3KC69646KAAATHZZA - V1 - 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Command Line Interface Guide

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Photonic Service Switch (PSS)

Release 10.0

Command Line Interface Guide

Issue 1
August 2017
Nokia 1830 PSS

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Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or
tradenames of their respective owners.

The information presented is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies contained herein.

© 2017 Nokia.

Conformance statement

Interference Information: Part 15 of FCC Rules

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If the equipment is not installed and
used in accordance with the guidelines in this document, the equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at the expense of the user.

Security statement

In rare instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telecommunications network through the use of remote access
features. In such an event, applicable tariffs require that the customer pay all network charges for traffic. Nokia cannot be responsible for
such charges and will not make any allowance or give any credit for charges that result from unauthorized access.

Limited Warranty

For terms and conditions of sale, contact your Nokia Account Team.

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Nokia 1830 PSS


About this document..........................................................................................................................................94

Part I: General information ................................................................................................................................99

1 Introduction to 1830 CLI ............................................................................................................................101

1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................101
1.2 Command Line Interface (CLI)........................................................................................................102
1.3 Connecting to a network element....................................................................................................105
1.4 CLI navigation .................................................................................................................................118
1.5 CLI help functions ...........................................................................................................................120

Part II: System and equipment management .................................................................................................123

2 General CLI commands .............................................................................................................................125

2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................125
2.2 config...............................................................................................................................................126
2.3 config general..................................................................................................................................131
2.4 config general fips-squelching.........................................................................................................146
2.5 config general ftpserver...................................................................................................................147
2.6 config general ntp............................................................................................................................150
2.7 config general timezone ..................................................................................................................156
2.8 echo ................................................................................................................................................167
2.9 help .................................................................................................................................................168
2.10 history..............................................................................................................................................171
2.11 logout ..............................................................................................................................................172
2.12 paging .............................................................................................................................................173
2.13 prompt .............................................................................................................................................175
2.14 show................................................................................................................................................176
2.15 show general...................................................................................................................................182
2.16 show logs ........................................................................................................................................194
2.17 show traps.......................................................................................................................................197
2.18 tools gmre_cli ..................................................................................................................................198
2.19 tools lamptest ..................................................................................................................................199
2.20 tools tl1............................................................................................................................................200

3 System administration commands...........................................................................................................201

3.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................201

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Nokia 1830 PSS

Commands addressing multiple areas ....................................................................................................207

3.2 config admin....................................................................................................................................207
3.3 show admin .....................................................................................................................................215
Security commands ...................................................................................................................................218
3.4 config admin authentication ............................................................................................................218
3.5 config admin authentication radius..................................................................................................220
3.6 config admin authentication radius add...........................................................................................223
3.7 config admin session.......................................................................................................................225
3.8 config admin snmpusers .................................................................................................................227
3.9 config admin snmpusers add ..........................................................................................................229
3.10 config admin snmpusers edit ..........................................................................................................231
3.11 config admin syslog.........................................................................................................................233
3.12 config admin system .......................................................................................................................237
3.13 config admin ui ................................................................................................................................239
3.14 config admin users ..........................................................................................................................241
3.15 config admin users add ...................................................................................................................244
3.16 config admin users edit ...................................................................................................................247
3.17 config admin users logging .............................................................................................................252
3.18 config admin users logging cli .........................................................................................................254
3.19 config admin users logging snmp....................................................................................................257
3.20 config sslcert ...................................................................................................................................260
3.21 config sslcsr ....................................................................................................................................261
3.22 crypto key........................................................................................................................................263
3.23 crypto sslkey ...................................................................................................................................267
3.24 passwd ............................................................................................................................................269
3.25 show admin syslog..........................................................................................................................270
3.26 show admin user .............................................................................................................................271
3.27 show sslcert ....................................................................................................................................273
3.28 timeout [<timeout>] .........................................................................................................................274
3.29 who..................................................................................................................................................275
3.30 whoami............................................................................................................................................276
Data communication network commands ...............................................................................................277
3.31 config acl_default ............................................................................................................................277
3.32 config acl_filter ................................................................................................................................280
3.33 config acl_pattern............................................................................................................................282
3.34 config acl_port.................................................................................................................................288
3.35 config acl_default6 ..........................................................................................................................292

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3.36 config acl_filter6 ..............................................................................................................................294

3.37 config acl_pattern6..........................................................................................................................297
3.38 config acl_port6...............................................................................................................................304
3.39 config cn..........................................................................................................................................308
3.40 config cn netif ..................................................................................................................................310
3.41 config cn netif <index> ....................................................................................................................313
3.42 config cn netif <index> ospf ............................................................................................................316
3.43 config cn ospf area..........................................................................................................................320
3.44 config cn ospf iprange .....................................................................................................................326
3.45 config cn routes default ...................................................................................................................328
3.46 config cn routes default add ............................................................................................................331
3.47 config cn routes default delete ........................................................................................................333
3.48 config cn routes default gateway.....................................................................................................334
3.49 config cn routes default redistribute ................................................................................................336
3.50 config cn routes default6 .................................................................................................................338
3.51 config cn routes default6 add ..........................................................................................................340
3.52 config cn routes default6 delete ......................................................................................................341
3.53 config cn routes default6 gateway...................................................................................................342
3.54 config cn routes static .....................................................................................................................343
3.55 config cn routes static add ..............................................................................................................345
3.56 config cn routes static delete...........................................................................................................348
3.57 config cn routes static redistribute...................................................................................................351
3.58 config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf ..................................................353
3.59 config interface <card> <custlan-port>............................................................................................357
3.60 config interface <eqm-ctrl>..............................................................................................................360
3.61 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ...........................................................................................362
3.62 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf ...................................................................................371
3.63 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> .............................................................................................375
3.64 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf .....................................................................................383
3.65 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port> .............................................................................................387
3.66 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port> .............................................................................................397
3.67 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ........................................................................................400
3.68 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf ................................................................................407
3.69 config interface gmre.......................................................................................................................410
3.70 config interface gmre {nodeip | notifyip} ..........................................................................................411
3.71 config interface {loopback | loopback1}...........................................................................................413
3.72 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>.....................................................................................417

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3.73 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf.............................................................................426

3.74 config snmpserver...........................................................................................................................431
3.75 config snmpserver community ........................................................................................................433
3.76 config snmpserver trapdest.............................................................................................................436
3.77 config snmpserver trapdest add......................................................................................................438
3.78 show acl_default .............................................................................................................................441
3.79 show acl_filter .................................................................................................................................443
3.80 show acl_pattern .............................................................................................................................446
3.81 show acl_port ..................................................................................................................................451
3.82 show acl_default6 ...........................................................................................................................454
3.83 show acl_filter6 ...............................................................................................................................456
3.84 show acl_pattern6 ...........................................................................................................................459
3.85 show acl_port6 ................................................................................................................................464
3.86 show cn netif ...................................................................................................................................467
3.87 show cn networkmap ......................................................................................................................470
3.88 show cn ospf area ...........................................................................................................................471
3.89 show cn ospf iprange ......................................................................................................................472
3.90 show cn routes redistribute .............................................................................................................473
3.91 show cn routes static.......................................................................................................................474
3.92 show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf....................................................476
3.93 show interface <card> <custlan-port>.............................................................................................478
3.94 show interface <eqm-ctrl>...............................................................................................................480
3.95 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ............................................................................................482
3.96 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ..............................................................................................484
3.97 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>...............................................................................................486
3.98 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port> ..............................................................................................488
3.99 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> .........................................................................................490
3.100 show interface gmre........................................................................................................................492
3.101 show interface {loopback | loopback1} ............................................................................................493
3.102 show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>......................................................................................495
3.103 show snmpserver ............................................................................................................................498
3.104 tools ping.........................................................................................................................................500
3.105 tools tracert .....................................................................................................................................503
Database and software commands ..........................................................................................................506
3.106 config ason feasibility ......................................................................................................................506
3.107 config ason feasibility server ...........................................................................................................509
3.108 config database ...............................................................................................................................511

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3.109 config database server....................................................................................................................516

3.110 config debugdump...........................................................................................................................518
3.111 config debugdump server................................................................................................................522
3.112 config dumpdata..............................................................................................................................524
3.113 config firmware................................................................................................................................526
3.114 config mgracd..................................................................................................................................529
3.115 config software ................................................................................................................................531
3.116 config software server .....................................................................................................................532
3.117 config software server transfer........................................................................................................535
3.118 config software upgrade..................................................................................................................538
3.119 config software upgrade manual .....................................................................................................540
3.120 config turnup ...................................................................................................................................542
3.121 show ason feasibility .......................................................................................................................544
3.122 show database ................................................................................................................................546
3.123 show firmware .................................................................................................................................548
3.124 show mgracd...................................................................................................................................553
3.125 show software .................................................................................................................................555
Cluster commands.....................................................................................................................................565
3.126 config admin clusterip .....................................................................................................................565
3.127 config admin clusterip add ..............................................................................................................567
3.128 config admin clusterip modify..........................................................................................................569
3.129 config admin clusterip delete...........................................................................................................571
3.130 show admin clusterip.......................................................................................................................572
Licensing commands ................................................................................................................................574
3.131 config license <dsw-card>...............................................................................................................574
3.132 config license inventory...................................................................................................................577
3.133 config license inventory server........................................................................................................579
3.134 show license <dsw-card>................................................................................................................582
3.135 show license inventory ....................................................................................................................584
Flexgrid enable commands.......................................................................................................................586
3.136 config admin flexgrid .......................................................................................................................586
3.137 show admin flexgrid ........................................................................................................................588
Synchronization interface commands .....................................................................................................589
3.138 config interface <pf-fcru-card> ........................................................................................................589
3.139 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state ..............................................................................591
3.140 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>.......................................................................................594
3.141 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe..............................................................................597

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3.142 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe...................................................................................601

3.143 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm.................................................................................604
3.144 config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> .............................................................................................606
3.145 show interface <pf-fcru-card> .........................................................................................................612
3.146 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> ........................................................................................614
3.147 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe ...............................................................................616
3.148 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe ....................................................................................619
3.149 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm ..................................................................................622
3.150 show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> ..............................................................................................624
ASON or ASONL interface commands.....................................................................................................628
3.151 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} ..................................................................628
3.152 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment <index> .................................632
3.153 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset ..........................................636
3.154 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} ...................................................................638
3.155 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment ................................................641
3.156 show interface ason impairment .....................................................................................................643
3.157 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset ...........................................645
3.158 show interface ason wavelengthset ................................................................................................648

4 Equipment management commands .......................................................................................................651

4.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................651
Shelf commands ........................................................................................................................................659
4.2 config shelf ......................................................................................................................................659
4.3 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check.................................................................................................675
4.4 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer ............................................................................677
4.5 config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch ............................................................................................679
4.6 show shelf .......................................................................................................................................681
4.7 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check ..................................................................................................690
4.8 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer..............................................................................692
4.9 show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch .............................................................................................694
Shelf synchronization commands............................................................................................................699
4.10 config sync <shelf-aid> ...................................................................................................................699
4.11 config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> ..............................................................................................702
4.12 config sync <shelf-aid> sync0 .........................................................................................................707
4.13 config sync <shelf-aid> syncout ......................................................................................................711
4.14 show sync <shelf-aid>.....................................................................................................................716
4.15 show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>................................................................................................718

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4.16 show sync <shelf-aid> sync0 ..........................................................................................................722

4.17 show sync <shelf-aid> syncout .......................................................................................................725
General slot-card commands....................................................................................................................728
4.18 config card.......................................................................................................................................728
4.19 config slot ........................................................................................................................................736
4.20 config slot <slot-aid> type ...............................................................................................................738
4.21 config slot migration ........................................................................................................................744
4.22 show card........................................................................................................................................747
4.23 show slot .........................................................................................................................................749
4.24 show slot migration .........................................................................................................................752
Mandatory card commands ......................................................................................................................754
4.25 config card <clipon-ec-card>...........................................................................................................754
4.26 config card <eqm-ctrl> ....................................................................................................................758
4.27 config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm..............................................................................................764
4.28 config card <sc-card>......................................................................................................................766
4.29 config fan.........................................................................................................................................771
4.30 config mfc........................................................................................................................................776
4.31 config interface mfc .........................................................................................................................782
4.32 config pf...........................................................................................................................................784
4.33 config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping ..................................................................................................789
4.34 config shfpnl ....................................................................................................................................793
4.35 config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}...................................................................................................................795
4.36 show card <clipon-ec-card> ............................................................................................................799
4.37 show card <eqm-ctrl>......................................................................................................................801
4.38 show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm...............................................................................................806
4.39 show card <sc-card>.......................................................................................................................808
4.40 show fan..........................................................................................................................................810
4.41 show mfc .........................................................................................................................................814
4.42 show interface mfc ..........................................................................................................................818
4.43 show pf............................................................................................................................................821
4.44 show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping....................................................................................................828
4.45 show shfpnl .....................................................................................................................................831
4.46 show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} ....................................................................................................................832
Packet and PTP card commands..............................................................................................................835
4.47 config card 11dpe12 ........................................................................................................................835
4.48 config card 11dpe12a ......................................................................................................................842
4.49 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> .....................................................................................850

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4.50 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport ........................................................................852

4.51 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport ...................................................................854
4.52 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create ..........................................................................857
4.53 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify..........................................................................862
4.54 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ................................................................................867
4.55 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 ........................................................................................871
4.56 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT...................................................................................875
4.57 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp .................................................................................879
4.58 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 ......................................................................883
4.59 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port...............................................................886
4.60 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>.....................................................889
4.61 config card 11dpe12e ......................................................................................................................897
4.62 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ................................................................................905
4.63 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 ........................................................................................909
4.64 config card 11ope8 ..........................................................................................................................913
4.65 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 ............................................................................................919
4.66 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ....................................................................................923
4.67 config card 11qce12x ......................................................................................................................926
4.68 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0.........................................................................................931
4.69 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>.................................................................................935
4.70 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT ...................................................................................939
4.71 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp ..............................................................................942
4.72 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 ...................................................................946
4.73 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port ............................................................949
4.74 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>..................................................951
4.75 config card 11qpe24 ........................................................................................................................959
4.76 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 ..........................................................................................965
4.77 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ..................................................................................968
4.78 config card <dsw-packetswitch-card> .............................................................................................971
4.79 config card PTPCTL........................................................................................................................976
4.80 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ..................................................................................982
4.81 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 ..........................................................................................986
4.82 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT.....................................................................................990
4.83 config card PTPIO...........................................................................................................................994
4.84 config card ptpioc ............................................................................................................................998
4.85 show card 11dpe12 .......................................................................................................................1003
4.86 show card 11dpe12a .....................................................................................................................1005

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4.87 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 .......................................................................................1007

4.88 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT..................................................................................1010
4.89 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ...............................................................................1013
4.90 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid> .....................................................................................1017
4.91 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] ..........................................1021
4.92 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp ................................................................................1031
4.93 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 .....................................................................1035
4.94 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port ..............................................................1040
4.95 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>....................................................1042
4.96 show card 11dpe12e .....................................................................................................................1047
4.97 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 .......................................................................................1049
4.98 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ...............................................................................1052
4.99 show card 11ope8 .........................................................................................................................1056
4.100 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 ...........................................................................................1058
4.101 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ...................................................................................1061
4.102 show card 11qce12x .....................................................................................................................1065
4.103 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0........................................................................................1067
4.104 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>................................................................................1070
4.105 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT ..................................................................................1073
4.106 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp..............................................................................1076
4.107 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 ..................................................................1080
4.108 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port ...........................................................1085
4.109 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> .................................................1087
4.110 show card 11qpe24 .......................................................................................................................1092
4.111 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 .........................................................................................1094
4.112 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> .................................................................................1097
4.113 show card <dsw-packetswitch-card> ............................................................................................1101
4.114 show card PTPCTL .......................................................................................................................1104
4.115 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>..................................................................................1106
4.116 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0..........................................................................................1110
4.117 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT ....................................................................................1113
4.118 show card PTPIO ..........................................................................................................................1116
4.119 show card ptpioc............................................................................................................................1118
10G OT card commands ..........................................................................................................................1120
4.120 config card <10g-ot-card> .............................................................................................................1120
4.121 show card <10g-ot-card> ..............................................................................................................1127

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40G OT card commands ..........................................................................................................................1131

4.122 config card <40g-ot-card> .............................................................................................................1131
4.123 show card <40g-ot-card> ..............................................................................................................1136
100G OT card commands ........................................................................................................................1139
4.124 config card <100g-ot-card> ...........................................................................................................1139
4.125 show card <100g-ot-card> ............................................................................................................1144
200G OT card commands ........................................................................................................................1146
4.126 config card 260scx2 ......................................................................................................................1146
4.127 show card 260scx2........................................................................................................................1151
Other OT card commands .......................................................................................................................1153
4.128 config card 1dpp24m.....................................................................................................................1153
4.129 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ...............................................................................1158
4.130 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 .......................................................................................1161
4.131 config card 4dpa2..........................................................................................................................1163
4.132 config card 4dpa4..........................................................................................................................1167
4.133 config card 4qpa8..........................................................................................................................1172
4.134 show card 1dpp24m ......................................................................................................................1176
4.135 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> ................................................................................1178
4.136 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 ........................................................................................1181
4.137 show card 4dpa2 ...........................................................................................................................1184
4.138 show card 4dpa4 ...........................................................................................................................1186
4.139 show card 4qpa8 ...........................................................................................................................1188
Switched card commands .......................................................................................................................1189
4.140 config card <csw-card> .................................................................................................................1189
4.141 config card <dsw-card> .................................................................................................................1194
4.142 show card <csw-card> ..................................................................................................................1201
4.143 show card <dsw-card> ..................................................................................................................1203
Amplifier card commands .......................................................................................................................1206
4.144 config card <ld-card> ....................................................................................................................1206
4.145 show card <ld-card>......................................................................................................................1213
4.146 config card <ra-card> ....................................................................................................................1219
4.147 show card <ra-card> .....................................................................................................................1224
4.148 config card <aa2d-card> ...............................................................................................................1226
4.149 show card <aa2d-card> ................................................................................................................1230
4.150 config card <iroadm-card> ............................................................................................................1232
4.151 show card <iroadm-card> .............................................................................................................1239

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VAC card commands ...............................................................................................................................1242

4.152 config card mvac ...........................................................................................................................1242
4.153 config card mvac8b .......................................................................................................................1246
4.154 config card svac ............................................................................................................................1250
4.155 show card mvac ............................................................................................................................1254
4.156 show card mvac8b ........................................................................................................................1256
4.157 show card svac .............................................................................................................................1258
Passive shelf-card commands................................................................................................................1260
4.158 config card dcm.............................................................................................................................1260
4.159 config card {itlb | itlu} .....................................................................................................................1263
4.160 config card msh8-fsm....................................................................................................................1265
4.161 config card psc1-6.........................................................................................................................1267
4.162 show card dcm ..............................................................................................................................1269
4.163 show card {itlb | itlu} ......................................................................................................................1271
4.164 show card msh8-fsm .....................................................................................................................1272
4.165 show card psc1-6 ..........................................................................................................................1274
Filter card commands..............................................................................................................................1275
4.166 config card <sfd-sfc-card>.............................................................................................................1275
4.167 config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} .................................................................................1278
4.168 show card <sfd-sfc-card>..............................................................................................................1280
4.169 show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} ..................................................................................1282
Wavelength router card commands .......................................................................................................1283
4.170 config card <cwr-card>..................................................................................................................1283
4.171 config card <wr-card> ...................................................................................................................1289
4.172 config card <wr20-card> ...............................................................................................................1295
4.173 show card <wr-card>.....................................................................................................................1300
4.174 show card <wr20-card>.................................................................................................................1303
Optical protection card commands........................................................................................................1306
4.175 config card opsa............................................................................................................................1306
4.176 config card opsb ............................................................................................................................1311
4.177 show card opsa .............................................................................................................................1315
4.178 show card opsb .............................................................................................................................1317
Miscellaneous card commands ..............................................................................................................1319
4.179 config card aar-8a .........................................................................................................................1319
4.180 config card <aar2x-card> ..............................................................................................................1323
4.181 config card mcs8-16......................................................................................................................1328
4.182 config card mcs8-16l .....................................................................................................................1332

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4.183 config card mesh4.........................................................................................................................1336

4.184 config card mon-ocm.....................................................................................................................1342
4.185 config card mon-otdr .....................................................................................................................1344
4.186 config card <otdr-card> .................................................................................................................1346
4.187 config card wtocm .........................................................................................................................1351
4.188 config card wtocma .......................................................................................................................1355
4.189 config card wtocm-f .......................................................................................................................1360
4.190 config card wtocm-fl ......................................................................................................................1364
4.191 show card aar-8a ..........................................................................................................................1368
4.192 show card <aar2x-card> ...............................................................................................................1370
4.193 show card mcs8-16 .......................................................................................................................1372
4.194 show card mcs8-16l ......................................................................................................................1374
4.195 show card mesh4 ..........................................................................................................................1376
4.196 show card mon-ocm......................................................................................................................1378
4.197 show card mon-otdr ......................................................................................................................1380
4.198 show card <otdr-card> ..................................................................................................................1382
4.199 show card wtocm ..........................................................................................................................1384
4.200 show card wtocma ........................................................................................................................1386
4.201 show card wtocm-f ........................................................................................................................1388
4.202 show card wtocm-fl .......................................................................................................................1390
Redundancy commands..........................................................................................................................1392
4.203 config redundancy.........................................................................................................................1392
4.204 config redundancy fabric ...............................................................................................................1397
4.205 show redundancy ..........................................................................................................................1401
Inventory commands ...............................................................................................................................1410
4.206 show card inventory ......................................................................................................................1410
4.207 show interface inventory ...............................................................................................................1413
4.208 show shelf inventory......................................................................................................................1416

Part III: Card (core, OT, OTH) management ..................................................................................................1419

5 Core optics management commands ....................................................................................................1421

5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................1421
Amplifier common commands................................................................................................................1437
5.2 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid.............................................................................1437
LD-type card .............................................................................................................................................1445
5.3 config interface <ld-card>..............................................................................................................1445
5.4 config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state ...................................................................................1447

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5.5 config interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid> ....................................................................................1449

5.6 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................1452
5.7 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1456
5.8 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> .....................................................................................1459
5.9 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1463
5.10 config interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>................................................................................1466
5.11 config interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid> ......................................................................................1467
5.12 show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid> .....................................................................................1475
5.13 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>.......................................................................................1477
5.14 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................................1480
5.15 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>.......................................................................................1483
5.16 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm.................................................................................1486
5.17 show interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>.................................................................................1489
5.18 show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>........................................................................................1490
5.19 config interface aar-8a ..................................................................................................................1493
5.20 config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state ........................................................................................1494
5.21 config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> ......................................................................................1496
5.22 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>....................................................................................1498
5.23 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing ........................................................................1500
5.24 show interface aar-8a....................................................................................................................1502
5.25 show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> .......................................................................................1503
5.26 show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> .....................................................................................1505
AAR2X-card ..............................................................................................................................................1507
5.27 config interface <aar2x-card> .......................................................................................................1507
5.28 config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state .............................................................................1509
5.29 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> ...........................................................................1511
5.30 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>.........................................................................1514
5.31 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing .............................................................1517
5.32 show interface <aar2x-card>.........................................................................................................1519
5.33 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> ............................................................................1521
5.34 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> ..........................................................................1523
AM2032A ...................................................................................................................................................1525
5.35 config interface am2032a..............................................................................................................1525
5.36 config interface am2032a <port-aid> state....................................................................................1526
5.37 config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid> ....................................................................................1528
5.38 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>...................................................................................1530

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5.39 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm.............................................................................1533

5.40 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>.................................................................................1535
5.41 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1541
5.42 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing .....................................................................1543
5.43 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>.................................................................................1545
5.44 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1548
5.45 config interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>................................................................................1550
5.46 show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>......................................................................................1551
5.47 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> ....................................................................................1553
5.48 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................1556
5.49 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>..................................................................................1558
5.50 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm............................................................................1561
5.51 show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid>.......................................................................................1563
5.52 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> ..................................................................................1565
5.53 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ............................................................................1567
5.54 show interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid> .................................................................................1569
AM2125A and AM2125B...........................................................................................................................1570
5.55 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} .........................................................................................1570
5.56 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state ...............................................................1571
5.57 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> ................................................................1573
5.58 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>...............................................................1575
5.59 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm.........................................................1578
5.60 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> ............................................................1580
5.61 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm ......................................................1587
5.62 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing.................................................1589
5.63 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>.............................................................1591
5.64 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm.......................................................1594
5.65 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>............................................................1596
5.66 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> .................................................................1597
5.67 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>................................................................1599
5.68 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm..........................................................1602
5.69 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid>...................................................................1604
5.70 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>..............................................................1606
5.71 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm........................................................1608
5.72 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>.............................................................1610
5.73 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>..............................................................1611
5.74 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-portr-aid> pm ......................................................1614

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AM2318A ...................................................................................................................................................1616
5.75 config interface am2318a..............................................................................................................1616
5.76 config interface am2318a <port-aid> state....................................................................................1617
5.77 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>...................................................................................1619
5.78 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm.............................................................................1622
5.79 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>.................................................................................1624
5.80 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing .....................................................................1630
5.81 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1632
5.82 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>.................................................................................1634
5.83 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1637
5.84 config interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>................................................................................1639
5.85 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> ....................................................................................1640
5.86 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................1643
5.87 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>..................................................................................1645
5.88 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm............................................................................1648
5.89 show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid>.......................................................................................1650
5.90 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> ..................................................................................1652
5.91 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ............................................................................1654
5.92 show interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid> .................................................................................1656
AM2625A ...................................................................................................................................................1657
5.93 config interface am2625a..............................................................................................................1657
5.94 config interface am2625a <port-aid> state....................................................................................1658
5.95 config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid> ....................................................................................1660
5.96 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>...................................................................................1662
5.97 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm.............................................................................1665
5.98 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>.................................................................................1667
5.99 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1672
5.100 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>.................................................................................1674
5.101 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm...........................................................................1677
5.102 config interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>................................................................................1679
5.103 show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>......................................................................................1680
5.104 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> ....................................................................................1682
5.105 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................1685
5.106 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>..................................................................................1687
5.107 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm............................................................................1690
5.108 show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid>.......................................................................................1692
5.109 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> ..................................................................................1694

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5.110 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ............................................................................1696

5.111 show interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid> .................................................................................1698
ASWG ........................................................................................................................................................1699
5.112 config interface aswg ....................................................................................................................1699
5.113 config interface aswg <port-aid> state ..........................................................................................1700
5.114 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> .........................................................................................1702
5.115 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................1705
5.116 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> .......................................................................................1707
5.117 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm .................................................................................1714
5.118 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> testing............................................................................1716
5.119 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> .......................................................................................1718
5.120 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm .................................................................................1721
5.121 config interface aswg <custlan-port-aid> ......................................................................................1723
5.122 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid>...........................................................................................1724
5.123 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................1727
5.124 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> ........................................................................................1729
5.125 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................1732
5.126 show interface aswg <osc-port-aid> .............................................................................................1734
5.127 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>.........................................................................................1735
5.128 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm...................................................................................1737
5.129 show interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>........................................................................................1739
5.130 show interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid>..........................................................................................1740
5.131 show interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid> ..........................................................................................1741
AA2DONW and AA2DONWB ...................................................................................................................1742
5.132 config interface <aa2d-card> ........................................................................................................1742
5.133 config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state ..............................................................................1744
5.134 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> ................................................................................1746
5.135 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm ..........................................................................1750
5.136 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> .................................................................................1752
5.137 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm ...........................................................................1756
5.138 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> ...........................................................................1758
5.139 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm .....................................................................1763
5.140 config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> ................................................................................1765
5.141 config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> ..................................................................................1767
5.142 show interface <aa2d-card>..........................................................................................................1770
5.143 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> .................................................................................1772
5.144 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm ...........................................................................1774

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5.145 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> ..................................................................................1776

5.146 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm ............................................................................1778
5.147 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>.............................................................................1780
5.148 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm.......................................................................1782
5.149 show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> .................................................................................1784
5.150 show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> ...................................................................................1786
AWBEGR ...................................................................................................................................................1788
5.151 config interface awbegr .................................................................................................................1788
5.152 config interface awbegr <port-aid> state.......................................................................................1789
5.153 config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> .....................................................................................1791
5.154 config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> ......................................................................................1794
5.155 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>....................................................................................1797
5.156 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm..............................................................................1808
5.157 show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> ......................................................................................1810
5.158 show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> .......................................................................................1812
5.159 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> .....................................................................................1815
5.160 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1819
5.161 show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid> ..........................................................................................1821
5.162 show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid>.......................................................................................1823
AWBILA .....................................................................................................................................................1825
5.163 config interface awbila...................................................................................................................1825
5.164 config interface awbila <port-aid> state ........................................................................................1826
5.165 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid>........................................................................................1828
5.166 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm..................................................................................1832
5.167 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> .....................................................................................1834
5.168 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1845
5.169 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>......................................................................................1847
5.170 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm................................................................................1850
5.171 config interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>.....................................................................................1852
5.172 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>.........................................................................................1853
5.173 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm...................................................................................1856
5.174 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>.......................................................................................1858
5.175 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm.................................................................................1862
5.176 show interface awbila <osc-port-aid>............................................................................................1864
5.177 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>.......................................................................................1866
5.178 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm.................................................................................1868
5.179 show interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>......................................................................................1870

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5.180 show interface awbila <otdrrx-port-aid> ........................................................................................1871

5.181 show interface awbila <otdrtx-port-aid> ........................................................................................1872
AWBING ....................................................................................................................................................1873
5.182 config interface awbing .................................................................................................................1873
5.183 config interface awbing <port-aid> state .......................................................................................1874
5.184 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> ......................................................................................1876
5.185 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm ................................................................................1880
5.186 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> ...................................................................................1882
5.187 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> testing........................................................................1888
5.188 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> ....................................................................................1890
5.189 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> testing.........................................................................1896
5.190 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> ....................................................................................1898
5.191 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................1901
5.192 config interface awbing <custlan-port-aid> ...................................................................................1903
5.193 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid>........................................................................................1904
5.194 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm..................................................................................1907
5.195 show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>.....................................................................................1909
5.196 show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>......................................................................................1912
5.197 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>......................................................................................1915
5.198 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm................................................................................1917
5.199 show interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>.....................................................................................1919
5.200 show interface awbing <otdrrx-port-aid>.......................................................................................1920
5.201 config interface osctapr .................................................................................................................1921
5.202 config interface osctapr <port-aid> state.......................................................................................1922
5.203 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid>.........................................................................................1924
5.204 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm...................................................................................1926
5.205 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> ....................................................................................1928
5.206 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................1931
5.207 config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>..........................................................................................1933
5.208 config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>.........................................................................................1935
5.209 config interface osctapr <va-port-aid>...........................................................................................1937
5.210 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> ..........................................................................................1939
5.211 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................1941
5.212 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> .....................................................................................1943
5.213 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1945
5.214 show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid> ...........................................................................................1947

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5.215 show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid> ..........................................................................................1949

5.216 show interface osctapr <va-port-aid>............................................................................................1950
A2P2125 ....................................................................................................................................................1952
5.217 config interface a2p2125...............................................................................................................1952
5.218 config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state.....................................................................................1953
5.219 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>....................................................................................1955
5.220 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm..............................................................................1961
5.221 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>..................................................................................1963
5.222 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm............................................................................1969
5.223 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing ......................................................................1971
5.224 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>..................................................................................1973
5.225 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm............................................................................1976
5.226 config interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>.................................................................................1978
5.227 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> .....................................................................................1979
5.228 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................1982
5.229 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>...................................................................................1984
5.230 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm.............................................................................1987
5.231 show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid>........................................................................................1989
5.232 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> ...................................................................................1991
5.233 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm .............................................................................1993
5.234 show interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid> ..................................................................................1995
5.235 config interface a4pswg ................................................................................................................1996
5.236 config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state ......................................................................................1997
5.237 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> .....................................................................................1999
5.238 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................2005
5.239 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> ...................................................................................2007
5.240 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm .............................................................................2014
5.241 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> testing........................................................................2016
5.242 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> ...................................................................................2018
5.243 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm .............................................................................2021
5.244 config interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid> ..................................................................................2023
5.245 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>.......................................................................................2024
5.246 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm.................................................................................2027
5.247 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> ....................................................................................2029
5.248 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................2032
5.249 show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid> .........................................................................................2034

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5.250 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>.....................................................................................2036

5.251 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm...............................................................................2038
5.252 show interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>....................................................................................2040
5.253 show interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid>......................................................................................2041
5.254 show interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid> ......................................................................................2042
RA-type card.............................................................................................................................................2043
5.255 config interface <ra-card> .............................................................................................................2043
5.256 config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state ...................................................................................2044
5.257 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> ..................................................................................2046
5.258 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm ............................................................................2052
5.259 config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> ................................................................................2054
5.260 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> ...................................................................................2056
5.261 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm .............................................................................2059
5.262 show interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> .................................................................................2061
5.263 show interface ra2p-96 <otdrrx-port-aid>......................................................................................2063
DCM ...........................................................................................................................................................2064
5.264 config interface dcm <port-aid>.....................................................................................................2064
5.265 config interface dcm <port-aid> state............................................................................................2066
5.266 show interface dcm <port-aid>......................................................................................................2068
ITLB ...........................................................................................................................................................2070
5.267 config interface itlb <port-aid>.......................................................................................................2070
5.268 config interface itlb <port-aid> state ..............................................................................................2072
5.269 show interface itlb <port-aid> ........................................................................................................2074
ITLU ...........................................................................................................................................................2075
5.270 config interface itlu <port-aid>.......................................................................................................2075
5.271 config interface itlu <port-aid> state ..............................................................................................2077
SFD40|SFD40B and SFD44|SFD44B.......................................................................................................2079
5.272 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid> .........................................................2079
5.273 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid> state ........................................2083
5.274 show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b}............................................................................2085
5.275 config interface psc1-6 ..................................................................................................................2087
5.276 config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state........................................................................................2088
5.277 config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid>...........................................................................................2090
5.278 config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid>........................................................................................2092
5.279 show interface psc1-6 ...................................................................................................................2095

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Filter card port interface commands......................................................................................................2097

5.280 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> ....................................................................................2097
5.281 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state............................................................................2103
5.282 show interface <sfd-sfc-card> .......................................................................................................2105
CWR8 and CWR8-88 ................................................................................................................................2108
5.283 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} ...................................................................................................2108
5.284 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state .........................................................................2109
5.285 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid>.............................................................................2111
5.286 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid>..........................................................................2115
5.287 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid> ............................................................................2117
5.288 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid>...........................................................................2119
5.289 show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} ....................................................................................................2121
WR2-88 and WR8-88A and WR8-88AF....................................................................................................2124
5.290 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}...............................................................................2124
5.291 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state ....................................................2125
5.292 config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid> ......................................................................................2127
5.293 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid> .................................................................2129
5.294 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid>................................................2131
5.295 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid> ............................................................2133
5.296 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> .......................................................2135
5.297 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten ........................................2137
5.298 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid>......................................................2139
5.299 show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}................................................................................2141
WR20-TFM and WR20-TF and WR20TFML.............................................................................................2146
5.300 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} ..............................................................................2146
5.301 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state....................................................2147
5.302 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid> .............................................2149
5.303 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid>.......................................................2153
5.304 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing .........................................................2156
5.305 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten .............................................2158
5.306 show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} ...............................................................................2160
IROADM-type card ...................................................................................................................................2164
5.307 config interface <iroadm-card> .....................................................................................................2164
5.308 config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state ...........................................................................2166
5.309 config interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>..............................................................................2168
5.310 config interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid> .......................................................................2172
5.311 config interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid> ............................................................................2173

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5.312 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> ..........................................................................2175

5.313 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm ....................................................................2183
5.314 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> ........................................................................2185
5.315 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm ..................................................................2193
5.316 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> ........................................................................2195
5.317 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ..................................................................2199
5.318 config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> .............................................................................2201
5.319 show interface <iroadm-card>.......................................................................................................2203
5.320 show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid> ...............................................................................2205
5.321 show interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>.........................................................................2207
5.322 show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid> .............................................................................2208
5.323 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>............................................................................2210
5.324 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm......................................................................2213
5.325 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> .........................................................................2215
5.326 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm ...................................................................2219
5.327 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>..........................................................................2221
5.328 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm....................................................................2224
5.329 show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> ..............................................................................2226
5.330 config interface mesh4 ..................................................................................................................2228
5.331 config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state........................................................................................2229
5.332 config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> ........................................................................................2231
5.333 config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>......................................................................................2233
5.334 show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> .........................................................................................2235
5.335 show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid> .......................................................................................2237
MON-OCM .................................................................................................................................................2239
5.336 config interface mon-ocm..............................................................................................................2239
5.337 show interface mon-ocm ...............................................................................................................2242
MON-OTDR ...............................................................................................................................................2244
5.338 config interface mon-otdr ..............................................................................................................2244
5.339 show interface mon-otdr................................................................................................................2247
OSCT .........................................................................................................................................................2249
5.340 config interface osct ......................................................................................................................2249
5.341 config interface osct <port-aid> state ............................................................................................2250
5.342 config interface osct <line-port-aid> ..............................................................................................2252
5.343 config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm ........................................................................................2255
5.344 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> .........................................................................................2257

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5.345 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................2260

5.346 config interface osct <sig-port-aid> ...............................................................................................2262
5.347 show interface osct <line-port-aid> ...............................................................................................2264
5.348 show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm .........................................................................................2266
5.349 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> ..........................................................................................2268
5.350 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................2270
5.351 show interface osct <sig-port-aid> ................................................................................................2272
OTDR-card ................................................................................................................................................2273
5.352 config interface <otdr-card> ..........................................................................................................2273
5.353 show interface <otdr-card> ...........................................................................................................2276
OTDR Scan ...............................................................................................................................................2278
5.354 config otdrscan..............................................................................................................................2278
5.355 show otdrscan ...............................................................................................................................2287
5.356 show otdrscan <port-aid>..............................................................................................................2289
5.357 show otdrscan profile ....................................................................................................................2293
5.358 show otdrscan profilem .................................................................................................................2295
WTOCM .....................................................................................................................................................2297
5.359 config interface wtocm ..................................................................................................................2297
5.360 config interface wtocm <port-aid> state ........................................................................................2298
5.361 config interface wtocm <line-port-aid> ..........................................................................................2300
5.362 show interface wtocm <line-port-aid> ...........................................................................................2304
5.363 config interface wtocma ................................................................................................................2308
5.364 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state ...............................................................................2309
5.365 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................2311
5.366 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................2316
5.367 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................2318
5.368 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................2322
5.369 config interface wtocm-f ................................................................................................................2323
5.370 config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state ......................................................................................2324
5.371 config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................2326
5.372 show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................2330
5.373 config interface wtocm-fl ...............................................................................................................2334
5.374 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state .....................................................................................2335
5.375 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> ..............................................................................................2337

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5.376 show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> ...............................................................................................2340

MCS8-16 and MCS8-16L ..........................................................................................................................2342
5.377 config interface <mcs-card>..........................................................................................................2342
5.378 config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state................................................................................2344
5.379 config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>...................................................................................2346
5.380 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> ...................................................................................2348
5.381 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing........................................................................2352
5.382 show interface <mcs-card> ...........................................................................................................2354
5.383 show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>....................................................................................2356
5.384 show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> ....................................................................................2359
OPSA .........................................................................................................................................................2362
5.385 config interface opsa .....................................................................................................................2362
5.386 config interface opsa <port-aid> state...........................................................................................2363
5.387 config interface opsa <sig-port-aid>..............................................................................................2365
5.388 config interface opsa <a-port-aid> ................................................................................................2367
5.389 config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch .....................................................................................2370
5.390 config interface opsa <b-port-aid> ................................................................................................2374
5.391 config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch .....................................................................................2377
5.392 show interface opsa ......................................................................................................................2381
OPSB .........................................................................................................................................................2384
5.393 config interface opsb .....................................................................................................................2384
5.394 config interface opsb <port-aid> state...........................................................................................2385
5.395 config interface opsb <sig-port-aid>..............................................................................................2387
5.396 config interface opsb <a-port-aid> ................................................................................................2389
5.397 config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch .....................................................................................2391
5.398 config interface opsb <b-port-aid> ................................................................................................2394
5.399 config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch .....................................................................................2396
5.400 show interface opsb ......................................................................................................................2399
Optical power management commands ................................................................................................2401
5.401 config interface powermgmt ..........................................................................................................2401
5.402 config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>..................................................................................2403
5.403 config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>.............................................................................2410
5.404 config interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> ...............................................................................2422
5.405 config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>...................................................................................2425
5.406 config powermgmt.........................................................................................................................2429
5.407 config powermgmt anyadd ............................................................................................................2431
5.408 config powermgmt anydrop...........................................................................................................2434

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5.409 config powermgmt egress .............................................................................................................2437

5.410 config powermgmt general............................................................................................................2460
5.411 config powermgmt ingress ............................................................................................................2467
5.412 show interface powermgmt ...........................................................................................................2486
5.413 show interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> ...................................................................................2487
5.414 show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid> ..............................................................................2491
5.415 show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> ................................................................................2495
5.416 show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> ....................................................................................2497
5.417 show powermgmt ..........................................................................................................................2499
Wavekey general commands ..................................................................................................................2508
5.418 show wavekey...............................................................................................................................2508
5.419 show wavekey unexpected ...........................................................................................................2510
5.420 show wavekey wtmonitor ..............................................................................................................2512
5.421 show wavekey wtsource ...............................................................................................................2519
5.422 show wavekey wtdomain ..............................................................................................................2521
5.423 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey .........................................................................2524
5.424 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> ................................................2533
5.425 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> ..............................................2541
5.426 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey ..........................................................................2549

6 OT management commands ...................................................................................................................2561

6.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................2561
11DPE12 interface commands ................................................................................................................2601
6.2 config interface 11dpe12 ...............................................................................................................2601
6.3 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................2603
6.4 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ...........................................................................2607
6.5 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe ................................................................................2610
6.6 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................2613
6.7 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn> ........................................................................2615
6.8 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................2617
6.9 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 ..............................................................................2623
6.10 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................................2625
6.11 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige ..........................................................................2632
6.12 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................2635
6.13 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> ...........................................................................2637
6.14 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>.........................................................................................2639
6.15 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och ..................................................................................2643

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 27
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6.16 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm...................................................................................2645

6.17 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................2647
6.18 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................2650
6.19 show interface 11dpe12 ................................................................................................................2653
6.20 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................2655
6.21 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ............................................................................2658
6.22 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe .................................................................................2660
6.23 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................2662
6.24 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>..........................................................................2664
6.25 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................2666
6.26 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 ...............................................................................2672
6.27 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ................................................................................2674
6.28 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige ...........................................................................2677
6.29 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................2679
6.30 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> ............................................................................2681
6.31 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> ..........................................................................................2683
6.32 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och ...................................................................................2686
6.33 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................2687
6.34 show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti......................................................................2689
11DPE12a interface commands ..............................................................................................................2691
6.35 config interface 11dpe12a .............................................................................................................2691
6.36 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................2693
6.37 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 1gbe .........................................................................2696
6.38 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> fe ..............................................................................2702
6.39 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................2707
6.40 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> <vtsn> ......................................................................2709
6.41 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................2712
6.42 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> odu2 ............................................................................2718
6.43 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................................2720
6.44 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> tengige ........................................................................2728
6.45 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................2734
6.46 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> <vtsn> .........................................................................2736
6.47 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid>.......................................................................................2739
6.48 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> och ................................................................................2743
6.49 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> pm.................................................................................2745
6.50 config interface 11dpe12a <tod-port-aid> .....................................................................................2747
6.51 config interface 11dpe12a <bits-port-aid> .....................................................................................2750

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6.52 config interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ..................................................................2756

6.53 config interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> state ...................................................................................2759
6.54 show interface 11dpe12a ..............................................................................................................2762
6.55 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................2764
6.56 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 1gbe ..........................................................................2767
6.57 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> fe ...............................................................................2770
6.58 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................2773
6.59 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> <vtsn>........................................................................2775
6.60 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................2777
6.61 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> odu2 .............................................................................2782
6.62 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................2785
6.63 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> tengige .........................................................................2789
6.64 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................2792
6.65 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> <vtsn> ..........................................................................2794
6.66 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> ........................................................................................2796
6.67 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> och .................................................................................2799
6.68 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................2800
6.69 show interface 11dpe12a <tod-port-aid>.......................................................................................2802
6.70 show interface 11dpe12a <bits-port-aid> ......................................................................................2805
6.71 show interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................2810
11DPE12a Eth OAM commands..............................................................................................................2812
6.72 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam ......................................................................................2812
6.73 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> ......................................................................2815
6.74 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid>......................................................2818
6.75 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid>....................................2823
6.76 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> loopback ....................2829
6.77 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> CSF ...........................2832
6.78 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-lm-test .........2834
6.79 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-slm-test........2837
6.80 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-delay-test.....2840
6.81 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> one-way-delay-test ....2842
6.82 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test .............2844
6.83 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test
<value> .........................................................................................................................................2846
6.84 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test <value>
two-way-lm ....................................................................................................................................2849
6.85 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test <value>

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two-way-slm ..................................................................................................................................2895
6.86 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test <value>
6.87 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test <value>
pmon .............................................................................................................................................2858
6.88 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon ............................................................................2860
6.89 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy <policy-aid> ..............................2862
6.90 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy <policy-aid> tca-15min..............2865
6.91 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy <policy-aid> tca-1day................2867
6.92 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy-aid>.............................2869
6.93 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy-aid> tca-15min............2872
6.94 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy-aid> tca-1day..............2874
6.95 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy-aid> tca-continuous ....2876
6.96 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy <policy-aid> .............................2878
6.97 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy <policy-aid> tca-15min ............2881
6.98 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy <policy-aid> tca-1day ..............2884
6.99 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam cfm stack <interface> ....................................................2887
6.100 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam .......................................................................................2889
6.101 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> .......................................................................2891
6.102 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> .......................................................2893
6.103 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> remote-mepid................................2895
6.104 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid>.....................................2897
6.105 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> database .....................2900
6.106 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> loopback .....................2902
6.107 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> csf ...............................2905
6.108 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-lm-test...........2907
6.109 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-slm-test.........2910
6.110 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> two-way-delay-test......2914
6.111 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> one-way-delay-test .....2916
6.112 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test ..............2919
6.113 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test
<value> .........................................................................................................................................2921
6.114 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> proactive-test <value>
pmon .............................................................................................................................................2926
6.115 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon .............................................................................2933
6.116 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy ....................................................2935
6.117 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy ..................................................2939

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30 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.118 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy...................................................2943

11DPE12e interface commands ..............................................................................................................2947
6.119 config interface 11dpe12e .............................................................................................................2947
6.120 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................2949
6.121 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 1gbe .........................................................................2952
6.122 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> fe ..............................................................................2956
6.123 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................2960
6.124 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> <vtsn> ......................................................................2962
6.125 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................2965
6.126 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> odu2 ............................................................................2971
6.127 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................................2973
6.128 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> tengige ........................................................................2980
6.129 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................2985
6.130 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> <vtsn> .........................................................................2987
6.131 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid>.......................................................................................2990
6.132 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> och ................................................................................2994
6.133 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> pm.................................................................................2996
6.134 config interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ..................................................................2998
6.135 config interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> state ...................................................................................3001
6.136 show interface 11dpe12e ..............................................................................................................3004
6.137 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................3006
6.138 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 1gbe ..........................................................................3009
6.139 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> fe................................................................................3011
6.140 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................3013
6.141 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> <vtsn>........................................................................3015
6.142 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................3017
6.143 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> odu2 .............................................................................3021
6.144 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................3024
6.145 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> tengige .........................................................................3028
6.146 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3030
6.147 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> <vtsn> ..........................................................................3032
6.148 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> ........................................................................................3034
6.149 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> och .................................................................................3037
6.150 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................3038
6.151 show interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................3040

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 31
Nokia 1830 PSS

11DPE12e Eth OAM commands..............................................................................................................3042

6.152 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> ......................................................................3042
6.153 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid>......................................................3045
6.154 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> mep..............................................3049
6.155 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam cfm stack <port-aid>......................................................3053
6.156 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> .......................................................................3055
6.157 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> .......................................................3057
6.158 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> mep ...............................................3059
6.159 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> remote mepid ................................3062
11DPM4M interface commands ..............................................................................................................3064
6.160 config interface 11DPM4M ............................................................................................................3064
6.161 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> .................................................................................3066
6.162 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 1gbe ........................................................................3071
6.163 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> fe .............................................................................3074
6.164 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .............................................................3077
6.165 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> pm ...........................................................................3084
6.166 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> ....................................................................................3086
6.167 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> otu2 ............................................................................3091
6.168 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................3094
6.169 config interface 11DPM4M <port-aid> state ..................................................................................3096
6.170 show interface 11DPM4M .............................................................................................................3099
6.171 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................3101
6.172 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 1gbe .........................................................................3104
6.173 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> fe ..............................................................................3106
6.174 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..............................................................3108
6.175 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................3111
6.176 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................3113
6.177 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................................3115
6.178 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................3117
11DPM8 interface commands..................................................................................................................3119
6.179 config interface 11DPM8 ...............................................................................................................3119
6.180 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................3121
6.181 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ...........................................................................3126
6.182 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> fe ................................................................................3130
6.183 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ................................................................3133
6.184 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................3140
6.185 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> otu1 ............................................................................3142

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August 2017
32 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.186 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................3146

6.187 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................................3151
6.188 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3155
6.189 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid>.........................................................................................3157
6.190 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> och ..................................................................................3161
6.191 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> pm...................................................................................3163
6.192 config interface 11DPM8 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................3165
6.193 show interface 11DPM8 ................................................................................................................3168
6.194 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................3170
6.195 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ............................................................................3173
6.196 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> fe .................................................................................3175
6.197 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .................................................................3177
6.198 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................3180
6.199 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> otu1 .............................................................................3182
6.200 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................3184
6.201 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> otu2 ................................................................................3187
6.202 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................3189
6.203 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> ..........................................................................................3191
6.204 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> och ...................................................................................3194
6.205 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................3196
11DPM12 interface commands ...............................................................................................................3198
6.206 config interface 11dpm12 ..............................................................................................................3198
6.207 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................3200
6.208 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ..........................................................................3207
6.209 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3gsdi..........................................................................3211
6.210 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <fcn> .........................................................................3214
6.211 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> fe ...............................................................................3219
6.212 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> hdsdi..........................................................................3223
6.213 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...............................................................3226
6.214 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> otu1 ...........................................................................3234
6.215 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................3236
6.216 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> sdsdi..........................................................................3238
6.217 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................3241
6.218 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................3246
6.219 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3249
6.220 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid>........................................................................................3251
6.221 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> och .................................................................................3255

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 33
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.222 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> pm..................................................................................3257

6.223 config interface 11dpm12 <port-aid> state ....................................................................................3259
6.224 show interface 11dpm12 ...............................................................................................................3262
6.225 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................3264
6.226 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ...........................................................................3269
6.227 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3gsdi...........................................................................3271
6.228 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <fcn> ..........................................................................3273
6.229 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> fe ................................................................................3275
6.230 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> hdsdi...........................................................................3277
6.231 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ................................................................3279
6.232 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> otu1 ............................................................................3282
6.233 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................3284
6.234 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> sdsdi ...........................................................................3286
6.235 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................3288
6.236 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................................3291
6.237 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3293
6.238 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> .........................................................................................3295
6.239 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> och ..................................................................................3298
6.240 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................3300
11OPE8 interface commands..................................................................................................................3302
6.241 config interface 11ope8 .................................................................................................................3302
6.242 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> ......................................................................................3304
6.243 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> tengige .........................................................................3309
6.244 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3313
6.245 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid>.............................................................................................3315
6.246 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> odu2....................................................................................3323
6.247 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> otu2.....................................................................................3325
6.248 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> tengige ................................................................................3331
6.249 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> pm.......................................................................................3337
6.250 config interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid>............................................................................................3339
6.251 config interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> tengige...............................................................................3344
6.252 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid>...........................................................................................3346
6.253 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> och ....................................................................................3350
6.254 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................3352
6.255 config interface 11ope8 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ......................................................................3354
6.256 config interface 11ope8 <port-aid> state .......................................................................................3357
6.257 config interface 11ope8 <tod-port-aid> .........................................................................................3360

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34 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
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6.258 show interface 11ope8 ..................................................................................................................3363

6.259 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> .......................................................................................3365
6.260 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> tengige...........................................................................3368
6.261 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3370
6.262 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> ..............................................................................................3372
6.263 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> odu2 .....................................................................................3377
6.264 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> otu2 ......................................................................................3380
6.265 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> tengige .................................................................................3383
6.266 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> pm ........................................................................................3385
6.267 show interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid>.............................................................................................3387
6.268 show interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> tengige ................................................................................3389
6.269 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> ............................................................................................3391
6.270 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> och .....................................................................................3394
6.271 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................3395
6.272 show interface 11ope8 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti........................................................................3397
6.273 show interface 11ope8 <tod-port-aid>...........................................................................................3399
11QCE12X interface commands .............................................................................................................3402
6.274 config interface 11qce12x .............................................................................................................3402
6.275 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid>...................................................................................3405
6.276 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 1gbe..........................................................................3411
6.277 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> fe...............................................................................3415
6.278 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................3418
6.279 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> .........................................................................................3420
6.280 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> odu2 ................................................................................3428
6.281 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> otu2 .................................................................................3430
6.282 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> tengige ............................................................................3435
6.283 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................3439
6.284 config interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> ........................................................................................3441
6.285 config interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> tengige ...........................................................................3446
6.286 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> .......................................................................................3448
6.287 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> och ................................................................................3452
6.288 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3454
6.289 config interface 11qce12x <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ...................................................................3456
6.290 config interface 11qce12x <port-aid> state ...................................................................................3459
6.291 config interface 11qce12x <tod-port-aid> ......................................................................................3462
6.292 config interface 11qce12x <bits-port-aid> .....................................................................................3465
6.293 show interface 11qce12x...............................................................................................................3471

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 35
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.294 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid>....................................................................................3473

6.295 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 1gbe...........................................................................3476
6.296 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> fe................................................................................3478
6.297 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> pm..............................................................................3480
6.298 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> ..........................................................................................3482
6.299 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> odu2 .................................................................................3487
6.300 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> otu2 ..................................................................................3490
6.301 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> tengige..............................................................................3493
6.302 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................3495
6.303 show interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> .........................................................................................3497
6.304 show interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> tengige ............................................................................3499
6.305 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> ........................................................................................3501
6.306 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> och..................................................................................3503
6.307 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................3504
6.308 show interface 11qce12x <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................3506
6.309 show interface 11qce12x <tod-port-aid> .......................................................................................3508
6.310 show interface 11qce12x <bits-port-aid>.......................................................................................3511
11QPA4 interface commands..................................................................................................................3515
6.311 config interface 11qpa4 .................................................................................................................3515
6.312 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> ......................................................................................3517
6.313 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> ddr ................................................................................3521
6.314 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 ..........................................................................3523
6.315 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc800 ............................................................................3525
6.316 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..................................................................3528
6.317 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> tengige .........................................................................3533
6.318 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> odu2 .............................................................................3537
6.319 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................3538
6.320 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3542
6.321 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................3544
6.322 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> odu2 ................................................................................3550
6.323 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> otu2 .................................................................................3554
6.324 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................3559
6.325 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid>...........................................................................................3561
6.326 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> och ....................................................................................3565
6.327 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................3567
6.328 config interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ......................................................................3569
6.329 config interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> state .......................................................................................3572

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36 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.330 show interface 11qpa4 ..................................................................................................................3575

6.331 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> .......................................................................................3577
6.332 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> ddr .................................................................................3584
6.333 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc1200............................................................................3586
6.334 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc800..............................................................................3588
6.335 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...................................................................3590
6.336 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> tengige...........................................................................3593
6.337 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> odu2 ..............................................................................3595
6.338 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................................3597
6.339 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3600
6.340 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> ..........................................................................................3602
6.341 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> odu2 .................................................................................3606
6.342 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> otu2 ..................................................................................3609
6.343 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................3612
6.344 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> ............................................................................................3614
6.345 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> och .....................................................................................3617
6.346 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................3618
6.347 show interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti........................................................................3619
11QPA4B interface commands ...............................................................................................................3621
6.348 config interface 11qpa4b ...............................................................................................................3621
6.349 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................3623
6.350 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> tengige .......................................................................3626
6.351 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................3629
6.352 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................3631
6.353 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3636
6.354 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> <otn>.............................................................................3638
6.355 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid>.........................................................................................3642
6.356 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> och ..................................................................................3646
6.357 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> pm...................................................................................3648
6.358 config interface 11qpa4b <port-aid> state .....................................................................................3650
6.359 show interface 11qpa4b ................................................................................................................3653
6.360 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................3655
6.361 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> tengige.........................................................................3658
6.362 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................3660
6.363 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................3663
6.364 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> <otn> ..............................................................................3666
6.365 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................3668

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 37
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.366 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> ..........................................................................................3670

6.367 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> och ...................................................................................3673
6.368 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................3674
11QPE24 interface commands................................................................................................................3676
6.369 config interface 11qpe24 ...............................................................................................................3676
6.370 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................3678
6.371 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ...........................................................................3683
6.372 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> fe ................................................................................3686
6.373 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................3689
6.374 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid>...........................................................................................3691
6.375 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> odu2..................................................................................3699
6.376 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> otu2...................................................................................3701
6.377 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> tengige ..............................................................................3706
6.378 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................3710
6.379 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid>.........................................................................................3712
6.380 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> och ..................................................................................3716
6.381 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> pm...................................................................................3718
6.382 config interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................3720
6.383 config interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................3723
6.384 show interface 11qpe24 ................................................................................................................3725
6.385 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................3727
6.386 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ............................................................................3730
6.387 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> fe .................................................................................3732
6.388 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................3734
6.389 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> ............................................................................................3736
6.390 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> odu2 ...................................................................................3741
6.391 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> otu2 ....................................................................................3744
6.392 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> tengige ...............................................................................3747
6.393 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................3749
6.394 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> ..........................................................................................3751
6.395 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> och ...................................................................................3754
6.396 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................3755
6.397 show interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti......................................................................3757
11QPEN4 interface commands ...............................................................................................................3759
6.398 config interface 11QPEN4 .............................................................................................................3759
6.399 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................3761
6.400 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ddr............................................................................3765

Release 10.0
August 2017
38 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.401 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 ......................................................................3767

6.402 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc800 ........................................................................3770
6.403 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> tengige .....................................................................3773
6.404 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> odu2 .........................................................................3776
6.405 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> otu2 ..........................................................................3777
6.406 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................3781
6.407 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid>.....................................................................................3783
6.408 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> encrypt ........................................................................3788
6.409 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> odu2............................................................................3790
6.410 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> otu2.............................................................................3793
6.411 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> pm...............................................................................3797
6.412 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid>.......................................................................................3799
6.413 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> och................................................................................3803
6.414 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> pm.................................................................................3805
6.415 config interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ..................................................................3807
6.416 config interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> state...................................................................................3810
6.417 show interface 11QPEN4 ..............................................................................................................3813
6.418 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................3815
6.419 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ddr .............................................................................3822
6.420 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 .......................................................................3824
6.421 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc800 .........................................................................3826
6.422 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> tengige ......................................................................3828
6.423 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> odu2 ..........................................................................3830
6.424 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> otu2 ...........................................................................3832
6.425 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................3835
6.426 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................3837
6.427 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> encrypt .........................................................................3841
6.428 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> odu2 .............................................................................3843
6.429 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................3846
6.430 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3849
6.431 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid>........................................................................................3851
6.432 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> och .................................................................................3853
6.433 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> pm..................................................................................3854
6.434 show interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................3855
11STAR1/11STAR1A interface commands .............................................................................................3857
6.435 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} ..............................................................................................3857
6.436 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> ...................................................................3858

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 39
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.437 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc1200 .......................................................3862

6.438 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc800 .........................................................3865
6.439 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...............................................3868
6.440 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> tengige ......................................................3873
6.441 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> odu2 ..........................................................3876
6.442 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> otu2 ...........................................................3877
6.443 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................3881
6.444 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid>......................................................................3883
6.445 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> odu2.............................................................3889
6.446 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> otu2..............................................................3892
6.447 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> pm................................................................3895
6.448 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ...................................................3897
6.449 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> state....................................................................3900
6.450 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} ...............................................................................................3903
6.451 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> ....................................................................3904
6.452 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc1200.........................................................3911
6.453 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc800 ..........................................................3913
6.454 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ................................................3915
6.455 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> tengige .......................................................3918
6.456 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> odu2 ...........................................................3920
6.457 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> otu2 ............................................................3922
6.458 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................3925
6.459 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> .......................................................................3927
6.460 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> odu2 ..............................................................3931
6.461 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................3933
6.462 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................3936
6.463 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.....................................................3938
11STGE12 interface commands..............................................................................................................3940
6.464 config interface 11stge12 ..............................................................................................................3940
6.465 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................3942
6.466 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ..........................................................................3945
6.467 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................3948
6.468 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................3950
6.469 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> odu2 .............................................................................3955
6.470 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ..............................................................................3957
6.471 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................3960
6.472 config interface 11stge12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................3962

Release 10.0
August 2017
40 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.473 config interface 11stge12 <port-aid> state ....................................................................................3965

6.474 show interface 11stge12 ...............................................................................................................3968
6.475 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid>.....................................................................................3970
6.476 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe............................................................................3972
6.477 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> pm...............................................................................3974
6.478 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................3976
6.479 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> odu2 ..............................................................................3979
6.480 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> otu2 ...............................................................................3981
6.481 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................3983
6.482 show interface 11stge12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .....................................................................3985
11STMM10 interface commands.............................................................................................................3987
6.483 config interface 11stmm10 ............................................................................................................3987
6.484 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> .................................................................................3989
6.485 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ........................................................................3993
6.486 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> cbr2g5 .....................................................................3997
6.487 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <fcn> .......................................................................4002
6.488 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .............................................................4005
6.489 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> odu1.........................................................................4011
6.490 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> otu1 .........................................................................4012
6.491 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> pm ...........................................................................4016
6.492 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> ....................................................................................4018
6.493 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> odu2 ...........................................................................4023
6.494 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> otu2 ............................................................................4025
6.495 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4027
6.496 config interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti..................................................................4029
6.497 config interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> state ..................................................................................4032
6.498 show interface 11stmm10..............................................................................................................4035
6.499 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid>...................................................................................4037
6.500 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 1gbe..........................................................................4040
6.501 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> cbr2g5.......................................................................4042
6.502 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <fcn>.........................................................................4045
6.503 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>...............................................................4047
6.504 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> odu1..........................................................................4050
6.505 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> otu1...........................................................................4051
6.506 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................4053
6.507 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................4055
6.508 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> odu2 ............................................................................4060

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 41
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.509 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................................4062

6.510 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4064
6.511 show interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ...................................................................4066
6.512 show resource 11stmm10 <slot-aid>.............................................................................................4068
112SCA1 interface commands................................................................................................................4070
6.513 config interface 112sca1 ...............................................................................................................4070
6.514 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid>.....................................................................................4071
6.515 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige...............................................................4074
6.516 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4............................................................................4077
6.517 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4.............................................................................4078
6.518 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> pm...............................................................................4081
6.519 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................4083
6.520 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ..............................................................................4089
6.521 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ...............................................................................4091
6.522 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4095
6.523 config interface 112sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .....................................................................4097
6.524 config interface 112sca1 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................4100
6.525 show interface 112sca1.................................................................................................................4103
6.526 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid>......................................................................................4104
6.527 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige ................................................................4107
6.528 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4.............................................................................4109
6.529 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 ..............................................................................4110
6.530 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................4112
6.531 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid>.........................................................................................4114
6.532 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4................................................................................4117
6.533 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4.................................................................................4119
6.534 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> pm...................................................................................4122
6.535 show interface 112sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ......................................................................4124
112SCX10 interface commands ..............................................................................................................4126
6.536 config interface 112scx10..............................................................................................................4126
6.537 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid>...................................................................................4127
6.538 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 .........................................................................4131
6.539 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>...............................................................4134
6.540 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige .....................................................................4139
6.541 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2..........................................................................4142
6.542 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2...........................................................................4143
6.543 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................4147

Release 10.0
August 2017
42 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.544 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid>......................................................................................4149

6.545 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4.............................................................................4154
6.546 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4..............................................................................4156
6.547 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> pm................................................................................4160
6.548 config interface 112scx10 <port-aid> state ...................................................................................4162
6.549 config interface 112scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ...................................................................4165
6.550 show interface 112scx10 ...............................................................................................................4168
6.551 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4169
6.552 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 ..........................................................................4171
6.553 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ................................................................4173
6.554 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige ......................................................................4176
6.555 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 ...........................................................................4178
6.556 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 ............................................................................4179
6.557 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4181
6.558 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid>.......................................................................................4183
6.559 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4..............................................................................4186
6.560 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4...............................................................................4188
6.561 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................................4191
6.562 show interface 112scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................4193
112SDX11 interface commands ..............................................................................................................4195
6.563 config interface 112sdx11..............................................................................................................4195
6.564 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid>...................................................................................4197
6.565 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> ddr.............................................................................4204
6.566 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <fcn>.........................................................................4206
6.567 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <otu-entity>...............................................................4209
6.568 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................4212
6.569 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> tenGige .....................................................................4214
6.570 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> cbr10g3.....................................................................4217
6.571 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> fortyGigeMld .............................................................4220
6.572 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid>......................................................................................4222
6.573 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otl4.4............................................................................4228
6.574 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otu4..............................................................................4232
6.575 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> pm................................................................................4236
6.576 config interface 112sdx11 <port-aid> state....................................................................................4238
6.577 show interface 112sdx11 ...............................................................................................................4241
6.578 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4243
6.579 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> ddr..............................................................................4249

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 43
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.580 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <fcn> ..........................................................................4251

6.581 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <otu-entity> ................................................................4253
6.582 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4255
6.583 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> cbr10g3 ......................................................................4257
6.584 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> tenGige ......................................................................4259
6.585 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> fortyGigeMld...............................................................4261
6.586 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid>.......................................................................................4263
6.587 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otl4.4 .............................................................................4266
6.588 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................................4269
6.589 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otu4...............................................................................4271
112SNA1 interface commands................................................................................................................4274
6.590 config interface 112sna1 ...............................................................................................................4274
6.591 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4275
6.592 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige...............................................................4278
6.593 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> odu4 ...........................................................................4281
6.594 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> otu4 ............................................................................4282
6.595 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4285
6.596 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................4287
6.597 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ..............................................................................4292
6.598 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ...............................................................................4294
6.599 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4298
6.600 config interface 112sna1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.....................................................................4300
6.601 config interface 112sna1 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................4303
6.602 show interface 112sna1 ................................................................................................................4306
6.603 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid>......................................................................................4307
6.604 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige................................................................4310
6.605 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> odu4.............................................................................4312
6.606 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> otu4..............................................................................4313
6.607 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> pm................................................................................4315
6.608 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................4317
6.609 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ...............................................................................4320
6.610 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ................................................................................4322
6.611 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................4325
6.612 show interface 112sna1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ......................................................................4327
112SNX10 interface commands ..............................................................................................................4329
6.613 config interface 112snx10 .............................................................................................................4329
6.614 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid>...................................................................................4330

Release 10.0
August 2017
44 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.615 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800.........................................................................4334

6.616 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>...............................................................4337
6.617 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige .....................................................................4342
6.618 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2..........................................................................4345
6.619 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2...........................................................................4346
6.620 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................4350
6.621 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................4352
6.622 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 ............................................................................4357
6.623 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 .............................................................................4359
6.624 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4363
6.625 config interface 112snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ...................................................................4365
6.626 config interface 112snx10 <port-aid> state ...................................................................................4368
6.627 show interface 112snx10...............................................................................................................4371
6.628 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid>....................................................................................4372
6.629 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 ..........................................................................4374
6.630 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>................................................................4376
6.631 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige ......................................................................4379
6.632 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2...........................................................................4381
6.633 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2............................................................................4382
6.634 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> pm..............................................................................4384
6.635 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid>.......................................................................................4386
6.636 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4..............................................................................4389
6.637 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4...............................................................................4391
6.638 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................................4394
6.639 show interface 112snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................4396
12P120 interface commands...................................................................................................................4398
6.640 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> ...............................................................................................4398
6.641 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> <non-otn> ..............................................................................4407
6.642 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> <otn> .....................................................................................4416
6.643 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> pm .........................................................................................4422
6.644 config interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> ..........................................................................................4425
6.645 config interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> och....................................................................................4430
6.646 config interface 12p120 <backplane-port-aid>..............................................................................4432
6.647 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> state.......................................................................................4434
6.648 show interface 12p120 <port-aid>.................................................................................................4437
6.649 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> <non-otn> ...............................................................................4444
6.650 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> <otn> ......................................................................................4449

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 45
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.651 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> pm...........................................................................................4452

6.652 show interface 12p120 <va-port-aid>............................................................................................4455
6.653 show interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> och.....................................................................................4458
6.654 show interface 12p120 <backplane-port-aid> ...............................................................................4459
130SCA1 interface commands................................................................................................................4461
6.655 config interface 130sca1 ...............................................................................................................4461
6.656 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4462
6.657 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige ..............................................................4466
6.658 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 ............................................................................4469
6.659 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 ...........................................................................4472
6.660 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4473
6.661 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................4475
6.662 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ...............................................................................4480
6.663 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ..............................................................................4484
6.664 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4486
6.665 config interface 130sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.....................................................................4488
6.666 config interface 130sca1 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................4491
6.667 show interface 130sca1 ................................................................................................................4494
6.668 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................4495
6.669 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige................................................................4498
6.670 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 ............................................................................4500
6.671 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 .............................................................................4501
6.672 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4503
6.673 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................4505
6.674 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ...............................................................................4508
6.675 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ................................................................................4510
6.676 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................4513
6.677 show interface 130sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti......................................................................4515
130SCX10 interface commands..............................................................................................................4517
6.678 config interface 130scx10 .............................................................................................................4517
6.679 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................4518
6.680 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800.........................................................................4522
6.681 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..............................................................4525
6.682 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige.....................................................................4530
6.683 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 .........................................................................4534
6.684 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 ..........................................................................4535
6.685 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................4539

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46 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.686 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................4541

6.687 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 ............................................................................4546
6.688 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 .............................................................................4549
6.689 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4553
6.690 config interface 130scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti...................................................................4555
6.691 config interface 130scx10 <port-aid> state ...................................................................................4558
6.692 show interface 130scx10...............................................................................................................4561
6.693 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid>....................................................................................4562
6.694 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800..........................................................................4564
6.695 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>................................................................4566
6.696 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige ......................................................................4569
6.697 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2...........................................................................4571
6.698 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2............................................................................4572
6.699 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> pm..............................................................................4574
6.700 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................4576
6.701 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 .............................................................................4579
6.702 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 ..............................................................................4581
6.703 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................4584
6.704 show interface 130scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................................4586
130SNQ10 interface commands .............................................................................................................4588
6.705 config interface 130snq10 .............................................................................................................4588
6.706 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................4589
6.707 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..............................................................4592
6.708 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> tenGige ....................................................................4597
6.709 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................4600
6.710 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid>.....................................................................................4602
6.711 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> odu4............................................................................4607
6.712 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> otu4.............................................................................4609
6.713 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> pm...............................................................................4613
6.714 config interface 130snq10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ..................................................................4615
6.715 config interface 130snq10 <port-aid> state...................................................................................4618
6.716 show interface 130snq10 ..............................................................................................................4621
6.717 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................4622
6.718 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...............................................................4624
6.719 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> tenGige......................................................................4627
6.720 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................4629
6.721 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................4631

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 47
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.722 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> odu4 .............................................................................4634

6.723 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> otu4 ..............................................................................4636
6.724 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................4639
6.725 show interface 130snq10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................4641
130SNX10 interface commands..............................................................................................................4643
6.726 config interface 130snx10 .............................................................................................................4643
6.727 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> ..................................................................................4644
6.728 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 ........................................................................4648
6.729 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..............................................................4651
6.730 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige.....................................................................4656
6.731 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 .........................................................................4660
6.732 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 ..........................................................................4661
6.733 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> pm ............................................................................4665
6.734 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> .....................................................................................4667
6.735 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 ............................................................................4673
6.736 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 .............................................................................4676
6.737 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4680
6.738 config interface 130snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti...................................................................4682
6.739 config interface 130snx10 <port-aid> state ...................................................................................4685
6.740 show interface 130snx10 ..............................................................................................................4688
6.741 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> ...................................................................................4689
6.742 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800..........................................................................4691
6.743 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...............................................................4693
6.744 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige......................................................................4696
6.745 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 ..........................................................................4698
6.746 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 ...........................................................................4699
6.747 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> pm .............................................................................4701
6.748 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> ......................................................................................4703
6.749 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 .............................................................................4707
6.750 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 ..............................................................................4709
6.751 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> pm ................................................................................4712
6.752 show interface 130snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti....................................................................4714
1DPP24M interface commands...............................................................................................................4716
6.753 config interface 1dpp24m..............................................................................................................4716
6.754 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid>...................................................................................4718
6.755 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> e1..............................................................................4721
6.756 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> pm.............................................................................4723

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48 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.757 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid>......................................................................................4725

6.758 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> pm................................................................................4729
6.759 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> stm1.............................................................................4731
6.760 config interface 1dpp24m <port-aid> state....................................................................................4735
6.761 show interface 1dpp24m ...............................................................................................................4738
6.762 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4740
6.763 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> e1 ...............................................................................4742
6.764 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4744
6.765 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid>.......................................................................................4745
6.766 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................................4747
6.767 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> stm1 ..............................................................................4749
1UD200 interface commands ..................................................................................................................4751
6.768 config interface 1ud200.................................................................................................................4751
6.769 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> ...............................................................................................4753
6.770 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> state.......................................................................................4760
6.771 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> <otun> ...................................................................................4763
6.772 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> pm .........................................................................................4766
6.773 config interface 1ud200 <backplane-port-aid>..............................................................................4769
6.774 show interface 1ud200 ..................................................................................................................4772
6.775 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid>.................................................................................................4774
6.776 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid> <otun> ....................................................................................4778
6.777 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid> pm...........................................................................................4781
6.778 show interface 1ud200 <backplane-port-aid> ...............................................................................4783
20P200 interface commands...................................................................................................................4785
6.779 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> ...............................................................................................4785
6.780 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> <non-otn> ..............................................................................4795
6.781 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> <otn> .....................................................................................4804
6.782 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> pm .........................................................................................4808
6.783 config interface 20p200 <backplane-port-aid> ..............................................................................4811
6.784 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> state.......................................................................................4814
6.785 show interface 20p200 <port-aid>.................................................................................................4817
6.786 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> <non-otn> ...............................................................................4824
6.787 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> <otn> ......................................................................................4829
6.788 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> pm...........................................................................................4832
6.789 show interface 20p200 <backplane-port-aid> ...............................................................................4835

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 49
Nokia 1830 PSS

260SCX2 interface commands................................................................................................................4837

6.790 config interface 260scx2 ...............................................................................................................4837
6.791 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4838
6.792 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> hundredgige ...............................................................4842
6.793 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> otu4 ............................................................................4845
6.794 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4847
6.795 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................4849
6.796 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4 ...............................................................................4854
6.797 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4x2 ...........................................................................4857
6.798 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4860
6.799 config interface 260scx2 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................4862
6.800 show interface 260scx2.................................................................................................................4865
6.801 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid>......................................................................................4866
6.802 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> hundredGige................................................................4869
6.803 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> otu4..............................................................................4871
6.804 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> pm................................................................................4873
6.805 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................4875
6.806 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4 ................................................................................4879
6.807 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4x2.............................................................................4882
6.808 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................4885
43SCA1 interface commands..................................................................................................................4887
6.809 config interface 43sca1 .................................................................................................................4887
6.810 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> ......................................................................................4888
6.811 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..................................................................4892
6.812 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> odu3 .............................................................................4896
6.813 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> otu3 ..............................................................................4897
6.814 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................4899
6.815 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................4901
6.816 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> odu3 ................................................................................4907
6.817 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> otu3 .................................................................................4909
6.818 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................4912
6.819 config interface 43sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.......................................................................4914
6.820 config interface 43sca1 <port-aid> state .......................................................................................4917
6.821 show interface 43sca1 ..................................................................................................................4920
6.822 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> .......................................................................................4921
6.823 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ...................................................................4924
6.824 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> odu3 ..............................................................................4927

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August 2017
50 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.825 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> otu3 ...............................................................................4928

6.826 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4930
6.827 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> ..........................................................................................4932
6.828 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> odu3 .................................................................................4935
6.829 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> otu3 ..................................................................................4937
6.830 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................4939
6.831 show interface 43sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti........................................................................4941
43SCGE1 interface commands ...............................................................................................................4943
6.832 config interface 43scge1 ...............................................................................................................4943
6.833 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> ....................................................................................4944
6.834 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> fortyGige.....................................................................4947
6.835 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> pm ..............................................................................4949
6.836 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> .......................................................................................4951
6.837 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ..............................................................................4956
6.838 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ...............................................................................4958
6.839 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> pm .................................................................................4961
6.840 config interface 43scge1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.....................................................................4963
6.841 config interface 43scge1 <port-aid> state .....................................................................................4966
6.842 show interface 43scge1 ................................................................................................................4969
6.843 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................4970
6.844 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> fortyGige......................................................................4972
6.845 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................4974
6.846 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................4976
6.847 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> odu4 ...............................................................................4979
6.848 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> otu4 ................................................................................4981
6.849 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................4983
6.850 show interface 43scge1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti......................................................................4985
43SCX4 and 43SCX4E interface commands..........................................................................................4987
6.851 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e}...............................................................................................4987
6.852 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid>....................................................................4988
6.853 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> fc800 ..........................................................4992
6.854 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>................................................4994
6.855 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> tenGige ......................................................4999
6.856 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> odu2...........................................................5003
6.857 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> otu2............................................................5004
6.858 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> pm..............................................................5007
6.859 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid>.......................................................................5009

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 51
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.860 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> odu3e2..........................................................5014

6.861 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> otu3e2...........................................................5017
6.862 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> pm.................................................................5020
6.863 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ....................................................5022
6.864 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> state ....................................................................5025
6.865 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} ................................................................................................5028
6.866 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> .....................................................................5029
6.867 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> fc800 ...........................................................5033
6.868 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .................................................5035
6.869 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> tenGige .......................................................5038
6.870 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> odu2 ............................................................5040
6.871 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................5041
6.872 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................5043
6.873 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid>........................................................................5045
6.874 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> odu3e2...........................................................5048
6.875 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> otu3e2............................................................5050
6.876 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> pm..................................................................5052
6.877 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .....................................................5054
43STA1P interface commands ................................................................................................................5056
6.878 config interface 43sta1p ................................................................................................................5056
6.879 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................5057
6.880 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .................................................................5060
6.881 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> otu3 .............................................................................5063
6.882 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................5065
6.883 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid>........................................................................................5067
6.884 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> odu3...............................................................................5073
6.885 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> otu3................................................................................5075
6.886 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> pm..................................................................................5079
6.887 config interface 43sta1p <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .....................................................................5081
6.888 config interface 43sta1p <port-aid> state......................................................................................5084
6.889 show interface 43sta1p .................................................................................................................5087
6.890 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> ......................................................................................5088
6.891 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ..................................................................5091
6.892 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> otu3 ..............................................................................5093
6.893 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................5095
6.894 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................5097
6.895 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> odu3 ................................................................................5100

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52 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

6.896 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> otu3 .................................................................................5102

6.897 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................5105
6.898 show interface 43sta1p <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti.......................................................................5107
43STX4 and 43STX4P interface commands ..........................................................................................5109
6.899 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} ................................................................................................5109
6.900 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> .....................................................................5110
6.901 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .................................................5114
6.902 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> tenGige ........................................................5118
6.903 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> odu2 ............................................................5121
6.904 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> otu2 .............................................................5122
6.905 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................5125
6.906 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> ........................................................................5127
6.907 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> odu3 ...............................................................5132
6.908 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> otu3 ................................................................5134
6.909 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................5136
6.910 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti......................................................5138
6.911 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> state ......................................................................5141
6.912 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} .................................................................................................5144
6.913 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid>.......................................................................5145
6.914 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>...................................................5147
6.915 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> tenGige .........................................................5150
6.916 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> odu2..............................................................5152
6.917 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> otu2...............................................................5154
6.918 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> pm.................................................................5157
6.919 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> .........................................................................5159
6.920 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> odu3 ................................................................5162
6.921 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> otu3 .................................................................5165
6.922 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................5167
6.923 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .......................................................5169
4DPA2 interface commands....................................................................................................................5171
6.924 config interface 4dpa2...................................................................................................................5171
6.925 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid>........................................................................................5173
6.926 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 1gbe...............................................................................5176
6.927 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>....................................................................5178
6.928 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> pm..................................................................................5180
6.929 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid>...........................................................................................5182
6.930 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 1gbe..................................................................................5186

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6.931 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>.......................................................................5188

