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04 APLAtsera| po oa ome a FORM 2B (See rule a) NOMINATION PAPER Election to the Legislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh State STRIKE OFF PART | OR PART II BELOW WHICHEVER IS NOT APPLICABLE PARTI (To be used by candidate set up by recognized political party) | nominate as a candidate for clection to the Legislative Assembly from the 105 — Addanki Assembly constituency. Candidate's name Gottipati Jhansi Father’s/mether'shusband’s name Gottipati Ravi Kumar Her postal address 14-62-4, Pothurajuganci, Addenki Town, Prakasam Andhra Pradesh — 523201. Her name is entered at SI. No 1190 in Part No 155 of the electoral roll for 105 — Advianki Assembly constituency, My name is Parimi Dayamani D/o Yoou and it is entered at S|. No 429 in Part No 167ot electoral roll for the 105- Addanki Assembly constituency. PP Date : 25-03-2019 Signature of Proposer Particulars of the proposers and their signatures SLNO Elector Roll No. of Proposer | FullName Signature | Date Part No. of] Sl. No. in that Electoral Roll_| part G]e|sJapae|wlrlepo | a 10 ie N.B.- There should be ten electors of the constituency as proposers PART IIL | the candidate mentioned in Part |/Paré-H (Strike out which Is not applicable) assent to this nomination and hereby declare that — (2) 1am a citizen of India and | have not acquired the citizenship of any foreign State/ country; (b) That | have completed 39 Years of age; [STRIKE OUT c (I) or ¢ (ii) BELOW WHICHEVER IS NOT APPLICABLE] (c) (i) | am set up at this election by the Telugu Desam Party, which is recognized National Party/State Party in this State and that the symbol reserved for the above party be allotted to me. (i) ....Not Applicable. {iii)....Not Applicable, (d) My name and my fashers/mother's/husband’s name have been correctly spelt out above in Telugu (name of the language); and (c) That to the best of my knowledge and belief, | am qualified and not also disqualified for being chosen to fill the seat in the Legislative Assembly of this State. scheduled “> caste/tibe of the state of .. vate state: also declare that | have not been, and shall not be nominated as a candidate at the Present general election/the—bye-electionbeing held simultaneously, to the Legislative Assembly Andhra Pradesh of (state) from more than two assembly Constituencies, liottpubcl- = Date 25-03-2019 Signature’of the Candidate * Score out this paragraph, if not applicable. ** Score out the words not applicable. N.B- A “recognized political party” means a political party recognized by the Election Commission under the Election Symbols 9Reservation and Allotment] Order, 1868 in the State concerned PART 111A, (To be filled by the candidate] (2) Whether the candidate:- (i) Has been convicted :- {a) Of any offences(s) under sub ~ section (1); or Yet Ino (b) For contravention of any law specified in sub — section (2) of Section 8of the representation of People Act, 1951 (43 af 1951); or No (i) Has been convicted for any other offenceis) for which he has been Sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more. If the answer is “YES”, the candidate shall furnish the following information: 0 Gi) ui) (iv) Ww) (vi) (wit) wii) (ox) x) (xi) (i) Case/first information report No./ Nos ....Not Applicable. Police station(s) ... Not applicable..District(s) ..Not applicable .... State(s)... Not applicable... Section(s) of the concerned Act(s) and brief description of the offence(s] for which he has been convicted ..... Not Applicable... Date(s) of conviction(s) ... Not Applicable... Court(s) which convicted the candidate... Not Applicable... Punishment(s) imposed [indicate period of imprisonment(s) and / or quantam of fine(s)... Not Applicable... Datals) of release from prison .... Not Applicable... Was/were any appeal(s}/revision(s) field against abeve conviction(s) ... Not Applicable..¥E5/NO Date and particulers of appeal(s)/application(s) for revision filed .. Not Apllicable... Name of the court(s) before which the anpeal(s)/application(s) for revision field ...Not Applicable... IF the said appeal(s)/application(s) for revision has/have been disposed of or is/are pending... Not Applicable... IF the said appeal(s)/application(s) for revision hes/have been disposed of ~ (a) Date(s) of disposal... Not Apllicable... (b) Nature of Order(s) passed .... Not Applicable... (2) whether the candidate is holding any office of profit under the Government of India or State Government ? NO (¥&8/NO) -If Yes, details of the office held ...Not Applicable..... PART IV (To be filled the Returning Officer) Serial No.of nomination paper. Qi Bla pech. 20049 | Ale This nomination was delivered tome at my office at linc, A Ghour) om 2.5, (Date) by the *candidate/peoposer ancl ta.-ly ~ f he~ tame, Date. 262.32) 9 Returning Officer “Score out the word not applicable. PART V Decision of Returning Officer Accepting or Rejecting the Nomination Paper | have examined this nomination paper in the People Act, 1951 and decide as follo accordance with section 36 of the Representation of ws := Date. Returning Officer (perforation) o P ‘ , SOE BEA S81 ANDHRA PRADESH CE 482331 ( hs, feo (— m jayaus — — 4 V.RATYAYAN, 0 STAMP VENOM. ~NO'08-501.014 1 RLNO. 96-801 906/264 *HO 26.504 APURAN. S998) CELLET FORM 26 ' [See Rule 4a] ! ; i | f f 4 5 Affidavit to be field by the Candidate along with nomination paper before the i Returning Officer for election to Le; islative mbly of Andhra Pi sh (Name OF the House) from 105 ~ Addanki constituency (Name of the Censtituency). ' PART-A I it i * * Sen/daughter/Wife of Gottipati Ravi Kumar Aged 39 Years, resident of 14. 62°, Pothurajugan lanki Town, Prakasa! It) ha Pradesh, Pin :523201 (Mention full Postal address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under :- lot(elal Ah hee Tins 4 (1) lama candidate setup by Telugu Desam Party (** Meme of the political party)/** am contesting az anadepeadent candidate, ( ** strike out whichever Is not applicable) (2) My name is enrolled in 105- Addanki Assembly Constituency, Andhra Pradesh ( Name of the Constituency and the state), at serial No 1190 in Part No 155. (3) My Contact Telephone number(s) is/are 9948717171and my e-mail id (if any) is and my social media accounts) [if any) isfere (i) Not applicable 0) applicable (ii) Not applicable (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of income tax return: sl | Names PAN The financial | Total income shown in No year for Income Tax Return(in which the Rupees) for the last last Income five financial Years Tax return completed (as on 31" hasbeen March) field 1 [Sel ‘AFVPG2067H | 2017-18 @ 9139110 2016-17 i) 6765070 2015-16 il) 9614080 [2014-15 (iv) 6019860 | 2013.14 (vy) 3578910 2. | Spouse ‘AGEPGS233B | 2017-18 (i) 9805510 2016-17 (ii) | 1562820 2015-16 diii) 1622910 2014-15 dw) 2242280 2013-14 (v)_ 2207850 3. [HUF (iFCandidateis | AACHG75668 | 2017-18 (i) 3809321 Karta/Coparcener) 2016-17 (ii) 3835373 (Gottipati Ravikumar) 2015-16 (iil) | 4406027 (spouse) 201415 |W) | 879974 | (2013-44 (u) | 556200 4, | Dependent 1 CUKPGS497D | 2017-18 (i) | Not Applicable 2016-17 (ii) | Not Applicable 2015-16 (ii) | Not Applicable 2014-15 (i) | Not Applicable 2018-14 (v) | Not Applicable 5. | Dependent 2 “NOPAN | 2017-18 (i) | Not Applicable allotted’ 2016-17 (ii) | Not Applicable 2015-16 (iil) [ Mot Applicable 2014-15 {iv) | Not Applicable 2013-14 (W)_| Not Applicable Note: itis mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated “No PAN allotted” (5) Pending criminal cases I declare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the candidate and write NOT LD cif) The Following criinst cases are-perdina apaine met APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) oR (Ubthere are peading crminaleasas against thacandidate then-tei this alternative and-score-off alternative (}-aoeve, end give details of all pending fo tilt Table (a) | FIRNo. with name and address of police station concerned NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (b) | Case No. with name of the court NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (c) | Section(s) of concerned Acts/Codes involved (give no, of the Section, e.g. Section .of IPG, ete.). NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (a) Brief description of offence NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE {e) | Whether charges have | been framed (mention YES or NO) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE f) at the date on which charges Ifanswer against (e) ibove Is YES, then give NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE wereframed | - (g) ‘Whether any NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE. ‘Appeal/Apalication for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) # Cases of conviction () declare that | have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (li) thave-boan convicted fecthe otfercas mentioned below: ithe candidate has-beer-convieted_then tick this alterrativeand-score off Table (@)_ [Case No: NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE (o) _ | Name of the Court NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE (c) | Sections of Acts/Codes NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE involved (give no. of the Section, e.g. Section... Of IPC, ete.) (d) | Brief description of offence | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE for which convicted (e} | Dates of Orders of NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE conviction (f) | Punishment imposed NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE (s) | Whether any Appeal has | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE been field against conviction order (Mention YES or NO) (h) | ifanswer to (g) above is NOT APPLICABLE | NOTAPPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE YES, give details and present status of appeal, (6A) [have given full and up - to — date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs(S) and (6). (Candidates to whom this item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(1) and 6(1), above] Note: 1, Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters, 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e., the last case to be ‘mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases. 4. Additional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon’ble ‘Supreme Court's judgment in W.P (C) No. 536 of 2011. (7) That | give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable ete.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents: A. Details of movable assets Note: 1. Assists in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given Note: 2. In case of deposit/Investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of Deposit, the scheme, Name of Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given. Note: 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per the current market value in stock Exchange in Respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non: listed companies should Be given. Note: 4. ‘Dependent’ means parents, son(s), daughter(s) of the candidate ar spouse and any Other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no Separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their Livelihood Note: 5 Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment. Note: 6, Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. Explanation; - For the purpose of this form, the expression “offshore assets” includes, detalls Of all deposits or investments in foreign banks and any other body or institution abroad, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign Countries’; S.No | Description Self Spouse HUF Dependent Dependent 2 i) ‘Gash in hand 2,15,510.00 [625,610.00 1453198-25 NIL IL Details of Deposit in Bank Accounts (FDR's, Term Deposits and all other types of deposits Including saving accounts), Deposits with financial institutions, Non-banking financial companies and Co-operative societies and the amount in each such deposit Annexure AXI(a) Annexure AX-| 4899-00 Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank, Guntur (Savings Account) Annexure AXA) Niu () Details of investment in bonds debentures/sh ares and units in companies/mu tual funds and others and the amount. Annexure AX a) ‘Annexure AGI NIL. NIL Niu (iv) Details of investment in NSS, postal savings, insurance policies and investment in Annexure AX-III(a) Annexure AXA NIL NIL Nil any financial instrument in post office or insurance company and ___| the amount (| Personal ‘A) GRavi A) Kishore | Narayana & Co. | loans/advance | kumar(IND) | slabs & tiles | Rs.9,94,000/- given to any | Ré8,00,000/- | Rs Gottipati Ravi person or fs ne ‘ 46,70,000.00 es entity including | Sumer (HUF) Rs.2,00,48,558/- firm, company, | 8540000 NIL NIL Y C) KISHORE trust etc. and | stones other RS receivable 1,15,81,768 from debtors | 0) kisHORE and the GRANITIES amount S 17,29,639.76 (i) | Motor vehicles/aircrat ts) yachts/ships (details of Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL mL make, AX=IMia) | AX=IV registration no. ete year of purchase and | amount). (vil) [ Jewellery, bullion and | 300 grams valuable thing | Rs 200 grems NL NIL NIL (give details of | 900,000.00 | Rs €,00,c00.00 weight and value}. (vi | Any other a) capital Capital | Capital Balance 2 assets such as_| balancein Balance in inkKishore wala of kishore slabs | Kishore stones, claimsfinterest, | & tiles Grerites, | Ganapavaram- | yyy NL sonmaral! | Jonnatali-Rs. | Rs,70,83,173-03 Rs 76,18 087.61 3,70,39,7318 8 ) Capital | Balance in Kishore Stones, Ganapavara m Rs 30,00,930 18 C)eapital balance in Narayana & co Rs 1,83,98,084.7 | ° (ix) | Gross total Rs Rs Rs Rs NIL value 97571192.33 | 5290702031 | 2essanza28 | 2,10,332.95 B. Details of immovable assets: Note: 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to Be indicated, Note: 2. each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets, S.No] Description Self Spouse HUF Dependent | Dependent 1 2 (| Agricultural tand Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL ML Location(s) AXV(a} AX Ax-V(b) Survey number(s} Area(total Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL mL measurement in AX-V(e) AXY ARV (b) acres) Whether inherited | Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL nL property(VES or NO) | _AX-V(a) Av | AK-v{b) Date of purchase in | Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL case of self-acquired | AX-V{a) a AK-V(b) property = Cost of Land{in case | Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL Nit of purchase) at the AX-V(a) AX AXV(b) ime of purchase Anyinvestmenton | Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL Nit the land by way of AXVEa) AKY AX Vib) development, construction ete. | ‘Approximate Current | Annexure | Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL | market value Axa) AXV AX-V{b) |G) | on-Agriculture land | Annexure | Annexure NIL NiL NIL Location(s) Axvia) | AXVL Survey number(s) | Areattotal ‘Annexure | Annexure NIL NL iL measurement in AX-VIla) AXVI Sqft.) Whether inherited | Annexure | Annexure NIL NL Wit property(YES orNo) | AX-Vi(a) | _AX-VI Date of purchase in | Annexure | Annexure Ni Ni Wit case ofself-acquired | axvia) | aXvI property i Cost of Land(in ease | Annexure | Annexure NL Ni wi ofpurchase) atthe | AXvia) | aXvI time of purchase. a ‘Anyinvestmenton | Annexure | Annexure NIL NL wi the land bywayof | AXwila) | AXvI development, construction ete. ‘Approximate Current | Annexure | Annexure NL NL NIL market value axvia) | aXvi (iil) | Commercial Annexure | NIL NIL NIL NIL Buildings AXVIL {including apartments) Location(s) Survey number(s) Area (total Annexure | NiL NL NIL NL measurement in AX-VIL ‘saft) Built-up Area (total | Annexure | WIL NIL NL NL measurement in AXVIL Sq.ft.) Whether inherited | Annexure | NIL iL iL iL property(ves oro) | _Ax-vil Date of purchase in | Annexure | NIL NIL NIL wt case of self-acquired | AX-VIl property Cost of property(in | Annexure | NIL NIL NL nL | case of purchase) at AXVIL the time of purchase Anyinvestmenton | Annexure | NIL NIL Nil wit the Property by way | AX-VIl of development, construction etc. | Approximate Current | Annexure | NIL iL Nit WIL market value AXVIL (iv) | Residential Buildings | Annexure | Annexure NIL. NIL NIL (including AX-Vili(a) | AX-VIIL apartments) Location(s) Survey number(s) = Area (total Annexure | Annexure NIL NL Wi measurement in AX-VIli(a) | AX-VIIL Sq.ft) s Built-up Area (total | Annexure | Annexure NL Nit WIL measurement in AX-Vili(a) | AX-VILL : Sq.ft) Whetherinherited | Annexure | Annexure NIL NL NL property(YESorNO) | AX-vili(a) | _AX-VIll Date of purchasein | Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL NL case of self-acquired | Ax-viifa) | AX-VII property Cost of property(in | Annexure | Annexure NIL NL NL case of purchase) at | AX-Vili(a) | AXMIIL the time of purchase Any investmenton | Annexure | Annexure NIL wit wil theProperty byway | Ax-viii(a) | AX-VIIL of development, construction ete. Approximate Current | Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL NIL market value axvin(a) | AX-Vil 7 (| Others (such as NL iL NIL iL NL interest in property) (vi) | Total of current Annexure | Annexure NIL NIL NIL market value of i) to | AX-Vil(a) | AX-VilL (v)above (8)| give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government:- (Note: Please give separate details of name of Bank, Institution, entity or individual and emount before each item) { SUN] Description Self ‘Spouse HUF | Depe Depe | Depe o. nden _nden | ndent - ta tz | a (i) | Loan or dues | A) cash credit 4) Cash Credit toBank/ — | loan-Central Loan: Cantral Financial Bank of india, | Bank of India, NIL. NIL] NIL | NIL Institution | hiakaluripet | chitakaluripet- (s) Fe enae a: |R528,28,511.18 Name of |) Housing loan: | ay cccing Loan Axis Bank ‘ Bank or Vaveeea Indien Fianancial_ | ps 2,21,24.042, | Overseas Bank, Institution, | ¢)termioan | Guntur- ‘Amount from Sundaram | 16,56,872.00 outstanding, | Finance Ltd. | C) Termlean Natureof | Rs 4,42,45,787 | from Sundaram loan Finance Ltd- Rs 1,44,18,795.00 D} Term loan from Sundaram Finance Ltd- Rs 2,09,38,728,00 lean ordues | Kishore | A)Gottioati Ravi Unsecure | NIL | NIL | NIL toanyother | Granites, | Kumar(HUF)- | dloans: | individuals/ | jonnatall | Rs. G Jhansi. Entity other | Rs 46,70,000/- | 2,00,48,558.00 | Rs.1,00,0 than B}Gorantia | 00/- mentioned Ankamma — | 6.Radhik above Choudary- | a~ Name(s) R5.10,00,000-00 | Rs.5,00,0 ‘Amount ©) G.RAdhika- | 00/- outstanding, R5.24,00,000.00 | K,Padma | nature of D) 6 Jayanthi — | vathi — | loan. Rs.7,00,000,00 | Rs.4,00,0 E)Guthansi- | o0/- Rs.8,00,000.00 | G.Subbay amma — Rs,10,00, 900/- ‘Any other NL Niu [Creditors [NM | NIL_| NIL ‘liability “Kishore Slabs and Tiles, Rs.46,27 O/- M.Rames: | te Rs.18,00, | o00/- Grand total | Rs of liabilities | 72112489.89 | 6ag92464.18 3846270.0 Rs Rs NL | NL | NL o (i) Government Dues: Dues to departments dez with Government accommodation (A) Has the Deponent been in occupation of | ¥£5/NO accommodation provided by the (Pl. tick the Government at any time during the last appropriate ten years before the date of notification | alternative), of the current election? (8) IF answer to (A) above is YES, the following declaration may be furnished namely :- (i) The address of the Government NO accommodation: NOT APPLICABLE (i) There is no dues payable in respect of above Government. accommodation, towards (a) Rent; {(b) Eleciricity charges; {c) Water charges; and {d) Telephone charges as on 14-03-2019 [the date should be the last date of the third month prior to the month in which the election is notified or any date thereafter] Note: ‘No Dues Certificate from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government ‘accommodation should be Submitted. (itl) | Dues to department dealing with Government HL NIL) NIL ni | Ni NIL transport (including, aircrafts and helicopters) Self [Spouse | HUF Dependent-1 | Dependent-2 (iv)_| Income Tax dues NL NIL Nik NIL NIL (v)_| GsT dues NIL NIL NIL NIL. NIL (vi) | Municipal/property [NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL tax dues (vi) [Any other dues NIL NIL, NIL NIL NIL (vii) | Grand total of all NIL. NIL NIL NIL NIL government dues (ix) | Whether any other liabilities are in dispute, if so mention the NiL iL NIL NIL NL amount involved | and the authority before which itis, pending. (9) Details of Profession or occupation: (a) Self: Business and Agriculture (b) Spouse: Business and Agriculture (9A) details of source(s) of income (a) Self Business, Agriculture {(b) Spouse: Business, Agriculture and salary from AP Assembly {c) Source of income if any, of dependents: -Not Applicable— (88) contracts with appropriate Government and eny public company or companies 7 (a) cetails of contracts entered by the candidate: —Not Applicable— (b) details of the contracts entered into by spouse: -Not Applicable— (c) details of contracts entered into by dependents:-~-Not Applicable— (d) details of contracts entered into by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interest: -- Not Applicable— (e) details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners:—Not Applicable— (f) details of contracts, entered into by privete companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share :--Not Applicable— (20)My educational qualification is as under: 1. Graduation B.Com. from Chundi Ranganayakulu Degree college Chilakaluripeta in 1998-99 (Give details of highest Schooi/university education mentioning the full form of the certificate/diploms/degree course, name of the School/College/University and the year which the course was completed.) SD) acpi ty 69 Sant Cavanaygsion Exp.2n PART: (14) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) OF PART—A: i Name of the candidate Sh/Smt/Kure + Gottipatithansi [2 Full Postal Address 14-62-1, Pothurajugandi, Addanki Town Prakasam (Dt), Andhra Pradesh - 523201. Bs Number and name of the 105 ~ Addanki Assembly Constituency. 7 constituency and state Andhra Pradesh. 4. Name of Political Party which set up | Telugu Desam Party. the candidate (otherwise write ‘independent’) 5 Total number of pending Criminal | NIL Cases fe Total Number of cases in which NIL | convicted Z PAN oF Year for which last | Total Income Shown Income Tax Return filed {a) Candidate | AFVPG2067H | 2017-18 9139110 __(b) Spouse AGEPGs233B | 2017-18 9805510 () HUF ‘AACHG7566B | 2017-18 3809321 (Gottipati Ravi Kumar) (d) Dependent [ CUKPG5497D | NIL NL [s Details of Assets and Liabilities (Including offshore assets) in rupees. Description Self Spouse HUF Dependen | Dep | Depend t-1 | end | ent-3 | ent -2 A Moveable Rs Rs Rs Rs | Assets 975711923 | 5280702031 | zosa3e78.28 2,10,392.95 | | NL (Total Value) s | 8 Immovable Assets | Purchase Rs Rs as NIL] NM] NIL price of self 4511105 | s84a2707 327,920 acquired immoveble property 1 | Development RS NIL NIL ni | Nm] NL 11853664 a tint th be att /construction cost of immovable property after purchase (if applicable) | Approximate Current Market Price (2) Seif tains ta)Rs acquired 147145000, fa) Rs /5,50,000, ‘NIL ‘NIL NIL | assets 98200000 (Total Value) (b) Inherited assets (Total Value) (2) Rs (oye (b) Ni 2as00000 NIL] NIL] NIL 9. Liabilities (i) | Government NIL NIL NIL Nik | NIL dues (Total) {i) | Loans from | Bank, fs e B | pinancias | 7124248989 | Gasseasa.ts | 3846270.00 ll inva (ita Instructions and others | (Total) 10 Uabllities that are under dispute T | Government NIL NIL NIL Ni] NIL NIL | dues (Total) (i) Loans from Bank, Financial | NIL NIL NIL NL ON | oN Institutions and others (Total) | 11. | Highest educational qualificatio 1. Graduation B.Com, from Chundi Ranganeyakulu Degree college Chilakaluripeta in 1998-99 {Give details of highest School/University education mentioning the full form of the Certificate/ diploma/degree course, name of the school/University and the year in which the | course was completed.) ZABRIEY OPAL VERIFICATION |, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify end declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. | further declare that:- (a) There is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 of Part A.and 8 above; (b) 1 my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than those mentioned in items 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8, 9 and 10 of Part 8 above. way Of wal Meera dal J liek fata DEPONENT k|,Prak cgam(!) Note; 2, Affidavit should be sworn before an Gath Commissioner or Magi tOFAP or before a Notary Public, Note: 3. All columins should be filled up and no column to be left blank. If there is no Information to furnish in respect of any item, either "Nil’ or “Not applicable”, as the Case may be, should be mentioned. Note; 4, The affidavit should be either typed or written legibly and neatly. Note: 5. Each page of the affidavit should be signed by the deponent and the affidavit should bear on each page the stamp of the Notary or Oath Commissioner or Magistrate before whom the Affidavit is sworn. Page 3017 ANNEXURE AX-I | Details of deposit in Bank Accounts (FORs, Term deposits and all other types of deposits Including saving aceounts}, Deposits with financial institutions, Non-banking financial companies and Co-Operative societies and the amount in each such deposit SL.NO. Particulars [Amount | Saving Account No: - 52088487405 of State Bank af India, Rs.10,45,228- 1._| Secretariat Branch, Hyderabad. = | 2 Saving Account No; - 1965020002 of Central bank of India, Rs.1,80,160-87 Chilskaluripeta. - 3, _| Indira Legislative mutual aided Society, Hyderabad Rs.10,00,000-00 4. | Current Account No :- 3150232926 of Central Bank of India Rs.11 365-94 Chilakaluripeta ( Kishore Granites, Jonthali Proprietor G. Ravi Kumar) 5. | Saving Account: No: - 62340101737 of State Bank of India, Rs.10,450-50_ ‘Addanki Branch, 6. Saving Account No: - 24371000005674 of HDFC bank Rs,1,02,329-55, Chilakaluripeta, 7. | Saving Account No:-074100050184343 of TIMBL, Guntur Rs.4,899-00 8B Recurring Deposit at State Bank of India, Secretariat Branch, Rs.1,09,000-00 Hyderabad vide Account No.52088418822 Current Account No, 37489809545 in State Bank of india, Rs.2,11,049-64 Chilakaluripeta (Kishore Granites, Jonthali Proprietor G. Ravi Kumar) 10. | Electricity Deposit (APSPDCL) Rs7,21,600.00 Total Amount "Rs 33,96,083.7 \ddanki Prakesom{D0) 3) Apia by Govt of AP fission Exz.on Dac.29.2024 Page Loft ANNEXURE AX-I(a) Detalls of deposit in Bank Accounts (FORs, Term deposits and all other types of deposits including saving accounts), Deposits with financial institutions, Non-banking financial ‘companies and Co-Operative societies and the amount in each such deposit [SLNo. Particulars Amount ‘Saving Account No:- 074100050173197 of Tamilnadu Rs.6,988-00 1._| Mercantile Bank Ltd, Guntur 2. | Saving Account No: - 2437153000128 Of HDFC Bank, R5.81,066-34 _| Chilakaluripeta. Lil Current Account No :- 33653387058 of State Bank of india, Rs.2,30,385-70 3. Chilakaluripeta, ( Kishore Slabs and Til Gottipati shansi) Proprietor Smt, 4. | Current Account No = 914020057430186 of AXIS Bank, R5.9,741-59 Chilakaluripeta ( Kishore Slabs and Tiles Proprietor Smt. Gottipat! Jhansi) ts | 5 | Fixed Deposit in the name of Kishore Slabs and tiles, RS.3,24,000-00 Proprietor of Gottipati Jhansi vide No.3358552192 (central Bank Chilakaluripeta) 6. | Current Account No: - 0200004080720 of HDFC, RS.31129-70 Chilakaluripeta ( Kishore Slabs and Tiles Proprietor Smt. Gottipati Jhansi!) 