Bitter Flavour in Dairy Products. A Review of The Factors Likely

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Bitter flavour in dairy products. I.

A review of the
factors likely to influence its development, mainly in
cheese manufacture
L Lemieux, Re Simard

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L Lemieux, Re Simard. Bitter flavour in dairy products. I. A review of the factors likely to influence
its development, mainly in cheese manufacture. Le Lait, INRA Editions, 1991, 71 (6), pp.599-636.

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Review article

Bitter flavour in dairy products.

1. A review of the factors likely to influence
its development, mainly in cheese manufacture

L Lemieux, RE Simard

Université Laval, pavillon Paul-Comtois, centre de recherche STELA,

département de sciences et technologie des aliments, Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada, G 1K 7P4

(Received 11 May 1990; accepted 23 August 1991)

Summary - Following a definition of bitte mess and a mention of the Iink between the bitterness of
peptides and their content of hydrophobie amino acid residues, a detailed description is given of the
numerous factors Iikely to influence the development of bitter off-flavour defect in dairy products with
emphasis on cheese. Factors such as milk quality, pH, psychrotrophic bacteria, fat and minerai
content, the cheese manufacturing process including the cooking temperature, salt concentration
and manner of draining the curd, the acidity or the pH of cheese, and sanitary processing and
hygienic packaging conditions are less important than bacterial proliferation in the cheese vat and
the type and amount of starter and rennet used. The major roles played by these last three factors
are better understood since the development of the aseptic vat technique. Finally, possible ways are
mentioned of keeping the concentration of bitter peptides below the threshold level for bitter taste

bitterness / dairy product / cheese / peptide / hydrophobicity

Résumé - L'amertume dans les produits laltiers.L Une revue des facteurs susceptibles d'in-
fluencer son apparition, principalement au cours de la fabrication fromagère. Après avoir défi-
ni l'amertume et mentionné la relation existant entre l'amertume des peptides et leur contenu en
acides aminés hydrophobes, les nombreux facteurs susceptibles d'influencer l'apparition du défaut
d'amertume dans les produits laitiers sont décrits en détail. Les facteurs tels que la qualité du lait,
son pH, son contenu en bactéries psychrotrophes, en matière grasse et en minéraux, le mode de fa-
brication du fromage et la température de cuisson, l'acidité ou le pH du fromage, les conditions sani-
taires de transport du lait, de fabrication et d'emballage du produit fini sont moins importantes que la
prolifération bactérienne dans le bac à fromage et que le type et la quantité de ferment et de présure
utilisés. La compréhension du rôle joué par ces 3 derniers facteurs a été rendue possible avec l'avè-
nement de la technique de fabrication aseptique du fromage. Pour terminer, sont mentionnés
d'éventuels moyens de conserver la concentration en peptides amers au-dessous du seuil de détec-
tion de l'amertume.

amertume / produit laitier / fromage / peptide / hydrophobieité

600 L Lemieux, RE Simard

INTRODUCTION Lactobacillus bulgaricus during storage

(Renz and Puhan, 1975). Gelation and the
Taste buds, which are located in papillae occurrence of bitter flavour in UHT milk are
on the tongue, can detect the characteris- caused by heat-stable proteases and llpo-
tic taste of food determined by the balance Iytic enzymes produced by psychrotrophic
of the primary (sweet, sour, salt, bitter and bacteria. However, milk processing tem-
umami) and/or secondary (astringent, me- perature is critical; while appreciable
tallic and hot) tastes (Nishimura and Kato, amounts of lipase may be inactivated by
1988; Chettel et al, 1977). Umami is the heating milk at 64 oC for 10 s, heat treat-
characteristic taste of monosodium gluta- ments required to inactivate proteases also
mate and 5'-ribonucleotides. denature the milk proteins (Charalambous,
Sometimes desired and regarded as a 1986).
typical flavour note (eg, in grapefruit) and The greatest contribution to the intensity
in some cases indesirable and objected to of cheese flavour has been shown to be
as off-flavour (eg, in cheese). bitterness of present in the water-soluble fraction
foodstuffs may be caused either by natu- (McGugan et al, 1979). Bitterness is most
rally occurring bitter compounds or by intense in that fraction and has been attrib-
products from chemical reactions that oc- uted to medium sized (tri- to hexa-) pep-
cur during storage or processing. tides (Biede and Hammond, 1979) result-
Characterised by a pleasant and slightly ing from the enzymic digestion of casein.
sweet taste, milk is very susceptible to fla- Beta-casein may be the source of bitter
vour defects from a variety of sources (ab- peptides produced by the proteinase(s)
sorption of flavours, bacterial contamina- present in the cell wall of starter bacteria
tion and chemical reactions such as (Exterkate, 1976), while chymosin (rennet)
lipolysis (Charalambous, 1986)), and un- may produce bitter peptides from ail casein
less properly heat-treated and refrigerated, components (Exterkate, 1983).
it has a very short shelf-life. For centuries Following the development of technolo-
cheese-making has been the only means gy for the acceleration of the cheese ripen-
of preserving the major constituents of ing process (Fox, 1988-1989), develop-
milk, and among the variety of cheese ment of low fat cheeses, improved shelf-
types some can be considered as prod- life, transformation of milk to new food
ucts with real long-term storage capabil- products and alteration of milk components
ities. The proteolytic activity of starter cul- by use of recombinant DNA techniques
tures produces bitterness in cheese. By (Muysson and Verrinder Gibbins, 1989),
this process, caseins are broken down into the dairy industry will have to find ways to
peptides of low molecular weight (-1400 avoid this potential defect of bitterness.
Da) with bulky hydrophobic groups to- From the literature surveyed it is surpris-
wards the C-terminal end of the peptide ing to find that bitterness, although report-
(Matoba and Hata, 1972). Peptide bitter- ed for ail dairy products, has been studied
ness, caused by the hydrophobic property most extensively in Cheddar and Gouda
of the amine acid side chain, can be pre- cheeses. This research has identified 20
dicted from the rule proposed by Ney factors related to bitter off-flavour which
(1971, 1979). will be described in detail in this review. lt
Bitterness in yoghurt has been shown is understandable that most of the text will
to be caused by the proteolytic activity of be devoted to bitterness in cheese.
Bitter flavour in dairy products: part 1 601

BITTERNESS-HYDROPHOBICITY It is now accepted that the bitter flavour

produced during enzymic hydrolysis of
casein is due to particular types of pep-
Bitterness, a flavour defect which is en-
tides (Fujimaki et al, 1970). Ney (1971)
countered quite frequently in Cheddar and
was the first to propose the Q-hypothesis,
Gouda cheeses, results from the accumu-
a semi-quantitative relationship between
lation of bitter-tasting peptides formed by
the amino acid composition of a peptide
the action of proteolytic enzymes on case-
and its bitterness. According to Ney
in (Fryer, 1969; Sardinas, 1972; Sullivan
(1979), no particular single amino acid or
and Jago, 1972; Sullivan et al, 1973; Stad-
sequence was needed to impart the bitter
houders, 1974; Stadhouders and Hup,
taste. However, Japanese workers (eg,
1975; Lawrence et al, 1976; Creamer,
Shinoda et al, 1985, 1986a, b) proved later
1978). The bitter peptides have special
on, by synthesizing bitter peptides and
chemical praperties which enable them to
several analogs, that the nature of the ter-
interact with the taste buds at the back of
minai amino acids and their sterie parame-
the tongue to give the sensation of bitter-
ters have some significance in the intensity
of bitter taste.
The existence in the bitter peptides of 2
bitter taste determinant sites which can
bind to the bitter taste receptor has been BITTER FLAVOUR DEVELOPMENT
proposed by Okai (1977), who also postu- IN CHEESE
lated that the hydrophobie residue of a
peptide acts as a first binding site and in Cheese-making, which is an important way
the presence of the second site, called the of preserving the nutritive components of
stimulating site, a bitter taste is detectable. milk, is practised in various parts of the
However, the mechanism of the second world. That explains why many different
site has not yet been resolved (Ishibashi et cheese varieties have been developed.
al, 1987).
However, the results obtained using one
The concentration of the bitter peptides cheese variety with a particular milk coagu-
in the cheese must exceed a certain lant cannot be extrapolated to another
threshold level before bitterness can be cheese variety or cheese made with a dif-
detected. The overall level of bitterness in ferent milk coagulant. Modification of the
cheese might be determined finally by the cheese-making conditions and parameters
relative rates at which bitter peptides are (choice of starter, rennet concentration,
formed and broken down to non-bitter cooking temperature and salt addition
products (Jago, 1974). (Harwalkar and Elliott, 1971; Creamer,
Early on it was suggested, based on the 1978) has helped in the study of cheese
study of Emmons et al (1960b) on 132 bitterness.
cheeses, that cheese bitterness was due Bitter peptides are released from the
to unhydralysed peptides. These authors casein molecules primarily by the action of
obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.90 the rennet and bacterial proteinases; a
between the TCA-soluble N/amino N ratio, contribution may also be expected from
which is an estimate of the average nurn- bacterial peptidases, which may reduce
ber of amino groups per peptide in the the size of peptides initially too large to
TCA soluble extract, and the level of bitter- give a bitter taste (Sullivan and Jago,
ness. 1972; Sullivan et al, 1973). The production
602 L Lemieux,RESimard

of bitter peptides during the process of en- mostly from us1- and B-caseln. lt seems
zymic digestion is not always unfavoura- reasonable that us1- and ~-caseins with
ble; indeed, a bitter taste is one of the im- high average hydrophobicities of 1.17 and
portant components of cheese taste 1.33 kcal/residue, are potential sources of
quality (Shinoda et al, 1985; 1986b). How- bitter peptides on hydrolysis (Visser,
ever, when bitter peptides accumulate, 1977c). Until now, no reports on the identi-
their concentration may exceed the flavour fication of bitter x-casein fragments in
threshold for bitterness and can limit ac- cheese have appeared, although Visser et
ceptance of the cheese, which will then be al (1975) have shown that rennet or puri-
rated bitter (Visser et al, 1983b, cl. lt fied chymosin could generate bitter peptide
should be noted that this threshold is con- material from para-x-casein.
sidered to increase with the age of a The C-terminal portion of ~-casein has
cheese because of the increase in other an extremely bitter taste (Visser et al,
flavour components (Creamer, 1979). 1983b; Shinoda et al, 1986a) and is the
Bitterness has long been recognised as principal source of bitter peptides in Gouda
a major defect in Gouda (Visser et al, cheese (Visser et al, 1983b, c). In Cheddar
1983b) and Cheddar cheeses (Emmons et cheese, ~-casein is highly resistant to pro-
al, 1962a; Richardson and Creamer, 1973; teolysis while usrcasein is extensively de-
Hamilton et al, 1974; Crawford, 1977; graded; the main reason for this resistance
Champion and Stanley, 1982; Edwards to proteolysis is the formation of B-caseln
and Kosikowski, 1983), but it also occurs polymers that are not readily hydrolysed
in Camembert and similar types of chees- (Phelan et al, 1973; Creamer, 1975).
es produced in France (Pélissier et al, Beta-casein was earlier suggested as
1974; Mourgues et al, 1983). This defect being the main source of bitterness in dairy
has also been reported in Swiss mountain products (Sullivan and Jago, 1972). In-
cheese (Guigoz and Solms, 1974), But- deed, strains which produce bitterness in
terkâse (Huber and Klostermeyer, 1974), cheese degrade ~-casein at a faster rate
Japanese yeast-ripened cheese (Kaneko than non-bitter strains (Sullivan and Jago,
and Yoneda, 1974), Gorgonzola (Delformo 1972); moreover, processes used for the
and Parpani, 1986) and Cottage cheese preparation of partly digested dairy prod-
(Sandine et al, 1972), indicating the uni- ucts from whole casein will of necessity
versality of this problem, which is a compli- give rise to bitter tasting products unless
cated defect affected by many factors. In they are capable of reducing the peptide
cheese varieties other than Cottage, bitter representing the sequence 53-79 of ~-
flavour development has been associated casein to very small fragments (Clegg et
with proteolysis (Stone and Naft, 1967). al, 1974). However, the occurrence of bit-
Proteolysis in cheese can be consid- ter defects was observed to be rare in goat
ered synonymous with the degradation of and ewe cheeses compared to cow chees-
the caseins to peptides and amine acids. es; cow's milk contains more uS1-casein,
Although analysis of the casein sequences hydrolysates of which are more bitter than
reveals that they contain many hydropho- those of ~-casein, suggesting that the
bic fragments which are related to the for- smaller the amount of usrcasein, the less
mation of a bitter taste during the hydroly- bitterness that develops in the cheese
sis of these proteins, identification of bitter (Pélissier and Manchon, 1976).
peptides isolated from whole casein and Bitter peptides produced from casein by
from cheese has shown that they originate the action of rennet (or chymosin), as weil
Bitterflavourin dairyproducts:part 1 603

