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MPSC CIVIL EN GENEEIN' ENGLISH PRACTICE MCQ @ infinity ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 1. Identify the tense form and time expressed in the following sentences: a) When is your father taking you to the 200? b) A friend of ours is going to stay with us in November, A. Present perfect, future B. Future, simple present . Present continuous, future D. Future, present perfect 2. Which of the following words is/are antonymous with the word ‘Deficit’? a) Defect b) Depreciation c) Detection d) Surplus A. Onlya B. Onlyb C. Onlyd D. Botha ande 3. Choose the sentences containing correct prepositions. a) Our neighbors are going to a holiday. b) Our neighbours aré going for a holiday. ¢) Our neighbours are going on a holiday. d) There is boat(on the river. A. Onlyaandb B. Onlycandd . Onlya, band D. Onlyb, candd 4. Choose the correct sentences. a) You mustn't to drive fast. b) Youneadi'tgive him a lift. ¢) Subhash needn't to give him a job. d) Robert.mustn't send any money to his sister, A. Onlya, bande B. Only b, candd C.COhly.a and d D. Only band d 5. Which one of the following sentences uses thé comparative adjective correctly? A. Japanese cameras are superior to those made in’China, B. Japanese cameras are superior than thosé made in China . Japanese cameras are superior frofn those made in China. D. Japanese cameras are superior With.those made in China, 6. Which one of the following is correct sentence in active voice? The accident happened at 10:00 pm. The accident was happened at 10:00 pm. The accident has beén happened at 10:00 pm. The accidentis happened at 10:00 pm. Only b B. Onlyc c. Onlyd D. Onlya 7. Whielvone of the following sentences correctly expresses an adverb clause of condition? That is Ramanathan if | am mistaken. That is Ramanathan unless | am not mistaken. That is Ramanathan unless | am mistaken. If that is Ramanathan, | am mistaken. Onlya B. Onlyc Cc. Onlyd D. Only b FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 1 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy Read the following passage and answer the questions from 8 - 12: The plain fact of the situation is that if human beings go on picking flowers as greedily as they do at present, there will be few flowers left in the country to pick. There is the same argument for forbidding people to pick flowers or at least forbidding them to pick flowers by the basketful or to dig them by the roots — as there is for forbidding people to cut the pictures in the National Gallery out of their frames and to take them home with them. Anyone with a sense of beauty must have longed to carry off a picture from a public gallery. What beauty it would lend to the home? How much lovelier it Would seem there than on the dull walls of a crowded gallery? There is only one argument against taking it — that there are not enough good pictures to go round. And we have now reached a stage at which there are not enough flowers to go round. In the old days, a meadow of wild daffodils was lavish beyond the needs of countryside. With the popularization of the bicycle began the invasion of the country by the hordes of thé town and no sooner were the daffodils in flower than long processions of cyclists bore dowh on them and went home with the blooms as trophies on their handle-bars. And now that the'motor-car has been added to the bicycle, the pillage of the fields is increasing ten-fold. Roots’are dug up and carried off to add to the amenities of a suburban garden. Primroses and bluebells are torn from the wayside to die ona drawing room table. ‘Common sense suggests, indeed, that we should be at painsito preserve the flowers of the countryside. | am not sure that it would be a bad thing to forbid the sale of wild flowers for the increasing sale of wild flowers has undoubtedly helpéd to diminish and destroy them. There are enough flowers grown in gardens to fill all the bowlsand vases in the towns, and there is no need to the fields for such purposes. 8, The argument against taking pictures home from the National Gallery is that a) Pictures taken home from the\National Gallery lend beauty to them. b) People be legally forbidden front taking pictures home from the National Gallery. c) There are not enough good pictures to go round, d) Pictures are so preciolisas daffodils in a meadow. A. Onlya B. Only c. Only b D. Both bandd 9. The cyclists\of the town plucked daffodils from the meadow because they thought that Bicycle has facilitated the loot of daffodils. Daffodils-were like trophies on their handle-bars. Bicycla\has invaded the beauty of the countryside. They had a sense of beauty about daffodils. A. Onlya B. Both candd . Only b FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 2 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy ). The pillage of the fields is increasing in the sense that The growth of flowers in the gardens of the town has decreased, People from towns have no sense of preserving the flowers of the countryside. Roots are dug up and added to the amenities of suburban garden and primroses and bluebells are torn and laid uselessly on a drawing room table. The motor-car along with the bicycle has facilitated the carriage of roots and flowers. Onlya B. Onlyd C. Onlye D. Onlyb . In the author's opinion, we might preserve our wild flowers by Creating the scarcity of wild flowers. Banning the use of motor-cars. Making people pain the sale of wild flowers. . Banning the sale of wild flowers. 