7. _| Saving Account No:- 917010000588243 in Axis Bank, Rs.4,29,610-48 Guntur 8. _| Fixed Deposit in the name of Kishore Slabs and tiles, Rs 6,17,000-00 Proprietor of Gottipati Jhansi vide No.3118933513 (Central Bank Chilakaluripeta) Rs 17,29,921.81 Total Amount Page 2062 ANNEXURE AX-I (b) Details of deposit in Bank Accounts (FDRs, Term deposits and all other types of deposits including saving accounts), Deposits with financial institutions, Non-banking financial companies and Co-Operative societies and the amount in each such deposit SiLNo. Particulars ‘Amount ‘Saving Account No: - 918010086465062 of Axis bank Guntur Rs.2,02,403.00 1 2. _| Saving Account No: - 3600693842 of Central bank of India, Rs.5365.00 Chilakaluripeta 3. _| Saving Account No:- 5010262071315 of HDFC Bank, Rs 2564.95 Chilakaluripeta z Total Amount 210,332.95 Page bof ANNEXURE AX-I Details of Investment in Bonds debentures/Shares and units in Companies/Mutual funds and others and the amount SI.No. Particulars Amount | (Rs) Investment of Shares in Idupulapadu cotton mills Pvt. Ltd 1,33,11,000-00 1 2. _| Investment of Shares in Lakshmi Cotton traders Pvt Ltd. 2,76,000-00 Investment of Shares in Kishore Black Gold Granites Pvt Ltd, 21,00,000-00 3 4, _| Investment of Shares in Kishore Granites Pvt Ltd 8,15,000-00 Total Investments Rs 1,65,02,000.00 09 Govt of AP ion Exp.on Dee. 25.2021 Page Lot ANNEXURE AX-II (a) ' Details of Investment in Bonds debentures/Shares and units in Companies/Mutual funds Total investments and others and the amount Sl.No. Particulars ‘Amount {Rs.) Investment of Shares in Idupulapadu cotton mills Put. Lid 94,56,000-00 a '94,66,000-00 holes jab age 12 ANNEXURE AX-III Details of Investment in NSS, Postal Savings, Insurance Policies and Investment in any Financial Instrument in Post Office or Insurance Company and the amount. UC Bond Number | Premium Paid in Rs (as.on 16-03-2019) | 618682657 - 84,68,955.00 672436677 4,93,416.00 672136068 i 5 49,680.00 674382553 8,01,990.00 648285789 20,66,480,00 (674382560 2,02,510.00 | (674382556 4,95, 768.00 [674382558 4,95,768.00 674382559 4,95, 768,00 73032621 5,10,160.00 673082622 510,160.00 671960374 132,762.00 671960316 66,381.00 671960317 66,381.00 671960318 66,381.00 674030019 : 931,905.00 (688018605 6,08,396.00 Total Premium Paid 1,89,63,861.00 | _NSS certificate Bond (Postal) Number ‘Amount in Rs. 6NS/30DD802559 5,000.00 6NS/30DD802560. 5,000.00 40EF/308631 _ 10,000.00 40EF/308632 10,000.00 40EF/308633, 10,000.00 _| 4QEF/308634_ 10,000.00 AQEF/308635, 10,000.00 40EF/308636 10,000.00 A0EF/308637 10,000.00 40EF/308638 10,000.00 | AQEF/308639 10,000.00 Pago zet2 NSS certificate Bond (Postal) Number ‘Amount in Rs 40EF/308640 10,000.00) ‘A0EF/308642 10,000.00 ~__ 40EF/308642 10,000.00 40EF/308643 10,000.00 ‘40EF/308644 10,000.00 40EF/308645 10,000.00 AQEF/308646 10,000.00 AQEF/308647 10,000.00 40EF /208648 110,000.00 40EF/308649 10,000.00 40EF/308650 10,000.00 40EF/208651 10,000.00 40EF/308652 110,000.00 AQEF/308653 10,000.00 40EF/308654 10,000.00 40EF/308655 10,000.00 ‘G0EF/308656 10,000.00 {0EF/308657 10,000.00) ‘40EF/308658 10,000.00 ‘40EF/208659 10,000.00 40EF/308660 10,000.00 = ‘40EF/308841 - 10,000.00 AOEF/308842 10,000.00 40EF /308843 110,000.00 40EF /308844 10,000.00 40EF/308845 10,000.00 ‘ADEF/308846 [ 10,000.00 ‘AOEF/308847 10,000.00 AQEF/308848 110,000.00 A0EF/308849 110,000.00 AQEF/308850 110,000.00 Total Amount ____4,40,000.00 Total Amount (LIC Premium + NSS Bonds} + RS4,93,73,861.00 Poge Lor ANNEXURE AX-III (a) Uc Bond Number Details of Investment in NSS, Postal Savings, Insurance Policies and Investment in any Financial Instrument in Post Office or Insurance Company and the amount. Premium Paid in Rs ( as on 16-03-2019) Total Amount (LIC Premium + NSS Bonds) ADDI inter: 671944849 336743 672497474 = 391552 |.e77251382 r 47907 677260278 291088 ‘Total Premium Paid a 10,67,290.00 NSS certificate Bond (Postal) Number ‘Amount in Rs 6NS/30DD802559 5,000.00 6NS/300D802560_ 5,000.00 j NSC AC No : 4181633576 1,89,000.00 NSC AC No;- 4039365963 2,45 100.00 Total Amount 4,44,100.00 : RS15,11,390.00 Faye of ANNEXURE IV ‘Motor Vehicles/ Airerafs/ Yachts/ Ships (Details of make, registration no.etc year of purchase and amount), Registration No. | Date of Purchase ‘Make Details Cost of purchase AP27AY 9388 | 09.05.2015 Glamour Drum/ Swif cast whee! BSI 57,025.00 | AP27AT8133__| 28.03.2014 Glamour Drum/ Sif cast wheel BSIIL 63,393.00 Total Value 120,418.00 age 1 of ANNEXURE IV[a) Motor Vehicles/ Airerafs/ Yachts/ Ships (Details of make, registration no.etc year of purchase and amount). Registration No, | Date of Purchase ‘Make Details ‘Cost of purchase AP270,8251 18.09.2005 _| Hero Honda Passion Plus Model 2008 42100 Waruthi Swift balre VDI-BS I Model APZTAD 6363 27.10.2009 | 2009 585000 Splender + (Orum- Spoke) 85 Il AP27AP 3966 16.03.2012 —_| Model 2012 52730 API7AY a4? 03.11.2014 | HF DLX 14 FEUP DRSSCR 56500 Glamour-(HE)(DRUM-SELF-CAST) A278) 5724 04,10.2017 | BSIV 44933 ‘APZ7CEQIO 10.12.2018 | UNICORN (cBF150MH) 74002 AP2TAC 5583 01.09.2018 | MF241D1I FAGLE TRACTOR 185000 APOTTC 6403, 01.09.2018 | MF241 D1) FAGLETRACTOR 163000 APOTWYTR 5311 08.03.2019 _| JOHN DEER 50500 v8 850000 ‘AP39K 9999 02.02.2019 | FORTUNER 3153000 |AP39U 0900 22.01.2018 | Maruti Super Carry Diesel Std 374076 AP27TX 0999 14.03.2016 | ASHOK LeYLAND3148IL BSI 2099689 SANTAFE CRDI AWD AUTO BSW, AP27BF 0999 19.05.2015 | PHANTOM BLACK 3083126 Total Value | 11098216 | Hinlt Dy bend Page tof 2 /ANNEXURE AX-V_ Time | Laestion(s,survay Area | Whether | Dateot | costof Ary] Approximate | Numberts} {total | inherited Purchase in | tand(in | investment | current measure | Property case of Self case of onthe land | market value Tmentin | (Yesor | Acquired | purchase) | byway of Acres), No) Property atthe time | development of construction . Purchase |" otc i Ghiakaluripeta a6 | WO | 0106-2062 | 634000 NIL 7o0006 Guntur(0%) No: 460/C/B-3-8 a Chilatalurineta Tas [No | 1412-2007 | Bae0d0 wi 1000600 Guntor(Ot) No 181/14 7 3} Ballkcurava van) | 00 | NO | 20082007 | 36000 NL 75000 Prakaasam (Ot) sy.No: 228/02, Z—} salluravaivany | 069 | NO | OSaa-2007 | 42000 iL 75500 Prakasar(0%) syNe: 228/01 S| Yaddanapuai(vaam) | 281 | NO | 2304-200 |” 164000 wir 250600 Prakasarn District sy.Not 337/41,395/8 |] Yaddenepudi(vam) tao | NO | 7eOe2001 | 95086 NIL 1500007 Prakasa Distt Sy.No: 337/A2,355/8 7) Waddanapudi (vB) | La | NO | 2506a002 | 2A586 nu | a0000 Prakiazam District | 5y.No:337/82,355/8 3. | Yaddanapudi(veM) | tae | NO | o7-06-2008 | 148100 NIL 750000 Prakasa District Sy.No: 337/82 2 Ganapavaram(v) Aad NO. (06-06-2002 57,000/- NL 100000 GunturtDt) ‘y.No: 209/5 ; 70 Yadav) om | No | aea02018 | 132000 nic 300000 ‘Sy.Mo:310/3,310/4 n KonidenatV) 158 No | 23022018 | 509750 Wik 650000 Balurava (M4) | Prakasam(Ot) $y.No:1007-3,998 A?