Insect Pest in Tropical Forests

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Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition

We dedicate this book to our families, Trish, Richard, and Gev, and Ang, Cate, Nick, Richard,
and Toby, for their patience and support during the writing of both editions of this book.
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry,
2nd Edition

Dr F. Ross Wylie

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,

Queensland Government, Australia

Dr Martin R. Speight

Zoology Department, University of Oxford, and St Anne’s College, Oxford, UK

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wylie, F.R.
Insect pests in tropical forestry / F. Ross Wylie, Martin R. Speight. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-84593-635-8 (pbk : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-84593-635-5
(hardback : alk. paper)
1. Forest insects--Tropics. 2. Forest insects--Control--Tropics.
I. Speight, Martin R. II. Title.

SB764.T73W95 2012

ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 636 5 (Hbk)

978 1 84593 635 8 (Pbk)

Commissioning editor: Rachel Cutts

Editorial assistant: Alexandra Lainsbury
Production editor: Simon Hill

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Printed and bound in the UK by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY.

Preface vii

1 Tropical Forests 1

2 Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 22

3 Abiotic and Biotic Effects 49
4 Insect–Host Tree Interactions 75
5 Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 91
6 Management Systems I: Planning Stage 153
7 Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 186
8 Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 204
9 Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance,
Invasive Species and Quarantine 240
10 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 275

Bibliography 297
Index 357

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Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2001, there have been several sig-
nificant developments in forestry and forest entomology in the tropics that warranted
inclusion in a second edition. One is the emergence of new pest species associated either
with the expansion of plantation forestry into new regions or marginal areas, or a gradual
adaptation by indigenous species to exotic hosts or the rapid spread of new invasives. The
South American carpenterworm, Chilecomadia valdiviana, in Chile, and the South African
goat moth, Coryphodema tristis, are examples of emerging indigenous pests associated
with the establishment and expansion of exotic Eucalyptus spp. plantations in these coun-
tries. The blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa, and the erythrina gall wasp, Quadrastichus
erythrinae, are recent examples of the rapid worldwide spread of an invasive insect, similar
to that which occurred for the leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana, in the 1980s and
1990s. The biology, ecology and impact of these, and many additional pest species, are
discussed in an expanded Chapter 5.
Another development has been the growing awareness of the ‘true’ global impact of
forest invasive species as losses have been better quantified. Damage worldwide has been
estimated at several billion US dollars per year, even without taking into account the loss
of non-market value, which may well exceed that figure. This has prompted a range of
international responses, including the formation of networks and surveillance programmes
to provide early warning of incursions of forest invasives and the development of interna-
tional standards for phytosanitary measures, such as that for wood packaging material, as
discussed in Chapter 9. The global increase in self-help schemes such as plant clinics and
field schools is also discussed. A range of new technologies has enhanced the accuracy and
efficiency of forest health surveys over the past decade. These include the use of geographic
information system–global positioning system interface tools and handheld computers to
assist navigation and data collection in the field, and the application of digital, remotely
sensed imagery to detect and classify damaged forest canopies. There have also been signifi-
cant advances in the use of semiochemicals, including pheromones, for the detection and
monitoring of forest pests and for controlling pest populations by means of mass trapping,
lure and kill, lure and infect and mating disruption.
One of the fundamental principles underlying this book is that the prevention of prob-
lems is far better than attempts at cures. The book is not in any way designed to be a
manual of pest management. Instead, it presents concepts and examples of tropical forest

viii Preface

insects, their ecology, impact and control approaches where appropriate, and we hope that
individual readers will make the connection between the generalities in the book and their
own situation, socio-economic position and appropriate technologies. Some situations or
examples have been revisited several times in different parts of the book, and some amount
of repetition has been inevitable, and indeed vital. So, for example, the eucalyptus longi-
corn beetle, Phoracantha semipunctata, is discussed in chapters on ecology, host-plant
relationships, plant resistance, biological control and integrated pest management, while
the mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla spp., crops up almost as often.
As can be seen from Chapter 1, we have been fairly broad in our definition of ‘tropi-
cal’. Clearly, insects do not take any notice of atlases and an example from the subtropics
(however defined) may have just as much relevance to equatorial regions. In some cases,
it has been necessary to use even temperate examples where none are available from more
tropical regions. We have kept this to a minimum and though there may well have been
several examples of concepts or techniques that are well established from temperate situa-
tions, we have strived to provide a tropical one instead. Our aim has also been to provide
a complete global perspective on tropical forest pest ecology and management; hence the
rather general nature of the contents. We have attempted to paint as broad a picture as pos-
sible, using examples from as many tropical countries as we have experienced personally
or are well represented in the literature. Clearly, there will be omissions. Not all countries
and all major pests have been treated exhaustively. We hope that interested readers, whether
from the Pacific, Australasia, South and South-east Asia, Africa and both Central and South
America, will find something of relevance to them personally and will also discover expe-
riences outside their regions to be of significance to their own situations. Finally, we had
to decide which forest types to focus on and have been sparing in our mention of native or
natural forests. Essentially, this is a book about plantation forestry, either grown intensively
on a large scale or at a local, small-scale level as part of village or agroforestry systems.
The layout of this second edition follows that of the first, though the content has been
substantially rewritten to reflect 10 years of research and development, as well as the emer-
gence of new pest species. Chapter 1 presents an overview, from a somewhat entomological
perspective, of tropical forestry in its many guises. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 then discuss the
‘pure’ biology and ecology of tropical insects and their co-evolved relationships with the
trees and forests in which they live. We discuss both abiotic (climatic) and biotic (food and
enemies) factors, and together we hope that some of the ways in which ‘neutral’ forest
insects become pests and, in turn, are subsequently reduced to low levels will become
clear. The later, more ‘applied’ chapters base their management tactics on this earlier, pure
science. It must not be forgotten that one person’s pest may be another’s rarity. Insect bio-
diversity in tropical forests is an extremely popular and important area for both discussion
and research and we have touched on this aspect of insects in forests in Chapter 2.
Chapter 5 is necessarily the largest chapter in the book, looking in detail at a selection
of major pest species from all over the tropical world. As mentioned above, these examples
are not in any way exhaustive – that would be a quite impossible task – but, instead, pro-
vide case histories to illustrate a whole range of insect types, from defoliators and sap feed-
ers, to shoot, bark and wood borers. Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 then discuss the theory and
practice of insect pest management, starting at the fundamental planning stage, before any
seeds hit the soil. If basic concepts and problems are not tackled and handled correctly at
this first stage, then, in many cases, no amount of effort or expenditure in the future will fix
problems to come. We then consider, in turn, nursery management and stand management
in Chapters 7 and 8. The reader will notice a certain amount of ‘pigeonholing’ here. For
example, the vital topics of biological and chemical control have relevance to all stages of
tree growth and forest management, but we have chosen to put them in Chapter 8 since, in
the majority of cases, this is where the techniques and concepts described find most practi-
cal use. Chapter 9 covers the topics of forest health surveillance, quarantine and forest
Preface ix

invasive species, topics which again have significance at all stages of forestry but for con-
venience are presented after nursery and forest management. Ideally, readers should study
all four chapters together to provide an integrated overview of all available concepts and
practices. This, in fact, we attempt to do in the final chapter, Chapter 10, which combines
most of the previous nine chapters in examples illustrating the concept of integrated pest
management (IPM).
We are extremely indebted to numerous colleagues and friends who have helped, sup-
ported, read chapter drafts, supplied photographs or information, etc. – we gratefully
acknowledge (in no particular order) Paul Embden, Clive Hambler, Peter Savill, Hugh Evans,
Eric Boa, Jeff Burley, Malcolm Ryder, John Fryer, Mike Ivory, Russell Haines, Tim Hardwick,
Ian Bevege, Brenton Peters, Jock Kennedy, Simon Lawson, Judy King, Murdoch DeBaar,
Manon Griffiths, Janet McDonald, Helen Nahrung, Brendan Murphy, Geoff Pegg, Michael
Kennedy, Chris Fitzgerald, Michael Ramsden, Norm Hartley, Trent Hemmens, Humphrey
Elliott, Cliff Ohmart, Allan Watt, Mark Hunter, Rob Floyd, Carrie Hauxwell, Stephen Harris,
Sean Murphy, Michael Cole, Bill Crowe, Sankaran, Zvi Mendel and Chuck Hodges. We also
thank all our colleagues in the many countries where we have worked for their help and hos-
pitality and our employing organizations for their support during the writing of this book.
Without the excellent services provided by the Queensland Department of Employment,
Economic Development and Innovation library (particularly Dianne Langford, Mel Kippen,
Helen Chamberlin and Kerrie McLaren), the University of Queensland, St Lucia, library
and the Bodleian Library and St Anne’s College Library in Oxford, the book could not have
been written.
Most of the photographs have been taken by one or other of us, and those colleagues
and agencies who kindly supplied the others are acknowledged in the photo credits. Many
of the graphs and tables have been redrawn or reproduced from the literature. All the pub-
lishers who gave permission to do this are gratefully acknowledged here or, where requested,
on the figure legends.
Finally, we are most grateful indeed to ACIAR (Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research), who provided a most generous grant to fund the provision of colour
plates in the book. When all is said and done, the subject of the book is primarily a visual
one and colour makes an immeasurable improvement to the whole work.
Ross Wylie and Martin Speight
Brisbane and Oxford
September 2011
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Tropical Forests

1.1 Forests whereas in ‘developing’ countries, ecosystems

with a minimum of only 10% tree (and/or
Global land use in 2000, and estimated add- bamboo) crown cover can be called ‘forest’
itional requirements by 2030, are presented (FAO, 1997). These systems usually are
in Table 1.1 (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011). characterized by wild flora and fauna, with
As the table shows, considerably more land natural soil conditions, and they are not
will be required by 2030 for the almost associated with agricultural practices. As
unavoidable advance in cropland, grazing we shall see, though, they may well be influ-
land and highly controversial biofuel pro- enced dramatically by other anthropocentric
duction. The authors predict that over 100 activities, whereupon they are split into two
million hectares (Mha) of industrial forestry categories, natural forests, both primary and
will be required by then. secondary, and plantation forests. Note that
At the moment, forests account for of the nearly 4 bn ha mentioned above, only
almost 30% of the earth’s total land area, about 3.8% is plantation forestry (Freer-
somewhere in the region of 4 bn ha or about Smith and Carnus, 2008). Furthermore, a large
39.5 Mkm2 (Freer-Smith and Carnus, 2008). variety of natural and artificial systems,
If we extrapolate to include the oceans as while not falling comfortably under the con-
well, this comes to around 10% of the entire ventional umbrella of ‘forest’, contain rela-
globe. Most people can conjure up a tropi- tively high proportions of woody vegetation.
cal forest easily in their minds: hot and These systems are of great ecological and
humid jungles, with luxuriant creepers, enor- economic importance. Scrub, shrub or bush-
mous trees and mysterious wild animals. land are general vegetation types where the
Romantic, no doubt, but in reality only a dominant woody elements are at maximum
small and fanciful part of the truth! It should 5–7 m tall. Forest fallow consists of many
be easy enough to define a forest, though types of woody vegetation derived from the
Putz and Redford (2010) suggest that doing clearing of natural forest for shifting agricul-
so may be ‘implemented in fogs of ambigu- ture, where ecological succession proceeds
ity’. According to the Food and Agriculture in patches. These woody areas encompass
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), about 1.7 bn ha on top of the 4 bn or so of
land with tree crown cover (or stand density) true forest already mentioned (Sharma et al.,
of more than about 20% of the total area 1992). Individual trees may also be of great
is defined as ‘forest’ in ‘developed’ regions, significance; the planting of arid-tolerant

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 1
2 Chapter 1

Table 1.1. Estimates of global land use derived from the literature in 2000 plus additional demand
by 2030. Low estimates are a conservative view, while high estimates are ‘bolder’ (data from Lambin
and Meyfroidt, 2011).

Land-use category Low (Mha) High (Mha)

Land use in 2000

Cropland 1510 1611
Pastures 2500 3410
Natural forests 3143 3871
Planted forests 126 215
Urban built-up areas 66 351
Unused, productive land 356 445
Projected land use in 2030
Additional cropland 81 147
Additional biofuel crops 44 118
Additional grazing land 0 151
Urban expansion 48 100
Industrial forestry expansion 56 109
Protected area expansion 26 80
Land lost to degradation 30 87
Total land demand in 2030 285 792
Clearing of natural forests, 2000–2030 152 303

trees in dry regions, or the establishment of roughly (east to west) from Hong Kong to
woody species in villages or small farms for Calcutta, Aswan, Cuba and the tip of Baja
fuel, shelter or browse can hardly be termed California, while the tropic of Capricorn
forestry, at least in the strict industrial sense runs from north of Brisbane to southern
of the word, but various types of agrofor- Madagascar and eventually Rio de Janeiro
estry, shamba or taungya are vital to local (see Colour Plate 130). The width of this
economies. The various types of forest, from geographical belt is by definition 2820 nau-
intensive industrial plantations to social and tical miles, roughly 5200 km.
community plantings and agroforestry, will Though precise geographically, the trop-
be considered in more detail below. ics cannot be delimited so easily in terms of
We should also note that forest cover in climate or ecology. A dry season, monsoon
its wide sense varies considerably according wind or even a swarm of locusts do not rec-
to country and region, as Colour Plate 129 ognize lines on maps, so it is much more
shows (UNEP, 2009). Countries which still realistic to consider the tropics as a region
have 50% or more of their land area for- of the earth characterized by a certain range
ested include much of Brazil, Guyana, Peru, of abiotic and biotic features. It must also
Republic of Congo, Malaysia and Papua New be remembered that even though a region
Guinea. or locality occurs within these boundaries,
it may in fact experience temperate if not
arctic conditions – anyone who has reached
1.2 The Tropics the summit of Mount Kinabalu in Sabah,
Malaysia, or Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, East
Geographically, the ‘tropics’ is a region of Africa, will testify readily to this! Some of
the earth’s surface bounded by the tropic the conditions considered to be ‘tropical’
of Cancer on the 23°27'N parallel and the are provided by Evans (1992) and are presen-
tropic of Capricorn on the 23°27'S parallel; ted in Table 1.2. Clearly, some parts (around
the equator bisects the region (Evans and 25%) of the tropics are stereotypically hot
Turnbull, 2004). The tropic of Cancer runs and wet for most, if not all, of the year;
Tropical Forests 3

Table 1.2. Climatic characteristics of tropical 1992) can be found in the tropics, in its
regions (data from Evans, 1992). broadest sense. Indeed, the term ‘forest’ may
need to be defined not in ecological terms as
much as in cultural ones (Putz and Redford,
Average air Over 20°C
2009). The economic prosperity and devel-
Mean temperature Over 18°C opment status of the region is much less
of coldest month equitable, however. Table 1.3 looks at some
Rainfall basic statistics of several major countries in
Variability 0–10,000 mm/year the tropics (World Bank, 2010). Various
Duration of moisture 28% of land, conclusions can be derived from these data.
limitation, arable land no limitation For example, it is clear that the majority
42% of land, 4–7 of countries show a decline in forest area
months’ limitation between 2000 and 2005. Only one or two in
30% of land, over
the table, such as India and Vietnam, show
8 months’ limitation
Solar radiation
a small increase. Of course, some tropical
Comparison with Roughly double countries are as developed as any in tem-
temperate regions perate regions, so that sophisticated man-
Day length agement of production and industry is
10.5–13.5 h perfectly possible at the highest levels, but
it does seem that the lower the GDP or
the higher the population density, the less
forested land there is. Forestry in tropical
seasonal variations are hard to detect and,
Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, parts of India
for most months, rainfall exceeds losses by
and Africa and some countries in South
America is thus very different to that in
Unsurprisingly, the natural vegetation
most countries of the tropics, the so-called
is dominated by rainforest. In other regions
‘less developed countries’, or LDCs. Not
(about 50% of the total), some parts of the
only that, but traditions of land use, tenure,
year have much less rain than others, pro-
subsistence and so on vary tremendously
ducing distinct wet and dry seasons. Dry
from one culture to the next; it is quite
seasons where rainfall is low or even absent
impossible to imagine that a manage-
for months on end are typified by water def-
ment scheme for a forest crop (and indeed
icits and mild to severe droughts, followed
the pests within it) would work equally
by heavy monsoon rain. In these regions,
well and be equally acceptable to local
rainforests give way to deciduous or semi-
people in Papua New Guinea, Nigeria and
deciduous forest (Colour Plate 130). In both
Nicaragua. Whatever plans are made must
these regions, forestry is a widespread and
always take into account the needs and
vital industry. The remaining 25% of tropi-
abilities of local communities, social struc-
cal regions consists of mountainous areas
tures, levels of development and econom-
or dry scrub and savannah or desert, where
ics. It seems clear that people affect forests,
rain tends to be in short supply and crop
mainly deleteriously. As can be seen in
production is difficult. Even so, some form
Fig. 1.1, there are very significant declines
of forestry may still be attempted, especially
in forest cover as human populations
where local people are in need of fodder for
increase (Laurance, 2007). These relation-
their livestock, mulch for their crops and/or
ships appear to hold true for Asia, Africa
wood to burn.
and the Americas (though note the non-
linear x-axis). In addition, Laurance points
out that poor countries seem to have less
1.3 Socio-economics in the Tropics surviving forest cover than do richer coun-
tries, and that endemic corruption may
Around 40% of the earth’s land area and also play a part in reducing forest cover
almost half of its human population (Evans, still further.
4 Chapter 1

Table 1.3. Country statistics including forest area and per cent change from 2000 to 2005 (data from
the World Bank, 2010).

Annual Forests Change

GDP population Forest area Forest area total land in forests
(US$bn Population growth (1000 km2 (1000 km2 area 2000–2005
Country in 2008) density/km2 (%) in 2000) in 2005) (%) (%)

Ghana 5.0 97.6 2.1 60.9 55.2 23.2 −9.4
Kenya 12.7 53.4 2.6 35.8 35.2 6.1 −1.7
Malawi 1.7 93.3 2.9 35.7 34.0 28.8 −4.8
Nigeria 46.0 135.3 2.6 131.4 110.9 12.0 −15.6
South-east Asia
Indonesia 165.0 108.2 1.3 978.5 885.0 46.5 −9.6
Malaysia 93.8 70.6 2.3 215.9 208.9 63.3 −3.2
Philippines 75.9 259.0 2.0 79.5 71.6 23.9 −9.9
Thailand 122.7 120.9 0.8 148.1 145.2 28.3 −2.0
Vietnam 31.2 234.1 0.2 117.3 129.3 39.3 +10.2
South Asia
Bangladesh 47.1 979.2 1.8 8.8 8.7 6.0 −1.1
India 460.2 309.1 1.7 675.5 677.0 20.6 +0.2
Nepal 5.5 163.3 2.3 39.0 36.4 24.8 −6.7
Fiji 1.7 44.4 0.7 10.0 10.0 55.6 0.0
Papua New 3.5 11.7 2.6 301.3 294.4 63.6 −2.3
Central America
Costa Rica 16.0 78.4 2.3 23.8 23.9 46.9 +0.4
Honduras 7.1 55.4 2.0 54.3 46.5 41.5 −14.4
Mexico 581.4 49.9 1.4 655.4 642.4 32.7 −2.0
Panama 11.6 39.5 1.9 43.1 42.9 56.4 −0.5
South America
Brazil 644.7 20.4 1.4 4932.1 4777.0 56.1 −3.1
Colombia 94.1 35.0 1.5 609.6 607.3 43.0 −0.4
Guyana 0.7 3.5 0.0 151.0 151.0 70.2 0.0
Peru 53.3 91.3 1.5 692.1 687.4 53.5 −0.7
Venezuela 117.5 26.3 1.8 491.5 477.1 52.3 −2.9
To compare
Australia 405.1 2.5 1.2 1646.5 1636.8 21.1 −0.6
UK 1451.0 241.8 0.4 27.9 28.5 11.7 +2.2
USA 9764.8 29.3 1.1 3022.9 3030.9 31.5 +0.3

1.4 Forest Products in the Tropics subdivides the regions of the tropical world
and shows the magnitude of the value of
For most countries in the world, temperate forest products in 2008 (FAO, 2010). Trop-
or tropical, developed or developing, forests ical Asia is, of course, a vast area, but pro-
are a vital resource for the economy at the duction from its forests is worth well over
local, national and international level. Forest US$100bn per annum, a colossal figure by
products have been defined by FAO (1997) any standards.
(Table 1.4). In this context, the term ‘forest The type of forest product varies accord-
product’ thus includes roundwood and saw- ing to the forests that produce them, the
wood, chipboard, MDF, pulpwood, veneer, markets both nationally and internationally,
fuelwood, plywood and charcoal. Table 1.5 the technological development of the local
Tropical Forests 5

100 industries and the subsistence needs of

Asia indigenous people. Some of these major
Africa categories vary considerably in their mag-
80 Americas nitudes and values depending on the region
of the tropical world. Thus, for example,
Forest cover (%)

60 fuelwood and charcoal are most valuable

in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas saw and
veneer logs are most important in South
America and South-east Asia. As well as
trade, tropical forestry employs a very large
20 number of people, all of whom are totally
dependent on active forest exploitation for
their livelihood. In Malaysia, for example,
0 over 50,000 people were employed in the
1 10 100 1000
Population density (individuals km–2) wood-products industry in the early 1990s
(Sharma et al., 1992).
Fig. 1.1. Relationship between human population There is also a suggestion that subsistence
density and remaining forest cover (including use, such as fuelwood, is of greater value
logged or regenerating forests and plantations) for than the more common perception of forest
45 tropical countries in three global regions products such as saw and veneer logs and
(from Laurance, 2007, courtesy Elsevier Publishers). pulpwood. In fact, Sharma et al. (1992) pre-
dicted that by 2025, when the world popula-
tion will be nearing 8500 m, the demand for
Table 1.4. FAO definitions of forest products fuelwood and house-building materials in
(from FAO, 1997).
the developing world will be in the region
Category Definition of 3660 million m3 of roundwood, whereas
industrial wood (much of which is for
Roundwood Wood in the rough; in its natural export) will account for a ‘mere’ 780 million m3.
state, with or without bark, split There is an inescapable link between the
or squared. It includes all wood number of people in the world and the
from removals from forests
fundamental conflict between producing
and areas outside forests. It
more food and managing sustainable for-
comprises saw and veneer
logs, pulp and fuelwood, chips, ests. The single, most important cause of
particles, residues and charcoal. rainforest clearance is still shifting agri-
Fuelwood Wood in the rough (trunks and culture carried out by indigenous people
branches) intended as fuel (Brady, 1996); Sanchez and Bandy (1992)
for cooking, heating or power suggest, for example, that 60–80% of rain-
production. forest deforestation is for (mainly temporary)
Charcoal Wood carbonized by partial agricultural settlement.
combustion, intended as fuel In general, then, it can be seen that in
for cooking, heating or power
order to meet the myriad increasing demands
of humans on forest ecosystems, while still
Sawlogs Logs to be cut lengthways for
construction, railway sleepers, maintaining a substantial forest cover on
general lumber. the earth’s surface, we need to increase the
Veneer logs Logs of high-quality timber mainly productivity of our forests and the efficiency
for peeling or slicing. of their exploitation. These ideals may be
Pulp or Wood in the rough rather than logs, approached by considering various differ-
chipwood may be reduced to small pieces ent types of forest separately, since their
(chips) intended to make paper, values and ecologies will vary such that
particleboard or fibreboard. management considerations and goals will
Other industrial Roundwood used for tanning,
have to be different. This approach may
roundwood distillation, poles, pitprops, etc.
be aided by the concept of compositional
6 Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Value of forest products in various tropical regions of the world in 2008 (data from FAO, 2010).

Import value Export value Net difference

(US$1000) (US$1000) in timber products

Eastern 806,907 263,830 −543,140
Middle 155,923 1,659,903 +1,503,980
Southern 999,121 1,660,944 +661,823
Central 3,012,209 640,860 −2,371,349
South 6,685,338 15,058,577 +8,373,239
South 5,254,212 534,765 −4,719,447
South-east 8,638,291 13,724,291 +5,086,000
Oceania 2,799,580 4,547,355 +1,747,775

change, which can also be thought of as times. It is more convenient to consider a

intervention level, where the amount of natural forest as one which has had no sig-
intervention (or, if preferred, interference) nificant anthropocentric influence for many
in a forest is used to describe its ecology and years, perhaps centuries, and is as close to a
potential productivity. Figure 1.2 presents state produced by millions of years of evo-
the ecological changes which occur as natu- lution as is possible to be. This type of forest
ral (old growth) forests become modified all we would consider as ‘primary’; in simple
the way to industrial plantations (Putz and terms, it has not been logged or cleared dur-
Redford, 2010). ing historical time, as far as we know (Plates
Some examples of the major types of 1 and 2). The disappearance of primary
tropical forest are now presented. Further rainforests across the world has been very
details and examples may be found in well documented and is undoubtedly due
Chapter 6. to human exploitation of one sort or another,
with conversion to some form of agriculture
probably the most significant. Take, for exam-
1.4.1 Natural forests – primary ple, Papua New Guinea. As Fig. 1.3 shows,
there is a distinct (asymptotic) relationship
Any schoolchild these days will tell you between the population density in differ-
willingly that tropical forests (meaning, of ent provinces and the amount of primary
course, rainforests) are the most diverse and forest clearance between 1972 and 2002
productive systems on the planet. Coral reef (Shearman et al., 2009). Notice that these
biologists may argue at least the former relationships do vary according to locality,
point, but there is no doubt that in terms of so that lowland areas seem to have been
biodiversity (see Chapter 2), moist tropical affected more intensely by people pressure
forests support extremely rich floras and than those in the highlands.
faunas. Conservation value aside, however, It seems reasonable to retain the des-
natural forests in the tropics, both humid cription of a tract of forest as primary if it
rainforests and dry deciduous ones, have vital is exploited carefully and sustainably for
economic values too and it is impossible to various valuable products. Some are likely
consider them in isolation. Idealism must to have more impact on the forest ecosystems
give way to pragmatism in the real world. than others by their harvesting; even with
Furthermore, in reality, it is rather difficult the most careful low-impact logging tech-
to recognize a truly natural forest, if we imply nology, it is very difficult to avoid consider-
an area of woodland which has never been able physical, and hence ecological, damage
influenced by humans, even in historical to primary forest. In addition, it will be
Tropical Forests 7




desiccation, AGRICULTURE

Uncontrolled fire

OLD GROWTH Silviculture



Fig. 1.2. Ecological state changes from tropical old growth forests. Black squares = forest states; hexagons =
principal drivers (from Putz and Redford, 2010, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell Publishers).

15 MAD
Forest clearance (%)

10 WSP

WNB Lowland

0 10 20 30
Population density (/km2)

Fig. 1.3. Percentage of primary rainforest cleared due to subsistence agriculture between 1972 and 2002
according to population density in each province in 2002. Each provincial data point is labelled according
to its geographic region – Islands, Highlands or Lowland coastal. Provincial abbreviations: CEN = Central;
EHY = Eastern Highlands; ENB = East New Britain; ENG = Enga; ESK = East Sepik; GUL = Gulf; MAD =
Madang; MAN = Manus; MIL = Milne Bay; MOR = Morobe; NIR = New Ireland; ORO = Oro; SHY = Southern
Highlands; SIM = Chimbu; WES = Western; WHY = Western Highlands; WNB = West New Britain;
WSK = West Sepik (from Shearman et al., 2009, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell Publishers).
8 Chapter 1

several decades at least before the same 1.4.2 Natural forests – secondary
operation can be performed in that area, so
that this type of exploitation, lucrative It has often been advocated that the loss of pri-
though it might be in the short term, must mary tropical forests is irreversible. This
be considered to have a limited future, would seem to be a particularly ill-informed
assuming that alternatives such as planta- and short-sighted approach to tropical ecol-
tion forestry are available. Other products ogy in general and the value of forest exploita-
are much easier to harvest sustainably; rat- tion in particular. A secondary forest can be
tans and bamboos can be removed from defined simply as that formed as a conse-
natural forests without too much damage to quence of human intervention on forestlands
the surrounding ecosystem. In Sumatra, for (see Hashim and Hughes, 2010). However, as
example, species of small rattan can be har- suggested in the previous section, the extent
vested from the natural forests on a 4-year, of the intervention is vital. Heavy commer-
sustainable-yield cycle. Though this extra cial selective logging, clear felling or shifting
source of income will not remove the pos- cultivation (slash-and-burn agriculture) may
sibility of converting the forest into farm- all be precursors to natural regeneration of
land, it will certainly reduce the problem local flora (and subsequent recolonization of
(Belsky and Siebert, 1995). As long as maxi- fauna). The bad news seems to be that vast
mum sustainable yields are first derived by areas of forest have been damaged and
sound research and then adhered to, plant degraded by these sorts of changing land use
products such as seeds and medicines, and (Bradley and Millington, 2008) but, looking
animals from game to butterflies may be col- on the bright side, regeneration, if left to its
lected. The discovery of new medicines own devices, will proceed as ecological suc-
from tropical forests is quoted frequently as cession. In the fullness of time, between 60
one good reason for the latter’s conserva- and 80 years depending on circumstances,
tion; somewhat ‘throw-away’ statements these secondary forests may reach a stage in
intensify the fervour of primary forest con- development where they become difficult to
servationists. In fact, Mendelsohn and distinguish from their primary, untouched
Balick (1995) estimate that about one in counterparts, though subtle elements such as
eight plant species with pharmaceutical highly specialized plants and animals may
value have already been discovered, but a take much longer to reappear, if they ever do.
complete collection and screening of all More than 600 Mha of secondary forests
possible plants could be worth well over (Plate 3) were in existence in the tropics in
US$150bn to society as a whole. Whatever 1990 (Brown and Lugo, 1990), comprising
the value of these naturally derived resources, over 30% of forestland. These widely varia-
it is crucial that pharmaceutical companies ble areas are viewed by some as being of
return some of the benefits, at least to local debatable value for production and to have a
governments and especially native popula- very low ecological esteem among purists;
tions who provided the original research biodiversity is often reported as being sig-
material. Shidamallayya et al. (2010), for nificantly reduced compared with primary
example, point out that the development of systems (Silver et al., 1996). On the contrary,
folklore and the collection of natural medi- however, even a casual glance may indicate
cines from tropical forests is vitally impor- that these areas are very floristically and fau-
tant to promote the livelihoods of forest nistically species rich (Chey et al., 1997) and
dwellers living in poverty. In contrast, many they have some distinct advantages over pri-
people who are fortunate enough to live in mary forests, as well as being perfectly ade-
developed countries may argue that primary quate at providing most of the goods and
forests must be left untouched at all costs. services summarized above. These advan-
Far too many have now been reduced to the tages may include higher rates of productiv-
status of secondary forests already, and it is ity of a few valuable tree species, which
to the latter group of natural tropical forests may regenerate naturally from seed banks in
that we should turn for exploitation. the soil, or more likely from seedling banks
Tropical Forests 9

derived from regeneration present before artificially and are the result of conscious
felling. However, one of the problems with management (Sedjo, 1987). In size, they
secondary forests is that the valuable tree may range from under 1 ha, as with a farm
species have often been removed by logging, windbreak or a small stand in a village, to
especially if forest practices have been thousands of hectares (Sawyer, 1993). Such
poorly controlled (Savill, personal commu- forests are usually of regular shape and
nication). Line or enrichment plantings of have clearly defined boundaries, but per-
native tree species established by reforesta- haps their most distinctive and common
tion programmes may, in fact, be the best way characteristic is that plantation blocks
to achieve regeneration (Paquette et al., 2009). within them consist in the main of one spe-
In general, secondary forests have higher cies of tree only, all individuals of which
biomass, they may serve as foster ecosys- are the same age. In addition, more often
tems for late successional stage species, they than not, the species of tree is not native to
are often easier to access and manage because the country wherein the plantation has
of their locality and pre-established road- been established. It is, instead, an exotic
ways and it has even been suggested that and hence the species richness and num-
they are able to reduce pest populations. In bers of plants and animals indigenous to
fact, secondary forests might be considered the area prior to planting are reduced
as rather ephemeral. Left alone, they will nor- (Armstrong et al., 1996).
mally regenerate as mentioned above, and Table 1.6 partitions the tropics into three
indeed, a short-rotation exotic tree species major regions – Africa, Asia and Pacific, and
on the site may aid in this by providing Latin America plus the Caribbean – and
shade and reducing the risk of fire and grass shows the total land area and the area of
competition (Kuusipalo et al., 1995). forest plantations in each in the mid-2000s
Primary forests over a large area have a (ITTO, 2009); the quantities of forest plan-
level of production effectively equal to zero, tations are really very small, especially in
since growth roughly equates to death and Africa and the Americas. Figure 1.4 breaks
decay every year. Disturbed secondary for- the world down into more detail, with India
ests do, however, have a net increase in pro- clearly leading the field (Brown, 2001). On
duction due to removals and subsequent the whole, it is significant that the rates of
regrowth, but they are still not the real planting of new forests fall well short of
answer to providing all the tropical forest the rates of disappearance of natural ones,
products required in the 21st century. Plan- though data suggest that the Asia/Pacific
tation forests are where major efforts have region is striving to balance natural forest
been and will be directed. clearance with plantations. Curiously, it is
difficult to obtain accurate estimates of the
extent of tropical forest plantations (Plates 4,
1.4.3 Plantation forests 5 and 6). It is hard to delimit the tropics
themselves, of course, and the term ‘plan-
Plantations have been defined loosely as an tation’ covers a multitude of scenarios, but
arrangement of trees which are generated figures suggest that the global areas of tropical

Table 1.6. Forest plantation areas in the tropics (from ITTO, 2009).

Land area Plantation area

Tropical region (thousand ha) (thousand ha) Land area (%)

Asia/Pacific 1,104,000 54,073 4.9

Africa 1,652,000 4,620 0.28
Latin America and Caribbean 2,250,000 8,805 0.39
Total 5,006,000 67,498 1.35
10 Chapter 1

35 32.6



5.6 4.9
1.8 1.7 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.3





Fig. 1.4. Main tropical countries with forest plantations in 2005 (courtesy ITTO, 2009).

hardwood species occupy around 31 Mha species in the world, showing the domina-
(about 57% of plantation area), while tropical tion of just a few species and genera, with
softwood species cover 24 Mha (the remain- Pinus being the most abundant, followed
ing 43%) (Brown, 2001). by Eucalyptus, Picea and Abies, Acacia
Forest plantations become established and then teak (Tectona grandis). It must be
in the tropics for various reasons, linked noted that some tropical tree plantations
mainly to longer-term economic develop- might seem to the layman, or perhaps pol-
ment (Farley, 2007). Farley provides one itician, to be perfectly good ‘forests’, so
example of steps in the development of for- oil palm plantations, for instance, might
est plantations in Ecuador from the 1880s seem to be green and luxuriant when
until the 1990s (Table 1.5). Clearly, there is viewed from the air. Koh et al. (2011) show
sound sense in establishing a plantation of the very significant ratios of oil palm to
trees rather than relying on nature to pro- natural peatswamp forest in Malaysia
vide timber and other products. Figure 1.5 (peatswamp forests are primary rainforest
compares the productivities of various tro- growing on peatland) (Fig. 1.6). In some
pical forest systems and clearly shows that parts of the region, such as Peninsula
intensively managed tropical forests of Malaysia, Sarawak and South Sumatra in
exotic tree species provide much higher particular, relatively little primary forest
yields than do natural stands of indigenous remains.
species, even when managed. If we ignore In any event, the future of tropical for-
the conservation ethic or the naturalness estry must lie in some form of plantation
lobby and think purely in terms of timber system, but it is difficult to be sure that the
production economics, it makes very good areas being established are increasing. In
sense to grow tropical eucalypts or pines Colour Plate 131, it can be seen that parts of
instead of natural forests. The timber pro- India, Asia and Australia are showing some
duced by each system is, of course, not increases, whereas most of tropical Africa
equally suitable for the same job; Eucalyptus and South America are showing declines
is not a good veneer log, while tropical (UNEP, 2009). The specific type of planta-
hardwoods should not be used as pulp raw tion may vary with country or region, and
material. However, if markets can be modi- ‘plantation’ can include artificial restora-
fied, a eucalypt plantation on a 10-year tion of natural forests, large uniform stands
rotation could provide orders of magnitude of native or exotic trees, small woodlots
greater yields than a natural forest. Brown and individual trees on a farm, or even
(2001) discusses the major plantation tree urban landscape.
Tropical Forests 11

Table 1.7. Initiatives or phases in which the planting of pine was promoted in the Ecuadorian Andes
(from Farley, 2007, courtesy of Wiley Blackwell Publishing).

Initiative/phase Time period Origin Goals

First plantations Late 1800s– National Meet fuel and timber needs;
early 1900s erosion control
Forestry trials 1920s National Timber production
First MAG-sponsored 1970s National (Not specified)
Convenios de 1980s National Increase renewable resources;
Participatación production of goods and services
FONAFOR/Plan Bosque 1980s National Timber for export
IDB 1980s International Utilize low-productivity land;
revitalize government
forestry programmes
PLANFOR 1990s National Promote reforestation
PROFAFOR 1990s– International Carbon sequestration

Notes: MAG = Ministry of Agriculture; FONAFOR = Fondo Nacional para la Forestación; IDB = Inter-American
Development Bank; PLANFOR = Plan Maestro de Forestación; PROFAFOR = Programa FACE
(Forests Absorbing Carbon Dioxide) de Forestación.

Mg ha–1 yr–1

Forest type 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Deciduous woodland

Rainforest (extensive

Lowland – hardwoods

Lowland – eucalypts
and conifers
Montane – eucalypts
and conifers
Best montane sites –

Fig. 1.5. Productivity of different types of tropical forest. Dark grey = normal range; light grey = maximum
range (from Peter Savill, unpublished).

1.4.4 Agroforestry and silvo-pastoralism agricultural crops or livestock. Many of the

tree species used are fast-growing legumes,
Agroforestry has been practised for centuries which not only shelter the food crops from
by local people, in somewhat informal ways. climatic extremes but also provide fuelwood
The Maya of Belize in Central America culti- and fodder, while enriching the soil with
vated ‘forest gardens’ over 1000 years ago, which nitrogen. Because of these various roles, they
provided communities with a wide variety have been termed multi-purpose trees, or
of products (Ross and Rangel, 2011). These MPTs (Plates 7 and 8).
days, agroforestry and its ally, silvo-pastoralism, Organized research in agroforestry is
are rapidly expanding strategies in the tropical only a few decades old (Nair, 1993) and,
world. Both systems use small-scale plantings so far, the research and development that
of trees or shrubs in close association with has taken place has attempted to screen the
12 Chapter 1

Peatswamp forest Regrowth forest Mosaic Closed canopy oil palm Cleared peatland




Proportional area
















Fig. 1.6. Peatland composition in the lowlands of Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra. Column
widths reflect relative areas of peatland among subregions. PM = Peninsular Malaysia; SW = Sarawak;
SB = Sabah; WK = West Kalimantan; CK = Central Kalimantan; SK = South Kalimantan; EK = East
Kalimantan; AC = Aceh; NS = North Sumatra; RI = Riau; WS = West Sumatra; JB = Jambi; BK = Bengkulu;
SS = South Sumatra; LP = Lampung (from Koh et al., 2011, courtesy National Academy of Sciences).

most suitable MPT species and to determine groundnuts. One of the incentives to estab-
the best ways of deploying them. The trees lish taungya is the attempt to reforest lands
may be planted in rows or alleys, separated denuded of trees by shifting cultivation and to
by food crops as diverse as maize, cowpea or provide, admittedly on a fairly long timescale,
cocoa (Evans and Turnbull, 2004), or in small high-quality timber from individual trees
blocks adjacent to fields in a village system. (rather than whole plantations). Many com-
The next vital step in the large-scale adoption mercial tree species seem suitable for taungya,
of these systems is the education and training but most establishments in Thailand and
of local farmers and villagers (Nair, 1993). Indonesia, for instance, have involved teak.
Taungya was a system of reforestation Taungya is similar to a system known as
that arose in the main in response to the need ‘shamba’ in Kenya, but it is distinguished
for tree plantations producing high-value from agroforestry in that in the latter system
timber in areas where local social conditions emphasis is placed on the food crops rather
(such as the simple need to grow food) pre- than the trees. The latter tend to be planted
cluded the establishment of large-scale indus- around the boundaries of the farm and may be
trial plantations (Moses, 2009). It is thought to used for fuel or fodder. The major ecological
have originated in Burma (now Myanmar) in or entomological interest involves the relation-
the mid-1800s and involves the planting by ships between the trees and the agricultural
subsistence farmers of trees in mixtures with crops and the likely balance between annual
a whole host of agricultural crops including (or seasonal) and perennial food sources for
rice, cassava, maize, peppers, bananas and potential pests and diseases.
Tropical Forests 13

1.5 Forest Productivity extremely varied, complex and widespread

and Carbon Storage ecosystems in which animals and plants
interact. Such interactions, or food webs, are
It could be argued that any sort of forest is perfectly natural components of ecosystem
better than no forest at all (unless you are function and it is impossible to envisage a
a farmer, of course). Compared with grass- forest, whether natural or artificial, that does
lands, for example, even plantation forests not contain them. A general tropical food web
are more productive, support more biodi- is illustrated in Fig. 1.8 (Pomeroy and Service,
versity, reduce soil erosion, promote natural 1986); it is important to note that the abun-
regeneration and stabilize the microclimate dance of each group in the web is not depicted
(Lee et al., 2006). Figure 1.7 depicts the above- in the diagram, nor is the likely influence on
ground storage of various types of land use the ‘green plant’ trophic level (which, in the
in the humid tropics (Paquette et al., 2009), context of this book, consists mainly of the
showing that secondary forests, teak planta- forest trees). For example, in a tropical for-
tions and even agroforestry are capable of est there undoubtedly will be vastly more
sequestering substantial amounts of carbon, species and numbers of individuals of arbo-
at least until they are processed. Note that land- real invertebrates such as insects than other
use changes in the tropics which involve the herbivores such as fruit-feeding birds; both
destruction of rainforests are now thought their biodiversity interest and economic
to cause rapid reductions in carbon biomass, importance will also be distinctly different.
resulting in increased levels of carbon in As far as pests are concerned, the fact that a
the atmosphere and decreased levels in tree has some of its leaves removed by a moth
soils (Don et al., 2011). larva or another has tunnels made in its stem
by a beetle is a normal and indeed fundamen-
tal component of energy flow and nutrient
1.6 Forest Food Webs – Trophic cycling. Notice also the fundamental impor-
Interactions tance of decomposers in the food web.
As one example, the almost overwhelm-
So far, we have only really considered the ing complexity of trophic interactions in a
tree component of tropical forests, since this Puerto Rican tropical rainforest is discussed
is the raison d’etre of most forest manage- in great detail by Reagan and Waide (1996).
ment. We have seen that tropical forests are As these authors point out, this complexity


Secondary forest
>20 years


Teak plantation

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
ABGC (Mg ha

Fig. 1.7. Above-ground (ABG) carbon storage of various types of land in the humid tropics. Carbon storage
is based on average rotation periods for each type of land use (i.e. the time over which carbon is stored)
(+ error bars). Enrichment planting value estimated from averaged teak monoculture plantation and
secondary forest > 40 years old (from Paquette et al., 2009, courtesy Resilience Alliance).
14 Chapter 1

Energy losses
(mainly as heat)

Energy released
during decomposition

Remaining energy and nutrients in d on in food
an 2




DECOMPOSERS radiation)

Nutrients released
into soil or water
Nutrients absorbed
by green plants

Fig. 1.8. Diagrammatic representation of a general tropical food web. Boxes represent organisms of
a particular trophic level (forest insects occur mainly in the herbivore trophic level, though many borers
and termites may be included among the decomposers). White arrows indicate the one-way flow of energy;
dark arrows indicate the cycling of nutrients; wider arrows indicate greater flows (from Pomeroy
and Service, 1986).

is partially a function of the species rich- the potential for instability. One result of this
ness in the forest community, in turn related instability can be pest outbreaks.
to the heterogeneity of the forest habitat (see
Chapter 2 for details). High species richness
may increase ecosystem resilience in a trop- 1.7 Forest Pests
ical forest following disturbances by increas-
ing the number of alternative pathways for Just as humans use taxonomy to classify and
the flow of resources, and indeed it has been ‘pigeonhole’ animal and plant species, so we
suggested that tropical plantations which do it to ourselves as pest managers. Either
consist of more than one tree species show through necessity or convenience, forest
higher productivity (Erskine et al., 2006). ecologists end up with labels such as ‘ento-
Generalist species in particular may be able mologist’, ‘pathologist’, ‘nematologist’ or ‘soil
to shift their roles in ecosystem food webs scientist’. It is, in fact, an unfortunate conse-
by changing trophic levels according to quence of specialization that we persist in
the changing levels of available resources considering insects separately from other
(Shaner and Macko, 2011). Thus, it is to be organisms that play vital roles in tropical
expected that when simple plantations con- forest ecosystems, from both a beneficial or
sisting of nothing else but one even-aged neutral point of view but also as ‘pests’. So,
tree species replace highly diverse natural in reality, insects and fungi, for example,
forests in the tropics, the trophic interactions interact at many complex levels with each
in these ecosystems must alter as well, with other, with the trees and with the general
Tropical Forests 15

abiotic and biotic conditions around them. web of interactions (Wylie et al., 1993a). In
A proper understanding of how such inter- the case of Casuarina cunninghamiana, a
actions bring about tree decline and death is species which is common along rivers and
a vital prerequisite for curing the problem, streams, the major factor found to be contrib-
assuming this is possible. More importantly, uting to dieback was severe and repeated
this knowledge is crucial in preventing these defoliation by a leaf-eating insect, Rhyparida
problems in the future. One example will limbatipennis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
help to illustrate these complexities. (Plate 9). However, the severity of this insect-
In Queensland, Australia, the decline and related dieback was linked to the extent of
death of native trees, in particular Eucalyptus tree clearing and the levels of streamwater
spp., has been increasing dramatically since the salinity (Wylie et al., 1993b). The latter factors
mid-1960s (Wylie et al., 1993a). This so-called relate directly or indirectly to tree stress
dieback was found to be due to a multiplicity (reduction in vigour), a fundamentally impor-
of factors, both natural (e.g. insects, fungi and tant syndrome in the promotion of suscepti-
water relations), and management-related bility to insect attack.
(e.g. clearing of trees, use of fertilizers and In many parts of the tropical world,
improvements to pasture). Figure 1.9 sum- self-help clinics are being established to
marizes some of the links in this complex which crop producers can turn for help in

Death and removal

of trees
Decreased populations of
predators and parasites
(reduced food and habitat)

Improved and increased

Increased supply of food for Increased
production of insect larvae grazing
native and by insects
exotic pastures Improved nutrient status
of trees improves supply
of food for insect adults

Fertilizers and Increased susceptibility

herbicides Competition

TREE physiological DIEBACK
OF LAND Nutrient imbalances: STRESS
MANAGEMENT toxicities response

Increased Increased
stocking rates susceptibility
Physical damage

Including damage arising

Altered fire from increased exposure
regimes Infections by
of tree canopies. root and shoot
Damage to stems by pathogens
stock and machinery,
damage to roots arising
Wind, hail, from soil compaction
lightning Rainfall extremes
(drought, flood, siltation)

Increased groundwater

Fig. 1.9. A model of initiation and development of rural trees in southern Queensland (from Wylie
et al., 1993a).
16 Chapter 1

diagnosing and remedying (where possible) then not all the time. If damage is done, it may
plant maladies. These plant pest diagnostic take various forms. For example, Zvereva
services (PPDS) consider all manner of pro- et al. (2010) analysed a large number of pub-
blems (soil type, hydrology, insects, patho- lished papers to produce syntheses of the
gens, etc.) on all manner of crops (bananas types of impacts attributable to sap-feeding
and beetroots, peppers and pines) (Smith insects on woody plants. Growth of various
et al., 2008). Despite this, the current book parts of the plants was reduced significantly,
persists in considering insects as one form as was reproduction and photosynthesis.
of damaging agent to trees but the reader Clearly, some of these factors are correlated;
is encouraged to view insect problems as reduced photosynthesis would be expected
examples of wider pest–tree interactions to result in reduced tree growth, of both
and to use our examples as concepts that shoots and roots and of the amount of seed
may be equally relevant to fungi, weeds, or produced. All ways round, the forester, as
even elephants. well as the tree, is likely to suffer.
It must be remembered that trees have
evolved with insects throughout their evo-
1.8 Impact of Forest Insects lutionary time and therefore they must be
in the Tropics expected to have developed some tolerance
and/or defence systems (see Chapter 4). So,
Insects have been feeding on plants for over even if we find insects causing defoliation
300m years (Wilf, 2008) and leaving the evi- of trees (Plate 10) or producing holes in
dence of their damage in the leaves, shoots timber, it is still not a reason to swing into
and stems of fossilized trees and other plants. action with an eradication programme. Until
The magnitude of this feeding can vary enor- the value of that damage can be ascertained
mously, from a few small holes or patternings and then related to the numbers of insects
to full-scale defoliation and plant death. One and the cost of control tactics for them,
simple example will illustrate the magnitude positive action should be avoided if possi-
of damage done by insect herbivory; Massad ble. Obtaining sound, dependable data on
et al. (2011) studied the growth of seedling impacts in tropical forestry is notoriously
trees over 4 years in reforestation experi- difficult, though the literature seems full of
ments in Brazil and found that across vari- such information. Table 1.8 provides some
ous treatments, trees achieved a mean height examples from which at least two lessons
of 240.8 cm, while with 50% herbivory the should be learned. First, hardly any scenar-
mean height was reduced to only 101.5 cm. ios convert the numbers of insects in a pest
Throughout the book, we shall stress the fun- outbreak, nor the amount of damage done, to
damental importance of ‘impact’. It is rela- financial terms. In an agroforestry situation,
tively easy to sally forth into a tropical forest, of course, where financial profit is not the
whether it be a nursery or mature stand, aim of the project, then the value of the
armed with net, knife and specimen tube and damage is not so important since there is no
return with a large number of creatures found way of paying for the ‘fix’. In big commer-
chewing, sucking, biting, boring or merely cial plantations, however, where profit is
‘passing through’ (the so-called ‘tourists’). tied up intimately with repaying interest on
Indeed, the vast majority of insects encountered loans, increasing gross national products or
in tropical forests are entirely benign. Even ter- providing purchasing power, then we need
mites (Isoptera), which might be thought of to know how much money we are likely to
as notorious pests of living and dead timber, lose. If the losses exceed the projected cost
are, in the main, extremely beneficial to tropi- of control (beyond the economic threshold
cal forest systems, being vital components in level), then management of the pest will
the breakdown of dead timber and the recy- be cost-effective. The second lesson from
cling of scarce nutrients through detritivore Table 1.8 concerns the ‘what happens next’
food chains. Only a very few species cause situation. Heavy defoliation on a tree may
economic losses to crops, including trees, and not, in fact, persist for long; density-dependent
Table 1.8. Examples of insect damage to tropical trees.

Insect species Common name Insect group Host tree Country Attack mode Impact Reference

Aristobia horridula Longhorn beetle Coleoptera: Dalbergia sissoo Nepal Stem girdling/ 43–97% mortality of Dhakal et al.,
Cerambycidae boring young trees 2005
Cephisus Spittle bug Hemiptera: Eucalyptus Brazil Sap feeder on Up to 99% shoot Ribeiro et al.,
siccicfolious Cicadellidae urophylla leaves and deformation 2005
Coccotrypes Mangrove bark beetle Coleoptera: Rhizophora Panama Bark boring Up to 72% tree Sousa et al.,
rhizophorae Scolytidae mangle mortality 2003
Condylorrhiza Poplar caterpillar Lepidoptera: Populus spp. South Brazil Defoliator 50–100% defoliation on Castro et al.,
vestigialis Crambidae 2-year-old trees 2009
Coptotermes Subterranean termite Isoptera: Termitidae Eucalyptus spp. Brazil Root feeder in 10–70% seedlings Wilcken et al.,
testaceus nursery killed 2002
Dendrolimus spp. Pine caterpillar Lepidoptera: Pinus South China Defoliation 30–80% defoliation Wang et al.,

Tropical Forests
Lasiocampidae massoniana 2007
Dendroctonus frontalis Southern pine beetle Coleoptera: Pinus caribaea Belize Bark boring Up to 90% tree Snyder et al.,
Scolytidae mortality 2007
Dioryctria spp. Pine shoot borer Lepidoptera: Pinus oocarpa Indonesia Shoot/bark 70% mortality of young Intari and
Pyralidae boring trees Ruswandy,
Doratifera stenosa Nettle caterpillar Lepidoptera: Rhizophora Australia Defoliation 30–40% leaf loss Duke, 2002
Limacodidae stylosa annually
Heteropsylla cubana Leucaena psyllid Hemiptera: Psyllidae Leucaena Australia Sap feeder Dry matter production Palmer et al.,
leucocephala reduced by 55% of 1989
Heteropsylla cubana Leucaena psyllid Hemiptera: Psyllidae Leucaena Australia Sap feeder Reduction in fodder by Bray and
leucocephala 52%; reduction in Woodroffe,
timber by 79% 1991
Heteropsylla cubana Leucaena psyllid Hemiptera: Psyllidae Leucaena pallida Australia Sap feeder Up to 70% yield loss for Mullen and
susceptible clones Shelton, 2003
Hoplocerambyx Sal heartwood borer Coleoptera: Shorea robusta India Heartwood 6–24% damage Pant et al., 2002
spinicornis Cerambycidae boring

Table 1.8. Continued.

Insect species Common name Insect group Host tree Country Attack mode Impact Reference

Hoplocerambyx Sal heartwood borer Coleoptera: Shorea robusta India Heartwood 2.6 million trees killed Joshi et al., 2006
spinicornis Cerambycidae boring over 6 years
Hyblaea puera Teak defoliator moth Lepidoptera: Tectona grandis South-west Defoliation 44% loss of volume Nair et al., 1985
Hyblaeidae India increment; 50% loss
of height increment
Hyblaea puera Teak defoliator moth Lepidoptera: Tectona grandis Andaman Defoliation Up to 100% leaves Veenakumari
Hyblaeidae Islands eaten and Mohanraj,
Hypsipyla grandella Mahogany shoot borer Lepidoptera: Swietenia humilis Honduras Shoot boring 44% trees attacked Goulet et al.,
Pyralidae 2005
Hypsipyla grandella Mahogany shoot borer Lepidoptera: Cedrela odorata Costa Rica Shoot boring 77% trees attacked Newton et al.,
Pyralidae after 84 weeks 1998
Hypsipyla robusta Mahogany shoot borer Lepidoptera: Khaya Ghana Shoot boring Up to 88% of trees Ofori et al., 2007
Pyralidae anthotheca attacked after 2

Chapter 1
Hypsipyla robusta Mahogany shoot borer Lepidoptera: Toona ciliata Thailand Shoot boring 20–60% trees attacked Cunningham
Pyralidae depending on height and Floyd,
class 2006
Leptocybe invasa Gall wasp Hymenoptera: Eucalyptus Vietnam Gall former on 65–92% damage Thu et al., 2009
Eulophidae grandis shoots
Macrotermes/ Subterranean termites Isoptera: Termitidae Eucalyptus spp. Ethiopia/ Stem and root Up to 100% of Cowie et al.,
Microtermes/ Africa/ severance transplants killed 1989
Odontotermes spp. India
Nephopterix Mangrove caterpillar Lepidoptera: Avicennia marina Hong Kong Defoliation Over 75% defoliation Anderson and
syntaractis Pyralidae Lee, 1995
Oiketicus kirbyi Bagworm Lepidoptera: Rhizophora Ecuador Defoliation 80% of foliage Gara et al., 1990
Psychidae mangle reomoved over
1200 ha
Phytolyma lata Gall psyllid Hemiptera: Milicia excelsa Ghana Gall forming Over 40% mortality Ofori and
Psyllidae according to Cobbinah,
provenance 2007
Platypus spp. Ambrosia beetle Coleoptera: Acacia Sabah Stem boring with Up to 50 holes per tree Thapa et al.,
Platypodidae crassicarpa associated 1992
black stain
Pteroma Bagworm Lepidoptera: Falcataria South-west Defoliation Death of 25% of trees Nair and
plagiophelps Psychidae molyccana India and 17% severely Mathew, 1992
damaged after 2.5
years repeat
Pulvinaria urbicola Softscale insect Hemiptera: Pisonia grandis Coral Sea Sap feeding on 16 ha trees destroyed Greenslade,
Coccidae leaves and 2008
Schizonycha White grub Coleoptera: Tectona grandis India Root feeding 14–42% nursery Kulkarni et al.,
ruficollis Scarabaeidae seedlings destroyed 2007
Xyleutes ceramica Bee-hole borer Lepidoptera: Tectona grandis Sabah Stem boring 10–65% damage Gotoh et al.,
Cossidae 2003
Gmelina arborea Sabah Stem boring 7–12% damage
Xylosandrus Bark beetle Coleoptera: Khaya spp. India Bark boring in 60–70% infestation Meshram et al.,
compactus Scolytidae seedlings and 1993

Tropical Forests
Several unnamed Albizia lebbek India Seed predation 50–70% of seeds Harsh and Joshi,
damaged in pods 1993
Various species White grubs Coleoptera: Acacia mearnsii South Africa Root feeding in 2–30% mortality of Govender, 2007
Scarabaeidae nursery seedlings

20 Chapter 1

Table 1.9. Insect pests recorded from intensively managed teak plantations in various parts of India
(modified from Varma et al., 2007).

Pest species (order: family) Nature of damage Pest status

Hyblaea puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) Defoliation Major; already known

Eutectona machaeralis Leaf feeding Major; already known
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Sahyadrassus malabaricus Stem boring Major; already known
(Lepidoptera: Hepialidae)
Mealy bugs (Hemiptera/Homoptera) Sap feeding on leaves Minor
Planococcus sp. (Homoptera: Sap feeding on leaves Minor
Zeuzera coffeae (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Stem boring Minor, but emerging problem
Helicoverpa armigera Leaf feeding/terminal First record; major
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) shoot damage
Dihammus sp. Stem boring Minor, but emerging problem
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Aleurodicus sp. Sap feeding on leaves Minor
(Homoptera: Aleurodidae)

systems such as food shortage or parasitoid source and market forces. We will show
and disease intervention may result quickly throughout this book how difficult it can be
in pest declines with no long-term harm to solve a pest problem in forestry once it has
done to the crop. Finally, we must not forget occurred, especially in large-scale plantations
that in many cases, several pests and diseases, where finances and technology are strictly
may assail a tree or plantation at once, add- limited. Far better to manage tropical forests
ing to the producer’s woes. One example is in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of
from India, shown in Table 1.9, where Varma pest damage while maintaining the produc-
et al. (2007) describe various insect pests tion aims of the project. Integrating all relevant
from teak, Tectona grandis, at various loca- aspects of pest management with acceptable
tions. The additive impact of these pests is silvicultural practices should be the prime
likely to be significantly more severe than directive of entomologists and pathologists.
each one on its own. Just how far we are from the ideals of seam-
less integration of tropical forest pest man-
agement with commercial forestry is depicted
in Table 1.10, where the requirements for pest
1.9 Prevention Rather than Cure limitation are laid out under three related
topics or perceptions (Speight et al., 2008).
Not only should we consider insects in the These are: (i) the need for basic research into
same vein as other potential forest pests such carefully selected and prioritized problems;
as fungi but also we should consider poten- (ii) the requirement for financial and moral
tial pest problems in the same vein as all support not only to carry out the research but
other relevant components of a forest ecosys- also to disseminate the results in a fashion
tem from which we are trying to derive some which is of significant and practical use to
sort of product. Figure 6.1 from Savill et al. entomologists and foresters on the interna-
(1997) shows how a general framework of tional scene; and (iii) the acceptance by the
forest management should include a detailed industry that such research and the lessons
consideration of pests and diseases at the learned from it are of crucial value in all
same stage and with the same degree of seri- types of tropical forestry, from the simplest
ousness as forest managers and economists tree-growing forest in a village to the largest
consider tree provenance, soil type, seed industrial plantation.
Tropical Forests 21

Table 1.10. Components required for efficient tropical forest pest management (modified from Speight
et al., 2008).

Research Support Industry

Basic ecology, taxonomy and Databases of pest biology and Recognition of the equal
impact of insects (and impact; literature retrieval importance of entomology
pathogens) and pathology in tropical
forestry, relative to economics
and silviculture
Provenance trials and resistance Extension and advisory services Recognition of the importance
selection of trees, promotion readily available to commercial of prevention rather than cure
of indigenous species and subsistence growers, using in pest management,
in high-yield silviculture well-trained local expertise with a willingness to alter forest
practices accordingly
Economically viable, appropriate Incorporation of entomology and Consultations with entomologists
technology systems for pest pathology in international aid and pathologists at the planning
management, with easy and development schemes, stages of new and/or expanding
collaboration between research enhancing funding for R & D forest projects
workers internationally and the provision of support

1.10 The Plan of the Book alongside which it will be crucial to consider
forest pests, and insects in particular.
We hope that this introductory chapter has The rest of the book will present details
provided a background to tropical forestry of interactions between insects and forests,
and illustrated the enormous variety of form both natural and managed, which will be
and function. There are clearly fundamental used to plan and implement the best strat-
problems with the ways in which tropical egies for forestry and pest management
forestry is carried out and the resulting combined. Discussions will follow on the
ecological interactions with insects and other types of pests encountered at each stage of
potential pests which occur within the for- forest operations, from pre-planting to post-
ests. The manipulation of tropical forests harvest. At every stage, we want to empha-
for efficient production of timber and many size that the ultimate goal is integrated pest
other products is bound to continue apace, management, or IPM.
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity

2.1 Introduction insects interact with the forests in which

they live and how the ecosystems which we
It may not be immediately apparent why a have created for our own benefits differ from
book about tropical insect pests should con- the co-evolved norm. Secondly, we have to
tain a discussion about ecology and biodi- accept that tropical forestry has forced upon
versity. After all, it might be strenuously it, like it or not, a responsibility to reduce as
argued that biodiversity and its conservation much as is reasonable the damage done to
is exactly the opposite to pest management the world’s biota. Forest conservation has to
in the same habitat; in one situation we try be considered alongside forest exploitation
to preserve insects and in the other we strive wherever possible; the same tract of land
to wipe them out! As discussed in Chapter 1, may be important for timber, watershed pro-
a great deal of forestry in the tropics is con- tection and the preservation of rare animals
cerned with the establishment and manage- or plants, all at the same time. As Koh and
ment of monocultures of exotic species of Sodhi (2010) state, with particular reference
tree, which by their very nature would be to South-east Asia, ‘all major stakeholders
assumed to promote very low biodiversity (must) work together to achieve the ultimate
and hence be of no interest to conservationists. goal of reconciling biodiversity conservation
The justification for including these topics and human well-being’. In Sabah (north-east
rests with two related premises. Borneo), for instance, licensed logging of pri-
Firstly, we must emphasize that the basis mary and secondary rainforest still continues
for modern pest management lies with pre- for economic gain. Some of these sites are
vention of outbreaks whenever and however replanted with fast-growing exotic tree spe-
possible. In order to meet this aim, we need cies such as Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus spp.,
to achieve some form of ecological stability which provide essential short-term lumber,
in our crops, such that eruptions in insect while others are enriched by new plantings
numbers are rare and if they occur, are soon of native species such as various dipterocarp
returned to a normal and tolerable level. species. It is hoped the latter eventually will
There is much debate about the links between regenerate rainforest. On top of this exploi-
diversity and stability (see below), but it must tation we have the very reasonable desire
be fundamental to our ability to explain pest to conserve the myriad of plants and ani-
problems (and hence avoid them, if possible) mals found in Borneo rainforests, coupled
that we have some understanding of how our with the increasing commercial prospects

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
22 (F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight)
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 23

of ecotourism wherein people will pay con- There has been an unfortunate ten-
siderable sums to observe these curiosities. dency to use biodiversity merely as short-
Clearly, not all of these aims are compatible hand for the number of species of organism
and priorities for action or, if there is space, in a habitat, which has led to the prolifera-
zones of activity must be established. Here, tion of lists of species in museums collected
it is important that we possess an under- from one tropical forest or another. The term
standing of the ways in which intensive for- ‘diversity’ can mean a variety of things and
estry, for example, influences biodiversity indeed species richness (simply the number
and conservation. This is not just so that, of species) is used frequently to describe
as applied ecologists, we can predict the ‘diversity’ (Kessler et al., 2011). However,
changes caused by our actions but, very Fig. 2.1 illustrates two theoretical habitats,
importantly, so that we can answer the each of which contains the same five spe-
often ill-informed but very vociferous and cies and a total number of individuals sum-
influential critics of tropical forest exploi- ming to 250. The white community has
tation. Let us not forget that in the majority certain species which are very common and
of tropical countries, forestry (including others which are very rare, while in the grey
agroforestry) is carried out for some form of community each species is equally com-
economic gain (see Chapter 1), either as a mon. Species diversity indices are unitless
direct generator of revenue or as a provider of numbers resulting from mathematical
raw materials for immediate utilization. formulae which combine the number of
Like it or not, biological diversity in these species with the abundances of each. There
situations must promote its own cause via are various species diversity indices in use,
its contribution to human welfare (Myers, such as the Shannon–Wiener, Simpson’s,
1996), not because of a ‘feel-good factor’ Margalef’s and the Williams a index. In all
for remote and idealistic first-worlders but cases, the species diversity of different ani-
pragmatically for local politicians and mem- mal or plant communities can only be com-
bers of the public directly influenced in eco- pared properly if they are based on the same
nomic terms. sample sizes. This can be in terms of area of
habitat explored, time devoted to sampling,
or the numbers of individuals included in
2.2 Biodiversity the samples. Clearly, no species diversity
index is perfect and we have to compromise
Biodiversity (short for biological diversity) between ecological (or statistical) rigour
encompasses all types of natural variation and ease of data collection coupled with
from molecular and genetic levels to species widespread comparability. In Fig. 2.1, the
and even subspecies (Hambler, 2004). The
species component includes all plants, ani-
Number of individuals/species

mals and microorganisms but within this 140

component we can envisage various subdivi- 120
sions such as populations, communities and 100
food webs. These days we recognize three 80
types of diversity, alpha, beta and gamma 60
diversity, which take into account various
aspects of species occurrence within and
between communities. Alpha diversity refers 20
to species within a habitat (such as a forest 0
1 2 3 4 5
or a pond), beta diversity to the differences
between habitats and gamma diversity to
species variations on a geographical scale. Fig. 2.1. Theoretical species composition (‘alpha
Loosely put, alpha and beta diversity can be diversity’) of two similar habitats. Shannon–Weiner
either added or multiplied together to produce diversity indices: white community H’ = 1.17; black
gamma (Jost, 2007). community H’ = 1.61.
24 Chapter 2

Shannon–Wiener diversity index, H, is with different levels of ecosystem functions.

higher for the community with a more equal For example, Naeem et al. (1994) found that
distribution of species abundance. Thus, plant productivity, CO2 fixation and plant
species diversity in its strict sense has a canopy architectural complexity were all
considerable amount to say, not only about greatest in ecosystems with the highest
the numbers of species in a certain place but biodiversity. All of these parameters may
also about their relative abundances, rarity influence that component of the system in
value and potential population (or demo- which we are most interested, i.e. herbivo-
graphic) stability. An extra measure may rous insects.
also be useful. Equitability describes the
evenness of species abundance distribution
in a community. It has a maximum possible 2.3 Variations in Insect Biodiversity
value of 1, where every species is equally in Tropical Forests
abundant, as in the case of the grey commu-
nity in Fig. 2.1. It is convenient to use insects as primary
Figure 2.2 shows three hypothetical indicators of tropical forest biodiversity. The
model terrestrial ecosystems, developed total number of species of all living things
for experimental manipulations, wherein in the world today is unarguably enormous
increasing biodiversity is depicted not only and, equally unarguably, impossible to deter-
as a larger number of species (the number of mine. Notwithstanding an unknown but
circles in the diagram) but also the number probably huge number of species of nema-
of ecological links (envisaged as competi- todes, insects comprise a very substantial
tion or predation, for example) between proportion of this total, certainly well over
these species (Naeem et al., 1994). Such 50% of total living organisms and as much
manipulations of relatively simple ecosys- as 90% of higher animals (Speight et al., 2008)
tems in experimental situations have sug- (see also Chapter 3). As we have seen in
gested that different levels of biodiversity of Chapter 1, however, tropical forests them-
the sort represented in Fig. 2.2 are associated selves are very variable and the ‘conventional

2° Consumers

1° Consumers

1° Producers


High Medium Low


Fig. 2.2. Community diagrams of three types of model terrestrial ecosystem white circles = species which
only occur in high-diversity systems; grey circles = species present in all but low-diversity sytems; black
circles = species comman to all systems, irrespective of diversity. (from Naeem et al., 1994, courtesy
Nature Publishing Group).
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 25

wisdom’ these days that tells us that these 95% of all terrestrial macro (as opposed to
forests in general are the most biodiverse micro) organisms and that most of these
on earth is not necessarily true. The number arthropods are found in tropical forests.
of species of animals such as insects in a par- This leaves us with a still unanswered ques-
ticular habitat is a function of various param- tion about the numbers of insect species in
eters, which include the size of the habitat, tropical forests, but it must lie somewhere in
its heterogeneity, its age and its degree of the region of several million.
disturbance. Not only does each tree species provide
different habitats from another species but
also there are many niches available for
2.3.1 Heterogeneity exploitation within one individual tree. The
term ‘plant architecture’ has been coined to
One hectare of undisturbed Amazonian describe the complexity of structures found
forest contains about 175 species of trees in trees and other plants (Strong et al., 1984);
larger than 10 cm diameter at breast height many habitats can be envisaged within one
(DBH) (Burnham, 1994). Further south, tree and Table 2.1 summarizes some of
in an Atlantic forest in Brazil, Ribeiro et al. them and their locations, showing that large
(2009), in a study area of a mere 0.75 ha, numbers of species can be accommodated.
counted 1076 trees with DBHs equal to or Evolution proceeds to avoid competition
greater than 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 spe- between species, such that no two species
cies and 39 plant families. In addition, many which have exactly the same ecological
more species of epiphyte, liana and vine fes- requirements (or niche) can coexist in the
toon the trees, and pioneer species of plant, same locality (so-called Gauses’s axiom or
woody shrubs and herbs emerge from the competitive exclusion principle). We must
forest floor. All of this plant diversity, and the also remember the food web concept, as men-
habitat heterogeneity it creates, provide tioned in the previous chapter; herbivores
numerous niches for animals of all sorts themselves will have their own predators and
including insects, to exploit. Quite how many parasites, who in turn have enemies too, so
insect species there are in tropical forests that, in theory, the total number of species that
will never be known for sure and some pre- comprise a food web on a tree can be quite
dictions are wilder than others. Stork (2010) enormous. In summary then, Basset (2001)
summarizes the current state of knowledge. presents his predictions of arthropod spe-
He suggests that the numbers of species of cies richness in a hypothetical rainforest
arthropod in the world are likely to be around canopy (Fig. 2.3). The circles represent the
6–8 m (though there are some fairly huge likely relative richness of each group. The
confidence intervals around these data). majority of species are herbivores, either
Notwithstanding the facts that not all arthro- defoliators such as the larvae of moths and
pods are terrestrial (and of course not all butterflies (Lepidoptera) and the larvae
are insects either), Stork goes on to say that and adults of leaf beetles (Coleoptera:
arthropods may comprise between 85 and Chrysomelidae), or sap feeding such as the

Table 2.1. A summary of potential habitats for insects in a generalized tree and activities within these habitats.

Region of tree Habitat Insect activity

Canopy Leaves Defoliation, sap feeding, leaf mining

Shoots Boring, sap feeding, chewing
Flowers, fruit and seeds Pollen and nectar feeding, boring, chewing
Twigs and branches Sap feeding, chewing, boring
Main stems Bark Boring, chewing
Wood Boring
Roots Chewing, boring, sap feeding
26 Chapter 2








Fig. 2.3. Arthropod species composition in the canopy of a fictitious rainforest. The sizes of the circles are
proportional to the species richness of the taxa (from Basset, 2001, with permission Cambridge University Press).

true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Predators and habitats, not only while the tree is alive
such as spiders (Aranea) are less species but also after its death and, in the latter
rich, while parasitic wasps (Hymentoptera: case, play vital roles in decomposition and
Parasitica) are relatively numerous. nutrient recycling. A large proportion of the
Insects may not even have to feed on invertebrate species in moribund trees and
the trees at all but inhabit areas of tropical fallen logs are termites (Isoptera) and ants
forests that exist by virtue of the environ- (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Torres, 1994) and
mental conditions created by forests, such it is clear that well-rotted logs support the
as soil and litter. In Fig. 2.4, Eggleton and highest biodiversity of animals. This is pre-
Bignell (1995) represent a complex series of dominantly a function of the heterogeneous
functional groups of termites (Isoptera), which structure of the rotting wood habitat. It is
can be found coexisting in a West African assumed that ‘ecospace’, or ‘environmental
tropical rainforest. Some of the groups of mosaic’ complexity, increases as decompo-
termites do have associations with trees sition proceeds.
directly (such as the wood feeder), others So, it can be seen that forest trees are able
only indirectly. Incidentally, at least at this to offer a great number of ‘potential’ niches to
stage in the book, it is the former category insect species; the next question must involve
of termites wherein may lie some serious whether or not each tree species offers differ-
forest pests. ent niches, and this in turn begs the question
We must not forget that, as Table 2.1 as to whether insect herbivores are very host
suggests, many tropical insects associated specific. Since, strictly speaking, an ecologi-
with trees may not occur in the canopy but cal niche is a function of its occupant, then it
may bore into stems, bark, or even roots. is important to know how generalist insect
They may also use trees as food supplies species might be in a tropical forest. Some
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 27




2 7

9 6


Fig. 2.4. Schematic diagram of the principal microhabitats and probable functional groupings of termites
in the humid zone of southern Cameron. 1 = arboreal nesters, wide foragers in canopy and on ground,
typically active wood feeders; 2 = termites constructing epigeal mounds on stilt roots, typically soil feeders;
3 = termites constructing free-standing epigeal mounds, typically soil feeders that forage widely in soil
profile; 4 = termites in large epigeal mounds often on buttress roots, large colonies, soil feeders, foraging
widely; 5 = purse nests made with soil, attached to low vegetation, typically soil feeders or soil/root
interface; 6 = termites associated with decaying wood or other organic matter feeding on wood/soil
interface; 7 = termites associated with root hairs; 8 = termites constructing subterranean networks over
considerable areas, foraging on soil surface; 9 = termites feeding on very fine twigs or dead plant stems;
10 = wood-feeding termites foraging in the high canopy but nesting underground or in heartwood;
11 = large but well-spaced hard ‘carton’ nests of wood-feeding termites; 12 = entirely subterranean termites
foraging in the soil profile (from Eggleton and Bignell, 1995, courtesy Elsevier).

estimates of the total numbers of insect spe- large family of the Meliacaea. These include
cies in the world have assumed that most the economically important Cedrela odor-
(if not all) herbivorous insect species are host ata, Swietenia macrophylla and Toona cili-
plant specific, but in reality this is not likely ate, planted as an exotic (Plates 57, 58 and
to be the case for all species. Some may, in 59). The yellow butterfly, Eurema blanda
fact, be extremely generalist in their host (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), is enormously wide-
preferences. So, if we consider one or two spread, occurring from West Africa to South-
examples of tropical insect pests, it can be east Asia, where its larvae attack a large
seen that their host ranges are rather wide. variety of leguminous trees and shrubs,
The mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla robusta including Albizia, Falcataria, Acacia and
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Latin and Central Pithecellobium (known as Manila tamarind).
America attacks trees in many genera in the In fact, for many species, though we know to
28 Chapter 2

our cost what crop species they will attack, 2

y = −0.164 log x + 1.189, R = 0.270 Tropical
we still have little or no idea what plant 1.0 2
y = −0.169 log x + 1.205, R = 0.173 Temperate

species they are able to feed on in the wild. In

other words, host range data are likely to be a 0.8

Herbivore similarity
highly conservative but vital consideration
when planning silviculture and pest manage- 0.6
ment (see Chapters 5 and 6).
In general terms, field surveys tend to 0.4
show that the dependency of individual
insect species on one or only a few host tree
species is relatively rare (Moran et al., 1994),
though in their southern African study these
authors found that the most specialist her- 0.0
bivore species occurred on the taxonomi- 0 50 100 150 200 250
cally isolated tree species. In fact, the less Plant phylogenetic distance
taxonomically related the tree species,
Fig. 2.5. Similarity of folivorous communities
the fewer similar herbivorous insects that
between pairs of host species versus the
are shared (Fig. 2.5; Novotny et al., 2006). phylogenetic distance between the hosts in a
Figure 2.5 shows that the same relationship temperate and a tropical forest. The negative
occurs in temperate as well as tropical situ- correlation between community similarity and
ations: the higher the plant ‘diversity’, the phylogenetic distance is significant in both data
higher the insect ‘diversity’. Put simply, it is sets (from Novotny et al., 2006, with permission
quite obvious that if an insect is a Pinus spe- the American Association for the Advancement
cialist, then it is highly unlikely to be able of Science).
to survive readily on Eucalyptus or any other
non-related family of trees. This has had great
benefits for certain tropical forest operations larly sensitive to forest stand structure. On
in the past; in southern Africa, for example, semi-tropical Japanese islands, for example,
pine species such as Pinus kesiya, P. patula Sugiura et al. (2009) found that both rich-
and P. oocarpa have been grown very suc- ness and abundance of cerambycid beetles
cessfully indeed, with no serious pests at all. were related to the intensity of canopy cover,
Pinus spp. are totally exotic to the African with gaps tending to promote more beetles
continent and only when equally exotic pests (Fig. 2.6). Most cerambycid species are fairly
such as pine woolly aphid, Pineus boerneri host specific. Phoracantha semipunctata, the
(Hemiptera: Adelgidae), were introduced eucalyptus longicorn (Plates 39 and 40), is
accidentally from Australia in the 1960s did one of the most notorious forest pests in the
significant economic damage ensue (Mills, family, now being established and causing
1990; see Chapter 5). economic damage in almost all regions of the
None the less, host trees can influence subtropical and tropical world. This species
the biodiversity of tropical insects, and some is restricted almost entirely to Eucalyptus
groups of insects which by their very nature spp., due predominantly to the highly selec-
tend to be rather host specialist do show tive oviposition behaviour of the adult female
links, especially to the abundance and beetle (Hanks et al., 1995b). Some other cer-
geographical distribution of their hosts. ambycids might be a little more polypha-
The pine woolly aphid above is one such gous (Hawkeswood, 1992) but their species
example, and cerambycid beetles another. richness in the New World region under study
Longicorns (or longhorns) attack mainly was related closely to the diversity and distri-
debilitated or moribund trees, their larvae bution of fairly specific host trees.
feeding between the bark and sapwood, pro- Finally in this section, it is worth point-
ducing characteristic gallery systems, prior ing out that there is some evidence which
to ‘duck-diving’ into the timber to pupate suggests that as tropical forests become more
(see Chapter 5). Such insects can be particu- diverse (in terms of tree species richness), so
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 29

(a) Cerambycidae, species density (b) Cerambycidae, abundance

Numbers of individuals per trap

Numbers of species per trap

8 80

6 60

4 40

2 20

0 0
Closed Gap Closed Gap Closed Gap Closed Gap
June–July October–November June–July October–November

Fig. 2.6. Differences in species richness and abundance of cerambycids between closed-canopy sites and
gaps created by killing Bischofia javanica trees. Circles = median value; bars indicate range of values (from
Sugiura et al., 2009, with permission Springer).

the overall levels of herbivory also increase. 12

Schuldt et al. (2010) studied the amount of
leaf damage caused by insect herbivores in 10
Mean leaf damage (%)

plots containing varying numbers of tree

species in southern China (Fig. 2.7). They
concluded that the clear increase in herbivory 6
levels was associated with increases in the
numbers of generalist herbivores in species- 4
rich forests. If this principle can be applied
widely, the implication is that smaller forests, 2
or fragments of forests, might be expected
to show less insect herbivory than larger or 0
continuous forests (Ruiz-Guerra et al., 2010). 20 30 40 50 60 70
Woody plant species richness

Fig. 2.7. Mean percentage of leaf damage per plot

2.3.2 Abiotic variations due to insect herbivory in relation to species
richness of trees and shrubs in 27 study plots in
All else being equal, the species diversity of Zhejiang Province, south-east China (from Schuldt
et al., 2010, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
plants, and forests in particular, increases
towards the equator (Novotny et al., 2006;
Speight et al., 2008). Warm temperate forests (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) (Plate 19), is most
have less biodiversity than subtropical for- common in July and August, during the rainy
ests, which in turn are less diverse than trop- season, in southern India (Chandrasekhar
ical forests. One explanation for this involves et al., 2005) and the cypress aphid, Cinara sp.
the greater levels of solar energy, higher tem- (Hemiptera: Lachnidae), peaks in September,
peratures and more rainfall in tropical areas, during the dry season, in Malawi (Chilima
with allied increases in turnover, cycling and and Meke, 1995). However, seasonal links to
productivity (see also Chapter 3). Seasonal variation in biodiversity are harder to detect.
rainfall patterns in an area are clearly able to One example from Sarawak, Malaysia, des-
influence the abundance of insects dramati- cribes how the species diversity of soil mac-
cally. Many forest pests exhibit peak popula- rofauna (insects in the main) declines as
tions in wet or dry seasons, so that, for primary dipterocarp forests are replaced by
example, the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera plantations of Acacia mangium (Tsukamoto
30 Chapter 2

and Sabang, 2005). One cause of this decline 2.3.3 Height in the canopy
in biodiversity is that soil moisture is
reduced in the grassland ecosystems and Tropical forests are, of course, typified by
arthropod species which are intolerant to extremely tall mature trees and it is there-
drought are absent, though able to thrive in fore not surprising to find that the distribu-
the forests. tions of insect activities and communities
Within one area and forest type, biodi- can vary considerably in terms of vertical
versity of insects and other arthropods also stratification within tree canopies (Basset
varies with altitude. Tropical insects are very et al., 2003). Take, for example, forest moths
sensitive to temperature (Chen et al., 2009) in the families Arctiidae (tiger moths) and
and mountain tops tend to be considerably Geometridae (loopers). Brehm (2007) used
colder than lowlands. Geometrid moth com- light traps to sample moth populations in
munities were sampled at different altitudes the understorey and canopy of primary
on Mount Kinabalu in Sabah and data col- rainforest in Costa Rica and found that
lected in 1965 were compared with that of assemblages of both families differed mark-
2007 (Fig. 2.8). The authors estimated that edly between the canopy and understorey
the average altitudes of over 100 species of (Fig. 2.9). In addition, it was discovered that
moth increased by a mean of 67 m over 42 the species richness and diversity of arctiids
years as a result of climate change warming was significantly lower in the understorey
the region. compared with the canopy, while geometrids

Endemic species
3400 Non-endemic species

Weighted elevation 2007 (m)







2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600

Weighted elevation 1965 (m)

Fig. 2.8. Elevational changes of moths on Mount Kinabalu between 1965 and 2007. Weighted elevations
are a means of estimating the average elevation of each species for both sampling years; data points above
the ‘no-change’ diagonal line have moved uphill in 42 years (from Chen et al., 2009, with permission
the National Academy of Sciences).
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 31

Arctiidae and also because some of these forests, natu-

–0.5 ral and artificial, have great commercial sig-
U2 nificance. Because of the various abiotic and
C2 U3 regional variations, it is best to compare bio-
Dimension 2

diversities between forest types in localized
–1 0 1 areas, to remove much of the otherwise con-
1.0 fusing variation. A good example concerns
U1 the distribution of dung beetle (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae) species in Queensland,
C3 C2 Australia (Hill, 1996). Two forest types abut
1 0 –1
one another in this region; open-forest,
Dimension 1 dominated by eucalypts, and rainforest are
both natural ecosystems, which may be
Fig. 2.9. Non-metric, two-dimensional scaling separated by as little as 10 m. The authors
of assemblages of Arctiidae and Geometridae from measured the abundance and richness of
three canopy (C) and three understorey (U) sites
dung beetles caught in flight intercept traps
in a Costa Rican rainforest. Note that the y-axis is
along transects from open-forest into rain-
inverted in the arctiid graph for clarity (from Brehm,
2007, courtesy Elsevier). forest. Species richness varied significantly
across sites, being lowest in the open-forest
and increasing sharply at the forest boundary
showed the opposite relationship. Moving (called the ecotone) and into the rainforest
to Sabah, Schulze and Fiedler (2003) carried (Hill, 1996). Many dung beetle species are
out a similar experiment, this time studying habitat specific and, in this case, we see that
moths in the family Pyralidae. As can be two types of tropical forest differ markedly
seen from Fig. 2.10, they also found distinct in the insect biodiversity that they support.
assemblages occurring in the canopy versus Worthy of extra note is the fact that there is
the understorey, with an added dimen- a suggestion that the highest abundance of
sion of seasonality thrown in. Trophic inter- beetles occurs in the open-forest where there
actions can also vary vertically in a forest and are least numbers of species. Some species
as Paniagua et al. (2009) found, gall makers of scarabaeid can, in fact, be forest pests
in the dipteran family Cecidomyiidae, and (see Chapter 5) and high numbers accompa-
their associated parasitic hymenoptera, var- nied by low species richness may be of great
ied according to height in the canopy. This importance in pest dynamics and resulting
work, carried out in Panama, showed that crop damage. Still in tropical Australia, Foggo
parasitoid species richness was higher in et al. (2001) sampled arthropods (mainly
the understorey than in the canopy, but collembola and insects) in rainforests as
gall maker species richness was higher in well as immediately adjacent natural scle-
the canopy. As Fig. 2.11 shows, gall maker– rophyll (eucalypt) forests. Figure 2.12
parasitoid trophic webs are thus distinctly shows that animal communities are clearly
different between the two sites in the forest different, according to detrended correspon-
vertical stratification. dence analysis (DCA), between the two for-
est types. Not only that, it was found that
edge effects (see also later in this chapter)
2.3.4 Forest type could be detected in both separate habitat
So far in this account of tropical forest biodi- On many occasions, tropical forests
versity, we have concentrated mainly on the may have been altered by human activities,
stereotypical tropical forest, the rainforest. with varying degrees of intervention (see
However, there are many other types of for- Chapter 1 and later in this chapter). Natural
est in the tropics (see Chapter 1) whose bio- primary forests may be logged selectively
diversity is also of great interest. This interest to form secondary forests, enriched by the
lies both with the conservation viewpoint planting of native tree species, manipulated
32 Chapter 2


7 Sep

1.0 3 Mar
16 Sep
31 Aug

20 Apr
Dimension 2

0.5 29 Mar 10 Sep 21 Sep

3 Apr 9 Apr
10 May Understorey
3 May
0.0 9 May 17 Apr
18 Mar 24 Mar

Canopy 11 Mar 28 Mar

–0.5 15 Sep
11 Sep
30 Aug 25 Mar
5 Apr
22 Sep
6 Sep 19 Mar
–1.4 –0.9 –0.4 0.1 0.6 1.1 1.6
Dimension 1

1.5 25 Mar

19 Mar
17 Apr Canopy 20 Apr
Dimension 2

3 May
5 Apr 3 Mar
0.5 9 May 11 Mar 28 Mar
9 Apr 24 Mar
18 Mar
21 Sep 15 Sep 29 Mar
10 Sep 3 Apr
31 Aug 6 Sep
–0.5 30 Aug
16 Sep 10 May
22 Sep
7 Sep 11 Sep
–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Dimension 1

Fig. 2.10. Non-linear, two-dimensional scaling of nightly pyralid moth samples in understorey and canopy
samples in Sabah. Samples from the same period of the year are connected by thick solid lines, while
sampling periods (March–April; August–September) are connected by thin broken lines (from Schulze
and Fiedler, 2003, courtesy the Society for Tropical Forestry).

by the establishment of tree crops within ests must necessarily be affected by these
them, such as rattans or fruit, or indeed interventions, with consequent effects on
cleared completely and replaced with exotic their roles in forest ecosystems and food
plantations of trees (see Chapter 1). All these webs. Two examples will introduce these
operations might be expected to alter the concepts.
biodiversity and ecological stability of the Firstly, Maeto et al. (2009) investigated
forests and have particular influence on the effects of reforestation of degraded grass-
the insects that live in them. These changes lands in Kalimantan on parasitoid wasps
may not always occur in predictable ways. in the family Braconidae. As Fig. 2.13 shows,
Animals such as insects living in these for- parasitoid species richness is much higher
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 33

1 4 7 10 13 16
2 5 8 11 14 17
(a) 3 6 9 12 15

1 3 5 7 9 11 13
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
10 21 23 19 20 15
2514 17 9 13 24 7 1 5
2 16
(b) 11 12 22 18 4 3 8 6

10 9 4 7 6
8 3 5 2 1

Fig. 2.11. Quantitative gall maker–parasitoid trophic webs for (a) canopy and (b) understorey sites in a
Panamanian forest. Lower bars show the density of gall maker host insects and upper bars the density
of parasitoids. Numbers relate to individual species of insect (from Paniagua et al., 2009, courtesy

in old secondary (but natural) forests than 2.3.5 Patch size, fragmentation
in any of the other habitats sampled. and isolation
Secondly, Louzada et al. (2010) compared
shared species of dung beetles, fruit-feeding Any manipulation of tropical forests is
butterflies and scavenger flies between likely to leave remnants or fragments of the
primary forest, secondary forest and euca- original forest that are necessarily smaller
lyptus plantations in the Brazilian Amazon than the continuous area of habitat from
(Fig. 2.14). The differences in insect spe- which they are derived. Furthermore, these
cies between primary forest and secondary patches will be isolated from one another by
forest are considerable and are enormous all manner of dissimilar habitats, including
between primary forest and eucalypts. We logging roads and farmland. It seems that in
shall return to the subject of plantation for- nearly all cases studied, tropical rainforest
ests later in this chapter. fragmentation leads to a local loss of species,
34 Chapter 2

whether they be vertebrates, invertebrates or Island biogeography theory and species–

even plants (Turner, 1996). There may also area relationships are different forms of
be a reduction in the general levels of her- the same concept (Whittaker, 1998), which
bivory in small fragments relative to large states that: (i) bigger habitat ‘islands’ (such
ones (Faveri et al., 2008). One of the most as a patch of forest) will contain more species
basic and controversial issues in biodiver- than smaller ones of a similar nature, age,
sity conservation and ecology are the details degree of isolation, etc.; and (ii) species
of the effects of fragmentation and isolation extinction rates are higher in smaller ‘islands’.
on habitats, and we still have a lot to learn The species–area equation which links patch
about what happens to the insect species in or island size to the number of species to be
a rainforest fragment (Didham et al., 1996). found in or on it is asymptotic, i.e. s (number
of species) = a (area) to the power z (a con-
stant less than 1). One example is again from
cerambycid beetles in the Bahamas, mentio-
ned previously. In Fig. 2.15, Browne et al.
(1993) show that there is a statistically sig-
DCA Axis 2

s10 r80 nificant increase in numbers of species of

boundary r40 longicorn found on an island as the size
r10 of that island increases. In this case, the
s20 relationship only became meaningful when
r5 r20
four other islands had their species counts
removed from the analysis due to over- or
s40 under-estimations, attributed by the authors
s80 to unrepresentative collecting efforts; this
DCA Axis 1 shows how tricky it can be to obtain reliable
data of this nature. The value of z has inter-
Fig. 2.12. Detrended correspondence analysis
esting implications, too. Cagnolo et al. (2009)
of mean faunal abundances along a sclerophyll–
rainforest transect in Queensland. Sampling stations
studied habitat fragmentation and species
are labelled with a letter (s = sclerophyll, loss on various woodland trophic levels in
r = rainforest) and a distance in metres from the central Argentina and concluded that the
boundary between the two forest types (from Foggo slopes of the species–area relationships
et al., 2001, with permission Springer). (z) varied with body size, abundance and

(a) (b)
180 60
Observed number of species (Sobs)

150 50
Number of individuals (N)

120 40

90 30

60 20

30 10
b b
a a a a b a a b a c
0 0

Fig. 2.13. Mean and SD of (a) the abundance and (b) observed species richness of braconid parasitoids in
different habitats in East Kalimantan. IMGR = Imperata-dominated grasslands; YPAC = young Acacia plantations;
MPAC = mature Acacia plantations; YSF = young secondary forest; OSF = old secondary forest (from Maeto
et al., 2009, with permission Springer).
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 35

Dung beetles Fruit-feeding butterflies Scavenger flies

15 15 1
26 17.6% 1 28 9 3 2
11.5% 3.3%
PF 30.6% 1.2% SF PF 21.5% 6.9% SF PF 10.0% 6.7% SF
27 53 13
31.8% 40.8% 10.0%
4 5 12 8 0 6
4.7% 5.9% 9.2% 6.2% 0% 20.0%
7 5 5
8.2% 3.8% 16.7%

Fig 2.14. Venn diagrams showing the distribution of species exclusive to or shared by three forest types in
the Brazilian Amazon. PF = primary forest; SF = secondary forest; EUC = eucalyptus plantation (from
Louzada et al., 2010, courtesy Elsevier).

still, to extinctions during environmental

Log10 number of species of beetle

1.6 perturbations. Working on populations of

the army ant, Eciton burchelli (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae), from Panama, Partridge et al.
1.2 (1996) concluded that the size of the equilib-
1.0 rium population of this species was related
to the habitat size and that, as habitat size
increased, then the time it was expected to
0.6 take before the population became extinct
0.4 also increased, but exponentially.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 It must not be assumed that high spe-
Log10 area of island (km2) cies richness is impossible in small forest
patches; indeed in a 1 km2 area of lowland
Fig. 2.15. Species–area relationship for longicorn dipterocarp rainforest in Brunei, Orr and
beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Bahamas Hauser (1996) estimated a staggering 464
(from Browne et al., 1993). species of butterfly, nearly half of the entire
fauna of Borneo. It has to be said that in this
degree of specialization (Fig. 2.16). As might study, this patch of rainforest was not iso-
be expected, area-related species loss in for- lated, in fact it formed part of a continuous
est fragments was most intense for specialist tract of forest; the effect on real fragmenta-
species in high trophic levels, such as parasitic tion is less encouraging. Decomposer organ-
hymenoptera. isms such as termites and dung beetles exert
Another problem associated with reduc- a major influence on nutrient supplies in a
ing the size of a forest patch concerns the forest ecosystem (Fig. 2.17; Didham et al.,
number of individuals, that is, abundance, of 1996) and hence the knock-on effects of for-
insects in the patch. There must be a reduc- est fragmentation on such insects may have
tion in resources such as space and food fundamental consequences for the function-
when a habitat is shrunk, so that the carrying ing of these systems. Smaller fragments have
capacity or the maximum number of indi- markedly lower population densities and
viduals within a species which can be sup- numbers of species. This species number is,
ported must also decline. Coupled with these in turn, related to the amount of dung decom-
problems comes that of population viability, posed in a given time and though, from a
whereby smaller populations are more prone functional point of view, a decrease in pop-
to genetic drift and inbreeding or, worse ulation density may be more important than
36 Chapter 2

Less sensitive
More sensitive

Body size Natural abundance Specialization degree

0.08 0.3 ***
ns *** 0.09
z values

ns ns 0.2 ms 0.06 ***
0.1 0.03 ns
0 0 0
Basal Medium Top Basal Medium Top Medium Top
Trophic level

Fig. 2.16. Relationship between species–area slopes (z values), trophic level (basal = plants; medium = leaf
mining insects; top = parasitoids) and predicted sensitivity to habitat fragmentation (from Cagnolo et al.,
2009, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

Forest 10 ha 1 ha insect’s point of view. The degree of dis-

Mean proportional population density

1 similarity between habitats within the frag-

ment and those surrounding it (known as
the matrix) is all-important. If animals are
able to use the matrix either as a corridor
from one fragment to the next or as alter-
native places to live, then the forest frag-
ment will function differently. Herbivores,
including potential pests, may be more
abundant in small patches of their host
plant than in continuous cover. Isolation,
by its very name, suggests that immigration
and emigration into and out of a patch of
Fig. 2.17. Population density of dung beetles in habitat is relatively difficult, especially if
different-sized patches of forest in Central Amazonia the surrounding habitats are very different
(from Didham et al., 1996, courtesy Elsevier). to that in the patch. This gives rise to the
concept of metapopulations, where local
populations of a species may have differ-
that of species richness, both elements of ent likelihoods of colonization and extinc-
general biodiversity suffer greatly. Plant feed- tion. The term ‘corridor’ has been used to
ers such as butterflies show a similar rela- describe a habitat that connects one patch
tionship (Benedick et al., 2006) (Fig. 2.18). In with another, thus reducing isolation and
this example from Sabah, it can be seen that enabling species to move from one patch to
species diversity of fruit-feeding butterflies the next. Figure 2.19 presents a conceptual
certainly increases with the size of the for- framework for how matrix–corridor inter-
est patch, but not linearly. As forest patch actions may function in a mixture of natu-
area increases, the relationship with but- ral and plantation forests (Brockerhoff
terfly species diversity becomes asymp- et al., 2008). Corridors allow the movement
totic, for the simple reason that there must of species from one forest fragment to the
only be a maximum number of butterfly next and reduce geographical and genetic
species to be found, no matter how large isolation. Hence, if insects, either pests or
the forest. beneficials, are able to move from one trop-
Not all the effects of habitat fragmen- ical forest patch to another, fragmentation
tation are for the worse, at least from the and isolation may not be such a problem.
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 37


Margalef’s index of diversity




0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000
Area of forest patch (ha)

Fig. 2.18. Margalef’s index of species richness (diversity) for fruit-feeding butterflies in rainforest patches in
Sabah, in relation to area of patch (data from Benedick et al., 2006).

Forest patch
(remnant) Matrix Forest patch
= non habitat? (remnant)

= corridor
Plantation forest er zon
= buff

Forest patch
(remnant) Forest patch
= connectivity (remnant)

= surrogate habitat

Fig. 2.19. A corridor–patch–matrix model depicting a highly fragmented landscape (from Brockerhoff
et al., 2008, with permission Springer).

2.3.6 Edge effects effect such as temperature or humidity, or a

biotic one such as the abundance of plants and
Another problem with fragments of habitat animals, away from a recognizable habitat
is that of edge effects. Essentially, an edge edge (different crop, road, etc.) into the patch of
effect is a recognizable gradient of an abiotic habitat. Abiotic edge effects can be complex;
38 Chapter 2

in a tropical forest in central Amazonia, density point estimates declining away from
Camargo and Kapos (1995) found the high- an edge into a forest fragment. There is, in
est values of soil moisture just inside a for- fact, an argument that suggests that ther-
est edge that had been created by cutting, mophilic insects such as butterflies are not
with zones of reduced moisture actually at typical forest insects at all, since they prefer
the edge and again 40–80 m into the forest. open habitats in forest or woodland sites
Distributions of vegetation might be expected (Hambler and Speight, 2004). If nothing
to respond to these edge effects, too. The else, however, they are recognized easily
explanation for Camargo and Kapos’s obser- and usually received favourably by ama-
vations was thought to be the fact that the teurs and, as such, may act as flagstone spe-
rapid regrowth of natural vegetation at the cies which help the preservation of less
cut edge of the forest ‘sealed’ the edge with subjectively attractive but more important
rapidly transpiring foliage, which depleted animals and plants in forests.
soil moisture in their immediate locale but Edge effect gradients certainly exist.
protected the understorey just inside the Burkey (1993) showed that the predation on
forest edge from desiccation. Plants them- seeds (groundnuts in fact) laid out along
selves can show edge effects, changing their transects from edges into patches of tropical
species composition and structure as the forest in Mexico showed increased consump-
distance from the edge of the forest increases. tion for at least 200 m into the forest (Fig. 2.20).
Malcolm (1994) showed how the thickness Unfortunately, this study did not identify
of foliage of low-lying understorey vegeta- fully the predators at work, though both
tion decreased up to about 35 m into a forest ants and birds were implicated. Leaf-cutter
in Brazil, while overstorey vegetation exhib- ants in the genus Atta are very serious defo-
ited the reverse effect, increasing in thickness liators of trees and other crops in parts of
up to about 60 m into the forest. However, in South and Central America (see later), and
another forest in Brazil, Ribeiro et al. (2009) Urbas et al. (2007) studied their distributions
were unable to find significant differences and impacts on trees in relation to forest
in tree density, diameter and height between edges in the Atlantic forest of north-east
forest interior and fragment edges; so, the Brazil (Fig. 2.21). It appeared that leaf-cutter
situation is clearly complex. ant herbivory was increased significantly at
Some studies have been carried out on the edges of forest fragments, an observa-
edge effects and forest canopy arthropods in tion, if widely applicable, with clear impli-
temperate regions (e.g. Ozanne et al., 1997), cations for forest pest management.
but there have been few quantitative studies
of edge effects in tropical rainforest frag-
ments (Foggo et al., 2000). On occasion, it 0.5
has been noticed that species diversity is
Proportion of seeds eaten

greatest at the edges of forests and least in 0.4

the middle, at least for some insect groups.
Butterflies tend to be edge or gap species in 0.3
the main, where the light is brighter, the
temperatures warmer and, arguably, there is 0.2
more space in which to move around. In
northern Guatemala, for example, Austin
et al. (1996) recorded 535 species of butter-
fly from forest sites; the largest number of
species occurred in forest edge habitats and 0 50 100 150 200 250
the smallest number in continuous forested Distance into forest from edge (m)
habitats. Butterfly communities in forest
fragments in Ghana were found to show Fig. 2.20. Predation of seeds at various distances
edge effects in two out of three sites studied into a tropical forest in Mexico (from Burkey, 1993,
(Bossart and Opuni-Frimpong, 2009), with courtesy Elsevier).
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 39

300 (b) 30,000
Foraging trail length (m)

250 25,000

Foraging area (m2)

200 20,000
150 15,000
100 10,000
50 5000
0 0
5 (d) 150,000

Available leaf area (m)

4 120,000
Leaf area index

3 90,000

2 60,000

1 30,000

0 0
12,000 (f) 18
Leaf harvest rate (m2 /year)

Herbivory rate (%/year)


6000 9

0 0
Edge Interior Edge Interior

Fig. 2.21. Estimated means (+ SD) of (a) foraging trail, (b) annual foraging area, (c) leaf area index, (d) available
leaf area, (e) annual leaf harvest rate and (f) annual herbivory rate of leaf-cutter ant, Atta cephalotes,
colonies at the forest edge and interior of a remnant of Atlantic forest in north-east Brazil (from Urbas et al.,
2007, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

2.3.7 Disturbances and logging effects of Hurricane Hugo, a category 4 storm,

on the stick insect, Lamponius portoricen-
Any disturbance to an ecosystem might sis (Phasmida), in Puerto Rico (Fig. 2.22).
be expected to influence the animals and This insect feeds on plants in the genus Piper,
plants which live in it. Some types of dis- pepper vines, which require mature forest
turbance are natural and indeed essential trees on which to climb. As the graphs
for the continuation of the system, so that show, populations of the insect show no signs
the creation of open patches in a rainforest of recovery for some years after the hurri-
by the deaths of trees from natural causes cane. Even fire can be a perfectly normal
such as wind or old age are vital dynamic phenomenon in some forest systems, such
events in the life of the forest. Hurricanes, as fire-climax sclerophyll forests, but the
for example, can have catastrophic effects large-scale cutting down and removal of
on tropical forests, virtually wiping out all large, mature trees cannot be considered as
standing trees and other types of vegetation a system with which tropical plants and
associated with them, such as climbers animals have co-evolved. Selective logging
(Plate 11). Willig et al. (2011) looked at the where only certain sizes and species of
40 Chapter 2

Hurricane Hugo







–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18





–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Fig. 2.22. Influence of Hurricane Hugo on the mean density (± SE) of the stick insect, Lamponius
portoricensis, in Puerto Rico. Arrows indicate time of hurricane; time in years (from Willig et al., 2011,
with permission Springer).

tree are removed can be highly disturbing 1994). If we consider a hypothetical example
to the inhabitants of a primary forest, even from a tropical forest, this means that after
when modern techniques of reduced-impact logging, and either replanting or allowing
logging are employed, while clear-felling, natural regeneration, we should expect the
where every tree is removed, is obviously highest number of species of plant, more
catastrophic. species of insects feeding on the plants, but
Disturbance in an ecosystem like a for- only up to a point, and relatively few preda-
est may affect the biodiversity of animals in tors or parasites of these insects. In simple
different ways, according to their position in terms, the whole balance of the community
a food chain. In Fig. 2.23, it can be seen that, has been changed, which might also have
in theory at least, increased disturbance pro- important implications for pest dynamics.
duces high species diversity in the primary Very often, theory is less easy to replicate in
producers, intermediate diversity in herbiv- practice, though it is clear that different
ores and least diversity in carnivores (Huston, groups of tropical forest insects vary in their
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 41

Primary producers

Species diversity


Disturbance Productivity

Fig. 2.23. Theoretical patterns of species diversity for three trophic levels in a community according to
disturbance and productivity (from Huston, 1994, with permission Cambridge University Press).

response to forest disturbance (Fig. 2.24). most dissimilar. Young planted forests, sec-
Here, Lawton et al. (1998) undertook a mam- ondary forests and even forests containing
moth study in Cameroon to investigate the some oil palm formed a midway group of
effects of varying degrees of forest distur- habitats. Undoubtedly, the casual eye would
bance on different animal communities and decide that secondary forests were more lux-
found that butterfly species richness tended uriant and species rich in terms of plant life
to decrease as forest disturbance increased, than primary ones in the same locality. Animals
flying beetles seemed to increase slightly, from mammals to insects are certainly easier
whereas leaf litter ants peaked in secondary to spot than in a primary habitat (for one
growth forest containing some plantations. thing, of course, they are much nearer the
All in all, however, the situation was any- ground), but controversy still rages as to the
thing but clear. real quantitative effects of disturbance on
Butterflies are used frequently as indi- tropical forests and much research is proceed-
cators of habitat change. Safian et al. (2011) ing. Two more butterfly examples illustrate
used mashed banana baited net traps to cap- the effect of forest disturbance. Figure 2.26
ture butterflies in various types of habitat shows the results of a principal components
in southern Ghana and then analysed the analysis (PCA) on butterfly communities in
similarities between each habitat type using central Kalimantan (Cleary et al., 2009). The
Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity (Fig. 2.25). cluster of ordination points relating to primary
As expected, primary rainforest sites were rainforest were clearly distinct from the two
most similar in terms of butterfly communi- logged forest areas that showed more
ties, while clear-felled open areas were the overlap, even though one was logged over
42 Chapter 2

(a) 50 4 (b) 60

40 50
30 40
20 30
10 20

0 0 10
(c) 120 (d) 100

Species richness (number of species)


20 0
(e) 40 (f) 80

30 70

20 60

10 50

0 40
(g) 60 (h) 100

30 60


0 20












Increasing disturbance

Fig. 2.24. Species richness of various animal groups along a gradient of habitat modification (disturbance)
in Cameroon. NP = near primary forest; OS = old growth secondary forest; habitat PManC = old growth
secondary forest with some plantation and manual clearance; habitat PMechC = same as previous but with
some bulldozer clearance; habitat CC = complete clearance with young plantation; FF = manually cleared
farm fallow. (a) Birds (with mean habitat scores on right axis); (b) butterflies; (c) flying beetles (malaise
traps = filled circles; flight-intercept traps = open circles); (d) canopy beetles; (e) canopy ants (open squares
in (d) and (e) assume richness falls to zero in the absence of canopy); (f) leaf-litter ants; (g) termites; (h) soil
nematodes (from Lawton et al., 1998, courtesy Nature Publishing Group).
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 43













0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8

Fig. 2.25. Dendrogram based on cluster analysis of the similarity of butterfly communities in different
habitats in Ghana. K1 and K2 = wet primary evergreen forest with only slight disturbance; PF = old primary
rainforest with many mature trees and dense shrub layer; SF = secondary forest with a few mature trees
and dense understorey vegetation; FL = semi-open area with oil palm and some young trees; NF = young
planted forest with even-aged native trees; CC = clear-felled open areas (from Safian et al., 2011,
with permission Springer).

