Real, Because Most of The Time The Children Will Not Be Granted Sa Fathers

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 Your assumption is there is an uphill battle, kanag struggle gyud, struggle is

real, because most of the time the children will not be granted sa fathers.
 You focus to the struggles of the fathers. Which among the struggles do you
wish to point out to the reader to make that it becomes a legal issue for your
research paper.
 So unsa ba gyud ang inyong gusting ipoint out…(quiet no answer). That’s the
general rule. From that general rule, what specific clause or phrases would
normally not award custody of the children to the fathers. What are the
specific reasons on court. Ganun yun.
 Provide the roadmap of your paper….(DILI NA MADUNNGAN SI MAM) yung
ginawa natin I think you’ve gone through this in your undergrad, you’re
making the sentence outline. So you have the title, you have the thesis
statement and then you put number 1 1st topic sentence in the paragraph,
number 2 2ndtopic sentence in your paragraph, number 3 your 3rd topic
sentence to your paragraph before your conclusion.
 So all these topic sentences will tell you that this his how I’m going to place
all my details of my answer to the question that we….. (dili na pud
madunggan ) what are the specific struggles of fathers in invading the
custody of their children? Whether or not fathers are granted custody of their
children? Whether or not mothers usually have the custody of their children
than fathers. Whether or not fathers have difficulty in claiming custody of
their children.
 If that is your case, what is your topic sentence or what will be your
argument why fathers are not given custody of their children then after that
we’ll go to the counter arguments what are the possible reasons why fathers
should have custody of their children.
 Because if you look at the law, you know I was asked one time, why my son’s
son was not with me….. if the boy and girl… and separated the children under
7 will go to the mother unless you prove that the mother is unfit… then the
children goes to the father. However, when the child reaches 7, the child can
choose who between his parents he would like to be with…. If the mother is
not available, if the mother is working abroad, where will the children go?
Ofcourse you go up—ascendant before you go collateral. So the ascendants
will be the maternal grandparents and the paternal grandparents. Who do
you think will get the children? It will be the maternal grandparents. And if
the maternal grandparents is not fit to guide the child, then it goes out to the
paternal grandparents. If both are unfit, the child will go to the collateral
relatives. Sinong unahin? Maternal relatives….. (dili na pud madunggan si
mam )
 If there is equality with parenting, if fathers now are given skills to be like
mothers in the raising of their children, why cannot children be given
custody to the fathers or to their paternal grand parents. That is to be
answered by the research of Ms. Boston. Why is it an uphill struggle? Why
why why. And you tell me both pro and con.
 Because the usual thing is, from a traditional viewpoint, who stays at home?
Mothers. Who works? Fathers. And therefore the expectation (dili na pud
madunggan )…. That mothers nourish and nurture and will always there…..
(dili na pud madunggan ) in grade 1 and grade 2, ang ilaw ng tahanan ay si
Nanay. Asa si tatay? Brownout ang tahanan….
 So imagine machange na ngayon ang lahat …. (dili na pud siya madunggan )
that is why I want you to prove that if there is a struggle, how will you lets
say, you take a look at policy making, what are you going with your papers in
leaning towards that policy. (dili na pud gyud siya madunggan )
 To provide your roadmap paper this is tala???(inaudible) this is your
sentence outline alam ninyo ito because your teacher asked you to do this, I
think this one is your English23 when you wrote your argumentative papers.
 That is for your intro you have 5-7 paragraphs because even introduction
you will now give me the conclusion.
 So that if I were to read the rest of your paper, this will…… of what is written
on the first page of your paper.
 So pag meron akong mga comments iback? Iniyo agad doon. So where is the
connection with your stated conclusion in your paper. Your thesis paper is this,
I do not see any relevant research connected to the issue…
 Next, the body of the paper ang next subheading will be analysis and
discussion. Ayaw ng body of the paper, do not place that as your subheading.
First is your title, you learn the format of your thesis paper, remember the
title page, that is what you’re going to use.
 When you open it, the first thing that I’m going to see is actually your
abstract. Your abstract will be one paragraph, around 10 sentences that will
explain… (di na pud madunggan grrrr) very brief. It must be written only on
one page you cannot have the second page for a abstract. Its actually like a
synthesis. Remember in your cases, you have this particular part called
synthesis? … procedural law, civil law, criminal law diba tag 1 paragraph
lang? that is what we’re going to in the abstract.
 The second page will have the introduction, 2 pages. The second subheading
will be analysis and discussion. Your discussion is going to be very analytical.
This is where your going to provide an answer to your legal issue but thatis
going to be an answer that is going to be backed by research—the law and
cases. Tulad ng reasoning of the courts that you read in the cases that you