as proteinases from the cell wall of certain tein breakdown during cheese ripening
starter bacteria, are degraded by the ac- (LeBars et al, 1975; Desmazeaud and
tion of proteolytic enzymes from the cyto- Gripon, 1977) have been obtained from
plasmic membrane of bacterial cells, either these aseptic curds.
in concert with enzymes from the cyto- Aseptic manufacture of cheese has
plasm or without their aid. It is known that been performed principally with Cheddar
salt strongly influences the net formation and Gouda cheeses. In the former case,
and degradation of bitter peptides (Visser, research was mainly directed towards the
1977b; Visser et al, 1983a). Although study of the typical Cheddar flavour (Reiter
many studies report on bitterness in et al, 1967; McGugan et al, 1968; Reiter
cheese made with various rennet substi- and Sharpe, 1971). The aseptic technique
tutes, the action of exopeptidases from mi- of cheese manufacture has conclusively
crobial rennets may help in preventing the demonstrated the central role of starter lac-
occurrence of bitterness, and in accelerat- tococci in the development of Cheddar
ing the cheese ripening process (Malkki et cheese flavour, and that different f1avour
al, 1978). intensities are related to different starters
(Reiter et al, 1967). The contribution of
starter lactococci to bitterness production
THE ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE was also studied by Lowrie et al (1974) un-
der controlled bacteriological conditions. It
Before the development of the aseptic vat has been concluded, from the study of the
technique (Mabbitt et al, 1959), the bitter rate of acid development during Cheddar
flavour defect had been observed by nu- cheese manufacture, that the excessive
merous workers (Moir, 1930; Price, 1936; proteolysis which accompanies rapid acidi-
Raadsveld, 1953), some of whom had fication does not result in the development
been able to show specific causes for il. of bitter flavour (O'Keeffe et al, 1975).
Strict bacteriological control of the cheese To study aspects of cheese ripening,
during making was not exercised at that aseptically made cheeses in which the pro-
time, and it was generally believed, from tein is decomposed during ripening
the results of cheese-making experiments through the separate and combined ac-
that starter was the main agent involved in tions of rennet, starter bacteria and milk
the maturation of Cheddar cheese, while protease must be used (Gripon et al, 1975;
other organisms, in particular lactobacilli, Visser, 1977a; Visser and de Groot-
were found to be necessary for the produc- Mostert, 1977).
tion of Cheddar flavour. However, accord- Studies conducted by Visser (1977b, c,
ing to Fryer (1969), the results of such rel- d), Visser and de Groot-Mostert (1977)
atively uncontrolled experiments might and others in which normal aseptic, asep-
justifiably be ignored.
tic starter-free, aseptic rennet-free, and
Aseptic curds are obtained using a tech- aseptic rennet and starter-free Gouda
nique of artificial milk acidification (Mabbitt cheeses were manufactured, have shown
et al, 1955) by the addition of ô-qluconic that rennet and bitter starter bacteria were
acid lactone in place of starter (Visser, able, separately, to produce bitterness in
1977a; Stadhouders et al, 1983). General cheese, although the starter bacteria ap-
information concerning the role of the dif- peared to do this far more specifically than
ferent ingredients used for cheese manu- did rennet by breaking down para-casein
facture and the general mechanism of pro- in peptides of low molecular weight (MW).
604 L Lemieux, RE Simard

Cheeses did not develop bitterness when (Polansky, 1989), while feeding beet and
non-bitter starters were used. It was also turnip tops and roots to cows has been
observed that higher levels of free amino found to cause a bitter flavour in the milk
acids accumulated in aseptic rennet-free (Bassette et al, 1986). When bitter sneeze-
and normal aseptic cheeses when non- weed (Helenium amarum) - a warm-
bitter starters were used instead of bitter season annual widely distributed in the
ones. eastern and southern United States - is
Rennet, which is responsible not only eaten by cows, it imparts a bitter taste to
for coagulation but also for some aspects the milk and renders it unpalatable (Smith,
of the subsequent ripening (Scott, 1972; 1989). A single dose of 500 9 or more of
Visser, 1977c), has been shown to Iiberate green H amarum to a lactating cow was re-
peptides of high and low MW but only very quired to cause appreciable bitterness in
small amounts of amino acids (AA). In nor- milk (Ivie et al, 1975). This off-flavour was
mal cheeses, starter peptidases hydrolyse found to be very persistent and did not dis-
peptides produced by the action of the ren- appear from one milking to the next.
net leading to the accumulation of AA and The intensity and persistence of feed
low-MW « 1400 Da) peptides. Small and weed flavours in milk are a function of
amounts of AA and low-MW peptides are the time interval between feeding and milk-
also liberated by milk protease. ing, ventilation in the barn, soil fertility, and
An experiment conducted by Scott of the physical condition of the cow. Be-
(1972) on Cheddar cheese has indicated sides the feeding (Delbeke and Naudts,
that the breakdown of milk constituents 1970), the composition of milk also varies
was present in the cheese in spite of irradi- according to the season (Lawrence and
ation destruction of bacteria. Although this Gilles, 1971), the stage of lactation (Okig-
treatment produced an intense rancid/ bo, 1986), the breed (Richardson and
bitter flavour, it has shown that once en- Creamer, 1973), the health of the animal
zyme systems are present in the curd, (Sorokina and Karagueuz, 1978) and even
living organisms are not necessary for the the individual (Reiter and Sharpe, 1971).
degradation of milk constituents, as occurs It is generally suggested that milk with
in cheese during ripening. poor rennet coagulation properties should
not be used for the manufacture of cheese
owing to a reduced yield of cheese with a
FACTORS L1KELY TO INFLUENCE high moisture content and a very bitter
BITTER OFF-FLAVOUR DEVELOPMENT flavour (Okigbo, 1986). Significant quanti-
IN DAIRY PRODUCTS ties of casein c1eavageproducts are to be
expected in bulk milk supplies containing
substantial amounts of such milk. How-
Milk quality ever, casein c1eavage products are also
present in normal milk, for example in mid-
Dairy products possessing good flavour lactation milk, but in limited quantities, with
and shelf-life cannot be consistently pro- time, as more plasminogen is activated
duced when made from raw milk of poor and microbial flora increases, higher con-
organoleptic and bacteriological quality centrations of such products accumulate
(White et al, 1978). (Visser etaI, 1983b).
The feeding of good-quality silage to Milk as produced in the mammary
cows usually results in milk of good quality glands is considered to be sterile but mi-
Bitterflavourin dairyproducts:part 1 605

crobial contamination occurs during pas- Pseudomonas f1uorescens P26 produced

sage through the udder. Flavour defects significant proteolysis and bitter off-flavour
such as bitterness, resulting from this mi- in UHT pasteurised milk stored at 4.4 oC
crobial contaminàtion in raw and pasteur- for up to 20 days. However, even in the ab-
ised milk, can occur at any stage of pro- sence of post-pasteurisation contaminants,
duction and processing (Bassette et al, off-flavours may be encountered after pas-
1986). teurisation of raw milk containing large
populations of psychrotrophs due to: 1)
end-products of microbial metabolism; 2)
Psychrotrophic bacteria constituents of large numbers of heat-
inactivated and Iysed bacterial cells; 3)
Psychrotrophic bacteria are present in heat-stable microbial enzymes; 4) pres-
most raw milk supplies and can grow read- ence and growth of thermoduric psychro-
ily at refrigeration temperatures, producing trophs (Patel and Blankenagel, 1972).
proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. The re- A lipase and severai esterases occur
sults obtained by Gebre-Egziabher et al naturally in milk, the lipase attacks the milk
(1980) and many others (eg, Richardson triglycerides, releasing free fatty acids and
and Newstead, 1979; Dousset et al, 1988) forming mono- and diglycerides which are
have shown that ail psychrotrophs were responsible for the bitter flavour that occa-
hydrolysing casein in raw and processed sionaliy accompanies lipolysis (Lebedev
milk, thus causing bitterness problems. and Umanskit, 1981; Choisy et al, 1984;
During cold storage of milk at the farm Bassette et al, 1986). Dibutyrin is the bitter
and at the dairy before processing, the flavour principle in homogenised raw milk.
growth of acid-producing bacteria is sup- Since the growth of lactic streptococci is
pressed while psychrotrophic bacteria, af- depressed in lipolysed milk, it is possible
ter a certain lag period, start to develop. that slow lipolysis which occurs in milk held
Several psychrotrophic bacteria (eg, Pseu- in bulk tanks could produce enough acids
domonas f1uorescens P26, B12 and B52) es- to slightly inhibit the growth of lactic cul-
pecially if they reach a cell population of tures and, as a result, the flavour and
106/ml, may produce extracellular lipases odour of milk may be altered and the sur-
and proteases that can survive the heat face and interfacial properties modified
treatments encountered in pasteurisation (Jensen, 1964). In order to help the milk to
(73 ± 1.0 oC for 16 s) and in the UHT pro- recover its physico-chemical and biochemi-
cessing of milk (135-150 "C for 3-10 s), cal properties, Desmazeaud (1983) has
and cause the development of bitter taste proposed the storage of good bacterial
(Shipe et al, 1978; Dousset et al, 1988). quality milk for 12-15 h at 10°C in the
Both bacterial and native (alkaline) milk presence of 0.1-0.2% of starter.
proteinases can hydrolyse casein and pro- McKeliar (1981) was the first to report
duce bitter off-flavour in milk and milk prod- an attempt to associate bitterness develop-
ucts with an extended shelf-Iife (White and ment in milk with proteolysis measurement.
Marshall, 1973b; Richardson and News- He found that proteolysis ranging from
tead, 1979; Visser, 1981; Torrie et al, 0.289-0.554 and from 0.499-0.746 umol
1983; Dousset et al, 1988). White and Mar- of trichloroacetic acid-soluble free amine
shall (1973a) have shown that contamina- groups/ml for UHT and pasteurised milk,
tion of raw milk having a bacterial count of respectively, was necessary for significant
< 33/ml inoculated with 160 cells/ml of off-flavour development.
606 L Lemieux, RE Simard