P 10 years before the other. Ants are a multi-

L93 faceted group of insects, carrying out many
ecosystem services in tropical forests, from
herbivory to carnivory to scavenging. Stu-
dies in eastern Amazonia compared the
abundances of 47 ant genera before and
after reduced-impact logging (RIL) (Fig. 2.27)
(Azevedo-Ramos et al., 2006). Though RIL
is supposed to cause significantly less dis-
turbance to the remaining forest when big
–2.5 trees are felled, it can be seen that many
–2 0 2 ant species are reduced post-logging. Interest-
ingly, though, several genera appeared after
Fig. 2.26. Principal components analysis (PCA) of
butterfly community structure in central Kalimantan.
logging that were not present before distur-
P = primary forest; L89 = forest logged in 1989/90; bance. Ecosystem services provided by forest
L93 = forest logged in 1993/94. Sampling was insects have also been shown to vary accord-
carried out in 1998 (from Cleary et al., 2009, ing to the extent of logging, as shown by
courtesy Elsevier). Fig. 2.28. Here, Slade et al. (2011) studied the
44 Chapter 2

(a) 27
44 (b) 17
43 45
48 Before After 14
Before After
26 33
47 39
19 41
29 48

30 15

21 20
35 16
32 24
15 21
25 13
9 11
11 10
12 1
3 19
13 22
10 34
2 17
1 9
24 3
6 4
4 2
7 8

3 7
14 6

15 10 5 0 5 10 15 15 10 5 0 5 10 15

Fig. 2.27. Differences between unlogged and logged forests in the mean abundance of ants at two study
sites (a and b) in eastern Amazonia (from Azevedo-Ramos et al., 2006, courtesy Elsevier).


Proportion dung removed (± SE)





Danum BRL C88 C81 M1 M2

Undisturbed Selectively High-intensity

forest logged forest logged forest

Fig. 2.28. Dung removal by dung beetles over a 24 h period in three types of rainforest in Sabah (from Slade
et al., 2011, courtesy Elsevier).

removal of dung by dung beetles (Coleoptera: terms of the proportion of dung removed in
Scarabaeidae) in Sabah and it was clear that 24 h experiments, heavily logged forests did
while selectively logged forest did not differ show a statistically significant reduction in
significantly from undisturbed rainforest in this vital ecosystem service.
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 45

2.3.8 Replanting with natives or exotics alpha index of diversity, some of the exotics
were remarkably diverse. There was, for
Old growth natural forests contain many example, no significant difference between
tree species, a varied age structure of trees the species diversity of moths caught in
from very young to very old, large and small natural forest and in eucalypt stands, while
woody debris from twigs to logs and stumps even in pine plantations the diversity
and a wide habitat heterogeneity (Maleque reached well over 50% of that in the natural
et al., 2009). It is not all that surprising, forest. It is important to notice that the
therefore, that conventional ‘wisdom’ sug- arthropods on the natural regenerated under-
gests that plantations of tropical trees will storey in the eucalypt stands were remark-
be of very low biodiversity interest, if not ably similar to those in the exotic canopy
completely sterile. However, studies into itself; most of the biodiversity of these tropi-
the insect species assemblages of tropical cal plantations probably stems from this
plantations have shown that many exotic natural understorey, so that careful silvicul-
plantations are not biodiversity deserts at ture can maintain high levels of biodiversity
all; on the contrary, they do support a rich by promoting indigenous vegetation in for-
and varied fauna. est stands. This may even help in the reduc-
So, it is not unrealistic to use tropical tion of forest pest problems. Hawes et al.
secondary forests in comparisons with (2009) also used moths to study the effects
much more altered or managed habitats. of turning natural forests into eucalyptus
One study conducted in Sabah investigated plantations in northern Brazilian Amazonia
the insect diversity of plantations of several (Fig. 2.30). After having standardized the
exotic tree species (A. mangium, Eucalyptus light trap data to take into account the vary-
deglupta, P. caribaea, Falcataria (=Parara- ing light penetration properties of the three
serianthes) moluccana and Gmelina arbo- habitats sampled, it was clear that, in this
rea) and compared it with that of natural, case, secondary forest had the highest abun-
albeit secondary, forest in the same locality dance of moths, whereas eucalyptus planta-
(Speight et al., 2003). Moths in the super- tions had the least. This may, of course, be a
family Geometroidea were caught in light good thing from a pest management point of
traps as indicators of biodiversity and view, since there may be few defoliating
Fig. 2.29 shows that, in terms of the Williams moth larvae to attack the plantation trees.

(Primary forest)

Secondary forest

Pinus caribaea

Falcataria moluccane

Gmelina arborea

Eucalyptus deglupta

Acacia mangium

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Diversity index (alpha)

Fig. 2.29. Williams alpha diversity indices (± 95% confidence limits) for moths caught in light traps in
different types of forest in Sabah. Primary forest is in brackets because it is located some miles from the
others (from Speight et al., 2003).
46 Chapter 2

Standardized abundance (per trap-night) a


15 a

10 ab a

All Arctiidae Saturniidae Sphingidae

Fig. 2.30. Mean abundance (± SE) of three families of moths and all moths combined, captured in light
traps in the Brazilian Amazon. White bars = primary forest; grey bars = secondary forest; black
bars = Eucalyptus plantations; a and b denote significant differences at P < 0.05 levels; NS = not significant
(from Hawes et al., 2009, with permission Cambridge University Press).

However, it only takes one species to cause production, through production and con-
severe defoliation. In a third example, Chung servation, to pure conservation at the other
et al. (2000) used flight intercept traps and extreme. As these authors point out, some
knockdown mist blowing to sample bee- plantation forests serve multiple purposes
tles in primary forest, logged (secondary) of production, protection and conserva-
forest, plantations of A. mangium and oil tion and it may be that pest management or
palm. Canonical correspondence analysis prevention systems are more likely to be
(CCA) (Fig. 2.31) showed that the beetle successful somewhere in the middle of this
assemblages in primary forest compared continuum.
with oil palm were very different, whereas
those of logged forest and acacia, though
distinct from the first two, were similar to 2.4 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stability –
each other. Its Role in Pest Ecology
Certainly, then, converting natural
tropical forest to plantations of exotic tree There may be a tendency for tropical for-
species seems to change the diversity of ests to suffer more pest problems as they
insect communities living in the forests, become more disturbed or perturbed away
which may be a problem for conservation- from natural situations. It is somewhat of a
ists, but whether or not this will necessarily dogma these days to state that more diverse
lead to increased risks from insect pests is ecosystems are also more stable (McCann,
another matter, which we will discuss later 2000); to put it another way, species-rich
in the book. For now, Brockerhoff et al. communities tend not to exhibit large fluc-
(2008) summarize the situation concerning tuations in the abundances of one or more
plantation forests and diversity (Fig. 2.32). of their constituent species. Proponents of
Figure 2.32 suggests that there is a contin- this dogma thus stress the need to promote
uum of forest types that runs from intensive biodiversity in crop systems to avoid the
Tropical Forests and Insect Biodiversity 47

(a) Flight-interception trapping (961 species)

Primary forest 1
Primary forest 2 Oil palm 1
0.5 OP Oil palm 2
Axis 2

Acacia 1
Acacia 2

–1.5 Logged forest 1

Logged forest 2
–2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(b) Mist-blowing (458 species)
3 OP Oil palm 1
Primary forest 1
Oil palm 2 PF
2 Primary forest 2
–1 Logged forest 1
Logged forest 2 Acacia 1
–2 Acacia 2
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Axis 1

Fig. 2.31. Canonical correspondence analysis of beetle samples collected in four habitat types in Sabah
(from Chung et al., 2000, with permission Cambridge University Press).

development of pest outbreaks; this is seen in certain forest pest outbreaks from
the basis of ecological pest management. time to time, but the work indicates that
There is nothing wrong with this philo- we should beware of assuming automatically
sophy in principle, though it may be too that diverse habitats will never suffer from
simplistic and unreliable in some cases, pest problems. As we shall see in Chapter 8,
but one question remains – are biodiverse the promotion of intense monocultures may
systems always stable? enhance the probability of pest problems
Wolda (1992) studied the stability of a but it is not always the case that trees grown
large variety of insect populations in relatively in monoculture have more pests than those
undisturbed tropical forests in Panama, in mixtures (Loch and Floyd, 2001).
emphasizing the variations in abundance of As we said at the beginning of this
species through time. He found that while chapter, we are concerned with the utili-
some species remained virtually constant zation of tropical forest for human needs
in numbers over the 14-year study period, of various sorts, and we are not pretending
others fluctuated violently. For example, that no species are affected by rainforest
among the group of commonest insect spe- management, fragmentation or clearance.
cies (those represented by over 1000 indi- Undoubtedly, the most sensitive habitat spe-
viduals), 9% showed variations of over 10% cialists will be the first to become extinct,
of their mean abundance per year; highest at least locally. However, since some tropi-
variations exceeded 20%. It has to be said cal forest exploitation has to take place for
that these figures are not in the same league sound humanitarian or economic reasons
as some of the veritable plagues of insects (or both), then it is important to know what
48 Chapter 2

• exotic or native species, may replace natural forest

• mostly native species, planted for conservation or

• mostly exotic species, may replace natural forest

• various harvesting systems of varying intensity

• often short rotations (c. 30–45 yrs), clearfelling

• longer rotations (30 yrs or longer), clearfelling

• natural forest for conservation and protection

• native species, natural forest protected (+/–)
• exotic species, natural forest protected (+/–)

• native species, uneven aged or even aged

• very short rotations (<15 yrs), clearfelling

protection (e.g. to combat desertification)

Managed semi-natural and natural forest

Non-industrial conservation plantations
• usually 1-yr rotations, clearfelling

Industrial, exotic plantation forest

Industrial, native plantation forest

• no or very limited production

Fast-wood plantation
Intensive agricullture

Conservation forests
• conservation aims
Intensive production Production and conservation Conservation

Intensity of management Conservation value

Fig. 2.32. Conceptual model of the relative conservation value of planted forests relative to conservation
forests and agricultural land (from Brockerhoff et al., 2008, with permission Springer).

effects we might inflict on natural biodiver- at an industrial scale as well as a local one.
sity. Brockerhoff et al. (2008) have presented Timber in all its forms is a vital commodity
some measures which might be taken to in the tropics and we must produce it as
optimize biodiversity conservation while still cleanly and efficiently as possible in order
exploiting tropical forest stands for optimal to protect what biodiversity remains in
wood production. We would emphasize the natural areas. Effective pest management is
vital importance of production silviculture one key tactic in the pursuit of this aim.
Abiotic and Biotic Effects

3.1 Introduction in the mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla

grandella, from Costa Rica (Taveras et al.,
All animals and plants have evolved in 2004). Figure 3.2 looks at the numbers of pest
association with their environment, and Lepidoptera defoliating Eucalyptus planta-
hence the demands of abiotic (physical fac- tions in Minas Gerais, Brazil, over 5 years
tors such as weather and climate) and biotic (Zanuncio et al., 2001), while Fig. 3.3 provides
factors (the influence of other organisms data on the impact of just one species, the
via, for example, predation, parasitism or teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera, over 4 years
competition) have had to be met through in Chittagong, Bangladesh (Baksha and
natural selection and adaptation. The abil- Crawley, 1998). In all three examples, it can
ity of a species or population to increase in be seen that pest numbers are higher at
numbers, to spread to pastures new or to certain times of year than at others. There is
exploit its food and produce offspring are rather clear evidence of peaks and troughs
all influenced by one or both of abiotic and in population densities, but only over a few
biotic factors, and so we need to understand months or years. These examples are likely
how these influences function when trying to be caused by seasonal changes in weather
to explain how insect numbers vary in time patterns and/or host plant phenology, rather
and space. This is especially important when than long-term cyclical patterns expected
investigating pest outbreaks. of temperate forest insects.
Most insect populations do not stay at This chapter considers abiotic and biotic
a steady density for long. Some may oscillate factors in detail as separate entities for con-
gently up and down through time, while oth- venience. Note, however, that most, if not
ers may exhibit enormous peaks, followed all, of these factors in the environment of
by catastrophic crashes. Forest insects are a tropical forest insect may be interrelated.
well known to show such cycles (Liu et al., The onset of the rainy season, for example,
2007), frequently defoliating their host trees may influence the amount of food availa-
during peak population densities. It has ble to a leaf-feeding lepidopteran larva,
to be said, however, that most quantified such that competition for food becomes less
examples of oscillations in the numbers of intense or an increase in air temperature may
forest insects come from temperate regions. enable predatory beetles or parasitic wasps
Figure 3.1 shows population trends over to become more efficient at finding their
about 18 months for the various life stages prey or hosts. Wherever possible, we present

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 49
50 Chapter 3

Dead larvae
Live larvae
No. individuals





/0 8
/0 8
/0 8
/0 8
09 /98
09 /98

/1 8
/1 8
/0 8
/0 9
/0 9
22 /99

/0 9
/0 9
/0 9
12 /99

/0 9
19 5/9
17 6/9
14 7/9
11 8/9

04 1/9
31 2/9
29 2/9
26 1/9
25 2/9

20 4/9
17 5/9
15 6/9

09 8/9





Sampling date

Fig. 3.1. Total numbers of Hypsipyla grandella individuals on mahogany trees at Turrialba, Costa Rica
(from Taveras et al., 2004, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

No. individuals



1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Fig. 3.2. Numbers of individuals of major outbreak species of defoliating Lepidoptera adults collected
in light traps per month over a 5-year period in Eucalyptus grandis plantations in Brazil (from Zanuncio
et al., 2001, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

examples from tropical or subtropical forest reviewed the ecology of sap-feeding psyl-
insects; occasionally, however, important lids (Hemiptera–Homoptera: Psylloidea) and
lessons may be derived by examining tem- after considering all the available literature
perate examples, too. and analysing life-history parameters for
some 342 species of insect, he concluded
that ‘the main drivers for life-history adap-
3.2 Abiotic Factors tations are environmental temperature and
water availability’. In fact, most tropical cli-
Climate and weather (the climate localized mates are rather severe, especially in terms
in time and space) can have extremely impor- of temperature and humidity, and insects
tant effects on insects, at both the individual have had to adapt to these difficult conditions
and population levels. Hodkinson (2009) (Colwell et al., 2008). During this evolutionary
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 51




Defoliation (%)








Fig. 3.3. Seasonal incidence of defoliation by larvae of Hyblaea puera in an experimental plot of teak
in Bangladesh (from Baksha and Crawley, 1998, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

process, many species have become ‘climate of their tissues independently of their sur-
specialists’ (Hoffman et al., 2010), wherein roundings. They are also ectothermic in
they are restricted to a narrow range of alti- the main, their major source of heat being
tudes and latitudes. Normally, we are con- from outside their bodies. In general terms,
cerned with the changes in weather patterns therefore, any changes in the temperature
over no more than a few generations of the of the immediate environment will have a
insect species and, in terms of pest popula- fundamental effect on the internal tempera-
tion dynamics, it is the relatively immediate ture of the insect, and hence on its metabolic
effects of climatic conditions that concern rate. Metabolic rate determines many proc-
us most. Again, remember that many factors, esses in an insect’s life, including develop-
though considered separately here, frequently ment and growth rate, activity, ability to
combine, so that, for instance, temperature, disperse and reproductive potential, and, as
rainfall and wind unite to determine relative might be expected, there are many examples
humidity in a particular locality. Addition- of direct correlations between temperature
ally, climate change is likely to influence all and all these factors in both insect pests
such relationships. For example, it is predicted and their natural enemies. Tropical insects
that as global warming continues, insect spe- tend only to function effectively and effi-
cies are likely to move higher up mountains ciently between extremes of low and high
to remain in their preferred temperature range temperatures; outside these ranges, their suc-
(Hill et al., 2011). cess can be compromised severely. Take, for
example, the sap-feeding psyllid, Hetero-
psylla cubana (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). This
3.2.1 Temperature notorious pest of multi-purpose trees
in the genus Leucaena all around the tropi-
Insects are essentially poikilothermic, in that cal world only exhibits outbreaks above
they are unable to manipulate the temperature 10°C and below 33°C (Mullen et al., 2003).
52 Chapter 3

Of course, this range of temperatures ena- If the seasons remain relatively constant,
bles the pest to cover a large part of the trop- as they tend to do in parts of the humid
ics, from sea level to quite high altitudes. tropics, generation times of around 30–35
Within this thermal range, temperature days can be the norm for forest insects from
influences crucial features of an insect’s life sap feeders to defoliators, which clearly will
cycle, such as development rate and survival. result in around ten pest generations per
Geiger and Gutierrez (2000) studied the ther- year. Thus, in Bali, Indonesia, scale insects
mal ecology of H. cubana in the Chiang Mai (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) feeding on mangrove
province of northern Thailand. The develop- saplings have nine or ten generations per
ment rate increases fairly linearly from around year, all of roughly equal duration (Ozaki
10°C to nearly 30°C (in keeping with Mullen’s et al., 1999). In these circumstances, pest
data). Survivorship plummets, however, population densities can build up very rapidly
beyond 20°C or so, showing that the quoted indeed, causing extensive damage to the host
temperature range is an absolute maximum, trees. Where climatic conditions merge from
at the higher end at least. From the data, it can temperate to subtropical to tropical, voltinism
be deduced that the optimal temperature for increases as would be predicted. Paropsis
rapid development and high survivorship for atomaria (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a
H. cubana is a narrow 20–25°C. beetle whose larvae and adults defoliate
The slower the development rate, the eucalypt plantations in Australia. This pest
longer the development time and hence the occurs in the Australian Capital Territory
more protracted the life stage in question. (ACT), where the climate is temperate, and
The mahogany shoot borer, H. grandella, in central Queensland, where the climate
responds to increasing temperature with a is at least subtropical. In the former region,
roughly linear increase in development rate Paropsis has but two generations per year,
and a reciprocal but exponentially decaying while in the latter up to four were observed
development time for eggs, larvae and (Nahrung et al., 2008).
indeed pupae (Fig. 3.4) (Taveras et al., 2004). All of the above observations are
As long as the high temperature does not linked to temperature-dependent develop-
cause mortality, a rapid development rate is ment rates typically exhibited by insects.
of significant benefit, since it reduces the Temperature affects the development of
time it takes for a pest to go from a just-laid insects in a cumulative fashion, so that the
egg to a newly reproducing adult and thus effective temperature summation, or day-
lowering the probability of being killed by degree, as it is called, is an important des-
some environmental hazard. Therefore, the criptor of how quickly an insect can develop
generation time for the current example and the next generation begin to reproduce.
ranged from 104 days at 15°C to 30 days at In simple terms, if the total day-degree
30°C. Thus, at the high temperatures, repro- summation required for development from
ductive rate and hence the number of gen- egg to adult is, say, 100 day-degrees, then
erations per year (voltinism – see below) is this may be accomplished by 10 days at 10°C,
optimal for the pest (and, of course, very or 5 days at 20°C, and so on. In the case of
suboptimal for the trees). Once the pupal the olive scale, Parlatoria oleae (Hemiptera:
stage is reached, temperature also influ- Diaspididae), 100% egg laying in Israel
ences the emergence rate of young adult requires an accumulation of over 200 day-
moths, as Fig. 3.5 shows (Taveras et al., degrees from the starting date of 15 February
2004). Thus, at high temperatures, all the in any one year, while complete egg hatch
new adults emerge over just a few days in requires around 400 day-degrees (Pinhassi
order to coincide with the best chance of et al., 1996). Though this insect is predom-
finding a mate, while under cooler conditions, inantly a pest of olive trees, it is a wide-
adult emergence takes place over more than spread forest problem, too, feeding on a
3 weeks. To make matters worse, Taveras very wide range of perennial, woody plants
et al. (2004) found that female shoot borers and deciduous trees. In another example,
only copulated at 25°C, showing another Peres Filho and Berti Filho (2003) investi-
example of a climate specialist. gated the development of egg, larval and
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 53

(a) 35 35
y = 1.26x – 10.88
30 R2 = 0.98 30

25 25
20 20
15 15

10 y = 2531.7x – 1.9238 10
R2 = 0.97
5 5

0 0
5 15 25 35 45

(b) 8 140
y = 0.28x – 2.54
7 R2 = 0.94 120

Rate (I/T)
Time (days)

3 y = 9722.8x – 1.864
R2 = 0.95 40

1 20

0 0
5 15 25 35 45

(c) 60 14
y = 0.44x – 3.44
R2 = 0.99 12
y = 1953.4x – 1.5496
20 R2 = 1 4
10 2

0 0
5 15 25 35 45

Fig. 3.4. Development time in days (T) and the development rate (1/T) for (a) eggs, (b) larvae and
(c) pupae of Hypsipyla grandella (from Taveras et al., 2004, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

pupal stages of the eucalypt defoliator, the female pupal stage 133 day-degrees. Thus,
Thyrinteina arnobia (Lepidoptera: Geome- a female moth required a total of around
tridae), in southern Brazil and found that 651 day-degrees to develop from a newly
the egg stage required 156 day-degrees, the hatched larva to a newly emerged adult.
female larval stage 496 day-degrees, the This would mean something like 33 days
female prepupal stage 22 day-degrees and at an average of 20°C.
54 Chapter 3

Adults (%)

50 20°C
40 25°C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Emergence period (days)

Fig. 3.5. Cumulative emergence of Hypsipyla grandella adults from the first day at which emergence
occurred at each constant temperature (from Taveras et al., 2004, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

Not all of the tropics is hot and some for- The latter factor, involving diurnal vari-
est plantations are grown at quite high alti- ations in temperature (and humidity), can
tudes, with the result that some forest insect be very significant in tropical situations
pests may be subjected to cold conditions where dense natural forest is replaced by
even within the tropics. Low temperatures more open and uniform plantations, nurser-
can stop insect development altogether. Below ies or even fields and pasture. In the Atlantic
a certain critical temperature, no develop- lowlands of Costa Rica, for example, where
ment occurs at all. This critical, or thresh- temperatures in an open pasture in full sun
old, temperature varies from insect to insect could reach a staggering 51°C, army ants,
but it is usually around 7–10°C (Ye, 1994). Eciton burchelli (Hymenoptera: Formici-
Below this temperature, insects merely ‘tick diae), tend to remain in adjacent forest frag-
over’, being unable to grow or reproduce, ments where conditions are significantly
while remaining alive. In fact, death does cooler (Meisel, 2006). Clearly, this is an
not usually ensue until conditions get much extreme example, but if an insect pest or its
colder, and even then, the precise lethal enemies are able to live outside the natural
temperature can depend on other climatic forest, all of their temperature-influenced
factors as well as simple temperature. Adult faculties will be enhanced, possibly to the
monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus greater detriment of the new and economi-
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), are subjected cally valuable habitat.
to subzero temperatures while they spend
the winter in high-altitude sites in Mexico.
Normally, monarchs exhibit some degree 3.2.2 Altitude
of supercooling, whereby they can withstand
below-freezing temperatures to some extent Various geographical factors are, of course,
(Anderson and Brower, 1996). However, their correlated with temperature. The basic con-
capacity to resist the fatal effects of freezing cept of tropical versus temperate insects is
is influenced by wetting and exposure to a clearly temperature related. On a smaller,
clear night sky. Butterflies with wetted bod- regional basis, altitudinal variations in cli-
ies die at significantly higher temperatures mate and vegetation are likely to be linked
compared with dry ones, so that those pro- more to temperature than anything else. It
tected from rain under a forest canopy are is not surprising to find that temperatures
more likely to survive cold weather. In decline as altitude increases in any fixed
addition, the use of the canopy as a ‘blanket’ locality, with predictable effects on insects.
(Anderson and Brower, 1996) reduces fur- Generally, most insect herbivores are expec-
ther reductions in temperature. ted to be less abundant as altitude increases,
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 55

though this prediction does not always ture and function (see Chapter 2), and indeed
come about in nature. So, for example, Beck they have been found to show changes in
et al. (2011) found that moths in the families species diversity with elevation (altitude)
Arctiidae and Pyralidae did show reduc- (Axmacher et al., 2009). Beck and Kitching
tions in abundances (measured by light (2009) studied one moth family, the hawk-
traps) in the Ecuadorian Andes (Fig. 3.6), moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), in various
whereas the Geometridae seemed to show a parts of South-east Asia and estimated spe-
peak in abundance at intermediate altitudes. cies richness (number of species) from a
Under natural conditions, the composition variety of data sources. Figure 3.7 shows
of tropical forest will also, of course, change that in all cases, from Malaysia, Indonesia
with altitude. Humid lowland rainforests and the Philippines, insect richness declined
may give way to cloud forest, followed by with altitude. In some cases, such as in
dry rainforest, and eventually true forests Sumatra and Sulawesi, the decline was fairly
may disappear altogether as high altitudes gradual, whereas in others, such as Irian Jaya
are reached. Within a plant species, organic and Luzon, richness remained fairly con-
chemistry is known to differ with altitude. stant until 2000 m or so, whereupon it plum-
Assays were carried out on the foliage of meted. Clearly, this is an association with
yunnan pine, Pinus yunnanensis, from sub- larval food plants to some extent at least, as
tropical south-western China (Hengxiao well as with temperature and rainfall (see
et al., 1999). As altitude increases, the dry later), and specialist herbivorous insects are
weight organic nitrogen content of pine likely to be determined by the distributions
needles decreases, while the levels of defen- of their host plants, which themselves will
sive (or at least secondary – see Chapter 4) be limited by elevation. Thus, in the Peruvian
β-pinene increases. It is hardly surprising, Amazon the distributions of communities of
therefore, to find that the distributions of hawkmoths are linked to the floristic com-
forest insects also vary with height above position of forests at different elevations,
sea level. with montane cloud forest, for example,
Moths have been used frequently to showing the highest number of endemic
investigate changes in tropical forest struc- moth species (Ignatov et al., 2011).


Individuals per night




1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m)

Fig. 3.6. Altitudinal patterns of mean moth abundances per night (corrected for moonlight and temperature
effects) in Ecuador (from Beck et al., 2011, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
56 Chapter 3


120 60 80
80 40
40 20
0 0 0
200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000


Species richness

40 60
20 20
0 0 0
200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000


60 30
40 20

20 10 10

0 0 0
200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000 200 1000 2000 3000
Altitude (m)

Fig. 3.7. Interpolated species richness of Sphingidae in altitudinal bands of 200 m elevation in various parts
of South-east Asia (from Beck and Kitching, 2009, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

3.2.3 Sunlight the effects of shade on the growth of African

mahoganies in the genus Khaya, with par-
Too much sunlight is usually unfavourable ticular reference to attacks from the mahog-
to insects and trees but the balance between any shoot borer, H. robusta (Lepidoptera:
benefits to the tree and detriments to the Pyralidae) (Fig. 3.9). Leaf area index (LAI) is
pest are variable, such that general predic- a measure of the degree of canopy closure in
tions are difficult to make. Bright sunshine the various shade treatments, a surrogate for
is linked closely to high temperatures the amount of light getting to the experi-
and low relative humidities, both of which, mental trees. As can be seen, the deep shade
if extreme, may be detrimental to insect treatment in particular exhibits much less
growth and survival. On the other hand, sunlight than the medium shade and the
many examples suggest, though often not open treatments, and though tree survival
conclusively, that forest conditions where after 48 months for both species declines
some degree of shade is provided, espe- somewhat in the deep shade compared with
cially in the middle of the tropical day, may the open sites, the per cent attack by the pest
diminish pest problems. It can be seen from is reduced to virtually zero in deep shade.
Fig. 3.8 that the percentage of Milicia excelsa Clearly, planting trees susceptible to insect
leaves infested with galls formed by sap- attack in deep shade might be an important
feeding psyllids (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) rises pest prevention tactic (see Chapter 8), except
exponentially with the increasing intensity that, in this case at least, tree growth rates
of full sunlight to which the host trees are are probably reduced too much by the
exposed (Nichols et al., 1998). In a similar deep shade to make the system commer-
vein, Opuni-Frimpong et al. (2008a) studied cially viable.
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 57


Trees with galls 11 months


after planting (%)

(Exponential curve fit yields
40 r 2 of 0.7: P < 0.001)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Full irradiance (%)

Fig. 3.8. Relationship between percentage of full sunlight (irradiance) in artificial forest gaps and percentage
of Milicia excelsa seedlings infested with psyllid galls in Ghana (from Nichols et al., 1998, courtesy Elsevier).

(a) 120 7
K. anthotheca
K. ivorensis
100 6

Leaf area index

Trees alive (%)


20 1

0 0
Deep shade Medium shade Open

(b) 100 7
K. anthotheca
K. ivorensis
80 LAI
Trees attacked (%)

Leaf area index




0 0
Deep shade Medium shade Open

Fig. 3.9. Effect of three levels of overstorey canopy shade on (a) per cent survival of seedlings of Khaya
anthotheca and K. ivorensis at 48 months old in Ghana and (b) per cent of trees attacked by Hypsipyla robusta
larvae. Line indicates mean (± SE) leaf area index (LAI) (from Opuni-Frimpong et al., 2008a, courtesy Elsevier).
58 Chapter 3

3.2.4 Day length (photoperiod) variables tested, day length (hours of sun-
light) explained more of the variations in
In temperate regions of the world, seasons beetle numbers than either rainfall or tem-
are characterized not only by large tempera- perature. Beetles were much more abundant
ture variations between summer and winter during periods of relatively long days and
but also by very significant changes in the short nights. The authors suggested that this
hours of daylight, the so-called photope- observation was likely to be related to seaso-
riod. These variations can have very impor- nal changes in the host plant (see Chapter 4).
tant influences on both plant and animal
physiology and ecology (Speight et al., 2008).
In contrast, tropical countries have much 3.2.5 Rain
less variation in light and dark hours through-
out the year, but in some cases an influence Van Bael et al. (2004) suggest that since tem-
on insect populations has been detected. perature remains relatively constant in one
One example of this concerns the leaf beetle place in the tropics, rainfall may be more
communities feeding on Araucaria forest in influential on insect populations, especially
Parana state, Brazil (Linzmeier and Ribeiro- where it varies seasonally. Some tropical
Costa, 2008). Both larvae and adults of leaf forests remain fairly wet all through the year,
beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) can be while others may be seasonally dry. Resul-
serious defoliators of tropical trees and this tant variations in plant phenology can have
study found that the abundance of the bee- significant knock-on effects for insect her-
tles varied considerably over a 2-year period bivores residing in these different types of
(Fig. 3.10). Statistical analyses of biotic and abi- forest (Connahs et al., 2011). Rain can influ-
otic data showed that, of the environmental ence tropical insects directly in various

(a) 18 Chrysomelide


Ja 9

M 0

M 0

Se 0

N 0

M 1

M 1



















(b) 16


Ja 9

M 0

M 0

Se 0

N 0

M 1

M 1



















Fig. 3.10. Fluctuations in (a) the abundance of chrysomelid beetles in Araucaria forests of Brazil in relation
to (b) day length measured as hours of solar light (from Linzmeier and Ribeiro-Costa, 2008, courtesy
Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia).
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 59

ways. It can damage them physically if too ones, i.e. those mediated via the host tree, but
heavy, it can enhance the likelihood of their in general it appears that damage to trees by
contracting diseases by increasing microcli- insect herbivores is higher in wet conditions
matic humidity, it can prevent them foraging (Brenes-Arguedas et al., 2009). Predictably,
if the microclimate is too dry, it can reduce the then, the majority of tropical herbivorous
temperature around them by evaporative cool- insects are most abundant and/or feed most
ing or via the simple fact that clouds hide the voraciously from the start of the rainy season
sun. In addition, the presence and absence and, in a large number of cases, this is when
of rain has enormous influence on the host pest damage becomes most severe. Chewers
trees, which can run the entire spectrum such as weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
from flooding and waterlogging to drought. (Wolda et al., 1998), sap feeders such as
Since most tree species will perform only plant bugs (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)
optimally under a relatively narrow rainfall (Novotny and Basset, 1998) and borers such
regime, the ability of herbivorous insects to as mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla spp.
use them as food will depend very much on (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Floyd and Hauxwell,
their vigour, or lack of it (see Chapter 4). 2000), all reach maximum densities and impart
In reality, it is often difficult to distinguish most impact on trees during the wet or rainy
direct effects of rainfall on insects from indirect season. Figure 3.11 shows an example from

1200 32

Monthly temperature (°C)

1000 30
Monthly rainfall (mm)

800 28

600 26
400 Temperature 24

200 22

0 20
Dysdercus (Heteroptera)
Gryllus (Orthoptera)
Hyblaea (Lepidoptera)
Yearly catch per month (%)

Xylotrechus (Coleoptera)







Fig. 3.11. Rainfall, temperature and seasonal captures of four insect pest species in light traps in Madhya
Pradesh, India (from Khan et al., 1988).
60 Chapter 3

India where the abundances of various forest course, that light traps will only measure the
insects are presented along with rainfall data relative activity of flying adult insects; cer-
for the region. Khan et al. (1988) show how tainly in the case of Xylotrechus and Hyblaea
light-trap captures of four insect species with only their larvae do direct damage to trees.
very different lifestyles vary with season, Indeed, if we look at total arthropod abun-
in seemingly close synchrony with rainfall dance on trees themselves, as in Fig. 3.12, it
patterns. Gryllus sp. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), becomes difficult to separate the effects of
for example, is a field cricket best known as rainfall, temperature and tree phenology
a general nursery pest, capable of large-scale (Didham and Springate, 2003). None the
destruction of tree seedlings, while Xylotre- less, the implications for pest dynamics in
chus sp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is tropical forestry are fairly clear and it is easy
a cambial and wood borer in the larval to show that herbivory is often highly seasonal
stage of more mature trees. Dysdercus and correlated with rainfall, as Fig. 3.13
(Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) and Hyblaea demonstrates. In this example from Uganda,
sp. (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeaidae) are sap feed- leaf consumption on the tree Neoboutonia
ers and defoliators, respectively. Note, of macrocalyx is related positively to the

Temperature (°C)

Rainfall (mm)



10 0
Total arthropod abundance

300 Flowering Leaf flush Flowering Leaf flush



Feb Aug Feb Aug Feb
1986 1987 1988
Time of year

Fig. 3.12. The relationship between canopy arthropod abundance in the crowns of Argyrodendron trees
in Queensland and variations in biotic and abiotic seasonality (from Didham and Springate, 2003,
with permission Cambridge University Press).
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 61

45 Mature forest
Lightly cut forest
40 Heavily cut forest
35 Linear (mature forest)
Leaf area eaten (%) Linear (lightly cut forest)
Linear (heavily cut forest)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rainfall (mm) in previous 2 months

Fig. 3.13. Relationship between rainfall in previous 2 months and the area of Neoboutonia macrocalyx
leaves eaten by insect herbivores in Uganda. All regressions significant (from Kasenene and Roininen, 1999,
courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

rainfall in the previous 2 months (Kasenene Droughts can also appear to cause big
and Roininen, 1999). Increased rainfall stim- increases in herbivory, which seems at first
ulates the plant to produce new, flush foliage glance counter to the association between rain
which is highly nutritious and palatable (see and herbivores explained above. In Fig. 3.15,
also Chapter 4). Itioka and Yamauti (2004) show how the
Drought is, of course, a situation caused numbers of lepidopteran larvae, the biomass
by lack of rainfall. There are certainly many of lepidopteran adults and the damage they
examples where lack of rainfall can be cor- do to canopy vegetation increase dramatically
related positively with pest attack. Bark and after a drought event in a rainforest in Sarawak.
wood borers are notorious for their associa- In reality, the drought (part of the 1998 El
tions with dry sites and drought-stressed Niño Southern Oscillation – ENSO – event;
trees (Hulcr et al., 2008) (see also Chapter 4). see later in this chapter) ended with heavy
Abbott (1993) presents long-term data on the rains in April 1998, which resulted in copi-
incidence of the pine bark borer, Ips grandi- ous and simultaneous leaf flushing of many
collis (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), in planta- rainforest tree species. The drought itself was
tions of P. radiata in Western Australia not responsible for the increase in herbivores
(Fig. 3.14) I. grandicollis was introduced and herbivory, it merely acted as a stimulant
into South Australia in 1943 and, in a sepa- to luxuriant foliage production.
rate introduction, appeared in Western
Australia in 1952. It migrated northwards
and entered subtropical Queensland in 1982 3.2.6 Relative humidity
and finally crossed over into the true tropics
12 years later. The species was detected in Relative humidity (RH) is a microclimatic
the more southerly regions from the 1950s variable that derives from a combination of
onwards but appeared only in outbreak temperature and moisture (rainfall) and thus
conditions where plantations were suffering might reasonably be expected to influence
significant losses, from the 1970s and par- forest insects in related ways. Insects are prone
ticularly into the 1990s. As Fig. 3.14 shows, to desiccation and thus, in many cases, high
a decline in annual rainfall over the years is humidity levels enable them to venture forth,
too coincidental with the increasing fre- breed, grow and disperse. Take, for example,
quency of beetle outbreaks to be unrelated. white grubs. White grubs are the soil-dwelling
62 Chapter 3

lps in WA
lps near Bridgetown

Annual rainfall (mm)

lps outbreaks
1000 Mean rainfall
from 1926 to 1976


Ten-year moving
average of rainfall
1920 1940 1960 1980

Fig. 3.14. Outbreaks of Ips grandicollis in 15,000 ha of Pinus radiata in Western Australia in relation to
declining rainfall patterns (from Abbott, 1993).

adults (g per trap per night)

Dry weight of lepidopteran
80 (e)
No. of sampled lepidopteran

larvae per tree


damaged leaves (%)

Proportion of


10 80

Proportion of leafing
0 60

40 trees (%)

Drought period
(a) 0
Rainfall (mm)



Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99

Fig. 3.15. (a) Monthly rainfall – black bars; (b) percentage of leafing trees – open squares; (c) percentage of
damaged leaves – vertical bars = SE; (d) mean number of lepidopteran larvae per tree (± SE) – closed circle;
and (e) mean dry weight (± SE) of adult lepidoptera caught per night in light traps in rainforest in Sarawak.
Drought period (January, February and March 1998) indicated by horizontal grey bar (from Itioka
and Yamauti, 2004, with permission Cambridge University Press).

larvae of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scara- pupae as the RH rises rapidly after pre-
baeidae) and can be serious pests of nurseries, monsoon rain, quickly mate and lay eggs
feeding on the roots of tree seedlings (see in nursery beds of teak seedlings (Fig. 3.16)
Chapter 5). In central India, adults of scarab (Kulkarni et al., 2009). The graph shows a clear
species in the genus Holotrichia emerge from link between peak rainfall and maximal
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 63

Cumulative emergence

Rainfall 140
Mean RH
80 Mean temperature 120
Average temperature (°C)


Daily rainfall (mm)

Relative humidity (%)


40 60


0 0
150 160 170 180 190
Julian date

Fig. 3.16. Cumulative emergence of adults of Holotrichia spp. in central India, associated with rainfall,
temperature and relative humidity in 2003 (from Kulkarni et al., 2009, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

humidity, whereas temperature seems less forage far in conditions of low humidity. In
associated. Planting teak in nurseries dur- Indonesia, for example, Teugh-Hardi (1995)
ing the pre-monsoon period may thus exac- suggests that subterranean termites in the
erbate white grub problems. genus Coptotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae)
The activity of naturally occurring are influenced greatly by RH, and hence if
pathogens, fungi in this case, may be influ- the first thinning of A. mangium stands is
enced by RH. The larvae of Pteroma pen- carried out after canopy closure, followed
dula (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) are bagworms by pruning and the elimination of under-
which defoliate Acacia mangium in parts growth, the air humidity in the forest will be
of India. Fungal infections are correlated decreased and provide unfavourable condi-
positively with rainfall and about 90% of tions for the termite’s growth. This may work
infected bagworms in one study were found for one pest, but of course it might adversely
in the middle or bottom of tree canopies, influence the mortality of the bagworms
where the RH was much higher than the rela- mentioned earlier by drying out the middle
tively dry upper canopy (Sajap and Siburat, and lower canopies and hence reducing the
1992). In contrast, where insects associate incidence of fungal infection.
with pathogens such as fungi via symbiotic Finally, it appears that high humidity
relationships, such as with bark and ambro- can interfere with chemical communication
sia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), greater in some insects. As mentioned earlier in
humidity in the forests promotes more beetle this chapter, the bark beetle, I. grandicollis
success and abundance (Hulcr et al., 2008). (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), is a serious intro-
It has even been suggested that manipulation duced pest of pines in many parts of Australia
of the RH in a forest may be useful in dimin- from Tasmania to Queensland. Flight experi-
ishing the incidence or activity of insect ments carried out by Bassett et al. (2011) have
pests. Certainly, various types of termite are shown that very high humidities adversely
thought to be very susceptible to desiccation affect the responses of adult male Ips to phe-
(Cornelius and Osbrink, 2010) and cannot romone baits (Fig. 3.17). This factor may be a
64 Chapter 3
Number of beetles responding

untouched. No one knows where the moths

came from or where they went.’ Clearly,
aerial migrations of pests can occur on an
enormous scale and wind is the primary
factor determining how far they can travel
and in what direction.
1 Chandrasekhar et al. (2005) studied the
dispersal and migration of H. puera using
0 molecular markers and randomly amplified
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 gene-encoding primers (RAGEP) to identify
Relative humidity (%) and track various populations of the moth.
They concluded that outbreaks tended to
Fig. 3.17. Number of Ips grandicollis adults arriving be caused by long-range movements of the
at sex-pheromone baited filter paper in relation
insect rather than local, endemic dispersal.
to humidity (from Bassett et al., 2011, courtesy
The patterns of long-range dispersal of H. puera
are illustrated in Fig. 3.18. Here, the probable
migratory paths of the adult moths are shown
‘double-edged sword’ in that the spread of moving up from southern India, in April or
the pest may be reduced in very humid May, and across from east to west to infest
regions but it may also reduce the useful- the central regions of Madhya Pradesh
ness of pheromones in pest monitoring and (Bhowmick and Vaishampayan, 1986). These
control programmes. migrations are fuelled by monsoon winds
and the distribution of outbreaks in time and
space, at least on a regional scale, are a func-
3.2.7 Wind tion of the wind strength and direction. Teak
plantations usually are supplied with the
The movement of air currents can occur on defoliator by more local movements of adult
a large scale, over long distances and with moths from natural forests where the pest
great strength, and can be of great impor- is normally endemic but long lasting, again
tance in the migration and dispersal of forest directed by wind currents. Stimuli to leave
insect pests. Alternatively, though, small air high-density patches of pests may result
movements can be very important in insect from intraspecific competition (Baksha and
communication, especially when adults are Crawley, 1998). One of the major problems
attempting to find an individual of the oppo- with the management of pests such as
site sex for mating using chemical cues. Hyblaea that are carried by the wind in this
In 1988, K.S.S. Nair of the Kerala fashion is the unpredictable nature of air
Forest Research Institute (KFRI) in south currents, which makes pest forecasting a
India published an account of a dramatic tricky and unreliable business.
event which occurred in a teak plantation Often, when winds blow over relatively
in Kerala State (Nair, 1988). To quote: long distances, aerial insects become con-
‘A group of at least two million Hyblaea centrated at particular heights in the air col-
puera moths [teak defoliator – see Plate 19] umn (Wood et al., 2010) and come together
descended on about 20,000 newly flushed as a result of weather patterns in areas
teak trees in a 30-ha patch within the plan- known as convergences (Drake and Farrow,
tation. Together they deposited between 1989). In these situations, very high pest
50 to 100 eggs per leaf on most of the tender densities can be reached rapidly, since very
leaves in the top canopy, and by morning, large numbers of reproductive adults breed
all the moths had disappeared. Within a together in one place, or large densities of
fortnight, the trees were stripped clean by dispersing larvae, carried on silk threads,
the feeding caterpillars, and the falling can be deposited on small areas of habitat.
frass sounded like mild rainfall on the dry Such pests include armyworms, Spodoptera
leaves. Other nearby plantations remained spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in parts of
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 65

Northern limit of teak

Probable migratory path of Hyblaea puera



Madhya West
Pradesh Bengal




Kerala Nadu



Fig. 3.18. Teak growing and the migration pattern of Hyblaea puera on monsoon winds in India (from
Bhowmick and Vaishampayan, 1986).
66 Chapter 3

Central and South Africa, spruce budworms, enables luxuriant secondary growth to spring
Choristoneura spp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), up. Severe Tropical Cyclone Harry hit the
in North America, and locusts, Schistocerca Atherton Tablelands in north-east Queensland
or Locusta spp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), in in March 2006, causing severe damage to large
various parts of the Near East, North Africa areas of rainforest (Grimbacher and Stork,
and South America. An extra benefit for the 2009). Beetle sampling before and after the
pests is that these wind convergences are cyclone revealed significant changes in
often areas typified by wet weather, so that forest structure and associated beetle fau-
in semi-arid situations the large numbers of nas, including the potentially pestiferous
converging insects are provided with newly bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera:
sprouting vegetation to eat. Scolytinae) and the leaf beetles (Coleoptera:
Relatively small distances can also Chrysomelidae) (Fig. 3.19). The most sig-
be covered by forest pests on the wind. In nificant changes involved the increase in
Ecuador, for example, the bagworm, Oiketicus numbers of scolytines (note the log scale on
kirbyi (Lepidoptera: Psychidae), occurs on the y-axis of graph (c) ). If this had been a
occasion in defoliating outbreaks in man- plantation forest, the potential for serious
grove forests dominated by trees such as damage to surviving trees would have been
Rhizophora mangle (Rhainds et al., 2009). high via mass outbreaks of beetles breeding
These outbreaks are found to spread from in the cyclone-damaged dead wood.
initial foci in the direction of the prevailing
winds. The agents of dispersal in this case
are young to mid-stage larvae ‘ballooning’
on silk threads. 3.2.8 Climate change
Even if forest insects remain in one place,
wind, or at least the gentle movement of air It must be clear by now that, in most cases,
currents, can be a vital component of com- climatic and weather factors combine to
munication between individuals, in particular dictate the behaviour and dynamics of
those which use chemicals, or pheromones, insect populations. For example, Kumar
to attract mates and/or to locate suitable et al. (2010) used principal components
host plants (see also Chapter 4). A small analysis (PCA) to study the combined effects
molecular mass volatile scent released by a of temperature humidity and rainfall on a
small point source such as an adult female beetle defoliator of Gmelina arborea trees
moth or a small bark beetle (Coleoptera: in India, Craspedonta leayana (Coleoptera:
Scolytinae/Platypodidae) of either sex will Chrysomelidae). They found that rainfall
not penetrate at all far in still air by diffusion plus minimum and maximum temperature
alone. Light winds through a forest stand pro- were among the most influential factors on
duce instead a pheromone ‘plume’, which pest population dynamics. Because of these
provides insects of the same species but complex multivariable interactions, it is dif-
usually opposite sex with both a direction ficult to predict accurately the effects of
in which to fly and a concentration gradient climate change – one variable may go one
up which to progress. The management of way, while others do the reverse, as it were.
certain forest pests with synthetic pherom- Elevated temperatures, higher levels of
ones (see Chapter 8) would not work with- atmospheric carbon dioxide, and of course
out wind movement. sea level rises, may be unavoidable features
A final effect of wind on forest insects of the next few decades, but it is difficult
is the most extreme, indeed potentially at the moment to be sure about how these
catastrophic. Tropical storms, hurricanes problems will affect the numbers and the
and cyclones tend to destroy living forests, impact of tropical forest insects. From what
converting them into so much dead material little is known, it is suggested that the most
lying on the ground (Plate 11), just waiting dramatic effect on, for example, insects in
for potential forest pests to use them as moist tropical forests will be an increase in
breeding sites. Opening of the canopy then the rates of herbivory linked, to some extent
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 67

(a) Beetle assemblage dissimilarity 0.65 (b) 40

0.60 30

Wet and dry species

0.55 20
0.35 −10
0.30 −20
1 2 3 4 5 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10
Change in:

Change in:
Overall site structure Canopy cover (%)
(c) 512 (d) 10

Chrysomelid abundance
Scolytid abundance


64 0

16 −3

4 −10

0 −30
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 −5 0 5 10 15
Total woody debris counts Ground cover (%)

Fig. 3.19. Relationships between pre-Cyclone Harry and post-Cyclone Harry relative values of
18 rainforest sites in north-east Queensland. (a) Overall site structure and beetle species composition;
(b) canopy cover and the abundance of wet- and dry-adapted beetle species; (c) wood debris counts and
the abundance of scolytine beetles; and (d) cover of vegetation < 2 m high and the abundance of
chrysomelid beetles. Different symbols denote types of remnant forest (from Grimbacher and Stork, 2009,
with permission Springer).

at least, to changes in plant productivity as from insect pests. As yet, however, no solid
a result of higher atmospheric CO2 levels predictions can be made for tropical forest
(Rao et al., 2009). If extremes of drought insects.
become more widespread or prolonged
because of water shortages and high temp-
eratures, increased tree stress is likely to 3.3 Biotic Factors
occur (Martinez-Ramos et al., 2009), espe-
cially in plantations on unsuitable sites (see Biotic factors which may influence the
Chapter 4), which may worsen pest damage. lives and population densities of tropical
We know also that indirect measurements forest pests derive from living organisms
can be linked to changes in forest insect which are themselves capable of growth,
behaviour, so, for example, Srygley et al. reproduction and dispersal, at least in
(2010) found that sea surface temperature the majority of cases. Such organisms
(SST) anomalies correlated with El Niño may be members of the same species, or
events were related to numbers of adult other species belonging to the same trophic
butterflies, Aphrissa statira (Lepidoptera: level, and are hence competitors for a
Pieridae), migrating in Panama (Fig. 3.20), resource such as food or space. In this
though these relationships need not imply respect, the ability of the host tree to pro-
direct cause and effect. Increased soil salin- vide insects with large quantities of high-
ity as a result of tidal inundations in low- quality food is of paramount significance.
lying areas similarly may exacerbate risks This topic is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
68 Chapter 3

attempting to produce a coverall description

Cooler Warmer (see also Chapter 8).
La Niña EI Niño In most cases, for competitors or natu-
ral enemies to have a significant impact on
the dynamics of a pest species or popula-
tion, they must respond to fluctuations in
R 2 = 0.37 the density of the pests in such ways as to
2.0 P = 0.013
regulate the numbers of the latter.
Log number of Aphrissa

1.5 3.3.1 Population regulation

Strictly speaking, population regulation is the

1.0 1993 maintenance of the numbers of a pest species
at a relatively constant level. In Fig. 3.21,
two hypothetical populations are presented,
both with the same average density (equilib-
rium) but one with much higher peaks and
lower troughs through time compared with
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 the other. By definition, the so-called ‘boom
SST anomaly and bust’ population with large oscillations
(region 3.4 mean for April–June) in population density is less well regulated
than the population with small oscillations.
Fig. 3.20. Log-transformed migratory rate of Aphrissa The mechanism via which regulation
butterflies in Panama in relation to the average sea functions, and from which population cycles
surface temperature (SST) anomalies. Grey circles = El occur such as those depicted in Fig. 3.21, is
Niño years; Black circles = La Niña years; White
known as density dependence, defined as
circles = normal years (from Srygley
et al., 2010, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
a proportional increase in the effect of a fac-
tor such as competition or predation, as the
density of the pest population also increa-
Alternatively, these organisms may belong ses (Fig. 3.22). A factor capable of density
to a higher trophic level and are known as dependence may be of great value in prevent-
natural enemies. These can be split into ing pest outbreaks or in reducing epidemic
three subgroups for convenience, the pred- numbers of pests to less damaging levels.
ators, the parasitoids and the pathogens. The efficiency of this density-dependent
Predators kill and eat their prey and include response at varying pest densities is of fun-
a wide range of free-living animals, from damental significance in the life of a pest,
vertebrates such as birds and mammals to and in particular to its outbreak dynamics.
invertebrates such as other insects. Para- It is important to distinguish between hypo-
sitoids are a much more specialized group theses that concern the role of natural ene-
of insects, where the whole larval stage of mies (known as ‘top-down’ regulation) and
the natural enemy is spent feeding either hypotheses that concern the role of host
externally or internally on the body of the plant quantity and quality via competition
host insect. The host (our pest) therefore (known as ‘bottom-up’ regulation) (see also
dies during one completed generation of Speight et al., 2008). Additionally, pop-
the parasitoid. This is distinct from the ulations may not respond immediately to
more normal lifestyle of a parasite, where changes in density and top-down or bot-
the enemy can undergo many generations tom-up factors, and a time lag may occur
in close association with the host without between cause and effect. This is termed
killing it, as is the case of fleas or tape- ‘delayed density dependence’ (Beckerman
worms. Finally, pathogens are defined best et al., 2002). Finally, there is still debate as to
by listing the major groups rather than by whether top-down regulation is predictably
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 69

more important in population dynamics become a limiting factor. Chapter 4 discusses

than bottom-up in certain habitats or ecosys- the importance of the host plant in the ecol-
tems (Hunter, 2001). So, we might suggest ogy of tropical forest insects in detail and so
that insect pests in tropical forests are only the basics of competitive interactions
always regulated by their food supply (our will be presented here.
forest trees) via intraspecific competition We can recognize two distinct types of
(see next section) and if this were the case, we competition, one between members of dif-
might also suggest that top-down regulation ferent species (interspecific competition)
(for instance, via the predatory or parasitic and the other between members of the
effects of natural enemies) might be ineffec- same species (intraspeciflc competition).
tive. Life is, of course, never that simple. Interspecific competition (also known as
‘interference’ competition) is the less read-
ily detectable of the two and is most often
3.3.2 Competition represented by its result in terms of niche
separation between two insect species.
One example involves leaf-cutter ants
Competition among herbivorous insects is
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Costa Rica.
mainly for food, though space may also
Two species, Acromyrmex coranatus and
Atta cephalotes (Plates 16 and 17), both
have small foraging workers (3.4 ± 1.4 and
Population A 3.3 ± 1.0 mg, respectively) (Wetterer, 1995)
30 Population B
Equilibrium density which cut leaves from small herbaceous
Number of insects

25 plants in the forest and return them to

20 the nest to provide a substrate for fungal
15 growth. Clearly, because these two species
10 feed on the same food resource and are the
same size, there would be a high likelihood
of interspecific competition. It is suggested
0 that this is avoided by little or no geo-
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time/number of generations graphical overlap between the two species
in the country.
Fig. 3.21. Variations in density of two hypothetical Intraspecific competition is much more
insect populations. of an everyday sort of event in the life of a

Intensity of factor increasing


Inverse density

Population density increasing

Fig. 3.22. Diagrammatic representation of three types of density dependence. ‘Intensity’ on the y-axis
implies a proportional change. Note that for population regulation to operate, the gradient of the line must
be positive.
70 Chapter 3

tropical forest insect. Food supply, whether (a) 5.5 Local scale
it be sap, seeds or leaves, is a finite resource
which can only support a maximum number 5.0

Log total egg load

of insect individuals, the carrying capacity
of which will be a function of quality of food 4.5
as well as quantity. Thus, if a fixed amount
of leaf material is of low nutritional status, 4.0
then it will support fewer individuals of
herbivores than it would if the quality were
higher. Therefore, as insect density increases, 3.0
during, for example, a pest outbreak, there
will be little food to go around and all poten- (b) 5.5 Lower trunk scale
tial consumers are likely to suffer via reduced
growth rates, lower fecundities or starvation. 5.0

Log total egg load

This is termed ‘resource limitation’ (see also
Chapter 4). 4.5
Such is the case with bagworm moths
(Lepidoptera: Psychidae). A high density of 4.0
larvae on one host plant is known to reduce
the ‘performance’ of each individual insect
(Rhainds et al., 2009). This performance
may be manifested in terms of larval growth
rate, mortality, in the final size of each pupa (c) 5.5 Total tree scale
or adult female, which in turn is linked
directly to female fecundity or the rate of 5.0
Log total egg load

dispersal from a high-density population

(Strevens and Bonsall, 2011). Scale insects 4.5
are sap-feeding pests of many forest trees and
agricultural and horticultural crops common 4.0
in both temperate and tropical regions of the
world. Sooty beech scale, Ultracoelostoma 3.5
assimile (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), attacks
Nothofagus fusca, a tree species native to 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
New Zealand, by feeding on the sap beneath
Scale insect density (m–2)
the bark (Wardhaugh and Didham, 2005).
The fecundity of beech scale declines as Fig. 3.23. Relationship between log10 total egg
their density increases, and this density- load and (a) local (10 × 10 cm2) density; (b) lower
dependent response appears not just in a trunk density (± SE); and (c) total tree density (± SE)
small patch of bark but over various spatial (from Wardhaugh and Didham, 2005, courtesy
scales up to and including the whole tree Wiley-Blackwell).
(Fig. 3.23). The authors point out that the
intraspecific competition between feeding
scale insects increases with spatial scale, with attack (pest) density and the egg-
suggesting that these insects affect the sap to-adult mortality increased exponentially
content of a wide area of the host tree, not just as the attack density increased, all else
in the local area of trunk where they are being equal. The exponential relationships
feeding. In a different example, this time from were attributed to intraspecific competition
China, outbreaks of the bark beetle, I. cembrae between female adult parents for breeding
(Coleoptera: Scolytinae), were investigated space and between larvae for limited food
by Zhang et al. (1992). Here, the number of resources.
egg niches and adult offspring produced In general terms, then, it is easy to
per maternal gallery declined exponentially imagine that outbreaks of forest insects are
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 71

typified by reductions in the food resource, the pest drives the natural enemy dynamics
leaves, sap or bark, as the case may be. This or vice versa.
reduction, or in fact complete disappear- Perhaps the most fundamental problem
ance on occasion, results in very significant concerning natural enemies such as preda-
reductions in pest numbers in subsequent tors and parasitoids is that they may be less
generations, either by reducing survival or efficient at dealing with high numbers of
fecundity or by initiating migration to past- prey or host items in a given time. Figure 3.25
ures new. This bottom-up resource limita- illustrates a basic functional response shown
tion has to be borne in mind when reviewing by a parasitoid of the red gum psyllid, Glyca-
the likely efficiency of top-down natural spis brimblecombei (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
enemy regulation. (Plates 31 and 32) (Ferreira Filho et al., 2008).
The graph shows that although mortality to
the pest increases for a while, the response
3.3.3 Natural enemies asymptotes, whereupon no more hosts can
be dealt with no matter how high their pop-
As mentioned above, natural enemies that ulation density reaches. The major problem
may have potential in biological control in is lumped together under the heading of
tropical forestry fall into three basic catego- handling time, which is a combination
ries. Predators, from birds and mammals to of various functions that the parasitoid or
spiders and other insects, search for their predator has to perform in dealing with its
prey and eat it. Parasitoids are a special type enemy. So, for a predator, it has to seek out
of parasite; in fact, they appear to be a half- its prey wherever it may be located (search
way house between true parasites and pred- efficiency), it then has to subdue or kill it
ators because they consume their host, in (attack rate), eat it and then digest it. A parasi-
this case the pest insect, and complete the toid, on the other hand, while still having to
entire generation of themselves on or in one find its host, merely has to lay an egg in or
pest item. They are comprised mainly of on the pest once it has been subdued. In the
Hymenoptera (parasitic wasps) and Diptera final analysis, we have to discover whether
(parasitic flies). Finally, we have the patho- or not a functional response and its equiva-
gens, or disease-causing organisms, which lent numerical response (where more ene-
in tropical forestry at least consist mainly of mies invade denser patches of pests) is in
viruses, protozoa, bacteria, fungi and nema- fact a density-dependent process. In theory,
todes. The likely efficiency of each of these as can be seen from Fig. 3.26 (Prasad et al.,
groups has to be considered in the light of 2002), when the relationship between defo-
the pest’s population dynamics, as mentioned liators of D. sissoo and their percentage
above. It is common to observe fluctuations parasitism is plotted against one another,
or oscillations in natural enemy density in only part of the response (i.e. the section at
some way linked to similar fluctuations in low to medium pest density) performs in
that of the pest, as exemplified in Fig. 3.24. a density-dependent fashion. The crucial
Dalbergia sissoo is a major timber tree in point is that beyond a certain pest density
parts of India such as Punjab, but it can be (around ten in this example), the response
heavily defoliated by various moth larvae, becomes density independent, and there-
including Plecoptera reflexa (Lepidoptera: fore non-regulatory. The key to successful
Noctuidae). As the figure shows, pest densi- biological control (see Chapter 8) is therefore
ties fluctuate, probably seasonal (see earlier either to ensure that pest densities never
in this chapter), and these fluctuations appear exceed the level where density-dependent
to be mimicked by the numbers of the pest regulation breaks down or, if they do, to
larvae parasitized by various hymenopteran use other mechanisms to reduce the density
parasitoids (Prasad et al., 2002). There is a again to a level where biological control can
tendency for peak parasitism levels to occur take over.
either at the peak of the pest numbers, or in One real-world example which exem-
fact slightly later. What is not clear is whether plifies these problems involves the notorious
72 Chapter 3

20 20

18 Pest 18

16 16

14 14
Number of pests

Parasitism (%)
12 12

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Month from start

Fig. 3.24. Variations in numbers of noctuid moth larvae, Plecoptera reflexa, on Dalbergia sissoo trees
in India, with percentage parasitism by hymenopteran parasitoids over 28 months (data from Prasad
et al., 2002, courtesy Indian Forester).

45 20
Mean parasitoid density

Parasitoids per month (%)

40 18
35 16
30 14
25 12
20 10
15 8
10 6
5 4
0 2
0 50 100 150 200 250 0
Mean psyllid density 0 5 10 15 20
Number of pests per month
Fig 3.25. Numbers of red gum psyllid, Glycaspis
brimblecombei, in relation to numbers of the Fig. 3.26. Numbers of noctuid moth larvae,
psyllid-specific parasitoid, Psylleaphagus bliteus, Plecoptera reflexa, on Dalbergia sissoo trees in
on Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Brazil (data from India, plotted against percentage parasitism by
Ferreira Filho et al., 2008). hymenopteran parasitoids (data from Prasad et al.,

leucaena psyllid, H. cubana (Hemiptera: including spiders (Aranaea), beetles (Cole-

Psyllidae) (Plate 33), an extremely serious optera) and bugs (Hemiptera) (Barrion et al.,
pest of the multi-purpose tree, Leucaena leuco- 1987). Curinus coeruleus (Coleoptera: Cocci-
cephala, in many parts of the tropical world nellidae) is a ladybird predator of the psyl-
(see Chapter 5). Much work has been carried lid with which attempts have been made
out on the potential of natural enemies to to reduce pest problems. The ability of
regulate this pest. In the Philippines, some C. coeruleus to eat H. cubana nymphs is
15 indigenous predators were identified, illustrated by the functional response curves
Abiotic and Biotic Effects 73

50 100
45 90
40 80

Prey consumed (%)

Prey consumed
35 70
30 60
25 50
20 40
15 30
10 Psyllids eaten 20
Eaten (%)
5 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Prey available

Fig. 3.27. Functional response curve for the ladybird Curinus coeruleus on late instar nymphs of leucaena
psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana (data from da Silva et al., 1992).

in Fig. 3.27. This functional response begins to A. koa forests in Hawaii (Haines et al.,
to asymptote at around a prey density of 2009) which suffers outbreaks occasionally
50–60, with a maximum consumption of 40 but with no sign of native parasitoids. In
or so nymphs every 24 h (da Silva et al., contrast, pathogen-caused diseases are com-
1992). Thus, maximum mortalities appear monplace. Indeed, there is much less contro-
to lie in the range of 50–70% but, as the versy about the potential of pathogens such
figure shows, percentage mortality plots as viruses in forest pest epidemics. These
decline as pest density increases, indicating agents are true ‘plague’ organisms, which
a lack of a density-dependent relationship spread through a population of susceptible
required for regulation in biological control. hosts most efficiently at very high host
The role of the host plant is also important. densities. Their abilities to regulate are not
Species with wider pinnules show less prey limited to less than epidemic situations. To
consumption at any given prey density than give but two examples here from tropical
those with narrow pinnules. Significantly, or subtropical countries, the major mor-
in this experiment the wide-pinnuled spe- tality factor for the defoliating bagworm,
cies was L. leucocephala, the most widely Malacosoma incurvum (Lepidoptera: Lasio-
planted and the least resistant (see Chapter 6). campidae), was found to be a nuclear poly-
The narrow-pinnuled species, L. diversifolia, hedrosis virus (NPV) in Mexico (Filip and
is much less susceptible to the psyllid. It Dirzo, 1985), while up to 100% of larvae of
appears that psyllid nymphs on wide pin- the Asian gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar
nules are able to evade predators by moving (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), were killed by
to the opposite side. In fact, the ladybirds another NPV in Korea (Pemberton et al., 1993).
only find their prey by bumping into them Entomopathogenic fungi are predicted to
in a random fashion, which is a more suc- have particular utility on tropical crops in
cessful strategy on narrower pinnules since years to come (Li et al., 2010), while bacte-
the psyllids have fewer places to go to avoid ria such as Bacillus thuringiensis are used
being found. However, not all natural enemies extensively as pest control agents in many
are inefficient in this way. parts of the tropics (see Chapter 8).
On many occasions, tropical forest In summary, the actions of predators
insects show little or no evidence of sig- and parasitoids would seem to be limited to
nificant natural predation or parasitism. low or medium host densities, while patho-
The koa moth, Scotorythra paludicola (Lepi- gens alone have potential for the suppression
doptera: Geometridae), is a species endemic of certain high-density pests. The potential
74 Chapter 3

importance of food supply must also be abiotic factors such as climate are unable
considered, which, as we have already men- to act in a density-dependent way and are
tioned, is likely to be of fundamental sig- hence incapable of being regulatory, though
nificance via intraspecific competition and they may well influence the survival, growth
resource limitation (see also Chapter 4). It is rates and general efficiencies of pests and
also worth reiterating at this point that all enemies alike.
Insect–Host Tree Interactions

4.1 Introduction tree that influences insect associations but

also the quantity and quality of the physical
If insects did not use trees as a source of and chemical nature of the host.
food, the topic of forest pest management
would not exist. Similarly, if trees did not
evolve mechanisms in attempts to prevent
themselves from being eaten, then insects 4.2 Host Nutrients
might become so abundant as to be unstop-
pable. The quantity and quality of food Basically, animals may be considered as
which trees provide for insects vary enor- nitrogen-based life forms; a great deal of our
mously according to many factors such as tissues is made up of proteins, and poly-
the age of the tree, site, genetics and so on. peptides and amino acids circulate in our
Evolution via natural selection has come up bloodstreams in relatively high concentra-
with relationships between trees and insects tions. In addition, our major excretory prod-
that eat them whereby, in natural communi- ucts, whether urea, uric acid or ammonia,
ties, neither participant suffers permanent are all nitrogen based. In essence, we are
depletion or excessive damage. It is there- demanding and wasteful consumers of
fore very important to understand how grow- organic nitrogen. In contrast, a plant such as
ing trees away from their natural situations, a tree is composed primarily of cellulose
regions or ecologies may alter the food and/ and its relatives; they are carbon-based life
or defences produced by the trees and the forms. If plants really can be said to excrete
abilities of insects to use them. We may then anything, then it is carbon dioxide, again a
be able to manipulate our silvicultural prac- compound based on carbon. If viewed sim-
tices so that trees no longer provide high- plistically, therefore, it is clear that plants
quality food for insects; this is the basis of are extremely unsuitable as food for ani-
vigour promotion and tree resistance. Bigger mals. Insects and humans alike should feed
(taller) trees support both a greater abundance on other animals in order to gain the right
of herbivorous insects and a higher species quantities of the most essential nutrients
richness (da Costa et al., 2011) by virtue of with the least waste and energy expendi-
their complex ‘architecture’. However, it is ture. Any animal that does feed on a plant
not simply the amount of living space or the has to accept that this is a suboptimal diet
number of niches available on a particular and should evolve strategies to make the

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 75
76 Chapter 4

most of a poor resource, in particular the dealing with the particular morphology and
crucial lack of plant organic nitrogen. chemistry of their specific hosts with which
Figure 4.1 presents an approximate sum- they would have co-evolved (see later). In both
mary of the composition of various plant types of lepidopteran, growth was faster on
tissues in terms of dry weight (DW) total young rather than old leaves, which may be
nitrogen (Mattson, 1980). A figure for animals linked to the lack of physical or chemical
(including insects) is also presented for defences (see below) and higher nutrient lev-
comparison. Notice also from the figure that els in young foliage.
some parts of a tree are much worse than
others when it comes to sources of nitrogen.
Seeds and fruit are relatively rich in this Specialists
limiting resource, whereas wood and espe- 0.8
cially sap are very deficient indeed.
An added complication involves the type

Caterpillar relative growth rate (g/g/day)

of nitrogenous compound provided by plants
as food for insects. Plants can contain many 0.4
different nitrogenous compounds, from pro-
teins to amino acids, and the presence, absence 0.2
or balance of essential compounds may be
more important to a particular insect than the
gross levels. It is not very surprising, therefore, 0.30
to find that insects are able to respond to
changes in host plant organic nitrogen levels
and to maximize their growth rates or reproduc- 0.20
tive potentials accordingly. Figure 4.2 illustrates
the results of one investigation into the relation- 0.15
ships between plant nitrogen and insect per- 0.10
formance. Coley et al. (2006) studied the
growth rates of 85 species of Lepidoptera in 0.05
1 2 3 4 5
Panama and related this to the levels of nitro-
Leaf nitrogen (%)
gen on host plant leaves (Fig. 4.2). Specialist
species (those with a small host plant range) Fig. 4.2. Effects of leaf nitrogen content on relative
grew faster than generalists (those with a broad growth rates (g/g/day) of lepidopteran larvae
host range), linked to their higher efficiency at (from Coley et al., 2006, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

Xylem sap

Phloem sap
Gymnosperm leaves
Bark cambium
Angiosperm leaves


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

DW nitrogen (%)

Fig. 4.1. Approximate nitrogen content (per cent dry weight) of various plant tissues compared with that
of animals (from Mattson, 1980, redrawn with permission Annual Reviews Inc).
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 77

As might be expected, therefore, new, of water by increasing the concentrations

young leaves are preferred as food by of soluble (organic) nitrogen in their leaves
insects rather than older leaves, and Fig. (Fig. 4.4), though the opposite effect, that
4.3 shows more details of why this may be of waterlogging, did not have so much of an
so. Ouratea is a genus of South American influence. As might now be expected, the
evergreen tree, used for timber and medici- digestive efficiency and growth rate of
nal oils. Kursar and Coley (2003) looked at the insects feeding on the trees reflected the
the variation in the nitrogen content of increased soluble nitrogen content of the
leaves of this tree, again in Panama, as they water-deficient trees. This is one example of
matured. Young, expanding leaves clearly many to which we will return in Section 4.4,
have higher levels of nitrogen than older when the links between tree stress and insect
ones and this leaf nitrogen then declines attack are discussed in detail.
markedly after full expansion is obtained. Insects seem able to distinguish the levels
Note that not only are young leaves a better of nutrient chemicals in their host plants, and
source of nutrients for insect herbivores respond accordingly. Figure 4.5 shows how
but also that they are significantly less leaf-cutter ants, Atta laevigata (Hymenoptera:
tough, and thus much more palatable and Formicidiae), in Brazil selectively harvest
easier to eat. foliage from plants with significantly higher
Host tree nitrogen levels can often be levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
influenced by certain forest management than the random average in the forest (Mundim
practices. Watering and fertilizing of trees et al., 2009). Soil improvement using ferti-
are, of course, merely anthropogenic varia- lizers is an artificial way of altering the levels
tions on natural events (rain and nutrient of nitrogen and other nutrient chemicals in
cycling), but their experimental manipula- plants, and hence the performance of her-
tion provides useful insights into how these bivorous insects. It must be remembered,
basic external factors can alter the nutritional of course, that plants are unable to take up
status of trees for insect herbivores and organic compounds from soil and water into
also how forest management, starting in the their root systems and beyond, and the rela-
nursery and continuing after planting, may tionships between inorganic soil nutrients
influence pest impact. In 1991, Thomas and such as nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium
Hodkinson studied the effects of different (NPK) and the levels of organic, soluble,
watering regimes on birch (Betula pendula) nutrient nitrogen in plant tissues are not
and defoliating lepidopteran larvae which fed necessarily clear-cut or predictable. However,
on the trees (Thomas and Hodkinson, 1991). a simple case involves a species of Eucalyp-
In general, the trees responded to a shortage tus in New South Wales, Australia. Young

0.8 600 500 60

Chlorophyll (mg/m2)

Herbivory (cm2/d)

Nitrogen (g/g/dw)

0.6 400
Toughness (g)

400 40
0.4 300
300 30
0.2 200 20
100 100 10
0 0 0

–40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80

Age (days) Age (days)

Fig. 4.3. Rate of leaf damage, leaf toughness (solid circles), nitrogen (solid triangles) and chlorophyll content
(open circles) for Ouratea spp. in Panama. Age zero is the day on which leaves reach full size (from Kursar
and Coley, 2003, courtesy Elsevier).
78 Chapter 4

Water excess (pots

maintained close to

Water adequate (pots

watered twice
per week)

Water low (pots

watered to capacity
every 2 weeks)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Soluble nitrogen (%)

Fig. 4.4. Influence of watering regime on soluble nitrogen levels (± SE) in leaves of birch (from Thomas
and Hodkinson, 1991, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

24 b 1.0 10
0.8 b 8
a a
N (g/kg)

P (g/kg)

0.6 6
K (g/kg)
0.4 4
0.2 2
0 0.0 0
Available Harvested Available Harvested Available Harvested

Fig. 4.5. Leaf content of three nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) comparing general nutrient
levels in random leaves, with those leaves chosen to be harvested by leaf-cutter ants, Atta laevigata (from
Mundim et al., 2009, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

eucalypts are fed upon by a whole range of 2010). Such associations are complex and
insects, including leaf beetles (Coleoptera: may also involve tree defences and vigour,
Chrysomelidae), scarab beetles (Coleoptera: topics we shall address later in this chapter.
Scarabaeidae), sawfly (Hymenoptera: Sym-
phyta) larvae and scale insects (Hemiptera:
Coccidae) (Fox and Morrow, 1992; Elliott 4.3 Host Defences
et al., 1998). Beginning in 1979, 2 m tall trees
were treated with various types of slow-release Trees do not take the depredations of insect
fertilizers each year and then leaves were herbivores ‘lying down’. Throughout the co-
collected from experimental trees and ana- evolution of insects and trees, mechanisms
lysed for nutrient content. Both organic nitro- have appeared to prevent, or at least deter,
gen and phosphorus increased after the soil the exploitation of tree material by insects.
in which the trees were growing was treated These defence systems may involve physical
with NPK (Fox and Morrow, 1992), thus pro- factors, chemical factors or combinations
viding the numerous defoliating insects with of both, a classic example being the bark of
higher levels of organic nutrients. We might conifers. Franceschi et al. (2005) suggest four
predict, therefore, that the type of soil in which phases in the defence systems of external
trees are growing should have an important plant surfaces such as bark which act sequen-
influence on levels of insect herbivory via tially when the earlier system fails to protect
altering host plant nutrients (Sevillano et al., the tree. These phases are (i) a defence that
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 79

repels or inhibits successful attack by insects or and defoliators alike and some herbivorous
other pests, (ii) the killing or compartmentalizing insects, especially the smaller individuals,
of the pest, (iii) the sealing and repairing of may be deterred from feeding by hairs or tri-
damage caused by successful pests and (iv) chomes on leaf or stem surfaces. Many trees
the acquisition of a defence system should support hairy or spiny leaves and though
future attacks occur. At all these stages, a some hairs may have evolved to help with
mixture of mechanisms can be involved and, moisture retention and spines to prevent
for convenience only, we present a brief review large mammals from eating leaves, insects
of each type separately. also may be affected. A lot of evidence sug-
gests that leaf trichomes are very effective at
reducing pest densities, and/or the damage
4.3.1 Physical defences done by them, in agricultural crops such as
potatoes (Kaplan et al., 2009), though there
We have mentioned already how leaves are fewer such examples from tropical trees.
become tougher as they grow. Leaf toughness However, Nahrung et al. (2009) studied her-
is a simple physical defence against chewing bivory levels on the hardwood tree Corymbia
which relies on the fact that insect defolia- citriodora in Queensland caused by the
tors, especially small ones, are unable to feed leaf beetle Paropsis atomaria (Coleoptera:
on or digest tough plant material. Grasshoppers Chrysomelidae) and compared these levels
(Orthoptera: Acrididae) are universal chewers with two other Corymbia genotypes with
of many forest trees and can be particularly differing amounts of trichomes on their
troublesome in tropical nurseries, for exam- leaves, as well as varying plant chemistries.
ple. Locusts such as Chortoicetes terminif- In Fig. 4.6, it can be seen that C. citriodora
era, for example, show reduced growth rates (CCV), which is the pest’s preferred host, has
and longer development times when fed on glabrous (no trichomes) leaves, whereas the
tough versus tender leaves (Clissold et al., hybrid (CT × CCV) and non-host C. torelliana
2009), while in Paraguay, grasshoppers in (CT) both have hirsute leaves with many
the genus Baeacris (Plate 126) (Orthoptera: trichomes. Another similar example comes
Acrididae) have caused considerable losses from India, where Jacob and Balu (2007)
to very young (3-month-old) Eucalyptus gran- looked at resistance between teak clones to
dis transplants, chewing away the young red/ the teak defoliating caterpillar, Hyblaea puera
green bark, girdling the trees and causing (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). Table 4.1 clearly
them to fall and die (Plate 125). Slightly older shows that herbivory levels are much higher
transplants which have been held back on the leaves without trichomes and though
longer in the nursery and have tougher, more this is but one of several physical and chemi-
mature grey bark appear to be untouched cal differences between host and non-host
by the small grasshoppers (see Chapter 10). trees, possessing physical structures such
Tough leaves can be thought of as possessing as trichomes is likely to contribute to tree
physical strength in terms of resistance to defences against insect herbivores.
tearing and shearing (Peeters et al., 2007), Certainly in the case of the notorious
and herein lies the problem faced by chew- leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana
ing insects who have to overcome this resist- (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) (see Chapter 5), an
ance mechanically. Smaller or less powerful almost worldwide pest of the multi-purpose
insects may find the task impossible. tree Leucaena leucocephala, plants with
Leaf or bark toughness does not appear hairy surfaces to their leaves were only
to deter many sap feeders; some actually use found among the resistant varieties of the
stomata anyway to gain entry for their pierc- tree in Indonesia (Suhendi, 1990). Hairs
ing mouthparts into the vessels, and once may, in fact, combine physical defences
the leaf surface has been penetrated, other with chemical ones; certain tree species in
defence systems need to be employed by the the genus Arbutus from Mexico have glandu-
plant. However, other physical defences may lar hairs on their leaves which are secretory
be employed by plants to defeat sap feeders (Becerra and Ezcurra, 1986). Other species
80 Chapter 4

350 140
Leaf area
300 120
Number of
250 100

Mean number trichomes

Mean foliage eaten

200 80

150 60

100 40

50 20

0 0

Fig. 4.6. Mean (± SE) amount of foliage eaten by one male/female pair of adult Paropsis atomaria, with the
mean (± SE) number of leaf trichomes, on each of three Corymbia genotypes. CCV = Corymbia citriodora;
CT × CCV = artificially created hybrid between CCV and CT; CT = Corymbia torelliana (data from Nahrung
et al., 2009).

Table 4.1. Trichome type and density on teak clone leaves in relation to levels of defoliation by Hyblaea
puera larvae (from Jacob and Balu, 2007).

No. trichomes/ No.

cm2 upper trichomes/cm2
Category Clone surface lower surface Comments

Most APKKR-4 180 ± 10.4 240 ± 14.2 Very few diffused type of upper cuticular
susceptible thickenings; no spines; isolated,
multicellular long hairs on lower
Moderately BHA-30 600 ± 29.9 200 ± 8.8 Diffused type of upper cuticular
susceptible thickenings; no spines; isolated,
multicellular long hairs on lower
Non-attacked/ MYSA-3 1075 ± 63.4 5500 ± 302.5 Numerous convex projections topped
resistant APKKA-1 825 ± 48.7 5460 ± 322.1 with a single pointed hard trichome
APAKB-1 1000 ± 48.9 5550 ± 327.4 (Type I), numerous sharp spines
APNBB-1 800 ± 47.2 5520 ± 269.9 (Type II) and blunt spines (Type III)
on the upper surface; high density
of soft, long and short trichomes on
the lower surface
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 81

of Arbutus have hairs with no secretory (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and many other bor-
properties, while a third group have no ers too, are known as secondary tree pests in
hairs at all. Field surveys in Mexico on the that they can only gain entry to the stems of
damage caused by the butterfly Eucheira weakened trees through reduced resin pres-
socialis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) revealed that sure or sap flow. In fact, only a handful of
damage was greatest on trees with no hairs at the 7500 or so species of bark and ambrosia
all, intermediate on trees with simple hairs beetles worldwide are aggressive (i.e. they
and least on those with glandular hairs. are capable of overwhelming the defences
The problem of leaf toughness and hairi- of healthy trees) (Krokene, 1994). The vital
ness can be overcome, though this process links between tree vigour and insect attack
involves a somewhat extreme set of adap- are discussed in detail in Section 4.4 and
tations. Most leaf toughness is a feature of again in Chapter 6.
leaf epidermises and, as we have seen, has
evolved as a simple but often effective
defence mechanism to avoid being eaten. 4.3.2 Chemical defences
The section of leaf sandwiched between
the upper and lower epidermises of a nor- Nutrients are not the only chemicals to be
mal leaf, the parenchyma, is much less well found in plant tissues such as leaves or sap.
defended and is much more palatable to In addition, there are many other com-
insects if they are able to utilize it. Such insects pounds which appear not to be essential for
are called leaf miners, and many moths plant growth; these chemicals are known as
(Lepidoptera), beetles (Coleoptera) and flies secondary metabolites, which rather than
(Diptera) have larvae that tunnel in leaf paren- being beneficial to insects, may deter or
chyma (Sinclair and Hughes, 2008). even poison them. A vast array of such com-
A final type of physical defence in trees pounds can be found in plants, from alka-
which is frequently accompanied by chemicals loids such as nicotine and morphine through
is that of sap or resin pressure in main stems to the highly toxic cyanogenic glycosides to
and shoots. A healthy, vigorous tree has a phenolics such as tannin, the latter group
continuous transpiration stream flowing from probably being the most important in influ-
the roots to the canopy, which provides a encing herbivory (Eichhorn et al., 2007). It
simple physical defence whereby any hole is not always clear whether these com-
made in the stem will result in copious flows pounds have evolved directly to defend the
of sap or resin under an internal positive plant against herbivores or are merely meta-
pressure. Attempts by young larvae of long- bolic by-products that have taken up a later
icorn or jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Ceramby- role as toxins or deterrents. Whatever the
cidae/Buprestidae) or small adults of bark origins of these metabolites, it is well known
or ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae/ that many specialist insects have overcome
Platypodinae) to tunnel against this flow the chemical barriers erected by them, and not
will result in their being repulsed, or even only are the insects now able to feed suc-
drowned. Indeed, the phenomenon of insects cessfully on the previously defended trees
fossilized in amber arises from resin exuda- but also in many cases they have turned the
tions of various conifer species which trap plant chemicals to their own advantage,
unwary insects and preserve them for mil- using them as host recognition cues or feed-
lions of years. If the sap or resin exudations ing stimulants. A few insect species even
also contain toxins such as terpenes, the store (sequester) plant poisons in their bod-
effect is even more successful. However, ies and advertise the fact that they are now
any reduction in the pressure of this system toxic to their own predators using warning,
will allow insects to attack bark and shoots. aposomatic colourations.
Such reductions may arise from defoliation, One famous plant secondary metabo-
pathogen attack, arid soil conditions or the lite comes from the neem tree, Azadirachta
simple but effective system of felling the indica, and, not surprisingly, is called azadira-
tree. In general terms then, bark beetles chtin. This compound belongs to a group of
82 Chapter 4

chemicals called limonoids, for which a wide various species of Leucaena by grinding up
range of biological activity has been recorded. leaf material in the solvent hexane. Female
One claim to fame of azadirachtin is as an psyllids were then given choices of extracts
insecticide or antifeedant, and a very large from different tree species, but always
number of trials have been carried out responded most strongly and positively to
against a myriad of insect pests all over the extracts from L. leucocephala, the highly sus-
world, though most have little commercial ceptible (and the most widely planted) spe-
value. It is somewhat ironic, therefore, to cies. Not all forest pests have very small
realize that neem trees in parts of the Sahelian host tree ranges, however. The autumn gum
region of Africa are suffering severe dieback moth, Mnesampela privata (Lepidoptera:
and death as a result of heavy attack by Geometridae), feeds on at least 40 species
various sap feeders, in particular the scale of Eucalyptus and one of Corymbia (Stein-
insect Aonidiella orientalis (Hemiptera: bauer and Matsuki, 2004), though its degree of
Diaspididae) (Boa, 1995). success measured in growth rates and final
Some of these chemicals are now used pupal weights varies considerably between
by herbivorous insects as recognition stimuli tree species. These authors extracted oils from
for their particular and specific host plants; a variety of Eucalyptus species and plotted their
without the presence of this sort of compound concentration against the final dry weight of
in their diets, some insects simply will not gum moth pupae feeding on each tree spe-
feed, despite the fact that the food is perfectly cies (Fig. 4.7). Though only a small subset of
nutritious (as well as any plant ever can be). the total eucalypt species utilized by the pest,
This process is frequently the basis for host it is fairly clear that as leaf oil concentrations
plant specializations exhibited by forest insects increase, so the weight of pupae decreases.
the world over. That host plant recognition is We have seen earlier in the book that pupal
determined at least partly by plant chemicals weights frequently are related closely and
is shown by experiments carried out on the directly to adult fecundity and offspring via-
olfactory discrimination of the leucaena psyl- bility, so leaf chemistry may well have a very
lid, H. cubana (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) (Plate important influence on insect success.
32). In the Philippines, Lapis and Borden As mentioned earlier, leaf miners are a
(1993) prepared chemical extracts of leaves of special type of insect herbivore that tunnel

Cor leu2
Mean dry weight of pupae (mg)




y = −0.365x + 6546, r 2 = 85.2% cin
F1.4 = 24.08, P = 0.016
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Total oil content (mg/g dry weight)

Fig. 4.7. Mean weight of autumn gum moth pupae in relation to total oil content of the leaves of various
Eucalyptus and Corymbia species on which they fed. Cor = C. eximia, leu2 = E. leucoxylon; vim = E. viminalis;
nit = E. nitens; cin = E. cinerea (from Steinbauer and Matsuki, 2004, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 83

between epidermises, where they should and saplings should be better defended than
be relatively protected from environmen- mature trees (Junker et al., 2008). However,
tal extremes, enemies and both physical examples from the field can be more complex
and chemical defences located in or on the than this. In Papua New Guinea, for example,
external surfaces of leaves. So, chemical a distinct age effect was noted with insect
defences such as phenols may or may not attack on hoop pine, Araucaria cunning-
relate to leaf miner activity. Sinclair and hamii, as follows: (i) the branchlet mining
Hughes (2008) studied the occurrence of a scolytine beetle, Hylurdrectonus araucariae
large number of leaf-mining insects in (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), severely infests
Australian Myrtaceae tree species and dis- those trees aged between 3 and 15 years, but
covered, rather counter-intuitively, that leaf not those in other age classes; (ii) trees in
phenol concentration was marginally higher age classes 7–12 years are most susceptible
in species attacked by leaf miners (Fig. 4.8). to heavy attack by the weevil Vanapa
If phenols were acting as direct defences oberthur (Coleoptera: Curculionidae); (iii)
against the miners, then the reverse finding the defoliator Milionia isodoxa (Lepidop-
would have been expected, and it was likely tera: Geometridae) most severely attacks trees
that phenols in this case might be effective aged between 5 and 13 years; and (iv) hoop
in reducing leaf attack by other herbivores, pine trees older than 21 years appear more
especially those feeding externally rather resistant to fatal injury by the termite Copto-
than internally, who might compete with or termes elisae (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
even destroy leaf miners. Thicker leaves (Wylie, 1982b). Explanations for this vary; the
were also shown to be mined less frequently, case where insects attack the foliage may relate
which might be associated with extra epi- to changes in the physiochemical character-
dermal thickness rather than any extra space istics of the branchlets as the tree matures.
for leaf miners to inhabit. In the case of stem borer attack, the tree’s
Levels of defences in plant material do physical size and bark characteristics may
not remain constant any more than do nutri- be important. Older trees can sustain, with-
ents, and defences can change considerably out damage, a level of insect infestation that
as trees get older (Barton and Koricheva, 2010). would deform or kill younger trees.
Tannins, for example, build up quickly in
leaves of eucalypts and oaks as the leaves
grow and expand; only the youngest leaves 4.3.3 Induced defences
are therefore devoid of protection from this
source. In general, it appears that young A great deal of interest has focused on
leaves should be better defended against at changes in tree defences as a result of insect
least generalist herbivores than old leaves, attack. This process is known as ‘induced
Phenol absorbance (mg/g dw)

(a) (b)
Lamina thickness (mm)


P < 0.0005 P = 0.02




Unmined Mined Unmined Mined

Fig. 4.8. Boxplots showing (a) leaf lamina thickness and (b) phenol concentration in Myrtaceae leaves for
mined and unmined groups of trees (from Sinclair and Hughes, 2008, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
84 Chapter 4

defence’ and has important consequences the host tree, Bursera simaruba, defoliated by
for pest management in that pest outbreaks the ants increased, its palatability decreased.
may decline on their own, without inter- In this case, it was not clear whether feeding
vention from foresters or entomologists, as pressure was causing chemical defences to
a result of the tree becoming less palatable increase in leaves. Indeed, it may be that
or more toxic as attacks proceed. These induced changes in plant chemistry may only
induced defences are likely to depend on rarely be the immediate cause of ant aban-
the intensity of initial herbivore damage donment of plants, but in a forest habitat these
(Utsumi et al., 2009). changes are thought to add to the existing
One example of an assumed induced variation in food quality among the trees.
defence system can be seen in the case of Changes of this nature in plant chemis-
leaf-cutting ants. The genus Atta contains a try as a result of insect feeding have been
large number of species of ant which can, on demonstrated in tropical trees in Mexico by
occasion, remove extremely large quantities Pascual-Alvarado et al. (2008). They studied
of plant material from tropical forests, both the changes in leaf chemistry in a variety of
natural and plantation, in Central America dry forest tree species after attacks by gall-
and parts of South America (Plates 16 and 17). forming insects (Fig. 4.9.). In all but one
Leaf material is cut from leaves in a typical case, galling resulted in significant increases
half-moon pattern and returned to the ant in total leaf phenolics. The potential conse-
colony, where it is used as a mulch for the quences for tropical forest insect pests of these
growth of exosymbiotic fungal gardens by the variations in tree nutrients and defences need
ants. Howard (1990) looked at Atta colom- to be considered when we try to explain the
bica in a deciduous forest in Panama and dis- reasons for outbreaks.
covered that leaf-cutting ants abandoned their In reality, tree nutrients combine with
host plants long before they had defoliated tree defences as a double-action attempt in
them completely. As the amount of canopy of co-evolutionary terms to reduce damage by

Ruprechtia fusca

Guettarda elliptica

Guopira macrocarpa

Total leaf phenols (mg/g) ungalled

Cordia alliodora Total leaf phenols (mg/g) galled

Achatocorpus gracilis

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Total phenol concentration

Fig. 4.9. Mean (± SE) total phenol concentrations in galled and ungalled leaves of five host plant species.
All but G. macrocarpa are significantly different at P < 0.001 level (data from Pascual-Alvaredo et al., 2008).
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 85

270 New leaves

240 Old leaves

Mean values (± SD)

30 *

Tannins Nitrogen Water
Leaf traits

Fig. 4.10. Mean values of tannins (mg/g dry weight), nitrogen (g/kg dry weight) and water content (%)
between new and old non-attacked leaves of Erythroxylum tortuosum in Brazil (from Ishino et al., 2011,
courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).

herbivores, especially to particularly vulner- different (though with one or two intriguing
able plant parts such as flowers and young trends), the number of live larvae was more
leaves. Leaves tend to have the highest nitrogen than double in trees on dry sites, with only
content, the most water and the lowest defences around 50% of the mortality rate observed
such as tannins (Fig. 4.10; Ishino et al., 2011), in wet sites. Leaf feeders can also be influ-
as well as being the softest and most easily enced by tree stress. The weevil Stereonychus
eaten by insect mouthparts. fraxini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) defoli-
ates ash trees and in an experiment, Foggo
et al. (1994) disturbed the roots of trial trees
4.4 Host Vigour and Stress by severing them with a spade. Leaf tough-
ness declined significantly and the area of
It is quite clear that any silvicultural activ- leaf eaten by weevils increased, also signifi-
ity which in some way promotes the levels cantly, in the root-damaged trees (Fig. 4.11).
of organic nitrogen and/or demotes the lev- There would appear to be a relationship
els of chemical or physical defences in tree between water levels and the success of insect
tissues is likely to benefit insect herbivores. pests attacking trees. This is the drought stress
One of the most fundamental silvicultural hypothesis, which suggests simply that, for
properties that can and often does operate some insects at least, plants subject to low
in this way is the general concept of the pro- water levels, drought-ridden in fact, are
motion of vigour in trees and the reduction more likely to be attacked and the pests,
of host plant stress. Table 4.2 shows the effects once established, will perform better. Water-
of attacks by the longhorn beetle Oncideres stressed trees appear to have higher levels
rhodosticta (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on of organic nitrogen of various forms in their
mesquite trees Prosopis glandulosa var. tissues, caused by heightened hydrolysis of
torreyana, in Mexico (Martínez et al., 2009). proteins (Seagraves et al., 2011), and it is
Both wet and dry sites were investigated this increase in plant nitrogen that favours
and the figure presents some of the differ- insect herbivores (see above). In addition,
ences between these sites 10 months after chronic water stress is able to reduce
branches were infested by the pest. Though defence systems such as resin production,
various parameters were not statistically as we have discussed earlier.
86 Chapter 4

Table 4.2. Characteristics of branches of Prosopis glandulosa and the pattern of occupation
and survival of larvae of the beetle Oncideres rhodosticta 10 months after attacks were initiated.
Means ± SE (from Martínez et al., 2009).

Variable Wet site Dry site p-value

Length of damaged branch (cm) 49 ± 3.2 43.5 ± 1.12 0.08

Diameter of damaged branch (mm) 8.8 ± 0.35 9.6 ± 0.6 0.08
Distance of first larval gallery from girdle (cm) 4.67 ± 0.9 5.71 ± 0.75 0.4
Distance between larval galleries (cm) 3.5 ± 0.4 4.7 ± 0.6 0.2
Larval gallery size (mm) 10.2 ± 1.23 12.4 ± 3.2 0.6
Larvae length (mm) 4.2 ± 0.9 4.5 ± 0.8 0.8
Total larvae per branch 6.5 ± 0.5 6.4 ± 0.8 0.8
Live larvae per branch 1.0 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 0.001
Dead larvae per branch 6.0 ± 0.05 3.2 ± 0.1 0.001
Proportion of dead larvae per branch 0.94 ± 0.02 0.71 ± 0.1 0.002

Area eaten Toughness

1600 170


Toughness (arbitrary units)

Area eaten (pixels)


600 140


0 120
Control Disturbed

Fig. 4.11. Leaf toughness and amount of leaf consumed by adult Stereonychus fraxini according to root
disturbance (from Foggo et al., 1994).

Root pruning is only one way of stressing dieback of Eucalyptus spp. in subtropical
a tree, but it does mimic a very widespread Australia. The indices took into account both
problem in tropical forestry, that of shortage overly wet and overly dry periods in a year.
of water and/or nutrients. The lack of tree Figure 4.12 depicts a running average of their
vigour as a result of water stress has been SI data for one area in Queensland, Australia.
implicated in numerous stories of tree die- Positive values of SI indicate increasingly
back and death in both tropical and temper- stressful conditions for trees, and it can be
ate regions. One of the first protagonists of easily seen that water stress is becoming more
the links between tree disorder, attacks by frequent and commonplace as the century
defoliating and bark- or wood-feeding insects progresses. The peak SI in the 1970s coincided
(and, incidentally, root-killing fungi) and with noticeable and increasing rates of Eucal-
climatically derived water stress was White yptus dieback in the region.
(1986), who invented the stress index (SI). The links therefore seem straightforward:
Wylie et al. (1993a) used these stress indices increasing water stress, either by water-
in their investigation into the causes of the logging or drought, reduces tree vigour and
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 87

Stress index

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Fig. 4.12. Climatic stress indices for Gundiah, Queensland, Australia. A positive or increasing value
indicates trees likely to suffer water stress (from Wylie et al., 1993a).

increases susceptibility to pests and diseases. be related to low vigour in the trees. Finally,
The moral is therefore equally clear – tropical cambium feeders such as bark and wood bor-
trees must be grown in a fashion that promotes ers (the latter spending at least a little time in
their vigour as much as possible – tree stress the cambium in the early stages) are, in the
must be avoided at all costs. main, unable to colonize healthy trees. They
This formula is undoubtedly sensible, are the true secondary pests and have to wait
and in most cases would reduce risk from for tree stress to increase before they can
pest attack. However, not everyone agrees begin to exploit the host. Even they decline
with the simple stress–pest hypothesis, and eventually; tree bark and wood becomes so
indeed there are quite a few examples where debilitated or dry that only a few insect groups
healthy trees seem to be attacked more heav- can still use it as food. One example of the
ily than less vigorous ones. None the less, links between drought-caused tree stress
we feel that Fig. 4.13 presents a framework comes from the semi-deserts of Jordan, where
in which to fit most of these rather variable a large number of Aleppo pine trees (Pinus
observations. Koricheva et al. (1998) sug- halepensis) have been debilitated severely
gest that the relationship between tree stress for several years by lack of rain and have now
and herbivore performance (which can be been invaded by bark beetles in the genus
equated with pest attack in most cases) Pityogenes (Plates 12 and 13). By the time this
varies depending on the type of insects. stage has been reached, it could be argued
Chewing insects (defoliators) respond rela- that the tree has left the realms of forestry
tively rarely to increasing stress or declin- anyway and become a wood product.
ing vigour in trees; their performance
declines as serious tree debilitation ensues,
probably as a result of serious reductions 4.5 Co-evolution of Insects
in foliar quality. Sap feeders, on the other and Tropical Forests
hand, do increase their performance on
stressed trees, up to a point, so that many Trees are not the easiest of food sources
observations of pest problems from aphids, for insects and so, over millions of years,
psyllids and coccids in tropical forests can herbivores have evolved a great variety of
RGR Fecundity
3 4
3 d++ = –0.170
d++ = 0.090
−0.373 ≤ δ ≤ 0.032
2 −0.100 ≤ δ ≤ 0.280 2

Effect size
n = 60
Effect size

n = 38 1
1 0
0 −2
−1 −4
−2 Reference number
Reference number

Chapter 4
3 6
Survival Colonization
2 5
4 d++ = –0.066
1 3 −0.268 ≤ δ ≤ 0.0399
0 2 n = 35

Effect size
Effect size

−1 1
d++ = –0.297 −1
−3 −1.217 ≤ δ ≤ 0.419 −2
−4 n = 17 −3
−5 −4
−6 −6
Reference number
Reference number

Fig. 4.13. Responses of various insect herbivore guilds to plant stress as reported in the published literature (± 95% confidence limits). Stress in the host plant is indicated
by increasing positive numbers on the y-axis. RGR = relative growth rate; white bars = chewers; black bars = suckers; cross-hatched bars = miners; right diagonal bars =
gallers; left diagonal bars = borers (from Koricheva et al., 1998, with permission Annual Reviews Inc).
Insect–Host Tree Interactions 89

mechanisms to optimize their abilities to 4.5.1 The effect on the insects

extract the most they can from their host
trees. To this end, many insects have become As discussed in Chapter 2, some plant-feeding
extremely sophisticated phytochemists, detect- insects are host specialists, whereas others
ing subtle changes in nutrient and defence are more generalist. It is assumed that food
properties of host plant tissues and respond- specialists have competitive and selective
ing accordingly. Plant soluble organic nitro- advantages over food generalists, since they
gen is the most limiting major resource and can utilize optimally the equally special-
any increases in its quantity and quality are ized host plant to which they are closely
likely to be seized by insects and turned to adapted. Hence, we find the eucalyptus
their advantage. It may be useful on occasion longicorn beetle, Phoracantha semipunctata
to view tropical forestry as a means of grow- (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), which will not
ing insect food and to alter our tactics and attack acacias, the teak defoliator, Hyblaea
methods to do this less efficiently. puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae), which will
Co-evolution can be thought of as the not eat the leaves of mahogany, or the pine
evolution of two separate species in relation woolly aphid, Pineus pini (Homoptera:
to one another, such that changes in one Adelgidae), which will not feed on cypress,
species influence and direct changes in the even though all three pairs of tree genera are
other, and vice versa. One rather hypotheti- available in the same locality. It has to be
cal example might be that of early insects said, though, that in all three examples, this
evolving wings to avoid predation by primi- host plant specificity is based at the genus
tive hole-dwelling spiders, the latter in turn or even family level, but though P. pini will
then evolving the use of webs to catch their feed on all species of Pinus, it performs
flying prey. In insect and plant associations, much better on some species than others.
the term ‘arms race’ has been applied Even within a species, certain genotypes
wherein insect herbivores attempt to feed of the host are more suitable, as indeed are
on plants and/or breed on or within their individuals of the same genotype growing
tissues, while the plants develop mecha- in different sites. These various sorts of spe-
nisms to prevent this happening. Another cialization are of great significance for pest
hypothetical example might involve a cater- dynamics and outbreak management.
pillar feeding on the leaves of a tree, in The result is that closely related insects
response to which the tree produces chemi- may, in fact, be adapted to feed on different
cals or spines which reduce or even prevent host plants as a method of reducing competi-
this feeding. The next stage is that the insect tion between members of the same genus.
then develops an immunity or tolerance to The host plants may also be related fairly
the plant’s defences, and even uses them closely, even if the insects are widely sepa-
to recognize its preferred food. The overall rated geographically. Futuyama and Mitter
result of co-evolution is therefore diversifica- (1997), for example, looked at the host plant
tion in chemical and physical defences in associations of leaf beetles (Coleoptera:
plants and host plant specialization in insects Chrysomelidae) in North America and com-
(Menken, 1996). However, not all insect– pared these with chrysomelids in other
plant relationships involve aggression and regions of the world. They found that the great
defence. The development in large numbers majority of related beetles fed on related host-
of angiosperms of pollination by insects is plant species too, and that genetic variation in
another example of co-evolution, but this the beetles was seen most often in response to
time of mainly symbiotic or mutualistic rela- plants related closely to natural hosts.
tionships. The modern-day complexities of Some insect herbivores may remain or
insect–plant relationships are fundamental even evolve to be host generalists. Being a
to herbivore ecology, and hence the ability specialist is a sensible evolutionary strategy
or otherwise of an insect to become a forest while the host plant remains common and
pest, and form the basis of plant resistance in exploitable, but this evolutionary commit-
combating outbreaks (see Chapter 6). ment is less successful when environments
90 Chapter 4

change and circumstances demand adapta- discovered neem plantations and feeds hap-
bility (Menken, 1996). This adaptability is pily on them.
put to the test particularly when insect her- It has to be remembered, of course, that
bivores are presented with novel types of insect–tree co-evolution works via the abil-
host plant, such as exotic tree species in a ity or otherwise of the two participants to
new country or large areas of resistant clonal grow to adulthood and to reproduce satis-
trees in a monoculture. It is likely that insect factorily. This basically admirable goal may
herbivores with more adaptability (i.e. rela- be perfectly adequate for the futures of both
tively less host plant specialization) will be the insect and the plant in their natural set-
the first to seize these new opportunities. tings, but it may not do at all for the forester.
So, for example, let us return to leaf-cutter ants Take the case of the mahogany shoot borer
such as A. sexdens. Leaf cutters are restric- Hypsipyla spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). This
ted entirely to South and Central America, complex group of species tunnels into the
where they are opportunistic feeders in shoots and tips of a large variety of New and
the main, harvesting a large variety of host Old World Meliaceae, including Swietenia,
tree species. When they experience a new Cedrela and Toona (Floyd and Hauxwell, 2000)
host species, thanks to a plantation of exotic (Plates 57, 58 and 59) (see also Chapters 5, 6
(non-native) trees, for example, this is clearly and 10). Only young trees are attacked seri-
a new resource to try to exploit. Neem, A. indica, ously, though very few actually die. Instead,
has also been referred to earlier in this chap- leading shoots are killed and apical domi-
ter as having foliar chemicals which have nance is transferred to a lateral, which then
insecticidal properties. The tree is native to grows upwards. The tree is perfectly able to
South-east Asia and hence a complete exotic grow on and eventually produces a healthy
in Brazil. From all the foregoing chapter, but rather deformed tree. The shape of the
it might be expected that leaf-cutter ants main trunk matters little, if at all, to the tree;
would be incapable of dealing with neem’s it is everything to the tropical forester. This
exotic defences and hence planting this spe- classic example of insect–tree co-evolution
cies in Brazil should be a pest-free experi- causes some of the most serious and wide-
ence, for a while at least, but as de Souza spread insect pest damage to tropical forests
et al. (2009) report, A. sexdens has rapidly in the world.
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology,
Biology and Impact

5.1 Introduction The impact of insect feeding on a tree is

largely a function of the value of the affected
Almost every part of a tree can serve as food for part or parts for tree productivity or survival.
insects, and some of the more common groups The value of older or mature leaves dif-
associated with damage to leaves, shoots, fers markedly from that of expanding or young
flowers, buds, fruit, twigs, branches, stem leaves, which generally have higher photo-
and roots are shown in Fig. 5.1. Generally, synthetic efficiencies (see Chapter 4), and
the species of importance for forestry are ring-barking of the stem cambium by an insect
contained in the Orders Phasmatodea (stick is more important than heartwood tunnelling.
insects), Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets), However, economic impact is not always
Hemiptera (plant bugs, leafhoppers, scale linked with tree fitness and, in the case of some
insects, aphids, mealybugs), Coleoptera stem borers, has more to do with the market
(beetles), Isoptera (termites), Hymenoptera quality of the wood product. As emphasized
(sawflies, ants, wasps, bees), Lepidoptera in earlier chapters, the vast majority of insects
(butterflies, moths), Diptera (flies) and encountered in tropical forests are entirely
Thysanoptera (thrips). Feeding habits vary benign and only very few achieve tree pest
greatly, not only between but also within pest status. In this chapter, we examine the biol-
groupings. Some folivores are generalist feed- ogy, ecology and impact of some of the more
ers with a wide range of tree hosts (e.g. the important pest species from around the trop-
Asian gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, has over ics, the examples being chosen to reflect a
600 recorded hosts, both conifers and hard- range of feeding types, host trees and forest
woods), while others are restricted to a single situations. The assigning of a pest species to
genus and sometimes species (the branchlet a particular feeding guild (Table 5.1) is on
mining scolytine, Hylurdrectonus araucariae, the basis of the principal damage it causes,
in Papua New Guinea has been recorded only although some species could easily have been
from Araucaria cunninghamii). Some insect listed under more than one guild.
species use several different tree parts as
food sources during their life cycle (e.g. the
larvae of some longicorn beetles tunnel in 5.2 Defoliation
branches and stems and the adults feed on
nectar); other insects such as leaf gall formers Defoliators are insects that feed on leaf tissue,
restrict their activities to a single tree part. their activities resulting in complete or partial

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 91
92 Chapter 5

Stick insects
Tree grasshoppers
Leaf Thrips
galls Leaf beetles
Leaf miners Psyllids

Stem galls Blosssom galls

Twig girdlers
Leaf miners

Caterpillars Jassids
Leaf Twig girdlers
galls Caterpillars
Leaf hoppers
Scale insects
Froghoppers Cicadas
Chafer beetles Shoot-tip borers
Scale insects Aphids
Leaf-eating beetles

Bark-feeding beetles

Sawflies Cutworms

Root coccids Root nematodes


Root borers Root-feeding

Cicada nymphs

Cicada nymphs

Fig. 5.1. A schematic tree showing the parts affected by various types of pest (from Jones and Elliot, 1986).

destruction of leaves. This feeding group also leaf skeletonizers, which eat the leaf tissue
includes leaf-mining insects, which feed within between the network of leaf veins.
the leaf just below the upper or lower surface, Defoliation by insects reduces the tree’s
leaf tiers and leaf rollers, which make shelters rate of photosynthesis and transpiration. Effects
from leaves and graze these from within, and vary considerably, depending on severity,
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 93

Table 5.1. List of some of the more important insect pest species in the tropics, categorized according
to their feeding habits. Species marked with an asterisk are discussed in detail in this chapter.

