infections are tuberculosis or pneumonia.

The best way to protect yourself from bacteria is to keep yourself clean and wash your hands. Because
bacteria may be transported by air, we should cover our nose and mouth when we sneeze. Vitamins
also help strengthen our immune system and fight off bacteria.

Bacteria can be helpful to the human body as well. They live in our stomach and help us digest food.
Other bacteria create cheese and yoghurt. Bacteria are at work in the soil and decompose dead plants
and animals.
Articles about Sports


Badminton is one of sport which use racket played individually or in pairs. The sport first appeared in
ancient Egypt about 200 years ago. Then it began to develop in the inggris1893. Badminton is a racket
sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take
positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court divided by a net.

Since 1992, badminton has been am Olympic sport with five competition/events: men’s and women’s
singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a
woman. At high levels of play. Especially in singles, the soprt demands excellent fitness: players
require aerobic stamina, agility, explosive strength, speed and precision. It also a technical sport,
requiring good motor coordination and development of sophisticated racket movements.

This game requires a racket, shuttlecock, nets and field as the instrument. The length of the game is not
determined by time but it is determined by the player who makes game point first with 21 points. Each
game consists of two sets. The player will be considered as winner if successfully obtain both round,
but if a draw, there will be held an additional round or tiebreak.

In this game there are several kinds of hitting techniques, such as a service that is a blow when starting
the game, lob that is aimed the shuttlecock flies as high as possible to the opponent and smash, which
is a very strong blow swooping toward the opponent’s area.
Articles about Teens

The Importance of Education for Teen

Education is an important thing for develop ourself. Education is the tool for progress someone to be
succes. If we want to be success person. We have to looking for a knowledge as much as
possible. Therefore, we as adult must adjust ourself with the surrounding environment, and norms,
values, customs, and ethics in the society. Adolescence is a period of transsition between childhood to

At the time of development, teens start demand to be given the opportunity put his own opinion, like
tell of his feelings. Then, teens also can rebelious because he feels that he is not a kid anymore.
Usually, teenagers have much admired, but his attitude is not always negative. Teens are also
interested in peer groups, seeking attention in the environment, the emotions that an overabundance
and physical growth changes rapidly.

On the other hand, the life of teenager is very complex with a variety of creativity and desire to try
everything in the vicinity, both in the social style or intellectual. So we have to provide place for teens
to develop the talents of him. Furthermore, education is a way to be success. Education is an important
for realize generation intelligent and have an intellectual.
Finally, education for teens is for help him to show his skill. Skill is a deep knowledge about a specific
field which can bring us to the spare of brilliant career. If we have many knowledge, we will get a
decent job. All of the teens must going to school. Because, in the globalization era it is expected that
the teens generation can develop the knowledge gained so as not outdate. That’s the important of being
someone who is educated well in a family, environment, school, and community. If we as generation
are able to get a good education, then the unemployment rate in Indonesia also will be less. Because,
human resources has been able to develop their knowledge.
Articles about Music

The Orchestra

An orchestra is a group of musicians who play together on various instruments. Sometimes it performs
alone, at other times it plays along with a group of singers. Orchestras give concerts and play for
ballets or operas. They also provide background music for movies and TV shows.
When we speak of orchestras we usually mean symphony orchestras. They have many instruments and
play mostly classical music which is performed in concerts.
Some symphony orchestras have only professional musicians. The most famous are in the larger cities
of the world. Among them are the Berlin Philharmonic, the Vienna Philharmonic, the New York
Philharmonic, the Boston and London Symphony.
Orchestral music is written in the form of a score, which shows the notes that are played by each
instrument. Every musician only sees the notes that he or she plays. The conductor stands in front of
the orchestra and directs the musicians.
An orchestra can have up to 20 kinds of different instruments. Large symphony orchestras can have a
hundred musicians. Smaller ones like chamber orchestras have between 5 and 40 players. They
originally were small enough to play in a chamber or hall.
Sections of an Orchestra
A modern orchestra consists of four sections or families of instruments. The string section is the most
important part of a symphony orchestra. It has more than half of the musicians and consists of violins,
violas, cellos and string basses. The violinists play high sounds and are divided into two groups. The
first violins and the second violins usually play different parts. The leading first violinist is the
concertmaster of the orchestra. He helps the other musicians tune their instruments and serves as the
assistant. Cellos and string basses play low sounds.
The woodwind section consists of flutes, bassoons, oboes and clarinets. An orchestra can have
between two and four of each of these instruments. Sometimes these musicians change instruments, for
example, a flautist may switch to a piccolo. These two instruments have high piercing tones, whereas
the bassoon may have the lowest tones of the whole orchestra.
The brass section has several trumpets, French horns, trombones and one tuba. These instruments are
especially important in the loud, exciting parts of the music. Trumpets and horns play the higher parts,
trombones and tubas dominate the lower parts. This section is located mostly at the centre and back of
the orchestra.
The percussion section has all sorts of instruments, especially those that you can hit, rattle or shake.
The drums are the best known among these instruments. In a symphony orchestra, kettledrums or
timpani make the music more exciting. Other percussion instruments include bells, cymbals, gongs,
tambourines or xylophones. Other instruments like the harp, piano or saxophone may be added to the
orchestra if they are needed.
The Conductor
A conductor directs the musicians with a stick, called the baton. But he does important things before
the performance. He chooses the music that is to be played at a concert and decides how it should be
played- loud or soft, fast or slow. Then he calls the musicians to rehearsals where he often lets sections
or individual musicians play their parts over and over again until the sound is perfect.
History of the Orchestra
The word orchestra was first used by the ancient Greeks and meant the front part of a stage. During the
Middle Ages, it also included the musicians on the stage. The first orchestras were organized by kings
and queens of France and in Italian churches and places during the late 6th and early 7th centuries.
Most of these orchestras used stringed instruments and played for ballets, operas and at dance parties.
By the early 1700s some European composers, like Johann Sebastian Bach or George Frederic Handel,
wrote music just for orchestras. Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang A. Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven
perfected the classical symphony in the late 1700s and early 1800s. In the 20th century composers like
Richard Strauss or Igor, Stravinsky created musical works that needed large ensembles. Later on,
electronic instruments were added and new sounds created.

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