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Mentor of Hospitality Standards

Finance Food & Beverage Human Resources Marketing Rooms Technical Services Manua
ls Newsletters
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu

• • • • • • •
Food & Beverage Human Resources Marketing Rooms Technical Services Manuals Newsl
Business Plan Operations Manual Finance Policy Manual Information Systems Policy
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • Finance

• • • • • •
Food & Beverage
Human Resources Marketing Rooms Technical Services Manuals Newsletters
Operations Manual Brand Standards Grid Club Brand Standards Grid Policy Manual T
he Cutting Edge Food and Beverage Strategy
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • • Finance Food & Beverage
Policy Manual Operations Manual Insurance Plans Retirement Plan Our Voice Human
Resources Strategy

• • • • •
Human Resources
Marketing Rooms Technical Services Manuals Newsletters
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • • • Finance Food & Beverage Human Resources
Business Plan Operations Manual Marketing Strategy Articulation Regency Operatio
ns Manual Global Distribution Systems Add Marketing Communications Manual Market
ing Promotions Manual Internet Marketing & Distribution Manual Marketing Glossar

• • • •
Rooms Technical Services Manuals Newsletters
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • • • • Finance Food & Beverage Human Resources Marketing
Operations Manual Brand Standards Grid Regency Brand Standards Grid Policy Manua

• • •
Technical Services Manuals Newsletters
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • • • • • Finance Food & Beverage Human Resources Marketing Rooms
Design and Engineering Recommendations and Minimum Standards FF&E Product Specif
ications Engineering Operations Manual Policy Manual

• •
Technical Services
Manuals Newsletters
Mentor of Hospitality Standards
Main Menu • • • • • • Finance Food & Beverage Human Resources Marketing Rooms Technical Ser
• • •
Policy Manuals Operations Manuals Other Manuals

Contents of Finance Standards
Introduction Planning Process
• • • • • • • • • • • Step 1 - Establish Mission Step 2 – Information Gatherin Step 3 - Sit
ysis Step 4 – Situational Analysis Review Step 5 – The Marketing Plan Step 6 – Assumpt
ions Step 7 – Formulate Business Objectives & Strategic Directions Step 8 – Formulat
e Divisional Objectives & Strategies Step10 – Formalize Plans Step11 – Submission an
d Approval Step12 – Implementation and Review
Finance Menu
• • • •
Corporation Mission Statement Corporate Vision Corporate Mission Directions to I
ndividual Hotels Entrepreneurial Approach and Accountability Resource (Asset) Ma
nagement Customers
Business Plan
• • • Operations Manual Finance Policy Manual Info Systems Policy
• • •
Planning Concepts
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Purpose of Planning Art of Planning Planning is a Team
going Process The Planning Units Critical Issues Strategic Thinking and Analysis
Qualities of Good Plan Objectives, Strategies, Activites Top Down and Bottom Up
Approach Strategic Planning Process Objective Formulation Process StrategicPlan
ning and Objective Formulation Hotel Objectives Divisional Objectives Department
al Objectives Budgeting and Financial Plan Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)
Computer Instructions
• • • • • • • Business Plan Excel Files All Worksheets Ten Year History – Summary P&L Capit
penditure Outlet Marketing Analysis Worksheet Catering Marketing Analysis Worksh
eet Payroll / Staffing Worksheet
Contents of Finance Standards
Finance Menu
Account Definitions
• • • Introduction Balance Sheet Assets Cash Cash on Hand Cash in Bank Time Deposit Cl
earing Accounts Accounts Receivable AR – Trade AR – Reserve for Doubtful Acct. AR – Ho
tels and Companies AR – Others Inventories Inventories–Saleable Merchandise Inventor
ies-Operating Supplies Other Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Deferred Charges De
posits – Current Barter Contracts Receivable Sundry Current Assets Non Current Ass
ets Cash Fund – FF&E Deferred – Non Current Deposits – Non Current Special Projects Fi
xed Assets Liabilities Bank Overdraft and Loans • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
els and Companies AP – Others Accrued Liabilities AL – Salaries and Wages AL – Employe
e Benefits AL – Payroll and Income Taxes AL – Management Fees AL – Others Other Curren
t Liabilities Guest Deposits Barter Contracts Liability Deferred Income Sundry L
iabilities Provisions Provisions-Replacement of Operating Equipments Provision-R
epairs & Maintenance Provision-Others Reserves Reserve – Replacement of FF&E Reser
ve – Employee Benefits Reserve – Special Projects Owner’s Equity Long Term Account Ini
tial Working Capital Initial Inventories Special Funds Current Account Balance B
rought Forward Profit Year-To-Date • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Cumulative Gain or Loss on Trade Comparative Statement of I&E Other Deductions A
mortisation and Depreciation Insurance Insurance-Comprehensive G. Liability Insu
rance – Loss of Profit Insurance – Automobile Rent and Rates Rentals / Lease Rentals
Reserve for Replacement of FF&E Special Projects Hotel Defined Account 1 Hotel
Defined Account 2 Gross Operating Income Gross Operating Profit Basic Management
Fees Incentive Management Fees Incentive Management Fees Owner’s Share of Profit
Total Payroll and Related Expenses Total Payroll and Contract Services Rooms Div
ison Revenue Accommodation Revenue – Net Accommodation Revenue Accommodation Rebat
es No Show Revenue – Net No Show Revenue No Show Rebates