Feeding habit Principal host Countries with

and insect order Insect family Scientific name (genus) reported damage

Leaf chewing
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae *Paropsis spp. Eucalyptus, Acacia Australia
*Paropsisterna spp. Eucalyptus, Australia
Curculionidae *Gonipterus Eucalyptus Australia, Africa,
scutellatus South America,
Hypomeces Many South and
squamosus South-east Asia
Myllocerus spp. Acacia India
Scarabaeidae *Anomala spp. Many Asia, China, India
Hymenoptera Diprionidae (Neo)diprion spp. Pinus Vietnam, Thailand
Formicidae *Atta/Acromyrmex Many Southern USA,
spp. Central and
South America
Pergidae *Perga affinis Eucalyptus Australia
Lepidoptera Arctiidae Eupseudosoma spp. Eucalyptus South America
Geometridae Buzura Eucalyptus China
*Thyrinteina arnobia Eucalyptus Brazil, Venezuela
Hyblaeidae *Hyblaea puera Tectona India and South-,
east Asia,
South America
Lasiocampidae *Dendrolimus Pinus China, Vietnam,
punctatus Thailand
Lymantriidae Lymantria ninayi Pinus Papua New Guinea
Noctuidae Spodoptera litura Many India, South-east
Asia, Australia,
Notodontidae Nystalea nyseus Eucalyptus Brazil
Pieridae Eurema spp. Acacia, Africa, South-east
Falcataria, Asia, Australia,
Cassia Oceania
Psychidae *Pteroma Acacia, India, South-east
plagiophleps Falcataria, Asia
Phasmatodea Phasmidae *Ctenomorphodes Eucalyptus Australia
Leaf mining
Hymenoptera Pergidae Phylacteophaga Eucalyptus Australia
Lepidoptera Gracilliaridae *Acrocercops spp. Shorea, Swietenia, India, Australia
Incurvariidae Perthida glyphopa Eucalyptus Australia
Leaf skeletonizing
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae *Craspedonta Gmelina India, Bangladesh,
leayana Myanmar
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Uraba lugens Eucalyptus Australia
94 Chapter 5

Table 5.1. Continued.

Feeding habit Principal host Countries with

and insect order Insect family Scientific name (genus) reported damage

Pyralidae Eutectona Tectona India,

machaeralis South-east Asia
Leaf tying/rolling
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Lamprosema Afrormosia, Nigeria, Ghana,
lateritialis Pericopsis West Africa
Tortricidae *Strepsicrates rothia Eucalyptus Africa, South and
South-east Asia
Yponomeutidae Atteva fabriciella Ailanthus India

Sap feeding
Hemiptera Adelgidae *Pineus pini Pinus Australia, Africa,
boerneri America
Aphididae *Cinara cupressi Cupressus Africa, South
cupressivora America
Eulachnus rileyi Pinus Africa, Venezuela,
Coccidae *Ceroplastes spp. Acacia, Melia, Africa, Australia,
Cedrela, Toona, India, South-east
Pinus Asia
Eriococcus spp. Eucalyptus Australia
Coreidae *Amblypelta Eucalyptus, Solomon Islands
cocophaga Campnosperma
Diaspididae Aonidiella spp. Azadirachta, Africa, India,
Dalbergia, South-east Asia
Swietenia, Melia
*Aulacaspis marina Rhizophora Indonesia
Margarodidae Conifericoccus spp. Agathis Australia
Miridae *Helopeltis spp. Anacardium, Africa, India, China,
Azadirachta, Indonesia
Lygus spp. Pinus Southern USA,
Pseudococcidae *Nipaecoccus Casuarina, Dalbergia Africa, India
Psyllidae Cardiaspina spp. Eucalyptus Australia
*Glycaspis Eucalyptus North America,
brimblecombei South America,
Hawaii, Mauritius
*Heteropsylla cubana Leucaena Pantropical
Thaumastocoridae *Thaumastocoris Eucalyptus South Africa, South
peregrinus America, Australia
Tingidae *Tingis beesoni Gmelina India, Myanmar,
Bark and wood feeding
External chewing
Coleoptera Cerambycidae Penthea pardalis Acacia Australia
Curculionidae Plagiophloeus Toona India, South-east
longiclavis Asia
Lepidoptera Indarbelidae *Indarbela Many India, Bangladesh,
quadrinotata Pakistan,
South-east Asia
Bark boring
Coleoptera Anobiidae Ernobius mollis Pinus Australia
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 95

Table 5.1. Continued.

Feeding habit Principal host Countries with

and insect order Insect family Scientific name (genus) reported damage

Curculionidae *Hylastes angustatus Pinus Southern Africa

*Ips spp. Pinus Pantropical
Tomicus piniperda Pinus China, Hong Kong
Cambium and surface sapwood boring
Coleoptera Buprestidae *Agrilus spp. Eucalyptus Philippines, Papua
New Guinea,
Africa, Indonesia
Diadoxus spp. Callitris Australia
Cerambycidae *Phoracantha Eucalyptus Africa, Australia,
semipunctata America
*Xystrocera festiva Falcataria, Acacia Indonesia, Malaysia
Curculionidae Aesiotes notabilis Araucaria, Pinus Australia
Isoptera Termitidae Macrotermes spp. Many Africa, China,
South-east Asia
Odontotermes spp. Many India, Africa,
South-east Asia
Sapwood and heartwood boring
Coleoptera Bostrychidae Apate spp. Many Africa
Sinoxylon spp. Shorea, Acacia, Africa, India,
Eucalyptus South-east Asia
Cerambycidae Anoplophora spp. Casuarina, Acacia, Taiwan, South-east
Eucalyptus Asia
*Aristobia horridula Dalbergia, India, Nepal, Thailand
Batocera spp. Mangifera, Ficus Pantropical
*Celosterna Acacia, Cassia, India, Thailand
scabrator Prosopis, Tectonis,
*Hoplocerambyx Shorea India
Curculionidae Eurhamphus Araucaria Australia
Curculionidae/ *Platypus spp. Many Pantropical
Curculionidae/ Xyleborus spp. Many Pantropical
*Xylosandrus Many Asia, North and
crassiusculus Central America,
South Pacific,
Hymenoptera Siricidae *Sirex noctilio Pinus Australia,
South America,
South Africa
Isoptera Mastotermitidae Mastotermes Many Australia
Rhinotermitidae *Coptotermes spp. Many Pantropical
Lepidoptera Cossidae *Chilecomadia Eucalyptus Chile, Argentina
*Coryphodema Eucalyptus South Africa
*Xyleutes ceramica Gmelina, Tectona India, South-east Asia
Hepialidae Endoclita undulifer Gmelina, Eucalyptus India
96 Chapter 5

Table 5.1. Continued.

Feeding habit Principal host Countries with

and insect order Insect family Scientific name (genus) reported damage

Shoot boring
Coleoptera Curculionidae/ *Hylurdrectonus Araucaria Papua New Guinea
Scolytinae araucariae
Lepidoptera Pyralidae *Dioryctria spp. Pinus Central America,
India, China,
South-east Asia
*Hypsipyla robusta/ Toona, Swietenia, Pantropical
grandella Cedrela, Khaya,
Tortricidae Rhyacionia spp. Pinus South America,
South-east Asia
Fruit and seed boring
Coleoptera Bruchidae *Bruchidius spp. Acacia Africa
Hymenoptera Torymidae *Megastigmus spp. Cupressus, Africa, Australia,
Juniperus, India, China,
Eucalyptus Thailand, Mexico
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Dioryctria spp. Many America,
South-east Asia
Hypsipyla spp. Many Australia, India,
Central and
South America

Gall forming
Diptera Agromyzidae *Fergusonina spp. Eucalyptus Australia, Philippines,
Hemiptera Eriococcidae Apiomorpha spp. Eucalyptus Australia
Psyllidae *Phytolyma spp. Milicia Africa
Hymenoptera Eulophidae *Leptocybe invasa Eucalyptus Africa, Asia,
North and
South America
*Ophelimus maskelli Eucalyptus Mediterranean,
North Africa
*Quadrastichus Erythrina Africa, Asia, South
erythrinae Pacific, Florida
Root feeding
Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Anomala spp. Cassia, Pinus India, China
Holotrichia spp. Cassia, Shorea, Australia,
Tectona South-east Asia
*Lepidiota spp. Araucaria, Acacia, Australia, China,
Eucalyptus South-east Asia
Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Coptotermes spp. Many India, South-east Asia
Termitidae Macrotermes spp. Gmelina, Eucalyptus Africa, South-east Asia
Microtermes spp. Tectona, Eucalyptus Africa, South-east Asia
Odontotermes spp. Hevea, Pinus Africa, South-east Asia
Stem and branch cutters
Coleoptera Cerambycidae *Strongylurus Araucaria Australia
Orthoptera Acrididae Valanga nigricomis Hevea, Swietenia, India,
Tectona South-east Asia
Gryllidae *Brachytrupes spp. Eucalyptus, Pinus, India, Africa,
Cupressus, Tectona South-east Asia
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 97

age of leaves eaten, position in the canopy, not only significant losses to eucalypt plant-
time of year the defoliation occurs, the site ations in Australia, where the beetles and
and current stresses on the tree (Elliott et al., trees are native, but also where the bee-
1998). For example, small folivore (i.e. leaf- tles have been introduced accidentally
feeding) populations can cause dispropor- to eucalypt growing regions in countries
tionately large foliage losses by feeding such as South Africa and New Zealand
on vegetative buds or unexpanded foliage (Nahrung, 2006).
(Schowalter et al., 1986). Sunlit leaves have Some of the more common pests belong
higher photosynthetic rates than shaded to the genera Paropsisterna and Paropsis,
leaves, regardless of age, and insects feeding sometimes called tortoise or ‘paropsine’
on these will affect the host more severely beetles, and share generally similar life
than similar damage to shaded leaves. Trees cycles. As outlined by Elliott et al. (1998), in
that are damaged or stressed are less able to subtropical and temperate regions the adults
cope with the effects of severe defoliation overwinter under bark, in crevices or in leaf
than are vigorous trees. Light (i.e. less litter and emerge in early spring to feed on
than 20%) defoliation normally has no or newly expanding foliage, leaving characteris-
very little effect on the tree, but moderate tic ‘scalloped’ damage on the leaf margins.
(25–50%) and severe (more than 50%) Eggs are laid either singly or in batches on
defoliation reduces growth rates, can affect newly expanding leaves or shoots, each spe-
wood properties (shortens fibre length) and cies having a particular ovipositional behav-
can predispose trees to attack by other iour and site for the eggs. The larvae (Plate 14)
organisms (Elliott et al., 1998). Defoliation of many species consume their egg cases
in consecutive years is more damaging than before beginning to feed on the leaf. Species
a single severe defoliation, and some species which lay eggs in batches feed colonially
of evergreen conifers can be killed by one and, as the young larvae reach the later
complete defoliation if this occurs before instars, they usually move to several feeding
bud formation. Site and weather factors sites in the crown of the host plant, feeding sin-
interact with defoliation episodes to deter- gly or in small groups. The larvae of some spe-
mine the overall impact on the host tree. cies feed singly for the entire larval stage. There
In the sections which follow, examples are usually four larval instars, which are com-
are given of the various types of insect defo- pleted in 3–4 weeks, and the larvae then drop
liators, with information on their life history, to the ground, where they pupate in the litter
ecology and pest importance. or soil. Adults emerge in 7–10 days, and in the
warmer regions there may be five or more gen-
erations per year with adults and/or larvae
5.2.1 Leaf chewing present on the trees for 8–9 months each year.
In Australia, most studies of the impact
Paropsisterna spp. and Paropsis spp. of chrysomelid leaf beetles have been car-
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) ried out in temperate regions. In Tasmania,
1-year-old Eucalyptus regnans attacked by
More than 3000 species of chrysomelid bee- Ps. bimaculata lost 45.6% and 52.1% of
tle are found in Australia, most of which are their potential height and basal area incre-
never likely to achieve pest status (Waterson ment, respectively, over a 2-year period com-
and Urquhart, 1995). Damage by these insects pared to trees protected by an insecticide
in extensively managed native forests gener- treatment (Elliott et al., 1993) (Fig. 5.2).
ally has been tolerated by forest managers, Modelling the impact of defoliation by Ps.
but with the increasing establishment of bimaculata on the growth of E. regnans
fast-growing eucalypt plantations in several showed that typical defoliation regimes could
states, chrysomelid leaf beetles have become reduce growth over a 15-year rotation by up
recognized as one of the most serious insect to 40% (Candy et al., 1992). In tropical and
problems associated with these plantations subtropical eucalypt plantations, Ps. cloelia
(Nahrung and Allen, 2003). Paropsines cause is becoming an increasingly important pest
98 Chapter 5

500 a native of Australia, where it is usually a

relatively minor pest in eucalypt forests and
Cumulative height increment (cm)

Protected plantations, although occasionally it causes

400 economically significant damage. However,
it has spread to several other countries, where
300 it has caused severe damage to eucalypt
plantations. It was first recorded outside
Australia in about 1890 in New Zealand
200 (Withers, 2001) and was discovered in South
Africa in 1916 (Mally, 1924). It spread rapidly
throughout Africa to Lesotho, Malawi, Kenya,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Uganda
and Malagassy and has been reported from
0 Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Argentina,
Dec Mar May Aug Dec Feb Jun Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and California
1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 (Richardson and Meakins, 1986; Rosado-Neto,
Fig. 5.2. Mean height growth (± SE) of protected 1993; Cowles and Downer, 1995; Lanfranco
and attacked 1-year-old Eucalyptus regnans, and Dungey, 2001; CABI/EPPO, 2010).
Florentine Valley, Tasmania (from Elliott et al., 1993). Adults lay small yellow eggs on the
foliage in black pods, with three to eight
(Carnegie et al., 2005). In an outbreak of Ps. eggs in a pod. The eggs hatch in 3–4 weeks
cloelia in E. grandis plantations in north and the larvae emerge on the underside of
coastal New South Wales in 1972–1974, it the leaf by chewing through the bottom of
was estimated that up to 60–70% of the the pod and the leaf. All the larvae emerge
potential annual height increment of the through one hole and begin feeding imme-
trees could be lost, and more than half the diately on the surface of the leaf, leaving
trees died in the following 2 years (Carne and characteristic tracks where the upper sur-
Taylor, 1978). Further north, in Queensland, face of the leaf tissue has been removed.
the relatively recent expansion of hardwood There are four larval instars lasting a total
plantations has resulted in the emergence of of 5–7 weeks. When mature, the larvae
new pest species and Nahrung (2006) collected drop to the soil and form pupal chambers
at least 17 paropsine species from planta- just below the surface, from which adults
tions of E. cloeziana and E. dunnii, about emerge after a few weeks. The adults are
one-third of which have not been associated strong fliers and live for 2–3 months, dur-
previously with eucalypt plantations. The ing which period they lay eggs several
most abundant of these pest species were times. In Australia, there are usually two
P. atomaria, P. charybdis and Ps. cloelia. generations per year with a life cycle of
A wide range of natural enemies of parop- 10–16 weeks, but there is considerable
sine beetles has been recorded, including variation in the countries where the insect
parasitic wasps and flies and predatory now occurs. This depends largely on the
ladybird beetles and bugs. Cumulative mor- incidence of cold weather inducing hiber-
talities of Ps. bimaculata populations result- nation and on rainfall inducing flushes of
ing from attack by natural enemies can reach young foliage, which provides the essential
up to 97% by the end of the larval stage diet (Browne, 1968). The larvae feed mostly
(de Little et al., 1990) and up to 90% for on the upper crown, where they skim the
P. atomaria (Tanton and Khan, 1978b). epidermis of the young leaves, while adults
feed all over the tree, devouring the leaves
Gonipterus scutellatus (Gyllenhal) from their edges. In addition, both stages
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) eat the young, soft shoots of some species
(Richardson and Meakins, 1986) and con-
The eucalyptus weevil or eucalyptus snout tinued infestation can produce stag-headed
beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus, (Plate 15) is or stunted trees. The impact of defoliation
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 99

by the weevil on tree height growth is illus- May–July, the earliest activity occurring after
trated in Fig. 5.3. the first showers of the monsoon season.
In South Africa, the arrival of G. scutellatus Pairing and egg laying take place throughout
led to the cessation of planting of several com- this period. Eggs are laid singly at night in
mercially important eucalypt species, includ- soil at a depth of 5–8 cm, and one female
ing E. viminalis, which had been favoured up may lay 30 eggs. The larva tunnels through
until that time. Similarly, in other countries, the soil, eating the fine roots of plants and
the beetle caused economic losses in exist- decaying vegetable matter, and completes
ing plantations and limited the choice of its development in about 9 months. Pupation
species for future plantings. An Australian takes place in the shelter of the larval skin
wasp parasitoid of Gonipterus eggs, Anaphes and may last a month. The immature beetle
nitens, was introduced into South Africa remains in the soil until suitable climatic con-
and several other countries and gave effective ditions stimulate emergence and flight. The
control at altitudes up to 1200 m, but was generation is usually annual.
much less effective at higher altitudes where In China, the principal species in tropical
some major plantations of susceptible species regions is A. cupripes, which defoliates young
occurred (Govender and Wingfield, 2005). plantations of Corymbia brassiana, E. camald-
ulensis, E. citriodora and E. exserta in Guangxi
Corymbia Anomala spp. (Coleoptera: and Gunagdong Provinces. Its pest status
Scarabaeidae) has increased considerably with the rapid
expansion of the plantation estate in the
The genus Anomala is common throughout south (Wylie, 1992). In Hong Kong, swarms
Asia, and in India alone there are more than of adults sometimes occur in nurseries and
200 species (Beeson, 1941). The adult beetles plantations during the summer, occasionally
of many species are defoliators of forest causing serious injury to seedlings of Pinus
trees, while the soil-dwelling larvae or ‘white massoniana and to the foliage of young stands
grubs’ are sometimes pests of nursery stock. of C. citriodora, C. grandis and E. maculata
Typically in India, beetles swarm at dusk in (Browne, 1968). In the subtropical Chinese
provinces of Fujian and Jiangxi, A. antiqua is
8 a pest of Paulownia, adults consuming a mean
7.12 m
of 882 mm2 of Paulownia leaves a day (Tong
7 and Fang, 1989).
6.93 m

Reported natural enemies of this insect




are carabid beetles, ring-legged earwigs and



the entomogenous fungus, Metarhizium ani-




sopliae. Several Anomala species are pests

Height (m)


in forest nurseries in Bangladesh (Baksha,








3.40 m


Very susceptible Atta spp. and Acromyrmex spp.

E. viminalis (10811) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Leaf-cutting ants are the largest species group
1 of the fungus-growing ants in the tribe Attini
and effectively consist of two genera, Atta
(Plates 16 and 17) and Acromyrmex (Ramos
0 12 24 36 48 60
et al., 2008). They are sometimes known as
Months since planting
parasol ants because of their habit of cutting
Fig. 5.3. The effect of attack by snout beetle on the leaves into more or less circular pieces,
height growth of very susceptible and very resistant which they hold above their heads as they
Eucalyptus viminalis (from Richardson and Meakins, carry them back to the nest. The group
1986). is restricted to the New World, Atta being
100 Chapter 5

found in 23 countries and Acromyrmex in of harvested leaves, this fungus forming

25 countries from the USA in the north, their principal diet. While the fungus provides
through Central America and the West ants with nutrients and enzymes, the ants,
Indies down to Uruguay in South America in turn, supply the fungus with a variety of
(Cherrett and Peregrine, 1976). They are substrates and stimulate symbiotic fungal
among the most prevalent herbivores of growth (Marsaro et al., 2004). Following
the Neotropics, consuming far more vege- mass mating flights at the start of the rainy
tation than any other group of animals season, the founding queen (mated female)
with comparable taxonomic diversity will begin to dig the nest. She will usually
(Vieira-Neto and Vasconcelos, 2010). The bring with her spores of the fungus garden
ants are pests of agriculture, horticulture, from her original nest site for incorporation
rangelands and forestry. They have been into this new nest and will then find a suit-
reported attacking 15 different forest tree able place to lay her eggs. She fertilizes the
crops, including pines, teak and eucalypts, spores with her own waste, to aid in devel-
in some 16 countries and their rated impor- opment of food to feed to the larvae. The
tance for forestry in these countries is queen will continue to raise her first brood
shown in Table 5.2. until these workers are mature enough to
Atta and Acromyrmex are social insects assist her with more eggs and the rest of the
which live in large underground nests, where colony. Colony growth is slow in the beginning,
they cultivate fungal gardens on a substrate then proceeds rapidly and reaches maturity in
about 5 years.
Table 5.2. Importance of leaf-cutting ants Species of Atta characteristically build
as forestry pests (updated from Cherrett and and maintain physically defined foraging
Peregrine, 1976). trails, which may extend 250 m or more in
length (San Juan, 2005). They also use trail
Country (in order of forestry importance, most pheromones. When a worker ant finds for-
northerly part) age, she will straddle the piece and cut only
USA *** that portion which is equal to her leg span.
Mexico * She will rotate and shear the leaf with her
Belize *** mandibles and then carry the disc-shaped
Honduras *** portion back to the nest, where other work-
El Salvador *** ers process the leaf matter and add it to the
Nicaragua **** garden, which is fertilized with faecal drop-
Costa Rica *** lets. Undigested or decaying parts of the gar-
Panama * den are tossed aside or removed from the
Columbia **
garden area as debris. As is usual with social
Venezuela **
Trinidad and Tobago *****
insects, tasks are shared among colony mem-
Surinam ***** bers. The smallest workers tend to remain in
French Guiana ***** the nest and serve as gardeners and nurse-
Brazil ***** maids. The medium-sized workers forage,
Ecuador *** while others maintain the compost heap or
Peru *** deepen and expand the nest. Soldiers fight
Bolivia ** off other ants, guard the nest and may also
Paraguay ** control the ‘traffic’ in a busy working colony
Argentina ***** to ensure the proper disposal of forage. A nest
Uruguay *****
may cover 600 m2 and may be more than 6 m
Notes: ***** Major importance, one of the five worst insect deep, containing hundreds of fungus gardens
pests in the country; ****considerable importance, one of and millions of workers: a colony of A. sexdens
the 20 worst insect pests; ***moderately important pests may contain up to 8 million workers (San Juan,
causing sporadic economic damage; **minor pests,
infrequently producing significant damage; *unimportant,
2005). The nest architecture is complex and
only recorded on one or two occasions as doing any adapted to ensure temperature control of the
damage. fungus garden.
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 101

The impact of leaf-cutter ants on forests estimated at 50–70% (i.e. many leaves are
is dependent on a range of factors, but the dropped along the way); so herbivory may be
degree of ecosystem disturbance is of great much higher than leaf input figures suggest
importance. For example, Jaffe and Vilela (Lugo et al., 1973; Fowler and Robinson,
(1989) found relatively low nest densities of 1979). Leaf-cutting ants are pests of Pinus
A. cephalotes in primary rainforest ecosystems spp. in several countries; for example, in
in the Orinoco–Amazon basin, namely 0.045 Venezuela, A. laevigata causes economic
nests/ha. They attributed this to a need of damage to young P. caribaea plantations at
A. cephalotes colonies for a certain degree densities of 5 nests/ha (Hernandez and Jaffe,
of sunshine (or light) on their nest heaps. 1995), A. cephalotes and A. sexdens attack
The number of clearings in the forest was P. caribaea seedlings in Costa Rica (Ford,
proposed to be the limiting factor for coloni- 1978) and A. insularis attacks several Pinus
zation of new forest sites by this species. species in Cuba (Tsankov, 1977). In Brazil,
Elsewhere, higher nest densities of Atta Atta and Acromyrmex attack A. angustifolia
have been reported in more disturbed forests, (Schoenherr, 1991) and are the most severe
with up to 30 nests/ha found in Pinus plan- pests in that country’s more than 6 Mha of
tations in the south-western savannahs in Eucalyptus plantations (Marsaro et al.,
Venezuela (Jaffe, 1986) and nearly 300 nests/ 2004). Zanetti et al. (2000, 2003) found that
ha in 16-year-old eucalypt plantations in leaf-cutting by Atta spp. in eucalypt planta-
Brazil (Oliveira et al., 1998). Human inter- tions reduced wood production, E. camaldu-
vention clearly increases Atta nest densities lensis, C. citriodora and E. tereticornis being
in affected ecosystems. Urbas et al. (2007) more affected than E. cloeziana and E. urophylla
demonstrated edge effects on foraging and (Fig. 5.4). A. sexdens is a pest of rubber trees
herbivory of A. cephalodes in a large rem- (Hevea spp.) in nurseries, sometimes affect-
nant of the Atlantic forest in north-east Brazil. ing more than 70% of trees (Calil and Soares,
Equally-sized A. cephalodes colonies located 1987). In Costa Rica, a species of Atta redu-
at the forest edge removed about twice as ced growth of Acacia mangium by 50% in
much leaf area from their foraging grounds trials (Glover and Heuveldop, 1985).
than interior colonies (14.3 versus 7.8%/ Natural enemies of leaf-cutting ants
colony/year). This greater colony-level impact include nematodes, mites, ant-decapitating
in the forest edge zone was a consequence phorid flies, birds and armadillos, as well
of markedly reduced foraging areas (0.9 as other ants such as Nomamyrmex army
versus 2.3 ha/colony/year) and moderately ants (Erthal and Tonhasca, 2000; Powell and
lower leaf area index in this habitat, whereas Clark, 2004; San Juan, 2005; Guillade and
harvest rates were the same. The reduction Folgarait, 2011).
of the foraging area was attributed to the
greater abundance of palatable pioneer plants. Perga affinis Kirby (Hymenoptera: Pergidae)
The release from natural enemies may also
be a contributing factor (Almeida et al., Sawflies (Plate 18) are common pests of
2008). Some species of Acromyrmex, such woodland and urban trees in many parts of
as A. landolti balzani, forage without trails, the world and are one of the more dramatic
a behaviour that may be explained by their groups of eucalypt-defoliating insects in
dependence on ephemeral or homogeneously Australia (Jordan et al., 2002). Some have the
dispersed resources, which makes main trails potential to become serious pests in euca-
unnecessary (Poderoso et al., 2009). lypt plantations. The steelblue sawfly, Perga
Numerous studies have assessed the rates affinis, which has several subspecies, occurs
of leaf fragment input into various leaf-cutting widely throughout Australia and feeds prin-
ant nests and some of these are summarized in cipally on Eucalyptus spp.
Lugo et al. (1973). Leaf input for A. cephalotes Adults emerge in the autumn from pup-
ranged from 10.9 g/h for a nest in Guiana to ation sites in the soil beneath previously
290 g/h for a nest in Costa Rica. The effi- infested trees (Fig. 5.5). They do not feed and
ciency of leaf transport to the nest has been only live long enough (about a week) to find
102 Chapter 5

Wood volume (m3/ha)
40 Plots without ants
30 Plots with ants
20 Level of economic damage
24 36 48 60 72 84
Age of trees (months)

Fig. 5.4. Average wood production for Eucalyptus spp. (m3/ha) as function of plantation age (months)
considering stands without leaf-cutting ant nests, plots with similar density of nests of the area studied
(16.8/ha) and plots with density of nests similar to level of economic damage. Municipality of Joäo Pinheiro,
State of Minas Gerais, Brazil from 1991 to 1996 (from Zanetti et al., 2003).

Female lays eggs in leaf

Egg pod


in soil

Fig. 5.5. Typical life cycle of Perga spp. (from Kent, 1995).
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 103

a host tree and lay eggs. Females lay about production, which provides favourable ovi-
65 eggs per batch, inserted by the saw-like positional sites for females in the autumn.
ovipositor at regular spacing along the mid- Dry winters cause the soil to harden, caus-
rib of the leaf, and these hatch in approxi- ing high mortality of larvae attempting to
mately 30 days. Larvae congregate on the leaf enter the soil to pupate. Hot, dry summers
surface in a rosette pattern, with their heads cause desiccation of pupae in the soil (Elliott
facing outwards. They move out and feed on et al., 1998). Most defoliation by P. affinis
the leaf margins at night, re-forming clusters occurs in late winter and early spring and,
before dawn (Elliott et al., 1998). at this time of the year, it has least impact
As the larvae grow, usually by about the on tree growth and health. Trees therefore
third instar, they no longer congregate in often survive repeated defoliation in suc-
rosettes on leaves but cluster during the day cessive years. A single defoliation probably
in large masses surrounding branches and has minimal impact on tree health (Carne,
tree boles. When searching for foliage, lar- 1969). However, studies by Jordan et al.
vae tend to move upwards and outwards, so (2002) of P. affinis ssp. insularis attack in
the feeding by the older larvae occurs on the E. globulus plantations in north-western
terminal shoots first. The tree therefore gets Tasmania demonstrated that sawfly damage
defoliated from the top down. Colonies of caused slow growth and increased mortal-
larvae from different egg batches can amal- ity of trees. Mild and severe sawfly damage
gamate and form very large masses. Larvae resulted in 16% and 31% reduction in the
communicate with each other by vibrational basal area of surviving trees, respectively,
signals, the most likely function of which is and the effect was consistent across races
to maintain group cohesiveness and coordi- and families.
nate movement (Fletcher, 2007). A heavily
infested tree can become completely defoli- Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll)
ated, at which time the entire colony moves (Lepidoptera: Geometridae
down the tree and across the ground to a
nearby tree. There are six larval instars and Among the Lepidoptera which defoliate
when the larvae are fully grown, they leave Eucalyptus spp. plantations in Brazil,
the trees and burrow into the litter and soil Thyrinteina arnobia is regarded as the most
beneath the tree, constructing leathery cocoons important because of its consistent damage
which are connected in a compact mass. In the and increasing adaptation to this exotic
cocoon, the larva moults to a prepupa, which host (Filho et al., 2010). The species occurs
lasts through the summer, when pupation widely in Central and South America, from
occurs and adults emerge shortly after. The El Salvador down to Uruguay. It has numer-
prepupal stage is usually completed during ous native hosts, including many Myrtaceae,
one summer, but some individuals may and attacks 13 species of Eucalyptus, the
remain a prepupa for up to 4 years. principal being E. grandis and E. saligna.
Egg mortality results mostly from desic- The female lays her eggs (average 752)
cation and disease, with some eggs being on thin branches and these hatch in about
eaten by birds. Larval colonies moving along 10 days. First instar larvae disperse by direct
the ground to other trees can suffer high movement or are carried on the wind by silk
mortality if nearby trees are more than 10 m threads. There are six larval instars lasting
away and larvae get caught on the ground 35–40 days. As is typical of the Geometridae,
during the hottest part of the day. Cocoons of larvae at rest adopt an erect position, held
P. affinis are parasitized by wasps and flies. by the abdominal prolegs, mimicking tree
Carne (1969) suggested that changes branches. Pupating caterpillars construct a
in the physical environment influencing rudimentary cocoon that is fastened by silk
abundance were common across large lines to eucalypt leaves or to low-lying veg-
areas. Good spring rains soften the soil sur- etation. Pupation lasts 4–10 days. Adults
face, allowing larvae easy entry for cocoon emerge from the cocoons at night and are
formation, and also result in good foliage short-lived: about 4 days for males and 7 days
104 Chapter 5

for females. Mating and oviposition occur a 24 cm DBH tree. Early instar caterpillars
at night. tend to feed on the leaf surface, but later
Caterpillars can be very destructive, instars consume the whole leaf. Studies by
especially to new plantations. Initial dam- Oda and Berti Filho (1978) of T. arnobia
age is to the lower part of the crown and defoliation in 2.5- to 3.5-year-old plantations
attack proceeds upwards to the top of the of E. saligna showed volume losses 1 year
tree. Outbreaks of this pest are usually not after the event of 25.6 m3/ha for trees that
noticed until the larvae are in their fifth had been defoliated completely and 8.3 m3/
instar, when defoliation is rapid (Anjos ha for trees which had been 50% defoliated.
et al., 1987). Patterns of defoliation vary; In percentage terms, this represents volume
in some instances, outbreaks appear to start losses of 40.4% and 13.2%, respectively.
on the margins of plantations and progress Estimated impacts for some recorded out-
towards the centre, and in other cases they breaks are summarized in Table 5.3. In addi-
start in the centre and move outwards in a tion to loss of growth increment, defoliation
circle, leaving large ‘clearings’ of defoliated by T. arnobia can also result in tree mortal-
trees. Adults are present throughout the ity. There is considerable variation among
year, but numbers are lowest from October eucalypt species in their resistance to attack
to December. All recorded outbreaks have by the pest; E. grandis and E. saligna are
occurred during the period January– highly susceptible, while E. camaldulensis
September. has been rated as highly resistant (Oliveira
Plantations aged 6 months to 20 years et al., 1984; Lemos et al., 1999; Filho et al.,
have been attacked. It is suggested by Anjos 2010). Most reports of damage to eucalypt
et al. (1987) that new plantations are attac- plantations by T. arnobia have been from
ked only when there are older trees nearby Brazil, but Marturano and Vergara (1997)
that have a resident population of T. arnobia. recorded that in 1996 this insect caused
Berti Filho (1974) provides estimates of the defoliation on 320 ha of eucalypt plantations
average leaf area consumed by an individ- aged 2.5 to 3.5 years in eastern Venezuela.
ual caterpillar in each instar I–VI (Fig. 5.6). T. arnobia has many natural enemies,
According to calculations by Mendes Filho including parasitic tachinid and sarcophagid
(1981; cited in Anjos et al., 1987), it would flies, ichneumonid, chalcidid, eulophid and
take 663 caterpillars to defoliate completely pteromalid wasps and predatory pentatomid
a 10-year-old E. saligna of 18 cm diameter at bugs, carabid and cicindelid beetles and birds
breast height (DBH), 4976 caterpillars for (see, for example, Grosman et al., 2005; Pereira
a 21 cm DBH tree and 11,610 caterpillars for et al., 2008). Mortality rates of more than 80%
have been recorded in the immature stages
(Batista-Pereira et al., 1995).
Area of foliage consumed (cm2)

80 78.09
Hyblaea puera Cramer
70 (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae)
50 The teak defoliator Hyblaea puera is one of
the best known of the lepidopterous defo-
30.4 liators in the tropics, both because of the
value of the principal tree on which it feeds
20 and because of its pantropical distribution.
10 6.88 Its range extends from the southern USA
0.81 1.38 3.02
0 through the West Indies and Central America
into South America as far south as Paraguay,
through southern and East Africa, India,
Fig. 5.6. Leaf area consumed by individual larvae of China, throughout South-east Asia to Australia
Thyrinteina arnobia in different instars (from Berti and the Pacific. It is now believed that H. puera
Filho, 1974). is not a single species but rather a species
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 105

Table 5.3. Losses associated with known outbreaks of Thyrinteina arnobia in eucalypt plantations
in Brazil (from Anjos et al., 1987).

Losses in yield in the

Year Localities Area defoliated (ha) next yeara (stere)b

1948 Bauru 600 4,814

1949 Rio Claro 200 1,608
1961 Barra Bonita 200 1,608
1967 Cel. Fabriciano 448 2,401
1973 Ribeirao Preto 4,500 36,180
1973 Itu 827 6,649
1973 Sao Miguel Arcanjo 1,800 14,472
1973 Itupeva 10 81
1973 Itapetininga 200 1,608
1973 Suzano 200 1,608
1974 Ribeirao Preto 600 4,824
1975 Paulinia 200 1,608
1975 Cataguases 200 1,072
1981 Presidente Olegario e Joao Pinheiro 15,000 80,400
Total 24,985 158,933

Notes: aBased on defoliation levels of 50% in half the area and 100% in the other half and calculated according
to Oda and Berti Filho (1978); bstere = a unit of volume equal to 1 m3.

complex (CABI, 2005). The life history, hosts, larva also pupates on the leaf in a triangular
population dynamics and impacts of the fold or, if the crown is stripped, on under-
insect are summarized by Nair (2007). Aside growth or in soil litter. The life cycle of
from teak, Tectona grandis, it has numerous H. puera from egg to the emergence of the
dicotyledonous hosts, most of which are of adult varies from 14 to 47 days, depending
minor importance for forestry. It is believed on climatic conditions, and there can be up
that during non-outbreak periods the insect to 14 complete generations/year. The cli-
thrives on hosts other than teak, but there mate of the locality, particularly rainfall, is
are few data available on the periods of infe- one of the main determinants of seasonal
station or population levels on these hosts abundance (Loganathan and David, 1999).
(Nair, 2007). The population density is usually lowest in
The moths shelter by day but are active the season of mature foliage and leaf fall. In
fliers at night and can migrate considerable southern India, the insect is most abundant
distances during outbreaks. Eggs are laid in April to early June, while in the north it is
singly on leaves, particularly on young, ten- abundant in late July to September (Beeson,
der foliage, and a female may lay up to 1000 1941). Diameter growth of teak generally
eggs (Beeson, 1941). Early instars feed on the stops between the beginning of October
leaf surface, causing skeletonized patches. and mid-November, and defoliation at this
The third instar cuts out a circular or rectan- time of year has little effect on the current
gular flap at the edge of the leaf and folds it annual increment but may affect future
over flat, fastening it with silk so as to form height growth and quality if buds are killed.
a shelter. It skeletonizes older leaves and totally The frequency of severe defoliation is high
consumes newly formed leaves. Instars IV in stands aged 11–45 years and is at its
and V also fold leaves to form shelters and maximum in stands 21–30 years old. Nair
totally consume tissue between the larger (1988) estimated that, during outbreaks, a
side veins to leave bare ‘ribs’. Moulting takes 30 ha teak plantation might have over 450 m
place in the leaf folds. The mature fifth instar larvae.
106 Chapter 5

Nair et al. (1985, 1996) studied the Dendrolimus punctatus Walker

impact of defoliation by H. puera (Plate 19) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)
over the period 1978–1982 in young teak
plantations at Kerala, India. They found that Pine caterpillars belonging to the genus
the insect caused very significant loss of incre- Dendrolimus (Plate 20) have long been rec-
ment, 44% of the potential growth volume ognized as serious pests of pine forests in
remaining unrealized because of its attack. China and recorded outbreaks date back to
On a per hectare basis, unprotec ted trees 1530 (Peng, 1989). Each year about 3 Mha of
had a mean annual increment of 3.7 m3/ha and forest are infested, resulting in a growth incre-
protected trees 6.7 m3/ha. Projections sugges- ment loss of 5 m m3 (Peng, 1989). D. punctatus
ted that protected plantations could yield the is the most widespread and destructive spe-
same volume of wood in 26 years as unpro- cies (Zhang et al., 2003), occurring in 13 pro-
tected plantations would do in 60 years. vinces, including 3 in the tropical south of
In Bangladesh, defoliation of teak by the country. It is also an important pest in
H. puera is a regular annual feature, although Vietnam and Taiwan (Billings, 1991). Its main
epidemic outbreaks such as occur in India are host is P. massoniana, but it has been recorded
rare (Baksha, 1990). The insect is of importance from several other Pinus species.
in Sri Lanka (Tilakaratna, 1991), Myanmar Each female moth lays an average of
(Beeson, 1941), Thailand (Hutacharern, 300–400 eggs, with a possible maximum of
1990), Malaysia (Abood et al., 2008), China 800, in groups on the foliage of the host.
(Chen and Wu, 1984) and Indonesia (Intari, Newly hatched caterpillars disperse by
1978). In the Solomon Islands, it is mainly ‘ballooning’ (blown in the wind on silk
a pest of nursery stock (Bigger, 1980, 1988). threads). The larvae feed openly and vora-
Outbreaks have also been recorded on spe- ciously on the needles, and there are usu-
cies of Avicennia, Bruguiera and Rhizophora ally six instars. Mature larvae spin cocoons,
mangroves in Asia (Palot and Radhakrishnan, in which they pupate, on branches or nee-
2004), the Caribbean (Saur et al., 1999) and dles of the host tree or on adjacent vegetation.
South America (Mehlig and Menezes, 2005). Adult emergence from the cocoon occurs at
On Brazil’s Amazon coast, for example, defo- dusk and mating and oviposition take place
liation of Avicennia germinans by H. puera at night. The moths are strong fliers and can
occurs every 2 years. A 4-year study by migrate up to 20 km.
Fernandes et al. (2009) showed that leaf loss In the hot and dry regions of Guangxi and
averaged 13% in the first and third years. Guangdong Provinces in south China, there
They concluded that the conversion of are three to four generations per year and two
A. germinans leaves into frass by the defo- to three in warm, humid Hunan (Xue, 1983).
liator favoured nutrient cycling in the man- In Vietnam, D. punctatus has three to five
grove itself and provided a nutrient supply generations a year, and population densities
for neighbouring aquatic systems over a short of up to 700 larvae per branch have been
period of time. recorded (Bassus, 1974). Severe defoliation
Natural enemies of H. puera include may result in loss of growth and resin pro-
parasitic wasps (Chalcididae, Ichneumoni- duction, and sometimes in tree mortality.
dae, Braconidae and Eulophidae) and flies Studies in China by Ge et al. (1988) showed
(Tachinidae), and predatory pentatomid bugs, that after almost 100% defoliation of Pinus
mantids and carabid beetles (Mukhtar et al., spp., nearly 25% of trees died and the vol-
1985; Sudheendrakumar, 1986; Nair, 2007). ume growth of surviving trees was reduced
Birds are also common predators of this to 31% of normal. Badly affected trees took
insect. In teak plantations in Kerala, India, 3 years to recover. Root rot infection of plan-
Zacharias and Mohandas (1990) have recor- tation P. elliottii in southern China has been
ded 48 species of birds feeding on H. puera, linked to defoliation by D. punctatus (Liu and
and in Papua New Guinea, the insect is a Liang, 1993). In general, outbreaks of the pest
significant food resource for several bird seem to be fairly erratic, and hence hard to
species in teak plantations (Bell, 1979). predict (Zhang et al., 2008), though in some
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 107

localities outbreaks appear every 3–5 years bag-like shelters made of host material and
or so (Li, 2007). Billings (1991) recorded silk, within which the larva remains con-
that in Vietnam in 1987, 56,500 ha had been cealed and only the head and thorax protrude
affected by the moth larvae, with 33,500 ha when feeding (Plate 21). The adult male is a
suffering from severe defoliation. Young normal winged moth but the female is wing-
trees may be defoliated completely, and even less, with a poorly developed body. The
die as a result. Those between 7 and 15 years female does not leave the bag but mates from
old are most commonly attacked. inside, and her eggs also mature and hatch
Biotic agents (parasitoids and entomog- there. Each female usually produces 100–200
enous fungi) have dominated integrated pest offspring, which emerge from the bag and
management strategies used against this disperse on silken threads. They settle on leaves
insect in China since the 1970s (Li, 2007) (see and construct the protective bag, which they
also Chapter 10). Xu et al. (2006) list 58 spe- carry about with them, enlarging it as they
cies of parasitic wasps and 20 species of grow. Pupation takes place in the bags hung
tachinid flies. Trichogramma wasps, partic- from the branches. The generation time of
ularly T. dendrolimi, which parasitize eggs P. plagiophleps is about 10–11 weeks (Nair
of D. punctatus, have been widely employed and Mathew, 1992).
and reportedly are effective (Wu et al., 1988). While up to five generations a year have
The number of parasitoids required for sup- been observed in the field, outbreaks lead-
pression varies with the age of the stand, the ing to heavy defoliation generally occur
density of the trees and the density of the only once or twice a year, usually in small
egg masses but, in general, 1,050,000/ha are patches in plantations (Plate 22). Studies by
required (Hsiao, 1981). There are many other Nair and Mathew (1988, 1992) in a 20 ha
natural enemies, one of the main in Hunan plantation of F. moluccana showed that
being the ichneumonid wasp parasitoid repeated defoliation over 2.5 years caused
Casinaria nigripes Gravenhorst, which attacks the death of 22% of trees and moderate to
first to fourth instar larvae. Ma et al. (1989) severe damage to 17%. Heavy infestations
showed that rates of parasitism by C. nigripes affecting a large number of trees have been
in forests were influenced by stand type recorded for F. moluccana, Delonix regia and
and growing conditions, with the greatest E. tereticornis. In the case of E. tereticornis
parasitism in mixed stands, followed by at least, there is evidence to suggest that such
closed pure stands and then sparse stands. infestation is related to host stress. In the
Ants are the most important predators in last couple of decades, the insect gradually
Vietnam and China and can regulate popu- has extended its host range and importance
lations of the pest effectively (Bassus, 1974; as a forest pest (Pillai and Gopi, 1990a;
Hsiao, 1981). Howlader, 1992), attacking plantations of
A. nilotica and even mangroves, Rhizophora
Pteroma plagiophleps Hampson mucronata (Santhakumaran et al., 1995). The
(Lepidoptera: Psychidae) latter record indicated the hardiness of
P. plagiophleps, since it was feeding on sap-
Up until the late 1970s, the bagworm, lings which became submerged during high
Pteroma plagiophleps, was known only as tides and on taller mangroves which regularly
a minor defoliator of tamarind, Tamarindus received salt spray. In Indonesia also, P. pla-
indica, in India and Sri Lanka. In 1977, giophleps is a sporadic pest, with severe
it caused extensive defoliation to a young defoliation occurring in some endemic patches
plantation of Falcataria moluccana at of F. moluccana in Sumatra (Nair, 2007).
Kerala (Nair et al., 1981) and since that time Natural enemies appear to play a deci-
has become an important tree pest in sev- sive role in regulating the populations of
eral countries in South and South-east Asia P. plagiophleps larvae, and 18 species of
(Nair, 2007). parasitoids, all hymenopterans, are known
P. plagiophleps belongs to a family of (Nair, 2007). A 25–38% reduction in popu-
moths whose larvae construct individual lations of this pest has been recorded on
108 Chapter 5

some occasions, due mainly to parasitism by egg parasitoid numbers due to early season
ichneumonid and chalcidid wasps (Mathew, fires could allow C. tessulatus populations
1989). to build up. However, in one outbreak area,
nymphs and adults disappeared prematurely,
indicating that at least one other major regu-
Ctenomorphodes tessulatus (Gray)
lating factor was operating.
(Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae)
The tesselated phasmatid Ctenomorpho-
des tessulatus occurs in coastal areas of
Queensland and New South Wales in east- 5.2.2 Leaf mining
ern Australia. It is a pest of native hardwood
forests and has a wide range of hosts, mostly A large number of insect species ‘mine’ or
in the family Myrtaceae (Elliott et al., 1998). feed on tissue between the upper and lower
The adult insect reaches approximately surface of leaves. Most species are in the order
120 mm in length, the male being winged Lepidoptera, but some species of Coleoptera,
and the female wingless. Females lay eggs Diptera and Hymenoptera also mine leaves
that drop to the forest floor from the can- (Elliott et al., 1998). The shape of some
opy and become incorporated into the lit- mines is characteristic of the species that
ter. The eggs hatch in late August and early constructs them and is therefore useful in
September and the nymphs ascend nearby identification. Because of the restricted size
trees to feed on foliage. They pass through of their habitat, leaf miners are small and
six instars and adults begin to appear dur- their larvae are grub-like and usually flattened
ing December. There is usually one genera- dorsoventrally.
tion per year, 2- or 3-year cycles occurring
only rarely in most populations. Adults live Acrocercops spp. (Lepidoptera:
for up to a year. Gracillaridae)
All known outbreaks of this insect are
from native forests and there are no records The genus Acrocercops is a large one, occur-
from plantations. Outbreaks in southern ring in both tropical and temperate regions
Queensland over the period 1974–1976 around the world. In Australia, where there
resulted in widespread defoliation and tree are more than 100 species, at least 11 species
death, particularly of E. tereticornis (Wylie of these leaf miners attack Acacia, Angophora
et al., 1993). Trees bordering road corridors and Eucalyptus (New, 1976; Elliott et al.,
and on pastoral or farm land were most seri- 1998). The mines are generally of the ‘blotch’
ously damaged. type, being wide as well as long, and appear-
Several wasp parasitoids have been ing as a blister on the leaf surface. Larvae of
reared from eggs of C. tessulatus, notably spe- most species develop from egg to pupa within
cies of Myrmecomimesis and Loboscelidia a few weeks, with the adults emerging a few
(Heather, 1965). There also appears to be high weeks later, suggesting that several genera-
mortality among eggs, caused by pathogens. tions per year are possible.
Nymphs are probably preyed upon by birds, A. plebeia is a species which attacks sev-
since these have been observed feeding on eral Acacia spp. in subtropical Queensland.
other phasmatids. In the case of one outbreak Adult moths lay eggs on the phyllode surface,
in northern New South Wales, forest fires usually one per phyllode and near the midrib,
had regularly burned over the area in the giving the larvae maximum choice in mining
years preceding this event. Hadlington and direction (New, 1976). On hatching, larvae
Hoschke (1959) conjectured that fires in the immediately enter the epidermis of the phyl-
spring and early summer would not affect lode. There are five larval instars, with a total
the nymphs which had entered the tree can- development time of 14–25 days. The first
opies but would kill the egg parasites, which two instars make a long, narrow and sinuous
did not emerge from the eggs until December– mine and the remaining instars make a blotch
February. It is possible that the reduction in mine (Plate 23). At maturity, the final instar
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 109

larvae cease feeding and empty the gut. A cir- hardens to form an ‘ootheca’. One female is
cular flap is then cut through the phyllode capable of laying as many as 18 oothecae,
cuticle and the larva emerges to spin a cocoon each of which may contain up to 100 eggs
either on the phyllode surface, on the bark or (Ahmed and Sen-Sarma, 1983, 1990). After
(more rarely) drops to the ground and pupates about a week, larvae emerge and begin
in the litter. feeding on the lower surface of leaves or
In India, there is also a large number of on shoots, making discoloured, irregularly
Acrocercops spp. which mine the leaves of shaped feeding patches. There are five larval
forest trees (Beeson, 1941). Yadav and Rizvi instars and it is the fourth and fifth instars
(1994) record this group as major pests of which cause complete skeletonization, leav-
wasteland plantations of Syzygium cumini, ing only the midrib and main veins. The lar-
and Acrocercops sp. near telestris is an impor- vae of C. leayana have an interesting defence
tant pest of cinnamon (Singh et al., 1978). mechanism. The excrement, instead of being
A. gemoniella mines the leaves of nursery discarded, is extruded in long, fine, black fil-
stock of the milk tree, Manilkara hexandra, aments, often twice the length of the body,
damaging up to 20% of leaves in some which are formed into bunches and attached
nurseries in central India (Jhala et al., 1988). at the anal end. When disturbed, the larvae
In the USA, a gracillariid leaf miner, of all instars flick these filaments up and
believed to be a species of Acrocercops, has down in a defensive action. Pupation occurs
shown potential for the biological control of on the leaves. There are usually three gen-
Melaleuca quinquinerva, an Australian tree erations a year, the first two taking about
which has become a pest in the Everglades 46 and 43 days, respectively, and the hiber-
of Florida (Burrows et al., 1996). nating generation taking about 239 days
(Ahmed and Sen-Sarma, 1990).
Defoliation of G. arborea is first noticea-
5.2.3 Leaf skeletonizing ble at the beginning of the rains, usually in
April or May, and may continue until October.
Skeletonizers strip away leaf tissue, leaving A heavy attack causes the leading shoots of
a network of veins, or a leaf ‘skeleton’. The young trees to dry up, and the trees remain
very early instars of many species of moth leafless for about 4 months of the growing
cause this type of damage, but some species season and eventually become bushy. Two or
are specialist skeletonizers for a considera- more consecutive complete defoliations will
ble part of their larval life. kill trees (Beeson, 1941). There are no other
recorded hosts for C. leayana (Nair, 2007).
Craspedonta leayana (Latreille) Chalcidid wasps, Brachymeria spp., par-
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) ticularly B. excarinata, have been recorded as
pupal parasites of C. leayana (Mohandas, 1986;
This chrysomelid, formerly known as Calo- Singh et al., 2006) and a eulophid wasp,
pepla leayana, is an important defoliator in Tetrastichus sp., is an egg parasitoid (Baksha,
plantations of Gmelina arborea, a fast-growing 1997). Factors such as temperature, rainfall
timber species, in India, Bangladesh and and the quality and quantity of food are impor-
Myanmar (Baksha, 1997; Singh et al., 2006). It tant contributors to seasonal fluctuations of
has also been recorded from Thailand. this insect. In Assam, India, Kumar et al. (2010)
The adults aestivate and hibernate in found that temperature was the principal com-
bark crevices, clumps of grass, soil litter and ponent influencing populations of C. leayana.
other sheltered places for about 8 months in a
year and become active when the new leaves
begin to expand (Browne, 1968). They cut 5.2.4 Leaf tying/rolling
large circular holes in the leaf and also eat the
young buds and shoots. Eggs are laid in clus- Larvae in several moth groups construct
ters, either on the underside of the leaf or on shelters for protection against predators such
the shoots inside a frothy secretion, which as birds, the simplest of these constructions
110 Chapter 5

being a webbing-together or rolling of leaves. flowers or even seed (Elliott et al., 1998).
The larvae feed on foliage contained within Most are true bugs (Hemiptera), but thrips
the shelter. This habit is common among (Thysanoptera) can feed in a similar fashion,
species of Tortricidae and Pyralidae. except that penetration is relatively shallow.
Sap feeders affect tree vitality by extra-
Strepsicrates rothia Meyrick cting sap required for normal functioning of
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) the plant, such as shoot extension and leaf
expansion. This results in stunting, distor-
This insect is widely distributed in the tropics tion or wilting, depending on the size of the
of the eastern hemisphere, being recorded in pest population, the insect species involved,
Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritius, India, Pakistan, the location of the feeding site and the sea-
Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Malaysia. It is associ- son of attack (Elliott et al., 1998). As well,
ated principally with the foliage of Eucalyptus, some species, such as certain lerp (protective
but also occurs on other dicotyledonous case)-making psyllids and mirid bugs, can
trees such as guava and mango (Beeson, 1941; inject a toxic saliva into their hosts, causing
Browne, 1968). necrosis of plant tissue. Sap feeders excrete
The larva of Strepsicrates Species rolls a a clear, sugary liquid (honeydew), which can
single Eucalyptus leaf, forming a shelter in coat the surfaces of leaves and stems and
which it feeds and rests (Plate 24). When the on which grows sooty mould fungi. Where
leaf turns brown and withers as a result of the large populations of insects are present, as
feeding, the larva crawls out to a fresh leaf to with aphids and coccids, the blackening of
repeat the process. Pupation takes place in the the plant surface by the mould can cause
rolled-up leaf. The life cycle is completed in reduced photosynthetic efficiency and the
3–4 weeks, the egg stage lasting 3–4 days, lar- loss of host vigour.
val development 10–21 days and pupal stage Feeding by sap-sucking insects provides
5–8 days (Chey, 1996; Wagner et al., 2008). The access for pathogenic fungi into plants, and
adult lives for only a few days in captivity. aphids, mirids and cicadellids are particu-
According to Chey (1996), Strepsicrates larly important in the transmission of viruses.
rothia is the most serious defoliator of Cicadas damage their host physically during
E. deglupta in Sabah. Damage to the shoots oviposition, slitting the bark of stems, while
of young trees can be severe, and in nurser- thrips and other sap feeders may cause gall
ies infestation levels of 20% have been formation.
recorded in Sabah (Chey, 1996) and of more The known world fauna of aphids
than 50% in Ghana (Wagner et al., 2008). In (Aphidoidea) consists of 4401 species placed
Ghana, E. tereticornis is the most preferred in 493 genera, of which 1758 species in 270
host species, with E. alba, E. cadamba and genera spend all or part of their life feeding
C. citriodora preferred in descending order. on trees (Blackman and Eastop, 1994). Aphids
Wagner et al. (2008) noted that the rate of are predominantly a northern temperate group,
infestation of S. rothia in a forest nursery at with remarkably few species in the tropics.
Yenku was about twofold more on shaded In contrast, psyllids, which have similar
beds than on unshaded beds. Infestation is ecology and host relations to aphids, are very
not confined to seedlings, and Chey (1996) common in the tropics. Blackman and Eastop
states that trees above 10 years of age in plan- (1994) believe that aphids have failed to diver-
tations are also attacked. In Sabah, a braconid sify in the tropics because of one particular
wasp, Ascogaster sp., parasitizes S. rothia. primitive feature of aphid biology, their cycli-
cal parthenogenesis (i.e. a life cycle consist-
ing of one generation of sexual morphs and
5.3 Sap Feeding several generations in which only partheno-
genetic females are produced). Aphids moving
Sap-feeding insects suck liquid or semi-liquid into the tropics lose the sexual phase of their
material from succulent parts of the host life cycle, and in so doing, lose the potential
plant, which can be leaves, stems, roots, fruit, to evolve and diversify. Despite this, several
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 111

aphid species which have become established for example, P. boerneri has a host range of
in the tropics have flourished and are now a over 50 species of exotic Pinus (Chilima and
problem. Leather, 2001). Pine woolly adelgids have
both winged and apterous adults. The wing-
Pineus pini (Macquart), Pineus boerneri less females reproduce parthenogenetically,
Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) but there is some doubt about the ability
of the winged forms to reproduce (Odera,
Pine woolly adelgids, Pineus spp., are native 1974). The young, or ‘crawlers’, which hatch
to the temperate zones of the northern hemi- from the eggs move about on the foliage,
sphere and feed on conifers. Nymphs and find a suitable spot to insert their mouth-
adults suck plant juices from needles, shoots parts and start sucking sap. Some crawlers
or stems of pine and cause shoot deformity are dispersed by wind. The insect moults
and loss of height growth. Excess plant juice several times before it reaches adulthood,
excreted by adelgids as honeydew is a favour- which usually takes only a few weeks. The
able medium for growth of black sooty generations overlap and several generations
moulds on foliage and stems (Diekmann et al., are produced in a year.
2002). Two species in particular, P. pini and Various studies have shown that popu-
P. boerneri, have become serious pests where lation fluctuations of P. boerneri are related
they have been introduced accidentally into to rainfall, but the results are sometimes
several tropical and subtropical countries in contradictory. For example, in Kenya, Mailu
the southern hemisphere during afforestation et al. (1980) found that there was a marked
programmes using Pinus spp. Both species decrease in numbers during periods of heavy
have a confused taxonomy. P. pini (Plate rainfall and a significant increase during dry
25), which is native to Europe and introduced weather, whereas in Hawaii, Culliney et al.
into North America, Australia and New (1988) found the reverse. In Kenya, the heavy
Zealand, has sometimes been referred to in rainfall caused high mortality early in the
the literature as P. laevis and quite often life cycle by washing eggs and crawlers off
mistaken for P. boerneri, which is of East the host tree. In Hawaii, high population
Asian origin (Blackman and Eastop, 1994). densities during periods of increased rain-
P. boerneri has been recorded under the name fall were attributed to the higher nutrient
of P. laevis in Australia, New Zealand and value of trees at such times, which favoured
Hawaii, as P. havrylenkoi in South America increased survival of the insects. Trees under
and as P. pini in East Africa (Day et al., 2003). stress are likely to be infested by P. boerneri
The introduction of P. boerneri into Africa more heavily than are unstressed trees (Madoffe
is believed to have been via pine scions and Austara, 1993).
imported into Zimbabwe and Kenya from In the early stages of infestation, or on
Australia in 1968 (Odera, 1974), and genetic lightly infested trees, colonies of the adelgid
analysis by Blackman et al. (1995) has con- occur under scales of the bud base, on
firmed an Australian link. Since then, shoots at the base of a needle fascicle, or on
P. boerneri has spread to a further six coun- needles inside a fascicle (Zwolinski, 1989).
tries in eastern and southern Africa, mostly Later, the infestation spreads to the new growth
by the movement of infested nursery stock and down to the bark of thicker branches and
(Zwolinski, 1989), and also infests Pinus plan- the stem. The insects produce waxy white
tations in Brazil (Oliveira et al., 2008). threads, which form a dense woolly cover over
Adelgids are related closely to aphids the colonies and give infested parts of the
and occur only on conifers. In Europe and tree a greyish appearance. Chlorosis of foli-
North America, they have complicated life age, shoot dieback, malformation and, in
histories which may involve a primary and severe cases, death of trees can result from
a secondary host belonging to two different heavy infestations of P. pini (Plate 26). In
genera (Zondag, 1977). However, in most Kenya, Odera (1974) reported 20% mortality
areas where they have been introduced, in some study plots, and Mailu et al. (1978)
they are restricted to Pinus spp. In Africa, found that severe stunting of needles caused
112 Chapter 5

by adelgid feeding could result in loss of half The native range of C. cupressivora is
the tree yield. In South Africa, Zwolinski most likely the region from eastern Greece to
et al. (1988) reported a 23% decrease in seed just south of the Caspian Sea (Watson et al.,
production of P. pinaster due to this insect. 1999). It is now widely distributed through-
Studies of the impact of P. boerneri on the out eastern, central and southern Africa, the
growth of P. patula seedlings in Tanzania margins of western Europe, countries border-
showed that infested seedlings had 12.2% ing the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle East,
less diameter growth and 14.1% less height Yemen, Mauritius and Colombia (Day et al.,
growth than uninfested seedlings in a 24-week 2003). It was first discovered in Africa in
period (Madoffe and Austara, 1990). Malawi in 1986, and subsequently in Tanzania,
P. boerneri has numerous natural ene- Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe
mies and some of these have been used in and Zaire. It attacks a wide range of exotic and
biological control programmes in several indigenous trees in Africa, including Callitris,
countries (Day et al., 2003). In Hawaii, pop- Cupressus, Cupressocyparis, Juniperus, Thuja
ulations of the adelgid have been regulated and Widdringtonia (Malawi’s national tree),
below economically significant levels by a but is particularly severe on the widely plan-
fly, Leucopsis obscum (Culliney et al., 1988). ted Cupressus lusitanica (Plate 28).
In Kenya and Zimbabwe, coccinellids Exo- As outlined by Ciesla (1991a), the life
chomus spp. are important predators of cycle of the cypress aphid is complex. During
P. boerneri, although Mailu et al. (1980) record the summer months, only females are present
only 12% reduction in populations of the pest and reproduce parthenogenetically, giving
due to these and other predators. birth to live young. There are two forms of
adults, winged and wingless. In temperate
Cinara cupressivora Watson & Voegtlin, climates, as cool weather approaches, both
Cinara cupressi (Buckton) males and females are found and eggs are
(Hemiptera: Aphididae) produced instead of live nymphs. The eggs
are laid in rough areas on twigs and foliage,
Cypress aphids belong to the genus Cinara, where they overwinter. In warm climates,
whose members are commonly known as parthenogenetic reproduction continues
giant conifer aphids (Diekmann et al., 2002). throughout the year. Several generations are
There are about 200 described species of produced annually and the lifespan of a sin-
Cinara; approximately 150 of these are from gle generation is about 25 days. Adults and
North America, 20 from Japan and the oriental immature insects are found in clusters of up
region and 30 of European or Mediterranean to 80 individuals on the branches of host
origin (Blackman and Eastop, 1994). They trees, where they suck the plant sap. Their
infest twigs and branches and sometimes saliva is toxic to some trees and can cause
roots of conifers, causing dieback and tree branch dieback and tree mortality, especially
mortality (Ciesla, 1991a,b). As is the case for when large numbers of aphids are present.
P. pini, the taxonomy of the species previously Dieback usually occurs from the inner crown
referred to as the cypress aphid, C. cupressi, outward and from the lower crown upward.
is confused and it now appears to be part of These insects also produce large amounts of
a species complex (Watson et al., 1999). The honeydew that covers branches and foliage
species causing tree damage in Africa is actu- and on which sooty mould grows, interfering
ally C. (Cupressobium) cupressivora (Plate 27). with photosynthesis. Damage appears to be
In their native habitat, these aphids generally more severe in the dry season.
are not considered major forest pests, but C. lusitanica, a highly favoured planta-
C. cupressivora has had severe economic tion and agroforestry species in Africa, is
and social impact in eastern and southern extremely sensitive to feeding by C. cupres-
Africa following its accidental introduction sivora. In addition to the loss of timber, tree
there in the 1980s, presumably on infested mortality caused by the aphid has increased
planting stock, and C. cupressi is an impor- the fire hazard in many rural areas, part-
tant pest in South America. icularly where cypress hedges have been
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 113

planted around homes (Ciesla, 1991a). Oriental regions and also parts of Africa.
Damage assessments by Symonds et al. Smith (1974) provides a description of its
(1994) in a stand of 65-year-old C. lusitanica life history and habits. The adult female can
in Kenya revealed a tree mortality of 12%. lay from 600 to 700 eggs, which are depos-
In Malawi, the estimate of financial losses ited in a cavity beneath the body of the scale.
on the standing crop by 1990 was over The first instar nymphs or crawlers emerge
US$3 m (Odera, 1991, cited in Obiri, 1994). from beneath the parent scale and spread out
Murphy (1996) estimates that in southern over the tree. These generally settle on the
and eastern Africa until 1990, the value midrib of leaves, on needles and on young
of cypress trees killed by C. cupressivora twigs, and begin feeding through long tubu-
totalled £27.5 m sterling, and there was a lar mouthparts inserted into the plant tissue.
loss in annual growth increment (including There are three nymphal instars and the final
that from already dead trees) of £9.1 m ster- moult to the adult takes place after about
ling/year. In Argentina and Chile, C. cupressi 10–12 weeks, by which time the soft-bodied
affects forests of Austrocedrus chilensis, scale is protected by a globular covering
causing defoliation and tree mortality (El of pink wax. Adults reach maturity in 4–6
Mujtar et al., 2009; Montalva et al., 2010). months. In Papua New Guinea, Merrifield
Conifer aphids are attacked by a range and Howcroft (1975) reported severe attack
of predators that include ladybirds, syrphid of P. caribaea by C. rubens, heavily infested
flies, lacewings and bugs, but they are far trees being characterized by sparse crowns,
less specific than the corresponding preda- considerable darkening of foliage by a dense
tors of adelgids and have a less significant covering of sooty moulds and reduced height
impact on individual prey species (Mills, increment. There was evidence of clonal
1990). Also, in contrast to the adelgids, para- differences in the severity of attack. C. rubens
sitoids are a very important part of the natu- is also a sporadic pest of P. taeda and
ral enemy complex, particularly braconid P. caribaea in Queensland, Australia (Elliott
wasps such as Pauesia spp. P. juniperorum et al., 1998).
was released as a biocontrol agent against The Florida wax scale, C. floridensis, is
C. cupressivora in Kenya and Malawi in 1994 a pest of ornamental trees and shrubs in sev-
and is now widespread in these countries. eral countries, but occasionally causes dam-
Releases of this parasitoid were also made in age in forest plantations. An outbreak in
Uganda in 1995 and more recently in Chile P. caribaea plantations in tropical Queensland
(Day et al., 2003; Montalva et al., 2010). affected 30% of the planted area and was
There is a wide range of tolerance among expected to cause reduced growth incre-
species of Cupressaceae to attack by cyp- ment and a decline in tree vigour. The sooty
ress aphid, which indicates that resistance mould interferes with photosynthesis, and
breeding may offer a viable, long-term solu- sap feeding can cause death of needles and
tion to the aphid problem (Day et al., 2003). twigs (Elliott et al., 1998). Other Ceroplastes
of occasional importance are C. grandis in
Ceroplastes spp. (Hemiptera: Coccidae) Brazil, C. ceriferus in the oriental region and
C. destructor in Africa, Papua New Guinea
The genus Ceroplastes occurs widely and Australia (Browne, 1968; Iede and
throughout the tropics and contains many Machado, 1989; Wakgari, 2001).
species which feed off forest trees. Few are A range of mortality factors have been
serious pests, but when they do occur in large reported for these insects which, in the
infestations they can reduce tree vigour early stages, includes failure to emerge from
seriously and even cause mortality (O’Dowd beneath the mother scale, crowding, desicca-
et al., 2003). tion and unsuccessful settling on hosts due to
One of the more important species is dislodging by wind and rain. Entomogenous
C. rubens, commonly known as the pink fungi and natural enemies such as lace-
wax scale or red wax scale (Plate 29). It wings, ladybirds and eulophid wasps are also
occurs throughout the Australian and important; in South Africa, for example,
114 Chapter 5

more than 21 hymenopteran parasitoids of attacked and, in extreme cases, the tree
C. destructor have been recorded (Wakgari, becomes very bushy and flat-topped. The
2001). Numerous studies have demonstrated new shoots put out at the top of the bush
that honeydew-producing scale insects ben- provide abundant food for A. cocophaga to
efit from the presence of ant attendants flourish, and so the condition is perpetuated
(Abbott and Green, 2007). In Japan, Itioka (Bigger, 1985).
and Inoue (1996) showed that ant attendance The genus Amblypelta extends from
on C. rubens restricted the ovipositional abil- Indonesia to Australia, New Caledonia and
ity of the encyrtid parasitoid Anicetus ben- Vanuatu, but has the greatest concentration
eficus and reduced its effectiveness as a of species in the Solomon Islands, where at
control agent of C. rubens. On Christmas least 18 species and subspecies have been
Island, an Australian Territory in the Indian recorded (Bigger, 1988).
Ocean, C. ceriferus and C. destructor are As described by Bigger (1988), eggs are
among nine species of scale insects occur- laid singly, either on a leaf or the stem of the
ring in outbreak densities over hundreds of plant. Hatching takes place after 8 days. There
hectares of rainforest, where they cause can- are five nymphal instars occupying a total
opy dieback and tree death (O’Dowd et al., of 33 days. The feeding damage done by the
2003). These outbreaks are being sustained adult insect to E. deglupta is often not par-
by high densities of the invasive yellow ticularly severe because the insect is mobile
crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes. The ants and moves from tree to tree, not staying in
assist the scales by removing honeydew, one place for very long. Nymphs, being flight-
which prevents asphyxiation, ‘nannying’ of less, are of necessity less mobile and so their
the mobile crawler stage and protection concentrated feeding is more likely to lead to
against natural enemies. In return, the scale dieback. Damage is most severe in the first
insects provide A. gracilipes with an abun- 12 months after planting. In trial plots estab-
dant source of carbohydrate in the form of lished to examine the effects of clearing
honeydew, which fuels their high popula- of inter-row growth on incidence of A. coco-
tion densities (Abbott and Green, 2007). phaga, no difference was found between
The exclusion of ants from plots in affected cleared and uncleared plots, and an estimated
rainforests on Christmas Island caused a 37–41% of the potential stand was rendered
100% decline in the densities of scale insects useless for future timber production due to
in tree canopies in 12 months (Abbott and damage by this pest (Bigger, 1985).
Green, 2007). With C. brevipetiolata, damage by
A. cocophaga usually starts when the tree is
Amblypelta cocophaga China about 1 m tall and is at an end by the time
(Hemiptera: Coreidae) the tree is 3–4 m tall (about 18 months after
planting). Feeding takes place mostly on the
This insect is a major pest of E. deglupta lower parts of the leaf midribs and leaf peti-
and Campnosperma brevipetiolata planta- oles and also on young shoots, resulting in
tions in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific multi-stemming. Cankers often develop at
and a minor pest of several forest tree spe- the feeding sites on badly damaged trees
cies, including candlenut, Canarium indi- and these persist as stem swellings on older
cum (Bigger, 1988; Ipute 1996). It is also an trees. Extensive pipe rotting is associated
important pest of agricultural crops such with these swellings. Thomson (2006) men-
as coconut, cassava and cocoa. Both adults tions that plantations of Agathis macro-
and nymphs feed on young shoots, inject- phylla (Pacific kauri) in the Solomon Islands
ing toxic saliva that results in wilting and are affected by this pest, but the severity of
dieback of the shoot. The leading shoot is damage is not stated.
chosen in preference to side branches and Ants are known to be predators of
when this is killed, the tree responds by A. cocophaga, particularly A. longipes, Oeco-
putting up several new leaders from below phylla smaragdina and Wasmannia aurop-
the damaged area. These, in turn, may be unctata (Way and Khoo, 1992).
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 115

Aulacaspis marina Takagi and Williams that it may become more injurious to man-
(Hemiptera: Diaspididae) grove plantations in the broader regions
as the numbers of similar reforestation pro-
Mangrove forests are being depleted rapidly grammes increase.
and degraded in many countries, and in the Ants are important predators of
past few decades there has been an upsurge A. marina in natural mangrove forests, as
in mangrove plantings to restore these for- demonstrated by Ozaki et al. (2000) in Bali.
ests (Ozaki et al., 1999). The impact of On ant-excluded saplings, 90% of artifi-
insects on mangroves generally has been cially introduced female scales survived a
considered of minor importance compared 3-day experiment, while only 22% survived
to their impact on other types of forests, but on plants foraged by the ants Monomorium
it is now clear that this has been strongly floricola and Paratrechina sp. (Fig. 5.7).
underestimated (Cannicci et al., 2008). One
emerging pest is the scale insect Aulacaspis
Helopeltis spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae)
marina, which has caused significant mor-
tality of R. mucronata saplings in Indonesia. Plant bugs of the genus Helopeltis, some-
Sucking by these insects on the leaves of times called mosquito bugs, are serious pests
the host plant causes chlorosis of the leaf, of cultivated plants in the Old World trop-
browning and leaf fall. Newly expanded ics, particularly of major cash crops such
leaves are attacked by crawlers within a as tea, cocoa, cinchona, cashew and pepper
generation span of the insect and successive (Stonedahl, 1991) (Fig. 5.8). There are 40
defoliation results in death of the plant after known species distributed from West Africa to
four generations of the pest. Papua New Guinea and northern Australia.
Female scales lay about 140 eggs, which They have been regarded generally as only
hatch in approximately 7 days. Newly hatc- minor pests of forest trees, occasional dam-
hed crawlers remain under the scale for a age being reported to Swietenia, Terminalia,
few days before dispersing to the leaves or Cinnamomum and Melia. However, in more
stems of the infested trees. Densities of more recent years, Wylie et al. (1998) have recorded
than 200 mature females per leaf have been severe damage to young eucalypt and acacia
recorded. Generation time varies from 34 to plantations in Indonesia, and there have
42 days and the insect has nine to ten gen- been similar instances in other countries.
erations a year (Ozaki et al., 1999).
On the Indonesian island of Bali, where
150 ha of abandoned shrimp ponds had been
reforested with three mangrove species
Ant-excluded seedling
(R. apiculata, R. mucronata and B. gymnor-
Ant-present seedling
rhiza), A. marina killed 70% of R. mucronata 100
saplings in the most heavily infested planta-
tion within 5 months of the initial infestation 80
(Nakamura, 1995, cited in Ozaki et al., 1999).
Survival (%)

Studies by Ozaki et al. (1999) showed that
the other two species of mangrove were 40 SE
equally susceptible but were not heavily
infested because their saplings, which were 20
not as tall as R. mucronata at the site, were
periodically completely submerged in sea- 0
water. Periodic spraying of seawater has been
suggested as an effective way to reduce dam-
age by A. marina. At present, serious damage Fig. 5.7. Survival of female Aulacaspis marina (mean ±
by A. marina has only been reported from SE) on ant-excluded and ant-present seedlings of
Bali. However, the species is also distributed Rhizophora mucronata introduced into five stands
in the Philippines and Malaysia, suggesting (A–E) in natural forests (from Ozaki et al., 2000).
116 Chapter 5

resulted in ‘bushing’ and stunting of the

trees (Plate 30). Attack of new growth in the
following year left trees with a ‘pompom’
appearance (Wylie et al., 1998). Rahardjo
(1992) reported that the loss due to attack by
Helopeltis spp. on eucalypt plantations in north
Sumatra was 11 m3/ha. On A. mangium in
central Sumatra, feeding by H. theivora
caused distortion of shoots and retardation
of growth (Wylie et al., 1998). In south India,
widespread and severe shoot dieback of neem
trees, A. indica, due to feeding by H. antonii
has become an annual event (Pillai and
Gopi, 1990b) and is a limiting factor for the
cultivation of neem in some parts (Annamalai
et al., 1996). Leaf loss of up to 95% has been
recorded, as well as heavy seedling mortali-
ties in forest nurseries. In the Congo, the
adaptation of the native H. schoutendeni to
planted Eucalyptus spp. has been a relatively
recent development. In 1994, out of 90 host
plants inventoried for Helopeltis, no Eucaly-
ptus species was mentioned (Diabangouya
and Gillon, 2001). Since then, severe attacks
have been reported for eucalypts, particularly
for clones of E. urophylla.
Population levels of the various Helo-
Fig. 5.8. Adult female of Helopeltis theivora (from peltis spp. in different countries fluctuate
Stonedahl, 1991). throughout the year, but in some cases a
build-up in numbers is synchronized with
the emergence of new foliage following the
As with many other tropical Miridae, cessation of the monsoon rains (Stonedahl,
Helopeltis spp. exhibit a more or less con- 1991). There are suggestions that the insects
tinuous cycle of generations throughout the do not do well under conditions of heavy
year (Stonedahl, 1991). Eggs are embedded rain, high winds or low relative humidity.
in plant tissue singly or in small groups, In West Bengal, Ghosh (1993) found that
often on new shoots. Hatching takes place incidence of mosquito bug was higher where
after 6–11 days and there are five nymphal cashew and E. tereticornis had been inter-
instars taking from 9 to 54 days to complete, cropped than where cashew was grown
depending on species and climatic condi- alone and inferred that the eucalypts cre-
tions. Adults may live for up to 30 days. In ated an environment favourable for rapid
forest crops, nymphs and adults feed on the multiplication of the pest.
leaves and stems of new shoots. Damage first A wide range of natural enemies of
appears as a necrotic area or lesion around Helopeltis spp. has been recorded, includ-
the point of entry of the stylets into the plant ing scelionid and mymarid wasp parasi-
tissue and progresses to wilt and dieback of toids of eggs, braconid wasp parasitoids of
the shoot. A single late-instar nymph of H. nymphs and predatory reduviid bugs and
theivora can make as many as 80 feeding ants. In most instances, however, these nat-
lesions during a 24-h period (Das, 1984, ural enemies cannot maintain populations
cited in Stonedahl, 1991). In heavily infested of the pests below economic thresholds
young eucalypt plantations in Sumatra, (Stonedahl, 1991). Several studies in horti-
feeding by H. bradyi and H. fasciaticollis cultural crop systems have demonstrated
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 117

the potential for the tree ant, O. smaragdina, on which sooty moulds grow, interfering
to reduce damage by Helopeltis spp. signifi- with photosynthesis.
cantly, but its painful bite makes it unaccept- The spherical mealybug is subject to
able to plantation workers (Way and Khoo, heavy natural mortality induced by unfavour-
1991; Stonedahl et al., 1995). able weather conditions and natural enemies.
High humidities have an adverse effect on
Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) the hatching of eggs and high temperatures
(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) may kill all stages. The insect may feed on
different parts of the same host plant in dif-
The mealybug Nipaecoccus viridis, often ferent seasons, partly in response to changing
referred to erroneously in the literature as climatic conditions. For example, populations
N. vastator, is an important tropical and sub- are usually low in winter, but in spring they
tropical insect pest of many food, forage, develop rapidly on the growing buds and on
fibre and ornamental crops. It has been the underside of new leaves. In summer,
recorded in 54 countries from Africa and the most of the mealybugs on the exposed parts
Middle East, throughout Asia to Australia of the tree perish, and only those in the lower
and the Pacific, and from 96 species of plants and protected parts remain. In autumn, the
(Sharaf and Meyerdirk, 1987; CABI/ EPPO, surviving insects resume their activities
2005). Its tree hosts include A. arabica, Albizia and invade new growth. Over 77 different
lebbek, F. moluccana, Dalbergia sisso and natural enemies of N. viridis have been recor-
Casuarina equisetifolia. ded, comprising 54 hymenopterous para-
This mealybug has been reported repro- sites, 14 coleopteran predators, seven dipteran
ducing both sexually and parthenogeneti- predators and two neuropteran predators.
cally. In the sexual type of reproduction, the Only 13 of these species are considered
adult female lays an average of 667 eggs in highly effective against the pest, and several
an ovisac secreted a few days prior to ovipo- have been used in biocontrol programmes.
sition (Sharaf and Meyerdirk, 1987). Eggs are For example, in Hawaii, the encyrtid wasp
laid in batches, gradually causing an increase Anagyrus dactylopii, which was introduced
in the size of the ovisac until it attains a from Hong Kong, has maintained the pest at
hemispherical shape, from which the com- very low levels. In Guam, natural enemies are
mon name ‘spherical mealybug’ is derived. also very effective, although Nechols and
The female dies soon after oviposition, Seibert (1985) found that the presence of ants
which lasts from 21 to 37 days, and by this decreased the performance of these agents
time her empty body becomes raised to a against N. viridis.
vertical position, being anchored to the plant
by means of stylets. Eggs hatch in about 10 days. Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore
First instar nymphs emerge from the ovisac (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
and search for a suitable spot to begin feeding,
preferably near the mother. Males have five The red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brim-
instars, while the females have four, devel- blecombei, is an important pest in several
opment being completed in 19–20 days. The parts of the world, where it feeds on
mealybug reproduces continuously through- Eucalyptus species, especially red gums
out the year and there are multiple, overlap- E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis. Sap
ping generations. sucking by adults and nymphs results in
N. viridis may feed on the host’s branches, early leaf drop, loss of tree vigour and
twigs, shoots, leaves, flower buds, fruit and premature death of some highly suscepti-
roots, causing curling and stunting of termi- ble species. G. brimblecombei is native to
nal growth, abortion of flowers, yellowing Australia and was first detected outside this
of leaves and dropping of fruit. In severe country in 1998 in California, USA (Brennan
infestations, wilting and dieback occur et al., 1999). It was found in Baja California,
(Sharaf and Meyerdirk, 1987). As well, the Mexico, in 2000, where it spread rapidly to
insects secrete large amounts of honeydew 21 other states. It was detected subsequently
118 Chapter 5

in Florida, Hawaii and Mauritius in 2001, occurs. Long-range dispersal by air transport
Chile in 2002, Brazil in 2003, Argentina in may be involved, as evidenced in Chile
2005, Ecuador in 2006, Europe (Spain and where the red gum lerp psyllid was first
Portugal) and Venezuela in 2007 and Peru detected on E. camaldulensis in 2001 in the
in 2008 (Halbert et al., 2003; Sookar et al., neighbourhood of the International Airport
2003; Diodato and Venturini, 2007; Santana of Santiago (Huerta et al., 2010).
and Burckhardt, 2007; Burckhardt et al., 2008; Classical biological control of G. brim-
Rosales et al., 2008; Valente and Hodkinson, blecombei by the Australian encyrtid wasp
2009; Huerta et al., 2010). Psyllaephagus bliteus has been implemented
Female psyllids lay their eggs singly or in several countries (Daane et al., 2005).
in scattered groups on succulent leaves and
young shoots, and the nymphs and adults Heteropsylla cubana Crawford
feed by sucking plant phloem sap through (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
their straw-like mouthparts. Red gum lerp
While several psylloid species have spread
psyllid nymphs form a cover or ‘lerp’ which
from their natural range to other parts of the
is a small, white, hemispherical cap composed
world, few have done so as rapidly or as spec-
of solidified honeydew and wax (Plate 31).
tacularly as Heteropsylla cubana (Geiger and
Lerps on leaves can be up to 3 mm in diam-
Gutierrez, 2000; FAO, 2007) (Plate 33). This
eter and 2 mm tall and resemble an armoured
insect is a serious pest of the widely planted,
scale. Nymphs enlarge their lerp as they grow,
multi-purpose tree Leucaena leucocephala,
or they move and form a new covering. The
used as a source of fodder, fuelwood, shade
yellow or brownish nymphs resemble a
for agricultural crops, reforestation and timber
wingless aphid and spend most of their time
in many countries.
covered beneath a lerp. Adults live openly
The leucaena psyllid is indigenous to
on foliage and do not live under lerp covers
tropical America, where its original range
(Plate 32). All life stages can occur on both
extended from Cuba and Mexico to Argentina
new and mature foliage. The life cycle ranges
(Showler, 1995). It was reported from Florida
from several weeks to several months, depend-
in late 1983 and the first populations estab-
ing on temperature; in Australia, there are two
lished outside of the Neotropics were found
to four generations each year.
on Hawaii in April 1984. The chronology of its
High populations of psyllids secrete
spread is documented by several authors (e.g.
copious amounts of honeydew on which
Mitchell and Waterhouse, 1986; Muddiman
grows a black sooty mould, affecting leaf
et al., 1992; Napompeth, 1994; Nair, 2007) and
photosynthesis and fouling surfaces beneath
is summarized as follows:
affected trees. Extensive defoliation weak-
ens trees and can increase tree susceptibil- • Late 1983 Florida
ity to damage from other insects and • April 1984 Hawaii
diseases, leading to dieback and tree mortal- • February 1985 Western Samoa and
ity. Halbert et al. (2003) list 22 hosts for Cebu, Philippines
G. brimblecombei. In southern California, • March 1985 Mariana Islands
thousands of mature E. camaldulensis were • June 1985 Cook Islands, Fiji
killed within 2–3 years by uncontrolled and Niue
populations of red gum lerp psyllid. The • July 1985 Tonga, Vanuatu and
removal costs for these dead trees are esti- Caroline Islands
mated at millions of dollars (Hoddle, 2010). • October 1985 New Caledonia,
In Mauritius, Eucalyptus is the main mel- throughout the
liferous plant and, if severely damaged, may Philippines and
result in a setback to honey production American Samoa
(Sookar et al., 2003). • December 1985 Solomon Islands
Likely pathways for dissemination are and Taiwan
plants for planting or cut foliage of Eucal- • March 1986 Java, Indonesia and
yptus from countries where G. brimblecombei Papua New Guinea
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 119

• April 1986 Australia with the development of adjacent leucaena

• May 1986 Christmas Island leaflets.
• June 1986 Sumatra, Bali, Leucaena psyllid damage and popula-
Flores, Sulawesi and tion trends vary from location to location.
eastern islands Populations generally build up in the wetter
of Indonesia months when the trees are growing vigor-
• September 1986 Thailand ously, but the effects of their feeding are
• 1986 Malaysia, China, most severe at the beginning of the dry sea-
Singapore, Japan, son when leaf growth slows and psyllid
Myanmar, Vietnam, numbers are already high (NFTA, 1990).
Cambodia, Laos Populations may fall to very low levels dur-
• 1987 Sri Lanka, ing extended hot, dry periods. In Australia,
Bangladesh Bray and Woodroffe (1988) reported a rapid
• 1988 Andaman and build-up of adults, from almost none to
Nicobar Islands, large numbers within 3–4 days after rain.
India The insects presumably were attracted to
• 1989 Nepal new growth on the plants, which was stim-
• 1991 Mauritius and ulated by the rain. Psyllid damage is often
Reunion severe when juvenile foliage development
• 1992 Tanzania, Kenya, is rapid, as on hedges managed for green
Uganda, Burundi, manure or fodder (NFTA, 1990).
Sierra Leone The economic and social impact of
• 1993 Ethiopia, H. cubana worldwide has been considera-
Mozambique ble. L. leucocephala was widely regarded
• 1994 Sudan, Zimbabwe, and promoted as a ‘wonder tree’ and many
Zambia, Malawi countries had extensive plantings of this
species. For example, in Indonesia, 1.2 Mha
The mechanisms by which H. cubana dis- of leucaena were planted in Java as part of
persed so quickly over such great distances the productive taungya agroforestry system
were uncertain. Many psyllids form part of for establishing teak plantations (Showler,
the aerial plankton, and this accounts for 1995). In Bali, it shades 12,000 ha of vanilla,
some of the range extension (Muddiman et al., and on Irian Jaya, oil palm and cocoa. In
1992). However, it has also been suggested the Philippines, Thailand, Australia and
that the spread was facilitated by transpor- Indonesia, the first year of infestation caused
tation in or on aircraft. There are several an estimated US$525m in damages, with
reported instances of introduced psyllid pests US$316m in Indonesia alone (Geiger et al.,
being first detected on plants in the vicinity 1995). Such damages included not only the
of airports. H. cubana lay eggs on young, direct loss of leucaena as a cash crop for fuel-
unopened leucaena leaves, the eggs being wood, fodder and timber but also decline in
attached to the leaf surface by a stalk. After crop yields and death of crops where leu-
2–3 days, nymphs hatch and begin feeding. caena was used as shade, decline in small
There are five nymphal instars lasting app- farm livestock production and loss of exports
roximately 9 days. Females begin laying eggs of livestock and agricultural produce. Small
within a few days of becoming adults, and a farmers experienced considerable reduction
female may lay about 400 eggs in her lifetime. of income as a result of the psyllid damage; for
The total life cycle is about 14 days. Both example, in the Philippines the net monthly
nymphs and adults feed on foliage, causing income generated from leucaena plantings
leaflets to turn yellow, curl and wilt. Massive declined from 1046 pesos in 1984 to 489 pesos
populations can cause shoot necrosis, defo- in 1987 (Showler, 1995). Another consequence
liation and death of the tree (Showler, 1995). of the psyllid problem in some developing
The deposition of honeydew encourages the countries has been a loss of confidence in
growth of sooty moulds, which can interfere external recommendations, which in turn
120 Chapter 5

has affected progress towards larger goals Thaumastocoris are gregarious insects,
such as reforestation (Geiger et al., 1995). with adults and nymphs occurring on the
Classical biological control has been same leaf. Adults live for an average of 16
employed against H. cubana, the two main days and each female will produce about 60
agents being the coccinellid predator Curinus eggs (Noack and Rose, 2007). The eggs are laid
coeruleus and the encyrtid wasp parasitoid in black capsules on the leaves, often in a
Psyllaephagus yaseeni. The predator has been cluster that can be seen as a large black mark
introduced into several countries and has had on the leaf (Button, 2007). Eggs hatch in 4–8
partial success in Hawaii and Indonesia, days and the total nymphal time is 17–25 days.
but has failed to establish in many seasonal Typical symptoms of infestation include
dry areas and is a poor disperser (Geiger and initial reddening of the canopy leaves, a
Gutierrez, 2000). The parasitoid has been condition sometimes referred to as ‘winter
released in Hawaii, Indonesia and Thailand. bronzing’, although this can occur throughout
It established and dispersed quite readily, the year (Plate 34). Subsequently, the foliage
having reached Malaysia and the Philippines changes to a reddish-yellow or yellow-brown
without human intervention. Geiger et al. (1995) colour, and loss of leaves associated with
report a long-term trend in damage caused heavy infestations leads to severe canopy
by H. cubana, this being generally heavy in thinning and sometimes branch dieback or
the first 2 years of infestation, then gradually tree mortality (Nadel et al., 2009).
weakening in duration and severity. This has T. peregrinus has a wide host range,
been attributed to biological control efforts. infesting at least 30 Eucalyptus species and
hybrids. In South Africa, all commercially
Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero grown Eucalyptus are susceptible to attack,
and Dellape (Hemiptera: and the pest has been reported from seven
Thaumastocoridae) eucalypt species in South America (Nadel
et al., 2009). In Australia, the insect has
Thaumastocoris peregrinus, commonly refer- become a pest of tropical and subtropical
red to as the winter bronzing bug or bronze plantations in Queensland and New South
bug, is an emerging pest of Eucalyptus in Wales, affecting species of Corymbia as well
native and non-native regions of the south- as Eucalyptus.
ern hemisphere (Nadel et al., 2009). This Nadal et al. (2009) used DNA bar-coding
sap-sucking insect feeds on eucalypt leaves, to investigate the source and patterns of
causing death of the leaves and leaf drop, T. peregrinus invasions in South Africa and
resulting in loss of growth increment, dieback South America and concluded that Sydney
and sometimes tree death. In its native was the most likely origin of both these
Australia, it was virtually unknown until 2001, introductions. Extreme long-range dispersal
when severe outbreaks occurred in Sydney’s by air travel is thought to be the main mech-
urban forest (Noack and Rose, 2007). It was anism for spread. This hypothesis is sup-
reported from South Africa in 2003 and in ported by information from Brazil, where,
Argentina in 2005. In the initial reports of in the state of Sao Paulo, the bronze bug was
these outbreaks, T. peregrinus was identi- first found in Eucalyptus trees adjacent to
fied incorrectly as T. australicus (Carpintero two international airports in the metropolitan
and Dellape, 2006). Since 2003, populations region of Sao Paulo city (Wilcken et al., 2010).
of the pest have grown explosively in South The insect may also hitchhike on the clothes
Africa and it has attained an almost ubiq- of travellers or be dispersed by wind.
uitous distribution over several regions on
26 Eucalyptus species (Nadel et al., 2009). Tingis beesoni Drake (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
T. peregrinus reached Zimbabwe in 2007
and Malawi in 2008 and it was recorded as The lace bug T. beesoni, recorded only from
established in Uruguay and Brazil in 2008 India, Thailand and Myanmar, is a serious
(Carpintero and Dellape, 2006; Martinez and pest of G. arborea in those countries, causing
Bianchi, 2010; Wilcken et al., 2010). defoliation and dieback in young plantations
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 121

(Mathew, 1986; Kamnerdratana, 1987; Harsh their eggs under bark, where they hibernate,
et al., 1992; Nair, 2007) (Fig. 5.9). hatching the following spring.
The life history of the insect is described Feeding by nymphs and adults causes
by Mathur (1979). Eggs are laid over a period leaves to become blotched-brown near the
of 4–5 days in small batches; they are base. They wither and fall and the shoots
inserted into the tissue of the tender shoot in become dry. Eventually, the shoots die back,
a vertical row. They hatch in 2–6 days and retarding tree growth. During one outbreak
the nymphs congregate on the lower surfaces in a 10 ha plantation of 1-year-old trees in
of the foliage and suck sap at the base of the India, 67% of the plants were infested, 21%
lamina or in the axils of leaves. A feeding suffering total defoliation and dieback of
cluster may comprise as many as 60 nymphs. the terminal shoot (Nair and Mathew, 1988).
There are five nymphal instars taking from A study by Harsh et al. (1992) of top dieback
9 to 30 days to complete, depending on the and mortality in a G. arborea provenance
season. Adults are quite active in summer trial in Madhya Pradesh, India, showed that
and move about on the under-surface of the problem was caused by T. beesoni in
leaves and new shoots for feeding. They dis- combination with the fungus Hendersonula
perse to other plants, but their flight is lim- toruloidea. Meshram and Tiwari (2003) recor-
ited. There are seven generations a year, with ded an 80% incidence of top dying in one
considerable overlap. At the onset of cool plantation of G. arborea in Madhya Pradesh
weather, the adults of the last generation lay and noted that trees aged 2–3 years were
more susceptible to this insect. Feeding by
the lace bugs in the wet season provided
conditions favouring the infection of damaged
plants by the canker-causing H. toruloidea.
The fungus was capable of invading and kill-
ing plants within a year.