6.932 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................5190
6.933 config interface 4dpa2 <port-aid> state.........................................................................................5192
6.934 show interface 4dpa2 ....................................................................................................................5195
6.935 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> .........................................................................................5197
6.936 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ................................................................................5200
6.937 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .....................................................................5202
6.938 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................5204
6.939 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid>............................................................................................5206
6.940 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 1gbe...................................................................................5209
6.941 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ........................................................................5211
6.942 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> pm......................................................................................5214
4DPA4 interface commands....................................................................................................................5216
6.943 config interface 4dpa4...................................................................................................................5216
6.944 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid>........................................................................................5218
6.945 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 1gbe...............................................................................5222
6.946 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <fcn>..............................................................................5226
6.947 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <client-signal>................................................................5230
6.948 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>....................................................................5234
6.949 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> pm..................................................................................5241
6.950 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid>...........................................................................................5243
6.951 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> otu1...................................................................................5248
6.952 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> odu1..................................................................................5252
6.953 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................5255
6.954 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> ............................................................................................5257
6.955 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> och......................................................................................5261
6.956 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................5263
6.957 config interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti ........................................................................5265
6.958 config interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> state.........................................................................................5268
6.959 show interface 4dpa4 ....................................................................................................................5271
6.960 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> .........................................................................................5273
6.961 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ................................................................................5277
6.962 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <fcn> ...............................................................................5279
6.963 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <client-signal>.................................................................5281
6.964 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .....................................................................5283
6.965 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................5286
6.966 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid>............................................................................................5288

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6.967 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> otu1....................................................................................5292

6.968 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> odu1...................................................................................5294
6.969 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> pm......................................................................................5296
6.970 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid>..............................................................................................5298
6.971 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> och.......................................................................................5300
6.972 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> pm........................................................................................5302
6.973 show interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti .........................................................................5304
4QPA8 interface commands....................................................................................................................5306
6.974 config interface 4qpa8...................................................................................................................5306
6.975 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid>........................................................................................5308
6.976 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe...............................................................................5312
6.977 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> fe....................................................................................5316
6.978 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn>....................................................................5319
6.979 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> pm..................................................................................5326
6.980 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid>...........................................................................................5328
6.981 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> otu1...................................................................................5333
6.982 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> pm.....................................................................................5336
6.983 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> ............................................................................................5338
6.984 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> och......................................................................................5342
6.985 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................5344
6.986 config interface 4qpa8 <port-aid> state.........................................................................................5346
6.987 show interface 4qpa8 ....................................................................................................................5349
6.988 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> .........................................................................................5351
6.989 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe ................................................................................5354
6.990 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> fe .....................................................................................5356
6.991 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .....................................................................5358
6.992 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................5361
6.993 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid>............................................................................................5363
6.994 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> otu1....................................................................................5366
6.995 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> pm......................................................................................5368
6.996 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid>..............................................................................................5370
6.997 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> och.......................................................................................5372
6.998 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> pm........................................................................................5374
D5X500 interface commands ..................................................................................................................5376
6.999 config interface <d5x500-card>.....................................................................................................5376
6.1000 config interface <d5x500-card> <backplane-port-aid>..................................................................5378
6.1001 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> ...................................................................................5381

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6.1002 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> hundredGige .............................................................5391

6.1003 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> otu4 ...........................................................................5394
6.1004 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> .......................................................................5397
6.1005 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> <encoding> ...................................................5403
6.1006 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> pm .............................................................................5408
6.1007 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> state ..........................................................................5412
6.1008 show interface <d5x500-card>......................................................................................................5415
6.1009 show interface <d5x500-card> <backplane-port-aid>...................................................................5417
6.1010 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> ....................................................................................5419
6.1011 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> hundredGige...............................................................5425
6.1012 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> otu4 ............................................................................5427
6.1013 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> ........................................................................5429
6.1014 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> <encoding> ....................................................5434
6.1015 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> pm ..............................................................................5437
MVAC interface commands .....................................................................................................................5440
6.1016 config interface mvac ....................................................................................................................5440
6.1017 config interface mvac <g-port-aid>................................................................................................5442
6.1018 config interface mvac <g-port-aid> och.........................................................................................5446
6.1019 config interface mvac <g-port-aid> pm..........................................................................................5448
6.1020 config interface mvac <port-aid> state ..........................................................................................5450
6.1021 show interface mvac .....................................................................................................................5453
6.1022 show interface mvac <g-port-aid>.................................................................................................5455
6.1023 show interface mvac <g-port-aid> och ..........................................................................................5459
6.1024 show interface mvac <g-port-aid> pm...........................................................................................5460
MVAC8B interface commands ................................................................................................................5462
6.1025 config interface mvac8b ................................................................................................................5462
6.1026 config interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> .....................................................................................5464
6.1027 config interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> pm ...............................................................................5466
6.1028 config interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> ........................................................................................5468
6.1029 config interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> pm ..................................................................................5471
6.1030 config interface mvac8b <port-aid> state ......................................................................................5473
6.1031 show interface mvac8b .................................................................................................................5476
6.1032 show interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> ......................................................................................5477
6.1033 show interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> pm ................................................................................5479
6.1034 show interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> .........................................................................................5481
6.1035 show interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> pm ...................................................................................5483

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PTPCTL interface commands .................................................................................................................5485

6.1036 config interface PTPCTL ...............................................................................................................5485
6.1037 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> state .....................................................................................5487
6.1038 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid>..............................................................................................5490
6.1039 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 1gbe.....................................................................................5493
6.1040 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> fe..........................................................................................5496
6.1041 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> pm........................................................................................5499
6.1042 config interface PTPCTL <bits-port-aid> .......................................................................................5501
6.1043 config interface PTPCTL <tod-port-aid>........................................................................................5505
6.1044 show interface PTPCTL ................................................................................................................5508
6.1045 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> ...............................................................................................5510
6.1046 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 1gbe ......................................................................................5512
6.1047 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> fe ...........................................................................................5514
6.1048 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> pm .........................................................................................5516
6.1049 show interface PTPCTL <bits-port-aid> ........................................................................................5518
6.1050 show interface PTPCTL <tod-port-aid>.........................................................................................5521
PTPIO interface commands ....................................................................................................................5523
6.1051 config interface PTPIO ..................................................................................................................5523
6.1052 config interface PTPIO <line-port-aid>..........................................................................................5525
6.1053 config interface PTPIO <sig-port-aid>...........................................................................................5527
6.1054 config interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid>............................................................................................5530
6.1055 config interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> pm......................................................................................5532
6.1056 config interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> ............................................................................................5534
6.1057 config interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> pm ......................................................................................5536
6.1058 config interface PTPIO <port-aid> state........................................................................................5538
6.1059 show interface PTPIO ...................................................................................................................5541
6.1060 show interface PTPIO <line-port-aid> ...........................................................................................5543
6.1061 show interface PTPIO <sig-port-aid> ............................................................................................5545
6.1062 show interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid>.............................................................................................5547
6.1063 show interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> pm.......................................................................................5549
6.1064 show interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid>..............................................................................................5551
6.1065 show interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> pm........................................................................................5553
PTPIOC Interface Commands .................................................................................................................5555
6.1066 config interface PTPIOC ...............................................................................................................5555
6.1067 config interface PTPIOC <osc-port-aid> .......................................................................................5557
6.1068 config interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> ..................................................................................5560
6.1069 config interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> ots.............................................................................5563

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6.1070 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> ...................................................................................5565

6.1071 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 1gbe ..........................................................................5568
6.1072 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> fe ...............................................................................5571
6.1073 config interface PTPIOC <port-aid> state .....................................................................................5573
6.1074 config interface PTPIOC <port-aid> pm ........................................................................................5576
6.1075 show interface PTPIOC.................................................................................................................5578
6.1076 show interface PTPIOC <osc-port-aid> ........................................................................................5580
6.1077 show interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid>....................................................................................5581
6.1078 show interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> ots..............................................................................5583
6.1079 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid>.....................................................................................5585
6.1080 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 1gbe............................................................................5587
6.1081 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> fe.................................................................................5589
6.1082 show interface PTPIOC <port-aid> pm .........................................................................................5591
S13X100 interface commands ................................................................................................................5593
6.1083 config interface <s13x100-card>...................................................................................................5593
6.1084 config interface <s13x100-card> <backplane-port-aid>................................................................5595
6.1085 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> .................................................................................5598
6.1086 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ngige> ...................................................................5612
6.1087 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> .............................................................5618
6.1088 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otn> .......................................................................5624
6.1089 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otun> .....................................................................5628
6.1090 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> pm ...........................................................................5632
6.1091 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> state.........................................................................5636
6.1092 show interface <s13x100-card> ....................................................................................................5639
6.1093 show interface <s13x100-card> <backplane-port-aid> .................................................................5641
6.1094 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid>...................................................................................5644
6.1095 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ngige>.....................................................................5651
6.1096 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>...............................................................5654
6.1097 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otn> ........................................................................5657
6.1098 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otun> ......................................................................5660
6.1099 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> pm.............................................................................5665
SVAC interface commands .....................................................................................................................5669
6.1100 config interface svac .....................................................................................................................5669
6.1101 config interface svac <client-port-aid> ..........................................................................................5671
6.1102 config interface svac <client-port-aid> pm ....................................................................................5673
6.1103 config interface svac <line-port-aid> .............................................................................................5675
6.1104 config interface svac <line-port-aid> pm .......................................................................................5678

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6.1105 config interface svac <port-aid> state ...........................................................................................5680

6.1106 show interface svac.......................................................................................................................5683
6.1107 show interface svac <client-port-aid>............................................................................................5684
6.1108 show interface svac <client-port-aid> pm......................................................................................5686
6.1109 show interface svac <line-port-aid> ..............................................................................................5687
6.1110 show interface svac <line-port-aid> pm ........................................................................................5689
DSW Packet Switch Cards interface commands ..................................................................................5690
6.1111 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> ....................................................................................5690
6.1112 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid>...................................................................5692
6.1113 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <otun>.......................................................5698
6.1114 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <ngige>.....................................................5702
6.1115 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> state ..........................................................5710
6.1116 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <backplane-port-aid> .................................................5713
6.1117 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> pm.............................................................5716
6.1118 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> .....................................................................................5719
6.1119 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> ....................................................................5722
6.1120 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <otun>........................................................5728
6.1121 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <backplane-port-aid> ..................................................5731
6.1122 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <ngige> ......................................................5733
6.1123 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> pm ..............................................................5736
PSS-<n>x IO card interface commands .................................................................................................5739
6.1124 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid>.........................................................................................5739
6.1125 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> state ................................................................................5753
6.1126 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>...........................................................................5757
6.1127 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>.....................................................................5765
6.1128 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>.............................................................................5774
6.1129 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> pm...................................................................................5789
6.1130 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> ..........................................................................................5794
6.1131 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige> ............................................................................5805
6.1132 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> ......................................................................5809
6.1133 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>..............................................................................5813
6.1134 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> pm ....................................................................................5820
Other interface commands......................................................................................................................5825
6.1135 config interface extwavekeys ........................................................................................................5825
6.1136 show interface extwavekeys .........................................................................................................5828
6.1137 show interface brief .......................................................................................................................5831

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7 OTH facility management commands ....................................................................................................5835

7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................5835
7.2 config otu.......................................................................................................................................5836
7.3 config otu <otu-aid> state..............................................................................................................5855
7.4 config otu <otu-aid> pm ................................................................................................................5860
7.5 config odunim................................................................................................................................5864
7.6 config odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> state...............................................................................5881
7.7 config odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm .................................................................................5886
7.8 config oduptf..................................................................................................................................5892
7.9 config oduptf <facility-type> <oduptf-aid> state ............................................................................5917
7.10 config oduptf <facility-type> <oduptf-aid> pm ...............................................................................5922
7.11 config tcm......................................................................................................................................5928
7.12 config wanif ...................................................................................................................................5945
7.13 config encrypt <facility-type> <facility-aid> ...................................................................................5949
7.14 show otu........................................................................................................................................5952
7.15 show otu <otu-aid> pm..................................................................................................................5963
7.16 show odunim .................................................................................................................................5967
7.17 show odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm...................................................................................5980
7.18 show oduptf...................................................................................................................................5986
7.19 show oduptf <facility-type> <oduptf-aid> pm ................................................................................6000
7.20 show tcm .......................................................................................................................................6006
7.21 show wanif ....................................................................................................................................6015
7.22 show encrypt <facility-type> <facility-aid>.....................................................................................6018

Part IV: Alarm and performance monitoring ................................................................................................6021

8 Alarm management commands..............................................................................................................6023

8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6023
8.2 alm ................................................................................................................................................6025
8.3 config aco......................................................................................................................................6026
8.4 config alm attr................................................................................................................................6027
8.5 config alm attr <facility-type> ........................................................................................................6028
8.6 config alm attr interface.................................................................................................................6031
8.7 config alm attr l2data.....................................................................................................................6034
8.8 config alm attr shelf .......................................................................................................................6037
8.9 config alm attr slot .........................................................................................................................6039
8.10 config alm prfl................................................................................................................................6041
8.11 config transferlog...........................................................................................................................6044

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8.12 config transferlog server................................................................................................................6049

8.13 show alm attr.................................................................................................................................6051
8.14 show alm attr <facility-type>..........................................................................................................6053
8.15 show alm attr interface ..................................................................................................................6056
8.16 show alm attr l2data ......................................................................................................................6058
8.17 show alm attr shelf ........................................................................................................................6061
8.18 show alm attr slot ..........................................................................................................................6063
8.19 show alm prfl .................................................................................................................................6065
8.20 show alarmleds .............................................................................................................................6068
8.21 show condition ..............................................................................................................................6069
8.22 show transferlog............................................................................................................................6070
8.23 config alm asap .............................................................................................................................6072
8.24 config alm asap create ..................................................................................................................6074
8.25 config alm asap attr.......................................................................................................................6078
8.26 config alm asap name ...................................................................................................................6080
8.27 config alm asap delete ..................................................................................................................6082
8.28 config alm asap default .................................................................................................................6083
8.29 show alm asap ..............................................................................................................................6084
8.30 show alm asap type ......................................................................................................................6086
8.31 show alm asap attr ........................................................................................................................6090
8.32 show alm asap assignment...........................................................................................................6092
8.33 show alm asap default ..................................................................................................................6093

9 Performance monitoring commands .....................................................................................................6097

9.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6097
9.2 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm cd .....................................................................................6100
9.3 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm dgd ...................................................................................6103
9.4 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm dw.....................................................................................6106
9.5 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm e1 .....................................................................................6108
9.6 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm encrypt..............................................................................6110
9.7 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet ............................................................................6113
9.8 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethfecpm...........................................................................6116
9.9 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm fecpm................................................................................6118
9.10 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm berprefec ..........................................................................6121
9.11 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm foff ....................................................................................6124
9.12 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface ...........................................................................6127
9.13 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm LanePwrs .........................................................................6129

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9.14 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opin ..................................................................................6131

9.15 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opochin.............................................................................6133
9.16 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opochout ..........................................................................6135
9.17 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opout ................................................................................6137
9.18 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr ....................................................................................6139
9.19 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt ....................................................................................6142
9.20 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm osnr ..................................................................................6145
9.21 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm pcs....................................................................................6147
9.22 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm prefecbits..........................................................................6150
9.23 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh ...................................................................................6153
9.24 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet ................................................................................6156
9.25 config odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm odurx .......................................................................6159
9.26 config odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm odutx........................................................................6162
9.27 config oduptf <facility-type> <oduptf-aid> pm odurx .....................................................................6165
9.28 config otu <otu-aid> pm otupm .....................................................................................................6168
9.29 config pm clearall ..........................................................................................................................6171
9.30 config profile pm............................................................................................................................6172
9.31 config profile pm <entity> ..............................................................................................................6175
9.32 config tcm <facility-type>-<odu-aid>/<level>/<position> tcmpm ...................................................6182
9.33 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm cd.......................................................................................6185
9.34 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm dgd ....................................................................................6187
9.35 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm dw......................................................................................6189
9.36 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm e1 ......................................................................................6192
9.37 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm encrypt...............................................................................6194
9.38 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet .............................................................................6196
9.39 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethfecpm............................................................................6198
9.40 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm fecpm.................................................................................6200
9.41 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm foff .....................................................................................6203
9.42 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface.............................................................................6205
9.43 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm LanePwrs ..........................................................................6207
9.44 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opin....................................................................................6210
9.45 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opochin..............................................................................6212
9.46 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opochout............................................................................6214
9.47 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opout .................................................................................6216
9.48 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr .....................................................................................6218
9.49 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt .....................................................................................6221
9.50 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm osnr ...................................................................................6224

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9.51 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm pcs.....................................................................................6227

9.52 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm berprefec ...........................................................................6230
9.53 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm prefecbits...........................................................................6233
9.54 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh.....................................................................................6235
9.55 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet..................................................................................6237
9.56 show odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm odurx.........................................................................6240
9.57 show odunim <facility-type> <odu-aid> pm odutx.........................................................................6243
9.58 show oduptf <facility-type> <oduptf-aid> pm odurx ......................................................................6246
9.59 show otu <otu-aid> pm otupm.......................................................................................................6248
9.60 show profile pm .............................................................................................................................6250
9.61 show profile pm <entity> ...............................................................................................................6253
9.62 show tcm <facility-type>-<odu-aid>/<level>/<position> tcmpm ....................................................6269
9.63 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opinc.................................................................................6272
9.64 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opinl..................................................................................6274
9.65 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opoutc ..............................................................................6276
9.66 config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opoutl ...............................................................................6278
9.67 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opinc..................................................................................6280
9.68 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opinl...................................................................................6282
9.69 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opoutc................................................................................6284
9.70 show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opoutl.................................................................................6286
9.71 show streamingPM........................................................................................................................6288

Part V: Connection and protection management ........................................................................................6291

10 Connection and protection management commands ..........................................................................6293

10.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6293
10.2 config aps......................................................................................................................................6294
10.3 config eqptaps ...............................................................................................................................6311
10.4 config interface topology ...............................................................................................................6317
10.5 config multitopology ......................................................................................................................6323
10.6 config odukaps ..............................................................................................................................6326
10.7 config odukxc ................................................................................................................................6360
10.8 config vtsxc ...................................................................................................................................6379
10.9 config xc ........................................................................................................................................6388
10.10 config xcgroup...............................................................................................................................6401
10.11 show aps .......................................................................................................................................6407
10.12 show eqptaps ................................................................................................................................6411
10.13 show interface topology ................................................................................................................6413

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10.14 show multitopology........................................................................................................................6419

10.15 show vtsxc.....................................................................................................................................6422
10.16 show xc .........................................................................................................................................6426
10.17 show xc <id> trace {AtoZ | ZtoA}...................................................................................................6432
10.18 show xcgroup ................................................................................................................................6440
10.19 show odukaps ...............................................................................................................................6443
10.20 show odukxc .................................................................................................................................6451

Part VI: Packet transport service management ...........................................................................................6457

11 Clear commands ......................................................................................................................................6459

11.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6459
Service clear commands .........................................................................................................................6461
11.2 clear ..............................................................................................................................................6461
11.3 service...........................................................................................................................................6462
11.4 id ...................................................................................................................................................6463
11.5 fdb .................................................................................................................................................6464
11.6 igmp-snooping...............................................................................................................................6465
11.7 port-db...........................................................................................................................................6466
11.8 querier ...........................................................................................................................................6467
11.9 statistics ........................................................................................................................................6468
11.10 statistics ........................................................................................................................................6469
11.11 counters ........................................................................................................................................6470
11.12 sap ................................................................................................................................................6471
11.13 spoke-sdp......................................................................................................................................6472
Filter clear commands .............................................................................................................................6473
11.14 filter ...............................................................................................................................................6473
11.15 mac ...............................................................................................................................................6474
LAG clear commands ..............................................................................................................................6475
11.16 lag .................................................................................................................................................6475
Port clear commands...............................................................................................................................6476
11.17 port ................................................................................................................................................6476
Remote managed device clear command..............................................................................................6477
11.18 rmd ................................................................................................................................................6477
Performace monitoring PMON clear command ....................................................................................6478
11.19 pmon .............................................................................................................................................6478
11.20 port ................................................................................................................................................6479
11.21 sap ................................................................................................................................................6480

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11.22 proactive-test.................................................................................................................................6481
MPLS-TP clear commands ......................................................................................................................6482
11.23 router.............................................................................................................................................6482
11.24 bfd .................................................................................................................................................6483
11.25 statistics ........................................................................................................................................6484
11.26 mpls...............................................................................................................................................6485
11.27 interface ........................................................................................................................................6486
11.28 interface ........................................................................................................................................6487
Y.1564 Testhead clear commands ..........................................................................................................6488
11.29 testhead ........................................................................................................................................6488
11.30 testhead ........................................................................................................................................6489

12 Ethernet ring protection commands ......................................................................................................6491

12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6491
ETH-Ring configuration commands.......................................................................................................6493
12.2 eth-ring ..........................................................................................................................................6493
12.3 description.....................................................................................................................................6494
12.4 guard-time .....................................................................................................................................6495
12.5 revert-time .....................................................................................................................................6496
12.6 rpl-node .........................................................................................................................................6497
12.7 node-id ..........................................................................................................................................6498
12.8 compatible-version ........................................................................................................................6499
12.9 path ...............................................................................................................................................6500
12.10 description.....................................................................................................................................6502
12.11 rpl-end ...........................................................................................................................................6503
12.12 eth-cfm ..........................................................................................................................................6504
12.13 mep ...............................................................................................................................................6505
12.14 ccm-enable....................................................................................................................................6506
12.15 ccm-ltm-priority..............................................................................................................................6507
12.16 control-mep ...................................................................................................................................6508
12.17 low-priority-defect..........................................................................................................................6509
12.18 mac-address .................................................................................................................................6510
12.19 shutdown .......................................................................................................................................6511
12.20 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6512
12.21 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6513
12.22 otndeg ...........................................................................................................................................6514

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Sub ring commands.................................................................................................................................6515

12.23 sub-ring .........................................................................................................................................6515
12.24 interconnect...................................................................................................................................6516
12.25 propagate-topology-change ..........................................................................................................6517
Show commands......................................................................................................................................6518
12.26 eth-ring ..........................................................................................................................................6518

13 Ethernet OAM commands .......................................................................................................................6527

13.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6527
ETH-CFM configuration commands .......................................................................................................6530
13.2 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6530
13.3 eth-cfm ..........................................................................................................................................6532
13.4 mep ...............................................................................................................................................6533
13.5 fault-propagation-enable ...............................................................................................................6535
13.6 ais-enable......................................................................................................................................6536
13.7 client-meg-level .............................................................................................................................6537
13.8 interval...........................................................................................................................................6538
13.9 priority ...........................................................................................................................................6539
13.10 ccm-enable....................................................................................................................................6540
13.11 ccm-ltm-priority..............................................................................................................................6541
13.12 control-mep ...................................................................................................................................6542
13.13 low-priority-defect..........................................................................................................................6543
13.14 mac-address .................................................................................................................................6544
13.15 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6545
13.16 domain ..........................................................................................................................................6546
13.17 association ....................................................................................................................................6548
13.18 bridge-identifier .............................................................................................................................6550
13.19 mhf-creation ..................................................................................................................................6551
13.20 vlan................................................................................................................................................6552
13.21 ccm-interval...................................................................................................................................6553
13.22 remote-mepid ................................................................................................................................6554
13.23 oam ...............................................................................................................................................6555
13.24 eth-cfm ..........................................................................................................................................6556
13.25 linktrace.........................................................................................................................................6557
13.26 loopback........................................................................................................................................6558
13.27 two-way-delay-test ........................................................................................................................6560
13.28 two-way-slm-test ...........................................................................................................................6562

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13.29 proactive-test.................................................................................................................................6565
13.30 two-way-delay ...............................................................................................................................6566
13.31 two-way-slm ..................................................................................................................................6568
13.32 pmon-dm-policy.............................................................................................................................6570
13.33 pmon-slm-policy ............................................................................................................................6571
13.34 efm ................................................................................................................................................6572
13.35 local-loopback ...............................................................................................................................6573
13.36 remote-loopback ...........................................................................................................................6574
MC-LAG commands.................................................................................................................................6575
13.37 redundancy ...................................................................................................................................6575
13.38 mc-lag ...........................................................................................................................................6576
13.39 propagate-hold-time ......................................................................................................................6577
13.40 standby-mep-shutdown.................................................................................................................6578
Show commands......................................................................................................................................6579
13.41 eth-cfm ..........................................................................................................................................6579
13.42 association ....................................................................................................................................6580
13.43 cfm-stack-table..............................................................................................................................6582
13.44 domain ..........................................................................................................................................6584
13.45 mep ...............................................................................................................................................6586
13.46 proactive-test.................................................................................................................................6591
MC-LAG show commands.......................................................................................................................6599
13.47 redundancy ...................................................................................................................................6599
13.48 mc-lag ...........................................................................................................................................6600

14 General commands..................................................................................................................................6601
14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6601
General CLI configuration commands ...................................................................................................6602
14.2 operational-mode ..........................................................................................................................6602
14.3 split-horizon-group ........................................................................................................................6603
14.4 description.....................................................................................................................................6604
14.5 system...........................................................................................................................................6605
14.6 loopback-no-svc-port.....................................................................................................................6606
14.7 packetswitch..................................................................................................................................6608
14.8 description.....................................................................................................................................6610
14.9 syncesupp .....................................................................................................................................6611

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Show commands......................................................................................................................................6612
14.10 operational-mode ..........................................................................................................................6612
14.11 split-horizon-group ........................................................................................................................6613
14.12 system...........................................................................................................................................6615
14.13 internal-loopback-ports..................................................................................................................6616
14.14 packetswitch..................................................................................................................................6618
14.15 qinq-etype .....................................................................................................................................6621
14.16 display-config ................................................................................................................................6622

15 LAG commands........................................................................................................................................6631
15.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6631
LAG configuration commands................................................................................................................6632
15.2 lacp-system-priority .......................................................................................................................6632
15.3 lag .................................................................................................................................................6633
15.4 description.....................................................................................................................................6635
15.5 encap-type ....................................................................................................................................6636
15.6 hold-time .......................................................................................................................................6637
15.7 lacp................................................................................................................................................6638
15.8 lacp-xmit-interval ...........................................................................................................................6639
15.9 mac ...............................................................................................................................................6640
15.10 mode .............................................................................................................................................6641
15.11 lacp-xmit-stdby ..............................................................................................................................6642
15.12 port ................................................................................................................................................6643
15.13 priority ...........................................................................................................................................6644
15.14 subgroup .......................................................................................................................................6645
15.15 port-threshold ................................................................................................................................6646
15.16 selection-criteria ............................................................................................................................6647
15.17 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6648
15.18 split-horizon-group ........................................................................................................................6649
LAG show commands .............................................................................................................................6650
15.19 lag .................................................................................................................................................6650

16 MC-LAG commands.................................................................................................................................6661
16.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6661
LAG - multi-chassis redundancy commands descriptions..................................................................6663
16.2 redundancy ...................................................................................................................................6663
16.3 multi-chassis .................................................................................................................................6664
16.4 source ...........................................................................................................................................6665

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16.5 source ...........................................................................................................................................6666

16.6 peer ...............................................................................................................................................6667
16.7 peer-name.....................................................................................................................................6668
16.8 description.....................................................................................................................................6669
16.9 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6670
16.10 mc-lag ...........................................................................................................................................6671
16.11 hold-on-neighbor-failure ................................................................................................................6672
16.12 keep-alive-interval .........................................................................................................................6673
16.13 lag .................................................................................................................................................6674
16.14 flush-eth-ring-when-active.............................................................................................................6676
16.15 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6677
16.16 sync...............................................................................................................................................6678
16.17 igmp-snooping...............................................................................................................................6679
16.18 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6680
Show commands......................................................................................................................................6681
16.19 redundancy ...................................................................................................................................6681
16.20 multi-chassis .................................................................................................................................6682

17 Mirroring commands ...............................................................................................................................6691

17.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6691
Mirroring CLI configuration commands.................................................................................................6692
17.2 mirror.............................................................................................................................................6692
17.3 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6693
CLI mirror destination configuration commands..................................................................................6694
17.4 mirror-dest.....................................................................................................................................6694
17.5 description.....................................................................................................................................6696
17.6 fc ...................................................................................................................................................6697
17.7 sap ................................................................................................................................................6699
17.8 service-name.................................................................................................................................6700
CLI mirror source configuration commands .........................................................................................6701
17.9 mirror-source.................................................................................................................................6701
17.10 mac-filter .......................................................................................................................................6702
17.11 port ................................................................................................................................................6704
17.12 sap ................................................................................................................................................6706
17.13 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6707

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Show commands......................................................................................................................................6708
17.14 mirror mirror-dest ..........................................................................................................................6708
17.15 mirror .............................................................................................................................................6711

18 PMON commands ....................................................................................................................................6713

18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6713
CLI configure PMON policies..................................................................................................................6717
18.2 pmon .............................................................................................................................................6717
CLI configure interface PMON policies..................................................................................................6718
18.3 pmon-interface-policy....................................................................................................................6718
18.4 description.....................................................................................................................................6719
18.5 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6720
18.6 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6721
18.7 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6722
18.8 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6723
18.9 transmittedpkts..............................................................................................................................6724
18.10 transmittedoctets...........................................................................................................................6725
18.11 receivedpkts ..................................................................................................................................6726
18.12 receivedoctets ...............................................................................................................................6727
CLI configure SDP PMON policies .........................................................................................................6728
18.13 pmon-sdp-policy............................................................................................................................6728
18.14 description.....................................................................................................................................6729
18.15 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6730
18.16 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6731
18.17 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6732
18.18 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6733
18.19 ingressforwardedpkts ....................................................................................................................6734
18.20 ingressforwardedoctets .................................................................................................................6735
18.21 egressforwardedpkts.....................................................................................................................6736
18.22 egressforwardedoctets..................................................................................................................6737
CLI configure port PMON policies..........................................................................................................6738
18.23 pmon-port-policy ...........................................................................................................................6738
18.24 description.....................................................................................................................................6739
18.25 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6740
18.26 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6741
18.27 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6742
18.28 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6743

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18.29 port ................................................................................................................................................6744

18.30 queue ............................................................................................................................................6745
18.31 ifinpackets .....................................................................................................................................6746
18.32 ifoutpackets ...................................................................................................................................6747
18.33 ifinoctets ........................................................................................................................................6748
18.34 ifoutoctets......................................................................................................................................6749
18.35 ifindiscards ....................................................................................................................................6750
18.36 ifoutdiscards ..................................................................................................................................6751
18.37 ifinerrors ........................................................................................................................................6752
18.38 ifouterrors ......................................................................................................................................6753
18.39 highcapacitypkts............................................................................................................................6754
18.40 highcapacityoctets.........................................................................................................................6755
CLI configure sap PMON policies...........................................................................................................6756
18.41 pmon-sap-policy............................................................................................................................6756
18.42 description.....................................................................................................................................6757
18.43 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6758
18.44 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6759
18.45 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6760
18.46 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6761
18.47 IngressPktsDropped......................................................................................................................6762
18.48 IngressOctetsDropped ..................................................................................................................6763
CLI configure queue PMON policies ......................................................................................................6764
18.49 pktsdropped ..................................................................................................................................6764
18.50 octetsdropped ...............................................................................................................................6765
CLI configure proactive SLM PMON policies ........................................................................................6766
18.51 pmon-slm-policy ............................................................................................................................6766
18.52 description.....................................................................................................................................6767
18.53 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6768
18.54 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6769
18.55 flr-threshold ...................................................................................................................................6770
18.56 consec-delta-t................................................................................................................................6771
18.57 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6772
18.58 anflr ...............................................................................................................................................6773
18.59 afflr ................................................................................................................................................6774
18.60 nhli.................................................................................................................................................6775
18.61 fhli..................................................................................................................................................6776
18.62 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6777

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18.63 anflr ...............................................................................................................................................6778

18.64 afflr ................................................................................................................................................6779
18.65 tca-continuous...............................................................................................................................6780
18.66 anflr ...............................................................................................................................................6781
18.67 xnflr ...............................................................................................................................................6782
18.68 afflr ................................................................................................................................................6783
18.69 xfflr ................................................................................................................................................6784
18.70 nhli.................................................................................................................................................6785
18.71 fhli..................................................................................................................................................6786
CLI configure proactive DM PMON policies ..........................................................................................6787
18.72 pmon-dm-policy.............................................................................................................................6787
18.73 description.....................................................................................................................................6788
18.74 bin-15min ......................................................................................................................................6789
18.75 bin-1day ........................................................................................................................................6790
18.76 tca-15min ......................................................................................................................................6791
18.77 tca-1day ........................................................................................................................................6792
18.78 abfd ...............................................................................................................................................6793
18.79 xbfd ...............................................................................................................................................6794
18.80 anfdv .............................................................................................................................................6795
18.81 xnfdv..............................................................................................................................................6796
18.82 affdv ..............................................................................................................................................6797
18.83 xffdv...............................................................................................................................................6798
Show commands......................................................................................................................................6799
18.84 pmon .............................................................................................................................................6799
18.85 pmon-sap-policy............................................................................................................................6800
18.86 pmon-port-policy ...........................................................................................................................6803
18.87 pmon-slm-policy ............................................................................................................................6807
18.88 pmon-dm-policy.............................................................................................................................6812
18.89 pmon-interface-policy....................................................................................................................6815
18.90 pmon-sdp-policy............................................................................................................................6818

19 PORT commands .....................................................................................................................................6821

19.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6821
Basic port commands..............................................................................................................................6824
19.2 port ................................................................................................................................................6824
19.3 port ................................................................................................................................................6825
19.4 split-horizon-group ........................................................................................................................6826

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Ethernet port commands.........................................................................................................................6827

19.5 ethernet .........................................................................................................................................6827
19.6 pmon-port-policy ...........................................................................................................................6828
19.7 access ...........................................................................................................................................6829
19.8 network..........................................................................................................................................6830
19.9 egress ...........................................................................................................................................6831
19.10 efm-oam ........................................................................................................................................6832
19.11 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................6833
19.12 accept-remote-loopback................................................................................................................6834
19.13 mode .............................................................................................................................................6835
19.14 transmit-interval.............................................................................................................................6836
19.15 tunneling........................................................................................................................................6837
19.16 uplink.............................................................................................................................................6838
19.17 qos ................................................................................................................................................6839
19.18 queue-policy..................................................................................................................................6840
19.19 egress-scheduler-policy ................................................................................................................6841
19.20 mode .............................................................................................................................................6842
19.21 mtu ................................................................................................................................................6844
19.22 autonegotiate ................................................................................................................................6846
19.23 duplex............................................................................................................................................6847
19.24 egress-rate ....................................................................................................................................6848
19.25 encap-type ....................................................................................................................................6849
19.26 hold-time .......................................................................................................................................6850
19.27 lacp-tunnel.....................................................................................................................................6852
19.28 qinq-etype .....................................................................................................................................6853
19.29 speed ............................................................................................................................................6854
19.30 pool ...............................................................................................................................................6855
19.31 slope-policy ...................................................................................................................................6856
19.32 dot1x .............................................................................................................................................6857
19.33 tunneling........................................................................................................................................6858
19.34 loopback........................................................................................................................................6859
LLDP port commands..............................................................................................................................6862
19.35 lldp.................................................................................................................................................6862
19.36 tunnel-nearest-bridge-dest-mac ....................................................................................................6863
19.37 dest-mac .......................................................................................................................................6864
19.38 admin-status..................................................................................................................................6865
19.39 notification .....................................................................................................................................6866

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19.40 tx-tlv...............................................................................................................................................6867
19.41 tx-mgmt-address ...........................................................................................................................6868
Show commands......................................................................................................................................6869
19.42 port ................................................................................................................................................6869
19.43 port ................................................................................................................................................6884
19.44 lldp.................................................................................................................................................6899
Port PMON statistics................................................................................................................................6908
19.45 pmon .............................................................................................................................................6908

20 Quality of Service commands.................................................................................................................6915

20.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6915
Frame based accounting commands.....................................................................................................6922
20.2 frame-based-accounting ...............................................................................................................6922
20.3 egress-enable ...............................................................................................................................6923
20.4 ingress-enable...............................................................................................................................6924
QoS CLI configuration commands .........................................................................................................6925
20.5 qos ................................................................................................................................................6925
20.6 create ............................................................................................................................................6926
Sap ingress QoS policy commands .......................................................................................................6927
20.7 sap-ingress....................................................................................................................................6927
20.8 description.....................................................................................................................................6929
20.9 scope.............................................................................................................................................6930
20.10 num-qos-classifiers .......................................................................................................................6931
Sap meter QoS policy commands ..........................................................................................................6933
20.11 meter .............................................................................................................................................6933
20.12 adaptation-rule ..............................................................................................................................6935
20.13 cbs.................................................................................................................................................6936
20.14 mbs ...............................................................................................................................................6937
20.15 mode .............................................................................................................................................6938
20.16 rate ................................................................................................................................................6939
Forwarding class (FC) commands .........................................................................................................6941
20.17 default-fc .......................................................................................................................................6941
20.18 fc ...................................................................................................................................................6942
20.19 broadcast-meter ............................................................................................................................6943
20.20 meter .............................................................................................................................................6944
20.21 multicast-meter..............................................................................................................................6945
20.22 unknown-meter .............................................................................................................................6946

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Sap ingress MAC QoS policy match commands ..................................................................................6947

20.23 mac-criteria ...................................................................................................................................6947
20.24 entry ..............................................................................................................................................6948
20.25 action.............................................................................................................................................6950
20.26 match ............................................................................................................................................6951
20.27 dot1p .............................................................................................................................................6952
20.28 dst-mac .........................................................................................................................................6953
20.29 etype .............................................................................................................................................6954
20.30 src-mac .........................................................................................................................................6955
Sap ingress IP QoS policy match commands .......................................................................................6956
20.31 ip-criteria .......................................................................................................................................6956
20.32 entry ..............................................................................................................................................6957
20.33 action.............................................................................................................................................6959
20.34 match ............................................................................................................................................6960
20.35 dscp...............................................................................................................................................6961
20.36 dst-ip .............................................................................................................................................6963
20.37 src-ip .............................................................................................................................................6964
20.38 dst-port ..........................................................................................................................................6965
20.39 src-port ..........................................................................................................................................6966
20.40 fragment ........................................................................................................................................6967
Sap ingress IPv6 QoS policy match commands ...................................................................................6968
20.41 ipv6-criteria....................................................................................................................................6968
20.42 entry ..............................................................................................................................................6969
20.43 action.............................................................................................................................................6971
20.44 match ............................................................................................................................................6972
20.45 dscp...............................................................................................................................................6973
20.46 dst-ip .............................................................................................................................................6974
20.47 src-ip .............................................................................................................................................6975
20.48 dst-port ..........................................................................................................................................6976
20.49 src-port ..........................................................................................................................................6977
Access egress QoS policy commands ..................................................................................................6978
20.50 Overview .......................................................................................................................................6978
20.51 access-egress ...............................................................................................................................6981
20.52 description.....................................................................................................................................6982
20.53 scope.............................................................................................................................................6983
20.54 fc ...................................................................................................................................................6984
20.55 dot1p-in-profile ..............................................................................................................................6985

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20.56 dot1p-out-profile ............................................................................................................................6989

20.57 remarking ......................................................................................................................................6993
20.58 remark ...........................................................................................................................................6994
Access egress queue QoS policy commands.......................................................................................6995
20.59 queue ............................................................................................................................................6995
20.60 adaptation-rule ..............................................................................................................................6997
20.61 rate ................................................................................................................................................6999
Network QoS policy commands (for packetswitch cards)...................................................................7001
20.62 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7001
20.63 network..........................................................................................................................................7002
Network QoS policy commands (for network interfaces) ....................................................................7004
20.64 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7004
20.65 network..........................................................................................................................................7005
Network QoS policy commands (for uplink ports) ...............................................................................7007
20.66 network..........................................................................................................................................7007
20.67 description.....................................................................................................................................7009
20.68 scope.............................................................................................................................................7010
Network ingress QoS policy commands................................................................................................7011
20.69 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7011
20.70 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7012
20.71 default-action.................................................................................................................................7013
20.72 dot1p .............................................................................................................................................7015
20.73 lsp-exp...........................................................................................................................................7017
20.74 mpls-lsp-exp-profile.......................................................................................................................7018
Network ingress meter commands ........................................................................................................7019
20.75 meter .............................................................................................................................................7019
20.76 adaptation-rule ..............................................................................................................................7021
20.77 cbs.................................................................................................................................................7023
20.78 mbs ...............................................................................................................................................7024
20.79 rate ................................................................................................................................................7025
Ingress forwarding class (FC) commands.............................................................................................7026
20.80 fc ...................................................................................................................................................7026
20.81 meter .............................................................................................................................................7027
20.82 multicast-meter..............................................................................................................................7028
Network egress QoS policy commands.................................................................................................7029
20.83 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7029
20.84 egress ...........................................................................................................................................7031

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20.85 fc ...................................................................................................................................................7032
20.86 dot1p-in-profile ..............................................................................................................................7033
20.87 dot1p-out-profile ............................................................................................................................7034
20.88 remarking ......................................................................................................................................7035
20.89 remark ...........................................................................................................................................7037
Network queue QoS policy commands..................................................................................................7038
20.90 network-queue ..............................................................................................................................7038
20.91 description.....................................................................................................................................7041
20.92 queue ............................................................................................................................................7042
20.93 adaptation-rule ..............................................................................................................................7043
20.94 rate ................................................................................................................................................7045
Port scheduler policy commands...........................................................................................................7047
20.95 port-scheduler-policy.....................................................................................................................7047
20.96 description.....................................................................................................................................7048
20.97 mode .............................................................................................................................................7049
20.98 queue ............................................................................................................................................7052
Slope policy commands ..........................................................................................................................7053
20.99 slope-policy ...................................................................................................................................7053
20.100 description.....................................................................................................................................7055
20.101 queue ............................................................................................................................................7056
20.102 high-slope......................................................................................................................................7057
20.103 low-slope .......................................................................................................................................7058
20.104 non-tcp-slope ................................................................................................................................7059
20.105 time-average-factor .......................................................................................................................7060
RED slope commands .............................................................................................................................7061
20.106 max-avg ........................................................................................................................................7061
20.107 max-prob .......................................................................................................................................7063
20.108 start-avg ........................................................................................................................................7064
20.109 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7065
Remark QoS Policy Commands .............................................................................................................7066
20.110 remark ...........................................................................................................................................7066
20.111 description.....................................................................................................................................7070
20.112 fc ...................................................................................................................................................7071
20.113 dot1p-in-profile ..............................................................................................................................7072
20.114 dot1p-out-profile ............................................................................................................................7073
20.115 lsp-exp-in-profile............................................................................................................................7074
20.116 lsp-exp-out-profile .........................................................................................................................7075

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20.117 dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile .................................................................................................................7076

20.118 dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile ...............................................................................................................7077
Mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map Policy Commands ........................................................................................7078
20.119 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7078
20.120 mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map...............................................................................................................7079
20.121 description.....................................................................................................................................7080
20.122 lsp-exp...........................................................................................................................................7081
Show commands......................................................................................................................................7082
20.123 sap-ingress....................................................................................................................................7082
20.124 access-egress ...............................................................................................................................7096
20.125 network..........................................................................................................................................7104
20.126 port-scheduler-policy .....................................................................................................................7116
20.127 network-queue ..............................................................................................................................7120
20.128 slope-policy ...................................................................................................................................7123
20.129 remark-policy.................................................................................................................................7128
20.130 mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map...............................................................................................................7136

21 Remote-managed-device command.......................................................................................................7139
21.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7139
RMD discovery commands .....................................................................................................................7141
21.2 rmd-discovery................................................................................................................................7141
21.3 rmd-access-interface.....................................................................................................................7142
21.4 oui .................................................................................................................................................7143
21.5 start ...............................................................................................................................................7144
RMD access interface commands ..........................................................................................................7145
21.6 rmd-access-interface.....................................................................................................................7145
RMD instance commands .......................................................................................................................7147
21.7 rmd ................................................................................................................................................7147
21.8 description.....................................................................................................................................7149
21.9 reset ..............................................................................................................................................7150
21.10 port ................................................................................................................................................7151
21.11 autonegotiate ................................................................................................................................7152
21.12 autonegotiate-fallback ...................................................................................................................7153
21.13 duplex............................................................................................................................................7154
21.14 speed ............................................................................................................................................7155
21.15 traffic .............................................................................................................................................7156
21.16 forwarding .....................................................................................................................................7157

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21.17 eth-cfm ..........................................................................................................................................7158

21.18 mep ...............................................................................................................................................7159
21.19 ccm-enable....................................................................................................................................7162
21.20 remote-mepid ................................................................................................................................7163
21.21 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7164
21.22 efm-oam ........................................................................................................................................7165
21.23 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7166
21.24 tsop ...............................................................................................................................................7167
21.25 dest-mac .......................................................................................................................................7168
21.26 loopback........................................................................................................................................7169
21.27 encapsulation ................................................................................................................................7170
21.28 ecid................................................................................................................................................7171
21.29 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7172
21.30 decapsulation ................................................................................................................................7173
21.31 exp-ecid.........................................................................................................................................7174
Show commands......................................................................................................................................7175
21.32 rmd-discovery................................................................................................................................7175
21.33 rmd-access-interface.....................................................................................................................7176
21.34 rmd ................................................................................................................................................7178

22 Service configuration commands ..........................................................................................................7187

22.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7187
Service Context ........................................................................................................................................7193
22.2 service...........................................................................................................................................7193
Customer management commands .......................................................................................................7194
22.3 customer .......................................................................................................................................7194
22.4 contact...........................................................................................................................................7195
22.5 phone ............................................................................................................................................7196
22.6 description.....................................................................................................................................7197
MAC filter commands ..............................................................................................................................7198
22.7 filter ...............................................................................................................................................7198
22.8 mac-filter .......................................................................................................................................7199
22.9 default-action.................................................................................................................................7200
22.10 description.....................................................................................................................................7201
22.11 scope.............................................................................................................................................7202
22.12 entry ..............................................................................................................................................7203
22.13 action.............................................................................................................................................7204

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22.14 match ............................................................................................................................................7205

22.15 dot1p .............................................................................................................................................7206
22.16 dst-mac .........................................................................................................................................7208
22.17 etype .............................................................................................................................................7210
22.18 src-mac .........................................................................................................................................7212
VPLS/E-Tree service commands ............................................................................................................7213
22.19 vpls................................................................................................................................................7213
22.20 disable-aging.................................................................................................................................7216
22.21 disable-learning.............................................................................................................................7217
22.22 discard-unknown ...........................................................................................................................7218
22.23 fdb-table-size.................................................................................................................................7219
22.24 local-age........................................................................................................................................7220
22.25 mfib-table-size...............................................................................................................................7221
22.26 service-name.................................................................................................................................7222
22.27 mc-lag-binding...............................................................................................................................7223
VPLS/E-Tree igmp-snooping commands...............................................................................................7224
22.28 igmp-snooping...............................................................................................................................7224
22.29 query-interval ................................................................................................................................7225
22.30 report-src-ip...................................................................................................................................7226
22.31 query-src-ip ...................................................................................................................................7227
22.32 robust-count ..................................................................................................................................7228
VPLS/E-Tree MAC Move Commands......................................................................................................7229
22.33 mac-move .....................................................................................................................................7229
22.34 move-frequency ............................................................................................................................7230
22.35 retry-timeout ..................................................................................................................................7231
Generic commands..................................................................................................................................7232
22.36 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7232
22.37 description.....................................................................................................................................7233
VPLS/E-Tree SAP commands .................................................................................................................7234
22.38 sap ................................................................................................................................................7234
22.39 l2pt-termination .............................................................................................................................7237
22.40 max-nbr-mac-addr.........................................................................................................................7238
22.41 statistics ........................................................................................................................................7239
22.42 pmon-sap-policy............................................................................................................................7240
22.43 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7241
22.44 counter-mode ................................................................................................................................7242
22.45 llf....................................................................................................................................................7243

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22.46 static-mac......................................................................................................................................7244
22.47 discard-unknown-source ...............................................................................................................7245
22.48 limit-mac-move..............................................................................................................................7246
VPLS/E-Tree SAP QoS policy commands and VPLS filter ...................................................................7247
22.49 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7247
22.50 filter ...............................................................................................................................................7248
22.51 aggregate-meter-rate ....................................................................................................................7249
22.52 qos ................................................................................................................................................7251
VPLS/E-Tree SAP multicast IGMP commands.......................................................................................7252
22.53 igmp-snooping...............................................................................................................................7252
22.54 query-interval ................................................................................................................................7253
22.55 robust-count ..................................................................................................................................7254
22.56 fast-leave.......................................................................................................................................7255
22.57 import ............................................................................................................................................7256
22.58 last-member-query-interval ...........................................................................................................7257
22.59 max-num-groups ...........................................................................................................................7258
22.60 max-num-sources .........................................................................................................................7259
22.61 mrouter-port ..................................................................................................................................7260
22.62 query-response-interval ................................................................................................................7261
22.63 send-queries .................................................................................................................................7262
22.64 static..............................................................................................................................................7263
22.65 group .............................................................................................................................................7264
22.66 source ...........................................................................................................................................7265
22.67 starg ..............................................................................................................................................7266
22.68 version...........................................................................................................................................7267
Global service show commands ............................................................................................................7268
22.69 customer .......................................................................................................................................7268
22.70 fdb-info ..........................................................................................................................................7271
22.71 fdb-mac .........................................................................................................................................7273
22.72 service-using .................................................................................................................................7275
22.73 sap-using.......................................................................................................................................7278
22.74 sdp-using.......................................................................................................................................7282
VPLS/E-Tree/Epipe/SDP/Mirror Service show commands ...................................................................7284
22.75 sdp ................................................................................................................................................7284
22.76 id ...................................................................................................................................................7287
22.77 base ..............................................................................................................................................7288
22.78 all...................................................................................................................................................7291

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22.79 fdb .................................................................................................................................................7304

22.80 mac-move .....................................................................................................................................7308
22.81 sap ................................................................................................................................................7310
22.82 pmon .............................................................................................................................................7320
22.83 l2pt ................................................................................................................................................7324
22.84 mfib ...............................................................................................................................................7326
22.85 sdp ................................................................................................................................................7328
22.86 pmon .............................................................................................................................................7333
22.87 sdp ................................................................................................................................................7337
22.88 labels.............................................................................................................................................7339
22.89 endpoint ........................................................................................................................................7340
IGMP snooping VPLS/E-Tree show commands ....................................................................................7343
22.90 igmp-snooping...............................................................................................................................7343
22.91 base ..............................................................................................................................................7344
22.92 mrouters ........................................................................................................................................7346
22.93 port-db...........................................................................................................................................7347
22.94 querier ...........................................................................................................................................7349
22.95 static..............................................................................................................................................7351
22.96 statistics ........................................................................................................................................7352
22.97 all...................................................................................................................................................7354
Filter show commands ............................................................................................................................7358
22.98 mac ...............................................................................................................................................7358
SDP commands........................................................................................................................................7363
22.99 sdp ................................................................................................................................................7363
22.100 far-end...........................................................................................................................................7364
22.101 lsp..................................................................................................................................................7365
22.102 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7366
22.103 description.....................................................................................................................................7367
22.104 vlan-vc-etype.................................................................................................................................7368
Epipe service commands ........................................................................................................................7369
22.105 epipe .............................................................................................................................................7369
22.106 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7371
22.107 endpoint ........................................................................................................................................7372
22.108 description.....................................................................................................................................7373
22.109 revert-time .....................................................................................................................................7374
22.110 standby-signaling-master ..............................................................................................................7375
22.111 active-hold-delay ...........................................................................................................................7376

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22.112 service-name.................................................................................................................................7377
22.113 mc-lag-binding...............................................................................................................................7378
Epipe Spoke SDP commands .................................................................................................................7379
22.114 spoke-sdp......................................................................................................................................7379
22.115 statistics ........................................................................................................................................7381
22.116 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7382
22.117 drop-count-extra-vlan-tag-pkts ......................................................................................................7383
22.118 pmon-sdp-policy............................................................................................................................7384
22.119 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7385
22.120 egress ...........................................................................................................................................7386
22.121 vc-label..........................................................................................................................................7387
22.122 vc-label..........................................................................................................................................7388
22.123 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7389
22.124 description.....................................................................................................................................7390
22.125 vlan-vc-tag.....................................................................................................................................7391
22.126 pw-path-id .....................................................................................................................................7392
22.127 agi .................................................................................................................................................7393
22.128 saii-type2.......................................................................................................................................7394
22.129 taii-type2........................................................................................................................................7395
22.130 pw-status-signaling .......................................................................................................................7396
22.131 control-channel-status...................................................................................................................7397
22.132 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7398
22.133 refresh-timer..................................................................................................................................7399
22.134 acknowledgement .........................................................................................................................7400
22.135 request-timer .................................................................................................................................7401
22.136 force-vlan-vc-forwarding................................................................................................................7402
22.137 precedence ...................................................................................................................................7403
Epipe SAP commands .............................................................................................................................7404
22.138 sap ................................................................................................................................................7404
22.139 drop-count-extra-vlan-tag-pkts ......................................................................................................7407
22.140 ethernet .........................................................................................................................................7408
22.141 llf....................................................................................................................................................7409
22.142 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7410
22.143 description .....................................................................................................................................7411
22.144 pmon-sap-policy............................................................................................................................7412
22.145 statistics ........................................................................................................................................7413
22.146 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7414

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22.147 counter-mode ................................................................................................................................7415

Epipe SAP Qos Policy Commands and Epipe Filter .............................................................................7416
22.148 ingress...........................................................................................................................................7416
22.149 filter ...............................................................................................................................................7417
22.150 aggregate-meter-rate ....................................................................................................................7418
22.151 qos ................................................................................................................................................7420

23 Tools commands......................................................................................................................................7421
23.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7421
Tools CLI configuration commands .......................................................................................................7423
23.2 tools...............................................................................................................................................7423
23.3 perform..........................................................................................................................................7424
23.4 eth-ring ..........................................................................................................................................7425
23.5 clear ..............................................................................................................................................7426
23.6 force ..............................................................................................................................................7427
23.7 manual ..........................................................................................................................................7428
23.8 lag .................................................................................................................................................7429
23.9 clear-force .....................................................................................................................................7430
23.10 force ..............................................................................................................................................7431
MC-LAG switching command descriptions...........................................................................................7432
23.11 force all-mc....................................................................................................................................7432
23.12 clear-force all-mc...........................................................................................................................7433
23.13 force peer-mc ................................................................................................................................7434
23.14 clear-force peer-mc .......................................................................................................................7435
MPLS-TP switching commands..............................................................................................................7436
23.15 router.............................................................................................................................................7436
23.16 mpls...............................................................................................................................................7437
23.17 tp-tunnel ........................................................................................................................................7438
23.18 force ..............................................................................................................................................7439
23.19 manual ..........................................................................................................................................7440
23.20 clear ..............................................................................................................................................7441
23.21 lockout...........................................................................................................................................7442
23.22 service id .......................................................................................................................................7443
23.23 endpoint ........................................................................................................................................7444
23.24 force-switchover ............................................................................................................................7445

24 Router commands....................................................................................................................................7447
24.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7447

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General router commands ......................................................................................................................7451

24.2 router.............................................................................................................................................7451
24.3 mpls-labels ....................................................................................................................................7452
24.4 static-labels ...................................................................................................................................7453
24.5 mpls...............................................................................................................................................7454
24.6 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7455
24.7 interface ........................................................................................................................................7456
24.8 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7457
24.9 pmon-interface-policy....................................................................................................................7458
Interface commands ................................................................................................................................7459
24.10 interface ........................................................................................................................................7459
24.11 port ................................................................................................................................................7461
24.12 mac ...............................................................................................................................................7463
24.13 static-arp .......................................................................................................................................7464
24.14 description.....................................................................................................................................7465
24.15 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7466
24.16 qos ................................................................................................................................................7467
MPLS-TP commands ...............................................................................................................................7468
24.17 mpls-tp ..........................................................................................................................................7468
24.18 global-id.........................................................................................................................................7469
24.19 node-id ..........................................................................................................................................7470
24.20 tp-tunnel-id-range..........................................................................................................................7471
24.21 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7472
24.22 transit-path ....................................................................................................................................7473
24.23 path-id ...........................................................................................................................................7474
24.24 forward-path ..................................................................................................................................7477
24.25 reverse-path ..................................................................................................................................7478
24.26 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7479
24.27 oam-template ................................................................................................................................7480
24.28 bfd-template ..................................................................................................................................7481
24.29 hold-time-down..............................................................................................................................7482
24.30 hold-time-up ..................................................................................................................................7483
24.31 protection-template .......................................................................................................................7484
24.32 rapid-psc-timer ..............................................................................................................................7485
24.33 slow-psc-timer ...............................................................................................................................7486
24.34 revertive ........................................................................................................................................7487
24.35 wait-to-restore ...............................................................................................................................7488

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LSP commands ........................................................................................................................................7489

24.36 lsp..................................................................................................................................................7489
24.37 dest-global-id.................................................................................................................................7490
24.38 dest-node-id ..................................................................................................................................7491
24.39 dest-tunnel-number .......................................................................................................................7492
24.40 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7493
24.41 working-tp-path .............................................................................................................................7494
24.42 protect-tp-path...............................................................................................................................7495
24.43 lsp-num .........................................................................................................................................7496
24.44 in-label...........................................................................................................................................7497
24.45 out-label ........................................................................................................................................7498
24.46 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7499
24.47 mep ...............................................................................................................................................7500
24.48 oam-template ................................................................................................................................7501
24.49 bfd-enable .....................................................................................................................................7502
24.50 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7503
24.51 protection-template .......................................................................................................................7504
BFD commands........................................................................................................................................7505
24.52 bfd .................................................................................................................................................7505
24.53 bfd-template ..................................................................................................................................7506
24.54 transmit-interval.............................................................................................................................7507
MPLS-TP OAM commands ......................................................................................................................7509
24.55 mpls-tp ..........................................................................................................................................7509
24.56 lsp-ping..........................................................................................................................................7510
24.57 lsp-trace ........................................................................................................................................7514
24.58 vccv-ping .......................................................................................................................................7518
24.59 vccv-trace......................................................................................................................................7521
General show commands........................................................................................................................7525
24.60 router.............................................................................................................................................7525
24.61 mpls...............................................................................................................................................7526
24.62 status.............................................................................................................................................7527
24.63 mpls-labels ....................................................................................................................................7528
24.64 label-range ....................................................................................................................................7529
24.65 interface ........................................................................................................................................7530
24.66 interface ........................................................................................................................................7532
24.67 label...............................................................................................................................................7534
24.68 pmon .............................................................................................................................................7538

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Interface show commands ......................................................................................................................7542

24.69 interface ........................................................................................................................................7542
24.70 static-arp .......................................................................................................................................7546
MPLS-TP show commands .....................................................................................................................7548
24.71 mpls-tp ..........................................................................................................................................7548
24.72 status.............................................................................................................................................7549
24.73 transit-path ....................................................................................................................................7550
24.74 oam-template ................................................................................................................................7553
24.75 protection-template .......................................................................................................................7556
LSP show commands ..............................................................................................................................7559
24.76 tp-lsp .............................................................................................................................................7559
24.77 tp-lsp [<lsp-name>] path ...............................................................................................................7563
24.78 tp-lsp [<lsp-name>] protection.......................................................................................................7568
24.79 tp-lsp src-tunnel-num <tunnel-num> .............................................................................................7570
BFD show commands..............................................................................................................................7572
24.80 bfd .................................................................................................................................................7572
24.81 bfd-template ..................................................................................................................................7573
24.82 session ..........................................................................................................................................7575
MPLS-TP OAM show commands............................................................................................................7579
24.83 tp-lsp .............................................................................................................................................7579

25 Connection-Profile commands ...............................................................................................................7581

25.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7581
Configuration commands........................................................................................................................7582
25.2 connection-profile..........................................................................................................................7582
25.3 description.....................................................................................................................................7583
25.4 ethernet .........................................................................................................................................7584
25.5 ranges ...........................................................................................................................................7585
Show commands......................................................................................................................................7586
25.6 connection-profile..........................................................................................................................7586

26 LLDP commands......................................................................................................................................7589
26.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7589
Configuration commands........................................................................................................................7590
26.2 lldp.................................................................................................................................................7590
26.3 tx-interval.......................................................................................................................................7591
26.4 tx-hold-multiplier............................................................................................................................7592
26.5 reinit-delay.....................................................................................................................................7593

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26.6 notification-interval ........................................................................................................................7594

26.7 tx-credit-max .................................................................................................................................7595
26.8 message-fast-tx.............................................................................................................................7596
26.9 message-fast-tx-init.......................................................................................................................7597
26.10 shutdown.......................................................................................................................................7598
Show commands......................................................................................................................................7599
26.11 lldp.................................................................................................................................................7599

27 Y.1564 Testhead commands....................................................................................................................7605

27.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7605
Configuration commands........................................................................................................................7607
27.2 test-oam ........................................................................................................................................7607
27.3 testhead-profile .............................................................................................................................7608
27.4 acceptance-criteria........................................................................................................................7609
27.5 cir-threshold ..................................................................................................................................7610
27.6 pir-threshold ..................................................................................................................................7611
27.7 latency-rising-threshold .................................................................................................................7612
27.8 latency-rising-threshold-in .............................................................................................................7613
27.9 latency-rising-threshold-out...........................................................................................................7614
27.10 jitter-rising-threshold......................................................................................................................7615
27.11 jitter-rising-threshold-in..................................................................................................................7616
27.12 jitter-rising-threshold-out ...............................................................................................................7617
27.13 loss-rising-threshold ......................................................................................................................7618
27.14 loss-rising-threshold-out................................................................................................................7619
27.15 loss-rising-threshold-in ..................................................................................................................7620
27.16 description.....................................................................................................................................7621
27.17 dot1p .............................................................................................................................................7622
27.18 frame-size .....................................................................................................................................7624
27.19 test-duration ..................................................................................................................................7625
27.20 test-completion-trap-enable ..........................................................................................................7627
27.21 rate ................................................................................................................................................7628
27.22 frame-payload ...............................................................................................................................7630
27.23 data-pattern...................................................................................................................................7632
27.24 description.....................................................................................................................................7633
27.25 src-mac .........................................................................................................................................7634
27.26 dst-mac .........................................................................................................................................7635
27.27 vlan-tag-1 ......................................................................................................................................7636

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27.28 vlan-tag-2 ......................................................................................................................................7638

27.29 ethertype .......................................................................................................................................7640
27.30 src-ip .............................................................................................................................................7641
27.31 dst-ip .............................................................................................................................................7642
27.32 ip-proto ..........................................................................................................................................7643
27.33 dscp...............................................................................................................................................7644
27.34 ip-ttl ...............................................................................................................................................7645
27.35 ip-tos .............................................................................................................................................7646
27.36 src-port ..........................................................................................................................................7647
27.37 dst-port ..........................................................................................................................................7648
27.38 testhead ........................................................................................................................................7649
27.39 testhead ........................................................................................................................................7653
Show commands......................................................................................................................................7654
27.40 test-oam ........................................................................................................................................7654
27.41 testhead-profile .............................................................................................................................7655
27.42 testhead ........................................................................................................................................7661

A Reference tables ......................................................................................................................................7671

A.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................7671
A.2 1830 PSS shelf/slot ranges...........................................................................................................7674
A.3 ECC slot ranges ............................................................................................................................7682
A.4 Port name to port number mappings.............................................................................................7686
A.5 PM counters ..................................................................................................................................7701
A.6 Channel frequency details.............................................................................................................7755
A.7 User service interfaces..................................................................................................................7761
A.8 Common value definitions.............................................................................................................7762

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List of tables
Table 1 Information products related to 1830 PSS .........................................................................................95
Table 2 CLI syntax rules................................................................................................................................102
Table 3 CLI command structure ....................................................................................................................103
Table 4 1830 PSS interfaces.........................................................................................................................105
Table 5 Connecting to 1830 PSS-4...............................................................................................................106
Table 6 Connecting to 1830 PSS-8...............................................................................................................108
Table 7 Connecting to 1830 PSS-16II ...........................................................................................................110
Table 8 Connecting to 1830 PSS-16/32 ........................................................................................................112
Table 9 Connecting to 1830 PSS-8x .............................................................................................................114
Table 10 Connecting to 1830 PSS-24x ...........................................................................................................116
Table 11 CLI keyboard shortcuts.....................................................................................................................118
Table 12 Character set for userlabel ...............................................................................................................139
Table 13 show admin ocsip.............................................................................................................................217
Table 14 show acl_default...............................................................................................................................441
Table 15 show acl_filter...................................................................................................................................443
Table 16 show acl_pattern ..............................................................................................................................447
Table 17 show acl_port ...................................................................................................................................452
Table 18 show acl_default6.............................................................................................................................454
Table 19 show acl_filter6.................................................................................................................................456
Table 20 show acl_pattern6 ............................................................................................................................460
Table 21 show acl_port6 .................................................................................................................................465
Table 22 Definition of status reporting.............................................................................................................543
Table 23 Definition of a card firmware entry....................................................................................................549
Table 24 show admin clusterip........................................................................................................................572
Table 25 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl} ..............................................................................639
Table 26 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment ...........................................................642
Table 27 show interface ason impairment.......................................................................................................643
Table 28 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset ......................................................646
Table 29 show interface ason wavelengthset .................................................................................................648
Table 30 show shelf ........................................................................................................................................690
Table 31 show shelf ........................................................................................................................................692

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Table 32 all power branches ...........................................................................................................................695

Table 33 power branch slot options ................................................................................................................695
Table 34 packet switch cards .......................................................................................................................1102
Table 35 Information for the specified 1pps&ToD interface...........................................................................2802
Table 36 Policy..............................................................................................................................................2936
Table 37 Policy TCA......................................................................................................................................2936
Table 38 Policy Association...........................................................................................................................2936
Table 39 Policy..............................................................................................................................................2940
Table 40 Policy TCA......................................................................................................................................2940
Table 41 Policy Association...........................................................................................................................2940
Table 42 Policy..............................................................................................................................................2944
Table 43 Policy TCA......................................................................................................................................2944
Table 44 Policy Association...........................................................................................................................2944
Table 45 Information for the specified 1pps&ToD interface...........................................................................3399
Table 46 Information for the specified 1pps&ToD interface...........................................................................3508
Table 47 Information for the specified 1pps&ToD interface...........................................................................5521
Table 48 Returned Output Parameter ...........................................................................................................5831
Table 49 State qualifiers that may be displayed by the details option...........................................................6400
Table 50 pmon ..............................................................................................................................................6592
Table 51 output fields. ...................................................................................................................................6618
Table 52 LAG ................................................................................................................................................6651
Table 53 LAG ................................................................................................................................................6651
Table 54 LAG statistics .................................................................................................................................6653
Table 55 MC-LAG related acronyms.............................................................................................................6661
Table 56 MTU values for the different port modes ........................................................................................6844
Table 57 Port output fields for a all ports.......................................................................................................6870
Table 58 Port output fields for a specific port ................................................................................................6871
Table 59 pmon ..............................................................................................................................................6909
Table 60 LLDP Configuration Info .................................................................................................................7599
Table 61 LLDP System (advertised) info.......................................................................................................7599
Table 62 LLDP Destination Addresses..........................................................................................................7600
Table 63 LLDP Remote Statistics .................................................................................................................7600
Table 64 LLDP System Management Addresses (advertised) info ...............................................................7600

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Table 65 LLDP Neighbor Info ........................................................................................................................7601

Table 66 Testhead Output Field Description - Session .................................................................................7661
Table 67 Testhead Output Field Description - Latency Result ......................................................................7662
Table 68 Testhead Output Field Description - Packet Counts.......................................................................7662
Table 69 Testhead Output Field Description - Test Compliance Report........................................................7663
Table 70 Shelf number ranges ......................................................................................................................7674
Table 71 PSS-4/PSS-8/PSS-16/PSS16II/PSS-32 slot ranges per card/shelf type (universal)......................7675
Table 72 PSS-8x slot ranges per card/shelf type (universal) ........................................................................7679
Table 73 PSS-24x slot ranges per card/shelf type (universal) ......................................................................7679
Table 74 Slot ranges per card/shelf type (non-universal)..............................................................................7680
Table 75 otuId ranges ...................................................................................................................................7681
Table 76 HO-ODU-ID ranges ........................................................................................................................7681
Table 77 ECC slot ranges .............................................................................................................................7682
Table 78 Port name to number mapping for packet cards ............................................................................7686
Table 79 Port name to number mapping for 10G OTs ..................................................................................7687
Table 80 Port name to number mapping for 40G, 100G, 200G, and 500G OTs ...........................................7688
Table 81 Port name to number mapping for other OTs .................................................................................7689
Table 82 Port name to number mapping for switched cards.........................................................................7689
Table 83 Port name to number mapping for amplifier cards (A-H)................................................................7691
Table 84 Port name to number mapping for amplifier cards (I-Z) .................................................................7691
Table 85 Port name to number mapping for VAC cards................................................................................7692
Table 86 Port name to number mapping for WR cards.................................................................................7693
Table 87 Port name to number mapping for SFC cards................................................................................7694
Table 88 Port name to number mapping for SFD2, SFD4, SFD5, and SFD8 cards .....................................7694
Table 89 Port name to number mappings for SFD40, SFD44, and PSC cards ............................................7696
Table 90 Port name to number mappings for passive shelf cards ................................................................7697
Table 91 Port name to number mappings for MSH8-FSM ............................................................................7697
Table 92 Port name to number mappings for other transmission cards (A-M)..............................................7699
Table 93 Port name to number mappings for other transmission cards (O-Z) ..............................................7700
Table 94 Counter names for SONET DW PM group.....................................................................................7701
Table 95 Counter names for SDH DW PM group .........................................................................................7705
Table 96 Counter names for encrypt PM group ............................................................................................7710
Table 97 Counter names for SONET Ethernet PM group .............................................................................7710

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Table 98 Counter names for SDH Ethernet PM group..................................................................................7710

Table 99 Counter names for interface PM group ..........................................................................................7711
Table 100 Counter names for LanePwrs PM group ........................................................................................7711
Table 101 Counter names for SONET ODURX PM group..............................................................................7712
Table 102 Counter names for SDH ODURX PM group ..................................................................................7715
Table 103 Counter names for SONET ODUTX PM group ..............................................................................7719
Table 104 Counter names for SDH ODUTX PM group...................................................................................7722
Table 105 Counter names for OPR PM group ................................................................................................7726
Table 106 Counter names for OPT PM group.................................................................................................7726
Table 107 Counter names for SONET OTU PM group ...................................................................................7726
Table 108 Counter names for SDH OTU PM group........................................................................................7729
Table 109 Counter names for SONET PCS PM group ...................................................................................7733
Table 110 Counter names for SDH PCS PM group ........................................................................................7734
Table 111 Counter names for SONET PM group............................................................................................7737
Table 112 Counter names for SDH PM group ................................................................................................7740
Table 113 Counter names for SONET TCM PM group ...................................................................................7744
Table 114 Counter names for SDH TCM PM group........................................................................................7747
Table 115 Counter names for SONET FEC PM group....................................................................................7751
Table 116 Counter names for SDH FEC PM group ........................................................................................7752
Table 117 Counter names for SONET BER preFEC PM group ......................................................................7754
Table 118 Counter names for SDH BER preFEC PM group...........................................................................7754
Table 119 1830 PSS optical transmission card channels ...............................................................................7755
Table 120 1830 PSS optical translator and uplink card channels ...................................................................7758
Table 121 User service interface details .........................................................................................................7761

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About this document


This document provides a technical reference for the command line interface (CLI) commands for
the following 1830 Photonic Service Switch shelf types and supported cards:
• PSS-4
• PSS-8
• PSS-16II
• PSS-16
• PSS-32
• PSS-8x
• PSS-24x
Note: Release 10.0 does not support 1830 PSS-8x. Information about PSS-8x is included in this
document for informational purposes only.
Release 10.0 does not support the 12CE120, 12CE121, or 1CE100 cards; these cards will be
supported in a future release. Information about 12CE120, 12CE121, 1CE100 is included in this
document for informational purposes only.

Intended audience

This document is intended for the following users:

• Administrators
• Operators
• Maintenance personnel
The 1830 PSS products are meant to be installed, operated, and maintained by personnel who
have the knowledge, training, and qualifications required to safely perform the tasks assigned to
them. The information, processes, and procedures contained in the 1830 PSS product
documentation are intended for use by trained and qualified personnel.

How to use this document

This document is divided into six parts and appendix:
• Part I: “General information” describes the basic details about the command line interface
supported on 1830 PSS-4/8/16II/16/32/8x/24x, including command syntax and structure,
connectivity, navigation, and help.
• Part II: “System and equipment management” describes the general CLI commands including
security, DCN, database, and general equipment management.
Note: The equipment management of all cards is described in Part II: “System and equipment
management”. The functional aspects of core, optical transport (OT), and other (OTH) cards are
described in Part III: “Card (core, OT, OTH) management”. The configuration and management
details of packet transport are described in Part VI: “Packet transport service management”.

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• Part III: “Card (core, OT, OTH) management” describes the CLI commands related to the
functional aspects of the core, optical transport (OT), and other (OTH) cards.
• Part IV: “Alarm and performance monitoring” describes the CLI commands related to alarm and
performance monitoring.
• Part V: “Connection and protection management” describes the CLI commands related to
connection and protection.
• Part VI: “Packet transport service management” describes the CLI commands related to the
configuration and management of packet transport.
• Appendix A, “Reference tables” provides additional details including 1830 PSS shelf/slot ranges,
ECC slot ranges, port name to port number mappings, PM counters, channel frequency details,
user service interfaces, and common value definitions.

Related information

Table 1 Information products related to 1830 PSS

Document title Document code

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Safety Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TAZZQ
Provides users of 1830 PSS with the relevant information and safety guidelines to protect
against personal injury. Furthermore, the Safety Guide is useful to prevent material damage to
the equipment. The Safety Guide must be read by the responsible technical personnel before
performing relevant work on the system. The valid version of the document must always be
kept close to the equipment.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Portable Planning Tool (PPT) User Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TBZZA
Provides instructions for use and describes the features of the 1830 Portable Provisioning

1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide 3KC-13563-KAAA-TCZZA
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations for 1830 PSS-4. The
manual demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and administrative

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TCZZA
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations. The manual
demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and administrative tasks.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-SCZZA
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations for 1830 PSS-24x. The
manual demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and administrative

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Engineering and Planning Tool User Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TEZZA
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations for the EPT. The manual
demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and commissioning tasks.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 TL1 Commands and Messages Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TFZZA
(Switching Applications)
Describes the external TL1 interface for 1830 PSS-36/64 in terms of TL1 command,
responses, and notification definitions.

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Table 1 Information products related to 1830 PSS (continued)

Document title Document code

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 TL1 Commands and Messages Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TGZZA
(Photonic Applications)
Describes the external TL1 interface for 1830 PSS-4, 1830 PSS-8, 1830 PSS-16II,
1830 PSS-16/32, 1830 PSS-8x and 1830 PSS-24x.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Command Line Interface Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA
Provides information about the Command Line Interface (CLI) for 1830 PSS-4, 1830 PSS-8,
1830 PSS-16II, 1830 PSS-16/32, 1830 PSS-8x and 1830 PSS-24x.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Command Line Interface Guide (OCS 3KC-69646-KAAA-SHZZA
Packet Applications)
Provides information about the Command Line Interface (CLI) for 1830 PSS-36/64.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up Guide 3KC-13563-KAAA-TJZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-4. It also includes information needed for
pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 8 (PSS-8) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-SLZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-8. It also includes information needed for
pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 16II (PSS-16II) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up 3KC-69646-KAAA-SMZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-16II. It also includes information needed
for pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32 (1830 PSS-16/32) Release 10.0 Installation and System 3KC-69646-KAAA-TJZZA
Turn-up Guide
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-16/32. It also includes information
needed for pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up 3KC-69646-KAAA-SJZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-24x. It also includes information needed
for pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 36 (PSS-36) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up 3KC-69646-KAAA-TKZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-36. It also includes information needed
for pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 64 (PSS-64) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-up 3KC-69646-KAAA-TLZZA
A step-by-step guide to install and turn-up 1830 PSS-64. It also includes information needed
for pre-installation site planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Maintenance and Trouble-Clearing Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TMZZA
Provides detailed information about possible alarm messages for 1830 PSS. It also provides
procedures for routine maintenance, troubleshooting, diagnostics, and component

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Quick Reference Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TNZZA
Provides users of 1830 PSS a streamlined, easy-to-use navigation aid to facilitate the use of
the system.

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Table 1 Information products related to 1830 PSS (continued)

Document title Document code

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 DCN Planning and Engineering Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TPZZA
(Photonics Applications)
Provides information for the planning and configuration of a Data Communication Network
(DCN) for photonic applications, that is for 1830 PSS-4, 1830 PSS-8, 1830 PSS-16II,
1830 PSS-16/32, and 1830 PSS-24x.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning 3KC-13563-KAAA-TQZZA
Presents a detailed overview of 1830 PSS-4, describes its applications, gives planning
requirements, engineering rules, ordering information, and technical specifications.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TQZZA
Presents a detailed overview of 1830 PSS-8, 1830 PSS-16II, 1830 PSS-16/32, and
1830 PSS-36/64 describes its applications, gives planning requirements, engineering rules,
ordering information, and technical specifications.

1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning 3KC-69646-KAAA-SQZZA
Presents a detailed overview of 1830 PSS-24x, describes its applications, gives planning
requirements, engineering rules, ordering information, and technical specifications.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 DCN Planning and Engineering Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TRZZA
(Switching Applications)
Provides information for the planning and configuration of a Data Communication Network
(DCN) for switching applications, that is for 1830 PSS-36 and 1830 PSS-64 systems (OCS).

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 GMPLS/GMRE Guide 3KC-69646-KAAA-TWZZA
Contains information about the GMPLS Routing Engine (GMRE) of the 1830 PSS; it provides a
high-level functional overview of the GMRE and describes the steps to plan and set up a
GMRE-controlled network.

1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Electronic Documentation Library 3KC-69646-KAAA-TZZZA
Contains all documents related to 1830 PSS in multiple electronic formats: epub, mobi, html,
and pdf.

Support Portal
The Support web-site (https://networks.nokia.com/support) provides technical support, as well as
documentation and software ordering.

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel-lucent.com/
comments/) or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline (mailto:comments@nokia.com).

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Part I: General information

This section introduces the 1830 PSS command line interface (CLI), including syntax and structure,
connectivity, navigation, and help.


Chapter 1, Introduction to 1830 CLI 101

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Nokia 1830 PSS Introduction to 1830 CLI

1 Introduction to 1830 CLI

1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Purpose
This chapter describes how to get started using the CLI and how to make the most effective use of
the interface.
For information on specific CLI commands, see the respective commands in the subsequent

1.1.2 Contents

1.1 Overview 101

1.2 Command Line Interface (CLI) 102
1.3 Connecting to a network element 105
1.4 CLI navigation 118
1.5 CLI help functions 120

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1.2 Command Line Interface (CLI)

1.2.1 Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)
The command line interface (CLI) is a line-oriented user interface that runs on the network element.
You access the CLI using a terminal device connected to the network element. The CLI provides
commands that allow you to configure, manage, and monitor the network element, the network
element interfaces, and the services running on the network element.

1.2.2 Syntax rules

Table 2, “CLI syntax rules” (p. 102) describes syntax rules for CLI.

Table 2 CLI syntax rules

Syntax format Description Example

name Text without any brackets or braces (can be in bold) config card
are required items. Enter these command line show interface d5x500
arguments exactly as written.
<...> Text inside angle brackets (can be in italics) are <cardtype>
variables. Enter a valid value at the command line. <holdoff>
{...} Text inside brackets is a value or a parameter set. {value1 | value2 | value 3}
One of the items must be entered. {value1 | <value2> | value 3}
{laserOn | laserOff}
{enable | disable}
[...] Text inside square brackets are optional keywords or [detail]
variables. [<power>]
name1 | Text separated by a vertical bar identifies mutually {enable | disable}
name2 exclusive items. Choose one command line [laserOn | laserOff]
argument. {provisioner | observer | crypto}
[<hours> | <minutes> | help]
.. Two dots indicate a range of numerical values. {1..10}

1.2.3 Case sensitivity

You can enter characters from the keyboard in upper or lower case. Depending on the type of data
entered, the case is interpreted differently.

CLI commands are not case-sensitive. You can enter CLI commands in upper, lower, or mixed
case. For example, command, CoMmAnD, and COMMAND are interpreted as the same command.

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Nokia 1830 PSS Command Line Interface (CLI)

Any strings you enter as command variables, such as network element or service descriptions, are
case sensitive. That is, This is a string is not the same as This is a STRING. Strings
containing space(s) must be surrounded by quotation marks.

1.2.4 Command structure

Table 3, “CLI command structure” (p. 102) describes organization of the command descriptions.

Table 3 CLI command structure

Section Heading Description

Purpose Describes the use or effect of the command and discusses the command's
Command Access Level Lists the user privileges necessary to access the command or parts of the
command and describes the impact of executing the command.
User privileges are Administrator, Provisioner, Observer, and Crypto.
Input Format Illustrates the command syntax. The first line defines the basic syntax with
parameters that need to entered before one of the parameters or sub-commands
on the following lines can be entered.
Input Parameters Lists all parameters or sub-commands listed in the Input Format. Depending on
the parameter or sub-command definition, the following explanations are given:
• Syntax: specifies the syntax of this parameter which can be entered.
• Values: specifies ranges or explicit dedicated value-sets of this parameter.
• Default: specifies the initial value at creation time of this parameter.
• Description: describes the usage and side effects of this parameter.
• Restrictions: specifies if this parameter is supported/not supported on certain
cards or shelf types.
Output Parameters Describes the output parameters and parameter values shown in the output
response. If there is no Output Parameters section, use the example section for
the returned parameters.
Examples Provides one or more illustrations on the use of the command.
Related Commands Provides a list of closely related or prerequisite (commands that must be
executed before the described command can be executed) commands.

1.2.5 CLI hierarchy

Most of the CLI commands are grouped by function into the following major hierarchical categories:
config - Commands in the config hierarchy allow you to configure the network element and network
show - Commands in the show hierarchy allow you to view the current network element

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Command Line Interface (CLI) Nokia 1830 PSS

tools - Commands in the tools hierarchy provide miscellaneous tools useful in using the CLI.
Within each category, the commands are grouped hierarchically by subcategory. For example, all of
the commands used to configure interfaces are grouped under the config interface hierarchy. In
addition to the config and show hierarchies, other global commands are also available from the root
level of the CLI.