-1 PER VASE ry Ae poANel Ag Tf ee ane Page 2of SiNo | Location(s), Survey | Area | Whether | Dateof Costof [Any ‘Approximate (total | inherited | purchase in | land(in | imvestment | current measure | Property | caseofseit | case of onthe land | market value Tent in | (¥esor Acquired | purchase) | byway of ‘seres) | No) ) Property | atthe time | development ‘of | ,construction | Purchase |" etc: | 2 Datsi (vaN) 520 | NO | 15402016 1956800 NL 7250000 Prakasam (Dt) Sy No:286-1,256-5 257- 1, 257-2.257-3, 257-4 257-5, 257-6 287-11 _ | kendamaniuluru(vy | 960 | NO | 22062017 |” 258200 wit 400000 .PangulurulN) Prakasam (Dt) _SyNo2/4 Ta | Kendamanjuloragyy | 026 | NO | aafog/20.7 | 117000 Nic 700050 -.Panguluru(M™) Prakasam (Dt) synoz74 | = TE] Kordamanjuluratyy | 072 | wo | ai-0s-a0r7 [309600 NL 450500 -.Panguluru(M) Prakasarn (Ot) SpNo.274 | 6 Dorsi (VM) Zs | wo | 28-022018 | 967750 Nic 7200000 Prakasar (Ot) Sy.No:339-2 | 7 Darsi (V&M) ios [NO | oo0sa01R | 447500 wit 00008 Prakasam (Ot) 903367 = Darsi (VM) Tez | No | 2003x2016 | 1096750 ni 1200000 Prakasam (Ot) 5).No:336—4 9 Darsi (vam) Tis | No | 2ocs201a | 1207250 mi 1500000 Prakasam (Ot) sy.No:336-5 z Fr Dari (VM) ‘oa2 | wo | 2008-2098 |~a976250 wit 7200000, prakasam (Dt) $1.No:336-1(8) a Konidena (V) 025 | NO | Osou-z01n | 94820 NIL 7200000 salkurava (M4) Prakasa (Dt) S7.N0:987/2A 2 ‘Koridena (V) a0 | No | siaozois | 75500 Ni 180500 salkurava (M) Praxacam (01) 5y.No.297/24 998/81 = Total value | iizoaie2 1,48}00/000 Paget? ANNEXURE AX-V (a) [SiNo | Location(s) Survey | Area | Whether Date ot Cost of Any Approximat | Number(s) {total | inherited Purchase in | land(In | investment | e current measur | Property | case ofSelf | caseof | ontheland | market cement | (Yesor | Acquired | purchase | bywayof | value in No) | Property | )atthe | developme Acres) time of | nt,construct . - Purchase | _fonete. z Chilakaluripeta, 0.96 Wo | 03-02-2012 | 12,67,00 NIL 75,0000 Guntur(dt) ° sy,No:183/28 - 2 | Gangavaram Sivaru, | 1.00 No | 26/10/2010 | 2,74,000 NIL 400,000 Santhanutalapadu, Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:939 3 | Gangevaram Sivaru, | 4.98 NO 26/10/2010 | 23,60,00 | NIL 15,00,000 Santhanutalapadu, Q Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:938/4,939 @ | Kothapets,Chirale | 1.20 No | 27/01/2011 | 3,96,470 NIL 5,00,000 Prakasem|(Dt) Sy.No:434,435/9 = | Kothapeta, Chirala | 120% | NO | 27/01/2011 | 3,30,770 NIL 5,00,000, Prakasam(Ot) Sy.No:436/1 6 Chilakaluripeta, 186 No | 25/01/2050 | 18,51,76 Nit 720,00,000 Guntur(de) 5 Sy,No:181/14 7 Chilakaluripeta, 027 No | 26/06/2002 | 2,61,400 [NIL 3,50,000 Guntur{at) | Sy.No:460/C,8 3-0 a | Balimurava(vam) | 150 NO | 09-06-2010 | 2,46,480 nL 3,50,000 PrakasamiDt) Sy.No:227 ie [9 Konidana (V), 7.00 No | 21/08/2010 | 9,19,930 [NIL 11,00,000 Ballikurava (M), Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No:868/1/A 25 03/209 7 Page zat? Location(s) Survey | Area |Whether| Dateof | Costof | — Any —_ | Approximat Number(s) (total | Inherited | Purchase in | land {in | investment | e current measur | Property | case of Self | case of | ontheland | market fement | (Vesor | Acquired | purchase | byway of | value in No) | Property | Jatthe | developme Acres) time of | nt,construct Purchase | ion ete. _ 10 Konidana (V), Too | wo | toa22000 | 331520) NE 3,060,000 Ballikurava (M), Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No:877/4 a Konidana (V), wo | 24/10/2010 | 5,60,640 | NIL 650,000 Ballikurava (M), Prakasam (Dt) | 4.26 Sy.No:877/1 | 72 | Ballikurava(v&nt) NO | 15/11/2010 207,020 | NIL 3,00,000 Prakasam(Dt) 079 036 Sy.No228/11__0.56 | ol 73 BallikuravalV&na) wo | 2i/oe/2oi2 | 11,29,98 Nit | 12,00,000 Prakasam(Ot) 0 377m | 1:92 sy.No:379/81 | 1.18 Sy.No:380/8 1.30 sy.Nois8i/4-2_| 2.00 14 | BallkuravalvaM) | 030 NO | 20/03/2014 | 69,350 NIL 70,000 Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:228/1F iS | Ballkuravaivam) | 1.00 | NO | 12-04-2008 | 79,760 NL 90,000 Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:228/1E Te | Balikuravaivan) | 092 | NO | 27/3/2009 | 65,9c0 wit 75000 Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:228/2, 228/2, 214 a7 | GangavaramSivaru, | 300 | NO | O201-2014 | 12,7714 NIL 13,00,000 Santhanutalapadu, o Prakasarn(O) Sy.No:939 | lck~ele A - ALPES 3) 019 Pare of7 Location(s), Survey | Area | Whether — Dateof | Cost of Any, ‘Approximat | Number(s) (total | Inherited Purchase in | land (In | Investment |e current measur | Property | case ofSelf | case of | ontheland | market ement | (Yesor | Acquired | purchase | bywayof | value in No) | Property | )atthe | developme Acres) time of | nt,construct Purchase | _fonete. 18 | Nadendia (vam) | 1.59 No | 04052022 | 4,93,350 | NIL 5,50,000 Guntur (dt) Sy.No:303,304/1 Sy.No 300/1,3 79 | Nadendla (V&M) No | 49/10/2010 | 1,86350 [NIL 2,00,000 Guntur (at) | sy.No:314 0.46 $y.No 304/16 0.04 Sy.No:314/28 0.24 20 | Nadendia (vam) | 0.48 no | 4i-0-2010 | 105,260 | NIL 1,50,000 Guntur (at) Sy.No'509__ | Nadendia(vam) | 0.42 | NO | 11-10-2010 | 92,000 | NIL 1,90,000, Guntur (at) |___ sy.No:509 | 22 | Nadendia (vam) | 0.52 No | aLaz2o10 | 113,540 NIL 750,000 Guntur (dt) Sy.N0:509 23 Nadendla (V&M) 0.88 WO | di-t7-2010 | 192.810 | NIL 72,50,000 Guntur (dt) Sy.No:500/1,500/3 2% | Nadendia(vam) | 040 | NO | 45/11/2010 | 87,700 nL 4,109,000 Guntur (at) Sy.No:501/18,502 25 | Nadendia{vam) | 0.65 No | 24/11/2010 [442,450 [IL 1,75,000 Guntur (dt) y-No:304/1,304/3 26 | Nadendla (vam) NO | 22/41/2010 | 7,82,180 NL °2,00,000 | Guntur (dt) Sy.No:306/1, 029 Sy.No:301/1, 0.40 Sy.No:304/3 0.05 Pagar? Location(s), Survey | Area | Whether | Dateof | Costof ‘Any | Approximat Number(s) (total | inherited | Purchase in land (in | investme | e current measur | Property | caseofSelf | caseof | ntonthe | market ement | (Yesor Acquired | purchase) | landby | value in No) Property | atthe time | way of Acres) of | develop | Purchase | ent,constr uetion - ete. 27 | Nadendla (vam) No | 2a7aa2010 [4.31500 | NL 2,00,000 Guntur (ot) Sy.No:304/1 030 |_| __sy.o 304/ 030 28 | Nadendia(vem) | 0.46 No | 29/11/2010 |~1,00,840 | NIL 7,50,000 Guntur (at) Sy.No:306/1 7 29 | Nadendia (van) | 129 no 22/12/2010 | 2,82,620 [NIL 3,50,000 Guntur(at) Sy.No312/E aii _ 30 | Nadendla (V&M) No | 26/04/2011 3,19,820 Nit 3,50,000 Guntur (at) $y.80:309/14 045 sy.No:308/1¢ 131 31 | Nadendla (V&M) | 0.25 wo | 22/09/2011 | 55,300 Ni 1,90,000 ‘Guntur (dt) Sy.No:306/1,306/3 7 32 | Nadendla (VAM) | 0.45 No | o840-2012 | 100.000 —‘NIL 41,50,000 Guntur (dt) Sy.No:8i2/a 3B idupulapadulv) 260 NO | 25/6/1992 | 59,800 iL 3,00,000 Inkolllu (M) Prakasam (Dt) | Sy.No221/2a 34 Polavaram(v) Ta.A0 NO | 07-09-2000 | 1,29,000 | NIL 10,90,000 Mundlamuru(M) | Prakasam (Dt) sy.No:181 r 35 | Ballikurava(van) | 0.30 No | a0/0a/2014 | 57350 Nit 100,000 Prakasam(Dt) a Sy.No:228/1.F 2 36 | Ballikurava(v&M) | 2.34 No o7/o7j2014 | 447450 NIL 700,000 Prakasam(Ot) sy.No:220, 37) Ballikurava(v@nt) | 2.05 NO | 2s/o7/z014 | 391300 NIL 7,00,000 Prakasam(Ot) Sy.No:220 - 38 | Ballikurava(VEM) | O97 no | 28/ar/zo1a | 205860 NIL 00,0000 Prakasam(Dt) L Sy.No:228/1,220 Pages of7 Location(s), Survey | Area | Whether] Dateof | Costof ‘Any | Approximat Number(s) {total | inherited | Purchase in | land(in | investme | e current measur | Property | case ofSelf | caseof’| ntonthe | market cement | (Yesor | Acquired | purchase) | landby | value in No) | Property | atthe time | way of Acres) cf —_| developm Purchase | ent,constr uction _ etc. : 39 | Ballkuravaivam) | 0.30 NO 29/03/2014 | 196230 | NIL 44,00,000 Prakasamn(Dt) Sy.No:218/1A z 40 Ballikurava(v&M) | 1.00 NO 13/10/2014 | 190920 NIL 4,00,000 Prakasam(Ot) _|_sy.No:224 | 4 | Ballikurava(vam) | 0.82 no | i6/10/2014 157000 NE 2,75,000 Prakasam(Ot) Sy.No:224 o ad Ainavolu(v) 0.98 NO 31/10/2014 | 311760" ‘NIL '5,00,000 Sy.No:38/4 a ‘Ainavotu(¥) 068 No | 34/10/2014 | 216375 NL 300,000 Sy.Nor 44 | Pedapar 0.40 No | 03/21/2014 | 127320 NIL 3,900,000 | 5y.o:s19/5 LL 35 | Nadendia(vam) | 0.34 No | 46/03/2015 | 145300 NL 3,00,000 Sy.No:306/1,306/3 46 | Nadendiavam) | 033 No | 24/03/2015 | 142000 Wi 3,00,000 sy.No:306/1 a7 | Ballkuravaqvany | 050 NO | 30/05/2015 | 96870 NL 2,00,000 Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:224/4 43 | Nadendla(van) | 0.25 No | 28/01/2016 | 210000 NIL 4,00,000 __Sy.N0:306/2 a9 Konidena (V) 0.25 NO. 23/02/2016 80830 NIL 1,50,000 Ballikurava (M) Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No1007/1/A__| 50 Ainavolu(V) 036 No | 27/06/2016 | 116300 Nib 2,25,000 Sy.No:134/9,124/3 _| 51 ‘ainavolulV) 0.68 Wo | 23/06/2016 | 219500 Ni ,00,000 sy.No:156/2 52 | Ballikurava(VEM) | 1.76 no | 22/07/2016 | 567850 NIL 300,000 Prakasam(Dt) __Sy.No:220 53. | Ballikurava(van") | 088 No | 07/09/2016 | 284020 Ni 450,000 Prakasamn(Dt) |__sy.No:220 Pare of7 Location(s), Survey Number(s) (total meas rement Acres) Whether Inherited Property (Yes or No} Date of Purchase in case of Self Acquired Property Cost of land (in case of purchase) atthe time of Purchase Any investme ton the land by way of developm ent,constr uction ete, Darsi (v8) Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No:257/7,257/8,25 7/9,257/10,257/12,25 7/13 Ta NO z/o7p017 35600 Nit 14,00,000 35 Elchuru(V) Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:549/2A 0.86 NO 18/08/2018 647350 NIL 12,00,000 56 Elehuru{V) Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.NoiS49/2 087 NO 19/09/2018 751130 Nit 112,00,000 7 Elchuru(V) Santhmagulura(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:549/24, 0.86 NO 18/09/2018 647350 NIL 112,00,000 38 flchuru(V) Santhmaguluru(t) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.NO:SS1A/1A,S51A/ Ft 073 No 19/10/2018 863425 Nit 74,00,000 | 3 Eichuru(V) Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:SSTA/1A,5514/ 1c 097 NO 19/10/2018 7067000 NIL