5.4 Bark and Wood Feeding

Bark- and wood-feeding forest insects are

contained in four main orders: Coleoptera
(bark beetles, ambrosia beetles, longicorn
beetles, bostrychid beetles, scarab beetles,
weevils), Hymenoptera (wood wasps), Isoptera
(termites) and Lepidoptera (wood moths).
Usually, the larval stages cause most of the
damage to the wood and bark. Only in the
Coleoptera do the adults of some species
(e.g. pinhole borers) tunnel extensively in the
wood or feed externally on bark (e.g. some
scarab beetles).
The effects of bark- and wood-boring
insects on their hosts vary depending on the
condition of the tree when attacked, the par-
ticular tissue attacked and the activity of
associated agencies such as symbiotic fungi,
bacteria and predators (Elliott et al., 1998).
An obvious effect is structural weakness in
Fig. 5.9. Adult of Tingis beesoni (from Mathur, stems and branches resulting from exten-
1979). sive tunnelling. This may be exacerbated by
122 Chapter 5

the activities of predators excavating for as teak, T. grandis, mahogany, Swietenia spp.,
larvae in the tree, as is the case with yellow- G. arborea and species of Acacia, Casuarina,
tailed black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus Syzygium and Terminalia (Beeson, 1941;
funereus) predating larvae of the giant Garg and Tomar, 2008; Patel and Patel,
wood moth, Endoxyla cinerea, in eucalypts 2008). Damage has been reported from
in Australia (Wylie and Peters, 1993). India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and
Tunnelling by larvae of longicorn and jewel Malaysia.
beetles in stems and branches may inter- The adult female may lay up to 2000 eggs,
rupt the tree’s conductive processes and which she places in groups of about 15–25
sometimes results in ring-barking and death on the bark of the stem or branches of the
of affected parts. Some borers, such as host. The eggs hatch in 9–11 days. Each
ambrosia beetles, cause damage that is not larva bores a short tunnel downwards into
immediately apparent until timber is cut the wood and shelters there during the day,
from the tree. Termites such as species of coming out at night to feed on the outer sur-
Odontotermes and Macrotermes are com- face of the bark. Broad irregular patches are
mon and important agents of tree mortality excavated in the bark and these areas are
in young plantations throughout the trop- roofed in with silk mixed with excrement and
ics. However, in Australia, termites cause fragments of bark. A single larva can dam-
most damage by feeding in the heartwood age a considerable area of bark (Plate 35),
of trees, causing significant losses in wood and in a heavy infestation most of the outer
volume and downgrading potential sawlog bark of the stem may be destroyed (Beeson,
into lower value pulpwood. Several impor- 1941; Browne, 1968). The larval period lasts
tant wood- and bark-feeding insects have about 10 months in India and Bangladesh,
very close associations with other organ- pupation takes place in the shelter tun-
isms such as fungi, with these organisms nel and moths emerge after 21–31 days. In
forming an essential part of the life history Myanmar, there are two generations a year.
of the pest. An example is the sirex wasp Feeding by this caterpillar can result
and its symbiotic fungus Amylostereum in loss of growth increment and, with
areolatum, which not only provides food heavy infestations, girdling and mortality
for the larvae but also contributes to death (Sasidharan et al., 2010). The shelter tun-
of the host tree. nels bored into the sapwood allow the entry
The physiological condition of host of fungi and other organisms and degrade
trees has a major influence on the type of the wood. Zia-ud-Din (1954) also suggests
insect borers which attack them and the that heavy damage may prevent flowering
ability to withstand this attack. For example, of some trees. In India, I. quadrinotata has
drought-stressed trees can be very suscepti- been reported as a moderately serious pest
ble to sirex and Ips bark beetles, particu- of A. senegal and A. tortilis in the Thar
larly if other factors such as overstocking desert (Vir and Parihar, 1993). These tree
aggravate these effects. Many borers, such species are the major component of planta-
as ambrosia beetles, are attracted to dam- tion forestry programmes related to waste-
aged trees. land development, sand dune stabilization,
fuelwood and fodder in this arid region.
In Tamil Nadu, India, C. equisetifolia is a
major species used for coastal afforestation
5.4.1 External chewing and agroforestry and plays a crucial role in
the rural economy. Of 40 species of insect
Indarbela quadrinotata Walker associated with C. equisetifolia in that state,
(Lepidoptera: Indarbelidae) I. quadrinotata is the most economically
important pest (Sasidharan and Varma, 2008).
The bark-eating caterpillar, I. quadrinotata, Meshram et al. (2001) rate I. quadrinotata
which occurs throughout Asia, is a poly- as a major pest of G. arborea in India. Baksha
phagous pest infesting many fruit trees, (1991) reported a 70% incidence of the pest
street trees and important forest trees such in a 4-year-old plantation of F. moluccana
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 123

near Chittagong, Bangladesh. Populus spp., then joined by the male. Following copula-
widely used in farm forestry programmes tion, she constructs a straight gallery about
in Pakistan and India, are also commonly 7 cm long and lays eggs at intervals along
attacked by I. quadrinotata (Veer and both sides of it. Larvae hatch and bore mean-
Chandra, 1984; Gul and Chaudhry, 1992). dering galleries outwards from the mother
Natural enemies of the bark-eating cater- gallery, and eventually pupate at the end of
pillar include braconid and eulophid wasp their tunnel. The duration of the life cycle
parasitoids, ant predators and the ento- from egg to egg is about 48 days (Webb,
mopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana 1974), and there are four to five generations
(Gul and Chaudhry, 1992). a year in the Transvaal area (Tribe, 1990).
Maturation feeding by H. angustatus
under bark on roots and root collars of
5.4.2 Bark boring pine seedlings can result in girdling and
death of seedlings, which are most vulner-
Hylastes angustatus (Herbst) able up to 1 year after planting. Mortalities
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) of up to 52% have been recorded in young
P. patula plantations in Transvaal (Toit,
The pine bark beetle, Hylastes angustatus, 1975). The generally accepted loss rate is
of European and southern Russian origin, is 15%, above which replacement is neces-
thought to have been introduced acciden- sary. Because H. angustatus feeds beneath
tally into South Africa on fresh pine logs the bark and mainly below ground, the
(Bevan and Jones, 1971; Govender and beetles have already departed by the time
Wingfield, 2005). It was found originally in the damage is first noticed (Tribe, 1990).
the southern Cape Province, but now occurs The presence of harvesting residues (slash)
wherever Pinus spp. are grown commer- has been found to impact negatively on
cially in South Africa, as well as in Swaziland the early survival of tree seedlings because
and Zambia. Although it is not considered a this favours build-up of H. angustatus, but
pest in the winter rainfall areas in the south, the practice of slash burning promotes
it is a serious, though sporadic, pest in losses due to the fungus Rhizina undulata,
summer rainfall regions, causing damage which requires a heat stimulus for the
to seedlings of the economically important onset of pathogenicity (Wingfield and
P. patula (Erasmus and Chown, 1994). Swart, 1994). The discontinuation of slash
As described by Bevan and Jones (1971), burning has necessitated the implementa-
there are two distinct phases in the life cycle of tion of chemical control for H. angustatus
H. angustatus, a breeding phase and a feeding in summer rainfall areas of South Africa
phase. The former is that period from sexually (Allan et al., 2000).
mature adult, through egg and larva, to young Various natural enemies of Hylastes have
virgin unemerged imago, when the insect is been recorded, but these have been consid-
confined to the chosen breeding site. In this ered of little use in commercial plantations.
phase, the insect is ‘secondary’, attacking only
damaged, dying or dead material such as logs Ips spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae
and stumps, and is generally of no direct eco- Scolytinae)
nomic importance. The feeding phase is the
period between the emergence of the virgin The genus Ips contains more than 60 species
adult from its breeding site and its eventual (Wood, 1982) and is one of the best-known
arrival at another breeding site when sexually groups of bark beetles, with a worldwide
mature. During this time, the beetle feeds on distribution. Several species occur in the tro-
young green bark, this being necessary for pics and subtropics, and some of these are
proper maturation of the gonads. In this phase, important pests of Pinus spp. They can attack
the insect is ‘primary’, attacking healthy living living trees, freshly felled logs and unbarked
plants, and its damage is significant. pine slash (Hanula et al., 2002).
After feeding, the female enters the The attack is generally initiated by the
bark, excavates a nuptial chamber and is adult male, which tunnels into the inner
124 Chapter 5

bark/cambial region where the nuptial cham- causing tree mortality, particularly when
ber is carved out. The male produces a populations are very high. The propensity
pheromone which attracts the females and of Ips to attack living trees varies with species;
other males to the log or tree. A male may be I. calligraphus is regarded as one of the most
joined by up to seven females and mating aggressive species (Yates, 1972). In Australia,
takes place in the nuptial chamber. Each I. grandicollis (Plates 36 and 37) has some-
female bores a tunnel away from this cham- times caused extensive, although local-
ber and deposits eggs in niches along the ized, tree death, particularly when trees were
sides. The frass which is produced is pushed stressed by drought or damaged by fire and
back along the tunnel by the female and lightning (Neumann, 1987; Elliott et al., 1998).
cleared out through the entrance hole by the Following fires in south-east Queensland
male. On hatching, the larvae tunnel in the in 1994, which affected over 8000 ha of
inner bark. At high densities, the larval tun- P. elliottii, P. taeda and P. caribaea planta-
nels overlap and the phloem is converted tions, I. grandicollis attacked fire-damaged
into a layer of frass. The larval period may trees after 6 weeks and was a significant
vary from a few weeks to a few months, pest in most areas after 10 weeks (Wylie
depending on temperature, and at the end of et al., 1999) (Fig. 5.10). Sap staining, caused
this period, larvae form a cell at the end of by fungi (principally Ophiostoma ips) carried
their gallery and pupate. The new adults feed by the beetle, became significant in attacked
on the inner bark before emerging through stems at the completion of the insect’s life
exit holes similar to that by which their par- cycle (about 4 weeks in summer) (Plate 71).
ents entered. This attack necessitated rapid salvage of
Ips species carry out ‘feeding’ and the timber and its storage under water spray
‘breeding’ attacks when colonizing the bark (Plate 109). The losses caused by I. grandicollis
of green to semi-green dead pine material and sap stain following these fires were esti-
or that of apparently healthy trees. In feeding mated at several million Australian dollars,
attacks, the inner bark and outer sapwood most of this being in privately owned plan-
surface is etched by large numbers of male tations where salvage was delayed for sev-
and female adults in the period prior to repro- eral months.
duction and, as a consequence, the bark Garraway (1986) cited two instances
peels off. Breeding attacks are made by vir- of large-scale attack in pine plantations in
gin male and female beetles and/or by fer- Jamaica by I. calligraphus and I. grandicollis;
tilized females when entering the inner the first was on fire-ravaged P. caribaea in
bark and constructing characteristic gallery 1979 and the other on a mixed plantation of
systems for breeding (Neumann, 1987). Pinus spp. which had been exposed to flood-
Different species of Ips may show pref- ing and landslides, followed by several
erence for infesting different parts of the host months of intense drought in 1980. In the lat-
plant. For example, in Jamaica, I. calligraphus ter case, 22% of the pines were lost over a
showed preference for the older, thick-barked 6-month period. In the Philippines, Lapis
regions of the trunk and the larger branches, (1985a) reported occasional large-scale mor-
while I. grandicollis preferred the thinner- tality of P. kesiya in northern Luzon due to
barked regions of the trunk and smaller I. calligraphus, and this species was the prin-
branches (Garraway, 1986). Bark thickness cipal mortality agent in the deaths of thou-
also influences certain parasitoids of Ips, sands of drought-affected P. occidentalis in
those species that oviposit through the bark the Dominican Republic in 1986–1987 (Haack
being limited to areas of bark that are no et al., 1990). In Honduras, primary attack of
thicker than their ovipositors are long (Riley P. oocarpa by I. cribricollis has been reported
and Goyer, 1988). and it has been found frequently attacking
Commonly, Ips are secondary pests, apparently healthy pines in association with
colonizing recently cut logs, pine slash and other Ips species (Lanier, 1987). In southern
physiologically unhealthy trees. However, USA, three species of Ips engraver beetles
sometimes they can assume a primary role, (I. avulsus, I. grandicollis and I. calligraphus)
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 125

Trees attracked by Ips (%)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Weeks after fire

Fig. 5.10. Progress of Ips grandicollis attack with time in five plots in fire-damaged pine plantations
in Queensland, Australia (from Wylie et al., 1999).

are responsible for documented annual los- are very similar. Generally, the eggs are laid
ses of approximately US$6.6m to pine forests singly in cracks or crevices in the bark, or
(Riley and Goyer, 1988). under bark flakes, on the lower stem of the
Predators and parasitoids are important host tree. The eggs hatch in about 2 weeks
factors in the regulation of Ips spp. bark and the larvae burrow directly into the bark
beetles. In southern USA, Riley and Goyer down to the wood surface, where they feed
(1986) found 27 species of insect predators on the tissues of inner bark and outer wood
and 10 species of parasitoids associated (Braza, 1988a). In the course of their feeding
with Ips broods in P. taeda and P. elliottii, and development, the larvae construct frass-
which decreased brood survival by 30.8%. filled zigzag tunnels, sometimes more than
Biological control has been used to reduce 2 m long and extending down to the roots.
populations of I. grandicollis in Australia, When mature, larvae tunnel into the wood,
the torymid wasp parasitoid Roptrocerus constructing a chamber, where they pupate.
xylophagorum now being widely estab- Adults emerge a few weeks later and tunnel
lished and the braconid wasp Dendrosoter to the surface, cutting a ‘D’-shaped hole in
sulcatus also being established in the sub- the bark. The length of the life cycle varies
tropics (Elliott et al., 1998). with species of Agrilus and the type and
condition of the host. In Papua New Guinea,
A. opulentus completes its life cycle in
5.4.3 Cambium and surface small-diameter felled trees in 6–7 weeks. In
sapwood boring trees with a larger diameter trunk, the life
history may take up to three times longer,
Agrilus spp. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) while in standing, living trees the life history
takes at least 9 months to 1 year (Roberts,
Agrilus is a cosmopolitan genus containing 1987). Young adults must feed before they
well over 1000 species. Most of these are of can mate and before the females can lay
little or no economic importance, but a few eggs. They usually feed on the new foliage
species in Africa, Asia and the Pacific are of their preferred host trees.
serious pests in forest plantations, causing On thin-barked trees, the zigzag tunnel-
growth loss, stunting and tree mortality. ling of the larvae is clearly visible in the form
The biologies of the main pest species of raised welts on the bark, giving rise to the
in Papua New Guinea and the Philippines names ‘zigzag’ or ‘varicose’ borers for these
126 Chapter 5

insects (Plate 38). These welts are the result (Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North and
of callus tissue overgrowing old tunnels and are South America and New Zealand), having
usually not visible where larvae are active. been present in South Africa and Argentina
In Papua New Guinea, the two trees since the early 1900s (CABI/EPPO, 2007b). In
most widely grown in forest plantations in some places, it is a serious pest of planted
the wet lowlands, E. deglupta and Terminalia eucalypts, attacking and killing young trees
brassii, are attacked by A. opulentus and (Loyttyniemi, 1991; Hanks et al., 1995a,
A. viridissimus, respectively. Attack is often 2001), but in Australia it is regarded as only
heaviest on trees which are stressed; for a minor pest attacking damaged, severely
example, E. deglupta growing on badly stressed or newly felled trees.
drained soils and T. brassii on soils which As described by Elliott et al. (1998) for
dry out rapidly (Roberts, 1987). Infested Phoracantha semipunctata in Australia,
trees show loss of annual increment, and females lay batches of 10–100 eggs in crev-
small and suppressed trees are girdled and ices in the bark of dead, dying or stressed
killed. Estimated growth losses in E. deglupta trees, in freshly cut logs or in branches
plantations at Madang due to A. opulentus down to a diameter of about 150 mm. Dry
totalled US$2.5m over the 10-year rotation material is not attacked. The eggs hatch in
(Mercer, 1990). In the Philippines, E. deglupta 10–14 days and larvae tunnel in the inner
plantations (Papua New Guinea provenance) bark/cambial/outer sapwood region for 4–6
in Mindanao have been severely attacked months, making wide galleries, sometimes
by A. sexsignatus, with up to 63% mortality. 1–2 m long, that are tightly packed with
Numerous studies have shown that the Papua frass. When fully fed, the larvae bore deeply
New Guinea provenance of E. deglupta is into the heartwood and pupate. The pupal
most susceptible to attack by Agrilus spp., period lasts about 10 days. Adults may be
while the native Philippines E. deglupta is found during all months of the year, and
more resistant (Braza, 1987, 1988a). generations overlap considerably. Adults
In the Sudan, after a long drought during can live for more than 90 days (Paine et al.,
1979–1984, gum production by A. senegal 1995). The length of the life cycle through-
and A. seyal decreased and this was attributed out the range of the insect varies with climate
in part to attack by jewel beetles, including and season, and can take from 2 months in
species of Agrilus (Jamal, 1994). In Pakistan, the hot tropics up to 1 year in cooler regions.
A. dalbergiae has caused yellowing and death P. semipunctata occurs widely in Africa
of unhealthy D. sissoo trees in amenity from the south through Angola, Malawi,
plantings (Sheikh and Aleem, 1983), and in Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe to
Indonesia, A. kalshoveni caused large-scale Morocco and the Canary Islands in the north.
mortality of scattered trees of all sizes of In Zambia, where it was first recorded in
Actinophora fragrans (Kalshoven, 1953; 1968, severe outbreaks of the insect in euca-
Nair, 2007). lypt plantations (mainly E. grandis) started at
Four hymenopterous parasitoids have the beginning of the 1970s and tree mortal-
been recorded for A. sexsignatus in the ity has reached up to 40% of stocking dur-
Philippines, with parasitism rates for eggs ing a rotation period (Loyttyniemi, 1991).
and larvae of up to 57% (Braza, 1989; Noyes, At the beginning of the 1980s, up to 67% of
1990). In Papua New Guinea, Mercer (1990) the total area of eucalypt plantations in the
suggests the use of the ant A. longipes as a country was regarded as severely infested
biocontrol agent for A. opulentus in E. deglupta (Selander and Bubula, 1983).
plantations. Numerous studies have shown that
drought is one of the main factors predispos-
Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius) ing trees to attack by P. semipunctata. This can
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) be exacerbated by factors such as site and sil-
viculture. For example, in Zambia, Ivory (1977)
This Australian insect (Plate 39) is now found that tree mortality associated with attack
established in many regions of the world by this longicorn in eucalypt plantations was
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 127

highest for trees on soils with a high sand mortality occurred in the larval stage, and
content (Fig. 5.11). Delayed thinning, poor the major mortality factor was intraspecific
sanitation and damage by termites and competition. Severe overcrowding led to a
fire have also been implicated in attack reduction in population density from one
and mortality (Loyttyniemi, 1991). In Chile, generation to the next. Overcrowding also
P. semipunctata is only considered a hazard- led to a reduction in beetle size and to a
ous species in the arid and semi-arid regions shift in the sex ratio in favour of males,
(Lanfranco and Dungey, 2001). There is con- which being smaller than the females were
siderable variation among eucalypt species more likely to complete their development
in resistance to attack by P. semipunctata. In in crowded conditions (Powell, 1982). This
California, Hanks et al. (1995b) found that effect could reduce the breeding potential of
species that were resistant to attack were those the next generation greatly. Hanks et al.
that were most tolerant of drought in Australia. (2005) showed that optimal development
Bark moisture content may play a critical role conditions for P. semipunctata larvae, in
in resistance, the insect being able to colonize terms of larval performance and adult body
trees where this is reduced (Hanks et al., size, were available in large, aged host logs
1991). Water stress has a major influence on having low densities of larvae.
the survival and growth of the larvae, as Numerous predators and parasitoids
demonstrated by Caldeira et al. (2002) in attack P. semipunctata in Australia and sev-
Portugal. E. globulus trees subjected to water eral of these have been used in biocontrol
stress during 2 consecutive years were com- programmes in other countries. One of the
pared with rainfed and irrigated trees. Larvae earliest attempts was the introduction of
of P. semipunctata were introduced artificially Megalyra fasciipennis into South Africa in
into the bark of trees of both treatments. 1910. In 1993, parasitism of the cerambycid
Larval mortality was found to be lower and by this insect frequently reached 50% (Moore,
weight gain was higher in water-stressed trees 1993). Three other Australian parasitoids of
than in rainfed trees, and there was no larval P. semipunctata, an encyrtid and two braconids,
survival in irrigated trees. are now established in South Africa where
Studies of the insect on logs of E. grandis an indigenous pteromalid wasp, Oxysychus
in Malawi (Plate 40) showed that most genualis, has also been recorded (Prinsloo,
2004). The egg parasitoid Avetianella longoi
was released in California in 1993 and Hanks
100 et al. (1996) reported high rates of parasitism
(up to 91% of all eggs in some instances).
= Area 1, soils ii and iii This, coupled with the wasp’s strong powers
80 = Area 1, soil i of dispersal and efficient location of host
= Area 7
eggs, suggests that it may have an important
Tree mortality (%)

impact on P. semipunctata in California, but

see Chapter 10.
In southern California, P. recurva appears
40 to be replacing P. semipunctata rapidly in
their shared habitat, for reasons that are not
yet clear (Bybee et al., 2004a,b), and there
20 is a similar report of this from Argentina
(Di-Iorio, 2004).
50 60 70 80 90 100 Xystrocera festiva
Soil total sand content (%) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

Fig. 5.11. Relationship between attack by F. moluccana (formerly known as Paraserian-

Phoracantha semipunctata and sand content of soil thes falcataria, A. falcata, A. falcataria and
in Zambia (from Ivory, 1977). A. moluccana) is a fast-growing leguminous
128 Chapter 5

tree, native to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 5.4.4 Sapwood and heartwood boring
and the Solomon Islands, which is widely
planted in the humid tropics for pulpwood, Aristobia horridula (Hope)
matchsticks, plywood, lightweight packing (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
materials and community forestry (Nair,
2007). One of the principal pests of this This insect (Plate 41) was first recorded
species is the cerambycid borer Xystrocera damaging forest trees (D. paniculata and
festiva, whose larvae tunnel in the stems of D. volubilis) in India in the 1930s (Beeson
living trees, often causing tree mortality. and Bhatia, 1939), but it was not until the
Nair (2007) provides a comprehensive last decade or so that it emerged as a serious
pest profile of the insect, drawing on stud- pest of forest plantations in Thailand, Nepal
ies by Suharti et al. (1994), Hardi et al. and India (Hutacharern and Panya, 1996;
(1996), Matsumoto and Irianto (1998) and Dhakal et al., 2005; Nair, 2007). In Thailand,
Kasno and Husaeni (2002). Adults are noc- it is regarded as the most important stem borer
turnal and live for only 5–10 days. Eggs are of Pterocarpus macrocarpus and it also causes
deposited in clusters of over 100, in one or serious damage to P. indicus and D. cochinch-
two batches, preferably in crevices on the inensis (Hutacharern and Panya, 1996). Both
stem or branch stubs, generally 3–4 m above P. macrocarpus and D. cochinchinensis are
ground. The average number of eggs laid per high-value timber species. In India and Nepal,
female is estimated at 170. Newly hatched it infests D. sissoo, also an important and
larvae bore into the inner bark and as the widely planted tree in South Asia.
larvae grow, they feed on the outer sapwood, Eggs are laid singly in the bark of the
making irregular downward galleries pac- host tree, in a crescent-shaped incision made
ked with frass. The larvae remain gregari- by the adult female, and hatch in 8–10 days.
ous, which is unusual in cerambycids. Newly hatched larvae bore extensively in
Symptoms of infestation are exudation of the sapwood and then into the heartwood,
a brownish liquid through the bark and the where pupation occurs in a chamber plugged
expulsion of a powdery frass. The larval by wood slivers (Hutacharern and Panya,
development is completed in about 4 months 1996). Larval galleries may be up to 70 cm
and each larva bores an oval tunnel upward long and are packed with frass (Nair, 2007).
in the sapwood, in which it pupates. The In smaller trees, larval tunnelling may
insect has overlapping generations, with extend down to the root (Hutacharern and
all developmental stages present at any Panya, 1996). Swelling of the bark, resin
one time. exudation and extruded frass are visible
Infestation by X. festiva usually begins symptoms of infestation, and emerging adults
when the trees are 2–3 years old and the cut circular exit holes in the bark. The life
infestation increases with age. Larval tun- cycle is annual. Adult beetles are active dur-
nelling can reduce growth rate and timber ing the day and feed on the bark of young
quality, and heavy infestation can result in branches, sometimes causing girdling and
ring-barking and death of the tree. The insect death of small branches (Hutacharern and
is a major pest of F. moluccana in Indonesia Panya, 1996). Larval tunnelling in the stems
and Malaysia and also occurs in Myanmar. It and branches of trees not only degrades the
is a minor pest of several other tree species, wood but also weakens the trees, making them
including Acacia spp. prone to wind damage, and may cause the
A related species, X. globosa, is also a death of young trees (Hutacharern, 1995).
pest of F. moluccana but, unlike X. festiva, The incidence of infestation by A. hor-
larvae are not gregarious and tunnel indi- ridula can be high. In Thailand, Huta-
vidually (Matsumoto et al., 2000). charern and Panya (1996) reported infesta-
An encyrtid egg parasitoid of X. festiva, tion levels of 83% of trees in a 16-year-old
Anagyrus sp., has been released in biologi- plantation of P. macrocarpus, 33% of trees
cal control trials in East Java, which has in an 8-year-old plantation of the same spe-
given promising results. cies and 25% in an 8-year-old plantation of
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 129

D. cochinchinensis. Also in Thailand, they Beeson (1941), above this dimension the bark
reported that 100% of trees in a 10-year-old is too hard for the insertion of the egg and too
roadside planting of P. indicus were infested. dry for the larva to hatch. Females may lay
In India, incidence of A. horridula in D. sissoo about 40 eggs over a period of several weeks,
plantations in West Bengal ranged from 10 usually one egg to a stem, and these hatch in
to 90%, the older age classes being affec- 2–3 weeks. The larva bores downwards, hol-
ted most seriously. It was suggested that lowing out the main root and keeping its
the pest had migrated from nearby native tunnel clean by means of a frass ejection hole
forests in which D. sissoo was a component just above ground level (Browne, 1968).
into the monoculture plantations (Mishra et al., Tunnels may be up to 60 cm long. The larval
1985). Dhakal et al. (2005) reported severe period lasts about 9 or 10 months and pupa-
damage by A. horridula in sissoo seedling tion takes place in the host, lasting about
seed orchards in Nepal 2 years after plant- 15–17 days. The beetle emerges by cutting a
ing. Of a total of 6720 trees planted in 1996, circular hole in the bark, usually below ground
67% were dead in 2002 and only 19 trees level. The beetles may live 80 days and are
showed no symptoms of infestation. also destructive, feeding mainly at night on
Two other species of Aristobia are known the bark of young living shoots.
to cause damage to forest plantations in Feeding by the larvae causes cessation
Asia. In the Mekong Delta of south-western of growth and sometimes death of the plant
Vietnam, A. approximator girdled and killed above ground. Incidence of attack of up to
about 4000 ha (half the estate) of E. camald- 80% has been recorded where trees are
ulensis and E. tereticornis plantations (Wylie growing on unsuitable sites. An endemic
and Floyd, 1998). The attack was believed pest in scrub and open-thorn forests, it has
to be stress related and associated with the become of major importance in clear-felled
acid sulfate soils on which the trees were areas replanted with eucalypts. Attack of
planted (Kawabe and Ito, 2003). In India, Eucalyptus spp. in plantations in India is
A. octofasciculata bores in the small branches common (Ralph, 1985; Sivaramakrishnan,
and stem of saplings of Santalam album, 1986), and Sen-Sarma and Thakur (1983)
causing dieback and mortality (Remadevi regard it as a ‘key pest’ in several states.
and Muthukrishnan, 1998). Tunnelling extends C. scabrator was believed to be responsible
into the heartwood, allowing entry of ter- for up to 14% mortality of Prosopis ciner-
mites and decay fungi. This combination of aria, an important agroforestry tree species,
agents leads to hollowing-out of the sandal- in the arid Thar desert in the north of India
wood heartwood, resulting in an overall (Jain, 1996). Further south, in Karnataka, out-
loss in volume/weight of almost 20% and a breaks have occurred in 1-year-old plantations
financial loss of US$3000/t (Remadevi and of E. tereticornis and A. nilotica, sometimes
Muthukrishnan, 1998). with high mortalities (Sivaramakrishnan,
1986; Ralph, 1990). Feeding by the adults
Celosterna scabrator Fabricius can result in girdling and breakage of the
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) main stem and branches (Shivayogeshwara
et al., 1988). In Thailand, attack rates in
Celosterna scabrator, commonly known as 5- to 8-year-old stands of D. alatus ranged
the Babul borer because of its attacks on from 33 to 59%, resulting in loss of growth,
acacias such as A. arabica and A. nilotica in lowering of timber quality and some tree
India, is also a pest of other tree species in death (Gotoh, 1994). Few natural enemies of
that country, for example, teak, Casuarina this insect have been recorded.
spp., Eucalyptus spp., Shorea robusta and
Prosopis spp. (Nair, 2007). It also infests Dip- Hoplocerambyx spinicornis Newman
terocarpus alatus in Thailand (Gotoh, 1994). (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
The eggs are laid in the bark of young
trees with a minimum basal girth of 5 cm Known as the sal borer, Hoplocerambyx
and a maximum of 23 cm. According to spinicornis is the most notorious forest pest
130 Chapter 5

of India because of its periodic outbreaks, useless, causing enormous economic loss.
during which millions of sal trees (S. robusta) The circumstances under which outbreaks
are killed (Nair, 2007). Besides India, its develop are not understood fully, but they
distribution includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, often occur in dense over-mature stands
Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, where conditions favour rapid build-up of
Indonesia and the Philippines. populations of the insect. Any stress factor
A detailed pest profile of this insect is which compromises the tree’s ability to pro-
provided by Nair (2007), who summarizes duce the defensive resin flow may trigger an
studies dating back to the early 1900s. The outbreak.
female beetle lays her eggs on cuts or holes An elaterid beetle, Alaus sordidus, is a
in the bark of sal trees, normally choosing predator of H. spinicornis, and during an
trees that are freshly dead or highly weak- epidemic, up to 10–15% of vacant sal borer
ened by various causes. However, during pupal chambers were found to be occupied
outbreaks even healthy trees are attacked. by A. sordidus.
Each female will lay 100–300 eggs over a
lifespan of about 1 month. The newly Platypus spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
hatched larvae feed under the bark ini-
tially, then in the sapwood and finally bore All Platypus spp. are ambrosia beetles, so
into the heartwood. A large sal tree may named because they feed on ‘ambrosia fun-
support the development of about 300 bee- gus’, which grows on the walls of their tun-
tles, although more than 1000 eggs may be nels (Alfaro et al., 2007). They do not feed
laid on the tree. Coarse dust is thrown out of on the wood itself. Platypus species con-
holes in the bark of infested trees and accu- struct galleries in ‘green’ (unseasoned)
mulates at the base of the tree. When larval wood, either in living trees or in logs and
development is completed, the larva con- freshly sawn timber. These galleries are
structs a chamber in the heartwood with usually more extensive in the sapwood, but
an adult exit hole, and turns into a pre- they can extend deep into the heartwood.
pupa, then pupa and adult. The adult beetle The male beetle generally initiates the
remains quiescent until it emerges with attack and is joined by the female. After
the onset of rainfall. The length of the life mating, the female takes over boring of the
cycle is 1 year. tunnel, while the male merely removes and
Extensive galleries in the sapwood made ejects the bore dust. Fungal spores are car-
by several larvae cause partial or complete ried into the tunnel by the beetles, either
girdling of the tree, leading to its death (Nair, trapped in the hairs on their body surface,
2007). Outflow of resin from the infested tree in special structures (mycangia), or in their
traps many young larvae but mass attacks gut. The spores germinate and fungal spores
during epidemics kill even vigorous trees. grow on the walls of the tunnel, providing
Both the main trunk and crown branches are food for the adults and larvae, meeting most
infested. Nair (2007) presents a chronology if not all of their nutrient requirements
of H. spinicornis outbreaks spanning the (Elliott et al., 1998). The ambrosia fungus
period 1897–2000. One of the most severe discolours the tunnel wall and this dark
was the 1923 outbreak in Madhya Pradesh, staining may extend along the grain around
which persisted over a 5-year period killing the gallery or hole, a condition commonly
about 7 m sal trees. Another in the same state referred to as ‘pencil streak’. Tunnels may
in 1994–2000 killed more than 3m trees over extend well into the wood and may be
an area of 500,000 ha. No clear pattern is evi- branched or unbranched, depending on the
dent in the timing of the outbreaks. Trapping species of borer. Fully mature larvae usu-
programmes carried out by the State Forest ally make short side tunnels in which they
Department using sal logs yielded a peak of pupate. New adults emerge by means of the
32.59 m beetles in 1998 before the population parent tunnels. The length of the life cycle var-
declined. The timber of the heavily infested ies with species and with climatic conditions,
trees is riddled with tunnels and rendered and can range from 4 weeks to 12 months.
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 131

Species of Platypus are to be found plantations of a number of broadleaf tree

throughout the world’s tropics. Mostly, they species. It is native to tropical and subtropi-
are pests of logs and freshly sawn timber, cal areas of South America and occurs in
but some attack damaged or unhealthy stand- Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana,
ing trees, and in a few cases, apparently healthy Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. It
trees. In Sabah, Malaysia, widespread infes- attacks only living, standing trees and its
tation by an unidentified species of Platypus hosts include Acacia, Casuarina, Cedrela and
occurred in provenance trials of A. crassicarpa Eucalyptus, but it is particularly damaging
aged 1–4 years (Thapa, 1991). Up to 80% of to poplars, Populus deltoides, in Argentina
trees were infested, some with almost 300 (Alfaro et al., 2007). Tunnelling by M. mutatus
holes in the lower stem. Despite this, there degrades the lumber and weakens the tree
was no outward symptom of any deleteri- stems, which often then break during wind-
ous effect on the trees. However, associated storms. Infestation by M. mutatus has been
with the attack, a black stain developed in recorded in an experimental plantation of
the sapwood region all along the bole length brazilwood, Caesalpinia echinata, in Brazil.
due to bacterial infection. Testing of the Although the infestation was low level, it is
stained wood for suitability in papermaking nevertheless of concern because C. echinata
showed that more bleaching agent than usual is at risk of extinction due to exploitation
was required, but the quality of the paper was and deforestation, and the wood of this spe-
in no way affected. Chey (1996) records cies is highly valued for the manufacture of
P. pseudocupulatus from the same host in violin bows (Girardi et al., 2006).
Sabah and P. solidus attacking E. grandis. Platypodidae have numerous predators,
Similar attacks have been noted on eucalypts both of adult beetles outside the nest and of
and acacias in several other countries in South- brood within the tunnels.
east Asia (Wylie et al., 1998).
In Fiji, mahogany trees, Swietenia Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Coleoptera:
macrophylla, are attacked by P. gerstaeck- Curculionidae Scolytinae)
eri. Although the insects are unable to com-
plete their life development in living trees, Xylosandrus crassiusculus, commonly refer-
beetles being killed by gum exudation pro- red to as the Asian ambrosia beetle or granu-
duced by the mahogany, the short galleries late ambrosia beetle, is a highly polyphagous
that they attempt to form are sufficient to pest of tree and shrub species, including
reduce the quality of the timber when the many economically important horticultural
trees are cut down (Roberts, 1977). Trees less crops and forest trees. Unlike other ambrosia
than 5 years old are generally not attacked. beetles which normally attack only stressed,
In plantations, attack generally is related damaged or ‘unthrifty’ plants, X. crassiusculus
to some forest operation such as thinning, is apparently able to attack healthy plants.
pruning, cleaning, or the removal of sample Infested plants can show wilting, branch
trees. Site is also important, and the inci- dieback, shoot breakage and general decline.
dence of attack is highest where drainage is Newly planted seedlings are often attacked
bad and soils are poor. at the root collar and the resulting girdling
P. hintzi, which is widely distributed in can stunt or kill the young tree (EPPO, 2010).
Africa south of the Sahara, may attack healthy As its name implies, the Asian ambrosia
trees during periods of temporarily decrea- beetle, X. crassiusculus, is considered to
sed vigour, especially during the dry season originate in tropical and subtropical Asia
(Browne, 1968). In Nigeria, such attacks have and to have been spread to equatorial Africa
occurred on C. equisetifolia and Eucalyptus hundreds of years ago by early traders. More
spp. and rarely result in successful breed- recently, it has been introduced into the
ing, but cause degradation of the timber. In Americas (detected in the USA in the 1970s
South America, Megaplatypus mutatus, often and in Costa Rica and Panama in the 1990s)
referred to in the literature as P. mutatus or and has been reported from several coun-
P. sulcatus, is a serious problem in commercial tries in the Pacific, such as New Caledonia,
132 Chapter 5

Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Fiji, Hawaii and Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae)
As described by Atkinson et al. (2005), The sirex wood wasp, Sirex noctilio (Plate
females bore into twigs, branches or small 44), is not considered an important pest in
trunks of susceptible woody plants, where its native range in Eurasia and northern
they excavate a system of tunnels in the Africa, to the extent that many European
wood or pith, introduce an ectosymbiotic texts on forest entomology do not discuss it
fungus (Ambrosiella sp.) and produce a (Ciesla, 2003). However, it is a significant pest
brood. Like other ambrosia beetles, they of Pinus spp., where it has established in
feed on the introduced fungus and not on the southern hemisphere threatening appro-
the wood and pith of their hosts. When ximately 8 Mha of pine plantations (Bedding
boring galleries, frass is pushed out in the and Iede, 2005) (Fig. 5.12). The female wasp
form of a compact, ‘toothpick-like’ cylin- oviposits eggs into stressed or suppressed
der, which may reach 3–4 cm in length trees, along with a phytotoxic mucus and a
before it breaks off (Plate 42). Eggs, larvae wood decay fungus (A. areolatum) carried
and pupae (Plate 43) are found together in by the wasps. Trees drilled by S. noctilio
the tunnel system excavated by the female soon die, due to a combination of the mucus
and there are no individual egg niches, lar- and the fungus. Carnegie et al. (2006) chron-
val tunnels or pupal chambers. The insect icle the spread of the pest and predict its
breeds in host material from 2 to 30 cm in potential distribution. It was first reported
diameter, although small branches and in the southern hemisphere in New Zealand
stems are most commonly attacked. Attacks in the early 1900s infesting P. radiata plan-
may occur on apparently healthy, stressed tations and was detected in Tasmania in
or freshly cut host material. Attacks on liv- southern Australia in 1952, from whence it
ing plants usually are near ground level on spread northwards in that country over the
saplings or at bark wounds on older trees. next 50 years to reach subtropical New
Females remain with their brood until South Wales and, very recently, Queensland.
maturity. Males are rare, reduced in size, It was detected in Uruguay in South America
flightless and presumably haploid. Females in 1980, in north-eastern Argentina in 1985,
mate with their brother(s) before emerging southern Brazil in 1988 and Chile in 2001.
to attack a new host (Atkinson et al., 2005). It was found in the Western Cape of South
In the tropics, breeding is continuous Africa in 1994 and spread slowly east to
throughout the year, with overlapping gen- KwaZulu-Natal, where it caused extensive
erations (EPPO, 2010). damage to P. patula plantations. In 2005, an
Schedl (1962) listed 124 hosts of X. established population was found in the
crassiusculus, mostly tropical, in 46 families. USA (Hoebeke et al., 2005). Carnegie et al.
The insect has been observed to kill nursery (2006) predicted its spread to southern China,
seedlings of mahogany, S. macrophylla, in parts of Central America and most of the
Fiji (ACIAR, 2010), and in Pakistan three countries along eastern, mid-western and
important tree species, T. grandis, D. sissoo northern Africa.
and E. camaldulensis, are listed as hosts As described by Ciesla (2003), the
(Khuhro et al., 2005). In Ghana, tree mor- female wasp inserts her ovipositor through
tality due to this pest has been reported in the bark of the tree into the sapwood
Aucoumea klaineana and Khaya ivorensis and lays eggs singly. Each female may lay
plantations. In south India, X. crassiuscu- between 20 and 500 eggs, which hatch in
lus has been implicated in the death of sil- about 9 days. During oviposition, a symbi-
ver oak (Grevillea robusta), one of the most otic fungus, A. areolatum, is introduced
common shade trees grown in almost all along with a phytotoxic mucus. The mucus
the coffee zones (Sreedharan et al., 1991). changes the water relations within the tree,
It has caused death of saplings and seed- creating conditions which are ideal for the
lings of several hardwood species in the growth and spread of the fungus. The fungus
southern USA (Horn and Horn, 2006). rots and dries the wood, providing a suitable
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 133

Southern hemisphere

Br 1988

Ur 1980 INDIAN
Ar 1985
Ch 2000


Au 1952 ASIA

National boundry AUSTRALIA


Fig. 5.12. Detection of Sirex noctilio in the southern hemisphere. Countries are indicated as: Ar = Argentina;
Au = Australia; Br = Brazil; Ch = Chile; NZ = New Zealand; SA = South Africa; Ur = Uruguay. The numbers
after the letters indicate the date that S. noctilio was first detected in those countries (from Hurley et al.,

environment, nutrients and enzymes for the travelling several kilometres in search of
developing insect larvae, which tunnel in suitable host trees. The dispersal rate in
the decayed wood (Plate 45). When feeding Australia is 30–40 km/year (Carnegie et al.,
is complete, the larvae enter a prepupal stage, 2006) and in South Africa 48 km/year (Tribe
then a pupal stage. Pupation lasts 16–21 days and Cillie, 2004). Typically, suppressed trees
and when the female emerges from the are attacked first, but as sirex populations
pupal skin, she takes up fungal spores and increase, they are capable of attacking and
stores them in her abdomen. Adult sirex killing more vigorous trees. The first indica-
bore their way out of infested trees and tion of infestation is the appearance of resin
leave a characteristic round exit hole. Males droplets and oviposition scars on the bark.
emerge before the females and may outnum- Foliage wilts and turns from green to yellow
ber females by 20 to 1. The adults do not to reddish brown. Perfectly round exit holes
feed and live instead on stored fat. Adult appear when the new generation of adult
lifespan can be 12 days, but a female that insects emerge. S. noctilio can complete a
has deposited all her eggs may live just 3–4 generation in as little as 10 months (Ciesla,
days. Adults are strong fliers, capable of 2003).
134 Chapter 5

S. noctilio affects a wide range of Pinus released for biocontrol, of which the most
species, P. radiata, P. taeda and P. patula being successful have been Ibalia leucospoides,
particularly susceptible (Carnegie et al., 2006). Megarhyssa nortoni and Rhyssa persua-
The impact of the pest, where it has estab- soria. In combination, these species usu-
lished, has varied from minimal to devastat- ally do not kill more than 40% of an S.
ing in some areas. In Australia, integrated pest noctilio population and are therefore not
management aims to restrict losses to less considered sufficient to control the pest
than 2% per annum, but there has been the on their own.
occasional severe outbreak. One example is Hurley et al. (2007) review the success
the outbreak which occurred in the Green of control programmes in the southern hem-
Triangle area of southern Australia between isphere and conclude that the results have
1987 and 1989, when more than 5 m trees been variable. In New Zealand, S. noctilio is
with a royalty value of AUS$10–12 m were no longer considered a major threat and an
killed (Haugen et al., 1990). In South America, active control programme is not consid-
tree mortality has been over 60% in some ered necessary. In Australia, infestations are
stands in Argentina and as high as 70% in mostly below 1%, although an active con-
some stands in Uruguay (Hurley et al., 2007). trol programme remains in place. The pest
In Brazil, 350,000 ha of pine plantations are is still considered a major pest in South
infested and an estimated US$6.6 m would be America, where biological control has been
lost each year if an integrated pest manage- successful in some areas but less so in oth-
ment programme were not in place (Bedding ers. In South Africa, infestations remain low
and Iede, 2005). In South Africa, infestation in the Western Cape but are above 30% in
in some compartments has reached 35% but some areas of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern
the overall mean is about 6%, with a total Cape, and they are increasing in these prov-
estimated value of damage being R300 m per inces. The performance of the nematode
annum (Hurley et al., 2007). in summer rainfall areas of South Africa has
Integrated pest management for S. noc- been poor, for reasons currently unknown
tilio involves a combination of silvicultural (Hurley et al., 2008).
measures and biological control. Susceptible
plantations are generally 10–25 years old Coptotermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
and unthinned stands are more susceptible
than thinned stands. Trees under stress (e.g. Coptotermes is a large genus with numerous
drought conditions) or injured (e.g. by wind, representatives in the tropics and many
fire or during logging) appear more likely to species which are injurious to trees. Among
be attacked. Therefore, a major preventative the best known are C. formosanus and
measure is to increase stand vigour by thin- C. curvignathus (Plate 46) in Asia, C. elisae
ning (Neumann et al., 1987). The parasitic and C. obiratus in Papua New Guinea,
nematode Beddingia (formerly Deladenus) C. acinaciformis in Australia, C. amanii and
siricidicola is the primary biocontrol agent C. truncatus in Africa and C. niger and
for the pest. This nematode is able to breed C. testaceus in Central and South America.
in vast numbers throughout the tree while Like most subterranean termites, they
feeding on the fungus A. areolatum; then, it are generally ground dwelling or require
enters the wasp larva and begins reproduc- contact with the soil or some constant
tion when its host pupates. Nematode source of water. Nests may be in dead tim-
juveniles sterilize the adult female S. noc- ber, logs and old tree stumps, mounds or in
tilio by entering all her eggs. When nema- the trunks of living or dead trees. Nest mate-
tode-infected wasps emerge and attack other rial usually consists of a mixture of termite
trees, they transmit packets of nematodes excrement and earth glued together with sali-
instead of fertile eggs. Infection levels can vary secretions. Colonies can be very large, in
approach 100% and lead to a collapse in the excess of 1.25 m individuals (Krishna and
pest population (Haugen et al., 1990). Weesner, 1970). As with other termites, within
Several species of parasitic wasps have been each colony are several types or castes which
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 135

are specialized to perform different tasks. the bark and sapwood of very young teak
The main three castes are workers (nest trees, causing death.
and gallery construction, nurturing, food In Africa, C. amanii damages plantation
gathering), soldiers (defence) and repro- trees in several countries, hollowing out
ductives (primary king and queen and pipes in mature trees and killing young
winged forms which disperse to establish trees. It has the habit of forming ‘budded
new colonies). nests’ by isolation of subsidiary nests, con-
Foraging from the nest takes place via taining supplementary reproductives, from
underground tunnels or, sometimes, under the original colony (Krishna and Weesner,
covered runways of digested wood and soil 1970). C. sjostedti is a general pest of living
particles built above ground. These galleries trees throughout West Africa (Wagner et al.,
may be up to 50 m long and, in the case of 2008) and C. truncatus is considered to be the
one colony of C. formosanus in the south- most destructive termite in the Seychelles,
ern USA, cover an area of more than 0.5 ha. killing plantation trees such as Corymbia
Cellulose obtained from plant material is (Eucalyptus) citriodora.
the basic food requirement and termites The Formosan termite, C. formosanus,
digest this with the aid of microorganisms originally from Taiwan, is a ‘tramp’ species
in their gut. which has been widely spread by interna-
Many Coptotermes species are destruc- tional trade. It now occurs not only in Japan
tive pests of timber in service, but some and China but also on various Pacific
attack living trees as well, causing death of Islands, including Hawaii, south-eastern
young plantings and hollowing out the USA, Sri Lanka and South Africa. It is able
centre of older trees (Plates 47 and 48). to construct and, if conditions are suffi-
Some species gain entry through diseased ciently damp, maintain aboveground nests
or damaged roots, or through scars or wounds in enclosed spaces without requiring ground
on the lower stem. With others, such as connection. It is this characteristic that ena-
C. curvignathus, attack can be primary, bles C. formosanus to occur in large, viable
independent of decay or wounds, and entry colonies on board ships or in containers. In
may be made through the roots or above Hawaii, it has been recorded from 48 host
ground. When a tree is attacked above ground plants, and in southern China, it caused
level, its stem is encased in a thick crust of about 8% mortality in young plantations of
earth, the bark is eaten away and the ter- E. excerta (Wylie and Brown, 1992). Also in
mites penetrate to the heartwood, which is southern China, an investigation showed
hollowed out and often filled with wood- that about 16% of ‘ancient and valuable
carton combs (Browne, 1968). Infested trees trees’ was damaged by termites in Guangzhou
are frequently wind-thrown. and Coptotermes spp. were responsible for
C. elisae has caused considerable mor- nearly 96% of that damage (Liu, 1997). In
tality among plantations of A. cunninghamii southern states of the USA, Formosan sub-
and A. hunsteinii in submontane areas of terranean termites routinely attack standing
Papua New Guinea (Gray and Buchter, live trees and can cause extensive damage,
1969). In some compartments, incidence of resulting in the weakening of the tree to the
infestation was about 7% and nearly all point of failure (Brown et al., 2007). The rub-
attacked trees died. Groups of up to 20 dying ber termite, C. curvignathus, is most notori-
trees were common, each group representing ous as a pest of Hevea brasiliensis (Pong,
the foraging of one colony from a central 1974), but attacks a wide range of other trees
nest. A novel method of control was including A. mangium in plantations in
employed in new plantation areas, colonies Sumatra (Wylie et al., 1998) and in Malaysia
being destroyed by means of explosives. (Intachat and Kirton, 1997; Kirton and
In estab lished plantations, the primary Cheng, 2007). Studies by Kirton et al. (1999)
queens were removed from the main ter- in A. mangium plantations in Peninsular
mitarium by excavation. In lowland Papua Malaysia showed that while C. curvignathus
New Guinea, C. obiratus frequently destroys was capable of primary attack, its entry
136 Chapter 5

into the wood was often facilitated by large

pruning wounds, abscission scars resulting 1.0
from natural pruning and damage by insect ratio
bark borers. In Malaysia, infestation of living 0.9
trees appears to be most frequent on low-lying,

Survival (proportion)
moist sites (Browne, 1968). Flooding, how- 0.8 0
ever, curtails foraging activity (Sajap, 1999).
In Australia, C. acinaciformis, now 0.7 0.2 0.8
believed to be a species complex, is respon-
sible for greater economic losses, in the 0.6 0.4
aggregate, than all the other species of
Australian termites combined (Krishna and 0.5 0.6 (a) Eucalypts
Weesner, 1970). This is due not only to its
extensive range and to the severe nature 0.4
of its attack, but also to its extraordinary 0 10 20 30 40
success in adapting to urban conditions. It Diameter (cm)
causes severe damage to forest trees in at
least six genera, including 25 species of
eucalypt, hollowing out large pipes in the Pipe
stems. Various studies have shown that the ratio
majority of trees (66–89%) in the eucalypt
Survival (proportion)

savannahs of tropical northern Australia 0.2

have hollow cores or pipes attributable to 0.8
termite activity, mainly by C. acinaciformis,
and the effect of such damage on tree 0.7
growth and survival has been examined
by Werner and Prior (2007). They found that 0.6
growth and survival of eucalypts increased
with tree diameter and decreased with pipe 0.5 (b) Pantropics
ratio (Fig. 5.13). Contrary to the suggestion
that tree hollows are an adaptive trait whereby 0.4
0 10 20 30 40
trees benefit by the release of nutrients, in
Diameter (cm)
north Australian eucalypt savannahs the net
effect of termite piping on individual tree Fig. 5.13. Survival (proportion) of (a) eucalypts
growth and survival was negative. and of (b) pantropics in northern Australia savannah
C. niger occurs in the Caribbean, Central woodland following termite attack: modelled values
America and northern South America, where of survival as a function of tree dbh, for a range of
it attacks forest trees such as G. arborea, pipe ratios. Few pantropics had a pipe ration > 0.2 and
S. macrophylla and especially P. caribaea there were none > 0.4. No eucalypts < 20 cm dbh
(Krishna and Weesner, 1970). It forages had a pipe ratio > 0.6 (from Werner and Prior, 2007).
freely on the bark of living trees and is
thought to be a vector of a nematode-related
disease of palms. The heartwood termite, of the head and this compound is applied to
C. testaceus, is a pest of Eucalyptus spp. in the adversary when the soldier strikes.
plantations in Brazil, attacking trees 2-years-
old or older, destroying their inner portion Chilecomadia valdiviana (Philippi)
and leaving the trees hollow (Junqueira (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)
et al., 2008).
Ants are the most important natural ene- Chilecomadia valdiviana, variously known
mies of this group. When disturbed, soldiers as the quince borer, carpenterworm or but-
defend themselves by exuding a milk-like terworm, is an emerging pest of Eucalyptus
latex from a pore, the fontanelle, on the front spp. plantations in Chile (Lanfranco and
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 137

Dungey, 2001). It is native to both Chile and serious wood quality problems for the
Argentina and typically is associated with industry.
Salix chilensis and native forest tree species C. valdiviana does not kill the tree but
such as Nothofagus spp. As well, it infests lowers wood quality through the formation
commercial fruit trees and ornamental of multiple galleries at all levels along the
species such as Ulmus glabra (Angulo and trunk. Fungi are known to colonize larval
Olivares, 1991). It is widely distributed in galleries, causing both staining and rot. This
Chile, from Atacama in the dry northern in turn can weaken the trees and cause stem
tropics to Aisen in the most southerly region breakage in strong winds. There are no foliar
(Tierra del Fuego). symptoms of larval presence.
The insect infests live trees from 4 cm Interestingly, tens of millions of larvae
DBH and larger, with attacks occurring in all of C. valdiviana and another species of
portions of the bole. Tree stress is not a pre- Chilecomadia, C. morrie, are sold as fishing
requisite for attack. As described by Kliejunas bait and reptile food in the USA and Europe
et al. (2001), attacks on the host trees begin (Thomas, 1995; Iriarte et al., 1997).
in the spring. The female lays eggs in groups Plant protection agencies in the USA and
of 30–50 at branch axils or in natural bark Australia rate C. valdiviana as a potential
crevices. Each female is capable of laying up quarantine risk (Tkacz, 2001; Lawson, 2007).
to 200 eggs. The newly hatched larvae feed
gregariously beneath the bark near the point Coryphodema tristis (Drury)
of oviposition. Their feeding produces a sap (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)
flow on the bark that is an ideal substrate for
the development of sooty mould fungi. Trees As with the Chilean carpenterworm, C. valdi-
with multiple attacks are easily recognized viana, discussed above, the South African
from a distance by the darker colour of the quince borer, Coryphodema tristis, is another
bole resulting from the sooty mould. Towards example of a native insect developing a new
the end of summer, the larvae leave the phloem and very damaging host association with
and begin boring deeply into the heartwood. Eucalyptus plantations. C. tristis is widely
At this stage, they feed individually, boring distributed throughout South Africa and is
longitudinal galleries up to 27 cm in length well known as an economically important
and 1 cm in diameter. They produce large pest on many fruit trees, including quince,
quantities of frass, which is expelled from grapevines, apples and sugar pears (Gebeyehu
the gallery and accumulates at the base of et al., 2005; Boreham, 2006). It also feeds on a
the tree. Larvae may grow to 50 mm in wide range of native and exotic trees, includ-
length and pupation takes place in the gal- ing species in the families Ulmaceae, Vitaceae,
lery. The adult female may have a wing- Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Myoporaceae,
span of 48–60 mm and a body length of Malvaceae and Combretaceae, to which can
30–40 mm; males are slightly smaller. The now be added Myrtaceae.
life cycle can take from 1 to 3 years to com- As described by Gebeyehu et al. (2005),
plete, depending on both the host species the moth lays its eggs (from 104 to 316 per
and climatic conditions (Lanfranco and female) on the bark of the main stem or
Dungey, 2001). C. valdiviana often infests branches, and soon after hatching the early
the same tree, suggesting a slow rate of instar larvae begin to feed on the cambium.
spread (Boreham, 2006). As they grow, they tunnel into the sapwood
The insect first came to prominence in and heartwood, making extensive galleries
1992 when it was detected infesting E. nitens and pushing frass to the outside of the
in localized areas in the eighth and ninth stems, which makes their presence easy to
regions of Chile, where the majority of the detect (Plates 49 and 50). Fully-grown lar-
eucalypt plantations are situated. Since then, vae range in size from 2 to 4 cm, depending
it has been found associated with E. gunnii, on the size of the stems on which they have
E. camaldulensis and E. delegatensis and there fed. The insect takes 2 years to complete its
are concerns that the insect could create future life cycle, approximately 18 months of this
138 Chapter 5

being spent in the larval stage. Pupation around the entrance of the tunnel, or ‘bee-
occurs in the tree and pupae cut holes to the hole’. A feeding chamber is excavated in the
exterior, from which their cases are left pro- bark and outer sapwood and one or more
truding after moth emergence. The adults circular holes are drilled to the outside
do not feed and live for about 6 days. through which frass is ejected. Larval devel-
Serious damage caused by C. tristis opment may take 1–2 years, after which the
on E. nitens was first noticed in 2004 in larva clears a free passage in its beehole,
Mpumalanga province, which lies in the closes the exit hole with a circular disc of
high altitude, summer rainfall area of the silk and debris, and retires to the upper end
Highveld of South Africa. There are approx- of the tunnel to pupate behind a loose wad
imately 25,000 ha of E. nitens plantations of silk. After 2–3 weeks, the pupa wriggles
established in this region. In September down the tunnel, cuts through the disc cov-
2004, a survey conducted in about 3000 ha ering the exit hole and protrudes itself half-
of these plantations in 95 compartments way out of the hole to facilitate emergence
showed infestation levels of up to 77% in of the moth (Plate 52).
some compartments, with an area weighted On vigorously growing trees, the exit
mean infestation of 9.6% for the entire sur- hole is soon occluded by callus. Within a
vey area (Boreham, 2006). Infested trees few years, there is no external sign of
ranged in age from 8 to 13 years. Infestations the tunnel. Host trees may be attacked by
occurred in both high and low productivity X. ceramica throughout their life. When
sites and were not restricted to stressed such a tree is felled in a thinning or at the
trees. No other Eucalyptus species in adja- end of the rotation, it contains the accumu-
cent compartments was affected. lated effects of attack by this insect. Attack
C. tristis does not cause tree mortality does not retard growth appreciably or
directly, but the open larval galleries provide increase mortality, but seriously degrades
potential entry points for stain and decay the timber. An attack of one beehole per
fungi and other pathogens (Boreham, 2006). tree per year in any period is a very heavy
incidence commercially (Beeson, 1941).
Xyleutes ceramica Walker The vertical distribution of beeholes in the
(Lepidoptera: Cossidae) trunk of an average tree varies progres-
sively through its life. In young trees up to
The beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramica, is an age of 25, there is a definite preponder-
best known as a major pest of teak, T. grandis, ance of beeholes in the lower portion of the
in Myanmar and Thailand but attacks several bole, but by age 60 the site of maximum
tree species, particularly G. arborea, in other beeholing is towards the top of the bole.
parts of Asia. This may be related to changes in the nutri-
According to Beeson (1941), the adult tive value of the bark as the tree ages.
female is short-lived and lays up to 50,000 No epidemics of X. ceramica have been
eggs attached in strings in the crevices of recorded and population densities of adults
bark. These hatch in 10–20 days and the are usually very low. Beeson (1941) stated
young larvae are dispersed on silken threads that a population of 40 moths/ha would be
by the wind. A larva can survive without regarded as a high incidence. In Peninsular
food for up to 6 days after hatching. When it Malaysia, incidence of borer attack in young
alights on the stem of a suitable host, it plantations of G. arborea approached 50%
seeks a crevice and spins a web, under the at some localities (Sajap, 1989) and 10% in
protection of which it bores through the Indonesia (Suratmo, 1996). The insect has
bark and into the sapwood, the tunnel then been recorded from A. mangium in the
curving upwards and becoming vertical in Philippines (Braza, 1993). Healthier trees
the heartwood. A tunnel may reach a length have a higher incidence of attack than sup-
of 25 cm and a diameter of 25 mm. The larva pressed trees and this may be related to the
(Plate 51) feeds not on the wood but on the superior quality and quantity of food for lar-
callus tissue that develops on the wound vae in vigorously growing trees.
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 139

Ants and birds are important predators initiated by the female (Gray, 1974), which
of the beehole borer and, according to bores into the needles either close to their
Mathew (1987), the ichneumonid parasitoid junction with the axis or directly into the
Nemeritis tectonae provides effective con- axis. She is then joined by the male, and
trol of this insect. occasionally an extra male or another pair.
Up to four nests may be established in one
branchlet. The beetles lay their eggs inside
5.5 Shoot Boring the excavated needles, usually at the base,
and these hatch in 5–15 days. The larvae and
adults mine into the needles and along the
Shoot- or tip-boring insects cause the most
branchlet shaft, consuming most of the tis-
damage when they attack the apical termi-
sue except for the epidermis and pith (Plate
nal or leader of the tree, which results in
53). The length of the excavation is propor-
irregular stem growth or multiple branching
tional to the age of the nest, and after 100
when secondary terminals take over domi-
days may extend for several centimetres.
nance. Trees which have been subjected to
The distal portion of the infested branchlet
repeated attack by such insects may have a
behind the area of active excavation turns
stunted, bushy appearance, or at least mal-
brown, dies and eventually falls off. After
formed or forked boles, and their value for
1–3 years of severe attack, most branches
timber production can be reduced greatly or
have been infested repeatedly and there is
eliminated (Berryman, 1986). Attack on the
nearly complete defoliation of all branchlets
buds and terminals of very young seed-
on many branches (Gray and Lamb, 1975).
lings will often kill them, or so stunt their
The larval stage lasts 10–25 days, the pupal
growth that they are overtopped by undesir-
stage 10–15 days and the immature adult
able plant species. Attack on saplings often
possibly 2–10 days to mature and establish a
results in crooked stems, but on pole-sized
new colony. Nests may contain up to 75 indi-
and mature trees the impact is usually incon-
viduals in all stages of development and the
sequential because height growth is well
maximum number of adults recorded in a
advanced and the bole form already estab-
nest is 25. The adult may live 60 days or
lished. Damage is usually most severe in
more. The life cycle takes 5–9 weeks and
plantations and in natural regeneration after
there are 5–10 generations per annum.
heavy cutting, and is often associated with
Attack by H. araucariae on hoop pine is
particular site and stand conditions that
primary, nearly all trees in an outbreak area
affect the vigour and exposure of young
being infested regardless of condition.
trees (Berryman, 1986).
However, there is a definite age effect, trees
Hylurdrectonus araucariae Schedl aged 2.5–12 years being the most suscepti-
(Coleoptera: Scolytidae) ble (Gray, 1976). The insect is comparatively
rare in natural stands of hoop pine but has
This scolytid occurs only in Papua infested approximately 47.5% of major
New Guinea and has just a single host, plantations at Bulolo and 91% at Wau (Gray,
A. cunninghamii, commonly known as hoop 1975). This circumstance was attributed to
pine. Whereas most bark beetles are cambial the fact that most of the plantations were of
borers, Hylurdrectonus araucariae is unu- an age class susceptible to attack and that
sual in that it is a branchlet miner (Gray and trees of similar age in natural stands had
Lamb, 1975). The damage caused by this different physiochemical characteristics of
insect to the country’s main plantations of foliage to those of plantation-grown hoop
hoop pine at Bulolo and Wau resulted in the pine. Considerable growth loss and high
abandonment of planting of this species tree mortality has been recorded in severely
there in the late 1960s. infested stands, particularly on poor sites.
Hoop pine branchlets consist of sharply Most mortality was due to secondary insects,
pointed leaves or needles arranged along an such as the weevil Vanapa oberthuri, which
axis. The nest of H. araucariae invariably is attacked the weakened trees. As a result of
140 Chapter 5

H. araucariae damage to hoop pine at Bulolo tips, which break off easily to reveal the hol-
and Wau, the planting emphasis there lowed-out shoot. By this time, the larvae usu-
switched to A. hunsteinii, which is resistant ally have already pupated and the adult moths
to attack by the beetle. emerged. In moderate infestations, the termi-
Apart from spiders, which prey on the nal shoot dies but laterals take over to produce
adults when they leave the nest, no other a ‘stag-headed’ effect, with a resultant loss in
natural enemies of H. araucariae have been form. In more serious cases where the major-
found (Gray and Lamb, 1975). ity of shoots are attacked, the trees become
stunted and bush-like (Plate 56). Increment is
Dioryctria spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) reduced greatly and the trees become value-
less for timber. Larvae of Dioryctria spp. some-
Until comparatively recently, Dioryctria spp. times also bore in the bark cambium and can
(Plate 54) were best known as cone or shoot girdle and kill young trees.
borers of conifers in Europe and North In Thailand, especially in lowland areas,
America. However, with the rapid expansion several species of Pinus, principally P. kesiya,
of plantations of Pinus spp. in Asia during are attacked by D. sylvestrella and D. abietella
the past few decades, mainly destined to (Hutacharern, 1978; Speight and Speechly,
provide long fibre pulp, there has been an 1982). In Vietnam, D. sylvestrella attacks
increase in damage caused by several pests P. kesiya and P. caribaea, while in the
and diseases, including shoot moths in the Philippines heavy attacks on P. caribaea by
genus Dioryctria. Severe damage to shoots D. rubella affect the viability of the plantation
and bark of young Pinus spp. has occurred programme there (Lapis, 1985b). D. castanea
in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, is a major pest of P. kesiya in India and dur-
Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, south- ing one outbreak in a 900 ha plantation in
ern China and Cuba (Wang et al., 1999; the north-east of the country, all age groups
Nair, 2007). As well, species of Dioryctria were attacked and every tree affected (Singh
have been reported to attack cones of Pinus et al., 1988). The most important of the
spp. in the Central American countries of Dioryctria spp. in Taiwan is D. pryeri (Yie
Honduras and Nicaragua (Becker, 1973), and et al., 1967), and in Pakistan it is D. abietella
in Florida D. amatella, commonly referred to (Ahmad et al., 1977). Also in Pakistan, Ghani
as a pitch moth, is a serious pest of pine seed and Cheema (1973) reported severe damage
orchard crops in that state (Meeker, 2008). by D. raoi to P. roxburghii trees in Kashmir,
As described by Speight and Speechly with up to 55% of shoots affected on some
(1982), eggs are laid around the bases of nee- trees, resulting in stunting and malforma-
dles of young shoots. The hatching larvae tion. Of the tropical pines planted in south-
feed externally at first on the needle bases, ern China, P. caribaea var. hondurensis is the
spinning small silken tents which become species affected most seriously by D. alterna-
covered in resin and frass. Some mining of tus, whose damage to the apex and main
the needles may also occur. The larvae may stem is one of the principal contributors to
remain on the outside of the shoots for a the generally poor stem form of this tree spe-
week or more before boring in, and may cies in the region (Wang et al., 1999). In
reappear on the surface from time to time as Yunnan Province in the south-west of China,
they mature. Usually, larvae bore upwards D. rubella causes severe damage to P. kesiya
at first towards the shoot tip and later var. langbianensis. In the rainy season, the
down towards the basal part, the tunnelling damage rate is 35–40% and in the dry season
extending for up to 30 cm (Plate 55). Pupation 90–100% (Tong and Kong, 2010). One of the
occurs in the shoot near the old entrance reasons given for such a high rate of infesta-
hole. The length of the life cycle varies with tion is the ability of the larva to attack more
climatic conditions and may take from 2 to 4 than one shoot. Altitude seems important
months. in determining the severity of shoot moth
Attack results in dieback of leading and attack; at altitudes over 1000 m, damage is
lateral shoots with a browning of needles and of little significance but may be severe in
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 141

plantings below this level (Speight, 1983). concealed positions such as leaf axils, scars
Other associated factors are uniformly high and fissures. Eggs hatch in about 3 days and
all-year-round temperatures, soils low in nutri- the larvae move towards the new shoots,
ents (especially phosphorus) and the pres- burrowing into the stem or leaf axil. The lar-
ence of older trees that are already infested. vae (Plate 57) cover their entrance holes
Numerous wasp parasitoids of the egg, with a protective web containing plant par-
larval and pupal stages of several Dioryctria ticles and frass (Plate 58) and tunnel in the
species in the tropics have been recorded primary stem or branches, feeding on the
(Ghani and Cheema, 1973; Belmont and pith. There are five to six larval stages last-
Habeck, 1983; Thakur, 2000; Nair, 2007). ing about 30 days. Larvae pupate in cocoons
spun in the stem tunnels, or among the leaf
Hypsipyla robusta (Moore), Hypsipyla litter and soil around the tree base. Pupation
grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) lasts about 10 days.
Larvae are also known to feed on the
Hypsipyla spp. shoot borers are among the bark, fruit and flowers of their hosts. In
most economically important insect pests Australia, larvae of H. robusta feeding on
in tropical forestry, virtually preventing the Toona ciliata fruit initially feed externally
cultivation of mahoganies (Swietenia spp., on the epidermis and later live within, and
Khaya spp.), cedars (Cedrella spp., Toona consume, the seeds and soft tissue of a sin-
spp.) and other valuable Meliaceae, prima- gle fruit before emerging and entering a
rily of the subfamily Swietenioideae, in new fruit (Griffiths, 2001). Neighbouring
their native areas (Griffiths, 2001; Opuni- fruit are joined by a tunnel of silk and frass
Frimpong et al., 2008b; Wagner et al., 2008). through which the larvae move. Feeding
H. grandella is found throughout Central and damage to fruit results in their premature
South America and also occurs on many shedding and larvae apparently circumvent
Caribbean islands and the southern tip of this by spinning a mat of webbing across the
Florida. The species referred to as ‘H. robusta’ point of abscission (Griffiths, 1997). Fully
is widely distributed throughout West and fed larvae generally exit the fruit to pupate
East Africa, India, Indonesia, Australia and beneath the bark of the mature trees close
South-east Asia (Table 5.4). It has now been to the base, or among surrounding soil
shown that H. robusta is not one but at and leaf litter, but sometimes pupate in the
least three different species (Horak, 2001; hollowed-out fruit. In Nigeria, Roberts
Cunningham et al., 2005), which accounts (1968) reports that while it is usual to find
for some of the differences apparent in the only one larva in each shoot, fruits of
reported biology and behaviour of the spe- Carapa procera have yielded up to 26 larvae,
cies in various parts of its range. and more than one larva is not uncommon
Newton et al. (1993) have summarized in fruits of Khaya spp.
the biology, ecology and importance of these The adults are nocturnal, are strong
pests. The two species appear to behave fliers and able to locate their food plants
similarly, the total life cycle lasting about over large distances by means of chemore-
1–2 months, depending on climate and food ception. The exact nature of the attractants
availability. In H. grandella, oviposition occurs emitted by the plant is unknown.
during evening or early morning and egg The number of generations a year var-
eclosion occurs at night. An individual ies with variations in climatic conditions
female lays 1–7 eggs at a time on one or more and availability of new shoots. In areas
plants and may repeat oviposition over which are wet all year round, the insects are
a period of 6 days, laying 200–300 eggs in able to attack continuously as the young
all. In comparison, a H. robusta female may trees resprout repeatedly (Newton et al.,
lay 450 eggs during a 7- to 10-day period 1993). In areas with a pronounced dry sea-
(Griffiths, 2001). Eggs are laid singly, or son, attacks switch from shoots to fruit
occasionally in clusters of three to four, during the dry period when no unlignified
usually on shoots, stems and leaves, often in shoots are available.
Table 5.4. Hypsipyla robusta damage on species of Meliaceae (subfamily Swietenioideae) grown in various Asian and Pacific countries (from Floyd and
Hauxwell, 2000).

Papua New Solomon

Tree species Bangladesh Sri Lanka India Philippines Vietnam Laos Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Guinea Islands Australia

Cedrela odorata ÿ ÿ ÿ x ÿ
Cedrela lilloi ÿ ÿ
Chukrasia tabularis ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ
Khaya anthotheca ÿ

Chapter 5
Khaya grandifolia ÿ
Khaya ivorensis ÿ
Khaya nyasica ÿ
Khaya senegalensis ÿ ÿ x ÿ ÿ
Swietenia macrophylla ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ
Swietenia mahagoni ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ
Toona ciliata ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ
Toona calantas x
Toona sinensis ÿ
Toona sureni ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ
Xylocarpus moluccensis ÿÿ

Notes: Empty cells in the table indicate that there are no records of a tree species in a country. The number of ticks indicates the severity of damage and a cross indicates no damage
observed. Countries with a single tick against all species recorded for that country indicates damage has been observed but no indication of relative severity of damage.
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 143

Tunnelling by the larvae in the shoots result in abortion of cones or fruit before the
causes shoot mortality, growth reduction, seeds have developed, or cause seed abor-
branching and poor tree form (Plate 59). tion (Berryman, 1986).
Repeated attacks can result in tree death. In plantations established for wood
Trees may be attacked from the nursery production, and even in natural forests,
stage through to maturity, but attacks up to insects that feed on seeds or cones are rela-
the pole stage are most critical from a silvi- tively unimportant, but in seed orchards
cultural point of view. Newton et al. (1993) such damage is more serious and losses can
cite many examples of damage caused by be considerable (Speight and Wainhouse,
Hypsipyla spp. throughout the tropics, with 1989). In years when the cone crop is small
up to 100% of plantings affected in some and populations of cone and seed insects
cases. Plantation programmes using species are high, the entire crop may be destroyed.
of Meliaceae (subfamily Swietenioideae) Because of the expense in managing seed
have been abandoned almost completely in production areas, even a 5 or 10% loss may
many countries. Despite such pest pressure, be economically intolerable (Berryman,
there are instances where susceptible spe- 1986). Problems may also arise when natu-
cies of Meliaceae have been grown with ral seeding is required following logging
minimal shoot borer damage. This often operations, for example, where only a few
involved the growing of the desired species select trees are left to provide seed and the
in mixtures with other tree species. The rea- insect population is high.
sons for the occasional success are not clear
but have been variously suggested to relate Bruchidius spp. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
to the effects of shade (overhead and lateral),
planting density and growth rate, or interac- Species of Bruchidius, commonly known as
tions between these factors. Published view- seed weevils, are numerous in the tropics,
points on this subject are often conflicting. where they are pests of the seed of various
Many species of parasitoids, princi- plants, including some important legumi-
pally braconid and ichneumonid wasps, nous tree species in the genera Acacia,
and predators of Hypsipyla spp. have been Albizia, Falcataria and Prosopis.
recorded, but these do not provide effective According to Beeson (1941), the habits
control either in their native country or of all species are very similar. The eggs are
where they have been introduced to other laid normally on the skin of the pod or fruit
countries in classical biocontrol pro- to which they are attached by an adhesive
grammes (Newton et al., 1993). In Australia fluid. The larva hatches in a few days and
and Malaysia, investigations into the use of burrows directly into the fruit to the seed on
weaver ants, O. smaragdina, as a biological which it feeds. One larva may hollow out
control agent for H. robusta show some several seeds during its development. Pupa-
promise (Lim et al., 2008). tion occurs in the seed. The length of the
life cycle varies considerably according to
temperature, humidity and the quality of
the food available. In the tropics, develop-
5.6 Fruit and Seed Boring ment may be completed in a few weeks and
there may be numerous overlapping gener-
Several different groups of insects attack ations during a year. Because of the specifi-
the fruit, cones or seeds of forest trees. city of legume allelochemical substances,
Some, such as torymid wasps, lay their eggs the larvae of a particular bruchid species may
directly into the seed of young cones and feed on the seed of just a single host species
their larvae feed within the seed; others, (Singh and Bhandari, 1988).
such as bruchid beetles, lay their eggs on Leguminous trees are important in social
the exterior of the pod or fruit and the lar- forestry, particularly in arid lands where
vae tunnel inwards to the seed, which they there is a demand for large quantities of
consume. Insect tunnelling may sometimes sound seed which can be collected locally.
144 Chapter 5

Destruction of the seed crop by bruchids generally their impact on populations of

can therefore have serious consequences for these pests is small (Ernst et al., 1989).
rural communities in these areas (Singh and
Bhandari, 1988). A. tortilis has been sug-
gested to function as a keystone species in Megastigmus spp.
the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa and (Hymenoptera: Torymidae)
the Middle East but sometimes suffers from
extraordinarily high infestation of seed bee- Megastigmus is an important genus of seed
tles (Noumi et al., 2010a). Tunisia (Noumi pests and these wasps are particularly
et al., 2010b) recorded from 31 to 83% infes- destructive of conifer seed in Europe and
tation of A. tortilis seed by B. raddianae and North America. Worldwide, there are 51
B. aurivillii. In Botswana, the degree of seed species of Megastigmus which damage the
parasitism of A. tortilis by several Bruchi- seeds of conifers (Roques et al., 2003) and
dius spp., principally B. albosparsus, several species which attack the seeds of
B. aurivillii and B. rubicundus, ranged from eucalypts. The biology and impact of tropi-
10 to 82% between trees and years (Ernst cal species is less well known, but damage
et al., 1989). Infestation rates of almost has been reported from southern China,
100% have been recorded for B. spadiceus Mexico, Thailand, Africa and Australia.
in Tanzania (Lamprey et al., 1974). As described by Drake (1974) for
One of the reasons for the success of Megastigmus on eucalypts in Australia, the
Acacia spp. is that they produce substantial insects lay their eggs in the ovules of young
quantities of seeds in order to overcome seeds during or just after the flowering
a range of environmental uncertainties, period. After hatching, they feed off the
including the high rates of infestation by developing embryos, often leaving the
bruchid beetles (Sabiiti and Wein, 1987). seed coat intact. Each insect consumes
Fire and grazing by large herbivores also only the seed within which it has been
contribute to the survival of these plants, deposited and therefore not all the seeds in
not only by stimulating seed germination an infested capsule are necessarily destro-
(fire, animals) and aiding dispersal (ani- yed. The level of attack varies considera-
mals) but also by reducing populations of bly, but between 20 and 50% of eucalypt
the seed beetles. Bruchid larvae are more capsules in localized areas can be destroyed
sensitive to fire than the seed embryo, (Drake, 1974).
and this heat treatment leads indirectly to In southern Mexico, M. albifrons dam-
higher germination. Studies by Sabiiti ages seed of three species of Pinus, affecting
and Wein (1987) in Uganda suggest that up to 27% of seed (Rio Mora and Mayo-
as fire intensities increase there will be Jimenez, 1993). The wasp has an annual
fewer Bruchidius spp. larvae and more via- generation, but a small part of the popula-
ble seed embryos. Lamprey et al. (1974) in tion stays in diapause for 2 years, which is
Tanzania showed that fluids in the gut of probably an adaptation to the irregular peri-
animals that grazed and ingested seeds or odicity of seed production (Browne, 1968).
pods of A. tortilis killed a higher proportion In Thailand, seeds of Sesbania grandiflora
of bruchid larvae in the seed than seed are commonly infested with larvae of
embryos, and this contributed to higher Megastigmus, infestation levels reaching
rates of germination. 70% (Helium and Sullivan, 1990). Recently,
In Australia, B. sahlbergi was introduced a new species of Megastigmus, M. zebrinus,
from Pakistan as one of a complex of biocon- has been described from South Africa, asso-
trol agents for the prickly shrub A. nilotica, a ciated with seed capsules of E. camaldulen-
declared noxious plant in arid sheep and cat- sis, an endemic Australian tree. The wasp
tle grazing regions in the tropical north of the presumably was introduced along with its
country (Wilson, 1985). host tree. It appears to be a true gall-maker,
Numerous hymenopteran parasitoids rather than a parasitoid of gall-forming
of Bruchidius spp. have been reported, but insects, and now has adapted to the fruit of
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 145

S. cordatum, an endemic South African Metrosideros, are known to be hosts of this

myrtaceous tree (Grissell, 2006). association, with most records being from
Eucalyptus and Melaleuca (Taylor and
Davies, 2008). The galls may appear on stem
5.7 Gall Forming tips, leaf buds, leaves and flower buds and
are a result of the combined effect of the
nematodes and fly larvae (Currie, 1937).
Galls are unusual plant growths which
While several species have been recorded
develop as a result of abnormal cell division
from Asia and Papua New Guinea (Davies
and/or cell enlargements following infesta-
and Giblin-Davis (2004), they are most
tion of plants by organisms such as insects,
numerous in Australia, where they are com-
mites and fungi (Elliott et al., 1998). They
monly known as eucalypt flies.
can occur on all plant organs, but are found
Detailed studies of these flies in
most commonly on leaves, stems and buds.
Australia have been carried out by Currie
Insect-induced galls can be caused by spe-
(1937) and are summarized by Elliott et al.
cies in several Orders, but the most impor-
(1998). In species which infest eucalypt
tant groups are Hymenoptera, Hemiptera
flowers, adult flies emerge from galls in the
and Diptera. Galls provide food and shelter
summer. Following mating, females fly to
for the invading insects, but the plant
flowers and lay eggs in the young flower
derives no benefit in this relationship, sus-
buds. From 1–50 larval nematodes are laid
taining loss of nutrients, changes in growth
with each egg. Many fly eggs may be laid in
architecture and structural weakening. The
the same eucalypt flower bud by a single fly
shape of a gall is often characteristic of a
or several different flies. While the fly egg is
particular insect species, and in some cases
developing, the immature nematodes feed
there is marked sexual dimorphism, with
on the primordia of the stamens, causing
the males producing a gall of a different
rapid proliferation of cells, which form
shape from that produced by the females.
irregular masses of cells inside the now
Galling rarely results in the death of
galled bud. On hatching, the fly larvae form
the host tree, but severe dieback of attacked
cavities between two contiguous cell masses
parts can occur (Cobbinah, 1986) and
and develop rapidly to the pupal stage by
branches may break under the weight of
feeding initially on cell sap and later on
galls (Currie, 1937). Photosynthetic capac-
ruptured plant cells. The nematodes join
ity may be reduced where leaves are heavily
the fly larvae in these feeding cavities and
galled and distorted (Elliott et al., 1998).
eventually undergo parthenogenetic repro-
Some gall-making insects can have a serious
duction, with the female nematodes laying
impact on seed production. For example,
eggs beside the fly larvae. The nematodes
the pteromalid gall wasp, Trichilogaster
do not harm the fly larvae.
acaciaelongifoliae, is used as a biocontrol
Male nematodes appear in the galls in
agent for A. longifolia, which has become
the autumn and winter. When the female fly
a weed in South Africa, and on some sites
larvae are about to pupate, fertilized female
has reduced seed production by 95–99%
nematodes enter these larvae. During the fly
(Dennill, 1985).
pupal stage, the nematodes change from
Fergusonina spp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) free-living forms to much enlarged parasitic
forms. By the time the female fly emerges,
Fergusonina spp. are pests of myrtaceous the parasitic nematodes are discharging
trees and are associated in their galls with eggs inside the fly body cavity. On hatching,
nematodes in the genus Fergusobia. This is the larval nematodes migrate to the ovaries,
the only known mutualistic association penetrate the oviduct and wait there until
between insects and nematodes (Davies and an egg passes down the oviduct. The nema-
Giblin-Davis, 2004). Six genera in the fam- todes then accompany the eggs into the
ily Myrtaceae, viz. Corymbia, Eucalyptus, flower bud where the fly–nematode cycle
Angophora, Syzygium, Melaleuca and begins again (Fig. 5.14).
146 Chapter 5

Fly deposits eggs

and juvenile nematodes
into meristematic host tissue
Nematodes feed and develop
into parthenogenetic females,
gall begins to develop,
then fly eggs hatch
Female fly emerges from gall,
mates and disperses
Feeding and development
of fly larvae and nematodes
within gall
Parasitic nematodes deposit eggs
in fly haemolymph, hatched juveniles
move to ovaries

Development of amphimictic
generation of nematodes;
Parasitic female nematode mated infective female
develops in fly puparium nematodes invade haemocoel
of mature female fly larvae

Fig. 5.14. Life cycles of the Fergusonina–Fergusobia association (from Davies and Giblin-Davis, 2004).

The frequency of galling of flower buds and pupae of greater than 60%. The two
of some eucalypts by Fergusonina varies most common parasitoid species they reared
markedly from year to year and can be low were Eurytoma sp. and Coelocyba sp.
even in the presence of abundant flower
buds. Currie (1937) records that galling Phytolyma spp. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
reduced seed production in some eucalypts
and that whole branches might break under Milicia [Chlorophora] is a tropical African
the weight of galls. A species of Fergusonina genus of forest trees of considerable eco-
is a pest of E. deglupta in the Philippines nomic importance because of its natural
(Braza, 1991) and F. syzygii galls flower durability and good working properties
buds of S. cumini in India (Siddiqi et al., (Ofori and Cobbinah, 2007). It occurs natu-
1986). Fergusonina is being considered as a rally in the forest belt of West Africa, extend-
potential biocontrol agent for the broad- ing from Gambia to Nigeria and also in
leaved paperbark tree, M. quinquenervia, Central and East Africa. Attempts to culti-
which was introduced from Australia into vate Milicia spp. on a large scale have been
Florida in the USA in the early 1900s and hampered by Phytolyma psyllids, particu-
has since become a serious weed. It infests larly P. lata, commonly known as the Iroko
over 200,000 ha in the Everglades, causing gallfly, which forms galls on the foliage
extensive environmental damage (Goolsby (Nichols et al., 1999; Wagner et al., 2008).
et al., 2001). The high degree of host spe- Eggs are laid in rows, or scattered sin-
cificity of the Fergusonina–Fergusobia gly, on the buds, shoots or leaves of the host
association makes it an ideal candidate for and hatch in about 5–25 days. The larva
biological control (Goolsby et al., 2000). burrows into the adjacent tissues, breaking
Chalcid and braconid wasp parasitoids down the epidermal cells, which causes
are the main natural enemies of Fergusonina fermentation of the parenchyma. A gall is
spp. and are thought to exert some measure formed within 1 or 2 days, which encloses the
of control (Currie, 1937). Goolsby et al. nymph completely. The insect feeds within
(2000) reared 11 species of wasps from the gall tissue and there are five nymphal
Fergusonina galls on M. quinquenervia and instars lasting approximately 2–3 weeks
recorded a parasitism level of the fly larvae (Wagner et al., 2008). The gall eventually
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 147

splits open, usually at the point of original Africa and, more recently, to Asia and North
infection, to release the adult. Occasionally, and South America. It is native to Australia,
the gall hardens without opening and the where it is unknown as a pest, but poses a
trapped insect dies. The total life cycle is serious threat to young Eucalyptus planta-
completed in 22–45 days. tions, where it has become established in
Phytolyma spp. galls disrupt the plant’s other countries.
translocation processes, and when they The chronology of the spread of blue
erupt to release the adults, death of the lead- gum chalcid, as determined from the lit-
ing and lateral shoots can result (Atuahene, erature and from information provided by
1972; Cobbinah and Wagner, 1995). Terminal researchers on the pest, is summarized
dieback causes growth reduction and seed- below (Mendel et al., 2004; Doganlar,
ling mortality in many cases. Agyeman et al. 2005; Hesami et al., 2005; CABI/EPPO,
(2009) studied the impact of P. lata on seed- 2007a; FABI, 2007; Costa et al., 2008; Tang
ling growth of M. excelsa in Ghana. They et al., 2008; Wiley and Skelley, 2008; Jhala
found that infested plants had lower height, et al., 2009; Nyeko et al., 2009; Thu et al.,
stem diameter and biomass growth than 2009; Botto et al., 2010; Javaregowda and
uninfested plants. Mean yield losses of stem, Prabhu, 2010). In some of the earlier
branches and leaves of infested plants records from the Mediterranean region,
were 68.9%, 48.3% and 64%, respectively, L. invasa was named erroneously as Aprosto-
of matched uninfested plants. Infested plants cetus sp. (Protasov et al., 2008).
also had smaller, fewer and highly chlorotic
2000: Israel, Iran, Algeria, Italy
leaves. The insects have a preference for young
2001: India (Karnataka), Morocco, Egypt,
leaves, which not only ensures that good-
Turkey, Jordan, Syria
quality food is available but also that they
2002: Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tamil Nadu
are able to complete development before
(India), Vietnam
leaf fall (Cobbinah, 1986). Physical proper-
2004: Corsica (France), Spain, Greece
ties such as cuticle thickness may enhance
2005: Mainland France, Tanzania, Portugal
the preference for young leaves (Wagner
2006: Gujarat (India), Thailand, Southern
et al., 2008).
Phytolyma spp. attack is more injurious
2007: Zimbabwe, Guangxi (China), Brazil,
in nurseries and vigorous young plantations
South Africa
than in natural forests and 100% failures
2008: Florida, Lao PDR, Hainan (China)
have been reported in Ghana (Wagner et al.,
2009: Argentina
2008). Studies by Bosu et al. (2006) of sur-
2010: Chile
vival and growth of mixed plantations of
M. excelsa and T. superba 9 years after The rapidity of spread of L. invasa around
planting in Ghana indicated that shade the world (29 countries in a period of 10
from T. superba reduced psyllid galls on years) is akin to that of the leucaena psyllid
M. excelsa, though crop growth was slow. H. cubana, which spread to 45 countries
A species of Trichogramma parasitizes over a similar timespan (see earlier in this
eggs of P. lata, while encyrtid and eulo- chapter). This spread has been attributed to
phid wasps parasitize the nymphs. Mantids movement of nursery stock (plants for plant-
predate first instar crawlers and, to a lesser ing) or to the cut flower trade.
degree, exposed adults. L. invasa causes galls on the midribs,
petioles and stems of new shoots of euca-
Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) lypt trees, including coppice and nursery
stock. Heavy infestations can lead to
The blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa deformed leaves and shoots, a growth reduc-
(Plate 60), is a new pest of Eucalyptus tion of the tree, dieback and, in some cases,
that was found in the Middle East in 2000 tree death.
and has since spread rapidly to most Medi- Adult females insert their eggs in the
terranean countries, to many countries in epidermis of young leaves on both sides of
148 Chapter 5

the midrib, in the petioles and in the paren- showed that infestation by blue gum
chyma of twigs. Mendel et al. (2004) iden- chalcid was most severe on E. grandis and
tified five stages of gall development on E. camaldulensis, with most of the trees
E. camaldulensis. The first stage begins 1–2 having galls in more than 50% of total
weeks after oviposition, with the first symp- shoots. Evaluation of growth losses caused
toms of cork tissue appearing at the egg by L. invasa on an E. grandis × E. urophylla
insertion spot, accompanied by a change in clone in Guangdong, China, showed leaf
midrib colour from green to pink. Towards loss of greater than 90% and average loss of
the end of the stage, the galls are spherical tree height and tree diameter of 29.2% and
and glossy green. In the second stage, the 30.8%, respectively (Zhao et al., 2008).
galls develop their typical bump shape and Two species of eulophid wasps from
reach their maximum size (about 2.7 mm). Australia, Quadrastichus mendeli and
In the third stage, the green colour of the Selitrichodes kryceri, which are larval para-
gall changes to glossy pink and in the sitoids of L. invasa, have been introduced
fourth stage, the gall loses its glossiness and into Israel as part of a biological control pro-
changes to light or dark red. In the final gramme for the pest (Kim et al., 2008). Two
stage, emergence holes of the wasp are local species of Megastigmus have been
noticeable (Plate 61). In Israel, the develop- found to be parasitoids of L. invasa in Turkey
ment time from oviposition to emergence and Israel (Protasov et al., 2008) and another
was 4.5 months. Adult wasps may live 3–6 in Italy (Viggiani et al., 2001), but are
days and may feed on the flowers of their not considered to be natural associates of
host plant. In the Middle East, two to three L. invasa (Protasov et al., 2008). The strate-
overlapping generations per year have gies being adopted by most affected countries
been observed. A wide range of Eucalyptus for dealing with the pest are the introduction
species are hosts to this pest, including: of biocontrol agents and the deployment of
E. botryoides, E. bridesiana, E. camaldulen- resistant or tolerant species or clones.
sis, E. dunnii, E. globulus, E. grandis,
E. gunnii, E. maidenii, E. robusta, E. saligna, Ophelimus maskelli
E. tereticornis, E. urophylla, E. viminalis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
and various clones and hybrids.
L. invasa attacks trees of all ages, from Ophelimus maskelli is another gall-forming
nursery stock to mature tree, but the dam- pest of Eucalyptus that originated in
age is most severe on younger plants. Australia, where it is largely unknown, and
Mendel et al. (2004) reported that in the Bet has been found recently in several other
Shean Valley in Israel, where L. invasa had countries, where it has become a problem.
reached epidemic levels, juvenile shoots While O. maskelli has not yet been recorded
were often killed due to egg overloading. In from the tropics, it has been included in this
southern states of India, more than 20,000 ha chapter because its spread to date paral-
of 2-year-old eucalypt plantations had lels closely that of the blue gum chalcid,
already been affected by gall formation L. invasa, which was first reported from
within 5 years of first discovery of the insect Europe and the Middle East and now occurs
there (Javaregowda and Prabhu, 2010). In in several tropical and subtropical coun-
Vietnam, where the plantation industry is tries in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
reliant on only a few clones of E. urophylla Coupled with this is the striking similarity
and E. camaldulensis, it reportedly has dev- between the host ranges of O. maskelli and
astated nurseries and young plantations L. invasa.
(Thu et al., 2009). The wasp has been simi- In the Mediterranean and the Middle
larly problematic in E. camaldulensis plan- East, O. maskelli severely injures eucalypts,
tations and nurseries in Thailand (Dell particularly E. camaldulensis, the most eco-
et al., 2008). Surveys by Nyeko et al. (2009) in nomically important planted hardwood
Uganda across 154 stands of young (< 3-year- species in the region (Protasov et al., 2007b).
old) Eucalyptus spp. and clonal hybrids As with L. invasa, this gall wasp was not
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 149

accompanied by its principal natural ene- are parasitoids of O. maskelli (Huber et al.,
mies, which occurred in Australia, and 2006). C. chamaeleon has been released in
therefore quickly reached epidemic levels. Israel and appears to achieve effective bio-
When it was first discovered in Europe, it logical control (Protasov et al., 2007a). In
was reported erroneously as O. eucalypti, a the 16 months since its release at Bet Dagan
species known to be an invasive gall inducer in Israel, C. chamaeleon has spread some
on Eucalyptus in New Zealand (Withers, 1300 km to the city of Izmir in Turkey
2001; Protasov et al., 2007b). The first report (Doganlar and Mendel, 2007).
of the insect from Europe was in Italy in
2000 and it has been recorded subsequently Quadrastichus erythrinae
from Greece, Spain, France, England, Israel, (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Turkey, Portugal and Morocco. Protasov
et al. (2007b) detail the biology and impact Erythrina is a widespread and diverse genus
of the pest in the region. O. maskelli shows of trees with a pantropical distribution. It
a clear tendency to oviposit in developed contains some 120 species (Mabberly, 2008),
immature leaves, generally in the lower many of which have an important commer-
canopy, and it prefers to oviposit on an area cial, ecological or social value. Some are
of the leaf blade near the petiole. Each grown in tree plantations for timber or pulp,
female lays an average of 109 eggs and each some are used as a living fence or as fodder
egg induces a gall. Gall diameter ranges from for stock, but the principal use of Erythrina
0.9 mm to 1.2 mm and there can be 11–36 is as a shade tree for crops such as coffee
galls/cm2 of leaf. Under epidemic conditions, and cocoa and a support tree for vines such
the entire upper leaf surface can be covered as pepper or vanilla. Various species known
densely with galls (Plate 62). Heavy leaf galling as coral trees are used widely in the tropics
can result in premature leaf drop soon after and subtropics as street and park trees, and
the emergence of the wasps. Both mature and others are important components of native
young trees can be infested. In Israel, where ecosystems (Rubinoff et al., 2010). Damage
infested trees are close to humans, mass emer- to Erythrina trees due to an invasive wasp,
gence of the spring population can cause Q. erythrinae (Plate 63), was first docu-
a nuisance by forming ‘clouds’ of wasps mented in 2003 in Reunion, Mauritius,
(Protasov et al., 2007b). The insect produces Singapore and Taiwan (Kim et al., 2004;
three generations a year in Israel. Of 84 euca- Yang et al., 2004). In 2005, the insect was
lypt species tested, 14 species were found to detected in southern China (Huang et al.,
be suitable hosts: E. botryoides, E. bridgesi- 2005) and in Hawaii (Heu et al., 2005). Since
ana, E. camaldulensis, E. cinerea, E. globulus, then, it has been reported from India, Japan,
E. grandis, E. gunnii, E. nicholii, E. pulveru- Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia,
lenta, E. robusta, E. rudis, E. saligna, E. tereti- American Samoa, Western Samoa, Guam,
cornis and E. viminalis (Protasov et al., 2007b). Florida and Fiji (Faizal et al., 2006; Heu
In the Mediterranean region, O. maskelli et al., 2006; Prathapan, 2006; Wiley and
shares its new habitat with L. invasa, and Skelly, 2006; Uechi et al., 2007; Messing
both species may infest the same leaf. et al., 2009). Q. erythrinae originates in East
O. maskelli develops only on the leaf blade, Africa (La Salle et al., 2009a) and is predicted
whereas L. invasa induces galls on the midrib, to spread more widely in that continent as
the petiole and newly developed twigs. This well as in Asia, Oceania and South America
partitioning should minimize interference (Li et al., 2006). The predicted potential
and competition, although preliminary data range includes tropical rainforest, tropical
collected by Protasov et al. (2007b) suggest that monsoon, subtropical monsoon and tropical
O. maskelli is a better competitor and dis- savannah climates. In commenting on the
places L. invasa, or impairs its performance. rate of spread of Q. erythrinae, Rubinoff et al.
Two species of mymarid wasp, Stethy- (2010) note that within 2 years of its discov-
nium ophelimi and S. breviovipositor, and a ery, the pest was distributed across a tropi-
eulophid wasp, Closterocerus chamaeleon, cal swath from Hawaii to India, a distance
150 Chapter 5

of more than 12,546 km, much of it across the whole island, severe infestations result-
open ocean. Long-distance dispersal is ing in defoliation and tree death (Yang et al.,
likely to be by global trade and locally 2004). The pest was reported from Sri Lanka
by wind or transport on items such as cloth- in 2006 and at that time was confined to the
ing or flowers. plains, but there were fears that it would
The erythrina gall wasp inserts eggs into spread to the highlands, where Erythrina
young leaf and stem tissue of the tree. The was the single most important shade tree of
larvae then develop within the plant tissue, tea (Prathapan, 2006). Similar concerns are
forming galls in leaflets and petioles. As the held in south India, where Erythrina is widely
infestation progresses, leaves curl and appear used as a live standard for trailing black pep-
malformed, while the petioles and shoots per and vanilla (Faizal et al., 2006).
become swollen (Plate 64). After feeding is A eulophid parasitoid, Eurytoma eryth-
complete, larvae pupate within the galls and rinae, from Tanzania has been released in
the adult wasps cut exit holes through the Hawaii as a biological agent of Q. erythrinae
plant gall material to emerge. Adults may and reportedly is very effective (La Salle
live 3–10 days (Heu et al., 2006) and a single et al., 2009b). Two other eulophid wasps
female wasp carries on average 322 eggs from Africa, Aprostocetus excertus and
(Yang et al., 2004). The life cycle, egg to A. nitens, also have potential as biocontrol
adult, is about 20 days (Heu et al., 2006). The agents against erythrina gall wasp (La Salle
species has overlapping generations and dif- et al., 2009b; Prinsloo and Kelly, 2009).
ferent stages of development can be found at
the same time. Trees with large populations
of wasps within the leaves and stems have 5.8 Root Feeding
reduced leaf growth and the plant declines
in health. Severe gall wasp infestations may A wide range of insects feed on the roots of
cause defoliation and tree death. trees, including white grubs, termites, root
Studies by Messing et al. (2009) in five weevils, larvae of longicorn and buprestid
botanical gardens in Hawaii showed that 59 beetles and root aphids. These insects gen-
of the 71 species of Erythrina planted there erally are not a problem for established trees
were susceptible to Q. erythrinae. It is in with well-developed and extensive root sys-
Hawaii that some of the most severe impacts tems but they can cause serious damage in
of the pest have been reported. E. sandwi- nurseries and young plantations, where the
censi, known as the wiliwili tree, is endemic trees have small and fragile roots. The prob-
and a ‘keystone’ species in Hawaii’s low- lem is sometimes intensified when soil cul-
land dry forest, one of the most endangered tivation or site preparation removes the
ecosystems in the world (IUCN, 2010). It is other vegetation on the site, and root insects
also an important cultural and ethnobotani- are then forced to feed on the roots of the
cal resource (Doccola et al., 2009). In the planted stock (Berryman, 1986).
first few years following the arrival of the Among groups of root-feeding insects,
gall wasp in 2005, mortality of E. sandwi- termites are the most damaging in the trop-
censi due to the pest was estimated at 10% ics, species of Odontotermes, Macrotermes,
and the survival of the wiliwili tree was Microtermes and Coptotermes (Plate 65)
questioned, prompting a major seed-banking being responsible for considerable mortality
effort (Doccola et al., 2009). Widespread of newly established plantations through-
and nearly complete mortality, believed out Asia and Africa.
greater than 95%, was also reported in
Hawaii for the Indian coral tree, E. variegata, Lepidiota spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
a popular landscape tree, and on O’ahu alone
the cost of removing dead trees exceeded The larvae of some species of scarab beetles,
US$1m (Doccola et al., 2009). In Taiwan, where such as Lepidiota spp., feed on the root sys-
Erythrina also has great cultural importance, tems of young trees, often ring-barking and
five species of Erythrina were affected across severing the stems below ground. Such insects
Tropical Forest Pests: Ecology, Biology and Impact 151

are commonly referred to as ‘white grubs’ or case of some species of crickets and grasshop-
‘curl grubs’ and are important pests in nurser- pers, such damage occurs mostly on nursery
ies and young plantations (Plate 66). stock or newly planted trees. However, larvae
Typically, the adult female burrows into of several species of longicorn beetle make
the soil to lay her eggs. Larvae live in the soil, spiral tunnels or ‘cuts’ across branches and
feeding on decaying organic matter when stems up to 10 cm in diameter, causing
young and, later, on plant roots. They migrate them to snap off in wind or under their own
through the soil profile, burrowing deeper in weight. An example is Hesthesis cingulata
very cold or very hot, dry weather and coming in Australia, which severs the stems of
close to the surface in wet conditions. They eucalypt saplings just above ground level
pupate in the soil, often in a smooth-walled (Elliott et al., 1998).
cell. New adults may remain in the soil for a
period until stimulated to emerge by heavy Strongylurus decoratus (McKeown)
rain. Some species feed on the leaves of trees (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
and occasionally can cause severe damage.
The life cycle of most species lasts 1–2 years. This insect is common in hoop pine,
In tropical and subtropical Queensland A. cunninghamii, plantations in southern
in Australia, the larvae of L. trichosterna and Queensland, Australia. It prunes mainly
L. picticollis are among the most important branches, but occasionally causes more
nursery pests of hoop pine, A. cunninghamii, severe damage, particularly to young trees,
necessitating routine treatment of nursery through pruning the leader.
beds with chemical pesticides. In young As described in Elliott et al. (1998),
plantations of hoop pine, local losses of up eggs are laid singly into branches or leading
to 60% have been recorded (Elliott et al., shoots of hoop pine. The larva (Plate 68)
1998). Attack is usually most severe where tunnels in the cambial region for a time
plantations have been established on before boring longitudinally in the centre of
grasslands or on land previously devoted the branch or top. Infested material may
to agriculture. In 2-month-old E. exserta range from 1 to 10 cm in diameter. The lar-
plantations on soft, sandy soils in southern val stage occupies the tunnel for 39–41
China, Wylie and Brown (1992) record losses weeks and pupation takes place at the end
of up to 50% caused by L. stigma white grubs, of the tunnel. Prior to pupation, the larva
often requiring a replanting of the whole makes a transverse spiral tunnel or ‘cut’
area (Plate 67). This species is also reported across the stem, which creates a point of
as a pest of 1- to 2-year-old trees (Swietenia weakness where breakage can occur due to
spp., T. grandis, F. moluccana, Anthocephala the weight of the stem or the effects of wind,
cadamba) in taungya plantations in East Java leaving behind on the tree a stub which
(Intari and Natawiria, 1973). The authors contains the insect. Sometimes, more than
note that in such situations, the trees suffer one larva may infest a branch and shed sec-
more than the farm crops. In the Philippines, tions may then contain immature stages of
adults of a species of Lepidiota have caused Strongylurus decoratus. In constructing the
almost complete defoliation of young plan- pupation chamber, the mature larva cuts
tations of A. auriculiformis and A. mangium two sets of two exit holes transversely from
in Mindanao (Wylie, 1993). L. mashona larvae its tunnel to the exterior, a short distance
are very injurious to seedlings of A. mearnsii back from the pruning cut. It blocks both
in Zimbabwe and have been known to kill ends of its tunnel between the two sets of
large saplings (Browne, 1968). holes with plugs of wood slivers, forming a
pupation chamber (Plate 69). Approximately
4 weeks after the holes are cut, the insect
5.9 Stem and Branch Cutters enters a prepupal stage, which lasts for 7–10
days, and then pupates for a further 4 weeks.
Several insect groups damage trees by sev- The teneral adult may remain in the chamber
ering stems or branches completely. In the for 1 or 2 weeks before removing a plug and
152 Chapter 5

exiting through one of the holes cut previ- more ramified as the insects grow older.
ously. Egg laying commences after 1–2 weeks. The adult stage is reached in a few months
S. decoratus has affected trees ranging and the insect then occupies the same tun-
in age from 4 years to more than 30 years nel throughout its life. There is usually one
and in height from 3 to 31 m. In some cases, generation a year. The cricket feeds on
trees have been defoliated completely, young seedlings and low shoots, cutting
with only branch stubs remaining, but top them off at night and dragging the pieces
damage is generally of most concern. In into the tunnel for feeding. In India, this
some areas, an incidence of leader attack species has been recorded damaging sev-
of between 15 and 41% has been recorded. eral tree species in nurseries. In north
Some of the most severe attacks have been Bihar, for example, it killed up to 30% of
linked with below-average site quality, usu- E. tereticornis and G. arborea in one season
ally in upper slope positions, and with tree (Ali and Chaturvedi, 1996) and 8–21%
provenance (Wylie, 1982b). of D. sissoo seedlings (Sah et al., 2007).
A complex of natural control agents Similarly, in the Jabalpur region of India,
operates against larval and pupal stages of B. portentosus damage to roots and shoots
the insect, including encyrtid and ichneu- of D. sissoo in nurseries resulted in 20–25%
monid wasp parasitoids and tachinid flies, mortality of plants (Kalia and Lal, 1999).
and a predatory clerid beetle larva. Cock- Beeson (1941) mentions that it attacks field
atoos are important predators of pupating plantings of Casuarina less than 60 cm high,
larvae and seem to use the exit holes cut by but that taller trees escape. B. portentosus
the larva as visual clues to the location of is a pest of newly planted trees in southern
their prey. Incidence of cockatoo predation China, at one site damaging 40% of 3-month-
sometimes reaches 20%. old E. urophylla in a 10 ha plantation (Wylie
and Brown, 1992). In a community woodlot
Brachytrupes spp. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) project in north-eastern Thailand, the cricket
was listed by Hutacharem and Sabhasri
Crickets, together with grasshoppers, cut- (1985) as one of the main pests of young
worms and white grubs, form the chief E. camaldulensis.
pests of young seedlings but they are rarely In Zimbabwe, B. membranaceus is a
detected in the act of injury. Brachytrupes is pest of Thuya sp. and E. grandis, in some
a genus of ground-dwelling crickets, occur- cases affecting more than 50% of plants
ring in Africa and throughout Asia, which (Taylor, 1981). This cricket occurs mainly on
contains several species injurious to seed- sandy soils, where it lives in a long, curved
lings in the nursery and sowings in the open. burrow up to 1 m in length. It cuts off seed-
The main species in Asia is B. porten- lings, leaving just a stump, and carries them
tosus, which makes a deep tunnel with an back to the burrow, where they are consu-
opening at the ground surface that is sur- med. The insect also collects plants that
rounded by ejected earth (Beeson, 1941). have been cut off and left by cutworms and
The eggs are laid at the bottom of the tun- false wireworms.
nel and the newly hatched nymphs remain In both Africa and Asia, indigenous
in the tunnel for a time and then disperse. peoples use Brachytrupes species as food
Young crickets dig themselves new tunnels (Fasoranti and Ajiboye, 1993; Agbidye et al.,
every few days and these become longer and 2009; Raksakantong et al., 2010).
Management Systems I: Planning Stage

6.1 Introduction The main silvicultural decisions at the

planning stage are therefore:
Planning is the first, and most essential,
1. What is the purpose of growing the
step in all projects, large or small, and can
be the major determinant of success. This
2. What sites are available for planting and
is particularly so for an enterprise such as
what are their conditions?
forestry, where crop rotation time com-
3. What tree species are available and
monly exceeds 15 years, and may be as
much as 70 years. Once the forest crop is
4. Will these trees grow well and be resistant
planted, it is usually prohibitively expen-
to pests and diseases?
sive to harvest it prematurely, should prob-
5. What are the socio-economics of the
lems arise, and replace it with another
of superior species. Evans and Turnbull
(2004) caution that careful planning of All five of these have entomological per-
projects is also necessary to avoid thinking spectives which will be considered in turn.
about the economics and silviculture in
isolation, for example. Pest and disease
considerations most frequently are divorced 6.2 Purpose of Growing Trees
from other planning processes, and some-
times ignored entirely. Savill and Evans Trees are grown for a great variety of pur-
(1986) outline some of the main factors poses (Lamb, 2011), for timber, pulp, oil,
that need to be considered in the planning fuel, land rehabilitation, shelter, food, ani-
and establishment of plantations (Fig. 6.1). mal fodder, carbon sequestration, or simply
A possible addition to this model is socio- for beautification, and indeed, the concept
economics, since no management system, of growing trees solely for logs for industry
be it silvicultural or entomological, can is completely outdated (Putz, 2008). The impor-
function in a region or country where the tance of insect damage to trees also varies
levels of education, literacy, numeracy according to the intended use of the trees. For
and/or technology are insufficient to exe- example, a single cossid moth hole in a tree
cute the planned tactics and strategies stem intended for use as a utility pole may be
effectively. sufficient to cause its rejection for this purpose

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 153
154 Chapter 6


H AR c a l ly indicated by NMEN SITE
C (lo gro T
Soil und
Drainage, fertility, ge
depth, acidity. ti

Input needed;

Biotic factors cultivation, Climate
Possible damage by fertilization, Exposure,
grazing animals, insects, weeding precipitation,
fungal, bacterial and temperature, frost,
virus diseases. POSSIBLE pollution,
Indigenous/exotic SPECIES overhead
Suitability for Availability
object of afforestation IMPORTED Availability of seed,
For example, GENOTYPES ease of propagation
industrial wood, and establishment
fuelwood, fodder, Silvicultural
amenity, characteristics
conservation, Growth rate, rotation
protection length, tree form and
size, self–pruning and
coppicing ability.
Research needed

Fig. 6.1. Major considerations in selecting tree species for afforestation programmes (from Savill and Evans,
1986, with permission Oxford University Press).

but is of little consequence for the same spe- at the one end, such as saw-wood, poles,
cies in an amenity planting. Such varying veneer, plywood, through oils, resins, tan-
impacts are discussed below for each of the nins and fuelwood, to wood chip and fibre
main types of tree plantings. for pulp at the other end. Generally, plan-
tations at the upper end of this spectrum
are less tolerant of insect damage and the
6.2.1 Industrial forest plantations defects they cause than are plantations at the
lower end, as is illustrated in the following
Some species of tropical tree are planted
over vast areas of the planet; Gmelina arborea,
for example, probably covers somewhere in Less tolerant of insect damage
the region of 1 Mha globally (Dvorak, 2004)
and is used for a wide variety of purposes. The timber of the mahoganies (Khaya spp.,
Some species have been cultivated for many Swietenia spp.) and cedars (Cedrela spp.,
years under low input systems, such as teak, Toona spp.) are among the most sought after
Tectona grandis, in India (Varma et al., 2007), in the world and command high prices (e.g.
and it is only relatively recently that manage- T. ciliata in Australia has been sold for over
ment practices have become more intense AUS$3000 m3). However, the commercial
and heavily industrial. The industrial uses growing of these species throughout most
of trees such as these run a spectrum of of the tropics is prevented by the attack of
financial returns from high-value products shoot borers, Hypsipyla spp. (Lepidoptera:
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 155

Pyralidae), whose tunnelling causes shoot the aphid, replanting and afforestation with
mortality, growth reduction, branching, poor this species have been recommended, for
tree form and sometimes tree death (see reasons relating both to the value of the
Chapters 5 and 10 and Plates 57–59). Even timber and to conservation.
a single attack by the larva of one of these There are numerous examples of the
insects on the leading shoot may be suffi- low commercial tolerance of insect-related
cient to alter the architecture of the tree wood defects in high-value plantations. In
and prevent the formation of a saleable bole. Queensland, harvested 30-year-old Eucaly-
The moths demonstrate incredible host- ptus cloeziana destined for the pole mar-
locating ability and can affect up to 100% of ket were found to have been attacked by the
plantings (Cornelius, 2009). Despite many giant wood moth, Endoxyla sp. (Lepidoptera:
decades of research on Hypsipyla in many Cossidae). Under the state’s regulations, the
countries, there is still no really effective structural integrity of a pole is deemed to have
control for these pests. Planting of suscepti- been compromised by insect tunnels in excess
ble Meliaceae in areas where Hypsipyla of 25 mm diameter. Larvae of this wood moth
spp. occur is therefore high risk. However, commonly make tunnels which exceed this
because the timber is so valuable, quite high size. Just a single large hole is sufficient to
inputs into pest control would be justifiable reduce the value of the stem by up to 90%. In
and affordable, if and when it becomes tech- Myanmar and Thailand, incidence of attack
nically possible (see Chapter 10). of teak by the beehole borer, Xyleutes ceram-
If a tree species seems irretrievably ica (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), of even one bee-
susceptible to pests and diseases, its aban- hole per tree per year is considered to be a
donment as a commercial proposition may very heavy incidence commercially (Gotoh
be feasible where the areas planted are et al., 2007), since the timber is seriously
relatively small. However, with the trend degraded by internal burrowing of the larva.
towards the rapid establishment of large Aside from defects, insect attack may affect the
areas of a chosen tree species, abandonment commercial viability of a plantation by slow-
is not a realistic option, and there are also ing growth and prolonging a rotation. One of
instances where replanting has proceeded the most notable examples is that of the teak
in the face of known pest problems (Wylie defoliator Hyblaea puera (Lepidoptera:
and Arentz, 1993). The imperative is not Hyblaeidae) in India. Nair (2007) has reported
always solely economic. An example is that plantations protected from the pest can
Mulanje cedar, Widdringtonia whytei (cup- yield the same volume of wood in 26 years as
ressoides), which is Malawi’s national tree. unprotected plantations would do in 60 years.
In Africa, it is the most northerly and only In general, for plantations where a
tropical representative of the genus and is high-value end use is planned, the choice
confined to the Mulanje massif in the south of low-risk tree species and good sites is
of Malawi (Bayliss et al., 2007). There, the very important, and pest control may be an
widely scattered stands are mostly derelict, affordable option.
damaged by fire and exploitation, and young
healthy stands account for no more than 2% More tolerant of insect damage
of the total area of this species. The timber
is high quality, is resistant to insects and For plantations producing fibre for pulp,
decay and is used for boat building, furniture, insect defect of timber is generally of little
panelling and veneers. Its scarcity value is consequence. An exception would be insect
such that theft of trees can be a problem. attack that resulted in the formation of exten-
One threat to this cedar is the cypress aphid, sive pockets of dark resin (Plate 70), requiring
Cinara cupressi (Hemiptera: Aphididae), the use of additional bleaching during the pulp-
discovered in Malawi in 1985, and despite making process. This can sometimes occur
some resistance in W. whytei to the insect, with stem borer attack on certain species of
losses can occur (Chapman, 1994) (see eucalypts, for example, tunnelling by larvae
Chapter 5 and later in this chapter). Despite of the longicorn Phoracantha acanthocera
156 Chapter 6