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Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

1.3 Connecting to a network element

1.3.1 1830 PSS interfaces
The 1830 PSS has several interfaces: the Command Line Interface (CLI), TL1, and the Web
Graphical User Interface (WebUI). The client configurations supported by these interfaces are as

Table 4 1830 PSS interfaces

Interface What to connect

CLI/TL1 For serial connections: Either a local VT100 terminal or a
terminal emulator (such as Windows HyperTerminal).
CLI/TL1 For telnet connections: On the PC used to connect to the
1830, set the TCP/IP properties IP address to "obtain IP
address automatically".
Web Graphical User Interface The WebUI supports the following versions of PC software:
• Microsoft Windows
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
• MAC OS 10.9 (with Firefox browser only)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0
• Microsoft Edge v14 with Windows 10
• Mozilla Firefox 50

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 105
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-4
The Table 5, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-4” (p. 106) summarizes the methods of connecting to the
1830 PSS-4.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-Up
Guide, 3KC-13563-KAAA-TJZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning
Guide, 3KC-13563-KAAA-TQZZA

Table 5 Connecting to 1830 PSS-4

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

OAM port on the Equipment Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
Controller (E4EC). (10/100BaseTX), either a
cross-over or straight-through
Ethernet cable can be used.
CRAFT port on the Equipment Local RS-232C, serial interface, No
Controller serial RJ-45 port. The support setting: 38,400 baud, 1 stop
RJ-45 port can be used to bit) for connection to craft terminal
connect serially to the NE. through serial RJ-45 link.
CIT port on the Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (EC) Server. When a connection (for
example, using a laptop) is
detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response to
the DHCP request from the laptop.
The CIT port supports local
management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the EC is
The DHCP assigns
to the PC connected to the port.

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106 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

Connection details for the PSS-4 network element

The following sections provide instructions for connecting to the 1830 PSS-4 network element
through various interfaces.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-4 network element through the 1830 PSS-4 serial RS-232C
based RJ-45 port (on the Equipment Controller)
You can connect directly to the network element to access the CLI using the CRAFT RJ-45 port
on the Equipment controller faceplate from a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator.
Perform the following steps:
1. Configure your local VT100 or terminal emulator settings to be 38,400 baud, 1 stop bit, no
2. Connect the cable to the CRAFT serial RJ-45 port on the Equipment controller and the VT100
terminal or emulator.
3. Open a terminal session.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-4 network element serial RS-232C based RJ-45 port (on the
Equipment Controller) from a telnet client
Use a telnet client to telnet to the network element IP address.
Note: If you are using a terminal emulator application, check that the Return key sends ASCII
code LF or CRLF.

Logging into and exiting the CLI

The CLI starts automatically as part of the network element boot sequence. It takes several minutes
from the time that the Equipment Controller card becomes operational (indicated by a green Status
LED), for the CLI to be ready for use.

To login to the CLI

1. To gain access to the CLI from the initial prompt, enter username = cli. No password is needed.
2. Enter your username at the username: prompt. See the section Security Administration in the
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-
13563-KAAA-TCZZA for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned to
user accounts.
3. Enter the password associated with the username at the password: prompt. The characters
you enter for the password are not displayed on the console.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. If you experience difficulty logging in, check to ensure
that the Caps Lock key is off. If you do not know the password, contact your system
To exit from the CLI
Type logout to exit from the CLI.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 107
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-8
The Table 6, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-8” (p. 108) summarizes the methods of connecting to the
1830 PSS-8.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 8 (PSS-8) Release 10.0 Installation and System Turn-Up
Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-SLZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-69646-
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning
Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-TQZZA

Table 6 Connecting to 1830 PSS-8

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

CRAFT port on the Equipment Local RS-232C, serial interface, No
Controller serial RJ-45 port support setting: 38,400 baud, 1
stop bit for connection to craft
terminal through serial RJ-45 link
E1 and OAMP are the Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
Switched auto-sensing LAN (10/100BaseTX)
The OAMP port is located on
the Shelf Panel card.
Only E1 port is located in the
User Panel card.
Note: There is no E2 or VOIP
CIT port on the Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (EC) in the main Server. When a connection (for
shelf (recommended for local example, using a laptop) is
access only). detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response
to the DHCP request from the
laptop. The CIT port supports
local management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the EC is
The DHCP assigns to the PC
connected to the port.

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108 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

Logging into and exiting the CLI

The CLI starts automatically as part of the network element boot sequence. It takes several minutes
from the time that the Equipment Controller card becomes operational (indicated by a green Status
LED), for the CLI to be ready for use.

To login to the CLI

1. To gain access to the CLI from the initial prompt, enter username = cli. No password is needed.
2. Enter your username at the username: prompt. See the section Security Administration in the
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-69646-
KAAA-TCZZA for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned to user
3. Enter the password associated with the username at the password: prompt. The characters
you enter for the password are not displayed on the console.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. If you experience difficulty logging in, check to ensure
that the Caps Lock key is off. If you do not know the password, contact your system
To exit from the CLI
Type logout to exit from the CLI.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 109
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-16II
The Table 7, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-16II” (p. 110) summarizes the methods of connecting to the
1830 PSS-16II.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16II (PSS-16II) Release 10.0 Installation and System
Turn-Up Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-SMZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-69646-
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning
Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-TQZZA

Table 7 Connecting to 1830 PSS-16II

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

CRAFT port on the Equipment Local RS-232C, serial interface, No
Controller serial RJ-45 port support setting: 38,400 baud, 1
stop bit for connection to craft
terminal through serial RJ-45 link
E1 and OAMP are the Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
Switched auto-sensing LAN (10/100BaseTX)
The OAMP port is located on
the Shelf Panel card.
Only E1 port is located in the
User Panel card.
Note: There is no E2 or VOIP
CIT port on the Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (EC) in the main Server. When a connection (for
shelf (recommended for local example, using a laptop) is
access only). detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response
to the DHCP request from the
laptop. The CIT port supports
local management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the EC is
The DHCP assigns to the PC
connected to the port.

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110 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

Logging into and exiting the CLI

The CLI starts automatically as part of the network element boot sequence. It takes several minutes
from the time that the Equipment Controller card becomes operational (indicated by a green Status
LED), for the CLI to be ready for use.

To login to the CLI

1. To gain access to the CLI from the initial prompt, enter username = cli. No password is needed.
2. Enter your username at the username: prompt. See the section Security Administration in the
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-69646-
KAAA-TCZZA for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned to user
3. Enter the password associated with the username at the password: prompt. The characters
you enter for the password are not displayed on the console.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. If you experience difficulty logging in, check to ensure
that the Caps Lock key is off. If you do not know the password, contact your system
To exit from the CLI
Type logout to exit from the CLI.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 111
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-16/32
The Table 8, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-16/32” (p. 112) summarizes the methods of connecting to
the 1830 PSS-16/32.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32 (PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 10.0 Installation and
System Turn-Up Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-TJZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide, 3KC-69646-
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 10.0 Product Information and Planning
Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-TQZZA

Table 8 Connecting to 1830 PSS-16/32

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

OAMP, VOIP, E1 or E2 port on Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
the User Panel (USRPNL). The (10/100BaseTX), either a
USRPNL is associated with the cross-over or straight-through
main shelf. Ethernet cable can be used.
CRAFT port on the User Panel Local RS-232C, serial interface, No
serial DB-9 port. Either the support setting: 38,400 baud, 1
DB9 port or the USB-B port stop bit, no parity, for connection
can be used to connect serially to craft terminal through serial
to the NE. However, only one (female) DB-9 link. 38,400 bits/s,
port can be active at any given 1 stop bit, no parity DTE-type
time, with the preference given interface with a null modem and
to the USB-B port. gender changer adaptor.
Note: There is no DB9 port on
the PSS-16.
CRAFT port on the User Panel Local RS-232C, serial interface, No
serial USB-B port Either the support setting: 38,400 baud, 1
DB9 port or the USB-B port stop bit, no parity, for connection
can be used to connect serially to craft terminal via USB-B port.
to the NE. However, only one
port shall be active at any
given time.
Note: There is no DB9 port on
the PSS-16.

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Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

Table 8 Connecting to 1830 PSS-16/32 (continued)

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

CIT port on the Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (EC) in the main Server. When a connection (for
shelf (recommended for local example, using a laptop) is
access only). detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response
to the DHCP request from the
laptop. The CIT port supports
local management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the EC is
The DHCP assigns to the PC
connected to the port.

Connection details for the PSS-16/32 network element

The following sections provide instructions for connecting to the 1830 PSS-16/32 network element
through various interfaces.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-16/32 network element through the 1830 PSS-16/32 serial
USB-B CRAFT port (on the User Panel)
You can connect directly to the network element to access the CLI using the CRAFT RS- 232C
serial port on the User Panel faceplate from a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator. On
multi-shelf network elements, the User Panel is on the main shelf only.
Perform the following steps:
1. Configure your local VT100 or terminal emulator settings to be 38,400 baud, 1 stop bit, no
2. Connect the cable to the CRAFT serial USB-B port on the User Panel and the VT100 terminal
or emulator.
3. Open a terminal session.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-16/32 network element serial USB-B CRAFT port (on the User
Panel) from a telnet client
Use a telnet client to telnet to the network element IP address.
Note: If you are using a terminal emulator application, check that the Return key sends ASCII
code LF or CRLF.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 113
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-8x
The Table 9, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-8x” (p. 114) summarizes the methods of connecting to the
1830 PSS-8x.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 8x (PSS-8x) Release 9.2 Installation and System Turn-Up
Guide, 8DG-63269-JCAA-SKZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 8x (PSS-8x) Release 9.2 User Provisioning Guide, 8DG-
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 8x (PSS-8x) Release 9.2 Product Information and Planning
Guide, 8DG-63269-JCAA-SQZZA

Table 9 Connecting to 1830 PSS-8x

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

Available LAN ports on Clock and Equipment Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
Controller 8XCEC2 are CIT, OAMP, AUX (10/100BaseTX), either a
(AUXA, AUXB). cross-over or straight-through
Ethernet cable can be used.
CIT port on the Clock and Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (8XCEC2) in the main shelf Server. When a connection (for
(recommended for local access only). example, using a laptop) is
detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response to
the DHCP request from the laptop.
The CIT port supports local
management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the 8XCEC2 is The DHCP assigns to the PC connected
to the port.

Connection details for the PSS-8x network element

The following sections provide instructions for connecting to the 1830 PSS-8x network element
through various interfaces.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-8x network element through the CIT port (on the 8XCEC2)
You can connect directly to the network element to access the CLI using the CIT port on the
8XCEC2 from a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator.
Perform the following steps:
1. Configure your local VT100 or terminal emulator settings to be 38,400 baud, 1 stop bit, no
2. Connect the cable to the CIT port on the 8XCEC2 and the VT100 terminal or emulator.
3. Open a terminal session.

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114 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

• To connect to the 1830 PSS-8x network element CIT port (on the 8XCEC2) from a telnet
Use a telnet client to telnet to the network element IP address.
Note: If you are using a terminal emulator application, check that the Return key sends ASCII
code LF or CRLF.

Logging into and exiting the CLI

The CLI starts automatically as part of the network element boot sequence. It takes several minutes
from the time that the Clock and Equipment Controller (8XCEC2) card becomes operational
(indicated by a green Status LED), for the CLI to be ready for use.

To login to the CLI

1. To gain access to the CLI from the initial prompt, enter username = cli. No password is needed.
2. Enter your username at the username: prompt. See the section Security Administration in the
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 8x (PSS-8x) Release 9.2 User Provisioning Guide, 8DG-
63269-JCAA-SCZZA for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned to
user accounts.
3. Enter the password associated with the username at the password: prompt. The characters
you enter for the password are not displayed on the console.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. If you experience difficulty logging in, check to ensure
that the Caps Lock key is off. If you do not know the password, contact your system
To exit from the CLI
Type logout to exit from the CLI.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 115
Connecting to a network element Nokia 1830 PSS

1830 PSS-24x
The Table 10, “Connecting to 1830 PSS-24x” (p. 116) summarizes the methods of connecting to
the 1830 PSS-24x.

For more details, refer to:

• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 Installation and System
Turn-Up Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-SJZZA
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide,
• Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 Product Information and
Planning Guide, 3KC-69646-KAAA-SQZZA

Table 10 Connecting to 1830 PSS-24x

Connection CLI or TL1 WebUI

Available LAN ports on Clock and Equipment Switched auto-sensing LAN port Yes
Controller (CEC2) are CIT, OAMP, AUX (10/100BaseTX), either a
(AUXA, AUXB) and E1 (E1A, E1B). cross-over or straight-through
Ethernet cable can be used.
CIT port on the Clock and Equipment The CIT port supports a DHCP Yes
Controller (CEC2) in the main shelf Server. When a connection (for
(recommended for local access only). example, using a laptop) is
detected, the NE sends out an
internal IP address in response to
the DHCP request from the laptop.
The CIT port supports local
management of the NE.
The default IP address of the CIT
port on the CEC2 is
The DHCP assigns
to the PC connected to the port.

Connection details for the PSS-24x network element

The following sections provide instructions for connecting to the 1830 PSS-24x network element
through various interfaces.
• To connect to the 1830 PSS-24x network element through the CIT port (on the CEC2)
You can connect directly to the network element to access the CLI using the CIT port on the
CEC2 from a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator.
Perform the following steps:
1. Configure your local VT100 or terminal emulator settings to be 38,400 baud, 1 stop bit, no
2. Connect the cable to the CIT port on the CEC2 and the VT100 terminal or emulator.
3. Open a terminal session.

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116 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Connecting to a network element

• To connect to the 1830 PSS-24x network element CIT port (on the CEC2) from a telnet
Use a telnet client to telnet to the network element IP address.
Note: If you are using a terminal emulator application, check that the Return key sends ASCII
code LF or CRLF.

Logging into and exiting the CLI

The CLI starts automatically as part of the network element boot sequence. It takes several minutes
from the time that the Clock and Equipment Controller (CEC2) card becomes operational (indicated
by a green Status LED), for the CLI to be ready for use.

To login to the CLI

1. To gain access to the CLI from the initial prompt, enter username = cli. No password is needed.
2. Enter your username at the username: prompt. See the section Security Administration in the
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch 24x (PSS-24x) Release 10.0 User Provisioning Guide,
3KC-69646-KAAA-SCZZA for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned
to user accounts.
3. Enter the password associated with the username at the password: prompt. The characters
you enter for the password are not displayed on the console.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. If you experience difficulty logging in, check to ensure
that the Caps Lock key is off. If you do not know the password, contact your system
To exit from the CLI
Type logout to exit from the CLI.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 117
CLI navigation Nokia 1830 PSS

1.4 CLI navigation

1.4.1 Overview
The CLI is a text-based interface. All interaction with the CLI is through the keyboard. You navigate
though the menu hierarchy and enter commands by typing the command name and pressing the
Enter key. The CLI provides keyboard shortcuts, string completion, and help functions to make
using the CLI as simple as possible.
Keyboard shortcuts

1.4.2 Keyboard shortcuts

The Table 11, “CLI keyboard shortcuts” (p. 118) lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to make
the most effective use of the CLI. All of the actions are relative to the current position of the cursor.
Previous characters are to the left of the cursor. Backwards moves the cursor to the left. Forwards
moves the cursor to the right.

Table 11 CLI keyboard shortcuts

To do this Press these key(s)

Complete the command from the typed abbreviation Tab
Complete the command, ignoring any characters or *
parameters after this character
List the available choices ?1
Move up one level in the command hierarchy .. or exit
Delete the previous character Backspace
Go to the beginning of the line Ctrl-A
Go to end of the line Ctrl-E
Go forward one character Ctrl-F
Go backward one character Ctrl-B
Delete the current character Ctrl-D
Delete all characters to the beginning of the line Ctrl-U
Delete all characters to the end of the line Ctrl-K
Delete the previous word Ctrl-W
Transpose the current character with the previous Ctrl-T
Go to the previous line in history buffer Ctrl-P
Go to next line in history buffer Ctrl-N

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Nokia 1830 PSS CLI navigation

Table 11 CLI keyboard shortcuts (continued)

To do this Press these key(s)

Go to the top level in the command hierarchy (main Ctrl-Z or mm

1. In CLI, “?” is a hidden key that displays command options/help when entered. If “?” is entered in the middle
of a command, the possible command options are displayed. If “?” is entered after a command, help is
displayed for that command. Therefore, “?” is not an allowed symbol in any CLI command.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 119
CLI help functions Nokia 1830 PSS

1.5 CLI help functions

1.5.1 Help functions
The CLI provides the following types of help:
• question mark
• TAB key
• help

Question mark (?) help

You can enter a question mark at any time when using the CLI to get a listing of the currently
available options.

Note: If “?” is entered in the middle of a command, the possible command options are
displayed. If “?” is entered after a command, help is displayed for that command. The “?” is
not an allowed symbol in any CLI command.
For example:

#config software ?

config software server

config software upgrade

Help command
You can display available help topics by entering the help command at the CLI main menu. To find
all commands that contain a particular keyword, enter the help command, followed by the keyword.
For example, to find all commands related to the 11STAR1 Optical Transponder, enter the
command help 11STAR1. The following output is generated:

#help 11star1
config card 11star1
Configure an 11STAR1 card
config interface 11star1
Configure an 11STAR1 interface
config slot <sh/sl>|*type 11star1
Configure programmed type to 11STAR1 [AINS]
show card 11star1
Display 11STAR1 card properties
show interface 11star1
Display 11STAR1 properties

Command history
Use the history command to display a listing of the last 100 commands. You can enter this
command at any level in the hierarchy. For example, the command history displays the last 100
commands. The command history 25 displays the last 25 commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS CLI help functions

You can recall previously entered commands using the ! notation familiar to UNIX users, as follows:
!! - Recalls the last command.
!n - Recalls the command at line n.
!string - Recalls the most recent command starting with string.

Copying and pasting multiple commands

You can keep frequently-used commands in a text file and paste them into the CLI interface. If the
file contains multiple commands, the commands are executed individually.

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CLI help functions Nokia 1830 PSS

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122 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS

Part II: System and equipment management

This part describes the general CLI commands including security, DCN, database, and general
equipment management.
Note: The equipment management of all cards is described in Part II: “System and equipment
management”. The functional aspects of core, optical transport (OT), and other (OTH) cards are
described in Part III: “Card (core, OT, OTH) management”. The configuration and management
details of packet transport are described in Part VI: “Packet transport service management”.


Chapter 2, General CLI commands 125

Chapter 3, System administration commands 201
Chapter 4, Equipment management commands 651

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Nokia 1830 PSS

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124 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS General CLI commands

2 General CLI commands

2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Purpose
This chapter contains the general CLI commands.

2.1.2 Contents

2.1 Overview 125

2.2 config 126
2.3 config general 131
2.4 config general fips-squelching 146
2.5 config general ftpserver 147
2.6 config general ntp 150
2.7 config general timezone 156
2.8 echo 167
2.9 help 168
2.10 history 171
2.11 logout 172
2.12 paging 173
2.13 prompt 175
2.14 show 176
2.15 show general 182
2.16 show logs 194
2.17 show traps 197
2.18 tools gmre_cli 198
2.19 tools lamptest 199
2.20 tools tl1 200

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config Nokia 1830 PSS

2.2 config
2.2.1 Purpose
Use this command to enter the config mode. Once in the config mode, you can use various sub-
commands to configure different aspects of the network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.2.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

2.2.3 Input Format


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126 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config


2.2.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: 8usrpnl


This parameter only applies to 1830 PSS-8.

Config PSS-8 user panel properties. See "config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}"
Sub-command: acl_default

Config default attributes for IP ACL. See "config acl_default".

Sub-command: acl_filter

Config ACL filter for IP Access Control. See "config acl_filter".

Sub-command: acl_pattern

Configure ACL pattern for IP Access Control. See "config acl_pattern".

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config Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: acl_port

Config filters for interface. See command "config acl_port".

Sub-command: aco

Configure the Alarm Cut-Off. See "config aco".

Sub-command: admin

Configure the date, time, Network Time Protocol properties, user passwords and logging
options, or perform a system restart. See "config admin".
Sub-command: alm

Configure alarm severity attributes. See "config alm prfl" and "config alm attr".
Sub-command: aps

Configure the options for an automatic protection switching group. See "config aps".
Sub-command: ason

Configure ASON. See "config ason feasibility" and "config ason amplifier".
Sub-command: card

Configure a specific card or card type. See "config card".

Sub-command: cn

Configure the control network parameters. See "config cn".

Sub-command: database

Configure the database setup, backup, and restore options, and backup or restore the
database. See "config database".
Sub-command: fan

Configure the fan properties. See "config fan".

Sub-command: firmware

Configure firmware properties on a specific card on the network element. See "config firmware".
Sub-command: general

Configure the general network element properties. See "config general".

Sub-command: interface

Configure the system interfaces. See "config interface".

Sub-command: multitopology

Configure a fiber connection. See "config multitopology".

Sub-command: odukaps

Configure oduk protection switching. See "config odukaps".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config

Sub-command: odukxc

Configure oduk cross connection. See "config odukxc".

Sub-command: odunim

Configure non-terminated oduk for interface. See "config odunim".

Sub-command: oduptf

Configure odu termination. See "config oduptf".

Sub-command: otdrscan

Configure otdr scan for a fiber connected to the input or output port a the LD. See "config
Sub-command: otu

Configure an otu interface. See "config otu".

Sub-command: pf

Configure the power filter properties. See "config pf".


Provides a clearAll option to clear all bins in all groups on the network element.
Sub-command: port

Configure L2 port properties. See "config port 11qpe24", "config port11ope8" and "config port
Configure L2 port properties. See "config port 11qpe24", "config port11ope8", "config port
11qce12x", and "config packetswitch <packetswitch-id> port".
Sub-command: powermgmt

Configure the power management options. See "config powermgmt".

Sub-command: profile

Configure the performance monitoring profiles. See "config profile pm".

Sub-command: redundancy


Applicable to all 1830 PSS shelf types except 1830 PSS-4.

Configure the network element redundancy properties or perform an activity switch. See "config
Sub-command: shelf

Configure the shelves on the network element. See "config shelf".

Sub-command: slot

Configure a specific slot on the shelf. See "config slot".

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Sub-command: snmpserver

Configure the SNMP server. See "config snmpserver".

Sub-command: software
Configure the network element software server and NE software upgrade. See "config
Sub-command: sslcert
Configure SSL Certificate. See "config sslcert".
Sub-command: sslcsr
Configure SSL certificate parameters for signing request. See "config sslcsr".
Sub-command: tcm
Configure TCM. See "config tcm <tcmfactype>"
Sub-command: transferlog
Configure the transferlog. See "config transferlog".
Sub-command: usrpnl
Only applicable on the 1830 PSS-32 and PSS-16.
Configure the usrpnl properties. See "config {usrpnl | 8usrpn}".
Sub-command: vtsxc
Configure a VTS cross-connect on the NE. See "config vtsxc".
Sub-command: xc
Configure a cross-connect for an optical channel on the NE. See "config xc".
Sub-command: xcgroup
Configure an OCH cross connect group. See "config xcgroup".

2.2.5 Examples
See the individual command manual pages for examples.

2.2.6 Related Commands


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2.3 config general

2.3.1 Purpose
This command configures the network element general parameters.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name, description, and contact information for the network element.
Note: If the TL1 interface is used, or may be used in the future, the NE name is used as the
system Target Identifier (TID) for TL1 commands. It is recommended that you choose a name
that complies with TID syntax. The TID is a text string and is limited to 20 ASCII characters. In
many cases, vendors and service providers create a TID that contains the 11-character Common
Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code.
• Set the network element date and time. These values are overridden if an NTP server has been
configured to provide network element timing. See "config general ntp".
• Specifies and Configure NTP server for date and time distribution.
• Configure NE-wide ains timer for newly created entities.
• The display shelf label setting
• Specify a userlabel information for the network element.
• Enable Open Routing functionality on the network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.3.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The date and time are used to time stamp events.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

2.3.3 Input Format

config general

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2.3.4 Input Parameters

ainstimer [<hours> <minutes> | help ]
0..96 - time for <hours>
0..59 - time for <minutes>
help - display the default and valid values
10 minutes
For ports configured to become automatically in service, specifies the amount of time that a
valid signal must be detected on a port before that port becomes automatically in service. From
1 minute to 96 hours. Enter the keyword without any parameter to display the current setting.
altitude [<height>]
0..8 - altitude in km, step size 0.1
Configure the altitude of the node above sea level. The altitude is used for FAN control and for
filter clogging rate calculation. The value is entered in km. An altitude of 300m relates to a value
of 0.3 (km). Locations below sea level are to be configured with the value 0. Enter the keyword

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without option to display the current setting.


Requires administrator level user privilege.



capacity ec [<flash-size>]

PSS-32 and PSS-16 Main Shelf:

unknown - not provisioned before. Read-only value, not provisionable.
4 - 4G capacity
16 - 16G capacity
32 - 32G capacity
PSS-16II Main Shelf:
unknown - not provisioned before. Read-only value, not provisionable.
32 - 32G capacity
PSS-8 Main Shelf:
unknown - not provisioned before. Read-only value, not provisionable.
16 - 16G capacity
PSS-4 Main Shelf:
unknown - not provisioned before. Read-only value, not provisionable.
2 - 2G capacity
8 - 8G capacity
PSS-24x Main Shelf:
unknown - not provisioned before. Read-only value, not provisionable.
32 - 32G capacity

Supports the setting of the expected capacity (in Gigabytes) of the flash-memory for all
controller cards in the system. Without input of <flash-size>, the command will return the
current value of <flash-size>.
Note "ec" in the syntax is a generic representation of equipment controller card.

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contact [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the contact information

Specifies the contact information for the network element. Enter this keyword to display the
current value. To change the value, enter this keyword followed by a text string that provides
contact information for the network element.


date [<yyyy mm dd>]


1970..2038 - yyyy: year

1..12 - mm: month
1..31 - dd: date

1970 01 01
Specifies the current date. Enter this keyword to display the current value. To change the value,
enter this keyword followed by the year (four digits), a space, the month (two digits), a space,
and the day (two digits). The lstest date that may be specified is "2038 01 18". Do not use this
command to change the date if the NE is using NTP.
Requires administrator level user privilege.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current description

Specifies a text description of the network element. Enter this keyword to display the current

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description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a string that describes
the network element.

Displays all of the network element general parameters. See also "show general".


dsplyslflbl [<string>]

{Y, N}

Display shelf user label. This parameter specifies if the content of the shelf description
parameter is displayed in the alarm and condition description field.
Y (description of the shelf is displayed when standing conditions and TCA events are reported)
N (description of the shelf is not displayed)
etr [enabled | disabled]
enabled - enables the network element for extended temperature operation.
disabled - disables the network element for extended temperature operation. This is the
standard central office temperature range.
This parameter applies to 1830 NE with PSS-4 and PSS-8 as the main shelf.
Specifies if the NE is configured for extended temperature range operation
filter-check-time [<hh>]

00..23 - time in hours

2 - two o'clock in the morning

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Configures the time in hours when the filter check procedure shall be executed every day. Enter
the keyword without option to display the current setting.

Requires administrator level user privilege.

The configured value impacts PSS-24x shelf types only.
Sub-command: fips-squelching

Configures the mode of Fips Squelch. See "config general fips-squelching".

Sub-command: ftpserver

Enable or Disable the NE to be a SWNE that runs FTP within 1830 OSC/GCC network. See
"config general ftpserver".
location [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current location
Specifies the location of the network element. Enter this keyword to display the current value.
To change the value, enter this keyword followed by a text string that provides location
information for the network element.
name [<string>]
<string> - 1 to 20 character ASCII string
Specifies a name for the network element, which is also used as the system TL1 Target
Identifier (TID). Enter this keyword to display the current value.
To change the value, enter this keyword followed by a text string that names the network

neid [<value> | help]

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0..30 - Range of NE ID value

help - Displays the default and valid values

Specifies the identification number of the NE. Enter this keyword to display the current neid
value. An value of 0 indicates that the neid is not configured.
Sub-command: ntp

Configure the Network Time Protocol servers for the network element. See "config general ntp".


openagent [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enables the Open Agent functionality on the NE.

disabled - disables the Open Agent functionality on the NE.

Use this parameter to define whether Open Agent functionality shall be enabled or not for the


thermalrestart [<value>]

manual - restart is triggered manually by cold reset command.

auto-default - restart is triggered automatically after system default time is expired.
1..60 - restart is triggered automatically after the time in minutes is expired.

Configures the network element restart behaviour for cards which were powered off due to
thermal issues. Enter the keyword without option to display the current setting.
The system default for auto-default is 15 minutes.

Requires administrator level user privilege.

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time [<hh mm ss>]


00..23 - hh: hour

00..59 - mm: minutes
00..59 - ss: seconds

00 00 00
Sets the network element time. Enter this keyword to display the current value. To change the
value, enter this keyword followed by the hour (two digits), a space, the minutes (two digits), a
space, and the seconds (two digits). Do not use this command to change the time if the NE is
using NTP.
Requires administrator level user privilege.
Sub-command: timezone

Configure the network element time zone settings to adjust for local time. See "config general


streamingpm [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enables the network element for fine granularity PM operation.

disabled - disables the network element for fine granularity PM operation.
Specifies if the NE is configured for fine granularity operation.
userlabel [<string>]
<string> - 0 to 32 TID character ASCII string
"" - clears the current userlabel

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Specifies a userlabel for the network element. Enter this keyword to display the current value.
To change the value, enter this keyword followed by a text string as userlabel for the network
Valid ASCII characters for userlabel are listed in the table below. The text string shall be
enclosed with double quotes.

Table 12 Character set for userlabel

Character Description
a-z lower-case alphabetical character a to z
A-Z upper-case alphabetical character A to Z
0-9 numerical character (integer) 0 to 9
# number or pound sign
_ underscore
/ forward slash
- hyphen
+ plus sign
% percent sign
, comma
. period
! exclamation mark
@ at sign
$ dollar sign
( left parenthesis
) right parenthesis
' apastrophe
" quotation mark
: colon
= equal sign
? question mark
[ left square bracket
] right square bracket
^ caret sign
{ left curly bracket

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Table 12 Character set for userlabel (continued)

Character Description
} right curly bracket
| vertical bar
~ tilde
; semicolon
< left angle bracket
> right angle bracket
& ampersand
* asterisk

2.3.5 Examples
# config general detail

Name : J01U
System Description : Nokia 1830 PSS v9.0 SONET ADM
NE Description : j01u
Location :
Contact :
S/W Version : 1830PSSECX-16.9-70
Current Date : 2016/04/12 11:48:28 (UTC)
System Up Time : 2 days, 8 hours, 52 minutes, 42.90 seconds
Loopback IP Address :
EC Programmed Capacity : 16G
Fips-squelch : Disabled
Altitude : 0.4 km
Filter Check Time : 02 (UTC)
Thermal Restart Config : 15 min
Display Shelf Label : Y

Local CIT Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:90
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled
OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1

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DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

Auto State : Disable
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

OAMP Management Port

Description :
IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:60
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Full OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Enabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled

Voip Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:61
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

E1 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:62
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :

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OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds

OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

E2 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:63
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:91
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


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IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:92
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

Network Time Protocol Properties

NTP Client : Enabled

Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : 10.258 us/s
Estimated Time Offset: -0.003339 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key

*1 2 u 512 377 0.770 -3.339 0.022 0

# config general detail

Name : J01U
System Description : Nokia 1830 PSI v1.0
NE Description : j01u
Location :
Contact :
S/W Version : 1830PSIECX-16.9-70
Current Date : 2017/04/12 11:48:28 (UTC)
System Up Time : 2 days, 8 hours, 52 minutes, 42.90 seconds
Loopback IP Address :
EC Programmed Capacity : 32G
Altitude : 0.4 km
Thermal Restart Config : 15 min
Display Shelf Label : Y

Local CIT Port

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IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:90
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled
OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
Auto State : Disable
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

OAMP Management Port

Description :
IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:60
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Full OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Enabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled

AUX1 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:91
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

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AUX2 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:92
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

Network Time Protocol Properties

NTP Client : Enabled

Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : 10.258 us/s
Estimated Time Offset: -0.003339 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key

*1 2 u 512 377 0.770 -3.339 0.022 0

# config general altitude 0.4

# config general userlabel "London-Main-236, New!"

2.3.6 Related Commands

show general
config general ntp
config general ftpserver
config general timezone

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2.4 config general fips-squelching

2.4.1 Purpose
This command configures the network element fips squelching mode.
Use this command to:
• Display the current fips squelching mode
• Specify fips as enabled or disabled
FIPS Squelching enabled causes squelch of all encrypted traffic on all encryption transport packs
when FIPS Selftest is failed.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.4.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Controls how the network element time is displayed
Access Levels: Administrator

2.4.3 Input Format

config general fips-squelching

2.4.4 Input Parameters

Sets system wide encryption squelching to occur for FIP selftest failures.
Sets system wide encryption squelching to occur for FIPS selftest failures squelching to occur
for FIPS selftest failures.

2.4.5 Examples
# config general fips-squelching ?
enable Set Fips squelch Fips mode
disable Set Fips squelch Non-Fips mode

# config general fips-squelching enable

2.4.6 Related Commands

config general
show general

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2.5 config general ftpserver

2.5.1 Purpose
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable SWNE.
• Specify the SWNE FTP user password.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.5.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Enable a NE to SWNE may be opened to malicious attacks. This weakness can be
addressed with IPACL to disallow FTP requests from unspecified sources.
Access Levels: Administrator

2.5.3 Input Format

config general ftpserver

2.5.4 Input Parameters


Display the SWNE status and FTP server user ID.


Disable SWNE. When SWNE is disabled, NE will deny FTP user login.

Enable SWNE. When SWNE is enable, NE will accept FTP user login.
Note: A pair of default FTP user ID and password is created in NE regardless the status of FTP
server. The user ID is fixed by the system, but administrators are allowed to change the

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Specifies the password of the FTP server user. The password will replace the existing FTP
Password is a string of 3-8 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters, and the password must
contain at least three of the following:
• at least one alphabetic character
• at least one numeric character
• at least one uppercase alphabetic character
• at least one special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (underscore)
• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
The first character of the password can be any alphabetic, numeric, or a special character
excluding # (pound sign). The password must not have three consecutive identical characters.

2.5.5 Examples

# config general ftpserver enable

# config general ftpserver detail

Userid: UserSWNE
Enabled: true

# config general ftpserver disable

# config general ftpserver password

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Enter new password:

Verfiy password:

# config general ftpserver password

New password:
Verify password:
Error: passwords did not match.

2.5.6 Related Commands

show general ftpserver

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config general ntp Nokia 1830 PSS

2.6 config general ntp

2.6.1 Purpose
This command adds or deletes Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers that are used to provide time
for the network element.
You can configure each network element to use up to three NTP servers, indexed by number. The
network element automatically selects the highest stratum NTP server with which it can reliably
communicate. If the network element loses communications with an NTP server, it automatically
selects the next best available server.
Note: Switching from manual time setting to NTP time synchronization, or from NTP time
synchronization to manual time setting, requires that you perform a network element-wide warm
restart, unless this is the first switch from manual timing to NTP timing during network element
Note: The three NTP servers can be a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 servers.
This command applies to all 1830 shelf types.

2.6.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding an NTP server causes the network element to automatically get its time from the
NTP server.
Access Levels: Administrator

2.6.3 Input Format

config general ntp
add <index> <ip-address> [<key-index>]
add key <key-index> <key-type> <key>
delete <index>
delete key <key-index>
modify key <key-index> <key-type> <key>

2.6.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Identifies one entry by <index> in the NTP servers list.

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Can be either:
<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address
<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address

Entry required
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the NTP server.


0..65535 - when adding a server

1..65535 - when performing an add, modify or delete of a key.
0 when adding a server.
Enter a value when manipulating the key (add, modify or delete).
Identifies one entry by <key-index> in the key file.
When adding a server, assign the value of 0 to disable authenticaion from a particular server.
{MD5, SHA1}
Identifies which type of key is entered for a <key-index> in the key file.
<string> - up to 20 char printable ASCII string except # and white space or 40 char string of
hex digits {0-9, a-f, A-F}
Specifies the MD5 or SHA1 key for the <key-index> in the key file.
Sub-command: add
add <index> <ip-address> [<key-index>]
Add a new NTP server to the list of servers able to provide time for the network element. Enter
this keyword followed by an <index> value, and the <ip-address> of the NTP server.
You cannot overwrite existing entries; if you attempt to add a server at an existing index
location, an error is displayed.
Enabling NTP Authentication is accomplished by assigning a <key-index> to an NTP server.

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The NTP Authentication key must have been previously added to the key file. A <key-index> of
0 disables the NTP Authentication function.
Sub-command: add key


add key <key-index> <key-type> <key>

Add an NTP authentication key to the key file.
Sub-command: delete


delete <index>
Delete an existing server from the list of NTP servers able to provide time for the network
element. Enter this keyword followed by the <index> value of the server you want to delete.
Sub-command: delete key


delete key <key-index>

Delete an existing NTP authentication key from the key file. The key is identified by the <key-
index> value.

Display the current NTP server configuration.



status [disable | enable]


{disable, enable}

Disable or enable the NTP client connection to all external servers. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the currently set value. There must be at least one valid server address
provisioned to prevent the command from being denied.
Sub-command: modify key


modify key <key-index> <key-type> <key>

Modify an NTP authentication key to the key file.

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2.6.5 Examples
Displaying the current NTP servers
The following command displays the current NTP server configuration:

# config general ntp detail

Network Time Protocol Properties
NTP Client : Enabled
Clock Mode : NTP Sync Redundant
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : 0.000000 us/s
Estimated Time Offset : -0.001315 s
Network Time Protocol Servers
Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key(Idx)
+1 3 u 1024 377 43.597 -0.876 2.116 0
*2 GPS 3 u 1024 357 42.032 -1.315 1.612 51
3 3 u 1024 000 --- --- --- 0

Possible Clock Mode States are:
• FREE-RUNNING NTP is not enabled, or the NE is not synchronized to an NTP server and is
instead using its own internal clock as a source.
• HOLDOVER NTP is enabled but the NE has lost NTP server connectivity, and is using the last
known clock update to synchronize its clock
• NTPSYNC NTP is enabled, and the NE is using the NTP protocol to synchronize to an NTP
• NTPSYNCR Network Time Protocol Synchronized Redundant NTP is enabled and synchronized
to a reference server and a backup reference is also eligible to become the primary reference.
The value in the Current NTP Server field specifies the NTP server that the NTP client has
synchronized with. A failure in communications with the current server may not result in a switch to
another server until the failure has persisted for up to 2.5 hours. The fail-over interval depends on
the time-keeping quality of the current server and the communication link quality.
During startup the drift file may be not yet available when the command "config general ntp detail" is
issued. The user interface shall display dashes "--.------" to indicate that no drift information is
This example shows IP1 and IP3 provisioned but IP2 not provisioned.

# config general ntp detail

Network Time Protocol Properties
NTP Client : Enabled
Clock Mode : NTP Sync Redundant
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : 10.538 us/s
Estimated Time Offset : 0.00018 s

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Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key
+1 2 u 512 377 0.626 0.222 0.036 0
*3 .GPS. 1 u 512 377 0.306 0.180 0.029 0

Note: Under these conditions, two ntp servers provisioned but only one reachable an NTPLOR
Network Time Protocol Loss of Redundancy alarm is raised.
Adding an NTP server
The following command adds the NTP server at IP address to the index 3 location:

(config-general-ntp)# add 3

Deleting an NTP server

The following command removes the NTP server at the index 2 location:

(config-general-ntp)# delete 2

Deleting an ntp sever while it is the last remaining reference without first issuing "config general ntp
client disable" will be denied
Enabling NTP Authentication
First you must enter a key into the key file

# config general ntp add key 51 MD5 TempusFugit

Then assign the key with key-index 51 to the NTP server with index 2

# config general ntp mod 2 51

Enabling NTP Time of Day synchronization with an external server

The following command will set the network element to synchronize its time of day clock with an
external reference running NTP.

(config-general-ntp)# client enable

The following command adds the NTP server at IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:20::3fe3:1 to the index 2

(config-general-ntp)# add 2 2001:db8:0:20::3FE3:1

The following example shows a single IPv6 (IP2) server provisioned.

# config general ntp detail

Network Time Protocol Properties
NTP Client : Enabled
Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server : 2001:DB8:0:20::3FE3:1
Estimated Drift : 5.997 us/s

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Estimated Time Offset : 0.000181 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key
*2 2001:DB8::3FE3:1 .GPS. 2 u 16 7 0.806 0.181 0.029 0

2.6.6 Related Commands

show general

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config general timezone Nokia 1830 PSS

2.7 config general timezone

2.7.1 Purpose
This command configures the network element time zone settings.
Use this command to:
• Display the current time zone configuration
• Specify a time zone name and network element time offset from UTC
The time zone setting only affects the display of the NE time to the user. Time is internally stored as
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.7.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Controls how the network element time is displayed.
Access Levels: Administrator

2.7.3 Input Format

config general timezone

2.7.4 Input Parameters

Displays the current time zone configuration.
name [<string> | help]
<string> - one of the time zone value listed by the help option
help - list available time zones
Specifies a string used to identify the time zone. Enter this keyword to display the current value.
To change the value, enter this keyword followed by a text string that is used to indicate the
time zone when displaying the time. These names are a standard set provided by an imported
zoneinfo database. The name can also be specified as an offest (-14:00 hours to +12:00 hours)
from UTC using one of these formats:

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Named time zones like "America/New_York" or "Europe/Paris" have daylight savings time
(DST) entrance and exit points compiled in, pure offsets like UTC-5:00 do not include DST
shifts. Names are case sensitive.

Displays a list of supported time zone names

2.7.5 Examples

# config general timezone name America/New_York

# config general timezone detail

Time Zone Name: America/New_York

# config general timezone help


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2.7.6 Related Commands

config general
show general

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Nokia 1830 PSS echo

2.8 echo
2.8.1 Purpose
This command toggles echoing on or off.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.8.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.8.3 Input Format


2.8.4 Examples
# echo

2.8.5 Related Commands


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help Nokia 1830 PSS

2.9 help
2.9.1 Purpose
This command displays information that describes how to use the command line interface or
display a list of all the CLI commands that contain a specific keyword.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.9.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.9.3 Input Format

help [<keyword>]

2.9.4 Input Parameters



Specifies a keyword for which to search in the CLI commands. A list of all commands containing
the string is returned. The string matches only the beginning of a word.

2.9.5 Examples

# help

Special commands:
exit - go to the previous menu level
.. - go to the previous menu level
history - display the command history
ll - display location limits for shelf types and cards
logout - log out of CLI
mm - go to the main menu
run - run CLI sub-session

Special keys:
DEL, BS - delete previous character
Ctrl-A - go to beginning of line
Ctrl-E - go to end of line
Ctrl-F - go forward one character
Ctrl-B - go backward one character
Ctrl-D - delete current character

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Ctrl-U - delete to beginning of line

Ctrl-K - delete to end of line
Ctrl-W - delete previous word
Ctrl-T - transpose previous character
Ctrl-P - go to previous line in history buffer
Ctrl-N - go to next line in history buffer
Ctrl-Z - go to the main menu
Tab - command-line completion
? - list choices

# help ec

config card ec
Configure an EC card

config cn netif add <index> <facility-sh/sl/pt> eccchnl

Enter eccchnl type

config cn netif <index> eccchnl

Enter eccchnl type

config general capacity ec

Configure the expected Capacity in GigaByte(G) for EC's flash memory

config interface ec
Configure a local ethernet port

config redundancy switch EC

Perform an EC activity switch

config slot <sh/sl>|* type ec

Configure programmed type to EC card [AINS]

Toggle CLI echo

show card ec
Display EC properties

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show general capacity ec

Display the expected Capacity in GigaByte(G) for EC's flash memory

show interface ec
Display the local ethernet port parameters

2.9.6 Related Commands


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2.10 history
2.10.1 Purpose
This command displays the command history. The command history is a listing of the last 100
commands entered in the current CLI session. You can enter this command at any level in the
You can use the following commands to recall previous commands:
• !!: Recall the last command
• !n: Recall the command at line n
• !string: Recall the most recent command starting with string
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.10.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.10.3 Input Format

history [<number-of-events>]

2.10.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the number of events to display in the command history.

2.10.5 Examples
# history
1: echo
2: help
3: paging size 10
4: history

2.10.6 Related Commands


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logout Nokia 1830 PSS

2.11 logout
2.11.1 Purpose
This command closes the current CLI session. You can enter this command at any level in the
command hierarchy.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.11.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.11.3 Input Format


2.11.4 Examples
# logout
Logging out....

2.11.5 Related Commands


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2.12 paging
2.12.1 Purpose
This command configures the paging properties for the CLI display. The paging properties
determine how many records of output are displayed on the screen before you are prompted to
display the next page of information.
A record can contain more than one line. For example, each alarm record uses three lines.
Use this command to:
• Display the current paging settings
• Enable or disable paging
• Set the paging size (number of records displayed) for the current CLI session
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.12.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.12.3 Input Format


2.12.4 Input Parameters



status [enabled | disabled]


enabled - When paging is enabled, the number of records specified by the size keyword
are displayed. You are then prompted to display the next page or quit.
disabled - When paging is disabled, all of the records for the request are displayed in a
scrolling list until complete.

Enter this keyword followed by an enable/disable value to change the paging status, or enter
this keyword without any parameter to display the current setting.

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size [<number-of-records>]
Specifies the number of records to display before paging. Enter this keyword followed by an
integer value for the number of records, or enter this keyword without any parameter to display
the current paging size.

2.12.5 Examples
The following example displays the current paging status, changes the paging size to 10 records,
and displays the change:

# paging status

Paging status: enabled

Paging size: 33

# paging size 10

# paging size

Paging size: 10

2.12.6 Related Commands


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2.13 prompt
2.13.1 Purpose
Use this command to set the command prompt.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.13.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

2.13.3 Input Format

prompt [default | <prompt-text>]

2.13.4 Input Parameters

Changes the CLI prompt to the NE name. The network element name is specified using the
name parameter of the command "config general".
<string> - an ASCII string up to 30 characters
Specifies the string to be displayed at the CLI prompt.

2.13.5 Examples
The following example sets the command prompt to "Mynetworkelement":

# prompt Mynetworkelement


2.13.6 Related Commands


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2.14 show
2.14.1 Purpose
Use this command to enter show mode. Once in show mode, you can use the various
subcommands to display network element configuration and status information.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.14.2 Command Access Level

Impact: This section alerts you to any potential impacts to the network that may occur as a result of
performing the command.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.14.3 Input Format


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2.14.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: 8usrpnl


This parameter only applies to PSS-8.

Display PSS-8 user panel properties. See "show {usrpnl | 8urspnl}".

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Sub-command: acl_default

Display default attribute for IP ACL. See "show acl_default".

Sub-command: acl_filter

Display the ACL Filter details. See "show acl_filter"

Sub-command: acl_pattern

Display the ACL pattern details. See "show acl_pattern".

Sub-command: acl_port

Display filters for interfaces. See "show acl_port".

Sub-command: admin

Displays user logging options, system discovery information, and network time protocol (NTP)
settings for the network element. See "show admin".
Sub-command: alm

Displays alarm severity attributes. See "show alm attr" and "show alm prfl".
Sub-command: alarmleds

Display the alarm LEDs.

Sub-command: aps

Displays the details for an automatic protection switching group. See "show aps".
Sub-command: ason

Display Ason properties. See "show ason feasibility" and "show ason amplifier".
Sub-command: card

Display the current status of the cards on the network. See "show card".
Sub-command: cn

Displays the control network configuration settings for the network element. See "show cn".
Sub-command: condition
Displays the conditions for the network element. See "show condition".
Sub-command: database

Displays the database backup and restore properties.

Sub-command: encrypt
Display the encryption parameters for a facility. See "show encrypt".
Sub-command: fan

Displays the current status of the fan trays on the network element. See "show fan".
Sub-command: firmware
Displays firmware properties on a specific card on the network element. See "show firmware".

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Sub-command: general

Displays general information for the network element.

The following information is displayed:
• name description, location, and contact information
• date, time and system up time
• software version
• total cards, number of control cards, and number of optical cards
• network element IP address and subnet mask
• management port IP address, subnet mask, state, and location.
See "show general".
Sub-command: interface

Displays the network element interface configuration settings for the network element. See
"show interface".
Sub-command: logs

Displays the event logs for the network element. See "show logs".
Sub-command: multitopology

Display interface topology information. See "show multitopology".

Sub-command: ochtrail

Displays OCH trails configured on the network element. See "show ochtrail".
Sub-command: odukaps

Display oduk protection switching information. See "show odukaps".

Sub-command: odukxc

Display the ODUk cross connection. See "show odukxc".

Sub-command: odunim

Display the non-terminated odu for interface. See "show odunim".

Sub-command: oduptf
Display odu termination for interface. See "show oduptf".
Sub-command: otdrscan

Display otdr scan for a fiber connected to the input or output port a the LD. See "show
Sub-command: otu

Display the interface otuk information. See "show otu".

Sub-command: pf
Displays the current status of the power filter cards on the network element. See "show pf".

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Sub-command: port

Display port properties. See "show port 11qpe24", "show port 11ope8" and "show port
Sub-command: powermgmt

Displays the power management status. See "show powermgmt".

Sub-command: profile

Displays the performance monitoring profiles. See "show profile pm".

Sub-command: redundancy


Only applicable on the 1830 PSS.

Displays the current database synchronization status and the control card activity states (active
or inactive). See "show redundancy".
Sub-command: resource


Only applicable on the 1830 PSS, card 11stmm10.

Displays the internal resource assignment on the 11STMM10 cards on the NE. See "show
Sub-command: shelf

Displays the current status of the shelves on the network element. See "show shelf".
Sub-command: slot

Displays the current status of the slots on the network element. See "show slot".
Sub-command: snmpserver

Displays the current SNMP server configuration settings. See "show snmpserver".
Sub-command: software
Displays software status and configuration information for the network element. See "show
Sub-command: sslcert

Display status of ssl certificate installation. See "show sslcert".

Sub-command: tcm
Display the tcm details. See "show tcm <tcmfactype>".
Sub-command: transferlog

Display the transferlog details.

Sub-command: traps
Displays the trap buffer table for the network element. See "show traps".

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Sub-command: usrpnl

Only applicable on the 1830 PSS-32, and PSS-16.
Displays the current status of the user panel on the network element. See "show {usrpnl |
Displays the version of the software running on the NE.
Sub-command: vtsxc
Displays VTS cross-connects on the NE. See "show vtsxc".
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays Wavelength Tracker WaveKey and power information for a port. See "show wavekey".
Sub-command: xc
Displays the cross-connect configuration on the NE. See "show xc".
Sub-command: xcgroup
Display an OCH cross connect group

2.14.5 Examples
# show version

Software Version: 1830PSS32-2.0-10

2.14.6 Related Commands


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show general Nokia 1830 PSS

2.15 show general

2.15.1 Purpose
This command displays the general parameters for the network element.
Use this command to display the following information for the network element:
• The name, description, location and contact information
• The SW Version Information
• The network element date, time and time zone information
• The network element up time
• The network element loopback IP address
• The network Element AINS debounce time
• The network element extended temperature range capability (if applicable to the network
element type)
• The network element configured EC card flash memory capacity
• The network element Fips-squelching mode
• Configuration and status information for all external Ethernet Ports (CIT, OAMP, VoIP, E1, E2,
AUX), which exist on the network element
• The Network Time Protocol settings and status of the network element
• The FTP server settings of the network element
• The network element thermal restart settings
• The network element altitude setting
• The network element filter check cycle time
• The display shelf label setting
• The userlabel information
• The network element Open Agent functionality setting
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.15.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.15.3 Input Format

show general

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ntp key

2.15.4 Input Parameters


Displays the AINS debounce time.


Displays the network element altitude setting.



capacity ec
Displays the setting of the expected capacity (in Gigabytes) of the flash memory associated
with the controller card in the main shelf.
Note "ec" in the syntax is a generic representation of equipment controller card.

Displays the network element contact information.

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Displays the system date and time.


Displays the network element description.


Displays all of the general network element parameters.

Displays settings and status information for all the external Ethernet ports (CIT, OAMP, VoIP,
E1, E2, AUX), that exist on the network element.

Specifies if the shelf description is displayed when standing conditions and TCA events are

Display the extended temperature range parameter.


This parameter applies to 1830 NE with PSS-4 and PSS-8 as the main shelf.

Displays the network element filter-check-time setting.


Displays the fips-squelching mode.


Displays the FTP server properties (Userid and Status)


Displays the network element location.


Displays the network element name.


Displays the network element's ID.


Displays the Network Time Protocol properties.

ntp key


ntp key [<key-index>]

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1..65535 - key-index range

Displays the NTP Authentication key. Enter the keyword only (no <key-index>) to display a list
of all configured ntp keys.

Displays whether Open Agent functionality is enabled or not for the NE.

Displays the fine granularity PM for streaming parameter.


Displays the system date and time.


Displays the network element time zone settings.


Displays the network element thermal restart configuration.


Displays the userlabel for network element.

2.15.5 Examples
Example of PSS-32

# show general detail

Name : J01U
System Description : Nokia 1830 PSS v9.0 SONET ADM
NE Description : j01u
Location :
Contact :
S/W Version : 1830PSSECX-16.9-70
Current Date : 2016/04/12 11:48:28 (UTC)
System Up Time : 2 days, 8 hours, 52 minutes, 42.90 seconds
Loopback IP Address :
EC Programmed Capacity : 16G
Fips-squelch : Disabled
Altitude : 1.2 km
Display Shelf Label : Y
Open Agent : Disabled

Local CIT Port

IP Address :

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MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:90

Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled
OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
Auto State : Disable
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

OAMP Management Port

Description :
IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:60
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Full OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Enabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled

Voip Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:61
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

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E1 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:62
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

E2 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:63
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:91
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds

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show general Nokia 1830 PSS

OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds

OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:92
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

Network Time Protocol Properties

NTP Client : Enabled

Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : 10.258 us/s
Estimated Time Offset: -0.003339 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key

*1 2 u 512 377 0.770 -3.339 0.022 0

Example of PSS-4

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Nokia 1830 PSS show general

# show general detail

Name : NE137
System Description : Nokia 1830 PSS v9.0 SONET ADM
NE Description :
Location :
Contact :
S/W Version : 1830PSS4-13.29-40
Current Date : 1972/12/04 11:38:21 (UTC)
System Up Time : 4 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes, 4.95 seconds
Loopback IP Address :
ETR Capability : Disabled
Capacity : 2G
Fips-squelch : Disabled

EC Management Port (CIT)

IP Address :
MAC Address : E0:30:05:E8:21:D7
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled
OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
Auto State : Disable
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

EC Management Port (OAMP)

Description :
IP Address :
MAC Address : E0:30:05:E8:21:D8
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto

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show general Nokia 1830 PSS

Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex

Proxy Arp : Disabled

Network Time Protocol Properties

NTP Client : Disabled

Clock Mode : Free Running
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : ---.-- us/s
Estimated Time Offset : 0 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key


Example of PSS-24x

# show general detail

Name : J01U
System Description : Nokia 1830 PSS v9.0 SONET ADM
NE Description : j01u
Location :
Contact :
S/W Version : 1830PSSECX-16.9-70
Current Date : 2016/04/12 11:48:28 (UTC)
System Up Time : 2 days, 8 hours, 52 minutes, 42.90 seconds
Loopback IP Address :
EC Programmed Capacity : 32G
Fips-squelch : Disabled
Altitude : 0.4 km
Display Shelf Label : Y
Open Agent : Disabled
Filter Check Time : 02 (UTC)
Thermal Restart Config : 23 min

Local CIT Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:90
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled

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Nokia 1830 PSS show general

OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :

Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
Auto State : Disable
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

OAMP Management Port

Description :
IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:60
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Full OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Enabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled

EC-A E1 Port

IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:62
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

EC-B E1 Port

IP Address :

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show general Nokia 1830 PSS

MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7C:57:63

Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:91
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled


IP Address :
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:14:92
Admin State : Down Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled

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192 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show general

Network Time Protocol Properties

NTP Client : Enabled

Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server :
Estimated Drift : ---.-- us/s
Estimated Time Offset : -0.001656 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key

*1 3 u 512 377 0.289 -1.656 0.841 0

The following example shows a single IPv6 (IP2) server provisioned.

# show general ntp detail

Network Time Protocol Properties
NTP Client : Enabled
Clock Mode : NTP Sync
Current NTP Server : 2001:DB8:0:20::3FE3:1
Estimated Drift : 5.997 us/s
Estimated Time Offset : 0.000181 s

Network Time Protocol Servers

Sl IP RefID str t poll rch delay offset jitter Key
*2 2001:DB8::3FE3:1 .GPS. 2 u 16 7 0.806 0.181 0.029 0

2.15.6 Related Commands

config general

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show logs Nokia 1830 PSS

2.16 show logs

2.16.1 Purpose
This command displays the logs for the network elements. Use this command to display all of the
logs on the network element or logs for a particular type of event. The log entries are listed in
reverse chronological order, with the most recent log event listed first. Both raised and cleared
events are displayed.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.16.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.16.3 Input Format

show logs

2.16.4 Input Parameters


Displays all log entries in the system.


Displays a log of all the critical alarms on the network element.


Displays a log of all the general events on the network element.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show logs


Displays a log of all of the major alarms on the network element.


Displays a log of all of the minor alarms on the network element.


Displays a log of all the not alarmed conditions on the network element.

Displays a log of all the not reported alarms on the network element.

Displays a log of all the security events on the network element.


Displays a log of all the state change events on the network element.

Displays the number of logs in each category.


Displays a log of all the user events on the network element.


Displays a log of all warning alarms on the network element.

2.16.5 Examples

# show logs summary

Log History Summary

Total : 753

Critical Alarms: 14
Major Alarms : 1
Minor Alarms : 16
Not Alarmed : 16
Warning Alarms : 0

Not Reported : 47
General Events : 500
State Changes : 7
User Actions : 85

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show logs Nokia 1830 PSS

Security : 67

# show logs major

96 2014/09/22 13:03:39 Node

Type : Raised
Desc : Database invalid
Condition : DBINVALID
Data :

2.16.6 Related Commands


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Nokia 1830 PSS show traps

2.17 show traps

2.17.1 Purpose
This command displays the trap buffer table for the network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.17.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.17.3 Input Format

show traps

2.17.4 Examples
# show traps

213 2003/01/21 00:00:35 Critical Alarm SH:1 SL:9a P:1 In Optical

Type : Raised
Desc : Digital wrapper loss of frame
Changed :
Data : Affected Ports: Optical Ports 1 - 2

212 2003/01/21 00:00:35 Critical Alarm SH:1 SL:9a P:2 In Optical

Type : Raised
Desc : SONET loss of frame
Changed :
Data : Affected Ports: Optical Ports 1 - 2

...more? y=[yes] q=[quit] >

2.17.5 Related Commands

config snmpserver
show snmpserver

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tools gmre_cli Nokia 1830 PSS

2.18 tools gmre_cli

2.18.1 Purpose
Use this command to open a GMRE CLI session on the network element. Description of the
commands available in this GMRE CLI session can be found in the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service
Switch (PSS) GMPLS/GMRE Guide. To successfully login to GMRE CLI, the GMRE must be
provisioned correctly. Information can be found in Using the GMRE Command Line Interface (CLI)
for GMRE commissioning.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.18.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.18.3 Input Format

tools gmre_cli

2.18.4 Examples
# tools gmre_cli

2.18.5 Related Commands


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Nokia 1830 PSS tools lamptest

2.19 tools lamptest

2.19.1 Purpose
This command initiates a lamp test on a universal shelf. Use this command to light LEDs on the
specified shelf to solid amber for a period of 30 seconds.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.19.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.19.3 Input Format

tools lamptest [<shelf>]

2.19.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf number. If the parameter is omitted, then the lamptest is executed for all
shelves of the node.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

2.19.5 Examples
# tools lamptest 1

# tools lamptest 4
Error: shelf not provisioned or invalid shelf id

2.19.6 Related Commands


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tools tl1 Nokia 1830 PSS

2.20 tools tl1

2.20.1 Purpose
Use this command to open a TL1 session on the network element.
The command is not available in ANSSI mode.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

2.20.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

2.20.3 Input Format

tools tl1

2.20.4 Examples
# tools tl1

2.20.5 Related Commands


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200 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS System administration commands

3 System administration commands

3.1 Overview

3.1.1 Purpose
This chapter contains various commands related to system administration.

3.1.2 Contents

3.1 Overview 201

Commands addressing multiple areas 207
3.2 config admin 207
3.3 show admin 215
Security commands 218
3.4 config admin authentication 218
3.5 config admin authentication radius 220
3.6 config admin authentication radius add 223
3.7 config admin session 225
3.8 config admin snmpusers 227
3.9 config admin snmpusers add 229
3.10 config admin snmpusers edit 231
3.11 config admin syslog 233
3.12 config admin system 237
3.13 config admin ui 239
3.14 config admin users 241
3.15 config admin users add 244
3.16 config admin users edit 247
3.17 config admin users logging 252
3.18 config admin users logging cli 254
3.19 config admin users logging snmp 257
3.20 config sslcert 260
3.21 config sslcsr 261

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

3.22 crypto key 263

3.23 crypto sslkey 267
3.24 passwd 269
3.25 show admin syslog 270
3.26 show admin user 271
3.27 show sslcert 273
3.28 timeout [<timeout>] 274
3.29 who 275
3.30 whoami 276
Data communication network commands 277
3.31 config acl_default 277
3.32 config acl_filter 280
3.33 config acl_pattern 282
3.34 config acl_port 288
3.35 config acl_default6 292
3.36 config acl_filter6 294
3.37 config acl_pattern6 297
3.38 config acl_port6 304
3.39 config cn 308
3.40 config cn netif 310
3.41 config cn netif <index> 313
3.42 config cn netif <index> ospf 316
3.43 config cn ospf area 320
3.44 config cn ospf iprange 326
3.45 config cn routes default 328
3.46 config cn routes default add 331
3.47 config cn routes default delete 333
3.48 config cn routes default gateway 334
3.49 config cn routes default redistribute 336
3.50 config cn routes default6 338
3.51 config cn routes default6 add 340

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

3.52 config cn routes default6 delete 341

3.53 config cn routes default6 gateway 342
3.54 config cn routes static 343
3.55 config cn routes static add 345
3.56 config cn routes static delete 348
3.57 config cn routes static redistribute 351
3.58 config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf 353
3.59 config interface <card> <custlan-port> 357
3.60 config interface <eqm-ctrl> 360
3.61 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> 362
3.62 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf 371
3.63 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> 375
3.64 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf 383
3.65 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port> 387
3.66 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port> 397
3.67 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> 400
3.68 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf 407
3.69 config interface gmre 410
3.70 config interface gmre {nodeip | notifyip} 411
3.71 config interface {loopback | loopback1} 413
3.72 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> 417
3.73 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf 426
3.74 config snmpserver 431
3.75 config snmpserver community 433
3.76 config snmpserver trapdest 436
3.77 config snmpserver trapdest add 438
3.78 show acl_default 441
3.79 show acl_filter 443
3.80 show acl_pattern 446
3.81 show acl_port 451
3.82 show acl_default6 454

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

3.83 show acl_filter6 456

3.84 show acl_pattern6 459
3.85 show acl_port6 464
3.86 show cn netif 467
3.87 show cn networkmap 470
3.88 show cn ospf area 471
3.89 show cn ospf iprange 472
3.90 show cn routes redistribute 473
3.91 show cn routes static 474
3.92 show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf 476
3.93 show interface <card> <custlan-port> 478
3.94 show interface <eqm-ctrl> 480
3.95 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> 482
3.96 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> 484
3.97 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port> 486
3.98 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port> 488
3.99 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> 490
3.100 show interface gmre 492
3.101 show interface {loopback | loopback1} 493
3.102 show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> 495
3.103 show snmpserver 498
3.104 tools ping 500
3.105 tools tracert 503
Database and software commands 506
3.106 config ason feasibility 506
3.107 config ason feasibility server 509
3.108 config database 511
3.109 config database server 516
3.110 config debugdump 518
3.111 config debugdump server 522
3.112 config dumpdata 524

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

3.113 config firmware 526

3.114 config mgracd 529
3.115 config software 531
3.116 config software server 532
3.117 config software server transfer 535
3.118 config software upgrade 538
3.119 config software upgrade manual 540
3.120 config turnup 542
3.121 show ason feasibility 544
3.122 show database 546
3.123 show firmware 548
3.124 show mgracd 553
3.125 show software 555
Cluster commands 565
3.126 config admin clusterip 565
3.127 config admin clusterip add 567
3.128 config admin clusterip modify 569
3.129 config admin clusterip delete 571
3.130 show admin clusterip 572
Licensing commands 574
3.131 config license <dsw-card> 574
3.132 config license inventory 577
3.133 config license inventory server 579
3.134 show license <dsw-card> 582
3.135 show license inventory 584
Flexgrid enable commands 586
3.136 config admin flexgrid 586
3.137 show admin flexgrid 588
Synchronization interface commands 589
3.138 config interface <pf-fcru-card> 589
3.139 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state 591

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 205
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

3.140 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 594

3.141 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe 597
3.142 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe 601
3.143 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm 604
3.144 config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> 606
3.145 show interface <pf-fcru-card> 612
3.146 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 614
3.147 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe 616
3.148 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe 619
3.149 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm 622
3.150 show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> 624
ASON or ASONL interface commands 628
3.151 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} 628
3.152 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment 632
3.153 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset 636
3.154 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} 638
3.155 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment 641
3.156 show interface ason impairment 643
3.157 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset 645
3.158 show interface ason wavelengthset 648

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206 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config admin

Commands addressing multiple areas

3.2 config admin

3.2.1 Purpose
This command configures the administrative options for the network element.
Use this command to:
• Configure the NE Installation
• Access subcommands for configuring local and remote authentication properties
• Set the network element login message
• Configure the NE to operate in SONET or SDH mode
• Set any one of the OCS compound (OCS1 or OCS2 or OCS3) with its associated IP address for
uplink communication.
• Restart the network element software
• Set up session options
• Access subcommands for configuring the syslog parameters
• Set the units used to display temperature
• Access subcommands for user login management
• Configure the NE for secure/unsecure mode
• Access subcommands for configuring the clusterip parameter
• Access subcommands for configuring flexible grid channel add/drop for OCS and cluster
associated network elements.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.2.2 Command Access Level

Impact: A network element restart logs you out of the CLI and can result in a temporary loss of
communication with the system. A cold restart can result in loss of transmission data.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.2.3 Input Format

config admin

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config admin Nokia 1830 PSS


3.2.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: authentication

Authenticates user login and password so that NE is secured by a trusted path. User
identification and authentication are based upon RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User
See "config admin authentication".
Sub-command: clusterip

Configure the unique user-assigned (TIDs) NE Names with its associated IP address for remote
cluster NEs. The IP address is been changed centrally in one place, rather than changing every
remote connected port (rmconport) parameter for add/drop nodes or oconn parameter for
optical line nodes. See "config admin clusterip".

Supports the NE installation through standalone CLI interface.

The config admin commission command allows an operator to initialize an NE's Name (TID)
and NE database from the CLI interface. When connecting to a new NE for the first time, the
system typically has no NE-Name (no TID) and an invalid Database. After initializing the
database and name of a newly installed NE, the operator is typically recommended to initialize
the NE's IP address(es) (See "config interface loopback" and "config interface usrpnl").
Sub-command: flexgrid

Configures network element operation with flexible grid features, especially OCS and cluster
assoicated network element capabilities. See "config admin flexgrid".


loginmsg [clear | default | edit <string>]

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208 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config admin


clear - to clear the current login message.

default - to restore the default login message.
<string> - own login message

Only the default message is supported in this release.

Specifies the message that is displayed on successful login. To change the login message, use
the keyword edit followed by the preferred login message.

mode {sdh | sonet} <password>
sdh - followed by the <password> to change the mode from SONET to SDH.
sonet - followed by the <password> to change the mode from SDH to SONET.
Change the operation mode of the network element.
Note: To execute this command, you are required to enter a password. Contact your service
representative for the required password.
Caution: Changing the mode causes the NE to clear its database and clears all services on the
NE. PM is restarted with cleared counters, new PM names, and new TCA defaults. Byte filtering
changes conforms to the specified standard.
ocs1 [<ip-address>] [passwd]
<ip-address> - valid IP address for the OCS1 partner node.
Specifies the OAMP IP address of the OCS1 NE with which the system communicates to
manage uplink services. Enter this keyword to display the current value. Enter this keyword
followed by to terminate the uplink management relationship.
If the optional keyword passwd is specified, then a password dialog is opened which allows to
enter the password for login to the OCS1 NE.
The password must be compliant to the OCS password format, which is: a 8 to 12 character
string including at least three of the following:
• Uppercase alphabetic character
• Lower case alphabetic character

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 209
config admin Nokia 1830 PSS

• Numeric character
• Special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (under score)
• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
ocs2 [<ip-address>] [passwd]
<ip-address> - valid IP address for the OCS2 partner node.
Specifies the OAMP IP address of the OCS2 NE with which the system communicates to
manage uplink services. Enter this keyword to display the current value. Enter this keyword
followed by to terminate the uplink management relationship.
If the optional keyword passwd is specified, then a password dialog is opened which allows to
enter the password for login to the OCS2 NE.
The password must be compliant to the OCS password format, which is: a 8 to 12 character
string including at least three of the following:
• Uppercase alphabetic character
• Lower case alphabetic character
• Numeric character
• Special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)

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• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (under score)
• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
ocs3 [<ip-address>] [passwd]
<ip-address> - valid IP address for the OCS3 partner node.
Specifies the OAMP IP address of the OCS3 NE with which the system communicates to
manage uplink services. Enter this keyword to display the current value. Enter this keyword
followed by to terminate the uplink management relationship.
If the optional keyword passwd is specified, then a password dialog is opened which allows to
enter the password for login to the OCS3 NE.
The password must be compliant to the OCS password format, which is: a 8 to 12 character
string including at least three of the following:
• Uppercase alphabetic character
• Lower case alphabetic character
• Numeric character
• Special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (under score)
• ! (exclamation mark)

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• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)


resetne {warm | cold}


warm - re-initializes the network element software only, and is not service affecting.
cold - re-initializes the hardware and software of the network element and is service
Restarts the software on the network element. Enter the keyword resetne followed by warm or
Sub-command: session
Configures the session parameters: maximum number of failed login attempts, timeout. See
"config admin session".
Sub-command: snmpusers
Configures the snmpuser's authentication and privacy passwords. See "config admin
Sub-command: syslog
Configures the syslog parameters on the network element. See "config admin syslog".

tempunits [celsius | fahrenheit]
celsius - Display temperatures in degree Celsius.
fahrenheit - Display temperatures in degree Fahrenheit.
Specifies the units used when displaying or changing temperatures. Enter the keyword without

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option to display the current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one
of the defined values.
Sub-command: ui

Configures or display the user interface security mode. See "config admin ui".
Sub-command: users
Configure the user password and logging parameters. See "config admin users".

3.2.5 Examples
# config admin commission

The database is invalid. Would you like to initialize the database now?

If this is a REPLACEMENT PACK and you have a remote database backup available,
you can perform a NonServiceAffecting replacement. If so, please answer 'n'
so the database is not initialized.
NOTE: The NE will automatically restart after the initialization is complete.
Confirm database initialization (y/<n>)? n

NE Initial Configuration...
Please answer the following questions to complete the initial configuration
of the Network Element (NE). When a default value is available, it is shown
inside angle brackets <>. To accept the default value,just press
the enter key.
Continue with configuration (y/<n>)?y

NE Initial Configuration...
Please answer the following questions to complete the initial configuration
of the Network Element (NE). When a default value is available, it is shown
inside angle brackets <>. To accept the default value,just press
the enter key.
NE TID<>: J02U

Configuration Summary:
Save configuration (y/<n>)?y

System restarts at this point.

System will come up with factory load and DB invalid alarm; this alarm will have to be cleared only
after upgrading to the latest software.
Following commands are used to provision ip and loopback ip:
• config interface usrpnl oamp ip
• config interface loopback ip

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Performing a warm reset.

The following command resets the network element software, using current state information:

# config admin resetne warm

WARNING! You are about to perform a warm system restart.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:

Enter yes to confirm that you want to restart the network element software.
Performing a cold reset.
The following command resets the network element. It will reset hardware to the last known valid
state in the database. This reset is customer affecting:

# config admin resetne cold

WARNING! You are about to perform a cold system restart.

This is a service affecting command.
Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:

Enter yes to confirm that you want to restart the network element. Restarting the network element
logs you off the network element.
The following command sets the temperature unit as Celsius:

# config admin tempunits celsius

Setting the OCS IP Address for uplink management communication:

# config admin ocs1

3.2.6 Related Commands

show admin

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3.3 show admin

3.3.1 Purpose
This command displays the network element administrative options.
Use this command to:
• Display the user authentication configuration
• Display the NE commissioning state
• Display the network element login message
• Display the SONET or SDH system operation mode
• Display the all three OCS compound (OCS1, OCS2, OCS3) with its associated IP address for
uplink communication.
• Display the syslog configuration
• Display the NE encrypted/normal mode
• Display user accounts
• Display the clusterip configuration

3.3.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.3.3 Input Format

show admin

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3.3.4 Input Parameters



authentication [radius]
Displays authentication information. Enter radius to display the configured RADIUS servers and

Displays all NE Names and associated IP addresses defined on the remote cluster NEs, plus
"link status" information for each defined NE Name/IP address. See "show admin clusterip".

Supports the NE installation through standalone CLI. The standalone CLI is the process that is
launched when you login to Linux as CLI on the Linux NE.

Shows flexible grid features enabled on network element, especially OCS and cluster
assoicated network element capabilities. See "config admin flexgrid".

Displays the message after a successful login.


Displays if the system is configured to operate in SONET or SDH mode.


Displays all 3 OCS NE compounds {OCS1, OCS2, OCS3}, each with its associated IP address
and link status used for uplink communication. The status of the communication link associated
to all 3 OCS NEs/IP address. Refer to the below table in "Output Parameters" section.

Displays the syslog parameters. See "show admin syslog".


Displays whether the system is configured for security mode encrypted, normal, fips or anssi.
Sub-command: user

Displays user account information configured on the network element. See "show admin user".

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3.3.5 Output Parameters

Table 13 show admin ocsip

Label Description
OCS NE Displays all 3 OCS NEs compound {OCS1,
IP Address Displays the IP address associated to all 3
OCS NEs compound
Link Status Displays the status of the communication link
associated to a defined all 3 OCS NEs/IP
address. If no response is received after an
implementation, then the link status is down.
Value is {up, down, -}

3.3.6 Examples
# show admin mode
SONET/SDH Mode: sonet

# show admin commission

Commission_state: yes

# show admin ocsip

OCS NE IP Address Link Status
----------- --------------- -------------
OCS1 up
OCS2 down
OCS3 -

3.3.7 Related Commands

config admin
config admin authentication
config admin clusterip
config admin syslog
config admin ui
config admin users

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config admin authentication Nokia 1830 PSS

Security commands

3.4 config admin authentication

3.4.1 Purpose
Use this command to:
• Configure the minimum and maximum password length acceptable for passwords that are
created or edited after the command completion. Note that passwords created before the
command and accepted are unaffected by this command
• Configure the authentication order
• Configure RADIUS servers and properties
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.4.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changes the password length and authentication rules accepted by the NE.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.4.3 Input Format

config admin authentication
local password minlength

3.4.4 Input Parameters

local password minlength


local password minlength <value>



Specifies the minimum length for user passwords accepted by the NE.


order [<value>]

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{local, radius, radius-local}

In ANSSI mode, only the value "local" is allowed.
Specifies which authentication system to use for network element users. Enter the keyword
alone to display the current value.
• local - authentication is based on the local network element's security database
• radius - authentication is based on the RADIUS server's database
• radius-local - the authentication is attempted first using the RADIUS server's database. If
the RADIUS server is not reachable then authentication is based on the local network
element's security database. If the RADIUS server is reachable and the user profile does
not exist in the RADIUS server's database, then the authentication fails and the user is
denied access.
Sub-command: radius
Configure RADIUS servers and properties. See "config admin authentication radius".

3.4.5 Examples
# config admin authentication local password minlength 8

# config admin authentication order radius-local

3.4.6 Related Commands

config admin authentication radius
show admin authentication

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config admin authentication radius Nokia 1830 PSS

3.5 config admin authentication radius

3.5.1 Purpose
This command configures the radius parameters.
Use this command to:
• Access subcommands that allow you to add RADIUS servers
• Display the current user authentication using RADIUS
• Delete a RADIUS server
• Set the timeout and retry values
• Provision the status of a RADIUS server
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.5.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Users are authenticated using RADIUS protocol.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.5.3 Input Format

config admin authentication radius

3.5.4 Input Parameters


Display the configured RADIUS servers and properties.

Sub-command: add

Add a RADIUS server. See "config admin authentication radius add".



delete <server-id>

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Delete a previously configured RADIUS server. Enter this keyword followed by the <server-id>


timeout [<value>]

1..1000 - timeout in seconds


Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the NE to wait for a response from the RADIUS server.
Enter the keyword without option to display the current setting.
Note: CLI commands time out after 25sec. When using CLI, (timeout x [retries+1]) must be less
than 25sec.


retries [<value>]


Specifies the number of attempts the NE will try to contact the specified RADIUS server that
has failed to respond during the previous request(s). Enter the keyword without options to
display the current setting.
Note: CLI commands time out after 25sec. When using CLI, (timeout x [retries+1]) must be less
than 25sec.


status [<server-id> {enabled | disabled}]


{RAD1, RAD2} - one of the <server-id> values

enabled - the RADIUS server is online.
disabled - the RADIUS server is offline.

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Specifies that status of a RADIUS server. Enter the keyword status alone to display the current
status of all RADIUS servers. To set the status of a RADIUS server, enter this keyword followed
by the <server-id> and the new status.

3.5.5 Examples
# config admin authentication radius timeout 10

3.5.6 Related Commands

config admin authentication radius add
show admin authentication radius

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3.6 config admin authentication radius add

3.6.1 Purpose
This command provisions a RADIUS server.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.6.2 Command Access Level

Impact: A server is configured for RADIUS authentication.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.6.3 Input Format

config admin authentication radius add
<server-id> <ip-address>[:<port>]

3.6.4 Input Parameters



RAD1 - first server

RAD2 - second server

Entry required
Specifies the identifier of the RADIUS server.


<ip-address> - valid IP address for the RADIUS server

<port> - port number (1..65000)

Entry required for <ip-address>

1812 for <port>
Specifies the IP address and the optional authentication port of the specified RADIUS server.
Warning: Changing the port number may block the service in case the new port is not open by
the ACL settings.

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<string> - shared secret key is an ASCII string between 5 to 32 characters
Entry required
After entering the above parameters, the shared secret key between the NE and the target
RADIUS server is requested to be entered and verified. The secret key is encrypted on the NE
using AES.

3.6.5 Examples
# config admin authentication radius add RAD1
Enter shared secret:
Verify shared secret:

3.6.6 Related Commands

config admin authentication radius delete
config admin authentication radius brief
show admin authentication radius

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin session

3.7 config admin session

3.7.1 Purpose
This command configures the following user security parameters:
• Maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts, regardless of time interval or number of
• Time that a session is allowed to remain inactive before the user is logged out and the user
session closed.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.7.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts, regardless of time
interval or number of sessions. Specifies the time that a session is allowed to remain inactive
before the user will be logged out and the user session closed.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.7.3 Input Format

config admin session

3.7.4 Input Parameters



maxfailedlogins [<value>]
Sets the maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts, regardless of time interval or
number of sessions. When a user reaches this number, they are immediately locked out of the
system. Future access is denied.
A value of 0 implies no maximum is set.

minwaitlogin [<value>]

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1..60 - Waiting time in seconds

0 - No waiting time after failed login
Sets the waiting time after a failed login attempt, until the next login attempt is allowed. Any
login attempt during the waiting time is rejected.
A value of 0 implies no waiting time.

timeout [<value>]
1..999 - value in minutes
0 - User type defaults
Sets the maximum time in minutes that a user session may remain inactive before the user is
logged out and the session in closed.
A value of 0 implies that the User Type specific defaults are used:
Service - 15
Admin -30
Provisioner - 45
Crypto - 45
Observer - 60

3.7.5 Examples
# config admin session timeout 15

Session timeout: 15 minutes.

3.7.6 Related Commands

show admin
config admin

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin snmpusers

3.8 config admin snmpusers

3.8.1 Purpose
This command configures the SNMP v3 users.
Use this command to:
• Access subcommands that allow you to add or edit a SNMP v3 user account
• Display a list of current SNMP v3 users
• Delete a SNMP v3 user account
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.8.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Add, delete, and edit an user account.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.8.3 Input Format

config admin snmpusers

3.8.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Add a new SNMP v3 user to the network element. See "config admin snmpusers add".
Displays a list of the current SNMP v3 user accounts on the network element.
delete <username>
<username> - existing SNMP v3 user
Deletes a SNMP v3 user account from the network element. Enter this keyword followed by the
user account you want to delete.
Sub-command: edit
Edit the user account to change the permissions level, password or status. See "config admin
snmpusers edit".