Bitter flavour which frequently devel- pre-ripened with starter; or cl, a large
oped under commercial handling of Cot- amount of starter has been used. A solu-
tage cheese was associated with increas- tion to this problem may be achieved by re-
es in soluble nitrogen and psychrophilic duction of rennet levels (Banks, 1988) and
bacteria. Also, much of the White cheese manufacture of Cheddar cheese according
offered in Egyptian local markets is bitter to the method of Banks et al (1987), which
and highly acidic due to raw milk heavily includes incorporation of denatured whey
contaminated with lactobacilli (Abo- protein into the curd. However, the devel-
Elnaga, 1974). Similarly, Greek Teleme opment of high quality Cheddar cheese
cheeses made with raw milk stored for 5 flavour was impaired by this technique.
days were unacceptable for body and tex-
ture and were rejected because of rancidi-
ty, unclean flavour and bitterness due to Bacteriophage proliferation
the presence of psychrotrophic bacteria in the cheese vat
(Kalogridou-Vassiliadou and Alichanidis,
1984). Other workers (Chapman et al, The presence of antibiotics or bacterio-
1976; Law et al, 1976; Hicks et al, 1986) phages seriously inhibits the starter activity
have found similar off-flavours in Cheddar and prevents or reduces the development
cheese made from cold-stored milk. of bitterness (Stadhouders, 1974).
Bacteriophage contamination during
making, at levels which restricted starter
Treatment and pH of the cheese milk growth in the final stages of manufacture
without markedly affecting acid production,
had a striking effect on cheese flavour,
As early as 1930, Moir observed that
especially the intensity of bitterness (Low-
cheese made from pasteurised milk devel-
rie et al, 1972), and was responsible for
ops a bitter flavour, a defect more pro-
longer cheese-making times on subse-
nounced for milk f1ash-pasteurised at
quent days (Lawrence and Gilles, 1973;
85 oC than at 74 oC (20-30 s). As men-
Lowrie, 1977). The cheeses manufactured
tioned by Stadhouders (1962), cheese-
under controlled bacteriological conditions
making from over-pasteurised milk is still
both with the normally bitter strain Laeto-
not allowed in the Netherlands; indeed, by
coccus laetis subsp laetis MLa or the slow
this process more rennet is retained and
acid-producing strain Laetoeoeeus laetis
the cheese has a greater chance of be-
subsp eremoris AM2 at a low cooking tem-
coming bitter. This was confirmed for Gou-
perature developed an intense bitter fla-
da and Cheddar cheeses produced from
vour; however, this defect was almost en-
milk of low pH (pH 6.25) (Stadhouders and
tirely eliminated from cheese made in the
Hup, 1975). The pattern of proteolysis is
presence of bacteriophage (Lowrie et al,
altered during maturation; consequently,
1974). Since significant bacteriophage
there is more intensive breakdown of the
contamination may occur without apparent
<Xs1-casein and increased bitterness in the effect on acid production during 'cheess-
Cheddar cheese (Creamer et al, 1985). making, instances of such bacteriophage
The lowering of the initial pH of cheese infection must be widespread in commer-
milk happens when: a), the milk is of inferi- cial cheese-making operations, even when
or quality and acid formation has taken so-called "phage-tolerant" or "phage-
place (Okigbo et al, 1985); b), the milk is resistant" starters are used (Lowrie, 1977).
Bitter f1avour in dairy products: part 1 607

Many years aga, cheese of good fla- of the kind of milk (raw or pasteurised). Ad-
vour, as weil as complete control over bac- dition of 0.1 to 0.5% of a culture of Strepto-
teriophage could be obtained by rotation of coccus fiquefaciens ta the regular starter
carefully selected pairs of starters resulted in cheese with a flavour sa bitter
(Lawrence and Gilles, 1973; Gavron et al, that it became unpalatable (Deane, 1951).
1982). The information that bacteriophage Similar results were obtained by Yates et
does not replicate in non-growing cells al (1955), who made Cheddar cheese with
which still retain the capacity ta ferment cultures of Streptococcus faecafis var fi-
lactose ta lactic acid would appear, as sug- quefaciens previously isolated from raw
gested by Hillier et al (1975), ta form a ba- milk cheese or whey. Marked proteolysis
sis for the control of phage proliferation in and bitterness resulted in cheese prepared
cheese factories. with pasteurised cheese milk, added Strep-
tococcus liquefaciens and a lactic starter
(Tittsler et al, 1948). Outgrowth and survi-
Fat content val characteristics of starter bacteria during
cheese ripening have been implicated in
the development of Cheddar cheese
Cheddar cheese made from pasteurised
flavour as weil as of bitter flavour (Perry
milk with a reduced fat content (1.5 ±
and McGillivray, 1964; Reiter et al, 1967;
0.1%) has been found ta develop an in-
Martley and Lawrence, 1972; Lowrie et al,
creasingly acid and bitter flavour (Deane
and Dolan, 1973). On the other hand, this
off-flavour defect was also observed in Ital- For many years starter lactococci have
ian cheeses such as Crescenza, Gorgon- been c1assified as bitter or non-bitter ac-
zola and Robiola when they were manu- cording ta whether or not they consistently
factured from milk with a high fat content produce bitterness in Cheddar cheese
(Delformo and Parpani, 1986). (Emmons et al, 1962a; Lawrence and
Gilles, 1969). Two simple methods for de-
Hydrolytic cleavage of fatty acids from
tecting bitter strains have been proposed
milk fat by the lipase, which is secreted by
by Klimovsky et al (1970). The first method
microbial contaminants in milk, can pro-
consists of evaluating the flavour of curds
duce bitter off-flavour (Sassette et al,
of skim-milk and of skim-chalk-milk made
1986), as discussed before.
with rennet in concentration of 0.7 g/I of
milk following incubation for 24 h and 7
days at 26 oC with the strains being tested.
Choice of starter
Selected strains were used in the manu-
facture of Kostroma, a Russian cheese.
As observed by Lawrence and Gilles There was a perfect correlation between
(1969), the most important raie in bitter- bitterness in the cheese and bitterness in
ness is played by the starter. Tests by the 7-day test. The second method is
Hansen et al (1933) indicated that addition based on the ability of lactic acid bacteria
of more than 4% of a culture of Streptococ- to form peptides rapidly and ta produce
cus paracitrovorus ta raw or pasteurised glutamate slowly in milk, following addition
cheese milk resulted in cheese with a bitter of rennet, knowing that the most bitter
flavour and open texture. This was also strains consistently produce less glutamate
true of Steptococcus citrovorus when an than non-bitter strains, independently of
inoculum of 1-10% was used, regardless the milk or rennet used. Hillier et al (1975)
608 L Lemieux,RESimard

have shown that the estimation of bacterial cies basis because of the differences be-
growth in milk containing 1% yeast extract, tween cultures apparently belonging to the
at pH 6.3 and 37.5 -c, by a rapid absor- same species. As reported by Klimovsky et
bance method, provides a simple means al (1970), Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp laetis
of identifying strains likely to produce high and Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp eremoris
or low cell populations in the curd and strains may give rise to bitterness in Ched-
hence, either a bitter or non-bitter cheese. dar cheese and also in Dutch-type chees-
Certain strains of P roqueforti and P ease- es. Martley and Lawrence (1972) have
ieolum have been shown to be responsible also come to the conclusion that it is un-
for the development of bitterness in Cam- wise to regard ML1, a strain of Laetoeoe-
embert cheese (Adda etet, 1982). Accord- eus eremoris, as a typical non-bitter starter
ing to the findings of different workers because this strain gives slightly bitter and
(Martley and Lawrence, 1972; Sullivan and other characteristic off-flavours, variously
Jago, 1972; Choisy et al, 1978) a fast described as "burnt" or "malty". Similarly,
method is proposed, based on the deter- Lawrence et al (1972) stated that the strain
mination of the starter growth rate, proteol- of starter used appeared to be the only fac-
ysis and proline-iminopeptidase activity, to tor controlling the acceptability of Cheddar
characterise laetoeoeeus strains for their cheese and the development of off-
capacity, if any, to develop bitterness in flavours such as bitterness when normal
cheese. commercial cheese-making conditions
Bitter and non-bitter strains are sup- were used. Their finding is not in full agree-
posed to differ only in their resistance to ment with the conclusions of Reiter and
the cooking temperature applied in Ched- Sharpe (1971) from trials with cheese
dar cheese production (=0 38 OC). At this made under carefully controlled conditions
cheese cooking temperature, since the in an aseptic vat, that the chemical compo-
growth of the non-bitter strains is re- sition of the milk (which may be influenced
pressed while that of the bitter strains is by the feed of the cows and the effect of
not, a high final total population of starter the native milk enzymes, ie lipases and
organisms in the curd, irrespective of proteases) and the bacteriological quality
strain, has been thus shown to be the ma- of the cheese milk may also influence the
jor factor producing bitterness in cheese development of cheese flavour.
(Lowrie et al, 1972). The viability of starter The culture characteristics play a more
cultures in milk incubated at different tem- decisive role in bitter flavour production
peratures has been used (Sullivan et al, than the type of milk-c1otting enzyme
1974) to indicate the potential of individual (Nelson, 1974). Cheeses made with "slow-
strains to produce bitter or non-bitter er" starter strains (ML1, Es, TR, R1, US3,
cheese at specifie cooking temperatures. It SK11, AM1 and AM2 of Laetoeoccus iectis
has been observed (Phillips, 1935) that for subsp eremoris (Exterkate, 1976)) have
3 different cultures of Laetoeoeeus laetis been found to exhibit good flavour, quite
subsp lectis, when the pH value of the free from bitterness, while those made with
cheese was s 5.00 at 4 days, bitter flavour "faster" starter strains (HP, C13, KH, FD27
subsequently developed. As suggested by and Wg2 of Lectococcus tectis subsp erem-
Harris and Hammer (1940), if a Mieroeoe- oris (Exterkate, 1976)) exhibited bitterness.
eus is to be employed in making Cheddar The starter strains HP and Wg2 were found
cheese from pasteurised milk, it should be to be capable of producing bitter cheeses
selected on a strain rather than on a spe- on their own, without any interaction with
Bitterf1avourin dairyproducts:part 1 609

