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Elephant Early Warning System

based on a GPS/GPRS Module
with Continuous Power Supply

R W D T Indunil, K H G S Jayaneth, H M K S Marambage, J G S Nalini and N D Jayasundere

Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
Faculty of Engineering,, University of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 91 2245766 x251, Fax: +94 91 2245762

Abstract— The mitigation of Human Elephant Conflict (HEC) from elephant drives (driving elephants into the confined
that has arisen due to deforestation for arable land and thus National Parks), building electric fences to contain the
encroaching on the natural habitats of elephants in the wild is elephants within confined areas, providing corridors for
becoming increasingly important in order to safeguard human elephants to cross from one wildlife park to another and
as well as elephant life in areas where HEC’s are a regular translocation. Most of these have met with limited success
occurrence. Past solutions have ranged from elephant drives
(driving elephants into the confined National Parks), building
electric fences to contain the elephants within confined areas, In this paper we describe an alternative approach for
providing corridors for elephants to cross from one wildlife mitigating HEC using new technology. Our proposed
park to another and translocation. Most of these have met with solution is an early warning system and is based on
limited success. mounting a Tracking Module (TM) on elephants to monitor
In this paper we describe the progress of an alternative their movements remotely.
approach to mitigating HEC’s using new technology. Our The design, development and installation program of the
approach is to develop an early warning system. This is done by TM based early warning system is being done in two stages,
mounting a Tracking Module (TM) on elephants to monitor (a) design and development of the electronics,
their movements remotely. The TM is based on GPS/GPRS
hardware, software and communication links of the
communication links and has a continuous power supply
developed using the latest PowerFilm flexible solar panels and a TM and performance testing,
rechargeable Li-Ion battery. The TM has been designed so that (b) design and development of a suitable carrier for the
the module and the solar panels can be mounted on a collar module (collar) to sit on the elephant and
which can be attached around the neck of the elephant The deployment and testing in a real situation.
flexibility of the thin film solar panel allows the TM to be In this paper we present the results of the first part of the
shaped into the collar. The TM contains novel features and its design and development program of the TM. Work is
performance has been tested extensively. Work is continuing to continuing to realize the second part of the program.
test the TM in a real situation. The continuous power supply The first part of the Elephant Early Warning System
and the preprogrammed software of the TM mean that after
program was developed within a final year Undergraduate
installation the TM will operate independently and
“indefinitely” without manual intervention. Project and implemented in a period of 6 months, from
December 2007 to May 2008.
T he mitigation of Human Elephant Conflict (HEC) is
becoming increasingly important. These HEC’s have
arisen due to deforestation for arable land thus
A block diagram of the early warning system architecture
is shown in Fig 1. The module GM862-GPS, shown as the
encroaching on the natural habitats of elephants in the wild. Tracking Module TM, obtains the GPS coordinates of its
The safeguarding of human as well as elephant life in the location and transmits this information via the GPRS link to
areas where HEC’s are a regular occurrence is of paramount a Web Server. The Server is set up in a standard Personal
importance. Past solutions to mitigating HEC’s have ranged Computer (PC). The received GPRS information is validated