Elchuru(V) Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasam(Dt) 154 Sy.No:549/2A,549/20 Ne 15/10/2018 1159050 Ni 15,00,000 17,00,000 a Eichuru(V) ‘Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:S51/B/C/1 1.00 No (06/10/2018 752700 Ni 15,00,000 @ Eichuru(V) Santhmaguiuru(M) Prakasam(Dt) Sy.No:551/8/8,551/8/ ca 4.67 NO 06/10/2018 3514380 NL '45,00,000 Page 7of7 Location(s), Survey | Area | Whether | Dateof | Costof ‘Any | Approximat Number(s) (total_| inherited | Purchase in| land (in | investme | e current measur | Property | case ofSelf | case of | ntonthe cement | (Yesor | Acquired | purchase) | land by in No) | Property | atthe time way of Acres) of | developm Purchase | ent,constr uction ete. @ ElchurutV) 1.00 NO 06/10/2018 | 752700 | NIL 15,00,000 Santhmaguluru(M) Prakasamn(Dt) Sy.No:S51/b/c/1 G4 | BallikuravatvaM) | 0.64 NO 05/2018 | 241050 NIL 700,000 Prakasam(Ot) y.No:216/28 @5 | Ballikuravavam) | 0.20 No | 28/06/2018 75500 Nit 7,50,000 Prakasam(Ct) ‘sy.No:219/1 L 66 |) BallikuravalvaMmy | 132 NO | 11/07/2018 | 507700 Nit | 8,00,000 Prakasam(Dt) ie Sy.No:216/28 67 | Ballikurava(vaim) | 3.00 No | oz/os/2n18 | 1429000 | NIL | 15,00.000 Prakasam(Ot) Sy.No:219/1 68 | Ballikurava(V&M) 127 No | 02/08/2018 | 478600 NIL 7,00,000 | Prakasam(Dt) sy.No:197/1,198/2 a Total value 30790785 24520000 ay NODRY PUBLIC Gs 2) Acidenki,Prokasaini®t) ea weeny Govi of AP Commission Exp.on Bec.25.202% ANNEXURE AX-V (B) [ST Loacation (s), | Area(Total | Whether | Dateot | Costoftand | Any | Approximate No. survey Number | Measureme | inherited | purchase in {incase of | investmen current market (s) ntin Acres) | property | cases ofself | Purchase) at | ton the | value (Yes or No) | acquired the time of land by property purchase way of developm ent, | constructi onete. ‘SNOSiM/8, ReLAD Cents | ves NL nL NIL 10/00,000, Eddanapudl (vam), rakasam Dist, Andhra Pradesh 2 [snossye, | Aci76Cents| Yes NL Nit wi 10,00,000 Eddanapudi (va), Prakasam Dist, ‘Andhra Pradesh as Z [SNo362/Hi, | Aci O8Cents| Yes WIL NIL NIL 110,00,000 Eddanapuci (ven), Prakacam Dist., ‘Andhra Pradesh @ | S.N0.355/A, Fetaicents| ves NL Ri NL 710,00,000, Eddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist., ‘Andhra Pradesh 5 | S.No.208/a, AELO6 Canis | Yes BIL NIL NIL 110,00,000 Eddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist, Andhra Pradesh 6 | S.0.406/8, AcL.O7 cents | __ Yes Nt Wit Ni 19,00,000 Eddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist., Andhra Pradesh | 7 | S.No.406/C, Cents | ves NIL NIL Nit 32000,000 Fddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist. Andhra Pradesh B | SNoao7/an, _[Acowacents | Yes nN NL Nit 900,000 Eddanapudl (van), Prakasam Dist, Andhra Pradesh 9 | SiNo.338/6, ‘ Cents [ves NL NIL nit 30,00,000 I Fddanapudi wen), Prakasam Dist, ‘Andhra Pradesh ‘S.No.228/A, Eddanapudi (van), Prakasem Dist, Andhra Pradesh ‘ACa.Si Cents Yes NIL NiL NiL 30,00,000 nm 5.No.337/AL, Eddanapudl (vem), Prakasam Dist., ‘Andhra Pradesh ‘Ac.L.90 Cents Yes WL NiL nic '30,00,000 @ ‘S.No.337/A2, Eddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist, Andhra Pradesh ‘ReL.f8 Cents Ves wi NIL WIL 20,00,000 '$.No.355/B, Eddanapudi (vam), Prakasam Dist, ‘Andhra Pradesh ‘Ac-1.81 Cents Yes NIL NIL NL 20,00,000 ‘S.No.184/1, 1184/2, 184/3, 1387/2, ‘Mundlamuru (V &M), Prokasam Dist. ‘AcS.75 cents NO 08-06-2001 3,75,400 cr 3,00,000, 5 S.No.100/1, Gurijepelli village, Baltikurava Mandal, Prakasam Dist. AESS0 Cents No 04-01-2003 152,520, NIL 2.50000 16 at Santhamagulura wam), jakasam Dist. Ae7.42 Cents No Datanot available at present Data not aveilable at present WL Data not available at present Total value 3,27,920 2,26,50,000 Pagel ANNEXURE AX-VI Sino | Location(s), Survey | Area | Wheth | Dateof | Costof | Any | Approximat Number(s} (total | er | Purchase | tand{in | investm |e current measur | Inherit in case of case of enton market ement | ed self | purchase) | theland | value inSqFt) | Propert Acquired | atthetime | by way y(Ves | Property of of or No) Purchase | develop ment,co nstructi J on ete. ‘Ongole Town 5059.8 04-02-2008 885,000 ‘NIL 20,00,000 Sy.No:265/1D,2D_ NO 2 ‘Ongole Town 30598 No | 6402-2008 | 686,000 NIL 70,00,000 SyNo:265,266/1D,2D 3 Martur (vas) | T1a1894] NO] 1s07-z018 12000040 | NIL | 2,00,00,000 Prakasam (Dt) syNo: 502-154 4 ‘Martur (V&M) 19854.09 | NO 26-07-2014 2105280 ‘NIL '50,00,000 Prakasam (Dt) syNo: 583-1.04 $83-18,5,583-2,583- “1.8 583-1B.6583- ‘1A4585-6 = 5. 7859.52, NO 06-07-2018 | 37568225" NIL 4,50,00,000 Koretapadu Guntur SyNo: 27/1948 _| 6 Total value BETEEAL Paget ANNEXURE AX-VI (2) | SNe] Location) Survey | Area | Whether | Dateof | Costofland | Any | Approximate Number(s) (total | inherited | purchase in | (incase of | invesim | current market measure Property | caseofself | purchase) at | ent on value mentin (Yesor | Acquired | thetimeof | | the ‘sa.ft) | No) | Property | Purchase | land by way of develop ment, constr | ction = ete. i} torn viage YP te00 | No | 23aiao0s | 13800 | NIL | 225,000 Guntur(De) |_| syNo:a73,400/10 | | Balikurava van) | 527625] NO | e022016 | Sowa7S | NIL 00,000 Prakasam (Dt) SyNo:41/A.2 3 ‘ddanki(vaM) | 2170 | NO | teonz0ie | sio7es | NIL [| 1490,000 Prakasam (01) Sy.No: 1089/1 - 4 Aldana (vem) | 2i7e | NO | Te0a2o18 | 910725 | NM | 1400000 | Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No : 1089/1 5 jonnathali(v) | aaa | NO | os054i | 16075 | NIL 390,000 Martur(M) Prakasa (DE) :No: 144/6 xi] é ‘Ongole town 7s | NO [47-08-2017 | 1120100 | NIL |” 1,50,00,000 _SyNo:234/1 _| 7 Ongele town: 35307 | wo | 17-0B20i7 ) S49q700 | NIL | 1,000,000 Sy No: 233 3 Koretapadh No | 23052018] 13401725 [| NIL | 200,00,000 Guntur 58536 SyNo: 27/1948 Inthe name of Kishore slabsiktiles 9 koretapadu Wo oeo7-2018 | Lasooa7s | NIL | 30000000 Guntur 320148 Sy No: 27/1948 I the name of Kishore slabstules. Ghilaksluripeta | $24226) NO __| 18-06-2015 | 42.83920 25,00,000 Guneur(D1) sy.No 122/AA30/A22/A2 30/4. ie Totalvalue | 5,11,99,420 61625000 age 302 ANNEXURE AX-VI (a) Go | tocationls) Suvey | Arca | Whether | Date of | Costofland | Any Approximate | Number(s) {total | inherites | purchase in | [incasoat | Investm | current mesture | Property | caseaf Self | purchase) at | enton | marwket value ‘mentin (Yesor | Acquired | thetimeof | the ‘sa.ft) | No} | Property | Purchase | fond by way of davelop ment, constr ction ete. i Gorandla Village jan | NO | 23aiz00s | Taga00 | NIL 725,000 Guntur(Dt) sy.No:473,480/18 ae | ZT Baltikurava (van) | 527625 | NO | 16-02-2016] 804375 | NIL 00,000 Prakasam (Dt) syNNo: 41/A1 - 3 ‘Addaniki (VAM) 778 No | aeorzmie | 910725 | NH | 1400000 Prakasam (Dt) Sy.No: 1080/1 z ‘Addanki (VM) Firs | No) 2022016 | 910725 | Ni. | 1400000 Prakasam (Dt) SyNo: 1089/1 5. Jonnathali (¥) Fe | NO | 08et1 | teR07S [NIL 3,00,000 Martur(¥®) Pralcasam (Dt) |__syNo:148/6 6 ‘Ongale town’ 7s | NO) 1708-2017) L1iz0100 | NIL | 1,500,000 ‘Sy No:234/1 4 7 ‘Ongole town Jen7 «NO | 17-06-2017 | 5496700 | NM | 1,000,000 | ‘Sy No:283 3 Koretapadu No) 2-06-2018 | 45401725 | NIL | 2,00,00,000 Guntur 58536 sy No: 27/1948 Inthe name of Kishore | slabstaties. q ‘Kore‘apad no ceorzora | 15309275 | NIL |” 3,00,00000 Guntur 320148 Sy No: 27/1948 inthe name of Kishore slates. 4 10. Giilskanipeta | S21226 | NO | 15-06-2015 | 1263920 | NIL | 25,00,000 untur(D0) Sy.Nor 122/4.130/A,122/A1 30/4 Total value 5,11,99420 71,6625000_) FEBRES Page Lov ANNEXURE AX-VIl Location(s} Area Built upArea | Whether | Date of | Cost of Any Survey (total (Total inherit | purchase | Land)in | investment | Approximat Number(s} measure | measurement ed incases of | case of ontheland | e market ment in, insq.ft.) property self Purchas | bywayof | value Sq.ft) acquired | ejatthe | develope (Yes/No) | property | time of nt, Purchas | construction : ee. Jonnathali village Martur | 20-07- (Md) Not available NO. 2005 3,47,000 62,00,000 1,00,00,000 Prakasam (Dt) | 255312 & syne 25-0. 