12, A suitable title for the passage would be a. Industrialization and destruction of nature b. Human greed and picking wild flowers ¢. Preservation of wild flowers d. People's sense of beauty and wild flowers A. Onlya B. Onlyd €. Only b D. Onlyc 13, Identify the correct sentence. ‘A. Not only she is happy at having shown the Way to other women but she also plans to improve their lot. B. Not only is she happy at having shown the way to other women but she also plans to improve their lot. C._ She is not only happy at havingshown the way to other women but also she plans to improve their lot. D._ She is happy not only happy at having shown the way to other women but she also plans to improve their lot . Identify adverb clauses out of the sentences given below. They lost the élection because the voters did not trust them. They rewarded the man who rescued their son. The play flopped in the way that the critics had predicted. conly B. aandconly C. bandconly D. a,bande 15. Choose the correct question tag for the following sentence. You're new around here. A. Are you? B. Isn'tit? C. Aren't you? FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 3 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 16. Swimming is the best exercise. Select the correct form of positive degree of the above sentence. a) No other exercise is as good as swimming. b) Very few exercises are as good as swimming. A. Onlya B. Onlyb . Both 17. Identify the best synonym of the word GREGARIOUS. A. Sociable B. Irritable C. Incorrigible D. Susceptible 18, a) She wants dance to be learnt, b) She was confined to bed by fever. ©) You are ordered to bring the files, Identify the incorrect sentence. A. Onlya B. Onlyb C. Onlyaande D. Onlyaandb 19. Identify sentence/s containing transitive verb. a) Many trees fall in the monsoon. b) Woodmen fell trees. c) Rise early with the lark. A. aonly B. bonly G. aandconly D. a, bande Q. No. 20 - 24: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Most of what | have learnt in life has beén'on court and from papa and my coaches, whether it's the way | speak, the way I think, or myattitude to life. Most of you must have picked up these skills within the school walls over the yeats, and by watching your peers and schoolmates. For me, it's been the academy, the courts and the manly games of badminton I have played since turned nine. So yes, the way | perceive life is also little different from the average schoolgoer, whose goal includes academic pursuit. The dangers of reathing lofty goals early in life are very real. There is no time to control success and failure. Sometimes they come together and you have to balance it as best as you can. It would have been easy tolet it go to my head, but I'm acutely aware of what | have received and the element of my luck immy life; | would never take it for granted. At the same time, | am also conscious of how much hard Work | have put in. Parents of young children often come upto Papa and ask him if they should allow their children to pursue the game rather than academics. And Papa always says no. Given a choice, he would have liked me to have finished school, and perhaps even college. | too tried to pursue academics, but after a point it was not possible any more. Papa andl both know that things could just as easily have not worked out. Admittedly, | am not the most talented player in the world or in the country, but | have made up for what | lack in talent with hard work. Commitment, and total focus. | FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 4 Contact - 9527339977 Ty. www CAD Maineering Macademy think this combination works, no matter what you do in life. Mummy may tell me to focus on the goal and focus on success, but even if you don't, | think finding something you love to do and giving it your allis a great life mantra to have. 20. Identify the correct sentence. According to the passage a). The skills in life can be learnt only within the schoo! walls. b) Hard work, commitment and total focus on goal is the mantra of success. c) Parents should allow their children to pursue the game rather than academics. A. Onlyaand b B. Only b €. Only bande D. Only’a 21. According to speaker in the passage (One must learn to balance Complete the sentence choosing the best alternative. A. Sports and academics B. One's own intet@st.and parent's expectations C. Success and failure D. Schools and hobbies 22. Identify the correct sentence/s. According to the passage Parents should allow their children to pursue