Fig 1. Block diagram of the Elephant Early Warning system

formatted and recorded to the mySQL Database. Selected Information from satellites is received on the L1
position (track) data in the mySQL Database is then mapped frequency (1575.42 MHz) to the GPS receiver. Row data
to an area map, a Google map in our design. The maps can (position data) received from the GPS is processed by
be viewed with the tracking positions in real time or as a Python script and interpreted. Results are then uploaded to
historical record. By superimposing a virtual boundary on the server via the GPRS link as a SMS text message. The
the area map within which the elephant should be contained, GPS location can then be shown on an area map.
our objective is to monitor the movement of the TM Our intention is to develop a highly reliable tracking
(elephant) and give an early warning if the elephant device since there can be no human intervention after the
approaches the virtual boundary and is likely to cross it. TM is installed on the elephant. Thus if something should go
wrong, the error should be self corrected. One scenario is
III. Tracking Module (TM) that the module may get ‘stuck’, which is one of the worst
cases. We have designed our hardware to overcome this type
The heart of the early warning system is the Tracking of situation by using a microcontroller. The hardware design
Module (TM), consisting of the GM862-GPS processor [2] is based on determining the current status of the module
with a Continuous Power Supply (CPS). The GM862-GPS is periodically by using the status pin in the module. If the
one of the latest GSM processors used for tracking systems. module gets ‘stuck’, the microcontroller will trigger the reset
It is the main controlling unit of our tracking system. It pin.
consists of a Digital Communication Transceiver, a GPRS
modem and a GPS receiver. The Digital Communication IV. Continuous Power Supply (CPS)
Transceiver supported services are GSM800, GSM900,
A. Requirements of the CPS
GSM1800 and GSM1900. Of these only the GSM900 and
GSM1800 services are used in Sri Lanka. For data A novel feature of the TM developed is its Continuous
communication this module includes a class 10 GPRS Power Supply (CPS). This is necessary as once the TM is
modem which allows maximum data transfer rates up to installed the CPS should power the TM continuously thus
72kbps. This module also supports CSD (circuit switched allowing for independent and ‘indefinite’ operation after
data) which allows maximum data rates of 14.4kbps. The installation. Also the TM must be designed to withstand
GM862-GPS module is embedded with a GPS receiver to impacts caused by elephant behaviour, weather conditions
locate position data. This is a 20 channel GPS receiver and other environmental conditions.
capable of receiving 20 signals simultaneously. Unlike a The manufacturer [3] specified power supply
typical GPS this module has high sensitivity, up to -159dBm requirements for the GM862-GPS module are: Nominal
with its active antenna, and works even within a building. Supply Voltage 3.8V, Max Supply Voltage 4.2V and Supply
The resolution or maximum error in location is 2.5 meters. Voltage Range 3.4V to 4.2V. Therefore the power source
The functions of the processor can be controlled through AT voltage should be maintained within the specified range to
(Attention) commands specific to GSM modules. The avoid unconditional shutdown of hardware due to low
GM862-GPS module is programmed using the Python voltages or damage to the module due to high voltages.
programming language. Normally, a Python debugger The current flow in the module is not always constant and
module is required to program the module. However, we has transitional peaks depending on its mode of operation.
have been able to program the module directly bypassing the As an example, the GSM system of the module operates in a
need for the debugger module. way that the RF transmission is not continuous, or it is
packed into bursts at a base frequency of about 216 Hz. The
relative current peaks can be as high as 2A according to the
manufacturer’s data sheet. [3]. Therefore the power supply
has to be designed in order to withstand these current peaks