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3.8.5 Examples
# config admin snmpusers delete user1

3.8.6 Related Commands

config admin snmpusers add
config admin snmpusers edit

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin snmpusers add

3.9 config admin snmpusers add

3.9.1 Purpose
This command adds an SNMP v3 user account to the network element. Use this command to
specify the user name, privilege level and security option for the account. Following the successful
completion of this command, the CLI requests that the password for this user be entered.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.9.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.9.3 Input Format

config admin snmpusers add <username> {administrator | nms | crypto |
observer | provisioner} [<security>]

3.9.4 Input Parameters



<username> - up to 32 Character ASCII string

The username must not be longer than 32 characters. The username being a human readable
string and no more than 32 characters in length, there are no additional SNMPv3 standards for
user restrictions.

Assigns administrator privileges to the specified username.


Assigns nms privileges to the specified username.


Assigns crypto privileges to the specified username.


Assigns observer privileges to the specified username


Assigns provisioner privileges to the specified username.

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aes256sha1 - SNMPv3 security option AES256/SHA1
aes128md5 - SNMPv3 security option AES128/MD5
aes256sha1 in FIPS mode, aes128md5 in all other modes
The security option AES128/MD5 is not allowed in FIPS mode.
The SNMPv3 security option for the SNMP user.
This command causes the CLI to request a password to be entered, see examples.
The password must not be longer than 32 characters.

3.9.5 Examples
# config admin snmpusers add lek123 provisioner aes256sha1

New password:
Verify password:

3.9.6 Related Commands

config admin snmpusers

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3.10 config admin snmpusers edit

3.10.1 Purpose
This command edits the configuration for a specific SNMP v3 user.
Use this command to:
• Specify the access privileges for the user.
• Change the authentication password for the user.
• Enable or disable the user account.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.10.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Assigns user passwords and privileges and specifies whether the account is usable.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.10.3 Input Format

config admin snmpusers edit <username>

3.10.4 Input Parameters



<username> - any existing username in the network element

* - displays a list of existing users.
Specifies the user identifier to be edited. Enter a * to display all SNMP v3 users. This output is
identically to "config admin snmpusers brief".


authpasswd <password>

<password> - between 12 and 32 characters.

Sets the authentication password.

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group [<value>]
administrator - assigns administrator privileges to the specified username.
nms - assigns NMS privileges to the specified username.
crypto - assigns crypto privileges to the specified username.
observer - assigns observer privileges to the specified username.
provisioner - assigns provisioner privileges to the specified username.
Sets the privilege level for the specified user. Enter this keyword alone to display the current
privpasswd <password>
<password> - between 12 and 32 characters.
Sets the privilege password.
status [<value>]

enabled - activate the user account.

disabled - de-activate the user account.
Enables or disables the user account. Enter this keyword alone to display the current value.

3.10.5 Examples
# config admin snmpusers edit maria status disabled

3.10.6 Related Commands

config admin snmpusers

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin syslog

3.11 config admin syslog

3.11.1 Purpose
This command configures the syslog options on the network element.
Use this command to:
• Display the current syslog configuration
• enable or disable system logging
• specify the IP address of the remote syslog server
• specify the port on the remote syslog server used for system logging
• specify the minimum priority level of the messages to send through syslog
This command conforms with the BSD Syslog Protocol as defined in RFC 3164.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.11.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies which log messages are sent through SysLog, and the location they are sent to.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.11.3 Input Format

config admin syslog

3.11.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current syslog configuration on the network element.



ip [<ip-address>]

<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address

<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address

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Enter this keyword followed by an IP address to specify the remote syslog server. This keyword
without a parameter will display the current setting. Set to (or :: for IPv6) to specify no
server. There can only be one syslog server, with an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

If an IPv6 syslog server is provided, there shall exist an IPv6 loopback address on the
system (Warning Issued).


port [<port-number>]

1..65535 - port number of the IP address


Specifies the port on the remote syslog server. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by a port number.
Warning: Changing the port number may block the service in case the new port is not open by
the ACL settings.


priority [<priority>]

emergency - conditions that cause the system to be unusable, such as a panic condition.
alert - conditions that require immediate attention, such as a corrupted database.
critical - critical errors for which action must be taken as soon as possible. Mapped to NE
critical alarms.
error - standard error conditions that require attention. Mapped to NE major alarms.
warning - a significant event that may require action to be taken. Mapped to NE minor
notice - an event has occurred that does not affect system operation. Mapped to NE not
alarmed, not reported, state change, security, and miscellaneous events, and PM TCAs.
info - informational messages. Mapped to NE user action events.
debug - software debugging messages.

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Specifies the minimum priority level of the messages send via SysLog. Enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword
followed by the priority level.
Values of the Priority levels are given in order of highest to lowest severity.
Note: The syslog includes all messages having a priority equal to or higher than the priority
level you specify.


status [disable | enable]


disable - switch off the system logging

enable - switch on the system logging


In ANSSI mode, enabling of system logging is not allowed.

Enable or disable system logging. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the
current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by by the new status.

3.11.5 Examples

# config admin syslog ip

# config admin syslog port 1514

# config admin syslog status enabled

# config admin syslog detail

IP Address :
Port : 1514
Priority : Debug
State : Enabled

# config admin syslog ip 2001:db8:0:23::33e3:1

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3.11.6 Related Commands

show admin syslog

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin system

3.12 config admin system

3.12.1 Purpose
This command configures the operations system Nokia maintenance user options for the network
element. Use this command to modify settings on operations system and Security Database for one
of the fixed Nokia maintenance users.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.12.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Credentials for the fixed operations systems Nokia maintenance user are changed.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.12.3 Input Format

config admin system <username> <passwd>

3.12.4 Input Parameters

{maint1, maint2} - selects specified user for credentials setting
Entry required
Selects the specified operations system Nokia maintenance user.
Entry required
Specifies the password of an operations system Nokia maintenance user.
A password for an operations system Nokia maintenance user is a case-sensitive string of 3 to
8 alphanumeric characters with at least 3 of the following:
• at least one lower case alphabetic character
• at least one uppercase alphabetic character
• at least one numeric character
• at least one special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (underscore)

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config admin system Nokia 1830 PSS

• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
The first character of the password can be any alphabetic, numeric, or a valid special character
# (pound sign). The New Password cannot have three consecutive identical characters.

3.12.5 Examples
# config admin system

# config admin system ?

maint1 Configure system maint1

maint2 Configure system maint2

# config admin system maint1 ********

3.12.6 Related Commands


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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin ui

3.13 config admin ui

3.13.1 Purpose
This command configures the user interface options for the network element. Use this command to
enable and disable the secured interfaces.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.13.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The NE is set to secure or non-secure mode
Access Levels: Administrator

3.13.3 Input Format

config admin ui

3.13.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current security mode:

encrypted - allows SSH and SSL/TLS access - uses AES128 for SNMPv3.
normal - allows Telnet, HTTP and SNMPv1/v2 in addition to the access protocols of encrypted
fips - configures equivalent to encrypted, but uses AES256 for SNMPv3.
anssi - allows SSH - uses AES128 and AES256 for SNMPv3


mode [<value>]
Sets the user interface secure mode.
Enter this keyword followed by one of the following:

encrypted - allows SSH, SSL/TLS and sftp file transfer access - uses AES128 for SNMPv3.
normal - allows Telnet, HTTP, SNMPv1/v2 and ftp file transfer in addition to the access
protocols of encrypted.
fips - configures equivalent to encrypted, but uses AES256 for SNMPv3.


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In ANSSI mode, the parameter is not allowed.

3.13.5 Examples
# config admin ui mode encrypted

# config admin ui mode ?

encrypted Configure node to encrypted mode

normal Configure node to normal mode
fips Configure node to fips mode

# config admin ui mode fips

WARNING: Changing to Fips mode will cause the node to be reset.

3.13.6 Related Commands

show admin ui

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3.14 config admin users

3.14.1 Purpose
This command configures the user password and logging parameters.
Use this command to:
• Delete a user account
• Send a message to or force out a user
• Enable or disable the service user
• Access subcommands that allow you to add or edit a user account
• Access subcommands that allow you to define which level of commands are logged for a given
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.14.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Enables the service user for network element troubleshooting. Deletes or forces out a user
Access Levels: Administrator

3.14.3 Input Format

config admin users

3.14.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Adds a new user to the network element. See "config admin users add".

Displays a list of the current user accounts on the network element.

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delete <username>

<username> - existing username string.

Deletes an user account from the network element. Enter this keyword followed by the user
name you want to delete.
Sub-command: edit

Edits the user account to change the permissions level, password or status. See "config admin
users edit".


forceout <session-id>

<integer> - session id of the user.

Forces out a user on the network element. Enter this keyword followed by the session identifier
for the user session you want to force out.
Use the "who" command to determine the session number.
Sub-command: logging

Define which level of commands is logged for a given user. See "config admin users logging".


serviceaccess <value>

disabled - disable the service level access

enabled - enable the service level access
resetpassword - reset the service user password to the default
Enable or disable the service user. The service user is used by support personnel only to
perform system troubleshooting. You must grant service access before the service user can log
onto the network element.

Displays a list of users currently logged into the network element.

Note: "config admin users who" operates the same way as "who" command.

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3.14.5 Examples
# config admin users
(config-admin-users)# who

Session Username Date Terminal

0 admin Feb 25 18:01
1 maria Feb 25 18:02
2 leknek Feb 25 18:02

# config admin users who

Session Username Date Terminal
162 (cli tel)* seteam1 Apr 16 11:17

NE(config-admin-users)# brief
Username User Group Status Last Login
leknek administrator active 25/02/2003 18:02:15
maria service active 25/02/2003 18:02:05

3.14.6 Related Commands

config admin users add
config admin users edit
config admin users logging
show admin user

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config admin users add Nokia 1830 PSS

3.15 config admin users add

3.15.1 Purpose
This command adds a user account to the network element. Use this command to specify the user
name, privilege level and password aging interval for the account. Following successful completion
of this command, the CLI will request that the password for this user be entered.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.15.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adds a user account to the network element
Access Levels: Administrator

3.15.3 Input Format

config admin users add <username> {administrator | provisioner | observer
| crypto} [pwdaging]

3.15.4 Input Parameters

User Identifiers are strings of 5 to 12 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters where the first
character is an alphabetic character.
The following special characters are also valid:
• % (percent)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (underscore)
Assigns administrator privileges to the specified username.
Assigns provisioner privileges to the specified username.
Assigns observer privileges to the specified username.
Assigns crypto privileges to the specified username.

pwdaging <value>

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0 - password aging is disabled for the user

1..999 - password aging interval in days.

System wide password aging interval

Specify the user's password aging interval.

This command causes the CLI to request a password to be entered, see examples.
A password is a case-sensitive string of 8 to 32 (depending on the password minlength
provisioned value, See "config admin user authentication") alphanumeric characters with all of
the following:
• at least one lowercase alphabetic character
• at least one uppercase alphabetic character
• at least one numeric character
• and at least one special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (underscore)
• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
The first character of the password can be any alphabetic, numeric, or a valid special character
except # (pound sign).
The New password cannot be the same or the reverse of the associated <username> and the
password must not have more than three consecutive identical characters.

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3.15.5 Examples
# config admin users add lek123# provisioner

New password:
Verify password:

# config admin users add maria123# observer

New password:
Verify password:

# config admin users add maria123# observer pwdaging 0

New password:
Verify password:

# config admin users add lek123#

Error: invalid user group

# config admin users add lek123# administrator

New password:

Error: Invalid Password. Please see the customer documentation or

contact system administrator if you are having trouble setting a

3.15.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging
show admin user

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin users edit

3.16 config admin users edit

3.16.1 Purpose
This command edits the configuration for a specific user.
Use this command to:
• Display the current configuration for a user
• Specify the access privileges for a user
• Change the password for a user
• Enable or disable a user account
• Change the timeout for the user
• Change the password aging interval for the user
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.16.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Assigns user passwords and privileges and specifies whether the account is enabled.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.16.3 Input Format

config admin users edit {admin | service | <username> | *}

3.16.4 Input Parameters


Specifies the user admin to be edited.


Specifies the user service to be edited.


Displays a list of all users.


Specifies the user identifier to be edited.

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Displays the current configuration for the specified user.



group [<value>]

administrator - to allow the user access to all of the CLI commands.

provisioner - to allow the user access to all of the commands required to provision the
network element.
observer - to allow the user access to a limited set of the show commands.
crypto - to allow the user access to a limited set of commands.

This command keyword applies when editing a specific <username> only.

Specifies the access privileges for the specified user. Enter this keyword without option to
display the current setting.
See User accounts and privileges in Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) User
Provisioning Guide for a description of the different privilege levels that can be assigned to user

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The CLI prompts for a password value after entering this command with this keyword. See
A password is a case-sensitive string of 8 to 32 (depending on the password minlength
provisioned value, see "config admin user authentication") alphanumeric characters with all of
the following:
• at least one lower case alphabetic character
• at least one uppercase alphabetic character
• at least one numeric character
• at least one special character
The following special characters are valid:
• % (percent sign)
• + (plus sign)
• # (pound sign)
• _ (underscore)
• ! (exclamation mark)
• @ (at sign)
• $ (dollar sign)
• " (double quotation mark)
• & (ampersand)
• ' (apostrophe)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• * (asterisk)
• . (period)
The first character of the password can be any alphabetic, numeric, or a valid special character
# (pound sign).
The New Password cannot be the same as or the reverse of the associated <username> and
the password must not have three consecutive identical characters.
status [<value>]
enabled - enable the user account
disabled - disable the user account
Enables or disables the user account. A user may not disable his own account. Enter this
keyword without option to display the current setting.

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timeout <value>

0 - system-level timeout value is used for this user. See "config admin session timeout".
1..999 - individual timeout interval in minutes.
Specify the user's session link timeout during idle. A user session link time-out occurs if the
user session link is inactive with regards to user CLI input for the time, in minutes, indicated.


pwdaging <value>

0 - password aging is disabled for the user

1..999 - password aging interval in days.

System wide password aging interval

Specify the user's password aging interval.

3.16.5 Examples

# config admin users edit maria timeout 123

# config admin users edit maria status disabled

# config admin users edit admin detail

Username : admin
User Group : administrator
Timeout :
Password aging : 30
Status : enabled
Last Login : 16/04/2008 15:59:35 telnet
Failures : 0

# config admin users edit seteam1 status

Current value: active

# config admin users edit test1 passwd

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New password:
Verify password:

# config admin users edit seteam1 status active

Error: command not found: active

# config admin users edit eor123#

Error: unknown username

3.16.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging
show admin user

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3.17 config admin users logging

3.17.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for logging user activity on the network element.
Use this command to:
• Display which commands (read or write) are currently logged for all users
• Access a subcommand that allows you to configure the logging options for users accessing the
network element from the CLI
• Access a subcommand that allows you to configure the logging options for user accessing
network element through SNMP
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.17.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.17.3 Input Format

config admin users logging

3.17.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current settings for user logging.

Sub-command: cli

Configure the logging settings for users accessing the network element from the CLI. See
"config admin users logging cli".
Sub-command: snmp
Configure the logging settings for users accessing the network element through SNMP. See
"config admin users logging snmp".

3.17.5 Examples
# config admin users logging detail
CLI/Web/TL1 Logging is enabled.

User Read Write


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Observer no yes
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

SNMP Logging is enabled.

User Read Write

NMS no yes
Observer no yes
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

3.17.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging cli
config admin users logging snmp
show admin user

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config admin users logging cli Nokia 1830 PSS

3.18 config admin users logging cli

3.18.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for logging user activity on the network element for users
accessing the network element from the CLI, Web interface, or TL1.
Use this command to:
• Display which operations (read or write) are currently logged for users accessing the network
element from the CLI, web interface, or TL1
• Enable or disable logging for all users accessing the network element from the CLI, web
interface, or TL1
• Define whether write operations are logged for the CLI user levels
Note: Although read operations appear in the syntax display in the CLI, read operation logging is
not supported.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.18.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Configures/changes which activities are logged for one or all users accessing the network
element from the CLI, Web interface, or TL1. Disabling logging can adversely effect
Access Levels: Administrator

3.18.3 Input Format

config admin users logging cli

3.18.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current settings for logging user activity on the network element for users
accessing the network element from the CLI, Web interface, or TL1 session.

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enable - to enable user activity logging

disable - to disable user activity logging

Enables or disables activity logging for all CLI, web interface, or TL1 users.


yes - include write operations in the log

no - exclude write operations from the log
Configure the CLI user activity logging options for administrator-level users.


yes - include write operations in the log

no - exclude write operations from the log
Configure the CLI user activity logging options for provisioner-level users.


yes - include write operations in the log

no - exclude write operations from the log
Configure the CLI user activity logging options for observer-level users.


yes - include write operations in the log

no - exclude write operations from the log
Configure the CLI user activity logging options for service-level users.


yes - include write operations in the log

no - exclude write operations from the log
Configure the CLI user activity logging options for crypto-level users.

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3.18.5 Examples
# config admin users logging cli detail
CLI/Web/TL1 Logging is enabled.

User Read Write

Observer no no
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

3.18.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging snmp
show admin user

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin users logging snmp

3.19 config admin users logging snmp

3.19.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for logging user activity on the network element for users
accessing the network element through SNMP.
Use this command to:
• Display which operations (read or write) are currently logged for users accessing the network
element through SNMP
• Enable or disable logging for all users accessing the network element through SNMP
• Define whether write operations are logged for the SNMP userids
Note: Although read operations appear in the syntax display in the SNMP, read operation logging is
not supported.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.19.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Configures/changes which activities are logged for one or all users accessing the network
element through SNMP. Disabling logging can adversely effect troubleshooting.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.19.3 Input Format

config admin users logging snmp

3.19.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current settings for logging user activity on the network element for users
accessing the network element through the SNMP.


status [enable | disable]

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enable - to enable user activity logging

disable - to disable user activity logging

Enables or disables user activity logging for users accessing the network element through


nms [write [yes | no] ]


yes - to include write operations in the log.

no - to exclude write operations from the log.
Configure the SNMP user activity logging options for nms userid.


admin [write [yes | no] ]


yes - to include write operations in the log.

no - to exclude write operations from the log.
Configure the SNMP user activity logging options for administrator-level users.


observer [write [yes | no] ]


yes - to include write operations in the log.

no - to exclude write operations from the log.
Configure the SNMP user activity logging options for observer-level users.


provisioner [write [yes | no] ]

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yes - to include write operations in the log.

no - to exclude write operations from the log.
Configure the SNMP user activity logging options for provisioner-level users.

service [write [yes | no] ]
yes - to include write operations in the log.
no - to exclude write operations from the log.
Configure the SNMP user activity logging options for service-level users.

3.19.5 Examples
# config admin users logging snmp detail
SNMP Logging is enabled.

User Read Write

NMS no yes
Observer no yes
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

3.19.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging cli
show admin user

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config sslcert Nokia 1830 PSS

3.20 config sslcert

3.20.1 Purpose
This command is used to to install the ssl certificate signed by NMS.
To install the signed SSL certificate in the NE.
Note: Installing the SSL certificate may cause a NE warm reboot.
Use this command to:
• install the signed SSL certificate in the NE.
Note: Installing the SSL certificate will cause a NE warm reboot.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.20.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The SSL certificate required for secure/encrypted mode; Network Element will be rebooted.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.20.3 Input Format

config sslcert

3.20.4 Examples
# config sslcert

WARNING: You are about to install the SSL certificate. This will cause a warm
reboot of the Network Element.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: no

3.20.5 Related Commands

show sslcert
show sslcsr

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Nokia 1830 PSS config sslcsr

3.21 config sslcsr

3.21.1 Purpose
This command is used to provision ssl certificate parameters in order to send to NMS for signing
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.21.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The SSL certificate required for secure/encrypted mode
Access Levels: Administrator

3.21.3 Input Format

config sslcsr

3.21.4 Input Parameters


Display the SSL certificate configuration parameters and certificate status:

The SSL CSR status can be editing, completed, inProgress, failed or none.
1. Changing any parameter of CSR, NE will set the CSR status to editing.
2. After users issue generate, NE will set the CSR status to inProgress, then to
completed or failed.
3. The CSR status must be completed before users try to upload the CSR to NMS.
4. Finishing installation of CERT, NE will change the status from completed to none.

Country name.
2 Valid Characters.

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State name
1-128 Valid Characters.
City Name.
1-128 Valid Characters.
Company Name or organization name.
1-64 Valid Characters.
The division of Organization.
1-64 Valid Characters.
Server's host Name or common name or NE IP Address.
1-64 Valid Characters.
An email address used to contact the organization.
1-255 Valid Characters.
Generate the certificate.

3.21.5 Related Commands

crypto sslkey generate

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Nokia 1830 PSS crypto key

3.22 crypto key

3.22.1 Purpose
Configure the network element to set to secure mode.
Use this command:
• To generate DSA and RSA SSH keys to be used in secure mode
• To display SSH key information
• To zeroize the SSK key
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.22.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The DSA keys are available for SSH to use
Access Levels: Administrator

3.22.3 Input Format

crypto key

3.22.4 Input Parameters


Display the SSH key information

The command displays the DSA and (if available) RSA SSH keys in OpenSSH file format
according to RFC4716 as Base64 coded ASCII string. The ASCII characters are represented as
hexadecimal bytes.
The length indicates the length of the ASCII string.
While an SSH key generation is in progess, the command does not display the SSH keys. A
message is displayed indicating that a key generation is in progess.

generate [<length>]


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crypto key Nokia 1830 PSS

Generate the SSH key

The optional length value indicates the length of the RSA key to be generated. If the length is
omitted, then the RSA key is generated with a length of 1024 bit.
Note: The length of the DSA key is fixed to 1024 bit.
If the key generation request can be fulfilled immediately, then the command displays the newly
generated keys. In the case, the key generation takes longer time, the command returns a
message indicating the key generation in progress.
Zeroize the NE SSH private/public key pair.
The action clears the keys in db and removes the public/private key files.
The parameter is only allowed when the NE is in Normal mode.

3.22.5 Examples
Attempt to display keys while no SSH keys available, e.g. after SSH keys have been zeroized.

# crypto key detail

Error: unable to get SSH key

A key generation succeeds immetiately, SSH keys are displayed.

# crypto key generate

WARNING: The SSH key generation may take a few minutes.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

The DSA SSH Key: KeyLength = 580


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The RSA SSH Key: KeyLength = 204


A key generation is delayed, SSH key generation in progress is displayed.

# crypto key generate 2048

WARNING: The SSH key generation may take a few minutes.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

SSH Key generation is in progress

Attempt to display keys while SSH key generation is in progress.

# crypto key detail

SSH Key generation is in progress

Display SSH RSA and DSA keys.

# crypto key detail

The DSA SSH Key: KeyLength = 580


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crypto key Nokia 1830 PSS


The RSA SSH Key: KeyLength = 372


3.22.6 Related Commands

crypto sslkey

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Nokia 1830 PSS crypto sslkey

3.23 crypto sslkey

3.23.1 Purpose
This command is used to generate RSA type SSL key to be used in encrypted mode.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.23.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The RSA keys are available for SSL to use to generate SSL certificate.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.23.3 Input Format

crypto sslkey
generate keytype keylen

3.23.4 Input Parameters


Displays the SSL key


Generate the key



keytype <value>


Type of key. Only RSA type is supported in current release. DSA type will be supported in future


keylen <integer>


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crypto sslkey Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies the length of the key.

3.23.5 Related Commands

crypto sslkey details

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Nokia 1830 PSS passwd

3.24 passwd
3.24.1 Purpose
This command sets the user password for the currently logged in user. See the Configuring user
accounts in Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) User Provisioning Guide for password rules
and allowable characters.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.24.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changes password. The correct password is required to gain access to the network
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.24.3 Input Format


3.24.4 Examples
# passwd

Enter login password:

New password:
Verify password:
No match - Password not Changed

3.24.5 Related Commands

config admin users
show admin user

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show admin syslog Nokia 1830 PSS

3.25 show admin syslog

3.25.1 Purpose
This command displays the current configuration for syslog administration.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.25.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.25.3 Input Format

show admin syslog

3.25.4 Examples
# show admin syslog

IP Address :
Port : 514
Priority : Notice
State : Disabled

# show admin syslog

IP Address : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1
Port : 514
Priority : Notice
State : Enabled

3.25.5 Related Commands

config admin syslog

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Nokia 1830 PSS show admin user

3.26 show admin user

3.26.1 Purpose
This command displays network element user information.
Use this command to:
• Display user account information
• Display the current configuration for user activity logging

3.26.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.26.3 Input Format

show admin user
username | *

3.26.4 Input Parameters

Displays the username, user group, status, time of last login, and number of failed logins for the
specified username.
Displays the username, user group, status, and time of last login for all usernames provisioned
on this Network Element.
Displays user activity logging settings for the Network Element.

3.26.5 Examples
# show admin user admin

Username : admin
User Group : administrator
Status : enabled
Last Login : 18/02/2009 17:04:48 telnet
Failures : 0

# show admin user *

Username User Group Timeout Status Last Login

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admin administrator 123 enabled 18/02/2009 12:29:54
service service 456 enabled 18/02/2009 12:46:09

# show admin user logging

CLI/Web/TL1 Logging is enabled.

User Read Write

Observer no yes
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

SNMP Logging is enabled.

User Read Write

NMS no yes
Observer no yes
Provisioner no yes
Admin no yes
Service no yes

3.26.6 Related Commands

config admin users
config admin users logging
config admin users logging cli
config admin users logging snmp

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Nokia 1830 PSS show sslcert

3.27 show sslcert

3.27.1 Purpose
This command is used to display the status of SSL certificate installation
The command displays the following certificate details:
• Country
• State
• Locality
• Organisation
• Organization Unit
• Host Name
• Email Address
• Signature Algorithm
• Validity
Note: The attributes Country, State, Locality, Organisation, Organization Unit, Host Name and
Email Address are taken over from the certificate signing request (CSR). If the CSR has been
modified since the last certificate generation, then the displayed certificate details do no longer
match the attributes of the installed certificate. Whether the CSR has been modified is indicated in
the CSR status, which can be retrieved using "config sslcsr details".
This command only applies to 1830 PSS-32.

3.27.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The SSL certificate required for secure/encrypted mode
Access Levels: Administrator

3.27.3 Input Format

show sslcert

3.27.4 Input Parameters

Display the detail installed SSL certificate parameters

3.27.5 Related Commands

config sslcert

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timeout [<timeout>] Nokia 1830 PSS

3.28 timeout [<timeout>]

3.28.1 Purpose
Use this command to set the session timeout interval for the current session.
Note: the timeout setting is not persistent. After the session has been closed, either by user logout,
session timeout or connection interruption, the setting is lost.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.28.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Sets the session timeout for the current CLI session
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.28.3 Input Format

timeout [<timeout>]

3.28.4 Input Parameters

0 - session timeout disabled
1..999 - session timeout interval in minutes.
Specifies the current session link timeout during idle. A user session link time-out occurs if the
user session link is inactive with regards to user CLI input for the time, in minutes, indicated.

3.28.5 Examples
# timeout
timeout: 0 minutes

# timeout 60
timeout: 60 minutes

3.28.6 Related Commands

config admin session timeout

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3.29 who
3.29.1 Purpose
This command displays the user name and session identifier for all of the currently logged in
WebUI, CLI and TL1 users.

3.29.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.29.3 Input Format


3.29.4 Examples
# who
Session Username Date Terminal
186 (console) admin Sep 12 20:29
195 (console) admin Sep 12 20:21
196 (console)* admin Sep 12 20:42

3.29.5 Related Commands


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whoami Nokia 1830 PSS

3.30 whoami
3.30.1 Purpose
Displays information about the currently local logged in user. When login to the NE is authenticated
through Radius server then this command does not show user name.
The command displays the message:
"Can't get user information from Radius server"

3.30.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.30.3 Input Format


3.30.4 Examples
# whoami
Username : admin
User Group: administrator
Status : enabled
Last Login: 12/09/2008 20:41:58 telnet

3.30.5 Related Commands


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Data communication network commands

3.31 config acl_default

3.31.1 Purpose
The command can be used to configure system level attributes for the IP Access Control List
feature. This includes system default Rx/Tx actions and SNMP configuration status.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.31.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.31.3 Input Format

config acl_default

3.31.4 Input Parameters

defaultrxaction [block | pass]
Specifies the default action on received (incoming) packets on interface where an ACL is
enabled but no patterns match the packet.
Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting.
This default action applies to only IPv4 packets.

defaulttxaction [block | pass]

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Specifies the default action on transmitted (outgoing) packets on interface where an ACL is
enabled but no patterns match the packet. A 'block' action will ask for conformation.
Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting.
This default action applies to IPv4 packets.



Will remove all ACL patterns, filters and port associations (both system and user-defined) from
the system and install the current default system ACL patterns, filters and ports. It will also set
the acl_default to the default settings.
The system will ask for confirmation before executing this action.
snmpconfig [disabled | enabled]
Indicates whether or not ACL configuration is supported via SNMP. This parameter must be set
to "enabled" in order to configure ACLs. Enter this keyword without option to display the current

3.31.5 Examples
# config acl_default snmpconfig enabled

# config acl_default defaultrxaction

Received packet action: pass

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3.31.6 Related Commands

show acl_default
config acl_filter
config acl_pattern

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config acl_filter Nokia 1830 PSS

3.32 config acl_filter

3.32.1 Purpose
The command can be used to define a new filter on the system to be used for IP Access Control, to
add additional ACL patterns to an existing filter, to remove ACL patterns from a filter, or to delete an
existing filter.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.32.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.32.3 Input Format

config acl_filter <filter-id>
add pattern <pattern-id> <index>
remove pattern

3.32.4 Input Parameters



<filter-id> [<string> | <number>]


<number> - 100..199 - an integer number uniquely identifying the filter

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters, where the first
character is always a letter, which uniquely identifies the filter being defined.

Entry required
Identifier for the ACL filter being defined.
add pattern

Add a pattern to the filter.



<pattern-id> [<string> | <number>]

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<number> - {1..256} arbitrary integer

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters
Entry required
The unique identifier of the pattern that shall be added to the filter. Entry required.

The pattern's associated priority. A pattern with a low index is checked first. If there is already a
pattern defined at the specified index, the new pattern entry will replace the previous one. Entry
remove pattern
remove pattern <index>
1..256 - values for <index>
Remove the pattern at the position indicated by <index> from the filter.
Displays all parameters for <filter-id>.
Delete the <filter-id>. <filter-id> can not be deleted if <filter-id> status is Enabled. See
command "config acl_port"

3.32.5 Examples
# config acl_filter f1

# config acl_filter f1 add pattern p1 100

# config acl_filter f1 remove pattern 100

# config acl_filter f1 delete

3.32.6 Related Commands

show acl_filter
config acl_port
config acl_pattern

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config acl_pattern Nokia 1830 PSS

3.33 config acl_pattern

3.33.1 Purpose
The command can be used to define a new pattern on the system to be used for IP Access Control.
An ACL Pattern is a set of packet field descriptors that can be tested against a packet. For a pattern
to match, each of its field descriptors must fit the data in the packet. The fields that may be tested
• Source IP address (or range)
• Destination IP address (or range)
• TCP/UDP destination port
• IP protocol
• IP fragmentation
• ICMP type and code
• Whether or not a TCP packet belongs to an established connection
Each field test is optional: a pattern may specify only some (or no) fields to test. Each pattern also
has an associated action to take when the pattern matches: block, pass. Regardless of the
specified action, a match count associated with the pattern is incremented whenever a match
occurs. If a pattern specifies a block action, it may also specify an ICMP error reporting behavior,
which affects generation of ICMP 3 (Destination Unreachable) / 13 (Communication Administratively
Prohibited) errors for forwarded packets that are blocked. Total combination of <filter-id> and
<pattern-id> shall not exceed 4000.
By using the command on a pattern already created, the system will overwrite the old pattern with
the new settings.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.33.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.33.3 Input Format

config acl_pattern <pattern-id>

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3.33.4 Input Parameters



<pattern-id> [<string> | <number>]


<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {1..256}

Entry required
A string or number used to uniquely identify the pattern in subsequent provisioning requests.
The unique identifier that belongs to the pattern.
action [<value>]
pass - action is to pass the packet
block - action is to block the packet

Action to take on packets matching the ACL pattern.

icmperror [<value>]
{true, false}

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ICMP Error Reporting behavior for blocked packets. This field will only be populated when the
action is BLOCK. If no icmpError value is specified, the behavior will be determined by the
system default setting.


srcipaddr [<ip-address>]

<ip-address> - Any IP Address

Source IP Address. String d.d.d.d format, where d={0..255}. Can be specified explicitly to match
only packets that originate from a particular address, or can be used along with the srcIpPrefix
parameter to specify a range of supported originating IP addresses. Without an address the
command displays the current value.
srcipprefix [<value>]
Wildcard Mask for the Source IP Prefix. String xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. The Wildcard Mask, also
called the Wildcard (Inverse) Subnet Mask, is the inverse of the subnet mask and consists of an
uninterrupted series of 0 bits followed by uninterrupted series of 1 bits. For example, the
wildcard mask for /24 is, while the wildcard mask for /28 is The parameter is
not valid unless the srcIpAddr is specified. When srcIpAddr and srcIpPrefix are both specified,
the pattern will match packets whose originating IP is within the range defined by the source IP
and the wildcard mask. If the srcIpPrefix is unspecified, or, the originating IP address of
the packet must match the srcIpAddr exactly.
dstipaddr [<ip-address>]
<ip-address> - Any IP address.
Destination IP Address. String, d.d.d.d format, where d={0..255}. Can be specified explicitly to
match only packets that are destined for a particular address, or can be used along with the
dstIpPrefix parameter to specify a range of supported destination IP addresses. Without an
address, the command displays the current value.

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dstipprefix [<value>]

Wildcard Mask for the Destination IP Prefix. String xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. The Wildcard Mask,
also called the Wildcard (Inverse) Subnet Mask, is the inverse of the subnet mask and consists
of an uninterrupted series of 0 bits followed by uninterrupted series of 1 bits. For example, the
wildcard mask for /24 is, while the wildcard mask for /28 is The parameter is
not valid unless the dstIpAddr is specified. When dstIpAddress and dstIpPrefix are both
specified, the pattern will match packets whose target IP is within the range defined by the
destination IP and the wildcard mask. If the dstIpPrefix is unspecified, or, the target IP
address of the packet must match the dstIpAddr exactly.


srcport [<value>]

0..65535 - integer.
TCP/UDP Source Port. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or UDP.


dstport [<value>]

0..65535 - integer.
TCP/UDP Destination Port. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or UDP.


ipproto [<value>]

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0..255 - explicit protocol number (Integer).

ICMP - equivalent to protocol number 1 : Internet Control Message Protocol
IPIP - equivalent to protocol number 4 : IP in IP encapsulation acc. RFC2003
TCP - equivalent to protocol number 6 : Transmissin Control Protocol
UDP - equivalent to protocol number 17 : User Datagram Protocol
RSVP - equivalent to protocol number 46 : Reservation Protocol
GRE - equivalent to protocol number 47 : Generic Routing Encapsulation
OSPF - equivalent to protocol number 89 : Open Shortest Path First
IP Protocol. Can be specified by explicit protocol number or by keyword (for common protocol
types, as listed).


ipfragment [<value>]

{true, false}

False (disabled)
IP Fragmentation. Matches packets which are second or later fragments of an original IP
packet. If no value is specified, will display the current value.


icmptype [<value>]
0..255 - Integer
ICMP Type identifier. Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP. If specified, the pattern will only
match packets with this exact ICMP type. The special value 255 can be used to match any
ICMP type. If no value is specified, will display the current value.
icmpcode [<value>]
0..255 - Integer
ICMP Code field. Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP. Used along with certain ICMP

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types to further specify the message type. Must also specify the ICMP type when setting this
parameter. If specified, the pattern will only match packets with this exact ICMP code. The
special value 255 can be used to match any ICMP code. If no value is specified, will display the
current value.

tcpestablished [<value>]
{true, false}
false (disabled)
TCP Established flag. Matches a packet depending on whether the TCP flags in the IP header
correspond to the "established" state. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP. If no value is
specified, will display the current value.
Delete the patternID.

3.33.5 Examples
# config acl_pattern P1 delete

Create a pattern to block telnet to from a subnet

# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102

# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102 action block
# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102 ipproto TCP
# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102 dstport 23
# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102 srcipaddr
# config acl_pattern BlockTelnet102 srcipprefix

3.33.6 Related Commands

show acl_pattern
config acl_default
config acl_filter
config acl_port

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3.34 config acl_port

3.34.1 Purpose
This command is be used to associate (or disassociate) filters with particular physical interface or
logical sub-interface. The physical interfaces are the LAN ports given below (e.g., OAMP, VOIP,
CIT, E1, etc.), OSCs (e.g., 1/2/OSCSFP ) and GCCs (e.g, NETIF-23). The logical sub-interface is
LAN-PPP, which represents all GCC and OSC interfaces. Two filters may be associated with each
interface, one receive and one transmit. The receive and transmit filters on an interface may be
independently enabled and disabled. Once a filter is associated to an interface, the filter cannot be
associated to other interfaces.
This command applies to all PSS shelf types. The physical LAN interfaces depend on the master
shelf type and the related ECs as follows:
• PSS-8: OAMP (on shelf panel), E1 (on user panel), CIT
• PSS-16II: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user panel),
AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-16, PSS-32: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user
panel), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-8x: OAMP, AUX (AUXA and AUXB for CEC2-A and CEC2-B), CIT
• PSS-24x: OAMP, E1 (E1A and E1B for CEC2-A and CEC2-B), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A
and EC-B), CIT

3.34.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Limited communication towards/ from different IPs
Access Levels: Administrator

3.34.3 Input Format

config acl_port { <port-aid> | netif-{1-512} | <logical-if> } <direction>
add filter <filter-id>
modify status

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3.34.4 Input Parameters



Customer LAN (OAMP | VOIP | CIT | E1 | E2 | AUX) and communication OSC channel.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface.
Slot may be the position of an EC, user panel, or shelf panel depending on the master shelf
type (see Purpose section), or it may be an amplifier card with an OSC (See Appendix A,
“Reference tables”).


1..512 - range for NETIF ID.

A network interface (NETIF) associated with an embedded ECC communication channel.
A logical sub-interface:
<shelf>/<slot>/LAN-PPP representing all NETIF/OSC interfaces
where <shelf>/<slot> are the positions of the active EC in the main shelf.
{rx | tx}
Access lists may be applied to inbound (RX) or outgoing (TX) traffic in an interface (no default,
rx or tx must be specified).
Sub-command: add

add filter <filter-id> [enabled | disabled]

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Add a filter to the interface.


Used to associate a filter for the interface.



<filter-id> [<string> | <number>]


<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {100..199}

Entry required
A string or number which uniquely identifies the filter. Identifier for the ACL filter being defined.
Sub-command: modify


modify status
Modify the status.

status [<value>]
{enabled, disabled}

Specifies the status of the filter on the interface and for a given direction.
Sub-command: remove

remove filter
Remove the filter from the interface for a given direction.

3.34.5 Examples
# config acl_port 1/1/oamp tx add filter F1 enable

# config acl_port netif-1 tx add filter F1 enable

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# config acl_port 1/2/lan-ppp tx add filter F2 enable

3.34.6 Related Commands

show acl_port

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config acl_default6 Nokia 1830 PSS

3.35 config acl_default6

3.35.1 Purpose
The command can be used to configure system level attributes for the IPv6 Access Control List
feature. This includes system default Rx/Tx actions and SNMP configuration status.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.35.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.35.3 Input Format

config acl_default6

3.35.4 Input Parameters

defaultrxaction [block | pass]
Specifies the default action on received (incoming) IPv6 packets on interface where an ACL is
enabled but no patterns match the packet. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.
This default action applies to IPv6 packets.
defaulttxaction [block | pass]

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Specifies the default action on transmitted (outgoing) IPv6 packets on interface where an ACL
is enabled but no patterns match the packet. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.
This default action applies to IPv6 packets.

snmpconfig [disabled | enabled]
Indicates whether or not IPv6 ACL configuration is supported via SNMP. This parameter must
be set to "enabled" in order to configure IPv6 ACLs. Enter this keyword without option to display
the current setting.

3.35.5 Examples
# config acl_default6

defaultRXAction PASS
defaultTXAction BLOCK
snmpConfig DISABLED

# config acl_default6 defaultrxaction

Received packet action: pass

3.35.6 Related Commands

show acl_default6
config acl_filter6
config acl_pattern6
config acl_port6

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3.36 config acl_filter6

3.36.1 Purpose
The command can be used to define a new filter on the system to be used for IPv6 Access Control,
to add additional ACL patterns to an existing filter, to remove ACL patterns from a filter, or to delete
an existing filter.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.36.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.36.3 Input Format

config acl_filter6 <filter-id>
add pattern <pattern-id> <index>
remove pattern <index>

3.36.4 Input Parameters



{ <string> | <number> }

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {100..199}

Entry required
A string or number which uniquely identifies the IPv6 ACL filter. This will be the identifier for a
new filter or already defined filter.
To create a new filter run this command with just a <filter-id>, i.e., 'config acl_filter6 <filter-id>'.
Then run the command repeatedly to add patterns to a <filter-id>, i.e., 'config acl_filter6 <filter-
id> add pattern <pattern-id> <index>'
add pattern

Add an IPv6 pattern to the filter.

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{ <string> | <number> }

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {1..256}

Entry required
A string or number used to uniquely identify the IPv6 pattern in subsequent provisioning
requests. The unique identifier of the IPv6 pattern that shall be added to the filter.



Entry required
The pattern's associated priority. Low index patterns are checked first. If there is already a
pattern defined at the specified index, the new pattern entry will replace the previous one.
remove pattern


remove pattern <index>


{1..256} - values for <index>


Entry required
Remove the pattern at the position indicated by <index> from the filter.

Displays all patterns in <filter-id>.


Delete the <filter-id>. <filter-id> can not be deleted if <filter-id> status is Enabled. See
command "config acl_port6"

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3.36.5 Examples
# config acl_filter6 f1

# config acl_filter6 f1 add pattern p1 100

# config acl_filter6 f1 remove pattern 100

# config acl_filter6 f1 delete

3.36.6 Related Commands

show acl_filter6
config acl_port6
config acl_pattern6

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3.37 config acl_pattern6

3.37.1 Purpose
The command can be used to define a new pattern on the system to be used for IPv6 Access
An ACL Pattern6 is a set of packet field descriptors that can be tested against an IPv6 packet. For a
pattern to match, each of its field descriptors must fit the data in the packet. The fields that may be
tested are:
• Source IPv6 address and prefix-len
• Destination IPv6 address and prefix-len
• TCP/UDP destination port
• IP protocol
• IP fragmentation
• ICMP type and code
• Whether or not a TCP packet belongs to an established connection
Each field test is optional: a pattern may specify only some (or no) fields to test. Each pattern also
has an associated action to take when the pattern matches: block, pass. Regardless of the
specified action, a match count associated with the pattern is incremented whenever a match
occurs. If a pattern specifies a block action, it may also specify an ICMP error reporting behavior,
which affects generation of ICMP 3(Destination Unreachable)/13(Communication Administratively
Prohibited) errors for forwarded packets that are blocked. Total combination of <filter-id> and
<pattern-id> shall not exceed 4000.
By using the command on a pattern already created, the system will overwrite the old pattern with
the new settings.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.37.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.37.3 Input Format

config acl_pattern6 <pattern-id>

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3.37.4 Input Parameters



{<string> | <number>}

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {1..256}

Entry required
A string or number used to uniquely identify the pattern in subsequent provisioning requests
The unique identifier that belongs to the pattern.
action [<value>]
pass - action is to pass the packet
block - action is to block the packet

Action to take on packets matching the ACL pattern. Enter the keyword without option to display
the current setting.

icmperror [<value>]

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{true, false}

ICMP Error Reporting behavior for blocked packets. This field will only be populated when the
action is BLOCK. If no icmpError value is specified, the behavior will be determined by the
system default setting. If given without a value, the current ICMP Error value is displayed.


srcipaddr [<ipv6-address>]

<ipv6-address> - Any IPv6 address. See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for format.

:: (all 0's)
Source IPv6 Address. Can be specified explicitly to match only packets that originate from a
particular address, or can be used along with the srcIpPrefixLen parameter to specify a subnet
of IPv6 addresses based on the mask. If given without a value the current srcIpAddr will be


srcipprefixlen [<value>]


The IPv6 prefix length, which specifies an IPv6 subnet. The parameter is not valid unless the
srcIpAddr is specified. When srcIpAddr and srcIpPrefixLen are both specified, the pattern will
match packets whose originating IP is within the subnet defined by the source IP and the prefix-
len. If the srcIpPrefixLen is unspecified, or 128, the originating IP address of the packet must
match the srcIpAddr exactly. If no value is specified, will display the current value.


dstipaddr [<ipv6-address>]

<ipv6-address> - Any IPv6 address. See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for format.

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:: (all 0's)
Destination IPv6 Address. Can be specified explicitly to match only packets that originate from
a particular address, or can be used along with the DstIpPrefixLen parameter to specify a
subnet of IPv6 addresses based on the mask. If no value is specified, will display the current


dstipprefixlen [<value>]


The IPv6 prefix length, which specifies an IPv6 subnet. The parameter is not valid unless the
dstIpAddr is specified. When dstIpAddress and dstIpPrefixLen are both specified, the pattern
will match packets whose originating IP is within the subnet defined by the destination IP and
the prefix-len. If the dstIpPrefixLen is unspecified, or 128 the originating IP address of the
packet must match the dstIpAddr exactly. If no value is specified, will display the current value.
srcport [<value>]
{0..65535} - integer.
TCP/UDP Source Port. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or UDP. If no value is specified,
will display the current value.
dstport [<value>]
{0..65535} - integer.
TCP/UDP Destination Port. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or UDP. If no value is
specified, will display the current value.

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ipproto [<value>]

<value> - Explicit protocol number {0..255}, or one of the following:

ICMPv6 - equivalent to protocol number 58 : Internet Control Message Protocol version 6
TCP - equivalent to protocol number 6 : Transmissin Control Protocol
UDP - equivalent to protocol number 17 : User Datagram Protocol
OSPFv3 - equivalent to protocol number 89 : Open Shortest Path First
IPIP - equivalent to protocol number 4 : IP in IP encapsulation acc. RFC2003
RSVP - equivalent to protocol number 46 : Reservation Protocol
GRE - equivalent to protocol number 47 : Generic Routing Encapsulation
IP Protocol. Can be specified by explicit protocol number or by keyword (for common protocol
types, as listed). If no value is specified, will display the current value.
ipfragment [<value>]
{true, false}
False (disabled)
IP Fragmentation. Matches packets which are second or later fragments of an original IP
packet. If no value is specified, will display the current value.
icmptype [<value>]
0..255 - Integer
ICMP Type identifier. Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP. If specified, the pattern will only
match packets with this exact ICMP type. The special value 255 can be used to match any

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ICMP type. If no value is specified, will display the current value.



icmpcode [<value>]

0..255 - Integer
ICMP Code field. Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP. Used along with certain ICMP
types to further specify the message type. Must also specify the ICMP type when setting this
parameter. If specified, the pattern will only match packets with this exact ICMP code. The
special value 255 can be used to match any ICMP code. If no value is specified, will display the
current value.
tcpestablished [<value>]
{true, false}
false (disabled)
TCP Established flag. Matches a packet depending on whether the TCP flags in the IP header
correspond to the "established" state. Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP. If no value is
specified, will display the current value.
Delete the patternID.

3.37.5 Examples
Create a pattern to block telnet to an IPv6 subnetwork

# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet

# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet action block
# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet ipproto TCP
# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet dstport 23
# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet dstipaddr 2001:db8:0:23::3f:1
# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet dstipprefixlen 64

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Delete an IPv6 pattern

# config acl_pattern6 BlockTelnet delete

3.37.6 Related Commands

show acl_pattern6
config acl_default
config acl_filter6
config acl_port6

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3.38 config acl_port6

3.38.1 Purpose
This command is be used to associate (or disassociate) IPv6 filters with particular physical interface
or logical sub-interface. The physical interfaces are the LAN ports given below (e.g., OAMP, VOIP,
CIT, E1, etc.), OSCs (e.g., 1/2/OSCSFP ) and GCCs (e.g, NETIF-23). The logical sub-interface is
LAN-PPP, which represents all GCC and OSC interfaces. Two filters may be associated with each
interface, one receive and one transmit. The receive and transmit filters on an interface may be
independently enabled and disabled. Once a filter is associated to an interface, the filter cannot be
associated to other interfaces.
This command is be used to associate (or disassociate) IPv6 filters with particular physical
interface. The physical interfaces are the LAN ports given below. Two filters may be associated with
each interface, one receive and one transmit. The receive and transmit filters on an interface may
be independently enabled and disabled. Once a filter is associated to an interface, the filter cannot
be associated to other interfaces.
This command applies to all PSS shelf types. The physical LAN interfaces depend on the master
shelf type and the related ECs as follows:
• PSS-8: OAMP (on shelf panel), E1 (on user panel), CIT
• PSS-16II: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user panel),
AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-16, PSS-32: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user
panel), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-8x: OAMP, AUX (AUXA and AUXB for CEC2-A and CEC2-B), CIT
• PSS-24x: OAMP, E1 (E1A and E1B for CEC2-A and CEC2-B), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A
and EC-B), CIT

3.38.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Limit IPv6 communication into and out of different interfaces
Access Levels: Administrator

3.38.3 Input Format

config acl_port6 { <port-aid> | netif-{1-512} | <logical-if> }
add filter <filter-id>
modify status

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3.38.4 Input Parameters



Customer LAN (OAMP | VOIP | CIT | E1 | E2 | AUX) or communication OSC channel. Specify
the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Slot may be the position of an EC, user panel, or shelf
panel depending on the master shelf type (see Purpose section), or it may be an amplifier card
with an OSC (See Appendix A, “Reference tables”).


1..512 - range for NETIF ID.

A network interface (NETIF) associated with an embedded ECC/GCC communication channel.

A logical sub-interface:
<shelf>/<slot>/LAN-PPP representing all NETIF/OSC interfaces
where <shelf>/<slot> are the positions of the active EC in the main shelf.
{rx, tx}
Access lists may be applied to inbound (RX) or outgoing (TX) IPv6 traffic in an interface (no
default, rx or tx must be specified).
Sub-command: add

add filter <filter-id> [enabled | disabled]
Add an IPv6 filter to the interface.

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Used to associate a filter for the interface.



{ <string> | <number> }

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {100..199}

Entry required
A string or number which uniquely identifies the filter. Identifier for the IPv6 ACL filter to be
associated with the port.
Sub-command: modify


modify status
Modify the status of a filter.


status [<value>]

{enabled, disabled}

Specifies the status of the IPv6 filter on the interface and for a given direction.
Sub-command: remove


remove filter
Remove the IPv6 filter from the interface for a given direction.

3.38.5 Examples

# config acl_port6 1/1/oamp tx add filter F1 enable

# config acl_port6 netif-1 tx add filter F1 enable

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# config acl_port6 1/2/lan-ppp tx add filter F2 enable

3.38.6 Related Commands

show acl_port6
config acl_filter6

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config cn Nokia 1830 PSS

3.39 config cn
3.39.1 Purpose
This command configures the control network. Use this command to access subcommands that
allow configuration of the routing table and system-level OSPF attributes.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.39.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.39.3 Input Format

config cn
ospf area
ospf iprange
routes default
routes static

3.39.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: netif

Create/delete a network interface (NETIF) instance over an embedded communication channel

(ECC). See "config cn netif".
Sub-command: ospf area

Configure the system level OSPF areas. See "config cn ospf area"
Sub-command: ospf iprange
Create or delete an IP address range for a given OSPF area. See "config cn ospf iprange"
Sub-command: routes default
Configure the system default route. See "config cn routes default".
Sub-command: routes static
Configure static routes. See "config cn routes static".

3.39.5 Related Commands

show cn
config cn netif
config cn ospf area

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config cn ospf iprange

config cn routes default
config cn routes static

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config cn netif Nokia 1830 PSS

3.40 config cn netif

3.40.1 Purpose
This command allows the operator to create/delete a network interface (NETIF) instance over an
embedded communication channel (ECC). The only type of ECC currently supported for this
command is GCC.
A total of 512 NETIFs can be configured on the NE. If the equipment controller card type in main
shelf is EC or 8EC2 it is recommended to limit the amount to 128. Only one GCC Type (GCC0,
GCC1 or GCC2) may be terminated on any given port instance (that is only one of: OTU-1/1/1
GCC0, OTUODU2-1/1/1 GCC1, OTUODU2-1/1/1 GCC2).
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.40.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.40.3 Input Format

config cn netif
{add | del} <index> <facility-port-aid> eccchnl

3.40.4 Input Parameters

{add | del}

Creates/Deletes a network interface (NETIF) instance over an ECC. Deletion of the last
network interface (NETIF) must displays a yes/no warning message and executes the
command only if "yes" is entered.

A NETIF cannot be deleted if it is used as unnumbered interface in a static route or default

route (see "config cn routes static", "config cn routes default").


Access identifier for the NETIF.
The recommended value range is {1..128} for EC and 8EC2 equipment controller card types in
main shelf.

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The facility carrying the ECC.

Refer to the ECC Slot Ranges table in Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid values of
facility and shelf and slot and port ranges for each supported circuit pack type.
Not required for delete command.

High performance EC (32EC2) must be equipped for the master shelf and slave shelf
where S13X100/E or D5X500 resides.
The following restrictions apply to the D5X500/D5X500L card:
• Any attempt to provision a <facility-port-aid> on a D5X500/D5X500L card that is
provisioned for uni-directional regen (oprmode=regen) shall be denied
• GCC0 can only be provisinoed on otu-id 1 and/or otu-id 4 according to the validation
rules given below.
D5X500/D5X500L validation rules:
For line port type=otu4x2:
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l1_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this provsioning shall be allowed.
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l1_ch2 or l2_ch1 or l2_ch2 or
unassigned, and then tries to provision <facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this
this provsioning shall be denied.
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 4 to serverport l2_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-4, this provsioning shall be allowed.
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 4 to serverport l2_ch2 or l1_ch1 or l1_ch2 or
unassigned, and then tries to provision <facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-4, this
this provsioning shall be denied.
For line port type=otu4:
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l1_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this provsioning shall be allowed.
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l2_ch1 or unassigned, and then tries to
provision <facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this this provsioning shall be
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 4 to serverport l2_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-4, this provsioning shall be allowed.
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 4 to serverport l1_ch1 or unassigned, and then tries to
provision <facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-4, this this provsioning shall be
For line port type=otu4Half:
• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l1_l2_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this provsioning shall be allowed.
For line port type=otu4Halfx5:

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• If the User has provisioned otu-id 1 to serverport l1_l2_ch1, and then tries to provision
<facility-port-aid> = OTU-<shelf>-<slot>-1, this provsioning shall be allowed.

eccchnl [<value>]
gcc0 - the referred ECC is a GCC0
gcc1 - the referred ECC is a GCC1
gcc2 - the referred ECC is a GCC2
Specifies the ECC type of the referred ECC channel.
See ECC Slot Ranges table in Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid values of eccchnl
supported on facility and shelf and slot and port ranges for each supported circuit pack type.
Not required for delete command.
Displays a list of NETIFs configured on the NE.
Sub-command: <indx>
Modifies the parameters associated with a NETIF that has been already created using the
"config cn netif add" command. See "config cn netif <index>".

3.40.5 Examples
# config cn netif add 1 OTU-1/2/l1 eccchnl gcc0

# config cn netif add 2 OTUODU2-2/7/3 eccchnl gcc1

# config cn netif del 1

3.40.6 Related Commands

config cn netif
show cn netif
config cn routes default
config cn routes static

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3.41 config cn netif <index>

3.41.1 Purpose
This command modifies the parameters associated with a NETIF that has been already created
using the "config cn netif add" command.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.41.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.41.3 Input Format

config cn netif <index>

3.41.4 Input Parameters

Access identifier for the NETIF.
The recommended value range is {1..128} for EC and 8EC2 equipment controller card types in
main shelf.

status [disable | enable]
Administrative status of the network interface.

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Specifies the ECC type of the referred ECC channel.

gcc0 - the referred ECC is a GCC0
gcc1 - the referred ECC is a GCC1
gcc2 - the referred ECC is a GCC2
See ECC Slot Ranges table in Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid values of eccchnl
supported on facility and shelf and slot and port ranges for each supported circuit pack type.


pkttype [nonstd | std]


std - standard MTU packet size can be configured

nonstd - fixed non-standard MTU packet size


Parameter only provisionable for 4DPA4, 11DPE12, 11STAR1, and 11STMM10 pack
related NETIFs.
GCC Packet type. This parameter indicates if the NETIF packet type is standard (std) or non-
standard (nonstd).
If the PKTTYPE=STD the MTU size parameter can be changed. If the PKTTYPE=NONSTD the
MTU size parameter is always 1473 bytes and cannot be changed.
Changing PKTTYPE from STD to NONSTD results in the MTU value of the NETIF changing to
1473 bytes.
Changing PKTTYPE from NONSTD to STD results in the MTU value of the NETIF changing to
1500 bytes.
The default GCC Packet type has changed in R7 from previous releases to "standard" for ALL
facility packs/ports. Any new GCC connection added between 2 NEs running R7 or greater and
an earlier release will not automatically come up unless the user ensures the provisioned GCC
packet type value matches on both sides of the connection.


mtu [<value>]


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The configured NETIF interface Maximum Transmission Unit size, in units of bytes. The MTU
size parameter can only be changed if pkttype is std.
The default MTU value has changed in R7 from previous releases to "1500 bytes" for ALL
facility packs/ports.
Any new NETIF connection added between 2 NEs running R7 or greater and an earlier release
will not automatically come up unless the user ensures the provisioned MTU value matches on
both sides of the connection.
The MTU size across a NETIF, where both NEs are running R7 or greater, will be auto-
negotiated to the lower of the two values set on each NE's NETIF. The command "show cn
netif" will display both the NETIF configured and actual (negotiated) MTU size.
Sub-command: ospf
Configures OSPF specific parameters for the NETIF. See "config cn netif <index> ospf".
Displays all of the parameters associated with the NETIF. See "show cn netif <index>".

3.41.5 Examples
# config cn netif 1 mtu 1500

3.41.6 Related Commands

config cn netif
show cn netif

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3.42 config cn netif <index> ospf

3.42.1 Purpose
This command modifies the OSPF parameters associated with a NETIF that has been already
created using the "config cn netif add" command.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.42.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.42.3 Input Format

config cn netif <index> ospf

3.42.4 Input Parameters

Access identifier for the NETIF.
areaindex [<value>]
Entry required
Access identifier for the OSPF area. Note that when a netif is created, it will be given the same
area index as the loopback address. This parameter is used to change the area index (i.e.,
OSPF area) of the netif.

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helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


10 seconds
Specifies the Hello interval for the interface. The Hello interval specifies how often (in seconds)
a Hello packet is sent out on the interface. Hello packets are used to establish and maintain
relationships with neighboring network elements.


metric [<value>]


14 for ODU4/OTU4 NETIF

18 for ODU3e2/OTU3e2 NETIF
20 for ODU3/OTU3 NETIF
26 for OTU1f NETIF
28 for ODU2e/OTU2e NETIF
30 for ODU2/OTU2 NETIF
40 for ODU1/OTU1 NETIF
OSPF Metric or Cost of the interface. The lower the cost, the more preferred the interface is for
the routing of packets.
rtrdeadint [<value>]
2..65535 - in seconds
40 seconds
OSPF Router Dead Interval of the interface. This is the time elapsed between not hearing a
router's Hello PDU before the interface OSPF state is declared down. The dead interval is a

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timer used to timeout inactive adjacencies. The dead interval value must be greater than the
hello interval value. By default, the interface shall be set to four times the value of the
HELLOINT, so the default is 40 seconds.


md5key [<string>]

<string> - 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


NULL ("")
Key used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash value key calculation on the interface. The string shall be
1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. This parameter must be non-NULL in order for the md5status
parameter to be set to "enable". This parameter cannot be set to NULL ("") if the md5status
parameter is set to "enable".


md5keyid [<value>]


Key used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash value key calculation on the interface.


md5status [disable | enable]


disable - The MD5 authentication is not required on the OSPF area.

enable - The MD5 authentication is activated on the OSPF area.

Specifies if OSPF MD5 authentication is enabled or disabled on the interface. This parameter
can be set to enable only if the md5key parameter is non-NULL.

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3.42.5 Examples
# config cn netif 1 ospf ?
helloint Configure the OSPF hello interval
md5key Configure the OSPF MD5 Key
md5keyid Configure the OSPF MD5 key id
md5status Configure the OSPF MD5 Status
metric Configure the OSPF interface metric
rtrdeadint Configure the OSPF router dead interval

# config cn netif 1 ospf metric 200

3.42.6 Related Commands

config cn netif
show cn netif

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config cn ospf area Nokia 1830 PSS

3.43 config cn ospf area

3.43.1 Purpose
This command configures the system-level OSPF areas.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.43.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the OSPF areas for the network element.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.43.3 Input Format

config cn ospf area
add <area-index> <area-id> type dns_opaque_lsa wavekey_opaque_lsa
nssa_translate default_cost virtual_link

3.43.4 Input Parameters



add <area-index> <area-id> type dns_opaque_lsa wavekey_opaque_lsa nssa_translate

Adds an OSPF area to the network element. A maximum of 3 OSPF areas may be created at
the system level in addition to the default backbone area ( Once an area is configured
at the system level, it can be assigned to particular DCN interfaces.


modify <area-index> type dns_opaque_lsa wavekey_opaque_lsa nssa_translate default_

Modify the parameters for area that is already created. The <area-index> value 0..3 is allowed
for modify.


delete <area-index>

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The OSPF area may only be deleted if it is not assigned to an interface. The area 0 cannot
be deleted.
Deletes an OSPF area from the network element.

0..3 - when used for modify
1..3 - when used for add or delete
Access identifier for the OSPF area.
Area 0 is reserved for backbone area and always exists
For area 0 only dns_opaque_lsa and wavekey_opaque_lsa can be modified. Other OSPF
parameters in area 0 cannot be modified.
Area ID of the OSPF area. This ID has the format of an IP address that uniquely identifies the
OSPF area. A valid <area-id> consists of four integer values separated by periods.
type <value>
{normal, stub, nssa, totally_stub, nssa_totally_stub}
Specifies the type of an OSPF area:
• normal areas are defined as areas that can accept intra-area, inter-area, and external
• stub areas do not accept routes belonging to external autonomous systems (AS),
however, these areas have inter-area and intra-area routes. This reduces the size of the
routing databases for the areas internal routers. Routers in the stub area also contain a
default route which is advertised to the area by the Area Border Router (ABR).
• totally_stub areas do not allow routes other than intra-area and the default route to be
propagated within this area.This further reduces the size of the routing databases for the
area's internal routers. The ABR advertises a default route into the area and all the
routers belonging to this area use the default route to send any traffic outside the area.
• nssa (Not So Stubby Areas): can import AS external routes from within the area and

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send them to other areas, but cannot receive AS external routes from other areas. Inter-
area and intra-area routes are allowed along with a default route which is advertised to
the area by the ABR.
• nssa_totally_stub areas are similar to nssa with the added restriction that inter-area
routes are not allowed.


dns_opaque_lsa <value>

yes - DNS opaque LSAs are distributed to the area, and received from the area
no - DNS opaque LSAs are not distributed to the area, and not received from the area

Opaque LSA status for the DNS application. Determines, whether opaque LSAs for the DNS
application shall be distributed into this OSPF area, and received from this area.

DNS opaque LSAs can only be enabled in one OSPF Area.



wavekey_opaque_lsa <value>

yes - Wave KEY opaque LSAs are distributed to the area, and received from the area.
no - Wave KEY opaque LSAs are not distributed to the area, and not received from the

Opaque LSA status for the Wave KEY application. Determines, whether opaque LSAs for the
Wave KEY application shall be distributed into this OSPF area, and received from this area.

Wave Key opaque LSAs can only be enabled in one OSPF Area.


nssa_translate <value>

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candidate - OSPF elects one of the candidate routers to be a translator for this area
always - router is always used as translator for this area
never - router is never used as translator for this area


Applicable only if area type is nssa or nssa_totally_stub.

Determines behavior of NSSA ABR translation of internal area type 7 LSAs to type 5 LSAs
which get propagated into other areas.


defaultcost <value>



Applicable only if area type is stub, totally_stub, nssa, or nssa_totally_stub.

Specifies the cost for the default route originated by the area's ABR.
If the default cost of the Area is set to the maximum value of 16777215 this prevents the ABR
from distributing a default route within the Stub or NSSA area.
virtual_link <ip-address>
{1..99, 101..126, 128..223}.{0..255}. {0..255}.{0..255}
Default (no virtual link)
Applicable only if area type is normal. Virtual links cannot be established through Area, stub, totally_stub, nssa or nssa_totally_stub type areas.
Allows for the creation of a virtual link for this area. OSPF requires that all areas attach directly
to Area, but the attachment need not be physical. One can take any physical

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arrangement of areas and attach them logically through OSPF virtual links.
Specify the Loopback interface IP Address of the network element to terminate the virtual link.
This network element must be an ABR (Area Border Router), i.e., have an interface that is
connected to Area and another interface connected to a non- Area.
Note: A virtual link must be configured on both network elements. When virtual link is created
across an OSC/GCC path, the MTU size must be set to 1500 bytes for the OSC/GCC
interfaces on that path.

Displays a list of OSPF areas configured on the NE, and their provisioned parameters.
When only dns opaque LSAs are enabled: Opaque LSA capability : DNS
When only wavekey opaque LSAs are enabled: Opaque LSA capability : WaveKey
When both dns and wavekey opaque LSAs are enabled: Opaque LSA capability : DNS,
When No Opaque LSAs are enabled: Opaque LSA capability : None

3.43.5 Examples
# config cn ospf area add 1 type stub dns_opaque_lsa yes wavekey_opaque_lsa yes
default_cost 20

# config cn ospf area detail


AreaIndex : 0
OSPF AreaID : AreaType : Normal
OpaqueLsaCapability: None NSSA_translation : N/A
DefaultCost : N/A Virtual_Link : N/A

AreaIndex : 1
OSPF AreaID : AreaType : Stub
OpaqueLsaCapability: None NSSA_translation : N/A
DefaultCost : 10 Virtual_Link : N/A

Area_index : 2
OSPF Area ID : AreaType : nssa
OpaqueLsaCapability: DNS NSSA translation : candidate
Default Cost : 10 Virtual Link : N/A

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Area_index : 3
OSPF Area ID : AreaType : normal
OpaqueLsaCapability: WaveKey NSSA translation : N/A
Default Cost : N/A Virtual Link :

Note: In the output examples above if a parameter is not applicable to the OSPF area type, 'N/A'
shall be displayed.

3.43.6 Related Commands

config cn
show cn ospf

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config cn ospf iprange Nokia 1830 PSS

3.44 config cn ospf iprange

3.44.1 Purpose
This command creates or deletes an IP address range for a given OSPF area.
Use this command to:
1. Summarize into one Type-3 summary-LSA and announce to other OSPF areas
2. Filter intra area paths from the specified IP range that are not advertised into other OSPF areas
3. The IP address range that is specified must exist within the OSPF area index specified
Up to 16 IP address ranges can be configured on the NE. This command makes sense in an ABR
only. In order to take advantage of OSPF IP address range summarization, network numbers in
OSPF areas must be assigned in a continuous way to be able to lump these addresses into one
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.44.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the OSPF IP ranges summarized/filtered for the network element.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.44.3 Input Format

config cn ospf iprange
{add | del} <areaindex> <iprange> <advertise>

3.44.4 Input Parameters

{add | del}

Creates/Deletes an IP address range for the OSPF area specified.



Access identifier for the OSPF area.
Range 0 -3

IP range specified in IPv4 prefix CIDR notation.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config cn ospf iprange


advertise - summarized into one Type-3 summary-LSA and announced to other OSPF
noadvertise - filtered such that intra area paths from this range are not advertised into other
OSPF areas.
This field is not valid for a delete type command.
Displays a list of OSPF IP range entries configured on the NE.

3.44.5 Examples
# config cn ospf iprange add 1 advertise

# config cn ospf iprange add 2 noadvertise

# config cn ospf iprange detail

OSPF Area Index OSPF Area Id IP Range Advertise

1 yes
2 no

3.44.6 Related Commands

show cn ospf iprange
config cn ospf area

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 327
config cn routes default Nokia 1830 PSS

3.45 config cn routes default

3.45.1 Purpose
This command configures the IPv4 default route in the control network routing table. The default
route is the route that defines the packet forwarding rule when no specific route can be determined
for a given IP address
Use this command to:
• Access a subcommand for adding a default route to the control network routing table
• Change the gateway of the default route
• Change the redistribution of the default route
• Change the distance of the default route
• Change the OSPF redistribute metric-type and metric of the default route
• Delete a default route from the control network routing table
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.45.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting a default route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.45.3 Input Format

config cn routes default

3.45.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Add a default route to the routing table. See "config cn routes default add".
Sub-command: delete
Deletes the default route from the routing table. See "config cn routes default delete".

distribution [<value>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default



Specifies whether or not to distribute the default route. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current value or enter this keyword followed by one of the allowed
If the value is omitted, the current setting for the distribution parameter is output.
Sub-command: gateway

Configures or retrieves the gateway of the default route. See "config cn routes default


distance [<value>]


The distance value is used to determine which route to be entered in the NE routing table when
there are multiple identical routes discovered through different routing protocols.
Lower values have higher precedence.
The OSPF routing protocol has a fixed distance value of 110. As a result, if a default route is
entered with a distance value of 1 and the same route with a different next hop is discovered
through OSPF, the default route is installed in the NE routing table.
If a distance value of 255 is entered, the route will NOT be installed in the routing table. A
distance value of 255 is used to indicate an Unknown route.
If the value is omitted, the current setting for the distance parameter is output.
Sub-command: redistribute

Configures the global redistribute metric and metric type for default route. See "config cn routes
default redistribute".

3.45.5 Examples
# conf cn routes default add

# config cn routes default distribution redist

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config cn routes default Nokia 1830 PSS

# config cn routes default distance 100

3.45.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default add
config cn routes default delete
config cn routes default gateway
config cn routes default redistribute
config cn routes default6
show cn routes

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330 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default add

3.46 config cn routes default add

3.46.1 Purpose
This command adds an IPv4 default route to the control network routing table. Only one configured
default route can exist on the NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.46.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding a default route affects control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.46.3 Input Format

config cn routes default add <gateway> [<distance> [<distribution>]]

3.46.4 Input Parameters



<ip-address> - specifies the IP address of the gateway

NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.

Entry required
Specifies the IP address of the gateway or an unnumbered outgoing interface.
Note: A default route can also come from a DHCP client port that is set to receive a gateway
(i.e., 'config interface' command with dhcp_client & dhcp_client_gateway options). The route
from dhcp_client_gateway always takes precedence over the route configured via this
The distance value is used to determine which route to be entered in the NE routing table when
there are multiple identical routes discovered through different routing protocols.
Lower values have higher precedence.

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config cn routes default add Nokia 1830 PSS

The OSPF routing protocol has a fixed distance value of 110. Thus, if a default route is entered
with a distance value of 1 and the same route with a different next hop is discovered through
OSPF, the default route is installed in the NE routing table.
If a distance value of 255 is entered, the route will NOT be installed in the routing table. A
distance value of 255 is used to indicate an Unknown route.

Specifies whether or not to distribute the default route to OSPF.

3.46.5 Examples
# config cn routes default add 100 nonredist

3.46.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default
config cn routes static
config cn routes default6
show cn

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332 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default delete

3.47 config cn routes default delete

3.47.1 Purpose
This command deletes a default route from the control network routing table.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.47.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting a default route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.47.3 Input Format

config cn routes default delete [<gateway>]

3.47.4 Input Parameters

<ip-address> - specifies the IP address of the gateway.
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
Entry required
Deletes the default route from the routing table. If only one default route exists, then <gateway>
is optional. If there is more than one default route, then <gateway> is required.
Note: the only reason that there is more than one default route, is due to upgrade from a
previous release which allowed multiple default routes.

3.47.5 Examples
# config cn routes default delete

3.47.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default6 delete
config cn routes default
config cn routes static
show cn routes static

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config cn routes default gateway Nokia 1830 PSS

3.48 config cn routes default gateway

3.48.1 Purpose
This command configures the gateway of the default IPv4 route to the control network routing table.
Only one configured default route can exist on the NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.48.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Modifying the gatway of a default route affects control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.48.3 Input Format

config cn routes default gateway <gateway>

3.48.4 Input Parameters

<ip-address> - specifies the IPv4 address of the gateway.
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
Entry required
Specifies the IP address of the gateway or an unnumbered outgoing interface.
If the parameter is omitted, the current setting for the gateway parameter is displayed.
Note: A default route can also come from a DHCP client port that is set to receive a gateway
(i.e., 'config interface' command with dhcp_client & dhcp_client_gateway options). The route
from dhcp_client_gateway always takes precedence over the route configured via this

3.48.5 Examples
# config cn routes default gateway

3.48.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default6 gateway
config cn routes default
config cn routes static

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Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default gateway

show cn

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config cn routes default redistribute Nokia 1830 PSS

3.49 config cn routes default redistribute

3.49.1 Purpose
This command adds a metric type and redistribution metric value to control network routing table of
default route.
Both the IPv4 (and IPv6) default route will be redistributed into OSPF (and OSPFv3). If the system
if not running OSPFv3, this will have no affect on IPv6 routing.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.49.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding a default route affects control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.49.3 Input Format

config cn routes default redistribute

3.49.4 Input Parameters

metric_type [<value>]
1 - add internal OSPF cost when static route is redistributed.
2 - do NOT add internal OSPF cost when default route is redistributed.
Specifies the handling of internal OSPF cost when default route is redistributed.
If no value is specified, the current setting of the metric_type parameter is output.
metric [<value>]


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Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default redistribute

The metric value is used within the OSPF routing protocol to determine which route to be
entered when there are multiple identical routes. Precedence is given to the route with a lower
If no value is specified, the current setting of the metric parameter is output.

3.49.5 Examples
# config cn routes default redistribute metric 2

3.49.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default
config cn ospf
show cn

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config cn routes default6 Nokia 1830 PSS

3.50 config cn routes default6

3.50.1 Purpose
This command configures the IPv6 default route in the control network routing table. The default
route is the route that defines the packet forwarding rule to use when no specific route can be
determined. All packets for destinations not established in the IPv6 routing table are sent via the
deafult route.
Use this command to:
• Access a subcommand for adding an IPv6 default route to the control network routing table
• Change the gateway of the IPv6 default route
• Delete the IPv6 default route from the control network routing table
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.50.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting a default route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.50.3 Input Format

config cn routes default6

3.50.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Add an IPv6 default route to the routing table. See "config cn routes default6 add".
Sub-command: delete

Deletes the default route from the routing table. See "config cn routes default6 delete".
Sub-command: gateway

Specifies the gateway of the IPv6 default route. Without parameter, the current setting for the
gateway parameter is output. See "config cn routes default gateway".

3.50.5 Examples

# config cn routes default6 add 2001:db8:0:23::333:2

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338 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default6

3.50.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default
config cn routes default6 add
config cn routes default6 delete
config cn routes default6 gateway
show cn

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config cn routes default6 add Nokia 1830 PSS

3.51 config cn routes default6 add

3.51.1 Purpose
This command adds an IPv6 default route to the control network routing table. Only one configured
IPv6 default route can exist on NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.51.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding a default route affects control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.51.3 Input Format

config cn routes default6 add <gateway>

3.51.4 Input Parameters

<ipv6-address> - Specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway. See Appendix A, “Reference
tables” for IPv6 format.
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
Entry required
Specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway or an unnumbered outgoing interface.

3.51.5 Examples
# config cn routes default6 add 2001:db8:0:223::c0a8:a1

3.51.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default6
config cn routes default add
config cn routes default
config cn routes static
show cn routes

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340 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes default6 delete

3.52 config cn routes default6 delete

3.52.1 Purpose
This command deletes a IPv6 default route from the control network routing table.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.52.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting a default route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.52.3 Input Format

config cn routes default6 delete [<gateway>]

3.52.4 Input Parameters

<ipv6-address> - specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway. See appendix A for IPv6
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
Entry required
Deletes the IPv6 default route from the routing table. The <gateway> is optional, since there
can only be one configured default route.

3.52.5 Examples
# config cn routes default6 delete 2001:db8:0:21::1

# config cn routes default6 delete 1/2/OSCSFP

3.52.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default6
config cn routes default
config cn routes default delete
config cn routes static
show cn

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 341
config cn routes default6 gateway Nokia 1830 PSS

3.53 config cn routes default6 gateway

3.53.1 Purpose
This command configures the gateway of the IPv6 default route to the control network routing table.
Only one default route can be specified for the NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.53.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Modifying the gatway of a default route affects control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.53.3 Input Format

config cn routes default6 gateway <gateway>

3.53.4 Input Parameters

<ipv6-address> - specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway.
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
Entry required
Specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway or an unnumbered outgoing interface.
If the parameter is omitted, the current setting for the gateway parameter is displayed.

3.53.5 Examples
# config cn routes default6 gateway 2001:db8:0:21::3f:2

3.53.6 Related Commands

config cn routes default6
config cn routes default
config cn routes default gateway
config cn routes static
show cn routes

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342 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes static

3.54 config cn routes static

3.54.1 Purpose
This command configures the static routes in the control network routing table. A static route is a
manually configured route that defines the path to a specific destination IP address.
Use this command to:
• Display the currently configured static routes in the control network
• Access a subcommand that allows you to add a static route to the control network routing table
• Access a subcommand that allows you to delete a static route from the control network routing
• Configure global redistribute metric for default and static routes
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.54.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding/deleting a static route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.54.3 Input Format

config cn routes static

3.54.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current control network routing table.

Sub-command: add

Add a static route to the routing table. The NE can support and redistribute up to 512 static
routes. See "config cn routes static add" and "config cn routes static redistribute".
Sub-command: delete

Deletes a static route from the routing table. See "config cn routes static delete".
Sub-command: redistribute

Configures the global redistribute metric and metric type for static routes. See "config cn routes
static redistribute".

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config cn routes static Nokia 1830 PSS

3.54.5 Examples
# config cn routes static brief

IP Static Route Table

Destination Gateway Distance Redist

----------------------------------------------------- 1 False 30 True 50 False 60 True

3.54.6 Related Commands

config cn routes static add
config cn routes static delete
config cn ospf
show cn

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344 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes static add

3.55 config cn routes static add

3.55.1 Purpose
This command adds a static route to the control network routing table. This command is used for
both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.55.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding a static route can affect control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.55.3 Input Format

config cn routes static add help
config cn routes static add <destination-prefix> <gateway> [<distance>

3.55.4 Input Parameters



Displays help for the command:
add <dest-ipv4-addr>/<cidr-mask> <gateway> [<distance> [<distribution>]]
add <dest-ipv4-addr> <subnet-mask> <gateway> [<distance> [<distribution>]]
add <dest-ipv6-addr>/<prefix-len> <gateway> [<distance> [<distribution>]]
INPUT PARAMETERS: Dest-ipv4-addr : d.d.d.d "d" denotes decimal value [0 - 255] Dest-ipv6-
addr : IPv6 address Cidr-mask : IPv4 CIDR mask {1..32} Subnet-mask : Dot-notation mask
{aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd} for IPv4
Prefix-len : IPv6 Prefix Length {1..128}
Gateway : IPv4 address or IPv6 address or NETIF-{1..512} or <shelf>/<slot>/{OSC,OSCSFP}
Distance : Range {1-255} Default value: 1
Distribution : redist or nonredist Default value: nonredist

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 345
config cn routes static add Nokia 1830 PSS



<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (1-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask {aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd} for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A,
“Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (1-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

Entry required
Specifies the destination IP address and subnet mask (or prefix-length) for the route.


<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
NETIF-{1..512} - identifies an outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies an outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port, see
Appendix A, “Reference tables” (refer to "Port name to port number mappings") for valid
amplifier cards which support an OSC or OSCSFP port.
The gateway specifies either the IP address of a gateway or an unnumbered outgoing interface
for the static route.

Use only an IPv4 gateway for an IPv4 <destination-IP-address>, and only an IPv6 gateway
with an IPv6 <destination-IP-address>.
NETIF and {OSC, OSCSFP} interfaces can be used for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.



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346 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes static add

The distance value is used to determine which route to be entered in the NE routing table when
there are multiple identical routes discovered through different routing protocols.
Lower values have higher precedence.
The OSPF routing protocol has a fixed distance value of 110. As a result if a static route is
entered with a distance value less than 110 (e.g., 1) and the same route with a different next
hop is discovered through OSPF, the static route is installed in the NE routing table.
If a distance value of 255 is entered, the route will NOT be installed in the routing table. A
distance value of 255 is used to indicate an Unknown route.

Specifies whether or not to distribute the static route.

3.55.5 Examples
# config cn routes static add 100 nonredist

# config cn routes static add 20 redist

# config cn routes static add 2001:db8:0:21::/64 2001:db8:0:22::3f:2 100

3.55.6 Related Commands

config cn routes static
config cn ospf
show cn

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 347
config cn routes static delete Nokia 1830 PSS

3.56 config cn routes static delete

3.56.1 Purpose
This command deletes a previously configured static routes in the control network routing table.
This command is used for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.56.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting a static route can affect routing in the control network.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.56.3 Input Format

config cn routes static delete help
config cn routes static delete <destination-prefix> <gateway>

3.56.4 Input Parameters


Displays help for the command:

delete <dest-ipv4-addr>/<cidr-mask> <gateway>
delete <dest-ipv4-addr> <subnet-mask> <gateway>
delete <dest-ipv6-addr>/<prefix-len> <gateway>
INPUT PARAMETERS: Dest-ipv4-addr : d.d.d.d "d" denotes decimal value [0 - 255]
Dest-ipv6-addr : IPv6 address
Cidr-mask : IPv4 CIDR mask {1..32}
Subnet-mask : Dot-notation mask {aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd} for IPv4
Prefix-len : IPv6 Prefix Length {1..128}
Gateway : IPv4 or IPv6 address, or NETIF-{1..512} or <shelf>/<slot>/{OSC,OSCSFP}


<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes static delete


<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (1-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask {aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd} for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A,
“Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (1-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

Entry required
Specifies the destination IP address and subnet mask for the route.


