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Potato 1, Potato 2, Ketchup, Gravy, Farmer

Human 1, Human 2

Written By:

Quizan Folloso De Lima

Trisha Mae Castillo

Resylray Bien
Scene 1: Garden (undersoil)

Potato 1: Can I ease this melancholy? I've been in here for so long.
All I can see is darkness. Is anybody out there? Yohoooo... Please I
long to see the light that everyone talks about, I want to breathe the
air they all take in. I long for the great beyond. I long for...

Potato 2: *interrupts Shut up!

Potata 1: *in excitement So I am not alone in this darkness? I am not

alone! Thank heavens!

Potato 1 and 2 heard a loud thud when suddenly they felt a strong
force from their heads as if pulling them up the soil

Potato 2: *frightened Aaaaaahhhh put me down! Put me down! Put me


Potato 1: *in slow motion The great beyooooooooond

Scene 2: The great beyond (above soil)

*Goblin's song (slow motion)

Potato 1 and 2 saw each other and felt like as if they were on the
zenith of the horizon

Potato 1 and 2 saw each other and their eyes changed into a heart
shape figure because of love at first sight.

Potato 1: So it was you? I never thought that there is someone like me

down below.

Potato 2: So it was you? *imitating Potato 1The creature who's always

blabbering day and night.

Potato 1: *heard nothing because he's busy observing the great beyond
Oh so this is the great beyond. Colorful! Wonderful! And uh what do
you call that one? (Looking at the flowers) Uhm nevermind. Oh! This is
great. This is amaziiiiii...

Potato 2: *looking intently at Potato 1

Potato 1: Uhmm you saying something? Hehe

Potato 2: *make face and walked out

Meanwhile, the farmer is done pulling out all the potatoes in his
garden. So he decided to put them all in the basket and take them to
the kitchen to wash the dirts off the little creatures.

Potato 1: * Oh not there,not there. Stooop hahahaha (tickled)

Potato 2: *saw her reflection Oh i look so good. Clean and nice!

Potato 1: Hey! You look nice but I look nicer

Potato 1 and 2: We look great!

Its for the first time in forever that the two potatoes agreed in one
idea. At last an affirmation was made.

Potato 1: Uhm... Ms. Potato can you promise me that we'll be together
forvever? Im afraid that I will be left alone in the darkness again.
I don't want to be alone. You're the only one I know. You're the only
one I got.

Potato 2: *hypervintilated charot *blushed (marupok as she is) Oh

poor little Mister Potato, sure I'll stick with you through thick and
thin, brightness and darkness and all.

Potato 1: *overwhelmed, hugged Potato 2 and shouted in great happiness

The happiness turned into a disaster when...

Farmer: Get ready gals wer heading to the market

One by one the farmer took the potatoes and place them in a basket

Potato 1: Take my hand lady , promise you wont let gooooo

Potato 2: P-p-promise I won't

But unfortunately the two love potatoes didn't make it. They lose
sight of each other and never heard any news about any of them.

Scene 2: McDonald's

Potato 1: Where am I? There are a lot people in here. Where am I? Is

this another dimension of the great beyond?

Potato 1 heard something

: 1 fries and chicken burger please. Thank you! And oh that would be
for take out

Soon after, Potato 1 felt a grip on his body. He again felt the tickle
and loudly laughed.

Potato 1: Oh not there, not there hahaha stooooop

Potato 1: Aaaaaaaah, it hurts. My skin. My poor skiiiiin

Potato 1 was peeled off a fries must be made

Potato 1: I never thought human would be this inhumane. Put me back my
skin. Get me out of here!

But everything was too late. Potato 1 was sliced into long rectangular
shaped and swam into the pool of boiling oil

Scene 3: Jollibee

Potato 2: Where am I? Mister Potato are you there?

: Uhm Miss excuse me can I ask for an additional order. One smashed
potato. Thank you!

Potato 2:Don't touch me. Get your hands off me!

But just like what happened to Potato 1 Potato 2 dont have any choice
but to face her fate.

Potato: My shape! What happened?! My sexy shaaaaaaape!!!!

Potato 1 and 2 feel helpless about their situatio but because of love
they fought and kept on breathing.

Scene 4: Dining table

Human 1: I bought fries form Mcdo

Human 2: That's nice I got a cup of smashes potato from Jollibee

They unwrapped what they bought and suddenly

Potato 1 and 2: *both shouted What happened to you?

Potato 2 :*began cryin They abused me. They crashed me and my being.
They ruin me!

Potato 1: Look at me they made me look like sticks. Humans don't have
mercy. They only care about their mouths and bellies.

Human 1: Let's eat!

The two human being began to eat the poor potatoes

Human 1: ketchup really fits fries juts like how gravy matches your
smashed potatoes

Ketchup: Have you heard that Potato? We're match made in heaven!

Potato 1: I think we are. At least I have my partner who will be with

me forever.

Human 2: Potato tastes better with gravy

Gravy: Yieeeeee you heard that ey?

Potato 2: *just nodded to agree with gravy

Inch by inch the two potatoes accepted their fate that they may have
crossed paths but they're not meant to be.

… Fries are for ketchup and smashed potato is for gravy


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