the game'rather than academics. Parents should motivate their children to purstie Both education and game. Parents should force their children to focus‘on the goal and on success only. Parents should set free their children to identify their own interest and make them work on it with integrity. Onlya and c B. Onlyb andd c. Only b D. Onlyd 23, Sports require dedication, Pick out the correct synonym fromthe passage. A. Hard work B, Talent C. Pursuit D. Commitment 24. Select the correct word for the following. The act of schooling and learning. A. Academy B. Academic C. Talent D. College 25. The day$ we spend in our school are the halcyon days of our life. Select the correct meaning of the underlined A. Strange days B. Wonderfuldays C._Peaceful days D. Valuable days 26. The manager was brought to book for his neglect of duty. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined. A. Broughton record 8. Punished C. Keptatadistance D. Scolded FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 5 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 27. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. | am all fingers and A. Nails B. Thumbs C. Hands 28. In which of the following sentences does the subject agree correctly with the verb? ‘A. The cat, unlike dogs, has soft paws. B. The cat, unlike dogs, have soft paws. C. The cat, unlike dogs, is having soft paws. D. The cat, unlike dogs, had soft paws. 29. Which of the given words are correctly spelt? a) HILERIOUS b) HIPOCRISY c) HYPOTHETICAL d) INDISCERNIBLE Answer Options: A. (b) and (c) only B. (c)and (d) only C. (a), (b) and (c) only. {h),(c) and (d) only Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions 30 to 34. ‘As everyone knows, bombs have increased in power from the 20 ton chemical bombs of the early 1940's to the 20 thousand ton atomic bombs of 1945 and to the 20 million ton hydrogen bombs after 1953. Today there are enough hydrogen bombs of the greatest destructive power (100 million tons) to wipe out all life on our planet. ‘Will we make even larger bombs in the future? We canif wewant to, but even for the most overwhelming military purposes we do not need to. We have already reached some sort of limit. How much/more dangerous can the situation get? At the present time, we are very near the edge of death Every year or two, in some major International Crisis - Korea, Suez, Berlin, Cuba, Vietnam, Kashmir—thére is a serious probability of an ‘accident that could lead to a nuclear war. Dedicated men have worked hard and long in each of these situations to avoid a nuclear incident, but we may not continue'to be so lucky. Next time it may be a nuclear terrorist or a madman or a mistaken junior officer Or just faulty equipment. It is foolish of us to boast of the decrease in our death rate and the Increase in the length of individual human lives in the 20th century, or long as this nuclear danger is'so uncontrolled. This is the first time in the history of the human race that - babies - all babies éVerywhere - have had such a small chance of living to an old age. We are indeed very near the limit in this danger. This situation cannot continue. We cannot live very long walking on loose atthe edge of a cliff. Either in 10, 20, or. 30 years we fall over the nuclear cliff; or else very soon, befora\that time runs out, we arrive at an international understanding and move back from the dangers Some people talk of yet another possibility: We might have a nuclear war with a few people surviving by going underground into shelters and mines. But this, even if it could work, would only temporarily postpone the horrible problem. Do the survivors come out of the shelters and mines at last to bury, to clean up and to rebuild only to have their survivors go underground again after a revival of nuclear powers in another 20 years or so? And then again 20 years after that? FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 6 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy . The writer warns us against making larger bombs because We are already threatened with complete destruction. It is highly immoral. It will be a terrible waste of money and effort. |. We make other nations angree with us. . The passage says that as long as the nuclear danger is uncontrolled A junior officer will rescue us. . We will have to depend on big nations for survival. We are at the mercy of such things as faulty machines and mad men. . More babies will not be born in this world. . The passage says that the nuclear danger Will become a reality in 20 years and every 20 years thereafter. . . Can be avoided through an international understanding. Will be like climbing a cliff. . Will not exist after 10 to 30 years because we will not exist: 33. The passage says that in case of a nuclear war A. Shelters and mines will provide sufficient protection’ B. More and more shelters and mines will haveto be dug in which to bury the dead. C. Many people will be able to live in shelters and mines. D. A few people may survive by going-underground into shelters and mines. 