rennet (Visser, 1977b). When used as sup- 1988). However, as reported by Nufiez et
plemental starters, strains of Streptococ- al (1982) there is no specifie commercial
cus faeca/is were found unsuitable for starter for the manufacture of Manchego
Cheddar cheese manufacture because cheese in Spain, and bitter flavour defects
they prodùced more defective f1avours due to the use of imported starters have
than did their controls. However, 2 strains been frequently observed.
of Streptococcusdurans (15-20 and 9-20) Lowrie et al (1972) have concluded that
could be considered for supplemental use culture strains which produce little or no
as commercial starters because they sig- bitterness and good cheese flavour exhibit
nificantly and consistently produced chees- one or more of the following characteris-
es with fewer defects than their controls, tics: 1), a low rate of cell division at normal
which were manufactured only with lacto- cheese cooking temperaturesz), poor sur-
cocci (Jensen et al, 1975). As observed by vival in cheese during curing; 3), low prote-
Lawrence et al (1976), Lactococcus lactis olytic activity; 4), high acid phosphatase
subsp cremoris strains are less likely than
activity (Dinesen, 1974; Nelson, 1974).
Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis strains to
give fruity and bitter defects in Cheddar
cheese. The central role of starter bacteria Behaviour of bitter
in the ripening of Gouda cheese has been and non-bitter strains
established by Kleter (1976), who found
that it was possible to make Gouda cheese Lawrence and Gilles (1969) observed that
with a normal ripening process and normal cheese was seldom bitter when non-bitter
organoleptic properties when no bacterial strains were used as starter, regardless of
enzymes other than those from a proper the amount of rennet, salt or moisture
starter Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris present, or the rate of acid production in
were active in the cheese. Lactococcus the curd, or the final pH of the cheese.
lactis subsp lactis C2 has the potential to However, when bitter strains were used,
produce bitter cheese based onits growth the cheese was invariably bitter except
in milk at the normal cooking temperatures when the salt-in-rnoisture levels and the
for Cheddar (Sullivan et al, 1974; McKay pH of the cheese were relatively high.
and Baldwin, 1978). Improvement of Lacto- They also found (Lawrence and Gilles,
coccus lactis subsp lactis C2 as a potential 1971) that the bitterness of cheese manu-
Cheddar cheese starter, by genetic manip- factured with the bitter strains was directly
ulation, reduced the proteolytic activity of proportional to the amount of rennet used.
the stabilised transductants as compared This was in contrast to cheese manufac-
to the parent. This resulted in a reduction tured with the non-bitter strains, since a 2-
in the formation of bitter flavour in Cheddar or 3-fold increase in the amount of rennet
cheese (Kempler et al, 1979). used did not produce a bitter cheese
Lactic starters prepared from non-bitter (Jago, 1974).
strains such as Lactococcus lactis subsp As mentioned by Exterkate and
lactis INIA 12, may be empJoyed to mini- Stadhouders (1971), bitter and non-bitter
mize the risk of bitterness in cheese varie- strains of lactococci differ in their growth
ties where fast acid production is not es- characteristics: bitter strains grow rapidly
sential for the manufacturing process, ie under normal cheese-making conditions
Spanish Burgos cheese manufactured and reach high populations in the cheese
from pasteurised milk, but without inocula- curd prior to salting; on the other hand, the
tion with lactic starters (Chavarri et al, multiplication of non-bitter strains is inhibit-
610 L Lemieux, RE Simard

ed at the normal cooking temperature in al, 1962a), strains that produced bitter
cheese-making. According to their results, cheese hydrolysed bitter-tasting peptides •
ail strains must therefore be potentially ca- less extensively than strains that produced
pable of contributing directly to the forma- non-bitter cheese. Jago (1962) came to a
tion of bitter-flavoured components in similar conclusion, ie that the differences
cheese. between bitter and non-bitter strains were
If the starter population density in the due to the inability of bitter strains to hydro-
cheese at salting is allowed to become too lyse the bitter peptides produced by ren-
high, however, flavour defects such as bit- net. It was suggested that bitterness may
terness or fruitiness are produced and de- result from the formation of pyrrolidone
tract from or mask cheese flavour (Law- carboxylic acid (PCA) at the N-terminal
rence et al, 1976). The role of starter may end of a hydrophobie peptide derived from
therefore be merely to provide a suitable casein during proteolysis. Later, Sullivan
environment which allows the elaboration and Jago (1970a, b) c1aimedthat the pos-
of cheese flavour (Lowrie et al, 1974). session of a pyrrolidone carboxylyl pepti-
dase by non-bitter, but not by bitter start-
As reported by Dunn and Lindsay
ers, was the critical difference between
(1985), even if many strains of lactococci
strains in their ability to degrade bitter pep-
(eg, MLa) produce bitter peptides in more
tides. This enzyme specifically hydrolyses
aged cheeses, they are preferred to non-
the peptide bond joining PCA residues to
bitter strains because of their efficiency in
the remainder of peptides and proteins.
the cheese-making process. Indeed, these
This was further correlated by the detailed
latter strains tend to be sensitive to salt
investigation of Exterkate and Stadhouders
and exhibit poor survival in cheese. lt is
(1971) who showed that the enzyme activi-
then advisable, in order to avoid the devel-
ty was not only present, but was higher, in
opment of off-flavours and bitterness, to
cell extracts from bitter strains than from
select the bacterial population of a starter
non-bitter strains.
on the basis of its proteolytic activity and
its rate of lactic acid production over the When the amount of bitter peptides
entire range of temperature and pH occur- present in bitter as weil as in non-bitter
ring during manufacture and maturation of cheeses exceeds the threshold value for
cheese (Emmons et al, 1962a). bitter taste perception, the cheese is rated
bitter (Visser et al, 1983b). Two reasons
why the concentration of bitter peptides
Bitterness in cheese may never exceed the threshold at which
and degradation of bitter peptides bitterness can be detected in cheese made
with non-bitter strains were reported by
From their experiments, Emmons et al Lawrence et al (1972): a), non-bitter start-
(1960a, b) concluded that bitterness in ers would be expected to degrade high
Cheddar cheese is closely associated with MW peptides at a slower rate since they
the strain of starter culture. Their results exhibit less proteolytic activity in cheese
suggested that bitterness was due to a de- than bitter starters (Martley and Lawrence,
ficiency, in the strains used, of proteolytic 1972); and b), non-bitter strains may have
enzymes capable of hydrolysing bitter pri- a peptidase activity greater than that of bit-
mary breakdown products of the cheese ter strains. The conclusion of Gordon and
protein. According to the nitrogen content Speck (1965) that a bitter strain was more
of Cheddar cheese samples (Emmons et proteolytic than a non-bitter one in milk cul-
Bitter f1avour in dairy products: part 1 611

ture was later asserted to be a non-general (1976), the use of cultures containing slow-
feature of ail bitter and non-bitter starter coagulating variants (Stadhouders, 1974)
strains (Martley and Lawrence, 1972). Ali for Gouda cheese, and the use of strains
the bitter strains are capable of producing that cannot grow at 38 oC (Lowrie and
bitter peptides from casein by the action of Lawrence, 1972; Martley and Lawrence,
their specific cell wall proteinase(s) (Mills 1972; Jago, 1974) for Cheddar cheese
and Thomas, 1980; Exterkate, 1983). How- would seem to be logical approaches to
ever, slow variants of these strains le, the prevention of bitterness. A reduction in
those which give no off-flavours under nor- the maximum starter population or the de-
mal conditions (Lawrence and Pearce, liberate infection of the starter with homolo-
1968) have lost this ability. Whole cells of gous phage was shown by Martley (1975b)
Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris HP can to result in a marked reduction or elimina-
produce bitter peptides only from whole tion of bitterness and in a great improve-
and J3-caseinsand degrade only chymosin- ment in the overail flavour acceptability of
generated bitter peptides from O:sl- and Camembert cheese. A better flavour, with
(para)-K-casein (Visser et al, 1983c). a lower incidence of bitterness was also
noticed for Gouda cheese manufactured
Reduction of bitterness in cheese with thawed single strain lactococci con-
centrates inoculated directly to the cheese
As shawn by Sullivan et al (1973), the milk (Martens, 1974).
power of each strain to remove the bitter The starter culture can be altered by in-
taste is directly related to its ability to hy- clusion of a high level of mutant strains
drolyse the bitter peptides to amino acids. (Prr) with a substantial deficiency in sur-
A strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens, face-associated proteinase and with the
VITE 8.7, originally isolated from soil and same peptidase activities as the parent cell
able to produce a complex of endo- and (Kamaly and Marth, 1988). Because bitter
exopeptidases, has been found to prevent, flavours are related to proteinase positive
in the presence of a microbial rennet, the (Prt-) cell activity, use of cultures contain-
formation of bitter taste in Edam cheese ing a high proportion of proteinase nega-
(Mâlkkl et al, 1976, 1978). Indeed, this tive (Prr) cells may represent a logical ap-
strain produces proteinases and peptidas- proach for reducing bitterness
es able to convert, under laboratory condi- development in cheese (Milis and Thomas,
tions in culture flasks, 60-90% of the milk 1980, 1982; Richardson et al, 1983). A
proteins to free amino acids; therefore, the non-bitter Cheddar cheese has thus been
breakdown of bitter compounds will allow a produced using a high level (45-75% Prr
modification of taste properties (Mâlkki et cells), of variants of Lactococcus lactis
al, 1979). Knowing that bitter starters lack subsp lactis (C2) Lac-Prr used to increase
the protease enzyme able to degrade bitter the normal starter population of experimen-
peptides, Sood and Kosikowski (1979) tal cheeses without increasing the rate of
suggested that addition, at low levels, of acid production during the manufacturing
microbial proteases such as fungal pro- process. The absence of bitterness in the
tease 31000 from Aspergillus oryzae, mi- final product has then indicated that the in-
crobial protease P-53 of Bacillus subtilis, tracellular peptidase system of the added
or lipase-MY from Candida cylindracea, to mutant strain was efficient in degrading bit-
the bitter starter may lead to cheeses free ter peptides (Grieve and Dulley, 1983). A
of bitterness. According to Lawrence et al decrease in bitterness in Cheddar was

612 L Lemieux, RE Simard

also obtained for cheese manufactured a bitter and a non-bitter strain in suitable
with starters containing Pit- variants of proportions as starter in the vat. In a simi-
Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp eremoris and lar way, Creamer et al (1970) reported the
Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp laetis (Monnet et undesirability of using "fast" single strain
al, 1986). Bitter cheese will no longer be starters (HP, P2, MLs), unless these are
produced when an originally bitter strain in paired with a "slow" starter (AM2) in order
which the "slow" variants, or those who to reduce the bitterness to an acceptable
have lost the ability of forming bitter pep- level; however, the bitterness of the starter
tides from casein, have grown to a large cannot be suppressed entirely by this pair-
proportion of the culture (Mills and Thom- ing. The very significant decrease in bitter-
as, 1980; Stadhouders et al, 1983) is used ness observed when the mixed starter was
as a starter. Exterkate (1976) suggested used can be totally explained as a dilution
that the presence of proteolytic activity Pli effect of the bitter starter by the non-bitter
was correlated with bitter peptide produc- starter. Experiments have c1early shown
tion; non-bitter peptide producers such as that the proteolytic activity of bitter strains
Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp eremoris strain is different from that of non-bitter strains
ML1 produced only PI and PlU' It was later (Stadhouders, 1974), and that the interac-
demonstrated by Hugenholtz et al (1984) tion between one strain and another may
that strain ML1 contains the same proteo- be important (Reiter and Sharpe, 1971).
Iytic system as the bitter peptide producing The suitable pairing of such strains can
strains Wg2, HP and C13. As this strain ex- thus contribute to considerably reduce bit-
cretes most of its proteases into the sur- ter flavour in cheese.
rounding medium, the proteases do not re-
main in the curd and do not contribute to
bitter peptide formation during cheese ri- Factors implicated in starter activity
pening. and in starter fai/ure