{<ipv4-address>|<ipv6-address>} - identifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway.

NETIF-{1..512} - identifies the outgoing NETIF
<shelf>/<slot>/{OSC, OSCSFP} - identifies the outgoing OSC or OSCSFP port.
The gateways specifies either the IP address of a gateway or an unnumbered outgoing
interface of the static route.

Use only an IPv4 gateway for an IPv4 <destination-IP-address>, and only an IPv6 gateway
with an IPv6 <destination-IP-address>.

3.56.5 Examples

# config cn routes static delete

# config cn routes static delete

# config cn routes static delete 2001:db8:0:21::/64 2001:db8:0:22::3f:2

# config cn routes static delete NETIF-12

# config cn routes static delete 2001:db8:0:21::/64 NETIF-12

3.56.6 Related Commands

config cn routes static
config cn routes static add
config cn routes static redistribute
config cn ospf

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 349
config cn routes static delete Nokia 1830 PSS

show cn

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350 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config cn routes static redistribute

3.57 config cn routes static redistribute

3.57.1 Purpose
This command adds a metric type and redistribution metric value to all static routes' control network
routing table.
Both the IPv4 (and IPv6) static routes will be redistributed into OSPF (and OSPFv3). If the system if
not running OSPFv3, this will have no affect on IPv6 routing.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.57.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding a static route can affect control network behavior.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.57.3 Input Format

config cn routes static redistribute

3.57.4 Input Parameters

metric_type [<value>]
1 - add internal OSPF cost when static route is redistributed
2 - do NOT add internal OSPF cost when default route is redistributed
Specifies how to handle internal OSPF cost when default route is redistributed.
If no value is specified, the current setting of the metric_type parameter is output.
metric [<value>]


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 351
config cn routes static redistribute Nokia 1830 PSS

The metric value is used within the OSPF routing protocol to determine which route to be
entered when there are multiple identical routes. Precedence is given to the route with a lower
If no value is specified, the current setting of the metric parameter is output.

3.57.5 Examples
# config cn routes static redistribute metric 2

3.57.6 Related Commands

config cn routes static
config cn ospf
show cn

Release 10.0
August 2017
352 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

3.58 config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

3.58.1 Purpose
This command allows to modify OSPF related parameters for cards which have an OSC. For
applicable cards see card specific ospf sub-commands in chapter 5.
Use this command to:
• set hello interval, metric and dead interval
• configure the MD5 parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.58.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.58.3 Input Format

config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

3.58.4 Input Parameters

Identifies the card against which this command is executed. For applicable cards see card
specific ospf sub-commands in chapter 5.
<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - optical supervisory channel port
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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<shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP - optical supervisory channel port

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


areaindex [<value>]


Access identifier for the OSPF area. Note that when a osc/oscsfp is created, it will be given the
same area index as the loopback address. This parameter is used to change the area index
(i.e., OSPF area) of the osc/oscsfp interface.


helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


Hello Interval of the OSPF Interface. This is the time elapsed before the next Hello PDU is sent.
Note: Any 1830 OSC interfaces being used to connect to a 1696R must have their OSPF Hello
value configured as 1 second and their OSPF Router Dead Interval value provisioned to 5
seconds. If this is not done, there will be a Data Link Failure on the OSC and loss of
communication until it is done.


md5key [<string>]

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<string> - 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


NULL ("")
Key used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash value key calculation on the interface. The string shall be
1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. This parameter must be non-NULL in order for the md5status
parameter to be set to "enable". This parameter cannot be set to NULL ("") if the md5status
parameter is set to "enable".


md5keyid [<value>]


Key used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash value key calculation on the interface. This parameter is
mandatory if md5status is enable.


md5status [disable | enable]


disable - The MD5 authentication is not required on the OSPF area.

enable - The MD5 authentication is activated on the OSPF area.

Specifies if OSPF MD5 authentication is enabled or disabled on the interface. This parameter
can be set to enable only if the md5key parameter is non-NULL and md5keyid is set.


metric [<value>]

1..65535 - range in seconds



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OSPF Metric or Cost of the interface. The lower the cost, the more preferred the interface is for
the routing of packets.

rtrdeadint [<value>]
2..65535 - in seconds
OSPF Router Dead Interval of the interface. This is the time elapsed between not hearing a
router's Hello PDU before the interface OSPF state is declared down. The dead interval is a
timer used to timeout inactive adjacencies. The dead interval value shall always be greater than
the hello interval value. By default, the interface shall be set to four times the value of the
helloint parameter, so the default is 40 seconds.
Note: Any 1830 OSC interfaces being used to connect to a 1696R must have their OSPF Hello
value configured as 1 second and their OSPF Router Dead Interval value provisioned to 5
seconds. If this is not done, there will be a Data Link Failure on the OSC and loss of
communication until it is done.

3.58.5 Examples
# config interface ASWG 1/9/OSCSFP ospf metric 13

3.58.6 Related Commands

show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid>|<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.59 config interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.59.1 Purpose
This command configures the Customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on any of the various cards that
support OSC and have a Customer LAN port. This port is a 10/100BASE-T LAN port which can
transport customer Layer 2 traffic over the OSC to the peer Customer LAN port on the remote card.
Use this command to enable or disable the Customer LAN port, set Duplex and Speed negotiation,
set port description, and display the current port configuration.

3.59.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The Customer LAN port provides point to point Layer 2 connectivity between cards over the
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.59.3 Input Format

config interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.59.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
A card that supports OSC and has a Customer LAN Port. For applicable cards see Chapter 5,
“Core optics management commands” and Appendix A, “Reference tables”.

Entry required
Specifies the Customer LAN Port on the card.

description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current description for the interface

Specifies a description for the port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes the
interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for the

Displays the configuration of the Customer LAN Port including description, port admin state, link
integrity, configured and actual duplex setting, and configured and actual speed.


duplex [<value>]

full - set the duplex mode of the port to full-duplex

half - set the duplex mode of the port to half-duplex
auto - configure the port to participate in duplex-mode auto-negotiation

Set the duplex mode of the port. Enter this keyword without a parameter to display the current
duplex setting.

Either both duplex and speed are auto, or both are fixed. If speed is set to a fixed value
(e.g., 10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex will change to half until manually set.


speed [<value>]

auto - the port will participate in auto-negotiation

10 - the port is set to a speed of 10Mbit per second
100 - the port is set to a speed of 100Mbit per second


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Set the link speed of the port. Enter this keyword without a parameter to display the current
speed setting.
Either both duplex and speed are auto, or both are fixed. If speed is set to a fixed value
(10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex will change to half until set.

state [<value>]
up - enable the port
down - disable the port
Administratively enable or disable the port. Enter this keyword without a parameter to display
the current administrative state setting.

3.59.5 Examples
# config interface ahphg 1/5/CUSTLAN speed 100

3.59.6 Related Commands

show interface <lcard> <custlan-port>

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3.60 config interface <eqm-ctrl>

3.60.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an Equipment Controller card.
Use this command to:
• Display the list of all equipment controller ports on the network element.
• Access subcommands that allow you to configure the CIT, ES1, ES2 or OAMP port.
• Access a subcommand that allows you to configure the AUX port.
• Access a subcommand that allows you to configure the E1 port.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types. Supported interfaces depend on the specific
equipment controller type which is used in the main shelf.

3.60.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.60.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <port-aid>

3.60.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.

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* - displays the status of all available LAN ports.
<shelf>/<slot>/cit - Specifies the CIT port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>".
<shelf>/<slot>/{es1 | es2} - Specifies the extension shelf ports (es1, es2) on an equipment
controller card. See command "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>".
<shelf>/<slot>/oamp - Specifies the OAMP port on the equipment controller card of the
master shelf. See command "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>".
<shelf>/<slot>/aux - Specifies the AUX port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>"
<shelf>/<slot>/e1 - Specifies the E1 port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>"
Specifies the port on the equipment controller card of the master shelf.

3.60.5 Examples
# config interface ec *
Admin Oper
Location Type Description State State
1/1/AUX AUX Port Up Down
1/1/CIT Local Ethernet Port Up Down
1/1/ES1 ES1 Port Up Down
1/1/ES2 ES2 Port Up Down
1/18/AUX AUX Port Up Down
1/18/CIT Local Ethernet Port Up Down
1/18/ES1 ES1 Port Up Down
1/18/ES2 ES2 Port Up Down

3.60.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl>

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config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.61 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

3.61.1 Purpose
This command configures the AUX port on the equipment controller of the master shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the current AUX port configuration.
• Enable or disable the port.
• Set the port IPv4 or IPv6 address.
• Set physical LAN attributes.
• Access a subcommand that allows configuration of OSPF options on the port.
• Configure DHCP parameters for AUX ports.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-16, PSS-32, PSS-16II, PSS-8x, and PSS-24x shelf types.

3.61.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The AUX port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.61.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

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3.61.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16 equipment controller card

32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.


<shelf>/<slot>/aux - Specifies the AUX port on the master shelf equipment controller

Entry required
AUX ports on a pair of equipment protected ECs can be configured independently.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current description for the interface
Specifies a description for the port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes the
interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for the
Display the current port address, location, and status information.

dhcp [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCP on the port

disabled - disable DHCP on the port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on the port, meaning it
will assign IP addresses to connecting devices.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

To enable the dhcp server, the port must have an IP address. The port cannot have both
dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled.
dhcp_range [<value>]
This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCP server. The port can dole out from 1 to up to 10
IPv4 addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcp is enabled. If entered without a value,
will display the current value.
dhcp_defaultgateway [enabled | disabled]
enabled - Distributes this interface's IPv4 address as the Default Gateway via DHCP.
disabled - No Default Gateway IPv4 address is distributed through DHCP on this interface.
Distributes this interface's IPv4 address as the Default Gateway via DHCP. If not enabled no
Default Gateway IPv4 address is distributed through DHCP on this interface. If entered without
a value, will display the current value.

dhcpv6 [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCPv6 on the port

disabled - disable DHCPv6 on the port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6) server on the port.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

To enable the dhcpv6 server, the port must have an IPv6 address. The port cannot have
both dhcpv6 (server) and ipv6_autoconfig enabled.


dhcpv6_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCPv6 server. The port can dole out up to 10 IPv6
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcpv6 is enabled. If entered without a value, will
display the current value.


dhcp_client [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable DHCP client on the port

disabled - disable DHCP client on the port

Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client on the port. If enabled,
the port will receive its IP address from the network.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

The port cannot have both dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled. Dhcp_client cannot be
enabled if the port has an assigned IP address.

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dhcp_client_gateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the DHCP client to receive a default (gateway) route from DHCP
disabled - disable the DHCP client from receiving a default (gateway) route from DHCP

Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client to receive a default
(gateway) route. If enabled, the port will request a gateway route, in addition to its IP address,
from the network. Note that setting this parameter to disabled will remove the gateway route
received from this port. If entered without a value, will display the current value.

This parameter has no meaning unless dhcp_client is enabled.

If there is more than one dhcp client port, only one of the ports can have dhcp_client_
gateway enabled. This command will fail if another dhcp client port is receiving the
gateway route.
A default route installed by this option will take precedence over all other default routes
(i.e., from 'config cn routes default' or from OSPF).


ipv6_autoconfig [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port

disabled - disable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port

Enable or disable a StateLess Address AutoConfig (SLAAC) client on the port. If enabled, the
port will receive an advertised network of 64 bits (i.e., /64); the port will then dynamically form a
64 bit host identifier using EUI-64 rules, thus creating a full IPv6 address. If entered without a
value, will display the current value.

The port cannot have both dhcpv6 (server) and ipv6_autoconfig enabled [Error]. IPv6_
autoconfig cannot be enabled if the port has a configured IPv6 address.

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duplex [auto | half | full]


auto - Half duplex or full duplex decided by auto-negotiation

half - Half duplex
full - Full duplex

Set the duplex mode of the port. The duplex mode can be set to auto, half or full. auto specifies
that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.


ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask>]
ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len>]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Default - for IPv4
::/0 - for IPv6
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the port. For IPv4, CIDR mask
(e.g., /28) or dot-notation mask ( are accepted. For IPv6, use the prefix length
(/1 - /128).
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current IP address(es) and subnet
mask (or prefix length). Note that the port can have an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or both, however,
this command can only set one address at a time. To set both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, use
this command twice.
Set to ro remove IPv4 address; set to ::/0 to remove the IPv6 address.
Note: Changing the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the port may cause loss of IP connectivity to this
and other network elements.

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An IP address cannot be assigned if dhcp_client is enabled. Similarly, and IPv6 address

cannot be assigned if ipv6_autoconfig is enabled.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure the OSPF attributes for the AUX port. See "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>


proxyarp [enabled | disabled]



Enable or disable the proxy ARP service on the port. When enabled, the port shall reply back to
ARP requests from the remote server for all Remote NEs within the internal network, using its
own MAC address for the response.


routestate [enabled | disabled | redistribute]


enabled - Enable OSPF routing. OSPF attempts to form adjacencies with other routers on
the LAN. The 1830 PSS and AUX port are the same autonomous system. The AUX port
network is distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF
communication channels through OSPF.
disabled - Disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) that the AUX port is on is not
distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF
communication channels through OSPF.
redistribute - Redistribute the OSPF routes. The 1830 PSS network element treats the AUX
port as a network outside its autonomous system, and distributes this network to other
1830 network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF communication channels through

Specifies the OSPF routing state of the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current OSPF routing state.

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speed [auto | 10 | 100 | 1000]


auto - Speed decided by auto-negotiation.

10 - 10Mbps.
100 - 100Mbps.
1000 - 1000Mbps

Set the link speed of the port. The speed can be set to 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mbps or auto.
The auto specifies that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.

1000Mbps is only supported for LAN ports on CEC2 and 8XCEC2 equipment controller


state [up | down]


up - set to up to enable the port

down - set to down to disable the port

Administratively enable or disable the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current administrative state setting.

3.61.5 Examples
The following examples set the IPv4 address.

# config interface ec 1/1/aux ip

# config interface ec 1/1/aux ip
# config interface ec 1/18/aux ip

The following examples set the IPv6 address.

# config interface ec 1/1/aux ip 2001:db8:0:23::3fe:1/64

# config interface ec 1/18/aux ip 2001:db8:0:23::

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3.61.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf

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3.62 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf

3.62.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSPF parameters on the AUX port on the equipment controller of the
master shelf.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-16, PSS-32, PSS-16II, PSS-8x and PSS-24x shelf types.

3.62.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The AUX port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.62.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf

3.62.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16 equipment controller card

32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card
Entry required
Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.

Entry required

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AUX ports on a pair of equipment protected ECs can be configured independently



areaindex [<value>]


Access identifier for the OSPF area.


helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


Specifies the Hello interval for the link. The Hello interval specifies how often (in seconds) a
Hello packet is sent out on the interface. Hello packets are used to establish and maintain
relationships with neighboring network elements.
Note: The helloint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the Hello interval or enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current value for the Hello interval.


metric [<value>]


Specifies the traffic engineering metric for the control network link. The metric is an integer
value that specifies the cost of sending traffic over the link. OSPF always detects the lowest
cost route for a given prefix in the IP forwarding table.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the traffic engineering metric.

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rtrdeadint [<value>]

2..65535 - in seconds

Specifies the dead interval for the link. The dead interval specifies how long (in seconds) that
Hello packets have not been seen before the network element's neighbors declare the network
element down. It is recommended that the dead interval be a multiple of the Hello interval.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the dead interval, in seconds.
Note: The rtrdeadint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.
rtrpriority [<value>]
Specifies the router priority. The router priority is used to determine which network elements on
a broadband network are the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR). The
network element with the highest router priority value is the DR. The network element with the
second highest router priority is the BDR.
In the event that two routers have the same router priority, router priority is resolved based on
their loopback addresses (see "config interface loopback"). The network element with the
highest loopback address is the DR. The network element with the second highest loopback
address is the BDR.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the router priority.
md5key [<string>]

<string> - 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


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Key used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory if md5keyid
is entered. The value is 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. This parameter is mandatory if md5_
status is enable.

md5keyid [<value>]
The md5keyid is used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory
if md5status is enable.
md5status [enable | disable]
enable - The MD5 authentication is activated on the OSPF area.
disable - The MD5 authentication is not required on the OSPF area.
This parameter can be set to enable only if a md5key and md5keyid have been set.

3.62.5 Examples
# config interface ec 1/1/aux ospf areaindex 0

3.62.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

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3.63 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

3.63.1 Purpose
This command configures the E1 port on the equipment controller of the master shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the current E1 port configuration.
• Enable or disable the port.
• Set the port IPv4 or IPv6 address.
• Set physical LAN attributes.
• Access a subcommand that allows configuration of OSPF options on the port.
• Configure DHCP parameter for E1 ports.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-24x shelf types.

3.63.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The E1 port may provide communication towards network management, inter-compound
NEs, optical extension shelves or routers (UNI).
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.63.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

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3.63.4 Input Parameters



CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card

Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.


<shelf>/<slot>/e1 - Specifies the E1 port on the master shelf equipment controller

E1 ports on a pair of equipment protected equipment controller cards can be configured


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current description for the interface

Specifies a description for the port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes the
interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for the

Display the current port address, location, and status information.



dhcp [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable DHCP on the port

disabled - disable DHCP on the port

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Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol on the port.


To enable the dhcp server, the port must have an IP address. The port cannot have both
dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled.


dhcp_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCP server. The port can dole out from 1 to up to 10 IP
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcp is enabled.


dhcp_defaultgateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP.
disabled - No Default Gateway IP address is distributed through DHCP on this interface.

Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP. If not enabled no
Default Gateway IP address is distributed through DHCP on this interface.


dhcpv6 [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable DHCPv6 on the port

disabled - disable DHCPv6 on the port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6) server on the port.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

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To enable the dhcpv6 server, the port must have an IPv6 address. The port cannot have
both dhcpv6 (server) and ipv6_autoconfig enabled.


dhcpv6_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCPv6 server. The port can dole out up to 10 IPv6
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcpv6 is enabled. If entered without a value, will
display the current value.


dhcp_client [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable DHCP client on the port

disabled - disable DHCP client on the port

Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client on the port. If enabled,
the port will receive its IP address from the network.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

The port cannot have both dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled. The dhcp_client cannot
be enabled if the port has an assigned IP address.


dhcp_client_gateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the DHCP client to receive a default (gateway) route from DHCP
disabled - disable the DHCP client from receiving a default (gateway) route from DHCP

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Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client to receive a default
(gateway) route. If enabled, the port will request a gateway route, in addition to its IP address,
from the network. Note that setting this parameter to disabled will remove the gateway route
received from this port. If entered without a value, will display the current value.

This parameter has no meaning unless dhcp_client is enabled.

If there is more than one dhcp client port, only one of the ports can have dhcp_client_
gateway enabled. This command will fail if another dhcp client port is receiving the
gateway route.
A default route installed by this option will take precedence over all other default routes
(i.e., from 'config cn routes default' or from OSPF).


ipv6_autoconfig [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port

disabled - disable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port

Enable or disable a StateLess Address AutoConfig (SLAAC) client on the port. If enabled, the
port will receive an advertised network of 64 bits (i.e., /64); the port will then dynamically form a
64 bit host identifier (using EUI-64 rules), thus creating a full IPv6 address. If entered without a
value, will display the current value.

The port cannot have both dhcpv6 (server) and ipv6_autoconfig enabled. The ipv6_
autoconfig cannot be enabled if the port has a configured IPv6 address.


duplex [auto | half | full]


auto - Half duplex or full duplex decided by auto-negotiation

half - Half duplex
full - Full duplex

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Set the duplex mode of the port. The duplex mode can be set to auto, half or full. auto specifies
that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.


ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask>]
ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len>]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Default - for IPv4

::/0 - for IPv6
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the port. For IPv4, both CIDR
mask (e.g., /28) and dot-notation mask ( are accepted. For IPv6, use the
prefix length (/1 - /128).
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current IP address(es) and subnet
mask (or prefix length). Note that the port can have an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or both, however,
only one address can be set at a time. To set both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, use this
command twice.
Set to to remove the IPv4 address; set to ::/0 to remove the IPv6 address.
Note: Changing the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the port may cause loss of IP connectivity to this
and other network elements.

An IP address cannot be assigned if dhcp_client is enabled. Similarly, and IPv6 address

cannot be assigned if ipv6_autoconfig is enabled.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure the OSPF attributes for the E1 port. See "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf".

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proxyarp [enabled | disabled]



Enable or disable the proxy ARP service on the port. When enabled, the port shall reply back to
ARP requests from the remote server for all Remote NEs within the internal network, using its
own MAC address for the response.


routestate [enabled | disabled | redistribute]


enabled - Enable OSPF routing. OSPF attempts to form adjacencies with other routers on
the LAN. The 1830 PSS and E1 port are the same autonomous system. The E1 port
network is distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF
communication channels through OSPF.
disabled - Disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) that the E1 port is on is not
distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF
communication channels through OSPF.
redistribute - Redistribute the OSPF routes. The 1830 PSS network element treats the E1
port as a network outside its autonomous system, and distributes this network to other
1830 network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF communication channels through

Specifies the OSPF routing state of the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current OSPF routing state.


speed [auto | 10 | 100 | 1000]

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auto - Speed decided by auto-negotiation.

10 - 10Mbps.
100 - 100Mbps.
1000 - 1000Mbps.
Set the link speed of the port. The speed can be set to 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mbps or auto.
The auto specifies that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.

state [up | down]
up - set to up to enable the port
down - set to down to disable the port
Administratively enable or disable the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current administrative state setting.

3.63.5 Examples
The following examples set the IPv4 address.

# config interface cec2 1/16/e1 ip

# config interface cec2 1/16/e1 ip

# config interface cec2 1/29/e1 ip

The following examples set the IPv6 address.

# config interface cec2 1/16/e1 ip 2001:db8:0:23::3fe3:1/64

# config interface cec2 1/16/e1 ip 2001:db8:0:23::

3.63.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf

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3.64 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf

3.64.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSPF parameters on the E1 port on the equipment controller of the
master shelf.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-24x shelf types.

3.64.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The E1 port may provide communication towards network management, inter-compound
NEs, optical extension shelves or routers (UNI).
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.64.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf

3.64.4 Input Parameters

CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.
<shelf>/<slot>/e1 - Specifies the E1 port on the master shelf equipment controller
E1 ports on a pair of equipment protected equipment controller cards can be configured

areaindex [<value>]

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Access identifier for the OSPF area.


helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


Specifies the Hello interval for the link. The Hello interval specifies how often (in seconds) a
Hello packet is sent out on the interface. Hello packets are used to establish and maintain
relationships with neighboring network elements.
Note: The helloint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the Hello interval or enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current value for the Hello interval.
metric [<value>]
Specifies the traffic engineering metric for the control network link. The metric is an integer
value that specifies the cost of sending traffic over the link. OSPF always detects the lowest
cost route for a given prefix in the IP forwarding table.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the traffic engineering metric.

rtrdeadint [<value>]
2..65535 - in seconds

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Specifies the dead interval for the link. The dead interval specifies how long (in seconds) that
Hello packets have not been seen before the network element's neighbors declare the network
element down. It is recommended that the dead interval be a multiple of the Hello interval.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the dead interval, in seconds.
Note: The rtrdeadint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.


rtrpriority [<value>]


Specifies the router priority. The router priority is used to determine which network elements on
a broadband network are the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR). The
network element with the highest router priority value is the DR. The network element with the
second highest router priority is the BDR.
In the event that two routers have the same router priority, router priority is resolved based on
their loopback addresses (see "config interface loopback"). The network element with the
highest loopback address is the DR. The network element with the second highest loopback
address is the BDR.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the router priority.


md5key [<string>]

<string> - 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


Key used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory if md5keyid
is entered. The value is 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. This parameter is mandatory if md5_
status is enable.

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md5keyid [<value>]
The md5keyid is used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory
if md5status is enable.

md5status [enable | disable]
enable - The MD5 authentication is activated on the OSPF area.
disable - The MD5 authentication is not required on the OSPF area.
This parameter can be set to enable only if a md5key and md5keyid have been set.

3.64.5 Examples
# config interface cec2 1/16/e1 ospf areaindex 0

3.64.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

3.65 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

3.65.1 Purpose
This command configures the CIT port on an Equipment Controller card on the master shelf. If the
network element is equipped with redundant control cards, setting parameters on one card will also
set the parameters on the other card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current CIT port configuration
• Set the port IPv4 or IPv6 address
• Set the routing state
• Enable or disable the proxy ARP on the port
• Enable or disable the DHCP on the port
• Set physical LAN attributes
• Set status of the CIT port
• Set the auto mode to enable/disable
• Set timeout value for enabling the CIT port in auto mode
• Set area index
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.65.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The CIT port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.65.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

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ospf areaindex

3.65.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.
Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and cit.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
auto_state [enable | disable]

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This parameter controls the CIT port's state (up/down) autonomously.
When a user manually configures the CIT port Admin State the AUTOSTATE shall be set to
"disabled" by SW.
When a user manually disables the AUTOSTATE the Admin STATE shall be set to "up" (default
value) by SW.
Enter this keyword followed by one of the following:
• Set to enable
Description: it shall set CIT port state either up or down autonomously on different conditions
as described below:
1. The CIT port shall be down if the NE detects the source IP (please see "auto_state_ip"
parameter in this command for the meaning of source IP) is reachable.
2. The CIT port shall be up autonomously when the communication cannot be reached
to the management system (source IP) within defined period which can be
• Set to disable
Description: CIT port's state cannot be set up or down autonomously.
AUTO state cannot be enabled until the Source IP is configured.


auto_state_count [<value>]


This timer threshold value is to check the number of consecutive counts that auto_state_ip is
not reachable which results in CIT admin port being enabled if auto_state is enabled. CIT admin
port will be down as a result of auto_ip successfully reachablity on any given auto_state_
interval attempt if auto_state is enabled.


auto_state_interval [<value>]

10..7200 - time in second

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This timer value specifies the interval between consecutive checks for reachability of the auto_
state_ip address (source IP) when auto_state is provisioned as "enable".


auto_state_ip [<ip-address>]

<ip-address> - Set the IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format as defined in Appendix A,

“Reference tables”.
Default - for IPv4

:: - for IPv6
This is Source IP address and is used to monitor from NE if there is loss communication with
management system. This address may be NMS IP address.
To set the IP address enter this keyword followed by an IP address. Inter this keyword without
any parameters to display the current IP address.


description [<string>]

<string> - 50 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current description for the interface

Specifies a description for the CIT port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes
the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for
the interface.

Display the current port address and status information.



dhcp [enabled | disabled]

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Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol on the CIT port for IPv4.


dhcp_defaultgateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP
disabled - no Default Gateway IP address will be distributed via DHCP on this interface

Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP. If not enabled no
Default Gateway IP address will be distributed via DHCP on this interface.


dhcp_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCP server. The port can dole out from 1 to up to 10 IP
addresses, beginning with the CIT IP address. This parameter is valid only when dhcp is
For the CIT port, the default value is 1, and thus the assigned IP address will be the next
address after the CIT port's address. For example, if the CIT port is (default value),
then the assigned IP address for the laptop will be


dhcpv6 [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCPv6 on the port

disabled - disable DHCPv6 on the port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6) server on the port.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

To enable the dhcpv6 server, the port must have an IPv6 address.


dhcpv6_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCPv6 server. The port can dole out up to 10 IPv6
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcpv6 is enabled. If entered without a value, will
display the current value.


duplex [auto | half | full]


auto - Half duplex or full duplex decided by auto-negotiation

half - Half duplex
full - Full duplex

Set the duplex mode of the port. The duplex mode can be set to auto, half or full. auto specifies
that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.

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ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask>]
ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len>]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
There is no Default IPv6 address (use IPv6 Link-Local Address)
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the CIT port. For IPv4, both
CIDR mask (e.g., /28) and dot-notation mask ( are accepted. For IPv6, use
the prefix length (/1 - /128).
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current IP address(es) and subnet
mask (or prefix length). Note that the port can have an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or both, however,
only one address can be set at a time. To set both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, use this
command twice.
Set to to remove the IPv4 address; set to ::/0 to remove the IPv6 address.
Caution: Changing the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the CIT port can cause loss of IP connectivity to
this and other network elements.
ospf areaindex
ospf areaindex [<value>]

Access identifier for the OSPF area.

proxyarp [enabled | disabled]

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Enable or disable the proxy ARP service on the port. When enabled, the CIT port shall reply
back to ARP requests from the remote server for all Remote NEs within the internal network,
using its own MAC address for the response.


redistribute [enabled | disabled]


enabled - set to enabled to redistribute the OSPF routes.

disabled - set to disabled to disable OSPF routing.

Specifies the OSPF routing state of the management port. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current OSPF routing state.
Enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled:
• Set to enabled to redistribute the OSPF routes. The 1830 PSS network element treats
the CIT port as a network outside its autonomous system and distributes this network to
other 1830 network elements over the OSC/GCC communication channels through
• Set to disabled to disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) that the CIT port is on
is not distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the OSC/GCC
communication channels via OSPF.
Caution: Make sure that the CIT port IP address is unique before setting redistribute to enable.


speed [auto | 10 | 100 | 1000]


auto - Speed decided by auto-negotiation.

10 - 10Mbps.
100 - 100Mbps.
1000 - 1000Mbps

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Set the link speed of the port. The speed can be set to 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mbps or auto.
The auto specifies that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.

1000Mbps is only supported for LAN ports on CEC2 equipment controller type.

state [up | down]

up - set to up to enable the port

down - set to down to disable the port

Enable or disable the port.
When a user manually configures the CIT port Admin State the AUTOSTATE shall be set to
"disabled" by SW.
When a user manually disables the AUTOSTATE the Admin STATE shall be set to "up" (default
value) by SW.

3.65.5 Examples
The following examples sets the IPv4 address.

# config interface ec 1/1/cit ip

# config interface ec 1/1/cit ip

# config interface 8ec2 1/6/cit ip

# config interface 8ec2 1/6/cit ip

The following examples set the IPv6 address.

# config interface 8ec2 1/6/cit ip 2001:db8:0:23::3fe3:1/64

# config interface 8ce2 1/6/cit ip 2001:db8:0:23::

# config interface ec 1/1/cit ip 2001:db8:0:24::3fe3:1/64

# config interface ec 1/1/cit ip 2001:db8:0:24::

The following example will display the IP addresses on an interface

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# config interface ec 1/1/cit ip

IPv4 Address :

IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE3:1/64

The following examples will disable autostate

# config interface ec 1/1/cit auto_state disable

3.65.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

3.66 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

3.66.1 Purpose
This command configures the extension shelf ports on an Equipment Controller card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current status information
• Enable or disable the port
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.66.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Disabling this port can impact communications with subtending shelves.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.66.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

3.66.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the equipment controller cards, for which the command is applicable.

<shelf>/<slot>/{es1, es2}
Entry required

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Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current interface status information.



mode [internal | external]


internal - set for PSS-4 multi-shelf configuration in order to connect another PSS-4 sub-
tending shelf
external - set for cascading with external non-PSS-4 equipment

Provision PSS-4 shelf to connect another PSS-4 sub-tending shelf or to a non-PSS-4 external
equipment with Ethernet connectivity.
If enter the keyword mode only, then show the current value of mode.

This parameter only applies to PSS-4 es1 port.



state [up | down]


up - enable the port

down - disable the port

Administratively enable or disable the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current administrative state setting.

3.66.5 Examples

# config interface ec 1/1/es1 state down

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3.66.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

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config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.67 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

3.67.1 Purpose
This command configures the OAMP port on the equipment controller card of the master shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the current OAMP port configuration
• Enable or disable the port
• Set the port IPv4 or IPv6 address
• Set physical LAN attributes
• Access a subcommand that allows configuration of OSPF options on the port
This command applies to 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.67.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The OAMP port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.67.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

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3.67.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-4 equipment controller card

CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the equipment controller cards, for which the command is applicable.



Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current port address, location, and status information.



description <string>

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current description for the interface

Specifies a description for the port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes the
interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for the


dhcp_client [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCP client on the port

disabled - disable DHCP client on the port

Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client on the port. If enabled,
the port will receive its IP address from the network.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

dhcp_client cannot be enabled if the port has a configured IP address.



dhcp_client_gateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the DHCP client to receive a default (gateway) route from DHCP
disabled - disable the DHCP client from receiving a default (gateway) route from DHCP

Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client to receive a default
(gateway) route. If enabled, the port will request a gateway route, in addition to its IP address,
from the network. Note that setting this parameter to disabled will remove the gateway route
received from this port. If entered without a value, will display the current value.
This parameter has no meaning unless dhcp_client is enabled.
If there is more than one dhcp client port, only one of the ports can have dhcp_client_
gateway enabled. This command will fail if another dhcp client port is receiving the
gateway route.
A default route installed by this option will take precedence over all other default routes
(i.e., from 'config cn routes default' and from OSPF).
ipv6_autoconfig [enabled | disabled]
enabled - enable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port
disabled - disable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port

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Enable or disable a StateLess Address AutoConfig (SLAAC) client on the port. If enabled, the
port will receive an advertised network of 64 bits (i.e., /64); the port will then dynamically form a
64 bit host identifier (using EUI-64 rules), thus creating a full IPv6 address. If entered without a
value, will display the current value.

IPv6_autoconfig cannot be enabled if the port has a configured IPv6 address.



duplex [<value>]

full - set the duplex mode of the port to full-duplex

half - set the duplex mode of the port to half-duplex
auto - configure the port to participate in duplex-mode auto-negotiation

Set the duplex mode of the port.


ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask>]
ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len>]
<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Default - for IPv4
::/0 - for IPv6
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the port. For IPv4, both CIDR
mask (e.g., /28) and dot-notation mask ( are accepted. For IPv6, use the

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prefix length (/1 - /128). Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current IP
address(es) and subnet mask (or prefix length). Note that the port can have an IPv4 or IPv6
address, or both, however, only one address can be set at a time. To set both an IPv4 and IPv6
address, use this command twice.
Note: Changing the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the port may cause loss of IP connectivity to this
and other network elements.

An IP address cannot be assigned if dhcp_client is enabled. Similarly, and IPv6 address

cannot be assigned if ipv6_autoconfig is enabled.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure the OSPF attributes for the OAMP port. See "config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-aid>


proxyarp [<value>]


Enable or disable the proxy ARP service on the port. When enabled, the port shall reply back to
ARP requests from the remote server for all Remote NEs within the internal network, using its
own MAC address for the response.
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current proxy ARP setting.


routestate [<value>]

enabled - Enabled OSPF routing. OSPF attempts to form adjacencies with other routers on
the LAN, and the OAMP port network is distributed to other network elements through
disabled - Disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) on the OAMP is not distributed to
other network elements via OSPF.
redistribute - Also called passive, this will redistrubute the network (or subnet) of the OAMP
into OSPF, but will not form an adjacency with other routers on the LAN. The 1830 PSS
network element treats the E1 port as a network outside its autonomous system.

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Specifies the OSPF routing state of the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current OSPF routing state.
• Set to enabled to enable OSPF routing. OSPF attempts to form adjacencies with other
routers on the LAN. The OAMP port are the same autonomous system. The OAMP port
network is distributed to other network elements over the OSC communication channels
via OSPF.
• Set to disabled to disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) that the OAMP port is
on is not distributed to other network elements over the OSC communication channels
via OSPF.
• Set to redistribute to redistribute the OSPF routes. The network element treats the
OAMP port as a network outside its autonomous system, and distributes this network to
other network elements over the OSC communication channels via OSPF.


speed [<value>]

auto - the port will participate in auto-negotiation

10 - the port is set to a speed of 10Mbit per second
100 - the port is set to a speed of 100Mbit per second
1000 - the port is set to a speed of 100Mbit per second

Set the link speed of the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
speed setting.


state [<value>]

up - enable the port

down - disable the port

Administratively enable or disable the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current administrative state setting.

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3.67.5 Examples
The following examples set the IPv4 address.

# config interface cec1 1/16/oamp ip

# config interface cec1 1/16/oamp ip

The following examples set the IPv6 address.

# config interface cec1 1/16/oamp ip 2001:db8:0:23::8711:165/64

# config interface cec1 1/16/oamp ip 2001:db8:0:23::

3.67.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf

3.68 config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf

3.68.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSPF parameters on the OAMP port on the equipment controller
card of the master shelf.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.68.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The OAMP port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.68.3 Input Format

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf

3.68.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and oamp.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
EC - PSS-4 equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card
Entry required

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Defines the Equipment Controller card for which the command is applicable.


area [<ip-address>]

<ip-address> - IP address in IPv4 format.

Specifies the area ID for the link. A valid area identifier consists of four integer values separated
by periods, for example The specified area must have been previously configured on
the NE at the system-level (see "config cn ospf").


helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


Specifies the Hello interval for the link. The Hello interval specifies how often (in seconds) a
Hello packet is sent out on the interface. Hello packets are used to establish and maintain
relationships with neighboring network elements.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the Hello interval or enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current value for the Hello interval.


metric [<value>]

1..65535 - range in seconds


Specifies the traffic engineering metric for the control network link. The metric is an integer
value that specifies the cost of sending traffic over the link. OSPF always detects the lowest
cost route for a given prefix in the IP forwarding table.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the traffic engineering metric.

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rtrdeadint [<value>]
2..65535 - in seconds
Specifies the dead interval for the link. The dead interval specifies how long (in seconds) that
Hello packets have not been seen before the network element's neighbors declare the network
element down. It is recommended that the dead interval be a multiple of the Hello interval.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the dead interval, in seconds.
rtrpriority [<value>]
Specifies the router priority. The router priority is used to determine which network elements on
a broadband network are the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR). The
network element with the highest router priority value is the DR. The network element with the
second highest router priority is the BDR.
In the event that two routers have the same router priority, router priority is resolved based on
their loopback addresses (see "config interface loopback"). The network element with the
highest loopback address is the DR. The network element with the second highest loopback
address is the BDR. Enter this keyword followed by a value for the router priority.

3.68.5 Examples
# config interface ec 1/1/oamp ospf area

3.68.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

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config interface gmre Nokia 1830 PSS

3.69 config interface gmre

3.69.1 Purpose
This command configures the IP addresses for GMRE (Generalized MPLS Routing Engine)
Use this command to:
• Display the list of all GMRE configured addresses on the active network element
• Access subcommands that allow you to configure the GMRE node and notify IP addresses.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4.

3.69.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.69.3 Input Format

config interface gmre {nodeip | notifyip | *}

3.69.4 Input Parameters

Display a list of all GMRE IP addresses on the network element.
Sub-command: nodeip
Configure the GMRE node ip address. See "config interface gmre nodeip". This address is
used for all GMPLS communication protocols across the network.
Sub-command: notifyip
Configure the GMRE notify ip address. See "config interface gmre notifyip". This address is
used by RSVP-TE for fast failure notify message within the network.

3.69.5 Examples
# config interface gmre *

GMRE Node Ip Address :

GMRE Notify Ip Address:

3.69.6 Related Commands

show interface gmre

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3.70 config interface gmre {nodeip | notifyip}

3.70.1 Purpose
This command configures the nodeip or notifyip for GMRE application on active NE.
Use this command to:
• Display the current GMRE configuration
• Set the IP address
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4.

3.70.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The ip addresses provide GMPLS communication and notify messages within the network.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.70.3 Input Format

config interface gmre {nodeip | notifyip}

3.70.4 Input Parameters


Specifies a description for the nodeip or notify ip addresses. Enter this keyword followed by a
string that describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the
current description for the interface.

Display the current port address information.



ip [<ip-address>/<subnet-mask>]

<ip-address>/<subnet-mask> - Set the IP address and subnet mask of the port.

Sets the IP address and subnet mask of the nodeip or notifyip. Enter this keyword followed by
an IP address and a subnet mask or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the
current IP address and subnet mask.

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WARNING: You are about to change the GMRE Node IP address or GMRE Notify IP address.
The GMRE application processes will be restarted. Please make sure you followed the
procedure to change the GMRE Node IP address. Continue?
Note: Changing the IP address of the port may cause loss of IP connectivity to this and other
network elements.

3.70.5 Examples
# config interface gmre nodeip ip

3.70.6 Related Commands

show interface gmre
config interface gmre notifyip

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412 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {loopback | loopback1}

3.71 config interface {loopback | loopback1}

3.71.1 Purpose
This command configures the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the primary
loopback on the network element. The loopback IP address is also known as the IP address of the
network element. You can log into a network element using the loopback address or the
management interface (e.g., OAMP) address.
This command allows the user to configure the IPv4 address and subnet mask of the secondary
loopback (loopback1) on the network element. This secondary loopback1 can be used in specific
applications to support redundancy for SNMP management via exactly two gateway NEs. The
ospfareaindex cannot be set separately for this address, but is inherited from the primary loopback.
Note: Use this command only when you have to commission a network element. Do not use this
command during normal operation.
Note: When a PC is connected to the NE's CIT port and the NE loopback IP address is changed,
the PC can lose connectivity to the NE. To regain connectivity, enter the following commands in a
cmd window on the PC.
• ipconfig /release
• ipconfig /renew
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.71.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the network element IP address.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.71.3 Input Format

config interface {loopback,loopback1}

3.71.4 Input Parameters



loopback - Specify the primary loopback

loopback1 - Specify the secondary loopback

Entry required
The name of the loopback address which will be configured.

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ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask> [snmp_src] [radius_src]]

ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask> [snmp_src] [radius_src]]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len> [snmp_src]]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
snmp_src - When set, SNMP messages will only use the Loopback IP address
radius_src - When set, Radius message will use the Loopback IP address as the source
Default - for IPv4
::/0 - for IPv6
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (or prefix length) of the looback/loopback1
interface. For IPv4, both CIDR mask (e.g., /32) and dot-notation mask (e.g.,
are accepted. For IPv6, use the prefix length (/1 - /128). Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current IP address(es) and subnet mask (or prefix length).
Note: Executing this command with parameters causes the network element to undergo a
warm reset.
Note: It is recommended, though not required, that the /32 mask (/128 prefix-length for IPv6) be
Note: It is allowed (but not required) to set the loopback interface <ipv4-address> to the same
value as one of the LAN interface's IPv4 address, as long as the loopback has a /32 mask.
Note: If not set equal to any LAN IPv4 address of the network element, the loopback address
cannot be contained in any of the LAN subnets of this or any other NE. The exception to this is
Note: When ProxyARP is configured on a LAN interface (e.g., OAMP) in the network,
loopbacks of participating GNEs and RNEs should be in the IP subnetwork of the LAN interface
with ProxyARP enabled.
Note: IPv6 loopback address cannot be the same value as any of the LAN interface IPv6
Note: On loopback, there can be an IPv4 address or IPv6 address, or both.
Note: On loopback1, there can only be an IPv4 address.

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Note: If loopback1 is used it should be set after primary loopback is defined and it should be in
a different subnet than the primary loopback IP address.

When the snmp_src keyword is present:

SNMP requests can be made using ONLY the NE's Loopback IP address. The source IP
address in SNMP trap/reply messages shall be fixed as the Loopback IP. Hence SNMP clients
need only have a single association to the NE's Loopback IP address.
When the snmp_src keyword is not present:
SNMP requests can be made using any of the NE's interface IP addresses or Loopback IP
address. The source IP address in SNMP trap/reply messages shall be the interface IP address
on which the packet leaves the NE. Hence it is the SNMP client's responsibility to be able to
associate an NE with multiple IP addresses.
The snmp_src keyword can be applied when setting the IPv4 or IPv6 loopback and it applies
independently to each address. Hence the IPv6 address can have snmp_src, but the IPv4
address not.
Note: Executing this command causes the network element to undergo a warm reset.

When the radius_src keyword is present:

RADIUS requests use ONLY the NE's Loopback IP address. The source IP address in RADIUS
messages shall be fixed as the Loopback IP. Hence RADIUS servers need only have a single
association to the NE's Loopback IP address.
When the radius_src keyword is not present:
RADIUS messages can use any of the NE's interface IP addresses or Loopback IP address.
The source IP address in RADIUS messages shall be the interface IP address on which the
packet leaves the NE. Hence it is the RADIUS server responsibility to be able to associate an
NE with multiple IP addresses.
Note: Executing this command causes the network element to undergo a warm reset.


ospfareaindex [<area-index>]


Set the OSPF area index of the OSPF area for the loopback interface. Enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current setting of the OSPF area index.

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This keyword is not supported for loopback1. Instead, loopback1 inherits the ospfareaindex
from the primary loopback.
This option is not supported for the IPv6 loopback, i.e., it only applies to an IPv4 address.

3.71.5 Examples
The following are several examples of configuring the IPv4 address.

# config interface loopback ip

# config interface loopback ip

# config interface loopback ip snmp_src radius_src

# config interface loopback ip ospfareaindex 1

The following are three examples of setting the IPv6 address. Note that conventions vary on the
mask to assign an IPv6 loopback (/64 or /128).

# config interface loopback ip 2001:db8:0:24::1/64

# config interface loopback ip 2001:db8:0:24::

# config interface loopback ip 2001:DB8:0:024::3/128

The following are examples of setting the secondary loopback address.

# config interface loopback1 ip snmp_src

# config interface loopback1 ip radius_src

The following is an example of changing the OSPF area index of the loopback.

# config interface loopback ospfareaindex 3

3.71.6 Related Commands

show interface loopback

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416 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

3.72 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

3.72.1 Purpose
This command configures the OAMP, VOIP, E1 or E2 port on the user panel or shelf panel of the
master shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the current OAMP, VOIP, E1 or, E2 port configuration.
• Enable or disable the port.
• Set the port IP address.
• Set physical LAN attributes.
• Access a subcommand that allows configuration of OSPF options on the port.
• Configure DHCP parameter for VoIP, E1, and E2 ports.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.72.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The OAMP port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.72.3 Input Format

config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

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3.72.4 Input Parameters



usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II

8usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-8
shfpnl - Shelf Panel for PSS-8
Defines the user panel or shelf panel, for which the command is applicable.
* - displays the status of all available LAN ports. On PSS8 shfpnl, BITS port is also included
{e1, e2} - Specifies the E1, E2 ports on the user panel of the PSS-32, PSS-16 master shelf.
Specifies the E1 port on the 8usrpnl of the PSS-8 master shelf.
voip - Specifies the VOIP ports on the PSS-32, PSS-16 user panel of the master shelf.
oamp - Specifies the OAMP port on the PSS-32, PSS-16 user panel or pss-8 shelf panel of
the master shelf.
Specifies the LAN port on the user panel or shelf panel card of the master shelf.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current description for the interface
Specifies a description for the port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that describes the
interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current description for the
Display the current port address, location, and status information.

dhcp [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCP on the VoIP, E1, and E2 port

disabled - disable DHCP on the VoIP, E1, and E2 port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on the VoIP, E1, and E2
port, meaning it will assign IP addresses to connecting devices. If entered without a value, will
display the current value.

To enable the dhcp server, the port must have an IP address. The port cannot have both
dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled. This option is not applicable on the OAMP port.
dhcp_range [<value>]
This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCP server. The port can dole out from 1 to up to 10 IP
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcp is enabled.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.
dhcp_defaultgateway [enabled | disabled]
enabled - Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP.
disabled - No Default Gateway IP address is distributed through DHCP on this interface.
Distributes this interface's IP address as the Default Gateway via DHCP. If not enabled no
Default Gateway IP address is distributed through DHCP on this interface. If entered without a
value, will display the current value.

dhcpv6 [enabled | disabled]

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enabled - enable DHCPv6 on the port

disabled - disable DHCPv6 on the port

Enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6) server on the
VoIP, E1 or E2 port. If entered without a value, will display the current value.

To enable the dhcpv6 server, the port must have an IPv6 address. The port cannot have
both dhcpv6 (server) and dhcpv6 client enabled. This option is not applicable to the OAMP


dhcpv6_range [<value>]


This is the range of the IP pool for the DHCPv6 server. The port can dole out up to 10 IPv6
addresses. This parameter is valid only when dhcpv6 is enabled. If entered without a value, will
display the current value.


dhcp_client [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable DHCP client on the port

disabled - disable DHCP client on the port

disabled on the E1, E2 and VoIP port

enabled on the OAMP port
Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client on the VoIP, E1 or E2
port. If enabled, the port will receive its IP address from the network.
If entered without a value, will display the current value.

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The port cannot have both dhcp (server) and dhcp_client enabled. The dhcp_client cannot
be enabled if the port has an IP address.


dhcp_client_gateway [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the DHCP client to receive a default (gateway) route from DHCP
disabled - disable the DHCP client from receiving a default (gateway) route from DHCP

disabled on the E1, E2 and VoIP port

enabled on the OAMP port
Enable or disable a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client to receive a default
(gateway) route. If enabled, the port will request a gateway route, in addition to its IP address,
from the network. Note that setting this parameter to disabled will remove the gateway route
received from this port. If entered without a value, will display the current value.

This parameter has no meaning unless dhcp_client is enabled.

If there is more than one dhcp client port, only one of the ports can have dhcp_client_
gateway enabled. This command will fail if another dhcp client port is receiving the
gateway route.
A default route installed by this option will take precedence over all other default routes
(i.e., from 'config cn routes default' and from OSPF).
ipv6_autoconfig [enabled | disabled]
enabled - enable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port
disabled - disable IPv6 AutoConfig on the port
disabled on the E1, E2 and VoIP port
enabled on the OAMP port
Enable or disable a StateLess Address AutoConfig (SLAAC) client on the port. If enabled, the
port will receive an advertised network of 64 bits (i.e., /64); the port will then dynamically form a
64 bit host identifier (using EUI-64 rules), thus creating a full IPv6 address. If entered without a
value, will display the current value.

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The port cannot have both dhcpv6 (server) and ipv6_autoconfig enabled. The ipv6_
autoconfig cannot be enabled if the port has a configured IPv6 address.


duplex [auto | half | full]


auto - Half duplex or full duplex decided by auto-negotiation

half - Half duplex
full - Full duplex

Set the duplex mode of the port. The duplex mode can be set to auto, half or full. auto specifies
that the port will participate in auto-negotiation.


ip [<ipv4-address>/<mask>]
ip [<ipv4-address> <subnet-mask>]
ip [<ipv6-address>/<prefix-len>]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<mask> - CIDR mask (0-32) for IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<subnet-mask> - dot-notation mask for IPv4 as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<prefix-len> - IPv6 prefix length (0-128) as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Default - for IPv4
::/0 - for IPv6
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask (prefix length) of the port. For IPv4, both CIDR
mask (e.g., /28) and dot-notation mask ( are accepted. For IPv6, use the
prefix length (/1 - /128).
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current IP address(es) and subnet
mask (prefix length). Note that the port can have an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or both, however,
only one address can be entered at a time. Execute this command twice to set an IPv4 and
IPv6 address.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

Set to to remove IPv4 address; set to ::/0 to remove the IPv6 address.
Note: Changing the IP address of the port may cause loss of IP connectivity to this and other
network elements.

An IP address cannot be assigned if dhcp_client is enabled. Similarly, and IPv6 address

cannot be assigned if ipv6_autoconfig is enabled.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure the OSPF attributes for the OAMP, E1, E2 or VOIP port. See "config interface
<usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf".


proxyarp [enabled | disabled]



Enable or disable the proxy ARP service on the port. When enabled, the port shall reply back to
ARP requests from the remote server for all Remote NEs within the internal network, using its
own MAC address for the response.


routestate [enabled | disabled | redistribute]

enabled - Set to enabled to enable OSPF routing. OSPF attempts to form adjacencies with
other routers on the LAN. The 1830 PSS and the LAN port are the same autonomous
system. The LAN port network is distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the
LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF communication channels through OSPF.
disabled - Set to disabled to disable OSPF routing. The network (or subnet) that the LAN
port is on is not distributed to other 1830 PSS network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/
NETIF communication channels through OSPF.
redistribute - Set to redistribute to redistribute the OSPF routes. The 1830 PSS network
element treats the LAN port as a network outside its autonomous system, and distributes
this network to other 1830 network elements over the LAN/OSC/GCC/NETIF
communication channels through OSPF.

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config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the OSPF routing state of the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current OSPF routing state.


speed [auto | 10 | 100 | 1000 ]


auto - Speed decided by auto-negotiation.

10 - 10Mbps.
100 - 100Mbps.
1000 - 1000Mbps.
Set the link speed of the port. The auto specifies that the port will participate in auto-
Only the OAMP port of the userpanel for PSS-16II supports 1000Mbps.
state [up | down]
up - set to up to enable the port
down - set to down to disable the port
Enable or disable the OAMP, E1, E2 or VOIP port.

3.72.5 Examples
The following examples set the IPv4 address.

# config interface usrpnl oamp ip

# config interface usrpnl e1 ip

The following examples set the IPv6 address.

# config interface usrpnl voip ip 2001:db8:0:23::3f33:1/64

# config interface usrpnl oamp ip 2001:db8:0:23::

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

# config interface shfpnl oamp ip

The following example will show the IP addresses on an interface

# config interface usrpnl oamp ip

IPv4 Address :

IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE3:1/64

3.72.6 Related Commands

show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>
config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf

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config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf Nokia 1830 PSS

3.73 config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf

3.73.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSPF interface on the OAMP, VOIP, E1 or E2 port on the USRPNL
or shelf panel of the master shelf.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.73.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The OAMP port provides network management communications.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.73.3 Input Format

config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf

3.73.4 Input Parameters



usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-32, PSS-16

8usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-8
shfpnl - Shelf Panel for PSS-8
Defines the user panel or shelf panel, for which the command is applicable

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* - displays the status of all available LAN ports.

{e1, e2} - Specifies the E1, E2 ports on the user panel of the PSS-32, PSS-16 master shelf.
Specifies the E1 port on the 8usrpnl of the PSS-8 master shelf.
voip - Specifies the VOIP ports on the PSS-32, PSS-16 user panel of the master shelf.
oamp - Specifies the OAMP port on the PSS-32, PSS-16 user panel or pss-8 shelf panel of
the master shelf.
Specifies the LAN port on the user panel or shelf panel card of the master shelf.


areaindex [<value>]


Access identifier for the OSPF area.


helloint [<value>]

1..65534 - time in seconds


Specifies the Hello interval for the link. The Hello interval specifies how often (in seconds) a
Hello packet is sent out on the interface. Hello packets are used to establish and maintain
relationships with neighboring network elements.
Note: The helloint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the Hello interval or enter this keyword
without any parameters to display the current value for the Hello interval.


metric [<value>]

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Specifies the traffic engineering metric for the control network link. The metric is an integer
value that specifies the cost of sending traffic over the link. OSPF always detects the lowest
cost route for a given prefix in the IP forwarding table.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the traffic engineering metric.


rtrdeadint [<value>]

2..65535 - in seconds

Specifies the dead interval for the link. The dead interval specifies how long (in seconds) that
Hello packets have not been seen before the network element's neighbors declare the network
element down. It is recommended that the dead interval be a multiple of the Hello interval.
Enter this keyword followed by an integer value for the dead interval, in seconds.
Note: The rtrdeadint has to be set to identical values on all OSPF routers/NEs connected to the
same LAN segment.


rtrpriority [<value>]


Specifies the router priority. The router priority is used to determine which network elements on
a broadband network are the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR). The
network element with the highest router priority value is the DR. The network element with the
second highest router priority is the BDR.
In the event that two routers have the same router priority, router priority is resolved based on
their loopback addresses (see "config interface loopback"). The network element with the
highest loopback address is the DR. The network element with the second highest loopback
address is the BDR.

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Enter this keyword followed by a value for the router priority.



md5key [<string>]

<string> - 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


Key used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory if md5keyid
is entered. The value is 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. This parameter is mandatory if md5_
status is enable.


md5keyid [<value>]


The md5keyid is used for MD5 128bit hash value key calculation. This parameter is mandatory
if md5status is enable.


md5status [enable | disable]


enable - The MD5 authentication is activated on the OSPF area.

disable - The MD5 authentication is not required on the OSPF area.

This parameter can be set to enable only if a md5key and md5keyid have been set.

3.73.5 Examples

# config interface usrpnl oamp ospf areaindex 0

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3.73.6 Related Commands

config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>
show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf

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430 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config snmpserver

3.74 config snmpserver

3.74.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for the SNMP server on the network element.
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to:
• Add or delete SNMP trap destinations
• Define SNMP community strings
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.74.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator and provisioner

3.74.3 Input Format

config snmpserver

3.74.4 Input Parameters

Displays the current state of authentication failure traps, enabled always
Sub-command: community
Configure the community strings for the SNMP host. See "config snmpserver community".
Sub-command: trapdest
Configure the options for the SNMP host destination. See "config snmpserver trapdest".

3.74.5 Examples
(config-snmpserver)# authfailure

SNMP Authentication Traps: enabled

3.74.6 Related Commands

config snmpserver community
config snmpserver trapdest
show snmpserver community

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config snmpserver Nokia 1830 PSS

show snmpserver trapdest

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Nokia 1830 PSS config snmpserver community

3.75 config snmpserver community

3.75.1 Purpose
This command configures the SNMP server community strings. The SNMP community strings
function as passwords that are embedded in every SNMP packet to authenticate access to the
Management Information Base (MIB) on the network element. Use this command to set the
community string for the various SNMP communities.
Note: The community strings must match those defined on the Management System configured as
the SNMP trap destinations for the network element. See "config snmpserver trapdest".
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.75.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changes the community strings. The correct community string is required to access the
Access Levels: Administrator

3.75.3 Input Format

config snmpserver community

3.75.4 Input Parameters



3rdpnms {string | 'string with space'}


Configure the community string for the third-party network management system (3rdpnms)
community. Enter this keyword followed by the community string for the 3rdpnms community.
Enclose the string in single quotes if it contains spaces.


admin {string | 'string with spaces'}

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config snmpserver community Nokia 1830 PSS


Configure the community string for the admin community. Enter this keyword followed by the
community string for the admin community. Enclose the string in single quotes if it contains


nms {string | 'string with spaces'}


Configure the community string for the network management system (nms) community. Enter
this keyword followed by the community string for the NMS community. Enclose the string in
single quotes if it contains spaces.
Note: The nms community is the only SNMP community that can send traps. The other SNMP
communities can only be used to respond to SNMP requests.


observer {string | 'string with spaces'}

Configure the community string for the observer community. Enter this keyword followed by the
community string for the observer community. Enclose the string in single quotes if it contains
provisioner {string | 'string with spaces'}
Configure the community string for the provisioner community. Enter this keyword followed by
the community string for the provisioner community. Enclose the string in single quotes if it
contains spaces

3.75.5 Examples
The following example changes the community strings used by the observer, administrator, and
provisioner users.
Note: The string for the provisioner community is not enclosed in single quotes and that only the
first word (This) in the string is used.

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(config-snmpserver-community)# observer read_only

(config-snmpserver-community)# admin 'I am the superuser'

(config-snmpserver-community)# provisioner This is a bad string

3.75.6 Related Commands

config snmpserver trapdest
show snmpserver

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config snmpserver trapdest Nokia 1830 PSS

3.76 config snmpserver trapdest

3.76.1 Purpose
This command configures the SNMP trap destinations.
Use this command to:
• Display the current SNMP notification destinations.
• Access a subcommand that allows you to add a trap destination.
• Delete an existing trap destination.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.76.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Traps are no longer sent to a deleted destination. Ensure that other destinations are
available and operational before deleting an existing destination.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.76.3 Input Format

config snmpserver trapdest

3.76.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Add an SNMP trap destination. See "config snmpserver trapdest add"


Displays the current SNMP trap destinations.



delete <destination_ID> [octets]

Deletes an SNMP trap destination. Enter this keyword followed by the destination identifier of
the trap destination you want to delete.
If the destination identifier is surrounded by angle brackets < >, on output displayed, it means
that the identifier contains non-printable characters, and is displayed in dotted decimal notation.
Use the optional octets keyword to specify that the destination_ID value is in dotted decimal
notation, on input.
If the destination identifier contains spaces (for example: Service Provider West), you must
enclose the destination identifier in double quotation marks ("Service Provider West").

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Nokia 1830 PSS config snmpserver trapdest

3.76.5 Examples
Displays the current SNMP trap destinations.

# config snmpserver trapdest brief

SNMP Notification Destinations

Identifier Target Port Timeout Retry SNMP NMS Username streamingPm

Address Count Vers
------------ ------------ ------ ----- ----- ---- --- -------- -----------
<> 162 1500 3 v2c 1 enabled
<> 162 1500 3 v3 2 CryptoOfficer1 disabled
srv3 2001:DB7:0:27::1 1162 1500 2 v2c 3 disabled

Deletes a trap destination.

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# delete <>

# config snmpserver trapdest brief

SNMP Notification Destinations

Identifier Target Port Timeout Retry SNMP NMS Username streamingPm

Address Count Vers
------------ ------------ ------ ----- ----- ---- --- ------- -----------
<> 162 1500 3 v2c 1 enabled
srv3 2001:DB7:0:27::1 1162 1500 2 v2c 3 disabled

3.76.6 Related Commands

config snmpserver community
config snmpserver trapdest add
show snmpserver

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config snmpserver trapdest add Nokia 1830 PSS

3.77 config snmpserver trapdest add

3.77.1 Purpose
This command adds an SNMP trap destination and specifies whether the trap is formatted using
SNMP version 1 (v1) or version 2c (v2c) or version 3 (v3). A trap destination is usually a network
management workstation. You can add up to a maximum of 10 trap destinations per network
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.77.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Traps are sent to the destination immediately after it is added.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.77.3 Input Format

config snmpserver trapdest add <dest_ID> <dest_IP_address>[:<port>]
<timeout> <retry> <SNMP_version> <nms_station_ID> [<UserName>]
[streamingPM <value>]

3.77.4 Input Parameters


Specifies a unique identifier for the trap destination. The string can be a maximum of 32
characters long.


<dest_IP_address> - Valid IP address for SNMP Trap destination. This address can be one
of three forms:
<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address
<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address
[<ipv6-address>] - Brackets required if port is given
<port> - Destination port, 1..65000
Entry required for <dest_IP_address>
162 for <port>
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server that serves as the trap destination, optionally
followed by a port identifier. For an IPv6 address, if the port identifier is provided the address
must be surrounded by brackets [ ], for example [2001:db8:0:23::1]:1162.
Warning: Changing the port number may block the service in case the new port is not open by
the ACL settings.

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Entry required
Specifies a time > 0 (round trip), in hundredths of a second, after which the connection times
out if no reply is received. Following a timeout, a retry is attempted, up to the number of retries
specified by the retry variable.



Entry required
Specifies an integer value for the number of times the network element will attempt to retry the
connection in the event of a timeout.


{v1, v2c, v3}

Specifies the SNMP version to use when formatting the trap.


Specifies an integer value that uniquely identifies the NMS workstation serving as the trap
destination. Use 0 for all third party SNMP trap servers.


Specifies the SNMPv3 username which identifies the Principal on whose behalf SNMP
messages will be generated using this entry. Required only if <SNMP_version> is v3.
streamingPM <value>



Entry required

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config snmpserver trapdest add Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies whether the traps for streaming PM data are sent to the destination.

3.77.5 Examples
(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v2c 1

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v2c 1

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 2001:db8:0:23::1 1500 5 v2c 1

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 [2001:db8:0:23::1]:1162 1500 5 v2c 1

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v3 1 v3user2

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v2c 1 streamingpm enabled

(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v3 1 v3user1 streamingpm


(config-snmpserver-trapdest)# add destination1 1500 5 v2c 1 v3user1 streamingpm

Unable to complete request.
Error: Invalid request

3.77.6 Related Commands

config snmpserver community
config snmpserver trapdest
show snmpserver

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Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_default

3.78 show acl_default

3.78.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve system level attributes for the IP Access Control List feature.
This includes system default Rx/Tx actions, default ICMP error behavior, and SNMP configuration
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.78.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.78.3 Input Format

show acl_default

3.78.4 Output Parameters

Table 14 show acl_default

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Received packet action Pass or Block
[defaultRxAction] Default action to take on a received (incoming)
packet on an interface with an ACL but no
patterns match the packet.
Transmitted packet action Pass or Block
[defaultTxAction] Default action to take on a transmitted
(outgoing) packet On an interface with an ACL
but no patterns match the packet.
SNMP Configuration Access Enabled or Disabled
[snmpConfig] Indicated wheter ACL configuration via SNMP
is enabled. Must be "Enabled" to configure

3.78.5 Examples

# show acl_default

Received packet action : pass

Transmitted packet action : pass
SNMP Configuration Access : Disabled

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show acl_default Nokia 1830 PSS

3.78.6 Related Commands

config acl_default

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Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_filter

3.79 show acl_filter

3.79.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve the patterns and its parameters of a filter in the system to be
used for IP Access Control, or to retrieve the patterns and its parameters for all filters.
Note: This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.79.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.79.3 Input Format

show acl_filter <filter-id>

3.79.4 Input Parameters



100..199 - integer
<string> - up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters, where the first character is
always a letter
* - will display all filter and their patterns.
Identifier for the ACL filter being defined, which uniquely identifies the filter being defined. Enter
a <filterID> will display information of all patterns associated with the <filterID>.

3.79.5 Output Parameters

Table 15 show acl_filter

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Filter Name Name of the ACL filter
SystemDefaultFilter Read-only attribute.
• True - The Filter is a default filter provided by
the system.
• False - The Filter is not a system default
filter, i.e., can be configured by users.
If this attribute is True, the filter cannot be
modified, deleted or disabled.

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Table 15 show acl_filter (continued)

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Pattern Index The pattern's associated priority. Patterns are
[PatternIndex] listed in processing order, from low index to
high index. For detail Pattern information,
please refer to "show acl_pattern".
StatCount Packet match counter. Integer, 0 -
4294967295, increments whenever a packet
matches the specified ACL pattern. This
counter will increment regardless of the
provisioned action on that pattern
Pattern Name and Details The name of the ACL pattern and the fields in
the pattern. See "show acl_pattern" for the
individual fields.

3.79.6 Examples

# show acl_filter F1

Filter Name : F1 SystemDefaultFilter : No

Pattern Index : 0 StatCount : 120

Filter Name : F1 SystemDefaultFilter : No

Pattern Index : 1 StatCount : 120
Pattern Name : P1
Pack action : block ICMP Error : False
Source IP : Source wildcard :
Destination IP : Destination wildcard :
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0
ICMP Type : 0 ICMP Code : 0
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: No

# show acl_filter SysFilterOampRx

Filter Name : SysFilterOampRx SystemDefaultFilter: Yes

Pattern Index : 0 StatCount : 0

Filter Name : SysFilterOampRx SystemDefaultFilter: Yes

Pattern Index : 249 StatCount : 0
Pattern Name : SysPattern31
Pack action : block ICMP Error : True
Source IP : Source wildcard :

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Destination IP : Destination wildcard :

Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 40083 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 0 ICMP Code : 0
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: Yes

. . .

3.79.7 Related Commands

config acl_filter

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show acl_pattern Nokia 1830 PSS

3.80 show acl_pattern

3.80.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve an IP ACL pattern, or a list of patterns that have been
defined on the system.
An ACL Pattern is a set of packet field descriptors that can be tested against a packet. For a pattern
to match, each of its field descriptors must fit the data in the packet. The fields that may be tested
• Source IP address (or range)
• Destination IP address (or range)
• TCP/UDP destination port
• IP protocol
• IP fragmentation
• ICMP type and code
• Whether or not a TCP packet belongs to an established connection
• Whether the pattern is set by NE or configured by users.
Each field test is optional: a pattern may specify only some (or no) fields to test. Each pattern also
has an associated action to take when the pattern matches: block, pass. Regardless of the
specified action, a match count associated with the pattern is incremented whenever a match
occurs. If a pattern specifies a block action, it may also specify an ICMP error reporting behavior,
which affects generation of ICMP 3/13 errors for forwarded packets that are blocked. Total
combination of filterID and patternID shall not exceed 4000.
Note: This command applies to 1830 PSS.

3.80.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.80.3 Input Format

show acl_pattern <pattern-id>

3.80.4 Input Parameters


1..256 - arbitrary integer
<string> - up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters
* - to display all pattern in the system.
The unique pattern identifier that belongs to the filter. This can be an arbitrary integer, 1 - 256,
or a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters, which is selected by the user to

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Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_pattern

uniquely identify the pattern in subsequent provisioning requests.

3.80.5 Output Parameters

Table 16 show acl_pattern

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Pattern Name Name of the ACL pattern
Pack action Pass or Block
[action] Action to take on packets matching the ACL
ICMP Error True or False
[icmpError] ICMP Error behavior when Pack Action is
block. If True, then an ICMP Error will be
returned to the sender if this ACL pattern
matches. If False, an ICMP Error is not
returned. Defaults to False.
Source IP Source IP Address. Can be specified explicitly
[srcIpAddr] to match only packets that originate from a
particular address, or can be used along with
the srcIpPrefix parameter to specify a range of
supported originating IP addresses.
Source wildcard Wildcard Mask for the Source IP. String
[srcIpPrefix] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. The Wildcard Mask,
also called the Wildcard (Inverse) Subnet
Mask, is the inverse of the subnet mask and
consists of an uninterrupted series of 0 bits
followed by uninterrupted series of 1 bits. For
example, the wildcard mask for /24 is, while the wildcard mask for /28 is When srcIpAddr and srcIpPrefix are
both specified, the pattern will match packets
whose originating IP is within the range
defined by the source IP and the wildcard
mask. If the srcIpPrefix is unspecified, or, the originating IP address of the
packet must match the srcIpAddr exactly.
Destination IP Destination IP Address. Can be specified
[dstIpAddr] explicitly to match only packets that are
destined for a particular address, or can be
used along with the dstIpPrefix parameter to
specify a range of supported destination IP

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Table 16 show acl_pattern (continued)

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Destination wildcard Wildcard Mask for the Destination IP. String
[dstIpPrefix ] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. See above "Source
wildcard" for an explanation. If the dstIpPrefix
is unspecified, or, the target IP address
of the packet must match the dstIpAddr
Source Port {0..65535}
[srcPort] TCP/UDP Source Port. Applicable only when
IP Protocol is TCP or UDP.
Destination Port {0..65535}
[dstPort] TCP/UDP Destination Port. Applicable only
when IP Protocol is TCP or UDP.
[ipProto] {0..255}
IP Protocol. Can be specified by explicit
protocol number or by common protocol types.
ICMP Type {0..255}
[icmpType] ICMP Type identifier. Applicable only when IP
Protocol is ICMP. If specified, the pattern will
only match packets with this exact ICMP type.
A value of 255 means to match any ICMP

ICMP Code {0..255}

[icmpCode] ICMP Code field. Applicable only when IP
Protocol is ICMP. Used along with certain
ICMP types to further specify the message
type. Must also specify the ICMP type when
setting this parameter. If specified, the pattern
will only match packets with this exact ICMP
code. A value of 255 means to match any
ICMP code.
IP fragmentation Enabled or Disabled
[ipFragment] IP Fragmentation. Matches packets which are
second or later fragments of an original IP

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Table 16 show acl_pattern (continued)

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
TCP Established Flag Enabled or Disabled
[tcpEstablished] TCP Established flag. Matches a packet
depending on whether the TCP flags in the IP
header correspond to the "established" state.
Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP.
systemDefaultPattern True or False
Read-only attribute. If True, then the pattern is
a default pattern provided by the system. If
False, then the pattern is not provided by the
system. System default patterns may not be
modified or deleted.

3.80.6 Examples

# show acl_pattern P1

Pattern Name : P1
Pack action : block ICMP Error : False
Source IP : Source wildcard :
Destination IP : Destination wildcard :
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: No

# show acl_pattern SysPattern01

Pattern Name : SysPattern01

Pack action : block ICMP Error : True
Source IP : Source wildcard :
Destination IP : Destination wildcard :
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 21 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: Yes

# show acl_pattern *

Pattern Name : P1

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show acl_pattern Nokia 1830 PSS

Pack action : block ICMP Error : False

Source IP : Source wildcard :
Destination IP : Destination wildcard :
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: No

Pattern Name : SysPattern01

Pack action : block ICMP Error : True
Source IP : Source wildcard :
Destination IP : Destination wildcard :
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 21 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: Yes


3.80.7 Related Commands

config acl_pattern

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3.81 show acl_port

3.81.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve filter associations for a particular IP network interface, or a
list of all interface/filter associations provisioned on the NE.
This command applies to all PSS shelf types. The physical LAN interfaces depend on the master
shelf type and the related ECs as follows:
• PSS-8: OAMP (on shelf panel), E1 (on user panel), CIT
• PSS-16II: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user panel),
AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-16, PSS-32: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user
panel), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-8x: OAMP, AUX (AUXA and AUXB for CEC-A and CEC-B), CIT
• PSS-24x: OAMP, E1 (E1A and E1B for CEC-A and CEC-B), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A
and EC-B), CIT

3.81.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.81.3 Input Format

show acl_port {<port-aid> | netif-{1..512} | <logical-if> | *}

3.81.4 Input Parameters

Customer LAN (CIT | OAMP | VOIP | E1 | E2 | AUX) and communication OSC channel.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
Slot may be the position of an EC, user panel, or shelf panel depending on the master shelf
type (see Purpose section).
A network interface (NETIF) associated with an embedded ECC communication channel.


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 451
show acl_port Nokia 1830 PSS

A logical sub-interface <shelf>/<slot>/LAN-PPP representing all NETIF/OSC interfaces

<shelf>/<slot> are the positions of the active EC in the main shelf.

To list all of the ACL associated interfaces on the network element.

3.81.5 Output Parameters

Table 17 show acl_port

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Interface Interface which the filter is on
(only displayed for "show acl_port *").
[ACL] Filter {100-199} or <string> (1 to 30 case-sensitive
[filter-id] alphanumeric characters)
Identifier for the ACL filter associated with the
Direction RX or TX
[direction] Access lists may be applied to inbound (RX) or
outgoing (TX) traffic in an interface.
Status Enabled or Disabled
[status] Specifies the status of the filter on the
interface and for a given direction.
SystemDefaultFilterAssoc True or False
Read-only attribute. If True, then the
interface-filter association is provided by
system default. If False, then the
interface-filter association is not a system
default. If the attribute is True, the filter cannot
be disabled, or removed from the interface.

3.81.6 Examples

# show acl_port 1/1/oamp

ACL Filter Direction Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

SysFilterOampRx RX Enabled Yes
SysFilterOampTx TX Enabled Yes

# show acl_port *

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Interface Direction Filter Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

1/1/CIT RX SysFilterCitRx Enabled Yes
1/1/AUX RX SysFilterAuxaRx Enabled Yes
1/18/AUX RX SysFilterAuxbRx Enabled Yes
1/40/OAMP RX F1 Enabled No
1/40/VOIP RX SysFilterVoipRx Enabled Yes
1/40/E1 RX E1Filter Enabled Yes
1/40/E2 RX SysFilterE2Rx Enabled Yes

# show acl_port *

Interface Direction Filter Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

netif-1 RX F3 Enabled No
netif-1 TX F4 Enabled No
1/40/OAMP RX F1 Enabled No
1/40/OAMP TX F2 Enabled No

3.81.7 Related Commands

config acl_port

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 453
show acl_default6 Nokia 1830 PSS

3.82 show acl_default6

3.82.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve system level attributes for the IPv6 Access Control List
feature. This includes system default Rx/Tx actions, and SNMP configuration status.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.82.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.82.3 Input Format

show acl_default6

3.82.4 Output Parameters

Table 18 show acl_default6

Output Label Description

[Associated input Parameter]
Received packet action Pass or Block
[defaultRxAction] Default action to take on a received (incoming)
IPv6 packet on an interface with an ACL but no
patterns match the packet.
Transmitted packet action Pass or Block
[defaultTxAction] Default action to take on a transmitted
(outgoing) IPv6 packet On an interface with an
ACL but no patterns match the packet.
SNMP Configuration Access Enabled or Disabled
[snmpConfig] Indicated whether the IPv6 ACL configuration
via SNMP is enabled. Must be "Enabled" to
configure IPv6 ACLs.

3.82.5 Examples

# show acl_default6

Received packet action : block

Transmitted packet action : pass
SNMP Configuration Access : Disabled

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Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_default6

3.82.6 Related Commands

config acl_default6

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 455
show acl_filter6 Nokia 1830 PSS

3.83 show acl_filter6

3.83.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve the IPv6 patterns and its parameters of a filter in the system
to be used for IPv6 Access Control, or to retrieve the patterns and its parameters for all filters.
Note: This command applies to 1830 PSS.

3.83.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.83.3 Input Format

show acl_filter6 <filter-id>

3.83.4 Input Parameters



{ <string> | <number> | * }

<string> - a string of up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters (first character must

be a letter).
<number> - {100..199}
* - Display all Filters and their patterns.

Entry required
A string or number which uniquely identifies the IPv6 filter. Will display information of all
patterns associated with <filterID>. A '*" will display all filters on the system and their patterns.

3.83.5 Output Parameters

Table 19 show acl_filter6

Label Description
Filter Name Name of the ACL filter

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Table 19 show acl_filter6 (continued)

Label Description
SystemDefaultFilter Read-only attribute.
True - The Filter is a default filter provided by
the system.
False - The Filter is not a system default filter,
i.e., can be configured by users.
If this attribute is True, the filter cannot be
modified, deleted or disabled.
Pattern Index The pattern's associated priority. Patterns are
listed in processing order, from low index to
high index. For detail Patten information,
please refer to "show acl_pattern6".
StatCount Packet match counter. Integer, 0 -
4294967295, increments whenever a packet
matches the specified ACL pattern. This
counter will increment regardless of the
provisioned action on that pattern.
Pattern Name and Details The name of the ACL pattern and the fields in
the pattern. See 'show acl_pattern6' for the
individual fields.

3.83.6 Examples

# show acl_filter F1

Filter Name : F1 SystemDefaultFilter : False

Pattern Index : 0 StatCount : 0

Filter Name : F1 SystemDefaultFilter : False

Pattern Index : 1 StatCount : 0
Pattern Name : P1
Pack action : block ICMP Error : False
Source IP : :: Source Prefix-len : 0
Destination IP : :: Destination Prefix-lan : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: False

. . .

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show acl_filter6 Nokia 1830 PSS

# show acl_filter SysFilterOampRx

Filter Name : SysFilterOampRx SystemDefaultFilter: True

Pattern Index : 0 StatCount : 0

Filter Name : SysFilterOampRx SystemDefaultFilter: True

Pattern Index : 249 StatCount : 0
Pattern Name : SysPattern31
Pack action : block ICMP Error : True
Source IP : :: Source prefix-len : 0
Destination IP : :: Destination prefix-len : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 40083 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 0 ICMP Code : 0
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: True

. . .

3.83.7 Related Commands

config acl_filter6

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458 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_pattern6

3.84 show acl_pattern6

3.84.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve an IPv6 ACL pattern, or a list of patterns that have been
defined on the system.
An IPv6 ACL Pattern is a set of packet field descriptors that can be tested against a packet. For a
pattern to match, each of its field descriptors must fit the data in the packet.
• Source IPv6 address and prefix-length
• Destination IPv6 address and prefix-length
• TCP/UDP destination port
• IP protocol
• IP fragmentation
• ICMPv6 type and code
• Whether or not a TCP packet belongs to an established connection
• Whether the pattern is set by NE or configured by users.
Each field test is optional: a pattern may specify only some (or no) fields to test. Each pattern also
has an associated action to take when the pattern matches: block, pass. Regardless of the
specified action, a match count associated with the pattern is incremented whenever a match
occurs. If a pattern specifies a block action, it may also specify an ICMPv6 error reporting behavior,
which affects generation of ICMPv6 1/1 errors for forwarded packets that are blocked. Total
combination of filterID and patternID shall not exceed 4000.
Note: This command applies to 1830 PSS.

3.84.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.84.3 Input Format

show acl_pattern6 <pattern-id>

3.84.4 Input Parameters

{<string> | <number> | *}

<number> - {1..256} arbitrary integer

<string> - up to 30 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters
* - to display all patterns in the system.

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show acl_pattern6 Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
The unique number or string that uniquely identifies the pattern. A '*" will list all patterns.

3.84.5 Output Parameters

Table 20 show acl_pattern6

Label Description
action Action to take on IPv6 packets matching the
ACL pattern.
icmpError ICMP Error Reporting behavior for blocked
packets. This field will only be populated when
the action is BLOCK. If no icmpError value is
specified, the behavior will be determined by
the system default setting.
srcIpAddr Source IPv6 Address. Can be specified
explicitly to match only packets that originate
from a particular address, or can be used
along with the srcIpPrefixLength parameter to
specify a range of supported originating IPv6
srcIpPrefix {0..128}
The IPv6 prefix length, which specifies an IPv6
subnet. A srcIpAddress and srcIpPrefixLen of
0 (::/0) is no address. If both specified, the
pattern will match packets whose originating
IPv6 address is within the subnet defined by
the source IPv6 address and the prefix-len. A
prefix length of 128 means the packet must
match the srcIpAddr exactly.
dstIpAddr Destination IPv6 Address. Can be specified
explicitly to match only packets that are
destined for a particular address, or can be
used along with the dstIpPrefixLength
parameter to specify a range of supported
destination IPv6 addresses.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_pattern6

Table 20 show acl_pattern6 (continued)

Label Description
dstIpPrefix {0..128}
The IPv6 prefix length, which specifies an IPv6
subnet. A dstIpAddr and dstIpPrefixLen of 0
(::/0) is no address. If both specified, the
pattern will match packets whose originating
IPv6 address is within the subnet defined by
the destination IP and the prefix-len. A prefix
length of 128 means the packet must match
the dstIpAddr exactly.
srcPort TCP/UDP Source Port. Integer, {0..65535}.
Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or
dstPort TCP/UDP Destination Port. Integer,
Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP or
ipProto IP Protocol. Can be specified by explicit
protocol number (Integer, {0..255}) or by
keyword (for common protocol types, see the
config acl_pattern6 command).
icmpType ICMPv6 Type identifier. Integer, {0..255}.
Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP. If
specified, the pattern will only match packets
with this exact ICMP type. The value of 255
means that it will match any ICMP type.
icmpCode ICMPv6 Code field. Integer, {0..255}.
Applicable only when IP Protocol is ICMP.
Used along with certain ICMP types to further
specify the message type. Must also specify
the ICMP type when setting this parameter. If
specified, the pattern will only match packets
with this exact ICMP code. The value of 255
means that it will match any ICMP code.
ipFragment IPv6 Fragmentation.
tcpEstablished TCP Established flag. Matches a packet
depending on whether the TCP flags in the IP
header correspond to the "established" state.
Applicable only when IP Protocol is TCP.