without a large voltage drop, as a large voltage drop would the panel is very sensitive to weather conditions. Also the
cause the module to auto shut down or malfunction. output voltage drops considerably when the load is
connected as compared to the open circuit conditions. Under
B. CPS Design and Development
good weather conditions the Li-Ion battery (3.7V,
Considering the demands made on our CPS, the designed 1000mAh) was fully charged after 6 hours.
CPS consists of a set of solar panels, Li-Ion charger, Li-Ion In operation the regulated solar power output is given to
battery and voltage regulator circuit as illustrated in Fig 2. the DC voltage input of the charger. The two output headers
of the charger are connected to the battery and the GM862-
GPS module. The basic power flow diagram is as illustrated
in Fig 2. A low ESR capacitor (Tantalum, 100µF, 10V) is
connected across the VBATT and GND pins in the GM862-
GPS module to reduce the current absorption peaks of 2A
when GSM is operating.
We also designed for the TM to be operated with a dual
mode power supply input to facilitate tracking of motor
vehicles with the same TM. For vehicle tracking there is a
switch to isolate the solar panels and facilitate operating the
Fig 2. Block diagram of the Continuous Power Supply TM with power input from the cigarette lighter of the
vehicle. The first prototype of the TM with dual mode power
The Li-Ion charger is the center point of the system and is supply is shown in Fig 3.
based on the MAX1555 IC. This charger uses either USB
bus power or a DC voltage source up to 7V. The maximum
charge current is around 270 mA (measured) and will charge
a 1000 mAh battery in about four hours. Current is
automatically shut off when charging is complete. There are
two output headers where the battery and load system can be
attached. The battery can remain connected to the load
system during charging and this enables the charger to be
built into a device and eliminates battery removal. A 7805
voltage regulator IC was used to give the required 5V input
to the charger.
The battery selected for the CPS is based on the new
Polymer Lithium Ion chemistry. This is the highest energy
density battery currently available. It outputs a nominal 3.7V
at 1100mAh. The battery includes built in protection against
Fig 3. First prototype of the TM with dual mode power
over voltage, over current and minimum voltage. The Li-Ion
charger we selected is ideal for charging this battery. This
battery can be directly connected to the GM862-GPS
The GSM862-GPS module and the CPS are below the solar
module through the VBATT and GND pins and can supply
panels. The antenna at front left corner is the GPRS antenna.
the required power to the module.
The GPS receiving antenna is at the bottom right of the TM
The selected solar panels are flexible panels manufactured
under the solar panel. The adapter to a motor vehicle lighter
with the latest PowerFilm solar technology [4]. The
is shown at the back of the TM.
durability of these solar panels was also a key feature in their
selection because they are suitable for any weather
conditions. The specifications are: Rated output voltage 6V,
Maximum output voltage 10V (measured), Maximum The Web interface is another crucial part of the Tracking
current 260mA (measured), Weight 0.2 lbs and optimal System. To view the position of the TM, we needed to
operating temperature is around 25ºC. Dimensions of the develop a back end web based service and a communication
solar panels are 25cm x 15cm. The size of the solar panels method with that web service. This included a web server,
ultimately determines the overall dimensions of the TM. The database server and a communication server that receives the
open circuit voltage of the solar panels was measured over data from the TM, store it and view it in a web browser. It
several days. We found that on a bright day the specified can be used to show the real time locations of the TM and
maximum voltage levels of the manufacturer are obtained will also store the GPS positions in the database for future
only during the peak sunshine periods from about 9AM to reference.
3PM. When the load is connected variation of the current in

We have used an open source web service package to virtual boundary in the area map. Our early warning system
develop the tracking web interface . This open source web is based on this virtual boundary concept. We monitor the
service package is programmed in Java. Server side is position of the elephant by our tracking system starting with
designed to be device and protocol independent. In order to the elephant inside the ‘designated’ or virtual boundary. If it
use the features of the web interface, a specific device seems likely that the elephant will transgress the virtual
communication server was implemented to communicate boundary a warning is given to the people likely to be
with the TM and place the data in the SQL database. We affected and Wildlife Officials to take precautionary
used a HTTP based protocol to communicate with the measures.
database server and the TM. On the web interface side, the We have developed an algorithm that will calculate the
user presentation is easily customizable and position maps, position of the elephant relative to the virtual boundary for
detailed reports of the TM and summary reports of the TM each position of the elephant received from the TM. The
can be viewed. basis of the algorithm for an arbitrary boundary defined by
eight points on the boundary perimeter with the elephant
VI. PERFORMANCE TESTING OF THE TRACKING SYSTEM inside is shown in Fig 5 (a). The elephant is at point O. The
To test the performance of our tracking system, we took algorithm calculates the vectors AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO,
the TM on a train and bus journey from Matara town along GO and HO. The angles between the vectors are then
the coast to the Faculty of Engineering at Hapugala, Galle, a calculated from the dot product. Then the calculated angles
distance of approximately 50 KM. The position data of the are summed. If the elephant (TM) is inside the boundary the
TM was transmitted at the rate of one per minute. (NB: For sum of the angles should equal 360°. Similarly if the
this particular experimental trial the TM was battery elephant position, point O, is outside the boundary the sum
powered). The mapping of the TM positions on a Google of the angles will be less than 360°.
area map with our tracking system is shown as Fig 4. It is In some instances it is possible that the polygon
observed that the TM positions (journey) have been describing the boundary will have internal angles greater
faithfully and accurately mapped on the Google area map. In than 180°. Then the polygon describing the boundary is
the display the speed of the moving TM, GPS coordinates divided into sub polygons. An example is shown in Fig 5(b).
and time at which data was transmitted can be viewed by Here the main polygon has been sub divided to two
‘clicking’ on the coloured icons displaying the track. polygons ABCDE and FGHIJKL where all the internal
angles in the sub polygons are less than 180°. The elephant
is at point O inside the sub polygon ABCDE. The
summation of the angles for the sub polygon ABCDE is
SUM1 = 360° and the summation of the angles for sub
polygon FGHIJKL is SUM2 = less than 360°. Thus if both
SUM1 and SUM2 are less than 360° the elephant is outside
the boundary. Else it is inside the boundary.
We have included a feature in our tracking system to
increase the rate of transmission of elephant position as it
gets closer to the boundary. Thus it will be possible to
monitor the exact position of the elephant at a greater
resolution as it nears the virtual boundary.