The temperature of storage has been

found to be critical for starters. They remain
active for only a few weeks at -20 "O, but
It is now recognised that the use of certain lose no activity at -40 "C when stored for
starters results in bitterness in cheese and 6-8 months, a period which would be long
that pairing of "bitter" starters with "non- enough for successful commercial use.
bitter" starters markedly reduces bitterness Freezing in liquid N2 (-196 OC)is now the
in Cheddar (Lawrence and Pearce, 1968; most common practice in dairying coun-
Creamer et al, 1970) and Gouda (Visser, tries. Even if storage of starter concentrate
1977b) cheesemaking. at -40 oC results in a slightly lower level of
Emmons et al (1961, 1962a, b) studied cell survival compared to storage at -
bitterness in pasteurised milk cheese as 196 oC, the difference is unlikely to be sig-
influenced by different combinations and nificant when concentrates are used to in-
proportions of paired strains of Laetoeoe- oculate mother cultures and bulk starter
eus laetis subsp eremoris in the starter. vessels, or even for direct vat inoculation
They found that the level of bitterness de- in the case of Dutch-type cheeses (Law-
creased as the proportion of non-bitter rence et al, 1976).
strains in the starter culture' increased. The most important extrinsic factors im-
Non-bitter cheese was made by combining plicated in starter failure are antibiotics and
Bitter f1avour in dairy products: part 1 613

bacteriophage attack. Since starter bacte- Amount of rennet and starter added
ria are sensitive to very low concentrations to the cheese milk
of antibiotic residues, milk containing anti-
biotics should not be accepted or used for
According to Stadhouders (1962), 3 main
the manufacture of cheese. However,
factors control the concentration of rennet
Gavron et a/ (1982) were able to manufac-
in cheese: 1), the quantity of rennet used
ture non-bitter Gouda cheese in the pres-
in cheese-making; 2), the manner in which
ence of antibiotics, and bitter cheese in the
the curd is washed and dried (with short
absence of antibiotics by using group N
drying and washing times, more rennet r~-
streptococcus strains which had previously
mains in the cheese); 3), the pH of the rnilk
been made resistant to penicillin and bac-
and curd during cheese-making. When the
teriophage, and which were stable with re-
pH of the curd is much below the normal
gard to both lactose metabolism and pro-
pH of milk (pH 6.5-6.6), the casein retains
teinase activity.
more rennet, which is then found in larger
An alternative method of slow and con- quantity in the cheese.
tinuous acidification in,cheese-making by
The rennet concentration used in Ched-
substituting o-gluconic acid)actone (GAL)
dar cheese-making has an important influ-
for the starter organism wasdeveloped by
ence on the development of bitterness,
Mabbitt et a/ (1955). This technique _was
especially when temperature-insensitive
also used (O'Keeffe et al, 1975) in Ched-
strains are used (Scott, 1972; Milis and
dar cheese manufacture to simulate the
Thomas, 1980). Lawrence et a/ (1972)
pH development pattern of starter cheese.
have shown that with these strains (AM1,
These latter workers observed a very
AM2), increased rennet levels gave more
marked increase in proteolysis caused by
bitter cheese. As found by Lawrence and
a rapid early acid development in the
Gilles (1971), bitterness scores were di-
cheese, and concluded that bitterness was
rectly proportional to the level of rennet
not obviously connected with the level of
used with the fast lactococci starters (HP,
proteolysis; in fact the excessive proteoly-
MLa, z, BAl, Ea and ML1). However, ~o
sis which accompanies rapid acidification
increase in bitterness was observed wlth
does not result in the development of bitter
2- to 3-fold increases in rennet used with
flavour. The contribution of rennet (or ren-
the slow streptococci starters (AM1, AM2
net substitutes) to the ripening process
and US3).
may be assessed by the use of aseptic
cheeses in which acidulation is simulated Bitterness in Mozzarella cheese made
by this technique (Visser, 1977a; by direct acidification (Keller et al, 1974)
Stadhouders et al, 1983). and in a Japanese yeast-ripened cheese
Cheddar cheese manufactured under (Kaneko and Yoneda, 1974) may be avoid-
controlled bacteriological conditions using ed by reducing the amount of rennet.
GAL in place of starter was sharp or bitter Since the relative clottinq power of ren-
(Perry and McGillivray, 1964; Reiter et al, net is not constant during the normal dairy-
1967), and Gouda cheese did not develop ing season (Lawrence and Gilles, 1969,
any cheese taste or flavour at ail. Howev- 1971), the level of rennet used throughout
er, after some months of ripening the latter the season could be varied according to its
became bitter (Kleter, 1976). clottinq power. This would save money by
614 L Lemieux,RESimard

reducing the amount of rennet used, and ail cheese varieties (Lawrence et al, 1983).
would also lower the incidence of bitter- The rennet activity depends on its concen-
ness in Cheddar cheese when certain tration in the cheese (Stadhouders, 1974)
"fast" starters are used. Furthermore, it is and to a great extent on the salt content
still possible to reduce the level of rennet (Stadhouders, 1962; Fox and Walley,
normally used (70-85 9 per 450 kg of milk) 1971). There is more opportunity for the
when the setting temperature is raised by chymosin to be active in the interior of
0.63-1.26 -c. cheeses which are brined or rubbed with
The rennet retention is Iinearly related salt than in cheeses of which the curd is
to the amount of rennet added to the milk mixed with salt before pressing.
(Visser, 1977a). Retention is greatly in- Based on the results obtained with
creased with decreasing milk pH and with aseptically-made Gouda cheeses, Visser
greater starter activity (Stadhouders and (1977b) concluded that rennet alone has
Hup, 1975; Lawrence et al, 1984). A study the potency to produce bitter peptides and,
by Vassal and Gripon (1984) on Camem- if retained in high concentrations, to make
bert-type soft cheeses, made with Lacto- the cheese very bitter. lt was also ob-
coccus lactis subsp cremoris and Penicilli- served that the contribution of rennet to the
um caseicolum as surface flora, has led development of bitterness in Cheddar
them to conclude that the pH of the milk at cheese is not as important as in Gouda
renneting modified only slightly the quanti- cheese (Stadhouders and Hup, 1975; Vis-
ty of rennet retained in the curd, whereas ser, 1977b).
the quantity of rennet had a much greater Milk ultra-filtration (UF) can be used in
influence. In fact the amount of retained cheese-making to produce a retentate with
rennet varied almost in a linear manner total solids at a suitable level; the retentate
but did not affect the development of bitter- is thus a concentrate of protein and fat,
ness. and the permeate is a solution of lactose
The significance of both the starter and minerais (Mortensen, 1984). Creamer
strain and type of rennet used in the devel- et al (1987) manufactured Cheddar cheese
opment of the bitter flavour defect in the from milk concentrated 5-fold by UF, and
manufacture of Cheddar cheese was observed that despite the relatively high re-
shown by Lawrence et al (1972): 1), the sidual rennet concentration in the product
calf rennet concentration determined both (up to 33 RU/1 000 9 cheese), bitterness
the acceptability and the intensity of bitter- was not detected. Rennet activity appears
ness when the 'faster' strains of starter to be somewhat inhibited in UF Cheddar
were used; 2), at any given calf rennet cheese. Such inhibition is likely to be due
concentration the strain of starter used de- to whey proteins (Creamer et al, 1987).
termined the flavour and acceptability of Moreover, incorporation of whey proteins
the resulting cheese. in the UF cheese-making process also has
Research in New Zealand has c1early an affect on the charactaristics and yield of
established that if starter and non-starter product and then limits the extension of the
growth is controlled so as not to reach lev- range of UF cheeses on the market (Le-
els that produce off-flavours and if as little lievre and Lawrence, 1988).
rennet as possible is used, the flavour Mistry and Kosikowski (1986a, b) have
which develops in Cheddar cheese is like- shown that starter concentration is impor-
Iy to be acceptable to most consumers. It tant when retentates are used as bulk
is probable that a similar situation exists in starters; beyong 1% starter, higher yield in-
Bitterflavourin dairyproducts:part 1 615

creases were possible, but bitterness de- parasitiea, and Mueor miehei, Mueor pusil-
veloped in the cheese stored for 4 months lus) or bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, B eereus)
at 10°C. In the manufacture of traditional have been and are used as coagulants in
Cheddar, the rates of acid development the cheese process. Unfortunately, many
and moisture expulsion are critical. There- of the rennet substitutes have undesirable
fore, the amount of normal starter culture side-effects, eg, bitter flavour. Any substi-
added to the cheese milk cannot be greatly tute for calf rennet must not only coagulate
increased without affecting the quality of milk, but must have low proteolytic activity
the final product. Lowrie et al (1974) have and produce cheese with acceptable fla-
shown that a high viable starter population vour and rheological characteristics
in curd leads to the development of bitter- (Quarne et al, 1968; Edwards and Kosi-
ness. However, Grieve and Dulley (1983) kowski, 1970; Sardinas, 1972; Scott, 1972;
have demonstrated that high starter levels Hofi et al, 1976; Rao et al, 1979).
do not necessarily produce bitterness and, Calf rennet, which contains chymosin
in their experiments, have even produced (rennin) as the main enzyme component,
Cheddar cheese with superior flavour is weil known as the best milk coagulant.
scores. In order to increase the normal While in the Netherlands no type of rennet
starter population of experimental cheese other than calf rennet is allowed for
without increasing the rate of acid produc- cheese-making without special exemption
tion during the manufacturing process, (Visser, 1981), the use of substitutes from
they used frozen mutant concentrates of a animal, plant or microbial origin has be-
Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp laetis C2 Lac- come a more general practice in several
Ptt-. countries.

Calf-rennet substitutes Animal origin

Supply shortages and variations in the Cheddar cheese made using only porcine
quality of rennet from young calves pepsin tends to have a bitter flavour when
spurred efforts to discover suitable rennet fully ripe (Scott, 1972). However, the use
substitutes (Dinesen, 1974). Since most of of porcine pepsin in rennet mixtures may
the proteinases will coagulate milk under be of advantage because it contributes
suitable conditions, many proteolytic en- strongly to c1otting,while it is largely inacti-
zyme preparations of animal, plant and mi- vated under the subsequent processing
crobial origin have been assessed as re- conditions. Chymosin is more specifie than
placements for calf rennet in the pepsin, and therefore exhibits a more limit-
manufacture of many standard types of ed proteolytic behaviour (Visser, 1981).
cheese. Very substantial numbers of peo- Hence, in admixture with rennet, porcine
ple in the world are opposed to the use of pepsin has a Iimited proteolytic action dur-
certain animal secretions in cheese pro- ing cheese ripening; this avoids the devel-
duction on grounds of religion, morality, or opment of flavour defects such as bitter
diet. Ali these factors have contributed to taste.
the worldwide search for animal rennet ln a small number of studies, use of
substitutes of microbial or plant origin. En- commercial and pure chicken pepsin prep-
zymes from the fig (ficin), pineapple (brom- arations in the manufacture of Cheddar
elain), papaya (papain), fungi (Endothia cheese did not affect the cheese-making
616 L Lemieux,RESimard

conditions, yield or cheese composition. uct. The bitter taste, often associated with
However, the final product underwent fast- increased proteolysis, may result from a
er proteolysis, more intense flavour, off- different pattern of casein breakdown and
flavours and bitterness and was softer an increased breakdown of whey proteins
than cheese made with calf rennet (Stan- (Schulz and Thomasow, 1970).
ley et al, 1980; Green et al, 1984). The criteria that a microbial rennet prep-
aration must meet in order to substitute
Plant origin satisfactorily for animal rennet are the fol-
lowing: 1), the preparation must effectively
As early as 1956, Windlan and Kosikowski coagulate milk without excessively hydro-
used papain for Cheddar cheese manufac- Iysing the resulting curd during or at matu-
ture. Unfortunately, bitterness was severe ration; 2), it must be non-toxic and devoid
enough to make the cheese unfit for con- of antibiotic activity, as weil as free of
sumption. pathogens; 3), preferably, it should be
readily water-soluble and possess accept-
A vegetable rennet extracted from With-
able colour and odour; 4), it should exhibit
ania coagulans berries has been used to
reasonable shelf-life (Sardinas, 1972).
prepare Cheddar cheese from cow and
buffalo milks. The former cheese was Without giving any details, Windlan and
slightly bitter while that made from buffalo Kosikowski (1956) reported that when ren-
milk was inferior in quality and had a bitter net-like enzymes from microbial sources
flavour (Singh et al, 1973). were used at optimum concentration,
smooth curds resulted. Bitter flavours in
A coagulant obtained from the flowers
either curd or Cheddar cheese were rela-
of Cynara cardunculus Land used tradi-
tively insignificant.
tionally in Portugal for the manufacture of
ewe cheese of Serra and Serpa types, has Edam, Gouda and Cheddar type chees-
been assessed in the manufacture of es made with microbial rennets obtained
Camembert and Gruyère cheeses. Unfor- from Mucor pusillus Undt and Bacillus pol-
tunately, these cheeses developed very ymyxa were bitter. Kikuchi and Toyoda
pronounced bitterness (Barbosa et al, (1970) attributed this off-flavour to the in-
1976). herent characteristic of the microbial milk
clottinq enzymes and concluded that mi-
Microbial origin crobial rennets could replace the conven- 1

tional calf rennet in cheese-making if as-

Microorganisms represent a large, inviting pects of manufacture were modified to suit
reservoir of potential animal rennet substi- microbial rennets. 1

tutes. However, the majority of microbial Lawrence et al (1972) found that both
rennets are much too proteolytic for Rennilase and Meito microbial rennets, ob-
cheese-making. Replacement of chymosin tained from Mucor miehei and Mucor pusil- 1

by microbial rennets influences cheese ri- lus var Lindt, respectively, produced con-
pening: proteolysis of <Xs1- and 13-caseins siderably less bitterness in Cheddar
is increased and retarded, respectively, as cheese manufactured with a bitter strain 1

observed by Christensen et al (1989) who (Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris strain

suspected the type of rennet used in the HP) than did calf rennet. However, not ail
cheese manufacture to have an effect on microbial rennets were alike in this re-
bitter flavour development in the final prod- spect, since a rennet obtained from En-