34, Select the suitable title for the;passage. A. Hydrogen Bombs B, International Crisis C. Accident D. Control of nuclear danger 35, Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct: a) Ifyou try, you Gould drive a car. b) If |werea'king, | would help the poor. ¢) If she had’worked regularly, she might have achieved her goal. Answer Options: A. Ofly fa) and (c) B. Only (b) C. Only(a)and(b) —_—D. Only (b) and (c} FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 7 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 36. Choose correct option to fill in the blanks. a) | am not feeling —- today. b) lam feeling today. Answer Options: ‘A. Much well, much better B. Very well, much better C. Very well, very better D. Much well, very better 37. Choose the correct sentence We did not hardly have time to eat. A. We did not eat. B. We didn't have time. C. We hardly had time to eat, D. Hardly we did not eat on time: 38, Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks in the following sentences, a) The lecture was ~ boring. b) Itisa pity to cut down those trees. Answer Options: A. Fairly, rather B. Rather, fairly C. Rather;rather D. Fairly, fairly 39. a) "Go now!" She ordered. b) Sunita carried her bag, umbrella and coat. c) Mr. Patil, the principal, is well organised,-Idantify the sentence punctuated correctly. ‘Answer Options: A. All(a), (b) and(c) —B. Only (bj andi{c) . Only (b) D. Only (c) 40. Choose correct options to'fillin the blanks. (a) | want this exercise —-+--in ink. (b) Would you like the wiridow Answer Options: A. Towrite, toclése’ B. Writing,closing C. ‘Written, closed D. Written, close 41. Select the sentence with correct word order. ‘A. Forssalaiis piano the property with carved legs of a mu: Piandwith carved legs the property of a musician is for sale. ‘The property of a musician with carved legs is piano for sale. . Carved legs with the property of a musician piano is for sale. FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 8 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 42. Choose the correct prepositional phrases. a) In compliance with b) In liew from c) With a view for Answer Options: A. (a) only B. (b) only C. (a) and (b) only D. (b) and (c) only 43. The rioters fell back when the Police arrived. Select the correct meaning of the phrase underlined. A. Agreed with B. Quarrelled C. Retreated D. Went forward 44, Which of the words has the same meaning as CALLOUS? A. Stone B. Unkind C. Loud D. “Suitable Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions no. 45'to 49, The plot in a dramatic or narrative work is constituted by its events and.actions, as these are rendered and ordered towards achieving particular emotional and artistic effects) This description is deceptively simple, because the actions (including verbal discourse as well ag physical actions) are performed by particular characters ina work, and are the means by which they exhibit their moral and dispositional qualities, Plot and character are therefore interdependenteritical concepts- as Henry James has said, “What is character but the determination of incident? incident but the illustration of character?" Notice also that a plot is distinguishable from the "story" that is, a bare synopsis of the temporal order of what happens in a work of literature, When we summarize the story in a literary work, we say that first this happens, then thatyther’ that... It is only when we specify how this is related to that, and in what ways all these. matters are rendered, ordered, and organized so as to achieve their particular effects that a Synopsis begins to be adequate to the plot. There are a great variety of plot forms..For example, some plots are designed to achieve tragic effects, and others to achieve the effects of comedy, romance, satire, or of some other genre. Each of these types in turn exhibits diverse plot-patterns, and may be represented in the mode either of drama or of narrative, and either in verse or in prose. 45. What is the relationship between plot and story? A. They are different from each other. B. They are different terms for the same thing. C. They aré mutually exclusive. D. Narrative is more important than them, 46. What has been said about the variety of plot forms? A. Théte’are only few plot forms. B, There is only one plot form in all narratives. C. There are many plot forms. D. The form of plot depends on tragic effects. 47. What does "story" express according to the passage? A. Spatial order B. Temporalorder C. Temporaryorder —_D. Emotional effects FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 9 Contact - 9527339977 N Ty. www OD treatin Mederny 48, Match the following Answer Options: I b a) Plot i. Moral qualities ill b) Actions i.