Fig 4. Mapping of the TM on the train and bus journey from

Matara to the Faculty of Engineering, Hapugala, Galle.


Most HEC’s occur due to elephants straying from their
‘designated’ habitats into human populated areas. It is
possible therefore to define a designated boundary within
which the elephant should be contained. This boundary can
be defined in terms of the GPS coordinates of a set of points
that describe the boundary perimeter. This boundary can
thus be mapped on the area map and becomes essentially a

In this paper we have described an alternative approach to
mitigating HEC’s. Our approach is an early warning system
developed with the latest tracking modules. A novel feature
of our design is the Continuous Power Supply (CPS), so that
once the TM is installed on the elephant will work
independently and ‘indefinitely’ without any manual
intervention. The prototype of the TM shown in Fig 4, has a
single solar panel. We have enhanced this with another solar
panel to increase the charging reliability of the CPS. Some
novel features have been incorporated into the tracking
system which increases the reliability and independent
operation of the TM.
The tracking system is still being extensively tested. At
present we are testing the long term operation of the TM by
testing its operation over en extended period of operation.
We hope to test the TM in a ‘real’ situation to test our virtual
boundary concept, by mounting it on a tame elephant. We
hope to be able to have the results of these tests in time for
the ICIAfS conference in December 2008. The future
development of this program will be to have multiple TM
installed on elephants in the wild.
A full description of the developed electronics, hardware,
software and communication links can be found in
Reference [5].

Fig 5. The virtual boundary concept for two different ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Prof. Alan Purvis, Centre for Electronics, School of
(a) all internal angle less than 180° ,
Engineering, University of Durham, UK for suggesting the
(b) some internal angles greater than 180°
Elephant Early Warning System for an Undergraduate
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka
Once the TM is installed on the elephant it should operate (TRCSL) for obtaining, and The Ministry of Defence, Public
independently and ‘indefinitely’ without any manual Security, Law & Order for granting security clearance to use
intervention. To increase the system reliability we have the GM862-GPS module.
included self correcting mechanisms and the system Mr. Rasantha Hettithanthrige, General Manager
reliability has been further enhanced by including the Engineering, Mobitel (pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka for providing a
following features: SIM and network connection for the duration of the
• GPS validation check Undergraduate Project.
• GPRS receive signal strength check (with 2dBm Mr. C. D. Jayasundere, Attorney at Law, for his help in
stepping) purchasing the vital electronic components from USA.
• Write data to file during low signal levels (or
during no service mode) for later transmission REFERENCES
• Battery level testing [1] G. S. Miththapala, “Way to c0-exist”, The Sunday Times of Sri
• System status indicators Lanka, Plus pp.4, July 6 2008.
• Switch between several position data uploading [3]
rates according to battery power level and elephant [4] Silicon Solar Inc, USA.
location [5] R. W. D. T. Indunil, K. H. G. S. Jayaneth, H. M. K. S. Marambage
• Night time power saving mode and J. G. S. Nalini, Tracking System using GPS and GPRS,
Undergraduate Project Report 2008, Department of Electrical and
Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

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