--- '-------------------------:-----------------

Bitterf1avourin dairyproducts:part 1 617

dothia parasitica produced bitter cheese BacterL rennets from Endothia parasiti-
even with a non-bitter starter (Lactococcus ca, Muco" miehei, and Mucor pusillus have
lactis subsp cremoris strain AM2). On the proved sufficiently suitable for large-scale
other hand, a "somewhat bitter" flavour ap- comrnerclalisation, even if bitterness does
peared more frequently in Gouda made appear particularly in some long-hoId
with the microbial rennets, Rennilase and cheeses. Of these rennet substitutes, the
Fromase, than withcalf rennet (Martens, first 2 had a greater proteolytic action on ~-
1973). casein than calf rennet (Edwards and Kosi-
Microbial rennet substitutes such as kowski, 1970). Knowing that a coagulant
which doés not excessively hydrolyse ~-
Meito (from Mucor pusillus), Suparen (from 1

Endothia parasitica) and Milcozyme (from casein is suitable for the production of
cheeses of good quality without bitterness,
Bacillus polymyxa) were also used in com- Kobayashi et al (1985) evaluated the milk
parison with rennet for the manufacture of clottinq enzyme from Irpex lacteus (IR) as
Cheddar-type, Tilsit (a Polish semi-hard a calf renriet substitute in Cheddar cheese-
cheese) and Kortowski cheeses. Cheeses making. f-Ithough IR cheese showed a
made with Suparen and Meito were slightly slightly higher extent of proteolysis in com-
bitter, while Milcozyme was found to be un- parison toi the calf rennet control during ri-

suitable for cheese manufacture (Reps et pening, it did not develop a bitter taste
al, 1974). even afterl6 months of ripening. IR is thus
Bitter flavour developed during aging of a promising rennet substitute for cheese-
Cheddar cheese manufactured with milk making. 1

clottinq enzyme of Rhizopus oligosporus The use of mixtures of equal parts of

(Rao et al, 1979) a recombinant chymosin calf rennet and microbial rennet (Mucor
purified from Escherichia coli K12 (Hicks et miehei protéase) in Ras cheese-making
al, 1984) or as a rennet substitute. Howev- caused bitterness in this Egyptian hard
er, further cheesemaking studies conduct- type cheese which persisted until the
ed with dilute enzyme preparations yielded fourth rnonth and disappeared thereafter
to a non-bitter Cheddar cheese which did et
(Mahran al, 1976).
not retain excessive amounts of protease Use ofl peptidases (eg, Pseudomonas
(chymosin) (Hicks et al, 1988). Chymosin peptidase) capable of hydrolysing bitter
prepared with the aid of genetically engi- peptides ~as been suggested as a possi-
neered microorganisms such as E coli, As- ble mechanisrn for preventing the occur-
pergillus niger and Kluyveromyces lactis rence of bltterness, thus enabling the wider
has been shown to be identical to the natu- use of rnicrobial rennets. This option has
rai enzyme and to produce different types been triedlfor Edam cheese manufactured
of cheeses (Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Gou- with a commercial rennet from Mucor mie-
da, etc) which were indistinguishable from hei; cheeses were not bitter and proteoly-
normal cheese (made with natural chymo- sis was ~ore rapid in the experimental
sin) in regard of cheese yield, texture, than in the control cheese (Mâlkkl et al,
smell, taste and ripening (Teuber, 1990). 1978). 1

Since bitterness is more significant in long- Addition of fungal acid proteinases with
hoId cheese varieties such as Cheddar, pH optima' close to the pH of cheese has
then many potential rennet substitutes been shown to cause excessive proteoly-
which render cheese bitter will have to be sis, leading to bitterness (Law and Wig-
rejected. more, 1982b).
618 L Lemieux, RE Simard

Addition of proteolytic enzymes ness increased with storage time and en-
or heat-treated cells to the cheese milk zyme level (from 0.01-0.1 % of curd
or cheese slurry weight) (Fedrick et al, 1986). These au-
to accelerate cheese ripening thors also found that Colby cheese pre-
pared with a very low amount of Rhozyme
The influence of commercial mixtures of Pli developed mature cheese texture with-
proteolytic and lipolytic microbial and ani- out bitterness. Cheddar cheese exhibited
mai enzyme preparations added directly to moderate proteolysis with extreme bitter-
cheese curd and cheese slurries to accel- ness when it was treated with Subtilisin A,
erate cheese ripening has been studied by the Bacillus Iicheniformis alkaline protei-
many workers (Fox, 1988-1989). When nase, to accelerate ripening (Law and Wig-
microbial acid proteases were added to more, 1982a).
Cheddar cheese slurries, it led to strong Bitterness was absent when peptidases
bitterness; however, blending of individual from Pseudomonas f1uorescens VTTE 8.7
lipases with proteases or peptidases be- were added to Edam-type cheese in con-
fore addition to cheese blends or slurries junction with a commercial Mucor miehei-
created pronounced cheese flavour with type rennet. The same enzyme prepara-
less bitterness and rancidity (Kosikowski tion from Pseudomonas prevented bitter-
and Iwasaki, 1975). Similarly, the incorpo- ness and enhanced the ripening process
ration of fungal protease 31000 from As- of Cheddar type cheeses made with calf
pergillus oryzae, microbial protease P-53 rennet (Mâlkki, 1978; Mâlkki et al, 1978,
of Bacillus subtilis; or MY-lipase from Can- 1979). A pronounced bitter flavour devel-
dida cylindracea into slurries of salted oped in Ras cheese (an Egyptian hard
Cheddar curds did not cause the develop- cheese) when Maxazyme, a proteolytic
ment of flavour defects (Sood and Kosi- and Iipolytic enzyme preparation, was add-
kowski, 1979); it seems that as soon as ed to the curd before moulding to increase
bitter peptides were formed they were hy- the rate of ripening (El Soda et al, 1985).
drolysed into still smaller peptides and free Addition of germinated barley extract,
amino acids. Neutrase (an extracellular Bacillus subtilis
Different results were obtained when neutral proteinase) or a combination of
the same food-grade enzyme preparations both enzyme preparations to the Cheddar
were added to Cheddar cheese curds as cheese curd yielded, in ail cases, a bitter
powders mixed with the salt (Law and Wig- flavour defect. Although Frey et al (1986)
more, 1982c; Fox, 1985). Acid proteinases found this off-flaveur defect to be more im-
invariably yielded bitter cheeses with an portant in the cheese made with Neutrase
unacceptable soft, crumbly and greasy alone, some workers (Law and Wigmore,
texture (Law and Wigmore, 1982a). Neu- 1982b; Fedrick et al, 1986) observed that
tral proteinase when added at only 0.001- optimum acceleration of Cheddar cheese
0.002% (w/w) produced medium-flavoured ripening using Rhozyme Pli a neutral fun-
cheese at 12 "O in 2 instead of 4 months; gal protease, seemed to be accompanied
addition of neutral proteinase at higher by higher levels- of bitterness than is the
concentration resulted in bitter cheese. case with Neutrase. Development of a bit-
When Rhozyme Pli, a neutral protease ter taste was also observed during the ri-
from Aspergillus oryzae, was added to the pening of a Swedish hard type cheese
milled curd during the manufacture of treated with Neutrase to accelerate the
Cheddar cheese, proteolysis and bitter- casein breakdbwn. It was shown that the
Bitterflavourin dairyproducts:part 1 619

simultaneous addition of heat-treated The samel phenomenon, but to a lesser ex-

(67 oC for 10 s) cells of Lactobacillus hel- tent, was l observed when heat-shocked
veticus could eliminate the bitter taste by whole cells of Laetobaeillus bulgarieus
accelerating the breakdown of peptides in were added, The reduction in bitterness in-
the Swedish full-fat (Ardô and Pettersson, tensity observee in severai trials by Bartels
1988) or low-fat (Ardô et al, 1989) hard et al (1985a, b; 1987a), and which appar-
cheeses. Addition of Rulactine (a metallo- ently resulted from peptidase activity of the
protease from Micrococcus caseolyticus added cel'rs, disagrees with the observa-
with properties close to those of Neutrase) tions of El Soda et al (1982). Indeed, the
to Saint-Paulin cheese milk also promoted latter workers observed that incorporation
early proteolysis and enhanced bitterness of cell-free extracts from Laetobaeillus hel-
development (Alkhalaf et al, 1987). Howev- vetieus, Lectobecëlue bulgarieus or Laeto-
er, encapsulation of Neutrase into multila- baeillus I~etis subsp laetis into Cheddar
mellar liposomes partially avoided bitter- cheese cJrd enhanced bitterness. In the
ness. Indeed, encapsulation of proteinase study of Bkrtels et al (1987a), reduction of
into liposomes has prevented further low- bitterness :in cheese by certain lactobacilli
ering of pH at draining by slowing down was related to lower concentrations of bit-
the proteolysis process which was exces- ter peptides, separated by gel permeation
sive for the free proteinase, and thus pro- chromatography. In contrast, bitterness
duced less peptides used as substrates for was not reduced by addition of heat-
microbial proteinases and peptidases to shocked Streptoeoeeus thermophilus 110
yield small peptides and amine acids (Law- or Laetob~eillus bulgaricus subsp jugurti
rence et al, 1983; Fox, 1988). Further- ATCC 122'78. According to El Abboudi et
more, the enzymes retained in the curd al (1991), àddition of heat-shocked cells of
have been progressively released in the lactobacilli Ito the cheese milk before ren-
cheese matrix after pressing. This slow but neting could contribute to the reduction of
gradually accelerated proteolysis has then bitterness in accelerated ripening Cheddar
helped to prevent the accumulation of bit- cheese. 1