(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Corymbia Insect damage to plantations grown for

maculata and E. grandis in Australia (Paine the production of oils or resins, rather than
et al., 2011). Sap staining associated with wood or pulp, can also have serious conse-
bark and ambrosia beetle attack degrades not quences. In the Sudan, gum arabic produc-
only the high-value sawn and veneer timber, tion is one of the most important sources of
but can also affect the quality of the pulp foreign currency for the country (Mathews,
that can be produced from attacked trees. In 2006). The acacias which produce this gum
Queensland, sap staining associated with Ips are managed as part of an agro-silvo-pastoral
grandicollis (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) attack on system – they grow naturally or are planted
some fire-damaged Pinus spp. was so severe together with crops like sorghum, millet or
that the wood could only be used to produce other oilseeds or vegetables. The trees are
pulp for cardboard and low-value packaging also used as forage for domestic animals.
(Plate 71; Wylie et al., 1999). Sap staining Following severe drought between 1979 and
can also weaken the binding properties of 1984, the production of gum in one of the
adhesives on wood fragments in the making main producing provinces dropped from
of various composite boards. Tree shape is 9000 t to 750 t due to a combination of insect
unimportant for fuelwood, but straight stems attack and socio-economic pressures. The
are desirable in trees destined for wood long drought resulted in reduced agricultural
pulp to aid in rapid debarking. Insect attack production and farmers turned to tapping of
which results in malformation of stems, for weakened gum trees, which in turn led to
example, Dioryctria rubella (Lepidoptera: attack by a range of insect pests and conse-
Tortricidae) shoot moth attack on Pinus quent tree death. Sandal, Santalum album, is
radiata in southern China (Bi et al., 2008) a highly valuable tree of which the heartwood
and wood moth attack on leaders of plantation yields fragrant sandalwood oil used for per-
eucalypts in Sumatra (Plates 72 and 73), fume and medicines. It is indigenous in
can thus lower the value of the crop. There southern India, where it is now grown increas-
is a general tendency among forest managers ingly in plantations. Sandal has a wide range
to underestimate the impact of pest attacks of pests, including treehoppers (Hemiptera:
which do not result in outright tree mortality, Cicadellidae) (Sundararaj et al., 2006), which
particularly where the crop is destined for transmit a mycoplasma-like organism that is
pulp. However, there are many examples in the cause of the devastating spike disease
the tropics where plantation production targets (Shafiullah and Naik, 2003). This is charac-
to meet the requirements of pulp and paper terized by extreme reduction in the size
mills have not been met because of growth of leaves and internodes, accompanied by
checks due to insect attack. One such is stiffening of leaves. In advanced stages, the
attack by mosquito bugs, Helopeltis spp. whole shoot looks like a ‘spike’ inflorescence.
(Hemiptera: Miridae), on eucalypt plantations Diseased trees die within 12–36 months
in the island of Sumatra, Indonesia (Wylie after the appearance of symptoms (Sunil
et al., 1998). In Malaysia and Indonesia, the and Balasundaran, 1998b). There are also
rubber termite, Coptotermes curvignathus serious pests such as the bark-eating cater-
(Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), causes mortality pillar Indarbela quadrinotata (Lepidoptera:
in young plantations of Acacia mangium, Indarbelidae), the red borer Zeuzera coffeae
but may also tunnel in the main stem without (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) and the longicorn
killing the tree. Considerable, and underes- Aristobia octofasciculata (Coleoptera: Cera-
timated, losses in wood volume can result mbycidae). I. quadrinotata causes branch
from such attack. In Brazil, G. arborea pulp- dieback, while the other two pests tunnel
wood plantations may suffer significant in stems and branches and can cause sap-
growth increment loss due to defoliation by ling mortality. Studies by Remadevi and
leaf-cutting ants in the genus Atta. Gmelina Muthukrishnan (1998) have shown that
appears to be one of the most preferred of insect tunnelling causes a loss of around
all tree species, at least in laboratory trials 200 kg of sandal heartwood per tonne of
(Peres Filho et al., 2002). wood produced by the trees, which at the
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 157

then price of US$15/kg was a loss of seed orchard of hoop pine, Araucaria
US$3000/t. cunninghamii, was severely attacked by
Black wattle, A. mearnsii, whose bark is golden mealybug, Nipaecoccus aurilana-
used to produce tannin extractives (Govender, tus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) (Plate 74).
2007), has been grown in southern Africa The attack destroyed the cone-bearing zone of
since 1899. There, the bagworm defoliator 67% of the orthotropic ramets and reduced the
Chaliopsis (Kotachalia) junodi (Lepidoptera: plagiotropic ramet pollen production by
Psychidae) has had a significant impact on 54% (Elliott et al., 1998). In a survey of the
production over several decades. Moderate orchard 3 months after the attack began, a tree
to severe defoliations have caused losses mortality of 10.3% was recorded, with a fur-
of bark growth increment of over 3 t/ha bark ther 32% defoliated almost completely and
(Atkinson and Laborde, 1993). Such losses showing dieback of branches and main
can make even expensive treatments, for stem. The infestation was brought under
example, stem injection with systemic insec- control by a complex of natural enemies.
ticide, cost-effective. Ironically, A. mearnsii In Nepal, seed orchard seedling trials of
is an invasive weed problem in other parts of Dalbergia sissoo studied the incidence and
southern Africa (Impson et al., 2008) and damage rating of the longicorn beetle, Aris-
research is ongoing to develop biological tobia horridula (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
control programmes against it using herbivo- (Dhakal et al., 2005), showing that there
rous insects. were highly significant differences in beetle-
caused mortalities between seed progenies
(see later in this chapter).
6.2.2 Seed orchards and clonal plantings The use of vegetative propagation
with cuttings to develop clonal plantations
As outlined by Evans and Turnbull (2004), is common in the tropics, examples being
the aim of seed collection is to obtain large Eucalyptus species in Brazil, G. arborea in
quantities of seed of the best genetic quality Malaysia and P. caribaea in Queensland. The
as cheaply as possible. Although expensive, advantages of clonal forestry include shorter
seed orchards are the highest quality source. plant production times, control of pedigree,
This is a stand of trees where every tree flexibility of deployment, multiplication of
is from selected parents (plus trees) with valuable crosses and greater crop uniformity.
desirable characteristics and where further As well, it provides an opportunity to mini-
improvement by progeny testing and cull- mize pest and disease damage, for example
ing may continue over several generations. by the improved use of resistant genes and
Seed orchards are a very valuable resource, by allowing the matching of clones to sites
both for improving the quality of the plantation to which they are better adapted. However,
programmes they service and as a source of there are also fears that clonal forestry will
revenue through seed sales. reduce genetic variability and increase the
From an entomological viewpoint, the risk of pest disasters. Too narrow a genetic
high value of this crop means that expendi- base may lead to additional problems in the
ture on pest management is easily justifia- future and clonal forestry may be at risk of
ble. Because of the expense in managing reducing genetic diversity too far (Burdon
seed production areas, even a 5 or 10% loss and Wilcox, 2007).
may be economically intolerable (Berryman,
1986). Seed orchards are usually of small size
and readily accessible, which makes pest 6.2.3 Village or agroforestry
monitoring a relatively easy task. Insects
may have direct impact on seed production Agroforestry, the integration of trees into
through attack to seeds, fruit and flowers, farming systems, has long been practised
or indirectly through attack on foliage and in village communities throughout the trop-
other parts. As an example of the latter, in ics (Plates 75 and 76). However, such plant-
Queensland, Australia, in late 1994, a clonal ings are becoming increasingly important as
158 Chapter 6

burgeoning human populations and wide- future. Many other tree species are used as
spread deforestation in the region create fodder in various countries and several of
ever-greater demand for the services and these have experienced pest problems. For
products that trees can provide. In the example, in Malawi, a leaf beetle, Mesoplatys
Tamil Nadu region of India, for example, ochroptera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), causes
farmland is now growing exotic trees such severe defoliation of Sesbania (McHowa and
as Eucalyptus and Casuarina, managed by Ngugi, 1994), and in western Burkina Faso,
farmers, to supply an expanding paper pulp between 50 and 80% of the agroforestry tree
industry (Parthiban et al., 2010). Leucaena Vitellaria paradoxa (Shea tree) was found to
and even bamboo may also be cultivated to be infested by the shoot- and fruit-boring
put into the pulp mix (Prasad et al., 2009), larvae of the moth Salebria sp. (Lepidoptera:
so agroforestry systems are now producing Pyralidae) (Lamien et al., 2008).
wood fibre alongside, and indeed inter-
mixed with, food and fodder crops of many Fuel
kinds. These crops may be agricultural
species such as maize, beans and cassava, Fuelwood is immensely important to many
or they may be cash crops such as coffee or tropical countries, and rural economies may
cocoa. Of crucial concern is the potential for be entirely dependent on trees to produce
pest and disease relationships between the such fuel, either as logs and sticks or con-
perennial trees and the annual crops (Schroth verted into charcoal (Plates 77 and 78). For
et al., 2000). For example, can maize mixed example, just one agroforestry project in the
with acacias protect them both from attacks? Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Alternatively, one may provide a pest reser- produces between 8000 and 12,000 t of char-
voir for the other. Insects (and pathogens) coal a year using A. auriculiformis (Bisiaux
may impact on these systems, as discussed et al., 2009). The gross annual revenue for
in the following examples. DRC from charcoal is over US$2.5 m, of
which the local agroforesters receive around
Fodder a quarter. In 2007, India was estimated to
have between 14 and 24 m trees outside con-
Leucaena leucocephala, a leguminous tree ventional forests, spread over 17 Mha and
native to areas of Mexico and Central supplying over 200 Mt of fuelwood annu-
America, has been widely used through the ally (Pandey, 2007). Any pest or disease
tropics as a valuable source of high-quality problems in these situations could have
feed for livestock. As outlined in Chapter 5, very serious consequences.
since 1984 the leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla Lahaul Valley lies just north of the
cubana (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), has spread tropic of Cancer, at an altitude of around
to most areas where Leucaena is grown and 3000 m. It is classified as a cold arid desert,
has caused extensive damage (see Plate 33). not the most suitable place for growing large
There have been several studies of the effect numbers of healthy trees. However, the peo-
of the psyllid on various members of the ple that live there have to use fuelwood
genus (Mullen and Gutteridge, 2002), with derived from various species, such as poplars,
particular reference to their relative suscep- walnuts and, in particular, willows (Rawat
tibility to the pest (see below). An observed et al., 2006). Salix fragilis provides between
long-term trend is that damage is generally 29 and 69% of the total annual fuel used
heavy in the first 2 years of infestation and by various villages in the region, but these
then gradually weakens in duration and agroforestry trees are severely attacked by
severity (Geiger et al., 1995). The Leucaena a fungus, Cytospora chrysosperma, and two
story frequently has been quoted as an insects, the San Jose scale, Quadraspidiotus
example of the dangers of the introduction perniciosus (Hemiptera: Coccidae), and the
and use of a single-tree species on a massive giant willow aphid, Tuberolachnus salignus
scale and may prompt changes towards (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The damage of all
more diversified agroforestry systems in the three pests plus the ravages of the climate
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 159

mean that only about 30% of S. fragilis Plates 21 and 22). In Bangladesh, India and
survives. The only solution seems to be to Pakistan, where F. moluccana is used as shade
abandon this willow species and attempt for tea crops, the bark-eating caterpillar
to grow native Himalayan willows instead, I. quadrinotata (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) causes
which though less productive, appear to be loss of growth increment and sometimes
more tolerant of the conditions and less sus- girdling and mortality (Baksha, 1993). In a
ceptible to pests and diseases. very similar situation, Suharti et al. (2000)
Eucalyptus spp. are grown for fuel- reported quite serious damage to F. moluc-
wood in many countries. In Ethiopia, severe cana stems by I. acustistriata in Java.
attack by subterranean termites Macrotermes
subhyalinus, Pseudacanthotermes militaris Multi-purpose
and Odontotermes spp. (Isoptera: Termitidae)
has occurred on the roots and stems of newly As outlined by van den Beldt (1995), the
planted trees in every province except in impetus for much of the research and devel-
highland areas above 1800 m, and losses opment work on multi-purpose tree species
sometimes approach 100% (Cowie and Wood, (MPTS) can be traced back to two crises of
1989). The authors noted that rural buildings the 1970s – deforestation and the ‘other
constructed from grass and wood also suf- energy crisis’, i.e. fuelwood. MTPS are now
fered serious damage, particularly in west- widely used in farming systems in the trop-
ern Ethiopia. Houses were attacked within ics and can perform the roles of both service
1 year after construction, necessitating at least and production. For example, they may
partial rebuilding within 3–5 years. This reduce soil erosion, contribute substantial
clearly results in greater pressure on natural amounts of nitrogen to agricultural systems
resources of wood, and protection of both (nitrogen-fixing trees), offer shelter or make
houses and fuelwood plantations is therefore effective boundary fences and, at the same
essential in order to prevent even further time, provide products such as fruit, lum-
deforestation. ber, tannins, fodder or fuelwood, either for
home consumption or for sale. Tree species
Shade such as L. leucocephala are becoming used
as raw materials for paper pulp, for packag-
A very common use of trees in agricultural ing and for use as fuel in biomass power
systems is as shade for crops (Plate 79). There plants, as in southern India, for example
are numerous insect pests whose activities (Prasad et al., 2011). Some of the examples
affect tree crown condition and cover, thereby already given of insect damage to trees
negating the purpose for which such trees planted specifically for fodder, or for fuel or
are planted and exposing the crops to dam- shade, also apply to the same tree species
age by other agents. Such pests span a range when used for multiple purposes. Within a
of feeding guilds from leaf eaters and sap single farming unit in the Philippines, for
suckers to root feeders and stem girdlers. instance, L. leucocephala is used for fuelwood,
Some individual shade species suffer dam- fodder and leafmeal, the latter becoming a
age from several important pest groups and major source of income to small farmers
an example is Falcataria moluccana, native (Showler, 1995). With the arrival of the psyl-
to South-east Asia and one of the fastest lid H. cubana in early 1985, damage to
growing leguminous trees in the world. It is Leucaena reached 80% of total leafmeal
commonly and extensively defoliated by production and new plantings for leafmeal
lepidopterous pests such as the yellow but- halted within a year. The infestation resulted
terfly Eurema blanda (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in fodder shortages and led to farmers feed-
(Irianto et al., 1997) and the bagworm Pteroma ing their livestock other plant material such
plagiophleps (Lepidoptera: Psychidae), the as banana leaves and trunks, maize husks
latter defoliating trees once or twice a year and coconut fronds. However, with the
in India, causing considerable tree mortality lower feeding value of these substitute mate-
after repeated defoliations (see Chapter 5 and rials, most of the animals became weak and
160 Chapter 6

susceptible to diseases (Moog, 1992). Far- plantation. Groundnut and soybean were
mers were forced to sell their stock early at highly remunerative with both tree species
suboptimal prices. As another example, but shared a common pest with teak, the hairy
Manilkara zapota, or sapodilla, a tree native caterpillar Diacrisia obliqua (Lepidoptera:
to southern Mexico and Central America, is Arctiidae). The attack on teak was as severe
grown in Puerto Rico for fruit, shade and as on groundnut and soybean and resulted
ornamental purposes and its white latex is in some growth loss and mortality of teak.
used in the production of chewing gum. However, attack by this caterpillar on sissoo
Numerous insect pests have been recorded was sporadic and minor and had no effect on
feeding on fruit, leaves and twigs, but the this species. The recommendation, therefore,
most important of these are scarab beetle was to grow groundnut and soybean in asso-
defoliators, Phyllophaga spp. (Coleoptera: ciation with D. sissoo. In more recent times,
Scarabaeidae). Trapping in the field showed Goulet et al. (2005) studied the effects of
an average of 920 adults/tree, and a tree growing Pacific mahogany, Swietenia humilis,
mortality of 67% was recorded. These insects in a taungya system with maize in Honduras.
are an important limiting factor to the grow- They found that the young trees were attacked
ing of sapodilla in northern Puerto Rico more significantly by mahogany short borer,
(Medina et al., 1987). Finally, Sileshi et al. Hypsipyla grandella (Lepidoptera: Pyrali-
(2006) report on insect pests of the multi- dae), in taungya than if they were grown in
purpose tree Sesbania sesban, which can be weedy plots. More maize was produced,
attacked regularly by various leaf beetles but the trees themselves suffered badly.
such as Mesoplatys sp. and Exosoma sp. When food crops are planted with trees,
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in East Africa. farmers tend and protect both types of crop.
Grass invasion is prevented, ground cover is
Taungya maintained and simple pest control meas-
ures may be undertaken. The small scale of
Growing food crops among trees while they most plantings means that farmers are likely
are young is a widespread establishment to detect problems early and lavish more
practice, usually carried out for the first 2 or attention on individual trees. Profit is usu-
3 years in the life of the tree crop before ally only important after subsistence needs
canopy closure (Evans and Turnbull, 2004) have been met. For fodder and fuelwood
(Plate 80). Taungya was developed initially crops, gross yield is the most important con-
as a means of ensuring tree cover following sideration. The form or shape of the tree is
shifting cultivation and has been very suc- irrelevant, but biomass is crucial. In village
cessful. It remains an inexpensive system in systems, there is usually no money or exper-
the tropics, which leads to improved land- tise available for sophisticated pest manage-
use practices but which does not require ment. However, labour is cheap and plentiful
radical change in lifestyle by the land user. and simple prevention and control tech-
These days, taungyas are being discussed as niques can be employed effectively, for
carbon sequestration mechanisms (see below), example, hand picking and destruction of
as in the case of maize and timber tree mix- insects, enhancement of natural enemies
tures in Chiapas, Mexico (Soto-Pinto et al., (e.g. by providing sources of nectar for
2010). There have been many studies on the flower-feeding insect parasitoids and preda-
interactions between crops and trees and tors), repellent planting, trap cropping and
the associated economics of this mix. One use of ‘folk medicines’ (see Chapter 7).
example by Mishra and Prasad (1980) exam-
ined the growing of oilseed, groundnut and
soybean as cash crops in conjunction with
D. sissoo and T. grandis in a newly felled 6.2.4 Rehabilitation
forest area in Ranchi, India. They found that
oilseed was not a successful cash crop with Trees have an important role to play in pro-
either sissoo or teak in the first year of the tecting the environment and are planted
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 161

both for prevention (reducing soil erosion, be re-established on severely degraded sites.
slowing wind speeds, moderating the force However, in the early stages of development
of rain and runoff of water, combating of the mixed plantation, several tree species
desert encroachment) and for rehabilitation were severely attacked by insects. Most
(repairing land degraded by salt scald, Arlanthus malabaricus trees were killed by
water-table salinity, industrial waste or by Eligma narcissus (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae),
mining, restoring biodiversity) (Plate 81). and Chukrasia tabularis was badly attacked
Timber or biomass production, form and by the longicorn A. chinensis (Coleoptera:
aesthetics are generally of secondary impor- Cerambycidae). In one experimental plot
tance; what matters is that the trees stay of 1 ha, 20 herbivorous insect species were
alive. Given that many of the sites on which observed. As plant diversity increased, so
these trees are planted are poor and deg- too did the diversity of other organisms and
raded, and therefore there is marginal to food webs, with a corresponding decrease
good growth, insect attack is likely and may in pest outbreaks. In addition to the likeli-
threaten the success of such plantings. hood that a degraded site will prove chal-
Casuarina equisetifolia is planted in lenging for whatever species is planted, the
coastal sand dunes to reclaim the land for problems of rehabilitation are often com-
agriculture and stop erosion. The bark-eating pounded by inappropriate species selection
caterpillar I. quadrinotata, mentioned ear- due to community attitudes. In some com-
lier in this chapter, can reach large popula- munities, only native tree species would be
tion densities and cause serious timber considered for such plantings, when in fact
damage (Sasidharan and Varma, 2008). Of an exotic may be more suitable. In others,
course, since the trees are not being grown an unsuitable exotic may be used; for exam-
in the sand dunes for commercial timber, ple, at one particular mine site in Australia,
the type of damage caused by stem borers P. radiata was used for rehabilitation for the
may be of no real consequence as long as sole reason that the plants were available
the trees can continue to grow. This same cheaply from the local forestry nursery. The
tree species is used in coastal China in pro- plantings failed due to a combination of site
tective shelterbelts, the so-called ‘great stress and insect attack.
green wall’. Several insect pests contribute
to tree mortality, particularly of young trees,
including the cerambycid Anoplophora 6.2.5 Amenity
chinensis, the pyralid moth Euzophera
batangensis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), the Amenity plantings differ from the types dis-
cossid moth Z. multistrigata (Lepidoptera: cussed already in that the cosmetics (form,
Cossidae) and the metarbelid moth Arbela shape, appearance) are important, while
baibarana (Leidoptera: Metarbelidae) (Huang, production or conservation values (timber
1995). Note that all these pests are mainly sec- quality, biomass, soil-binding ability) are
ondary, that is, they require some sort of stress generally unimportant. Amenity trees are
or lack of vigour in the host tree (see Chapter 3), used to enhance the environment of mainly
so it may well be that the sites in which the urban areas and may have both aesthetic and
casuarinas are planted are suboptimal, even practical value. In some countries, individual
for this hardy tree species. trees or relatively small stands may have reli-
Yue et al. (1994) report on a long-term gious significance and be considered sacred
study on rehabilitation of eroded tropical by local people (Plate 82) (Khumbongmayum
coastal land in southern China. The proce- et al., 2006). In Malaysia, for example, the
dures followed involved the establishment rapid process of urbanization has brought
of pioneer communities (mainly planta- increased public awareness of the aesthetic
tions of P. massionana and E. exserta) and, and environmental value of trees and has resul-
later, enrichment of these plantations to ted in extensive plantings in residential and
create a mixed forest. The 30-year project recreation areas, along roadsides and in open
showed that a diverse tropical forest could spaces between buildings (Sajap et al., 1996).
162 Chapter 6

One of the most common trees planted is community groups to repair damage and to
Pterocarpus indicus and this has been alter the practices which had led to the
badly attacked by a leaf miner, Neolithocolletis problem. This is a feature of urban tree ento-
pentadesma (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), mology, as distinct from insect attack in
resulting in defoliation, dieback and general most other types of plantings, that money is
unsightly appearance, to the consternation likely to be available for pest management
of the public. Tree stress caused by human on individual trees.
activities or ‘people pressure’ is often a major
factor in insect outbreaks on urban trees. In
northern Cameroon and the north-eastern 6.2.6 Carbon sequestration and biofuel
states of Nigeria, neem trees, Azadirachta production
indica, in medium to large towns are severely
attacked by the oriental scale, Aonidiella ori- The ability of trees in tropical forests to
entalis (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), but attack absorb atmospheric CO2 has long been
is minor in smaller villages and shelterbelts thought to help in the reduction of green-
in country areas (Boa, 1995). The scale feeds house gas accumulation and hence go some
on foliage, petioles and small branches, way to negating global warming (Pyle et al.,
causing browning or mottling of leaves, die- 2008). Forests not only store (sequester) car-
back and sometimes tree death. The scale bon in their tissues, but also maintain car-
build-up in towns has been linked to depo- bon stores in soil. Deforestation in many
sitions of dust on leaves, which may affect tropical countries clearly removes this car-
the feeding activities of natural enemies. bon absorption service, and when forest
There is a very definite link between the removal makes way for agriculture, it may
proximity of trees affected most seriously to reduce soil organic carbon significantly as
areas of increased human activity. A good well (Tan et al., 2009). Existing forests are
example of how a range of factors associated being maintained, and new ones are being
with human activities may combine to affect planted, in many countries as part of biore-
the health of urban trees and predispose mediation or carbon offset projects (Glenday,
them to insect attack comes from Queensland, 2008), and various tropical countries are
Australia. Bottle trees Brachychiton rupestre now planting forests in attempts to balance
are used as a feature street tree in Roma in out CO2 production by fossil fuel power sta-
the south-west of the state. The poor condi- tions in other countries. Enrichment plant-
tion of many of these trees prompted an ing (EP) of old or degraded forest sites is one
investigation recently into the causes (Plate technique being employed (Paquette et al.,
83). Root damage from several sources was 2009). Insect herbivory will interfere with
a major contributor. Cars had been allowed the ability of trees to take up CO2, and indeed,
to park under the trees, compacting the soil it has been suggested that defoliation by insects
and damaging surface roots. Bitumen had may reduce the accumulation of carbon in
then been laid right up to the base of some woody material by around 20% (Schaefer
of these trees, further restricting infiltration et al., 2010). It is possible that rather than
of water. Some trees had received regular being net sinks of atmospheric carbon, for-
watering with bore water which had high ests experiencing severe pest outbreaks may
sodicity and affected the tilth of the soil. become net carbon sources (Slaney et al.,
Runoff of oils, herbicides and other pollutants 2009). It is not just defoliators that can be a
compounded the problem, resulting in tree problem in this context; Kirton and Cheng
dieback. Stressed trees were heavily attacked (2007) found that several species of termite
by insect defoliators. Physical damage of would commonly kill young dipterocarp
the trunks of trees by parking vehicles allowed trees in enrichment planting experiments
the entry of weevils, which tunnelled in the in Peninsular Malaysia by ring-barking the
pith of the trees, leading to collapse. The roots and lower stems.
result of the investigation was a commit- Most biofuel (biodiesel and bioetha-
ment of resources by the town council and nol in the main) are derived mainly from
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 163

agricultural crops such as maize or sugar- Chapter 4 and the exceptions to the rule). It
cane, or tree fruit such as oil palm (Koh et al., may also be the case that large-scale planta-
2011), but woody biomass can be extracted tions of these fast-growing exotic tree species
from forests to convert into biofuels (Landis convert indigenous insects into serious pests,
and Werling, 2010). Woody debris of vari- who transfer their attentions from unimpor-
ous kinds can be utilized, such as thinnings tant native hosts to the new and tender exotics
or logging residues. Normally, this material (Zhao et al., 2007). The common goal of the
would be left in situ, but can be collected silviculturalist and the protection specialist
and processed accordingly. The implications is therefore to obtain the best possible
for pest management are mixed; removing matching of tree species with planting site
material such as stumps and logs reduces to promote vigour and avoid stress, thereby
the likelihood of insect pests breeding in minimizing pest and disease damage.
them and subsequently attacking standing
trees (see Chapter 8), but it is possible that
removing this material also destroys reser- 6.3.1 Types of problems confronting
voirs of natural enemies and otherwise desir- the planner or silviculturalist
able forest insects (Walmsley and Godbold, and insect examples
2010). For now at least, biofuel production
from tropical forests is of minor importance. Wind-, frost- or hail-prone sites
Hurricanes in the Caribbean (Plate 11) and
6.3 Sites Available for Planting cyclones in the Far East seem to be ever-
and their Conditions more frequent, and trees vary considerably
in their abilities to withstand high wind
A primary objective of tropical forestry is to damage and recover from it (Duryea et al.,
enhance productivity (Kumar and Thakur, 2007). In areas at risk from hurricanes,
2011). However, a common misconception typhoons or cyclones, it is important to use
among non-foresters is that trees thrive on wind-firm species. In 1988, a hurricane
adversity and will grow well on sites where devastated much of the island of Jamaica,
other crop species will fail. This is often the damaging 3006 ha or one-quarter of the
expectation of potential participants in total pine plantations, mostly P. caribaea.
farm–forestry ventures, where the most fer- Of this, 2540 ha were more than 50%
tile land is reserved for agricultural crops, damaged and required salvage logging,
the next best for grazing and the poorer, less clearing and replanting. Damaged trees were
accessible or degraded land for growing colonized rapidly by bark beetles Ips cal-
trees. This attitude is fuelled somewhat by ligraphus and I. cribicollis (Coleoptera:
the success of multi-purpose trees such as Scolytinae), which can complete their life
the Australian Eucalyptus across a range of cycle within a month. Pheromone-baited trap
low-quality sites worldwide. However, trees lines were recommended in areas where
usually have the same high demands for excessive quantities of blown-down timber
water and nutrients as do farm crops and were adjacent to stressed standing trees,
will perform best on the better-quality sites. the idea being to attract the beetles away
This particularly may be the case for many from such trees and thus reduce tree mor-
of the fast-growing but high-yielding tropical tality. As a consequence of the hurricane,
tree species such as, for example, G. arborea Jamaica embarked on a new seed improve-
(Espinoza, 2004). The reality in tropical ment programme to produce stock that
countries is that the sites available are likely was more wind resistant than that planted
to be suboptimal, e.g. grass-covered steep previously (Bunce and McLean, 1990).
slopes, swampy, rocky, arid or depauperate Studies by Haines et al. (1988) in Queensland
land. Such sites are likely to engender low provided a basis for this programme, having
tree vigour and may stress trees, predisposing demonstrated the superior straightness
them to insect attack (see discussion in and greater wind firmness of the Central
164 Chapter 6

American coastal lowland provenances of the Northern Territory of Australia does

P. caribaea. Wind firmness is also an not always thrive in southern Queensland
important consideration for tree planta- because the distribution of the rainfall is
tions in the northern Philippines, where different. In addition, of course, we have
numerous typhoons cross the islands each the problems of climate change (see also
year. Pinus spp., particularly P. kesiya, Chapter 3), where extra rainfall, or alterna-
damaged by these storms are attacked and tively drought conditions, prevails to create
killed by I. calligraphus (Viado, 1979). Frost conditions conducive for new pest out-
is generally of little importance in the trop- breaks. One such example would be the
ics, except at high altitudes, where it may increase in outbreaks of the bark beetle
preclude the use of some species. Trees Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scoly-
damaged by frost but still alive may be tinae) in P. caribaea forests in Honduras.
prone to attack by insect borers such as bark Rivera Rojas et al. (2010) suggest that cli-
and ambrosia beetles. Hail damage is more mate change causing less seasonal rainfall
common in the subtropics than the tropics. and higher temperatures may be respon-
In South Africa, one of the most serious sible. Certainly, it seems that prolonged
problems in pine plantations is dieback drought provoked an earlier outbreak of
caused by the fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea the same beetle in Guatemalan pine forests
in hail-damaged trees, which is often exac- (Haack and Paiz Schwartz, 1997).
erbated by infestation of the weevil Pissodes Arid or desert regions are usually
nemorensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) defined as having less than 200 mm annual
and the bark beetle Orthotomicus erosus rainfall, semi-arid 200–600 mm, dry tropical
(Coleoptera: Scolytinae) (Wingfield et al., 600–1000 mm, semi-humid tropical 1000–
1994). P. radiata and P. pinaster have been 1800 mm and humid tropical more than
particularly susceptible to this type of 1800 mm (Evans, 1992). Inappropriate land
damage, and P. patula and P. elliottii are now use and the increasing prevalence of droughts
planted in summer rainfall areas where in some parts of the world are leading to
hail frequently damages trees. In southern expanding desertification (Khanmirzaei et al.,
Queensland, Australia, hail-damaged cypress 2011). When planting trees in an arid region,
pine Callitris glauca is prone to attack by the one could hardly imagine that conditions
small cypress jewel beetle, Diadoxus eryth- could get worse. Nevertheless, drought can
rurus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), sometimes occur in regions of perpetual aridity. In the
necessitating early or preventative salvage Turkana district in north-western Kenya,
logging (Elliott et al., 1998). 500 ha of desert were planted with Prosopis
juliflora for fuelwood and fodder in 1982.
Dry, arid or desert sites Average annual rainfall is 160 mm but in
the drought of 1984–1985 only about 30%
Of the many factors that determine which of this norm was experienced, and such
tree species can be planted on which site, the drought conditions again occurred in 1990–
amount and distribution of rainfall seems to 1991. Speight (1996) records that by 1990,
have the greatest influence. Annual rainfall 80% of trees were showing dieback (indi-
in the tropics varies from almost nothing in cated by sparse foliage, dead branches and
deserts to several thousand millimetres a significant loss in growth), and by 1991,
in parts of Papua New Guinea and India. about 60% of trees had lost all their foliage
A tree species such as E. grandis which (Plate 84). Shoots and stems of these trees
grows naturally in wet sclerophyll forests in were attacked by an unidentified longicorn
subtropical eastern Australia could not be (Plate 85). One of the major constraints on
expected to do well in the deserts of central tree planting in dry and semi-arid regions in
Australia and nor would the dryland mulga the tropics is attack by subterranean termites
A. aneura prosper on the humid coast. Even in various genera, including Coptotermes,
when temperatures and annual rainfall are Macrotermes, Microtermes and Odontoter-
similar, a species such as E. tychocarpa from mes. In these conditions, newly planted
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 165

trees represent a source of both food and layer. In south-eastern Nepal, severe dieback
moisture, and protection using chemical and patch deaths of teak occurred in parts of
insecticides is often necessary. The problem 8- to 10-year-old stands (Speight, 1996).
is particularly severe in India and Africa, Buprestid larvae were present under the
where termites can attack young trees within bark of these trees, causing stem girdling.
6 months after planting and mortality can Excavation of the roots of dead trees showed
reach high levels. the lack of taproots due to a layer of impen-
etrable, heavy clay close to the surface.
Shallow soil and stony sites Periodic waterlogging occurred on these
sites (Plate 88).
Rooting depth is extremely important.
Shallow soils provide poor conditions for
Waterlogged, acidic and saline sites
root growth, reducing tree stability and
resistance to drought. The small volume of Waterlogging fundamentally reduces the
soil may lead to nutrient shortages. Shallow growth and potential survival of most tree
soils may oscillate between being swampy species (Smith et al., 2001). It reduces soil
in the wet season and arid in the dry (Evans and oxygen concentrations available in the root
Turnbull, 2004). Plates 86 and 87 show attack zone and this slows growth rates, causes
by the longicorn A. lucipor (Coleoptera: Cera- premature leaf shed, inhibits new root for-
mbycidae) in a plantation of A. mangium in mation, restricts root growth to surface soil
the northern Philippines. These trees were horizons and thus makes trees vulnerable to
planted on a stony ridge top, a site totally wind or drought stress in dry seasons (House
unsuitable for A. mangium, and drought et al., 1998) (Plate 89). Soil salinity affects
stress is believed to have precipitated the the ability of plants to extract water from
attack which affected almost every tree the soil, resulting in water stress, a nutrient
in the stand (F.R. Wylie, unpublished). imbalance, salt toxicity and an associated
A. nilotica is an all-purpose timber species reduction in growth rates. Changes in the
in India and is commonly attacked by vari- pH of soils can also interfere with nutrient
ous boring insects such as the stem-boring uptake. In south-western Vietnam, planta-
longicorn Celosterna scabrator (Coleoptera: tions of E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis
Cerambycidae) (Luna et al., 2006). Attacks have been established on acid sulfate soils
and subsequent tree mortality was significan- which have been mounded to about 80 cm
tly worse in trees growing on more exposed, above the original ground level. The trees
less fertile sites with erosion exposing later- grew well initially, some reaching a height
ite and stones. of 13 m after 4 years (J. Kelly, personal
communication). However, soon after, there
Compacted, hardpan sites were reports that about 4000 ha of planta-
tions (half the estate) had been girdled
Areas of compacted soil are very common and killed by the stem-boring longicorn
following harvesting operations and can cause A. approximator (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
poor growth. Successive short rotations (Wylie and Floyd, 1998). The attack is almost
can magnify the problem. Soil compaction certainly stress related and associated with
reduces the amount of water infiltration extreme acidification. A pH of 2 has been
greatly and may result in tree stress and a recorded in adjacent canals as a result of
predisposition to insect attack. When vege- runoff from the acid sulfate soils. The root
tative cover is removed, certain soil types systems of most trees developed poorly in
may develop a hard ‘ironstone’ layer in the these conditions and there was a high inci-
soil or at the surface, which is not condu- dence of trees falling over (J. Kelly, personal
cive to good tree growth. Hardpans or clay- communication). In Queensland, Australia,
pans deeper in the soil may not be obvious Wylie et al. (1993) demonstrated a link between
at planting and trees may grow well for a insect-related dieback of C. cunninghamiana
time before encountering this impervious trees growing alongside streams and levels
166 Chapter 6

of streamwater salinity. Dieback and death tilth for planting. For soils with a high pH,
of these trees was the direct result of severe gypsum can be added, which also improves
and repeated defoliation by the leaf-eating soil structure and permeability, root penetra-
chrysomelid beetle Rhyparida limbatipen- tion and leaching of salts. It is particularly
nis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (see Plate 9). useful on sites with hardpan clay subsoils
However, it was worse in areas of incre- and cracking clay soils. Finally, for infertile
asing water-table salinity associated with or deficient soils, fertilizers and appropriate
extensive tree clearing and intensive land trace elements can be added to ensure good
management. plant growth. Alternatives to the use of fer-
tilizers include changing species to a less
demanding one, leaving ground cover and
6.3.2 Silvicultural options in the planting litter to protect from erosion and leaching,
of inhospitable sites mulching, animal dung, enrichment of soil
via tree leaf fall and planting of nitrogen-
The most desirable option for the silvicul- enriching species. Picking the right tree
turalist would be to use another site with species or provenance for the particular site
less stressful conditions. However, if that remains one of the key decisions for the sil-
is not possible, then one option would be viculturalist in the planning stage. In the
to improve the site available. In arid lands, past, these decisions were reliant on indi-
for example, numerous strategies have vidual or corporate experience, but with the
been developed to maximize the benefits development of evermore powerful com-
of what moisture is available, and Evans puters, such decisions are assisted by any
and Turnbull (2004) detail some of these of a number of databases developed for this
techniques. Water conservation measures purpose in various countries. For example,
include the collection of surface runoff from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
a wide area and funnelling it to the planting United Nations has produced ECOCROP,
site, open pit sunken planting and the appli- which has a database of over 2500 plant
cation of mulches. Periodic flood irrigation species, including many tropical trees. A wide
of plantation sites during the dry season tra- variety of site-specific search terms can be
ditionally is carried out in many countries, used, including temperature, rainfall, soil
and trickle or drip irrigation is sometimes pH, latitude and altitude, to produce short
used, as is the insertion of a permeable con- lists of suitable tree species. CABI’s Forestry
tainer filled with water in the root zone of Compendium (FC) is a similar package with
the newly planted tree. Physical barriers which tree species can be matched to the
such as fences or pallisades can be con- available site conditions. Figure 6.2 shows
structed from local materials to protect young an extract from the Species Selection module
trees against the desiccating and abrasive in the FC, using an imaginary set of search
effects of wind and blown sand, and grasses criteria to select the most suitable (and
used to stabilize dunes. For saline sites, sub- hopefully therefore pest free) tree species to
surface or surface drains help to reduce water- plant. The location chosen arbitrarily was
logging and to allow rainfall to flush salt from Mexico, with an altitudinal range of 0–100
the affected area. Deep ripping may improve m, on saline and infertile soils with end
soil drainage and root penetration on sites products including light construction. As
with a clay subsoil. Mounding can be bene- can be seen, only five tree species fitted all
ficial to both tree survival and early tree the criteria, three of which had ‘disadvan-
growth on most saline or waterlogged sites, tages’ against them (triangles). In the case of
providing improved drainage and reducing Melaleuca quinquenervia, for example, the
surface salinity levels through associated FC states that ‘this species seeds profusely
leaching (House et al., 1998). Cultivation and can become a weed . . .’.
with a rotary hoe along the tree lines may Climatic mapping programs such as
be useful to break up large clods produced CLIMEX are available to predict the suitability
by initial mounding and provide a better soil of trees species and also the likely behaviour
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 167


Species Selection Module: Results

Selection Results
Code Description + +/− ? –
Datasheet Types A1 Distribution 103 0 0 1173
= Full F1 Altitude 679 292 21 284
= Outline ID03 Soil Tolerance: saline 201 0 0 1075
ID04 Soil Tolerance: infertile 455 0 0 821
D10 Wood Uses: sawn or hewn building timbers 932 0 0 344
Click ! to view the D18 Wood Uses: exterior fittings 306 0 0 970
disadvantage text D13 Wood Uses: for light construction 835 0 0 441
Click on a species Records to display: 20
name to open the
Name A1 F1 ID03 ID04 D10 D18 D13
1 ! Arundo donax + + + + + + +
Match Types
Full Match: + 2 Eucalyptus globulus + + + + + + +
Partial Match: +/− 3 ! Melaleuca quinquenervia + + + + + + +
Uncertain: ? 4 Pinus sylvestris + + + + + + +
No Match: −
5 ! Prosopis juliflora + + + + + + +
Click here to return 6 ! Acacia salicina + + + + + + +
to Sort page 7 Albizia lebbeck + + + + + + +
8 Manilkara zapota + + + + + + +
Click here to return
to Selection page 9 Pinus caribaea + + + + + + +
10 ! Psidium guajava + + + + + + +
11 ! Elaeagnus angustifolia + + + + − − −
12 Sesbania grandiflora + + + + − − −
13 ! Azadirachta indica + + + − + + +
14 Calophyllum brasiliense + + + − + + +
15 Casuarina cristata + + + − + + +
16 ! Casuarina equisetifolia + + + − + + +
17 Cordia boissieri + + + − + + +
18 Eucalyptus tereticornis + + + − + + +
19 ! Melia azedarach + + + − + + +
20 ! Acacia saligna + + + − + + −

Records to display: 20
© CAB International 2005

Fig. 6.2. Extract from Species Selection Module of CABI Forestry Compendium to identify the most suitable
tree species for a particular (imaginary) site (CABI, 2010).

of insects and diseases under different cli- Atta insularis, in Cuba. After 2 years, they
matic conditions (see, for example, Pinkard found that 11 species and genera were not
et al., 2010). If more than one tree species is harvested by the ants, thus showing that, for
suitable and available for planting on a par- whatever reason, some trees were favoured
ticular site, then further selection can be by insect herbivores and others rejected. We
made not just on the basis of environmental have seen in Chapter 4 how tree-feeding
resistance but also on demonstrable inherit- insects have co-evolved with their food
able genetic resistance properties, as dis- plants and have, in the main, become spe-
cussed in Section 6.4. cialized to a relatively small set of related
species of trees, which they are able to
exploit. The efficiency of this exploitation
6.4 Tree Selection and Plant Resistance can vary considerably between suitable tree
species, or even within a species, between
Febles et al. (2008) screened 40 leguminous different genotypes or provenances. Some of
tree species to attacks by leaf-cutter ants, the observed variations in feeding success
168 Chapter 6

may be environmentally derived and modi- planted on a dry, sloping site with discon-
fied, and hence only be applicable to one set tinued irrigation in southern California
of trees in one place and time. Others, how- (33°N approximately) could be split into
ever, may be related to the tree’s genetics two groups according to pest impact. One
and are therefore potentially inheritable by group of species was found to be seriously
its offspring. For example, Snyder et al. damaged by Phoracantha and many trees
(2007) found that coastal populations of were actually killed by the pest, while the
P. caribaea var hondurensis in Belize were other suffered very few deaths indeed, even
significantly less attacked by the southern though some of the trees showed signs of
pine beetle, D. frontalis, than those inland larval feeding (Hanks et al., 1995a). The two
at higher altitude. Was this due to a differ- groups were characterized according to
ence in the tree’s environment or to some their known reaction to drought conditions
inherited trait which was local-site inde- and the soils in which they grew naturally
pendent? Manipulations of variability in in their native home, eastern Australia.
the ability of an insect herbivore to exploit a These results show a clear variation in
tree which is based genetically within the the resistance properties of Eucalyptus spe-
plant can be extremely important in pest cies to Phoracantha in California, but the
management. Planners, if they so wish, may important question for a planner is con-
choose to plant a tree species or genotype cerned with the basis for this observation.
which is less palatable, better defended or Obviously, growing eucalypts on arid sites
simply unrecognized by insects. This is the should, if possible, be avoided (see Section
science and practice of plant resistance. 6.3), but if such sites are the only ones avail-
able, then species such as E. camaldulensis
(red river gum) and E. sideroxylon (ironbark)
6.4.1 Environment or genetics? are a much better ‘bet’ than E. grandis (flooded
gum) or E. saligna (Sydney blue gum). In fact,
In the case of P. caribaea in coastal Belize in the California trials, not one individual of
mentioned in the previous section, resistance the last species survived.
to bark beetles was found to be associated However, it must be concluded that
with differing levels of a chemical called this observed resistance has a genetic base –
estragole in the tree’s oleoresins; this could it is as heritable property. Thus, all indi-
still, however, be a function of the tree’s viduals of E. camaldulensis would be
environment (certain site conditions pro- expected to show resistance to longicorn
moting the production of the resin) and attack, even on dry sites where other spe-
not necessarily inheritable. In a somewhat cies succumb. An additional problem has
similar investigation, Andrew et al. (2010) to be faced in that, although resistance to
looked at the occurrence of another defence Phoracantha may be demonstrated in
chemical, this time sideroxylonal, in euca- some eucalypt species or genotypes, their
lypts in Australia. They discovered that performance as trees may not go hand in
there was a significant genotype × environ- hand with pest resistance. Thus, in work
ment interaction at the population level, on Eucalyptus clones in Morocco, Belghazi
so that some type of genetic variation exis- et al. (2008) found that certain clones
ted in chemical defences which might be which resisted Phoracantha better than
mediated or moderated by where the trees others showed only weak or intermediate
were grown. timber production.
In Chapters 5 and 10, we discuss In many cases, as we might now expect,
the almost global problem of the eucalyptus insect damage combines with environmen-
longicorn beetle, P. semipunctata (Coleoptera: tal factors to determine a tree’s aggregate
Cerambycidae). This pest is a particular performance, as shown in Table 6.1. In this
problem on trees which are growing on dry, example, Mullen et al. (2003) evaluated
semi-arid or otherwise water-stressed sites the influence of the feeding of the psyllid
(Plates 39 and 40). Species of Eucalyptus H. leucocephala, in combination with various
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 169

indices of temperature, rainfall and soil component to the supposed resistance

type, on L. leucocephala collected from of host trees. In the final analysis, the abil-
18 different locations around South-east ity of the pest to cause economic damage
Asia and Australia. All but rainfall was has to be considered. Figure 6.3 shows
found to have a significant influence on that, in fact, both species of tree end up
dry matter (DM) production, while all severely damaged, since only one or two
significant relationships were positive, attacks by the borer in young trees can
except that of pest pressure. Detecting true render the crop unmarketable. Resistance
genetically based resistance to the pest in this case is not as yet a commercial
would be difficult. A rather similar problem proposition.
has arisen in Costa Rica, where trials have
been carried out in attempts to protect vari-
ous species of mahogany from attacks by
Table 6.1. Relationships between dry matter (DM)
the mahogany shoot borer, H. grandella
yield and mean monthly environmental variables
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Details of the
during two phases of growth of L. leucocephala
biology and pest status of the borer are pre- accessions from various locations (* = significant at
sented in Chapter 5 (see also Chapter 10 P < 0.05; ** = significant at P < 0.01) (from Mullen
and Plates 57–59). Figure 6.3 shows that et al., 2003).
Cedrela odorata is attacked much earlier
after establishment than Swietenia; Swietenia, Relationship
in fact, appears to be free of damage for Relationship to yield (r2)
to yield (r2) in in post-
the first 50 weeks, whereas Cedrela is
Environmental establishment establishment
attacked almost immediately after planting
factor phase phase
out (Newton et al., 1998). Can this be con-
sidered to be evidence of heritable resist- Maximum 0.37* 0.30*
ance? Looking further, the same authors temperature
found that attacks to Cedrela were corre- Minimum 0.41** 0.75**
lated with various measures of soil miner- temperature
als (Fig. 6.4), such that as the levels of soil Rainfall 0.26 0.19
calcium and total base minerals increased, Fertility index 0.68** 0.71**
Acidity index 0.84** 0.74**
the number of attacks per tree declined.
Psyllid pressure −0.39* −0.38*
Thus, there appears to be an environmental

Trees in stand attacked (%)

70 Cedrela

60 Swietenia

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (weeks after first assessment)

Fig. 6.3. Cumulative number of two mahogany species attacked by Hypsipyla grandella in Costa Rica (from
Newton et al., 1998, courtesy Elsevier).
170 Chapter 6


Total base (attacks

Mean no. attacks per tree
measured 68 weeks after

1 Calcium (attacks
measured 12 weeks
after establishment)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Concentration (meq)

Fig. 6.4. Relationships between attacks by larvae of Hypsipyla grandella on Cedrela odorata and soil
minerals in Costa Rica (from Newton et al., 1998, courtesy Elsevier).

6.4.2 Inheritable tree resistance dae), is another common defoliator of teak,

which, though smaller than Hyblaea, can
As we have seen in previous chapters, cause very significant damage from time to
trees have evolved various methods to time. Laboratory feeding trials of Eutectona
combat insect herbivory, such as physical were carried out in Madhya Pradesh (central
and chemical defences. The occurrence and India) in a similar fashion to those described
efficacy of such defences can vary not just above for Hyblaea, and again, significant dif-
between tree families and genera but even ferences in consumption of leaves were
within genera and species. The teak defolia- detected between clones of teak (Meshram
tor moth, H. puera, is the most serious defo- et al., 1994). Third instar larvae ate an aver-
liator of teak in most parts of the world age of 2.7 cm2 from most resistant clones, as
(Chapter 5), but some of the clones of compared with an average of 8.2 cm2 from
T. grandis have much hairier leaves than the susceptible clones. Neither set of trials
others. These hairs, or trichomes, are physi- compared both species of teak pest at once,
cal, and sometimes chemical, methods by however. Whether least preferred leaves
which trees deter defoliation (see Chapter 4) contained antifeedants, toxins or simply low
and teak clones with more trichomes seem nutrient levels (see Chapter 4), which would
much more resistant to attacks by larvae of have a similar effect on most if not all insect
H. puera (Jacob and Balu, 2007). The tri- herbivores, is not yet known. An example of
chomes impede the movement of small the complexities that can arise when variable
moth larva and prevent them actually reach- resistance to insect feeding is considered for
ing down to the leaf surface to feed. Clearly, more than one insect and tree species is
everything else being equal (growth, form, illustrated by the example of the pine woolly
resistance to other pests and diseases, etc.), aphid. Pine woolly adelgids, Pineus spp.
hairy-leaved clones should be the ones selec- (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), are now very wide-
ted for planting. spread pests of pines from Europe to Australia,
H. puera is not the only defoliating insect Africa to South America (see Chapter 5 and
to attack T. grandis, and while certain geno- Plates 25 and 26). They attack a large number
types, provenances or clones might show of Pinus species but do show some response
resistance to this pest, other insects may show to tree genotype, and also to site conditions.
a different response. The teak skeletonizer, P. patula is widely planted in the subtropics
Eutectona machaeralis (Lepidoptera: Pyrali- and tropics and is a native of Mexico.
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 171

In central and southern Africa, for example,

Highly susceptible
young P. patula can be infested quite badly
by woolly adelgid, and though the actual Moderately susceptible
impact on the trees has to be elucidated,
clear differences in infestation levels have Moderately resistant
been observed in various countries, includ-
ing Tanzania (Madoffe and Austara, 1993). Highly resistant
In this case, the frequencies of infested trees
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
in plantations were equally high on both
Clones tested (%)
good and inferior sites, but population den-
sities were highest on poor sites. This Fig. 6.5. Levels of resistance to Craspedonta
observed suitability of poor sites for high leayana shown by various clones of Gmelina
adelgid development is in keeping with the arborea in India (from Kumar et al., 2006, with
plant stress hypotheses discussed in Chapter permission Journal of Experimental Zoology India).
4. There are also genetic components to
woolly adelgid resistance in pines, how-
ever. Chilima (1995) reported that in Malawi, We know that tree genotypes and prov-
where the woolly adelgid was discovered in enances vary considerably in their herbivore
the 1980s, P. kesiya was consistently the relationships, but we must not forget that
most infested, while P. radiata was one of insects vary too, often much more than
the least infested. Furthermore, this trait is trees. A single population of insects in a for-
without doubt genetically based, at least in est may be very diverse genetically due to
P. radiata, since pest-free parent trees pro- factors such as sexual reproduction, rapid
duce pest-free offspring. Quite how power- generation times, dispersal and migration,
ful this resistance is to woolly adelgid when as in the case, for example, of mahogany
the trees are planted on poor or degraded shoot borers in the genus Hysipyla. This
sites is another matter, but from this work in worldwide genus has but two quoted spe-
Africa, P. radiata would seem to be a suita- cies (robusta in the Old World and gran-
ble species for planting in areas where della in the New World), but the genetics of
Pineus boerneri is common. the system show clearly that there are many
The teak defoliator is native to the different genotypes of the moth with multi-
Indian subcontinent, but a lot of pests of farious ecologies and behaviours (Alves,
plantation tree species are exotics, Cras- 2004). Undoubtedly, even if taxonomy
pedonta (Calopepla) leayana (Coleoptera: insists that but one species of insect occurs
Chrysomelidae) an important case in point in two different continents, it is safe to
(see also Chapter 5). G. arborea, on which assume that the gene frequencies and hence
the beetle feeds, is a tree species that is very phenotypic characteristics of the popula-
widely planted in the tropical world these tions thousands of miles apart will be very
days, but it is originally native to South and different. In this way, then, it is quite likely
South-east Asia. Kumar et al. (2006) studied that even with the same tree clone on an
the attacks of C. leayana on various clones exactly equivalent site but in two different
of G. arborea from north-east India and West parts of the world, the supposedly same
Bengal. They graded resistance or suscepti- pest species will perform very differently in
bility to the insect using the amount of leaf the two scenarios.
area consumed by the pest and found that For this reason, tree resistance testing
between 8 and 26% of the Gmelina clones tends to be most meaningful within rela-
appeared to be highly or moderately resist- tively small geographical regions, where the
ant (Fig. 6.5.). However, the paper does not insect populations might be assumed to be
record what levels of defoliation were con- fairly homogeneous genetically. It is the role
sidered indicative of resistance, and whether of the silviculturalist, geneticist and ento-
these observations hold true for all planting mologist together to screen trees for their
locations is not reported. relative susceptibilities to the most serious
172 Chapter 6

insect pests (and diseases) in that particular literature is full of papers and reports detail-
region, so that carefully considered plans ing the results of performance trials for tree
can be laid down before any planting begins. species and genotypes which monitor all
This is particularly the case with the enor- sorts of tree properties, only a few of which
mous problem of termites (Isoptera), which involve resistance to pests and diseases.
feed on the roots of young transplanted trees We present just a few examples here.
and kill them in the first year or two of life. The cypress aphid, C. cupressi (Hemip-
tera: Aphididae), is an extremely serious
exotic pest which causes extensive loss of
growth and mortality in plantations of vari-
6.4.3 Screening for resistance ous tree species in the Cupressaceae, espe-
cially Cupressus lusitanica, widespread in
So, now we know that trees can exhibit many countries, including Kenya, Tanzania
genetically inheritable resistance to insect and Malawi (see also Chapter 5). Trials in
pests (and pathogens, too), it becomes the Kenya have shown that some members of
job of the forest planners to find out which the family of trees are much less susceptible
of the available tree species or genotypes are to the aphid than others, everything else
most likely to have dependably low inci- being equal. In this case, damage was
dences of pests and pathogens at the same assessed using ‘eyeball’ scores for the inci-
time as showing good silvicultural proper- dence of aphids on trees, from a score of 1
ties. This is where screening comes in. where no aphids were present, to a maxi-
Figure 6.6 shows steps proposed for detect- mum of 5 where all branches and twigs were
ing resistance (or tolerance) to pests (and infested and the foliage yellow or brown
diseases) (Ingwell and Preisser, 2011). As with death of twigs and branches in the
can be imagined, a whole process such as entire crown (Obiri, 1994). However, though
the one illustrated may take some years to a particular tree species may be in some way
complete and may benefit from the assistance unsuitable for the pest, its silvicultural char-
of local foresters and tree users. The forestry acteristics make it completely useless as a

Propagate plant material and grow under controlled conditions

Inoculate propagules with pest or pathogen

Assess plant resistance and tolerance

(measured as plant growth, pest density and survival)

Re-sample most resistant and tolerant plants to build stocks

Breeding and hybridization Restoration and reforestation

programmes efforts

Fig. 6.6. Steps in determining whether or not trees that survive attacks from pests or diseases are resistant to
the attacker (from Ingwell and Preisser, 2011, courtesy Wiley-Blackwell).
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 173

forest tree; Thuya orientalis is a case in pathogen-free species. As Table 6.2 shows,
point. Its height at 15 years old, 3 m, and its the most susceptible hosts in North Vietnam
mean annual increment, 0.2 m, show that it are E. camaldulensis, E. tereticornis and
grows far too slowly, despite being very E. grandis, in fact three of the most commonly
resistant to the pest. In general, the preferred planted species worldwide. Nevertheless,
species, C. lusitanica, is highly susceptible some variation has been observed between
to the aphid, but even then, careful testing species and provenances, and these results
of genotypes or families of this species do can be taken forward for more breeding and
show marked variations in attack and dam- selection trials.
age levels (Mugasha et al., 1997; see below). Variations in pest resistance within a
More closely related tree species have genus or even a species are potentially
also been screened for insect pest resistance very important. Take the example of the
in attempts to choose the best tree species multi-purpose tree, Leucaena. This genus
for planting in specific localities. Pham of leguminous trees has been planted
et al. (2009) studied the impact of the gall throughout the tropical world as an agro-
wasp, Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: forestry tree which can be used for shade,
Eulophidae) (see also Chapter 5), on various fodder and timber. The most popular species
eucalypt species in nurseries and young is L. leucocephala, and in many countries
plantations in North Vietnam. Both pest and this has been found to be heavily attacked
host tree are exotic to this part of South-east by the leucaena psyllid, H. cubana (Hemi-
Asia, but a big demand for rapidly growing and ptera: Psyllidae) (see Chapter 5 and Plate 33).
highly productive timber demands pest- and The damage caused by this sap feeder can

Table 6.2. Impact of Leptocybe invasa after 3 months in the nursery, as determined by damage
incidence, damage severity and tree survival in the field, as well as the severity of damage by the pest
in young field plantations (from Pham et al., 2009).

Damage Damage Tree assessment
Tree species incidence (%) severity survival (%) of pest severity

Corymbia henryi 0 Nil 44.4 Nil

C. citriodora ssp. citriodora 0 Nil 70.4 Nil
C. tessellaris 0 Nil 55.6 Nil
C. polycarpa 15 Low 88.9 Low
Eucalyptus pilularis 9 Low 48.2 Nil
E. microcorys 10 Low 59.2 Nil
E. cloeziana 0 Nil 44.4 Nil
E. globulus ssp. maidenii 25 Low 96.3 Nil
E. smithii 14 Low 7.4 Low
E. moluccana 36 Low 55.6 Nil
E. coolabah 31 Low 74.1 Low
E. pellita 12 Low 85.2 Nil
E. urophylla 19 Low 70.4 Low
E. robusta 26 Low 74.1 Medium
E. saligna 41 Medium 37.0 Medium
E. grandis 92 Severe 44.4 Medium
E. tereticornis ssp. tereticornis 81 Severe 77.8 High
E. camaldulensis ssp. 80 Severe 44.4 Medium
E. camaldulensis ssp. obtusata 76 Severe 96.3 High
E. camaldulensis ssp. simulata 88 Severe 85.2 High
174 Chapter 6

be so bad that the tree simply cannot be Table 6.3. Ratings scale used to assess psyllid
grown in some places, and there has therefore damage to Leucaena (from Wheeler, 1988).
been urgent need to reduce pest numbers.
The search for resistant Leucaena species and Rating Clinical symptoms
provenances has been intense and Wheeler
1 No damage observed
(1988) has produced a damage score system 2 Slight curling of leaves
for the pest (Table 6.3). 3 Tips and leaves curling
Using this system, Mullen et al. (2003) and yellow
assessed the resistance to the psyllid in 116 4 Tips and leaves badly curled,
accessions of Leucaena, from 27 species and yellowish, covered with sap
subspecies, using the data scale shown in 5 Loss of up to 25% young leaves
Table 6.3. They found a continuum from highly 6 Loss of 25–50% young leaves
resistant to highly susceptible (Fig. 6.7.). 7 Loss of 50–75% young leaves
Genotypes within L. collinsii, L. pallida, L. 8 100% loss of leaves and
blackening of lower leaves
diversifolia and L. esculenta were very resis-
9 Blackened stems with total leaf
tant, whereas L. leucocephala, for example, loss
the first widely planted commercial species

(a) Los Baños
Mean psyllid damage (PDR)

Accessions of Leucaena

(b) Brisbane
Mean psyllid damage (PDR)

Accessions of Leucaena

Fig. 6.7. Psyllid resistance to Leucaena accessions measured by mean psyllid damage ratings (PDR) during
periods of high psyllid pressure in (a) Los Baños, Philippines, and (b) Brisbane, Australia (from Mullen
et al., 2003, with permission Springer).
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 175

in the world, was highly susceptible. In foliage of Leucaena, though correlations are
addition, this screening was carried out in weak (Wheeler et al., 1994). The problem is
two distinctly different localities, Brisbane that farm animals such as cattle and goats,
in southern Queensland, Australia, and Los for which the fodder is grown in many coun-
Baños in the Philippines, showing some tries, do better on leaves with smaller tan-
differences in resistance due to varying cli- nin concentrations, just like psyllids.
matic conditions but with general consis-
tency of resistance. Moving to Tanzania,
Edward et al. (2006) used the same data
scale as in the previous example and com- 6.4.4 Tree resistance in practice
pared psyllid infestations with various sil-
vicultural characteristics (Table 6.4). Some It now almost goes without saying that trop-
interesting results are presented. ical forestry, whether large-scale industrial
On aggregate, the very best all-round or small-scale agroforestry, should select
tree species/provenance was L. diversifolia tree species or genotypes at the planning
(Batch 155510), with L. diversifolia Ex. Mexico stage which have been shown to be attacked
and L. diversifolia Ex. Veracruz as runners less by insect pests in the locality, as long as
up. Two of the worst (not shown in table) were inheritability has been demonstrated and
L. collinsii Ex. Chiapas and L. shannonnii site factors do not override resistance mech-
also Ex. Chiapas. It is crucial to realize, anisms. It is also, of course, of prime impor-
therefore, that such selection trials are only tance that the trees to be grown are going to
really applicable for local or regional con- be commercially useful, but it does not seem
ditions and their results should not be overcomplicated to attempt to choose trees
expected to apply over large geographical suited to the planting sites that show pest
scales. Furthermore, resistance is not a pre- resistance. A simple example of this tactic
dictable feature of an entire tree species, as comes from Morocco, where the careful
can be seen from the table. Some prove- selection of tree species according to their
nances of L. diversifolia had very good pest resistance properties to particular pests and
resistance and silvicultural properties, while suitability to local climatic conditions is
others within the species were very poor. The considered the best way to establish suc-
basis of resistance in this situation is prob- cessful plantations (Belghazi et al., 2008). In
ably linked to the levels of tannins in the this semi-arid region, Eucalyptus plantations

Table 6.4. Ordinal ranking of tree parameters showing differences between Leucaena species and
provenances planted at Morogoro, Tanzania (from Edward et al., 2006).

Species/ Survival Overall

provenance (%) Height DBH SPH PSY FBIO SBIO BBIO WBIO Mean rank

L. diversifolia 2 4 5 3 9 3 3 3 3 3.89 1
Batch (15551)
L. diversifolia 2 6 9 3 7 4 4 5 4 4.89 2
Ex. Mexico
L. diversifolia 1 1 1 13 18 2 1 7 1 5.00 3
Ex. Veracruz
L. pallida 10 7 7 2 15 1 2 1 2 5.22 4
Ex. Oaxaca
L. diversifolia 3 5 4 10 8 15 8 2 5 6.67 5
Ex. Veracruz
Batch (14917)

Notes: SPH = stems per hectare; PSY = psyllid damage; FBIO = foliar biomass; SBIO = stem biomass; BBIO = branch
biomass; WBIO = wood biomass.
176 Chapter 6

are in danger of attack by the eucalyptus of Khaya ivorensis in trials in Ghana (Ofori
longicorn beetle, P. semipunctata (Cole- et al., 2007), where both total tree height
optera: Cerambycidae), but if species such and height to first fork are shown to vary
as E. torquata and E. salmonophloia are cho- between progenies 2.5 years after planting.
sen, all of which are xerophytic and hence The point is that all progenies were attacked;
relatively resistant to the pest (see Chapter 4), no tree genotype is so resistant so as not to
only a few trees suffer light damage and pest be attacked at all. The key to pest preven-
problems are prevented. It does, however, tion success, though, is how tall can the
seem to be a common practice in tropical trees be expected to grow before the main
forestry to plant the species of tree most sus- trunk forks, whether or not one of the forks
ceptible to the local insects and conditions. quickly becomes a single dominant again
As discussed in Chapters 5 and 10, the and also the diameter growth achieved in a
mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipla spp., is one certain time. In this study, it was decided
of the most serious pests in tropical forestry that progenies such as AM24, BB19 and
anywhere in the world. It attacks and dam- BB20 were particularly suitable for use in inte-
ages beyond economic use many genera and grated pest management (IPM) programmes.
species of mahogany throughout the tropi- In a similar situation, this time in the Yucatan
cal world. Its main effect is to cause young Peninsula of Mexico, Wightman et al. (2008)
trees to fork at heights too short to produce concluded that the practical application of
a marketable mahogany log when finally genetic resistance in S. macrophylla against
harvested. Some trees such as the African H. grandella would be to choose genotypes
Khayas seem somewhat more resistant with good dominant heights despite pest
than others, such as the Latin American attack incidence, to plant the trees in the
Swietenias, which are on the whole suscep- best sites for mahogany and to be prepared
tible (Perez et al., 2010). Figure 6.8 shows to prune individual trees to enhance single
the effect of H. robusta on various progenies stem dominance.


Height (cm)
















First fork Total height

Fig. 6.8. Variations in mean total height and mean commercial height (to first fork) (± SE) among progenies
of Khaya ivorensis in Ghana (from Ofori et al., 2007, courtesy Elsevier).
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 177

Another problem linked with tree resist- Probably the best practical strategy is to plant
ance is the extent to which pest incidence or mixtures of resistant varieties if more than
damage can be expected to be reduced. In one is available, such that no one genotype
Ghana, attempts to establish plantations of is omnipresent. We return to the problems of
Milicia (= Chlorophora) spp., valuable tim- planting systems and tactics in Chapter 8.
ber species in sub-Saharan Africa, have
been hampered by the gall-forming psyllid,
Phytolyma lata (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) (see 6.4.5 Resistance and biotechnology
Chapter 5). Infestations of large galls of the
pest on the leaves of nursery stock and
The types of selection and breeding dis-
young transplants result in dieback of foli-
cussed in the previous section can take
age down to woody tissue (Wagner et al.,
many years, even when dealing with fast-
2008). In screening trials, incidence of large
growing tropical trees. At the same time, the
galls indicated that there were significant
widespread establishment of forest planta-
differences among individual progenies of
tions using progenies, provenances or even
Milicia, with the mean percentage of galls
clonal material chosen for specific traits can
ranging from 15.4 to 99.6% and 39.5 to 99.9%
result in narrow genetic diversity, and even-
for 1992 and 1993, respectively (Cobbinah
tually inbreeding (Burdon and Wilcox, 2007).
and Wagner, 1995). However, a highly sig-
Biotechnology in various forms may be able
nificant curvilinear relationship was shown
to speed up breeding programmes and pro-
between the incidence of dieback and rela-
vide broader genetic bases (Whetten and
tive abundance of large galls, and even the
Kellison, 2010), and though the use of gene-
most resistant trees were likely to suffer
tically engineered trees in commercial for-
unacceptable dieback in the nursery or just
ests may be some way in the future, these
post planting. In this sort of circumstance,
techniques have much more scope for gene
the best hope for tree resistance would lie
transfers between unrelated tree species and
in an IPM system where resistance reduces
even unrelated phyla, such as bacteria and
the efficiencies or densities of pests to levels
angiosperms (Ahuja, 2009). A whole variety
where other agencies such as natural enemies
of forest traits can be improved using biotech-
might be able to exert a further influence
nology, as shown in Table 6.5 (Sedjo, 2004),
(see Chapter 10).
and pest and disease resistance are only two
A final question remains: if reliable
of a much wider suite of possibilities.
pest resistance is obtained, how should that
There are various ways of achieving
tree genotype be employed in tropical silvi-
such goals, such as using in vitro tissue cul-
culture? Plant breeders can now supply for-
tures, somatic embryogenesis, organogene-
esters with many tree species, provenances,
sis, micropropagated explants and so on
genotypes and so on with predictable and
(Merkle and Nairn, 2005), but here we will
dependable properties. The College of Tropi-
cal Agriculture and Human Resources at the
University of Hawaii, for example, can provide Table 6.5. Forest traits that can be improved
a Leucaena hybrid which has been through using biotechnology (from Sedjo, 2004).
six cycles of selection for high forage yield
Wood quality
and resistance to Leucaena psyllid, among
Silviculture Adaptability traits
other properties (Brewbaker, 2008), and it is
obviously tempting to establish large areas Growth rate Drought Wood density
of plantation with such desirable trees. How- tolerance
ever, the adaptability of insect herbivores to Nutrient uptake Cold tolerance Lignin reduction
this novel but now ubiquitous food source Crown/stem Fungal Lignin
must not be underestimated. A high selection resistance extraction
pressure to adapt to overcome the resist- Flowering Insect Juvenile fibre
control resistance
ance of the trees is presented, such that this
Herbicide Branching
hard-found resistance may disappear again.
178 Chapter 6

concentrate on gene transfer technologies, (Bt – see also Chapter 8). A large number of
or to use more popular terminologies, genetic arable and food crops are now available as
engineering or genetic modification (GM). transgenic varieties, and some countries
Insect resistance, as we have discussed in such as Brazil and the USA plant very large
Chapter 4, is partially a property of host areas with GM cotton and maize, for exam-
plant chemistry, and indeed certain specific ple (Speight et al., 2008). Transgenic Bt trees
chemicals can often be identified which are much less widespread, though the tech-
deter or otherwise reduce the activities of nology for creating them has produced some
herbivores. The chemical sucrose phos- examples that work well in field trials. Take,
phate synthase (SPS) is able to influence the for example, poplars, P. nigra, in China. Hu
levels of plant phenolics and plant nitrogen et al. (2001) carried out field trials of a trans-
in trees such as aspen, Populus tremula. genic variety of P. nigra expressing a Cry1Ac
Higher concentrations of SPS can reduce the gene for B.t. var kurstaki, which is specific
feeding rates of aspen defoliators like the for Lepidoptera, studying the success of two
leaf beetle Phratora vitellinae (Coleoptera: species of defoliator, Apocheima cinerarius
Chrysomelidae). Hjältēn et al. (2007) cre- (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and Orthosia
ated two genetically modified lines of aspen incerta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) compared
using a hybrid wild type as a basis; one with that on non-transgenic trees. Not only
clone expressed 1.5 times the norm and the were pest densities on transgenic trees redu-
other 4 times the norm of SPS compared ced significantly but also the number of
with the wild type. Figure 6.9 illustrates the pupae, a good indication of pest densities in
leaf consumption of P. vitellinae on the two the next generation, was lower in transgenic
GM lines compared with the wild type, plantations. Note that the number of pupae/m2
showing that the GM line with 4 times the even in the transgenic plots was an average
concentration of SPS showed significant of 20 or so, which may or may not have been
insect antifeedant effects. SPS in itself is not sufficient to cause significant damage to trees
a plant defensive compound, but GM poplar later by newly emerging larvae. At least,
of this type may be useful in reducing defo- though, this type of resistance system may
liation problems, assuming that the GM crops well have a role to play as part of an IPM
have no other undesirable side effects. programme, where resistance can be com-
The most common way of genetically bined with other forms of control such as
engineering plants to resist insect attack in biological or chemical (see Chapter 10).
agriculture is the use of GM crops modified
to express genes from the insecticidally
active microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis
6.5 Forest Health and
12 the Planning Stage
Consumed leaf area (mm2)

Bi et al. (2008) present a list of recommenda-

8 tions to be adopted at the planning stage of
a tropical forest plantation, based on experi-
ences in south-west China, much of which
4 we have discussed in previous sections of this
chapter. Their first criterion reintroduces
the concept of forest health, and the second
0 the practice of pest and disease surveil-
WT SPS26 SPS33A lance, i.e. the monitoring of forest health.
Fig. 6.9. Leaf consumption (mm2) (±SE) by the leaf
We shall return to these topics later in the
beetle Phratora vitellinae of two different GM lines book when we discuss risk or hazard rating
of Populus tremula, compared with that on wild-type systems (see Chapter 9), but for now take
aspen. * = means sig diff @ P < 0.05 level (from the example of Boa (2003) in his guidebook
Hjältén et al., 2007, courtesy Elsevier). to the state of health of trees. In particular,
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 179

Eric Boa provides a self-help document for to identify all the potential insect pests of
local farmers and foresters who observe eucalypts in Brazil, and then to single out
symptoms in their crops and want to get P. semipunctata, for which to find details of
some idea at least of the cause, the severity biology, ecology, control and so on. Advance
and the future prognosis for decline, survival search options enable foresters and pest and
and possible cure. An example of best prac- disease managers to produce short (some-
tice, Boa provides copious high-quality col- times long) lists of culprits to look out for,
our photographs under various headings to with suggestions as to what to do if they
guide the user towards an identification of appear. It is very important that these systems
their tree problems. Clearly, if, with all the are readily available and affordable in all
best planning possible, such symptoms are tropical countries that may make use of them.
still detected, it may be too late to cure the
problem. It is certainly important to be able
to detect the differences between, say, a
soil problem and a pest or pathogen; the 6.6 Socio-economics and Forest
former may be cured or prevented in the Pest Management
future by soil improvement or changing site,
while the latter may be much more intracta- As we have discussed in Chapter 1, a large
ble. Thus, by referring to past experiences part of tropical forestry takes place in the
with various tree species in the locality, tree developing world. In these areas, it is pos-
health may be maintained and pest or dis- sible that insect and disease management
ease problems prevented, if at all possible. (see Chapter 10) may be of low priority, or
A widespread adoption of tree health diag- simply unachievable for a myriad of social,
nostic systems is urgently required. educational and economic reasons. In 1991,
Once some knowledge of the likely K.S.S. Nair of the Kerala Forest Research
causes of tree health decline have been Institute in south-west India published a
identified, the next questions are how to crucial paper discussing the basic problems
confirm the details of the problem and what with the inception and routine use of suc-
to do with this information in terms of pest cessful insect pest management in tropical
management, especially in a situation where forests. His comments were based on the
access to expert advice is lacking (see also Indian experience, but have great relevance
the next section). This is where expert sys- to most of the tropical world. In essence,
tems may play a role. Expert systems, ES (also Nair believes that ‘to a large extent, socio-
known as decision support systems, DSS), economic factors are the main constraints
are a form of artificial intelligence which to successful development and adoption
purports to replace the human expert with a of IPM strategies against forest defoliators
computer (Wang et al., 2009). The machine (and, undoubtedly, other types of pest
is able to provide scientific advice and tech- too)’. He blames various factors. In India
nical support to any forester or pest manager at least, all forests are government owned
who has access to the Internet (and presum- and forest pest control has a low priority
ably has paid the appropriate log-on fees). relative to the more pressing agricultural
Such systems, once up and running, can also pest problems. Nair goes on to point out
be used for education and training, again at a that agriculture, being a private enterprise,
distance. They are fairly widely used for agri- generates more social demand than for-
cultural crops such as rice, and some advances estry. One major implication of this priori-
in ES systems for forest pest and disease tization is the paucity of specialist forest
management have been produced in temper- entomologists; those that there are often
ate forest situations (Kaloudis et al., 2005). have not had an opportunity for adequate
The CABI Crop Protection Compendium is training, even if basic knowledge about
probably the nearest thing to an ES for tro- pest ecology and management were avai-
pical forestry at the moment. Figure 6.10 lable. Finally, he suggests that to this latter
shows an example of how it can be used end, scientific research in tropical forestry
180 Chapter 6

Fig. 6.10. Extract from (a) the Crop Protection Compendium (b) using the eucalyptus longhorn beetle,
Phoracantha semipunctata, as an example (CABI, 2010).
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 181

Fig. 6.10. Continued.

must be redirected into problem solving, What experience and expertise there is
involving multidisciplinary approaches with in local communities is often based on agri-
emphases on applied studies and the app- cultural systems rather than forestry ones,
lication of extension, or practical advice to and certainly in the case of agroforestry at
workers in the field. least, the adoption of new management tac-
It must not be forgotten that local farm- tics is likely to be based on those from farm-
ers and foresters in many tropical countries ing. Sileshi et al. (2008) interviewed farmers
are in possession of a wealth of indigenous in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia to dis-
knowledge about plant health problems cuss their perceptions of pest problems in
and their solutions (Bentley et al., 2009). agroforestry and to investigate their pest
However, a lack of training and expertise management tactics. Of the four major spe-
in modern practices and technologies is cies of agroforestry tree planted in Zambia,
still very widespread, especially when forest farmers clearly felt that insect pests con-
plantations are concerned and, undoubtedly, cerned them most. The majority of these
education is required in order to carry out pests were defoliating beetles, grasshoppers,
best practices in pest management (Kagezi moth larvae and, in particular, termites; dis-
et al., 2010). eases seemed to be of less concern. Despite
Various themes repeatedly crop up, these perceived problems, most farmers did
including lack of specialized training, lack little or nothing about the defoliators but
of advice or extension and inadequate tech- employed mainly indigenous techniques for
nology and/or funds to implement the new controlling termites, such as the use of wood
measures. Two examples from East Africa ash or chopped Euphorbia branches in tree
will illustrate these points. planting holes. Seemingly, no external
182 Chapter 6

pest management advice was to be had. The Finally, in this context it must not be
other example concerns a specific insect pest, forgotten that in many tropical countries,
the eucalyptus gall wasp, L. invasa (see also communities have no access to pest manage-
Chapter 5). Farmers in Uganda have been ment tactics, and if they did, they probably
growing Eucalyptus woodlots for fuelwood could not afford it. In dry parts of Ethiopia,
and timber and the pest found its way to for example, households have a chronic short-
Uganda some years ago, causing substantial age of land for cultivation and tree planting
damage. Nyeko et al. (2007) questioned farm- is unlikely to be a high priority, despite the
ers about their problems with the gall wasp need for timber (Alelign et al., 2011). The lack
and how they handled it. In this case, some of fertilizers and pesticides exacerbates tree
advice was available from forestry and agri- health and insect pest problems.
culture sources in Uganda, but as Table 6.6
shows, it was variable in efficacy. Admittedly,
this was a very small sample, but all manner
of tactics were suggested, from the sensible 6.7 The Basis for Decision Making –
but impractical in this context (plant resist- Acquisition and Dissemination
ant eucalypts) to the probably ineffective of Entomological Knowledge
but dangerous (spray with chemicals). None
the less, the provision of some sort of expert As mentioned in the previous section,
advice, however variable in quality, for forest there are certain requirements for efficient
pest problems is a step in the right direction management of tropical forest pests. These
and one the presence or absence of which include: (i) surveys of major crop species for
should be taken into account at the plan- pest incidence and damage; (ii) the quantifica-
ning stage. tion of the impact in terms of volume losses,

Table 6.6. Advice received by farmers in Uganda about the management of Leptocybe invasa
infestations on eucalypts (from Nyeko et al., 2007).

Total Responses
Useful, Useful, number in each
Advice Source yes? no? NA of responses category (%)

Wait, we are still DFD, DDA, 2 1 0 3 18.8

researching FORRI
Spray with chemicals DDA, FORRI 2 1 0 3 18.8
Plant resistant types NFA, NFC 1 1 0 2 12.5
of Eucalyptus
Cut and burn DDA, FORRI 1 0 1 2 12.5
affected trees
No chemical can DFD 0 1 0 1 6.3
control the pest
Weed properly NFA 1 0 0 1 6.3
Plant healthy seedlings NFA 1 0 0 1 6.3
from a good source
Ensure timely planting NFA 1 0 0 1 6.3
Apply liquid fertilizer DFA 1 0 0 1 6.3
Beware of a disease DFD 1 0 0 1 6.3
on Eucalyptus
Total 11 4 1 16 100

Notes: NA = advice not yet applied; DFD = District Forest Department; DDA = District Department of Agriculture;
FORRI = Forestry Resources Research Institute; NFA = National Forestry Authority; NFC = Nyabyeya Forestry College;
DFA = District Farmers’ Association.
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 183

deaths, degradation, etc., in terms of losses at variously as mahogany shoot borer, mahog-
the subsistence level, especially in agrofor- any tip moth or cedar tip moth, and the
estry, and in money; (iii) investigations into genus, plus the enormous damage it exerts
the biology, ecology and host-tree relation- on Swietenia, Toona, Cedrela and Khaya
ships of major pest species; and (iv) the spp. (see Chapters 5 and 10), is almost uni-
communication of these findings to forest- versal across the tropical world. Figure 6.11
ers and entomologists in-country and also illustrates its distribution. As the map
internationally. Such aims can be accom- shows, Hypsipyla species are to be found
plished by: (i) suitably funded international almost anywhere where mahoganies are
initiatives to survey key crops for pests; indigenous or where attempts are made to
(ii) funding international working groups establish plantations. Countries reporting
or conferences to discuss current problems significant damage include Australia,
and work out collaboration for the future; Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ghana, Hon-
(iii) disseminating findings in easily acces- duras, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
sible publications; and (iv) providing appro- Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, Papua New
priate training for local people both at home Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Solomon
and overseas. Islands, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand,
Many, if not all, forest insect pests are Vietnam and Zimbabwe. While the taxon-
distributed far and wide and are not likely to omy at species level is still confused, there
honour national or regional borders! Hence, is no doubt that if this global pest is finally
one country’s problems are very likely to to be defeated, then large-scale international
pose similar concerns in neighbouring or collaboration is essential to: (i) combine
perhaps far-distant areas. It is simple com- resources and experiences and (ii) to avoid
mon sense to join forces with research and the duplication of effort. Floyd and Hauxwell
development groups in any country where (2000) provide an excellent example of how
the same crops are grown and where insect multinational and multidisciplinary collab-
(or fungal) pest problems are also actually oration may be brought to bear on shared
or potentially present. Take, for example, pest problems.
the case of Hypsipyla spp. (Lepidoptera: The next step is putting into practice the
Pyralidae). The larva of this moth is known key issues raised. This usually requires the

Hypsipyla robusta

Hypsipyla grandella

Fig. 6.11. Global distribution of reports of attacks by Hypsipyla spp. to mahoganies in plantations.
184 Chapter 6

acquisition of considerable funding from on information that, at best, is over half a

international agencies, so that regional- century old. Following Beeson’s tradition,
wide surveys and control policies can be Browne published a comprehensive account
coordinated and carried out. In 1997, for of a very large number of insect and fungal
example, a new initiative was instigated by pests in his Pests and Diseases of Forest
Australian entomologists to carry out surveys Plantation Trees: An Annotated List of the
of insect pests of A. mangium and various Principal Species Occurring in the British
Eucalyptus species. This survey has involved Commonwealth in 1968. This has been the
forest entomologists from many South-east basic reference book for forest entomolo-
Asian countries, including Vietnam, Laos, gists for many years, but again is desperately
Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Survey in need of updating. More recently, several
tactics and protocols are standardized in books have been published which refer to
each country so that the results obtained individual countries or regions, and four
will be readily comparable and of immedi- examples will illustrate the scope and range
ate use and relevance to all concerned (Wylie of topics covered. The Checklist of Forest
et al., 1998) (see Chapter 9). This example Insects in Thailand by Hutacharern and
contrasts with the previous one, in that the Tubtim (1995) is much as the title suggests,
former targeted a single pest complex, while a long list of many forest insects found in
the latter employed the host tree (crop) as the Thailand. Reference is made to host plants
basis for collaboration. and severity of damage, but there are no
keys and no mention of potential manage-
ment tactics. The volume is, however, of
great value to entomologists in the South-
6.8 Communication of Findings east Asian region, and nothing so compre-
and Tactics hensive has yet appeared for other parts of
the tropical world.
No survey or workshop is of any use unless In 1991, Wagner et al. published Forest
the results and discussions are disseminated Entomology in West Tropical Africa: Forest
rapidly and efficiently to all concerned, as Insects of Ghana, with a second edition
exemplified by the two publications men- in 2008. This book provides much more
tioned in the previous section. However, detail on a smaller range of forest pests
reliable and extensive reference volumes from Ghana, complete with photographs,
are also required and it has to be said that, in diagrams and possible control strategies. In
the past, this facet of forest pest management 1998, Elliott et al. published Insect Pests of
has often been inadequate. Nevertheless, Australian Forests: Ecology and Manage-
some prime examples of national or interna- ment. It is the first comprehensive treatment
tional publications and information retrieval of this topic since W.W. Froggatt’s books in
systems are now available. One of the most 1923 and 1927. Importantly, in the context
up to date is the Global Review of Forest of this present book, it contains many refer-
Pests and Diseases (FAO, 2009), which con- ences to forest insect pests in tropical and
tains a wealth of information. Books on for- subtropical regions of Australia which
est pests in various tropical countries have have not been dealt with in Froggatt’s
been appearing for years. One of the first books or elsewhere. The Tropical Agricul-
was by Beeson, published in 1941, entitled ture Research and Training Centre (Centro
The Ecology and Control of Forest Insects Agronomico de Investigacion y Ensenanza;
of India and Neighbouring Countries. This CATIE) in Turrialba, Costa Rica, produced
lengthy tome was of great relevance not the best pair of books about forest pests in
only to the Indian situation but also, of Central America in 1992 (Hilje et al., 1992).
course, to many other countries in the South One volume, a handbook, provides copious
Asian region. The only drawback with this information on major pests, including mites,
type of work is its antiquity, and care must molluscs and even vertebrates, as well as
be taken by modern workers when relying insects, nematodes and fungi. The second
Management Systems I: Planning Stage 185

volume, a field guide, provides basic infor- Forest Insect Pests: Ecology, Impact and
mation about the biology of major pests, Management in 2007, and finally, Cielsa
groups damage by plant parts and discusses published Forest Entomology, A Global Per-
various management techniques from silvi- spective in 2011. While unable to be com-
culture to chemical control. Sadly, no more prehensive, or of course to deal with pests
recent editions seem to be available. Then, that arise after publication, all these books
in 2001, Speight and Wylie produced the are to be applauded and other organizations
first edition of this current book (Speight and in other countries should be encouraged to
Wylie, 2001). K.S.S. Nair published Tropical follow suit.
Plate 1 Plate 2

Plate 3

Plate 4
Plate 5

Plate 1. Primary rainforest, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 2. Primary rainforest interior, Sabah, Malaysia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 3. Secondary forest, Peninsular Malaysia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 4. Gmelina arborea young plantation, Kalimantan, Indonesia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 5. Monoculture of Acacia mangium, Sumatra, Indonesia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 6 Plate 8

Plate 7

Plate 9 Plate 10

Plate 6. Eucalyptus spp. plantations in Guangxi Province, China (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 7. Agroforestry trial of Leucaena leucocephela intercropped with beans, Kenya (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 8. Khaya anthotheca trees in village location, Mozambique (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 9. Defoliation of Casuarina cunninghamiana by leaf beetle Rhyparida limbatipennis in Queensland,
Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 10. Defoliation to a stand of Mangletia glauca by sawflies, Vietnam (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 11

Plate 12

Plate 11. Hurricane damage to mangrove forests, Yucatan, Mexico (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 12. Aleppo pine, Pinus halepensis, under severe drought stress, killed by the bark beetle, Pityogenes
spp., Jordan (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 13 Plate 15

Plate 14

Plate 16

Plate 13. Pityogenes spp. galleries under bark of drought stressed Aleppo pine, Pinus halepensis, Jordan
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 14. Larvae of the eucalyptus leaf beetle, Paropsisterna cloelia, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of
CSIRO Entomology).
Plate 15. Eucalyptus snout weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus (Image courtesy of J. Voss).
Plate 16. Leaf-cutter ant, Atta spp., Costa Rica (Image courtesy of Paul Embden).
Plate 17 Plate 19

Plate 18

Plate 20

Plate 17. Defoliation by leaf-cutter ants, Costa Rica, Atta spp. (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 18. Larvae of the sawfly, Perga kirbyi, on stem of Eucalyptus grandis, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 19. Close-up of leaf eaten by larvae of teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera, Kerala, India (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 20. Dendrolimus punctatus larva on Pinus caribaea var hondurensis, Vietnam (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 21

Plate 23
Plate 22

Plate 24

Plate 21. Larva of bagworm Pteroma plagiophleps feeding on Falcataria moluccana, Malaysia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 22. Stand of Falcataria moluccana defoliated by bagworm Pteroma plagiophleps and yellow butterfly
Eurema blanda, Sumatra, Indonesia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 23. Leaf mines of Acrocercops spp. (Image courtesy of J. Jarman).
Plate 24. Damage caused by larvae of eucalyptus leaf tier Strepsicrates semicanella, Guangxi Province, China
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 25 Plate 27

Plate 28

Plate 26

Plate 29

Plate 25. Pine woolly aphid, Pineus pini, on Pinus radiata, Australia (Image courtesy of J. Voss).
Plate 26. Damage to Pinus patula caused by pine woolly aphid, Pineus pini, Australia (Image courtesy of
Ross Wylie).
Plate 27. Cypress aphid, Cinara spp., Malawi (Image courtesy of Sean Murphy).
Plate 28. Cupressus lusitanica damaged by cypress aphid, Cinara spp., Malawi (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 29. Pink wax scale Ceroplastes rubens, with parasitoid, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of
Dan Smith).
Plate 30

Plate 31

Plate 30. Bushing of Eucalyptus robusta caused by Helopeltis spp., Sumatra, Indonesia (Image courtesy of
Ross Wylie).
Plate 31. Red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei, California, USA (Image courtesy of Jack Kelly Clark).
Plate 32

Plate 33 Plate 34

Plate 32. Damage caused by red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei, California, USA
(photo credit Jack Kelly Clark).
Plate 33. Eggs and adults of leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana, Nepal (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 34. Damage to Eucalyptus scopairia by the winter bronzing bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus,
(Image courtesy of Andrew Scales).
Plate 35 Plate 37

Plate 38

Plate 36

Plate 35. Damage to bark of Khaya ivorensis by larvae of Indarbela quadrinotata, Sabah, Malaysia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 36. Adult five-spined bark beetle, Ips grandicollis, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of
Luigino Doimo).
Plate 37. Galleries and larvae of Ips grandicollis under the bark of Pinus elliottii, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 38. Raised welts on bark of Eucalyptus deglupta indicating tunnelling of the varicose borer, Agrilus
sexsignatus, Mindanao, Philippines (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 39 Plate 41

Plate 42
Plate 40

Plate 39. Adult eucalyptus longicorn beetle, Phoracantha semipunctata, museum specimen (Image courtesy of
Chris Fitzgerald).
Plate 40. Larvae and galleries of longicorn beetle, Phoracantha semipunctata under Eucalyptus grandis bark,
Mozambique (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 41. Adult Aristobia approximator, Vietnam (Image courtesy of Michael Cota).
Plate 42. Frass cylinders produced by the Asian ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Image courtesy
of Russell Mizell).
Plate 43

Plate 44

Plate 46

Plate 45

Plate 43. Gallery of Asian ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus, with pupae (Image courtesy of Hulcr).
Plate 44. Adult female sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, on Pinus radiata (Image courtesy of Michaellbbecker).
Plate 45. Larva, tunnel and frass of Sirex noctilio, South Africa (Image courtesy of Bernard Slippers).
Plate 46. Termite soldier, Coptotermes acinaciformis, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of B. Cowell).
Plate 47 Plate 49

Plate 48 Plate 50

Plate 47. Tunnels in stems of Acacia mangium produced by Coptotermes curvignathus, Sumatra, Indonesia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 48. Patch death of Acacia mangium due to stem boring by Coptotermes curvignathus, Sumatra,
Indonesia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 49. Larvae of the goat moth, Coryphodema tristis, in Eucalyptus spp., South Africa
(Image courtesy of S. Lawson).
Plate 50. Damage caused by larvae of the goat moth Coryphodema tristis in Eucalyptus spp., South Africa
(Image courtesy of S. Lawson).
Plate 51 Plate 53

Plate 54

Plate 52 Plate 55

Plate 51. Larva of beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramica, from Gmelina arborea, Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 52. Pupal case and frass of beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramica, from Gmelina arborea, Kalimantan, In-
donesia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 53. Branchlet of Araucaria cunninghamii infested by Hylurdrectonus araucariae, Papua New Guinea
(Image courtesy of Barry Gray).
Plate 54. Adult pine shoot moth, Dioryctria rubella, Vietnam (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 55. Mature larva of pine shoot moth, Dioryctria rubella, inside leader of Pinus kesiya, Vietnam (Image
courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 56

Plate 57

Plate 59

Plate 58

Plate 56. Young plantation of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis showing bushy form caused by pine shoot moth,
Philippines (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 57. Final instar larva of mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla robusta, in Toona ciliata, Queensland,
Australia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 58. Webbed frass produced by larva of mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla robusta, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Manon Griffiths).
Plate 59. Young Cedrela odorata attacked by mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla grandella, Paraguay
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 60 Plate 62

Plate 61

Plate 63

Plate 64

Plate 60. Adult female blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa, egg laying on Eucalyptus spp., Israel
(Image courtesy of Zvi Mendel).
Plate 61. Exit holes in midrib gall of Eucalyptus spp. produced by blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa,
South Africa (Image courtesy of Jolanda Roux).
Plate 62. Leaf galls on Eucalyptus spp. caused by gall wasp, Ophelimus maskelli, Israel (Image courtesy of
Zvi Mendel).
Plate 63. Adult Erythrina gall wasp, Quadrastichus erythrinae, Florida, USA (Image courtesy of Paul Skelley).
Plate 64. Leaf galls of Quadrastichus erythrinae on Erythrina variegata var. orientalis, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
(Image courtesy of Forest and Kim Starr).
Plate 65 Plate 67

Plate 66 Plate 68

Plate 69

Plate 65. Losses in young eucalypt plantation caused by root-feeding termites, Guangxi Province, China
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 66. White grub, Lepidiota stigma, and root damage to Eucalyptus exserta, Guangdong Province, China
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 67. Gaps in young plantation of Eucalyptus exserta caused by root feeding of Lepidiota stigma, Guang-
dong Province, China (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 68. Larva of branch-pruning longicorn, Strongylurus decoratus, in hoop pine, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of G. Trinder).
Plate 69. Exit hole of longicorn, Strongylurus decoratus, in hoop pine, showing wood slivers plugging the pupal
chamber, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of G. Trinder).
Plate 70

Plate 72

Plate 71

Plate 73

Plate 70. Resin canals in eucalypt stem resulting from ambrosia beetle attack, Sumatra, Indonesia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 71. Sap staining associated with Ips grandicollis attack on fire-damaged Pinus, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 72. Webbed frass covering tunnel of wood moth, probably Zeuzera sp., in young eucalypt, Sumatra,
Indonesia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 73. Tunnelling by the larva of a wood moth, probably Zeuzera sp., in this Eucalyptus urophylla has
resulted in breakage of the leader, Sumatra, Indonesia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 74 Plate 76

Plate 77

Plate 75

Plate 78

Plate 74. Tree in Araucaria cunninghamii seed orchard attacked by golden mealybug, Nipaecoccus aurilanatus,
Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 75. Trees as part of mixed agriculture, Kandy, Sri Lanka (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 76. Slash and burn agriculture, Luzon, Philippines (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 77. Fuelwood stacked by roadside, Mozambique (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 78. Collecting leaves and twigs for fuel in a eucalypt plantation in Guangxi Province, China
(Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 79 Plate 82

Plate 80

Plate 83

Plate 81

Plate 79. Tea crop shaded by Grevillea robusta, Sri Lanka (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 80. Swietenia macrophylla planted in a taungya system of village forestry, Sri Lanka (Image courtesy of
Ross Wylie).
Plate 81. Roadside planting in saline soil, India (Image courtesy of Jeff Burley).
Plate 82. Sacred fig tree, Nepal (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 83. Damaged bottle tree, Roma, Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 84

Plate 85

Plate 86

Plate 84. Dying Prosopis juliflora planted in arid site, Turkana Desert, Kenya (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 85. Longicorn beetle larva inside branch of Prosopis juliflora, Turkana, Kenya (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 86. Larvae of Anoplophora lucipor in Acacia mangium stems, Bataan, Philippines (Image courtesy of
Ross Wylie).
Plate 87

Plate 88

Plate 89

Plate 87. Tunnels excavated by Anoplophora larvae in Acacia mangium, Bataan, Philippines (Image courtesy
of Ross Wylie).
Plate 88. Stump of sal, Shorea robusta, killed by buprestid beetles, showing waterlogged mud on roots, Nepal
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 89. Eucalypt planted on a wet site with impervious soil layer, Sumatra, Indonesia. Note drainage
trenches (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 90

Plate 91

Plate 93
Plate 92

Plate 90. Experimental forest nursery, Mozambique (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 91. Forest nursery showing natural forest in background, Mindanao, Philippines (Image courtesy of
Ross Wylie).
Plate 92. Adult Spodoptera litura (museum specimen) (Image courtesy of Queensland Department of
Primary Industries).
Plate 93. White grub, Rhopaea sp., a pest of hoop pine, Araucaria cunninghamii, in nurseries in Queensland,
Australia (Image courtesy of Queensland Department of Primary Industries).
Plate 94

Plate 95

Plate 96

Plate 94. Variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus, Africa (Image courtesy of Paul Embden).
Plate 95. Root-feeding cricket, Gryllotalpa sp., Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of D. Ironside).
Plate 96. Adult yellow butterfly, Eurema hecabe (museum specimen) (Image courtesy of Queensland
Department of Primary Industries).
Plate 97 Plate 100

Plate 98 Plate 101

Plate 99 Plate 102

Plate 97. Yellow weevil, Hypomeces squamosus,feeding on Falcataria in nursery, Vietnam (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 98. Damage to roots of hoop pine in nursery by Aesiotes notabilis, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Queensland Department of Primary Industries).
Plate 99. Multi-stemming of Pinus hybrid in nursery, caused by Nysius clevelandensis, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Chris Fitzgerald).
Plate 100. Polythene nursery pots, Zimbabwe (Image courtesy of Peter May).
Plate 101. Root curling in nursery stock of Acacia mangium, Sabah, Malaysia
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 102. Deformed taproot of 8-year-old Acacia mangium resulting from nursery mishandling, Sabah,
Malaysia (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 103 Plate 105

Plate 104

Plate 106

Plate 103. Raised nursery beds, Sri Lanka (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 104. Young Acacia mangium showing poor pruning of lower branches, Kalimantan, Indonesia (photo
credit Martin Speight).
Plate 105. Thinning of Eucalyptus grandis stand, Paraguay (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 106. Dense stand of sal, Shorea robusta, in need of thinning, Nepal (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 107 Plate 109

Plate 110

Plate 108 Plate 111

Plate 107. Pinus elliottii killed by forest fire and invaded by Ips grandicollis, Queensland, Australia
(Image courtesy of Judy King).
Plate 108. Salvage of fire-damaged Pinus elliottii, Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 109. Watering of log piles of fire-damaged Pinus spp. to prevent bark beetle attack, Queensland,
Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 110. Overmature stand of Pinus spp. with large amounts of brash and felling debris, Malawi
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 111. Pulp mill log pile showing rapid degradation of harvested timber, Vietnam (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 112 Plate 115

Plate 113

Plate 116

Plate 114

Plate 112. Pupal cases of tachinid fly parasitoid inside bagworm case, Vietnam (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 113. Megarhyssa nortoni, a parasitoid of the wood wasp Sirex noctilio, laying eggs in larva deep in the
wood of Pinus radiata, Australia (Image courtesy of Forestry Tasmania).
Plate 114. Moth larvae killed by nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 115. Termite damage to the lower stem of Eucalyptus, South Africa (Image courtesy of Peter May).
Plate 116. Termite damage to the root of young Acacia, Vietnam (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 117 Plate 120

Plate 118

Plate 121

Plate 119

Plate 117. Mixing of nursery soil with insecticide to combat root-feeding termites, Zimbabwe
(Image courtesy of Peter May).
Plate 118. Planting Eucalyptus seedlings with insecticide granules to kill termites, South Africa (Image courtesy
of Peter May).
Plate 119. Aggregating adults of the scarab Epholcis bilobiceps, North Queensland, Australia (Image courtesy
of Ross Wylie).
Plate 120. ʻDrainpipeʼ pheromone trap to monitor ambrosia beetle abundance in log yard, Queensland,
Australia (Image courtesy of Ross Wylie).
Plate 121. Bark beetles found in imported packaging during routine inspection at port (Image courtesy of
Martin Speight).
Plate 122 Plate 125

Plate 123 Plate 126

Plate 124 Plate 127

Plate 122. Eucalyptus plantations, Aracruz Celulose, Brazil (Image courtesy of J. Burley).
Plate 123. Poplar plantation defoliated by larvae of Clostera spp. (Image courtesy of György Csoka).
Plate 124. Eucalyptus grandis planted on ex-soybean field sites, Paraguay (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 125. Young Eucalyptus grandis showing bark chewing at base by grasshoppers, Paraguay
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 126. Grasshopper Baeacris spp., Paraguay (Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 127. Base of trunk of African mahogany, Khaya anthotheca, that has not been attacked, Mozambique
(Image courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 128

Plate 129

Plate 128. Khaya anthotheca showing multiple forking after attacks by Hypsipyla sp., Mozambique (Image
courtesy of Martin Speight).
Plate 129. Global forest cover as a percentage of total land area (Image courtesy of UNEP, 2009).
Plate 130

Plate 131

Plate 130. The major habitats (biomes) of the world, showing the distribution of tropical forests (Image courtesy
of Sten Porse, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, 2011).
Plate 131. Percentage changes in the area of productive forest plantations (Image courtesy of UNEP, 2009).
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage

7.1 Introduction predisposition to insect attack. With nurseries,

there are both advantages and disadvantages
The overall objective of any nursery (Plate for pest management.
90) is to produce good-quality, healthy and
abundant stock at the lowest cost. It is in
nurseries that forest practices most closely 7.1.1 Advantages
approach those of agriculture, and at the
same time are the most different. Agriculture
1. Their relatively small size makes it easier
generally has little need for nurseries and
to monitor for pests and diseases than is
farmers sow seeds directly into soil where
the case in plantations. However, very few
the crop is to grow. Foresters, on the other
countries have specialist surveillance systems
hand, usually raise their seedling crop in
in place (see Chapter 9).
nurseries and then plant them out else-
2. Even in the absence of routine surveil-
where. The main reason for this is that only
lance, the concentration of staff at nurseries
in nurseries can very young trees be afforded
increases the likelihood that problems will
the sort of care necessary for their survival
be noticed earlier than they would be in most
(Evans and Turnbull, 2004).
plantations and that remedial action will be
Forest nurseries occupy very small
taken more rapidly.
areas in comparison with the forests them-
3. The combination of a high-value crop
selves and resemble agricultural crops in
situated on a small, accessible area with an
that seedling trees are planted at high den-
attendant labour force makes it comparati-
sity in uniform cultivated areas under inten-
vely easy to justify pesticide application.
sive management (Speight and Wainhouse,
4. Environmental side effects from any pesti-
1989). This is a critical stage in production
cide application are easier to avoid or contain
and mistakes made here may have serious
over such discrete areas.
consequences later in the plantation cycle.
For example, if seedlings are left too long in
impervious containers they become ‘pot
bound’, coiling around inside the container. 7.1.2 Disadvantages
This habit continues after planting, impair-
ing normal lateral root development and 1. Young trees in nurseries are generally
leading to instability, poor vigour and a the stage most nutritious and vulnerable to