Business Plan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Operations Manual
• • Finance Policy Manual Info Systems Policy
Contents of Finance Standards
Finance Menu
Account Definitions
• • • Revenue for Functions – Net Revenue for Functions Rebates for Functions Other Extr
a Revenue – Net Other Extra Revenue Other Extra Rebates Payroll and Contract Servi
ces Payroll andRelated Expenses Salaries and wages Vaation Credits Extra Wages P
ayroll Related Expenses Departmental Training Employee Transport Housing Incenti
ve Bonus Local Bonus Long Service Leave Meals Medical Expenses Medical insurance
Recruitment Relocation Retirement Fund Severance Pay Sick Leave Social Security
Vacation Travel Vacation Pay Accrual Worker’s Compensation Employee Income Tax Pa
yroll Tax • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Other Related
yroll Account 2 Payroll Cross Charges Contract Services Provision for Operating
Equipment Provision for Chinaware Provision for Glassware Provision for Linen Pr
ovision for Silverware Provision for Uniforms Other Expenses Commission – Travel A
gent Commission – Others Laundry Laundry – Linen Laundry – Uniforms Laundry – General Cl
eaning Cleaning Supplies Guest Supplies Guest Supplies-Food & Beverage Printing
and Stationery Other Supplies Decorations Guest Retention / Recognition Guest Tr
ansport Guest Transport Guest Complimentary Parking Licences and Taxes Communica
tion Costs Information Systems In Room Television & Technology Complimentary Tel
evision Complimentary Movies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Television Interactive S
Internet Access Other Operating Expenses Reservation Expenses RE – Spirit Fees
Television Information Services

