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H: Hi Ariana, how’s it going?

A: Hi Horacio, I’m fine, how about you?

I want to host the 2038 Summer Olympics!
H:I’m so-so
Ayacucho has in overall sunny days a year!, and has a A: Yeah?, what wrong?!
good weather for this dates. H:I’m hungry, also I don’t have breakfast and luch,
and is to 3:00 PM, and do you know some
There are many nice neighborhoods in the city of

In the center, there are a lot of things you may need. A: Hmmm, Yeah, do you know Retablos’s
The public transportation, in here there are many busses
that may take you wherever you want, but the traffic in rush H:Yeaah I ask to someone, and he told me the
hours is very boring and tired! Also Huamanga has an address, that is: Go straight three blocks on
airport where you can find plane tickets. Mariscal Avenue, and turn right on December 9th
You can stay in different hotels, Also and you can eat a lot Street, Go one block, and turn left on Bellido
of foods else is delicious. Street. Go One block and turn right on Asamblea
Street. It’s on the middle block between Bellido and
Also there are many nightclubs, where you can hang out. Callao Street.
And to end, Ayacucho city has many places, where you
can visit, and you can walk, take photos, hang out and do a A:, Wow, that’s hard for remember to you!, I know
lot of things. other roads and you can remember easily, that’s:
Go straight four blocks on Mariscal Avenue and turn
right on Asamblea Street. Go one block. It’s on the
middle block between Bellido and Callao Street.

H:Oh thanks! See you…!

A: See you tomorrow!

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