ter peptides in the cheese. From these re- Accelerated ripening and reduced bitter-
sults and those obtained by Law and Wig- ness were hoticed in Cheddar cheese pre-
more (1983) on the action of pared with: Lac- mutant strains, isolated
exopeptidases, Alkhalaf et al (1988) came from Laetoeoeeus laetis subsp laetis C2,
to the conclusion that entrapment of both added as ~ starter adjunct to milk (Dulley
proteinase and exopeptidase within re- et al, 1978). However, when a cell-free ex-
verse-phase evaporation vesicle lipo- tract from Laetobaeillus easei was added
somes could eliminate the potential defect to the curel during the manufacture of a
of bitterness. The presence of exopepti- Cheddar-type cheese, the ripening was ac-
dase could thus enhance the degradation celerated but, unfortunately, bitter flavour
of bitter peptides which released low mo- developed ~apidly(El Soda et al, 1981).
lecular weight peptides and amino acids. Before the study of Dulley (1976), at-
ln Gouda cheese, Bartels et al (1985a, tempts to accelerate cheese ripening were
b) found that a strain of Lactobacillus hel- based mainly on the premise that proteoly-
veticus, when heat-treated at 70 oC for sis must b1eincreased. However, Dulley
18 s or freeze-shocked (Kim et al, 1987), (1976) observed that extra proteolysis may
had a similar debittering property when not be a necessary prerequisite for flavour
added as a starter adjunct (2%) to milk. development, Knowing that the products of
620 L Lemieux, RE Simard

proteolysis are normally present in excess, be due to increased casein and cell densi-
he thought about converting them into fla- ty in the curd.
vour components by adding enzymes to
the cheese in arder to accelerate the ri-
pening process. For that purpose Cheddar Cheese manufacturing process
cheese slurries, ripened for about 1 week
at 30 oC, were added to the cheese curd. As early as 1932, Riddet et al concluded
Used as a source of enzymes and micro- that it was possible to modify the cheese
organisms, the Cheddar cheese slurries flavour simply by changing sorne details in
were shown to shorten the ripening time of the manufacturing process. Such changes
Cheddar cheese by about 1,5 month with- produce curd of a different nature, and
out the development of excessive bitter- since the curd is the raw material of the ri-
ness. pening process, the whole course of the bi-
Use of commercial starter lactococci in ochemical changes which subsequently
conjunction with Laetobaei/lus strains iso- occurs may be modified. A typical example
lated from Cheddar cheese shortened the of a change in the manufacturing process
cheese ripening process (Lee et al, 1990b) which induces cheese modifications is a
and also led to an improvement of Ched- variation in acidity at any stage of the pro-
dar flavour (Lemieux et al, 1989). Howev- cess. Type of acid and pH at curd forma-
er, certain strains of Laetobaeillus easei- tion affect moisture, minerai content and
pseudoplantarum and Laetobaei/lus cesei- firmness of Mozzarella cheese made by
rhamnosus caused bitterness in the the direct acidification procedure. In this
cheese (Lee et al, 1990a). process, there is no addition of lactic start-
er cultures, the pH of milk and curd is ad-
justed by various acidulants (hydrochloric,
The manner of draining the curd phosphoric, or lactic acids) to a value
which remains constant during whey syn-
eresis (Keller et al, 1974). It was also re-
Extension of the contact time between the
curd and the whey reduces the curd's buf- ported by Quarne et al (1968) that Pizza
fering capacity by increasing its lactose re- cheese made by direct acidification using
tention and its loss of phosphorus. Ched- calf rennet developed bitterness.
dar cheese made from such curd becomes Stadhouders and Hup (1975) have
highly acid at maturity and this leads to the shown that the cumulative formation of bit-
development of bitterness (Czulak et al, ter peptides was due either to the use of
1969). certain starters or to sorne method of
The production of bitter components by cheese-making which resulted in too high
incubation of a bitter and a non-bitter a level of rennet retained in the cheese
strain of Lactoeoeeus laetis subsp eremor- (the lower the pH and the lower the cook-
is in skim milk and in various media, with ing temperature, the higher the level of
and without casein, was studied by Har- rennet retained in thecheese (Holmes et
walkar and Seitz (1971). They observed al, 1977; Stadhouders et al, 1983; Cream-
that when curd was separated from whey er et al, 1985)).
after 18 h ripening, further incubation re- Many workers have observed that the
sulted in considerably greater bitterness in manufacturing conditions during cheese-
curd than in whole ripened milk; this could making markedly affect cheese flavour,
Bitter f1avour in dairy products: part 1 621

and more specifically undesirable defects yielded a bitter cheese (Lowrie et al, 1974)
such as bitterness (Emmons et al, 1960a, when used in experimental cheese manu-
Lawrence and Gilles, 1969; Delbeke and facture in which the cooking temperature
Naudts, 1970; Lowrie et al, 1972; Jago, was lower than normal. On the other hand,
1974; O'Keeffe et al, 1975; Visser et al, a lower rate of cell division was recorded
1983b; Berdagué and Grappin, 1988). for faster growing strains used at a higher
cooking temperature than normal; the re-
sulting cheese exhibited low levels of bitter
Cooking temperature flavour.
The cooking temperature used during
The final concentration of starter bacteria the manufacture of Gouda cheese was
in the cheese and salt-in-molsture levels suspected by Stadhouders (1974) to con-
are known to be altered by the cheese- trol the amount of rennet retained in the
making cooking temperature (Crawford, curd and thus to influence the develop-
1977). Moreover, the rate of cell division ment of bitterness in the cheese. At cook-
during cooking has been found to be a de- ing temperatures above 35 -c (35-39 OC)
cisive factor in bitter flavour production less rennet was found in Gouda cheese,
(Dinesen, 1974; Nelson, 1974). which then had a reduced bitter flavour
(Stadhouders and Hup, 1975). However,
Barton (1957) found that the entire pro-
according to Martley (1975a) Stadhouder's
duction of the culture organisms used as
suggestion does not seem to apply to
starters in the manufacture of Cheddar
Camembert cheese.
cheese from pasteurised milk is governed
by the rate of cooking and the final temper-
ature reached. Although the classification
Ripening temperature
of culture strains as "bitter" or "non-bitter"
is arbitrary, it is more specifically related to
cooking temperature used during cheese- As reported by Law et al (1979), matura-
making (Lowrie and Lawrence, 1972). In tion temperature was the most important
ail the experiments conducted by Lowrie et factor in determining the flavour intensity of
al (1972), Cheddar cheese was bitter when Cheddar cheese made with Lactococcus
the standard cooking temperature, re- lactis subsp cremoris NCDO 924 or 1986,
duced from 37.8 to 33.3 "C, permitted ei- either in enclosed (excluding non-starter
ther bitter or non-bitter strains to grow to a flora) or open vats. Cheeses ripened at
high population in the curd. Conversely, 13 oC for 6 months developed a stronger
when starter growth was limited, bitterness flavour with less bitterness than those ri-
was absent or of reduced intensity in the pened at 6 oC for 9 rnonths, irrespective of
cheese. These observations led to the con- the starter or vat used.
clusion that starter bacteria had a direct ln contrast, Gouda cheese had a more
role in the development of bitterness in bitter flaveur when ripened at 16 than at
Cheddar cheese. Later, Jago (1974) sug- 6 oC (Stadhouders and Hup, 1975). Nor-
gested that the formation of bitter peptides mal ripening temperatures for Gouda
could proceed at a much faster rate than cheese being 12-13 oC, the risk of bitter-
their degradation to non-bitter products. ness occurring was found to be greater at
According to Nelson (1974), slower strains temperatures of 15.5 and 18 oC (Stad-
exhibited higher rates of cell division and houders et al, 1983).
622 L Lemieux,RESimard

Acidity or pH of cheese starter streptococci at the pH of ripening

Cheddar cheese (= 5.0). Similarly, Nelson
Excessive acid production by the cultures (1974) reported that, in Canadian Cheddar
used as starters is associated with bitter- manufactured with single strains of Lacto-
ness (Scott, 1986). Phillips (1935) pro- coccus lactis subsp cremoris, bitter flavour
posed to establish a relation between acid- was greater in low (pH 5.63) than in high
ity and the development of bitter flavour at pH (pH 6.41) cheese.
the different stages of Cheddar cheese
processing. His preliminary results
seemed to associate an increased bitter- Salt concentration
ness in cheeses which develop acidity
greater than pH 5.00 at 4 days after mak-
A close relationship between a low salt
ing. Besides, Czulak (1959) found bitter
content of Cheddar cheese and a charac-
flavour most frequently in Cheddar cheese
teristic bitter flavour was mentioned as ear-
having a pH value of less than 5.0 in the
Iy as 1940 by Tuckey and Ruehe. Howev-
first week. Dawson and Feagan (1960)
er, more recently Lawrence and Gilles
showed a definite peak of bitterness within
(1969), in agreement with the results of
a pH range of 5.2-5.3, decreasing at
Stadhouders (1962), observed a decrease
greater and lower pH values. Similarly,
in bitterness in Cheddar at salt levels
Emmons et al (1962a) confirmed a depen-
greater than 4.90%, and more retention of
dence of bitter f1avour on cheese pH and
the added salt in curd salted at a low acidi-
found it to be similar to the effect of pH on
ty than at higher acidity. These observa-
protein breakdown which leads to the for-
tions were confirmed by Phelan et al
mation of a large pool of polypeptides, in-
(1973) and by Golding (1947) for Cheddar
c1uding the bitter-tasting ones. They also
cheese prepared under conditions of high
showed that some starter strains which
moisture content at salt concentrations
produced bitterness were not greatly at-
< 1.6%. These conditions led to extensive
fected by pH while others were very signifi-
proteolysis, causing bitter and putrid fla-
vours. A slight bitterness in f1avourof Kas-
According to Czulak et al (1969), when kaval, an Egyptian cheese, was also rec-
a high lactic acid level is attained rapidly, ognised by Moneib and Safwat (1972) for
the curd does not cheddar weil. Thus, a salt concentration of < 4%. However, this
cheeses from "fast-acid" vats have a low defect was not present when the salt level
pH, a sour and bitter flavour, a crumbly was between 4-5%. In the same way, the
body and pale colour. However, Lawrence results of Keller et al (1974) suggested that
and Gilles (1969) concluded that a high development of bitterness could be inhibit-
rate of acid production per se does not re- ed by increasing the salt content or by de-
suit in bitter cheese. From their results it is veloping a mechanism for infusing the cen-
c1earthat the pH of a cheese at 14 days is tre of Mozzarella cheese blocks with NaCI.
not in itself very significant with respect to As observed by many workers (Stadhoud-
potential bitterness, it is of great impor- ers and Hup, 1975; Stadhouders et al,
tance only when the "salt-in-moisture" 1983; Visser et al, 1983a, b), salt also re-
levels lie between 4.30% and 4.90%. duces the intensity of the bitter flavour of
The results of Sullivan et al (1973) sug- Gouda cheese; indeed, the higher the salt
gested that pH is a determining factor in content, the lower the score for bitter fla-
the removal of bitterness by individual vour.
Bitterflaveurin dairypreducts:part 1 623