Business Plan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Operations Manual
• • Finance Policy Manual Info Systems Policy
RE – Shared Service Centre Fees RE – Communication RE – Internet RE – Alternative Reserv
ation RE – GDS Re – Airport Rep / Greeter RE – Cost to Walk Guests Sundry Equipment Tr
ansportation Hotel Defined Account 1 Hotel Defined Account 2 Market Segment Stat
Contents of Finance Standards
Finance Menu
Accounts Receivable Days Calculations Accrual of Vacation Pay Airline Tickets Al
location of Shared Expenses Banking Daily Receipts Bank Operating Account Busine
ss Plan Submission Cash Management Chain Allocation Costs Chart of Accounts Broc
hures & Other Marketing Material Communication Centre Accounting Complimentary R
ooms Computation of Rooms Statistics Computer Backup Tapes/Disks Employee Loans
Note: Each Policy is defined with the detailed Information Of: Employee Personal
Cheques Encashment of Third Party Cheques Expense Reports External Auditors Rep
orts FF&E, and Repairs and Maintenance FF&E Register Finance Projections and For
ecasts Food & Beverage Covers F&B Intra-Departmental Allocation Foreign Currency
Exchange Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss Handover Notes to Incoming Hotel Annual Pla
ns Hotel Package Accounting Hotel Rooms Available Incentive Plans Insurance Admi
nistration Inter-Departmental Charges Inter-Hotel Financial Transactions Interna
tional Reservations Limited Laundry Department Accounting Management Agreement A
pplication Management Fee Calculation Minimum Stay Processing Monthly Credit Mee
ting Monthly Financial Statement Meeting Monthly Financial Statements Net Room R
ates No Show Revenue Operating Equipment Participation in Hotel Industry Surveys
Payroll and Contract Services Pre-Book/Process and Hold Reservations Preliminar
y Month End Reporting Provision for Operating Equipment Provisions Purchasing Re
bates and Other Reductions in Revenue Receiving Rental Income of Guest Rooms for
F&B Functions Repair and Maintenance Costs GM to Accounting Controls Retirement
Plan Contributions Safe Deposit Boxes Settlement of Guest Accounts Sponsorship
Funds Sundry Equipment Taking of Physical Inventory Trade Advertising Bills Trai
ning Manager Salaries Translation of Financial Statements Travel Agent Commissio
n Trustee Funds
• •
Business Plan Operations Manual
Finance Policy
• Info Systems Policy
• Policy Statement • Purpose • Procedure
Contents of Finance Standards
Finance Menu E-Mail Guidelines • • • Business Plan Operations Manual Finance Policy Ma
nual E-Mail Addrsses Computer Virues User Accounts System Backup – Disaster / Reco
very System Backup – Reporting Requirements Non-Disclosure Agreements Software Lic
ensing Software Duplication Non-Standard Software Internet and Third Party Dedic
ated Links Remote Access
Note: Each Policy is defined with the detailed Information Of:
Info Systems Policy
Internet Domain Names Mail Maintenance: Reclaim Mail Directories Internet E-Mail
• Policy Statement • Purpose • Procedure
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Role of the Corporate F&B Department Role of the F&B Department Organization of
the F&B Department Administration Baquet Sales Beverages Catering Food Standards
Forms Kitchen Outlets Services Dictionary of Standards Afternoon Tea A La Minut
e Cooking Philosophy Amenities Ashtrays Audio Visual Baby Chair Background Music
Back Lane / Back of House Bands Banquet Booking Procedures Banquet Buffet Decor
ation Banquet Buffet High and Low Stands Banquet Call Report Banquet Chair Banqu
et ChairAccessories Banquet Chef Banquet Contract Banquet Cubes Banquet Call Rep
ort Banquet Chair Banquet Chair Accessories Banquet Chef Banquet Contract Banque
t Cubes Banquet Communication Meetings Banquet Deposits Banquet Filling System B
anquet Goal Setting Banquet Job Descriptions Banquet Letters Banquet Market Depl
oyment / Segmentation Banquet Menus Banquet Office Etiquette Banquet Performers
Banquet Photography Banquet Reports Banquet Sales Banquet Sales Check List Banqu
et Sales Tools Banquet Sales Training Banquet Service Banquet Show Items Banquet
Solicitation Banquet Themes Bars & Entertainment Centres Bar Food Beer Beverage
s Beverage Packages Beverage Philosophy Beverage Tray
Operations Manual
• • • • • Brand Standards Grid Club Brand Standards Grid Policy Manual The Cutting Edge Fo
od & Beverage Strategy
Click Next
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Bill Folders Black Boards Block Out Dates Blotting Pads Bottled Water Cold Buffe
t Platters Collateral Comfort Food Commissary Kitchens Communication Centre Comm
uniction Meetings Compendium Complaints Complaint Letters Concept Statements Con
diments Cookies Cork Screws Cost Managemnt Covers Critical Path Cross Selling Cr
umb Service Culinary Philosophy Cutting Edge Database Management Decanter Depart
mental Operations Manual Design Cuisine Concept Dessert Buffets Dessert Menu Dev
elopment of Culinary Creativity Diary Control Doorknob Menu Duty Rosters Drawing
Room Dress Code Employee Restaurant Employee Specification Family Style Floor P
lans Floral Decorations Font Size Food & Beverage Revenue Food Court Food Covers
Food Handling Procedures Food Storage Food Trays Forms Function Order Garnishes
Goodwill Gueridon Service Guest History Health and Safety Hostess Stand Hot Box
es Hot Chocolate Hot Towels Hygiene Hygiene Training Ice Standards Ice Tea Inter
nal F&B Audit Internet Web Sites Inventory
Operations Manual
• • • • • Brand Standards Grid Club Brand Standards Grid Policy Manual The Cutting Edge Fo
od & Beverage Strategy
Bread Breakage Control Breakfast Breakfast Available 24 Hours Buffets Buffets Se
t Ups Bulletin Boards (Notice Boards) Burnishing Business Cards Business Plan Bu
tter Café Restaurnt Camp Hotels Candles Captain Order Check Lists Chefs Table Chri
stmas / Eid Events Cigarettes Cigars Cloakroom Club Style Service Coasters Cockt
ails Coffee Coffee Breaks Coffee Machines
Click Next
Inventory Movement Form
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Invitations Job Descriptions Kitchen Cleanliness Kitchen Culinary Philosophy Kit
chen Inventories Order Taking Oranic Food Outside Catering Outside Contractors P
encils Pens Photographs Pin Spots Place Cards Post Mix Promotions Props Purchasi
ng Quality Control Reciving Recipe Exchange Recipe Mantenance Recruitment Recycl
ing Regency Club Replenishing Requisitiong Procedures Reservation Systems Retail
Restaurant Philosophy Restaurant Revenue Management Room Service Sake Sales Too
ls Sandwiches Satellite Kitchen Philosophy Scheduling Service Stations Show Kitc
hens Side Dishes Signage Signature Dishes Site Inspections Soft Drinks Spell Che
ck Stage Stewarding Storerooms Straws Sugar Swizzle Sticks Tabletops Task Breakd
owns Tea Telemarketing Temperature Control Top Twenty Trainig Training Checklist
s Tray / Trolley Collection Uniforms Vegetarian Menu Walkie Talkies Waste Dispos
al Water Websites Weddings Juices by the Glass Juice Lists
Operations Manual
• • • • • Brand Standards Grid Club Brand Standards Grid Policy Manual The Cutting Edge Fo
od & Beverage Strategy
Kitchen Mise en Place Kosher Kitchen Lap Tops Lazy Susan Lecturns Library Linen
Local Cuisine Local Customs Lo Books Magazine Subscriptions Market List Market R
esearch Match Boxes Menu Menu Maintenance Mini Bar Mise Em Place Mission Stateme
nt Music Mustards Name Tags Napkins New Years Eve No No’s Offices Olive Oil
Note: Each Policy is defined with the detailed Information Of:
• Policy Statement • Purpose • Procedure
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Mini Bar Standard
• • • Setup Product Selection Others • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bar & Entertainment Center Food & Beverage Marketing Breakfast
View Breakfast Standard Tabletop Standard Juice Standard Coffee Standard Tea Sta
ndard Hot Chocolate Sugar Water Butter Marmalade / Jam / Honey Baker / Breads /
Pastries Toast Cereal / Yoghurt Fresh Fruit Local Breakfast Items Eggs / Hot Sta
tions Cold Cuts / Cheeses A La Carte Orders Buffet Others • • • • • • • •
Lounges – Beverages Lounges – Service