1144/6, 144/7 2005 Total value J 62,00,000 1,00,00,000 Cite fle il Z 3 at 4 NOTAR’ ¢ Addanki,Prakasami(Ot) 25) Aopte by Govt of AP Corte ot Expt Bee 38.2021 Page ort ANNEXURE. AX-VIIl Location(s) Area Built up | Whether Date of Cost of Land. Any ‘Survey, {total Area inherit purchase in Jin case of investment | Approximat Number(s) measure {Total ed cases ofself Purchase )at onthe land | € market mentin, measure | property acquired the time of by way of value Sqft) | ment in property | Purchase | develop me sq.ft.) (Yes/No) nt, construction - in Hyderabad Flot no.402 ‘A-Block aditya elite D.No 6-3- | 1119,No 218, (2950 2400, NO 24-01-2006 36,93,000 Nit 109,00,000, plot No’s §/12,9/12 and 10/15 of makta bole sahib Fit ward 6,Block Es Hyderabad ‘Total value 36,93,000 100,00,000 a bel 9 ‘ Govt of A. Gariimission Exp.on Dec.25.2021 Page off ANNEXURE AX-VIll (2) Location(s) Area Builtup | Whether [ Dateof | Costof Land Any, Survey (total ‘Area. | inherit’ —purchasein | Yincaseof | investment | Approximmat Number(s) | measure | (Total ed cases ofself Purchase Jat, ontheland | emarket ‘mentin | measure | property | acquired | thetimeot | bywayof | value sa.ft) | mentin property | Purchase | develop me sqft) (Yes/No) nt, construction etc. Re Sheet shed at D.No No 19-12-2011 | 16,02,840 | 15,00,000.00 | 50,00,000 1089/1 In 37735 | 2207 Adank Door No 1- 768 Not 10" tine 8532 available NO 09-10-2002 | 5,69,000 91,53,564.00 60,00,000 Pandaripura m Chilakaturiper Guntur (Dt) Plotno: 26 at [4051 4693 No 06-12-2017 | 4,39,09,896 Wit '/50,00,000 ‘Aparna Elixer, Hyderabad. Total value 4,55,69,736 | 36,53,664 5,60,09,000. = oo Srifnission Exp.on Des. Wolkfts a [axjietS wt NAG: NOTARY PUBLIC Addanki,Prakasam{ by Govt of BA. BL. 35.2021 BIO DATA 1. Name in Full (in block letters) 2. Husband's Name 3. Date of Birth 4, Caste and Religion 5. Address per communication 6, Education Qualifications 7. Permanent Address 8: Mobile Number 9. Mail id Place: Addanki Date ; 25-03-2019 : Gottipati. Jhanshi Gottipati Ravi Kumar : 20-08-1979 : Indian Hindu, OC (Kamma) : D.No:14-62-1 Poturaju gandi Addanki Town,Prakasam District : B.Com ; Water tank street, Pandiripuram, Chilakaluripeta Guntur (DT)-522618 19948717171 : lelesakA~ Signature of candidate TRAST ATIIDE IMEMPEDIC OT ATMS) CEODETADTAT NO DUES CERTIFICATE Certified that there are NO DUES outstanding against Sri GOTTIPATI RAVI KUMAR, elected as a Member of XIV Andhra Pradesh legislative Assembly from 224-ADDANKI Constituency of PRAKASAM District towards Motor Car Advance in this Members Claims Section. AMARAVATI, ( K. BHARATHI } DATED: 13.03.2019. ASSISTANT SECRETARY TO STATE LGISLATURE: liolt fate de Uolt fae ayer AGAR ALAA -iasan aga by Get oat een 1 See GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH LEGISLATURE (MLAs’ QUARTERS - ACCOUNTS) SECRETARIAT No Dt ERTIFICATE This is to certify that as per the records of Accounts Section (MLAs’ Quarters) there are no dues outstanding against Sri GOTTIPATI RAVIKUMAR, MLA as on 14.03.2019. Pigggee dice Assistant Sccretary to State Legislature Wwe dott - 2019 cick Prakasam(D) iby Govt of AP Expion Dec 25.2024 NO DUES CERTIFICATE Date:14.03.2019, Certified that there are no ducs outstandi Andhra = Pradesh Legislature Library Sri Gottipati Ravi Kumar, M.L.A., Andhra Legislative Assembly ing in the against Pradesh Co bay Signature File No.ANP-RS0O(OTH)/7/201 9-JA-A1-MAUD-ADK-PKM. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Gfo of the Nagara Panchayat, Addanki. E Office No: 207051 /2019, Dt: 21.03.2019, NO DUES CERTIFICATE This is to certify that on verification of the records available pertaining to Property Tax and Water Charges, it is found that “Na Dues” are pending against Assessment No: 1147004443 in the name of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi situated at Door No: 14 — 62/1, Bhagya Nagar, Revenue Ward No: 16, Addanki till date. This certificate was issued for the purpose of filing of Nomination for General Elections — 2019 only. Sd/- DVS Narayana Rao Commissioner, Nagara Panchayat, Addanki. : ; . 27 MAR 2019 Signatureavalid Digitally signe Narayana Rao Date: agin 51:24 IST ReasonNannr SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF A.P. LIMITED From To The Asst. Accounts Officer, Smt.G.jhancy, ERO, APSPDCL, Addanki, ADDANKT. ADDANKI TOWN, Lr.No.AAO/ERO/ADK/JAO.SA., 22 (2019, Dt. 21.03.2049. Sir, Sub: Elecy. - APSPDCL - E.R.0./Addanki - SCNO:4611101013582 Cat-I of Smt.G.Jhancy, Addanki, Addanki Town Section - Issuing of No-dues Certificate - Regarding, Ref:- 1.Party Representation dt:21.03.2019 With reference to the above, It is to inform that the consumer of SCNo.4611101013582 Cat-I of Smt.G.Jhancy, Addanki, Addanki Town Section has paid the C.C, charges up to 03/2919 and there Is no arrears outstanding against the above service till to dat= r. lo (eo) ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, ERO, APSPDCL, ADDANKI. bolted Leas ae SEAEF a / ' BUG Adank. Prakesam(D) Govt of AP Carrimission Exp.0n 036,25.2021 eer ee SF He TE fe BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (6 Gow ot nd Entra Ofo Sub Divisional Engineer (Groups), Medarametia TO WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN NO DUES CERTIFICATE Itis to certify that no dues are observed pending to werds Land Line Telephone bills against the Telephone Number of Smt.GOTTIPATI JHANSI with indicator no 08593-225325 at Addanki as on dateas per CRM reports -This for Sy siete! Vv SUD DIVISIONAL ENGINES. (GROUPS) B.S.N.L., ‘MEDARAMETLA-523 212. information please. 3/2019 lok Aatick, ca aTRUE obetepel ah) ot Jakasam(ot Govt Cofiniasion Gxpon Bee. 25.2021 Ofo the Municipal Commissioner, Chilakaluripet. E Office No: 361444/2019 Dt:19.03.2019. No Due Certificate This is to Certify that, on verification of the records available Pertaining to Property tax and Water Charges, it is found that, “No Dues” are Pending against Smt GOTTLPATI JHANSI, wo GOTTIPATI RAVI KUMAR, Chilakaluripet till today, ‘This Certificate was issued for the purpose of filing of Nomination for the General Eleotions-2019 only, Z 13 3, Chilakaluripet, “ee : orn ueg ‘xh Prakasam(D) ees) appr py Gort Ot ay Carnftiselon 2015 sol R DISTRIBUTION Y OF AP LIMITED From To The Asst.Accounts Officer, Kishore Slab & Tiles, Electricity Revenue Office, Ballikurava Village, Martur. Ballikurava Mandal. LRN .ERO.M p.No. 10 19, Dt.20.1 19. Sir, Sub:- Electricity Revenue Office, Martur - SCNo.4621306000669 Cat-I of Kishore Slab & Tiles, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section- Issuing of No-dues Certificate - Reg Ref:- 1.Party Representation dt.19.03.2019. ee With reference to the above, it is to inform that the Consumer of SCNo.4621306000659 Cat-I of Kishore Slab & Tiles, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section haGe paid the C.C Charges up to 03/2019 and there Is no arrears outstanding against the above service till to date. ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, ERO :: APSPDCL :: MARTUR “ok jfals ol: uve A SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED From To The Asst.Accounts Officer, Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Electricity Revenue Office, Ballikurava Village, Martur. Ballikurava Mandal. i )08 /2019, Dt.20.03,2 sir, Sub:- Electricity Revenue Office, Martur - SCNo.4621306000760 Cat-I of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section- Issuing of No-dues Certificate - Reg. Ref:- 1.Party Representation dt. 19.03.2019. eee With reference to the above, it is to inform that the Consumer of SCNo.4621306000760 Cat-I of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section have paid the C.C Charges up to 03/2019 and there is no arrears outstanding against the above service till to date. Sun Wo k Si ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, ERO :; APSPDCL :; MARTUR. SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED From To The Asst.Accounts Officer, Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Electricity Revenue Office, Ballikurava Village, Martur. Ballikurava Mandal, A 3 .D.No. || 19, Dt.20.03.2019. sir, ‘Sub:- Electricity Revenue Office, Martur - SCNo.4621306000761 Cat-I of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section Issuing of No-dues Certificate - Reg Ref:- 1.Party Representation dt.19.03.2019. ee With reference to the above, it is to inform that the Consumer of SCNo.4621306000761 Cat-I of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Ballikurava Village, Ballikurava Section have paid the C.C Chargas up to 03/2019 and there is no arrears outstanding against the above service till to date. s ei Gk ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, ERO :: APSPDCL :: MARTUR. SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED FROM To, The Asst. Accounts Officer, Smt GOTTIPATI JHANSI, ‘SUB-ELECTRICITY REVENUE CFT ICE, 912130020038, APSPDCL, CPT 02 SECTION, Chilakaluripet. Chilakaluripet LnNo.AAG/S.ERO/AO/AG/IAO/SR.ASST/(Slab\/D.NO. 1OC /2018 DT: | -03-2019, Sir, Sub: Electricity-APSPDCL- S,ERO: CPT - SC.NO $12130020038, payment of Electricity Charges Clearance certificate — Regarding. Refi Letter dated nil. Received from GOTTIPATI IMANSI/CPT, With reference to the above it is to inform that the Sc.No 912130020038, CPT D2 Section of Chilakaluripet town was billed with the reading 79346 as on 05.03.19 and the bill amount was paid on 18.03.19, Hence, It Is certified that no arrears pending as on 19-32-19 against the Se.No.912130020038 of CPT D2 Section Chilakeluripet, L Ph AJA ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, SUB ELECTRICIT- REVENUE OFFICE, CHILAKALURIPET. lol Pabeg nnd |S zy/ e Comission Exp.on Doc.25.2024 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED From To The Asst.Accounts