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show acl_pattern6 Nokia 1830 PSS

Table 20 show acl_pattern6 (continued)

Label Description
systemDefaultPattern Read-only attribute.
• True - the pattern is a default pattern
provided by the system.
• False - the pattern is not provided by the
System default patterns may not be modified
or deleted.

3.84.6 Examples

# show acl_pattern6 P1

Pattern Name : P1
Pack action : block ICMP Error : False
Source IP : :: Source Prefix-len :
Destination IP : :: Destination Prefix-len : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: False

# show acl_pattern6 SysPattern6AcceptTelnet

Pattern Name : SysPattern6AcceptTelnet

Pack action : Pass ICMP Error : False
Source IP : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1 Source Prefix-len : 128
Destination IP : :: Destination Prefix-len : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 21 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: True

# show acl_pattern6 *

Pattern Name : P1
Pack action : block ICMP Error : False
Source IP : :: Source prefix-len : 0
Destination IP : :: Destination prefix-len : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 0 Protocol : 0

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ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255

IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: False

Pattern Name : SysPatternAccept6Telnet

Pack action : Pass ICMP Error : True
Source IP : 2001:DB8:0:33::3F:1 Source prefix-len : 128
Destination IP : :: Destination prefix-len : 0
Source Port : 0
Destination Port : 21 Protocol : TCP
ICMP Type : 255 ICMP Code : 255
IP fragmentation : Disabled TCP Established Flag : Disabled
SystemDefaultPattern: True


3.84.7 Related Commands

config acl_pattern6
show acl_port6

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show acl_port6 Nokia 1830 PSS

3.85 show acl_port6

3.85.1 Purpose
The command can be used to retrieve IPv6 filter associations for a particular IPv6 network
interface, or a list of all interface/filter associations provisioned on the NE.
This command applies to all PSS shelf types. The physical LAN interfaces depend on the master
shelf type and the related ECs as follows:
• PSS-8: OAMP (on shelf panel), E1 (on user panel), CIT
• PSS-16II: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user panel),
AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-16, PSS-32: OAMP (on user panel), E1 (on user panel), E2 (on user panel), VOIP (on user
panel), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A and EC-B), CIT
• PSS-8x: OAMP, AUX (AUXA and AUXB for CEC-A and CEC-B), CIT
• PSS-24x: OAMP, E1 (E1A and E1B for CEC-A and CEC-B), AUX (AUXA and AUXB for EC-A
and EC-B), CIT

3.85.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.85.3 Input Format

show acl_port6 {<port-aid> | netif-{1..512} | <logical-if> | *}

3.85.4 Input Parameters

Customer LAN (CIT | OAMP | VOIP | E1 | E2 | AUX) and communication OSC channel.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
Slot may be the position of an EC, user panel, or shelf panel depending on the master shelf
type (see Purpose section).
A network interface (NETIF) associated with an embedded ECC/GCC communication channel.


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464 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show acl_port6

A logical sub-interface
<shelf>/<slot>/LAN-PPP representing all NETIF(GCC) and OSC interfaces
where <shelf>/<slot> are the positions of the active EC in the main shelf.

To list all of the IPv6 ACL associated interfaces on the network element.

3.85.5 Output Parameters

Table 21 show acl_port6

Label Description
Interface Interface which the filter is on
(only displayed for "show acl_port6 *")
filterId {100-199} or <string> (1 to 30 case-sensitive
alphanumeric characters)
Identifier for the IPv6 ACL filter associated with
the port.
direction RX or TX
Access lists may be applied to inbound (RX) or
outgoing (TX) traffic in an interface.
status Enabled or Disabled.
Specifies the status of the filter on the
interface and for a given direction.
SystemDefaultFilterAssoc True or False
Read-only attribute. If True, the interface-filter
association is provided by system default. If
False, the interface-filter association is not a
system default. If the attribute is True, the filter
cannot be disabled or removed from the

3.85.6 Examples
# show acl_port6 1/40/oamp

ACL Filter Direction Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

SysFilter6OampRx RX Enabled Yes
SysFilter6OampTx TX Enabled Yes

# show acl_port6 1/1/LAN-PPP

ACL Filter Direction Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

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show acl_port6 Nokia 1830 PSS

SysFilter6LanPPPRx RX Enabled No
SysFilter6LanPPPTx TX Enabled Yes

# show acl_port6 *

Interface Direction Filter Status SystemDefaultFilterAssoc

netif-1 RX F3 Enabled False
netif-1 TX F4 Enabled False
1/40/OAMP RX F1 Enabled False
1/40/OAMP TX F2 Enabled False
1/1/CIT RX SysFilter6FitRx Enabled False

3.85.7 Related Commands

config acl_port6
show acl_pattern6

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August 2017
466 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show cn netif

3.86 show cn netif

3.86.1 Purpose
This command displays the network interfaces (NETIF) associated with an embedded
communication channel (ECC) and the facility or OT circuit pack port carrying the ECC. It also
displays the parameters associated with the network interface.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.86.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.86.3 Input Format

show cn netif [<index>]

3.86.4 Input Parameters




When the NETIF index is provided, the command will display the values of all the network
interface parameters for that NETIF index.
When this optional parameter is ommitted, the command output will list all the provisioned
NETIFs and the facility carrying the ECC.

3.86.5 Output Parameters

Output Parameter Description

NETIF The network interface instance
Facility The facility carrying the ECC
Status Administrative status of the network interface.
ECC Channel Specifies the ECC type of the referred ECC
Packet Type GCC Packet type. This parameter indicates if
the NETIF packet type is standard or

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show cn netif Nokia 1830 PSS

Output Parameter Description

Config MTU Size Configured Maximum Transmission Unit size,
in units of bytes
Actual MTU Size Actual (negotiated) Maximum Transmission
Unit size, in units of bytes. "-" will be displayed
if the MTU size has not yet been negotiated.
OSPF Adj State OSPF Adjacency state
OSPF Area Index OSPF Area Index
OSPF Area ID OSPF Area ID associated with the OSPF Area
OSPF Hello Interval OSPF Hello interval specifies how often (in
seconds) a Hello packet is sent out on the
interface. Hello packets are used to establish
and maintain relationships with neighboring
network elements.
OSPF RtrDeadInterval OSPF Router Dead Interval Router Interface.
This is the time elapsed between not hearing a
router's Hello PDU before the interface OSPF
state is declared down. The dead interval is a
timer used to timeout inactive adjacencies.
OSPF Metric OSPF Metric or Cost of the interface. The
lower the cost, the more preferred the
interface is for the routing of packets.
OSPF MD5 Key MD5 Key used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash
value key calculation on the interface.
OSPF MD5 KeyId MD5 Key ID used for OSPF MD5 128 bit hash
value key calculation on the interface.
OSPF MD5 Status Specifies if OSPF MD5 authentication is
enabled or disabled on the interface.

3.86.6 Examples

# show cn netif

1 OTU-1/2/l1
2 OTUODU2-2/7/3

# show cn netif 1

Facility : OTU-1/2/l1

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Nokia 1830 PSS show cn netif

Status : Enabled
ECC Channel : GCC0
Packet Type : Standard
Config MTU Size : 1500 Bytes
Actual MTU Size : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF Metric : 30
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
OSPF MD5 Status : Disabled

3.86.7 Related Commands

config cn netif

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 469
show cn networkmap Nokia 1830 PSS

3.87 show cn networkmap

3.87.1 Purpose
This command lists the mapping from network element names to network element IP addresses
and network element SW releases.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.87.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.87.3 Input Format

show cn networkmap

3.87.4 Examples
# show cn networkmap

Network Map Table

NE Name IP Address SW Release

AUSTIN 1830PSSECX-22.16-31
BOSTON 1830PSSECX-22.16-31
CHICAGO 1830PSSECX-22.16-31

3.87.5 Related Commands


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August 2017
470 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show cn ospf area

3.88 show cn ospf area

3.88.1 Purpose
This command displays a list of OSPF areas configured on the NE.

3.88.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.88.3 Input Format

show cn ospf area

3.88.4 Examples
# show cn ospf area

AreaIndex : 0
OSPF AreaID : AreaType : Normal
OpaqueLsaCapability: DNS,WaveKey NSSA_translation : N/A
DefaultCost : N/A Virtual_Link : N/A

3.88.5 Related Commands

config cn ospf area

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 471
show cn ospf iprange Nokia 1830 PSS

3.89 show cn ospf iprange

3.89.1 Purpose
This command displays a list of OSPF range entries configured on the NE to be advertised as
summary LSAs into other OSPF areas or filtered from advertisement into other OSPF areas.

3.89.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.89.3 Input Format

show cn ospf iprange

3.89.4 Examples
# show cn ospf iprange

OSPF Area Index OSPF Area Id IP Range Advertise

1 yes
2 no

3.89.5 Related Commands

config cn ospf iprange

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472 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show cn routes redistribute

3.90 show cn routes redistribute

3.90.1 Purpose
This command displays the provisioned redistribute route metric and metric-type values

3.90.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.90.3 Input Format

show cn routes redistribute

3.90.4 Examples
# show cn routes redistribute

static route redistribute metric_type : 2

static route redistribute metric : 20
default route redistribute metric_type : 2
default route redistribute metric : 10

3.90.5 Related Commands

config cn routes default redistribute
config cn routes static redistribute

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 473
show cn routes static Nokia 1830 PSS

3.91 show cn routes static

3.91.1 Purpose
This command displays a list of static and default routes configured on the NE.

3.91.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.91.3 Input Format

show cn routes static

3.91.4 Examples

# show cn routes static

IP Static Route Table

Destination Gateway Distance Redist

----------------------------------------------------- 1 False

# show cn routes static

IP Static Route Table

Destination Gateway Distance Redist

----------------------------------------------------- 1 False NETIF-12 1 True 1/4/OSC 1 True

# show cn routes static

IP Static Route Table

Destination Gateway Distance Redist

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474 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show cn routes static

-------------------------------------------------------- 1 False NETIF-12 1 True 1/4/OSC 1 True
::/0 2001:DB8:0:33::1 1 False
2001:DB8:0:23::/64 NETIF-12 50 False

3.91.5 Related Commands

config cn routes default
config cn routes default add
config cn routes static
config cn routes static add
config cn routes static delete
config cn routes static redistribute

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 475
show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf Nokia 1830 PSS

3.92 show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

3.92.1 Purpose
The command allows to display OSPF related parameters for cards which have an OSC. For
applicable cards see card specific ospf sub-commands in chapter 5.
Use this command to:
• Display hello interval, metric and dead interval
• Display the MD5 parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.92.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.92.3 Input Format

show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

3.92.4 Input Parameters

Identifies the card against which this command is executed. For applicable cards see card
specific ospf sub-commands in chapter 5.
<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - optical supervisory channel port
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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476 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf


<shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP - optical supervisory channel port
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the area index identifier for the OSPF area. Use the command 'show cn ospf area' to
get the area index to OSPF area mapping..
Displays the Hello Intervalof the OSPF Interface.
Displays the MD5 key of the OSPF Interface.
Displays the MD5 key id of the OSPF Interface.
Displays the MD5 status of the OSPF Interface.
Displays the link Metric of the OSPF Interface.
Displays the Router Dead Interval of the OSPF Interface.

3.92.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/2/oscsfp helloint

3.92.6 Related Commands

config interface <card> {<osc-port-aid>|<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 477
show interface <card> <custlan-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.93 show interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.93.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the Customer LAN Port, including description, port
admin state, link integrity, configured and actual duplex setting, and configured and actual speed.
This command applies to any card that support OSC and has a Customer LAN port.

3.93.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.93.3 Input Format

show interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.93.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
A card that supports OSC and has a Customer LAN port. For applicable cards see Chapter 5,
“Core optics management commands” and Appendix A, “Reference tables”.



Entry required
Specifies the Customer LAN Port on the card.

3.93.5 Examples

# show interface awbila 1/5/CUSTLAN

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: CUSTLAN - AWBILA Customer LAN Port

Description : Admin PC5
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex

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478 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> <custlan-port>

3.93.6 Related Commands

config interface <card> <Custlan-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 479
show interface <eqm-ctrl> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.94 show interface <eqm-ctrl>

3.94.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on an Equipment Controller card.
Use this command to:
• Display the list of all EC ports on the network element
• Access subcommands that allow you to display details for the CIT, ES1 or ES2 port
• Access a subcommand that allows you to display details for the AUX port
This command applies to 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.94.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.94.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <port-aid>

3.94.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.

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480 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl>


* - displays the status of all available LAN ports.
<shelf>/<slot>/cit - Specifies the CIT port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>".
<shelf>/<slot>/{es1, es2} - Specifies the extension shelf ports (es1, es2) on an equipment
controller card. See command "show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>".
<shelf>/<slot>/oamp - Specifies the OAMP port on the EC card of the master shelf. apply to
PSS-4 only. See command "show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>"
<shelf>/<slot>/aux - Specifies the AUX port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>"
<shelf>/<slot>/e1 - Specifies the E1 port on the equipment controller card of the master
shelf. See command "show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>"
Specifies the port on the equipment controller card of the master shelf.

3.94.5 Examples
# show interface ec *
Admin Oper
Location Type Description State State
1/1/AUX AUX Port Up Down
1/1/CIT Local Ethernet Port Up Down
1/1/ES1 ES1 Port Up Down
1/1/ES2 ES2 Port Up Down
1/18/AUX AUX Port Up Down
1/18/CIT Local Ethernet Port Up Down
1/18/ES1 ES1 Port Up Down
1/18/ES2 ES2 Port Up Down

3.94.6 Related Commands

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 481
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.95 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

3.95.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the AUX port on the equipment controller of the master
This command applies to 1830 PSS-16, PSS-32, PSS-16II, PSS-8x and PSS-24x shelf types.

3.95.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.95.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

3.95.4 Input Parameters

EC - PSS-32, PSS-16 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card
Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.
<shelf>/<slot>/aux - Specifies the AUX port on the master shelf equipment controller
AUX ports on a pair of equipment protected ECs can bear independent configurations

3.95.5 Examples
# show interface ec 1/1/aux

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1/64 Scope: Global
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:1Dff:FE7D:B60A/63 Scope: Link
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:B6:0A
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds

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482 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>

OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable

OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 3
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
DHCPv6 : Disabled DHCPv6_range : 1
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP Client Gateway : Disabled
IPv6 AutoConfig : Disabled

3.95.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <aux-port> ospf
show interface <eqm-ctrl>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 483
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.96 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

3.96.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the E1 port on the equipment controller of the master
This command applies to 1830 PSS-24x shelf type.

3.96.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.96.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

3.96.4 Input Parameters



CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card

Defines the equipment controller, for which the command is applicable.


<shelf>/<slot>/e1 - Specifies the E1 port on the master shelf equipment controller

E1 ports on a pair of equipment protected equipment controller cards can bear independent

3.96.5 Examples
# show interface cec2 1/16/e1

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:5/64 Scope : Global
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:1DFF:FE7D:B60C/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:B6:0C
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto

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484 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>

Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex

Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
DHCPv6 : Disabled DHCPv6_range : 1
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP Client Gateway : Disabled
IPv6 Autoconfig : Disabled

3.96.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <e1-port> ospf
show interface <eqm-ctrl>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 485
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.97 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

3.97.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the CIT port on an Equipment Controller of the master
shelf of the network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.97.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.97.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

3.97.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card

Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.



Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and cit or * to list all of the lan ports on the EC card.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
486 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

3.97.5 Examples
# show interface ec 1/1/cit

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE3:1/64 Scope : Global
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:B5FF:FE03:E0B8/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 90:67:B5:03:E0:B8
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
Redistribute : Disabled Proxy Arp : Disabled
OSPF Area Index : 0 OSPF Area Id :
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
DHCP : Enabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
DHCPv6 : Enabled DHCPv6 range : 1
Auto State : Enabled
Auto State Count : 10
Auto State Interval : 30 s
Auto state IP :

3.97.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <cit-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 487
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.98 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

3.98.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the extension shelf ports on an Equipment Controller
Note: For PSS-4, there is one additional parameter output, that is mode, to indicate if the es1 port
is provisioned to connect one PSS-4 sub-tending shelf or external non-PSS-4 equipment.
This command also displays the detected link speed and duplex status of the ES port. Link
degradation is indicated by any values different form Actual Speed = 1000.0000 Mbps and Actual
Duplex Mode = Full Duplex
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.98.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.98.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

3.98.4 Input Parameters

EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card
8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card
Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.

<shelf>/<slot>/{es1, es2}
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and es1 or es2. Enter * to list all of the lan ports on the EC card.

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488 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

3.98.5 Examples
The following is an example for a non-PSS-4 node:

# show interface ec 1/1/es1

Admin State : Up
Link Integrity : Up

Actual Speed : 1000.0000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex

The following is an example for a PSS-4 node:

# show interface ec 1/1/es1

Admin State : Up
Link Integrity : Up
Mode : Internal

Actual Speed : 1000.0000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex

3.98.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <es-port>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 489
show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.99 show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

3.99.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the OAMP port on the EC of the master shelf.
This command applies to 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.99.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.99.3 Input Format

show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

3.99.4 Input Parameters

EC - PSS-4 equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x equipment controller card
Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller card for which the command is applicable.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash and oamp.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

3.99.5 Examples
# show interface ec 1/1/oamp

Description : DCN Network 1

IP Address :

Release 10.0
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490 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>

IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE3:1/64 Scope : Global

IPv6 Address : FE80::60a:83FF:FE17:3604/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 04:0A:83:17:36:04
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Up OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Enabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP Client Gateway : Enabled
IPv6 Autoconfig : Disabled

3.99.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port>
config interface <eqm-ctrl> <oamp-port> ospf

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 491
show interface gmre Nokia 1830 PSS

3.100 show interface gmre

3.100.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the GMRE nodeip and notify IP addresses on an active
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4 shelf type.

3.100.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, and Observer

3.100.3 Input Format

show interface gmre

3.100.4 Examples
# show interface gmre

GMRE Notify IP Address :

GMRE Node IP Address :

3.100.5 Related Commands

config interface gmre nodeip
config interface gmre notifyip

Release 10.0
August 2017
492 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {loopback | loopback1}

3.101 show interface {loopback | loopback1}

3.101.1 Purpose
This command shows the IP address and subnet mask of the loopback port on the network
element. The loopback port IP address is also known as the IP address of the network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.101.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.101.3 Input Format

show interface {loopback | loopback1}

3.101.4 Input Parameters

Use this keyword to display parameters of the (primary) loopback.
Use this keyword to display parameters of the (secondary) loopback.
ospfareaindex [<area-index>]
Displays the OSPF area index (0..3) of the OSPF area for the loopback interface.

3.101.5 Examples
# show interface loopback
Loopback IP Address

2001:DB8:0:25::3FE3:1/128 (SNMP Source)

# show interface loopback

Loopback IP Address


# show interface loopback1

Loopback IP Address

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 493
show interface {loopback | loopback1} Nokia 1830 PSS

Current: (SNMP Source)(Radius Source)

3.101.6 Related Commands

config interface loopback

Release 10.0
August 2017
494 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

3.102 show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

3.102.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the OAMP, VOIP, E1, or E2 port on the user panel or
shelf panel of the master shelf.
PSS-32, PSS-16 have user panel suppporting oamp, voip, e1 and e2 port.
PSS-8 has user panel supporting e1 port.
PSS-8 has shelf panel supporting oamp port.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4, PSS-8x and PSS-24x.

3.102.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.102.3 Input Format

show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

3.102.4 Input Parameters



usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II

8usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-8
shfpnl - Shelf Panel for PSS-8
Defines the user panel or shelf panel, for which the command is applicable


* - displays the status of all available LAN ports. On PSS8 shfpnl, BITS port is also included
{e1, e2} - Specifies the E1, E2 ports on the user panel of the PSS-32, PSS-16 master shelf.
Specifies the E1 ports on the 8usrpnl of the PSS-8 master shelf
voip - Specifies the VOIP ports on the user panel of the PSS-32, PSS-16 master shelf.
oamp - Specifies the OAMP port on the PSS-32, PSS-16 user panel or PSS-8 shelf panel
of the master shelf.
Specifies the oamp port, e1, e2 port and voip port on the user panel or shelf panel card of the
master shelf.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 495
show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.102.5 Examples

# show interface usrpnl e1

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:26::3FE3:1/64 Scope : Global
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:1DFF:FE7D:B60A/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:B6:0A
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
DHCPv6 : Disabled DHCPv6_range : 1
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP Client Gateway : Disabled
IPv6 AutoConfig : Disabled

# show interface 8usrpnl e1

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:1DFF:FE7D:B60A/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:B6:0A
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Down
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 10.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Half Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP : Disabled DHCP_range : 1
DHCP Def Gateway : Enabled
DHCPv6 : Disabled DHCPv6_range : 1
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP Client Gateway : Disabled

Release 10.0
August 2017
496 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>

IPv6 AutoConfig : Disabled

# show interface shlpnl oamp

IP Address :
IPv6 Address : 2001:DB8:0:26::3213:1/64 Scope : Global
IPv6 Address : FE80::A60:1DFF:FE7D:B608/64 Scope : Link
MAC Address : 00:60:1D:7D:B6:08
Admin State : Up Link Integrity : Up
OSPF Adj State : Down OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area Id :
OSPF Routing : Disabled OSPF Hello Interval : 10 seconds
OSPF Router Priority: 1 OSPF Router Dead Int: 40 seconds
OSPF Metric : 10 OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key : OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1
Conf. Speed : Auto Conf. Duplex Mode : Auto
Actual Speed : 100.000000 Mbps Actual Duplex Mode : Full Duplex
Proxy Arp : Disabled
DHCP Client : Disabled DHCP CLient Gateway : Enabled
IPv6 AutoConfig : Disabled

3.102.6 Related Commands

config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid>
config interface <usrpnl-shfpnl> <port-aid> ospf

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 497
show snmpserver Nokia 1830 PSS

3.103 show snmpserver

3.103.1 Purpose
This command displays the current configuration for the SNMP server.
Note: This command applies to 1830 PSS and 1830 PSS-4.

3.103.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator (Provisioner, for 'show snmpserver trapdest' only)

3.103.3 Input Format

show snmpserver

3.103.4 Input Parameters

Displays the SNMP trap destinations for the network element. This command can also be
performed by a Provisioner user.
Displays the SNMP community strings for the network element.
The output includes communities for external access as well as communities for pure internal

3.103.5 Examples
# show snmpserver community

SNMP Community Strings

Community Name
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
3rdpnms 3rdpnms_snmp
admin admin_snmp
emweb emweb
emweb_TL1 emweb_TL1
nms nms_snmp
observer observer_snmp
provisioner provisioner_snmp

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August 2017
498 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show snmpserver

# show snmpserver trapdest

SNMP Notification Destinations

Identifier Target Address Port Timeout Retry SNMP NMS UserName StreamingPM
Count Vers
--------- -------------- ------ ------- ------ ----- --- --------- -----------
1 161 1500 3 v3 0 v3DefaultUser Enabled
2 162 1500 3 v2c 1 Disabled
3 162 2 3 v3 2 v3User1 Disabled

# show snmpserver trapdest

SNMP Notification Destinations

Identifier Target Address Port Timeout Retry SNMP NMS UserName StreamingPM
Count Vers
---------- ------------------- ------ ------- ------ ----- --- ----------- -----------
184.150 162 1500 3 v3 0 v3DefaultUser Enabled
svr56 1162 1500 3 v2c 1 Disabled
svr56-2 2001:DB7:0:27::3200:1 162 3000 3 v3 2 v3User1 Disabled

3.103.6 Related Commands

config snmpserver
config snmpserver community
config snmpserver trapdest
config snmpserver trapdest add

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 499
tools ping Nokia 1830 PSS

3.104 tools ping

3.104.1 Purpose
The ping command sends a packet to the specified destination address and waits for a reply. If a
reply is received the network element is operational. If no reply is received either the network
element is not operational, or it cannot be reached.
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

3.104.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.104.3 Input Format

tools ping <destination> [<number_of_pings> [<packet_size> [<time_to_

3.104.4 Input Parameters

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Entry required
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the network element that you are attempting to ping:
• For IPv4 unicast pings use IP address in the form aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.
• For IPv4 multicast pings (with the broadcast option) use the broadcast IP address of the
subnet, e.g., aaa.bbb.ccc.255.
• For IPv6 use an IPv6 unicast address; multicast and anycast are not accepted.

The number of times to ping the specified host.

0..1464 - value in bytes

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56 bytes
The size of the packet sent as the ping request.


The time to live (TTL) for the packet, which specifies the number of hops the packet can travel
before being discarded or returned. Setting the TTL is most useful when issuing a multicast
ping command to limit the number of received responses issued.
For example, when issuing the multicast command ping, a TTL value of 1 limits
the responses to network elements with IP addresses beginning with 123.45.67 that are
adjacent to (one hop from) the network element from which the command was.

3.104.5 Examples
In the following example, the network element at IP address is operational:

# tools ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=0.542 ms

--- ping statistics --0-

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.542/0.542/0.000 ms

In the following example, the network element at IP address is either down, or cannot
be reached due to other network outages:

# tools ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

In the following example, the network element at IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:23:3fe3:1 is up:

# tools ping 2001:db8:0:23::3fe3:1

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PING 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1 (2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1) 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms

--- 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1 ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

3.104.6 Related Commands

tools tracert

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Nokia 1830 PSS tools tracert

3.105 tools tracert

3.105.1 Purpose
This command is used to determine the route that an IP packet takes to reach the specified
destination network element within the 1830 network. The tracert command displays the IP address
of each of the network elements through which the packet passes.
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

3.105.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.105.3 Input Format

tools tracert <destination> [<max-hops> [<udp-packet-size>
[<probes-per-hop> [<timeout>]]]]

3.105.4 Input Parameters



<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the network element to which you want a trace route. Only IPv4
and IPv6 unicast addresses are accepted.
Note: The destination is the only required parameter. The others will be set to default value if
not entered. If entered destination IP, then 2nd is max hops, 3rd is UDP_packet_size, 4th is
probes per hop, and 5th is timeout. The source address/interface can optionally be entered at
any point.


1..255 - number of hops


Specifies the maximum number of network elements (hops) that the packet can pass through
before the command terminates.


38..1500 - packet size in bytes

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The size of the UDP packet sent as the trace route request.



The number of packets sent for each hop in the route. Each of the packets is sent to a different
port on the destination network element.


2..30 - timeout in seconds


The time, in seconds, to wait for a response to a probe. If there is no response within the
timeout interval, a * is printed for that probe seconds.

3.105.5 Examples
The following example shows the output of the tracert command. The output for each hop consists
of the hop number, the IP address of the loopback port (See "config interface loopback") and the
response time, in microseconds, for each probe.

# tools tracert

1 ( 1.203 ms 0.588 ms 0.530 ms
2 ( 5.670 ms 4.449 ms 3.529 ms
3 ( 2.225 ms 2.057 ms 8.231 ms
4 ( 3.369 ms 3.232 ms 5.689 ms
5 ( 0.757 ms 0.869 ms 0.893 ms

The following example shows the output of the tracert command to an IPv6 address.

# tools tracert 2001:db8:0:23::3fe3:1

1 2001:DB8:0:21::1 (2001:DB8:0:21::1) 1.003 ms 0.598 ms 0.730 ms
2 2001:DB8:0:22::5 (2001:DB8:0:22::5) 4.543 ms 4.232 ms 4.300 ms
3 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1 (2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1) 0.757 ms 0.869 ms 0.893 ms

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Nokia 1830 PSS tools tracert

3.105.6 Related Commands

tools ping

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config ason feasibility Nokia 1830 PSS

Database and software commands

3.106 config ason feasibility

3.106.1 Purpose
This command configures the ason feasibility file transfer options.
Use this command to:
• Display the current ason feasibility file transfer configuration and status
• Transfer the ason feasibility file to the 1830 PSS
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except 1830 PSS-4 shelf type.

3.106.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Transfers an ason feasibility file to the 1830 PSS
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.106.3 Input Format

config ason feasibility

3.106.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current ason feasibility file transfer configuration and status.


path [<path-name>]

<path-name> - path to the xml file

Specifies the full path to the location of the feasibility XML file on the remote file server in the
CPB, as specified using the server keyword that is used for distributing the ason feasibility XML
Enter this keyword without option to display the current path. To change the path, enter this
keyword followed by the full path to the location containing the ason feasibility XML file.
An example is "/EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533.xml"

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where "optImpLookupTables_" is the fixed prefix agreed to and the "3.6.5-11170-20110621-

1533" corresponds to "EPTmajorRelease.EPTminorRelease.EPTpointRelease-EPTbuildNo-
Not set: None
Sub-command: server

Specifies the attributes for the remote CPB server (remote file server containing the XML file).
See "config ason feasibility server".

Causes the feasibility file transfer to be started using the current ason feasibility file transfer

3.106.5 Examples

# config ason feasibility path /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533.xml

# config ason feasibility path transfer

# config ason feasibility detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP :
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533.xml

Last Operation
Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533

# config ason feasibility detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP : 2001:DB8:0:33::3FE:1/64
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20161121-1230.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20161121-1230

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3.106.6 Related Commands

show ason feasibility

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Nokia 1830 PSS config ason feasibility server

3.107 config ason feasibility server

3.107.1 Purpose
This command sets the attributes for the CPB remote file server. Use this command to setup the IP
address and root directory of the CPB remote file server.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4.

3.107.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for retrieving an ason feasibility file from the CPB remote file server
Access Levels: Administrator

3.107.3 Input Format

config ason feasibility server

3.107.4 Input Parameters

ip [<ip-address>]
For <ip-address>:
<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Default for IPv4
:: for IPv6
Specifies the IP address of the CPB remote server. Enter this keyword without option to display
the current value. Follow this keyword with a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
protocol [<value>]
sftp - secure file transfer protocol
ftp - file transfer protocol

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Specifies the type of protocol used to access the CPB remote server.
Note: ftp use for file transfer depends on the admin ui mode being 'normal'.

userid [<uid>]
Specifies the userid for accessing the CPB remote server.
After the userid is entered, you will be prompted to enter a password value.

3.107.5 Examples
# config ason feasibility server

(config-ason-feasibility-server)# ip

(config-ason-feasibility-server)# protocol ftp

(config-ason-feasibility-server)# userid root

Enter password:

The following is an example of an IPv6 address for the server:

# config ason feasibility servier ip 2001:db8:0:33::3fe:1/64

The following are the examples for error responses:

# config ason feasibility server ip 555.555.555.555

Error: invalid IP address

# config ason feasibility server protocol tftp

Error: invalid argument(s)

3.107.6 Related Commands

show ason feasibility

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Nokia 1830 PSS config database

3.108 config database

3.108.1 Purpose
This command configures the database backup and restore options.
Use this command to:
• Display the current database backup and restore configuration
• Back up the database
• Restore the database
• Clear the database
• Sync system information on a SEEP housing unit replacement in 1830 PSS main shelf
For more information, refer to the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Maintenance and
Trouble-Clearing Guide.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.108.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Clears or restores the database
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.108.3 Input Format

config database

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3.108.4 Input Parameters


Creates a backup of the database at the IP address and path specified by the server and path
parameters. Before the database backup is created, you are prompted to confirm the request:
• Enter yes to create a database backup. If you specified the path ending with a directory,
the backup will be created with a filename in the form of: NEname_SWgeneric_yyyy-
else if the path was setup including a file name, the specified file name will be applied,
overwriting an eventually existing file.
Note: If the NEname is too long, it is truncated to 31 characters.
After "yes" entered, there will be "database backup in progress...", then
there is "database backup complete", and the CLI prompt.
• Enter no to cancel the command without backing up the database.
Requires administrator level user privilege.
clear [ipclear]
ipclear - clears the current IP configuration in addition.
Clear the database. Follow this keyword with ipclear to also clear the current IP configuration.
Before the database is cleared, you are prompted to confirm the request:
• Enter yes to clear the database
• Enter no to cancel the command without clearing the database.
Requires administrator level user privilege.
Displays the current database backup and restore configuration

path [<path-name>]
<path-name> - full path name to a file or directory
Specifies the full path to the location on the backup server (remote file server), as specified
using the server keyword, that is used for storing and accessing database backups. Enter this
keyword to display the current path. To change the path, enter this keyword followed by the full
path to the location used to store or access database backups.
If the specified path is a directory (meaning that the path ends with a slash, such as /backups/),

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then when a backup is performed the system creates a backup file with a filename in the form
NEname_SWgeneric_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.bak and writes it to the specified directory.
If the specified path is a file name (such as /backups/ backupfile.bak) then when a backup is
performed the system writes the backup to the specified file. The supported input includes
characters (lower/upper case), numbers, underscores and slashes. This action overwrites the
previous backup file.
For a database restore operation, the path shall end in a file name.


restore [force]

force - used to force the restore to the node.

Restore a previously backed up database. Before the database is restored, you are prompted
to confirm the request:
• Enter yes to restore the database from the backup.
After "yes" had been entered, a "database restore in progress..." comes out, after a while,
"database restore
complete" and the CLI prompt come out. Then the system reboots and the CLI gets logged out.
• Enter no to cancel the command without restoring the database.
The optional keyword force:
Restore force is used to force a database to be accepted on an NE even if it is not for this NE
(does not hold the SEEP housing unit serial number - nativity check failed, i.e. user panel serial
number for this NE does not match). This can be used for example, if a User Panel was
replaced on an NE, but before the user had a chance to successfully complete the "config
database usrpnlrepl" command, the NE restarted.
See the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch-2T Release 1.0 Maintenance and Trouble-
Clearing Guide for the full procedure to be used in this case.
Requires administrator level user privilege.
Command Validation
The parameters of this subcommand are validated for consistency among the parameters and
for consistency with pre-existing configurations. These validations apply to all shelves if not
explicitly stated otherwise.
The database restore requires the path set up prior to end in an existing file, i.e. such as
Sub-command: server
Specifies the attributes for the remote backup server (remote file server). See "config database

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config database Nokia 1830 PSS


Recovers system data from the database to the replaced unit housing the SEEP (Serial
EEPROM) on main shelf.
I.e. recovers data from the database to the user panel in the case of a user panel replacement
Before the data are recovered, you are prompted to confirm the request:
• Enter no to cancel the command without recovering data from the database to SEEP.
• Enter yes to recover data to SEEP from the database.

3.108.5 Examples

# config database path /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_01AAA-G-05.01-01A_2008-04-10_10-51-39.bak

# config database detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP :
Userid : admin
Path : /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_01AAA-G-05.01-01A_2008-04-10_10-51-39.bak

Last Backup Information

Time: 2008/04/10 10:50:54 (EST)
File: /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_01AAA-G-05.01-01A_2008-04-10_10-51-39.bak
Crc: 43C882B9

Last Operation
Command : Backup
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

# config database backup

Continue with the database backup (yes,no)? no

Command aborted.

# config database backup

Continue with the database backup (yes,no)? n

Please enter "yes" or "no": no
Command aborted.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config database

# config database usrpnlRepl

WARNING: This command is only intended to be run

after an in-service User Interface Panel Replacement.
Executing this command will update the database
with the new serial number from the User Interface
Panel. The IP address in the User Interface Panel will also be
updated with the value from the database.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:

# config database detail

Remote Server Configuration
Protocol: FTP
IP : 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE4:1
UserID: dbuser
Path: /nebackup/MH01-01/

Last Backup Information

Time: 2016/10/01 11:50:54 (EST)
Crc: 43B227A3
File: /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_R10.00.00-100_2016-10-04_11-51-39.bak

Last Operation
Command : Backup
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

3.108.6 Related Commands

config software
config database server

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config database server Nokia 1830 PSS

3.109 config database server

3.109.1 Purpose
This command sets the attributes for the database backup server. Use this command to set up the
IP address and root directory of the database backup server.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.109.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for database backups
Access Levels: Administrator

3.109.3 Input Format

config database server

3.109.4 Input Parameters



ip [<ip_address>]

<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”

Specifies the IP address of the database server. Follow this keyword with a valid IP address.

protocol [ftp | sftp]
ftp - file transfer protocol
sftp - secure file transfer protocol
Specifies the type of protocol used to access the database server.
Note: ftp use for file transfer is only available when the admin ui mode is 'normal'.

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userid <uid>
<uid> - existing user with admin privileges
Specifies the userid for accessing the database server. The user must have admin privileges.
After the userid is entered, you will be prompted to enter a password value.

3.109.5 Examples
# config database server
(config-database-server)# ip

# config database server

(config-database-server)# userid dbuser
Enter password:

# config database server

(config-database-server)# ip 2001:db8:0:25::3fe3:1

3.109.6 Related Commands

config database
show database

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config debugdump Nokia 1830 PSS

3.110 config debugdump

3.110.1 Purpose
This command configures the debug dump creation and its transfer. Use by Nokia service only.
Use this command to:
• Display the current debug dump configuration
• gather and transfer the debug dump
For more information, refer to the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Maintenance and
Trouble-Clearing Guide.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS SWDM shelf types.

3.110.2 Command Access Level

Impact: gathers a debug dump of main shelf or a particular universal shelf as specified by input
parameter shelf-aid and transfers the result to a RFS (Remote File Server)
Access Levels: Service

3.110.3 Input Format

config debugdump
gathertransfer [<shelf-aid>]

3.110.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current debugdump configuration for server, path, status and a scratch directory
listing which includes files available for transfer.
gathertransfer [<shelf-aid>]
1 - Set the debug dump scope to the main shelf.
{2..24} - Set the debug dump scope to one of the universal extension shelves.

Perform a debug dump for the specified shelf and transfer the debug dump data
plus the previously collected datadump files to the remote server.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config debugdump



path [<path-name>]

<path-name> - full path name to a file or directory

Specifies full path-name to file or directory. Directories must be specified with a "/" at the end.
When a directory is used, the NE will compute the file name in form of
and writes it to the specified directory.
Displays the status of recent debugdump gather and transfer operation
Sub-command: server
Configure the transfer attributes for the RFS

3.110.5 Examples
# config debugdump path /nedump/MH01-01/MH01-2016-04-10_10-51-39.tgz

# config debugdump detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP :
Userid : admin
Path : /nedump/MH01-01/MH01-2016-04-10_10-51-39.tgz

Last Debug Dump Information

Time: 2016/04/10 10:50:54 (EST)
File: /nedump/MH01-01/MH01-2016-04-10_10-51-39.tgz

Last Operation
Command : debugdump
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

Files available for transfer


# config debugdump gathertransfer

Warning: You are about to perform a debug dump for a particular

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config debugdump Nokia 1830 PSS

shelf. This may take a while!

Please enter "yes" to confirm or "no" to cancel: yes

Debug dump gathering & transferring in progress...

# config debugdump detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP :
Userid : admin
Path : /nedump/MH01-01/

Last Debug Dump Information

Time: NA (EST)

Last Operation
Command : debugdump
Progress: 0 %
Status : Failed

Files available for transfer


# config debugdump detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP : 2001:db8:0:22::33:1
Userid : admin
Path : /nedump/MH01-2016-10-10_10-51-39.tgz

Last Debug Dump Information

Time: 2016/04/10 10:50:54 (EST)
File: /nedump/MH01-2016-10-10_10-51-39.tgz Crc: 43C882B9

Last Operation
Command : debugdump
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

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Files available for transfer


3.110.6 Related Commands

config debugdump server
config dumpdata

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config debugdump server Nokia 1830 PSS

3.111 config debugdump server

3.111.1 Purpose
This command sets the attributes for the RFS (Remote File Server) where debug dumps shall be
transferred to. Use this command to set up the IP address root directory and user credentials.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS SWDM universal shelf types.

3.111.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for debug dumps
Access Levels: Service

3.111.3 Input Format

config debugdump server

3.111.4 Input Parameters

ip [<ip-address>]
<ipv4-address> - IPv4 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
<ipv6-address> - IPv6 address as defined in Appendix A, “Reference tables”
Specifies the IP address of the remote file server (RFS). Follow this keyword with a valid IP
address. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value.
protocol [ftp | sftp]
ftp - file transfer protocol
sftp - secure file transfer protocol
Specifies the type of protocol used to access the RFS server to store debug dumps
Note: ftp use for file transfer depends on the admin ui mode being 'normal'.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config debugdump server


userid <uid>
<uid> - existing user with service privileges
Specifies the userid for accessing the RFS server to store debug dumps. The user must have
service privileges. After the userid is entered, you will be prompted to enter a password value.

3.111.5 Examples
# config debugdump server

(config-debugdump-server)# ip

# config debugdump server

(config-debugdump-server)# ip 2001:db8:0:44::ef:1

3.111.6 Related Commands

config debugdump

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config dumpdata Nokia 1830 PSS

3.112 config dumpdata

3.112.1 Purpose
This command performs a data dump for the specified category and creates a particular log file for
that category on active main EC.
Data dumps are created as snapshot out of NE data for their particular data category.
The main purpose of creating data dumps is their subsequent transfer out of the NE for field
For each data category at maximum one data snapshot in form of a log file may exist.
A dump is either cleaned up thru housekeeping, e.g.
• a EC restart or
• successful terminated file transfer to a RFS or
• overwritten by a subsequent "config dumpdata <data category>".
Per data category one file can be dumped.
Existing dumps (for one or multiple categories) can be transferred by means of "config debugdump
transfer" CLI command.
Per category at maximum a single dump can exist, a subsequent "config dumpdata" for the same
category will replace the category's former dumps when existing still.
"config dumpdata" is intended for maintenance and diagnostic purposes by experienced Nokia
service personnel only. Use with caution.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS SWDM universal shelf types.

3.112.2 Command Access Level

Impact: gathers a data dump file for the category as specified
Access Levels: Service

3.112.3 Input Format

config dumpdata

3.112.4 Input Parameters


Dump the fmdh Information

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Dump the provision Information

Dump the transmission Information
Dump the xcom Information

3.112.5 Examples
# config dumpdata defectinfo

WARNING: You are about to create a defect info dump data for the system. This may take a

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

Command started.

3.112.6 Related Commands

config debugdump
config debugdump server

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config firmware Nokia 1830 PSS

3.113 config firmware

3.113.1 Purpose
This command configures the firmware on a card.
User this command to:
• Provision specific firmware for a card in a specific shelf and slot.
• Displays the current installed firmware for a field replaceable unit.
• Perform the firmware upgrade for a card in a specific shelf and slot with traffic affecting cold
reboot or if appropriate with hitless warm reboot.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.113.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.113.3 Input Format

config firmware card <slot-aid> [ [Maj.Min.Rev | default] [reload] |

3.113.4 Input Parameters


Provisions the firmware package of the specified card to be loaded at the next cold start of the
When conditions are acceptable for the card to be reloaded a separate
config firmware card <slot-aid> <Maj.Min.Rev> reload
config firmware card <slot-aid> <Maj.Min.Rev> hitless
command must be issued.
The reload argument causes an immediate reload of the provisioned firmware for the specified
Warning! -- Reloading can be a service effecting event.
The hitless argument causes an immediate reload of the provisioned firmware, if it can be
achieved hitless. Otherwise the command will be rejected.



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Specifies the shelf and slot of the address card. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash,
and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Defines the intended firmware profile for the card.

"Maj.Min.Rev" defines the specific firmware version of the profile (Profile_Maj.Min.Rev). To
provision a specific set of firmware to be loaded to the card on cold restart indicate the version
using the three fields separated by periods "." This version will be loaded even after a software
upgrade, provided it has not been retired in the new version of the software.
"default" defines the preferred (default) firmware package for the addressed card. To provision
the card to always use the preferred (default) firmware package, even across software
upgrades where the default might change, use keyword "default": config firmware card 1/9
default. If not specifically provisioned to a firmware package, the default version (preferred for
the current software release) will be loaded upon cold restart of the card.
When displaying the version provisioned for the card, if the card is provisioned to take the
default firmware the version number of the default version is displayed followed by a space and
an asterisk " *".
If the default firmware is explicitly provisioned the asterisk does not appear.
Specifies that the provisioned firmware package will be activated immediately, if the conditions
are acceptable. The card performs a cold reboot. Traffic is affected!
Previously selected and provisioned firmware package will be loaded on the card by performing
a warm reboot. It is only accepted, if it can be achieved without traffic affect (hitless).

3.113.5 Examples
# config firmware card 1/15 1.1.7 reload

# config firmware card 1/11 1.0

# config firmware card 1/3 default reload

# config firmware card 1/5 1.1.1 reload

WARNING: Reloading will be a service affecting event.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

Unable to complete request.
Error: Cold reset is not supported when Admin State is In service

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config firmware Nokia 1830 PSS

# config firmware card 1/5 1.2.1 hitless

Error: invalid argument(s)

# config firmware card 1/5 1.1.1

# config firmware card 1/5 hitless

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

3.113.6 Related Commands

show firmware
config card
config slot

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Nokia 1830 PSS config mgracd

3.114 config mgracd

3.114.1 Purpose
This command allows to provision the Manager Access Control Domain (ACD) identifier for a facility
for a PSS-24x or PSS-8x shelf.
This state is usually set by the Managing Systems, i.e. an NMS or a networklayer application like
Control Plane(CP)/GMRE.
Use this command to:
• set the Manager ACD state
The following facility types of a PSS-24x or a PSS-8x shelf are supporting Manager ACD setting:
• OCH facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>".
• GBEn Facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>".
• OCn/STMn facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>".
• OTU facility: see CLI command "config otu".
• ODUNIM facility: see CLI command "config odunim".
• ODUPTF facility: see CLI command "config oduptf".
• TCM facility: see CLI command "config tcm".
This command applies to PSS-24x or PSS-8x shelf types only.

3.114.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.114.3 Input Format

config mgracd <facility-aid> {"" | cp | mngpln | cp-mngpln}

3.114.4 Input Parameters

The following facility types are supporting Manager ACD setting:
• OCH facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>".
• GBEn Facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>".
• OCn/STMn facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-
• OTU facility: see CLI command "config otu".
• ODUNIM facility: see CLI command "config odunim".
• ODUPTF facility: see CLI command "config oduptf".

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• TCM facility: see CLI command "config tcm".

Supported shelf type are PSS-24x or PSS-8x only.
{"" | cp | mngpln | cp-mngpln}

The following mgracd values are supported:
"" - no management access domain identifier
cp - control plane/GMRE
mngpln - management plane
cp-mngpln - control plane/GMRE and management plane

3.114.5 Examples
# config mgracd 1/15/1 ""

3.114.6 Related Commands

show mgracd <facility-aid>
config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>
config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>
config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>
config otu
config odunim
config oduptf
config tcm

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Nokia 1830 PSS config software

3.115 config software

3.115.1 Purpose
This command changes the network element software. Use this command to access subcommands
that allow you to set up the software server or change the software on the entire network element.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.115.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

3.115.3 Input Format

config software

3.115.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: server
Set the attributes for the software FTP server. See "config software server".
Sub-command: upgrade
Change the system software for all of the cards on the network element. See "config software

3.115.5 Examples
See "config software server" and "config software upgrade" CLI command manual pages for

3.115.6 Related Commands

config software server
config software upgrade

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config software server Nokia 1830 PSS

3.116 config software server

3.116.1 Purpose
Set the attributes for the software server.
Use this command to:
• Set the IP address and software root directory of the software server (remote FTP Server, SWNE
FTP server or USB drive).
• Set the type of protocol used to access the software download.
• Set the user identifier and password used to login to the software server.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.
Installation via a USB drive is only applicable to PSS-8, PSS-16II, PSS-24x shelves and PSS-32
shelves with the 32EC2 controller.

3.116.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for software loading.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.116.3 Input Format

config software server

3.116.4 Input Parameters


Displays the software server configuration.



<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address <a.b.c.d>

<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address <x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x>
Specifies the IP address of the software server.
For installation via a USB Drive, <ip-address> is set to "".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config software server



protocol [ftp | sftp]


ftp - File transfer protocol

sftp - secure file transfer protocol
Specifies the type of protocol used to access the software server.
Note: Only ftp is applicable for SWNE.
Note: ftp use for file transfer depends on the admin ui mode being 'normal'.

root [<root_directory>]
Specifies the directory for the software on the software server. This directory is relative to the
root directory.
For installation via the USB drive, <root_directory> is set to "/usbkey".
userid [<uid>]
Specifies the userid for accessing the software download server. The user must have admin
privileges. After the userid is entered, you will be prompted to enter a password value.
If installing via the USB stick, enter "UserSWNE" for the UserID and the default password "Ftp-

3.116.5 Examples
# config software server

(config-software-server)# ip

(config-software-server)# root node/software

(config-software-server)# userid user9

Enter password:

(config-software-server)# ip

(config-software-server)# root /usbkey

(config-software-server)# ip 2001:db7:0:23::3fe3:1

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config software server Nokia 1830 PSS

3.116.6 Related Commands

config software upgrade
show software

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Nokia 1830 PSS config software server transfer

3.117 config software server transfer

3.117.1 Purpose
Set the attributes for the file transfer server for NMS.
Use this command to:
• Display the current software file transfer information.
• Activate the file transfer between NE and remote server (NMS)
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.117.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the file transfer attributes
Access Levels: Administrator

3.117.3 Input Format

config software server transfer

3.117.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current NMS server configuration.


ip [<ip-address>]
<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address <a.b.c.d>
<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address <x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x>
Specifies the IP address of the NMS server

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Specifies the type of protocol used to access the software server.

Follow this keyword with one of the following:
• ftp - File transfer protocol
• sftp

Specifies the directory for the path name/filename in the Remote File server (NMS).

userid [<uid>]
<uid> - must have provisioner or administrator privileges.
Specifies the userid for accessing the RFS/NMS server. Immediately following the entry of the
<uid> value, the system will prompt for the password associated with the <uid>. Specify the
password for accessing the database backup and restore server. The maximum allowed length
for password is 32 characters.
load [sslnecsr | sslomscsr]
sslnecsr - Transfer the Unsigned NE SSL certificate from NE to server (NMS)
sslomscsr - Transfer the Signed NE SSL Certificate from server (NMS) to NE.
Activate the file transfer using the data configured through "config software server".
File transfer status.
• fail - File transfer failed
• ip - File transfer in progress
• complete - File transfer complete

3.117.5 Examples
# config software server transfer
(config-software-server-tranfer)# load sslnecsr

(config-software-server-transfer)# detail

SSL CSR and Certificate File Transfer Information:

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Nokia 1830 PSS config software server transfer

File Transfer Protocol : FTP

File Transfer IP :
File Transfer Userid : admin
File Transfer Root Directory : /pssnfs/admin/1830/SP1/EC/

File Transfer Upload Status : complete

File Transfer Download Status : None
File Transfer Load : None
File Transfer Information:

# config software server transfer

(config-software-server-tranfer)# ip 2001:db7:0:23::3fe3:1

3.117.6 Related Commands

config software server
show software

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config software upgrade Nokia 1830 PSS

3.118 config software upgrade

3.118.1 Purpose
This command changes the system software for all of the cards on the network element.
Use this command to:
• Display the network element software status
• Access subcommands that allow you to upgrade the network element software
• Commit the loaded software as the primary release
• Revert to a previous software release
• Abort the current upgrade
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.118.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for software loading.
Access Levels: Administrator and Provisioner

3.118.3 Input Format

config software upgrade

3.118.4 Input Parameters


Abort further progress of current software upgrade.


Revert back to the previous software load and database.


Commit the software as the primary release. Once the software is committed, the network
element performs automatic software auditing, ensuring software sanity on the network
element. While the software is in an active but not committed state, an alarm indicating that the
software is in an upgrade state will remain active.
Sub-command: manual

Manually upgrade the software in a series of steps. See "config software upgrade manual".

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Display the current software upgrade status.

3.118.5 Examples
# config software upgrade status

Software Upgrade Information:

Software Server IP :

Software Server Root Directory : /pssnfs/roadm/dwdm_1830/swp/figcake/EC/
Committed Release : 1830PSS-23.28-50
Working Release Directory :
Working Release : 1830PSS-23.28-50
Active Release : 1830PSS-23.28-50

Operation : Commit
Operation Status : Completed
Percent Completion : 100%
Upgrade Path Available : True

Software Download Script (Timezone: UTC):

Stage=0 Step=1 SH/SL: 1/1 CARDTYPE: EC

ACTION: Audit node Completed 100% complete
RESULT: Success 2017/03/01 19:43:35

# config software upgrade backout

WARNING: You are about to perform a backout.
This action may cause a system reboot.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: no

Command aborted

3.118.6 Related Commands

config software upgrade manual
show software

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config software upgrade manual Nokia 1830 PSS

3.119 config software upgrade manual

3.119.1 Purpose
This command manually upgrades the network element software in a series of steps.
Use this command to:
• Perform a software audit
• Load the new software and optionally back up the database
• Activate the new software load
This command does not commit the software as the primary release. See the commit parameter of
the command "config software upgrade".
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.119.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Upgrades the software on the network element
Access Levels: Administrator

3.119.3 Input Format

config software upgrade manual
audit <release_dir>

3.119.4 Input Parameters

Activate the software on all of the cards on the network element using the information
generated during the software audit.
audit <release_dir>
audit <release_dir> [nobackup | force | nobackupforce]
nobackup - parameter to turn off database backup that is otherwise done during the "load"
operation, following the "audit".
force - parameter to turn off the upgrade path check
nobackupforce - parameter to turn off the database backup and upgrade path check
Performs a software audit. A software audit compares the software on the network element with
the software on the software FTP server, and performs checks. Enter this keyword followed by
the release directory on the software FTP server that contains the new software release.

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Load the software onto the network element using the information generated during the
software audit. If a database backup was specified, it is performed during this stage.

3.119.5 Examples
Perform a software audit. In this example the database is backed up and the upgrade path and
activation script is generated.

# config software upgrade manual audit <release_dir> nobackup

Load the software onto the network element.

(config software upgrade manual)# load

Activate the software.

# config software upgrade manual activate

WARNING: You are about to perform a new software version. This will
cause a warm reboot of the Network Element and all users
will be logged off.
Ensure you have a current database backup before proceeding. If the
database backup is not current and valid, service may be affected
This action may cause a system reboot.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: no

3.119.6 Related Commands

config software server
config software upgrade

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config turnup Nokia 1830 PSS

3.120 config turnup

3.120.1 Purpose
Set the attributes for the turnup of the NE from file data.
Use this command to:
• Set turnup file path local to the USB drive.
• See the status from load operation
• Trigger the load from USB key
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4.
Turnup from file via an USB key is only applicable to the following main shelf ECs:
• 32EC2
• 8EC2
• 8XCEC2
• CEC2

3.120.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for loading of the turnup file from USB.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.120.3 Input Format

config turnup

3.120.4 Input Parameters

Loads the turnup file from specified path on USB key and triggers the execution of the
contained CLI commands for turnup.
path [<path-name>]

<path-name> - path and file name for the turnup file on the USB key

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Nokia 1830 PSS config turnup

Specifies the full path to the location and the file name of the turnup file on the USB key.
Enter this keyword without values to display the current path. To change the path, enter this
keyword followed by the full path and file name to the location containing turnup data on USB
Returns the status of the load operation.

3.120.5 Output Parameters

Table 22 Definition of status reporting

Position Description
<status> status of previous turnup load:
• not started
• in progress
• completed

3.120.6 Examples
# config turnup

(config-turnup)# path /usbkey/ARMADA/NewYork12TurnUp.txt

(config-turnup)# status

3.120.7 Related Commands


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 543
show ason feasibility Nokia 1830 PSS

3.121 show ason feasibility

3.121.1 Purpose
This command displays the current ason feasibility file transfer configuration and status.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types, except PSS-4.

3.121.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.121.3 Input Format

show ason feasibility

3.121.4 Examples
# show ason feasibility

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP :
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533

# show ason feasibility

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP : 2001:DB8:0:33::3FE:1/64
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20161121-1230.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20161121-1230

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Nokia 1830 PSS show ason feasibility

3.121.5 Related Commands

config ason feasibility

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show database Nokia 1830 PSS

3.122 show database

3.122.1 Purpose
This command displays the location and status of the network element database backup/restore
Note: the reported values for the last backup operation are kept within the database itself and refer
to the backup date and time, when the operation was actually performed. Hence directly after a
database restore, while a restore operation status is shown, last backup status is from the date and
time as remembered within the activated database backup.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.122.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.122.3 Input Format

show database

3.122.4 Examples
# show database
Remote Server Configuration
Protocol: FTP
IP :
UserID: admin
Path: /nebackup/MH01-01/

Last Backup Information

Time: 2017/04/10 10:50:54 (EST)
Crc: 43B227A9
File: /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_R01.00.00-100_2017-04-10_10-51-39.bak

Last Operation
Command : Backup
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

# show database
Remote Server Configuration
Protocol: FTP
IP : 2017:DB8:0:24::3FE4:1

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UserID: dbuser
Path: /nebackup/MH01-01/

Last Backup Information

Time: 2017/10/01 11:50:54 (EST)
Crc: 43B227A3
File: /nebackup/MH01-01/MH01-01_R10.00.00-100_2017-10-04_11-51-39.bak

Last Operation
Command : Backup
Progress: 100 %
Status : Success

3.122.5 Related Commands

config database
show software

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 547
show firmware Nokia 1830 PSS

3.123 show firmware

3.123.1 Purpose
This command displays the installed firmware for a field replaceable unit. During a firmware
upgrade progress can be displayed.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.123.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.123.3 Input Format

show firmware

3.123.4 Input Parameters



available [<cardname>]
With no argument, this option displays the full contents of the firmware subdirectory. With a
<cardname> argument, it displays the firmware configurations that are available for provisioning
each mode of that <cardname>. <cardname> will be one of the official identifiers for the cards
with firmware programmable devices.
The output will be presented as mode_maj.min.rev.
When configuring the card, its mode is provisioned in the "config <cardname> <slot-aid>
cardmode", and the version of the firmware for the selected mode is set in "config firmware
<cardname> <slot-aid> <maj.min.rev>".
Most cards will display profile_maj.min.rev. Here "profile_" is a key word that indicates that
there is exactly one mode for the card.
Note: The mode name is not included when setting the version.


card <slot-aid> [detail]

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<slot-aid> - identifies the <shelf> and <slot> of the addressed card

detail - optional parameter to display more details
Displays the firmware status of the card specified by <slot-aid>. With the argument detail
additional information is displayed like the current firmware status for the selected profile.
<Name> <hw-variant> <type> <version> <status> information are displayed (see Output

ne [detail]
detail - With detail argument, the provisioned and last loaded date are also displayed.
Displays the firmware installed in each card for the whole NE in ascending order by <slot-aid>.
Cards with a FwVersionNotDefault condition raised are highlighted with an asterisk in the brief
upgrade <slot-aid>
Displays the progress of firmware update (both for normal and hitless) for packs.
Progress is displayed for cards by raised (and cleared when done) conditions indicating a pack
specific device number:
• FPGAINIT[1-10] (for traffic affecting upgrade) or
• FPGAINITNSA[1-10] (for hitless upgrade)
In addition the elapsed time since the card entered that state is displayed.
With <slot-aid> argument only progress of the selected card is displayed.

3.123.5 Output Parameters

Table 23 Definition of a card firmware entry

Position Description
<Name> Firmware Name
<hw-variant> internal identifier
<type> Firmware Type : static/dynamic
<version> internal version string of the firmware
<status> status of the firmware version :

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show firmware Nokia 1830 PSS

3.123.6 Examples

# show firmware card 1/11

Shelf: 1 Slot: 15 Type: 11STAR1 Fw: GbE_1.0.35 at 2008-Sep-11 01:05:58 UTC

# show firmware card 1/11 detail

Display Card Firmware Info:

For: Shelf: 1 Slot: 11
Card-Type : 11STAR1
Provisioned Release : GbE_default_profile -> GbE_1.1.27
Last Provisioned : 2008-Oct-23 13:47:05 UTC
Active Release : GbE_1.0.35
Last Loaded : 2008-Sep-11 01:05:58 UTC

# show firmware card 1/5 detail

Display Card Firmware Info:

For: Shelf: 1 Slot: 5
Card-Type : 130SNX10
Provisioned Release : 1.1.1
Last Provisioned : 2013/12/12 15:22:00 UTC
Active Release : profile_1.1.1
Last Loaded : 2013/11/13 08:52:55 UTC
Current Firmware : NGOCC 01 static 40020402 hitless
Current Firmware : MIRA2 01 static 4004020D pending
Current Firmware : OBELIX 01 dynamic 40010101 active

# show firmware NE

NE Card Firmware
Sh/sl Type Loaded
1/11 11STAR1 GbE_1.0.35
1/13 11STAR1 GbE_1.0.35
1/15 11STAR1 ----------

# show firmware ne detail

NE Card Firmware details

sh/sl Type Loaded Time(UTC) Provisioned Time(UTC)


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Nokia 1830 PSS show firmware

1/2 260SCX2 profile_default 2015/11/17 08:14:44 --default-- N/A
1/4 D5X500 profile_default 2015/11/26 11:58:56 --default-- N/A
2/2 A2P2125 N/A --default-- N/A
2/4 RA2P N/A --default-- N/A
2/6 IROADMV N/A --default-- N/A
3/2 32EC2 N/A --default-- N/A
3/3 20P200 N/A --default-- N/A
3/4 1UD200 N/A --default-- N/A
3/5 12P120 N/A --default-- N/A

# show firmware available 11STAR1

Firmware Directory : /pssnfs/1830/fpga

All available firmware profiles for 11STAR1 * - indicates default
GbE_1.1.27 *

# show firmware upgrade

sh/sl Type Provisioned Progress Elapsed Hitless-Progress Hitless-Elapsed

2/11 11STAR1 GbE_1.1.27 FPGAINIT[2] 11:23 None 0s

# show firmware upgrade

sh/sl Type Provisioned Progress Elapsed Hitless-Progress Hitless-Elapsed

1/2 AHPHG --default-- None 0s None 0s
1/3 CWR8 --default-- None 0s None 0s
1/5 CWR8 --default-- None 0s None 0s
1/7 11STGE12 GbE_1.1.27 None 0s None 0s
1/9 11STMM10 --default-- None 0s None 0s
1/11 ALPHG --default-- None 0s None 0s
1/15 11STMM10 --default-- None 0s None 0s

# show firmware upgrade 1/5

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show firmware Nokia 1830 PSS

sh/sl Type Provisioned Progress

1/5 130SCX10 --default-- None

3.123.7 Related Commands

config firmware
show condition

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Nokia 1830 PSS show mgracd

3.124 show mgracd

3.124.1 Purpose
This command displays the Manager Access Domain Identifier for the requested facility.
The following facility types of a PSS-24x or a PSS-8x shelf are supporting Manager ACD setting:
• OCH facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>".
• GBEn Facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>".
• OCn/STMn facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>".
• OTU facility: see CLI command "config otu".
• ODUNIM facility: see CLI command "config odunim".
• ODUPTF facility: see CLI command "config oduptf".
• TCM facility: see CLI command "config tcm".
This command applies to PSS-24x or PSS-8x shelf types only.

3.124.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.124.3 Input Format

show mgracd <facility-aid>

3.124.4 Input Parameters



The following facility types support to show Manager ACD value:
• OCH facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>".
• GBEn Facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>".
• OCn/STMn facility: see CLI command "config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-
• OTU facility: see CLI command "config otu".
• ODUNIM facility: see CLI command "config odunim".
• ODUPTF facility: see CLI command "config oduptf".
• TCM facility: see CLI command "config tcm".
Supported shelf type are PSS-24x or PSS-8x only.

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show mgracd Nokia 1830 PSS

3.124.5 Examples
# show mgracd 1/15/1
Mgracd: cp ----------

3.124.6 Related Commands

config mgracd
show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun>
show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige>
show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn>
show otu
show odunim
show oduptf
show tcm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show software

3.125 show software

3.125.1 Purpose
This command displays the current configuration and status of the system software.
Use this command to:
• Show the progress of the software release upgrade
• Show the current software file transfer server configuration
• Show the current software download status as a brief summary
• Show the licenses applicable to the product
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.125.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.125.3 Input Format

show software

3.125.4 Input Parameters



card <slot-aid> [detail]


<slot-aid> - Specifies the shelf and slot that contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number. See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid
numeric values of shelf and slot ranges for each supported shelf type.
detail - display the software details for the card
Displays software release details for the specified card.

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Displays software licenses applicable to the product.



NE [brief]

brief - Display software loads for all cards

Displays a summary of software releases for all cards on the NE. Enter this keyword followed
by brief.

Displays the progress and result of the current/last software upgrade.

server [transfer]
server - Display software download server
transfer - Display file transfer server for NMS
Displays the current configuration for the FTP software download server and FTP for NMS.
shelf <shelfnum> [brief]
<shelfnum> - Specifies the shelf number.
brief - Display software loads for all cards in shelf.
Displays a summary of software releases for all cards on the specified shelf. Enter this keyword
followed by shelfnum (the shelf number) and brief.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelfnum> ranges for each supported
shelf type.
upgrade [status]
status - Display detailed status.
Displays system software download information. Enter this keyword followed by status.

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The information provided includes indication about the Active software release, that is currently
running on the NE and the
Working Release, which is the software release that the NE is in process of upgrading or
downgrading to.

3.125.5 Examples

# show software progress

Operation: Backout
Status: Completed

# show software upgrade status

Software Upgrade Information:

Software Server IP :

Software Server Root Directory : /
Committed Release : R01.00.00-100
Working Release Directory :
Working Release : R02.00.00-100
Active Release : R01.00.00-100
Last Operation : Backout
Operation Status : Completed
Operation Result :
Percent Completion : 100%
Upgrade Path Available : True

# show software upgrade status

Software Upgrade Information:

Software Server IP :

Software Server Root Directory : /
Committed Release : R01.00.00-100
Working Release Directory :
Working Release : R02.00.00-100
Active Release : R01.00.00-100
Last Operation : Load
Operation Status : Failure (Operation aborted)
Operation Result :
Percent Completion : 1%
Upgrade Path Available : True

# show software server

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Software Download Server Information:

Software Server Protocol : FTP

Software Server IP :
Software Server Userid :
Software Server Password :
Software Server Root Directory : /

# show software ne brief

Display Software Load Info:

For: Shelf: 1 Slot: 1

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 1 Slot: 18

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 4

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

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For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 7

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 8

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 9

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 11

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 16

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

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Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 22

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 27

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 29

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

# show software shelf 2 brief

Display Software Load Info:

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 4

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported

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active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 7

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 8

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 9

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 11

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

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For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 16

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 22

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 27

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : not supported
rescue : not supported
active : not supported

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

For: Shelf: 2 Slot: 29

current : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
standby : 1830XXX-0.0-0
rescue : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30
active : 1830PSSECX-18.29-30

Active Bank : current

Next Boot Bank : None

# show software server

Software Download Server Information:

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Software Server Protocol : FTP

Software Server IP :
Software Server Userid :
Software Server Password :
Software Server Root Directory : /usbkey/

# show software upgrade status

Software Upgrade Information:

Software Server IP : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1

Software Server Root Directory : /ftp/sw/dwdm_1830/
Committed Release : R01.00.00-100
Working Release Directory :
Working Release : R02.00.00-100
Active Release : R01.00.00-100
Last Operation : Load
Operation Status : Failure (Operation aborted)
Operation Result :
Percent Completion : 1%
Upgrade Path Available : True

# show software server

Software Download Server Information:

Software Server Protocol : FTP

Software Server IP : 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE3:1
Software Server Userid : admin
Software Server Password :
Software Server Root Directory : /ftp/roadm/dwdm_1830/swp/

# show software server transfer

SSL CSR and Certificate File Transfer Information:

File Transfer Protocol : FTP

File Transfer IP :
File Transfer Userid : admin
File Transfer Root Directory : /pssnfs/admin/1830/SP1/EC/

File Transfer Upload Status : complete

File Transfer Download Status : None
File Transfer Load : None

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File Transfer Information:

3.125.6 Related Commands

config software

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin clusterip

Cluster commands

3.126 config admin clusterip

3.126.1 Purpose
This command configures the (TIDs) NE Names and its associated IP address for the remote
cluster NEs.
• Specify the add/drop (TIDs) NE Names with its associated IP address on optical line nodes to
connect the cluster oconns with add/drop node and communicate its IP address with add/drop
• Specify the optical line (TIDs) NE Names with its associated IP address on add/drop nodes to
connect the rmconport parameters with optical line node and send SNMP traps back to the
managing optical line node.
Use this command to:
• Access subcommands for configuring the add parameter.
• Access subcommands for configuring the modify parameter.
• Access subcommands for configuring the delete parameter.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.
Restrictions: Note that all the clusterip values in a cluster must be IPv4 addresses exclusively or
IPv6 addresses exclusively. The cluster cannot use a mixture of both for clusterip.

3.126.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Add, delete and edit an NE Name and IP address for remote cluster NE.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.126.3 Input Format

config admin clusterip

3.126.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: add

Configure new NE Name and associates an IP address to this name for the remote cluster NE.
See "config admin clusterip add".
Sub-command: modify

Modifies the IP address associated to a defined NE Name for the remote cluster NE. See
"config admin clusterip modify".

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config admin clusterip Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: delete

Delete the NE Name definition and its associated IP address for the remote cluster NE. See
"config admin clusterip delete".

3.126.5 Examples
# config admin clusterip
add Add/Create a clusterip
modify Modify the clusterip
delete Delete the clusterip

3.126.6 Related Commands

show admin clusterip

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin clusterip add

3.127 config admin clusterip add

3.127.1 Purpose
This command is used to add the NE Name and its associated IP address for remote cluster NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.127.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Adding an NE Name and its associated IP address for remote cluster NE.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.127.3 Input Format

config admin clusterip add
<ne-name> <ip-address>

3.127.4 Input Parameters



<ne-name> - 1 to 20 TID character ASCII string


Entry required
Specifies a name for the network element, which is also used as the system TL1 Target
Identifier (TID). Enter "add" keyword to get the new entry for TID (<ne-name>) and verifying the
current IP address is not already available in the database.
Note: If the new TID (<ne-name>) is already assigned, then the command is denied.


<ip-address> - valid IPv4 or IPv6 address for the TID (<ne-name>).


Entry required
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address. In optical line nodes, it is used to communicate with the
add/drop node. In the add/drop nodes, it is used to send SNMP traps back to the managing
optical line node. If the IP address ever needs to change, it can be changed centrally in one
place (here). There is no need to change the indirect references to IP address via NE Name in
every rmconport parameter on an add/drop node, or in every cluster oconn identifier parameter
on an optical line node.

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config admin clusterip add Nokia 1830 PSS


The command will fail for any of the following reasons:

The IP address is already assigned to another NE name
The IP address is currently provisioned non-zero address of a local interface:
• LAN interface (OAMP, E1, E2, VoIP, AUX, or CIT),
• Loopback interface (loopback, loopback1, nodeip, notifyip), or
• Any UCM-managed OCS system (OCS1, OCS2, OCS3).
It is a reserved IPv4 address that cannot be used for interface (See Appendix A,
“Reference tables”).
It a not an allowed IPv6 address (See Appendix A, “Reference tables”)

3.127.5 Examples
# config admin clusterip add B10U

# config admin clusterip add B11U 2001:db8:0:23::3fe:5

3.127.6 Related Commands

show admin clusterip

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin clusterip modify

3.128 config admin clusterip modify

3.128.1 Purpose
This command is used to modify the IP address associated to a defined NE Name for the remote
cluster NE.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.128.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Modifying an NE Name and its associated IP address for remote cluster NE.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.128.3 Input Format

config admin clusterip modify <ne-name>

3.128.4 Input Parameters



<ne-name> - 1 to 20 TID character ASCII string


Entry required
Modifies a IP address for the existing network element, which is also used as the system TL1
Target Identifier (TID). Enter "modify" keyword to enter the existing TID (<ne-name>) and
verifying the current IP address is not already available in the database.
Note: If the TID (<ne-name>) is newly entry, then the command is denied.


<ip-address> - valid IPv4 or IPv6 address for the TID (<ne-name>).


Entry required
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address. In optical line nodes, it is used to communicate with the
add/drop node. In the add/drop nodes, it is used to send SNMP traps back to the managing
optical line node. If the IP address ever needs to change, it can be changed centrally in one
place (here). There is no need to change the indirect references to IP address via NE Name in
every rmconport parameter on an add/drop node, or in every cluster oconn identifier parameter
on an optical line node.

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The command will fail for any of the following reasons:

The IP address is already assigned to another NE name
The IP address is currently provisioned non-zero address on a local interface:
• LAN interface (OAMP, E1, E2, VoIP, AUX, or CIT),
• Loopback interface (loopback or loopback1), or
• Any UCM-managed OCS system (OCS1, OCS2, OCS3).
It is a reserved IPv4 address that cannot be used for interface (See Appendix A,
“Reference tables”).
It a not an allowed IPv6 address (See Appendix A, “Reference tables”)

3.128.5 Examples
# config admin clusterip modify B10U

# config admin clusterip modify B11U 2001:db8:0:23::3fe:5

3.128.6 Related Commands

show admin clusterip

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin clusterip delete

3.129 config admin clusterip delete

3.129.1 Purpose
This command is used to delete a NE Name and its associated IP address for the remote cluster
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.129.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Deleting an NE Name and its associated IP address for remote cluster NE.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.129.3 Input Format

config admin clusterip delete <ne-name>

3.129.4 Input Parameters

<ne-name> - 1 to 20 TID character ASCII string
Entry required
Delete a name for the network element, which is also used as the system TL1 Target Identifier
(TID) and its associated IP address. Enter "delete" keyword to delete the TID (<ne-name>) and
its associated IP address from the database.
• If the TID (<ne-name>) is newly entry, then the command is denied.
• If the TID (<ne-name>) is already in use by topology, then the command is denied.

3.129.5 Examples
# config admin clusterip delete B10U

# config admin clusterip delete B09U

Unable to complete request.
Error: IP Address still in use by topology

3.129.6 Related Commands

show admin clusterip

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3.130 show admin clusterip

3.130.1 Purpose
This command displays the TIDs (NE names), link status and its associated IP addresses for all
remote cluster NEs.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.130.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.130.3 Input Format

show admin clusterip

3.130.4 Output Parameters

Table 24 show admin clusterip

Label Description
NE Name (TID) Displays the network element name
IP Address Displays the IP address associated with the
NE Name (TID). The IP addresses in this table
can be all IPv4 address, or all IPv6 addresses.
Link Status Displays the status of the communication link
associated to a defined NE Name/IP address.
If no response is received after an
implementation, then the link status is down.
Value is {up, down, -}

3.130.5 Examples

# show admin clusterip

NE Name (TID) IP Address Link Status

HO5L up
H05U up
SH11L up

# show admin clusterip

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NE Name (TID) IP Address Link Status

G02L 2001:DB8:0:23::3FE:1 up
F02L 2001:DB8:0:24::3FE:1 up

3.130.6 Related Commands

config admin clusterip
config admin clusterip add
config admin clusterip modify
config admin clusterip delete

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config license <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Licensing commands

3.131 config license <dsw-card>

3.131.1 Purpose
This command configures licensing options for distributed switching cards (dsw-card):
• 5 client, 2 line ports, 500G switch capacity (D5X500).
Use this command to:
• Apply a license to the card
• Delete a license on a card
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.131.2 Command Access Level

Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.131.3 Input Format

config license <dsw-card> <slot-aid>

3.131.4 Input Parameters



d5x500 - Configure a license on a D5X500 card.

Specifies the distributed switching card that this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - For allowed values for <shelf> and <slot> see Appendix A, “Reference
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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apply [<license-key>]

<string> - ASCII string for <licence-key>


Entry required
Applies a new licence key to the addressed card.
ASLM generates the software key (i.e., license key). The User performs a copy/paste operation
to transfer the license key to the CLI command.
The Network Element validates the license key by comparing card type, card serial number,
and time stamp against expected values.
The command shall be denied, with the appropriate failure reason displayed for the following
• wrong card type
• wrong card serial number
• expired license key
Deletes (removes) the license key from the card. Executing the delete command results in the
output of a Return Merchanise Authorization key (RMA key).
The command to delete the license key will be denied if:
• there is no license key currently applied to the restricted card type.
• if the card type is unrestricted
Display the license currently applied on the card.

3.131.5 Examples
# config license d5x500 1/12 apply <paste license key here>

# config license d5x500 1/12 delete

# config license d5x500 1/3 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - D5X500 (Equipped: D5X500)

Card serial number : EZ154430599
High Capacity License-8DG63780AAAA : 0
Extended Reach License-8DG63781AAAA : 300G

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Time stamp : 2017/02/03 15:13:08

RMA key :

3.131.6 Related Commands

show license <dsw-card>
config license inventory

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Nokia 1830 PSS config license inventory

3.132 config license inventory

3.132.1 Purpose
This command configures the license inventory file transfer options.
Use this command to:
• Display the current license inventory file configuration and status
• Upload the license inventory file to the remote server
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.132.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Transfers a license inventory file to the remote server.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.132.3 Input Format

config license inventory

3.132.4 Input Parameters


Displays the current license inventory file configuration and status.



path [<path-name>]

<path-name> - path to the RMA file

Specifies the full path to the location of the license inventory file on the remote file server, as
specified using the server keyword that is used for distributing the license inventory file.
Enter this keyword without option to display the current path. To change the path, enter this
keyword followed by the full path to the location containing the license inventory file.
Sub-command: server

Specifies the attributes for the remote server. See "config license inventory server".

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config license inventory Nokia 1830 PSS


Causes the inventory file upload to be started using the current license inventory file upload

3.132.5 Examples
# config license inventory path upload

# config license inventory detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : FTP
IP :
UserID : root
Path :

Last Operation
Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded :

# config license inventory detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP : 2001:DB8:0:23::33:1
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20111021-1322.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20111021-1322

3.132.6 Related Commands

show license

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Nokia 1830 PSS config license inventory server

3.133 config license inventory server

3.133.1 Purpose
This command sets the attributes for the license inventory remote file server. Use this command to
setup the IP address and root directory of the license inventory remote file server.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.133.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies the location for retrieving a license inventory file from the license inventory remote
file server
Access Levels: Administrator

3.133.3 Input Format

config license inventory server

3.133.4 Input Parameters



ip [<ip-address>]

<ip-address> can be one of two forms:

<ipv4-address> - A valid IPv4 address a.b.c.d
<ipv6-address> - A valid IPv6 address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x
Default - if IPv4
:: - if IPv6
Specifies the IP address of the license inventory remote server. Enter this keyword without
option to display the current value. Follow this keyword with a valid IP address.


protocol [<value>]

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config license inventory server Nokia 1830 PSS


sftp - secure file transfer protocol

ftp - file transfer protocol

Specifies the type of protocol used to access the license inventory remote server.
Note: ftp use for file transfer depends on the admin ui mode being 'normal'.


userid [<uid>]
Specifies the userid for accessing the license inventory remote server.
After the userid is entered, you will be prompted to enter a password value.

3.133.5 Examples

# config license inventory server

(config-license-inventory-server)# ip

(config-license-inventory-server)# protocol sftp

(config-license-inventory-server)# userid root

Enter password:

The following are the examples for error responses:

# config license inventory server ip 555.555.555.555

Error: invalid IP address

# config license inventory server protocol ftp

Error: invalid argument(s)

The following will configure and IPv6 server

# config license inventory server

(config-license-inventory-server)# ip 2001:db8:0:23::33:1

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Nokia 1830 PSS config license inventory server

3.133.6 Related Commands

show license

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show license <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.134 show license <dsw-card>

3.134.1 Purpose
This command displays the license configuration on a card in the network element.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.134.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.134.3 Input Format

show license <dsw-card> <slot-aid>

3.134.4 Input Parameters

d5x500 - Display the license on a D5X500 card.
Specifies the card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is omitted then the
card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
<shelf>/<slot> - For allowed values for <shelf> and <slot> see Appendix A, “Reference
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> of the addressed card. Enter this command you change to the
context of this card. This command allows you to omit the <card-name>, and have the CLI
automatically fill in the <card-name> programmed for the slot.
Enter the shelf, a slash, and the slot number containing the card you want to configure. If the
slot is populated or pre-provisioned for a card, the network element automatically determines
the card type and updates the command line appropriately.

Displays the license on the card.

3.134.5 Examples
# show license d5x500 1/3 detail

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Nokia 1830 PSS show license <dsw-card>

Location Programmed Serial High Capacity Extended Reach

Type Number License-8DG63780AAAA License-8DG63781AAAA
1/3 D5X500 EZ153130060 300 0

# show license d5x500 *

Location Programmed Serial High Capacity Extended Reach

Type Number License-8DG63780AAAA License-8DG63781AAAA
1/3 D5X500 EZ153130060 300 0
1/8 D5X500 EZ116439003 200 0
1/12 D5X500 EZ143120049 0 200

3.134.6 Related Commands

config license
config license inventory

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show license inventory Nokia 1830 PSS

3.135 show license inventory

3.135.1 Purpose
This command displays the current license inventory file transfer configuration and status.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.135.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.135.3 Input Format

show license inventory

3.135.4 Input Parameters

Displays the current license inventory file configuration and status.