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
186 (F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight)
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 187

insect attack. Their small size means that S. latifascia damages young eucalypt seed-
even numerically few insects can cause a lings and is regarded as a serious pest in
considerable amount of damage and several the region (Santos et al., 1980). The species
plants may be destroyed by a single insect has a high fecundity, females laying up to
such as a cricket or caterpillar. Seedling 3000 eggs each, and the life cycle is com-
trees have immature root systems and small pleted in 50 days. S. sunia is a nursery pest
energy reserves and may therefore be unable of Pinus caribaea, P. tropicalis and Casuarina
to recover from insect attack. Even if they in Cuba, and losses of 40% of seedlings have
do so, their form may be so altered as to been reported (Mellado, 1976; Castilla et al.,
render them useless for forest establishment 2003). In Asia and Australia, S. litura is an
(e.g. multi-leadering due to attack by sap- important species feeding on a wide range
sucking bugs). of tree species, including teak in India,
2. Because pest control can be justified and where Roychoudhury et al. (1995) recorded
accomplished easily, there is a tendency damage to about 56% of plants in one nurs-
towards overuse of pesticides at the slight- ery, Falcataria moluccana in the Philippines
est hint of a pest problem, when in fact the (Braza, 1990b), Araucaria cunninghamii in
impact may be potentially minor or other Australia (Brown and Wylie, 1990) and Acacia
control techniques may be more appropriate. mangium in Malaysia (Nair, 2007).
3. Nurseries in the tropics, particularly the
wet tropics, are often surrounded by areas
of remnant or cut-over forest which may 7.2.2 Cutworms
serve as reservoirs for pest species (Plate 91)
or are adjacent to agricultural or horticul- Like armyworms, cutworms are larvae of
tural crops from which generalist feeders noctuid moths but are soil-inhabiting pests
may migrate freely. This applies especially which typically cut off seedlings at ground
to temporary or ‘flying’ nurseries estab- level and drag them into shallow burrows in
lished close to the planting site. the soil to be eaten. The moths are active at
night and usually lay their eggs in moist,
Some of the common pest types that
recently cultivated soil or on the stems and
occur in forest nurseries, the nature of their
leaves of plants. Young cutworm caterpillars
damage and severity of impact are discussed
climb plants and either skeletonize the leaves
or eat small holes in them. Older caterpillars
may browse on foliage but commonly cut
through stems at ground level and feed on the
7.2 Main Pest Types in Forest Nurseries top growth of felled plants. Caterpillars that
are almost fully grown often remain under-
7.2.1 Armyworms ground and chew into plants at or below
ground level. A single caterpillar may cut
Armyworms are the larvae of noctuid moths through several plant stems in one night.
and are best known as pests of agricultural Agrotis ipsilon and A. segetum are cos-
crops, but they also cause occasional severe mopolitan, migrant species with a wide range
damage in forest nurseries. They derive their of host plants. They are important pests of
common name from their habit of moving in conifers in forest nurseries in several coun-
enormous numbers across grass and cereal tries, such as Bangladesh (Baksha, 1990,
crops. Moths (Plate 92) typically lay eggs on 2001), India (Jha and Sen-Sarma, 2008),
the lower surfaces of the leaves of the host. Zimbabwe (Mazodze, 1993) and China (Bi
Larvae are active at night and hide in the et al., 2008). At one nursery in southern USA
soil litter by day. They are defoliators and in 2003, cutworms destroyed over a million
can consume completely the aerial por- loblolly pine, P. taeda, seedlings (South and
tions of young plants. The most common Enebak, 2006; see Table 7.2). Surveys by Ali
genus occurring in nurseries is Spodoptera, and Chaturvedi (1996) in North Bihar, India,
which has a pan-tropical distribution. In Brazil, during 1991–1992 showed that up to 20% of
188 Chapter 7

seedlings of Albizia lebbek and Eucalyptus 7.2.4 Scarab beetles

tereticornis were damaged by A. ipsilon,
and this species also caused 10–30% mor- Scarab beetle adults, as well as their larvae
tality in eucalypt nursery stock at Qinzhou, (white grubs), are also pests in nurseries,
southern China (Pang, 2003). In Central defoliating seedlings and sometimes girdling
America, the most common and problem- stems. In southern Queensland, Brown and
atic cutworms are A. ipsilon, A. malefida, Wylie (1990) reported that swarms of the
A. repleta and A. subterranea (CATIE, 1992). African black beetle, Heteronychus arator,
caused considerable losses among P. elliottii
var. elliottii seedlings, damaging the aerial
7.2.3 White grubs parts and also burrowing in the soil and ring-
barking stems at or just below ground level.
The larvae of some species of scarab beetles The outbreak is thought to have originated,
damage trees by feeding on the roots, often in part, from fallow nursery beds sown to
ring-barking and severing the stem below Gatton panic, a cultivar of Panicum maximum,
ground level. Usually referred to as ‘white and from grassy surrounds of the nursery. In
grubs’ or ‘curl grubs’, these insects are Hong Kong, swarms of Anomala cupripes
important pests of seedlings in forest nurs- occasionally damage P. massoniana in nurs-
eries worldwide (Plate 93). They live in the eries during the summer months (Browne,
soil, feeding on organic plant matter when 1968). Thakur and Sivaramakrishnan (1991)
young and later on plant roots. They migrate reported that 70–80% of the seedlings were
through the soil profile in response to tem- defoliated overnight by cockchafer swarms
perature extremes and soil conditions, and in April–May in nurseries of E. tereticornis,
the larval stages in some species occupy up Dalbergia sissoo, Syzygium cuminii, Pelto-
to 2 years. In nursery beds, injury is usually phorum ferrugenium and Santalum album
first recognized when patches of previously in southern India.
healthy seedlings begin to exhibit drought-
like symptoms, turn a faded green to brown
colour and die. These seedlings are pulled
out of the soil easily with a gentle tug, 7.2.5 Grasshoppers and crickets
revealing damaged root systems.
There are numerous species of white These insects, together with cutworms and
grubs which cause problems in nurseries but white grubs, form the main pests of nursery
some of the most frequently recorded belong seedlings. Grasshoppers browse the foliage of
to the genera Lepidiota, Anomala, Leucopho- young plants and may break or sever twigs and
lis and Holotrichia. Baksha (1990) records stems. Crickets often sever stems at ground
heavy mortality of Hevea brasiliensis seed- level and drag the plants into their burrows
lings aged 3–5 months in nurseries of rubber for feeding. Most of the feeding by these insects
estates in Bangladesh due to a complex of occurs at night. Grasshoppers are particularly
species in the last three genera mentioned. In damaging when they occur in swarms.
Sri Lanka, damage caused by the cockchafer The variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus
grub of H. serrata in nurseries is one of the variegatus (Plate 94), which is widely distri-
main problems in raising teak plantations, buted in tropical Africa, is primarily a pest
and mortalities of up to 20% have been recor- of agricultural and agroforestry crops but
ded (Bandara, 1990). In India, Schizonycha also damages nursery seedlings in several
ruficollis damaged 14–52% of teak seedlings countries. The insects are particularly active
in nurseries in Nagpur (Kulkarni et al., 2007), during the dry months and in Ghana, for
while H. serrata, H. consanguinea, H. rustica example, there have been regular outbreaks
and H. mucida have also caused significant every year in various localities (Wagner et al.,
mortalities of seedlings of teak, A. nilotica and 2008). The young nymphs feed gregariously
Azadirachta indica (Ali and Chaturvedi, 1996; by day and roost in shrubs at night. They
Kulkarni et al., 2009). migrate slowly by walking rather than hopping
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 189

and may devour virtually any green vegeta- lingappa and Ghandi (1994), 10 out of 26
tion. In Sierra Leone, they are reported to plots (each of 500 seedlings) showed 100%
have killed seedlings of Terminalia ivoren- infestation, while the remaining 16 plots had
sis by defoliation and browsing of the bark infestations ranging from 98.6 to 99.8%.
and young twigs (Browne, 1968). In Malawi, Many of the attacked plants were defoliated
a related species, Z. elegans, is a pest of completely and their tops withered.
Gmelina arborea in nurseries, eating the The noctuid caterpillar Eligma narcis-
growing tips and other tender tissues. sus is a major pest of Ailanthus triphysa
Nymphs and adults of Letana inflata feed and A. excelsa, important matchwood spe-
voraciously on the foliage of sandalwood in cies raised on a plantation scale in Kerala,
nurseries in India. They also lay eggs in lon- India. Young caterpillars eat the chloro-
gitudinal slits in succulent sandalwood phyll tissue of leaves or the tender areas
seedling stems and the slit swells and cracks near the margin, leaving round, whitish
laterally, damaging the seedlings (Remadevi patches or holes. Older larvae eat the mar-
et al., 2005). Valanga nigricornis is a common ginal and other leaf tissues, often leaving
pest in nurseries of A. mangium in Thailand only the midribs. Seedlings die after repeated
and Indonesia (Nair, 2007). defoliation (Roonwal, 1990). According to
As discussed in Chapter 5, Brachytrupes Sivaramakrishnan and Remadevi (1996),
is an important genus of ground-dwelling almost 100% defoliation of nursery stock of
crickets occurring in Africa and Asia, and has A. triphysa occurs annually during August–
caused seedling mortalities in nurseries of October, particularly in areas of high rainfall.
up to 30%. Another important genus is In the same region, the psychid Cryptothelia
Gryllotalpa, the mole crickets, which are crameri cuts down the seedlings of Casuarina
omnivores feeding on insects and the roots equisetifolia and S. album to the level of the
of plants (Plate 95). In southern pine nurser- root collar, two to three cuttings resulting
ies in the USA, adults and older nymphs eat in the death of the seedlings. Yellow butter-
seeds, feed on roots or cut off stems of seed- flies, Eurema spp. (Plate 96) produce cater-
lings just above the soil surface. A great deal pillars that are important defoliators of
of damage can also be caused indirectly by F. moluccana and A. mangium in nurseries
the tunnelling habit of mole crickets, which in the Philippines (Braza, 1990a) and
disturbs the soil and sometimes uproots seed- Indonesia and of F. moluccana in Bangladesh
lings, causing them to dry out (Bacon and (Baksha, 2001). Phalanta phalantha, a nym-
South, 1989). In Venezuela, Gryllotalpa sp. phalid butterfly, is a major nursery pest of
caused losses of 20% of young P. caribaea poplar, Populus deltoides, in India and
seedlings in a nursery within a month of sow- Roychoudhury et al. (2001) report an inci-
ing (Vale et al., 1991), while in forest nurser- dence of 70–83% in nurseries at Jabalpur.
ies in Cuba Anurogrillus spp. are important The nettle caterpillar, Darna pallivitta, is an
pests of Tabebuia angustata (white wood), invasive moth in the Hawaiian Islands. It has
Samanea saman (raintree), Cordia gerascant- a wide host range, having been reported to
hus (cordia wood) and Cedrela odorata (cigar feed on over 45 plant species in 22 families.
box cedar) (Castilla et al., 2002). Their major economic damage comes from
defoliation of ornamental nursery stock and
they also pose a human health hazard due to
7.2.6 Defoliating caterpillars urticating hairs that can cause painful stings
and skin inflammations (Jang et al., 2009).
Species of Lepidoptera whose larvae are
defoliators of nursery plants span a wide
range of genera in many families, and a few
examples are given here. In India, the larvae 7.2.7 Leaf tiers or rollers
of Pyrausta machaeralis (Pyralidae) and
Hyblaea puera (Hyblaeidae) are major pests This type of damage is very common in nurs-
of seedlings of teak. In one study by Basa- eries and can sometimes be severe. Larvae of
190 Chapter 7

several moth groups, particularly Tortricidae pest of poplar in nurseries in India and
and Pyralidae, web together or roll leaves Pakistan (Khan and Ahmad, 1991; Sharma
as protection against predators and feed on et al., 2005). Eggs are laid in clusters on the
foliage contained within the shelter. lower surfaces of leaves and emerging lar-
In Central and West Africa, the pyralid vae feed gregariously at first, skeletonizing
moth Lamprosema lateritalis is widespread the leaf and finally consuming large pieces of
in the lowland rainforests of Nigeria, Ghana it. The adults similarly feed voraciously on
and the Ivory Coast. It is the only member of the foliage. Attacks by C. populi can result in
the genus to attack a forest tree and is the death or severe malformation of seedlings.
most serious pest of the valuable indigenous Damage evaluation studies for another
timber species Pericopsis elata (Wagner chrysomelid defoliator of Populus spp. in
et al., 2008). The first observation of the India, Nodostoma waterhousie, showed
moth in Ghana was in a forest nursery in infestation levels ranging from less than 10%
Kumasi. Eggs are laid on the upper surface to almost 60% on various species, provenan-
of leaflets and newly emerged caterpillars ces and clones grown under nursery conditions
combine to web two overlapping leaves (Singh and Singh, 1995).
together to make a nest. The caterpillars feed Weevils such as Myllocerus spp. can
gregariously and skeletonize the surfaces of also inflict heavy injury on nursery plants,
the leaves, which then wither. The larvae as has been documented for these pests on
then crawl out of the damaged leaves to the A. senegal and A. tortilis in the Thar Desert
nearest pair of suitable fresh leaves and of India (Vir and Parihar, 1993) and on
repeat the process. Pupation occurs in the D. sissoo in Bihar (Sah et al., 2007). The bee-
rolled-up, withered nests. Wagner et al. tles often appear suddenly in large swarms
(1991) estimate that caterpillars emerging and can cause spectacular defoliation,
from one healthy, normal-sized egg batch although generally they are rated as minor
would be capable of completely defoliating pests. Another common, polyphagous wee-
several 6- to 7-month-old P. elata seedlings vil in Asia which defoliates dicotyledonous
in the nursery. Seedling loss due to repeated plants in nurseries is the gold dust yellow
defoliation of P. elata by L. lateritalis was weevil, Hypomeces squamosus (Plate 97). It
estimated at 30–40% in a period of 1 year. can also occur in large numbers and devours
Larvae of the tortricid moth Strepsicrates tender young leaves from the edge inwards
spp. (Plate 24) are serious pests of Eucalyptus but on older leaves eats only the softer tis-
spp. in the tropics of the eastern hemisphere sues between the veins (Browne, 1968). The
(see Chapter 5). Their behaviour is some- Gamari weevil Alcidodes ludificator is a seri-
what similar to that of L. lateritalis, except ous pest of G. arborea in nurseries in north-
that the larva is solitary and rolls a single eastern India (Senthilkumar and Barthakur,
eucalypt leaf to form a shelter in which it 2009). In tropical and subtropical Queensland,
feeds, repeating the process when the leaf larvae of the pine bark weevil, Aesiotes nota-
withers. Damage in one Eucalyptus nurs- bilis, cause a very different type of damage
ery in Ghana exceeded 50% in some beds (Plate 98). They sometimes attack tubed
(Wagner et al., 1991) and in Sabah, Chey A. cunninghamii seedlings in nurseries, tun-
(1996) reported infestation levels of 20%. nelling in the main roots, chewing away
woody tissue as well as bark and finally
forming cocoons at or near ground level
7.2.8 Leaf beetles, weevils (Brimblecombe, 1945; Elliott et al., 1998).
and leaf-cutting ants The biology and mode of feeding of leaf-
cutting ants has been discussed in Chapter
As with the defoliating caterpillars, there are 5. In addition to the damage they cause to
many species of leaf beetles which chew the young seedlings in the field (Marsaro et al.,
foliage of nursery plants, causing growth 2004), Atta spp. are also serious pests in for-
setback, deformity or mortality. Such impacts est nurseries in South and Central America
are exemplified by Chrysomela populi, a (Aguirre-Castillo, 1978). For example, studies
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 191

carried out in Para State, Brazil, in 1985 to Spanioneura sp. caused leaf vein galls and
evaluate the damage caused by Atta sexdens Arytaina caused pouch galls on P. marsu-
to seedlings of rubber trees, Hevea spp., in pium in a nursery at Peechi, resulting in leaf
nurseries showed that 71.3% of seedlings crinkling and severe seedling stunting. Up
were attacked (Calil and Soares, 1987). In to 40% of seedlings were infested. At the
Cuba, A. insularis is a polyphagous pest of same nursery, feeding by Psylla oblonga on
forest nurseries, but the vulnerable species A. odoratissima led to epicormic shoot for-
appear to be P. caribaea, P. cubensis and mation, stunting and seedling dieback, with
P. maestrensis (Castilla et al., 2002). up to 98% of seedlings infested. Damage by
these insects caused total failure of the nurs-
ery and a continuous schedule of insecticide
7.2.9 Psyllids application was found to be necessary to pro-
tect the seedlings.
Sap-sucking psyllids can be significant pests
of nursery stock, their activities resulting
variously in stunting, distortion, wilting, tis- 7.2.10 Gall wasps
sue necrosis, loss of vigour and plant death.
In tropical Africa, two important genera
As described in Chapter 5, gall wasps most
of Psyllidae cause two very different kinds
commonly cause galls on the leaf blade,
of damage. Diclidophlebia spp. are pests of
midrib, petiole or stem of new shoots, result-
Triplochiton scleroxylon in Nigeria, Ghana
ing in deformation, stunting, premature leaf
and the Ivory Coast. Eggs are deposited
drop, dieback and sometimes death of the
either on the principal leaf veins (D. eastopi)
plant. The chalcid gall wasp Leptocybe
or the edges of young leaves (D. harrisoni)
invasa (Plates 60 and 61) attacks Eucalyptus
and hatch within 8 days. The nymphs live
spp. trees of all ages, from nursery stock to
in colonies of 10–20 individuals and pass
mature trees, but the damage is most severe
through five instar stages. Their sucking
on younger plants (Mendel et al., 2004). In
causes the periphery of the leaves to curl,
Vietnam, where the plantation industry is
roll and later turn yellow or brown. Attack
reliant on only a few clones of E. urophylla
can result in dieback, stunted growth, copi-
and E. camaldulensis, it reportedly has dev-
ous branching of the stems, defoliation and
astated nurseries (Thu et al., 2009) and has
death. Entire plots in the nursery may be
been similarly problematic in E. camaldulen-
destroyed (Wagner et al., 2008).
sis nurseries in Thailand (Dell et al., 2008)
Feeding by Phytolyma spp., on the other
and Argentina (Botto et al., 2010). Surveys
hand, results in galling of plant parts. As
carried out in various nurseries in Gujarat,
described in Chapter 5, eggs are laid on buds,
India, revealed levels of infestation of euca-
leaves and shoots of the host (Milicia spp.)
lypt seedlings by L. invasa of between 13 and
and hatch in about 8 days. The nymphs or
100%, with an average of approximately 62%
‘crawlers’ burrow into the adjacent tissues,
(Jhala et al., 2010).
breaking down the epidermal cells, causing
fermentation of the leaf parenchyma and
the formation of a gall, which encloses the
nymph. The gall eventually splits open to 7.2.11 Mealybugs, scales, aphids
release the adult. These galls disrupt the and whiteflies
plant’s translocation processes, cause tip die-
back and, in many cases, seedling mortality. Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
In Ghana, 100% failures of nursery crops are free-living insects and their bodies may
have been reported (Wagner et al., 2008). be covered with fine powder, or ‘meal’.
In India also, gall formation and stunt- The females are sap sucking but the males
ing by psyllids has been the main problem have no functioning mouthparts. Mealybugs
for Pterocarpus marsupium and A. odoratis- can attack roots, stems, leaves and fruit of
sima in nurseries in Kerala (Mathew, 2005). plants. In Queensland, the golden mealybug
192 Chapter 7

Nipaecoccus aurilanatus is a pest of 7.2.12 Mirids, lygaeids and thrips

A. cunninghamii in nurseries. It is gregari-
ous and can form dense colonies whose Sap-sucking mirid and lygaeid bugs ‘sting’
activities cause wilting and death of growing the tips of young seedlings, injecting a toxic
tips (Elliott et al., 1998). Rastrococcus icery- saliva which causes tip wilt, dieback and dis-
oides infests A. lebbek in India, weakening tortion. In Queensland, the lygaeid Nysius
and withering the seedlings and sometimes clevelandensis has contributed to a serious
causing death of plants (Pillai et al., 1991). multi-stemming problem in nursery stock
Scale insects vary greatly in appearance, of Pinus spp. (Plate 99) (Elliott et al., 1998).
although they have a similar basic life history. Lygus spp. mirids cause similar damage
The young crawlers are highly mobile and worldwide; for example, in one nursery in
seek feeding sites on the host plant. Later southern USA, approximately 50% of loblolly
instar nymphs become sedentary, building pine (P. taeda) seedlings were injured by
their protective cover or scale and feeding L. lineolaris (Dixon and Fasulo, 2009). Pine
more or less continually on leaf and stem tis- seedlings severely damaged by L. lineolaris
sue, using their long, very thin, flexible stylets usually do not survive the growing season.
to tap the plant sap. Their feeding can reduce Thrips have rasping and sucking mouth-
tree vigour and cause mortality. In a nursery in parts and feed on soft, new growth of plants
Tamil Nadu in India, seedlings of the man- in a similar way to Hemiptera, except that
grove Rhizophora mucronata were infested penetration is relatively shallow. In P. radiata
by the scale Aspidiotus destructor, causing nurseries in Chile, Thrips tabaci and
the leaves to wither and fall (Kathiresan, 1993). Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis caused needle
Five months after planting, 16% of the seed- crinkle and apical distortion, which resulted
lings were dead and another 47% infested. in production losses of 23% (Cerda, 1980). In
Height and leaf numbers were reduced by Andhra Pradesh, India, Frankliniella occi-
more than 30%. In India, three species of dentalis, commonly known as the Western
coccid (Kerria lacca, Ceroplastes actinoformis flower thrips, has been associated with little
and Inglisia bivalvata) have been reported as leaf disease of eucalypts, which is in epidemic
causing mortality of sandalwood plants in form in both the nursery and plantations
nurseries (Remadevi et al., 2005). Scale insects (Kulkarni, 2010). Both adults and nymphs
and mealybugs are serious pests on forest suck sap from the growing tips and leaves,
nursery plants such as Khaya senegalensis, resulting in greatly reduced leaves, pale narrow
Tectona grandis, G. arborea and Eucalyptus laminae, stunting, distortion, wilting of foliage
spp. in Ghana (Wagner et al., 2008). and leaf drop. A mycoplasma-like organism
The biology and importance to forestry is believed to be transmitted by the thrips,
of conifer aphids such as Cinara and Pineus causing little leaf symptoms.
(an adelgid) are discussed in Chapter 5.
Species in both these genera are pests of
nursery plants, and indeed their accidental
introduction into several countries is believed 7.2.13 Shoot and stem borers
to have been via infested nursery stock.
Whiteflies are common nursery pests world- The poplar shoot borer Eucosma glaciata
wide, their feeding causing leaf chlorosis, is one of the most destructive pests of
leaf shedding and reduced growth rate of the young poplars in nurseries in the Western
plant. The honeydew produced by nymphs Himalayas of India (Sharma et al., 2005).
leads to mould development on leaves and Larvae of this eucosmid moth tunnel in the
affects photosynthesis adversely. In India, tender apical shoots of the plants, causing
the spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus disper- shoot death and forking. Hypsipyla spp.
sus, and the babul whitefly, Acaudaleyrodes shoot borers severely damage nursery stock,
rachipora, are highly polyphagous, attacking as well as plantation trees of many high-
important tree species both in nurseries and value Meliaceae (Swietenia, Cedrela, Khaya,
plantations (Sundararaj and Dubey, 2005). Toona, Chukrasia) throughout the tropics
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 193

(see Chapter 5). Stem-boring scolytinae bee- insect pest problems of A. lebbek in nurser-
tles have also been reported to cause con- ies in south India. The seedlings are initially
siderable seedling mortality in nurseries in subjected to sporadic attack by T. flavus,
several countries; for example, Hypothenemus which lacerate the tender leaves, causing
dimorphus on A. auriculiformis and Xylo- them to wrinkle. As the seedlings put forth
sandrus crassiusculus on A. mangium in more leaves, the psyllids P. hyalina and
Malaysia (Nair, 2007; Varma and Swaran, Acizzia indica and the aphid Aphis sp. nr
2009), Xyleborus fornicatus on G. arborea craccivora invade and commence feeding
in India (Mathew, 2005) and H. birmanus on the fresh shoots and buds, causing fur-
on S. macrophylla in Samoa and Fiji. In ther curling and crinkling of leaflets. The
Sri Lanka, attack by the black twig borer mealybugs R. iceryoides and Ferrisia virgata
X. compactus on seedlings of S. macrophylla then make their appearance as whitish
and K. senegalensis has resulted in the com- encrustations on stems and leaves, and their
plete failure of some nurseries (Mannakkara feeding causes yellowing and withering of
and Alawathugoda, 2005). the seedlings. Copious ‘honeydew’ is pro-
duced by the sap-sucking insects, on which
sooty mould grows, blackening the plants
7.2.14 Termites
and reducing photosynthetic ability. This
combined insect attack results in dwarfed or
Termite damage is common in forest nurs- stunted seedlings with disfigured and dis-
eries in several countries, particularly coloured foliage bunched at the top, and may
those in drier regions of Africa and India. lead to death of the plants. The extent of the
They damage the root system below ground infestation in south India nurseries ranged
level by hollowing out or ring-barking the from 30 to 100%.
taproot, leading ultimately to the death of
the seedling. In Ethiopia, Macrotermes
subhyalinus, Pseudacanthotermes milita-
ris and Odontotermes spp. cut the stem
7.3 Factors Predisposing
of nursery seedlings at ground level and Insect Attack – Immediate
Microtermes damages the root system and Subsequent Problems
(Cowie and Wood, 1989). In south India,
termite damage has sometimes resulted in As indicated in the introduction, nurseries
total loss and abandonment of nurseries are a high-value crop and a critical stage
(Thakur and Sen-Sarma, 2008), the main in production. Most planting programmes
species responsible being Microcerotermes require trees of the right species, ready at the
minor, Odontotermes spp. and Microtermes right time, of the right size and sturdiness
obesi. Important fodder and fuelwood tree and produced in sufficient numbers (Evans
species are attacked; Thakur (1992) records and Turnbull, 2004). Insect damage in the
80% mortality of Casuarina seedlings and nursery can interfere with the achievement
10–30% mortality of A. nilotica. In forest of these goals. Inappropriate nursery prac-
nurseries in drier areas of Bangladesh, losses tices can predispose plants to insect attack,
due to species of Macrotermes, Odontoter- both in the seedling stage and later in the
mes and Microtermes can be substantial plantation cycle.
(Baksha, 1998).

7.3.1 Root curling or binding

7.2.15 Pest complexes
The use of individual, impervious containers
Quite often, observed pest impacts in nurs- for plants is common in the tropics, and these
eries may be due to a combination of insect include black polythene bags, metal tubes,
species. A good example is provided by bamboo pots and tubes, veneer sleeves and
Pillai et al. (1991) in their discussion of tarred paper (Plate 100). Such containers
194 Chapter 7

generally are removed or slit at planting. Production of healthy seedlings depends

Failure to do so results in root distortion, on an adequate supply of plant nutrients and
instability, stress and likely insect attack it may be necessary to add an appropriate fer-
(Plate 101). The same thing can happen if tilizer. This is not always a simple matter in
seedlings are left too long in these containers many tropical countries where fertilizers are
in a nursery. Their roots begin to coil and imported and there may be cost and adminis-
this habit continues even after the tree is trative difficulties. While local manures are
removed from the container and planted. often used in these situations, they are not
Twisted and spiralled roots retard plant always beneficial and, in one study cited by
growth and promote strangulation and tree Evans (1992), growth of P. caribaea var. hon-
death (Ferreira, 1993). durensis was actually depressed by any
Poor handling during pricking out can mixture containing cow dung.
also result in root damage and later prob- Exotic pines grow very poorly if not
lems. A good example is provided by Speight inoculated with suitable mycorrhizal fungi,
(1996, 1997) in regard to patch dieback of since without them the roots are inefficient
8-year-old A. mangium in Sabah, Malaysia. in nutrient uptake. Seedlings grow slowly
These trees, which should have been grow- and have chloritic, sparse foliage. Nitrogen-
ing vigorously at that age, were infested fixing and leguminous species may require
heavily by the larvae of two types of bark- inoculation with specific fungi such as
and wood-boring beetles, a cerambycid Rhizobium or Frankia.
Xystrocera festiva and an unknown buprestid,
which girdled the stems. These are typically
secondary pests which almost invariably 7.3.3 Unsuitable watering and shade
only attack stressed trees. Excavation of the regimes and poor quality water
roots of dead and infested trees showed that
they had deformed and twisted root systems
Too much water as well as too little can
with no true taproot (Plate 102). Examination
stress and kill plants. In addition, the water
of tubed A. mangium seedlings in local nurs-
needs to be of good quality, not alkaline or
eries showed that up to 75% had root sys-
of high salinity, and free of pathogens.
tems which were severely curled or coiled,
Shading is related to watering since lower
resulting from mishandling during pricking
plant and soil temperatures reduce eva-
out by piecework labourers.
potranspiration stress (Evans and Turnbull,
2004). Too much shade may cause problems
7.3.2 Poor soil mix for potting for seedlings when planted out in that they
and inadequate nutrients are not sun-hardened and sunscald may
result. Shading may affect insect behaviour
as, for example, in ornamental plant nurser-
The best soil to use will depend on the spe-
ies in Louisiana, USA, where too much
cies and what is available, but in general,
shade was found to favour feeding activity
a pH of 5.5–7.0 and a sandy loam texture
and damage by the chrysomelid beetle
are desirable. Evans and Turnbull (2004)
Rhabdopterus picipes (Oliver and Chapin,
provide examples of suitable soil mixtures
1980). In some nurseries, shelter is also nec-
to fill containers. Unfortunately, in many
essary to protect seedlings against desiccat-
tropical countries there is poor knowledge
ing wind, sandstorm or hail.
about soils and the requirements of differ-
ent plant species. Containers are some-
times filled with clayey subsoil, which
bakes hard and has poor water drainage, or 7.3.4 Transplant stress
with very acidic or alkaline soil in which
certain plant nutrients and trace elements Plants require conditioning before leaving
are either leached or become insoluble the nursery in order to minimize stress at
(Pancel, 1993). planting out. Seedlings need a balanced
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 195

root:shoot ratio, need to be able to support 1970s, Pinus spp. seedlings were raised in
themselves and should be hardened off. If an open-root planting system. Crop rotation
root growth is not controlled properly, this was practised, and at any one time, two-
can result in seedlings with a few, long, ten- thirds of the nursery was fallow and planted
uous roots which are very unsatisfactory with a cultivar of Panicum maximum. The
for planting out and have poor prospects aim was to reduce build-up of Phytophthora
for survival. In California, USA, attack of root rot and aid development of good soil
poplars and willows by the sesiid moth structure. In 1978, swarms of the scarab
Parantbrene robiniae was particularly asso- beetle H. arator attacked beds of P. elliottii
ciated with trees under stress from recent var. elliottii, damaging aerial parts and ring-
transplanting (Kaya and Lindegren, 1983). barking stems at or just below ground level
(Brown and Wylie, 1990). The outbreak is
thought to have originated in part from the
7.3.5 Damage by nursery chemicals fallow crop and surrounding grassed areas.
Another example of how good practice
can sometimes result in a poor outcome is
A wide range of chemicals is used in forest
from North Carolina in the USA. During a
nurseries for a variety of purposes, all aimed
hot, dry period, large numbers of the grasshop-
at producing healthy, abundant stock for
pers Melanoplus bivittatus, M. femurrubrum
large-scale tree-planting programmes at the
(which normally feed on forbs and grasses)
lowest unit cost. Such chemicals include
and Schistocerca americana (normally
fumigants for soil sterilization, herbicides,
feeding on weeds and broadleaf bushes
fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers, soil sta-
and trees) fed on P. taeda seedlings at night
bilizers and antitranspirants. Many of these
in a newly planted seed orchard. Up to
chemicals can damage plants if used injudi-
52 grasshoppers per branch were recorded,
ciously, and some plants are more sensitive
and these acridids fed mainly on the branch
than others to certain chemicals. For exam-
tips of plants more than 30 cm in height.
ple, in Tanzania, fungicides used to control
The attack was attributed to high tempera-
damping-off in nurseries caused some tox-
tures, which encouraged the grasshoppers to
icity to P. caribaea seedlings’ pre-emergence,
feed at night on their roosting trees, and
but P. khasya was less affected (Hocking
to the mowing of the grass and weeds (their
and Jaffer, 1969). Combining pesticides and
normal food plants) beneath the trees
growth regulators may cause phytotoxic
(Feaver, 1985).
reactions in plants, such as yellowing and
leaf drop (McConnell and Short, 1987). In
Zimbabwe, nursery treatment of E. camald-
ulensis transplants with 10% carbosulfan 7.4 Management of Nursery Pests
to protect them against attack in the field
by M. natalensis resulted in phytotoxicity 7.4.1 Physical/mechanical control
and growth check, but field-treated plants
were not similarly affected (Mazodze, 1992).
Control of pests by physical or mechanical
Another source of accidental chemical dam-
methods (handpicking, barriers) can be sim-
age to plants in the nursery is the use of the
ple, effective and environmentally friendly.
same piece of equipment for spraying insec-
Handpicking is generally employed only in
ticides as that used for spraying herbicides.
countries where labour is relatively cheap.
In north-eastern India, control of the Gamari
weevil A. ludificator, a pest of G. arborea in
7.3.6 Silvicultural side effects nurseries, is achieved by handpicking the lar-
vae and dropping them into a tin full of water
Even sound silvicultural practices can have containing a little kerosene (Senthilkumar
unexpected side effects. At Toolara in sub- and Barthakur, 2009). A similar technique is
tropical Queensland, Australia, in the late employed for larvae of E. narcissus, a noctuid
196 Chapter 7

defoliator of A. excelsa in southern India. to protect seedlings of Pinus spp. and

Pupal clusters of this insect are also Alnus nepalensis against a variety of pests,
scraped off the stems and killed by crush- including grasshoppers and crickets, reduc-
ing (Roonwal, 1990). In Ghana, P. elata ing damage in some nurseries by more than
seedlings in the nursery are vulnerable to 50% (Sharpe, 1983).
attack by the leaf-tying moth L. lateritalis Light trapping is a useful monitoring
(Wagner et al., 2008). Because over 80% of L. tool for forecasting pest outbreaks in nurser-
lateritalis eggs are laid on the upper surfaces ies, but occasionally it is also used for pest
of leaves, and the eggs may be recognized management. For example, in Papua New
easily by any unskilled labourer, it has been Guinea, light traps have been used to attract
recommended that they be removed from noctuid moths away from the nursery crop
seedlings during normal morning water- with the intent of reducing oviposition on
ings. Using this mechanical method of con- the plants. Ahmad et al. (1996) recommend
trol, mortality of nursery seedlings due to the use of light traps to capture winged ter-
this insect can be reduced from 30–40% to mites and beetles during their emergence.
5% or less in a year.
In Bangladesh and India, nursery beds
are sometimes flooded with water to force 7.4.2 Biological control and biopesticides
cutworms and crickets to come out of their
tunnels, and the insects are then killed man- While there are numerous examples of the
ually (Baksha, 1990; Sharma et al., 2005). occurrence in nurseries of natural enemies
Cutworm larvae attacking E. grandis seed- of pest insects, examples of the deliberate
lings in a nursery in Brazil were collected release of such agents into a nursery situa-
manually, and this reduced the numbers of tion in the tropics are much fewer. This is
seedlings damaged by about 92% (Anjos changing in line with a general trend in pest
et al., 1981). Ahmad et al. (1996) suggest control towards integrated pest management
that crawling grub populations can be and away from a reliance on chemical pesti-
trapped successfully by sinking narrow-neck cides. Predatory ladybird beetles are one of
earthen pots half-filled with kerosenized the agents most commonly employed. In
water. In India, fresh neem twigs with leaves Queensland, Australia, the ladybird beetle
are used to attract adults of white grubs, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, an effective
which can be collected and killed in order to predator of a range of sap-sucking Coccoidea,
reduce the population (Jha and Sen-Sarma, has been collected in the field and released
2008). For sap-sucking insects such as scales into hoop pine A. cunninghamii nurseries to
and mealybugs, infested branchlets can be control infestations of the golden mealybug,
pruned off and burned. N. aurilanatus. Currently, a range of general-
In several African countries, when ist natural enemies of pests of agricultural
planting-out on termite-infested sites, the importance, including C. montrouzieri, is
plastic container bags are slit but left in reared commercially in Queensland and can
place around the seedlings as a protective be purchased for use in forest nurseries
barrier and the seedlings are shallow- when required. Similarly in the USA, there
planted with part of the container above is a thriving industry rearing a variety of
ground. However, without insecticide treat- insect predators and parasitoids for the bio-
ment of the potting soil this would provide logical control of hemipteran, coleopteran
virtually no barrier to termites, especially as and lepidopteran pests (Warner and Getz,
the bags have been slit to allow root growth 2008) (see also Chapter 8).
(Cowie et al., 1989). Physical barriers sunk Also more common recently has been
deep in the soil have sometimes been used the use of entomopathogenic fungi such as
around nursery beds to prevent entry of Beauveria and Metarhyzium, and the bac-
white grubs and termites (Beeson, 1941). In terium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). In India,
Nepal, simple wooden screens and mos- B. brongniartii has been used for the man-
quito-proof window mesh have been used agement of the scarab beetle H. serrata
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 197

infesting H. brasiliensis seedlings in nurser- The presence of weeds in and around

ies. The pathogen had been shown to spread nurseries is a commonly attributed source
from infected to healthy beetles during of pest problems. For example, Dixon and
mating. Nehru et al. (1991) reported that Fasulo (2009) recommend the removal of
the release of contaminated adults in the preferred host plants of the tarnished plant
nursery was effective for suppressing num- bug, L. lineolaris, from edges of loblolly pine
bers of the scarab. Various formulations of nurseries in the southern USA and destruc-
B. thuringiensis have been used in the con- tion of favourable overwintering sites to
trol of nursery pests, for example, Baksha (2007) reduce the damage caused by this pest. In
recommends foliar applications of Bt wet- Nigeria, Akanbi (1971) reports that nectar in
table powder to control the pyralid defolia- the flower of the weed Tridax procumbens is
tors Arthroschista hilaralis and Margaronia important in sustaining adults of the nym-
sp. in nurseries in Bangladesh. Parasitic phalid butterfly P. phalantha, a defoliator of
nematodes have also been used to control poplar seedlings in the nursery and field,
nursery pests such as white grubs, weevils, and recommends avoiding sites where the
leaf miners and thrips, with mixed success weed is predominant or clearing these weeds.
(Georgis et al., 2006). Generally, biologicals Some windbreak and ornamental tree spe-
have captured only a limited share of the cies are alternate hosts, or harbour insects,
pesticide market, mainly because of the and should not be used around nurseries.
higher production cost compared to standard White grubs can also be controlled by
insecticides, low efficacy under unfavoura- cultural methods such as the preparation of
ble conditions, short shelf-life, short field nursery beds before, and non-disturbance of
persistence and narrow spectrum of activity the soil during, the flight period of the adult
(Georgis et al., 2006; South and Enebak, 2006). beetles, mechanical removal of grubs during
In addition, some strains may work well in bed preparation and sieving of manure
one nursery in one year but not in another year before its incorporation into the soil (Sen-
or nursery. Sarma, 1987). Elevation of nursery stock,
for example in container trays, is another
way of preventing damage by soil-dwelling
pests (Plate 103). Varma and Swaran (2009)
7.4.3 Silvicultural control reported fewer pest problems in root-trainer
raised nurseries than in conventional forest
As outlined in Section 7.3, cultural prac- nurseries in Kerala, India. The shift in pot-
tices have a major influence on pest attack ting medium from soil to inert materials like
in forest nurseries and can be manipulated vermiculite and the placement of root-trainer
to prevent or minimize damage. In the blocks on stands helped to prevent damage
case of the cranberry rootworm Rhadopterus by white grubs and termites. Wardell (1990)
picipes, a chrysomelid pest of ornamental recommends the planting of extra seedlings
tree species in Louisiana nurseries, the to allow for termite losses, both in the nurs-
timing and manipulation of non-chemical ery and after planting out, and avoiding the
nursery practices were adjusted to minimize use of banana fibre in making pots for seed-
adult feeding injury. The plants in their con- lings. He also recommends the provision
tainers were usually located under tree can- of alternative sources of food (plant debris,
opies to protect them during hot and cold mulch) to attract termites away from the
weather. It was found that R. picipes, a noc- plants, although there are conflicting views
turnal species which hides in litter near its about this (Cowie et al., 1989).
hosts during the day, prefers relatively dense
shade and ground cover where moist condi-
tions prevail. Reducing the amount of shade 7.4.4 Folk medicine
and removing litter from the containers and
nursery areas reduced feeding activity signi- For ordinary villagers or subsistence farmers,
ficantly (Oliver and Chapin, 1980). chemical pesticides are not always necessary
198 Chapter 7

or suitable for use. They may pose health or can be contained. The main types of insecti-
environmental hazards, are expensive to cides employed are stomach poisons (usu-
buy, difficult to obtain and are not always ally ingested as baits), contact pesticides
available where and when they are needed. that penetrate the body wall to cause death
A variety of common compounds, some and fumigants, the vapours of which enter
with insecticidal properties and others with the pest’s body via the spiracles. The major
repellent effects, have been used to prevent groups of insecticides and mode of action
or control insect attack in nurseries. For are listed in Table 7.1 and examples of their
example, soapy water is often used against use in nursery pest management are discussed
scale insects and mealybugs, the soap dis- below, together with some approximate costs
solving the waxy covering on these insects (Table 7.2).
and exposing them to desiccation and pre-
dation. In China, green grass that has been
sprinkled with sugar or vinegar is laid on Botanicals
the ground in nursery beds and this attracts
cutworms, which are then collected and These are among the earliest insecticides,
killed (Wylie and Brown, 1992). Repellent their use in agriculture dating back at least
plants are said to bestow protection on nearby two millennia in ancient China, Egypt,
crops up to a distance of 1 m (Goeltenboth, Greece and India (Isman, 2006). They are
1990) and marigolds are sometimes planted sometimes referred to as the ‘natural insec-
in and around nurseries for this purpose. ticides’ because they are derived from plants.
A perimeter of wood ash scattered around More than 200 plant species belonging to
the base of plants or seedling beds report- different families and genera have been
edly will block walking and crawling reported to contain toxic principles which
insects, and other compounds that can be are effective against insects (Meshram,
used as barriers include lime, bonemeal, 2010). Chrysanthemum flowers when dried
powdered charcoal or any vegetable dust. and crushed into a dust or powder were
Wood ash may also be mixed into nursery found to have insecticidal properties and
beds or applied as a layer below polythene have been used for pest management for
planting tubes to protect seedlings from more than two centuries (Casida and
termite attack (Logan et al., 1990). Natural Quistad, 1998). These pyrethrins are noted
sprays made from garlic and pepper are for their rapid knockdown action and are
powerful insect repellents. A combination usually used in combination with syner-
of soap, water, mashed garlic bulbs and red gists such as piperonyl butoxide. Another
pepper will cause caterpillars to fall to the botanical insecticide once commonly
ground, and stinging nettle tea is useful used in nurseries is nicotine sulfate. In
against aphids (Goeltenboth, 1990). In the Queensland, Australia, a spray of nicotine
traditional homestead agroforestry systems sulfate with soap and water was used in the
in Bangladesh, herbal pesticides such as 1960s and 1970s to control golden mealy-
extracts of neem leaves and cow urine are bug on hoop pine seedlings (see Chapter 5).
used for the control of nursery pests The alkaline properties of the soap were
(Shafiqul-Islam, 2011). essential for activating the active ingredient
in the spray (Queensland Department of
Forestry, 1963). Extracts from neem seeds
or leaves are often used as an alternative
7.4.5 Chemicals to more persistent and toxic chemicals
(Durairaj and Muthazhagu, 2009). They
As indicated in the introduction to this have a strong antifeedant and repellent
chapter, chemical pesticides have been effect as well as moderate insect toxicity.
widely used in nurseries because the eco- Neem oil has been used in F. moluccana
nomics are easily justifiable and the envi- nurseries in the Philippines against the
ronmental side effects over such small areas yellow butterfly, E. blanda, (Braza, 1992).
Table 7.1. Insecticide groups, mode of action and approximate date of introduction (after Devine and Furlong, 2007, with permission Springer-Verlag).

Primary site and mode of action Insecticide type Common examples First use*

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Carbamates Aldicarb, Bendiocarb, Carbaryl, Carbofuran, Carbosulfan, 1956

Nerve action Methiocarb, Methomyl, Pirimicarb, Propoxur, 1969
Organophosphates Acephate, Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Dimethoate, Finitrothion, 1950
Fenthion, Malathion, Methamidophos, 1946
Monocrotophos, Parathion, Pirimiphos, Profenofos,

Management Systems II: Nursery Stage

GABA-gated chloride channel antagonists Cyclodiene Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endosulfan, Endrin, gamma-HCH 1945
Nerve action organochlorines (Lindane), Heptachlor
Phenylpyrazoles (fiproles) Fipronil 1993
Sodium channel modulators Organochlorine DDT 1943
Nerve action Pyrethroids Allethrin, Bifenthrin, Cylfluthrin, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, 1952
Fenvalerate, Permethrin, Resmethrin 1977
Pyrethrins Pyrethrins (pyrethrum) 1850s
Nicotine acetylcholine receptor agonists/ Neonicotinoids Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Nitenpyram, Thiacloprid, 1991
antagonists Thiamethoxam
Nerve action Nicotine Nicotine 1930s
Spinosyns Spinosad 1996
Chloride channel activators Avermectin Abamectin, Emamectin benzoate 1985
Nerve action
Juvenile hormone mimics and analogues Juvenile hormone Hydroprene, Kinoprene, Methoprene, Fenoxycarb, 1985
Growth regulation analogues Pyriproxyfen
and mimics
Selective feeding blockers Cryolite Cryolite 1929
Nerve action Pymetrozine Pymetrozine 1999
Non-specific, multi-site inhibitors Alkyl halides Methyl bromide and other alkyl halides 1932
Sulfuryl fluoride Sulfuryl fluoride 1959
Microbial disruptors of insect midgut Bacillus species Bacillus thuringiensis and subspecies (aizawai, israelensis, 1961
membranes kurstaki, sphaericus, tenebrionis)

Table 7.1. Continued.

Primary site and mode of action Insecticide type Common examples First use*

Inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation Diafenthiuron Diafenthiuron 1997

Energy metabolism Chlorfenapyr Chlorfenapyr 1985
Inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis Benzolureas Novaluron, Diflubenzuron, Triflumuron 1983

Chapter 7
Growth regulation Buprofezin Buprofezin 1988
Ecdysone agonists and moulting disruptors Diacylhydrazines Halofenozide, Tubufenozide 1999
Growth regulation Azadirachtin Azadirachtin 1985
Mitochondrial complex electron transport Hydramethylnon Hydramethylnon 1980
Energy metabolism Rotenone Rotenone (Derris) 1850s
Voltage-dependent sodium channel blockers Indoxacarb Indoxacarb 2000
Nerve action

Note: *Dates refer to the insecticide example given in bold and are the reported dates of first registration or use.
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 201

Table 7.2. Some approximate costs of pest management in loblolly pine and slash pine nurseries
(from South and Enebak, 2006, with permission Springer-Verlag).

Pest group US$/thousand seedlings US$/hectare Total production cost (%)

Abiotic 0.38 500 1.0

Fungi 0.13 175 0.4
Birds and mice 0.15 200 0.4
Annual weeds 0.14 190 0.4
Insects 0.19 250 0.5
Nematodes 1.39* 3700 4.0
Total 2.38 5015 6.7

Note: *Assumes two seedling crops per fumigation with methyl bromide/chlorpicrin.

Logan et al. (1990) list several plant extracts Chlorinated hydrocarbons

that are reported to be toxic or repellent to
termites and which are added to tree nurs- The discovery of the insecticidal properties
ery irrigation systems in Malawi, India and of DDT in 1939 revolutionized insecticide
Zimbabwe. In India, a dye extracted from development and signalled a trend away
the bark of Persea macrantha and dissolved from inorganic and botanical insecticides
in ethanol and teepol was found to be very towards synthetic organic compounds.
effective against whiteflies in nurseries, Until fairly recently, chlorinated hydrocar-
although the individual effect of the ethanol bons dominated the pesticide market, being
and teepol was not assessed (Sundararaj very effective contact and stomach poisons.
and Dubey, 2005). They affect larvae, nymphs, adults and
sometimes pupae and eggs. Their persist-
ence in the soil made them particularly use-
Inorganics ful in controlling soil-dwelling insects in
the nursery such as white grubs, mole crick-
Inorganic or mineral insecticides have a
ets and termites. They were usually applied
long history of use, the Greek writer Homer
as soil drenches or incorporated with the
recommending the use of ‘pest-averting’
potting mix. Commonly used compounds
sulfur about 3000 years ago. They still
included benzene hexachloride, lindane,
have some applications today. They gener-
dieldrin, aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor and
ally kill slowly, a feature which makes
endrin. It is the very persistence of these
them useful in bait formulations. At the
chemicals as residues in soil, animals and
rates they are used in commercial baits,
plant tissues, and their accumulation in
these toxicants are not perceived by the
food chains, that has led to their phasing-
target pests, so repellency or bait shyness
out worldwide. Methyl bromide, a fumigant
generally will not occur (Bennett et al.,
also used to control soil-dwelling insects in
1997). They often have a long residual
nurseries, is now being replaced due to its
action in field situations. Common inor-
ozone-depleting properties.
ganics are the arsenicals and boric acid.
A recommended treatment for white grubs
in hoop pine nurseries in Queensland Organophosphates
was to mix lead arsenate with sawdust,
spread it over the nursery bed and dig it in The organophosphates were the first insec-
just prior to sowing. Lead arsenate was ticides to replace, in some uses, the chlorin-
also used in a bait with molasses and bran ated hydrocarbons and were developed in
to control grasshoppers and cutworms the early 1950s. Their primary mode of
(Queensland Department of Forestry, 1963). action involves the inhibition of the enzyme
202 Chapter 7

cholinesterase in the nervous system, dis- and cutworms in Brazil. Cyfluthrin and
rupting transmission of nerve impulses and permethrin have been used to control sap-
leading to muscle spasm and death. They sucking insects such as aphids and adelgids,
have contact, ingestion and fumigant action and bifenthrin is used in some forest nurser-
and, in contrast to the organochlorines, ies as a soil drench or in potting mix against
include several excellent systemic insecti- termites and weevils.
cides such as dimethoate and acephate,
which have been widely used in nursery Novel neurotoxicants
and field applications. These products are
absorbed by roots and foliage and are trans- Neuroactive compounds have been the
located in plants to kill chewing and sucking dominant insecticides since the 1950s but
insects. Chlorpyrifos has replaced the orga- resistance problems with the first genera-
nochlorines as the principal soil insecticide tion of these insecticides prompted the
in nurseries. Malathion is also commonly search for new neurotoxicants acting at dif-
used against grasshoppers and leafhoppers ferent sites to circumvent cross resistance
and as a seed dressing to promote good ger- (Casida and Quistad, 1998). Among the most
mination. Most organophosphates break effective of these new products are the
down quickly in the environment and are contact miticide and insecticide abamectin
not stored for long periods in the bodies of (produced microbially) and the synthetic
non-target organisms, therefore posing less nicotinoids such as imidacloprid, which
risk of contamination or bioaccumulation acts at the same site in insects as nicotine
than the chlorinated hydrocarbons. but with much higher effectiveness and
safety. Spinosad, a product produced dur-
ing the fermentation of the soil actinomyc-
Carbamates ete, Sacharopolyspora spinosa, stimulates
The first carbamates were developed in the the central nervous system of the insect per-
late 1950s and through the early 1960s, and sistently through interaction with the nico-
while being cholinesterase inhibitors, gener- tine acetylcholine receptors. It is particularly
ally have lower mammalian toxicity than active against lepidopteran, dipteran and
most organophosphates. Among the best thysanopteran pests (Pineda et al., 2006).
known of these compounds is carbaryl, a Indoxacarb, first used in 2000, interferes
broad-spectrum insecticide with both contact with sodium channels in the nerve mem-
and systemic activity, which is particularly brane by disrupting ion transfer and the
effective against beetle defoliators. Granular transmission of impulses between nerve
formulations of carbosulfan have been incor- cells. It is very effective against lepidop-
porated into potting mix in nurseries for the teran larvae but allows most predators
control of soil-dwelling pests such as subter- and immature wasp parasites which attack
ranean termites. these caterpillars to survive (Devine and
Furlong, 2007).
Synthetic pyrethroids
Insect growth regulators
Many different pyrethrin-like materials
have now been produced synthetically The insect growth regulators (IGRs) were at
(pyrethroids) and generally have an impro- one time considered to be the third genera-
ved action when compared to natural tion of insecticides (after inorganics and
pyrethrins in terms of better knockdown synthetic organics), with great potential for
or longer persistence. Compounds such as curtailing agricultural pesticide use (Castida
cypermethrin and deltamethrin, developed and Quistad, 1998). They compete, mimic
in the 1970s, have been used against a wide or interfere with the juvenile hormones
range of pests in forest nurseries throughout essential for insect development (Devine
the tropics, for example to control weevil and Furlong, 2007). Pyriproxyfen, which was
defoliators in nurseries in southern China developed in the late 1980s, is a juvenile
Management Systems II: Nursery Stage 203

hormone analogue that inhibits egg pro- formation in seedlings. It is suggested that
duction and metamorphosis and primarily is these chemicals, in preventing water loss
active against sucking insects. Other exam- from the seedlings, create an unsuitable
ples are methoprene and fenoxycarb. Despite oxygen–water balance for the development
outstanding potency and apparent safety for of the eggs and nymphs of Phytolyma. Dosage
mammals, these compounds are still limited is critical, and higher concentrations of these
in their application by slow action and a nar- antitranspirants kill seedlings.
row range of sensitive stages in the life cycle.

7.4.6 Conclusion
As the name suggests, these chemicals are
applied to plants for the purpose of retard- Given that pesticide usage in nurseries can
ing transpiration. In southern forest nur- be justified economically and its side effects
series in the USA, they are used on pine generally minimized, the environmental
seedbeds and appear to increase survival, debate nevertheless has had considerable
especially when the plants are under stress impact on just what chemicals are employed
(South and Zwolinski, 1996). Antitranspirants and in what manner. Ideally, the pesticide
have a number of side effects unrelated to should act rapidly on pests yet be completely
the reduction of transpiration. They have harmless to non-target organisms, should not
been used to reduce smog damage and also be unduly persistent and should be cheap
to lower the incidence of certain fungal dis- and readily available. As outlined here, pes-
eases and insect infestations. As described ticide technology is advancing rapidly and is
in Chapter 5, gall-making Phytolyma spp. producing safer and better-targeted insectici-
psyllids are serious pests of Milicia spp. in des. An increasing percentage of treatments
West Africa, particularly in nurseries (Wagner are now made with the newer compounds
et al., 2008). Systemic insecticides have been such as abamectin, IGRs, imidacloprid and
used in attempts to reduce the incidence of indoxacarb, which are termed ‘reduced risk’
attack, but to no avail. However, in Nigeria, insecticides (Devine and Furlong, 2007).
Agboola (1990) found that certain concen- Pesticide usage in the plantation situation is
trations of antitranspirants prevented gall discussed in the next chapter.
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage

8.1 Introduction From the very first to the last stage of forest
operations, various silvicultural or tree-
Once the trees have been reared in the husbandry techniques can be utilized to
nursery, they must be planted out into the reduce or even prevent pest problems. On
afforestation site, where some of them at least the contrary, the same techniques, if carried
will remain until harvest, maybe decades out differently, can improve conditions for
later. During this long period, insect pest insects and make outbreaks worse, or at least
management can take several forms, which more likely. We shall examine the different
may be integrated into a package of tactics stages in forest management and describe,
to reduce pest numbers. In this chapter, where appropriate, how varying tactics can
we examine the three main types of tactic influence insect pests.
employed during the plantation stage –
silvicultural (or ecological) control, biologi-
cal control and chemical control. A vital 8.2.1 Planting tactics – monocultures
component of the successful management versus polycultures
of insect pests in tropical forests concerns
forest health surveillance and monitoring, One of the most basic arguments in planta-
as well as careful inspection and quarantine tion forestry concerns the dogma which
measures. For clarity, these tactics are dis- states that trees planted in monocultures
cussed in Chapter 9, but it is important to (single species of trees) are more likely to
understand that all these components need suffer from pest problems than those grow-
consideration and the most appropriate should ing in polycultures (mixed species of trees).
be used in conjunction. Such a combination First of all, it is important to set up some
of tactics is integrated pest management (IPM), definitions. Strictly speaking, a stand of
the topic of Chapter 10. trees wherein each individual is the same
species as every other one is known as mon-
ospecific; a monoculture, in fact, is a sce-
8.2 Silviculture and Pest Management nario where there occurs a succession of
one pure stand by another of the same spe-
Throughout this book, we emphasize the cies (Wormald, 1992). However, if we use a
crucial importance of prevention as the key much looser definition of ‘monoculture’,
to IPM in tropical forests (see Speight, 1997). one which refers to domination of a forest

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
204 (F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight)
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 205

by a single species of tree, then it is clear their performance overall in the mixed
that natural monocultures are common stand and helping to protect suitable trees
enough phenomena, especially in temper- by virtue of their being hard to find – they
ate regions where many climax woodlands are, in fact, hiding among unsuitable spe-
could be said to be approaching monocul- cies or genotypes.
tures. The ecosystem, while single species Conclusive evidence of monocultures
dominated, still contains a wealth of plant, per se promoting pest outbreaks, and mixed
animal and microbe biodiversity and, cultures reducing them, has been elusive
indeed, a mixed age structure and genetic considering the universality of the dogma.
base of the dominant trees. Plantation Some opposing tropical examples will
monocultures, especially those which we illustrate the problem.
term ‘industrial’, are much more extreme, In Fig. 8.1, it can be seen that there is no
where floral and faunal biodiversity is often significant difference between the number
much reduced, where the stand is even- of defoliating moth larvae, the number of
aged (probably having been planted on the dipteran galls, nor for that matter the
same day with the same-aged transplants), number of fungal spots, on the leaves of the
with reduced (or in the case of clonal plant- tropical tree, Stryphnodendron microstach-
ings, absent) genetic diversity, and where yum, planted in monocultures or, alterna-
only a few provenances are utilized. tively, mixed in with five other species of
The fundamental principle behind the tropical broad-leaved tree (Folgarait et al.,
potential for pest outbreaks in monocul- 1995). In this instance from Costa Rica, the
tures concerns the provision of food, breed- monoculture seemed to be no more suscep-
ing sites and so on, for those insect species tible to pests than a mixed planting.
which in the main are host-plant special- A different example comes from the
ists. If, by lucky chance for the insects, a mangrove forests of Bangladesh, where the
particular tree species or genotype is highly commercial but indigenous tree Sonneratia
suitable and the whole forest is planted apetala (locally known as keora) can be
with just that tree, then resource limitation attacked severely by the stem-boring moth
of the herbivore is minimal and epidemics Zeuzera conferta (Lepidoptera: Cossidae).
can be expected. As mixtures increase and Results of extensive surveys showed that
the constituent tree species become more an average of 32% of trees were attacked by
and more dissimilar, then insects should the borer in mixed-species stands, statisti-
experience increasing difficulty in locating cally different to the 51% in monoculture
and utilizing adjacent trees, thus reducing plantations (Wazihullah et al., 1996).

(a) (b) 0.03

No. leaves with galls

No. larvae

P < 0.001 NS 0.015 P < 0.001 NS

0.1 0.01

0.05 0.005

0 0
Sun Shade Mono- Mixed Sun Shade Mono- Mixed
culture culture culture culture

Fig. 8.1. The effect of sun or shade, monoculture or mixed culture, on two insect pests of a Costa Rican
tree. (a) Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) gall former; (b) Euclystis spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) defoliator
(from Folgarait et al., 1995).
206 Chapter 8

45 Avicennia sp.
40 Bruguiera sexangula
Pest infestation (%)


0 500 1000 1500 2000
Number trees per hectare

Fig. 8.2. Relationship between infestations of Zeuzera conferta on Sonneratia apetala and the occurrence of
other tree species in mixed stands in Bangladesh (from Wazihullah et al., 1996).

However, the type of mixture was also tures or in mixtures with other species
found to be important. As Fig. 8.2 shows, (Perez-Salicrup and Esquivel, 2008).
attacks to Sonneratia declined as the Jactel et al. (2005) tested the biodiversity
number of Bruguiera sexangula (kankra) in stability theory by conducting a meta-analysis
the mixture increased, but increased with of data from a total of 54 experimental or obser-
the number of Avicennia sp. (baen). In vational studies by various authors published
management terms, the best strategy would from 1966 to 2000 comparing pest incidence
appear to be that of mixtures with kankra, between mixed-species forest stands and pure
assuming that this latter species remains stands. Their conclusions were:
pest free and is viable commercially. In a
study in Central Panama, three native tim- • Tree species growing in mixed stands
ber species, Anacardium excelsum, Cedrela overall suffered less pest damage, or had
odorata and Tabebuia rosea, were planted lower pest populations, than pure stands.
as either monocultures, mixed stands or Among the 54 studies, the monoculture
mixed stands protected by insecticides and effect was an increase in pest damage in
the damage inflicted by insect herbivores 39 cases and a decrease in 15.
assessed over a 2-year period (Plath et al., • Three main ecological mechanisms could
2011). Establishment of these trees in account for the lower damage in tree
mixed stands did not have significant mixtures: reduced accessibility to pests
effects on tree survival and growth com- of their host trees, greater impact of
pared to pure stands. However, for one of natural enemies and diversion from a
the species, A. excelsum, leaf herbivory less susceptible to a more susceptible
was significantly lower in unprotected tree species.
mixed stands than in monocultures. In • The main exception to the diversity-
another study in Brazil, planting Swietenia resistance paradigm was the case of
macrophylla in a mixture with Eucalyptus polyphagous pest insects. About half of
urophylla reduced infection by the shoot those in the studies actually caused
borer Hypsipyla grandela from 71 to 25% more damage in mixed than in pure
(Neto et al., 2004), but in the Yucutan stands. Such insects could first build up
Peninsula of Mexico, S. macrophylla and their populations on a preferred host-
C. odorata suffered similar levels of infes- tree species and then spill over on to an
tation by H. grandella, regardless of associated host-tree species, according
whether they were planted as monocul- to the contagion process.
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 207

Nair (2007), in his own analysis of the lit-

erature and of the debate, offers some 8.2.2 Planting tactics – shading
important perspectives. His first point is and nurse crops
that we are dealing with not one but mul-
tiple hypotheses here. The overriding There are numerous references in the literature
hypothesis is that there is a relationship to the benefits of shade or companion plantings
between diversity and stability, such that in protecting desired tree crops from damage
a more diverse ecosystem is more stable. by insect pests. In West Africa, for example,
This has led to the hypothesis that natural Milicia excelsa growing under the shade of
mixed tropical forest which has a high the nitrogen-fixing tree Gliricidia sepium had
diversity of tree species is stable and is fewer galls of the psyllid Phytolyma lata than
free from pest outbreaks. The concept has M. excelsa growing alone (Wagner et al.,
been extended further to mixed forest 2008). After 1 year, M. excelsa seedlings grow-
plantations but, as Nair points out, most ing in 82% shade were nearly 50% taller than
artificial mixtures tried in plantations seedlings growing in 57% shade and 100%
consist of only two species. He regards the taller than trees growing in full sunlight. Also
application of the diversity–stability prin- in Ghana, Bosu et al. (2006) found that shade
ciple to a simple mixed-species tree plan- from a companion planting of Terminalia
tation as an unjustified oversimplification. superba appeared to reduce psyllid attack on
In the Jactel et al. (2005) study, no distinc- Milicia species, though crop tree growth was
tion was drawn between naturally occur- slow. The current silvicultural recommenda-
ring mixed forest stands and the more tion for this species is that it should be
simplified mixed plantations. Nair (2007) planted in the partial shade of another spe-
found no consistent evidence to assert cies, in existing shade in a natural forest or
that pest problems were less severe in alongside a fast-growing species that quickly
mixed-species forest plantations than in overtops it.
single-species forest plantations, but did In Australia’s Northern Territory, Mon-
agree that in naturally occurring mixed- tagu and Woo (1999) studied the impact of
species stands the pest problems were the stem-girdling longicorn Platyomopsis
less severe compared with natural single- humeralis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on
species dominated stands (but there were Acacia auriculiformis in clonal seed orchards
exceptions). He argued that the driving at two sites. They found that attacks by this
force was not the stand composition but insect reduced tree height growth by 0.4–0.5 m
the biology of the insect species, with in the 6 months following girdling, trees
stand composition modifying the severity being most vulnerable to attack in the first
of infestation. year following planting. At this age, the main
As seen from the above discussion, stem is the only stem of a size suitable for
the evidence of serious losses due to pests girdling, and consequently the impact is
(and diseases) resulting from forest mono- more severe than on trees with multiple
cultures (or, to be more precise, mono- branches. A control strategy was developed
specific plantations) is inconclusive. It is to counter the attack by P. humeralis in new
possible that most observed problems may plantings of A. auriculiformis (Montagu and
be due not to the lack of genetic diversity Woo, 1999). The seedlings are planted into
in the attacked stands but more to their rows pretreated with herbicide. Native sor-
lack of vigour (see Chapter 3), and in ghum grasses (Sorghum sp.) are allowed to
commercial, industrial, large-scale planta- grow to a height of 2.5–4.0 m between the rows
tions, the benefits of monocultures may of acacia seedlings. By the end of the wet sea-
outweigh any possible disadvantages, a son, when insect numbers are at their great-
point conceded by Jactel et al. (2005). est, the acacia seedlings are screened from
However, in projects such as fuelwood the ‘view’ of the insects and consequently
or agroforestry, mixed plantings may be insect damage is reduced greatly in the first year.
viable. This effect is referred to as ‘lower host-tree
208 Chapter 8

apparency’ by Floater and Zalucki (2000). In and young seedlings of the mangrove Rhizo-
subsequent years, when the trees have out- phora mangle. Sousa et al. (2003) obser-
grown the sorghum cover crop, insect attack ved that C. rhizophorae attacked and killed
would occur but potentially would have a high proportion of the R. mangle seedlings
less effect on tree growth than the damage that they had planted as part of a long-term
in the first year. This strategy has some risks field experiment designed to measure rates
due to the higher fuel load associated with and outcomes of competition among juvenile
the sorghum grasses during the dry season. mangroves in different forest floor environ-
On experimental plots, this risk has been ments. Within the first year of the experiment,
reduced by slashing the grasses in the early beetles killed 72.6–89.1% of the seedlings
dry season. Surprisingly, 20 months after planted in three closed-canopy understorey
planting there appeared to be no long-term sites, but only 0.9–2.1% in three adjacent
effect of insect damage on tree height or light gaps. These lightning-created canopy
form, even when the main stem was killed gaps afford better growth conditions than
by girdling (Fig. 8.3). However, the effect the surrounding understorey and, as impor-
was obscured somewhat by the preference tantly, provide a refuge from predation by
of the insect for attacking the larger trees at C. rhizophorae.
each site and the impact may very well have Companion planting with trees such as
been greater than that shown. Azadirachta indica (neem) and A. excelsa
Shading does not always result in a (sentang), which are sources of natural
reduction in pest damage on a crop tree, as insecticides and are thought to be repellent
shown in Fig. 8.1 where the number of dip- to insect pests, has also produced mixed
teran galls, defoliating moth caterpillars and results. In Sabah, Malaysia, for example,
fungal spots on saplings of S. microstachyum mahogany (S. macrophylla) trees suffered
in Costa Rica was greater in the shade serious attack by the shoot borer H. robusta,
than in the sun (Folgarait et al., 1995). In despite being interplanted with neem and
Panama, a small stem-boring scolytine beetle, sentang, even when the Azadirachta species
Coccotrypes rhizophorae, infests propagules were taller than the mahogany (Matsumoto
and Kotulai, 2002).
Berrimah, girdled
Berrimah, ungirdled
Humpty Doo, girdled 8.2.3 Planting tactics – line
Humpty Doo, ungirdled or enrichment planting
Tree height (m)

Both line and enrichment planting techniques

are usually applied to selectively logged
secondary tropical forests, either to encour-
age the regeneration of indigenous tree spe-
2 cies or, in some cases, to grow economically
important species which do not do well in
plantation situations. Lines or patches of nat-
ural vegetation are cleared through the sec-
1 ondary forest and young trees planted along
them. The influence on insect pest attack in
5 10 15 20 these situations is, as usual, variable.
Time after planting (months) In a moist semi-deciduous forest in
Fig. 8.3. Height of Acacia auriculiformis trees which
Ghana, the African mahoganies Khaya antho-
either had or had not been girdled by the insect theca and K. ivorensis were grown under
Platyomopsis humeralis 4 months after planting three different forest canopy shade levels:
at two sites near Darwin, Australia (from Montagu open (55% open sky), medium shade (26%
and Woo, 1999). open) and deep shade (11% open). H. robusta
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 209

attack on K. anthotheca was 85, 11 and 0% harvesting and recorded a low incidence
in the open, medium-shade and deep-shade of Hypsipyla attack and trees that were sig-
treatments, respectively, and K. ivorensis nificantly taller than similar-aged natural
showed similar trends. However, growth in regeneration. Nichols et al. (1998) in Ghana
the medium and deep shade was slow and examined the influence of artificial gaps in
would limit the use of this strategy for con- tropical forest on the survival, growth and
trolling Hypsipyla attack (Opuni-Frimpong attack by the psyllid P. lata on M. excelsa.
et al., 2008a) (see also Chapter 3). In the Lae They found that insect attack occurred first
region of Papua New Guinea, Siaguru and and most severely in the large gaps, but
Taurereko (1988) planted C. odorata in rows spread to gaps of all sizes between the 11th
through logged-over rainforest, and though and 13th months after planting. They con-
growth was very slow for the first year, due cluded that gap sizes in the range of 10–50 m2,
to heavy shade, heights of between 2 and where irradiances were from 30 to 60% full
5 m were obtained after 15 months of estab- sunlight in forests similar to those at the study
lishment. No significant borer damage was site, seemed to be most suitable for regen-
recorded. It must be noted that though it is eration of Milicia.
likely that Hypsipyla spp. are indigenous to Kirton and Cheng (2007) report ring-
Papua New Guinea, C. odorata, originating barking and root-debarking by termites of
from Central America, is relatively resistant transplanted dipterocarp saplings (Shorea
to the pest when planted in Australasia, so sp.) used in enrichment planting in logged-
the results of this trial may be rather hard to over lowland dipterocarp forest in Malaysia.
explain. In the Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) of Attack sometimes occurred on living and
West Africa, enrichment planting of African otherwise healthy plants, indicating that it
mahoganies did not prevent serious attacks was not necessarily secondary to other
by H. robusta (Brunck and Mallet, 1993), mortality factors. What was unusual in this
and similarly in the Peruvian Amazon, plant- example was that the attack occurred on
ing New World mahoganies such as Cedrela dipterocarp species that were planted in their
spp. and Swietenia spp. in lines through native habitat in a relatively closed-canopy
native forest did nothing to reduce H. gran- forest. This throws doubt on the hypothesis
della attacks (Yamazaki et al., 1990). This is that the problem arises from a lack of alter-
likely to be because of the high susceptibil- native food sources for the termites during
ity of the trees and the extremely efficient the establishment period of young forest
host-finding ability of the insect (see also plantations. It also differs from the African
Chapters 5 and 10). experience, where attack has been said to
Some success has been achieved by cease after canopy closure and development
planting these high-value Meliaceae in of a leaf litter layer (Mitchell, 2002).
gaps in natural forests or plantations. In
Sri Lanka, Mahroof et al. (2001) established
field trials of S. macrophylla under various 8.2.4 Transplanting tactics
light conditions provided by different can-
opy openings of mature S. macrophylla and Once the type of planting strategy has been
A. auriculiformis. The incidence of shoot borer decided on, the young trees have to be
attack 54 weeks after planting in the low shade removed from the nursery and established
treatment was 76% higher under mature in the plantation site. At this stage, more
mahogany and 31% higher under Acacia chemical control may be necessary to prevent
than under the high-shade treatment. Shade- serious losses from root-feeding termites (see
house experiments indicated that shading below), but silvicultural practices may also
might reduce shoot borer attack by influenc- have a role to play in reducing the risks of
ing both oviposition and larval development insect pest attack. Firstly, any stressful con-
(Mahroof et al., 2002). In Brazil, Lopes et al. ditions must be avoided, not just to deter
(2008) planted mahogany seedlings in gaps insects but also to ensure all-round vigour
in the forest created by selective timber for successful establishment. For example,
210 Chapter 8

practices such as transporting nursery stock heavily and killed by larvae of the stem-
in the back of open trucks in the heat of the boring moth Xyleutes capensis (Lepidoptera:
day for long periods of time clearly must be Cossidae) than were unpruned trees (Fig. 8.4)
avoided. The age of the transplants may also (Mbai, 1995). While this procedure cannot
be an important factor on occasion. be avoided, care should be taken in sites
In Paraguay, transplants of E. grandis known to be infested with borers so as not
have been heavily attacked by grasshoppers to lose large numbers of trees. Other simi-
(Orthoptera: Acrididae), which chew the bark lar cases exist of pruning damage triggering
just above the soil surface, causing girdling borer attacks; pruning of young Casuarina
in the first 3 months after transplanting (see equisetifolia on Reunion Island and of
Chapter 10 and Plates 124–126). Even if trees E. deglupta in the Philippines are repor-
are not killed outright by this damage, the ted to increase attacks by longicorn and
first strong winds in the open planting sites roundhead (varicose) borers (Coleoptera:
cause the fragile stems to bend and break Cerambycidae and Buprestidae) (Braza, 1992;
at the point of attack. Up to 70 or even 80% Tassin et al., 1997). Studies by Kirton et al.
of young trees may be lost in this way (1999) in A. mangium plantations in Penin-
(M. Henson and R. Davies, personal com- sular Malaysia showed that while the ter-
munication). It is likely that if eucalypt mite Coptotermes curvignathus was capable
transplants can be kept in the nursery longer of primary attack, its entry into the wood was
so that there is time for their lower bark to often facilitated by large pruning wounds,
harden and toughen, then they will be less abscission scars resulting from natural
palatable to grasshoppers and able to toler- pruning and damage by insect bark borers.
ate any attacks which still occur. This tac- A good example of how silvicultural
tic will, of course, require modifications of practices can be modified to counter insect
nursery plans and operations, but if success- attack associated with tree wounds comes
ful, no further pest management should be from Queensland. There, attack by the pine
required. bark weevil, Aesiotes notabilis (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae), in plantations of hoop pine,
Araucaria cunninghamii, and bunya pine,
8.2.5 Pruning and brashing A. bidwillii, is associated mainly with injuries

Trees in a forest plantation usually have

their lower branches removed manually as 100
they grow. This is done for a variety of pur-
poses, such as to improve stem and wood
quality in some industrial crops, to provide 80
access, to reduce fire hazard or, in agroforestry
Trees attacked (%)

situations, to provide fodder or fuelwood 60
(Evans and Turnbull, 2004). When low prun-
ing involves simply breaking off small dead
branches, it is called brashing. Depending 40
on the method used, wounds may become sites 30
of attack by a variety of insect pests that 20
normally would not be able to invade the
standing trees. Although the damage may
be localized to the wound areas, care needs 0
to be taken not to leave large wounds on the Pruned Unpruned
trunk or stumps of branches, both of which Fig. 8.4. Percentage of Cassia siamea trees
can cause problems (Plate 104). attacked by Xyleutes capensis in relation to pruning
In agroforestry operations in Kenya, for activities in Kenya. Total number of trees = 400.
example, pruned trees of the multi-purpose c2 significantly different at P < 0.001 (from
tree Cassia siamea were attacked much more Mbai, 1995).
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 211

received during pruning. Damage is caused an attempt to lessen the scale infestation,
by the larvae which, after emergence from but this has the effect of concentrating the scale
eggs laid on or near the branch stubs, tunnel on a smaller crown and seems to enhance
in the cambial region of the bole. Larval tun- the injury. In addition, forest labourers
nelling may girdle the stem completely or and farmers remove the branches with
may allow the entry of secondary borers and knives (which leave 2–10 cm stubs on the
destructive pathogens. Brimblecombe (1945) bole) and they often injure the bark. This
showed that adult activity and egg laying practice can encourage fungal infection and
was greatest and development most rapid a recommended solution is replacement
in wet weather during the warmer months of the knife with a Meylan saw, which
(November–April). By carrying out pruning can remove branches as quickly as a knife
operations during the dry, cool months (May– and at the same time cut flush to the bole
August), when the insect was least active, (Wilson, 1993).
damage by the weevil was reduced to a low Pruning is not always potentially harm-
level. ful and can, on occasion, be used as part
In Papua New Guinea, another weevil, of a pest management programme. Where
Vanapa oberthuri (Coleoptera: Curculion- parts of a tree are known to be infested
idae), with habits similar to A. notabilis, is with insect pests, it may be possible to cut
most active in stands of A. cunninghamii these parts away and destroy them. The
that are being thinned or pruned (Gray and chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus
Howcroft, 1970). While the number of (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), is an impor-
trees killed annually by V. oberthuri is tant pest of chestnuts in parts of China,
small compared with the total number of where it causes swellings on twigs and
plantings, the extent of damage to trees at shoots, resulting in reductions in vegeta-
individual sites can be extremely high, tive growth and fruiting (Huang et al.,
with up to 51% of final crop trees killed by 1998). The pruning away of affected twigs
the beetle following pruning in one leaving behind only healthy stems appears
compartment (Gray and Barber, 1974). to be an effective way of reducing damage
However, unlike the situation for A. nota- to individual trees, as well as to reduce
bilis, V. oberthuri is active throughout the pest population densities in forest stands.
year in the warm, wet conditions of New Similar operations have been suggested in
Guinea (Wylie, 1982b) and the only way of Costa Rica for the control of the mahogany
minimizing beetle attack is to minimize shoot borer, Hypsipyla spp., in Swietenia
injury incurred during pruning and thin- plantations. Stems exhibiting boring activ-
ning operations. ity may be cut off and destroyed (Cornelius,
In tropical and subtropical China, Masson 2001), allowing new or uninfested shoots
pine, Pinus massoniana, has been widely to take over dominance. In some cases though,
used in reforestation programmes and is a shoot borer attacks may be so severe that
valued source of timber, fuel and various wood few if any shoots may be left after a year or
products. The pine needle scale, Hemiberlesia two of pruning! In Australia, Collett and
pitysophila (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), a native Neumann (2002) suggested that pruning
of Taiwan and Japan, was introduced to Hong the lower crown branches of E. globulus
Kong accidentally on infested Christmas during summer could boost height growth
trees in the mid-1970s and was found on and accelerate canopy closure, a condition
Masson pine in nearby Guangdong Province which suppressed infestations by light-
in 1982. By 1987 it had infested 315,000 ha of seeking, leaf-consuming leaf blister saw-
pines and destroyed 25% of the forest (Wilson, flies (Phylacteophaga spp.), leaf beetles
1993) and, since then, the scale has killed more (Paropsisterna spp. and Paropsis spp.) and
than half the infected trees in the province. Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus spp.).
Pruning of Masson pine’s lower branches The final problem is what to do with
for fuel is a common practice in China. Some the brashed or pruned material if it is not
foresters also remove lower branches in to be utilized but instead left to lie in the
212 Chapter 8

plantations. This problem is discussed in ensis. Figure 8.5 shows how tree spacing
Section 8.2.8. influences the density and mortality caused
by the aphid. Trees further apart are less
likely to be infested and killed by the pest,
8.2.6 Spacing and thinning since the dispersal of wingless aphids is
restricted to trees which have touching foli-
When first planted out, forest trees are arran- age (Furuta and Aloo, 1994).
ged with certain distances between each one, Although not yet available for many
taking into account the economics of stock- tropical forest pest management program-
ing and the desired final number of trees in mes, associations between tree spacing
a plantation. These decisions must be cou- and stand stocking levels have been for-
pled with the provision of a suitable habitat mulated for certain serious pests in coun-
in which young trees can establish and tries such as the USA. One example will
flourish. As the forest grows, it is very often illustrate how the system works. The moun-
routine to remove a proportion of trees dur- tain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae
ing thinning regimes, in order to promote the (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), attacks and kills
vigour of the remaining trees by reducing P. ponderosa according to the distances
competition for light, water and nutrients between each tree in a stand and the overall
(Plate 105). If stands are allowed to remain density of trees, the so-called growing stock
densely stocked (Plate 106), suppressed trees level (GSL). Figure 8.6 provides a hazard
may lose vigour easily, to such a level that rating system developed for predicting
many secondary borer pests are able to infest the likelihood of beetle outbreaks. Stands
them. On the other hand, trees which are with a low stock level, consisting of trees
spaced too widely may suffer from high with low DBHs (diameter at breast height)
levels of insolation and wind-throw, not- and growing widely apart can be seen to
withstanding the point that too few mature be of low hazard rating, whereas those in
trees on a site may not provide a viable eco- dense stands, closely spaced and of rela-
nomic return. tively large DBH are very much at risk
It has been shown in some cases that from beetle attack. Again, the problems of
spacing may have an important influence on suppression and stress in the latter situa-
insect pest infestations. In Japan, the Sakhalin tions are the root cause. Similarly, in coun-
fir aphid, Cinara todocola (Hemiptera: tries where the wood wasp Sirex noctilio
Aphididae), is a highly destructive pest in has become established, overstocked stands
young stands of Sakhalin fir, Abies sachalin- of Pinus spp. are particularly susceptible

Trees 3 m apart
(mortality after 6 years a
= 20%)
Trees 1 m apart
(mortality after 6 years b
= 40%)
Trees 0.3 m apart
(mortality after 6 years b
= 70%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Trees infested (%)

Fig. 8.5. Mean percentage of Sakhalin fir trees infested with Cinara todocola according to tree spacing
in plantations in Japan (± SE). Means with same letter not significantly different at P < 0.05 level (data
from Furuta and Aloo, 1994).
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 213

8 Low hazard risk

Distance between trees (m)

6 Medium hazard risk

High hazard risk GSL80
4 GSL120
8 13 18 23 28 33
Mean DBH of uncut stand (cm)

Fig. 8.6. Hazard rating system for infestations of Dendroctonus ponderosae in Pinus ponderosa according
to tree spacing and growing stock level (GSL) (from Schmid et al., 1994).

to attack by this insect. Thinning is a under the bark of damaged trees or logs, the
major silvicultural tool in reducing dam- fungus goes to work, and salvage felling fol-
age caused by the pest (Gaiad et al., 2003; lowed by storage of logs under continuous
Dodds et al., 2007). water sprinkling is required to prevent this
attack (Plates 108 and 109). As Fig. 8.7 shows,
the time before blue stain first appears in the
timber is very short, with the first indications
8.2.7 Salvage and trap logs or trees of staining occurring a mere 10 weeks or so
after the fire. Salvage of large areas of Pinus
On occasion, pest outbreaks become so had therefore to be very rapid indeed, ensur-
severe and damaging that trees may have to ing that logs were protected from beetle inva-
be cut down and processed in various ways sion within a very short time (Wylie et al.,
to protect the remaining standing trees and 1999) (see also Chapter 5 and Fig. 5.10).
also to prevent timber degrade, which may The fact that many insect pests, espe-
render the trees unmarketable. Salvage logging cially the so-called secondary pests such as
is a process whereby damaged and suscepti- bark and wood borers, preferentially infest
ble trees are removed wholesale and treated fallen or felled trees over standing but stres-
to prevent pest attack and subsequent degrade. sed ones may be used to protect plantations
A good example of this comes from south- at risk from this sort of attack. A number of
ern Queensland in Australia, where in 1994, trees in a stand may be sacrificed and used
around 9000 ha of P. elliottii plantations were in a system known as trap logging. The
damaged by forest fire during the dry season concept is simple enough; a small number
(Hood et al., 1997; Wylie et al., 1999) (Plate of trees in stands susceptible to attack by
107). Large numbers of fire-damaged trees borers, during drought stress or defoliation
were in danger of being attacked by the exotic for instance, are felled and usually piled
bark beetle, Ips grandicollis (Coleoptera: together to produce a super-attractant stim-
Scolytinae), which has as a symbiont a blue ulus for potential pests in the stand. Once
stain fungus that causes discoloration and the trap logs have been infested, they are
degrade to infected timber, rendering it unmar- debarked, treated with insecticide, or burned
ketable. Once the beetles have tunnelled to destroy pests before they can emerge to
214 Chapter 8



Bluestain (%)


20 Burrum

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

−20 Weeks after fire

Fig. 8.7. Mean percentage bluestain in discs of Pinus elliottii after a forest fire in two sites in Queensland,
Australia (± 95% confidence limits) (from Hood et al., 1997).

start a new generation. This system has unless something is done to process this
few commercial examples in tropical for- debris (Plate 110). Merely stacking it in log
estry, but one such is the use of trap logs piles on forest roads in the vicinity of plan-
for the monitoring and control of the sal borer, tations is asking for trouble, since pests will
Hoplocerambyx spinicornis (Coleoptera: be attracted readily to these sites. Cursory
Cerambycidae) in India (see Chapters 5 and 9). examination of thinning and logging debris
Trap trees and logs are also used in monitoring in tropical forests reveals all manner of pests,
and control programmes for the wood wasp from bark beetles and ambrosia beetles
S. noctilio in Pinus spp. plantations in the (Coleoptera: Scolytinae and Platypodinae)
southern hemisphere (Bedding and Iede, to longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Ceramby-
2005). In monitoring for Sirex, living stand- cidae),weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
ing trees are stressed artificially, usually by and various other insect degraders of tim-
injecting them with a herbicide, to make them ber. The most significant problem with this
attractive as an oviposition site for a female sort of situation is the phenomenon of mass
wasp and then these trees are inspected regu- outbreaks, where pests which normally are
larly for signs of attack. The primary control unable to attack standing trees are present
measure for the pest is inoculation of felled in such huge numbers by virtue of the provi-
trees with the parasitic nematode Beddingia sion by foresters of copious amounts of breed-
siricidicola which, following Sirex infesta- ing material that their persistent attempts to
tion of these logs, eventually will sterilize attack vigorous, healthy trees succeed even-
any female wasp that develops by infecting tually by virtue of sheer weight of numbers
her eggs (see Chapter 5). (Speight and Wainhouse, 1989). This becomes
a particularly serious problem when stands
are stressed temporarily by unforeseen periods
8.2.8 Sanitation and hygiene of drought or short-term defoliation events.
It is not feasible to remove all brash and
The problem with pruning, brashing, thin- thinning debris from forest plantations, but
ning and harvesting is that they leave lying certainly efforts should be made to remove the
around in forest stands enormous amounts larger material at the earliest opportunity and
of potential breeding material for insect pests, debark or burn it. Some examples of insect
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 215

attack on trees associated with population have occurred, killing healthy as well as
build-up in debris are provided below. unthrifty trees, and this has been linked to
As described in Chapter 5, the bark bee- the rapid build-up of populations in logging
tle, I. grandicollis (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), debris in clear-felled areas, coupled with an
in Australia carries out ‘feeding’ and ‘breeding’ insufficiency of suitable egg-laying sites. Once
attacks when colonizing the bark of green attack has been initiated, the insects spread
to semi-green dead pine material or that of out from this focal point, each generation
apparently healthy trees. In feeding attacks, attacking the trees nearest to those in which
the inner bark and outer sapwood surface are it was reared. As is the case for bark beetles
etched by large numbers of male and female elsewhere, drought is often a factor in these
adults replenishing their food reserves prior episodes. Recommended preventative meas-
to reproduction and, as a consequence, the ures include stand sanitation, debarking of logs
bark peels off. Breeding attacks are made by immediately after felling, salvage logging
virgin male and female beetles and/or by fer- of unthrifty or damaged trees and the use
tilized females when entering the inner bark of trap trees.
and constructing characteristic gallery systems
for breeding. This insect has been mainly a
secondary pest, but when large quantities of 8.2.9 Harvest
thinning slash are left on the ground, the bee-
tle can assume a primary role. In these cir-
The felling of trees at the end of the forest
cumstances, feeding attacks in particular can
rotation is, of course, the main aim of indus-
occur on trees adjacent to the infested slash.
trial operations. However, the same theories
This problem can be minimized successfully
apply as mentioned above for commercially
by silvicultural means such as burning or chop-
felled timber, i.e. they must not be allowed
per rolling of fresh slash.
to accumulate insect (or pathogen) pests by
The bostrychid beetles Apate monachus
allowing them to lie unprocessed in the for-
and A. tenebrans (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae)
est or wood yard for any length of time (Plate
are major forest pests in Africa, attacking a
111). The precise period of time is hard to
wide variety of economic species (Wagner
define. In tropical climates, timber begins
et al., 2008). In Ghana, their damage is espe-
to accumulate borers and pathogens at an
cially evident in young plantations and
alarming rate; a few months or even a few
taungya farms and is usually the result of
weeks may be all it takes for infestations to
maturation feeding (feeding by young adults
begin. Routine silvicultural techniques such
prior to oviposition, which usually occurs
as rapid removal and processing will mini-
on a different individual host). While their
mize risks. Felling certainly should not take
tunnelling does not kill the tree, it renders
place until a guaranteed market is assured.
the timber valueless and may increase the
tree’s susceptibility to wind damage. Removal
of debris from planting sites and destruction
of heavily infested trees are recommended 8.3 Biological Control
by Atuahene (1976) as control measures.
A. monachus is also an introduced pest in 8.3.1 Introduction
Central America and the Caribbean, where it
has many hosts (Rodriguez, 1981; Schabel Biological control has been defined as the use
et al., 1999). In Puerto Rico, attack of mahog- of natural enemies to maintain the popula-
any, S. macrophylla, has been associated tion density of an insect pest below that at
with a build-up of populations of this insect which it would exist normally in the absence
in slash (DeLeon, 1941). The bark borer of the enemies. The important concept in
Scolytus major (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) is a this definition is the term ‘maintain’, since
serious pest of Cedrus deodara forests in the majority of biological control systems
north-western India (Thapa and Singh, are expected to persist through time and to
1986). Localized mass attacks by this insect regulate a pest population below an economic
216 Chapter 8

threshold. The term ‘regulation’ is also crucial stressed trees and extra breeding sites (such
to the concept of biological control. As we dis- as log dumps, moribund trees, etc.), is likely
cuss in detail in Chapter 3, regulation implies to reduce the resource limitation which would
a density-dependent system, i.e. one where impinge on natural pest populations and
there is a proportional increase in mortality lead to outbreak situations (see Chapter 4).
or other factors as the density of pests on which Under these conditions, predators, parasitoids
these factors operate increases. Only through and pathogens may be ineffective.
density-dependent feedback can a biologi- Natural enemies that may have poten-
cal control system be expected to persist over tial in biological control in tropical forestry
many generations of the pest. fall into three basic categories. Predators,
The pest population is influenced both from birds and mammals to other insects
by trophic levels below it, such as food sup- and spiders, search for their prey and eat
ply (quantity and quality), and by trophic it. Parasitoids are a special type of parasite;
levels above it, via predators, parasitoids in fact, they appear to be a halfway house
and disease. The former is known as bot- between true parasites and predators because
tom-up regulation and the latter top-down they consume their host, in this case the pest
regulation (see Chapter 4). It is crucial in insect, and complete the entire generation
any consideration of a biological control of themselves on or in one pest item. They
programme that the relative importance in are comprised mainly of Hymenoptera (par-
the population dynamics of the pest of both asitic wasps) and Diptera (parasitic flies)
top-down and bottom-up regulation is con- (Plates 112 and 113). Finally, we have the
sidered. In fact, in many cases if bottom-up pathogens, or disease-causing organisms,
regulation via resource limitation is more which in tropical forestry at least consist
important than top-down, then the probabil- mainly of viruses, protozoa, bacteria, fungi
ity of biological control by natural enemies and nematodes. The likely efficiency of each
is low. Any forestry system which promotes of these groups has to be considered in the
food resources for insect herbivores, such light of the pest’s population dynamics, as
as an increase in food via monocultures, mentioned above. Table 8.1. summarizes the

Table 8.1. Major types of natural enemies of insect pests which may have a role in biological control
(from Speight et al., 2008).

Type of enemy Commonly attacked pests

Mammals (mice, voles, etc.) Larvae and pupae of defoliators in soil
Birds Defoliating and leaf-mining larvae
Amphibia (frogs and toads) Larvae in soil
Fish Aquatic insect larvae
Spiders Small flying or crawling insects, e.g. sap feeders
Insects (beetles, bugs, lacewings, hoverflies) Many exposed sap feeders and defoliators; soil larvae
and pupae
Parasitic insects (wasps and flies) Larvae and nymphs of many types of pests
Bacteria Most insect species attacked by one or more,
often relatively species specific, pathogen groups
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 217

major groups of natural enemy which may be of the natural enemies occurring in the area.
used in pest regulation. In practice, things Inundative biological control is carried out
are a little different. Globally, on all crop when enemies are at low levels, or entirely
types, parasitoids and predators have been absent, and very large numbers of them are
introduced much more frequently in classi- bred and released into a pest-infested crop.
cal biological control programmes compared Many examples exist where evidence
with nematodes and pathogens (Table 8.2.) points to the regulatory ability of natural
(Hajek et al., 2007). As we shall see, how- enemies. In Peninsular Malaysia, A. man-
ever, tropical and subtropical forest pest gium is a very important short rotation for-
management has used just about all available est species, which up until recently has
enemy types at one time or another, with been relatively free of serious insect pests,
greater or lesser levels of success. probably by virtue of its being exotic to
that region. However, various defoliating
Lepidoptera have begun to appear, such as
Spirama retorta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
8.3.2 The concept of biological control Defoliation rates of Acacia caused by the
larvae of this species can reach between 20
Conceptually, biological control falls into and 30% (Sajap et al., 1997). Figure 8.8
various different types. Classical biological shows the observed parasitism of Spirama
control is where the enemy is introduced larvae by three species of parasitoid fly
from the region where it occurs naturally (Diptera: Tachinidae). Clearly, as pest den-
into a new area where it and the pest are sity declines, so parasitoid density
exotic. This is particularly the case when increases and it is very tempting to con-
new crops are grown in novel countries and clude from these data that the parasitoid is
pests either are introduced accidentally or, responding to high densities of the moth
alternatively, find their way through trade larvae, increasing its own density at the
and lack of quarantine into the new area, expense of the host. In other words, this
where they establish quickly and become relationship may be interpreted as an
serious pests. example of top-down regulation. However,
Augmentative biological control, on the we really have no evidence for this conclu-
other hand, occurs when native natural ene- sion; indeed, the numbers of pests might
mies are not efficient enough to maintain be declining for quite another reason and
either native or exotic pest populations at the parasitoids merely ‘tracking’ the reduc-
endemic, non-economically important den- tions in their hosts.
sities. In this case, systems such as habitat We now present a series of sections
modification may be brought to bear in order which describe the successes (and fail-
to increase the density and/or the efficiency ures) of biological control in tropical or

Table 8.2. Comparison of results of classical biological control programmes with different types
of natural enemy (from Hajek at al., 2007).

Parasitoids and predators Pathogens (including nematodes)

Number of programmes 5670 131

Number (and percentage) of 2008 (35.4%) 63 (48.1%)
Number of pest species 601 76
Number of enemy species 2130 45
Number of countries or islands 2130 49
Number of programmes over time Began increasing in the Began increasing in the 1950s,
1920s, with peak numbers with peak numbers 1970–1989
1930–1939, 1950–1979
218 Chapter 8

Larval density
8 50
Parasitism (%)
No. larvae per tree

Parasitism (%)
5 30

4 25

1 5

0 0
25 May 8 Jun 22 Jun 6 Jul 20 Jul 3 Aug 17 Aug 31 Aug
Sampling date

Fig. 8.8. Larval density and pooled parasitism of Spirama retorta on Acacia mangium in Malaysia (from
Sajap et al., 1997, courtesy Journal of Tropical Forest Science).

subtropical forests, using different types of which over the years has recorded success
natural enemies. involves the so-called ensign scale insect,
Orthezia insignis (Hemiptera: Ortheziidae).
This pest is a native of South and Central
America, but has been introduced acciden-
8.3.3 Biological control using predators tally to many parts of the world, including
Africa and India. It feeds on a wide variety
According to van Mele (2008), predatory of host plants, from ornamental shrubs and
weaver ants in the genus Oecophylla were forest weeds to various indigenous tree spe-
the first recorded biological control agents, cies such as gumwood, but various econom-
dating from 304 AD in China, and they are ically important forest crops are also severely
still suggested as useful natural enemies of attacked, including Eucalyptus and jaca-
shoot borers and bark beetles. Their ten- randa. The predatory ladybird, Hyperaspis
dency to bite people as well as forest pests pantherina (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), was
may be a drawback to their large-scale first collected from its native home in Mexico
deployment. It has to be said that really good in 1908 and released into Hawaii, and it has
examples of successful biological control been used in a variety of biological control
using predators in tropical forestry are rather programmes ever since. Apart from in
difficult to find. Many attempts have been Malawi, where some controversy arose over
made over the years and predators have been the outcome, the predator introductions
released against all sorts of forest insect pest were quite successful (Chilima and Murphy,
in numerous countries. Ladybird beetles 2000), due in part at least to the fact that,
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are often unlike many predatory insects, including
reported to eat lots of sap-feeding forest ladybirds, H. pantherina was host specific,
pests such as psyllids and aphids (see de i.e. it would feed only on Orthezia. Some
Oliveira et al., 2004, for example), but they other attempts to control Orthezia species
do have a tendency to be cannibalistic, espe- using coccinellids related to H. pantherina
cially at high densities (Pervez et al., 2006). have been less successful. In Barbados, for
One example of classical biological control instance, releases in 1976 and 1977 resulted
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 219

in no recoveries of the introduced predators, was reared in the laboratory and first
but this might be a consequence of inade- released on St Helena in 1993, producing a
quate or non-existent post-release moni- rapid and dramatic decline in the pest (Fig.
toring rather than a complete failure 8.9). Orthezia outbreaks have ceased and
of the biological control programme (Booth the predator can no longer be detected on
et al., 1995). The most recent and successful the island. To quote Simon Fowler, ‘H. pan-
example of the use of Hyperaspis against therina appears to have saved the field pop-
Orthezia comes from the island of St Helena ulation of a rare endemic plant from
(Fowler, 2004). St Helena is a small (120 km2) extinction’. One final difficulty with preda-
tropical island isolated in the Atlantic Ocean, tors as biological control agents is that they
with much of its endemic flora disappearing, usually do not discriminate between healthy
due mainly to human activities. The gum- prey items and those that are parasitized, so
wood tree, Commindendrum robustum, is one on occasion it has been found that the bio-
of these globally endangered species, and logical control efforts of parasitoids (see
though not a tropical forest plantation tree in next section) are undermined by their being
the general sense of this book, it began to die eaten inside their host aphids or psyllids by
from the ravages of the accidentally intro- generalist predators co-occurring in the
duced Orthezia in the early 1990s. Hyperaspis forest (Erbilgin et al., 2004).

2.8 0.8


Numbers of Hyperaspis pantherina (log n+1)
Numbers of Orthezia insignis (log n+1)






0.0 0.0
1993-05-01 1993-09-01 1994-01-01 1994-05-01 1994-09-01 1995-01-01
Sampling data (year-month-day)

Fig. 8.9. Log-transformed mean (± SE) numbers of Orthezia insignis and Hyperaspis pantherina on shoots of
initially severely and moderately infested gumwood trees on St Helena (from Fowler, 2004, courtesy
220 Chapter 8

8.3.4 Biological control using parasitoids carried out in India against the teak defoliator
moth, Hyblaea puera (Lepidoptera: Hybla-
Forest monocultures may not support large eidae) (Patil and Naik, 1997). Trichogramma
populations of parasitoids. For example, chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)
mixtures of Eucalyptus and Acacia in forest is a tiny parasitoid whose larvae feed and
plantations in Australia certainly increased grow inside the eggs of Lepidoptera. In this
the abundances and richness of parasitic field trial, varying densities of Trichogramma
hymenoptera compared with monocultures adults were released into teak plantations
(Steinbauer et al., 2006), while Dall’Oglio et al. infested with Hyblaea and the resultant egg
(2003) found the highest numbers of parasi- and larval populations of the pest assessed.
toids in eucalypt stands in Brazil which were In the figure, treatments T1 and T5 refer to
closest to fragments of native vegetation. the release of 100,000 and 1,000,000 parasi-
Parasitoids normally are used in tropical toids/ha, respectively, while T6 is a control
forest pest management via inundative relea- where no natural enemies are released. It
ses. Such is the case of the parasitic wasp, can be seen from the figure that both egg and
Closterocercus chamaeleon (Hymenoptera: larval densities were reduced in the pres-
Eulophidae), released against the introduced ence of huge numbers of parasitoids, espe-
eucalyptus gall wasp, Ophelinus maskelli cially at peak, but the patterns in egg and
(also Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Israel (see larval densities mimicked each other closely
Chapter 5). Protasov et al. (2007a) released as the generation of the pest progressed. In
about 12,000 adult parasitoids and found that fact, the authors suggested that one of the
not only were pest numbers reduced signifi- most likely reasons for the depletion of larva
cantly within less than a year but also the shown so markedly was linked to foliage
enemy had spread unassisted for 120 km in depletion – put simply, the moth larvae ate
the same period. all the leaves on the trees and either died of
Figure 8.10 presents some of the results starvation or migrated away in an attempt to
of a field trial on inundative biological control find more food. Thus, in this example anyway,

1 5

0.9 4.5

0.8 No. eggs in T1 4

Mean larval numbers per tree
Mean egg numbers per tree

No. eggs in T5
0.7 3.5
No. eggs in T6
0.6 No. larvae in T1 3
No. larvae in T5
0.5 No. larvae in T6 2.5

0.4 2

0.3 1.5

0.2 1

0.1 0.5

0 0
13.6.92 20.6.92 27.6.92 4.7.92 11.7.92 18.7.92 25.7.92 1.8..92 8.8..92

Fig. 8.10. Mean numbers of eggs and larvae of teak defoliator moth, Hyblaea puera, after releases of an egg
parasitoid in India (from Patil and Naik, 1997, courtesy Indian Journal of Forestry).
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 221

even huge numbers of biological control The taxonomy of Cinara still requires
agents did not seem to influence the popu- clarification. According to Watson et al. (1999),
lation dynamics of the pest; resource limita- aphids identified previously as C. cupressi
tion (bottom-up regulation) was the driving appeared to belong to a species complex and,
force. The amount of biological control in fact, the species causing tree damage in
achieved also varies enormously. Per cent Africa was found to be unnamed. Watson
mortalities can reach very high levels, but et al. named it C. cupressivora, which probably
many examples exist in the literature of only originated in a region from eastern Greece
moderate results. For example, Santos and to just south of the Caspian Sea. Finally, in
de Freitas (2008) recorded between 17 and 2003, Remaudière and Binazzi decided that
21% parasitism of the eggs of the rubber C. cupressi was synonymous with C. cupres-
tree lace bug, Leptopharsa heveae (Hemiptera: sivora (Remaudière and Binazzi, 2003).
Tingidae) in Brazil, while Hanks et al. (2001) Whatever its name, the aphid is highly inva-
found that parasitism on the eucalyptus borer sive and has a life cycle suggestive of an
Phoracantha semipunctata reached only an r-selected type of strategy typical of many
average of 27% in southern California. aphids, wherein regulation by natural enemies
Unless efficient IPM systems are available may not be of great importance. Another factor
to deal with the remaining 75–80% survi- tending towards an r-strategic system is the
vors in these two examples, biological fact that, in Kenya and Malawi at least, there
control cannot be claimed to be successful. are no males: all reproduction is parthenoge-
Note also that any other treatments for pests netic and all individuals are female, thus
and diseases, such as pesticides, may enabling the population to be maximally
have negative effects on parasitoids (Paine reproductive. In instances such as this, pest
et al., 2011). management usually is based on host-plant
In 1996, Murphy estimated that the resistance, essentially to slow the pest down
cypress aphid, then called C. cupressi, killed and thus give biological control some chance
trees in southern and eastern Africa worth to do the rest, as it were (see Chapter 6).
US$27.5 m and caused annual growth incre- Unfortunately, one of the most widely planted
ment losses of US$9.1m (Murphy, 1996). It tree species in East Africa, Cupressus lusi-
was introduced accidentally into parts of tanica, is one of the most susceptible to Cinara
Africa between 1968 and 1986, and by 1990 (Ciesla, 2003).
this exotic aphid was present in Burundi, A regional biological control programme
Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South was established in 1991 involving the Inter-
Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia national Institute of Biological Control (IIBC),
and Zimbabwe (Murphy, 1996) (see Chapter funded by the Canadian International Develop-
5 and Plates 27 and 28). Since then, the ment Agency (CIDA) and the UK Overseas
aphid has appeared in other parts of the Development Administration (ODA). Classical
world, including South America (Sousa- biological control trials were based in Malawi
Silva and Ilharco, 2001; Baldini et al., 2008), at the Forest Research Institute of Malawi
where it causes serious damage to a variety (FRIM) in Zomba (Biocontrol News and Infor-
of cypresses and cedars by feeding on the mation, 1997). In 1994, the first releases of an
leaflets and injecting toxic saliva. It has exotic parasitic wasp, Pauesia juniperorum
become such a problem in countries such as (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), were carried out
Argentina that the characteristic red foliage in Malawi (Chilima, 1995) and a widespread
symptoms it causes to trees have been termed series of rearing programmes, releases and
‘cypress mortality’ (El Mutjar et al., 2009). monitoring systems then ensued. P. juniperorum
The potential for classical biological control is a European species (Kairo and Murphy,
using imported natural enemies was recog- 2005), which in Malawi has a larval period
nized in the 1980s (Mills, 1990), and as the of around 8 days and a pupal period of 5–6
pest spread into new countries, this type of days (Chilima, 1996). Adult female fecun-
biological control has continued to be inves- dity is an average of 34 eggs during an adult
tigated (Montalva et al., 2010). lifespan of 7 days or so. Between August and
222 Chapter 8

September 1994, approximately 170 mixed (Hajek and Delalibera, 2010). To do this, they
male and female parasitoids were released in produce an invasive type of hypha that not
Zomba, Malawi, in the hope that they would only concentrates mechanical pressure on
establish on cypress aphids. However, in 1995, a localized region of the cuticle but also pro-
recovery of Pauesia was very poor and it duces cuticle-degrading enzymes, which help
was concluded that establishment had not to penetrate exoskeletons. Once inside the
occurred. Because insectary facilities in body of the host insect, fungal hyphae grow
Malawi were unable to rear the parasitoid towards the body cavity, or haemocoel,
locally, more shipments were made from the where the fungus grows vegetatively, using
UK and over 1000 adult insects were released up nutrients from the haemocoel and insect
in a second wave (Chilima and Meke, 1995). fat bodies. The infected insect thus may die
Following these early aphid-season releases, of starvation, although toxins produced by
74% of all trees sampled in the November of the growing fungus may also debilitate and
1995 had parasitized aphids on them, with kill the host. As or just before the host dies,
up to nearly 50% aphid parasitism. By 1996, mycelia are produced by the fungus, which
surveys showed that the parasitoid had ramify through the insect’s tissues and exit
dispersed up to 25 km away from the release back through the cuticle. On the outside of the
sites and was recorded on all the ornamental dead insect’s body, spores are formed which
cypresses and hedges inspected in and around can then be carried away by wind, water or
the region (Biocontrol News and Information, other animals to infect a new host (Boucias
1997). Similar parasitoid releases were carried and Pendland, 1998). The success of this
out in Mauritius in 2003 and 2004 (Alleck final host-finding stage depends, of course,
et al., 2005), but establishment success has on the proximity of suitable insects – in pest
not been reported. Day et al. (2003) summa- epidemics the distance to the next host is
rized these operations and van Driesche et al. minimized, so that infection is rapid and effi-
(2010), looking back at these projects, reported cient. One fungal group, the microsporidia,
that the declines seen in Cinara numbers in has been trialled as a biological control agent
Kenya and Malawi were due, in part at least, of grasshoppers and locusts (Lange and
to the biological control exerted by Pauesia. Cigliano, 2010), but in tropical forestry, two
The aphid, however, continues to spread fungi in particular are recognized as having
around the world, and one of the fundamental great potential, white muscardine fungus,
questions that any biological control programme Beauveria bassiana, and green muscardine
must address is how much parasitism or pre- fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. Beauveria
dation actually is required to reduce impacts has been known to be entomopathogenic for
from pests to a level where the pests are no a very long time. It occurs as a ubiquitous
longer significant? In the case of the cypress soil pathogen and has a broad host range,
aphid, it is felt that biological control on its which includes some fish and reptiles, and
own may not be efficient enough; long-term its beauty for biological control is that it can
management of the cypress aphid in Africa be cultured easily away from a living animal
will have to rely on a combination of silvi- on various nutrient media. In insect hosts, it
culture and host-plant resistance, as well as produces toxic by-products as it reproduces
biological strategies. in the insect body and its greatest potential
is in the biological control of pests which
are normally hard to treat because of their
way of life, such as soil insects or shoot and
8.3.5 Biological control using fungi wood borers (Zhang et al., 2011). White
grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) are notori-
Fungi which kill insects are known as ento- ous pests of forest nurseries (see Chapter 7)
mopathogenic. Their big advantage over and their control is difficult since soil treat-
other groups of pathogens such as bacteria ment normally is required, either by expen-
and viruses is their ability to infect host sive and laborious sterilization or by the
species via penetration of the insect cuticle use of chemicals with undesirable costs and
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 223

side effects. Trials in China (Table 8.3) (Isoptera) (see also Chapter 10). As described
illustrate the efficacy of Beauveria against in Chapter 5, termite species can attack trees
these pests. It is clear that susceptibility and timber all the way from the first year of
varies with the species of pest; Holotrichia life in nurseries and plantations, through
suffers reductions of over 90% when the the pole and mature stage to postharvest,
soil is treated with formulations of the including structural timber. Termite colonies
fungus, whereas Blitopertha populations, can be vast, consisting of very many thousands
while reduced by 50% or so, are still able of individuals, and of course, as before, they
to cause significant damage to young trees are almost all concealed. Fungal pathogens
(Li et al., 1998). Beauveria also has poten- have been tested against many species of
tial to control defoliating insects. In China, termites in many countries, and in principle,
Ding et al. (2004) described the movement they have a set of highly desirable characteris-
of the pathogen through food webs in pine tics for the purpose of controlling pestiferous
plantations infested with Masson’s pine termites. For example, they are self-replicating,
caterpillar, Dendrolimus punctatus (Lepid- relatively safe to non-target organisms and
optera: Lasiocampidae), while in India, small amounts of inoculum have the potential
Sharma and Ahmed (2004) was able to achieve to spread throughout a termite colony, produc-
up to 70% mortality of the Marwar teak ing an epizootic (an epidemic of disease) (Jones
defoliator, Patialus tecomella (Coleoptera: et al., 1996). In addition, the high relative
Curculionidae). humidity found within the confines of a sub-
Metarhizium has been known to have terranean termite colony is highly condu-
entomopathogenic properties for over 100 cive to the proliferation of fungi such as
years. There are many different strains of Metarhizium, and both worker termites and
the fungus, which have been recorded from alates (winged adults) can be killed with the
beetles (Coleoptera), Lepidoptera (moths fungus (Wright et al., 2005). So, for exam-
and butterflies), Orthoptera (grasshoppers ple, Sun et al. (2008) worked with the wood-
and crickets), Hemiptera (sap feeders such destroying Formosan termite, C. formosanus
as aphids), Hymenoptera (bees, ants, saw- (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). They found
flies and wasps), mosquitoes (Diptera) and that mortalities up to at least 90% could be
termites (Isoptera) (Boucias and Pendland, achieved, but the results were dependent on
1998; Lopez and Orduz, 2003). Application the initial dose of fungal inoculum. In addition,
systems are usually simple enough. the efficacy of different fungal strains varied
Conidia (a type of spore) produced by the considerably. Of course, it is one thing to kill
fungi can be dusted on to insects or their host termites when they are exposed to pathogens
plant, or sprayed in water-based formulations directly, but in practice it is vital to be able
through standard application machinery, to inoculate just a small percentage of the
and many examples exist in the literature of total population and rely on them to transfer
the efficacy of both types of fungi. the lethal pathogen throughout the colony.
One of the biggest challenges in tropical Social grooming and close proximity
forest pest management involves termites will tend to assist this process. There are,

Table 8.3. Results of field trials in China to control white grubs in forest nurseries with the fungus
Beauveria (from Li et al., 1998).

Reduction in pest
Pest species Level of control (%) Infection rate (%) density (%)

Holotrichia diomphalia 67–85 56–68 69–93

Blitopertha pallidipennis 56 Not available Not available
B. pallidipennis + Steinernema 89 Not available Not available
feltiae (nematode)
224 Chapter 8

however, problems with this dissemination trees (Dolinski and Lacey, 2007) and their use
of fungi all over a termite colony. Healthy in biological control programmes in forestry
termites tend to isolate or even bury dead has yet to take off, with one or two exceptions.
but infective relatives, a useful defence Returning to termites, for example, Fig. 8.11
mechanism, but research continues into shows that various species of nematode can
the use of fungus-infected baits for wood- kill various species of pest, in laboratory tri-
destroying termites. als at least (Yu et al., 2006). Notice though
that some nematode species are much more
effective than others, and while certain ter-
8.3.6 Biological control using nematodes mites clearly are very susceptible, others are
not. Whether this is due to differences in the
Infective juvenile (IJ) nematodes (the Dauer relative abilities of nematodes to locate the
stage) in the families Steinernematidae and hosts requires more detailed experimentation
Heterorhabditidae are able to seek out insect under proper field conditions. One of the
pests and invade their bodies, where they most famous examples of the use of nema-
grow and reproduce, releasing bacterial sym- todes in forest pest management is that of
bionts which kill the insects (Yu et al., 2006). the wood wasp S. noctilio (Hymenoptera:
In general, these nematodes have a large host Siricidae) (Plates 44 and 45), whose control
range and have been used against a wide vari- involves parasitoids, various silvicultural
ety of insect pests in agriculture, horticulture manipulations and in particular, the nema-
and forestry (Georgis et al., 2006), and they tode Beddingia. (previously Deladenus)
have particular potential in the control of siridicola (Hurley et al., 2007), which renders
concealed pests such as wood, shoot and bark the adult wood wasps sterile. S. noctilio is
borers and soil pests, where they may be able now abundant in many countries across the
to replace less desirable insecticides (Schulte world, affecting Pinus spp. plantations in
et al., 2009). In the tropics, nematodes are both temperate and subtropical regions (see
used mainly to control insect pests of fruit Chapter 5). Collett and Elms (2009) review

a a

a S. carpocapsae
S. riobrave
S. feltiae
Mortality (%)

60 H.bacteriophora

b b a
20 c c b b
a a a a

H. aureus G. perplexus R. flavipes R. virginicus

Fig. 8.11. Mortalities of the subterranean termites Heterotermes aureus, Gnathamitermes perplexus,
Reticulitermes flavipes and R. virginicus after 48 h exposure to the entomopathogenic nematodes
Steinernema carpocapsae, S. riobrave, S. feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (from Yu et al., 2006,
with permission Entomological Society of America).
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 225

the efficacy of biological control programmes ble, with trade names such as Biobit, Dipel,
in Australia. They report a decline in the abil- Delfin, Foray, Biolep, Bioasp and Lepidocide,
ity of the nematode to control the pest, which and they are used routinely as pest control
seems to be related to variations in the perfor- agents, especially in the developed world,
mance of different strains of Beddingia. in many areas of crop production including
agriculture, horticulture and indeed forestry.
There is little or no point at all in trying
8.3.7 Biological control using bacteria to treat bark, shoot or wood borers with
Bt, since the host has to eat the toxin, but
Entomopathogenic bacteria are available for externally feeding defoliators can often be
pest management in a variety of forms and controlled successfully.
activities, but the most commonly used in Figure 8.12 shows the results of field
forest pest management is Bacillus thuring- trials in Madhya Pradesh, India, against the
iensis, otherwise known as Bt. In the case of teak skeletonizer moth, Eutectona machaer-
this biological control agent, we have to be alis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Both commer-
fairly liberal with our definitions, since in cial formulations of Bt kurstaki were sprayed
practice, living Bt is not used to control from the ground into the canopies of 5-year-
pests, but instead a by-product of its metabo- old teak trees and the percentage mortality
lism, the so-called delta-endotoxin, is used of larvae subsequently recorded. The figure
as the active insecticidal agent. Commercial shows that Biolep 2% was most effective,
preparations of Bt do not (or at least should giving 77.5% mortality after 3 days, followed
not) contain living bacteria at all, so this bio- by Bioasp 2% and Bioasp 1%. Biolep 1% was
logical control agent cannot perform in a least effective (41.7% mortality) (Meshram
true regulatory fashion since it cannot repli- et al., 1997). As mentioned above, because
cate. Some would argue in fact that Bt is Bt formulations are not alive as such, the
not a true biological control agent at all, but entomopathogenic effects cannot be expec-
instead is a bioinsecticide. We will, how- ted to persist or indeed proliferate in the
ever, include it in this section on biological environment, and hence repeated treatment
control, since the delta-endotoxin is a direct is required to maintain pests at low levels, as
product of a living organism. Bt occurs in shown in Fig. 8.13. Here, Bt was sprayed at
several different basic strains or subspecies, intervals into mangrove forests on the
within which there are many varieties with Chinese coast against larvae of the moth
differing behaviours and characteristics. In Ptyomaxia sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae),
tropical forestry, we are in the main interested resulting in an average effectiveness of over
in the subspecies Bt kurstaki, which pre- 90% mortality (Li et al., 2007). Such treat-
dominantly kills lepidopteran larvae; in fact, ment would, however, have to be continued
the first detection of the pathogen in general for as long as the pest was abundant.
was in silkworm farms at the beginning of So, Bt appears to be a mainly successful
the 20th century (Boucais and Pendland, alternative to heavy insecticide usage, at least
1998). The insecticidal endotoxin is a pro- for defoliators, and modern genetic engineer-
tein contained in crystals, which can com- ing has produced a whole range of transgenic
prise as much as 20 or 30% of the total plants successfully that express endotoxin
bacterial protein in liquid broth cultures. activity when eaten by insects, without
When lepidopteran larvae ingest the toxin any external treatment being required (see
(and note that they must be ingested to Chapter 6). However, serious insect pest
be effective, so that any pest which feeds in resistance to Bt is now appearing (Gassmann
a concealed way, or for that matter a sap et al., 2009), such that it is becoming much
feeder, will be unaffected), it produces a ces- less effective than it used to be. So far, this
sation of feeding and gut paralysis within problem has only really raised its ugly head
a matter of hours post-ingestion. Starvation in intensively treated agricultural crops, but
and death then ensue. Many commercial if Bt is used indiscriminately in tropical for-
formulations of Bt kurstaki are now availa- estry, then its future may be limited.
226 Chapter 8

Untreated 0

Biolep 1% 41.7

Biolep 2% 77.5

Bioasp 1% 52.3

Bioasp 2% 68

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Average morality (%)

Fig. 8.12. Percentage mortality of larvae of Eutectona machaeralis in field trials in India with two
commercial formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (from Meshram et al., 1997, courtesy Indian



160 Density of uncontrolled

140 Density of larvae
controlled with Bt
Pest density






4 04 4 4 4 04 5 5 5 5 5
–0 – –0 –0 –0 v– –0 –0 –0 –0 l –0
ar ay n g ct n ar r n Ju
M M Ju Au O No Ja M Ap Ju
Treatment date

Fig. 8.13. Effect of repeated applications of Bacillus thuringiensis against larvae of Ptyomaxia in Chinese
mangrove forests (data from Li et al., 2007).
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 227

8.3.8 Biological control using viruses scope, but the occluded viruses, especially
the nucleopolyhedroviruses or nuclear
As with many other animals, including of polyhedrosis viruses (NPVs), have a poten-
course humans, insects suffer from a whole tially bright future (Plate 114). The name
range of diseases caused by viruses and, on ‘occluded’ derives from the fact that the
occasion, outbreaks of forest insects seem actual virus particles (virions or rods) are
to decline as a result of infections by insect- enclosed within a proteinaceous sheath,
specific viruses (Ilyinykh, 2011). Many called a polyhedral inclusion body (PIB),
viruses that kill insects are similar to those which protects them from environmental
found in vertebrates, and one or two can conditions and enables them to persist out-
even infect plants. The only group of side the body of the host insect for long
viruses which are exclusive to insects are periods, especially in undisturbed habitats
the baculoviruses, and these have great such as forests. Table 8.4 presents details
potential for the biological control of many of their biology and ecology (Speight et al.,
forest insects. Baculoviruses are DNA 2008). As with bacteria, viruses must be
viruses (Cory and Myers, 2003), unlike ingested (eaten) by the insect larva in order
more familiar RNA viruses such as influ- for an infection to start, but only relatively
enza and HIV, and two different basic types small concentrations contaminating leaf or
occur, the occluded viruses and the non- bark material are required to start a fatal
occluded viruses. Apart from some success disease in the insect host. Young larvae are
in the biological control of palm rhinoceros much more susceptible than older ones. In
beetle, non-occluded viruses have little fact, late instars infected by an NPV might

Table 8.4. Characteristics of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) (from Speight et al., 2008).