Officer, Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Electricity Revenue Office, Elchur village, Martur. Santhamagulur Mandal. -ERO.MTR.JAO.SA.D.No. \\5_/2019, Dt.21.03.2019. Sir, Sub:- Electricity Revenue Office, Martur - SCNo.4621431003174 Cat-II of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Elchur Village, Santhamagulur Section- Issuing of No-dues Certificate - Reg. Ref:- 1.Party Representation dt.20.03.2019. eee With reference to the above, it is to inform that the Consumer of SCNo0.4621431003178 Cat-II of Smt. Gottipati Jhansi, Elchur Village, Santhamagulur Section have paid the C.C Charges up to 03/2019 and there is no arrears outstanding against the above service till to date. Me ute Ban be ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, ERO ; APSPDCL :; MARTUR. hola ka é ener Solera Sardis ihe the following telephones inst these telephones as on 3.2019. "Ai ld. by Gove of. iron an 95 one oe ae cufstuing as on 19.03.2019 | Nal Aspe Destseceia * | ee © HE RANGAR PUAN Reesor srw A Nile us| HLINEPANSARPURAW > ee be [Nil 2 : | e are S| | “ees |S oe . Padmavats ({]or]i¢ ntsc (Ruma) <4 S* SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION = ee COMPANY OF A.P. LTD NO DUES CERTIFICATE This is to certify that there is no dues (upto bill issued on 05.03.2018) as on 21.03.2019 in respect of ONG264 M/s KISHORE SLABS & TILES Prakasam (0.7) ONGOLE Prakasam District. « / SENIOR ACCOUNTS oFticeR, \« OPERATION CIRCLE:ONGOLE. SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED. FROM To, The Asst, Accounts Officer, Sri Kishore Slabes,& Tiles, ‘SUB-ELECTRICITY REVENUE OFFICE, SC.NO.9121551002754 APSPDCL, Nandendla Chilakaluripet. Ganapavarme Section Li.NoAAO/S.ERO/JAO/AO/IAN/SRASST/(SlabY/D.NO. |0\ (2019 DT: |4 -03-2019. Sir, Sub:- Electricity-APSPDCL- S.ERO- CPT -SC.NO, 9121551002754 Payment of Electricity Charges ~ Clearance certificate — Regarding, etter dated nil, Received from Kishore Slabes,& Tiles, With reference to the above it is to inform that the Se.No 9121551002754 Ganapavaram Section of OSD Chilakeluripet was billed with the reading of 26197 as on 12-03-19 and the bill amount was paid on 19-3-19, Hence, It is certified that no arrests pending as on 19-3-19 against the Sc.No 9121551702754 of Ganapavaram Section of & OSD Chilakaluripet. = Th JA ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER, SUB ELECTRICIT- REVENUE OFFICE, CHILAKALURIPET, Ki S02) een ent AP hin 34320288624 Office of the Asst. Commissioner of State Tax, Addanki, dt.18-3.2019, CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE This i to certify that there are no tax balances due from M/s Kishore Slabs & Tiles, Jonnathali- Tin: 37320258624 as on today under APVAT ACT‘05 & CST ACT’S6. Ni, Baeee ay Asst. Conrfissionert T) Addanki To M/s Kishore Slabs & Tiles, Asst COMMISSIO) Jonnathali ‘STATE TAX, ADDANK) CIRC —~ ADDANKI (our DEPOSIT SCHEMES ATA GLANce) Sige Bana acne Doe Une Accor [separ fi en pee Brey ont aim ———t | ‘RD Aare RO Phe Aceon Tom IB ai et Aiea sg APO A pleable terme accanat one RAS Comp. No. 11302 Where tdi Banks oe ‘WR PASS BOOK som sire ne Als No. MAS GOTT PATS KAN ‘ IKUWAR NY. 5-128 me Code: st Phone Na. BY PRAKASAM DT c was Modé? 645.0) BUH bia nial ANDERS FRADESi~33330 ee vers eral, dhprag, fre - S00 002 ‘Toten WAG § Gt (Noinaton Kogan Yoo!No Managor' Signature ES OFS as Rena Ao 2-25-3019 / am 3); totAP \Sea/ Apotby Cowl at FORM-A COMMUNICATION WITH REGARD TO AUTHORISED PERSONS TO INTIMATE NAMES (OF CANDIDATES SET UP BY RECOGNISED NATIONAL OR STATE POLITICAL PARTY OR REGISTERED UN-RECOGNISED POLITICAL PARTY. (See paragraph 13(c), (d) and (e) cf the Election Symbols (Reservation and Alictment) Order, 1968) To, 1, The Chief Electoral Officer, Andbra Pradesh State. 2, The Returning Officer for the IOS: ADRANK)........ Assembly Constituency. Subject: General Elections to AP. State Legislative Assembly — Allotment of Synbols — Authorization of persons to intimate names of candidates eee Sir, In pursuance of the paragraph 13 (c), (d) and (e) of the Election Symbols (Reservation ancl ‘Allotment) Order, 1968, [hereby communicate that the following person(s) has/heve been authortes by the TELUGU DESAM PARTY, which is a recognized State Party in the State of Andhra Pradesh to intimate the names of the candidates proposed to be sot up by the party at the election cited above [Name of person authorized to | Name of office held in the Disini send notice party | Constituen je ‘whieh he hi | authorized T 2 | > | ALL ASSEMAL’ 1. NARA CHANDRABABU | PARTY PRESIDENT — | CONSTITUENCIES IN NaATBU THE STATE OF A.P. IN | $ WHICH GENERAL | ELECTIONS ARE | SCHEDULED, _ 2, The specimen signatures of the above mentioned person(s), so authorized are given below: - 1. Specimen signatures of Sri NARA CHANDRABABU NAIDU r Pg ed of Ne i)... A aay Gin. JN £ (NARA CHANDRABABU NAIDU ) PRESIDENT, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Place: GUNTUR Date : 18-03-2019 NB. 1. This must be delivered to the Reluming Offices and the Chief Electoral Offiver no. later thar p.m. on the last date for making neminat ons. 2. Form must be signed in ink by the office bearer(s) mentioned above. No facsimile signature or signature by means of rubber stamp, elc., of any office bearer shall be accepted 3. No form transmitted by fax shall be accepted, te B2) ada rcae be SY Govt onlealen Expy Bee Se oe4 c FORM B NOTICE AS TO NAMES OF CANDIDATES SET UP BY THE POLITICAL PARTY [See paragraphs 13(b), (c) and (2) and 134 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order 1968) To ‘The Returning Officer for the 1o5- ARRANKL..... . . Assembly Constituency. Subject: General Election to A.P. State Legislative Assembly from .|92 -, A PPANKL (Name of the Constituency) in Andhra Pradesh State - Setting up of candidate. Sir, In pursuance of paragraphs 13(b), (c) and (e) and 13A of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, | hereby give notice on behalf of TELUGU DESAM PARTY. (i) that the person whose particulars are fumished in columns. (2) and (4) below is the approved candidate of the party above named, and the person whose particulars are mentioned in columns (5) to (7) below is the substitute candidate of the party, who will step-in on the approved candidate's nomination being rejected on scrutiny of on his withdrawing from the contest, if the substitute candidate is stil a contesting candidate, at the ensuing general election from this constituency Name of the substiute Father's candidate who will Father's / Name | Name ofthe | Mother's / stoprin Mother's / Postal ofthe | approved | Husband's | Postal addruss of Se Husband's | address of corsi- | candidate | namcof | approved — | eaidat'sconinaion | “ome yr | substute tuency approved | candidate juan substitute | candicate Gandata Withdraviag fromthe | candidate | somest if subsite ceardidateis sila |_contesting candidate t i 2 3 a 5 6 7 = ae Gotti pari|cesne jia- 62-1 Goislipar i Gavik PH w-62-4 larei 88° Ipornv arvana perme de Bemre lRavi KumeR] COATEY | amos) THAMED Ravi KUMAR |e pot PRAKACAM DT JADDanet Dae ae | Nate RAKALAM Ips: S320) OD we Suazet loll Af ~ *2. The notice Form ‘B’ given earlier favgur of Shri / Smt. / Sushr roved\eandidate/Shri/Smt./Sushr as party's substitute candidate is hereby Seiters sss +, 88 party's apy rescinded. 3. Itis certified that each of the candidates whose name is mentioned above is a member of this Political Party and his name is duly borne on the rolls of members of this party. Yours faithful NVO- /\ / . (NARA CHANDRABABU NAIDU ) PRESIDENT, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Place: GUNTUR Date: 18-03-2019 * Score off, if not applicable. This must be delivered to the Returning Officer and the Chief Electorel Officer not later than 3 .m. on the last date for making nominations. 2. Form must be signed in ink by the office bearer(s) mentioned abeve. No facsimile signalure or Signature by means of rubber stamp, ete., of any office bearer shall be accepted. 3. No Form transmitted by tax shall be accepted Para 2 of the Form must be scored off, if not applicable, er must be properly filled, if applicable, Liollglate br Atia-ancqmn Z wlan: erage B08: 3 mare = esi Smee Saag 4 ones Mik topseny | int agis esas as mins fi 1 tea 5 Tao Ta ial Sie se Sor a pen ae tages | ssh wats tide Berwatne sete otaagesh | eam: sen the san otanes thy - stoi 2 22 18 Oa 2888: tre a anst50a1 | ay SBS cttease $4 Serucy Sot magewense $8109 55 enancann E89) foes oy nese tS ae ay ord oun 3299 sawp Petty 19 tc i See: $6 tainw 420048i08 [a] ny ease j ‘ Sabie mse | sot: mam ence | eens ine Sr ro eoneaese | S680; mast wari chow, aes: Se) 28 tenaaseh e057 Say Ba wd, sen Bo Ba mccoy eae deat 2537; seve iS tras _= 7 Soviet usdaus Sw: Bog wages Bima: aahace S98) 2 fo - oe Sonn stay | a ec =e! reais _f#! re -o. 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