3.135.5 Examples
# show license inventory detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP :
UserID : root
Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20110621-1533

# show license inventory detail

Remote Server Configuration

Protocol : SFTP
IP : 2001:DB8:0:23::33:1
UserID : root

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Nokia 1830 PSS show license inventory

Path : /EPT/optImpLookupTables_3.6.5-11170-20111021-1322.xml

Last Operation

Status : Success
Last Version Downloaded : 3.6.5-11170-20111021-1322

3.135.6 Related Commands

config license inventory

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 585
config admin flexgrid Nokia 1830 PSS

Flexgrid enable commands

3.136 config admin flexgrid

3.136.1 Purpose
This command configures aspects of the flexible WDM grid operation on the network element.
• Specify whether optical channel add/drop to OCS or cluster associated network elements is
allowed using off-grid and extended grid (below 191.7 THz) channel center frequencies.
Use this command to:
• Enable optical channel cross-connect command to configure off-grid and extended grid channels
for OCS and cluster associated uplink or optical transponder ports.
• Show the current value for whether off-grid and extended grid channels are allowed for OCS and
cluster associated uplink or optical transponder ports.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.136.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Enable or disable use of off-grid and extended grid channel frequencies for optical cross-
connects involving OCS or cluster associated ports.
Access Levels: Administrator

3.136.3 Input Format

config admin flexgrid

3.136.4 Input Parameters



clusterenabled [<value>]

{yes, no} - enable or disable


Configures if cluster and OCS associated NEs can be used to add/drop off-grid and extended
grid (below 191.7 THz) channel frequencies.
This value allows for phased software upgrading of the cluster and OCS associated network
elements. When ALL OCS and cluster assoicated network elements have been upgraded to a
software release supporting flexible grid application, this attribute must be set to value 'yes' to
enable use of the flexible grid capability.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config admin flexgrid

Enter parameter without value to show the current value.

The value cannot be set to 'no' if any cross-connects using off-grid or extended grid (below
191.7 THz) center frequencies exist on the NE and are terminated on an OCS or cluster
associated port. Such connections must first be deleted before the value can be set to 'no'.

3.136.5 Examples
# config admin flexgrid clusterenabled

Cluster and OCS flexgrid enabled: No

# config admin flexgrid clusterenabled yes

3.136.6 Related Commands

show admin flexgrid

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show admin flexgrid Nokia 1830 PSS

3.137 show admin flexgrid

3.137.1 Purpose
This command displays whether off-grid and extended grid channels for OCS and cluster
associated uplink or optical transponder ports has been enabled.
Additionally this command displays whether the node allows off-grid center frequencies for optical
cross-connections generally.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

3.137.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.137.3 Input Format

show admin flexgrid

3.137.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: clusterenabled
Displays if cluster and OCS associated NEs can be used to add/drop off-grid and extended grid
(below 191.7 THz) channel frequencies.
Sub-command: node
Displays if the node supports off-grid channel center frequencies.

3.137.5 Examples
# show admin flexgrid clusterenabled

Cluster and OCS flexgrid enabled: Yes

# show admin flexgrid node

Node flexgrid enabled : Yes

# show admin flexgrid ?

clusterenabled Display add or drop off-grid and extended grid
node Display off-grid capabilty of local node

3.137.6 Related Commands

config admin flexgrid

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588 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <pf-fcru-card>

Synchronization interface commands

3.138 config interface <pf-fcru-card>

3.138.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the F-CRU card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the ports on 8DC30T.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.138.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.138.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.138.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.


8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the F-CRU cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.138.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T *
Function Port Admin Oper State
Location Description Dir State State Qualifier
1/1/P1 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/1/P2 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/7/P1 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/7/P2 timing Bi Up Down SGEO

3.138.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state

3.139 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state

3.139.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for the point ports on the card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.139.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.139.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state
ains [ainstimer | disabled | enabled]

3.139.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.


8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: ains


ains [ainstimer | disabled | enabled]


Sets to ains to configure Automatic In-Service.


ainstimer [help | system | <time>]

help - displays default and valid values
system - Configures the AINS timer to use the system value
<time> - set the ainstimer in the format <h> [<m>] to a value ranging between 1m..96h
Sets the Automatic In-Service Timer of this port.
Enter number of hours and minutes
For system default value see "config general ainstimer"
Sets ains for the port to on.
Sets ains for the port to off. The default value for ains is disabled.
down [force]
force - force the port down
Sets to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This
may affect service.
Sets to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

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Sets to up to enable the port.

3.139.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 state down

3.139.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.140 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.140.1 Purpose
This command configures the Ethernet timing ports on the card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the administrative state
• Set the client port type
• Set the performance monitoring
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.140.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.140.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.140.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.

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8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current detailed settings for the port.

Sub-command: 1gbe

Enters the context to set the 1Gb Ethernet port attributes. See "config interface <pf-fcru-card>
<port-aid> 1gbe".
Sub-command: fe

Enters the context to set the FE port attributes. See "config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>
Sub-command: state

Enters the context to enable or disable the port. See "config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm

Enters the context to set the Performance Monitoring attributes. See "config interface <pf-fcru-
card> <port-aid> pm" to configure pm attributes.

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


type [1gbe | fe | unassigned]
1gbe - 1 Gb Ethernet client
fe - Fast Ethernet client
unassigned - set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.

3.140.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T 1/7/P1 state up

3.140.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

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3.141 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

3.141.1 Purpose
This command configures the 1 Gb Ethernet timing port attributes on the 8DC30T card.
Use this command to:
• Set auto-negotiation
• Set the transmit frequency for the pluggable module
• Set the pluggable module type
• Set Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode
• Set SSM/Quality Level Transmission
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.141.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.141.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

3.141.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.


8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


autoneg [disabled | enabled]


disabled - disable the auto-negotiation

enabled - enable the auto-negotiation

Attribute that controls the status of auto-negotiation.
Note: The autoneg is provisionable only when the port state is in OOS.


channel [<value>]

{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W

none - Not set

Specifies the wavelength of the pluggable module. Enter this keyword to display the current


moduletype [<value>]

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Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port. Enter this
keyword to display the current setting.
• auto: If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
• user: If the user wants to use a pluggable module that is not on the qualified list of
pluggable modules, without generating an alarm, this attribute shall be set to user


ssmtrans [<value>]



Manually configure SSM/Quality Level Transmission in each port.

This parameter only takes effect only when the "syncesupp" parameter in the "config sync
<shelf-aid>" command is set to "enable" and the "synceoppmode" of the port is set to


synceoppmode [sync | non-sync]


{sync | non-sync}

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS


Configures port Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode. When the port is in SYNC mode,
recovered clock of its input signal can be selected as a reference clock to the system clock.
When the port is in NON-SYNC mode, the recovered clock of its input signal shall not be a
candidate to system timing references.

3.141.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 1gbe ssmtrans NONE

# config interface 8DC30T 1/7/P1 1gbe synceoppmode non-sync

# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P2 1gbe moduletype 1000B-LX

# config interface 8DC30T 1/7/P2 1gbe autoneg disable

3.141.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.142 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.142.1 Purpose
This command configures the Fast Ethernet timing port attributes on the 8DC30T card.
Use this command to:
• Set the transmit frequency for the pluggable module
• Set the pluggable module type
• Set Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode
• Set SSM/Quality Level Transmission
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.142.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.142.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.142.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.


8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


channel [<value>]

1310 - B&W
None - Not set
Specifies the wavelength of the pluggable module. Enter this keyword to display the current


moduletype [<value>]


Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port. Enter this
keyword to display the current setting.
• auto: If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
• user: If the user wants to use a pluggable module that is not on the qualified list of
pluggable modules, without generating an alarm, this attribute shall be set to user


ssmtrans [<value>]



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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe


Manually configure SSM/Quality Level Transmission in each port.
This parameter only takes effect only when the "syncesupp" parameter in the "config sync
<shelf-aid>" command is set to "enable" and the "synceoppmode" of the port is set to

synceoppmode [sync | non-sync]
{sync | non-sync}
Configures port Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode. When the port is in SYNC mode,
recovered clock of its input signal can be selected as a reference clock to the system clock.
When the port is in NON-SYNC mode, the recovered clock of its input signal shall not be a
candidate to system timing references.

3.142.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 fe ssmtrans NONE

# config interface 8DC65T 1/7/P1 fe synceoppmode non-sync

# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P2 fe moduletype 100BLX10

3.142.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

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config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

3.143 config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

3.143.1 Purpose
This command configures the Ethernet timing ports performance monitoring (pm) attributes on the
Use this command to:
• Clear current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface
• Configure the received optical power group PM options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.143.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.143.3 Input Format

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

3.143.4 Input Parameters

8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf
Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.
8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opr

Enters the context to configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config
interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Enters the context to configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config
interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

3.143.5 Examples
# config interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 pm
(config-interface-8DC30T-1/1/P1-pm)# clearAll

3.143.6 Related Commands

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

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config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.144 config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

3.144.1 Purpose
This command configures the BITS interface attributes for ShelfPanel card on PSS-8 shelf.
Use this command to:
• Set the admin status of the BITS port
• Set the signal type of the BITS port
• Set the SA bit for SSM transport of the BITS port
• Select the means to generate SSM information for the BITS output port
• Set the inserted signal for the BITS output port when it is squelched
• Set the impedance for the BITS port
• Set the line code for the BITS port
• Set the line build-out for the BITS output port
Note: This command is only applicable for the PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.144.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Administrator, Provisioner

3.144.3 Input Format

config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

3.144.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/13/BITS1 - BITS output in CLK1 port on PSS-8 shelf panel

<shelf>/13/BITS2 - BITS input in CLK2 port on PSS-8 shelf panel

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Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the BITS interface.


signalType [<value>]

{2MHZ, Unframed-E1, Framed-E1, Framed-E1-SSM} - SDH mode

{DS1-SF, DS1-ESF} - SONET mode

2MHZ - SDH mode


DS1-SF - SONET mode

Specifies which signal type issued for this BITS interface.


saBit [<value>]

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Specifies which Sa bit is used to transport SSM.

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM.



ssmTrans [<value>]



Specifies what SSM-information will be provided for the transmitted output signal of the BITS
output port.

This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM or DS1-ESF.

AISMODE - AIS signal is inserted
QLMODE - DUS is inserted as SSM
Specifies which signal is inserted for the BITS output port when the output signal is squelched.

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This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM or DS1-ESF.


impedance [75ohms | 120ohms]


{75ohms, 120ohms}

Selects the line impedance for the BITS port.

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is one of the following: 2MHz,
Unframed-E1, Framed-E1, Framed-E1-SSM.


lineCode [<value>]


Selects the line code for the BITS port.

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is DS1 SF or DS1 ESF.



lbo [<value>]

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LBO - no compensation
LBO1 - 0..133 feet
LBO2 - 133..266 feet
LBO3 - 267..399 feet
LBO4 - 400..533 feet
LBO5 - 534..655 feet
Selects the line equalization value for the BITS output port.

This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is DS1 SF or DS1 ESF.

3.144.5 Examples
# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 adminStat up

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 signalType framed-E1-SSM

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 saBit sa5

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 SSMTrans DUS

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 AISMode AISMODE

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 impedance 75ohms

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 signalType 2MHz

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 saBit sa5

Error: Request Fail - the signal type does not support this attribute

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 SSMTrans DUS

Error: Request Fail - this attribute is only applicable to the BITS output port

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 AISMode AISMODE

Error: Request Fail - this attribute is only applicable to the BITS output port

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 lineCode AMI

Error: Request Fail - this attribute is only applicable to the DS1 signals

# config interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 LBO LBO2

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Error: Request Fail - this attribute is only applicable to the DS1 signals

3.144.6 Related Commands

show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

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show interface <pf-fcru-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.145 show interface <pf-fcru-card>

3.145.1 Purpose
This command shows the interface ports on the card. Use this command to show attributes of the
ports on 8DC30T card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.145.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.145.3 Input Format

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.145.4 Input Parameters

8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf
Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.
8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the 8DC30T or 16DC65T cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

3.145.5 Examples
# show interface 8DC30T *

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <pf-fcru-card>

Function Port Admin Oper State

Location Description Dir State State Qualifier
1/1/P1 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/1/P2 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/7/P1 timing Bi Up Down SGEO
1/7/P2 timing Bi Up Down SGEO

3.145.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 613
show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.146 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.146.1 Purpose
This command displays the Ethernet timing ports on the card. Use this command to display
Ethernet timing port settings.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.146.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.146.3 Input Format

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

3.146.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.


8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

Sub-command: 1gbe

Enters the context to display the 1Gb Ethernet port attributes. See "show interface <pf-fcru-
card> <port-aid> 1gbe".
Sub-command: fe
Enters the context to display the FE port attributes. See "show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-
aid> fe".
Displays the settings for the port.

3.146.5 Examples
# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 Port: P1 - 8DC30T Timing Port [1GbE]

Admin State: Down State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 Port: P1 - 8DC30T Timing Port [1GbE]

Admin State : Down
Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : FAF
Description :
Received Power : -40.00 dBm
Transmitted Power : -40.00 dBm
Laser Temperature :

1GbE Settings
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Module Type : 1000B-LX
Channel : 1310
Auto Negotiation : Disabled

3.146.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>

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show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS

3.147 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

3.147.1 Purpose
This command displays the 1 Gb Ethernet timing port attributes on the 8DC30T card.
Use this command to:
• Display the automatic In-service Debounce time
• Display auto-negotiation setting
• Display the channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the loss propagation behavior
• Display Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode
• Display SSM/Quality Level Transmission
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.147.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.147.3 Input Format

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

3.147.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe



8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the Automatic In-Service Debounce time.


Displays auto-negotiation.

Displays the wavelength of the pluggable module.


Displays the settings for the port.

Displays the pluggable module type used on the specified interface port.

Displays SSM/Quality Level Transmission.


Displays Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode.

3.147.5 Examples
# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 1gbe

# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P2 1gbe ainstimer

AINS Timer: System

# show interface 8DC30T 1/7/P1 1gbe moduletype

Module Type: Auto

# show interface 8DC30T 1/7/P2 1gbe channel

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show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS

Channel: 1310

#show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 1gbe detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 Port: P1 - 8DC30T Timing Port [1GbE]

AINS Timer : System
Module Type : Auto
Channel : 1310
SSM/Quality Level Transmission in the port: act
Auto-negotiation : enable
Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode : sync

3.147.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> 1gbe

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.148 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.148.1 Purpose
This command displays the Fast Ethernet timing port attributes on the 8DC30T card.
Use this command to:
• Display the automatic In-Service Debounce time
• Display the channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the pluggable module type
• Display Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode
• Display SSM/Quality Level Transmission
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.148.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.148.3 Input Format

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

3.148.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 619
show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe Nokia 1830 PSS



8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the Automatic In-Service Debounce time.


Displays the wavelength of the pluggable module.


Displays the settings for the port.


Displays the pluggable module type used on the specified interface port.

Displays SSM/Quality Level Transmission.


Displays Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode.

3.148.5 Examples

# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 fe

# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P2 fe ainstimer

AINS Timer: System

# show interface 8DC30T 1/7/P1 fe moduletype

Module Type: 100BLX10

# show interface 8DC30T 1/7/P2 fe channel

Channel: 1310

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# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 fe detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 Port: P1 - 8DC30T Timing Port [FE]

AINS Timer : System
Module Type : 100BLX10
Channel : 1310
SSM/Quality Level Transmission in the port : act
Synchronous Ethernet Operation Mode : sync

3.148.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> fe

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 621
show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

3.149 show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

3.149.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring data for the Ethernet timing ports on the
Use this command to:
• Display the receive optical power performance monitoring options for this port
• Display the transmitted optical power performance monitoring options for this port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.149.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

3.149.3 Input Format

show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

3.149.4 Input Parameters



8dc30t - 8DC30T F-CRU card on PSS-8 shelf


Entry required
Specifies the F-CRU card type.
8DC30T card:
<shelf>/<slot>/P{1..2} - Specifies the Ethernet timing port 1 ~ port 2

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opr

Displays the received optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

3.149.5 Examples
# show interface 8DC30T 1/1/P1 pm

3.149.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 623
show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.150 show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

3.150.1 Purpose
This command displays the BITS interface attributes for ShelfPanel card on PSS-8 shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the details information of the BITS port
• Display the admin state for the BITS port
• Display the operation state for the BITS port
• Display the direction of the BITS port
• Display the signal type of the BITS port
• Display the SA bit for SSM transport of the BITS port
• Display the means to generate SSM information for the BITS output port
• Display the inserted signal for the BITS output port when it is squelched
• Display the line impedance for the BITS port
• Display the line code for the BITS port
• Display the line build-out for the BITS output port
This command is only applicable for the PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.150.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Administrator, Provisioner

3.150.3 Input Format

show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

3.150.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/13/BITS1 - BITS output in CLK1 port on PSS-8 shelf panel

<shelf>/13/BITS2 - BITS input in CLK2 port on PSS-8 shelf panel

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the BITS port.


Displays admin status for the BITS port.


Displays the operational status for the BITS port.


Displays the direction of the BITS port.


Displays the signal type of the BITS port.


Displays which Sa bit is used to transport SSM.


This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM.


Displays the SSM-information provided for the transmitted output signal of the BITS output port.

This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM or DS1-ESF.

Displays the inserted signal for the BITS output port when the output signal is squelched.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 625
show interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is Framed-E1-SSM or DS1-ESF.

Displays the line impedance for the BITS port.


This parameter is only applicable when signalType is one of the following: 2MHz,
Unframed-E1, Framed-E1, Framed-E1-SSM.

Displays the line code for the BITS port.


This parameter is only applicable when signalType is DS1 SF or DS1 ESF


Displays the line equalization value for the BITS output port.

This parameter is only applicable to the BITS output port (BITS1).

This parameter is only applicable when signalType is DS1 SF or DS1 ESF.

3.150.5 Examples

# show interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS2 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: BITS2 - ShelfPanel BITS Port [BITS]
adminStat : up
operStat : up
direction : input
signalType : framed-E1-ssm
saBit : sa4
SSMTrans :
AISMode :
Impedance : 75ohms

# show interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: BITS1 - ShelfPanel BITS Port [BITS]
adminStat : up
operStat : up
direction : output
signalType : framed-E1-ssm
saBit : sa4
SSMTrans : ACT

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Impedance : 75ohms

# show interface shfpnl 1/13/BITS1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: BITS1 - ShelfPanel BITS Port [BITS]
adminStat : up
operStat : up
direction : output
signalType : DS1 ESF
SSMTrans : ACT
Impedance : 100 ohms
lineCode : AMI
LBO : LBO1 (0 to 133 feet)

3.150.6 Related Commands

config interface shfpnl <bits-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 627
config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} Nokia 1830 PSS

ASON or ASONL interface commands

3.151 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.151.1 Purpose
Configures all line impairments for a given span on the node for C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.151.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.151.3 Input Format

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.151.4 Input Parameters



For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}

Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the config command is executed.

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628 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.

Display possibilities to configure all ason or asonl parameters for C-band or L-band separately.


dcuFree [<value>]

{yes, no}

Configures dcuFree mode on the given span in C-band or L-band.


maxAlwCh [<value>]

1..96 - an integer number uniquely identifying the maxAlwCh


Entry required
Configures maximum allowed channels on the given span in C-band or L-band.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 629
config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} Nokia 1830 PSS



pmd [<value>]

0.0..1000.0 - Decimal numer


Entry required
Configures Polarization Mode dispersion value on the given span in C-band or L-band.


cd [<value>]

-4000.0..7800.0 - Decimal number


Entry required
Configures Chromatic Dispersion value on the given span in C-band or L-band.


pdl [<value>]

0.00000..5.00000 - Decimal number


Entry required
Configures Polarization dependent loss value on the given span in C-band or L-band.


fibertype [<value>]



Configures fiber type on the given span in C-band or L-band.

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630 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

Sub-command: impairment

Sets the service impairment attributes. See "config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason |
ason} impairment <index>".
Sub-command: wavelengthset
Sets the wavelength attributes. See "config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.151.5 Examples
config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason dcuFree no

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason maxAlwCh 33

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason pmd 3.3

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason cd 2222

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason pdl 1.1

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason fiberType TWP

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl dcuFree no

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl maxAlwCh 33

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl pmd 3.3

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl cd 2222

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl pdl 1.1

config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl fiberType TWP

3.151.6 Related Commands

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 631
config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment <index> Nokia 1830 PSS

3.152 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

impairment <index>
3.152.1 Purpose
Configures the service impairments for a given span on the node for C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.152.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.152.3 Input Format

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

3.152.4 Input Parameters



For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}

Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports

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632 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment <index>


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Note: For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg cards are supported in LINE ports.

For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.



Entry required
Identifies one entry by <index> in the service impairments from given span on the node for
C-band and L-band.


add <BitRate> <Encoding> <CompensationModule> <FECMode> <NLP> <OSNR>

<NLPNP> <OSNRNP> <Power>

{2.5G, 10G, 40G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 250G, 260G, 400G} - <BitRate>
CohPM64QAM, CohSPQPSK, DPSK, NRZ, PDPSK} - <Encoding>
{0.00000..999.00000} - <NLP>
{-50.00..40.00} - <OSNR>
{0.00000..999.00000} - <NLPNP>
{-50.00..40.00} - <OSNRNP>
{0.00..40.50} - <Power>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 633
config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment <index> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Create a new entry with the list of C-band and L-band service parameters on the given span
given by the index.

Delete the list of C-band and L-band service parameters on the given span given by the index.

List the service parameters on the given span for the given index.


modify <NLP> <OSNR> <NLPNP> <OSNRNP> <Power>


{0.00000..999.00000} - <NLP>
{-50.00..40.00} - <OSNR>
{0.00000..999.00000} - <NLPNP>
{-50.00..40.00} - <OSNRNP>
{0.00..40.50} - <Power>

Entry required
Modify the list of C-band and L-band service parameters on the given span given by the index.

3.152.5 Examples

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason impairment 3 modify 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 3

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason impairment 6 delete

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN ason impairment 6 add 400G CohPM64QAM ADD3L SDFEC-G2
13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.22

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl impairment 3 modify 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 3

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl impairment 6 delete

# config interface AWBING 10/6/LINEIN asonl impairment 6 add 400G CohPM64QAM ADD3L SDFEC-G2
13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.22

Release 10.0
August 2017
634 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment <index>

3.152.6 Related Commands

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 635
config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset Nokia 1830 PSS

3.153 config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.153.1 Purpose
Configures the wavelength set for a given span on the node for C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.153.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.153.3 Input Format

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

3.153.4 Input Parameters

For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}
Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the config command is executed.
* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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636 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Note: For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg cards are supported in LINE ports.
For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.
List all shows the ASON wavelength set for given span C-band and L-band.

modify <wavelengthsettype> <value-value>
{NRZ, PDPSK, COHERENT, 50GHz, 62.5GHz, 16QAM} - <wavelengthsettype>
For C-band:
{9130..9605} - <value>
For L-band:
{8610..9085} - <value>
Entry required
Configures the given wavelength set on the given span with a range of wavelengths for C-band
and L-band.

3.153.5 Examples
config interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN ason wavelengthset modify COHERENT 9130-9605

config interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN asonl wavelengthset modify COHERENT 8610-9085

3.153.6 Related Commands

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 637
show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} Nokia 1830 PSS

3.154 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.154.1 Purpose
Lists all line impairment for the given span for C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.154.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.154.3 Input Format

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.154.4 Input Parameters


For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}

Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the show command is executed.
* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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638 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

Note: For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg cards are supported in LINE ports.

For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.

Displays the current settings for the Line or Linein ports.

3.154.5 Output Parameters

Table 25 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl}

Label Description
Maximum Allowed Channels (MaxAlwCh) Displays the maximum allowed channels on
the given span in C-band or L-band.
Polarization Mode Dispersion (pmd) Displays the Polarization Mode dispersion
value on the given span in C-band or L-band.
Dispersion Compensation Unit (DCU) Free Displays the dcuFree mode on the given span
(dcuFree) in C-band or L-band.
Fiber type (fiberType) Display the fiber type on the given span in
C-band or L-band.
Chromatic Dispersion (cd) Display the Chromatic Dispersion value on the
given span in C-band or L-band.
Polarization Dependent Loss (pdl) Display the Polarization dependent loss value
on the given span in C-band or L-band.

3.154.6 Examples

show interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN ason

Shelf: 10 Slot: 16 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line In Port [OTS]
ASON OMS Line Parameters:
Maximum Allowed Channels : 85
Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) : 0.6 picoSeconds
Dispersion Compensation Unit (DCU) Free : Yes
Fiber type : SSMF
Chromatic Dispersion (CD) : 1700.0 picosecond/nanometer
Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) : 0.00 dB

show interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN asonl

Shelf: 10 Slot: 16 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line In Port [OTS]
ASON OMS Line Parameters:
Maximum Allowed Channels : 85

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show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} Nokia 1830 PSS

Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) : 0.6 picoSeconds

Dispersion Compensation Unit (DCU) Free : Yes
Fiber type : SSMF
Chromatic Dispersion (CD) : 1700.0 picosecond/nanometer
Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) : 0.00 dB

3.154.7 Related Commands

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

3.155 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

3.155.1 Purpose
This command displays all service type impairments for a given span in C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.155.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.155.3 Input Format

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

3.155.4 Input Parameters


For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}

Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the show command is executed.
* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 641
show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment Nokia 1830 PSS

Note: For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg cards are supported in LINE ports.
For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.

Displays the current settings for the Line or Linein ports.

3.155.5 Output Parameters

Table 26 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

Label Description
ITU Band Display the band type with C-band or L-band.
Imp Id Display the Index.
Bit Rate Display the bit rate in C-band or L-band.
Encoding Display the encoding in C-band or L-band.
Comp Mod Display the CompensationModule in C-band or
FEC Mode Display the FECMode in C-band or L-band.
NLP Display the NLP in C-band or L-band.
OSNR Display the OSNR in C-band or L-band.
NLPNP Display the NLPNP in C-band or L-band.
OSNRNP Display the OSNRNP in C-band or L-band.
POWER Display the POWER in C-band or L-band.

3.155.6 Examples
# show interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN ason impairment
Shelf: 10 Slot: 16 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line In Port [OTS]
Band Id Rate Encoding Mod Mode (%) (dB) (%) (dB) (mW)
C 1 10G NRZ NULL EFEC 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.79
L 1 200G CohPM8QAM ADD3L SDFEC-G2 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.79

3.155.7 Related Commands

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface ason impairment

3.156 show interface ason impairment

3.156.1 Purpose
Lists all impairments for all spans for C-band and L-band of the current node.

3.156.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.156.3 Input Format

show interface ason impairment

3.156.4 Input Parameters


Display the detail installed ason impairment parameters.

3.156.5 Output Parameters

Table 27 show interface ason impairment

Label Description
Location Display the port type.
ITU Band Display the band type with C-band or L-band.
Imp Id Display the Index.
Bit Rate Display the bit rate in C-band or L-band.
Encoding Display the encoding in C-band or L-band.
Comp Mod Display the CompensationModule in C-band or
FEC Mode Display the FECMode in C-band or L-band.
NLP Display the NLP in C-band or L-band.
OSNR Display the OSNR in C-band or L-band.
NLPNP Display the NLPNP in C-band or L-band.
OSNRNP Display the OSNRNP in C-band or L-band.
POWER Display the POWER in C-band or L-band.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 643
show interface ason impairment Nokia 1830 PSS

3.156.6 Examples
show interface ason impairment
Location Band Id Rate Encoding Mod Mode (%) (dB) (%) (dB) (mW)
1/16/LINEIN C 1 10G NRZ NULL EFEC 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.79
10/16/LINEIN L 1 200G CohPM8QAM ADD3L SDFEC-G2 13.00 28.63 13.00 28.63 0.79

3.156.7 Related Commands

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} impairment

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

3.157 show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl}

3.157.1 Purpose
This command displays all wavelengthsets for a given span in C-band and L-band.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

3.157.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.157.3 Input Format

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

3.157.4 Input Parameters



For ason:
{a2325a, a2p2125, a4pswg, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, am2032a, am2125a, am2125b,
am2318a, am2625a, aswg, awbing, awbila, iroadmf, iroadmv, ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
For asonl:
{awbing, awbila, ra5p}

Entry required
Select one of the ason or asonl type cards for which the show command is executed.


* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 645
show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Note: For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg cards are supported in LINE ports.

For a2325a, ahphg, ahplg and alphg card LINE port aid to be used. For all other cards
LINEIN port aid to be used.

Displays the current settings for the Line or Linein ports.

3.157.5 Output Parameters

Table 28 show interface <card> <port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

Label Description
NRZ encoding Display the NRZ encoding in C-band or
PDPSK encoding Display the PDPSK encoding in C-band or
COHERENT encoding Display the COHERENT encoding in C-band
or L-band.
50GHz encoding Display the 50GHz encoding in C-band or
62.5GHz encoding Display the 62.5GHz encoding in C-band or
16QAM encoding Display the 16QAM encoding in C-band or

3.157.6 Examples

# show interface AWBING 10/16/LINEIN ason wavelengthset

Shelf: 10 Slot: 16 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line In Port [OTS]
Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) allowed wavelength set:
NRZ encoding: 9130-9605
PDPSK encoding: never configured
COHERENT encoding: 9130-9605
50GHz encoding: 9130-9605
62.5GHz encoding: 9130-9605
16QAM encoding: never configured

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

3.157.7 Related Commands

config interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

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show interface ason wavelengthset Nokia 1830 PSS

3.158 show interface ason wavelengthset

3.158.1 Purpose
Lists all wavelengthsets for all spans for C-band and L-band of the current node.

3.158.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

3.158.3 Input Format

show interface ason wavelengthset

3.158.4 Input Parameters


Display the detail installed ason wavelengthset parameters.

3.158.5 Output Parameters

Table 29 show interface ason wavelengthset

Label Description
Location Display the port type.
ITU Band Display the band type with C-band or L-band.
NRZ encoding Display the NRZ encoding in C-band or
PDPSK encoding Display the PDPSK encoding in C-band or
COHERENT encoding Display the COHERENT encoding in C-band
or L-band.
50GHz encoding Display the 50GHz encoding in C-band or
62.5GHz encoding Display the 62.5GHz encoding in C-band or
16QAM encoding Display the 16QAM encoding in C-band or

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface ason wavelengthset

3.158.6 Examples
show interface ason wavelengthset
Location Band Encoding Encoding Encoding Encoding Encoding Encoding


1/16/LINEIN C 9130-9605 never configured 9130-9605 9130-9605 9130-9605 never

10/16/LINEIN L 8610-9085 never configured 8610-9085 8610-9085 8610-9085 never

3.158.7 Related Commands

show interface <card> <linein-port-aid> {ason | asonl} wavelengthset

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show interface ason wavelengthset Nokia 1830 PSS

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650 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Equipment management commands

4 Equipment management commands

4.1 Overview

4.1.1 Purpose
This chapter contains various commands related to equipment management.

4.1.2 Contents

4.1 Overview 651

Shelf commands 659
4.2 config shelf 659
4.3 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check 675
4.4 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer 677
4.5 config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch 679
4.6 show shelf 681
4.7 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check 690
4.8 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer 692
4.9 show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch 694
Shelf synchronization commands 699
4.10 config sync <shelf-aid> 699
4.11 config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> 702
4.12 config sync <shelf-aid> sync0 707
4.13 config sync <shelf-aid> syncout 711
4.14 show sync <shelf-aid> 716
4.15 show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> 718
4.16 show sync <shelf-aid> sync0 722
4.17 show sync <shelf-aid> syncout 725
General slot-card commands 728
4.18 config card 728
4.19 config slot 736
4.20 config slot <slot-aid> type 738

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

4.21 config slot migration 744

4.22 show card 747
4.23 show slot 749
4.24 show slot migration 752
Mandatory card commands 754
4.25 config card <clipon-ec-card> 754
4.26 config card <eqm-ctrl> 758
4.27 config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm 764
4.28 config card <sc-card> 766
4.29 config fan 771
4.30 config mfc 776
4.31 config interface mfc 782
4.32 config pf 784
4.33 config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping 789
4.34 config shfpnl 793
4.35 config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} 795
4.36 show card <clipon-ec-card> 799
4.37 show card <eqm-ctrl> 801
4.38 show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm 806
4.39 show card <sc-card> 808
4.40 show fan 810
4.41 show mfc 814
4.42 show interface mfc 818
4.43 show pf 821
4.44 show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping 828
4.45 show shfpnl 831
4.46 show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} 832
Packet and PTP card commands 835
4.47 config card 11dpe12 835
4.48 config card 11dpe12a 842
4.49 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> 850

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

4.50 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport 852

4.51 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport 854
4.52 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create 857
4.53 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify 862
4.54 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 867
4.55 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 871
4.56 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 875
4.57 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp 879
4.58 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 883
4.59 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port 886
4.60 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> 889
4.61 config card 11dpe12e 897
4.62 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 905
4.63 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 909
4.64 config card 11ope8 913
4.65 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 919
4.66 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 923
4.67 config card 11qce12x 926
4.68 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0 931
4.69 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 935
4.70 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 939
4.71 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp 942
4.72 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 946
4.73 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port 949
4.74 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> 951
4.75 config card 11qpe24 959
4.76 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 965
4.77 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 968
4.78 config card <dsw-packetswitch-card> 971
4.79 config card PTPCTL 976
4.80 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 982

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 653
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

4.81 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 986

4.82 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 990
4.83 config card PTPIO 994
4.84 config card ptpioc 998
4.85 show card 11dpe12 1003
4.86 show card 11dpe12a 1005
4.87 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 1007
4.88 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 1010
4.89 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1013
4.90 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid> 1017
4.91 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] 1021
4.92 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp 1031
4.93 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 1035
4.94 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port 1040
4.95 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> 1042
4.96 show card 11dpe12e 1047
4.97 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 1049
4.98 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1052
4.99 show card 11ope8 1056
4.100 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 1058
4.101 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1061
4.102 show card 11qce12x 1065
4.103 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0 1067
4.104 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1070
4.105 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 1073
4.106 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp 1076
4.107 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 1080
4.108 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port 1085
4.109 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> 1087
4.110 show card 11qpe24 1092
4.111 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 1094

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

4.112 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1097

4.113 show card <dsw-packetswitch-card> 1101
4.114 show card PTPCTL 1104
4.115 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1106
4.116 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 1110
4.117 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT 1113
4.118 show card PTPIO 1116
4.119 show card ptpioc 1118
10G OT card commands 1120
4.120 config card <10g-ot-card> 1120
4.121 show card <10g-ot-card> 1127
40G OT card commands 1131
4.122 config card <40g-ot-card> 1131
4.123 show card <40g-ot-card> 1136
100G OT card commands 1139
4.124 config card <100g-ot-card> 1139
4.125 show card <100g-ot-card> 1144
200G OT card commands 1146
4.126 config card 260scx2 1146
4.127 show card 260scx2 1151
Other OT card commands 1153
4.128 config card 1dpp24m 1153
4.129 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1158
4.130 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 1161
4.131 config card 4dpa2 1163
4.132 config card 4dpa4 1167
4.133 config card 4qpa8 1172
4.134 show card 1dpp24m 1176
4.135 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> 1178
4.136 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 1181
4.137 show card 4dpa2 1184

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 655
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

4.138 show card 4dpa4 1186

4.139 show card 4qpa8 1188
Switched card commands 1189
4.140 config card <csw-card> 1189
4.141 config card <dsw-card> 1194
4.142 show card <csw-card> 1201
4.143 show card <dsw-card> 1203
Amplifier card commands 1206
4.144 config card <ld-card> 1206
4.145 show card <ld-card> 1213
4.146 config card <ra-card> 1219
4.147 show card <ra-card> 1224
4.148 config card <aa2d-card> 1226
4.149 show card <aa2d-card> 1230
4.150 config card <iroadm-card> 1232
4.151 show card <iroadm-card> 1239
VAC card commands 1242
4.152 config card mvac 1242
4.153 config card mvac8b 1246
4.154 config card svac 1250
4.155 show card mvac 1254
4.156 show card mvac8b 1256
4.157 show card svac 1258
Passive shelf-card commands 1260
4.158 config card dcm 1260
4.159 config card {itlb | itlu} 1263
4.160 config card msh8-fsm 1265
4.161 config card psc1-6 1267
4.162 show card dcm 1269
4.163 show card {itlb | itlu} 1271
4.164 show card msh8-fsm 1272

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656 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

4.165 show card psc1-6 1274

Filter card commands 1275
4.166 config card <sfd-sfc-card> 1275
4.167 config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} 1278
4.168 show card <sfd-sfc-card> 1280
4.169 show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} 1282
Wavelength router card commands 1283
4.170 config card <cwr-card> 1283
4.171 config card <wr-card> 1289
4.172 config card <wr20-card> 1295
4.173 show card <wr-card> 1300
4.174 show card <wr20-card> 1303
Optical protection card commands 1306
4.175 config card opsa 1306
4.176 config card opsb 1311
4.177 show card opsa 1315
4.178 show card opsb 1317
Miscellaneous card commands 1319
4.179 config card aar-8a 1319
4.180 config card <aar2x-card> 1323
4.181 config card mcs8-16 1328
4.182 config card mcs8-16l 1332
4.183 config card mesh4 1336
4.184 config card mon-ocm 1342
4.185 config card mon-otdr 1344
4.186 config card <otdr-card> 1346
4.187 config card wtocm 1351
4.188 config card wtocma 1355
4.189 config card wtocm-f 1360
4.190 config card wtocm-fl 1364
4.191 show card aar-8a 1368

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 657
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

4.192 show card <aar2x-card> 1370

4.193 show card mcs8-16 1372
4.194 show card mcs8-16l 1374
4.195 show card mesh4 1376
4.196 show card mon-ocm 1378
4.197 show card mon-otdr 1380
4.198 show card <otdr-card> 1382
4.199 show card wtocm 1384
4.200 show card wtocma 1386
4.201 show card wtocm-f 1388
4.202 show card wtocm-fl 1390
Redundancy commands 1392
4.203 config redundancy 1392
4.204 config redundancy fabric 1397
4.205 show redundancy 1401
Inventory commands 1410
4.206 show card inventory 1410
4.207 show interface inventory 1413
4.208 show shelf inventory 1416

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658 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config shelf

Shelf commands

4.2 config shelf

4.2.1 Purpose
This command configures a shelf on the network element.
Use this command to:
• Create and delete shelves.
• Specify a name and description for the shelf.
• Configure power branch associated parameters like expected Amperes (DC or AC), expected
Voltage (DC or AC), shelf Voltage High and Low Threshold (DC or AC), Shelf Voltage Floor, etc.
• Configure air filter maintenance parameters.
• Set the WaveTracker mode for the shelf.
• Set individual alarm severity profile for the shelf.
• Set the expected CRU type for the shelf
• Set the switch of the timing port between F-CRU and user panel.
Note: The shelf type must be specified before other parameters can be specified.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.2.2 Command Access Level

Impact: The settings may affect shelf behavior
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.2.3 Input Format

config shelf <shelf-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 659
config shelf Nokia 1830 PSS


4.2.4 Input Parameters



1 - Configure the main shelf.

{2..64} - Configure one of the extension shelves.
Entry required
Enter 1 to Configure the main shelf. Configure a non-main shelf with 2-64. For universal
shelves, <shelf-aid> must agree with the rotary dial setting on the backplane.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf
almprof [<string>]

<string> - {1..40} character ASCII string

configured default profile of the corresponding ASAP type

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660 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config shelf

The Alarm Severity Assignment profile (ASAP) name used by the equipment entity for alarm
reporting. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting. To change the setting,
enter this keyword followed by ASAP name.

The specified ASAP name needs to identify an alarm profile of the type "eqpt".


connectivity [required | notrequired]


required - readability indicates presence/absence.

notrequired - the shelf is "unmanaged" and treated as always present even though not

Specifies for a DCM, ITLB, ITLU, MSH8-FSM, SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44 or SFD44B shelf
whether it is expected to be read and managed via the serial electrical inventory interface. Does
not apply to universal shelves.

This parameter applies to DCM, ITLB, ITLU, MSH8-FSM, SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44 or
SFD44B shelf.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the shelf description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string.


expectedamps [<value>]

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For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - autonomous detection.
{20, 30, 50, 60, 70} - manual provisioning of amperes values.
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - autonomous detection.
{20, 35} - manual provisioning of amperes values.
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - autonomous detection.
DC63 - manual provisioning of amperes values, represents DC PF
AC16 - manual provisioning of amperes values, represents AC PF
For PSS-4 shelf:
auto - autonomous detection.
3.7 - applies to AC card.
4.1 - applies to AC card.
8.5 - applies to 48V pf card.
20.6 - applies to 24V pf card

Specifies for a shelf the expected current rating of the shelf PF modules. Enter this keyword
without option to display the current value.
Note for parameter value auto:
When the shelf is equipped, the controller reads the ID of the two PF cards and takes the value
(Both shall be the same. If they differ, the smaller one is taken as the shelf power capacity).
Note for parameter value mix at PSS-4:
• If the expectedamps is not set to mix, the expectedamps value applies to both PF cards,
also expectedpfa and expectedpfb are NA (not applicable).
• If the expectedamps is set to mix, the shelf is provisioned with one VAC PF and one
VDC PF via expectedpfa and expectedpfb setting. Expectedpfa refers to PF card located
in slot 2, and expectedpfb refers to PF card located in slot 3.

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This parameter doesn't apply for DCM, ITLB, ITLU, MSH8-FSM, SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44
or SFD44B shelves.
This parameter doesn't apply for PSS-8 shelf.
This parameter doesn't apply for PSS-24x shelf. Sub-Command "power-branch" is used
This parameter doesn't apply for PSS-8x shelf. Sub-Command "power-branch" is used


expectedcru [crua <value>] [crub <value>]


For PSS-8:
SCRU - 8DC30 card with a simplified CRU (S-CRU) capability
FCRU - 8DC30T card with a full-function CRU (F-CRU) capability

SCRU for crua, crub

Sets the expected CRU type for crua and crub.
Note: The expected CRU type for crua and crub can be provisioned independently

This parameter applies to PSS-8 shelf with DC power filter card 8DC30 or 8DC30T, not for
the PSS-8 shelf with AC power filter card 8AC7.
expectedpf [pfa <value>] [pfb <value>]
For PSS-4:
3.7 - AC card.
4.1 - AC card.
8.5 - DC card.
20.6 - DC card.
3.7 for pfa in PSS-4
8.5 for pfb in PSS-4

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For PSS-8:
DC30 - 30 amperes DC PF
AC7 - 7 amperes AC PF at 110V

DC30 for pfa, pfb in PSS-8

Set the expected pfa and expected pfb.
Note: The provision will be denied if expectedamps is not mix in PSS-4.
Note: For PSS-8 the expectedpfa and expectedpfb can be provisioned independently.
Changing the expected pfa to AC7 (dual slot height card) is denied, if there is a card
provisioned in slot 2.
Changing the expected pfb to AC7 (dual slot height card) is denied, if there is a card
provisioned in slot 8 or a full height card provisioned in slot 2.

This parameter applies to PSS-4 when the expectedamps is set to mix. This parameter
applies to PSS-8.


expectedvolts [48 | 60]


48 - The input supply voltage is nominally -48 V DC.

60 - The input supply voltage is nominally -60 V DC.
Set the nominal voltage for the shelf.
This has the effect of setting the voltage alarms to the ends of the standard operating range for
the specified input supply voltage.
This parameter applies to PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8 DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-24x DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-8x DC card.

expectedvoltsac [110 | 220]

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110 - The input supply voltage is nominally 110 V AC.

220 - The input supply voltage is nominally 220 V AC.

Set the nominal AC voltage for the shelf.
This has the effect of setting the voltage alarms to the ends of the standard operating range for
the specified input supply voltage.

This parameter applies to PSS-8 AC card.

This parameter applies to PSS-16II AC card.
Sub-command: filter-check

Run manual air filter checks or performs the initial calibration. See command "config shelf
<shelf-aid> filter-check" for details.

this sub-command applies to PSS-24x shelf types only.

Sub-command: filter-maintenance-timer

Configure the timer based shelf related air filter maintenance options. See command "config
shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer" for details.
Sub-command: inventory


inventory {todb | tohw}


todb - the inventory information is copied from the shelf inventory HW to the database
tohw - the inventory information is copied from the database to the shelf inventory HW.

Entry required
Copies the shelf Remote Inventory information from the shelf inventory HW into the database or
from database to the shelf inventory HW. Each of the copy directions shall provide:
• a WARNING "Use this command only in use case of a shelf inventory HW replacement,
if a failure occurred and the NE can not update shelf Inventory data from its redundant
storage autonomously after HW replacement with a spare."
• a (yes/no) user interaction.

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This parameter applies only to PSS-24x shelves.

This parameter applies only to PSS-8x shelf.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


"Master Shelf" if main shelf

"Shelf-<shelf-aid>" if extension shelf
Specifies a name for the shelf. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name.
Sub-command: power-branch

Configures power-branch settings. See command "config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch" for

this sub-command applies to PSS-24x shelf types only.

this sub-command applies to PSS-8x shelf types only.


serialnum [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..32} characters


Specifies for a DCM, ITLB, ITLU, MSH8-FSM, SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44 or SFD44B shelf the
expected serial number. Enter this keyword to display the serial number. To change serial
number, enter this keyword followed by a character string.

Does not apply to PSS-4, PSS-8, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-32, PSS-24x, PSS-8x, VWM-CW
and VWM-DW shelves.

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shelfextacpower [no | <value>]


no - No external AC/DC converter for the shelf.

{800..2500} - external AC/DC converter output power in Watts with step of 1 watt.


This parameter applies to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelf.

Set the power capacity of the external AC/DC converter.
This value will be used to limit the power consumption:
• It is up to 1200W for 1830 PSS-8 shelf.
• It is up to 2500W for 1830 PSS-16II shelf.


shelfloadwarningthreshold [<value>]

{50..100} - percentage range of shelf load warning threshold setting with step of 1.


This parameter applies to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelf.

Set the shelf load warning threshold.
A shelf load warning alarm will be generated if the total shelf power load (the shelf worst case
power consumption, not the shelf measured power consumption) exceed the threshold. The
hysteresis for the threshold is set as 3% by default. The total shelf power load threshold= min {
provisioning value or smaller of two power entry modules or shelfExtAcPower }*


shelfvolthigh [<value>]
{0.0..85.0} - voltage range in volts with step size of 0.5 volt.

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57.0V for expectedVolts=48V.

72.0V for expectedVolts=60V.

This parameter applies to PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8 DC card.

This parameter applies to PSS-24x DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-8x DC card.
Set the high voltage threshold for the power filter input voltage.
Default is the high voltage specified in the operating range. Default is a function of
shelfVoltHigh-shelfVoltLow >= shelfvoltthreshtol + 1


shelfvolthighac [<value>]

{90..132} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=110V.
{180..264} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=220V.

120V for expectedvoltsac=110V.

240V for expectedvoltsac=220V

This parameter applies to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelves equipped with PF AC card.
Set the AC high voltage threshold for the power filter input voltage.
Default is the high voltage specified in the operating range. Default is a function of
shelfVoltHighac-shelfVoltLowac >= shelfvoltthreshtol + 1


shelfvoltlow [<value>]

{0.0..85.0} - voltage range in volts with step size of 0.5 volt.

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40.5V for expectedVolts=48V.

50.0V for expectedVolts=60V.

This parameter applies to PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8 DC card.

This parameter applies to PSS-24x DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-8x DC card.
Set the low voltage threshold for the power filter input voltage.
Default is the low voltage specified in the operating range. Default is a function of
shelfVoltHigh-shelfVoltLow >= shelfvoltthreshtol+ 1


shelfvoltlowac [<value>]

{90..132} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=110V.
{180..264} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=220V.

100V for expectedVoltsAc=110V.

200V for expectedVoltsAc=220V.

This parameter applies to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelves equipped with PF AC card.
Set the AC low voltage threshold for the power filter input voltage.
Default is the low voltage specified in the operating range. Default is a function of
shelfVoltHighac-shelfVoltLowac >= shelfvoltthreshtol + 1


shelfvoltthreshtol [<value>]

{1..5} - voltage hysteresis for the threshold range in volts, step size is 1 volt.

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This parameter applies to PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8 DC card. This parameter also
applies to PSS-8 AC card.
This parameter applies PSS-16II AC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-24x DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-8x DC card.
Set the hysteresis for the threshold voltage to prevent flapping the alarm on and off near the


shelfvoltagefloor [<value>]

{39.0..72.0} - voltage range in volts with steps of 100 mV.



This parameter applies to PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8 DC card.

This parameter applies to PSS-24x DC card.
This parameter applies to PSS-8x DC card.
The user assigned minimum guaranteed voltage for a shelf; used to calculate the maximum
current load drawn by the shelf. A fault condition is raised if this threshold is crossed.

shelfvoltagefloorac [<value>]
{90..132} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=110V.
{180..264} - AC voltage range in volts with step size of 1 volt, for expectedvoltsac=220V.

100V for expectedVoltsAc=110V.

200V for expectedVoltsAc=220V.
This parameter applies to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelves equipped with PF AC card.
The user assigned minimum guaranteed voltage for a shelf; used to calculate the maximum
current load drawn by the shelf. A fault condition is raised if this threshold is crossed.

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shelfwtmode [enabled | disabled]


enabled - The shelf supports WT function and the system will raise alarm against PFDCA
disabled - The shelf does not support WT function and the system does not raise alarm
against PFDCA card.


This parameter applies only to PSS-32 shelves.

Set the WaveTracker mode for the shelf. For PSS-32 shelf equipped with PFDCA card, disables
monitoring of redundant WT clock.
Note: Before setting shelfWTmode from enabled to disabled, all photonic cross-connections on
the shelf must be set to "unkeyed" and all OCH through LDs in this shelf must be manually


racktype [19inch | other]


19inch - The FAN speed control is optimized for thermal performance of the 19-inch rack
other - The FAN control is optimized for non-19inch rack (standalone, 21-inch and 23-inch)
to have a balance between the acoustic and thermal performance.


This parameter is only applicable for PSS-8 shelves.

Specifies the rack type in which this shelf is mounted. It is used to optimize the FAN speed
control for this shelf type. Enter keyword without parameter to display the current setting.
If the setting is changed, the user is prompted with the following message:
WARNING! You are about to change the FAN speed control algorithm. This has the impact on
the shelf thermal and acoustic performance.
Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:

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type [<shelf-type>] [ains]


dcm - External DCM shelf

empty - deprovision (delete) a shelf
itlb - ITLB shelf
itlu - ITLU shelf
msh8-fsm - msh8-fsm shelf
psc1-6 - PSC1-6 shelf
pss16 - PSS-16 shelf
pss16II - PSS-16II shelf
pss32 - PSS-32 shelf
pss4 - PSS-4 shelf
pss8 - PSS-8 shelf
pss8x - PSS-8x shelf
pss24x - PSS-24x shelf
sfd40 - SFD40 shelf
sfd40b - SFD40B shelf
sfd44 - SFD44 shelf
sfd44b - SFD44B shelf
vwm-cw - CWDM clip-on shelf
vwm-dw - DWDM clip-on shelf
Specifies the type of an extension shelf to be created, or deleted. Only extension shelves can
be created or deleted. For a main shelf only the current value can be displayed.
To enable AINS for extension shelves, follow the shelf type value the optional AINS qualifier. If
set, alarms will be suppressed until the shelf is first detected.
To deprovision (delete) a shelf, enter the keyword followed by "empty". The main shelf (<shelf-
aid> = 1) cannot be deleted. An extension shelf cannot be deleted until all non-mandatory cards
have been deleted.
A DCM, ITLB, ITLU, MSH8-FSM, SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44 and SFD44B shelf cannot be

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deleted until the contained "card" has been set to administrative state down.
A VWM-CW, VWM-DW cannot be deleted until all cards including SFD/SFC/EC have been

4.2.5 Examples

# config shelf 5 expectedamps 100

# config shelf 30 type dcm

# config shelf 30 connectivity notrequired

# config shelf 1 expectedamps mix

# config shelf 1 expectedpf pfb 20.6

# config shelf 1 expectedpf pfa 8.5 pfb 3.7

Example of PSS-8:

# config shelf 1 expectedpf pfa DC30 pfb AC7

# config shelf 1 expectedcru crua FCRU crub SCRU

# config shelf 1 shelfvoltagefloorac 100

# config shelf 1 racktype other

WARNING! You are about to change the FAN speed

control algorithm. This has the impact on the
shelf thermal and acoustic performance.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

Example of PSS-16II:

# config shelf 1 shelfloadwarningthreshold 95

Examples for PSS-24x shelf:

# config shelf 2 type pss24x

# config shelf 3 type pss24x ains

# config shelf 3 description "Extension Shelf located in row 2 bay 4"

Examples for PSS-8x:

# config shelf 4 type pss8x

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# config shelf 7 type pss8x ains

# config shelf 7 expectedvolts 60

Examples of error responses that are unique to this CLI command:

# config shelf 1 shelfwtmode disable

Error: To disable the shelfwtmode, all cross-connects on the shelf must set to
"unkeyed", all OCH through LD which is located in this shelf shall be
manually managed.

# config shelf 1 expectedpf pfa 8.5 pfb 3.7

Error: expectedamps is not set to mix

4.2.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show shelf

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4.3 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check

4.3.1 Purpose
This command performs an air filter supervision for a shelf on the network element.
Use this command to:
• Display the status of the last run
• Initial calibration of an clean air filter
• Perform a new measurement run
This command applies to PSS-24x shelf types.

4.3.2 Command Access Level

Impact: execute a new air filter check, which impacts the FAN speed.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.3.3 Input Format

config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check

4.3.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range

Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the air filter supervision shall be
performed. The shelf must be provisioned and be physically available to perform this action.
Otherwise the command execution will be rejected.

Displays the result of the last air filter supervision cycle.


Performs an initial air filter supervision calibration run for a new clean air filter. After the run
succeeded the results can be viewed by "detail" parameter. The start must be confirmed by the

Performs an air filter supervision run. After the run succeeded the results can be viewed by
"detail" parameter. The start must be confirmed by the user.

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4.3.5 Examples
# config shelf 5 filter-check detail

Shelf 5 Information
Programmed Type : PSS-24x Shelf
Present Type : PSS-24x Shelf

Scheduled Time : 02:05 (UTC)

Last Executed : 30-March-2015 02:05 (UTC)

# config shelf 2 filter-check calibrate

You are about to start an new air filter calibration.
This shall be done only with a new clean air filter.

Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes

# config shelf 2 filter-check runnow

WARNING! You are about to start an air filter supervision cycle.

Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes

4.3.6 Related Commands

show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check
show shelf <shelf-aid>

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4.4 config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer

4.4.1 Purpose
This command configures air filter inspection interval for a shelf on the network element.
Use this command to:
• enables/disables the air filter inspection time based monitoring
• configure the air filter inspection maintenance interval
• mark the time the air filter was inspected or cleaned or replaced
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.4.2 Command Access Level

Impact: enables the alarm to alert the user to inspect/replace the air filter.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.4.3 Input Format

config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer

4.4.4 Input Parameters

{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the air filter options shall be
configured. The shelf must be provisioned to successfully change these options.

monitor [on | off]

on - enables the air filter time based monitoring

off - disables the air filter time based monitoring
Enables or disables the time based air filter monitoring in this shelf. Enter this keyword without
options to display the current value.

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interval [<value>]
{1..104} - inspection interval time in weeks. Range is between 1 week and 2 years.
Sets the air filter maintenance interval. If monitoring is enabled then an alarm is raised if this
interval is exceeded. Enter this keyword without options to display the current value.

startdate [now | <yyyy-mm-dd>]
now - sets the current day
yyyy-mm-dd - sets it to a specific day, which is not in the future; yyyy=year mm=month
Sets the day, when the air filter was inspected in the shelf. If the date is in the future the new
value is rejected. Enter this keyword without options to display the current value.

4.4.5 Examples
# config shelf 5 filter-maintenance-timer startdate now

# config shelf 30 filter-maintenance-timer interval 8

# config shelf 1 filter-maintenance-timer monitor

monitor : on

# config shelf 1 filter-maintenance-timer startdate 2030-01-19

ERROR: startdate is not allowed to be set to a date in the future

4.4.6 Related Commands

show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer

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4.5 config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch

4.5.1 Purpose
This command configures the power branch settings within a shelf.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration of the power branch.
• Set the expected amps of a power branch.
This command applies to PSS-24x shelf types, which support 6 power branches.
This command applies to PSS-8x shelf types, which support 1 power branch.

4.5.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the expected amps influence the power calculation and alarming.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.5.3 Input Format

config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch <branch-number>

4.5.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the power branch options shall be
configured. The shelf must be provisioned to successfully change these options.


{1..6} - allowed power branch number range in PSS-24x shelf

1 - allowed power branch number in PSS-8x shelf

Entry required
Specifies the power branch number of an universal shelf for which the options shall be

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Displays for the selected power branch the configured and measured values. Output is identical
to "show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch <branch-number>".

expectedamps [<value>]
For PSS-24x shelf:
60 - manual provisioning of ampere value.
For PSS-8x shelf:
60 - manual provisioning of ampere value.
Specifies for the power branch the expected current rating of the circuit breaker. Enter this
keyword without option to display the current value.

4.5.5 Examples
Examples for PSS-24x shelf:

# config shelf 1 power-branch 1 expectedamps 60

# config shelf 1 power-branch 1 detail

Branch# Amps PF A PF B Icalc Imeas Pmeas
1 60 1/34/I 1/37/I 59.76 25.12 1381.6

Examples for PSS-8x shelf:

# config shelf 1 power-branch 1 expectedamps 60

# config shelf 1 power-branch 1 detail

Branch# Amps PF A PF B Icalc Imeas Pmeas
1 60 1/1/I 1/16/I 59.76 25.12 1381.6

4.5.6 Related Commands

show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch

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4.6 show shelf

4.6.1 Purpose
This command shows information about the shelves in the network element.
Display of voltage threshold and tolerance do not apply to 1830 PSS-4.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.6.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.6.3 Input Format

show shelf <shelf-aid>

4.6.4 Input Parameters



{1..64} - shelf number range

* - to display a list of all shelves on the network element.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf. Enter the shelf number, or enter a * to display a list of all shelves on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric values of <shelf-aid> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: filter-check
Displays air filter check parameters. See command "show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check" for
this sub-command applies to PSS-24x shelf types only.
Sub-command: filter-maintenance-timer
Displays timer based air filter maintenance options of the shelf. See command "show shelf
<shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer" for details.

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Sub-command: power-branch

Displays power-branch related parameters. See command "show shelf <shelf-aid> power-
branch" for details.

this sub-command applies to PSS-24x shelf types only.

this sub-command applies to PSS-8x shelf types only.

4.6.5 Examples

# show shelf *

Shelf Programmed Present Description Connectivity Serial #

1 PSS-32 PSS-32 Master Shelf - -
2 PSS-32 Empty Shelf-2 - -
5 PSS-32 Empty Shelf-5 - -
25 SFD44B SFD44B Shelf-25 Not required

# show shelf *

Shelf Programmed Present Description Connectivity Serial#

1 PSS-32 PSS-32 Master Shelf - -
25 SFD44 SFD44 Shelf-25 Required OP072000012
29 VWM-CW VWM-CW Shelf-29 Required -
33 VWM-DW VWM-DW Shelf-33 Required -

Examples of PSS-32 Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf
ExpectedAmps : 50
ExpectedVolts : 48

ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-32 Shelf

Present Type : PSS-32 Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

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Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50

Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39
Calculated Load : 35.56

# show shelf 2

Shelf 2 Information
Name : Shelf-2
Description : Shelf-2
AINS : Disabled
ExpectedAmps : 50
ExpectedVolts : 48

ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-32 Shelf

Present Type : PSS-32 Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39
Calculated Load : 29.02

Example of PSS-16II Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf
ExpectedAmps : 63
ExpectedVolts : 48
ShelfExtAcPower : No

Clock source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-16II Shelf

Present Type : PSS-16II Shelf

Shelf Power Capacity : 2520

Remaining Power Capacity : 1520

High Voltage Thresh : 57.00

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Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50

Voltage Thresh Tol : 1.00
Shelf Voltage Floor : 40.00
Shelf load warning threshold : 95%
Calculated Load : 27.00

# show shelf 2

Shelf 2 Information
Name : Shelf-2
Description :

AINS : Enabled
ExpectedAmps : AC16
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-16II Shelf

Present Type : Empty Shelf

ShelfExtAcPower : No
Shelf load warning threshold: 100%
Shelf Power Capacity : 1250.0 W
Remaining Power Capacity : 689.0 W

ExpectedVoltsAC : 110
High Voltage Thresh AC : 120.00
Low Voltage Thresh AC : 100.00
Shelf Voltage Floor AC : 100.0
Calculated Load AC : 6.37

# show shelf 3

Shelf 3 Information
Name : Shelf-3
Description :

AINS : Disabled
ExpectedAmps : AC16
Clock Source : PF-11

Programmed Type : PSS-16II Shelf

Present Type : PSS-16II Shelf

ShelfExtAcPower : No
Shelf load warning threshold: 100%
Shelf Power Capacity : 2457.0 W
Remaining Power Capacity : 1821.0 W

ExpectedVoltsAC : 220

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High Voltage Thresh AC : 240.00

Low Voltage Thresh AC : 200.00
Shelf Voltage Floor AC : 200.0
Calculated Load AC : 3.50

Example of PSS-8 Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description :
ExpectedPFA : DC30
ExpectedPFB : DC30
ExpectedCRUA : FCRU
ExpectedCRUB : SCRU
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-8 Shelf

Present Type : PSS-8 Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39.0
Calculated Load : 9.67
ExpectedVolts : 48
ShelfExtAcPower : No
Shelf load warning threshold: 100%
Shelf Power Capacity : 1198.0 W
Remaining Power Capacity : 820.5 W
ExpectedVoltsAC : 110
High Voltage Thresh AC : 120.00
Low Voltage Thresh AC : 100.00
Shelf Voltage Floor AC : 100.0
Calculated Load AC : 3.78
Racktype : 19inch

Examples of PSS-4 Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf

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ExpectedAmps : 3.7
ExpectedPFA : NA
ExpectedPFB : NA
Programmed Type : PSS-4 Shelf
Present Type : PSS-4
ShelfStatus LED : Solid Red

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf
ExpectedAmps : MIX
ExpectedPFA : 3.7
ExpectedPFB : 8.5
Programmed Type : PSS-4 Shelf
Present Type : PSS-4
ShelfStatus LED : Solid Red

Examples of PSS-24x Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf
ExpectedVolts : 48

ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-24x Shelf

Present Type : PSS-24x Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39

Check Filter time : 02:01 (UTC)

Last Clogged Rate : 64 Dp.norm

Alarm Profile : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show shelf 2

Shelf 2 Information
Name : Shelf-2
Description : Shelf-2

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AINS : Disabled
ExpectedVolts : 48

ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-24x Shelf

Present Type : PSS-24x Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39

Check Filter time : 02:02 (UTC)

Last Clogged Rate : 32 Dp.norm

Alarm Profile : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

Examples of PSS-8x Shelf:

# show shelf 1

Shelf 1 Information
Name : Master Shelf
Description : Master Shelf
ExpectedVolts : 48

ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-8x Shelf

Present Type : PSS-8x Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39.0

Alarm Profile : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show shelf 2

Shelf 2 Information
Name : Shelf-2
Description : Shelf-2
AINS : Disabled
ExpectedVolts : 48

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ShelfWTmode : Enabled
Clock Source : Auto

Programmed Type : PSS-8x Shelf

Present Type : PSS-8x Shelf

High Voltage Thresh: 57.00

Low Voltage Thresh : 40.50
Voltage Thresh Tol : 2.00
Shelf Voltage Floor: 39

Alarm Profile : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

Example of SFD44 shelf:

# show shelf 25

Shelf 25 Information
Name : Shelf-25
Description : Shelf-25
AINS : Disabled
Serial # : OP072000012
Connectivity : Required

Programmed Type : SFD44 Shelf

Present Type : SFD44 Shelf

Example of MSH8-FSM shelf:

# show shelf 29

Shelf 29 Information
Name : Shelf-29
Description : Shelf-29
AINS : Disabled
Serial # : OP072000012
Connectivity : Required

Programmed Type : MSH8-FSM Shelf

Present Type : MSH8-FSM Shelf

Example of VWM-CW Shelf:

# show shelf 29

Shelf 29 Information
Name : Shelf-29
Description : Shelf-29
AINS : Disabled

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Connectivity : Required

Programmed Type : VWM-CW Shelf

Present Type : VWM-CW Shelf

Example of VWM-DW Shelf:

# show shelf 33

Shelf 33 Information
Name : Shelf-33
Description : Shelf-33
AINS : Disabled
Connectivity : Required

Programmed Type : VWM-DW Shelf

Present Type : VWM-DW Shelf

4.6.6 Related Commands

config shelf

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show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check Nokia 1830 PSS

4.7 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check

4.7.1 Purpose
This command shows information about the air filter supervision cycle for shelves in the network
This command applies to PSS-24x shelf types.

4.7.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.7.3 Input Format

show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check

4.7.4 Input Parameters

{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range
* - for a list of all shelves in the network element
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the air filter options shall be retrieved.
If a "*" is entered parameters of all shelves in the network element is returned as a list.

4.7.5 Output Parameters

Table 30 show shelf

Label Parameter Name Description

Shelf <shelf-aid> Shelf number for which the
data are displayed.
Programmed Type type Provisioned Shelf Type
(see "config shelf" command)
Present Type - Currently Present Shelf Type
Scheduled Time filter-check-time Time, when the air filter
(see "config general" supervision is scheduled.

4.7.6 Examples
# show shelf 5 filter-check

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Shelf 5 Information
Programmed Type : PSS-24x Shelf
Present Type : PSS-24x Shelf

Scheduled Time : 02:05 (UTC)

Last Executed : 2016-December-21 02:05 (UTC)

# show shelf * filter-check

Present Scheduled Last

Shelf Type Time Run
1 PSS-24x 02:01 (UTC) 2016-December-21 02:01 (UTC)
11 PSS-24x 02:11 (UTC) 2016-December-21 02:11 (UTC)

4.7.7 Related Commands

config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-check
show shelf

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show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer Nokia 1830 PSS

4.8 show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer

4.8.1 Purpose
This command shows information about the air filter inspection maintenance for shelves in the
network element.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.8.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.8.3 Input Format

show shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer

4.8.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range

* - for a list of all shelves in the network element
Specifics the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the air filter options shall be retrieved.
If a "*" is entered parameters of all shelves in the network element is returned as a list.

4.8.5 Output Parameters

Table 31 show shelf

Label Parameter Name Description

Shelf <shelf-aid> Shelf number for which the
data are displayed.
Monitor monitor Displays the monitoring state
(see "config" command) of this shelf.

Start-Date start-date Displays the entered start

(see "config" command) date of the maintenance
Interval interval Displays the interval of the
(see "config" command) maintenance interval in

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Table 31 show shelf (continued)

Label Parameter Name Description

Maintenance-Date maintenance-date The calculated inspection
interval. Start-date plus
interval in weeks. Is only
displayed, if monitoring is

4.8.6 Examples
# show shelf 11 filter-maintenance-timer

Shelf 11 filter-maintenance-timer
Monitor : on
Start-Date : 2015-01-19
Interval : 22 weeks
Maintenance-Date : 2015-05-29

# config shelf * filter-maintenance-timer

Shelf Monitor Start-Date Interval Maintenance-Date

1 on 2015-01-19 22w 2015-05-29
6 off 1970-01-01 26w ----------
11 on 2015-01-19 22w 2015-05-29

4.8.7 Related Commands

config shelf <shelf-aid> filter-maintenance-timer
show shelf

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show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch Nokia 1830 PSS

4.9 show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch

4.9.1 Purpose
This command displays the power branch settings within a shelf. Is also displays the related slots to
a power-branch.
This command applies to PSS-24x shelf types, which support 6 power branches.
This command applies to PSS-8x shelf types, which support 1 power branch.

4.9.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.9.3 Input Format

show shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch <branch-number>

4.9.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the power branch options shall be
configured. The shelf must be provisioned to successfully change these options.


{all, 1..6} - allowed power branch number range in PSS-24x shelf

{all, 1} - allowed power branch number range in PSS-8x shelf

Entry required
Specifies the power branch number of an universal shelf for which the options shall be

Displays for the selected power branch the related slots of the shelf.

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4.9.5 Output Parameters

Table 32 all power branches

Label Description
Branch# Displays the Power Branch number in the
addressed shelf.
Expected Amps Displays the configured expected amps of the
circuit breaker for this power branch.
PF A Displays the input port number of the related
PF slot number of feed A.
PF B Displays the input port number of the related
PF slot number of feed B.
Icalc Displays the Imax sum of all provisioned cards
in this power branch.
The displayed resolution is in 10mA steps.
** indicates that this power branch is
configured to consume more Amps than
Expected Amps allows.
Imeas Displays the actual measured current (in
Amps) as sum of all present cards in this
power branch.
The displayed resolution is in 10mA steps.
Pmeas Displays the currently measured power in
watts of the power branch based on the actual
input voltage at the PF.
The displayed resolution is in 100mW steps.
Total Displays the sum of all rows above.

Table 33 power branch slot options

Label Description
Slot# Displays the slot number
Programmed Type Displays the provisioned card type of the slot
Imax Displays maximum current (in Amps) of the
provisioned card in the slot.
The displayed resolution is in 10mA steps.
() indicates that the value of this card is not

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Table 33 power branch slot options (continued)

Label Description
Imeas Displays the actual measured current (in
Amps) of the available card in the slot.
The displayed resolution is in 10mA steps.
- indicates that no value is currently available.
na indicates that this card does not support
actual measurement.
Pmeas Displays the currently measured power value
(in watts) of the card in the slot.
The displayed resolution is in 100mW steps.
- indicates that no value is currently available.
na indicates that this card does not support
actual measurement.
Total Displays the sum of all rows above.

4.9.6 Examples
The following examples shows the power branch output in PSS-24x shelf with a assumption
of input voltage = 53 at the PF cards.

# show shelf 1 power-branch all

Branch# Amps PF A PF B Icalc Imeas Pmeas
1 60 1/34/I 1/37/I 59.76 27.94 1480.7
2 60 1/34/III 1/35/I 30.59 15.88 841.6
3 60 1/36/I 1/35/III 60.76** 11.24 595.7
4 60 1/36/III 1/37/III 0.48 0.00 0.0
5 60 1/34/II 1/35/II 0.48 0.00 0.0
6 60 1/36/II 1/37/II 59.52 23.86 1264.5
Total 211.59 78.92 4182.5

# show shelf 1 power-branch 4

Branch# Amps PF A PF B Icalc Imeas Pmeas
4 60 1/36/III 1/37/III 0.48 0.00 0.0

The following examples shows the slots per power branch output in PSS-24x shelf with a
assumption of input voltage = 53V at the PF cards.

# show shelf 1 power-branch 1 slots

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Slot# Programmed Type Imax Imeas Pmeas

1/16 CEC2 1.89 0.87 46.1
1/29 CEC2 1.89 0.99 52.4
1/30 FAN 18.50 7.40 392.2
1/31 FAN 18.50 10.03 531.5
1/32 FAN 18.50 8.65 458.4
1/34 PF 0.48 na na
1/37 PF (0.48) na na
Total 59.76 27.94 1480.8

# show shelf 1 power-branch 2 slots

Slot# Programmed Type Imax Imeas Pmeas

1/10 Empty 0.00 - -
1/11 4UC400 9.84 6.21 329.1
1/12 4UC400 9.84 4.12 218.3
1/13 Empty 0.00 - -
1/14 30AN300 5.51 3.43 181.7
1/15 4AN400 4.92 2.12 112.3
1/34 PF 0.48 na na
1/35 PF (0.48) na na
Total 30.59 15.88 841.6

# show shelf 1 power-branch 5 slots

Slot# Programmed Type Imax Imeas Pmeas

1/23 Empty 0.00 - -
1/24 Empty 0.00 - -
1/25 Empty 0.00 - -
1/26 Empty 0.00 - -
1/27 Empty 0.00 - -
1/28 Empty 0.00 - -
1/36 PF 0.48 na na
1/37 PF (0.48) na na
Total 0.48 0.00 0.0

The following examples shows the power branch output in PSS-8x shelf with a assumption
of input voltage = 53V at the PF cards.

# show shelf 1 power-branch all


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Branch# Amps PF A PF B Icalc Imeas Pmeas

1 60 1/1/I 1/1/I 59.76 27.94 1480.7
Total 59.76 27.94 1480.7

The following examples shows the slots per power branch output in PSS-8x shelf with a
assumption of input voltage = 53V at the PF cards.

# show shelf 1 power-branch 1 slots

Slot# Programmed Type Imax Imeas Pmeas

1/1 PF 0.36 na na
1/2 8XCEC2 1.67 1.20 63.60
1/3 empty
1/4 empty
1/5 empty
1/6 empty
1/7 SC16 2.79 1.21 64.13
1/8 SC16 2.79 1.23 65.19
1/9 SC16 2.79 1.31 69.43
1/10 empty
1/11 empty
1/12 empty
1/13 empty
1/14 MFC 0.23 0.11 5.83
1/15 8XCEC2 1.67 1.07 56.71
1/16 PF (0.36) na na
1/17 empty
1/18 empty
1/19 FAN 2.05 0.76 40.28
1/20 FAN 2.05 0.86 45.58
1/21 FAN 2.05 0.81 42.93
Total 18.46 8.56 453.68

4.9.7 Related Commands

config shelf <shelf-aid> power-branch

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Shelf synchronization commands

4.10 config sync <shelf-aid>

4.10.1 Purpose
This command configures the shelf synchronizations options for PSS-8 shelf.
Use this command to:
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status of the shelf
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference of the shelf
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock of the shelf
• Set the synchronous Ethernet output clock of the shelf
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.10.2 Command Access Level

Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.10.3 Input Format

config sync <shelf-aid>

4.10.4 Input Parameters

{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range

Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf
Sub-command: lineref{0..4}
Enters the context to configure the synchronous Ethernet line reference attributes of the shelf.
See "config sync <shelf-aid> lineref{0..4}".

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This cannot be provisioned when "syncesupp" is disabled.

Sub-command: sync0

Enters the context to configure the synchronization Ethernet system clock attributes of the
shelf. See "config sync <shelf-aid> sync0".

This cannot be provisioned when "syncesupp" is disabled.

Sub-command: syncout

Enters the context to configure the synchronization Ethernet output clock attributes of the shelf.
See "config sync <shelf-aid> syncout".

This cannot be provisioned when "syncesupp" is disabled.



syncesupp [enable | disable]


enable - Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the shelf and the synchronization attributes
can be configured.
disable - Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the shelf and the synchronization
attributes cannot be configured.

Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status, the value can be enable or disable.
If it is configured as enable, the following commands are supported, and the port level
parameter 'ssmtrans' will take affect. If it is configured as disable, the following commands are
not supported, also the port level parameter 'synceoppmode' and port level parameter
'ssmtrans' will not take affect.
• config sync <shelf-aid> sync0
• config sync <shelf-aid> syncout
• config sync <shelf-aid> lineref{0..4}

4.10.5 Examples

# config sync 1 syncesupp

SyncE Support : enable

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4.10.6 Related Commands

config interface <pf-fcru-card> <port-aid>
show sync <shelf-aid>

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config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.11 config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.11.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference attributes of the shelf synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority for the system timing entity
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Set the line reference incoming QL Enable/disable
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.11.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.11.3 Input Format

config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.11.4 Input Parameters


{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range

Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

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lineref{0..4} - line timing reference synchronization


Entry required
Configures the line timing reference synchronization type.


admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assPort [<value> | null]


For PSS-8 shelf:

<shelf>/{1,7}/P{1..2} - Ethernet timing ports on 8DC30T card
<shelf>/13/BITS2 - BITS input on PSS-8 shelf panel
null - no port is associated to the line timing reference
For PTPIOC card:
<shelf>/<slot>/{OTC1L, OTC1S, OTC2L, OTC2S} - OTC Line and Signal ports on PTPIOC
null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Specifies which port can be assigned as line timing reference for the system timing entity. Each
line timing reference can be associated to a port.
Note: Different ports shall be associated to different line timing reference. If the specified port is
already associated to another line timing reference, the command will be denied.

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For PSS-8 shelf, the associated port for line timing reference can be one of the following
ports on the same shelf as specified in "config sync <shelf-aid>".
• One BITS input port on PSS-8 ShelfPanel card
• One of the two Ethernet timing ports on the active 8DC30T card
• One of the two Ethernet timing ports on the standby 8DC30T card
• Two OTC Line or Signal timing ports on PTPIOC card


priority [<value>]

0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..5} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

Sets the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


priorityForOutputTiming [<value>]

0 - disabled the timing reference from the output timing selection process
{1..5} - enabled the timing reference for the output timing selection process

Sets the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value

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Nokia 1830 PSS config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>



incssmsupp [enable | disable]


{enable, disable}

Enables or disables the line reference incoming QL processing.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg of sync0 or syncout is enable.


provql [<value>]

auto - do not override

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3} - SONET mode

Configures incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg of sync0 or syncout is enable.

4.11.5 Examples

# config sync 1 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config sync 1 lineRef1 assPort 1/13/BITS2

# config sync 1 lineRef1 priority 1

# config sync 1 lineRef1 priorityForOutputTiming 2

# config sync 1 lineRef1 incssmsupp enable

# config sync 1 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

# config sync 1 lineRef1 assPort 1/7/P2

Error: Request Fail - wrong associated Port for lineRef1

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config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.11.6 Related Commands

show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config sync <shelf-aid> sync0

4.12 config sync <shelf-aid> sync0

4.12.1 Purpose
This command configures the synchronous Ethernet system clock attributes of the shelf
synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.12.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.12.3 Input Format

config sync <shelf-aid> SYNC0

4.12.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf


switchCmd <cmd-value> [switchto <target-value>]

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config sync <shelf-aid> sync0 Nokia 1830 PSS


For <cmd-value> allowed values are:

For <target-value> allowed values are:
int - Switch to Internal
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef0
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref4 - Switch to lineRef4
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process.
The following is the list of the swtich commands.
Forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system timing entity if
the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out.
Lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. (Note: This command is only applicable to
A manual switch command selects the timing reference, assuming it is enabled, not locked out,
not in "failed" signal status ((SYNCREFFAIL and/or SLTMSIG) or unassigned
(SYNCREFUNEQ) or WTR), and has a QL better than DNU in QL-enabled mode. Furthermore,
in QL-enabled mode, a manual switch can be performed only to a source which has the highest
available QL. As such, these conditions have the effect that manual switching can only be used
to override the assigned timing reference priorities. A manual switch request overrides a
previous manual switch request. (Note: This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..4})
Clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference or internal clock.

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Cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..4})
1. Lockout is the highest request and always accepted.
2. Force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference.
3. Man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status
is Normal.
4. For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "switchto" to specify the
AID of timing reference.
5. The int in "switchto" is the internal clock identifier, it is the defualt value for allowable

syncMsg [enabled | disabled]
disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection for system timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not.
wtr [<value>]
{0..12} - gain in minutes
5 minutes
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
Note: This value is only for SDH mode.

4.12.5 Examples
# config sync 1 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config sync 1 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

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# config sync 1 SYNC0 wtr 5

# config sync 1 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

# config sync 1 SYNC0 switchcmd clear-lockout switchto lineref1

# config sync 1 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is only applicable to

# config sync 1 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is only applicable to

# config sync 1 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config sync 1SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

# config sync 1 SYNC0 SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config sync 1 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

4.12.6 Related Commands

show sync <shelf-aid> SYNC0

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4.13 config sync <shelf-aid> syncout

4.13.1 Purpose
This command configures the synchronous Ethernet output clock attributes of the shelf
synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for output timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Set the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing
• Select the signal for the output timing
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.13.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.13.3 Input Format

config sync <shelf-aid> SYNCOUT

4.13.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

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switchCmd <cmd-value> [switchto <target-value>]


For <cmd-value> allowed values are:

For <target-value> allowed values are:
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef0
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref4 - Switch to lineRef4

Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process. This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..4}.
The following is the list of the swtich commands.
Forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system timing entity if
the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out. Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..4}.
Lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. Note: This command is only applicable to
Manual selection of the indicated line timing reference for the system timing entity if the
reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out and the priority of
the indicated line time reference is higher than the one of the current reference. Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..4}.
Clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference.

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Cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference.
• Force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference
• Man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status is
• For switch command of clear, it is not necessary to follow Swithchto to specify the AID of
timing reference.
• For output timing, this command does not apply to the internal clock (int).
• Lockout is the highest request and always accepted


syncMsg [enabled | disabled]


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.

Determines if the timing reference selection for output timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not. Enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.


qlThd [<value>]

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - When the NE is in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - When the NE is in SONET mode

SEC - for node working in SDH mode


ST3 - for node working in SONET mode

Specifies the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing

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outSel [OUTTIM | SETG]


OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.

SETG - Output is selected from system timing.

Selects the signal for the output timing.

4.13.5 Examples

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT syncmsg disable

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT qlThd SEC

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT outSel SETG

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the force switch command is not applicable to int

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is not applicable to int

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is not applicable to int

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to

the working lineref1

# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

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# config sync 1 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to

the working lineref1

4.13.6 Related Commands

show sync <shelf-aid> SYNCOUT

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4.14 show sync <shelf-aid>

4.14.1 Purpose
This command configures the shelf synchronizations options for PSS-8 shelf.
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.14.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.14.3 Input Format

show sync <shelf-aid>

4.14.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

4.14.5 Examples

# show sync 1

Shelf: 1
Working Activity ReadyTo
Slot Type Role State Protect
1/1 FCRU Working Active -
1/7 FCRU Protection Inactive Yes

SyncE Support : enable

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4.14.6 Related Commands

config sync <shelf-aid>

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show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.15 show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.15.1 Purpose
This command displays the timing synchronization attributes of the shelf synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority of the system timing entity
• Display the line timing reference priority of the output timing entity
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the state of the line timing reference
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the system timing entity
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the output timing entity
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL status enable/disable
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.15.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.15.3 Input Format

show sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

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4.15.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf



Entry required
Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Displays the settings for the line timing reference.