Factor Comments

Specificity Completely within the phylum Arthropoda; usually within families, genera
or even species; no significant effects on vertebrates detected
Occurrence Naturally in insect populations in the field, especially in indigenous areas
Life stages infected Larvae; eggs pupae and adults occasionally may carry inactive virus
Mode of action Infection from contaminated substrate by ingestion only; virus attacks nuclei
of gut cells in sawfly larvae and other cells (e.g. fat body)
in moth larvae
Transfer between hosts In faeces of infected but still living larvae, from disintegrating cadavers,
in guts of predators (e.g. birds or beetles), may be on parasitoid ovipositors
Persistence Environmentally stable except in UV light; persist outside the insect host on
leaves or bark from generation to generation of pest, or in soil for
considerable time (months or years)
Efficiency Very high in pest epidemics via density-dependent transfer from host
to host; enormous replication potential
Cost Cheap to produce and bulk up by rearing the host species, or from field
collections; complex technology not usually required beyond
Drawbacks Must be ingested by host insect, not plant systemic; limited or no use
for borers and sap feeders
High host specificity; rarely cross-infective from one pest species to another
May not be available from nature
Do not kill immediately; infected larvae may continue to damage trees
for some time
Must be applied in the same way (timing and technology) as insecticides
Public and government distrust; tight legislation despite lack of evidence
for side effects
228 Chapter 8

reach the pupal stage before they die of the in trials and experiments against many
disease, and once they do, the pathogen forest pests around the world, though with
ceases to function and the insect can com- little commercial success, particularly in
plete its life cycle despite having picked the tropics. In the developed world, it has
up the virus. If death does occur in the late to be said that there is considerable public
larval stage, host cadavers break down and distrust and suspicion about the use of
release virus particles back into the envi- ‘germ warfare’ against insect pests, since
ronment ready to infect new hosts. Another it can never be proved conclusively that
mostly welcome trait of NPVs is their host pathogens such as NPVs will never cause
specificity. Most of them are species spe- harm to humans. However, there are situ-
cific and will not have any effect at all on ations where NPVs are being developed
even closely related insects. This means for tropical forest pest management and
that there is no environmental impact at all the best example, as already mentioned
from the use of such NPVs as a result of above, comes from Kerala in southern
killing non-target species, and of course if India against the teak defoliator moth, H.
they are unable to kill other insects, they puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). The
certainly should be safe to use in the pres- impact of this pest is described in Chapter
ence of vertebrates, including humans. 5 and it is clear that many countries
Compare this with the well-known side wherein teak is an important economic
effects of the use of synthetic chemical crop require a safe, cheap and efficient
insecticides the world over. An added pest control system.
advantage is that infected insect larvae can In Kerala, Hyblaea outbreaks occur
be eaten by predators such as birds or bee- almost every year, causing up to three severe
tles, with no effect at all on the predator. defoliations per season. Relatively small
However, as the animal moves around the trees can be sprayed from the ground (tall
forest, infective NPVs reappear in the pred- mature trees may be untreatable because of
ator’s faeces, producing new epicentres of the prohibitive costs of spraying from fixed-
disease for the target pest to encounter. The wing planes or helicopters) and Nair et al.
only problem with this host specificity is carried out trials with HpNPV in 1993 (Nair
that most NPVs have to be discovered in et al., 1996a). Early season (before June)
the wild before they can be used – using an applications of the virus resulted in sub-
NPV for one forest pest against another stantial biological control of the pest, with
species is usually impossible and careful a maximum protection of trees reaching
searching and screening is required before nearly 80%. Leaf losses were reduced from
a new biocontrol agent becomes available nearly 50% to around 10% in March and
(if it ever does). Thus, though poplars April. Knowing the economic impact of
(Populus sp.) have been grown in southern such losses enables forest managers to assess
Brazil since the early 1990s, the descrip- the overall success of the control pro-
tion of an NPV from a serious poplar defo- gramme. The multiplication rate of HpNPV
liating moth, Condylorrhiza vestigialis is fairly typical for this type of baculovirus,
(Lepidoptera: Crambidae), was only pub- and it depends on the initial dose rate, the
lished in 2009 (Castro et al., 2009). development stage of the larval host and the
Figure 8.14 describes the fate of a typ- time post-infection (Fig. 8.15) (Biji et al.,
ical NPV in the environment. Various 2006). The number of PIBs per larva
pathways or cycles of infection exist, most produced in a field mass production sys-
of which assist in the production of a dis- tem averaged around 5 × 108 at death
ease epizootic in the pest population (Sudheendrakumar et al., 2004). In a suc-
(Richards et al., 1998). It is clear that the cessful spray trial with HpNPV, approxi-
potential for NPVs as biological control mately 108 PIBs were used per teak tree, so
agents is excellent for exposed insects that in this case, the product of one dead
such as defoliators (Lepidoptera and saw- larva was able to provide enough virus to
flies especially) and they are being used treat several trees.
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 229

Dispersal to
new sites with
vertical transmission

Biotic dispersal Susceptible infection Virus-infected
to new sites host cadaver

Virus released Progeny

Acquisition of
on to host plant virus
virus during feeding

Biotic/abiotic Food plant

dispersal to (transmission site
new sites for leaf feeders)



Soil baculovirus
reservoir (transmission
site for soil dwellers)

Fig. 8.14. The fate of lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses in the environment. Solid arrows = NPV
transmission routes; dashed arrows = NPV dispersal routes; dashed-dot arrows = NPV inactivation (from
Richards et al., 1998, with permission Annual Reviews Inc).

Further work to refine and commercial- 8.3.9 The risks of biological control
ize the biological control of teak defoliator
using baculoviruses has continued in south- In principle, biological control using the
ern India, culminating with the production natural enemies of insects has many bene-
of a commercial formulation of HpNPV, fits over other control systems. It is usually
called ‘HybCheck’ (V.V. Sudheendrakumar, self-perpetuating, environmentally benign,
unpublished). The cost of this was in the cheap and safe, and often requires little or no
region of Rs 250 (US$5)/ha in 2005. ‘Control input from the grower once it is established.
windows’ have been developed which That it does not always work is not the fault
include rates and locations of larval feeding of the scientists who do the research and
(target area), dosage–mortality relationships development, but more due to the intractable
for all larvae (the dose), loss of virus from nature of the pest–host plant–environment
field factors such as ultraviolet light (attri- interactions. Foresters need to be more
tion) and rates of coverage of foliage using aware of why pest outbreaks occur in their
selected sprayers and formulations. This plantations or village lots, so that basic pre-
sophisticated system has to be one of the ventative measures can be backed up by
best examples of biological control using biological control tactics. So, are there any
pathogens in forestry. drawbacks to biological control? Some of
230 Chapter 8



6.5 III instar larva

12 24 36 48 60 72 84

Log10 POB yield per larva

IV instar larva
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120



V instar larva
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120

100 POBs 10,000 POBs 1,000,000 POBs

Hours post-infection

Fig. 8.15. Productivity (yield of POB/PIB) of Hyblaea puera NPV in laboratory cultures depending on the
initial virus dose and the larval instar (from Biji et al., 2006, courtesy Elsevier).

the agents we have described in the above organisms must be considered, and the
sections are very host specific, such as most term ‘biosafety’ is now being used in the
insect parasitoids and nucleopolyhedrovi- biological control literature (Barratt et al.,
ruses. However, some pathogens such as 2010). So far, this aspect of tropical forest
fungi, nematodes and bacteria are, to some pest management has been free of undesir-
extent, much more broadly infective. Some able side effects.
strains of B. thuringiensis, for example, will
kill beneficial insects such as silk moths
and even honeybees (Porcar et al., 2008)
almost as easily as their target pests, and so 8.4 Insecticides and Semiochemicals
care must be taken before forests are treated
liberally. Even with predators and parasi- The earliest references to the use of insecti-
toids, the potential effects on non-target cides date back some 3000 years, although
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 231

the widespread employment of chemicals and galleries excavated within it (Plates 115
to control insects is largely a development and 116). These four modes of attack are
of the 19th century, starting with the success- not mutually exclusive and may grade into
ful use of Paris green against the Colorado one another. The only effective means of
potato beetle in the USA in 1867 (Murphy preventing such attack has been by the use
and Aucott, 1998). Insecticides generally have of persistent insecticides in the soil as a bar-
been used as the first line of defence in the rier around the roots and collar or by poi-
control of insect outbreaks because: (i) they soning of mounds (although now, resistant
are highly effective; (ii) their effect is imme- tree species are being used increasingly).
diate; (iii) they can bring large insect popu- The guiding principle, of course, in decid-
lations under control rapidly; and (iv) they ing whether to apply control measures is
can be employed as needed. Few alternative that they are justified only when the expec-
means of control provide all these features. ted loss without treatment exceeds the cost
Serious limitations, however, are the adverse of treatment. Given the patchiness of ter-
effects on human and animal health and mite attack, in most situations the cost of
the environment that can sometimes result treating all plantings as a routine measure
from the use of these chemicals, as well would be hard to justify. However, there
as the development of insect resistance to are numerous recorded instances of par-
pesticides. Worldwide, the total insecticide ticular plantation areas which are ‘termite
usage for forestry applications is a fraction prone’ and sustain repeated serious tree
of that for agricultural crops. It is generally losses due to these pests. It is these areas
only in nurseries, very young plantations, that should be targeted for treatment (oth-
seed orchards and clonal hedges that erwise there would seem to be little point
such usage can be justified economically in replanting). One such example comes
and environmental side effects contained, from the Guangxi Province in southern
but there are exceptions. A classification of China, where young plantings of C. citrio-
chemical insecticides and their use in nurs- dora, E. grandis and E. urophylla were
eries is described in Chapter 7. Examples attacked by O. formosanus, M. barneyi and
are provided below of their use in the plant- Capritermes nitobei (Isoptera: Termitidae),
ing and post-planting stages. with losses of up to 73% in some areas (Wylie
and Brown, 1992). Attack sometimes com-
menced within a few days of planting and
8.4.1 Establishment and immediate was most severe in the first few months. Three
post-planting refillings were necessary in some badly affec-
ted areas, a situation which could have been
Termites are major pests of transplanted avoided by use of an insecticidal soil treat-
seedlings or saplings in many parts of the ment at first refill.
tropics (Kirton and Cheng, 2007) (see also Treatment of seedlings in the nursery,
Chapter 6), but particularly in the dry regions either by mixing insecticide with potting
of Africa and India (see Chapter 5). As out- soil prior to filling the plastic seedling bags
lined by Cowie et al. (1989), damage can or by applying the liquid insecticide formu-
take four forms: (i) the stem is cut near the lation to the seedling bags in the nursery
base (e.g. by Macrotermes spp., Odontotermes beds is the most cost-effective and least
spp. and Pseudacanthotermes spp.; Isoptera: labour-intensive method of forming a pro-
Termitidae); (ii) attack just below the ground tective barrier (Nair and Varma, 1981; Cowie
surface by these species extends upwards et al., 1989) (Plate 117). When transplanting
until the stem is ring-barked or downwards in the field, the seedlings should be planted
until the taproot tapers off and is severed; so that the treated soil stands 2–3 cm proud
(iii) the roots are penetrated and hollowed of the surrounding soil surface. Incomplete
out (e.g. by Microtermes spp., Ancistrotermes removal of the plastic bag, leaving a collar
spp. and Odontotermes spp.; Isoptera: Ter- of plastic around the top to keep treated
mitidae); and (iv) the stem is penetrated soil in place, is sometimes practised. If the
232 Chapter 8

seedling is planted too deep, untreated soil pit. Surface applications of chlorpyrifos
may be washed or blown into the hole, have been used to protect young commer-
allowing termites to breach the barrier. In cial eucalypt plantations in Australia against
India, post-planting treatment (drenching attack by adults of the African black beetle,
the surface soil around the plant with insec- Heteronychus arator. Bulinski et al. (2006),
ticide) confers no additional advantage, but however, have developed a cost-effective,
this is essential in Africa, where the termites pesticide-free approach to managing the
attack the plants at ground level, approach- problem, involving a nursery-applied flexible
ing the stem through the unprotected sur- plastic mesh sleeve to cover the root mass
face layer of soil (Nair, 2007). partially. This has reduced severe damage
The insecticides used most frequently and mortality by over 75%, with no negative
for barrier treatments against termites have effects on root formation or tree growth.
been the cyclodiene compounds dieldrin, Similarly, in Europe, Nordlander et al. (2009)
aldrin, chlordane and heptachlor, because have used a nursery-applied flexible sand
of their persistence in the soil. With the coating (fine sand embedded in an acrylate
banning of these chemicals in most coun- dispersion) for the protection of conifer seed-
tries, a slow-release granular formulation of lings against damage by the pine weevil,
carbosulfan has been employed in Africa, Hylobius abietis. In field trials in commer-
Asia and South America in much the same cial plantation areas, the sand coating was
fashion and has been found to be a very as effective in protecting seedlings as treat-
effective replacement (Canty and Harrison, ment with the insecticide imidacloprid.
1990; Mazodze, 1992; Resende et al., 1995; A wide range of leaf-eating and sap-
Govender, 2007) (Plate 118). sucking insects can attack trees immediately
Another situation where insecticides post-planting. The small size of the trees
may be used at planting is to protect against means that even just a few insects can cause
attack by white grubs, which feed on the root serious damage and the trees may not have
systems of young trees, often ring-barking sufficient energy reserves to recover from
and severing the stems below ground. As attack. However, their small size is an advantage
with termites, attack is usually patchy, but it when it comes to insecticidal spray applica-
is sometimes possible to identify high-risk tion because their foliage can be reached
areas. Attack is often more severe where plan- easily from the ground by conventional spray
tations have been established on grasslands equipment, and spraying can be targeted at
or on land previously devoted to agricul- individual trees or concentrated insect
ture. In Guangdong Province in southern swarms as required. In tropical Queensland,
China, larvae of the large scarab Lepidiota swarms of the scarab beetle, Epholcis bilobi-
stigma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) have caused ceps (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), attack young
losses of up to 50% of young seedlings, eucalypt plantations, completely stripping
necessitating refills (see Chapter 5 and Plates the foliage. When not actively feeding on
66 and 67). Attack is worst in soft, sandy foliage, they often congregate in large num-
soils and a prophylactic treatment of slow- bers on the stems of trees (Plate 119) and
release carbofuran is applied at planting in these concentrations can be sprayed easily
these areas (Wylie and Brown, 1992). In South with contact insecticides (Elliott et al., 1998).
Africa, where there are about 106,690 ha of In A. mearnsii plantations in South Africa,
A. mearnsii plantations, white grubs are the grasshoppers (most commonly Zonocerus
dominant and economically most impor- elegans) killed a maximum of about 10% of
tant seedling establishment pests, killing an seedlings and were controlled by spraying
average of 13% of wattle seedlings (Govender, with carbaryl or deltamethrin (Govender,
2007). Three insecticides are used against 2007). Meshram and Tiwari (2003) recom-
these pests; deltamethrin is applied as a mend application of deltamethrin and the
drench at planting and gamma BHC or fungicide carbendazim for control of dam-
carbosulfan controlled-release granules are age caused by the lace bug Tingis beesoni
applied around the root plug in the planting and the associated fungus Hendersonula
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 233

toruloidea to young Gmelina arborea sap- with contact insecticides is only a short-
lings (see Chapter 5). For insects such as term expedient and most control measures
leaf tiers, leaf rollers and shoot borers, have been directed against the nest itself
whose feeding habit protects them against once this has been located. The organochlo-
contact insecticides, systemic insecti- rine compounds aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane
cides may be employed. In Costa Rica, for and heptachlor have often been made up as
example, where young plantations of Pinus emulsions in water and poured down the
spp. have been severely attacked by the nest entrances. This can be effective but is
Nantucket pine tip moth, Rhyacionia frus- time-consuming and if the ground is dry,
trana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), application the liquid may not penetrate far into the
of dimethoate resulted in a larval mortality nest. Gas fumigation of nests is a technique
of 80% 8 days after treatment (Salazar, that has been employed successfully over
1984). Other systemic insecticides such as many years using some highly toxic com-
phorate, monocrotophos, imidacloprid and pounds such as carbon disulfide, hydrogen
carbofuran have also been used against cyanide and methyl bromide. Insecticidal
various cone and seed insects in parts of smoke pumped into the nest under pressure
Asia (Bhandari et al., 2006; Nair, 2007) and is also effective, but the machinery is expen-
the southern USA (Grosman et al., 2002) (see sive and the operators need special training.
Chapter 5). Because of this, small farmers tend to
Leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Form- favour insecticidal dusts blown down nest
icidae) are one of the principal pests of entrances with a cheap hand pump.
plantation forestry in the New World and All these methods require the nest to
have been reported attacking 15 different be found, are labour-intensive and entail
forest tree crops, including pines, eucalypts, the use of large quantities of toxicant.
teak and Gmelina in some 16 countries (see Toxic baits, however, do not have these
Chapter 5 and Plates 16 and 17). It is not shortcomings and their use began around
surprising, therefore, that a wide range of 1957 with the manufacture of wheat flour
insecticides has been used against them, baits containing 2% aldrin. The require-
applied in a variety of methods as dis- ment for a bait toxicant is that it should be
cussed by Cherrett (1986) and summarized non-repellent to the target pest and should
in Table 8.5. Spraying of foraging workers be sufficiently slow acting to enable it to

Table 8.5. The principal insecticides that have been used in leaf-cutting ant control, and modes
of application (after Cherrett, 1986). Note that the use of the majority of these chemicals is no longer


Chemical Bait Dust Gas Liquid Smoke

Aldrin X X X X
Carbon disulfide X X
Chlordane X X X
Dieldrin X X X X
Heptachlor X X
Hydramethylnon X
Hydrogen cyanide X X
Methyl bromide X X
Mirex X
Nonachlor X
Sulfur and arsenic X
Sulfluramid X
234 Chapter 8

be brought back to the nest and passed industries, frequent defoliation of these plan-
around by mutual feeding before it takes tations by caterpillars of the moth Atteva fab-
full effect. Mirex, a slow-acting stomach riciella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) results
poison developed for fire ant control, was in retardation of growth and mortality of
found to be most suitable against leaf- younger trees. Aerial spraying with malathion
cutting ants. Because it is persistent in the or endosulfan provides effective control (Jha
environment, toxic and possibly carcino- and Sen-Sarma, 2008). Similarly, a range of
genic, its use has been phased out in insecticides has been applied aerially to con-
most countries. In South America, it was trol outbreaks of the teak skeletonizer E.
incorporated in an attractant bait which machaeralis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and
was sealed inside small polythene bags defoliator H. puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae)
(Cherrett, 1986). The ants detect the attrac- in teak plantations in India, including endrin,
tant through the polythene, cut the bags malathion, fenthion, carbaryl and, more
open and remove the bait. Sulfluramid recently, B. thuringiensis (Jha and Sen-Sarma,
and hydramethylnon are now used in the 2008) (see earlier in this chapter). In a 15-year-
baits in place of mirex (Zanuncio et al., old teak plantation in Thailand, neem extract
1999; Carlos et al., 2011). Aracruz Celulose was applied using a thermal fogger to control
in Brazil, a leading producer of bleached H. puera, and at higher concentrations gave
sulfate eucalypt pulp for high-quality 77–99% mortality of larvae in about 6 days
paper, has about 260,000 ha of plantations (Eungwijarnpanya and Yinchareon, 2002).
(Osland and Osland, 2007) (Plate 122), The thermal fogger and high-power spra-
managed on a 7-year rotation, which are yers had been used routinely in Thailand
subject to attack by leaf-cutting ants. since 1981 to apply B. thuringiensis in teak
A three-phase control strategy is emplo- seed orchards and plantations against teak
yed against these pests. Prior to planting, defoliator.
nests are located and baits placed around The wattle bagworm, Chaliopsis junodi
active exit holes. Immediately after plant- (Lepidoptera: Psychidae), is the most sprayed
ing, any nests still active are fumigated forestry pest in South Africa. Estimates of the
with methyl bromide. From the second areas sprayed annually by air are shown in
month after planting until harvest, the Fig. 8.16 and tend to follow almost exactly
bait bag method is used, the bags being the fluctuations in the bagworm population
distributed systematically through the (Atkinson, 1998). Insecticides used have
plantations at a density of 56 bait bags/ha evolved from extremely toxic materials at
and also placed around individual nests high application rates (camphechlor, endrin)
(Laranjeiro, 1994). to the much more benign synthetic pyre-
throids at extremely low rates (alphacyper-
methrin). Also in South Africa, plantations
8.4.2 Intermediate years (above of A. mearnsii are sprayed from the air with
reachable height to mature) either deltamethrin, acephate or cypermeth-
rin to prevent outbreaks of the brown wattle
In tropical forestry, most insecticide applica- mirid, Lygidolon laevigatum (Hemiptera:
tions are from the ground, for reasons relating Miridae), when trapping indicates that pop-
to accessibility, cost and technology require- ulations could exceed the economic thresh-
ments. However, the rapid growth of many of old if not treated (see earlier this chapter). As
the hardwood species used in plantations in well, eucalypt plantations in that country are
the tropics means that the canopies of such sprayed aerially with fenvalerate or cyper-
trees are soon beyond the reach of ground- methrin to control infestations of the
based spray equipment, and aerial spraying Eucalyptus snout weevil, Gonipterus scutel-
of pests, if economically justified and afford- latus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Atkinson,
able, may be the best option. In India, where 1999; see Chapter 5 and Plate 15). Inter-
Ailanthus triphysa is planted on a large scale estingly, in some trials with cypermethrin
for the matchwood and pulp and paper against this pest there was evidence that
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 235



Hectares aerial spraying






1953 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 7173 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95

Fig. 8.16. Areas of aerial spraying annually for the wattle bagworm, Chaliopsis junodi, in South Africa
from 1953 to 1996. These tend to follow almost exactly the fluctuations in the bagworm population
(from Atkinson, 1998).

spraying might actually increase the level of makes them prone to wind-throw. Suggested
egg parasitism by the mymarid wasp Anaphes control measures include painting the stems
nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) following of trees with heavy oil, spraying the bark
the treatment. surface with insecticide during the emer-
Another use of insecticides in the inter- gence period, or injecting insecticide into
mediate years, and one requiring only simple holes after removing frass and wood frag-
methodology, is for the control of borers in ments (Nair, 2007). Similarly in Bangladesh,
stems of trees. In Mindanao, in the southern techniques recommended for the control of
Philippines, larvae of a cossid wood moth the bark-eating caterpillar Indarbela quadri-
(Lepidoptera: Cossidae), closely related to the notata (Lepidoptera: Indarbelidae) (see
beehole borers, and of a hepialid wood moth Chapter 5 and Plate 35), a pest of Falcataria
(possibly Endoclita sp.) were found infesting moluccana, include spraying the bark with
3-year-old plantations of G. arborea being 0.1% dieldrin or malathion, injection of 5 ml
grown for use as poles and sawn timber. of 0.1% dichlorvos into each larval hole, or
Surveys at three sites showed an incidence of plugging the larval hole with cotton soaked
attack ranging from 11 to 60%. Generally, with kerosene. Baksha (1993) cautions that
there were between one and four attacks per such methods, being very labour-intensive,
tree (up to 14), the majority being in the lower may be impractical for large plantations but
stem. The control technique employed by may be useful to protect high-value trees
local staff was to poke a cotton rag soaked such as seed orchards and ornamental trees.
with azodrin into the larval tunnel.
In Thailand, the longicorn Aristobia
horridula (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a
serious pest of Pterocarpus macrocarpus 8.4.3 Mature trees
plantations aged 4 years and older (see
Chapter 5). Larval tunnelling in stems and Insecticides are rarely used in mature,
branches causes death of young trees or commercial plantations. Leaving aside any
236 Chapter 8

considerations of logistics, the environment in forestry applications as compared to those

or the technical difficulties of achieving for agriculture (Payne, 2000).
adequate spray coverage through tree cano-
pies to reach all target organisms, the main
reason is that if severe insect damage were
to occur, it is probably more cost-effective 8.4.4 Semiochemicals
to salvage damaged trees, which are close to
harvest anyway. Possible exceptions would As outlined by Nadel et al. (2011), semio-
be chemical usage to eradicate an exotic pest chemicals are chemicals produced by one
or spot treatment to contain an outbreak. organism that affect the behaviour or physi-
Mature trees may sometimes be sprayed ology of another, and they are commonly
where the plantations have been established used in inter- and intra-specific communi-
for reasons other than production. For exam- cation between insects and in host finding.
ple, in Taiwan in the late 1980s, outbreaks of Pheromones are used in the communication
the casuarina tussock moth, Lymantria xylina between insects of the same species, whereas
(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), occurred in allelochemicals (kairomones, allomones and
plantations of C. equisetifolia which had been synomones) act as chemical signals between
established as windbreaks in west coastal different trophic levels, genera and/or
areas. Defoliation was so severe that the wind- species. Semiochemical research in forestry
breaks lost their function. Outbreaks were has grown exponentially over the past
controlled by helicopter spraying of a mixture 40 years, most of the emphasis being on
of azodrin and carbaryl, sometimes in combi- pheromones (Nadel et al., 2011). They are
nation with B. bassiana (Chang, 1991). used for the detection or monitoring of
Payne (2000) discusses the various pests and are also employed in various stra-
physical, chemical and biological factors tegies for controlling insect populations,
influencing aerial insecticide application such as mass trapping, lure and kill, lure and
to forests. A successful aerial insecticide infect and mating disruption (El-Sayed et al.,
application is one that provides the desired 2006, 2009).
degree of pest control at an economic cost, In mass trapping, suitable densities of
with little environmental impact. Pest con- pheromone-baited traps are deployed with
trol products that are very specific in their the aim of pest suppression by male and/or
activity, applied in appropriate quantities female annihilation. Most of the work that
and at a time when the pest is susceptible, has been carried out so far has focused on
exposed and feeding, and with a distribu- forestry pests in Europe and North America,
tion that matches that of the pest, contrib- where bark beetles have been the main tar-
ute to these desired outcomes. The factors gets. The largest mass-trapping progra-
influencing the success of forestry insecticide mme for bark beetles was conducted in
applications differ somewhat from agricul- Norway and Sweden for the spruce beetle
tural applications because forested treatment I. typographus during the period 1979–
areas are often larger, more remote and less 1982 (El-Sayed et al., 2006). Approximately
well defined, and the plant canopy is taller 600,000 pheromone-baited traps deployed
and aerodynamically rougher, making aerial in Norwegian forests caught an average of
applications the norm. Global positioning 4850 beetles/trap, or 2.9bn beetles in total.
systems are valuable in finding and defining Following this, the number of attacks of liv-
remote treatment areas and in guiding the ing trees by the insect declined steadily, but
pilot during the application, thereby improv- the relative contributions of control meas-
ing efficacy and reducing off-target deposits ures and various natural factors to this
from aerial insecticide applications to forests. decline are unknown (Eidmann, 1983). In
The relatively tall and uneven forest canopy southern California from 1989 through
leads to an increased flying height to maintain 1992, a 48 ha stand of the rare Torrey pine,
pilot safety. In turn, this makes meteorologi- P. torreyana, suffered 12% mortality due to
cal factors of somewhat greater importance infestation by the California fivespined ips,
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 237

I. paraconfusus (Shea and Neustein, 1995). the insect is subjected to a killing agent
A mass-trapping programme commenced in (insecticide or insect pathogen) or steriliz-
1991 using aggregation pheromones in the ing agent, which effectively eliminates it
infested parts of the stand and anti-aggrega- from the population after a short time
tion pheromones in uninfested areas. After (El-Sayed et al., 2009).
several seasons of trapping, mortality caused The objective of mating disruption is
by I. paraconfusus was virtually eliminated. to prevent the successful mating of target
Although there were no controls, it was insects by interrupting or disrupting com-
considered more than mere coincidence munication between the sexes. In this sys-
that when trapping was discontinued, mor- tem, the responding sex is unable to find the
tality increased and when trapping resumed, emitting sex. Insects remain alive but diso-
mortality ceased. Another reported suc- riented during mating disruption, whereas
cessful case of pheromone mass trapping is they are removed from the population
that of the bark beetle I. duplicatus in a by mass trapping or lure-and-kill systems.
2000 ha ‘island’ of spruce in Inner Mongolia Among the three approaches, mating dis-
(Schlyter et al., 2003). Examples from the ruption is the most widely used in pest
tropics are few. In 1988, a hurricane devas- management, followed by mass trapping
tated much of the island of Jamaica, damag- and lure and kill (El-Sayed et al., 2006). Two
ing one-quarter of the total pine plantations, strategies are used for deploying synthetic
mostly P. caribaea (see Chapter 6). Damaged pheromones over wide areas. One involves
trees were colonized rapidly by bark beetles the use of widely spaced dispensers, each
I. calligraphus and I. cribicollis (Coleoptera: releasing relatively large amounts of phe-
Scolytinae), which could complete their life romone for up to 6 months (e.g. twist-tie
cycle within a month. Populations were ropes). The other involves application of
monitored with multiple funnel traps baited a large number of small dispensers, each
with ipsenol and ethanol, which attracted releasing a small amount of pheromone over
mainly I. cribicollis, or a bait containing 2–4 weeks (e.g. microcapsules, beads or
ipsdienol, ethanol and cisverbenol, which flakes) (Gillette et al., 2006). Mating dis-
attracted mainly I. calligraphus. Pheromone- ruption using semiochemicals in the form
baited trap lines were recommended in areas of sex pheromones has been applied most
where excessive quantities of blown-down successfully to control lepidopteran pests
timber were adjacent to stressed standing such as the western pine shoot borer,
trees, the idea being to attract the beetles Eucosma sonomana, and the ponderosa
away from such trees and thus reduce tree pine tip moth, R. zonana (Lepidoptera:
mortality (Bunce and McLean, 1990). In Tortricidae) in California (Gillette et al.,
India, Masoodi et al. (1990) studied the effect 2006). Treatments with microencapsulated
of disparlure, deployed in pheromone pheromone disrupted orientation by both
traps in poplar and willow plantations, on species for several weeks and resulted in a
the suppression of mating by L. obfuscata population reduction of two-thirds in each
(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Removal of a of the 2 years studied. In Virginia, forest
substantial proportion of males by these plots treated aerially with a plastic lami-
adhesive-coated traps resulted in a signifi- nated flake formulation of disparlure to
cant suppression of mating, as shown by the disrupt gypsy moth L. dispar (Lepidoptera:
egg mass count before bud burst and after Lymantriidae) mating were monitored for
leaf fall. Reduction of egg mass density was 2 years after treatment (Thorpe et al., 2007).
between 62 and 77%. In the year of treatment, there was a greater
The lure-and-kill technique differs than 98% reduction in mating success com-
slightly from mass trapping in that the pared to controls. Mating success 1 year
insect responding to the semiochemical after treatment was reduced by 60–79%, but
lure is not ‘entrapped’ at the source of the was not reduced significantly at 2 years after
attractant by adhesive, water or other phys- treatment. Mating disruption is a key ele-
ical device, as in mass trapping, but instead ment in the ‘Slow the Spread of the Gypsy
238 Chapter 8

Moth’ programme in the USA. The goal of network of monitoring traps using kairom-
this programme is to reduce the rate of gypsy one lures, simulating stressed pine trees,
moth spread by treating and eliminating the has been established across the commercial
numerous gypsy moth colonies that become forestry plantation resource (Nadel et al.,
established just beyond the leading edge 2011). Here, it is anticipated that monitoring
(Sharov et al., 2002; Onufrieva et al., 2008) the wood wasp S. noctilio ahead of the inva-
(Fig. 8.17). sion front allows for early detection and
Although semiochemical research has swift action in the form of releasing biologi-
been undertaken for various insects in the cal control agents in newly invaded areas.
tropics and southern hemisphere, there are A similar trapping programme is in place
few examples of this approach being used in in Queensland for monitoring the spread
plantation forestry (Nadel et al., 2011). The of S. noctilio, a recent arrival in that state,
perceived high cost of discovery, devel- employing a combination lure of α-pinene
opment and application of semiochemicals and β-pinene. Both Australia and South
and a lack of research capacity have been sug- Africa have begun to explore the potential to
gested as the main reasons for their minimal use sex pheromones to control cossid wood
use in these regions. However, this situation moths that kill trees or lower timber values
is changing gradually, with several countries in commercial eucalypt plantations, such as
now building up their capacity in chemical the giant wood moth, Endoxyla cinereus, and
ecology. The most common use of semio- the Culama wood moth, Culama australis, in
chemicals in the region is in the detection of Australia and the goat moth, Coryphodema
forest invasive species and in monitoring the tristis, in South Africa (Lawson et al., 2008;
spread and population levels of various forest Nadel et al., 2011). Semiochemicals have
pests. In several Australian states, including been used as a deterrent to the black twig
tropical and subtropical Australia, semio- borer, Xylosandrus compactus (Coleoptera:
chemicals are used to monitor for the pres- Scolytinae), in an A. koa forest in Hawaii
ence of quarantine pests at high-risk sites (Dudley et al., 2006). Zarbin et al. (2007)
around seaports and airports, as well as in describe the rapid progress that has been
forests located close to these areas (Wylie et made in research on insect pheromones in
al., 2008) (Table 8.6) (see also Chapter 9). Brazil in the past decade, including identifi-
Australia also has an early warning cation of a pheromone of the subterranean
system for Asian gypsy moth and other termite Heterotermes tenuis, which is a serious
Lymantria species using disparlure-baited pest in commercial plantations of Eucalyptus
traps. In South Africa, since 2007, a national species.

Without Slow the Spread With Slow the Spread

2000 2005
2005 2010
2010 2015

Fig. 8.17. Projected gypsy moth spread with and without the Slow the Spread Project (from Sharov et al.,
Management Systems III: Plantation Stage 239

Table 8.6. Forest pests and fungi target taxa and the methods used to detect them in Brisbane,
Australia (from Wylie et al., 2008, with permission of Australian Forestry).

Target taxa Trap Lure

Longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae), particularly: Panel a-pinene + ethanol

Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorn beetle)
Monochamus alternatus (Japanese pine sawyer)
Arhopalus ferus (burnt pine longicorn)
Stromatium spp.
Hylotrupes bajulus (European house borer)
Wood wasps (Siricidae) particularly: Panel a-pinene + ethanol
Sirex spp.
Urocerus spp.
Xeris spp.
Bark beetles (Scolytinae):
Ips spp. Panel Ipsenol, Ips-dienol
Dendroctonus spp. Panel Frontalin, Exo-brevicomin
Other species, especially Tomicus spp.,
Orthotomicus spp. and ambrosia beetles Panel a-pinene + ethanol
Asian gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae) Delta Disparlure
Eucalyptus rust Puccinia psiidii Inspection
Auger and powderpost beetles (Bostrichidae), especially: Panel No specific lure
Heterobostrychus aequalis
H. brunneus
Lyctus africanus
Sinoxylon spp.

Some of the advantages of pheromones regulation of herbivores by their antagonists.

over insecticides are discussed by Witzgall Insects with hidden, protected lifestyles,
et al. (2010). Insecticides do not achieve a including those with underground or wood-
long-term pest population decrease, but many boring larval habits, cannot be controlled
studies show that continuous long-term easily with cover sprays of insecticides. Here,
pheromone use does decrease population control with pheromones is advantageous,
levels of target species. This is attributable since it aims at the mobile adult life stage
to a recovering fauna of beneficials and to and functions to prevent oviposition alto-
an increasing efficacy of pheromones at low gether. Further examples of the uses of
population densities when communica- pheromones in insect pest monitoring are
tion distance between sexes is increasing. provided in Chapter 9, and Wyatt (2003) has
Insecticide overuse also induces outbreaks more details of pheromone chemistry, biology
of secondary pests by disturbing the natural and ecology.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health
Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine

9.1 Forest Health Surveillance industrial forest plantations (IFPs), by the

nature of their product, market value and long
9.1.1 Introduction rotation times, are generally much larger than
their agricultural counterparts. Crops such as
wheat and sugar are broadacre but are har-
Once a crop has been planted, whether it be
vested annually, while horticultural crops
agricultural, horticultural or forest tree, there
such as avocado and mango may take a few
is usually a need to ensure its protection, until
years to produce fruit but are of higher value
the time of harvest and sometimes beyond,
per unit area. The critical mass required to
from a variety of damaging agents both natu-
make the forest industry viable in a region
ral (wildfire, hail, rainfall extremes, insects,
may also be large. For example, in south-
fungi, animals) and those related to human
ern Sumatra in Indonesia, a plantation of
activities (pollution, domestic stock, mechan-
170,000 ha of Acacia mangium has been
ical injury, pesticide toxicity). As described
established to supply the fibre needs for just
throughout this book, it is often a combina-
one pulp and paper mill. Areas of natural
tion of such factors rather than a single-agent
forest that are harvested for timber are even
cause which underlies many crop problems.
vaster. This by itself greatly increases the
For example, in Australia, overstocking in
difficulty of detection of health problems.
Pinus plantations accompanied by drought
Continuing this comparison of cropping sys-
stress can promote attack and mortality by
tems, the greater height of forest trees within
the wood wasp Sirex noctilio (Collett and
a few years after their planting and the often
Elms, 2009). Evans and Turnbull (2004) out-
more rugged terrain on which they are planted
line a general approach to follow with all
make sampling difficult. Added to this is the
organic damage (fungi, insects, other ani-
fact that many of the forests are remote and
mals or microorganisms); the four stages are
infrequently visited, and a serious problem
detection, identification, analysis and action.
can pass unnoticed for a long time.
It is in the very first of these, detection, that
some significant differences between agri-
cultural/horticultural systems and forestry 9.1.2 Purpose of routine forest
systems begin to manifest themselves. health surveys
For a start, in a comparison of the mini-
mum areas of land required in order to pro- Identifying and managing threats to forests
vide similar economic returns on investment, and plantations is an essential element of

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
240 (F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight)
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 241

sound forest management (Carnegie, 2008). pertain to forest health. Data obtained build
What constitutes a healthy forest can vary up a reference baseline and assist in the
according to differing management objec- early detection of changes that call for a
tives for particular forests. For example, in a more detailed evaluation. In the course of
forest set aside for conservation, an outbreak such surveys, the surveillance team may be
of a native insect pest would be regarded as able to suggest likely causes for some of the
a part of the normal forest dynamics and no changes observed (e.g. lightning strike as a
remedial action would be taken unless such cause of observed bark beetle attack and
outbreak was linked in some way with tree mortality).
human interference. In a production forest, Problems or potential problems detected
however, any insect outbreak which threat- during broad-scale surveillance must then
ened significant tree mortality or serious be investigated by protection specialists
growth loss would engender prompt reme- to delineate the extent of the problem,
dial action. In a conservation forest, stag- identify the cause (if possible) and make
headed and hollow trees could be taken as a recommendations to managers as to the
sign of a healthy ecosystem in that they pro- appropriate course of action. Such recom-
vide habitat for wildlife, whereas in a forest mendations may be to do nothing (if not
plantation dead or dying trees are more a problem or not economically justified), to
likely to be a cause for alarm as an indicator conduct additional targeted surveys, to
of a potential health problem. monitor the occurrence closely, to take con-
As defined by Carnegie (2008), forest trol action or to initiate detailed research on
health surveillance involves systematic sur- the problem. These two phases (i.e. general
veys of forests by trained specialists, the surveillance and follow-up investigation)
main purposes being to: (i) detect and map encompass the four stages outlined by
outbreaks and damage by known pests or Evans and Turnbull (2004). Barnard et al.
diseases; (ii) detect change in forest health (1992) include an additional phase, ‘intensive-
over time, including the distribution and site ecosystem monitoring’, as part of health
status of pests or diseases; and (iii) detect monitoring, the goal being to obtain a
incursions of exotic pests or diseases. The more complete understanding of the mech-
principle underlying this is that early detec- anisms of change in forest ecosystems.
tion of a pest problem allows more scope for Such detailed and long-term monitoring is
its management. In forests managed for con- more commonly used in naturally occur-
servation purposes, the emphasis is more ring forests and could be regarded as
likely to be on the detection of any unnatu- being in the realm of ecosystem research. It
ral biotic or abiotic factors (e.g. introduced is in a somewhat different category to the
pests, air pollution) which threaten the long- routine health surveys carried out in forest
term health or vitality of the ecosystem, and plantations.
on factors which are indicative of ecosystem Surveillance for forest pests is practised
disturbance or decline. Such surveillance, at varying levels of sophistication in differ-
of course, would also include naturally occur- ent countries throughout the tropics. In its
ring factors. simplest form, it involves individual workers
in the forests observing a disorder or some-
thing unusual in the course of their duties
9.1.3 Requirements for effective and reporting it to a superior, who takes the
and efficient surveillance appropriate action. These ‘eyes in the forest’
are an important component of any surveil-
Forest health surveillance or detection lance system, but their contribution to overall
monitoring essentially provides a ‘snapshot’ probability of detection should not be over-
of the health of the forests. It includes both estimated by forest managers. As an example,
extensive surveys and fixed-plot monitoring, trials in New Zealand have demonstrated
and usually entails systematic observance that the ‘efficacy’ of detection by such staff
of a predetermined set of parameters that is extremely low (Carter, 1989). The next
242 Chapter 9

level of surveillance may involve the assign- Other backups which are essential for
ing of certain staff, although non-specialist, a well-functioning surveillance programme
working in a particular forest area to look are facilities and equipment for rearing or
for, or gather information on, disorders in culturing collected immature organisms
that forest and to liaise with specialists. At (since mature specimens are usually requi-
the top level, teams of highly trained profes- red for species identification) and systems
sionals are employed to conduct systema- for the efficient storage and retrieval of data.
tized surveillance of the forests using a For insect rearing, sophisticated facilities
range of methodologies. such as controlled-environment rooms,
For forest health surveillance to achieve while very useful, are not essential. Cages
its goals, it is essential to have a good backup or containers for rearing generally can be
team, otherwise monitoring is pointless. made quite cheaply from local materials
Taxonomists are required to identify cor- and kept at ambient temperatures in sim-
rectly organisms or damage brought back by ple insectaries, which are shielded from
the surveillance team. This allows for an direct sun and screened or otherwise pro-
assessment of the organism’s known pest sta- tected to exclude vermin or insects that
tus and potential to cause serious damage. might damage specimens. An essential
Experienced staff are also required to evalu- requirement in achieving one of the main
ate and quantify the extent and severity of goals of forest health monitoring, the detec-
the problem, gauge impact and advise on a tion of change, is an established baseline to
course of action. It is in this area of technical determine if, when and where changes are
backup that problems are experienced in occurring and to quantify those changes.
many tropical countries. For a start, in com- This requires an efficient system of data
parison with temperate regions, there are few storage and retrieval. Manual systems have
forest entomologists and forest pathologists now been replaced largely by computer
in the tropics, and even fewer insect or fun- databases, which can store and sort very
gal taxonomists. As an example, Nair (2007) large data sets rapidly and can be linked to
mentioned that in 2000, Indonesia, with a geographic information systems (GIS) if
forested area of over 100 Mha, had only about desired. An example of a very simple out-
40 researchers in forest protection (including put from such database systems, which is
entomologists and pathologists). As well, the of great value to forest managers, is a map
number of species in the tropics is vast and which details pest occurrence and severity
the taxonomy of many groups is poorly (Fig. 9.1) (Wallnes, 1996). Appropriate soft-
known. Some countries are fortunate in ware and hardware is generally readily
having large and well-curated museum col- available worldwide, although cost remains
lections, but many do not. Under tropical a limiting factor for some countries.
conditions, good curation is essential or col-
lections will deteriorate rapidly, but such
requirements are often financially daunting
in poorer countries. Countries lacking their 9.1.4 Surveillance methodologies
own taxonomic facilities have usually depen-
ded on others to service their needs, but the Methodologies used for forest health sur-
introduction of charges for identifications by veillance or monitoring vary according to
many institutions (even if the charges are the purpose of the surveillance and the
subsidized) undoubtedly has reduced the type of forest being surveyed. In indus-
numbers of specimens submitted. All these trial forest plantations, a combination of
factors combine to make identification a slow aerial and ground surveys is commonly
process and impair the efficient function- employed, while around ports and saw-
ing of health surveillance systems, although mills trapping systems may be used.
the advent of pest image libraries and online Examples of these methodologies and
identification keys are now improving this some comments on their efficacy are pro-
situation. vided below.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 243

1900 1914

1965 1990

Fig. 9.1. Establishment and spread of Lymantria dispar in the USA (from Wallner, 1996).

Ground survey crown (as a percentage) multiplied by the

average level of severity at the leaf scale (as a
This generally involves either drive-through percentage) for the three types of leaf dam-
or walk-through surveys, or more often a age: defoliation, necrosis and discoloration.
combination of both. The former are usually The CDI is the sum of the products of each
conducted from all-terrain (e.g. four-wheel incidence and severity and has been pro-
drive) vehicles, although in northern Sumatra posed so as to provide ground-based asses-
in Indonesia motorcycles are employed. sors with a generic, standardized measure of
Typically, a team of two observers will drive tree crown damage, which can allow com-
along roads through the plantation estate at parisons to be made between plantations and
low speed looking for symptoms of tree dis- districts over time.
order. Routes are usually planned in advance Bulman et al. (1999) in New Zealand
so as to provide systematic sampling of the have estimated the efficiency of various pest
maximum area. Periodically, at randomly detection survey methods. For drive-through
located points, observers may leave the vehi- surveys, they found that the most important
cle to conduct ground inspections away from factors influencing target detection were dis-
the road. When disorders are detected, the tance from the road (68% of all simulated
team may then sample more intensively to damage was detected at road edge, 52% was
obtain information on the severity and extent detected 20 m from the road and 35% at 40 m
of the problem and to collect specimens, into the stand) and driving speed – 77% of all
including damage, for identification or diag- simulated damage was detected at 15 km/h,
nosis. Stone et al. (2003a,b) devised a method 46% at 30 km/h and only 32% at 45 km/h.
for assessing the effects of insect herbivory Detection was slightly better overall in the
at the leaf, tree crown and stand scales for older and lower-stocked stands than the
young eucalypts in the pre-canopy closure younger stands (Fig 9.2). There was also signifi-
phase. Their crown damage index (CDI) is cant interaction between age/stocking and
based on a visual estimate of the incidence, distance from the road, with better detection
that is, extent of damage over the entire tree close to the road but worse detection further
244 Chapter 9

from the road in the younger, higher-stocked among five 3-year-old Eucalyptus globulus
stands. In walk-through surveys, the most plantations. They found that dead tops were
influential factor was distance; 97% of the detected most efficiently by aerial inspection
roadside symptoms were detected, decreas- but crown symptoms produced by moder-
ing to 71% at 20 m into the stand and 47% at ately severe insect defoliation or necrotic
40 m into the stand. Detection rates were sig- leaf lesions were best detected by roadside
nificantly higher in the pruned stands (75%) and ground inspection, both of these meth-
than the unpruned stands (60%). They found ods being equally efficient. Cryptic symp-
that drive-through forest sampling at the slow- toms could not be detected reliably using
est vehicle speed tested (15 km/h) gave detec- any of the inspection platforms, even when
tion efficiencies very similar to those obtained their incidence, within small patches, was
from walk-through sampling (Fig. 9.2). How- as high as 2%. They concluded that the
ever, they caution that there is no substitute combination of aerial and roadside inspec-
for the close-up examination of foliage and tion provided sufficient resolution to detect
potential insect breeding sites. Insect frass on operationally relevant damage (i.e. damage
the stems or around the bases of trees, for of sufficient severity to consider remedial
example, is unlikely to be detected in a drive- treatment) but was unlikely to detect dam-
through survey. Bulman et al. (1999) also age by new incursions at a sufficiently early
examined the effect of using more than stage when eradication might be feasible.
one observer and found that this increa- This finding reinforces the importance of
sed the probability of detection consi- conducting surveillance for forest invasive
derably in all three types of survey tested species at their likely points of entry, as dis-
(Fig. 9.3), as did repeat inspections by obser- cussed later in this chapter.
vers (Bulman, 2008).
In Australia, Wardlaw et al. (2008) Aerial survey and remote sensing
measured the efficacy of aerial, roadside
and ground inspection to detect nine differ- Historically, aerial detection surveys have
ent types of damage symptoms, ranging been of two types: visual sketch-mapping
from very obvious (mortality and dead tops) surveys and aerial photographic surveys
to very cryptic (stem cankers and stem bor- (Pywell and Myhre, 1992). Visual sketch
ers), each occurring at a range of incidences mapping is the technique of delineating the



Detection (%)




40 Drive, mid-rotation
Drive, young pruned
30 Walk, young pruned
Walk, young unpruned
0 10 20 30 40
Distance from road (m)

Fig. 9.2. Comparison of mean detection rates at various distances from the road for a drive-through survey
at 15 km/h and a walk-through survey (from Bulman et al., 1999).
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 245



Detection (%)



50 Walk-through
Port environs

1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of observers

Fig. 9.3. Mean detection percentages plotted against the number of observers for drive-through,
walk-through and port environs surveys (from Bulman et al., 1999).

area of pest-caused damage on to maps based in pest management can be divided into two
on observations by forest health specialists broad classes, mapping photography and
flying in a small aircraft (Johnson and Ross, sampling photography (Pywell and Myhre,
2008). The observers look for symptoms of 1992). Mapping photography is a block
tree disorder, usually indicated by vegetation of continuous photo coverage that can be
colour change, and map such occurrences assembled into a photo mosaic or photo
for ground evaluation, or ‘truthing’. Once map. It is usually used for mapping the total
the causal agent and host are identified, and extent of a pest problem. Sampling photo-
if the problem is sufficiently serious and the graphy is photo coverage of a small area that
damage characteristic, further aerial surveys is representative of a large unit or type, and
may be conducted to track the severity and is used when it is not operationally feasible
spread of the infestation. This technique is or cost-effective to evaluate 100% of the
an efficient method of detecting and app- area of concern.
raising recognizable pest damage over large A limitation of sketch mapping is that it
remote forest areas, although not all countries is highly subjective, although an assessment
have the necessary infrastructure. Aerial by Johnson and Ross (2008) shows that it
sketch mapping has been used, for example, is operationally acceptable for broad-scale
for monitoring forest conditions in southern detection and monitoring. Photography can
Brazil, primarily for assessment of damage provide more accurate information than
caused by the wood wasp S. noctilio, mon- sketch mapping, as well as a permanent
keys, armillaria root disease and other dam- record, but disadvantages are the high cost
aging agents in pine plantations (Oliveira and the amount of time required in process-
et al., 2006). ing film and prints, interpreting photographs
Aerial photography is another survey and transferring information from photo-
tool utilized for forest health monitoring. graphs to a map. The advent of digital camera
Colour and colour-infrared photographs technology has allowed images to be down-
have been used in the estimation of current loaded directly into the computer without
and/or total levels of damage and mortality the need for intermediate processing. There
from pests. They provide a historical record they can be manipulated and enhanced to
of pest activity and have been used to monitor aid in interpretation and can be incorpo-
the rate of spread and trends of a pest over rated into geographic information systems
time. Most aerial photography applications (GIS). They can be stored readily, although
246 Chapter 9

this requires considerable disk space. An broadband has also enabled images of symp-
advantage for observers using digital cam- toms and damaging agents to be transmitted
eras from an aircraft or on the ground is that quickly from the field for expert opinion
they can view the image immediately after it and action (Carnegie, 2008). In several coun-
is taken and decide whether it is suitable or tries, significant progress has been made in
whether another ‘photo’ is required. Airborne the application of digital, remotely sensed
videography has somewhat similar advan- imagery to detect and classify damaged forest
tages over conventional aerial photography, canopies. In Australia, for example, the air-
although the quality of the imagery has gen- borne instruments that have received most
erally not been as good. attention have been multispectral (with
A range of new technologies has few broad bandwidths) and hyperspectral
enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of (many narrow bandwidths) optical sensors
forest health surveys over the past decade (Stone and Coops, 2004; Stone and Haywood,
(Carnegie, 2008). These include the use of 2006; Stone et al., 2008). Both of these instru-
GIS–GPS (global positioning system) inter- ments measure the amount of light reflected
face tools and handheld computers to assist from vegetation within specific bandwidths
navigation and data collection in the field. of the electromagnetic spectrum. Any process
In Queensland, Australia, laser rangefinders, that alters the biochemical and morphologi-
linked to palmtop computers with integrated cal features of leaves also influences directly
GPS, are used to enhance aerial surveys of the reflectance characteristics of the leaves
pine plantations using fixed-wing aircraft that can be measured quantitatively (Fig. 9.4).
(Ramsden et al., 2005). This system allows Stone and Coops (2004) provide two exam-
highly accurate spatial data to be combined ples of such use of airborne high-resolution
with forest health descriptive data for imme- imagery in south-eastern Australia, namely
diate interpretation within GIS. A digital assessment of canopy decline in moist native
aerial sketch-mapping (DASM) system devel- regrowth forests associated with herbivorous
oped by the Forest Service in the USA allows insects and assessment of crown defoliation
users to digitize polygons directly on to a in a mature P. radiata plantation associated
touch-screen linked to a GPS unit and com- with attack by the California pine aphid,
puter or on to a tablet PC with an integrated Essigella californica. They note that the suc-
GPS (Johnson and Wittwer, 2008). Impro- cess of the approach depends in part on a
ved mobile phone technology and wireless sound understanding of the progression of


Reflectance mean




500 600 700 800
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 9.4. The mean reflectance curves obtained for foliage from a Eucalyptus paniculata with a healthy
crown compared with insect-damaged foliage from another E. paniculata. Vertical bars illustrate standard
deviation errors of the mean of five replicates at key wavebands (from Stone et al., 2001).
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 247

symptoms at the leaf, tree crown and stand sensing, particularly in tropical regions,
scale, especially those symptoms that influ- has been in acquiring cloud-free images,
ence spectral reflectance behaviour. Simi- but this has been overcome by the use of
larly in South Africa, a study by Ismail et al. microwaves, which pass straight through
(2007) demonstrated the potential of high- clouds and rain and can be used during
resolution digital multispectral imagery for both day and night. The spatial resolution
the improved detection and monitoring of of remotely sensed data, once too coarse
P. patula trees infected by S. noctilio. for any detailed analysis, is continually
Satellite technology has been used in improving. In 1992, the maximum resolu-
the monitoring of pest outbreaks, for exam- tion of individual picture units (pixels)
ple in large-scale assessments of defolia- from the best commercially available satel-
tion by the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar lite data was 10 m (Khali Aziz et al., 1992);
(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in the USA in 2011 it was 0.4 m.
(Dottavio and Williams, 1983). In the trop- With respect to aerial surveys conducted
ics, it has been used mostly for forest by observers in light aircraft, the probability
inventory purposes. In Malaysia, for exam- of detection of tree disorder, which involved
ple, it is being used to map forest types, to visible crown yellowing or browning, for
measure changes in forest cover due to a various flight line spacings across a forest
range of causes such as shifting cultiva- has been assessed by Carter (1989) and is
tion, forest exploitation and urbanization, shown in Fig. 9.5. For New Zealand, it was
and to monitor damage caused by harvest- estimated that only 13% of potentially harm-
ing and extraction (Khali Aziz et al., 1992). ful exotic organisms would cause damage
In India, a combination of aerial photogra- that would be visible from the air before the
phy and satellite images was used to detect organism had spread so widely as to be con-
a significant reduction in vegetation cover sidered ineradicable. Carter (1989) cautions,
of sal (Shorea robusta) forests in some forest therefore, that the theoretical probability of
divisions (Chauhan et al., 2003). The causes detection of exotic pests as calculated above
were identified as deforestation, encroach- should be scaled down by a factor of 0.13.
ment, agriculture and, in one division, severe This again supports the need for targeted sur-
infestation of the sal borer, Hoplocerambyx veillance for invasives closer to their poten-
spinicornis. A past limitation for remote tial points of entry.

Probability of detection (%)

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Flight line spacing (m)

Fig. 9.5. Probability of aerial detection of visible symptoms of tree disorder at various flight line spacings
(from Carter, 1989).
248 Chapter 9

Trapping ‘Uni-traps’ (bucket traps) baited with a sex

pheromone (disparlure) are deployed around
Over the years, a great variety of devices or ports, usually a grid pattern of at least 40
techniques have been developed for catching traps at high-risk ports and a few sentinel
or trapping insects. While the intent of such traps in strategic areas at low-risk ports.
devices has often been the control of insect Disparlure attracts not only L. dispar but
pests, experience has shown that trapping also several other Lymantria species exotic
has greatest value as a monitoring tool. Such to the region, including the Nun moth,
devices may be used at ports of entry to L. monacha, and the Indian gypsy moth,
detect the presence of imported noxious L. obfuscata. Traps are inspected fortnightly
insects, to determine the spread and range during a 6-month trapping ‘season’ each year
of recently introduced pests in a region and covering the optimum flight period of the
to determine the seasonal appearance and moth and any Lepidoptera caught are sent to
abundance of insects in a locality and the specialist entomologists for identification.
need for application of control measures. A general contingency plan has been formu-
The type of trap used is governed prin- lated for actions to be taken in the event of
cipally by the behaviour of the insect spe- the detection of one of these exotic species.
cies or group one is trying to catch. Most
detection trapping is structured around the LEPIDOPTERAN DEFOLIATORS– BRAZIL The increas-
capture of flying adult insects, but some ing pest problems in Eucalyptus monocul-
species (e.g. wood wasps) are detected through tures in Brazil led to the establishment of
the use of trap trees or logs into which adults survey programmes in the late 1980s and early
oviposit. The progeny which subsequently 1990s that aimed to identify and recognize the
develop and/or their characteristic damage relative importance of the various eucalypt
can then be identified. Traps for catching insect pests (Zanuncio et al., 2001). The
flying insects may be ‘passive’ (for example, main pests in these plantations were found
suspended net traps, ‘windowpane’ or inter- to be defoliating insects, particularly cat-
ception traps, water traps, sticky traps) or may erpillars of moths such as Thyrinteina
lure insects from a distance (for example, light arnobia (see Chapters 5 and 10), Stenalcidia
or bait traps). Some examples of detection grosica and Glena unipennaria (Geometri-
trapping programmes that have been imple- dae), Eupseudosoma aberrans (Arctiidae)
mented in tropical and subtropical regions and Psorocampa denticulata (Notodontidae)
are given below and later in this chapter (see (Zanuncio et al., 2001, 2003, 2006; de Freitas
the section on hazard site surveillance). et al., 2005). The moths of most of the lepi-
dopteran defoliators are night active and
their populations have been monitored
Asian gypsy moth, L. dispar (Lepidoptera: with light traps equipped with black-light
Lymantriidae), is a serious pest of forest tubes and 12-V batteries placed 2 m above
trees and is known to feed on more than 650 ground level (Pereira et al., 2001; Zanuncio
plant species. It has spread from Asia to et al., 2006). Trapping programmes have
Europe, the earliest European record dating been conducted in several Brazilian states
back to 1965, and in 1991 was discovered in (Fig. 9.6) and the information obtained
Canada and the USA, where it was the subject used to predict where and when outbreaks
of major eradication programmes. Following are likely to occur and to facilitate the tim-
the finding in 1993 of viable egg masses of ing of control measures such as the release
Asian gypsy moth on a ship that had vis- of natural enemies.
ited Australia and New Zealand, both these
countries embarked on a detection-trapping FIVE-SPINED BARK BEETLE – QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA Ips
programme around designated ports, includ- grandicollis (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), a bark
ing some in tropical Queensland. Various beetle pest of Pinus spp., was introduced
types of pheromone trap are employed to accidentally into Australia from the USA in
monitor L. dispar in different countries. In the 1940s via imported pine logs with bark on
Australia, ‘Delta’ traps and, more recently, and in dunnage. For the next four decades,
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 249

Number of individuals (log x +1) 4.0





Number of individuals (log x +1)





Number of individuals (log x +1)





1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Fig. 9.6. Population fluctuation of (a) Thyrinteina arnobia (Geometridae) (b) Stenalcidia sp. (Geometridae)
and (c) Psorocampa denticulata (Notodontidae) in the Municipality of Bom Despacho, State of Minas
Gerais, Brazil, March 1987 to February 1992. Discontinued lines indicate that collections were not made
on these dates (from Zanuncio et al., 2006).

its distribution was restricted to South (Plate 120) baited with a synthetic preparation
Australia and Western Australia, but in the combining the two bark beetle pheromones,
early 1980s it spread to the other mainland ‘ipsenol’ and ‘transverbenol’. Such trap sys-
states and by 1994 had crossed the tropic of tems have been shown to detect I. grandicol-
Capricorn in Queensland (Wylie et al., lis at very low population levels. Quarantine
1999). Its progress in Queensland has been restrictions were instituted in Queensland
monitored by means of ‘drainpipe’ traps in 1982 to prevent the northward movement
250 Chapter 9

of pine logs with bark on or of pine bark tanning, resins and adhesives. The timber is
which might harbour the pest. The quaran- used for the production of high-quality paper,
tine boundaries were monitored by both the manufacture of furniture, the produc-
ground survey of adjacent pine plantations tion of charcoal, building poles, fencing and
and by pheromone trapping. The quaran- floors. There are approximately 112,000 ha
tine remained in place until 2009, when of black wattle A. mearnsii in the country.
I. grandicollis was discovered in Townsville The brown wattle mirid, Lygidolon laeviga-
in north Queensland, believed to have ‘hitch- tum (Hemiptera: Miridae), causes serious
hiked’ there with a shipment of logging damage to trees, usually those between 0.5
equipment sent from the south of the state and 5.0 m in height (Govender and Ingham,
for a post-cyclone salvage operation. 1998). Attacks on shoots affect tree form,
resulting in witch’s broom, and reduction in
BARK BEETLES – SOUTH AFRICA There are three growth, which in turn reduces bark and tim-
exotic pine bark beetle species present in ber yield. To prevent such damage, chemi-
South Africa, all originating from Europe, cal control measures need to be applied
namely Orthotomicus erosus, Hylastes angu- early in the season before mirid popula-
status and Hylurgus ligniperda (Coleoptera: tions build up to damaging levels. Plastic
Scolytinae). All three species feed on the bottle traps coated with sticky adhesive and
inner bark and cambium of conifers, mainly placed in plantations at a height of 2 m and
Pinus species, and may be found simultane- at a density of eight traps per compartment
ously in the same pine tree (Tribe, 1991). are used to monitor mirid numbers. If eight
All are vectors of both bluestain and patho- adults are recorded on a trap in 1 week, control
genic fungi. In their countries of origin, they measures are necessary to prevent the pop-
are regarded as secondary pests but O. erosus ulation exceeding the economic threshold
can become primary if trees are stressed by (Govender and Ingham, 1998).
adverse climatic conditions, and H. angus-
tatus becomes a serious pest during its mat- SAL BORER – INDIA The sal borer, H. spini-
uration feeding phase. Over 50% of pine cornis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is a
seedlings in a newly planted stand may be serious pest of S. robusta in northern India
killed by under-bark girdling of the roots and Pakistan (Nair, 2007). It is principally
and root collars by H. angustatus. Such a a secondary pest of dying and fallen trees
level of damage is a rare event and it is not but during epidemics can infest and kill
economically viable to institute an annual even healthy trees. In India, trap logs are
spraying programme. The acceptable rate used in the monitoring and control of the
of seedling loss above which replacement insect, taking advantage of the adult bee-
becomes necessary is 15% and chemical pro- tles’ attraction to the sap (on which they
tection through prophylactic insecticide feed) oozing out from the injured or
sprays is regarded as the only effective con- wounded sal trees. The technique consists
trol measure. The correct timing of such of felling a few trees and then cutting them
sprays is crucial. Similarly with O. erosus, into billets, beating up and loosening the
their presence and numbers in a forest will bark. Beetles are attracted by oozing sap
determine the speed at which trees on a and take shelter underneath the loose bark,
stressed site are colonized and the severity where they are collected regularly and
of this attack. H. angustatus populations are destroyed (Roychoudhury, 1997). After
monitored by means of trap logs, while phe- every 3–4 days, the logs are cross cut again
romone traps baited with a combination of and the cut ends beaten to restore their
ipsdienol, verbenone and 2-methyl-3-buten- attractiveness. A freshly cut tree remains
2-ol have been used to monitor O. erosus attractive for 8–10 days. Nair (2007) rates
populations (Tribe, 1991). the trap-tree operation as effective but
cumbersome and research is under way to
BROWN WATTLE MIRID – SOUTH AFRICA In South isolate the attractive components in the
Africa, wattle is an important plantation crop, sal tree sap with the aim of developing syn-
with increasing demand for bark extracts for thetic lures.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 251

9.1.5 Costs of surveillance contrast, the cost of hardwood plantation

surveys in Queensland was almost ten-
The costs of forest health surveillance fold that for softwood plantations (about
will vary according to the purpose of the AUS$10/ha), due to the small (unit size
surveillance, the methodology used, the generally 20–50 ha) and disparate estates
resources deployed and the technical requiring more detailed ground surveys
backup required. Carnegie et al. (2008) and the larger number of pests and diseases
compare the costs in the USA, Australia requiring processing (diagnosis) in this for-
and New Zealand. In the USA in 2004, the est type. This cost is expected to reduce as
cost of surveying over 180 Mha of forest hardwood plantation unit size and aggre-
using fixed-wing aircraft was US$0.025/ha. gation increase (Lawson et al., 2008).
These surveys are designed mainly to Pywell and Myhre (1992) provide cost
detect landscape-scale outbreaks that can comparisons of three remote-sensing tech-
be mapped at a relatively small scale. niques discussed earlier in this chapter
In New Zealand, aerial surveys of pine (Table 9.1). As can be seen, visual sketch
plantations using fixed-wing aircraft cost mapping by observers in a small aircraft is
NZ$0.02–0.08/ha, while in New South the cheapest method, although videography
Wales in Australia, helicopter surveys of has several advantages over this, the main
90,000 ha of pine plantations cost AUS$0. 15 ones being that it eliminates the subjective
–0.30/ha. Compared to the USA, the New evaluation of the observer and provides a
Zealand and New South Wales aerial sur- permanent record and more accurate esti-
veys are designed to detect problems at mates of the real extent and severity of pest
a much higher resolution (compartment damage. Both sketch mapping and videog-
scale) using larger-scale mapping. As noted raphy are far cheaper than conventional
by Carnegie et al. (2008), these costs are not aerial photography.
‘all inclusive’, which can make comparisons Carter (1989) gives a detailed break-
difficult. down of the costs of various methods of for-
Speight and Wylie (2001) calculated est health surveillance in New Zealand and
the cost of forest health surveys of pine compares cumulative cost against probabil-
plantations in Queensland, Australia at ity of detection (Fig. 9.7). He concludes that
AUS$1.14/ha, which included aerial and maximum net benefit is achieved at survey
ground surveys, diagnostics and written levels which will detect 95% of all new
reports. Similar costs are reported from introductions (compared to then-current
New South Wales and New Zealand for the levels in that country which were achieving
same services (Carnegie et al., 2008). In less than 50% detection).

Table 9.1. Cost analysis of remote-sensing techniques used to define and map gypsy moth defoliation
in the USA (from Pywell and Myhre, 1992).

Cost of
Cost of plane/ mapper/ Cost of film/
pilot per hour analyst per processing Total cost
Technique Time (hours) (US$) hour (US$) (US$) (US$)

Aerial sketch 2.0 105 9.68 0.00 229.36

Airborne videography 1.5 250 20.90 12.95 419.30
Office sketch 2.5 10.00 25.00
Aerial photography 2.0 250 20.90 1100.00 1641.80
Photointerpretation 40.0 10.00 400.00
252 Chapter 9

A further example of an operational sur- has meant that intervention was necessary on
veillance programme in the tropics and the less than 0.02% of initial outbreaks detected.
resources required to run it is from Aracruz In the remaining cases, the pest populations
Celulose SA in Brazil. This company is one returned to a balanced state due to natural
of the world’s largest exporters of hardwood control.
bleached pulp and has more than 260,000 ha
of plantations, mostly eucalypts (Osland and
Osland, 2007) (Plate 122). Its system of pre- 9.1.6 Example of survey form
ventative control against target pests invol- and surveillance guidelines
ves: (i) detection of primary outbreaks;
(ii) outbreak evaluations; (iii) analysis of A survey form that has been used in forest
results; and (iv) definition of control strat- health surveillance in several countries in
egy (Laranjeiro, 1994), and is shown sche- Asia and the Pacific is shown in Fig. 9.9. The
matically below (Fig. 9.8). As reported by form originated from ACIAR-funded capacity-
Laranjeiro (1994), the efficacy of this system building projects on forest health in the
region during the period 1997–2004. Surveys
10 were conducted in Malaysia, Thailand,
9 High cost Vietnam, Indonesia, Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa,
Low cost
8 Tonga and tropical Australia to determine
7 the key pests occurring on tree plantations
Cost (NZ$/ha)

6 and to obtain information on their distribu-

5 tion and impact on plantation health and
4 growth (Wylie et al., 1998). The surveys were
3 conducted across a range of species, prov-
2 enances, ages, geographical locations, site
1 conditions and times of year using stand-
0 ardized data collection methods. The form
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
shown was adapted from that used in
Probability of detection (%)
Queensland in their forest health surveil-
Fig. 9.7. Cumulative cost and probability of lance programme. The form is meant to act
detection for high- and low-cost locations (150 as a checklist for observers who are trained
and 50 km each way, to and from the forest) in the recognition of the symptoms listed.
(from Carter, 1989). The information recorded assists in the

Detection of primary Forestry technician

pest outbreaks Vehicle

Forestry technician
Appraisal in Vehicle
the field Portable data recording

Portable data recording

Pest control Telephone
Analysis of
Forestry technician
results Computer

Fig. 9.8. Schematic outline of the Aracruz Celulose SA system for preventative control of insect pests of
Eucalyptus (from Laranjeiro, 1994).
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 253




OWNERSHIP/ FUNDING Private Public/Government NAME

Plant Date yr mth Commercial Plantation /SITE HISTORY None
Height m Native Forest Native Forest Regeneration
DBH cm Nursery Tree Plantation Planted
Community Plots Grassland Herbicide
PRESENT STOCKING RATE Agroforestry No vegetation Fertilised
Stems/Ha Amenity/Street Trees Previously agriculture Pruned
Other Other Thinned
Stock Grazing


Living Seedling Dominant Gully
Standing dead Sapling Codominant Ridges
Fallen Pole Suppressed Slope
Other Mature Understorey Flats
Overmature Undulating
None Webbing/Tying Entire Tree FACTORS
Mortality Severing Stem Fungal
Chlorosis Frass Base of trunk Animal
Necrosis Other Root Collar Mistletoe
Skeletonising Root Drought
Holes DISTRIBUTION OF AFFECTED Sapwood Waterlogging
Defoliation TREES Heartwood Wind/Typhoon
Dead Crown Single tree Cambium Hail
Wilt Scattered Bark Lightning
Dieback Patches New Shoot Frost
Witches broom Widespread Twig Heat/Sunshine
Other Distortion Branch Fire
Stunting AVERAGE SEVERITY / TREE Leading Shoot Mechanical
Resinosis Negligible Foliage Compaction
Oozing Minor Bud Competition
Swelling Moderate Flower Nutrient
Cracks Severe Seed Salt
Ringbarking, girdle Severity % Other Herbicide
Epicormic shoots Other
Puncture AREA AFFECTED Ha Upper
Chewing % Lower
Gall Estimated Directional
Counted N= out of


Scientific Name
Common Name
Family Order
Identifier Organisation

Fig. 9.9. Forest health field form.

254 Chapter 9

correct diagnosis of the problem and allows, tivity of the forest ecosystems into which
for example, a cross-check on whether the they are introduced, as a species can
observed symptoms match those which become established easily if it finds a suit-
could be produced by the putative causal able climate and host material in its new
agent. It also provides some initial quantita- environment (Ciesla, 1993). In the absence
tive measure of the incidence and severity of natural enemies that may regulate the
of the problem, which can then be followed insect in its native range, its numbers may
up by more detailed surveys if the situation increase rapidly. In addition, as host plants
warrants it. Information is stored on a data- in the new habitat may not have been
base and, over time, will provide a histori- exposed previously to the introduced
cal record of the health of particular forest insect or to microorganisms of which the
areas. Such databases can be interrogated as insect might be a vector, they may be more
required to produce reports useful for forest sensitive to injury than those in its natural
management. range. Frequently, insects that are not con-
Comprehensive guidelines to assist plant sidered to be major pests in their native
health scientists design surveillance pro- habitats cause widespread damage when
grammes for detecting pests in crops, plan- they are introduced into new areas. Good
tation forests and natural ecosystems have examples of this are the wood wasp S. noc-
been funded and published by the Australian tilio in Australia, South Africa and South
Government (McMaugh, 2005). The guide- America, and the cypress aphid Cinara
lines cover the planning of surveillance cupressi in Africa, both species being of
programmes for building specimen-based only minor importance in their native
lists of pests, surveillance for monitoring Europe but devastating pests in those coun-
the status of particular pests, surveillance tries where they have become established.
for determining the limits of distribution of In many countries, forestry quarantine
pests, surveillance for determining the is treated as just a subset of general plant
presence or absence of pests in particular quarantine, which tends to be dominated
areas and general surveillance. Although by agricultural considerations. This situation
aimed at use by developing countries in frequently leads both forestry managers
the Asia-Pacific region, these guidelines and quarantine policy makers to under-
are broadly applicable. The Food and estimate its importance. However, forestry
Agriculture Organization of the United has many difficulties and requirements
Nations also has produced guidelines for that are quite distinct from those of agri-
surveillance as part of its International Stan- culture and which necessitate a different
dards for Phytosanitary Measures series of approach. Unlike agricultural crops, most
publications (FAO, 1998). tree crops require decades to mature and
cannot be modified quickly to control or
resist new pests and diseases (Wylie, 1989).
Direct control measures such as spraying
9.2 Forest Invasive Species or dusting, which would be employed for
and Quarantine problems in agricultural crops, are usually
not logistically, environmentally or econom-
9.2.1 The need for forestry quarantine ically practicable in forests (either planta-
tions or natural). The potential impact of
The best way of minimizing the damage some of the more serious exotic pests and
that may be caused to plantations by exotic diseases of forests, if introduced, could
insects is, of course, to keep the pests out therefore be not just the loss of a few sea-
in the first place. Quarantine therefore son’s crops (as is often the case with agri-
needs to be recognized by forest managers cultural pest problems) but the loss of
as an essential and valuable component of decades of effort and investment in planta-
the overall protection effort. Exotic insects tions and irreparable damage to the native
pose great risk to the stability and produc- flora and timber resource.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 255

Other special difficulties for forestry Scions and nursery stock

relate to the early detection of exotic organ-
isms and the sometimes limited options These are very high-risk imports, as numer-
available for eradicative action. Included ous examples in the literature attest. One of
here are the vastness and isolation of much the most famous, or notorious, accidental
of the forest estate and the infrequency introductions on scions was that of the woolly
and difficulty of inspections (compared to pine aphid, Pineus boerneri, into Zimbabwe
that for intensively managed, easily acces- and Kenya in 1962 on pine scions from
sible agricultural crops). Past experience Australia and its subsequent spread to a
in many countries has been that by the further six countries in Africa, mostly by
time an exotic pest is detected in forests it the movement of infested nursery stock
is usually well established and beyond (Odera, 1974; Blackman et al., 1995). An
eradication (Wylie, 1989; Wardlaw et al., early example of introduction via nursery
2008). Some of the economic and social stock is the discovery of the gum tree scale,
consequences which can result from the Eriococcus coriaceus, on plantations of
establishment of exotic insect species in E. globulus in the South Island of New
forests have already been chronicled in Zealand in 1900 (Clark, 1938), which was
Chapters 5 and 6, for example C. cupressi linked to eucalypt plants imported from
in Africa, I. grandicollis in Australia and Australia (Lounsbury, 1917).
Heteropsylla cubana in the Asia-Pacific The Christmas tree trade has also been
and Africa. a vehicle for the introduction of exotic pests
into several countries. For example, in
Bermuda, several organisms of quarantine
importance were found accompanying
Pinopsida and other Christmas foliage
9.2.2 Modes of entry of exotic insects
plants imported into the country in sealed
containers from various sources. Tree pests
Common pathways of exotic pest entry into found included the spruce gall aphid,
a country and examples of such introduc- Adelges cooleyi, the scale Chionaspis pini-
tions are given below. foliae, the balsam gall midge, Paradiplosis
tumifex, the mite Trisetacus quadrisetus
Seeds and the gall midge Monarthropalus buxi
(Anon., 1997). Bonsai trees imported from
Exchange of tree seed around the world
Asia have been established as a proven
has helped in extending and diversify-
pathway for the introduction of Anoplophora
ing forestry and in improving yields.
chinensis (Ciesla, 2004).
Unfortunately, it has also helped to spread
damaging tree pests from one country to
another. Among the commonest insects Hitchhiking on non-target plants
intercepted in seed consignments are bee-
tles (e.g. Bruchidius spp. in acacia seed), Some forestry pests have been transported
wasps (e.g. Megastigmus spp. in eucalypt accidentally from one country to another
and pine seed) and moths (e.g. Tracholena on a plant that is not a host for the species
sp. in hoop pine seed). In two examples or is not a forest tree species. The eucalyp-
from India, Verma (1991) records the tus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, was
interception of the bruchid Merobruchus first noticed in South Africa in 1916 (Mally,
columbinus in seeds of Samanea saman 1924). South African authorities consid-
imported from Honduras, and Verma et al. ered it extremely improbable that the insect
(1991) list Bruchus ervi in seeds of came with eucalypt trees because the
A. brachystacha imported from Australia. introduction of eucalypts from overseas
As discussed in Chapter 5, seed insects have became absolutely prohibited in 1903. The
importance for tree-breeding programmes most likely pathway was thought to be as
and for social forestry. stowaways in cases of apples from Australia.
256 Chapter 9

G. scutellatus is a pest of apples in Tasmania, ziesii and Tsuga heterophylla logs exported
and beetles have often been observed cling- from North America into the People’s
ing to the stems of apples after these have Republic of China and subsequently depos-
been packed in cases. Large quantities of ited in a forested area to be used for the con-
Tasmanian apples were imported into South struction of a Buddhist temple were found
Africa just after the Boer War (Mally, 1924). to be infested by bark beetles and wood-
More recently, there were four interceptions boring beetles indigenous to western North
of the Tasmanian eucalypt leaf beetle, America. Live adults of Douglas fir beetle,
Paropsisterna bimaculata, in the UK in Dendroctonus pseudotsugae (Scolytinae),
2004 in tree ferns (Dicksonia antartica) and live larvae of the flatheaded fir borer,
imported from Australia (Central Science Melanophila drummondi (Buprestidae),
Laboratory, 2005), while a dead specimen were recovered from the logs. D. pseudot-
of the gum tree longicorn, Phoracantha sugae is the most important bark beetle pest
recurva, was found in a cluster of bananas of P. menziesii throughout the range of this
imported into Belgium in 2005, sourced tree in western North America, sometimes
from either Central or South America or reaching epidemic levels and killing large
Australia (Bosmans, 2006). numbers of trees. M. drummondi occurs
throughout the same region, attacking sev-
Cut flower trade eral species of trees and capable of killing
apparently healthy trees. In this particular
The transfer of pests on live plants applies as case, the logs were deposited in a location
well to the cut flower trade. Leaf miners, thrips, that did not contain suitable host material
mites and larvae of several moth species are for the insects and it is doubtful they would
found regularly on cut flowers, indicating become established in the immediate area.
the risks associated with the intercontinental However, in other areas of China they could
flower trade (Wittenberg and Cock, 2001). well have become established.
The most likely pathways for dissemination The hazardous nature of log imports
of the red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimble- is highlighted further by figures from
combei, and the blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe China, where in 27 boatloads of timber
invasa, around the world are plants for from Malaysia quarantined in 1990–1992
planting or cut foliage of Eucalyptus from in Zhoushan port, Zhejiang Province, logs
countries where these pests occur. This from 20 boatloads were found to carry ter-
pathway is linked closely to air transport mites, including nests and winged adults
and one of the earliest examples was in (Zhang and Yang, 1994). Three species
1928 when the airship Graf Zeppelin found were the rubber termite, Coptotermes
made its first visit to North America; seven curvignathus (see Chapter 5), C. bornensis
insect species were found in bouquets deco- and Schedorhinotermes sarawakensis. In
rating the cabins (Gilsen, 1948). India, of 2000 consignments of logs and
timber (mostly from the Far East) imported
Logs and sawn timber into Karnataka in 1989–1991, 162 were
treated to control one or more of the 40
Bark beetles, longicorn beetles and wood species of coleopteran pests detected
wasps are among the most destructive pests (Ghodeswar et al., 1992). Ambrosia beetles
of forest trees and can be spread all too eas- are generally the most common insects
ily through the international timber trade transported in logs and unseasoned sawn
unless care is taken. Unprocessed logs are timber, and Ohno (1990a,b) records 144
particularly risky imports, especially if the species of Scolytinae and 86 species of
bark is intact, because the cambium layer is Platypodinae in logs shipped from the
the breeding site for many species with a island of Borneo to the Japanese port of
highly destructive potential. A good exam- Nagoya over the period 1982–1987.
ple is provided by Ciesla (1992, 1993). In An early example of pest spread via sawn
April 1992, unprocessed Pseudotsuga men- timber is that of the gum tree longicorn,
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 257

Phoracantha semipunctata, which is believed Cargo containers

to have been introduced into South Africa
shortly before the Boer War in newly cut Cargo containers themselves, and not just
eucalypt railway sleepers from Australia. their cargo, can serve to transport forest
The insect was first observed in 1906 in a invasives. Gadgil et al. (2000) assessed con-
plantation near Wolseley in Cape Province, taminants on the external surfaces of 3681
and Lounsbury (1917) noted that nearby shipping containers entering New Zealand.
railway sleepers of Australian origin, laid They found that 23% of containers carried
in 1898, showed tunnelling similar to that quarantinable contaminants, among which
noted in the trees. P. recurva is thought to were pathogenic species of Fusarium and a
have entered New Zealand in a similar fash- live egg mass of the gypsy moth, L. dispar.
ion, adults being found in Canterbury in Most steel containers have plywood or tim-
1873 near Australian timber imported for ber floors and Stanaway et al. (2001) surveyed
railway works (Miller, 1925). the floors of 3001 empty sea cargo contain-
ers in Brisbane, Australia, searching for
live or dead insects on or in the flooring.
They collected more than 7400 specimens
Packing crates, pallets and dunnage from 1174 (39%) of the containers exam-
Timber packaging and packing materials ined. Live insects accounted for 19% (1339)
are another common means of entry for of the total specimens collected. No live
exotic pests of forestry importance (Haack infestations of timber insects were recorded,
and Petrice, 2009). Such material is usu- but feeding damage was detected in one
ally rough-sawn and often has bark rem- floor. Insects that had the potential to infest
nants adhering to it, which are sufficient to timber were found in 104 (3.5%) of the
harbour small numbers of adults, pupae or containers inspected. Only one of these
larvae of insects such as bark beetles (Plate was found alive, a scolytine beetle, but
121). Haack (2006) summarized data for 45 dead insects were found that were tim-
8341 Coleoptera interceptions at US ports ber pest species exotic to Australia and of
of entry from 1985 to 2000 (Table 9.2). quarantine concern. They included bostry-
Crating and dunnage were found to be chids, curculionids, cerambycids, siricids
the most common type of wood article to and termites and most would have been
be infested and some of the most com- associated with the cargo carried in the
monly associated products were tiles, mar- containers or with dunnage. The study
ble and machinery. The five-spined bark shows that the wooden components of sea
beetle, I. grandicollis, is known to have cargo containers are exposed constantly to
entered Western Australia via dunnage timber-infesting insects from many sources.
imported from North America, and H. ater, The advent of refrigerated containers for
H. ligniperda and O. erosus (all of European agricultural or horticultural produce may
origin) have been introduced into several increase the risk associated with this path-
tropical and subtropical regions of the way, resulting in higher survival of insects
world via pine cargo crates (Ciesla, 1993). because containers are kept at constant,
Larger wood-boring insects are also trans- non-lethal temperatures throughout trans-
ported in packaging, and the wood wasps port (Work et al., 2005).
S. juvencus and Urocerus sp. are inter-
cepted periodically in the subtropical port Air transport
of Brisbane in Australia in material origi-
nating from Japan, Europe and North Quarantine authorities have long been
America (Wylie and Peters, 1987). The aware of the connection between aircraft
Asian longhorn beetle, A. glabripennis is and the dissemination of insect species from
believed to have entered the USA in the one region to another as hitchhikers in the
1990s via wooden packaging material holds or cabin areas (Dobbs and Brodel,
(Barak et al., 2005). 2004). The importance of this pathway has
Table 9.2. Summary data for 8341 Coleoptera interceptions at US ports of entry from 1985 to 2000 by insect family (from Haack, 2006, with permission
of National Research Council of Canada Research Press).

No. of interceptions identified No. identified No. of interceptions associated with wood articles if given

Family Genus
level level Species Top five associated products in
Family* Total only only level Genera Species Crating Dunnage Pallets Wood decreasing order

BOS 414 52 115 247 16 16 137 33 28 150 Tiles, woodenware, melons,

machinery, marble
BUP 245 41 182 22 16 10 80 51 7 39 Tiles, marble,
machinery, steel, mesquite

Chapter 9
CER 1642 448 1048 146 79 41 390 269 57 408 Tiles, iron, ironware,
machinery, marble
CUR 875 118 714 43 44 17 420 326 33 95 Tiles, steel, machinery,
marble, granite
LYC 102 72 11 19 3 3 64 4 3 15 Doors, tiles, artware, bamboo,
PLA 55 19 36 0 2 0 3 4 3 8 Dracaena plants, pineapples,
bananas, woodenware,
SCO 5008 1547 1002 2459 40 60 2179 1841 348 601 Tiles, marble,
machinery, steel, parts
Total 8341 2297 3108 2936 200 147 3273 2528 479 1316 Tiles, machinery, marble,
steel, ironware

Notes: *Insect families: BOS = Bostrychidae; BUP = Buprestidae; CER = Cerambycidae; CUR = Curculionidae; LYC = Lyctidae; PLA = Platypodinae; SCO = Scolytinae.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 259

increased steadily with increases both in moths and crickets (Caton et al., 2006).
the number of passenger and cargo flights Extreme long-range dispersal by air travel
around the world (Hulme, 2009) (Fig. 9.10) is thought to be the main mechanism for
and in the speed of air travel. Studies by spread of the winter bronzing bug, Thauma-
Dobbs and Brodel (2004) showed that almost stocoris peregrinus. This hypothesis was
one in four cargo aircraft arriving from Central supported by information from Brazil
American countries into south Florida har- where, in the state of Sao Paulo, the bug
boured live, non-indigenous organisms of was first found in Eucalyptus trees adja-
potential economic impact to US agriculture, cent to two international airports in the
forests and ornamentals (Figs 9.11 and 9.12). metropolitan region of Sao Paulo city
Insects intercepted on this pathway inclu- (Wilcken et al., 2010). The insect may also
ded chrysomelid leaf beetles, weevils, scarab hitchhike on the clothes of travellers or
beetles, leaf hoppers, plant bugs, termites, be dispersed by wind.

35 90
Dry bulk cargo
Shipping cargo (trillion km tonnes)

Oil and oil products 80


Air freight (billion km tonnes)

Air freight (excluding mail)
20 50

15 40
0 0
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Fig. 9.10. Trends in global shipping cargo volumes and airfreight, 1970–2005. Note the three orders of
magnitude difference in the scales of the left- and right-hand ordinate axes (from Hulme, 2009).

Orthoptera 45
12.6% 40
Number of infested aircraft

Hemiptera: 35
Auchenorrhyncha 31.8%
10.6% 30
Hemiptera: 20
7.3% 15
Plant pathogen
Isoptera Lepidoptera 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18
0.7% 36.4% Number of quarantine-significant taxa/ infested aircraft

Fig. 9.11. Relative proportions of quarantine- Fig. 9.12. Numbers of quarantine-significant taxa
significant taxa captured in foreign cargo aircraft found aboard infested foreign cargo aircraft arriving
arriving at Miami International Airport, 1 September 1998 at Miami International Airport, 1 September 1998
to 31 August 1999 (from Dobbs and Brodel, 2004). to 31 August 1999 (from Dobbs and Brodel, 2004).
260 Chapter 9

Long-range dispersal by air transport the accidental transport of life stages on rec-
may also be involved in the spread of the reational and commercial vehicles and on
red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecom- outdoor household articles (Douce et al.,
bei (Plates 31 and 32), as evidenced in Chile 1994). More than a century later, North America
where the insect was first detected in 2001 has been involved in eradication programmes
in the neighbourhood of the International for the Asian form of the moth, which has an
Airport of Santiago on E. camaldulensis even more extensive host range than that
(Huerta et al., 2010). of the European form. Egg masses of Asian
gypsy moth were transported on ships from
Wind dispersal the Russian Far East and the newly emerged
larvae blew in the wind on silk threads to
The dispersal of insects by aerial currents is shore. Since then, egg masses of the moth
a well-known phenomenon but it was not have been detected on machinery brought
until the early 20th century that the first in from several countries where the insect
proof was obtained of long-distance trans- occurs, and similar instances have been
port when spruce aphids were observed reported from other parts of the world.
in large numbers over a broad area at The growing popularity of arthropods
Spitsbergen in northern Norway. Their near- as pets in some places such as the USA,
est host plants were estimated to be about Europe and Japan and the increasing interna-
1300 km away (Elton, 1925). The first esti- tional trade in live insects poses quarantine
mate of the magnitude of aerial insect popu- risks. An example of relevance to forestry
lation was made by Coad (1931), who found is that of the cossid moth, Chilecomadia
that the number of insects in a vertical valdiviana, variously known as the quince
column of air 2.6 km2 and extending from borer, carpenterworm or butterworm. It is
15 to 4300 m above the ground averaged native to Chile, where it is an emerging pest
25 m throughout the year in Louisiana in of Eucalyptus spp. plantations (Lanfranco
the USA. In numerous studies, Hemiptera and Dungey, 2001). Tens of millions of lar-
are the insect group most commonly trans- vae of C. valdiviana and another species of
ported long distances by wind and, among Chilecomadia, C. morrie, are sold as fishing
these, Aphididae is the dominant family bait and reptile food in the USA and Europe
(Holzapfel and Harrell, 1968; Hardy and (Thomas, 1995; Iriarte et al., 1997).
Cheng, 1986). Examples of both long- In California, eucalypts are widely
distance and localized wind dispersal of planted as landscape and windbreak trees,
forest insect pests are provided in Chapter 3. but some people in the community oppose their
use, mainly because of their growth habits,
Humans as vectors: intentional facilitation of catastrophic urban wildfires
and accidental and a perception that it is changing the
California landscape by crowding-out or
The gypsy moth, L. dispar, in North America preventing the growth of native species
is a classic example of human-assisted intro- (Paine and Miller, 2010). Between the time
duction of an exotic pest. The European vari- eucalypts were first introduced to the state
ety was brought initially into that country in in the middle of the 19th century and 1983,
1869 for hybridization experiments with the only two herbivorous insects, originating
domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori. A portion from Australia, had been recorded feeding
of the laboratory colony escaped, however, on these trees. In the period between
and found a suitable habitat for colonization 1984 and 2008, an additional 15 species, all
in the surrounding oak forest, from whence Australian, were recorded. The mode or route
they spread widely to become one of the of introduction has never been established,
most destructive hardwood forest insect but examination of temporal and spatial
pests in the region, defoliating an average of patterns suggests that the introductions are
1.6 Mha of forest annually in eastern USA non-random processes. As outlined by Paine
(Ciesla, 1993). This spread was assisted by and Miller (2010), the hypothesis that there
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 261

were intentional introductions as biocon- with Indonesia legislating in 1877 to pre-

trol agents for a perceived weed species vent the entry of coffee rust from Sri Lanka.
cannot be rejected. The first international plant protection con-
Tourism is also a pathway for invasive vention was established in 1881 after the
species of forestry importance. For example, introduction of grape phylloxera into Europe
in New Zealand in 2006–2007, 25% of unde- from America in 1865 caused major losses in
clared goods seized by quarantine inspectors the vineyards of France (Mathys and Baker,
from arriving air passengers and crew were 1980). Since that time, invasive species
cut flowers or foliage (McNeill et al., 2008). have continued to cause significant damage,
Items such as tents, golf bags and baggage car- but it is not until recently that such losses
ried by travellers between countries have also have been better quantified. Pimentel et al.
been shown to harbour live insects or foliage (2001) estimate that damages worldwide from
(Gadgil and Flint, 1983; Liebhold et al., 2006; invasive species are more than US$1.4 tril-
McCullough et al., 2006) (Fig. 9.13), as has lion/year, which represents nearly 5% of
clothing worn by travellers. Egg masses of tus- the world economy. For the forestry sector,
sock moths (Lymantriidae) are intercepted in the USA alone annual losses due to inva-
frequently on imported used vehicles at the sive species total US$4.2bn (Pimentel et al.,
border in New Zealand (Armstrong et al., 2001). As noted by Holmes et al. (2009), bio-
2003; Toy and Newfield, 2010). logical invasions by non-native species are
a by-product of economic activities and
the potential costs generally are not factored
9.2.3 Prevention and management options into decisions about exports, imports and
domestic transport of goods and people, all
The threat posed to plants and plant products of which are pathways for the introduction
by invasive pest species was first recognized and spread of invasive species. They suggest
officially in the late 1800s following a series that the greatest economic impacts of invasive
of catastrophic pest and disease epidemics species in forests are likely to be due to the
in Europe and America (Mathys and Baker, loss of non-market values (Fig. 9.14). This
1980). One of the earliest plant quarantine has prompted a range of global initiatives
laws was passed in Germany in 1873 pro- to address the problem. These initiatives,
hibiting the importation of plants and plant together with some of the key elements of
products from the USA to prevent the intro- pre-border, border and post-border quarantine,
duction of the Colorado potato beetle. Asia from a forestry perspective, are discussed
was also involved early in plant quarantine, below.

Diptera Thysanoptera Other

No. genera Homoptera Lepidoptera Coleoptera Heteroptera

No. species

No. interceptions

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 9.13. Frequencies of different insect orders intercepted in airline baggage coming into the USA
expressed as numbers of genera, numbers of species and total numbers of interceptions. The ‘other’ category
includes Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Isoptera and Collembola (from Liebhold et al., 2006).
262 Chapter 9

Ecology Management Economics

assessment Management
Arrival International


of isolated
populations Eradication


Barrier zones
Market values

Widely Monitoring
established Non-market
populations values

Fig. 9.14. The stages of a biological invasion are linked to management actions that can be applied at each
stage; each of these management actions has economic implications (from Holmes et al., 2009).

Pest awareness International Plant Protection Organization

(IPPO) and the Pacific Plant Protection
For any country endeavouring to imple- Organization (PPPO). It may also be obtain-
ment forestry quarantine, knowledge of the able through networks of forest protection
pest species occurring elsewhere, which specialists.
may pose a risk to its own forest resources A recent global initiative to raise aware-
should they be introduced accidentally, is ness of the immense costs and dangers
important. This allows for targeting of posed by invasive species to the sustainable
preventative and inspection measures to management of forests is the formation in
exclude these pests. Such information is 2004 of Forest Invasive Species Networks.
variously available in the literature (print The Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species
or electronic), or through international and Network (APFISN) is a cooperative alliance of
regional quarantine bodies such as the the 33 member countries in the Asia- Pacific
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 263

Forestry Commission (APFC) – a statutory Assessing risk and selecting target pests
body of the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations (FAO). The net- It should be cautioned that, when attempt-
work focuses on inter-country cooperation ing to set up pest lists based on perceived
that helps to detect, prevent, monitor, erad- risk, knowledge of the pests of much of the
icate and/or control forest invasive species forest flora of the world is meagre in com-
in the Asia-Pacific region. Specific objec- parison with that for agricultural crop pests
tives of the network are to: (i) raise aware- (Wylie, 1989). Coupled with this is the dif-
ness of invasive species throughout the ficulty referred to earlier of predicting just
Asia-Pacific region; (ii) define and develop how an organism will behave outside its
organizational structures; (iii) build capacity native environment. Many countries have
within member countries; and (iv) develop target pest lists, but again the experience
and share databases and information. The has been that most of the insects that have
Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa entered and become problems are not on
(FISNA) comprises seven African countries such lists. Despite this, knowledge of exotic
(Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, United pests, their behaviour and likely mode of
Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). entry is very useful in formulating generic
Its mandate is to coordinate the collation measures to combat pest ‘types’ rather than
and dissemination of information relating individual species.
to forest invasive species in sub-Saharan Pest risk assessment (PRA) and associ-
Africa with objectives similar to that of the ated risk mitigation is the purview of biose-
APFISN. curity and quarantine agencies and, by its
nature, focuses mainly on pre-border and
Knowledge of indigenous fauna border activities. It is a disciplined process
that is used to predict whether or not a spe-
Ideally, in setting up quarantine protocols to cies is likely to become established and be
exclude exotic organisms, an ability to be invasive and to generate a relative ranking
able to distinguish between what is exotic of risk (Wittenberg and Cock, 2001). Usually,
and what is indigenous would seem to be of scores are assigned to each of the risk com-
key importance. In practice, few, if any, coun- ponents and then the scores are added or
tries would have a complete inventory of averaged to give the final result, or odds
their forest insect fauna. This applies particu- may be assigned instead of scores (Holt et
larly in the tropics, where the number of spe- al., 2006). Entire pathways may also be
cies is large, many unidentified, and the analysed for risk. Application of the risk
number of entomologists few. Nevertheless, assessment process, while reducing the
to comply with the requirements of world amount of subjective judgement involved,
trade, countries need to be able to demon- can be labour-intensive, time-consuming
strate an acceptable capacity in this regard and costly. For example, a risk assessment
(through their own resources or with external of importing unprocessed logs from Russia
assistance) and an ongoing commitment to to the USA was estimated to cost US$500,000
such work. This is especially the case where (Wittenberg and Cock, 2001). However, the
area freedom arrangements are sought (i.e. process also has relevance for post-border
the ability to trade based on a certification activities such as targeted surveillance and
that a particular pest does not occur in the response planning. One of the issues raised
area where the exports originated). Informa- by several countries attending the 2008
tion about endemic and established forest APFISN workshop in Vietnam on ‘Risk-based
organisms comes from many sources, includ- targeted surveillance for forest invasive spe-
ing arthropod and pathogen collections with cies’ was the need for assistance in selecting
validated, well-curated specimens, databases, which pests to target for post-border sur-
scientific literature, surveillance conducted veillance (FAO, 2009). Wylie (2010) pro-
by forest services, faunal surveys and special- posed a nine-step guide to the selection of
ist networks. target pests, incorporating most elements of
264 Chapter 9

published international standards on pest potential to be transported with human

risk assessment (EPPO, 1998; FAO, 2004), assistance. In the case of an insect pest, per-
but with a slightly different emphasis and a tinent questions are:
forestry perspective. The guide and two
• What is its life cycle and behaviour?
worked examples from the Asia-Pacific
• What are its hosts and where does it lay
region are reproduced here. Note that this is
eggs, feed and pupate?
not meant as a substitute for the standard
• Is there a resting stage?
PRA, rather it is intended as a screening tool
• Is it associated with a commodity?
which will allow agencies involved in for-
est health to select a few key pests for post- A longicorn beetle, for example, which is
border monitoring. long-lived, lays its eggs in wood and whose
immature stages feed and pupate inside
A nine-step guide to selection of target wood, has a greater potential to be trans-
forestry pests for surveillance ported than a leaf beetle defoliator, which
lays its eggs and spends its larval period in
1. WHAT DO WE WANT TO PROTECT? Most PRAs the soil and only feeds on tree foliage as an
are initiated in response to requests for adult. Potential pests are not necessarily
import of new commodities, or awareness associated with a commodity. In the Russian
that a new pathway has opened up or a new Far East, where forests are close to the main
pest comes into prominence. Sometimes, it seaports, Asian gypsy moths (L. dispar) are
is because of the review or revision of a pol- attracted to port and ship lights and lay their
icy (FAO, 2004). Here, we commence not eggs on the superstructure of ships or on
with the commodity but with the resource cargo. Spores of Eucalyptus rust (Puccinia
we want to protect – this may be the coun- psidii) have been found on the surfaces of
try’s commercial forest plantations (pine or cargo containers and can be transported on
hardwood), or conservation native forests, the clothes of travellers. The New Zealand
or timber-in-service (e.g. the built environ- burnt pine longicorn, Arhopalus ferus, is a
ment). Ideally, surveillance would be con- regular hitchhiker on timber cargo being
ducted for the full range of potential pests shipped to Australia (Pawson et al., 2009).
across all resource types, but financial and
other constraints may require that surveil- 4. IS THERE A PATHWAY INTO THE COUNTRY FOR THE
lance be prioritized. PEST? Pathway analysis is a key component
of pest risk analysis. Its purpose is to deter-
2. WHAT EXOTIC PESTS COULD BE A THREAT TO THIS mine the likelihood of a pest arriving in a
RESOURCE? Information about potential forest country as a result of trade in a particular
pest and disease threats already may reside commodity or human-assisted movement
with biosecurity or quarantine agencies in- and the likelihood that, if it arrives, it will
country, and these should be consulted first. transfer to an appropriate local host. The
However, in several Asia-Pacific countries, four main elements of pathway analysis are
the quarantine focus historically has been listed below:
on agricultural pests, and forestry needs are
• Likelihood of trans-shipment with a
largely unexplored. In such case, informa-
tion can be sourced from international for-
• Prevalence of pest in source area
est health or quarantine networks, the
• Occurrence of relevant life stage
published literature, scientific meetings and
associated with the commodity
the Internet.
• Frequency of movement with the
PORTED BY TRADE OR HUMAN MOVEMENT? Aspects • Pest management, cultural and com-
to be considered here relate to the biology mercial procedures applied at the
and behaviour of the organism and its place of origin
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 265

• Likelihood of a pest surviving during to the commodity at the point of origin, dur-
transport and storage ing transport and on arrival. This informa-
• Speed and conditions of transport tion gathering will require input from forest
• Duration of life cycle of pest in health specialists, biosecurity/quarantine
relation to transport conditions agencies and industry in both the importing
• Vulnerability of pest life stages to and exporting country.
transport conditions
• Prevalence of pest in the consign- 5. WHAT IS THE LIKELIHOOD OF ESTABLISHMENT?
• Commercial procedures • Environmental suitability of country –
climate, suitable hosts
• Likelihood of a pest surviving existing • Geographical location of ports – prox-
pest management procedures imity to suitable hosts
• Likelihood pest will survive existing • Numbers and life stages of the pest
pest management procedures applied present and reproductive potential
for other pests from origin to end use Comparison of the ecoclimatic zones of the
• Likelihood that pest will go unde- pest’s distribution with that of the country
tected during inspections conducting the PRA is the first step. What cli-
matic conditions, such as temperature, rain-
• Likelihood of transfer to suitable host fall, relative humidity, day length, have been
• Dispersal mechanisms including shown to be conducive or suppressive to
vectors the survival, development, reproduction and
• Number of destination points dispersal of the pest? It is important to keep
• Proximity of entry, transit and des- in mind the adaptability of many invasive
tination points to suitable hosts organisms. The wood wasp S. noctilio, a native
• Time of year of importation of temperate Europe, is now a major pest of
• End use of commodity Pinus species in several subtropical regions
• Risks from by-products or waste around the world (in Australia, for example,
it has taken 50 years since introduction into
As is evident from the list above, pathway temperate Tasmania to spread to the subtrop-
analysis requires the gathering of a consid- ics of Queensland). The presence of suitable
erable amount of information from a variety hosts in the potential recipient country is also
of sources. Detailed knowledge of the pest of great importance, especially if the pest has
in relation to the pathway is required, such a restricted host range. The geographical
as how the rate of development matches location of ports and proximity of suitable
with the speed of transport (although with hosts will also influence the likelihood of
air transport a pest may be moved anywhere establishment. It should be noted, however,
in the world within 24 h), the frequency of that most major ports in a country are likely
association with a commodity and history to be in close proximity to cities where, usu-
of past interceptions. If the pest is seasonal, ally, a wide range of exotic tree species are
then there will be periods when the risk of used as amenity plantings, and this could
trans-shipment is reduced. The capability facilitate establishment. Such plantings are
of a pest to survive adverse conditions such useful in post-border surveillance. Establish-
as low temperatures or desiccation, which ment also depends greatly on the numbers
it may experience on the pathway, is an and life stages of the arriving pests, whether
important consideration, as is knowledge of they are likely to find a mate and their repro-
how it disperses (naturally or via a vector). ductive potential.
Information is required on the worldwide
distribution of the pest and its prevalence in
the source area, as well as on commercial
procedures (e.g. drying, chemical applica- • Pest’s ability for natural dispersal
tion, fumigation, visual inspection) applied • Potential for human-assisted dispersal
266 Chapter 9

• Distribution and abundance of hosts undertaken periodically by trained inspec-

• Natural barriers tors. This method may be supplemented
by the planting of ‘sentinel’ trees of locally
Organisms such as rust fungi, psyllids and important species at selected sites and then
aphids, which have short life cycles and are monitoring these trees at regular intervals.
wind assisted, will spread rapidly on arrival For some other pest organisms affecting
and are difficult to contain. Many timber- trees and timber, but in particular for insects,
boring insects with a long life cycle and a trapping is the preferred method of detec-
propensity to exploit a food resource fully tion. A wide variety of devices or techniques
before migrating are much easier to contain have been developed for this purpose, the
or eradicate. Most pests, it seems, whether type of trap being governed mainly by the
short-lived or long-lived, cryptic or exposed, behaviour of the target insect species or
have potential for human-assisted dispersal. group. As mentioned earlier in this chapter,
The Asian gypsy moth, L. dispar, is a disper- most detection trapping is structured around
sal specialist – the female moth is capable of the capture of flying adult insects using
flight distances of up to 40 km but also lays either ‘passive’ traps (e.g. suspended net
eggs on containers, cargo and motor vehi- traps, water traps, ‘windowpane’ traps), or
cles, which assist its spread. Natural barriers luring insects from a distance (e.g. light or
such as an inhospitable region for the pest or bait traps). For wood-boring insect species,
lack of host plants may limit risk of spread. static traps in combination with lures have
been used effectively in many countries (e.g.
7. WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES OF Brockerhoff et al., 2006). Lures utilizing plant-
ESTABLISHMENT? host volatiles, sex or aggregation pheromones
are now commercially available for some key
• Economic impact – direct damage/crop pest species. Spore traps have been used for
loss, costs of control or containment the detection of some fungal pathogens.
measures, effect on trade with other
• Environmental impact – damage to final consideration in determining which
ecosystems or biodiversity, loss of key pests to target for surveillance is the ability
species, non-target effects of control to eradicate or contain the pest once detec-
measures ted. For some fungal pathogens and small
• Social impact – effect on workers, fami- insects which are dispersed rapidly by wind
lies, communities of loss of income/ currents, eradication or containment is dif-
wages from affected products and impo- ficult, but not impossible, if detected early
sition of area quarantine enough. Even if eradication or containment
is considered impossible once a pest arri-
All of the above factors will be taken into
ves, surveillance may nevertheless be con-
consideration in a well-constructed benefit/
ducted for such organisms to allow time to
cost analysis. Experience with the pest in
mitigate for expected impacts (for example,
other countries may serve as a guide.
the deployment of resistant/tolerant tree
species or clones against a pest such as the
8. WHAT IS THE ABILITY TO DETECT THE PEST? As out- eucalypt gall insect, Leptocybe invasa (Nyeko
lined by Wylie et al. (2008), the choice of et al., 2009). If there is no capacity to deal
targets for surveillance will be influenced with certain pests, then surveillance may be
by the ability to detect them by inspection directed to other potential pests more ame-
and/or trapping. For many pests and dis- nable to control.
eases of trees, visual inspection for symp- Examples of how these nine guidelines
toms of disorder is the most common, and may be applied in a preliminary screening
sometimes the only, practical method of of potential target pests for the Pacific and
detection. Tree health assessments in the Asia are presented in Tables 9.3 and 9.4,
vicinity of ports or high-risk sites may be respectively.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 267

Table 9.3. An example of the selection of an invasive forest pest for targeted surveillance in Fiji using
the nine-step guide.

