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Staff Appraisal Questionnaire TPA Romania

Name Radu Marina Manager Raluca Mate

Entry Date 10.12.2018 Area/Group
Current Position Accountant Date
Interview Participants Florentina Moldoveanu, Raluca Mate, Ana Maria Grigore

Part 1: Competence Feedback for Employees

Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Questionnaire serves to establish a joint understanding of your fields of competence and
development. You will receive structured feedback on your work performance and you can also convey your own

After you go through the guidance part for each KPI (key performance indicator), you are asked to mention your areas
of competence according to the following scale:
SA = Strengths & Achievements
AI = Areas of Improvement

Professional Competence _ Guidance

Professional Knowledge and Skills

■ Possesses the adequate knowledge and experience in the respective expert field and applies them in a
suitable manner in practice.

Quality Orientation
■ Works carefully, comprehensively and precisely and the work result corresponds to quality standards.

Work Organisation and Reliability

■ Sets priorities correctly, arranges work time to execute important and urgent tasks first.
■ Uses checklists and observes internal procedures. Treats chargeability with due care.
■ Observes deadlines and agreements.
■ Treats confidential information with the required discretion.

Solution-Oriented Skills

■ Recognises problems in time and finds feasible solutions independently. Observe contractual clauses,
client’s behaviour towards third parties including but not limited to tax authorities in order for the client to be
fully compliant with legal requirements.
■ Shows proactivity in dealing with clients.

Professional Competence _ Feedback

Strengths & Achievements / Areas of Improvement for each item mentioned above

Unul dintre obiectivele pe care le-am urmarit pe parcursul carierei mele a fost acela de a respecta termenele
limita . Tind sa cred ca acest obiectiv a devenit o abilitate pentru mine. De asemenea, ma regasesc a fi o
persoana autodidacta, orientate catre rezultat. Punctualitatea este un punct forte pe care il detin. Capacitatea
de evaluare si sinteza a informatiilor m-a ajutat ca in mai putin de sase luni sa predau o parte din sarcinile de
la inceput in schimbul altor sarcini mai complexe.
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Personal and Social Competence _ Guidance


■ Can integrate and works actively in the group. Offers and seeks support if necessary. Accepts management
and team decisions.


■ Displays enthusiasm and involvement in his/her work (self-motivation).

■ Works efficiently, also under time pressure/ in difficult situations.

■ Tackles tasks determinedly and executes them to their conclusion.

Communication Skills

■ Expresses him/herself clearly and comprehensively. Assure the transparency of the information within the
team and adapts it to client understanding.
■ Capability to offer and accept constructive feedback and capacity to work on weaknesses.

Client Orientation

■ Is polite, reliable and diplomatic. Identifies client expectations in terms of business opportunities and
efficiency and recommends suitable solutions.

Willingness to Learn and Flexibility

■ Embraces change in his/her professional area and displays openness in keeping knowledge up-to-date or to
expand it.

Personal and Social Competence _ Feedback

Strengths & Achievements / Areas of Improvement for each item mentioned above

Dorinta de a invata lucruri noi cat si flexibilitatea , m-au ajutat sa evoluez in aceasta
echipa. Tot cu dorinta de invatare si dar si cu rabdare, am reusit sa testez impreuna cu
managerul meu, o tranzactie de import care sa reduca timpul de lucru al echipei dar si sa
usureze munca depusa.
In cadrul companiei mi-am dezvoltat abilitatile de comunicare mass-media si am invatat
sa fiu diplomata in toate situatiile . Spiritul inovator si creativitatea mi-au dat sansa sa
ajut ceilalti colegi din echipa.

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Part 2: Agreement of Objectives

Part 2 of the Staff Appraisal Questionnaire serves to jointly discuss the objectives which you had defined for the
previous year and to agree on new objectives for the coming year.

Note that the objectives which are agreed upon are “SMART”, i.e. specific, measurable, accepted, realistic and time-

Review: Agreement of Objectives from Previous Year

Individual Objective and Weight Objective achieved/not achieved/Notes

The sequence corresponds to level of priority

Objective 1: Unul dintre principalele obiective pe care le-am atins in decursul cariei mele
de contabil in cadrul TPA, este acela de a dobandi capacitatea de a tine
singura evidenta contabila a unei interprinderi, fie ea si microinteprindere.

Objective 2:
De asemenea, imporant pentru mine a fost reducerea timpului de lucru pe
sarcini astfel incat datele contabile sa fie inregistrate in timp util pentru a fi
prelucrate si utilizate;

Objective 3: Un alt obiectiv pe care l-am urmarit, a fost acela de a transmite correct si
commplet inofrmatiile contabile catre client .

Outlook: Agreement of Objectives for the Coming Year

Description of the Objective and Quantity or Quality Criteria as

Individual Objective and Weight

The sequence corresponds to level of priority

Objective 1:
Obiectivul pe care as vrea sa il ating in viitorul apropiat, este acela de a
contribui la cresterea cotei de piata a companiei si optimizarea proceselor
financiare ale acesteia.

Objective 2:
Doresc să mă dezvolt profesional lucrând alaturi de o echipa care să-mi
valorifice abilităţile

Objective 3: De asemenea, tind spre dobandirea capacitaii de a conduce si de a

raspunde cu privire la indeplinirea obiectivelor de munca

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Signature, Employee Signature, Manager

Part 3: Feedback from you to your Manager

In Part 3 of the Staff Appraisal Questionnaire you have the possibility to provide feedback to your manager as regards
his/her managerial conduct.

My manager communicates in a clear and open manner.

My manager makes sufficient time available for the regular exchange of information and actively promotes a
transfer of information and knowledge between departments and areas.

Together with my manager, I develop clear, attainable, comprehensible and scheduled targets.

I am aware of the objectives of my manager and his/her area.

I am aware of the objectives of the company.

Your Feedback _ Strengths & Achievements / Areas of Improvement

I receive feedback regularly and promptly (positive feedback and constructive criticism) from my manager and my
opinion is actively sought.
My manager appreciates my performance and I have the impression that I perform important and valuable work for
the company.
My manager takes time to listen and shows an interest in my thoughts and ideas.

Your Feedback _ Strengths & Achievements / Areas of Improvement

My manager openly displays enthusiasm for our team and the company and transmits me with his/her enthusiasm.
I am encouraged by my manager to introduce my own ideas and proposals for solutions.
My manager trusts me and provides me with the necessary space to do tasks autonomously and to try out new

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My manager stands by his/her own mistakes, thereby creating an atmosphere in which it is possible to admit one’s
mistakes and to learn from them.

Your Feedback _ Strengths & Achievements / Areas of Improvement

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