were assigned. Explain the back form facts and the legal doctrines, eto na
yung law and then the rules, regulations or the admin orders which came from
administrative bodies to support your legal issue.
 The second one is the root of your claims, this is now the places that you are
going to provide that will interpret the laws that you’ve cited previously.
Why? Because interpretation of the laws with regards to responding to the
legal issue that you will place there is the cases. Because it is the cases that
come from the SC. Because the only interpreter of the law is actually the SC,
do not write their I think, I believe, wa gyud kay karapatan because you don’t
have any locus, you do not have that locus standing, you do not have legal
standing with regard to defending your position.
 So do not put the I, we, no need. We place there jurisprudence and the law
and how that law was interpreted by the SC with regard to answering your
legal question.
 Next, implications of your claim, if you say that mothers are usually granted
custody with their children under 7 then you have to have your basis—the
law is there to provide you with your basis and you also have a lot of
jurisprudence that will support your basis as well as your legal stand that
mothers are usually given custody of their children under age 7.
 And then on the otherhand, fathers too should be given custody of their
children base on what law are you going to cite? What jurisprudence also are
you going to cite?
 TAKENOTE: your legal issue here is that fathers must be given jurisdiction of
custody of their children instead of the mother. Therefore, most of your
discussions and analysis will point out towards direction of fathers getting
custody of their children instead of mothers. In other words, your going to
build your conviction that fathers should be given priority over mothers
when it comes to having custody of their children.
 Now what is the implication? What is the effect on fathers in general?
 For example, your married and then the child gets sick, who stays home?
Who get to absent from work to stay home? Answer: Mother. Because of that
the custody is automatically to the mother because the laws provided for
paternity leaves. That is supposed to be the days where fathers can stay
home to take care of their child….. (di na pud madunggan) we also have what
we call sick leave benefit of the fathers so that they can stay home and then
they can take care of their child or you have personal leaves, or vacation
leaves also it depends on the position of the father but if the fathers are
ordinary labors can he still go… (di na pud madunggan) yes… to take care of
the child but…..
 Next, will the society’s concept of fathers as more responsible………. (di na
gyud siya madunggan huhuhuhuhu) to take care of their children. Will that
any effect of the society? Are we going to change the way we look at men, as
men can also nurture and nourish the souls of their children, there is going to
be a great upheaval on the weight we look at fathers now in a very
fracternal(?) sight.
 Then you conclude. So ang discsussion and analysis will be the main bulk of
your paper. 10-12 pages it depends on how you are going to support your
conclusion…. (di ko sure pero conclusion? But gina support ba diay ang
 Conclusion, restate your thesis, summarize your major points, and explain
why the issue and the thesis are important, why is the legal issue important,
why is statement important, what are the major points that you’ve raised in
your analysis and discussion.
 TAKENOTE: Your conclusion and you introduction will be the ends that will
be used to make the sandwich whole, the filling is your analysis and your
discussion. Therefore, is this is going to be your bread ends of your paper,
then the into ration or your conclusion must be found in your introduction.
But it will not be a cut and copy paste. You’re going to point the basic points
that you have gotten from your discussion and analysis.
 Next is policy recommendation. TAKENOTE in your undergrad, you cannot
make conclusions if you …. look the implications. Fine. Here in our legal
paper we can do both. You will conclude, how are you going to conclude as
given by asking the legal question that you raised. But in the
implications of the answer to the legal question is going to be found in your
discussion and analysis. Not in the conclusion because your conclusion why
your thesis, your discussion, your legal issue is important. Yung ating ginawa
na implications of your claim that fathers should be given custody of their
children will be found in the analysis and discussion part of your paper. Ano
ang implications nito? Bakit importante yan?
 Because in your policy recommendation, if you understood the directions of
your implications, then it will also head us to the future direction of the flow
of the paper how will…. The commond good?
 So if you say that father should be given custody of their children instead of
mothers, what is the policy recommendations you intend to write in your
paper? What possible new law will be enacted? Or if you want to have it
Davao City alone, ano ang pwdeng mamungkahi mo doon sa ating local
legislatures with regard to looking or changing the image of the fathers that
they too can nourish and nurture their children.
 Policy o pulisiya—in that case you must have a recommendation and if your
recommendation is really good, you can write a separate paper on a real

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