Selection criteria Comment

1. What do we want Fiji’s mahogany plantations (Swietenia macrophylla), the major hardwood
to protect? plantation resource totalling 50,000 ha and worth about US$200 m.
2. What exotic pests The most important pests of mahogany worldwide are shoot borers Hypsipyla spp.
could be a threat which, within the pests’ range, prevent the commercial growing of any of the
to this resource? high-value Meliaceae, including American mahoganies Swietenia spp., African
mahoganies Khaya spp., cedars Cedrela and Toona, and Asian mahogany
Chukrasia. H. robusta is the main pest species in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.
3. Does the pest have The life cycle of H. robusta is 1–2 months, depending on climate. The moth lays its
the potential to be eggs on shoots, stems and leaves. Larvae burrow into new shoots and tunnel in
transported by trade the primary stem or branches, feeding on the pith. Pupation occurs in cocoons
or human movement? spun in the stem tunnels or among leaf litter and soil around the tree base.
Larvae also feed on the bark, fruit and flowers of their hosts. Young plants can be
infested. The pest has the potential to be transported on living host plants (family
Meliaceae, mainly sub-family Swietenioidea) or via seedpods of host species.
4. Is there a pathway The import of living plant material and seed into Fiji via international ports is
for the pest into regulated. Inspection of the material on arrival is likely to result in detection
the country? of the pest. Another possible pathway is via unregulated inter-island trade at
a community level. The insect would be transported as eggs, larvae or pupae
on living plant material or in seedpods of the host-plant species. A less likely,
but possible, pathway is as a larva or pupa inside the large seed of the
cannonball mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum, which is a host of the pest. The
seeds are carried by ocean currents, can float for a month and are dispersed
long distances (Smith, 1990). H. robusta is present in neighbouring Vanuatu,
the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, as well as Australia.
5. What is the likelihood High. Fiji has a climate suitable for the pest and host plants are distributed
of establishment? widely throughout its islands (Fiji has native Xylocarpus spp. mangroves,
which are a host). The main mahogany resource is on the island of Viti Levu
and there are considerable mahogany plantings within several kilometres of
the principal port of Suva. The moth has high reproductive potential (a
female can lay about 450 eggs over several days). The simultaneous arrival
at a site of a few infested plants with late instar larvae or pupae (for example,
in a consignment of nursery stock) may be sufficient to produce a mating
pair of moths which could initiate establishment.
6. What is the likelihood High. The moth is a strong flier and has impressive host-finding ability.
of spread? Movement of nursery stock is also a risk.
7. What are the potential The economic cost could be high. Forestry ranks fourth in the Fijian economy and
consequences third in foreign exchange earnings. Mahogany is a high-value timber and
of establishment? alternative species would not be as profitable. Line plantings as currently
practised may offer some protection against the pest, but nursery stock is at risk.
Xylocarpus mangroves are indigenous to Fiji and some ecological effects could
be expected.
The inability to establish new mahogany plantations would affect employment,
unless an alternative species was chosen. Village plantings would also be
affected, resulting in a reduction in income.
8. What is the ability A lure has been developed that will attract H. robusta moths and can be used
to detect the pest? in combination with static traps. The usual method of detection is by visual
inspection of plants for the characteristic signs of shoot boring. Sentinel
plantings can be used close to ports.
9. What is the capacity There is a possibility of eradication only if the pest is detected early. Once the
to eradicate the pest? pest is established, there are very few management options available.
Enrichment or line planting in native forest such as in Fiji (and Sri Lanka)
offers better prospects of a harvestable crop than open plantings.
268 Chapter 9

Table 9.4. An example of the selection of an invasive forest pest for targeted surveillance in Asia using
the nine-step guide.

Selection criteria Comment

1. What do we want Pinus species throughout Asia – a major plantation tree and also naturally
to protect? occurring in some countries. Common species are P. merkusii, P. caribaea,
P. elliottii, P. massoniana, P. kesiya, P. koraiensis, P. roxburghii, P. thunbergii,
P. yunnanensis.
2. What exotic pests There are many pest species that could be considered for surveillance by
could be a threat to individual countries; some are exotic to the region and others (e.g. pine shoot
this resource? moths and pine wilt nematode) occur in Asia but have limited distribution at
present. Among pests exotic to the region, the wood wasp S. noctilio is a
serious threat to the Pinus resource. It is native to Eurasia and North Africa.
The female wasp lays eggs into stressed or suppressed trees, along with a
phytotoxic mucus and wood decay fungus, and this combination kills the trees.
It is a major pest of Pinus, where it has been introduced in the southern
hemisphere – Australia, New Zealand, South America and South
Africa – and is capable of devastating large areas of pines, causing
up to 80% tree mortality.
3. Does the pest The life cycle of the pest is approximately 1 year. Eggs are laid into the outer
have the potential sapwood of standing or recently felled trees and the immature stages feed and
to be transported pupate in the wood. The pest has the potential to be transported in its immature
by trade or human stages with Pinus timber, whether as a commodity or as packaging
movement? or dunnage.
4. Is there a pathway The pest is likely to survive harvesting and milling procedures and is transported
for the pest into the readily in pine logs and timber, as well as in solid wood packaging and
country? dunnage. Inspection of pinewood on arrival is likely to result in detection
of sirex if emergence holes and exposed tunnels of the insect are present, but
otherwise would not detect immature stages in the wood. S. noctilio is a very
common intercept in many countries, often emerging from containers in which
there had been infested cargo or packaging.
5. What is the Analysis of the suitability of climate and hosts shows that there is a strong
likelihood of probability of the pest being able to establish in many parts of Asia. Container
establishment? cargo and items with timber packaging are moved widely throughout most
6. What is the Adults are strong fliers capable of travelling several kilometres in search of host
likelihood of trees. In Australia, the annual spread of the pest is about 50 km.
spread? Human-assisted transport of infested wood is also a major factor.
7. What are the Considerable timber losses can result from outbreaks of the pest.
potential conse- In Australia, for example, an outbreak between 1987 and 1989 killed more than
quences of 5 m P. radiata trees with a value of AUS$10–12 m (Haugen et al., 1990).
establishment? Costs of instituting control measures can be significant and there may be
severe environmental impact where native pine forests are attacked.
8. What is the ability The pest may be detected by inspection of logs, timber, dunnage or wood
to detect the pest? packaging for emergence holes or exposed tunnels.
Adults may be trapped using -pinene + -pinene as a lure. The use
of ‘trap trees’ is another detection method whereby selected trees are
injected with an herbicide to stress the trees and make them attractive to
S. noctilio.
9. What is the Eradication would be attempted in the early stages of an incursion, for example,
capacity to destruction of infested material and inspection/destruction of infested pine
eradicate the pest? trees. Should the pest become established, biocontrol measures using the
nematode Beddingia siricidicola and parasitoids will keep damage at a level
of about 1% per annum.
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 269

The process of selecting target pests for 56°C core temperature for 30 min) or fumi-
surveillance provides a focus on pathways gated with methyl bromide. One of the
and helps to direct efforts towards prevent- shortcomings of this standard is that the
ing the entry of invasive species. A generic treatments are aimed at killing pest organ-
rather than species-specific approach to isms that reside in the wood at the time of
surveillance is preferable, but having target treatment and neither treatment has any
species is nevertheless useful. For example, residual effect, so reinfestation is possible,
in focusing on Dendroctonus spp. bark bee- especially when bark is present (ISPM 15
tles we essentially are targeting all bark bee- does not require the elimination of bark).
tles, since they are likely to have a similar Haack and Petrice (2009) found that
mode of entry. Cerambycidae and Scolytinae readily infes-
ted and developed in logs with bark after
heat treatment and laid eggs in all sizes of
Contingency planning
bark patches tested down to about 25 cm2,
Another important aspect of preparedness but did not infest control or heat-treated
is contingency planning – what to do in the lumber without bark. In surveys at six US
event of an incursion of an exotic pest and ports in 2006, 9.4% of 5945 ISPM 15-marked
disease. As with pest lists, preparation of wood packaging material items contained
very detailed plans for a specific pest may bark, and 1.2% of the items with bark con-
well be a fruitless exercise if, as experience tained live insects of quarantine signifi-
shows, ‘unknowns’ are more likely to turn cance under the bark. While the risk of
up. Generic plans for ‘types’ of pests are introducing quarantine pests is not entirely
favoured. Contingency planning must be eliminated, there is no doubt that ISPM 15
backed up by adequate resources, clear lines has reduced drastically the incidence of live
of responsibility and appropriate legislation insects in wood packaging material.
to allow rapid eradicative action when As discussed in 9.2.2 above, many for-
required. est pests have been introduced into new
locations on plants for planting. The com-
International treaties and standards plexity of the international horticultural
for phytosanitary measures plant distribution chain is shown in Fig.
9.15. There are three problems with the
The International Plant Protection Conven- current phytosanitary regulatory approach:
tion (IPPC) is an international treaty that (i) it relies on inspection, but the volume of
was adopted in 1951, revised in 1997 and is world trade has expanded far beyond
administered within the Food and Agricul- inspection capacity; (ii) it focuses on
ture Organization of the United Nations addressing the risks associated with known
(Haack and Petrice, 2009). As of March quarantine organisms, but most pests intro-
2009, there were 170 countries or multi- duced on plants for planting are previously
country contracting parties to the IPPC. The unknown or unpredictably aggressive pests;
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, and (iii) the IPPC prohibits requiring phy-
the governing body of the IPPC, develops tosanitary measures against unregulated
and adopts International Standards for pests (Britton, 2007; Campbell, 2007;
Phytosanitary Measures through a process IUFRO, 2007). A pathway approach to
that includes consultation with member plants for planting, using IPSM 15 as an
countries. Among recent global initiatives example, is in development and in April
to contain the spread of pests of forestry 2010 a draft ISPM was circulated for mem-
importance, the International Standard for ber consultation.
Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15 for regu-
lating wood packaging material in interna- Barrier quarantine
tional trade is a major advance (FAO, 2002).
It requires that all such wood packaging The terms ‘barrier quarantine’ or ‘border
material be either heat treated (minimum of operations’ are used to describe a wide range
270 Chapter 9

Plant explorers

Collected germplasm

development No product

Public/private sector
breeding programmes,
breeder companies

Seed products Vegetative products Seeds

(turf, ornamental (ornamental trees and shrubs, (turf, ornamental grass,
grasses, bedding fruit, herbaceous bedding flowers,
flowers, vegetables and annuals/perennials, vegetables and herbs,
herbs, trees/shrubs potted and cutting flowers) trees/shrubs)

firms and
alliances Producer companies,
(branding/ propagators (w)
Packet seed
Brokers Distributors (w) companies (w)

Commercial growers (w/r)

Retailers (r)
The consumer contractors

Garden clubs, amateur societies,

public gardens, conservatories

Fig. 9.15. International horticultural plant distribution chain. Key: r = retail; w = wholesale; thick solid line =
traditional marketing conduits; thin solid line = information conduits; broken line = web-based marketing
conduits (from Drew et al., 2010).

of activities undertaken at airports, seaports pests that can enter in lumber, wooden pack-
and mail exchanges to intercept material of aging, manufactured wooden articles and
quarantine interest, whether introduced in artefacts. A skilled eye is required to detect
accordance with quarantine procedures or borer activity, and quarantine inspectors can
as a result of illicit activity, or unintentionally. benefit from specific training on forest, not
This is probably the most crucial stage of just agricultural, pests. New technology is
forestry quarantine, given the number of assisting in the detection of cryptic timber
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 271

pests, for example, the use of odour-detection port of entry, thus dispersing risk away
dogs and X-rays. from the main inspection point. Hazard
Interception data from national quar- site surveillance acts as a backstop to bor-
antine agencies are important in the devel- der control to ensure that new incursions
opment or improvement of invasion risk are detected sufficiently early to allow the
assessment methods, providing insight into full range of management options, includ-
pathways and vectors of introduction (Kenis ing eradication and containment, to be
et al., 2007). For example, McCullough considered. This is particularly important
et al. (2006) summarized more than 725,000 for some of the more cryptic forest pests
pest interceptions recorded in the Port Infor- whose presence in a forest often is not dis-
mation Network database maintained by the covered until populations are already high
US Department of Agriculture, Animal and and the pest is well established (Wardlaw
Plant Health Inspection Service from 1984 et al., 2008).
to 2000 to examine origins, interception sites In setting up a hazard site surveillance
and modes of transport of non-indigenous programme you need to: (i) know what pests
pests. They found that about 62% of inter- you already have; (ii) know what pests you
cepted pests were associated with bag- do not want; (iii) assess the likely pathways
gage, 30% were associated with cargo and for exotic pest entry; (iv) identify and cate-
7% were associated with plant propagative gorize risk sites; (v) have a methodology for
material. Pest interceptions occurred most detection of target pests; and (vi) be able to
commonly at airports (73%), land border identify what you find. All of these require-
crossings (13%) and marine ports (9%). ments except (iv) have already been dis-
Insects dominated the database, comprising cussed in this chapter. What constitutes a
73–84% of the records annually, with Homo- risk site for exotic forest pest incursions
ptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera collectively will vary greatly within and between differ-
accounting for over 75% of the interception ent countries and cities according to such
records. Haack (2001), using the same data- factors as trade patterns, geography, infra-
base, focused on intercepted scolytine bark structure and quarantine policy, but some
beetles and showed that 73% were found generalities can be made. Self and Kay
in solid wood packing materials, 22% in (2005), in a consultancy for the Australian
food or plants and 5% in other or unspeci- Government on targeted post-border sur-
fied materials. The products most com- veillance using Brisbane as an example,
monly associated with scolytine-infested developed a methodology for the selection
wood packing materials were tiles, marble, of high-hazard sites that could be used as
machinery, steel parts, ironware, granite, a model. As a first step, they divided likely
aluminium, slate and iron. Kenis et al. (2007) risk sites into four broad groupings from
found that the majority of introductions primary to quaternary, the primary sites
of alien insects in Europe were associ- being considered of highest risk. Port
ated with the international trade in orna- and international airport environs were
mental plants. classed as primary risk sites, and second-
ary risk sites included areas where con-
Hazard site surveillance tainers were opened, quarantine-approved
premises (QAP) and importers of raw
As outlined by Wylie et al. (2008), hazard material (timber importers). Botanic gar-
site surveillance is a system for post-border dens, military camps and transport corri-
detection of new pest incursions targeting dors were listed as tertiary risk sites, and
sites which are considered to be potentially forests or forest parks within city bound-
at high risk of such introductions. The ever aries as quaternary risk sites. Primary
increasing volumes of containerized freight risk sites were recommended as the first
and competition for space at domestic choice for trapping and inspections, and
ports means that many goods are being first other categories could be included accord-
opened at premises some distance from the ing to the resources available.
272 Chapter 9

In determining secondary risk sites, the concentrations employed. Some fumi-

Self and Kay (2005), with the assistance of gants are effective against the adult and lar-
the Australian Quarantine and Inspection val stages of insects but do not kill the eggs;
Service, compiled a list of business premises others may be effective ovicides but less
involved in the importation or handling of successful against other stages, depending on
significant volumes of high-risk items such the concentrations used. One approach to
as timber, timber packaging, wooden furni- overcome this problem is to use a mixture
ture and artefacts. Many of these sites were of gas fumigants at lower dosages; for exam-
QAPs. Sites were assessed for risk using an ple, a low dose of methyl bromide, provid-
arbitrary scale of 1 (low risk) to 5 (high risk) ing high efficacy against egg stages of forest
for each of five criteria, namely type of goods insect pests, and sulfuryl fluoride, provid-
(likelihood of harbouring pests), volume of ing high efficacy against the other stages
risk goods, cargo source (potential pest threat (Oogita et al., 1998). Methyl bromide is the
from country of origin and similarities of its fumigant that has been most commonly
climate and flora to that of Australia), vege- used against timber borers and is generally
tation at site (extent and type) and habitat very effective at the right concentrations.
(intensity of land development). For each However, it should be noted that methyl
site, scores for the five risk criteria were bromide is not completely effective against
multiplied and then sites ranked according borers in logs and large dimension timber
to their total score. This process aided deci- when the moisture content is high. Cross
sion making in the final selection of sites for (1991) has shown that it is not practical to
surveillance. achieve useful insecticidal doses much
Fledgling hazard site surveillance pro- beyond a depth of 100 mm in ‘green’ (unsea-
grammes have commenced in several trop- soned) material using conventional tent
ical countries, e.g. Fiji, Vanuatu, Malaysia and fumigation techniques (Fig. 9.16). The use
Vietnam. of methyl bromide is being phased out to
comply with the Montreal Protocol (Barak
Post-entry quarantine et al., 2006), although it is still the approved
fumigant under ISPM 15 for wood packag-
This is a measure to reduce further the like- ing material. Other fumigants being consid-
lihood of import of an undesirable exotic ered under this standard are sulfuryl fluoride,
organism and is applied to high-risk prod- phosphine and carbonyl sulfide.
ucts. Living plant material may be inspected Heat treatment is another measure com-
on arrival and then kept in special quaran- monly employed for disinfestation of tim-
tine glasshouses for several months to allow ber. For example, coniferous sawnwood is
time for pest and disease symptoms to man- sometimes kiln dried to eliminate possible
ifest themselves. Unprocessed timber may infestations of the pinewood nematode,
be allowed entry following barrier inspec- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. This nema-
tion, but there may be a requirement for sub- tode is transmitted when its vector, the pine
sequent inspections at the mill where the sawyer Monochamus spp. (Coleoptera:
timber is being processed. Cerambycidae), lays its eggs in freshly cut,
felled, dying or recently dead conifers.
Treatment Therefore, the nematode occasionally may
be present in ‘green’ timber. Heat treating
A variety of treatments are applied world- the timber in a kiln to a wood temperature of
wide for disinfestation of imported materials. 56°C for 30 min is sufficient to kill all nema-
Seeds are usually dusted with insecticidal todes and their vector (Dwinell, 1997). This
powder, and living plant material is sprayed is an approved treatment for wood packag-
or dipped in an insecticidal solution. Fumi- ing material under ISPM 15 (FAO, 2002).
gation is the treatment most commonly used A variety of other treatments are being used
for timber and wood products. However, or tested to control wood-infesting insects,
care is needed in the choice of fumigant and e.g. gamma radiation, X-rays, microwaves,
Management Systems IV: Forest Health Surveillance, Invasive Species and Quarantine 273

200 20 mm thickness
40 mm thickness
100 mm thickness
Methyl bromide (mg/l)


c:t (mg/h/l)



24 48 72 96 120 144 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (h) Depth into wood (mm)

External c:t (mg/h/l) × 1000

Green wood
10 Dry wood

20 40 60 80 100
Depth (mm)

Fig. 9.16. Penetration of methyl bromide fumigant into test blocks of wood. (a) Equivalent concentration
curves for the three thicknesses of test block. (b) Relationship of internal c:t (dosage = concentration × time)
to external c:t held at 6224 mg/h/l. (c) c:t product to get 1000 mg/h/l at increasing depth in wood
(from Cross, 1991).

infrared, electron beam treatment and chem- ful, restrictions on the movement of high-
ical pressure impregnation (FAO, 2002; risk material may still be imposed so as not
Fleming et al., 2003). Finally, in some cases to assist the spread of the pest to other
where the usual treatments are impractical parts of the country. In Queensland,
or not economically justified, infested items Australia, where the exotic bark beetle
may be destroyed (burned). I. grandicollis became established in the
south of the state in the early 1980s, quar-
Within-country quarantine antine zones were declared in an effort to
slow the northward spread of the pest.
Once an exotic pest is detected post-bar- Movement of logs with bark on, or of bark
rier, quarantine restrictions are usually chip, out of the zone was prohibited unless
applied immediately within country to the material had been fumigated. These
contain its spread while eradicative options quarantine boundaries remained in place
are being assessed. Even when it becomes for 27 years until 2009, when I. grandicol-
apparent that the pest is well established lis was discovered in Townsville in north
and eradication is unlikely to be success- Queensland, believed to have ‘hitchhiked’
274 Chapter 9

there with a shipment of logging equip- maturation. Federal and state quarantines
ment sent from the south of the state for a were imposed to regulate movements of
post-cyclone salvage operation. pine Christmas trees, logs and nursery stock
In the West Indies, entry of all plant out of infested counties (McCullough and
products into Bermuda from the islands Sadof, 1998; Haack and Poland, 2001). The
of Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago was final example is from Central America. The
prohibited in 1995 following the first Nantucket pine tip moth, Rhyacionia frus-
observation of the mealybug, Maconel- trana, was first recorded in Costa Rica in
licoccus hirsutus, in Grenada in 1994 and 1980, where it was believed to have spread
subsequent widespread damage to many from its natural range in neighbouring Nica-
crops including tree crops (Jones, 1995). ragua via ornamental pines. The pest estab-
Another example is from North America, lished in the north and central regions of
where the exotic bark beetle, Tomicus the country and a quarantine was imposed
piniperda, was first detected in 1992. The on the movement of living pine material to
insect breeds in phloem of recently cut or the southern region with the aim of prevent-
dying pine logs, stumps and slash. Adults ing the introduction of the insect to Panama
feed in shoots of live pines to complete and South America (Ford, 1986).
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

10.1 Introduction IPM come, still, from agriculture. Forestry,

especially in the tropics, has tended not to
Continued concerns about the negative implement anything like the complexities
impacts of pesticides in developing coun- found in intensive agriculture, but even then,
tries lead to the recommendation that they IPM tends to be more complicated to carry out
should be replaced by integrated pest man- than routine spraying, for example. Its adop-
agement (IPM) measures coupled with edu- tion, especially in situations with little expert
cation and training (Atreya et al., 2011). In advice and even less economic or educa-
April 2011, a literature search on ISI Web of tional infrastructures, can be problematic.
Knowledge using the single term ‘integrated All IPM systems have several objectives
pest management’ yielded over 15,000 in mind, i.e. more effective crop produc-
records. However, adding the word ‘forest*’ tion, often at lower cost and with less envi-
(the asterisk meaning a wildcard) produced ronmental impact. It has been suggested
only 908 references, going back to the mid- that a better term for the amalgamation of all
1960s. In other words, IPM would seem to be available factors to reduce or even prevent
much more prevalent and commonplace in pest problems in forestry is ecological con-
other forms of crop production, in particular trol of forest pests (ECFP) (Liang and Zhang,
agriculture and horticulture (Speight et al., 2005), but in this book we choose to retain
2008). IPM has been defined in many ways the term IPM to cover all appropriate aspects
over the years but its basic concept is simple of pest management amalgamated into a
enough. Essentially, it involves the combina- functional whole. Because the definition
tion of all appropriate pest management tac- is rather nebulous, most sets of tactics can
tics into a package which reduces to tolerable be labelled as IPM, but in forestry at least,
levels the economic losses caused by insects. the most important watchword is that of
It was first conceived as a potential means to prevention. Clearly, if problems never arise,
reduce the use of pesticides and to encourage then they do not need to be fixed and the
the more ‘ecologically friendly’ use of pest preceding chapters of this book have presen-
natural enemies via biological control, and it ted detailed discussions of the multi-various
was first implemented in the cotton crops of ways and means that the prevention, or at
the USA, when massive doses of insecticides least reduction, in the risks of economic
failed to control pests (Peshin et al., 2009). As damage from insect pests may be achieved.
mentioned above, most success stories of Figure 10.1 sets the IPM scene for tropical

© F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight 2012. Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
(F.R. Wylie and M.R. Speight) 275
276 Chapter 10


Match tree species to site
Avoid soil aridity or waterlogging None
Avoid overmaturity NB. – prophylactic spraying in
Avoid root damage in nursery nurseries should not be carried out
Avoid log piles etc near stands
Avoid pruning/brashing damage CURE
CURE Nurseries – local spray of insecticide only
None when serious leaf loss is observed.
Plantations – none


Avoid non-vigorous trees (see BORERS) Nurseries – avoid root damage
NB. – prophylactic spraying in Plantations – incorporation of insecticide
nurseries should not be carried out granules in planting hole if experience
shows serious losses from termites

Nurseries – local spray of insecticide only Nurseries – soil drench of insecticide for
when serious leaf damage is observed. white grubs if losses serious
Plantations – none Plantation – none

Fig. 10.1. Principal management tactics suggested for four stages in tropical forest production.

forests and suggests that, in most scenarios, provides ‘recipes’ for disaster. We are, of
prevention is the only viable method; most course, presenting these tactics from an ento-
control tactics are inherently difficult, if not mological perspective; sound and unavoid-
impossible, at least economically. Against able silvicultural techniques very often have
this rather depressing framework, this chap- to employ risk-prone systems and then IPM
ter looks at the requirements of successful will attempt to use control tactics rather than
IPM programmes and provides examples preventative ones.
of such systems, targeted either at specific
pests in specific localities or, as a contrast,
groups of tropical tree species with several, 10.3 Appropriate Strategies
or indeed many, pest problems. It should be for Management
noted at the outset that most discussions of
IPM in tropical forestry are conjectural or
Figure 10.3 summarizes the types of manage-
consist of proposals for management rather
ment that might be employed in a general
than actual, everyday strategies.
IPM ‘toolbox’ for tropical forestry. As can be
seen in stage (a) of the diagram, IPM should
contain a great deal of planning and decision
10.2 Why Do Pest Outbreaks Occur? making, carried out well before a tree seed
is ever planted. In an ideal situation, no more
Figure 10.2 presents a summary of many of pest management is required beyond careful
the basic reasons for insect pest outbreaks economic and silvicultural planning, and
in tropical forestry (Speight, 1997), all of this is why it is so important (and so often
which have been covered in the preceding ignored) that entomology (and pathology,
chapters of this book. The right-hand side of too) is considered fully at the very start of
the diagram illustrates how pest problems new forestry projects. Even so, nothing is
might be lessened, while the left-hand side guaranteed, so topics under stages (b) and
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 277

Susceptible Resistant

Monoculture TREE SPECIES Mixed stand

Exotic Indigenous

Low vigour High vigour

OF PEST degraded, suitable OF PEST
LOSSES reservoirs reservoirs LOSSES

Large Low
quantities levels
of food of food
breeding breeding
sites sites

Fig. 10.2. Some major reasons for pest outbreaks in tropical forestry.

(c) must be implemented fully in an ideal procedures; (iv) implementing management

IPM programme. Then, even if planning tactics; and (v) operating under tight eco-
and decision making in section (a) fails to nomic constraints. Defining economic injury
prevent pest problems completely, major levels and economic damage thresholds
losses can be predicted and duly dealt with. (which may or may not equate to similar
Stage (d), the actual hands-on manipulation things) can be problematic, since forests are
of insect pest populations, comes into play long-lived ecosystems, and a number of exter-
once the previous stages have been imple- nal factors must also be taken into account,
mented. Figure 10.4 presents a flow chart which include company and government
which suggests a structure for the imple- policy, forest economics and environmental
mentation of the various tactics shown in pressure. IPM relies heavily on monitoring
Fig. 10.3. The idea is that preventative tech- to identify areas where pest populations are
niques are backed up by monitoring, pre- high and economic thresholds are likely to
diction and decision making, with control be exceeded. In large and inaccessible areas,
tactics being rolled out only if and when such monitoring may be impractical, or at
required. This system may seem fairly least inaccurate. Finally, and perhaps most
straightforward in concept but, unfortu- importantly, almost all tropical forestry oper-
nately, there may be drawbacks or snags at ates within very tight economic constraints
each stage. Clarke (1995) lists five separate as mentioned earlier, where profit margins
research and management problems with may well be very low, or non-existent in the
the use of IPM in tropical forestry: namely case of agroforestry, for example. There
(i) defining economic injury levels of simply may not be enough money to pay for
pests; (ii) defining economic injury levels monitoring staff and the various tactics requi-
of pest damage; (iii) carrying out monitoring red for artificial controls.
278 Chapter 10

Theoretical components of a generalized IPM system
Stage (a) is entirely preventative and takes place at the planning stage
Stage (b) also involves planning and forethought about potential pest problems
Stage (c) involves monitoring and prediction and should always be a routine part of IPM (‘minimum fit’ to the definition)
Stage (d) covers control stategies which are available if prevention fails or if monitoring suggests high risk









Fig. 10.3. Layers of tactics available for selection to be used in tropical forest IPM programmes –
the so-called IPM Toolbox.

10.4 Advice and Extension small-scale forest operations at a village or

farm level. Nevertheless, larger-scale pro-
As is obvious from both Figs 10.2 and 10.3, jects, particularly those funded by interna-
IPM is complicated and requires much more tional agencies, should have no excuse not
expertise, planning and forethought than to invest in pest management expertise,
standard techniques of pest control, such as preferably by well-trained local experts but,
routine insecticide spraying, for example. if necessary, by expatriate advisors. Even if
To this end, advice from extension services personal visits by experts are precluded
is essential, if at all possible, where properly for practical or economic reasons, gener-
trained forest entomologists are on hand to ally available reviews are becoming more
provide inputs at every stage of forestry. The widespread and very important. Just one
involvement of entomological (and patho- example of this is provided by Mike Wing-
logical) extension services in appropriate field and Dan Robison, who published a
strategies for all types of crop system have review on the pests and diseases of Gmelina
changed over the years. Even so, many arborea (Wingfield and Robison, 2004). This
developing tropical countries may well be document spans the globe wherever Gmelina
unable to afford the luxury of sophisticated is planted, reviewing past experiences and
advice networks (see also Chapters 6 and 9), predicting future problems. Such articles
and this will be a particular problem for are vital for planning new forest projects
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 279



Tree species Identify Routine

choice likely pest
pests monitoring No action

Impact Sanitation
selection assessment

Silvicultural Biological
system control
Maintain control
Stand tree Decision
management vigour making

Fig. 10.4. Flow chart suggesting the order of implementation of various components of IPM in tropical

and need to be as freely available around the not just next-door neighbours but in
world as possible. some cases in countries widely separated

10.5 General Infrastructure

10.6 Economics and Impact Assessment
Successful and dependable IPM of tropical
forest insect pests has to involve a much Lucas (2011), while reviewing the future
broader set of components as well as insect of crop pest and disease management,
biology, ecology and impact, and Table 10.1 commented that truly sustainable technol-
revisits a series of desirable external and ogies must be ‘affordable in the context
internal contributions to the general infra- of the local economy and crop value’. In
structure of IPM in the tropical forest con- other words, no amount of new and highly
text, first mentioned in Chapter 1. Many of innovated research and development, esp-
these components have been alluded to in ecially at the molecular and genetic level,
previous sections of this chapter, and the is of any use to tropical foresters if it is too
table summarizes them. Notice especially complicated, too expensive or simply not
the requirement for international collabo- available to them. Not only is IPM com-
ration. As we mentioned in the latter sections plex but also it can be expensive, and a
of Chapter 6, insects do not acknowledge fundamental decision must be made at the
the existence of international boundaries, outset concerning its economic viability.
and experiences in one country may be of Cost–benefit analyses will indicate whether
great value indeed to workers elsewhere, the economic impact of insect pest attack
280 Chapter 10

Table 10.1. Components required for efficient and successful forest pest management.

Background information Impact data related to economic thresholds for serious pest and pathogen
species, applying to local conditions
Databases of major pest and pathogen species, their biology and ecology
Databases of tropical tree species and their site requirements
Field assessments Taxonomic and ecological data available for major pest and pathogen
species to enable reliable identification followed by appropriate
management strategies
Ongoing research and development of economically viable, environmentally
safe and technologically appropriate management tactics
Provenance trials of important tree species in varied locations which
assess the occurrence and impact of pests and pathogens
Promotion of the use of indigenous tree species in well-matched sites
and forest habitats
Infrastructure and support Advisory and extension services available with sound knowledge
of insect–tree interactions and potential control systems
Efficient systems for reporting pest and pathogen problems to a central
agency, with the capability of travel to the sites in question by trained
entomologists and pathologists
Provision of accessible plant health clinics backed up by national and/or
international expertise and financial aid, where growers can obtain
crop protection advice
Incorporation of forest entomology and pathology into international aid
or loan projects

in tropical forests outweighs the actual cost could be achieved, IPM was not in fact an
of management. In some cases, this may not economically worthwhile operation.
be so, even when clear damage is occurring. It is highly desirable that such cost–
Take, for example, the situation described benefit analyses are carried out in any
in Colombia by del Valle and Madrigal (1993). afforestation project, and such an operation
Pinus patula plantations were attacked by at should be incorporated whenever possible.
least two species of defoliating moth cater- The crucial need for quantitative impact
pillars, Oxydia trychiata (Lepidoptera: assessment must be addressed before any
Geometridae) in particular. Increment losses such analysis can be carried out.
were assessed quantitatively over 4 years.
Though some losses in diameter growth were
to be expected, statistical analysis of the data
showed that after 18 months post-defoliation, 10.7 Monitoring
mean diameter growth rates were not sig-
nificantly different. In fact, it was suggested We have discussed pest (and disease) monitor-
that defoliated trees actually experienced ing elsewhere in this book and two examples
enhanced growth rates due to the fertilization here will suffice to highlight the requirement
effects of pine needle debris and other detri- for such tactics to provide easily collectable
tus produced by insect activity in the forest information that provides a dependable pre-
canopies. Because the impact was in reality diction for pest problems in the future.
of little long-term consequence, economic Ctenarytaina spatula (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
analysis revealed that since the cost of IPM is a sap-feeding insect native to parts of Australia
for defoliators in Colombia was between but now introduced as an exotic pest into
US$9 and US$16/ha, depending on which various other tropical countries, including
strategies were actually employed, then even Brazil. This insect first appeared in Brazil in
if a reduction in pest problems of up to 90% 1994, attacking drought-stressed Eucalyptus
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 281

grandis, and it is now considered to be a estimate grub populations by searching

potentially serious pest of many eucalypt through randomly selected nursery beds
species in plantations (de Queiroz et al., during and after the monsoon season (June–
2010). A lot of work has been done on plant September) each year. Earlier work (Kulkarni
resistance (see Chapter 6) to the psyllid and et al., 2007) has shown the relationship
some species of Eucalyptus have been found between white grub (in this case Schizonycha
to be less susceptible than others. However, ruficollis) density and teak seedling damage
foresters and pest managers need to be able (Fig. 10.6), which can be used to predict ensu-
to predict the occurrence of the pest in forest ing damage from early larval counts. Larval
stands and its likely severity. As Fig. 10.5 counts may also be backed up by using light
shows, egg counts can be used to predict the traps for the night-flying adults, thus allowing
densities of nymphs, the damaging life stage nursery managers to act accordingly using
of the insect, so that inspection by trained chemical soil treatments to protect the highly
technicians can be used to form the basis of valuable teak seedlings.
IPM tactics if required. Nurseries are one of
the few forest growth stages where pest con-
trol may be really viable (see Fig. 10.1), since
the trees are very small and in a very restri- 10.8 Examples of IPM
cted area, thus allowing routine inspection in Tropical Forestry
and treatment if required. White grubs, the
larvae of root-feeding scarabaeid beetles (see The remaining sections of this chapter pro-
Chapter 5), are serious pests of forest nurseries vide examples of IPM from tropical forestry.
in many parts of the tropics. Kulkarni et al. It must be borne in mind that many situations
(2009) investigated the incidence of these are still speculative rather than commercial
pests in teak (Tectona grandis) nurseries in and are not intended to provide practical
central India. Because of the relatively small solutions. Instead, they are presented as exam-
areas of land involved, it was possible to ples of how IPM systems may be constructed


Nymphs = −2.348 + 0.71654* R2=0.90**

Number of nymphs

Nymphs = 0.3144 + 0.874* eggs


–5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
–5 Number of eggs

Fig. 10.5. Linear regression of the mean number of nymphs of the eucalypt-feeding psyllid Ctenarytaina
spatulata against the mean number of eggs in winter (black circels) and spring (white circels) seasons in Brazil
(from de Queiroz et al., 2010, courtesy Sociedadae Brasileira de Entomologia).
282 Chapter 10


Seedlings damaged (%)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
White grub density (m–2)

Fig. 10.6. Relationship between the density of Schizonycha ruficollis white grubs and damage to teak
seedlings in nurseries in central India. R = 0.83, df = 13, P < 0.01 (from Kulkarni et al., 2007, courtesy

to incorporate separate management compo- though Billings suggests that the worst
nents appropriate for the pest’s biology and affected are off-site, i.e. growing in sites to
the crop situation. Details of all of these sep- which they are not best suited, such as those
arate tactics have been discussed in Chapters located on hilltops or on shallow eroded
6–9, while many of the pests are described soils, with little or no understorey vegetation.
in detail in Chapter 5. These areas may be best left to other tree
species altogether, such as Acacia mangium,
various eucalypts or the indigenous tree
Styrax, which provides excellent timber and
10.8.1 Example 1: Dendrolimus punctatus other raw materials. IPM of D. punctatus in
in pine plantations in Vietnam and China Vietnam has in the past centred around the
utilization of thousands of local people who
Over the 1980s and early 1990s, hundreds of were paid in kilogrammes of rice per day in
thousands of hectares of Vietnam have been exchange for insects cut and collected from
planted with various pine species, includ- infested pine trees. This arduous task was
ing P. massoniana, P. merkusii, P. kesiya and made all the worse by the fact that moth
P. caribaea. Though some early plantings larvae possess severely irritating hairs
have had to be replaced with eucalypts and that can cause skin rashes, prolonged irri-
acacias because of ruinous damage by shoot- tation, headaches and even arthritis. In
boring Lepidoptera (Speight, 1996), large China, recourse to broad-spectrum insec-
areas of pine plantations remain and con- ticides applied through relatively old
tinue to be established. One of their worst equipment was only partially successful,
pest problems is defoliation by the Masson and new outbreaks of the pest occurred fre-
pine caterpillar, Dendrolimus punctatus quently. Unsurprisingly, resistance to vari-
(Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) (Plate 20), ous insecticide groups has also appeared
that can cause serious growth losses, espe- (Wen et al., 2001).
cially to P. massoniana (Huang et al., 2008), Table 10.2 suggests a series of IPM
which is indigenous to China. According to measures which use a wide range of tactics.
Billings (1991), for example, in 1987, 56,500 ha Monitoring with any degree of dependability
had been affected by the moth larvae, with is somewhat risky; pheromone trapping of
33,500 ha suffering from severe defoliation. adult males only works to a certain extent and
Young trees may be defoliated completely, though high trap captures faithfully predict
and even die as a result. Those between 7 and larval outbreaks, some other outbreaks occur
15 years old are most commonly attacked, without having high male counts in pheromone
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 283

Table 10.2. Components of potential IPM programmes for the Masson pine caterpillar, Dendrolimus
punctatus, in China and Vietnam, from the literature.

Tactic Reference

Monitoring and prediction

Monitoring adult densities with black light traps Zhang et al. (2001)
Use sex-attractant pheromones for monitoring adult populations Zhang et al. (2003)
Use airborne video to characterize defoliation intensities Chen et al. (1997)
Predict damage intensity using satellite data Zhang et al. (2005)
Use economic threshold of five larvae per tree Li (2007)
Chemical control
Aerially spray pyrethroid insecticides Zhang et al. (1998)
Reduce use of synthetic insecticides Li (2007)
Enhance plant diversity in pine stands Peng et al. (1996)
Plant Pinus elliottii instead of P. massoniana Liang et al. (2008);
He et al. (2007)
Mix pines with cedar or broad-leaved tree species Wang et al. (2005)
Biological control – parasitoids
Enhance populations of natural enemies by conserving CABI (2010)
understorey vegetation
Rear egg parasitoids (Trichogramma dendrolimi) Xu et al. (2006)
in laboratory and release in stands
Enhance knowledge and application of 78 parasitoid species Xu et al. (2006)
(wasps and flies)
Biological control – pathogens
Apply fungus Metarhizium anisopliae in warm, dry conditions Song (1997)
Apply fungus Beauveria bassiana in cooler, more humid conditions Wang et al. (2004)
Apply bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Bt) Chen et al. (1997)
Apply cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) Zhao et al. (2004);
Xiao et al. (2010)
Use egg parasitoids to disseminate cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) Sun and Peng (2007)
Use transgenic Pinus species expressing Bt CRY1Ac gene Tang and Tian (2003)
Mass trapping of adults with light traps Zhao et al. (1998)
Use pupae as food for ethnic minorities He et al. (1998)

traps beforehand (Zhang et al., 2003). In gen- ticularly successful and can be reared in the
eral, outbreaks of the pest seem to be fairly laboratory with ease (Xu et al., 2006).
erratic and hence hard to predict (Zhang Dendrolimus has a well-known cytoplasmic
et al., 2008), though in some localities out- polyhedrosis virus (CPV) associated with
breaks appear every 3–5 years or so. it, which can be bulked up in the labora-
Silvicultural techniques such as the use of tory using alternative insect host species
mixed plantings seem to work as long as the such as the armyworm Spodoptera exigua
goals of the forest industry can be met using (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Xiao et al., 2010).
less susceptible tree species. Biological con- However, the broad host range of the virus
trol, at least on paper, seems to have most could also be its downfall. It is reported to
efficacy at preventing and/or controlling infect 35 species of insect in 10 families of
D. punctatus outbreaks. Parasitic hymenop- Lepidoptera (Zhao et al., 2004), including
tera and Diptera abound in the native pine beneficial species such as silkworms, Bombyx
forests of the region, and exotic stands can mori (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae) (Hong et al.,
be inoculated or inundated with them. The 2003). For now, the most favoured pathogen
egg parasitoid, Trichogramma dendrolimi is the fungus Beauveria bassiana, and
(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), is par- indeed Li (2007) has called its use against
284 Chapter 10

D. punctatus in China as ‘one of the most et al., 2000, Zanuncio et al., 2003), Stenalcidia
successful biological control programmes in grosica (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) (Zanuncio
the world’. The timing and delivery of the et al., 2006), Euselasia eucerus (Lepidoptera:
fungus into infested stands of pine, once Riodinidae) (Zanuncio et al., 2009), Gonipterus
these have been located and identified as spp. (Plate 15) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
sufficiently serious as to warrant treatment, (Wilcken et al., 2008), Xyleborus spp.
is still problematic however. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) (Flechtmann et al.,
2001), Syntermes spp. and Cornitermes spp.
(Isoptera: Termitidae) (Wilcken et al., 2002),
10.8.2 Example 2: Insect pests of eucalypt Atta spp. and Acromyrmex spp. (Plates 16 and
plantations in Brazil 17) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Ramos et al.,
2003), Ctenarytaina spatulata and Glycaspis
Tropical eucalypts may yield up to 70 m3/ brimblecombei (Plates 31 and 32) (Hemiptera:
ha/year, with a rotation period of 7–20 years Psyllidae) (Santana and Burckhardt, 2007).
(Evans and Turnbull, 2004) and as such are Most of these species, such as E. eucerus, are
planted over large areas in order to provide native to Brazil, and some have transferred
great quantities of timber rapidly. Brazil to eucalypts from their native hosts. T. arnobia,
produced over 70 m m3 of non-conifer tim- for example, has guava, Psidium guajava, as
ber (roundwood, pulpwood and sawlogs) in its native host but it grows significantly better
2009 (FAO, 2009b), of which around 4 Mha on the non-coevolved eucalypts (Holtz et al.,
consists of various species of Eucalyptus 2003). A few species, such as the psyllids
(Stape et al., 2004). However, one of the C. spatulata and G. brimblecombei and the
most limiting factors is water supply (Stape weevils Gonipterus spp. are exotic introduc-
et al., 2010) and some species, E. grandis for tions. Many of these pests can be found at
example, is likely to be water stressed rather the same time of the year (Fig. 10.7) (Torres
frequently, with consequent problems, as et al., 2006), so that overlapping pest out-
discussed in Chapter 3. First planted in breaks are to be expected, compounding the
Brazil in the early 1900s, these exotic trees pest management problems.
have had plenty of time to ‘accumulate’ As with all IPM systems, preventative
insect pests, both from the local indigenous measures should be used to combat insect
fauna and also as introduced exotics. For pests in the eucalypt plantations. These
example, Zanuncio et al. (2003) caught 437 involve: (i) detection of primary pest out-
species of adult Lepidoptera using light breaks; (ii) outbreak evaluations; (iii) analy-
traps in plantations of E. urophylla, of sis of results; and (iv) definitions of control
which they rated 11 species to be primary strategies. Fundamental to all of this are
pests and 18 species to be secondary pests. field surveys and monitoring (Laranjeiro,
In a very similar study, this time in E. grandis 1994). Two, more detailed, examples from
plantations, 547 lepidopteran species were Brazil will illustrate these various tactics.
caught, with 13 and 20 primary and second- Field surveys are especially important
ary pest species, respectively (Zanuncio for the early detection and evaluation of
et al., 2006) (see also chapter 9) Flechtmann lepidopteran defoliators in the eucalypt
et al. (2001) caught 75 species of bark and stands. Once outbreaks take a hold, control
ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in becomes difficult and costly and growth
E. grandis plantations using ethanol baited vane losses will be unavoidable. Any effects of
traps. So, there is no doubt that plantations of natural enemies are likely to be most preva-
eucalypts in Brazil have high potential for lent at lower pest densities. T. arnobia pop-
pest problems and economic losses, which ulations need to be monitored in the Minas
may be exacerbated as climate change effects Gerais region of Brazil during the driest and
become more intense (Ghini et al., 2011). coldest times of year, when peak outbreaks
The most important insect pests in euca- can occur (Zanuncio et al., 2006), while
lypt plantations in Brazil include Thyrinteina other Lepidoptera species such as S. grosica
arnobia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) (Santos should be monitored during the whole
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 285

Month of year
Family/Species J F M A M J J A S O N D
Apatelodes sericea Schaus
Eupseudosoma aberrans Schauss
Eupseudosoma involuta (Sepp)
Glena unipennaria Guenèe
Oxydia vesulia (Cramer)
Sabulodes caberata Guenèe
Stenalcidia grosica Schaus
Thyrinteina amobia Stoll
Thyrinteina leucoceraea Rindge
Sarsina violiascens (Herrich-Schäffer)
Blera varana Schaus
Nystalea nyseus (Cramer)
Psorocampa denticulata schaus

Fig. 10.7. Occurrence of 13 primary lepidopteran species defoliating Eucalyptus spp. in the states of
Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, Brazil (from Torres et al., 2006, courtesy CAB International).

growing cycle of eucalypts. T. arnobia had introduced predators and parasitoids, and a
various potentially important parasitoids final occasional recourse to insecticide treat-
(Pereira et al., 2008), while E. eucerus ment if really necessary.
had peak egg parasitism from T. maxacalii
of nearly 50%, larval parasitism of an uni-
dentified tachinid fly of 10% and pupal 10.8.3 Example 3: Insect pests
parasitism from the ichneumond, Itoplectis of agroforestry poplars in North-west India
sp., of 52% (Zanuncio et al., 2009). Whether
or not these biological control agents can The tropic of Cancer is situated at 23.5°N of
prevent pest outbreaks most of the time will the equator and hence parts of north-west
depend on other factors such as the influ- India are situated outside the tropics.
ence of climate and host-tree factors on the However, forestry in this subtropical region
lepidopteran population dynamics. has so many similarities and problems to
Psyllids are notorious sap-feeding pests that in the true tropics that we include some
of many tropical trees (see Chapters 5 and 6) IPM experiences from there in this chapter.
and Brazil has seen the introduction of sev- Poplars are vitally important for the rural
eral species which have become serious pests economy as providers of shade, intercrops,
in eucalypt plantations. Not only does the multifarious timber products, fuelwood and
feeding activities of both nymphs and adults so on, as components of agroforestry sys-
cause growth losses, loss of shoot apical dom- tems. Fast-growing exotic species of poplar
inance and dieback, sooty moulds grow on such as Populus deltoides originated from
the honeydew produced by the pests, causing the Mississippi Delta of the southern USA.
extra damage and yield losses (Santana and Singh et al. (2004) describe the insect pest
Burckhardt, 2007). Table 10.3 summarizes problems encountered in these agroforestry
the various IPM tactics appropriate for psyl- systems in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,
lid control in Brazil. As mentioned above, the Punjab and Kashmir. The most important
key to success is the reduction in susceptible pests of these exotic poplars in the region
hosts by choosing appropriate species and are larvae of the poplar leaf defoliators
avoiding stress-inducing planting sites, by (Plate 123), Clostera fulgurita and C. restitura
monitoring and prediction of pest occur- (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) (Sangha, 2011),
rences and densities, by establishing self- which can cause large-scale defoliation.
sustaining biological control using native and Other defoliators, such as stem and shoot
286 Chapter 10

Table 10.3. Various tactics employed in eucalypt plantations in Brazil to combat the psyllids Ctenarytaina
spatulata and Glycaspis brimblecombei (from Santana and Burckhardt, 2007; Ferreira Filho et al., 2008;
Firmino-Winckler et al., 2009; de Queiroz et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2010).


Do not plant susceptible species such as Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis

Avoid severe water stress of trees by site selection
Avoid continuous eucalypt plantations which facilitate the spread of the pest
Maintain natural vegetation around plantations to promote biological control
Monitor pest densities with sticky traps, manual collections or by beating foliage and branches
Monitor pest densities using egg counts related to subsequent numbers of damaging nymphs
Encourage native natural enemies (e.g. arthropod predators such as spiders and ladybirds)
Rear and introduce exotic parasitoids (e.g. Psyllaephagus pilosus from Australia)
Establish self-perpetuating populations of exotic parasitoids throughout eucalypt regions of Brazil
Reduce reliance on insecticides because of overlapping pest generations and side effects of toxins

borers, and root feeders, are also regular ests. Attempts to grow Milicia species in
problems both in the nursery and in forest plantations are hampered severely by the
stands. Singh et al. (2004) describe IPM sys- so-called Iroko gallfly, a psyllid Phytolyma
tems which include cultural methods, use lata (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). This sap feeder
of biopesticides, tolerant tree varieties, attacks young trees and induces the forma-
natural enemies and so on, and Table 10.4 tion of galls on buds, leaves and shoots.
summarizes these techniques used for dif- When the galls mature, serious dieback of
ferent poplar pest species. Some of these terminal shoots can occur and seedlings
tactics are more practical than others. Using may be killed (Cobbinah and Wagner, 1995).
resistant or tolerant trees, monitoring for Most pest management systems revolve
pests in adjacent vegetation and alternative around silvicultural or genetic management
hosts, encouraging parasitoids and even of the host trees so that, for instance, the use
applying defoliator-specific viruses are all of tree mixtures and shade planting may be
sound and likely to have some efficacy. useful (Bosu et al., 2006). Ofori and
Light pruning of borer-infested trees is Cobbinah (2007) set out a series of recom-
acceptable, though heavy pruning can seri- mendations for Phytolyma control. Firstly,
ously stress the trees and of course reduce the use of insecticides is not encouraged,
wood biomass production significantly. except in heavily attacked nurseries. For
Any heavy use of organophosphate and car- one thing, the pest is concealed inside the
bamate insecticides should be avoided. gall for much of its lifetime and therefore
Clearly, to implement all these techniques difficult to reach with chemicals and, in
will require rather sophisticated manage- addition, since the pest is present all year
ment systems, relying on the experience round, routine chemical control would be
and expertise of local and regional growers. likely to inundate ecosystems with undesir-
able toxins. Neem-based insecticides such
as azodrin may, however, be acceptable. The
10.8.4 Example 4: Phytolyma lata genetic structure of Milicia populations and
in Milicia plantations in West Africa the relative resistance to the psyllid between
Milicia species and genotypes holds prom-
Iroko wood is an extremely valuable timber ise. Cobbinah and Wagner (1995) report that
produced by the trees Milicia excelsa and some varieties or genotypes can reduce the
M. regia in sub-Saharan Africa. The natural growth and survival of the psyllid via anti-
distributions of the two species overlap in biosis, others are simply tolerant of attacks,
parts of West Africa and most of the timber while a third group is highly susceptible.
production in the region is from natural for- Once genetically based varietal resistance
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 287

Table 10.4. Pest management tactics for various insect pests in Populus deltoides agroforestry
in north-western India (from Singh et al., 2004).

Insect Type of pest Management tactics

Apriona cinerea Stem borer Prune and burn attacked branches; destroy brash, storm
(longhorn beetle) damage and old stumps; remove alternative host plants
such as Morus spp. and Prunus spp. in the locality
Eucosma glaciata Shoot borer Prune and burn affected branches; foliar spray of insecticide
(Lepidoptera) (dimethoate) in May/June and August/September
Clostera cuprata, C. Defoliators Replace now susceptible clones of P. deltoides with tolerant
fulgurita, C. restitura, ones; bulk up and spray ClosteraNPV (virus); mass rear
Phalantha phalantha and release egg parasitoids (Trichogramma spp.);
(Lepidoptera) encourage predatory bugs (Hemiptera) in stands; spray
neem oil after rains; monitor pest populations in alternate
winter hosts (other poplars, Salix etc.) around stands
Eriosoma spp. (aphids) Sap feeders Encourage predatory beetles (ladybirds); remove galls
or gallers manually in winter; plant resistant poplar hybrids
Holotrichia spp. Root feeders Do not weed nursery beds when adults are flying;
(white grubs) clean cultivate and deep plough at other times;
dress soil with slow release insecticide formulations
Odontotermes spp., Root and stem Apply insecticides in water or dust to soil
Coptotermes spp. feeders or base of trees

has been detected, various vegetative tech- Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Tunisia,
niques have been established to conserve Morocco, Malawi, South Africa and so on.
and propagate resistant material for use in Their biology, ecology, impact and host-
the field. The big risk then might involve plant relationships have been detailed in
significant reduction in Milicia genetic many parts of this book, including Chapters
diversity. Finally, as mentioned above, there 5 and 6. Studies of these sections would
are silvicultural techniques such as mixed provide clear recipes for mainly preventa-
plantings with various other timber tree spe- tive IPM tactics, which hinge on the use of
cies such as Albizia, Khaya, Terminalia or resistant species of Eucalyptus on sites
even Tectona (Wagner et al., 2008). Planting which are not prone to drying out. The
Milicia in the shade of other trees does avoidance of host-tree stress is paramount
reduce pysllid attack to some extent, but in avoiding problems.
shade of course will also reduce tree growth Figure 10.8 depicts four categories of
(Bosu et al., 2006). Table 10.5 presents a management tactic for the pests, three of
summary of IPM techniques compiled by which are essentially silvicultural in nature.
Wagner et al. (2008). Biological control, as discussed in Chapter
8, is the least likely to succeed, especially
if the other three tactics are ignored or
10.8.5 Example 5: Phoracantha species underplayed. Though biological control
in the Americas, Africa and Europe may be desirable, it seems not to be efficient
enough in dealing with this low-density,
The eucalyptus longicorn beetles, Pho- mainly concealed pest. The egg parasitoid,
racantha semipunctata and P. recurva Avetianella longoi (Hymenoptera: Ency-
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (Plates 39 and rtidae), has been shown to reduce tree mor-
40), are now a very widespread pest of euca- tality to some extent (Wang et al., 2008),
lypts over almost all of the tropical, sub- while larval parasitoids such as Syngaster
tropical and even Mediterranean regions of lepidus have been released in various countries.
the world (Paine et al., 2011), including The situation has become more complicated
288 Chapter 10

Table 10.5. Strategies to be considered for the IPM of Phytolyma lata on Milicia spp. in West Africa
(from Wagner et al., 2008).

Strategy Phytolyma lata stage affected Type of control

Parasitism by Trichogramma sp. Egg Biological

Predation by mantid First instar crawlers and, Biological
less so, exposed adults
Boring of all tissues followed by parasitism Nymphs Biological
by hymenopteran parasitoids
Host selection – preliminary trials Insect species as a whole through Varietal resistance
required to compare pest resistance oviposition preference, establishment
in the two species of Milicia rate, growth rate, fecundity, etc.
Mixed planting Adults Cultural
Insecticide application All stages Chemical
(azodrin, bidrin, unden)

Available tactics
Note the prominence of silvicultural techniques

Removal of sources Biological control

Tree care and Selection of using egg and
of adult beetles
reduction of correct tree species larval
via sanitation
stressful Of the hundreds of parasitoids
Wood that contains
conditions Eucalyptus species, Natural enemies
larvae, pupae and
Avoid moisture only a few have collected from
adults must be
deficits, ensure been tested, but some Australia have been
burned, buried, chipped
irrigation, avoid are very susceptible released in California,
or seasoned in a
damage by pruning to Phoracantha, but impact as yet
solar kiln. Uninfested
others resistant unknown. Make
cut logs must be
split or debarked careful assessments
of damage thresholds
for this low-density pest

Fig. 10.8. IPM of eucalyptus longhorn beetles (from Paine et al., 1995).

with the establishment of P. recurva, which may both cure and cause a problem
in places such as southern California has (T. Paine, 1999, personal communication).
replaced P. semipunctata as the dominant pest
species (Paine and Millar, 2002). Although
it appears that A. longoi shows the same 10.8.6 Example 6: Root-feeding termites
search efficiency for egg masses of both in nurseries and young forest plantations
species, the rates of parasitism and rates of across the tropics
successful emergence are significantly lower
in P. recurva. Thus, the parasite may be a Termites (Isoptera: Termitidae) can do all
critical driving force in the replacement of sorts of damage to very young trees, grow-
P. semipunctata in the environment where ing trees, dead and dying trees and timber
trees still get killed. In summary, parasitoids in service (i.e. wood and wood products
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 289

used in construction), and we have dis- degraded sites rather than on natural ones
cussed their pest status and management in (Kekeunou et al., 2006).
various previous chapters of this book. We So, can soil termites be managed in any
are mainly concerned here with the damage real sense of IPM? In concept, there is no real
termites do to nursery stock and to seed- difference between them and any other forest
lings in newly established plantations pests discussed in this book and here we men-
(Plates 115 and 116), and it is perhaps not tion these various potential tactics, assembled
surprising that these initial problems can from the literature, and briefly summarize
be so severe, since forest nurseries may be some of their drawbacks. If we take an aggre-
thought of as agriculture crop-like in the gate view, the future could be said to be fairly
density of plants and their susceptibility to bleak for the management of termite pests.
pests and diseases, in which termites are There are too few practical, effective and eco-
more usually prevalent (Rouland-Lefevre, logically and socio-economically acceptable
2011). Normally, termites are thought of as tactics available these days, assuming we
being indigenous pests of exotic plant species, want to carry on planting exotic tree species
rather than being problematic with native on degraded lands.
tree species (Kumar and Thakur, 2011), so it However, Verma et al. (2009) have
is predominantly acacias and especially reviewed physical, chemical and biological
eucalypts which suffer most damage and methods as summarized in Fig. 10.9, only
death (Varma and Swaran, 2007). Just occa- some of which are applicable to forest
sionally, subterranean termites such as nursery and young plantation situations.
Odontotermes spp. have been found to dam- The ‘good old days’ of long-lasting residual
age young indigenous tree species, so Kirton insecticides being used to form a chemical
and Cheng (2007) found them attacking barrier around the roots of young trees
native dipterocarp species in the genus (Wilcken et al., 2002) have gone and the
Shorea in enrichment plantings in Penin- highly effective but otherwise undesirable
sular Malaysia. It has long been assumed organochlorine insecticides have been ban-
that subterranean termites are most serious ned across the world (Peters and Fitzgerald,
in plantations newly established after natu- 2007), while the newer but only marginally
ral forest had been cleared, through the less toxic and persistent organophosphates
simple fact that their soil environment has and carbamates have also mainly disap-
been altered significantly by disturbance peared in the past few years. However, local
(Tsukamoto and Sabang, 2005) and they people still view chemicals as the best and
have been deprived of their normal and nat- most efficient methods of termite control
ural food supply, leaving them no choice (Kagezi et al., 2010) and undoubtedly, if we
but to feed on the new plantations (Sileshi could find a commercially viable and envi-
et al., 2009). In essence, termites in tropical ronmentally acceptable chemical, this would
forestry are usually thought of as pests on still be the best way to protect our seedlings

Biological Bacterial
Physical Chemical (toxins)

Barriers Treatments Botanical Fungal nematodes (termiticidal/
Heat (bioactive (mycotoxin) bacterial symbiont)
Electrical constituent)
Toxic Non-toxic Freezing

Fig. 10.9. Different types of control measures for termites (from Verma et al., 2009, courtesy Elsevier).
290 Chapter 10

(French and Ahmed, 2006). Plant-derived and baits containing the fungus (Sun et al.,
botanical insecticides may have some prom- 2008). Perhaps ironically, this behaviour
ise as toxins, repellants or feeding deterrants may result in fewer termites coming into
(Verma et al., 2009) and research into the contact with the fungus and thus dying; the
performance of new products continues with control mechanism is therefore not toxicity
compounds such as fipronil (trade name (pathogenicity) but repellence (Hussain
Regent or Termidor), which is a slow-acting et al., 2010). These variations in species,
poison used in baits (Huang et al., 2006), isolate, strain and environmental efficiency
ivermectin, which is normally used to con- in termite-pathogenic fungi may make the
trol internal mammalian parasites (Jiang et choice of a commercial and wide-ranging
al., 2011), and bifenthrin, a fairly standard effective product problematic. Until easily
pyrethroid insecticide engineered to have applicable and dependable IPM tactics for
long-lasting stability and low toxicity to non- termites in tropical forestry become availa-
target species by combining (immobilizing) it ble, if they ever do, then foresters will have
with silk (Guan et al., 2011). It remains to be to tolerate some losses of certain tree spe-
seen whether or not chemicals such as these cies on certain sites and plant extra accord-
will ever be effective, cheap and universally ingly, change species, or go elsewhere.
available enough to be used across the world.
Most exotic tree species of any indus-
trial use seem to be susceptible in their 10.8.7 Example 7: Eucalyptus grasshoppers
young stages, so there would appear to be in Paraguay
little future in tree breeding, selection or
indeed genetic modifications, which leaves Unlike the situation in Brazil described ear-
biological control. Termite predators and lier in this chapter, the neighbouring country
parasitoids, though abundant in nature, are of Paraguay has only recently begun to grow
not efficient enough to prevent damaging species of Eucalyptus on an industrial scale.
attacks to small trees in nurseries and young Here, large areas of E. grandis were being
plantations. Pathogens such as viruses or established in the 1990s on old grassland or
bacteria would be difficult to get to the main ex-agricultural sites (Plate 124), and one pest
colonies of termites underground or under problem rapidly appeared which involved an
bark, even if strains could be found that originally unidentified species of grasshop-
were pathogenic to termites, which leaves per (Orthoptera: Acrididae) (Henson and
fungi. Entomopathogenic fungi such as Davies, 1999, unpublished; Speight, 1999,
B. bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae are unpublished). In certain sites, severe losses of
well-known biological control agents of up to 70 or 80% were recorded in Eucalyptus
many pests, especially in humid conditions, transplants during the first 3 months after
and both are well able to kill termites establishment. Older trees were not affected,
(Wright et al., 2002). Because of the feeding but the younger ones had their bark chewed
behaviour of termites, tropholaxis (sharing away close to the soil surface by grasshop-
of foods among social individuals) enables pers, causing ring-barking (girdling) followed
the distribution of fungal spores throughout by stem breakage and tree fall (Plate 125). The
a colony prior to epizootics which can kill grasshoppers (Plate 126) appeared to be com-
large numbers of insects. There are many mon in the eastern region of the country only,
isolates and strains of pathogenic fungi close to the Brazilian border, and were espe-
which are still being tested for certain types cially prevalent in planting sites with a previ-
of habitat and application, since termites as ous history of soybean cultivation. Even here,
a group live in a wide variety of environ- lines of eucalypts planted between strips of
ments with different conditions (Wright et al., Brachiaria grass appeared to be much less
2004). As well as being lethal pathogens, attacked, as did trees removed from the nurs-
some fungi such as M. anisopliae can also act ery after sufficient time had been allowed for
as deterrents, since foraging worker termites them to produce tougher, grey bark as opposed
have been shown to be repelled by mulches to the very soft and presumably palatable
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 291

red/green bark typical of very young trees. pest in optimal conditions, so with plenty
Crucial taxonomy, both in Brazil and at the of food and warm, wet climatic conditions
Natural History Museum in London, identi- there was clearly great potential for pest
fied the genus as Baeacris (J. Marshall, per- proliferation.
sonal communication), which allowed Commercially viable pest control tactics
essential comparisons with the published lit- were limited. The microsporidian pathogen,
erature on host plants, life cycles and pest Nosema locustae, was introduced into
status. The main member of the genus, B. Argentina in the late 1970s to control grass-
punctulatus, is distributed fairly widely hoppers, and field surveys in the mid-1990s
across the pampas regions of Argentina and found that B. punctulatus exhibited between
Brazil (Cigliano et al., 2000), and it is thought 1 and 19% infection (Lange and de Wysiecki,
to be a potentially important pest of pasture 1996). However, biological control was not
and pampas grassland in South America in considered viable for the problem in
general (Michel and Teisaire, 1996). In Brazil Paraguay due to the scale and cost of the
at least, it is reported to be an important pest treatment likely to be required. Insecticidal
of agricultural crops, especially soybean dur- treatment was also felt to be in the main
ing the summer months (November–March) ineffective, again due to scale, cost and also
(Dias-Guerra et al., 2010), thus establishing potential side effects, though dipping of
the soybean connection found in the newly transplants in a contact chemical might have
afforested fields in Paraguay. Four or even five helped. Prevention was considered the best
generations per year may be achieved by the way forward and Fig. 10.10 summarizes

Age of

Younger Older
∼60 days 100+ days

Site with bare soil Site previously

especially after uncultivated
soybean +grass strips

Trees planted Trees planted

April to September November to April
(winter) (summer)

Dip transplants in Possible dip

residual contact in contact
insecticide insecticide

Losses up to High Low risk

10% trees – losses of
tolerable expected tree loss

Fig. 10.10. Flow chart illustrating a speculative decision-making system for grasshopper pest management
in young Eucalyptus grandis plantations in Paraguay (from Speight, unpublished).
292 Chapter 10

some speculations about the various ele- has tended in recent years to concentrate
ments leading to grasshopper damage which on possible methods of cultivation of
have control potential. The most likely mahoganies in relatively natural forests,
approach was thought to be the use of older, with attempts to grow the timber in more
more resistant (or tolerant) transplants, normal (at least in terms of plantation silvi-
established in less risk-prone sites, during culture) plantation systems (Mayhew and
times of the year when the pest was less Newton, 1998). Whichever cultivation sys-
active. The major change in tactics would tem is employed, attempts at Hypsipyla
involve considerable alterations to nursery management reached their heyday in Costa
practice, with consequent reductions in pro- Rica in the 1970s, where Grijpma and col-
ductivity and turnover of nursery stock. leagues, working at the Centro Agronomico
de Investigacion y Enseflanza (CATIE) in
Turrialba, produced a ‘shopping list’ of
10.8.8 Example 8: Hypsipyla spp. research topics required, which included
in mahogany plantations in the Old host-plant relationships and resistance, sex
and New World attractants, chemical control, insect taxon-
omy and biological control (Speight and
As we have discussed in various chapters in Cory, 2000). A wide variety of suggestions
this book, the mahogany shoot borers, or tip for pest management were provided, but
moths, belonging to the genus Hypsipyla little actual progress was made. It is a
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Plates 57–59) are somewhat salutary tale to realize that
one of the most intractable insect pest prob- despite all these trials and experiments,
lems in tropical forestry. Undoubtedly, if the pest remained as serious as ever.
it were possible to grow Swietenia spp., Interest in Hypsipyla IPM was reignited in
Cedrela spp., Toona spp. or Khaya spp. suc- the 1990s, fuelled by workers in the UK
cessfully in some form of at least semi- and Australia, and as well as research and
industrial silviculture, then huge amounts review publications such as those of Newton
of revenue could be earned by producing et al. (1993, 1998), and an international
countries and much less pressure would be workshop was organized in Sri Lanka in
placed on natural tropical forests via the 1996 (Floyd and Hauxwell, 2000). Large
often illegal harvesting of native mahoga- bodies of information are still controver-
nies. Chapters 5 and 6 provide details of the sial, conflicting or simply lacking. For
shoot borer’s ecology and impact, showing example, we still know very little about the
that the aim of IPM for Hypsipyla spp. must ecology and host-plant relationships of
centre around the protection of young trees Hypsipyla species in natural forest. Until
from the nursery stage up until they reach we are able to consider pest dynamics in
around 4 or 5 years of age, when their straight terms of coevolved mechanisms, the under-
main stems have reached a final marketable lying causes of shoot borer problems will
length. After this stage, shoot borer attack remain a mystery. Various workers have
will no longer affect the shape of the trunk suggested links between pest infestation,
detrimentally, and then the main problem damage intensity and site conditions (see
with maturing trees is that they are able to act Newton et al., 1998, Chapter 6). In
as pest reservoirs for neighbouring younger Venezuela, Briceno-Vergara (1997) suggests
and vulnerable plantations. Plates 127 and that part of an IPM package for Hypsipyla
128 show examples of African mahogany, attacking S. macrophylla should contain
K. anthotheca, illustrating the sort of tree that site selection of plantations with well-
can be produced when not attacked by the drained soils. This conflicts with observa-
borer and the forking shape produced after tions, so far unpublished, for Khaya in
attack, respectively. Mozambique (Alves et al., 1999, unpub-
The shoot borer problem has con- lished) and for Swietenia in Sabah (East
fronted tropical foresters for as long as they Malaysia) (Speight and Chey, 1998, unpub-
have tried to grow mahoganies. Silviculture lished). In both the latter cases, trees appear
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 293

straighter, taller and generally less dam- et al. summarized the list of potential pest
aged in wet valley bottoms. management methods (Table 10.6). Some
Planting regimes continue to be trialled of these suggestions, such as the use of
in various countries. In Martinique and pheromones, still need developing, so the
French Guinea, greater success in growing major topics are: (i) genetics and host-
mahoganies despite the ravages of Hypsipyla tree susceptibility; (ii) tree manipulations
spp. are achieved using natural regenera- (site choice, pruning, etc.); (iii) silviculture
tion of Swietenia (Plan and Vennetier, 1998), (shade, mixtures, etc.); (iv) chemical control
while in Sri Lanka, extensive fieldwork is (insecticides and repellants/deterrants); and
looking at shade interactions and outbreak (v) biological control (predators, parasi-
intensity (R. Mahroof and C. Hauxwell, 1999, toids and pathogens), and we present some
unpublished). In Australia, large trials, details of each one in turn.
mainly of T. ciliata, have been established to
examine genetic resistance, to revisit silvicul- Genetics and host tree susceptibility
tural techniques such as underplanting and
planting and to test fertilizer–novel insecti- There are many species of tree in the sub-
cide combinations to boost the growth of family Swietenioidea of the family Meliaceae
young trees and at the same time to protect scattered across the tropics, most of which
them against H. robusta in the crucial early produce valuable hardwood timber. For
years. Thus far, no concrete management rec- example, S. macrophylla and Cedrela odor-
ommendations can be made due to the com- ata are native to the Americas, K. senegalen-
plex interactions discovered. sis and K. anthotheca are from Africa, and
Additionally, the taxonomy of maho- T. ciliata is from Australasia, all of which are
gany shoot borers is being unravelled. The attacked by Hypsipyla virtually everywhere
idea of H. robusta, for example, as a single they are planted, except on the occasions
species with a distribution extending from where the insect is completely absent from
Australia, the Pacific and Asia to Africa, an isolated locality, such as the city of Brasilia
has often been questioned and molecular in Brazil or the island of Fiji. There has been
techniques have shown that the genus some support for the concept that tree species
Hypsipyla is not one but at least eleven growing in their native country or region are
species, four from the Americas and seven attacked more severely than exotic species
from Asia and Africa (Horak, 2001), which (Cunningham et al., 2005). However, this
may explain some of the differences noticed knowledge alone is not enough to provide a
in the behaviour and biology of the insect tactic which can prevent economically seri-
in different parts of its range. ous damage. As we have discussed in Chapter
Since the first edition of this book was 6, there are compounding problems of envi-
published in 2001, work has continued ronment versus genetics in all field trials to
around the world to investigate possible establish resistance or tolerance in certain
ways of either reducing the attacks of tree genotypes or varieties, but much recent
Hypsipyla or developing resistance or tol- work has found genetic variation in attacks
erance in the host trees. In 2003, Floyd by shoot borer, and tree tolerance or recovery;

Table 10.6. Pest management tactics for mahogany shoot borers (from Floyd et al., 2003).

Host tree resistance

Mixed species plantations and agroforestry
Biologically active compounds (kairomones and novel insecticides)
Site manipulation, particularly soil nutrients and drainage
Manipulation of the action of predators
Introduced pathogens and parasitoids
Traditional insecticides
294 Chapter 10

for example, Alves (2004) in Mozambique, K. senegalensis on to relatively susceptible

Ofori et al. (2007) in Ghana, Ward et al. (2008) root stock (S. macrophylla) affects the growth
in Mexico, Cornelius (2009) in Costa Rica, and survival of pest larvae adversely.
Underwood and Nikles (2009) in Australia,
Soares et al. (2010) in Brazil, and so on. Silviculture (shade, mixtures, etc.)
Unfortunately, there still seems to be no firm
and dependable answer to the question of Planting mahoganies in monoculture planta-
which tree species, provenance, etc. to grow tions seems to be destined to failure almost
where, and growers should be advised to look everywhere it has been tried, and the use of
carefully at trials carried out in their own diverse plantings using weeds, gap or line
regions rather than to rely on research results enrichment, mixed-species stands and so on
from further afield. Also note that cloning seems much the better tactic. Note, however,
tree genotypes that show resistance to the that mixed plantings with two susceptible
shoot borer may be able to produce large species such as Swietenia with Cedrela has
numbers of healthy seedlings in vitro (Pena- no effect, since the insect pests seem to con-
Ramirez et al., 2010), but how long this resist- sider them both suitable hosts (Perez-Salicrup
ance with its very narrow genetic diversity and Esquivel, 2008). The crucial ‘trick’ is to
will remain effective is uncertain. reduce the ability of the adult female shoot
borer moth to find mahoganies concealed by
Tree manipulations (site choice, non-suitable species, presumably a coevolu-
pruning, etc.) tionary strategy in natural forests. Enrichment
planting is a general afforestation technique
We discuss the crucial requirement to match wherein young trees are planted in lines or
tree species to planting site in Chapters 3 gaps in usually natural forests. The older for-
and 6, and the situation with the mahogany est provides species mixtures and shade (see
shoot borer is no exception. For example, below). In some ways, this system is the
the biggest African mahogany, K. anthotheca, same as natural regeneration in forest gaps
specimens were found in Mozambique and so should be able to protect young trees
growing near the bottom of river valleys in from pests as they grow beyond their suscep-
forest remnants (Alves, 2004), while young tible stage. It certainly seems to work. In
K. anthotheca grow best on sandy, slightly Brazil, Lopes et al. (2008) succeeded in grow-
acidic soils. Other species in other countries ing S. macrophylla with significantly less
have similar specific requirements which attacks from Hypsipyla and significantly
should be adhered to wherever and when- taller, faster growth by planting the young
ever possible. trees in forest gaps created by selective log-
Since Hypsipyla larvae tunnel into and ging. Once established in forest clearings,
kill leading shoots, resulting in multiple Snook and Negreros-Castillo (2004) advocate
leaders subsequently developing, hand prun- no cleaning or weeding in the plots, which
ing back to a single leader is possible. also reduces borer attacks. The major draw-
Cornelius (2001) suggests that young trees back with these enrichment planting scenar-
attacked by the borer can be pruned back to ios is, of course, their timber yield potential,
just below the insect’s tunnel to remove all which is very much lower per unit area of
trace of the pest and then later, if required, a ground than a plantation would be if it were
second pruning can produce the single leader not for the pest.
required. When pruning is combined with One interesting tactic to reduce shoot
genetic variations in tree form and growth, borer damage with mixtures is to establish
commercially acceptable trees may be pro- a mahogany species in a mixture with another
duced (Cornelius and Watt, 2003), as long as commercial crop, as for example with
there is the required manpower for this C. odorata planted between rows of coffee
labour-intensive operation. Though not a bushes in the Yucatan Peninsular of Mexico
likely strategy on a commercial scale, Perez (Navarro et al., 2004). Using provenly
et al. (2010) have shown that grafting rela- resistant Cedrela provenances within cof-
tively resistant shoot and leaf material from fee plantations, it was possible to provide
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 295

acceptable trees producing not only good extracts of rue (Ruta chalepensis) have
timber but also good seed. Even though so-called phagodeterrant properties (Barboza
coffee bushes have a much shorter useful et al., 2010). It seems unlikely, however, that
life than the Cedrela trees, the coffee should these products will ever be a practical solu-
be able to provide the species mixtures tion on a large plantation. Not all chemicals
needed to deter the shoot moth for the cru- are poisons, and the sex-attractant pherom-
cial early 3 or 4 years of life. Contrastingly, ones have been discussed as pest manage-
Plath et al. (2011) did not find any signifi- ment tools in Chapter 8. H. grandella and
cant differences in height growth in young H. robusta are listed on Pherobase (2011) as
Cedrela planted in monoculture or mixed having their sex pheromones identified, but
with two other tree species. surprisingly, very little research seems to
A final tactic that tries to combine have been done on the use of these chemi-
aspects of plantation silviculture with cals for mahogany shoot borer management
enrichment-type planting is the use of since the early 1990s.
shade. Several authors have shown that
planting mahogany trees under the shade Biological control (predators, parasitoids
of other trees reduces shoot borer attack. and pathogens)
Mahroof et al. (2002), for instance, working
in Sri Lanka, found that the oviposition Floyd et al. (2003) list various species of
rate of H. robusta was much lower on parasitic hymenoptera that have been reared
S. macrophylla planted under artificial from Hypsipyla larvae, but none seem capa-
shade, as was the survival of larvae once ble of either becoming established in maho-
established in shoots. Opuni-Frimpong et gany plantations or of reducing the levels of
al. (2008a) carried out field trials in Ghana pest attack to a usable level. Lim et al. (2008)
using different shade levels and found that, advocate the addition of weaver ant nests to
indeed, they could reduce H. robusta mahogany trees in Malaysia attacked by shoot
attacks on K. anthotheca to virtually zero moth larvae so that the predatory ants can
under deep shade, but unfortunately tree kill and eat the pest, but again this technique
growth was also seriously compromised. is not likely to reach commercial or world-
This is a clear example of the possibility of wide success. Hauxwell et al. (2001) have spent
a compromise position between too much a lot of effort trying to identify Hypsipyla-
insect damage and too much tree growth specific pathogens, viruses in particular
suppression. from the wild, but with little or no success.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) formulations do
Chemical control (insecticides work to some extent (Goulet et al., 2005), but
and repellants/deterrants) only if the larvae can be exposed to the toxin,
and no records are as yet available where
Foresters have been trying to control maho- Bt-transgenic trees have been developed and
gany shoot borers with insecticides for almost trialled against shoot borer.
a century, with little success (Wylie, 2001). It So where does all this leave us? Nothing
must be remembered that the pest is arche- seems to be definitively successful, though
typal low density, i.e. one attack is essentially the future for plantation-grown mahoganies,
too many, coupled with the fact that once if there is one at all, probably lies with tree
established, the larva is concealed from exter- selection and breeding, silviculture and tree
nal influences such as poisons (and indeed manipulation. Perhaps the final and con-
natural enemies – see next section) in its tun- ceptually best tactic would be to ignore the
nel. Most contact insecticides therefore have insect altogether and instead to allow it to
little effect. One or two products, deltrameth- do its worst, but on trees that are so tolerant
rin for example, have been shown to have that they are able to shrug off any attacks
some impact on shoot borer larvae (Mancebo and grow a single, straight and true leader
et al., 2002) and biopesticides such as neem in the presence of previous borer depredations.
extracts either kill or deter the pest (Goulet Such super-trees have yet to be discovered or
et al., 2005). Other plant chemicals such as developed commercially.
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Abies sachalinensis 212 temperature-dependent development

abiotic effects rate 52
altitude 54–55 temperature, insect life cycle 52
canopy arthropod abundance wind 64–66
relation 60 Acacia auriculiformis 207
climate change 66–67 Acacia mangium 240
Coptotermes 63 Acrocercops gemoniella 109
development time and rate 52, 53 Acrocercops spp. 108–109
diurnal variation 54 Acromyrmex landolti balzani 101
evolutionary process 50–51 Aesiotes notabilis 210–211
Heteropsylla cubana 51–52 Agrilus spp. 125–126
Holotrichia spp. cumulative Agrotis ipsilon 187
emergence 62–63 Agrotis segetum 187
Hyblaea puera, seasonal incidence 49, 51 Ailanthus triphysa 234
Hypsipyla grandella population 49, 50 Amblypelta cocophaga 114
insect pest species, light traps 59–60 Anomala antiqua 99
Ips grandicollis, rainfall pattern 61, 62 Anoplolepis gracilipes 114
lepidoptera biomass and damage 61, 62 Aonidiella orientalis 162
lepidoptera defoliating Eucalyptus 49, 50 Apate monachus 215
lethal temperature 54 APFC see Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
metabolic rate 51 Apocheima cinerarius 178
microclimatic humidity 58–59 Araucaria cunninghamii 210–211
pest outbreak 49 Aristobia horridula 128–129, 235
pest population density 52 Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network
pest population dynamics 51 (APFISN) 262–263
photoperiod 58 Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
plant phenology, knock-on effect 58 (APFC) 262–263
poikilothermic 51 Atta cephalotes 101
rainfall and leaves eaten area Atta spp. 190–191
relation 60–61 Aulacaspis marina 115
relative humidity 62 Austrocedrus chilensis 113
sap-feeding psyllids ecology 50 Azadirachta indica 208
sex-pheromone baited filter paper and
humidity 63–64
sunlight 56, 57 Bacillus thuringiensis 178, 196–197, 295
symbiotic relationship 63 Beauveria bassiana 283–284

358 Index

Beddingia siricidicola 214 Cryptolaemus montrouzieri 196

Betula pendula 77 Ctenarytaina spatula 280–281
biotic effects Ctenomorphodes tessulatus 108
beech scale fecundity 70
density-dependent relationship 73
functional response curve 72–73 Danaus plexippus 54
indigenous predators 71–72 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 158
interspecific and intraspecific Dendroctonus frontalis 164
competition 69 Dendroctonus ponderosae 212
natural enemy regulation 70–71 Dendrolimus punctatus
parasitoids 68 biological control 283–284
pathogen-caused disease 73 IPM 282
Plecoptera reflexa 71, 72 monitoring and prediction 282–283
population regulation 68–69 silvicultural technique 283
predators and parasitoids action 73–74 Dendrolimus punctatus Walker 106–107
psyllid density and parasitoid density 71, 72 Diacrisia obliqua 160
resource limitation 69–70 Diclidophlebia spp. 191
Bombyx mori 260 digital aerial sketch-mapping (DASM)
Brachychiton rupestre 162 system 246
Brachytrupes spp. 152 Dioryctria rubella 156
Bruchidius spp. 143–144 Dioryctria spp. 140–141
Dryocosmus kuriphilus 211

CABI’s Forestry Compendium (FC) 166, 167

Campnosperma brevipetiolata 114 ECFP see ecological control of forest pests
Casinaria nigripes 107 Eciton burchelli 35, 54
Cassia siamea 210 ecological control of forest pests (ECFP) 275
Casuarina cunninghamiana 15 Eligma narcissus 189
Casuarina equisetifolia 210 Endoxyla cinerea 122
Cedrus deodara 215 Endoxyla spp. 155
Celosterna scabrator 129, 165 Epholcis bilobiceps 232–233
Ceroplastes spp. 113–114 Eriococcus coriaceus 255
Chaliopsis junodi 234 Essigella californica 246–247
Chaliopsis (Kotachalia) junodi 157 Eucalyptus cloeziana 155
Chilecomadia valdiviana 136–137, 260 Eucalyptus grandis 97–98
Chrysomela populi 190 Eucalyptus regnans 97–98
Cinara cupressi 113, 155 Eucalyptus viminalis 98–99
Cinara cupressivora 112–113 Eucosma glaciata 192–193
Cinara lusitanica 112–113 Eutectona machaeralis 170, 225
Cinara todocola 212 exotic pest entry pathway
CLIMEX 166–167 air transport 257, 259–260
Coccotrypes rhizophorae 208 cargo container 257
Commindenrum robustum 219 cut flower trade 256
Competitive exclusion principle see Gauses’s hitchhiking 255–256
axiom intentional and accidental
Coptotermes curvignathus 156, 210 transport 260–261
Coptotermes spp. logs and sawn timber 256–257
C. elisae 135 scions and nursery stock 255
C. formosanus 135–136 seed 255
colonies and foraging 134–135 timber packaging 257, 258
economic loss 136 wind dispersal 260
infestation 135
natural enemy 136
survival vs. termite attack 136 Falcataria moluccana 107, 159
Coryphodema tristis 137–138 Fergusonina spp. 145–146
Craspedonta leayana 109, 171 Food and Agriculture Organization of
crown damage index (CDI) 243 the United Nations 166
Index 359

forest health surveillance resource type conservation 264

aerial and roadside inspection 244 sal borer 250
aerial photography 245 satellite technology 247
aerial sketch mapping 245 sketch mapping and photography
age/stocking and distance limitations 245–246
interaction 243–244 social impact 266
airborne high-resolution imagery 246–247 surveillance guidelines 254
Aracruz Celulose SA system 252 trap selection 248
Asian gypsy moth 248 treatment 272–273
bark beetles 250 tree health assessment 266
barrier quarantine 269–271 visual sketch mapping 244–245
brown wattle mirid 250 walk-through survey 243–244
CDI 243 within-country quarantine 273–274
contingency planning 269 see also exotic pest entry pathway
controlled-environment room 242 Frankliniella occidentalis 192
cost of 251
cumulative cost vs. detection
probability 251, 252 Gauses’s axiom 25
DASM system 246 Glycaspis brimblecombei 117–118
detection percentage vs. observers 244, 245 Gmelina arborea 109, 154, 278–279
ecoclimatic zone comparison 265 Gonipterus scutellatus 98–99, 255–256
economic impact 266 Gryllus spp. 60
environmental impact 266
extensive surveys and fixed-plot
monitoring 241 Helopeltis spp. 156
five-spined bark beetle 248–250 Hemiberlesia pitysophila 211
forest health field form 252–254 Hendersonula toruloidea 232–233
forest health survey 240–241 Heteronychus arator 232
forestry quarantine 254–255 Heteropsylla cubana 51–52, 157, 158
GIS-GPS interface tool 246 biological control 120
hazard site surveillance 271–272 economic and social impact 119–120
human-assisted dispersal 265–266 Leucaena leucocephala 118
IFP 240 lifecycle 119
indigenous fauna 263–264 spreading chronology 118–119
intensive-site ecosystem monitoring 241 Hevea brasiliensis 188
international treaties and standards 269 Hoplocerambyx spinicornis 129–130, 214, 217
invasive forest pest selection 266, 268 Hyblaea puera 155
landscape-scale outbreak 251 Hyblaea puera Cramer 104–106
lepidopteran defoliators 248, 249 Hylastes angustatus 123, 250
Lymantria dispar 242, 243 Hylobius abietis 232
nine-step guidelines 266, 267 Hylurdrectonus araucariae 139–140
non-native species, biological invasion 261 Hylurgus ligniperda 250
operational surveillance program 252 Hyperaspis pantherina 218
pathway analysis 264–265 Hypomeces squamosus 190
pest awareness 262–263 Hypothenemus dimorphus 193
pest biology and behaviour 264 Hypsipyla grandella 160, 168–169
pest eradication 266 Hypsipyla robusta 27
pest status assessment 242 biocontrol programme 143
plant quarantine law 261 life cycle 141
post-entry quarantine 272 Meliaceae species, damage 141, 142
probability detection vs. flight line planting density and growth rate 143
spacing 247 Toona ciliata 141
protection and harvest time 240 Hypsipyla spp. 154–155
quarantine focus, potential forest pest 264 biological control 295
reflectance curve 246 chemical control 295
remote-sensing technique, cost genetics and host tree
comparison 251 susceptibility 293–294
360 Index

Hypsipyla spp. (continued) neem-based insecticides 286

IPM 292–293 pest’s biology and crop
monoculture plantation 294–295 situation 281–282
nursery stage 292 Phoracantha species 287–288
pest management tactics 293 Phytolyma control 286
shade interactions and outbreak psyllid control 285, 286
intensity 293 silvicultural technique 287
silvicultural technique 292 termites 288–290
tree manipulation 294 tropical eucalypts yeild 284
tropical forestry, pest outbreak 276, 277
International Plant Protection Organization
Indarbela quadrinotata 122–123, 235 (IPPO) 262
insect-host tree interaction Ips grandicollis 248–250
age effect 83 Ips spp.
chemical barrier 81 biological control 125
co-evolution 89 feeding and breeding attack 124
competitive and selective advantage 89 lifecycle 123–124
double-action attempt 84–85 Pinus spp. 123
DW total nitrogen 76 propensity and species 124
evolutionary strategy 89–90 tree attack vs. time 124, 125
external plant surface, defence
system 78–79
forest management 77 Khaya anthotheca 208–209
host plant nutrients alteration 78 Khaya ivorensis 176
host vigour and stress 86–88
induced defence 83–84
insecticidal property 90 Lamprosema lateritalis 190
leaf chemistry 84 leaf chewing insects
leaf miners 79, 81 Anomala spp. 99
leaf nitrogen effects 76 Atta spp. and Acromyrmex spp. 99–101
leaf toughness 79 Ctenomorphodes tessulatus 108
natural selection, evolution 75 Dendrolimus punctatus Walker 106–107
NPK, tannins 85–86 Gonipterus scutellatus 98–99
nutrient, leaf content 77, 78 Hyblaea puera Cramer 104–106
Ouratea spp., leaf damage rate 77 Paropsis spp. 97–98
physical and chemical defence 82–83 Paropsisterna spp. 97–98
plant secondary metabolite 81–82 Perga affinis insularis 103
plant soluble organic nitrogen 87, 89 Perga affinis Kirby 101–103
recognition stimuli 82 Pteroma plagiophleps
resin pressure 81 Hampson 107–108
trichomes 79 Thyrinteina arnobia 103–104
trichome type and density 79, 80 Lepidiota spp. 150–151
vigour promotion and tree resistance 75 Lepidiota stigma 232
waste and energy expenditure 75–76 Leptocybe invasa 147–148, 173, 191
watering regime 77, 78 Lepto pharsa heveae 221
integrated pest management (IPM) 176 Leucaena leucocephala 158
agroforestry poplars pest 285–286 lure-and-kill technique 237
ECFP 275 Lygidolon laevigatum 250
economic loss 275 Lymantria dispar 242, 243, 247
economics and impact assessment 279–280 Lymantria xylina 236
entomological extension service 278
eucalyptus grasshoppers 290–292
field survey 284–285 Maconellicoccus hirsutus 274
forest pest management components 279, 280 Malacosoma incurvum 73
IPM toolbox 276–278 Manilkara hexandra 109
management tactics 275–276 Manilkara zapota 160
monitoring 280–281 Margalef’s index 36, 37
Index 361

Megastigmus spp. 144–145 Nysius clevelandensis 192

Melaleuca quinquenervia 166
Melaleuca quinquinerva 109
Metarhizium anisopliae 99 Ophelimus maskelli 148–149
Milicia excelsa 56, 207 Orthezia insignis 218
Myllocerus spp. 190 Orthosia incerta 178
Orthotomicus erosus 164, 250
Oxydia trychiata 280
Neoboutonia macrocalyx 60–61
Neolithocolletis pentadesma 162
Nipaecoccus aurilanatus 192 Pacific Plant Protection Organization
Nipaecoccus viridis 117 (PPPO) 262
Nothofagus fusca 70 Parantbrene robiniae 195
nursery stage Parlatoria oleae 52
advantages 186 Paropsis atomaria 52
antitranspirant 203 Paropsis spp. 97–98
armyworms 187 Paropsisterna spp. 97–98
biological control and Perga affinis insularis 103
biopesticides 196–197 Perga affinis Kirby 101–103
botanicals 198, 201 Pest risk assessment (PRA) 263–264
carbamates 202 Phoracantha acanthocera 155–156
chemical damage 195 Phoracantha semipunctata 126–127
chemical pesticides 198 Phytolyma lata
chlorinated hydrocarbon 201 IPM 287, 288
conifer aphids 192 Milicia excelsa 286
curl grubs 188 neem-based insecticide 286–287
cutworms 187–188 silvicultural technique 287
defoliating caterpillars 189 tree mixtures and shade planting 286
disadvantages 186–187 Phytolyma spp. 146–147, 191
folk medicine 197–198 Pineus boerneri 111–112, 255
gall wasps 191 Pinus yunnanensis 55
grasshoppers and crickets 188–189 planning stage
inorganic insecticide 201 afforestation program 153, 154
insect growth regulator 202–203 agroforestry 157–158
insecticide, mode of action 198–200 agro-silvo-pastoral system 156
leaf beetles 190–191 amenity planting 161–162
leaf tiers 189–190 CABI Crop Protection
mealybugs 191–192 Compendium 179–181
mirid and lygaeid bugs 192 CABI’s Forestry Compendium
neurotoxicant 202 (FC) 166, 167
organophosphate 201–202 carbon sequestration and biofuel
pest complex 193 production 162–163
pest management cost 198, 201 Cedrela attack, soil mineral 169, 170
physical/mechanical control 195–196 climatic mapping program 166–167
plantation cycle 186 commercial growing, insect
reduced risk insecticides 203 damage 154–155
root curling 193–194 communication and tactics 184–185
scale insect 192 compacted, hardpan site 165
scarab beetles 188 Craspedonta leayana, resistance levels 171
shoot and stem borers 192–193 damage score system 173–174
silvicultural control 197 decision making 182–183
silvicultural side effects 195 dieback incidence and relative
soil mixture 194 abundance 177
synthetic pyrethroid 202 dry or desert site 164–165
termites 193 ECOCROP 166
transplant stress 194–195 environmental factor and insect
watering and shade regime 194 damage 169
362 Index

planning stage (continued) chlorpyrifos 232

eyeball score 172–173 cypermethrin 234–235
farm-forestry venture 163 diversity and stability relation 207
fodder 158 enrichment planting 208–209
forage yield and resistance 177 entomopathogenic properties 220, 221
forest health 178–179 forest health surveillance and
fuelwood 158–159 monitoring 204
genotype and environment interaction 168 forest pests and fungi target taxa 238, 239
genotype selection 175–176 fungal dissemination 223–224
Hypsipyla spp. distribution 183 fungus, biological control 222
industrial forest plantation 154 gas fumigation 233
insect pest resistance 173 habitat modification 217
insect-related wood defect 155 harvesting 215
IPM program 176 HybCheck 229
large-scale international Hyblaea puera, productivity 229–230
collaboration 183–184 insect damage 231
mahogany species, Hypsipyla grandella insecticidal spray application 232–233
attack 168–169 insecticides 230–231
mean total height vs. mean commercial insect pest, natural enemy 216–217
height 176 leaf-cutting ants 233
MPTS 159–160 lure-and-kill technique 237
pest resistance and silvicultural malathion aerial spraying 234
properties 175 mass trapping 236–237
pine woolly adelgids 170–171 mating disruption 237–238
psyllid resistance, Leucaena accession 174 mature trees, insecticide spraying 235–236
rehabilitation 160–161 Metarhizium spp. 223
resistance and biotechnology 177–178 monoculture 204–205
sap staining 156 natural enemy vs. biological control
seed orchards and clonal planting 157 program 217
shade species, pest feeding guild 159 nematodes 224–225
shallow soil and stony site 165 NPV characteristics 227–228
silvicultural characteristics and psyllid NPV fate 228, 229
infestation 175 pest-host plant-environment
silvicultural decisions 153 interaction 229
silvicultural properties 172 pest outbreak potential 205
socio-economic model 153 pheromone efficacy 239
socio-economics and forest pest pheromones 236
management 179, 181–182 α-pinene and β-pinene 238
stem borer attack 155–156 predatory ladybird 218–219
stem malformation 156 predatory weaver ant 218
taungya 160 prophylactic treatment 232
tree growing concept 153–154 pruning and brashing 210–212
tree resistance testing 171–172 salvage and trap logs 213–214
tree selection and plant resistance 167–168 sanitation and hygiene 214–215
trichomes 170 seedling treatment 231–232
water conservation measure 166 shading and nurse crops 207–208
waterlogged site 165–166 spacing and thinning 212–213
wind- or frost- prone site 163–164 top-down and bottom-up regulation 216
plantation stage toxic baits 233–234
azodrin 235 transplanting tactics 209–210
bacteria 225, 226 tree-husbandry technique 204
baculovirus 227 Zeuzera conferta infestation, Sonneratia
biodiversity stability theory 206 apetala 205–206
biological control 215–216 plant pest diagnostic services (PPDS) 15–16
carbosulfan 232 Platyomopsis humeralis 207
Cecidomyiidae gall former and Euclystis Platypus spp. 130–131
spp. defoliator, effect 205 Plecoptera reflexa 71, 72
Index 363

Populus deltoides 285–286 pest detection, southern hemisphere 132, 133

Pseudotsuga menziesii 256 Pinus spp. 132
Psorocampa denticulata 248, 249 species diversity indices 23–24
Psylla oblonga 191 Spirama retorta 217
Pteroma pendula 63 Stenalcidia grosica 248, 249
Pteroma plagiophleps Hampson 107–108 Strepsicrates rothia Meyrick 110
Pyrausta machaeralis 189 Strepsicrates spp. 190
Strongylurus decoratus 151–152
Stryphnodendron microstachyum 205
Quadrastichus erythrinae 149–150 Swietenia humilis 160
Swietenia macrophylla 131
Syzygium cumini 109
Rhabdopterus picipes 194
Rhizophora mangle 208
Rhyacionia frustrana 274 Tectona grandis 105, 154
Rhyparida limbatipennis 15 termites
Roptrocerus xylophagorum 125 control measure 289
Ruta chalepensis 295 entomopathogenic fungi 290
indigenous pest 288–289
IPM 289
Santalum album 156 plant-derived botanical insecticides 290
sap-feeding insect termite-pathogenic fungi 290
Amblypelta cocophaga 114 Tetrastichus sp. 109
aphids 110–111 Thaumastocoris peregrinus 120
Aulacaspis marina 115 Thyrinteina arnobia 53, 103–104, 248, 249,
Ceroplastes spp. 113–114 284–285
Cicadas damage 110 Tingis beesoni 120–121, 232–233
Cinara cupressi 113 Tomicus piniperda 274
Cinara cupressivora 112–113 tropical forest
Glycaspis brimblecombei 117–118 abiotic variation 29–30
Helopeltis theivora, adult female 115–116 agroforestry and silvo-pastoralism 11–12
Heteropsylla cubana see Heteropsylla arthropod species composition 25–26
cubana artificial restoration 12
Leucopsis obscum, natural enemy 112 biodiversity 23
natural enemy, Helopeltis spp. 116–117 canopy height 30–31
necrosis, plant tissue 110 CCA 46, 47
Pineus boerneri 111–112 climatic characteristics 2–3
pine woolly adelgids 111 complex web interaction 15
population fluctuation, rainfall 111 conceptual model 46, 48
spherical mealybug conservation ethic 10
see Nipaecoccus viridis conventional wisdom 24–25
Thaumastocoris peregrinus 120 DCA 31
Tingis beesoni 120–121 distubance and productivity, species
tree vitality 110 diversity 40, 41
Schizonycha ruficollis 188, 281 dung beetle abundance and species
Scolytus major 215 richness 31
Scotorythra paludicola 73 dung beetle population density 35–36
Shannon–Wiener diversity index 24 dung removal 43–44
shoot boring insects ecological and economic importance 1–2
Dioryctria spp. 140–141 ecological change 5–7
Hylurdrectonus araucariae 139–140 ecological niche 26–27
Hypsipyla robusta see Hypsipyla robusta ecological pest management 46–47
sapling attack 139 ecological stability 22, 31–32
Sirex noctilio 240 ecospace 26
biological control 134 ecosystem disturbance 39
integrated pest management 134 edge effect 37–38
lifecycle 132–133 effective pest management 47–48
364 Index

tropical forest (continued ) teak plantation, insect pests 20

energy flow and nutrient cycling 13 terrestrial ecosystem community
eradication programme 16 diagram 24
food web 13, 14 trophic interactions 13–14
forest product, FAO definition 4, 5 watershed protection and
forest product value 3, 4, 6 preservation 22
fragmentation effects 33–34 see also tropical forest pest
fuelwood and charcoal 5 tropical forest pest 14–15
fundamental conflict 5 Agrilus spp. 125–126
geographical belt 2 Aristobia horridula 128–129
global land use 1, 2 Atta, foraging trail 100
habitats 25 bagworm 107–108
insect damage 16–19 bark- and wood-boring
island biogeography theory 34 insect 121–122
Jaccard’s coefficient 41, 43 bark-eating caterpillar see Indarbela
leaf damage 28–29 quadrinotata
Margalef’s index 36, 37 Brachytrupes spp. 152
matrix-corridor interaction 36, 37 Bruchidius spp. 143–144
microhabitats and probable functional Celosterna scabrator 129
grouping 26, 27 Chilecomadia valdiviana 136–137
native/exotic planting 44–46 chrysomelid leaf beetle 97
natural and plantation forest 1 Coryphodema tristis 137–138
PCA 41, 43 defoliators 91–92
peatland composition 10, 12 effects, defoliation 92, 97
pest dynamic implication 40–42 egg mortality 103
pest management components 20, 21 feeding habit and insect order 91,
phylogenetic distance vs. host 93–96
species 28 Fergusonina spp. 145–146
plant architecture 25 forestry pests, importance 100
plantation area 9 Hoplocerambyx spinicornis 129–130
plant collection and screening 8 Hylastes angustatus 123
plant diversity and habitat insect feeding impacts 91
heterogeneity 25 Ips spp. see Ips spp.
population density and forest clearance leaf chewing insects see leaf chewing
relation 6, 7 insects
population density and forest cover leaf-cutting ants 99–100
relation 3, 5 leaf mining insect see Acrocercops spp.
PPDS 15–16 leaf tying/rolling see Strepsicrates rothia
prevention 20 Meyrick
primary natural forest 6 Lepidiota spp. 150–151
productivity and carbon storage 13 Leptocybe invasa 147–148
productivity of 10, 11 light defoliation 97
reduced-impact logging 41, 43–44 Megastigmus spp. 144–145
reforestation effects 32–33 nest density, affected ecosystem 101
sap-feeding insectimpacts 16 Ophelimus maskelli 148–149
secondary natural forest 8–9 P. affinis insularis 103
selective logging 39–40 paropsine 92
silviculture planning and pest P. atomaria 98
management 27–28 Perga spp. lifecycle 101–103
socio-economics 3, 4 Phoracantha semipunctata 126–127
species-area relationship 34–35 Phytolyma spp. 146–147
species-area slope 35, 36 Platypus spp. 130–131
species composition 23–24 Ps. bimaculata 97
species diversity indices 23 Ps. cloelia 97–98
species richness and cerambycids Quadrastichus erythrinae 149–150
abundance 28, 29 sap-feeding insect see sap-feeding insect
sustainable-yield cycle 6, 8 sawfly 101
Index 365

shoot boring insects see shoot boring Vanapa oberthuri 211

Sirex noctilio see Sirex noctilio
sirex wasp 122 Widdringtonia whytei 155
skeletonizer see Craspedonta leayana Williams alpha diversity indices 45
snout beetle, effects 98–99
Strongylurus decoratus 151–152
sunlit leaves 97 Xyleutes capensis 210
types of pest, parts affected 91, 92 Xyleutes ceramica 138–139
Xyleutes ceramica 138–139 Xylosandrus crassiusculus 131–132
Xylosandrus crassiusculus 131–132 Xylotrechus spp. 60
Xystrocera festiva 127–128 Xystrocera festiva 127–128, 194
Tsuga heterophylla 256

Zeuzera conferta 205–206

Ultracoelostoma assimile 70 Zonocerus variegatus 188–189
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