Food & Beverage Retail Rooms Service
Beverages Soups Menus Service Order Taker Waiter
Operations Manual
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Amenities Banquet Sales
View Sales Standards Presentation Kit Sales Tools Menu Offering Theme Party Tele
phone Skills Sale Employee Correspondence
Brand Standards
• • • • Club Brand Standards Grid Policy Manual The Cutting Edge Food & Beverage Strateg
Show Kitchen Standards
Banquet Service
Overall Equipment Selection Chinaware Silverware Glassware Linen Table Menus & Déc
or Boardrooms Meeting Setup Classroom Meeting Set-up Computer/Internet Accessibi
lity Coffee Breaks AV Equipment Host / Hostess Manager on Duty
Menu Design / Printing Uniforms Standards Music Food Product Special Non-Alcohol
ic Beverages Hosts / Hostess
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Breakfast Standard
• • • Schedule Beverage Food Butter Marmalade/Jam/Honey • • • •
Meeting Rooms
Room Set-Up Services
• •
Operations Manual Brand Standards
• •
Check In / Out Procedures
Check In Check Out
Club Brand Standards
• • • Policy Manual The Cutting Edge Food & Beverage Strategy
Day Time Standard
• • Food Beverage • • •
Amenities and Evening Maid Services
Standard Rooms Suites Top Suite
Breakfast Standard
• • • Schedule Food Beverage
Late Evening
• • • Schedule Food Beverage
Lounge Facilities
• • • Magazines & Newspapers Games Business Facilities
Contents of Food and Beverage Standards
Food and Beverage Menu
Contents • Amenity Programme Banquet Guidelines Bars and Entertainment Centers - G
uidelines Breakfast Available 24 Hrs Buffet Set-Ups Café Restaurants vs. Coffee Sh
ops Comfort Food Concept Statements Departmental Operations Manuals Employee Res
taurant Food & Beverage Revenues • • • • • • • • • • • Guest Recognition / Retention Intern
everage Audit Local / Regional Cuisine Menu Content and Design Standards Minimum
F&B Standards – The top Twenty Service Guidelines Stewarding Guidelines Music and
Entertainment Purchasing Regency Club F&B Selection Training
• • •
Operations Manual Brand Standards Club Brand Standards
Policy Manual
• • The Cutting Edge Food & Beverage Strategy
Contents of Human Resource Standards
Human Resource Menu
Contents •
• •
Executive Health Exam
• • • • • • • • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedures Eligibility Frequency Facilities Reco
Examinations Sample Examinations Pre-Employment Medical Examinations
Absence from Hotel
Policy Statement Purpose Procedures
Policy Manual
• • • • • Operational Manual Insurance Plans Retirement Plans Our Voice Human Resource Str

Employee Discounted Accommodation
• • • • • • • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedure Description of Benefits Eligibility Book
rocedure Termination of Employment General
General Managers’ Housing / Associate Benefits
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedure GM Living in the hotel Laund
Food & Beverage Housekeeping Services GM living in hotel paid Accommod. GM livi
ng out of the hotel All General Managers Use the Hotel Restaurants Hotel Car Tel
ephones Club Memberships
Employee Housing
• • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedures
Employee Communications
• • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedures
Employee Recognition Programmes
• • • Policy Statement Purpose Procedures
Main Menu
Presentation for this section is Under Progress…

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