__ Synopsis iii fi ©) Story |._ Artistic effect d) Plotand character | iv. Critical concepts 49. Which of the following cannot be related to Henry James? a) Character is the determination of incident. b) Characters wear colorful clothes in literary works. ©) Incident is the illustration of character. d) Plot is distinguishable from the story. Answer Options: A. (a) and (b) only B. (b) and (d) only C. (a), (b) and (c) only”. (a), (c) and (d) only 50. Identify the correct sentence: a) We have adopted the hotels to suit their needs. b) The people adopted him as their Patron Saint. ©) He has adapted welll to his new home. Answer options: ‘A. Only (a) and (c) B. Only (b) €. Only (b) and (c) D. All of the above. 51 Fill in the blanks with suitable words: (a) His attack on her honesty offends against the —-— of good taste. (b) The exhibition displayed a 15th Century: Answer options: A. Cannon,canons _B. Calinon, cannon —C. Canons, cannon —D.._- Cannon, contours 52. What is the adjective,form of the word balcony? A. balconative, B. balconied C. balconic D. balcunable 53. The workers demand exhorbitant pay scales, Identify.thetcorrect meaning of the underlined. A. Solid B. Impressive C. Attractive D. Excessively high FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 10 Contact - 9527339977 N Ty. www OD treatin Mederny 54, We are prohibited / to smoke / here. / No error. fa) (b) (c) (4) Spot the error(s) in the above sentence. If no error say No error. Answer options: A. Only (a) B. Only (a) and (c) C. Only (b) D. Only (b) and (c} 55. Choose the correct question: ‘A. Are you a member in the committee? B. Are youa member of the committee? C. Are you a member on the committee? D. Are youa member at the committee? 56. Identify the error in the following sentence choosing the correct alternative. Ifthere is no error say 50, He talks about / nothing else than / his own affairs: / No error. fa) (b) {c) (a) Answer options: A. Only (a) B. Only (b) . Only (e), D. Only (d) 57. Which one of the following explains the phrase? "One who is a great lover of books”? A. Bigot B. Blonde €. Bibliophile Read the following passage carefully and answer Q. No’s 58 to 62 based on It is very important to remember especiallyinow when we have regained our freedom from British rule, that it was contact with western ideas that made our own people wake up and work for a new India. Many great men and women have worked for the making of the new India in many different ways. They had different ideas of whatthe new India should be. Some wanted to reform the Hindu religion by getting rid of idol-worship, caste and other ideas which were not in the Hindu religion of ancient times. Swamy Dayanand, Who founded the Arya Samaj, had this aim. Others wanted to get rid of old ideas completely and make India a modern country, with the help of scientific knowledge gained from the west. Some wantéd to bring about changes more slowly, by spreading education through newspapers ahd schools. But all these people got their ideas through hearing or reading about the changes which had been taking place in Europe and America. They got to know about these changes from people who came to India from the west, first to trade with them, and then to rule over them. They did not like being ruled over by foreigners, but they could not help seeing that unless they got the new knowledge which the foreigners had, they would not be able to make a new India and rule it themselves. FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// M1 Contact - 9527339977 N Ty. www OD treatin Mederny . How did Indians respond to the foreigners who came to Indi Indians offered warm hospitality to the foreigners. . Indians isolated themselves from the foreigners. Indians disliked being ruled over by foreigners. }. None of the above. . Why did some people want to get rid of idol-worship? It posed the threat of pollution. ._Itwas not part of ancient Hindu religion All people were not able to afford idols. . There was lack of manpower to manufacture idols. 60. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage a) Western ideas proved useful for making a new India. b) Swamy Dayanand wanted to establish an anti-Hindu religion, ¢) It was not possible to make a new India without new knowledge, Answer options: Aa) and (b) only Bb) and (c) only Cayand\c)only Daj, (b) and (c) 61. What did the people from west do with Indians? A. First adopted Indian customs and afterwardsmade Indians accept their customs. B. First traded with Indians and afterwardsruled over them. . First showed leniency towards Indians and afterwards became harsh to them. D. First visited Indian temples and afterwards invited Indians to visit their churches. 62, Which of the following aré true'in the context of the passage? There were different ideas of making a new India. Some people preferred slow,changes. Changes in Europe and America influenced the making of a new India. Answer options: A. (a) and (b) Only, B. (a) and (c) only C. (b) and (c) only D. (a), (b) and (c) 63. a) The descent of the hill is very dangerous. b) She always wears descent clothes. Identify the correct sentence/s. A. Onlya B. Onlyb . Bothaandb D. Neithera nor b FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 12 Contact - 9527339977 ry. www TZ traineerina Macademy 64. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. She felt sorry for her aunt: ‘A. Why she read her letter B. When she read her letter C. Which she read her letter D. Then she read her letter 65. Choose the correct use of articles. b) An unicorn c) The British Isles B. Onlyaandb . a,bande D. Onlye Select the correct alternative with the words spelt correctly. ‘embrass, accomodation, sizeable, accesary . embrass, accomodation, sizeable, accessory ‘embarass, accommodation, sizeable accessary. |. embarrass, accommodation, sizable, accessary 67. The money was spent without parliamentary authority. Select the alternative that could best replace the underlinéd word. A. Control B. Influence C. Consent D. Charge 68. Choose the correct sentences. a) Here is the information for which you asked for, b) Here is the information for which you asked ) Here is the information you asked for. A. Onlya and b B. Onlyaandc C. Only bande 69. Choose the correct option toffill in the blank in the given sentence, ‘The matter is ~~~ at the riext meting of the committee A. Having discussed Ba, Being discussed C. To discuss D. Been discussed 70. Choose the.cortect spelling. A. Buracracy B. Bureaucracy. C. Buroacracy D. Bureucracy Read the following passage and answer the questions from 71 to 75: The défetts of the ordinary system of mass education are many, and they may be briefly summarised as follows: First, the system of teaching in large classes is rigid. No allowance is made for the peculiar mental constitution of the individual child who is sacrificed to the average of the classes. The class and the fixed curriculum are like the bed of Procrustes in the story: those who are too large for the bed are cut down until they fit and those who are too short are stretched. The child who is quick and talented in one subject but not in others is compelled under the Current system of mass education to sacrifice FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 13, Contact - 9527339977 Ty. www CAD Maineering Macademy his talents to his deficiencies. Thus, a ‘child may have a great talent for English and none for arithmetic. He may have a real feeling for literature, a gift for composition but when you ask him what percentage of a floor 18-7 feet long by 53/16 metres wide remains uncovered when you have spent three pounds eleven shillings and seven pence on linoleum costing 179-06 dollars per acre, he finds it difficult or impossible to reply. He must therefore remain in a low class where they read nothing but baby books and concentrate on spelling and grammar until such time as he can solve this interesting and instructive problem. Second, under the present system of mass education by classes, too much stress is [aid on teaching and too little on active learning. The child is not encouraged to discover things on his‘own account. He learns to rely on outside help, not on his own powers, thus losing intellectual independence and all capacity to judge for himself. Moreover, the lessons in classrleave him mainly unoccupied and therefore bored. He has to be forced into learning what does not interest him and the information acquired mechanically and reluctantly, but by dint of brute repetition, Is - rapidly forgotten. Third, the child being bored and unoccupied, is also mischievou8A strict external discipline becomes necessary unless there is to be confusion. The child learns to obey, not to control’ himself. He loses moral as well as intellectual independence. . The second defect of mass education system is that It sacrifices a child's talents to his deficiencies. It relies on an external discipline system. It promotes very little active learning. It makes a child mischievous. Onlya B. Onlyb C. Onlyd . The humorous problem the passage is Concentrating both on spelling and grammar. Balancing between the classand the fixed curriculum. Solving an arithmetic problem involving an odd variety of items. Developing child's Peculiar mental constitution. Onlya B. Onlyb c. onlyd 73. The child’in the mass education system gets mischievous because a) Hetisasked to solve English as well as arithmetic problems. b) Helis forced to listen to the story of the bed of Procrustes cc) The lessons in the class make him bored and unoccupied. d) His feeling for literature and gift for composition are neglected. A. Onlye B. Onlya . Only b FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 4 Contact - 9527339977 www |. The system of mass education neglects a psychological truth that The beds of Procruates are not always properly cut. A child who is talented in one subject is not so in other subjects. All children need to be bored in order to be mischievous. Only baby books help a child concentrate on spelling and grammar. Onlya B. Onlyb Cc. Onlyc D. Onlyd 75. The overall attitude of the author towards the mass education system is a) humorous b) cynical c) supportive d) optimistic A. Onlya B. Only c. Only b D._ Both cand d 