Being able to retard the appearance of presence of salt, the substrate is then
bitter flavour in cheese and to influence the more readily available to the enzyme, and
formation/degradation of bitter peptides this may be responsible for the stimulating
(Stadhouders et al, 1983; Visser et al, effect of salt on the rennet activity
1983c), salt must have a direct impact on (Stadhouders, 1962). Fox and Walley
the proteolytic activity of the cell wall and (1971) have shown that the proteolysis of
of the intracellular enzymes (Visser et al, l3-caseinby rennet or by pepsin was signifi-
1983a). From the studies of Stadhouders cantly reduced by 5%, and completely in-
et al (1983) on Gouda cheese, it was con- hibited by 10% NaCI. Increments in salt
cluded that salt inhibits the formation of bit- concentration from 1 to 5% were also
ter peptides rather than masking the bitter shown to inhibit the breakdown of l3-casein
flavour. by Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris bitter
Since growth of lactococci was marked- strain HP (Sullivan and Jago, 1972). In
Iy inhibited at salt-in-moisture levels > contrast, the rate of proteolysis of (XS1-
4.90%, Lawrence and Gilles (1969) sus- casein was found to be maximal in the
pected the effect of salt to be more specifie presence of 5-10% NaCI (Fox and Walley,
on starter, and showed that high salt-in- 1971). The choice of brining method great-
moisture levels reduce the incidence of bit- Iy determines the initial salt concentration
terness in cheese manufactured with a bit- in the interior of the cheese and may there-
ter starter. This was due to the inhibition, fore influence the protein degradation pat-
by NaCI, of the degradation of l3-caseinby tern during the ripening process (Visser.
the rennet and bacterial proteinases (Fox 1981).
and Walley, 1971; Sullivan and Jago,
1972; Thomas and Pearce, 1981). Exterk-
ate (1983) confirmed the essential role Mineral content
played by salt in the degradation of bitter
peptides by the protoplast enzymes of the Mortensen (1984) reports that ultrafiltered
starter bacteria. Salt may act on the cell (UF) Quark (a non-ripened cheese) pro-
wall and membrane structures, in particu- duction was initially hampered by bitter-
lar those of bitter strains (thus impairing ness problerns, which were due to the high
the accessibility of starter enzymes),or minerai content in the retentate. Bitterness
have a direct inhibitory effect On various has also resulted from the presence of ex-
proteolytic enzymes (Lawrence and Gilles, cess minerais in UF Cast Feta, a ripened
1969; Visser et al, 1983c). Salt-in-moisture cheese variety in which factors other than
levels played also a direct role in the devel- proteolysis are important for product
opment of bitterness in sterile buffaloes characteristics. However, the high salt con-
skim milk by altering the final concentration tent and the addition of lipase could effec-
of S faecalis subsp liquefaciens. Growth of tively mask the bitterness defect (Lelievre
this organism was thus shown to be re- and Lawrence, 1988).
stricted at salt levels of 8% (Hegazi, 1989).
According to Stadhouders (1962), ren-
net activity is optimal at pH 5.2 and at a Surface moulded soft cheeses
salt concentration of '" 3%. However, this (Camembert type)
activity decreases sharply as the salt con-
centration is increased to 5%. Since the As long as its growth is not Iimited, Penicil-
solubility of paracasein is increased by the lium caseicolum appears to be the princi-
624 L Lemieux, RE Simard

pal factor responsible for bitterness of soft by the pasteurisation of the skim milk and
body 'cheese such as Camembert. There Cottage cheese dressing (Stone and
are 2 ways to control the growth of this or- Large, 1968).
ganism: 1), incubation of cheeses in a When 20% abnormal milk (from cows
slightly ammoniacal atmosphere during suffering from mastitis) was added to the
the first days of ripening leads to a faster cheese milk, the resulting cheese was bit-
increase of the pH in the outer layer; and ter, having an unclean taste and smell and
2), some strains of Geotrichum candidum, a short consistency (Sorokina and Kara-
when present in cheese milk (0.25% of the gueuz, 1978).
inoculum), have similar effects in reducing
It has also been reported that poor milk-
Penicillium growth, acid proteinase action
collecting and transformation hygiene, con-
and bitterness (Mourgues et al, 1983; Ri-
taminated feeds or antibiotics injected into
badeau-Dumas, 1984; Vassal and Gripon,
the cow might result in bitterness in
cheese; thus, Gorgonzola was found to be
A study of the neutral volatile com- bitter when manufactured with milk con-
pounds in 5 different types of surface ri- taminated by penicillin (Delformo and Par-
pened cheese (Maroilles, Livarot, Pont- pani, 1986).
L'Évêque, Époisses and Langres) has
Packaging conditions may also be re-
shown the cheese to be bitter when indole
sponsible for the presence of bitterness in
produced from the degradation of trypto-
dairy products. In fact, Kosikowski and
phan by the bacteria was present at a con-
Brown (1973) have shown that gas pack-
centration of 10-3 ppm (Dumont et al,
aging (carbon dioxide and nitrogen) was
successful in preventing yeast and mould
growth on creamed Cottage cheese and
thus in reducing the bitter off-flavour.
Sanitary and hygienic
packaging conditions
Bitterness in cheese during the maturation
process has been reported to result from The concentration of bitter peptides must
overheating of milk during pasteurisation exceed a certain threshold level for the bit-
(Riddet et al, 1932). However, since the in- terness to be detected in cheese. Howev-
troduction of rigid hygiene and pasteurisa- er, this threshold level has been found to
tion standards, the incidence of the bitter be higher in old than in young cheeses.
defect has still been widespread. Bitter- Control of bitterness in cheese, therefore,
ness cannot therefore be explained entire- hinges on keeping the concentration of bit-
Iy by the sanitary and hygiene conditions ter peptides below the threshold level for
(Czulak, 1959). bitter taste, either by decreasing the rate of
As mentioned above, the development formation of the bitter peptides, and/or by
of bitterness in creamed Cottage cheese increasing the rate of their degradation to
has been found to be primarily due to non-bitter products (Jago,1974).
growth at refrigeration temperatures of ln practice, the control of bitterness in
psychrophilic bacteria. However, the de- cheese can be achieved by a combination
struction of these microorganisms and the of methods which include: 1), limitation of
elimination of bitterness can be achieved the starter cell population; 2), maintenance
Bitterflavourin dairyproducts:part 1 625

of high-salt-in moisture levels; 3)" starter' bers of whole cells to the milk seems to be
pairing; 4), alteration of the starter culture'; , a promising method for increasing proteol-
5), avoidance of the use of excess rennet.' .ysis and flavour development in cheese
Some 20 years ago, a deficiency of the (Bartels et al, 1987b). Lactobacilli species
cheese grading system was pointed out; and especially Lactobacillus helveticus can
cheese made with extended time .in the be applied successfully to cheeses such
whey could be of acceptable quallty when as Gouda to enhance flavour development
graded at an early stage, but yet develop at initial stages of ripening without detri-
serious defects on maturing. Since then mental effect on the cheese-making proce-
standardisation of the pH or' acidity of ei- dures and cheese quality (Bartels et al,
ther the whey or the curd alone is not suffi- 1987a, b). Use of Lactobacillus casei-casei
cient; it is also necessary to control the L2A in conjunction with the starter lacto-
rate' of acid development and the time the cocci was shown to shorten the ripening
curd is held in the whey (Czulak et al, period and to improve the Cheddar flavour
1969). (El Abboudi, 1990; Laleye et al, 1990).
However, when compared to other Lactob-
Manufacture of cheese by more sophis-
acil/us strains used in Cheddar cheese
ticated methods (eg addition of denatured manufacture (Lemieux et al, 1989), Lactob-
whey proteins) may often lead to a bitter
acillus casei-casei L2A did not produce bit-
defect in the final product. Since denatured
ter off-flavour and was then suggested to
whey proteins have stimulatory effect on
possess debittering enzymes.
the proteolytic processes and organoleptic
properties of cheese, starters with strains It is recommended to periodically test in-
capable of hydrolysing bitter peptides dividual cow's niilk to detect poor chymo-
should be used to produce high-quality sin-coagulation characteristics; at the
cheeses with added denatured whey pro- same time abnormal milk, which is poorly
teins (Krasheninin et al, 1974). coagulated by chymosin, would also be de-
Addition (at the 3% level) of sweet cow's tected. Selective breeding of lactating
whey to cheese milk before pasteurisation cows could guarantee the exclusion of
in order to increase the water holding ca- poor chymosin-coagulating milk from bulk
pacity of buffalo cheese and the extent of milk supplies (Okigbo, 1986).
peptide hydrolysis in slurries resulted in Good hygiene and storage of milk at
the disappearance of the bitterness usually temperatures below 4 oC would help to lirn-
found in buffalo cheese (Tuckey and AI- it thegrowth of Pseudomonas before UHT
Fayadh, 1985). treatment and thus prevent the gelation of
Many means have been tried to acceler- the product before the expiry date (Bas-
ate cheese ripening and to replace the calf sette et al, 1986; Dousset et al, 1988). UI-
rennet due to supply shortages and varia- trasound imaging is a promising non-
tions in quality. However, a bitter defect is destructive technique by which microbio-
often noticed in the product. A controlled logical deterioration of UHT base material
method for accelerated cheese ripening for soft ice-cream caused by Bacil/us cere-
achieved without upsetting the flavour bal- us and Staphylococcus aureus, and of
ance would therefore give large cost sav- UHT milk by Pseudomonas f1uorescens
ings to the cheese industry and satisfac- (Ahvenainen et al, 1989a, b, c) can be eas-
tion to the cheese research workers. The ily detected. This would be a new way to
freeze-shock treatment of lactic acid bacte- verity the microbiological sterility of the
ria which enables addition of large num- product.
626 L Lemieux, RE Simard

CONCLUSION Adda J, Gripon JC, Vassal L (1982)The chemis-

try of flavour and texture generation in
cheese. Food Chem 9,115-129
Because of the great variety of technologi- Ahvenainen R, Mattila T, Wirtanen G (1989a) UI-
cal parameters and the extremely complex trasound penetration through different pack-
system of both enzymes and substrates aging materials. - A non-destructive method
present in the dairy products and especial- for quality control of packed UHT milk. Le-
Iy in cheese, the understanding of the bensm Wiss Teehno/22, 268-272

cheese bitter flavour defect is still of Ahvenainen R, Wirtanen G, Manninen M

(1989b) Ultrasound imaging. - A non-
present interest. Many studies aiming to
destructive method for control of the microbi-
elucidate the cause of this off-flavour de- ological quality of aseptically packed food-
fect have been considered invalid because stuffs. Lebensm Wiss Teehno/22, 273-278
they were carried out in relatively uncon- Ahvenainen R, Wirtanen G, Manninen M
trolled conditions. The development of the (1989c) Ultrasound imaging. - A non-
aseptic vat technique has opened a door destructive method for monitoring the micro-
to research on the bitterness defect by al- biological quality of aseptically-packed milk
lowing the problem to be divided into parts products. Lebensm Wiss Teehno/22, 382-
which can be investigated separately or in
Alkhalaf W, Vassal L, Desmazeaud MJ, Gripon
appropriate combinations. This kind of
JC (1987) Utilisation de Rulactine en tant
study, while bringing light on the role of in- qu'agent d'affinage dans des fromages à
dividual enzyme systems in bitter flavour pâte pressée. LaitG7, 173-185
development in cheese would possibly Alkhalaf W, Piard JC, El Soda M, Gripon JC, De-
lead to a better insight into the mechanism smazeaud M, Vassal L (1988) Liposomes as
of cheese ripening in general and, more proteinase carriers for the accelerated ripen-
fundamentally, would help to understand ing of Saint-Paulin type cheese. J Food Sei
the basics of the cheese industry in the 53,1674-1679
21 st century. Indeed, understanding the Ardô Y, Pettersson HE (1988) Accelerated
cheese ripening with heat treated cells of
basics would allow cheese-makers to
Laetobaeil/us helvetieus and a commercial
modify the composition, flavour and physi- proteolytic enzyme. J Dairy Res 55, 239-245
cal properties of cheese without creating Ardô Y, Larsson PO, Lindmark Mansson H, He-
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final point will de scribe ways of masking or made from milk containing heat-denatured
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