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You and your screenplay client or writing partner have hashed

out the project details and are raring to get started on the
writing process. Problem is – one of you is getting hung up on
the contractual details of the partnership. A screenplay
contract or writer’s agreement is absolutely crucial – however,
sometimes the neurotic or paranoid partner may start to get the
screenplay contract jitters. In many cases, the person getting
their knicker in a knot may not be either partner; it may be an
overzealous lawyer who seems intent on stalling the project. In
which case, the project can be delayed for an indeterminate
amount of time – or fail to get off the ground at all.
While it’s important to protect both the writer’s and client’s
interests, drafting a long form writer’s agreement can easily
get out of hand. Is your screenplay contract getting in the way
of a potentially fruitful partnership? Read on to find out:

Has the writer already invested a significant amount of time

and contract quibbles are delaying payment? Then it may be
time to engage in a short form screenplay agreement.
Are there foreign-sounding provisions in the contract that no
one understands, and will likely require 20 hours of a
lawyer’s attention (not to mention major $$$)?
Is it starting to feel like the contract is the job, and
you’ve forgotten the real task is writing the screenplay?

If any of this sounds like your situation, in the interim the

partners can initiate a “short form agreement.”

The short form agreement is not intended as the be-all / end-all

of contracts between the parties. It’s merely a crutch to get
the ball rolling… While it can be written in a way to protect
both parties, it cannot be considered a substitute for the
reasonable long form contract drawn up by knickers-in-a-knot man
(the lawyer).

What many people don’t realize is that two parties can have a
binding agreement that’s written in easy-to-understand language.
For a short form contract to hold, it doesn’t need to be written
in Latin. You shouldn’t have to go to college for X amount of
years to get the project’s scope on paper.

What does a short form agreement look like? First off, be sure
to include the following items in your short form agreement:

What are the requirements of the writing assignment?

When does/did the project begin?
When shall the project end?
What is the writer’s compensation?
Who owns the rights to the product?

Ensure you include language that states that this screenplay

contract is merely a short form agreement, and that a long form
agreement will be entered at a later date.

If you wish, you are welcome to freely use the short form
agreement template below. We’ve used this writer’s agreement
many times with clients.
—-begin short form agreement template—-

Wednesday, August 16, 2015

Dear, Client:

This contract stipulates our agreement regarding the Teleplay

for your TV Show idea, temporarily titled “The Teleplay”
(working title), further referred to as “The Teleplay.”

I agree to write “The Teleplay” based on your ideas in exchange

for $2000 (paid via paypal).

We both understand that “The Teleplay” requires “development” as

there are anecdotes, but no actual story, which must be
developed. I will develop the story for you and foresee a 2‐4
week turnaround.

However, we both want a script of the highest quality and I will

continue doing further drafts if necessary to create the
strongest version of “The Teleplay.”

Once “The Teleplay” is complete to our satisfaction, I will use

my industry contacts to shop the “The Teleplay” to networks and
production companies.

Should “The Teleplay” be purchased, I anticipate being

compensated for my work via WGA rules and extend first “right of
refusal” to participate in the development of the show.

Through this process, the ideas, characters and concept of “The

Teleplay” is the property of you, the Client. I, the
Screenwriter, merely reserve the right to be compensated if this
“version” of your idea is sold to a network, production company
or media entity warranting the production of “The Teleplay”
(temporary title).
This is a short form agreement. We both agree to enter a more
detailed agreement upon the sale of “The Teleplay.”


Name of Screenwriter

Name of Client

—-end short form agreement template—-

Please note: Short Script Gods are writers, not lawyers. We
provide advice and suggestions based on our experiences –
however, we cannot provide legal counsel. Consultation with your
lawyer is recommended to determine the legal effect of this
document and any other document or blog on our site, no matter
how cocky we may sound.



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I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube! Dead Ringers

I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube! Cadillac Desert Movie

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True Diary of: HAL 9000


I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube! Dead Ringers

September 19, 2017

I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube! Cadillac Desert

August 7, 2017

I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube – Real Men

August 7, 2017

I Can’t Believe it’s on YouTube – The Third Generation

June 16, 2017

I Can’t Believe It’s on YouTube – TO LIVE

May 22, 2017

© 2019 Short Script Gods. All Rights Reserved.

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