76. Choose the suitable meaning of the underlined word from the alternatives'given “The poem is written in a very lucid style.” A. Intricate B. Noble C. Elaborate D. Clear 77. | have given up driving since | got involved in that accidént= ‘The underlined phrase in the sentence above means a) stopped b) discontinued ¢) “abandoned d) sacrificed Answer options : A. donly B. aonly ©. bonly D. All of these 78. Choose one word which can be substituted for the given words. "A man of odd habits” A. Eccentric B. Introvert C. Cynical 79. It matters little whethér we win or lose. The sentence above corréttly changes into an interrogative sentence as A. Does it matter little whether we win or lose? B. Doesn't it matter whether we win or lose? C. What doeSit matter whether we win or lose? D. Does. werwin or lose matter? 80. The adjective form of the noun ‘Picture! is formed by the suffix A ous B ial C esque FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 1s Contact - 9527339977 www 81. Choose the correct simple sentence converted for the following: “Aman who is dead tells no tales.” A. Aman that is dead tell no tales. B. A tale could not be told by a dead man. C. Adead man tells no tales. D. Aman doesn't tell dead tales. 82. You must take heart and face life boldly. Identify the correct meaning of the underlined phrase in the given context. A. Feelexcessively -B. Takeadvantage —C. ‘Feel bold D. Work hard 83. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence: Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals are examples of, ; A. Rights B. Rites C. Writes D,/ None of these 84. The underlined clause in the following sentence is a/an “Who stole the teaspoon is a mystery." A. Adverb clause B. Noun clause C. Adjectiveclause —D._ Relative clause 85. Who looks after the visitors? The sentence above changes correctly into passive voice/as A. Howare the visitors looked after? B._Whom are the visitors looked after? C. Bywhom are the visitors looked after? D. By whom the visitors is looked after? 86. Identify the unit in which there is arvertor? Many people are painting their houses’ White these days fa) (b) (c Only - (a) B. Only -(b) Only - (c) D. No error 87. Change the following into interrogative: She drew a picture’, A. Was she drawing an picture? B. Have she drawn a picture? CC. Did she draw/a picture? D. Has she draw picture? 88. Filhin-the blank with the correct form of the tense given in bracket, Reenaidid not go to school yesterday as she (finish) her homework. A. Hadnotfinished B, Have not finished C, Hasnotfinished —_D. ‘Will not finished FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 16 Contact - 9527339977 N TT www 89. Identify the correct figure of speech tm the give! Alone, alone, al, all alone Alone on a wide, wide sea A. Personification B. Alliteration 90. Change the following into indirect speech: She said to him, "I know you.” ‘A. She said to him that | knew him C. She said to him that she knew him. 91. Choose the most suitable word opposite in meani ‘Casual’ A. Accidental B. Formal 92. Find out the incorrect sentence from the followi A. Fifty thousand rupees is a big amount. . Five years is a long period 93. Fill in the blank with correct preposition: He has been in hospital ~ AL In last week. B. For n lines, C. Apostrophe D. Irony B. She said to him that she knew me. D. She said to him that she knows him. ing of the word CC. Informal D. Systematic ing: B. Ten miles are not a short distance. D. One’ofthe books is damaged. 94, Fill the blanks from the options given below. It ——~ already -—-~ raining when | —-s- anlumbrella, A. Stopped, brought, had C. Brought, stopped, had B. Had, brought, stopped D. Had, stopped, brought 95. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank My eyes are achinginowsbecause | A. Am reading, B. Have read - since morning. C. Have been reading D. Read 96. Identify:the part of speech of the underlined word: He is arvidle Boy, he does not work. A. Noun B. Verb 97. Select the word which means the same as the fol ‘One who does not believe in God." A. Unreligious B. Atheist FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM 7 —) C. Adjective lowing group of words: C. Pagan Contact - 9527339977 N Ty. www OD treatin Mederny 98. Choose the correct word which expresses the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence: She looked at the physically challenged children with contempt. A. Hatred B. Disrespect c. Pity D. Sympathy 99. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct alternative Is that my book, or is it ——~-? A. Your B. Your's . Yours D. Your's book 100. Choose the correct pair of articles to fill in the blanks: He was ---— honest man but --—-- people in the neighborhood did not like him, A. a, the B. thea C. an, the Dy the, the FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 18 Contact - 9527339977 www ANSWER KEY FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM —— httos:// 19 Contact - 9527339977

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