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Industrial Segurity can sabe many lives.

Industrial safety focuses on reducing occupational hazards in the industrial sector

Through prevention, the aim is to protect the employee from various adversities.
Both physically and mentally and emotionally, as well as the place where he Wo
rks,Protection systems and safety devices,Safety conditions where static electricit
y represents a risk.

The rules are a very important point as they will greatly help to strengthen the s
ecurity environment, having objectives of great importance in the industry such a
s: Avoid injuries and death by accident. When accidents occur there is a loss of
human potential and with it a decrease in productivity, reduction of production o
perating costs, therefore the worker's safety, increases the worker's labor perfor
mance to a greater extent.

The main objective of industrial safety lies in the prevention of accidents at work

To achieve the objectives of industrial safety, a strategy has to be carried out

The maintenance of equipment, infrastructure, tools, machinery, etc. It represents

an investment that in the medium and long term will bring benefits not only to t
he employer to whom this investment will be reversed in improvements in its pro
duction, but also to the workers and that the accident rates will be low.

Carlos Alfonso Regalado Zelada Grupo 1

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