Shows the incoming QL value.

The following values are reported for this parameter:
• not-applicable
• {unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
• {PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode

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Shows the line reference incoming QL Status.

The following values are reported for this parameter:
• 0 - valid
• 1 - invalid
• 2 - not supported
• 3 - not applicable

Shows the line reference incoming QL processing status.

The following values are reported for this parameter:
• enable
• disable

Shows the line timing reference operation status.

The following values are reported for this parameter:
• up
• down

Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing entity.

Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing entity.

Shows the manually provisioned incoming QL value.


Shows the line timing reference lockout status for the system timing entity.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• Yes
• No

Shows the line timing reference lockout status for the output timing entity.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• enable
• disable

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Shows the signal status for the line timing reference as forwarded to the system timing.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• Not-assigned - Synchronization line timing reference is unassigned.
• Normal - Line timing reference is assigned and operating normally without faults.
• Signal-failure - Synchronization line timing reference failure.
• WTR - Synchronization line timing reference is recovered and the WTR timer is running.

4.15.5 Examples
# show sync 1 lineRef1 detail
Shelf: 1
Assign Port : 1/1/P1
Admin State : up
Inc SSM Support : enable
Inc SSM Status : valid
Inc SSM Msg : SSU_A
Oper State : up
Priority : 1
Priority for Output Timing : 1
Provql : AUTO
Ref Status : NORMAL
Ref Lockout : disable
Ref Lockout of Output Timing : disable

4.15.6 Related Commands

config sync <shelf-aid> <lineref-aid>

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show sync <shelf-aid> sync0 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.16 show sync <shelf-aid> sync0

4.16.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing attributes the shelf synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.16.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.16.3 Input Format

show sync <shelf-aid> SYNC0

4.16.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required

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Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

Shows information about the current selected (active) line timing reference for system timing
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• none
• lineRef{0..4}

Shows the clock mode status for the system timing entity.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal
• autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
• autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no
history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
• forcefrng - Forced free-running mode for system timing entity.

Displays the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• disabled
• enabled

Shows the value of the system quality level (SSM).

The following values are reported for this parameter:
• {PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode
• {PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode

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Shows the value of wait to restore time for all timing references.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• {0..12} - gain in minutes
Shows the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
• Man - manual switch to line timing reference
• Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
• NR - no request (no switch command is active)

4.16.5 Examples
# show sync 1 SYNC0 detail
Shelf: 1
Active Reference : lineRef1
Clock Mode State : locked
Sync Status Messaging : Enabled
Wait To Restore Time : 5
Ref SwCmd Stat : force
System QL : PRC

4.16.6 Related Commands

config sync <shelf-aid> SYNC0

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4.17 show sync <shelf-aid> syncout

4.17.1 Purpose
This command displays the output timing attributes of the shelf synchronization clock.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the output timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Display the synchronization switch state for output timing entity
• Display the details information of the output timing entity
• Display the quality level threshold of the output timing entity
• Display the output selection of the output timing entity
This command is only applicable for PSS-8 shelf types with 8DC30T power filter.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf applicability.

4.17.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.17.3 Input Format

show sync <shelf-aid> SYNCOUT

4.17.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - allowed universal shelf number range


Entry required
Specifies the shelf number of an universal shelf for which the synchronization options shall be

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

Shows information about the current selected (active) line timing reference for output timing
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• none
• lineRef{0..4}
Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for output timing.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• disabled
• enabled
Displays the current settings for the output timing entity.
Shows the state of switch command for the output timing entity.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
• Man - manual switch to line timing reference
• Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
• NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Shows the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• {PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode
• {PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode
Shows the selection of the output timing.
The following values are reported for this parameter:
• OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.
• SETG - Output is selected from system timing.

4.17.5 Examples
# show sync 1 SYNCOUT detail
Shelf: 1

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Active Reference : lineRef1
Sync Status Messaging : Enabled
Ref SwCmd Stat : force
qlThd : SEC
outSel : OUTTIM

4.17.6 Related Commands

config sync <shelf-aid> SYNCOUT

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config card Nokia 1830 PSS

General slot-card commands

4.18 config card

4.18.1 Purpose
This command configures a card on the network element.
This command provides access to subcommands that allow you to:
• Configure general parameters (name, description, temperature thresholds) for any card on the
network element.
• Configure card-specific parameters.
Note: For non-mandatory cards, you must either insert a card in a slot, or configure a slot to accept
a specific card type before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.18.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.18.3 Input Format

config card [<card-name>] <slot-aid>

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4.18.4 Input Parameters


112sca1 - Configure a 112sca1 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
112scx10 - Configure a 112scx10 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
112sdx11 - Configure a 112sdx11 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
112sna1 - Configure a 112sna1 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
112snx10 - Configure a 112snx10 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
11dpe12 - Configure a 11dpe12 OT card. See "config card 11dpe12" for further details.
11dpe12a - Configure a 11dpe12a OT card. See "config card 11dpe12a" for further details.
11dpe12e - Configure a 11dpe12e OT card. See "config card 11dpe12e" for further details.
11dpm12 - Configure a 11DPM12 OT card. See "config card 11dpm12" for further details.
11ope8 - Configure a 11OPE8 OT card. See "config card 11ope8" for further details.
11qce12x - Configure a 11QCE12X OT card. See "config card 11qce12x" for further details.
11qpa4 - Configure a 11QPA4 OT card. See "config card 11qpa4" for further details.
11qpa4 - Configure a 11QPA4B OT card. See "config card 11qpa4b" for further details.
11qpe24 - Configure a 11QPE24 OT card. See "config card 11qpe24" for further details.
11qpen4 - Configure a 11QPEN4 OT card. See "config card 11qpen4" for further details.
11star1 - Configure a 11STAR1 OT card. See "config card {11star1|11star1a}" for further
11star1a - Configure a 11STAR1A OT card. See "config card {11star1|11star1a}" for further
11stge12 - Configure a 11STGE12 OT card. See "config card 11stge12" for further details.
11stmm10 - Configure a 11STMM10 OT card. See "config card 11stmm10" for further
12ce120 - Configure a 12CE120 card. See "config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>" for
further details.
12ce121 - Configure a 12CE121 card. See "config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>" for
further details.
12p120 - Configure a 12P120 OT card. See "config card <dsw-card>" for further details.
130sca1 - Configure a 130SCA1 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further

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130scx10 - Configure a 130SCX10 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
130snq10 - Configure a 130SNQ10 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
130snx10 - Configure a 130SNX10 OT card. See "config card <100g-ot-card>" for further
1ce100 - Configure a 1CE100 card. See "config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>" for further
1ud200 - Configure a 1UD200 card. See "config card <dsw-card> " for further details.
1ux100 - Configure a 1UX100 central switched uplink card. See "config card <csw-card>"
for further details.
20ax200 - Configure a 20AX200 central switched card. See "config card <csw-card>" for
further details.
20mx80 - Configure a 20MX80 central switched card. See "config card <csw-card>" for
further details.
20p200 - Configure a 20p200 decentralized switched card. See "config card <dsw-card>"
for further details.
20uc200 - Configure 20UC200 central switched uplink card. See "config card <csw-card>"
for further details.
260scx2 - Configure a 260SCX2 OT card. See "config card 260scx2" for further details.
2uc400 - Configure a 2uc400 central switched uplink card. See "config card <csw-card>"
for further details.
30an300 - Configure a 30an300 central switched client card. See "config card <csw-card>"
for further details.
32ec2 - Configure an EC equipment controller card. See "config card <eqm-ctrl>" for further
43sca1 - Configure a 43SCA1 OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further details.
43scge1 - Configure a 43SCGE1 OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further
43scx4 - Configure a 43SCX4 OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further details.
43scx4e - Configure a 43SCX4E OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further
43sta1p - Configure a 43STA1P OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further
43stx4 - Configure a 43STX4 OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further details.
43stx4p - Configure a 43STX4P OT card. See "config card <40g-ot-card>" for further

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card

4an400 - Configure a 4an400 central switched client card. See "config card <csw-card>" for
further details.
4uc400 - Configure a 4uc400 central switched uplink card. See "config card <csw-card>"
for further details.
4dpa2 - Configure a 4DPA2 OT card. See "config card 4dpa2" for further details.
4dpa4 - Configure a 4DPA4 OT card. See "config card 4dpa4" for further details.
8ec2 - Configure an EC equipment controller card. See "config card <eqm-ctrl>" for further
8xcec2 - Configure an EC equipment controller card with central clock in PSS-8x shelf. See
"config card <eqm-ctrl>" for further details.
a2325a - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
a2p2125 - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
a4pswg - Configure an amplifier or OSCT card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further
AA2DONW - Configure a AA2DONW amplifier card. See "config card <aa2d-card>" for
further details.
AA2DONWB - Configure a AA2DONWB amplifier card. See "config card <aa2d-card>" for
further details.
aar-8a - Configure an AAR-8A amplifier array card. See "config card aar-8a" for further
aar2x8a - Configure an AAR2X8A amplifier array card. See "config card aar2x8a" for further
aar2x8al - Configure an AAR2X8AL amplifier array card. See "config card aar2x8al" for
further details.
ahphg - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
ahplg - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
alphg - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2017b - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2032a - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2125a - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2125b - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2318a - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2325b - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
am2625a - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
aswg - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
awbegr - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.

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awbila - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
awbing - Configure an amplifier card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
cec2 - Configure an EC equipment controller card with central clock. See "config card
<eqm-ctrl>" for further details.
cwr8 - Configure a CWR8 wavelength selective switch card. See "config card {cwr8|cwr8-
88}" for further details.
cwr8-88 - Configure a CWR8-88 wavelength selective switch card. See "config card
{cwr8|cwr8-88}" for further details.
d5x500 - Configure a D5X500 card. See "config card <dsw-card> " for further details.
d5x500l - Configure a D5X500L card. See "config card <dsw-card>" for further details.
dcm - Configure a DCM card. See "config card dcm" for further details.
ec - Configure an EC equipment controller card. See "config card <eqm-ctrl>" for further
ec-cw - Configure an ec-cw card. See"config card <clipon-ec-card>" for further details.
ec-dw - Configure an ec-dw card. See "config card <clipon-ec-card>" for further details.
iroadmf - Configure a IROADMF amplifier card. See "config card <iroadm-card>" for further
iroadmv - Configure a IROADMF amplifier card. See "config card <iroadm-card>" for further
iroadm9m - Configure a IROADM9M amplifier card. See "config card <iroadm-card>" for
further details.
itlb - Configure an ITLB card. See "config card {itlb|itlu}" for further details.
itlu - Configure an ITLU card. See "config card {itlb|itlu}" for further details.
mcs8-16 - Configure an MCS8-16 multi-cast switch card. See "config card mcs8-16" for
further details.
mcs8-16l - Configure an MCS8-16L multi-cast switch card. See "config card mcs8-16L" for
further details.
mesh4 - Configure a MESH4 card. See "config card mesh4" for further details.
msh8-fsm - Configure a MSH8-FSM fiber shuffle module. See "config card msh8-fsm" for
further details.
mon-ocm - Configure a MON-OCM card. See "config card mon-ocm" for further details.
mon-otdr - Configure a MON-OTDR card. See "config card mon-otdr" for further details.
mvac - Configure an MVAC variable attenuator card. See "config card mvac" for further
mvac8b - Configure an MVAC8B variable attenuator card. See "config card mvac8b" for
further details.
opsa - Configure an OPSA protection switch card. See "config card opsa" for further details.

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opsb - Configure an OPSB protection switch card. See "config card opsb" for further details.
osct - Configure an OSCT card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
osctapr - Configure an OSCTAPR card. See "config card <ld-card>" for further details.
ptpctl - Configure a PTPCTLB card. See "config card ptpctl" for further details.
ptpio - Configure a PTPIO card. See "config card ptpio" for further details.
ptpioc - Configure a PTPIOC card. See "config card ptpioc" for further details.
ra2p - Configure a RA2P card. See "config card ra2p" for further details
ra5p - Configure a RA5P card. See "config card ra5p" for further details
s13x100 - Configure an S13X100 card. See "config card <dsw-card>" for further details.
s13x100e - Configure an S13X100e card. See "config card <dsw-card>" for further details.
sc16 - Configure a SC16 central switch card. See "config card <sc-card>" for further details.
sc96 - Configure a SC96 central switch card. See "config card <sc-card>" for further details.
sfc1 - Configure an SFC card. SFC1 includes SFC1A - SFC1H. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfc2 - Configure an SFC card. SFC2 includes SFC2A - SFC2D. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfc4 - Configure an SFC card. SFC4 includes SFC4A, SFC4B. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfc8 - Configure an SFC card. SFC8 includes SFC8 only. See "config card <sfd-sfc-card>"
for further details.
sfd2 - Configure an SFD card. SFD2 includes SFD2A - SFD2R. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfd4 - Configure an SFD card. SFD4 includes SFD4A - SFD4H. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfd5 - Configure an SFD card. SFD5 includes SFD5A - SFD5H. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfd8 - Configure an SFD card. SFD8 includes SFD8A - SFD8D. See "config card <sfd-sfc-
card>" for further details.
sfdc8 - Configure an SFDC8 card. SFDC8 includes SFDC8A - SFDC8E. See "config card
<sfd-sfc-card>" for further details.
sfd40 - Configure an SFD40 card. See "config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}" for
further details.
sfd40b - Configure an SFD40B card. See "config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}" for
further details.
sfd44 - Configure an SFD44 card. See "config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}" for
further details.
sfd44b - Configure an SFD44B card. See "config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}" for

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config card Nokia 1830 PSS

further details.
svac - Configure an SVAC variable attenuator card. See "config card svac" for further
wr2-88 - Configure a WR2-88. See "config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af|wr2-88}" for further
wr20-tf - Configure a WR20-TF. See "config card <wr20-card>" for further details.
wr20-tfm - Configure a WR20-TFM. See "config card <wr20-card>" for further details.
wr20tfml - Configure a WR20TFML. See "config card <wr20-card>" for further details.
wr8-88a - Configure a WR8-88A. See "config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af|wr2-88}" for further
wr8-88af - Configure a WR8-88AF. See "config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af|wr2-88}" for further
wtocm - Configure a WTOCM card. See "config card {wtocm|wtocm-f}" for further details.
wtocm-f - Configure a WTOCM-F card. See "config card {wtocm|wtocm-f}" for further
wtocm-fl - Configure a WTOCM-FL card. See "config card {wtocm|wtocm-f|wtocm-fl}" for
further details.
wtocma - Configure a WTOCMA card. See "config card wtocma" for further details.
Specifies the card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is omitted then the
card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.


<shelf>/<slot> - For allowed values for <shelf> and <slot> see Appendix A, “Reference

Entry required
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> of the addressed card. Enter this command you change to the
context of this card. This command allows you to omit the <card-name>, and have the CLI
automatically fill in the <card-name> programmed for the slot.
Enter the shelf, a slash, and the slot number containing the card you want to configure. If the
slot is populated or pre-provisioned for a card, the network element automatically determines
the card type and updates the command line appropriately.

4.18.5 Examples

# config card 11star1

# config card alphg

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4.18.6 Related Commands

config slot
show card

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4.19 config slot

4.19.1 Purpose
This command configures a slot in a shelf.
Use this command to:
• Pre-provision the network element database to expect a specific card type in the slot
• Specify the administrative state of the card in the slot
• Set individual alarm severity profile for the slot
Note: The slot type must be specified before the state can be provisioned.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.19.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the state to down puts the card in the slot administratively out of service.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.19.3 Input Format

config slot <slot-aid>

4.19.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - to address a specific slot

* - display a list of all slots in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all slots in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

almprof [<string>]

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<string> - {1..40} character ASCII string


configured default profile of the corresponding ASAP type

The Alarm Severity Assignment profile (ASAP) name used by the equipment entity for alarm
reporting. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting. To change the setting,
enter this keyword followed by ASAP name.

The specified ASAP name needs to identify an alarm profile of the type "eqpt".
This parameter is only applicable for slots in shelf PSS-24x and PSS-8x.


state [<value>]

up - set the admin state to in-service.

down - set the admin state to out-of-service.
mt - set the admin state to maintenance.

Sets the administrative state of the card in the slot.
Enter this keyword followed by one of the defined values, or enter this keyword alone to display
the current administrative state of the card.
Sub-command: type

Specifies the card type that is or will be inserted into the slot. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".

4.19.5 Examples

# config slot 1/4 state up

# config slot 1/7 state mt

4.19.6 Related Commands

config card
config interface
show shelf
show slot

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4.20 config slot <slot-aid> type

4.20.1 Purpose
This command configures a slot for a specific card type.
Use this command to:
• Pre-provision the network element database to expect a specific card type in the slot.
• Change the setting for a pre-provisioned card type to the card type that is currently inserted into
the slot.
AINS (automatic in-service): When pre-provisioning a slot for a specific card type, you can set the
ains qualifier to specify that no alarms are generated for the card until it is first inserted in the slot.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.20.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Configures the card type for the specified slot
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.20.3 Input Format

config slot <slot-aid> type
<card-name> [ains]

4.20.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - to address a specific slot

* - display a list of all slots in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Configure the addressed slot as empty. This deprovisions (deletes) the card.
If you insert a card into a slot configured as empty, the slot is automatically configured for the
inserted card type using its default values.

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112sca1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 112SCA1 card in the slot.
112scx10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 112SCX10 card in the slot.
112sdx11 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 112SDX11 card in the slot.
112sna1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 112SNA1 card in the slot.
112snx10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 112SNX10 card in the slot.
11dpe12 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11DPE12 card in the slot.
11dpe12a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11DPE12a card in the slot.
11dpe12 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11DPE12e card in the slot.
11dpm12 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11DPM12 card in the slot.
11ope8 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11OPE8 card in the slot.
11qce12x - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11QCE12X card in the slot.
11qpa4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11QPA4 card in the slot.
11qpa4b - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11QPA4B card in the slot.
11qpe24 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11QPE24 card in the slot.
11qpen4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11QPEN4 card in the slot.
11star1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11star1 card in the slot.
11star1a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11star1a card in the slot.
11stge12 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11STGE12 card in the slot.
11stmm10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 11STMM10 card in the slot.
12ce120 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 12CE120 card in the slot.
12ce121 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 12CE121 card in the slot.
12p120 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 12P120 card in the slot.
130SCA1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 130SCA1 card in the slot.
130scx10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 130SCX10 card in the slot.
130snq10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 130SNQ10 card in the slot.
130snx10 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 130SNX10 card in the slot.
1ce100 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 1CE100 card in the slot.
1ud200 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 1UD200 card in the slot.
1ux100 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 1UX100 card in the slot.
20ax200 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 20AX200 card in the slot.
20mx80 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 20MX80 card in the slot.

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20p200 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 20p200 card in the slot.

20uc200 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 20uc200 card in the slot.
260scx2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 260scx2 card in the slot.
2uc400 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 2uc400 card in the slot.
30an300 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 30an300 card in the slot.
32ec2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 32ec2 card in the slot.
4an400 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 4an400 card in the slot.
4uc400 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 4uc400 card in the slot.
43sca1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43SCA1 card in the slot.
43scge1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43scge1 card in the slot.
43scx4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43SCX4 card in the slot.
43scx4e - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43SCX4e card in the slot.
43sta1p - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43sta1p card in the slot.
43stx4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43stx4 card in the slot.
43stx4p - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 43stx4p card in the slot.
4dpa2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 4dpa2 card in the slot.
4dpa4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a 4dpa4 card in the slot.
8ec2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 8ec2 card in the slot.
8usrpnl - Pre-provision the NE to expect an 8usrpnl card in the slot.
AA2DONW - Pre-provision the NE to accept an AA2DONW amplifier card in this slot.
AA2DONWB - Pre-provision the NE to accept an AA2DONWB amplifier card in this slot.
aar-8a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an aar-8a card in the slot.
aar2x8a - Configure an AAR2X8A amplifier array card. See "config card aar2x8a" for further
aar2x8al - Configure an AAR2X8AL amplifier array card. See "config card aar2x8al" for
further details.
a2325a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an a2325a card in the slot.
a2p2125 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an a2p2125 card in the slot.
ahphg - Pre-provision the NE to expect an ahphg card in the slot.
ahplg - Pre-provision the NE to expect an ahplg card in the slot.
alphg - Pre-provision the NE to expect an alphg card in the slot.
am2017b - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2017b card in the slot.
am2032a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2032a card in the slot.

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am2125a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2125a card in the slot.

am2125b - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2125b card in the slot.
am2318a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2318a card in the slot.
am2325b - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2325b card in the slot.
am2625a - Pre-provision the NE to expect an am2625a card in the slot.
aswg - Pre-provision the NE to expect an aswg card in the slot.
a4pswg - Pre-provision the NE to expect an a4pswg card in the slot.
awbegr - Pre-provision the NE to expect an awbegr card in the slot.
awbila - Pre-provision the NE to expect an awbila card in the slot.
awbing - Pre-provision the NE to expect an awbing card in the slot.
osct - Pre-provision the NE to expect an OSCT card in the slot.
osctapr - Pre-provision the NE to expect an OSCTAPR card in the slot.
cwr8 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a CWR8 card in the slot.
cwr8-88 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a cwr8-88 card in the slot.
d5x500 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a d5x500 card in the slot.
d5x500l - Pre-provision the NE to expect a d5x500l card in the slot.
ec - Pre-provision the NE to expect an EC card in the slot.
ec-cw - Pre-provision the NE to expect an EC-CW card in the slot.
ec-dw - Pre-provision the NE to expect an EC-DW card in the slot.
iroadmf - Pre-provision the NE to expect an iroadmf card in the slot.
iroadmv - Pre-provision the NE to expect an iroadmv card in the slot.
iroadm9m - Pre-provision the NE to expect an iroadm9m card in the slot.
mcs8-16 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a mcs-8-16 card in the slot.
mcs8-16l - Configure an MCS8-16L multi-cast switch card. See "config card mcs8-16L" for
further details.
mesh4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a mesh4 card in the slot.
mon-ocm - Pre-provision the NE to expect a MON-OCM card in the slot.
mon-otdr - Pre-provision the NE to expect a MON-OTDR card in the slot.
mvac - Pre-provision the NE to expect a mvac card in the slot.
mvac8b - Pre-provision the NE to expect a mvac8b card in the slot.
opsa - Pre-provision the NE to expect an opsa card in the slot.
opsb - Pre-provision the NE to expect an opsb card in the slot.
otdr - Pre-provision the NE to expect an otdr card in the slot.

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otdrm - Pre-provision the NE to expect an otdrm card in the slot.

otdrwb - Pre-provision the NE to expect an otdrwb card in the slot.
pf - Pre-provision the NE to expect a PF card in the slot. Applies only to PSS-4.
ptpctl - Pre-provision the NE to expect a ptpctl card in the slot.
ptpio - Pre-provision the NE to expect a ptpio card in the slot.
ptpioc - Pre-provision the NE to expect a ptpioc card in the slot.
ra2p - Pre-provision the NE to expect a ra2p card in the slot.
ra5p - Pre-provision the NE to expect a ra5p card in the slot.
s13x100 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an s13x100 card in the slot.
s13x100e - Pre-provision the NE to expect an s13x100e card in the slot.
sfc1 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFC1 includes
sfc2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFC2 includes
sfc4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFC4 includes
sfc8 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFC8 includes SFC8
sfd2 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFD2 includes
sfd4 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFD4 includes
sfd5 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFD5 includes
sfd8 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFD or SFC card in the slot. SFD8 includes
sfdc8 - Pre-provision the NE to expect an SFDC card in the slot. SFDC8 includes SFDC8A
svac - Pre-provision the NE to expect a savc card in the slot.
wr2-88 - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr2-88 card in the slot.
wr20-tf - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr20-tf card in the slot.
wr20-tfm - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr20-tfm card in the slot.
wr20tfml - - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr20tfml card in the slot.
wr8-88a - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr8-88a card in the slot.
wr8-88af - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wr8-88af card in the slot.
wtocm - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wtocm card in the slot.

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wtocm-f - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wtocm-f card in the slot.

wtocm-fl - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wtocm-fl card in the slot.
wtocma - Pre-provision the NE to expect a wtocma card in the slot.
Identifies the card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is omitted then the
card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.
Enter this optional keyword to enable the ains qualifier.

4.20.5 Examples
# config slot 1/12 type alphg

# config slot 6/16 type 43stx4

Unable to complete request.
Error: Request failed - card height, width,
or connector position is incompatible with slot

4.20.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
config interface
show shelf
show slot

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config slot migration Nokia 1830 PSS

4.21 config slot migration

4.21.1 Purpose
This command migrates a slot from one card type to another card type of the same family with a
superset of the functionality of the former card.
Use this command to:
• configure slots to be migrated to new card types.
• activate slot migration.
• display a list of slots set to be migrated.
• clear the list of slots to be migrated.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

4.21.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Migrates one or more slots to a new type. Activate initiates a warm resets the network
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.21.3 Input Format

config slot migration
<slot-aid> [migrateto]

4.21.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - to address a specific slot

* - display a list of all slots in the network element with migration target <card-name>
assigned to a value other than none.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: migrateto


migrateto [<card-name>]

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wtocm-f - Provision the target slot type migration to a wtocm-f card.

wr8-88af - Provision the target slot type migration to a wr8-88af card.
ra2p-96 - Provision the target slot type migration to an ra2p-96 card.
none - Clear the slot type migration for the slot.


wtocm-f is allowed only if the slot <slot-aid> has a currently programmed type of wtocm or
wr8-88af is allowed only if the slot <slot-aid> has a currently programmed type of wr8-88a.
ra2p-96 is allowed only if the slot <slot-aid> has a currently programmed type of ra2p.
ra2p-96 is not allowed if the equipment controller flash memory does not contain the
ra2p-96 card software.
Sets the migration target <card-name> for the slot. Enter parameter without value to display the
current value. Value none indicates no migration target is set for the slot. Note that any set
migration targets will be retained if the equipment controller or network element undergo a reset
or the equipment controller undergoes a side switch prior to activating the migration using the
activate command.
Sub-command: activate


Command is rejected if the slot present type is not empty or equal to the target <card-
Command is rejected if none of the slots have been set to a migration target.
Activates migration of ALL slot migrations defined on the network element. A prompt gives the
user an opportunity to confirm and proceed with yes or not proceed with no. After the command
is entered the network element will undergo a warm reset, and as the NE goes through the
warm reset the card type of the slots with migration targets will be migrated to the target type. If
any of the slots with migration targets assigned are not either present type empty or present
type equal to the migration target type, the command is denied. Note there is no way to back-
out after this command. To go back to the old configuration a database back-up must be

Clears ALL the slot migration targets defined on the network element.

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4.21.5 Examples
# config slot migration 1/5 migrateto wtocm-f

# config slot migration *

Location Programmed Type Present Type Target Type
1/7 WR8-88A WR8-88AF WR8-88AF

# config slot migration 1/5 migrateto

Target Type: WTOCM-F

# config slot migration 1/9 migrateto

Target Type: None

# config slot migration activate

WARNING: You are about to perform a migration of slot type(s).

This will cause a network element warm reset.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: no

Command aborted

# config slot migration activate

WARNING: You are about to perform a migration of slot type(s).

This will cause a network element warm reset.

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

# config slot migration activate yes

4.21.6 Related Commands

show slot migration

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4.22 show card

4.22.1 Purpose
This command shows card configuration information on the network element.
This command provides access to subcommands that allow you to:
• Show brief information for all cards of a specific type.
• Show detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.22.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.22.3 Input Format

show card [<card-name>] <slot-aid>

4.22.4 Input Parameters


Specifies the card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is omitted then the
card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.
For supported values of <card-name> see "config card" parameter <card-name>.

<shelf>/<slot> - For allowed values for <shelf> and <slot> see Appendix A, “Reference
* - To display all cards of the entered <card-name> in the network element.
Entry required
Enter the shelf, a slash, and the slot number containing the card you want to display.
This command allows you to omit the <card-name>, in that case the CLI determines the <card-
name> programmed for the slot and displays the card information.
Enter * will list all the cards of programmed <card-name> in the system.

4.22.5 Examples
# show card 11star1

# show card alphg

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# show card S13X100 3/4

Shelf: 3 Slot: 4 - S13X100 (Equipped: S13X100)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier: FLT
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

4.22.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card

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Nokia 1830 PSS show slot

4.23 show slot

4.23.1 Purpose
This command displays the current configuration for a specific slot, or for all slots in a shelf, or for
all slots on the network element.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.23.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.23.3 Input Format

show slot <slot-aid>

4.23.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - Specifies the location of the slot you want to query

<shelf>/* - display a list of all slots in one shelf
* - display a list of all slots on the network element

Entry required
Specifies the location of the slot you want to query.

4.23.5 Examples

# show slot 3/12

Shelf: 3 Slot: 12 - 11STMM10

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Present Type: 11STMM10

# show slot 3/4

Shelf: 3 Slot: 4 - 4AN400

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Present Type: 4AN400

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show slot Nokia 1830 PSS

Alarm Profile : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show slot 3/4

Shelf: 3 Slot: 4 - S13X100

Admin State : Up State Qualifier: FLT
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Enabled
Present Type: S13X100

# show slot 1/*

Admin Oper State

Slot Programmed Type Present Type State State Qualifier
1/1 EC EC Up Up
1/3 CWR8 CWR8 Up Up
1/4 see slot 3 see slot 3
1/5 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/6 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/7 11star1 Empty Up Down AINS UEQ
1/8 11STMM10 11STMM10 Up Up
1/9 11STMM10 11STMM10 Up Up
1/10 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/11 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/12 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/13 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/14 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/15 CWR8 CWR8 Up Up
1/16 see slot 15 see slot 15
1/18 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/19 PF PF Up Up
1/20 see slot 2 see slot 2
1/21 see slot 3 see slot 3
1/22 see slot 3 see slot 3
1/23 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/24 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/25 SVAC Empty Up Down UEQ
1/26 see slot 8 see slot 8
1/27 see slot 9 see slot 9
1/28 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/29 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/30 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/31 11star1 11star1 Up Up
1/32 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/33 see slot 15 see slot 15
1/34 see slot 15 see slot 15

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1/35 see slot 17 see slot 17

1/36 PF Empty Up Down UEQ
1/37 FAN FAN Up Up
1/38 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/39 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ

# show slot *

Admin Oper State

Slot Programmed Type Present Type State State Qualifier
1/1 PF PF Down Down
1/2 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/3 11DPE12A Empty Up Down UEQ
1/4 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/5 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/6 8EC2 8EC2 Up Up
1/8 see slot 7 see slot 7
1/9 see slot 3 see slot 3
1/10 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/11 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/12 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
1/14 FAN FAN Up Up
2/1 PF PF Down Down
2/2 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/3 11DPE12A Empty Up Down UEQ
2/4 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/5 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/6 8EC2 8EC2 Up Up
2/7 PF PF Up Up
2/8 11QPA4 11QPA4 Up Up
2/9 see slot 3 see slot 3
2/10 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/11 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/12 Empty Empty Down Down UAS UEQ
2/14 FAN FAN Up Up

4.23.6 Related Commands

config slot

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show slot migration Nokia 1830 PSS

4.24 show slot migration

4.24.1 Purpose
This command displays pending slot migrations from one card type to another.
Use this command to:
• display a list of slots set to be migrated to a target type of card.
• display the slot migration target type for a single slot.
This command applies to all 1830 PSS shelf types.

4.24.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.24.3 Input Format

show slot migration

4.24.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - to display a specific slot's migration target information.
* - display a list of all slots in the network element with migration target assigned to a value
other than none.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.24.5 Examples
# show slot migration *

Location Programmed Type Present Type Target Type
1/7 WR8-88A WR8-88AF WR8-88AF

# show slot migration 1/5

Target Type: WTOCM-F

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# show slot migration 1/9

Target Type: None

4.24.6 Related Commands

config slot migration

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config card <clipon-ec-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Mandatory card commands

4.25 config card <clipon-ec-card>

4.25.1 Purpose
This command is used to configure card options for EC-CW and EC-DW.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the association between PSS-8 and PSS-16II equipment controller card.
• Reset the card.
This command applies to VWM shelves connected to 1830 PSS-8 and PSS-16II
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.25.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.25.3 Input Format

config card <clipon-ec-card> <slot-aid>

4.25.4 Input Parameters



{ec-dw, ec-cw}

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards for Clipon shelves.

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<shelf>/<slot> - to address a specific slot

* - display a list of all slots in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of VWM EC cards on the
network element by location.
Note the valid EC-CW slot is always slot 1 in VWM-CW shelf.
Note the valid EC-DW slot is 1 and 2 in VWM-DW shelf.


cliponid [<value>]

{0..7} - clip-on shelf number


Specify the <cliponid> of clip-on shelf, which corresponds to the rotary switch on EC panel.
Clip-on ID are not allowed to provision without association EC addressed been assigned. Once
the valid clip-on id been assigned, it is not allowed to change unless current clip-on EC been
deleted and recreated.


connectto [<string>]

EC-<shelf>-<slot> - controller the clip-on shelf is associated with.

"" - clears the association.

Specifies the address of associated PSS-8 and PSS-16II EC. Enter this keyword without option
to display the current value. Assign the association EC address prior to the clip-on ID. Once the
valid association EC address is assigned, it is not allowed to change unless current clip-on EC
has been deleted and recreated.

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config card <clipon-ec-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.
reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card. Only warm reset is supported for clip-on ecdw and eccw.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.25.5 Examples
# config card ec-cw *
Admin Oper State

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Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier

29/1 EC-CW Up Up

# config card ec-dw *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
29/1 EC-DW Up Up

# config card ec-dw 26/1 connectto 1/1

# config card ec-dw 26/1 reset cold force

4.25.6 Related Commands

show card <clipon-ec-type>

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config card <eqm-ctrl> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.26 config card <eqm-ctrl>

4.26.1 Purpose
This command configures options for Equipment Controller cards:
• 32EC2
• 8EC2
• 8XCEC2
• CEC2
• EC
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Reset the card.
• Access a sub-command to configure options for Equipment Controller card-level PMs.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.26.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.26.3 Input Format

config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <eqm-ctrl>

4.26.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x clock and equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x clock and equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller card type, for which the command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of equipment controller
cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Specifies the shelf and slot that contains the card. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash
and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..255} characters

"" - to clear the description

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Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

Value range for Equipment Controllers in non ETR shelves:

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.
{23..194} - temperature range for °F.
Value range for Equipment Controllers in ETR shelves PSS-8 (8EC2) and PSS-4 (EC):
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to equipment controllers in non ETR shelves.

23 - for °F. Applicable to equipment controllers in non ETR shelves.

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-40 - for °C. Applicable to equipment controllers in ETR shelves PSS-8 (8EC2) and PSS-4
-40 - for °F. Applicable to equipment controllers in ETR shelves PSS-8 (8EC2) and PSS-4
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.
Sub-command: pm

Configure the options for gathering PMs for the card. See "config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm
PM command does not apply to 8XCEC2 and CEC2 card.

reset {cold | warm} [force]

cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card application software only, and is not service
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with

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config card <eqm-ctrl> Nokia 1830 PSS

administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.26.5 Examples
# config card EC *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State state Qualifier
1/1 EC Up Up
2/1 EC Up Up

# config card 8EC2 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State state Qualifier
1/6 8EC2 Up Up
1/12 8EC2 Up Up

# config card EC 1/1 hightemp 75

# config card EC 1/1 reset cold force

4.26.6 Related Commands

config interface <eqm-ctrl>
config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm

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show card

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config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.27 config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm

4.27.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for gathering card-level performance monitoring (PM) for the
following equipment controller cards:
• EC
• 8EC2
• 32EC2
Use this command to:
• Clear the raw counts for this PM group
• Configure the 15-minute and 1-day bins
• Assign a Threshold Crossing Alert profile to this interface
This command doesn't apply to 8XCEC2 and CEC2 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.27.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies how performance statistics are gathered and stored for the card.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.27.3 Input Format

config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm card

4.27.4 Input Parameters

EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card
8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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followed by a slash and the slot number.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Entry required
Sub-command: card
Configure the Card group PM options. See "config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm card" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

4.27.5 Examples
(config card ec 1/1 pm card 0)# clear

(config card ec 1/1 pm card 1)# bins 20

(config card ec 1/1 pm card 1)# profile 2

4.27.6 Related Commands

config card <eqm-ctrl>
config profile pm card
show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm
show profile pm card

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config card <sc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.28 config card <sc-card>

4.28.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for mandatory:
• sc96 - central fabric switch (csw) card with 9.6T capacity in PSS-24x shelf
• sc16 - central fabric switch (csw) card with 1.6T capacity in PSS-8x shelf
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.28.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.28.3 Input Format

config card <sc-card> <slot-aid>

4.28.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the allowed central fabric switch card type the command apply to.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <sc-card>



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..255} characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.

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config card <sc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


"Switch Card-<shelf>-<slot>"
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <sc-card>


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.28.5 Examples
# config card sc96 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 SC96 Up Up
1/8 SC96 Up Down UEQ
1/9 SC96 Up Up

# config card sc96 1/9 name

Card Name: Switch Card-1-9

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config card <sc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card sc96 1/7 hightemp 85

# config card sc96 1/8 description "replaced by new one 03/12/15"

# config card sc16 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 SC16 Up Up
1/8 SC16 Up Down UEQ
1/9 SC16 Up Up

# config card sc96 1/7 reset cold force

4.28.6 Related Commands

show card <sc-card>

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770 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config fan

4.29 config fan

4.29.1 Purpose
Configure card options for a FAN.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Reset the card.
• Set fan speed for maintenance activity.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.29.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.29.3 Input Format

config fan <fan-aid>

4.29.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - fan addressed by slot


Entry required
Specifies the location of the addressed FAN.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric values of <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 771
config fan Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the description for the instance. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string
that provides a description of the instance. If the description contains spaces use quotes
around the text.


fanspeed [normal | maximum]


normal - Fan speed controlled automatically by the system for normal operation
maximum - Fan runs at constant full speed for maintenance operation.

Specifies the fan speed. Enter this keyword without option to display the current fan speed
setting. To change the fan speed, enter this keyword followed by the new setting.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


"Fan-<shelf>" - for FAN in PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II, PSS-8, PSS-4

"Fan-<shelf>-<slot>" - for FAN in PSS-24x, PSS-8x
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config fan



hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance

this parameter is only applicable for FAN modules in PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance

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config fan Nokia 1830 PSS


this parameter is only applicable for FAN modules in PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types.


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").
this parameter is only applicable for FAN modules in PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types.
reset warm

warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only.

Performs a resets of the card.
this parameter is only applicable for FAN modules in PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types.

4.29.5 Examples
# config fan 1 description "installed by Joe 11/20/2008"

Set the fanspeed of one FAN module in PSS-24x shelf to normal operation:

# config fan 1/31 fanspeed normal

# config fan 1/31 hightemp 86

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Nokia 1830 PSS config fan

4.29.6 Related Commands

config shelf
show fan

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 775
config mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.30 config mfc

4.30.1 Purpose
This command configures MFC card options for mandatory:
• Multi Function Card in PSS-24x shelf
• Multi Function Card in PSS-8x shelf
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Enable or disable the general purpose relays on the card.
• Specify whether the general purpose inputs are active on high or low signal.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Set individual alarm severity profile for environment.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.30.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Settings affect the behavior of the housekeeping.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.30.3 Input Format

config mfc <shelf>

4.30.4 Input Parameters


Specifies the shelf number. Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid shelf numbers

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Nokia 1830 PSS config mfc



{1..8}genrelay [opr | rls]


opr - close dry contact

rls - open dry contact

Enable or disable the general purpose relay. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one of the allowed values.

This parameter is only applicable in the Main Shelf.



{1..8}outputlabel [<string>]

<string> - 56 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current label

"GPO-<number>" with <number> = 1..8

User defined label for general purpose output. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting. To change the label, enter this keyword followed by a character string up to 56

This parameter is only applicable in the Main Shelf.



<in-number>inputactive [high | low]


1..16 - <in-number> for PSS-24x

1..8 - <in-number> for PSS-8x
high - the input become active on a high signal
low - the input become active on a low signal

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config mfc Nokia 1830 PSS


Configures the state at which general purpose input becomes active. Enter this keyword without
option to display the current setting.

This parameter is only applicable in the Main Shelf.



<in-number>inputmessage [<string>]

1..16 - <in-number> for PSS-24x

1..8 - <in-number> for PSS-8x
<string> - 56 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current message

"Environmental Input <in-number> active"

Configures the message to be displayed when the general purpose input becomes active. Enter
this keyword without option to display the current setting. To change the message, enter this
keyword followed by a character string up to 56 characters.

This parameter is only applicable in the Main Shelf.



almprofenv [<string>]

<string> - {1..40} character ASCII string


configured default profile of the corresponding ASAP type

The Alarm Severity Assignment profile (ASAP) name used by the equipment entity for alarm
reporting. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting. To change the setting,
enter this keyword followed by ASAP name.

The specified ASAP name needs to identify an alarm profile of the type "env".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config mfc



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..255} characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting.
To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a
description of the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

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config mfc Nokia 1830 PSS


-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance

name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
"Multi Function Card-<shelf>-<slot>"
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.
tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

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Nokia 1830 PSS config mfc

4.30.5 Examples
Example sets the input message for input number 8:

# config mfc 1 8inputmessage "Door Open sensor triggered"

Example operates the output relay for number 7:

# config mfc 1 7genrelay opr

4.30.6 Related Commands

show mfc

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 781
config interface mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.31 config interface mfc

4.31.1 Purpose
This command configures the SENSOR port connected to the MFC card.
Use this command to:
• Display detailed SENSOR port information.
• Set the Alarm Severity Assignment profile (ASAP) name of the port.
This command applies to PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types only.

4.31.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.31.3 Input Format

config interface mfc <sensor-aid>

4.31.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/39/sensor - in PSS-24x shelf type

<shelf>/14/sensor - in PSS-8x shelf type

Entry required
Specifies the SENSOR port on the mfc card.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf


almprof [<string>]

1..40 - character ASCII string


name of the configured default profile of the corresponding ASAP type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mfc

Configures the the name of ASAP (Alarm Severity Assignment Profile) used for alarm reporting.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword
followed by new ASAP name.
The specified ASAP name needs to identify uniquely an alarm profile of the type "eqpt".
Displays the current settings for the SENSOR port. See "show interface mfc".

4.31.5 Examples
Examples of SENSOR port in PSS-24x shelf type:

# config interface mfc 1/39/sensor almprof lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# config interface mfc 1/39/sensor almprof
Current value: lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

Examples of SENSOR port in PSS-8x shelf type:

# config interface mfc 1/14/sensor almprof lbl-eqpt-none

# config interface mfc 1/14/sensor almprof
Current value: lbl-eqpt-none

4.31.6 Related Commands

config mfc
show mfc
show interface mfc

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 783
config pf Nokia 1830 PSS

4.32 config pf
4.32.1 Purpose
This command configures options for a PF (power filter).
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the CRU on the PSS-8 PF and PSS-16II PF.
• Access the subcommand that allows you to configure the housekeeping on the PF of master
shelf in 1830 PSS-4.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.32.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.32.3 Input Format

config pf <slot-aid>

4.32.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all pf cards in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PF cards on the network
element by location.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config pf



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
° F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
Sub-command: housekeeping


This subcommand only applies to PSS-4 master shelf.

Configures the housekeeping on the PF cards of the master shelf. See "config pf <shelf>/<slot>


lowtemp [<degrees>]

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config pf Nokia 1830 PSS


Value range for all non ETR shelves:

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.
{23..194} - temperature range for °F.
Value range for ETR shelves PSS-8 and PSS-4:
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to non ETR shelves.

23 - for °F. Applicable to non ETR shelves.

-40 - for °C. Applicable to ETR shelves PSS-8 and PSS-4.

-40 - for °F. Applicable to ETR shelves PSS-8 and PSS-4.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


"Power Filter-<shelf>-A" or "Power Filter-<shelf>-B".


"Power Filter-<shelf>-<slot>" in PSS-24x, PSS-8x shelf

Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


This parameter applies to PF cards of PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelves.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config pf


reset {cold} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the "CRU" and is service affecting.

force - optional parameter together with cold.
This command restart the CRU, which will temporally stop providing system timing to all I/O
cards. So it is service-affecting. In a system with redundant PF cards, it is strongly
recommended not to reset both PF cards at the same time. Please confirm PF related alarms
cleared and inactive PF "ReadyToProtect" status turn to "Yes", and then cold reset another PF
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

For the F-CRU and S-CRU mixed configuration in one shelf, i.e. one 8DC30T F-CRU card
and one 8DC30 S-CRU card in PSS-shelf, the reset on the active F-CRU is denied if the
"syncesupp" parameter in the "config sync <shelf-aid>" command is set to "enable".

tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.32.5 Examples
Example of 1830 PSS-4

# config pf 2/2 housekeeping

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config pf Nokia 1830 PSS

Error: command not found: housekeeping

Example of 1830 PSS-8

# config pf 1/7 lowtemp -35

Example of 1830 PSS-16II

# config pf 1/2 hightemp 70

# config pf 1/2 reset cold force

4.32.6 Related Commands

config shelf
config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping
show pf
show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

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788 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

4.33 config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

4.33.1 Purpose
This command configures options for a PF (power filter) on the master shelf.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the general purpose relays on the PF.
• Specify whether the general purpose inputs are active on a high or low signal.
• Provide rack lamp control function
This command is only applicable for PSS-4 shelf types.

4.33.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Settings affect the behavior of the PF card housekeeping interfaces.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.33.3 Input Format

config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

4.33.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Note: Housekeeping only applies to master shelf.
Note 2: For PSS-4, the provision can be set only when the shelf expectedamps is 8.5 or is mix
with expectedpfa/expectedpfb is 8.5.
Note 3: For PSS-4, the housekeeping can work properly only when related slot contains
-48VDC PF card and shelf expectedamps is 8.5 or is mix with expectedpfa/expectedpfb is 8.5.
Note 4: For PSS-4, the racklamp control via housekeeping can work properly only when two
-48VDC PF cards present and shelf expectedamps is 8.5.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 789
config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping Nokia 1830 PSS



{1..2}genrelay [opr | rls | auto <shelf>/<slot> | racklamp]


opr - close dry contact

rls - open dry contact
auto - place the contact under software control
racklamp - switch housekeeping function to rack lamp control function

Enable or disable the general purpose relay. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting. To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by opr, rls, auto or racklamp.
1. Note:
<shelf>/<slot> is specified only for the auto parameter value.
The <shelf>/<slot> value cannot be the same as a <shelf>/<slot> value that is already
provisioned for any other relay.
If there is an existing auto value for a relay, any attempt to change the value will
require a confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: This relay is currently set to AUTO, and changing its value could affect the
shut down and restart of Raman pumps. Do you want to proceed?
2. racklamp option.
• All external control outputs must be in "rls" state before setting any external control
output to "racklamp".
• Setting any external control output point to "racklamp" will change all other external
control points to "racklamp" too.
• Setting from "racklamp" to other state will affect all other external control output points
(other external control output points are automatic changed to "rls" state).


{1..2}outputlabel [<string>]

<string> - 56 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current label

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Nokia 1830 PSS config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping


"GPO-1" for 1outputLabel

"GPO-2" for 2outputLabel
User defined label for general purpose output {1..4}. Enter this keyword to display the current
label. To change the label, enter this keyword followed by a character string up to 56


{1..3}inputactive [high | low]


high - the input become active on a high signal

low - the input become active on a low signal

Configure the state at which general purpose input becomes active. Enter this keyword without
option to display the current setting.


{1..3}inputmessage [<string>]
<string> - 56 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current message
"Environmental Input 1 active";
"Environmental Input 2 active";
"Environmental Input 3 active";
Configure the message to be delivered when the general purpose input becomes active. Enter
this keyword to display the current message. To change the message, enter this keyword
followed by a character string up to 56 characters.

4.33.5 Examples
# config pf 1/2 housekeeping 1inputMessage "Door Open sensor triggered"

# config pf 1/2 housekeeping 1genRelay enabled

# config pf 1/2 housekeeping 1genRelay auto 1/5

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config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping Nokia 1830 PSS

# config pf 2/2 housekeeping

Error: command not found: housekeeping

# config pf 1/3 housekeeping 1genRelay racklamp

Error: Request Failed - not all external control points in rls state

# config pf 1/3 housekeeping 1genRelay opr

Error: Request Failed - wrong expectedamps

4.33.6 Related Commands

show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

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792 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config shfpnl

4.34 config shfpnl

4.34.1 Purpose
This command configures options for a SHFPNL (shelf panel) card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
This command applies to PSS-8 only.

4.34.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Settings affect the behavior of the shfpnl.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.34.3 Input Format

config shfpnl <shelf-aid>

4.34.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - Configure one of the shelves.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 793
config shfpnl Nokia 1830 PSS


name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
"Shelf Panel-1"
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.34.5 Examples
# config shfpnl 1 name "PSS-8 shelf panel"

4.34.6 Related Commands

show shfpnl

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794 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}

4.35 config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}

4.35.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for the user panel on the main shelf:
• usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-32, PSS-16.
• 8usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-8. In PSS-8 the 8usrpnl card is an optional card. This command
will be valid only if the 8uslpnl card is provisioned in the PSS-8 shelf.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Enable or disable the general purpose relays on the user panel.
• Specify whether the general purpose inputs are active on a high or low signal.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.35.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Settings affect the behavior of the USRPNL.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.35.3 Input Format

config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} 1

4.35.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the main shelf. (secondary shelves in a future release)
{1..4}genrelay [opr | rls | auto <shelf>/<slot>]

opr - close dry contact

rls - open dry contact
auto - place the contact under software control

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config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} Nokia 1830 PSS


Enable or disable the general purpose relay. Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by opr, rls, or auto.
<shelf>/<slot> is specified only for the auto parameter value.
The <shelf>/<slot> value cannot be the same as a <shelf>/<slot> value that is already
provisioned for any other relay.
If there is an existing auto value for a relay, any attempt to change the value will require a
confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: This relay is currently set to AUTO, and changing its value could affect the shut down
and restart of Raman pumps. Do you want to proceed?


{1..4}outputlabel [<string>]

<string> - 56 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the current label

"GPO-1" for 1outputLabel

"GPO-2" for 2outputLabel
"GPO-3" for 3outputLabel
"GPO-4" for 4outputLabel
Configures an user defined label for general purpose output. Enter this keyword to display the
current label.


<in-number>inputactive [high | low]


1..8 - <in-number> for usrpnl

1..6 - <in-number> for 8usrpnl
high - the input become active on a high signal
low - the input become active on a low signal

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Nokia 1830 PSS config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}


Configures the state at which general purpose input becomes active. Enter this keyword to
display the current setting.


<in-number>inputmessage [<string>]

1..8 - <in-number> for usrpnl

1..6 - <in-number> for 8usrpnl
<string> - 56 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the current message

"Environmental Input <in-number> active"

Configures the message to be delivered when the general purpose input becomes active. Enter
this keyword to display the current message.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters

"User Interface Panel-1"

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config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.35.5 Examples
Examples of 1830 PSS-32

# config usrpnl 1 1inputmessage Door Open sensor triggered

(config-usrpnl-1)# 1genrelay auto 1/5

Example of 1830 PSS-8

# config 8usrpnl 1 1inputmessage Door Open sensor triggered

4.35.6 Related Commands

show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}

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798 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <clipon-ec-card>

4.36 show card <clipon-ec-card>

4.36.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all EC-CW or EC-DW cards on the network element with brief
information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.36.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.36.3 Input Format

show card <clipon-ec-card> <slot-aid>

4.36.4 Input Parameters

{ec-dw | ec-cw}
Defines the Equipment Controller cards for Clipon shelves.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of EC-CW cards on the
network element by location.
Note the valid EC-CW slot is always slot 1 in VWM-CW shelf.
Note the valid EC-DW slot is 1 and 2 in VWM-DW shelf.

4.36.5 Examples
Example of VWM-CW:

# show card ec-cw 29/1

Shelf: 29 Slot: 1 - EC-CW (Equipped: EC-CW)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Status LED :
Firmware Load :
Card Name : Card-29-1
Card Descr :

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Associated EC : 1/1
Clip-on id : 0
Activity State: Active

Example of VWM-DW:

# show card ec-dw 29/1

Shelf: 29 Slot: 1 - EC-DW (Equipped: EC-DW)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Status LED :
Firmware Load :
Card Name : Card-29-1
Card Descr :
Associated EC : 1/1
Clip-on id : 0
Activity State: Active

4.36.6 Related Commands

config card <clipon-ec-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <eqm-ctrl>

4.37 show card <eqm-ctrl>

4.37.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all EC cards on the network element with brief information for each
card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.37.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.37.3 Input Format

show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid>

4.37.4 Input Parameters



EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card

8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
CEC2 - PSS-24x clock and equipment controller card
8XCEC2 - PSS-8x clock and equipment controller card

Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all EC cards on the
network element by location.

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show card <eqm-ctrl> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.37.5 Examples
Example of EC in PSS-32 shelf type:

# show card ec 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - EC (Equipped: EC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-3.6-1

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 4G

EQPS LED : Solid Off

Card Name : Card-1-1
Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 35 'C

Pmax : 43.00W
Imax : 1.10 Amps

Activity State: Active

Example of 8EC2 in PSS-8 shelf type:

# show card 8ec2 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - 8EC2 (Equipped: 8EC2)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-8.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 16G

EQPS LED : Solid Off

Card Name : Card-1-6
Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 35 'C

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Pmax : 43.00W
Imax : 1.10Amps Imeas : 0.80Amps

Activity State : Active

Example of 32EC2 in PSS-16II shelf type:

# show card 32ec2 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - 32EC2 (Equipped: 32EC2)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-8.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 32G

EQPS LED : Solid Off

Card Name : Card-1-2
Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 35 'C

Pmax : 43.00 W
Imax : 1.10 Amps Imeas : 0.80 Amps

Activity State : Active

Example of EC in PSS-4 shelf type:

# show card ec 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - EC (Equipped: EC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS4-8.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 8G

EQPS LED : Solid Off

Card Name : Card-1-1
Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

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High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -40 'C Temperature : 31 'C

Pmax : 11.00 W
Imax : 0.28 Amps

Activity State : Active

Example of PSS-24x shelf type:

# show card cec2 1/16

Shelf: 1 Slot: 16 - CEC2 (Equipped: CEC2)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-9.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 32G

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 35 'C

Pmax : 120.00 W
Imax : 3.04 Amps Imeas : 2.49 Amps

EQPS LED : Solid Green

DNR LED : Solid Amber
Activity State : Active
CRU State : Master

Example of 8XCEC2 in PSS-8x shelf type:

# show card 8xcec2 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 16 - 8XCEC2 (Equipped: 8XCEC2)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-9.1-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : 32G

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <eqm-ctrl>

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 35 'C

Pmax : 120.00 W
Imax : 3.04 Amps Imeas : 2.49 Amps

EQPS LED : Solid Green

DNR LED : Solid Amber
Activity State : Active
CRU State : Master

4.37.6 Related Commands

config card <eqm-ctrl>

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show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.38 show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm

4.38.1 Purpose
This command configures the options for gathering card-level performance monitoring (PM) for the
specified control card.
Use this command to:
• Clear the raw counts for this PM group
• Display raw PM data
• Display the performance monitoring data for the specified bin
This command doesn't apply to 8XCEC2 and CEC2 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.38.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Specifies how performance statistics are gathered and stored for the card.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.38.3 Input Format

show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm

4.38.4 Input Parameters

EC - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-4 equipment controller card
8EC2 - PSS-8 equipment controller card
32EC2 - PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-16II equipment controller card
Entry required
Defines the Equipment Controller cards, for which the command is applicable.
<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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followed by a slash and the slot number.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: card
Displays Card group PM. See "show card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm card" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

4.38.5 Examples
# (show-card-ec-1/1-pm-card-0)# detail

PM Config Data - Shelf=1 Slot= 1 Group=Card Interval=0

Interval Length : 15 min 0 sec

Number of Bins : 32
Card Stats Profile Id : 7

# (show-card-ec-1/1-pm-card-0)# 0

Group: Card Interval: 0 Bin: 0 Location: 1/1 Processor: 1

Start Time : 2008/04/04 10:15:00 (UTC)
Bin Status : Invalid

CPU Average (%) : 4

Heap Usage (%) : 37
Pool Usage (%) : 17

4.38.6 Related Commands

config card <eqm-ctrl> <slot-aid> pm

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show card <sc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.39 show card <sc-card>

4.39.1 Purpose
This command shows detailed card information for mandatory:
• sc96 - central fabric switch (csw) card with 9.6T capacity in PSS-24x shelf
• sc16 - central fabric switch (csw) card with 1.6T capacity in PSS-8x shelf
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.39.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.39.3 Input Format

show card <sc-card> <slot-aid>

4.39.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the allowed central fabric switch card type the command apply to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <sc-card>

4.39.5 Examples
# show card sc96 1/8

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 - SC96 (Equipped: SC96)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-27.19-35

Status LED : Solid Green

EPS LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Switch Card-1-8

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Pmax : 303.00 W
Imax : 7.67 Amps Imeas : 6.29 Amps

# show card sc96 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 SC96 Up Up
1/8 SC96 Up Down UEQ
1/9 SC96 Up Up

# show card sc16 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 SC16 Up Up
1/8 SC16 Up Down UEQ
1/9 SC16 Up Up

4.39.6 Related Commands

config card <sc-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 809
show fan Nokia 1830 PSS

4.40 show fan

4.40.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all FAN cards on the network element with brief information for each
card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.40.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.40.3 Input Format

show fan <fan-aid>

4.40.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - address one FAN unit.

<shelf>/* - display all FAN units of the addressed shelf in a list
* - display all FAN units of the node in a list

Entry required
Specifies the location of the addressed FAN. Enter the shelf number, or enter a * to display a
list of all FAN cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.40.5 Examples
Example for display all FAN units in the system:

# show fan *

Admin Oper Fan

Tray State State Status LED Speed Setting
1/37 Up Up Solid Green Normal
2/37 Up Down Normal
5/37 Up Down Normal

Example FAN unit in PSS-32 shelf type:

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# show fan 2/37

Shelf: 2 Slot: 37 - FAN (Equipped: FAN)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green

Fan Name : Fan-2

Description :

Fan Speed Setting : Normal

Pmax : 255.00 W
Imax : 6.54 Amps

Example of FAN units in PSS-24x shelf type:

# show fan 2/30

Shelf: 2 Slot: 30 - FAN (Equipped: FAN)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green

Fan Name : Fan-2-30

Description :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Fan Speed Setting : Normal

Pmax : 675.00 W
Imax : 18.50 Amps Imeas : 14.00 Amps

Example of FAN units in PSS-8x shelf type:

# show fan 3/21

Shelf: 3 Slot: 21 - FAN (Equipped: FAN)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green

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show fan Nokia 1830 PSS

Fan Name : Fan-3-21

Description :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Fan Speed Setting : Normal

Pmax : 80.00 W
Imax : 2.05 Amps Imeas : 0.81 Amps

Example FAN unit in PSS-8 shelf type:

# show fan 3/14

Shelf: 3 Slot: 14 - FAN (Equipped: FAN)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green

Fan Name : Fan-3

Description :

Fan Speed Setting : Normal

Pmax : 105.00 W
Imax : 2.69 Amps Imeas : 1.23 Amps

Example FAN unit in PSS-16II shelf type:

# show fan 4/21

Shelf: 4 Slot: 21 - FAN (Equipped: FAN)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green

Fan Name : Fan-4

Description :

Fan Speed Setting : Normal

Pmax : 460.00 W
Imax : 11.79 Amps Imeas : 6.63 Amps

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Nokia 1830 PSS show fan

4.40.6 Related Commands

config fan

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show mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.41 show mfc

4.41.1 Purpose
This command shows MFC card information for mandatory:
• Multi Function Card in PSS-24x shelf
• Multi Function Card in PSS-8x shelf
Use this command to:
• Display brief information of all MFC cards.
• Display detailed information of one specific MFC card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.41.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.41.3 Input Format

show mfc <shelf>

4.41.4 Input Parameters


<shelf> - reports specific card information in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf number for information related to one card. Enter a * to get a list of this card
in all shelves. Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid shelf numbers.

4.41.5 Examples
Example of MFC retrieval in all shelves with '*':

# show mfc *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/39 MFC Up Up
2/14 MFC Up Up
3/39 MFC Up Down UEQ
11/39 MFC Up Down UEQ
15/14 MFC Up Down UEQ

Example of MFC retrieval in a PSS-24x main shelf:

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# show mfc 1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 39 - MFC (Equipped: MFC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : Multi Function Card-1-39

Description :

Status LED : Solid Green

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Pmax : 5.00 W
Imax : 0.12 Amps

Alarm Profile ENV : lbl-env-sysdflt

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-
3 OPR GPO-3 (Not labeled) -NA-
4 RLS GPO-4 (Not labeled) -NA-
5 RLS GPO-5 (Not labeled) -NA-
6 RLS GPO-6 (Not labeled) -NA-
7 RLS GPO-7 (Not labeled) -NA-
8 RLS GPO-8 (Not labeled) -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated
4: High -- NA Cabinet door opened
5: Low -- MJ Magnetic lock power failure
6: Low -- MJ Video surveillance camera offline
7: High -- MN Environmental Input 7 active
8: High -- MN Environmental Input 8 active
9: High -- MN Environmental Input 9 active
10: High -- MN Environmental Input 10 active
11: High -- MN Environmental Input 11 active
12: High -- MN Environmental Input 12 active
13: High -- MN Environmental Input 13 active
14: High -- MN Environmental Input 14 active

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show mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

15: High -- MN Environmental Input 15 active

16: High -- MN Environmental Input 16 active

Example of MFC retrieval in a PSS-8x main shelf:

# show mfc 1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 - MFC (Equipped: MFC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : Multi Function Card-1-14

Description :

Status LED : Solid Green

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Pmax : 5.00 W
Imax : 0.12 Amps Imeas : 6.29 Amps

Alarm Profile ENV : lbl-env-sysdflt

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-
3 OPR GPO-3 (Not labeled) -NA-
4 RLS GPO-4 (Not labeled) -NA-
5 RLS GPO-5 (Not labeled) -NA-
6 RLS GPO-6 (Not labeled) -NA-
7 RLS GPO-7 (Not labeled) -NA-
8 RLS GPO-8 (Not labeled) -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated
4: High -- NA Cabinet door opened
5: Low -- MJ Magnetic lock power failure
6: Low -- MJ Video surveillance camera offline
7: High -- MN Environmental Input 7 active
8: High -- MN Environmental Input 8 active

Example of MFC retrieval in a PSS24x extension shelf:

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# show mfc 4

Shelf: 4 Slot: 39 - MFC (Equipped: MFC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : Multi Function Card-4-39

Description :

Status LED : Solid Green

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Pmax : 5.00 W
Imax : 0.12 Amps

Alarm Profile ENV : lbl-env-sysdflt

4.41.6 Related Commands

config mfc

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 817
show interface mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.42 show interface mfc

4.42.1 Purpose
This command displays information from the shelf SENSOR connected to the MFC card.
Use this command to:
• Display SENSOR information
• Display ambient temperature value
• Display calibrated and recent pressure sensor value (only in PSS-24x shelves)
• Display the Alarm Severity Assignment profile (ASAP) name of the port
This command applies to PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelf types only.

4.42.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.42.3 Input Format

show interface mfc <sensor-aid>

4.42.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/39/sensor - in PSS-24x shelf type

<shelf>/14/sensor - in PSS-8x shelf type

Entry required
Specifies the SENSOR port on the mfc card.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> ranges for each supported shelf

Displays the name of the ASAP (Alarm Severity Assignment Profile) used for alarm reporting.

Displays the current settings for the SENSOR port.

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4.42.5 Examples
Examples of SENSOR port in PSS-24x shelf type:

# show interface mfc 1/39/sensor almprof

Current value: lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show interface mfc 1/39/sensor detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 39 Port: SENSOR - MFC SENSOR Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Ambient Temperature : 20 'C

Node Altitude : 0.4 km
Calibration Time : 2016-December-12 15:25:56 (UTC)
Calibration Pa Value : 27.0 Pa
Recent Pa Value : 58.0 Pa
Recent Status : checkSuccess
Recent Run : 2016-December-16 12:32:56 (UTC)

Almprof : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show interface mfc 1/39/sensor detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 39 Port: SENSOR - MFC SENSOR Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Ambient Temperature : 20 'C

Node Altitude : 0.4 km
Calibration Time : 2016-December-12 15:25:56 (UTC)
Calibration Pa Value : 27.0 Pa
Recent Pa Value : - Pa
Recent Status : not-ready
Recent Run : 2016-December-16 12:32:56 (UTC)

Almprof : lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

Examples of SENSOR port in PSS-8x shelf type:

# show interface mfc 2/14/sensor

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: SENSOR - MFC SENSOR port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

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show interface mfc Nokia 1830 PSS

Ambient Temperature : 28 'C

# show interface mfc 2/14/sensor almprof

Current value: lbl-eqpt-sysdflt

# show interface mfc 2/14/sensor detail

Shelf: 2 Slot: 14 Port: SENSOR - MFC SENSOR Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Ambient Temperature : 29 'C

Almprof : lbl-eqpt-none

4.42.6 Related Commands

config mfc
show mfc
config interface mfc

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Nokia 1830 PSS show pf

4.43 show pf
4.43.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all PF cards on the network element with brief information for each
card, or detailed information for a specific card.
"Input Voltage" and "Input Power" readings are not applicable for 1830 PSS-4.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.43.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.43.3 Input Format

show pf <slot-aid>

4.43.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all pf cards in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all PF cards on the
network element by location.

4.43.5 Examples
Example of PF in PSS-32 shelf type:

# show pf 1/18

Shelf: 1 Slot: 19 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-A

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half

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show pf Nokia 1830 PSS

Card Width : Single

Clk A(ref local) : 13.1 ppm

Clk B(ref-local) : 12.6 ppm
Clk Delta : 0.5 ppm

Amp Rating : 50 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 194 'F Temp Tolerance : 5 'F

Low Temp Threshold : 23 'F Temperature : 84 'F

Pmax : 10.00 W
Imax : 0.26 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 52.3 V 2.2 Amp 113 W

Example of PF in PSS-16 shelf type:

# show pf 1/11

Shelf: 1 Slot: 11 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : UP Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-B

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : Single

Amp Rating : 20 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 33'C

Pmax : 10.00 W
Imax : 0.26 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 53.0 V 19.6 Amp 1039 W

Example of PF in PSS-4 shelf type:

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Nokia 1830 PSS show pf

# show pf 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-A

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : Single

Amp Rating : 3 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -40 'C Temperature : 32'C

Pmax : 65.00 W
Imax : 1.67 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 110.0 V 1.6 Amp 176 W

Example of DC PF in PSS-8 shelf type:

# show pf 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

CRU EPS LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-A

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : Single

Clk A(ref local) : 1.0 ppm

Clk B(ref local) : 2.9 ppm
Clk Delta : 1.9 ppm

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show pf Nokia 1830 PSS

Amp Rating : 30 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 23 'C

Pmax : 35.00 W
Imax : 0.90 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 51.7 V 5.0 Amp 259 W

# show pf 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - PFDCT (Equipped: PFDCT)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

CRU EPS LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-A

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : Single

Clk A(ref local) : 1.0 ppm

Clk B(ref local) : 2.9 ppm
Clk Delta : 1.9 ppm

Amp Rating : 30 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 23 'C

Pmax : 35.00 W
Imax : 0.90 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 51.7 V 5.0 Amp 259 W

Example of AC PF in PSS-8 shelf type:

# show pf 1/7

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Nokia 1830 PSS show pf

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PF (Equipped: PFAC)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

CRU EPS LED : Solid off

Card Name : Power Filter-1-B

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : double

Clk A(ref local) : 1.0 ppm

Clk B(ref local) : 2.9 ppm
Clk Delta : 1.9 ppm

Amp Rating : 7 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 23 'C

Pmax : 80.00 W
Imax : 2.00 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 100.0 V 5.5 Amp 550 W

Example of PF in PSS-16II shelf type:

# show pf 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

CRU EPS LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-A

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half
Card Width : Single

Clk A(ref local) : 1.0 ppm

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show pf Nokia 1830 PSS

Clk B(ref local) : 2.9 ppm

Clk Delta : 1.9 ppm

Amp Rating : 63 Amps

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 23 'C

Pmax : 15.00 W
Imax : 0.38 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 52.1 V 15.0 Amp 782 W

Example of PF in PSS-24x shelf type:

# show pf 1/35

Shelf: 1 Slot: 35 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-35

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full
Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 43 'C

Pmax : 40.00 W
Imax : 1.01 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 50.1 V 59.6 Amp 2986 W
2 53.1 V 46.4 Amp 2464 W
3 57.5 V 55.2 Amp 3174 W

Example of PF in PSS-8x shelf type:

# show pf 1/16

Shelf: 1 Slot: 16 - PF (Equipped: PF)

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Nokia 1830 PSS show pf

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Power Filter-1-16

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full
Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 43 'C

Pmax : 14.00 W
Imax : 0.36 Amps

Sel Voltage Current Power
1 50.1 V 8.6 Amp 453 W

4.43.6 Related Commands

config pf

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show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping Nokia 1830 PSS

4.44 show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

4.44.1 Purpose
This command displays detailed information for the PF (Power Filter) on the master shelf.
This command is only applicable for PSS-4 shelf types.

4.44.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer.

4.44.3 Input Format

show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

4.44.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

Specifies the shelf, slot of the card. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Note: Housekeeping only applies to master shelf.

4.44.5 Examples

# show pf 1/2 housekeeping

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Critical Alarm LED: Solid Red Major Alarm LED : Solid Red
Minor Alarm LED : Solid Amber Status LED : Solid Green

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated

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Nokia 1830 PSS show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

# show pf 1/3 housekeeping

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - PF (Equipped: PF)

Critical Alarm LED: Solid Red Major Alarm LED : Solid Red
Minor Alarm LED : Solid Amber Status LED : Solid Green

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated

# show pf 1/2 housekeeping

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - PF (Equipped: PF)
Critical Alarm LED: Red Major Alarm LED : Red
Minor Alarm LED : Orange Status LED : Solid Green

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 racklamp Critical Alarm Indication -NA-
2 racklamp Major Alarm Indication -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated

# show pf 1/3 housekeeping

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - PF (Equipped: PF)
Critical Alarm LED: Blank Major Alarm LED : Blank
Minor Alarm LED : Blank Status LED : Solid Green

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 racklamp Minor Alarm Indication -NA-
2 racklamp No Alarm -NA-

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show pf <slot-aid> housekeeping Nokia 1830 PSS

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated

4.44.6 Related Commands

config pf <slot-aid> housekeeping

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Nokia 1830 PSS show shfpnl

4.45 show shfpnl

4.45.1 Purpose
This command shows detailed information for the shelf panel.
This command applies to PSS-8 only.

4.45.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.45.3 Input Format

show shfpnl <shelf-aid>

4.45.4 Input Parameters

{1..24} - Configure one of the shelves.
* - to display a list of all shelves on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.45.5 Examples
# show shfpnl 1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 - SHFPNL (Equipped: SHFPNL)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : Shelf Panel-1

Description :

Pmax : 1.5 W
Imax : 0.0375 Amps

4.45.6 Related Commands

config shfpnl

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show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} Nokia 1830 PSS

4.46 show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}

4.46.1 Purpose
This command shows detailed information for the user panel on the main shelf:
• usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-32, PSS-16.
• 8usrpnl - User Panel for PSS-8. In PSS-8 the 8usrpnl card is an optional card. This command
will be valid only if the 8uslpnl card is provisioned in the PSS-8 shelf.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.46.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.46.3 Input Format

show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} 1

4.46.4 Input Parameters


Specifies the main shelf.

4.46.5 Examples
Example of 1830 PSS-32

# show usrpnl 1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 40 - USRPNL (Equipped: USRPNL)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : User Interface Panel-1

Description :

Status LED : Solid Green

Alarm Cuf Off LED :

Pmax : 6.00 W
Imax : 0.15 Amps

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To

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1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-
3 AUTO GPO-3 (Not labeled) 1/5
4 RLS GPO-4 (Not labeled) -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated
4: High -- NA Cabinet door opened
5: Low -- MJ Magnetic lock power failure
6: Low -- MJ Video surveillance camera offline
7: High -- MJ Surveillance system tampering detected
8: High -- MJ Cabinet lock tampering detected

Example of 1830 PSS-8

# show 8usrpnl 1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 8USRPNL (Equipped: 8USRPNL)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Name : User Interface Panel-1

Description :

Status LED : Solid Green

Alarm Cut Off LED :

Pmax : 1.5 W
Imax : 0.0375 Amps

General Purpose Relays:

Relay State Label Connected To
1 OPR Release cabinet magnetic lock -NA-
2 OPR Activate video surveillance camera -NA-
3 AUTO GPO-3 (Not labeled) 1/5
4 RLS GPO-4 (Not labeled) -NA-

General Purpose Inputs:

1: High -- MN Inlet air temperature >40 deg C
2: High -- MN Ambient Relative humidity >60 %
3: High -- CR Equipment Room fire sensor activated
4: High -- NA Cabinet door opened
5: Low -- MJ Magnetic lock power failure

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show {usrpnl | 8usrpnl} Nokia 1830 PSS

6: Low -- MJ Video surveillance camera offline

4.46.6 Related Commands

config {usrpnl | 8usrpnl}

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12

Packet and PTP card commands

4.47 config card 11dpe12

4.47.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for 11DPE12 OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the card rate mode
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
11DPE12 card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.47.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.47.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12 <slot-aid>

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config card 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.47.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - Enter the location (1..16/2..17) or * for a list of values
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

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For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current configured value.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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config card 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS



hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.
-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

-40 - for °C and °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.

The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)

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must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


mode [fullrate | subrate | qinq <tpid>]

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config card 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS


fullrate - The pack provides one full rate GbE service on each client port with HIGIG mode
subrate - The pack provides more than one subrate GbE service on each client port with
HIGIG mode
qinq - The pack provides more than one sub-GbE service on each client port. The CE-
VLAN ID shall be used to distinguish 10 sub-GbE services and. Each line port can transport
up to 100 sub-GbE services using QinQ transporting. (QinQ supports both fullrate and
subrate service).
<tpid> - 0x0001 to 0xFFFF. Default <tpid> is 0x88a8.

Configure the card rate mode
1. The pack mode of 11DPE12 will not be allowed to change if there is a valid VTS
connection on the pack.
2. The tpid will not be allowed to change if there is a valid VTS connection on the pack.
3. If the 11DPE12 pack has been provisioned with an E-SNCP group, the pack mode of
11DPE12 shall not be allowed to change.
4. Switching 11DPE12 pack from fullrate mode, subrate mode, and QinQ mode will reset
the pack to the default state of the corresponding mode.
5. To avoid ambiguity in processing the Ethernet frame, we suggest not to use known
public protocol value in the tpid field, such as 0x0806 (ARP), 0x0200 (PUP),
0x8035(RARP), 0x0800(IP), 0x86DD(IPv6), etc.

4.47.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPE12 Up Up
1/12 11DPE12 Up Up

# config card 11DPE12 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11DPE12 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11DPE12 1/12 reset cold force

4.47.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11DPE12

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12

show card 11DPE12

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config card 11dpe12a Nokia 1830 PSS

4.48 config card 11dpe12a

4.48.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the card rate mode
• Set STPIDs attributes when pack is in QinQ mode
• Set flow continuity monitoring attributes when pack is in QinQ mode
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
• Set link aggregation group
• Set Packet Time Synchronization
• Set the Ethernet OAM
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
11DPE12A card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.48.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.48.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a


4.48.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Display the provisioned information for the current state.

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config card 11dpe12a Nokia 1830 PSS



flowcm [<value>]

APS/PCC - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with OTU2 APS/PCC and it is
used for interworking with 11DPE12 pack.
CCM - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with Ethernet OAM CCM, and it is
used for interworking with 11DPE12E pack.
CSF - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with OAM CSF method.

Flow continuity monitoring.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance
Sub-command: lag
Configure the link aggregation group attributes. See "config card 11DPE12A <slot-aid> lag{1-
Sub-command: lineref{0..3}
Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> lineref{0-
Note: For PSS-4, this cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

-40 - for °C and °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.

The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


mode [qinq]

qinq - The pack provides more than one sub-GbE service on each client port. The CE-
VLAN ID shall be used to distinguish 10 sub-GbE services and. Each line port can transport
up to 100 sub-GbE services using QinQ transporting. (QinQ supports both fullrate and
subrate service).

Configure the card rate mode.


name [<string>]

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config card 11dpe12a Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current configured value.
Sub-command: ptp

Configure the Packet Time Synchronization attributes. See "config card 11DPE12A <slot-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a



reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


stipd [stipd1 <value>] [stipd2 <value>] [stipd3 <value>] [stipd4 <value>]


0xFFFF - range of values for stpid


0x88a8 (stpid1)
0x8100 (stpid2)
0x9100 (stpid3)
0x9200 (stpid4)
The tag protocol identifiers - In QinQ mode, four global STPIDs for SVLAN tag can be
provisioned per pack. Enter the keyword, followed by the stpid value.
To avoid ambiguity in processing the Ethernet frame, we suggest not to use known public
protocol value in the stpid field, such as 0x0806 (ARP), 0x0200 (PUP), 0x8035(RARP),
0x0800(IP), 0x86DD(Ipv6), and so on.
The only valid value for stpid2 is 0x8100.
Each stpid must have different value.
Sub-command: sync0

Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> sync0".
Note: This cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.


syncesupp [enable | disable]

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enable - Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization attributes
can be configured ("config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card 11dpe12a
<slot-aid> lineref{0..3}" are supported; also the port level parameter 'ssmtrans' will take
disable - Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes cannot be configured ("config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11dpe12a <slot-aid> lineref{0..3}" are not supported; also the port level parameter
'synceoppmode' and port level parameter 'ssmtrans' will not take affect).

Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status, the value can be enable or disable.

The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").
Sub-command: Ethoam
Configure the Ethernet OAM attributes. See "config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam".

4.48.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12A *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPE12A Up Up
1/12 11DPE12A Up Up

# config card 11DPE12A 1/12 detail

Description : bank-W
Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Mode : qinq
Hightemp : 75°C
Lowtemp : -5°C
Tolerance : 3°C
Stpid1 : 0x88a8
Stpid2 : 0x8100
Stpid3 : 0x9100

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Stpid4 : 0x9200
Flowcm : ccm
syncesupp : enable

# config card 11DPE12A 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11DPE12A 1/12 hightemp 75
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 mode qinq
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 stpid stpid1 1234
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 stpid stpid1 1 stpid2 2
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 stpid stpid1 1 stpid2 2 stpid3 3 stpid4 4
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 flowcm ccm
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 ethoam
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card 11DPE12A 1/12 reset cold force

4.48.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11DPE12A
show card

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.49 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

4.49.1 Purpose
This command configures link aggregation group(LAG) attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Create the new LAG entity
• Modfiy the LAG attributes
• Attach physical port to LAG
• Set the attached port Actor System Priority
• Set the attached port actor port priority
• Set the attached port Actor Admin State
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.49.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.49.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

4.49.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1..4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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lag{1..4} - 11dpe12a lag
Configure 11dpe12a lag.
Display the provisioned LAG information.
Sub-command: create
Create a LAG on the pack. See "config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create".
Sub-command: modify
Modifies LAG parameter on the card. See "config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify".
Delete the LAG entity.
Sub-command: addport
Attach physical ports to the LAG and set the LAG port parameters. See "config card 11dpe12a
<slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport".
Sub-command: modifyport
Modify the LAG port parameters. See "config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport".
deleteport [<interface>]
Detach the port from the LAG.

4.49.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 create attachedport c1 actadmstate Lacpactivity
active Lacptimeout short Aggregation true actporpriority 20

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify attachedport c1 actadmstate Lacpactivity

active Lacptimeout short Aggregation true actporpriority 20

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 delete attachedport c1

4.49.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport Nokia 1830 PSS

4.50 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport

4.50.1 Purpose
This command creates a new link aggregation group (LAG) at the 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Create the new LAG attached port
• Create the new LAG port actor admin state
• Create the new LAG actor port priority
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.50.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.50.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> addport

4.50.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1..4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Entry required
Specifies the addressed LAG group.

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attachedport [<value>]
Configures the LAG attached port interface number.

actadmstate [lacpactivity | lacptimeout | aggregation]
lacpactivity - {active, passive} Active LACP is encoded as a 1; Passive LACP is encoded as
a 0.
lacptimeout - {short, long} Short Timeout is encoded as a 1; Long Timeout is encoded as a
aggregation - {true} TRUE (encoded as a 1) indicates that the System considers this link to
be Aggregateable; that is a potential candidate for aggregation.
active (Actadmstate - Lacpactivity)
short (Actadmstate - Lacptimeout)
Configures the LAG port actor admin state.
actporpriority [<value>]
Configures the LAG actor port priority.

4.50.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 addport actporpriority 1

4.50.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 853
config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport Nokia 1830 PSS

4.51 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport

4.51.1 Purpose
This command modifies a link aggregation group (LAG) at the 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Modify the LAG attached port interface number
• Modify the LAG port actor admin state
• Modify the LAG actor port priority
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.51.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.51.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport

4.51.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1..4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Entry required
Specifies the addressed LAG group.

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attachedport [<value>]

Modify the LAG attached port interface number.


actadmstate [actadmstate | lacpactivity | lacptimeout | aggregation]


actadmstate - Specify the lag port actor admin state.

lacpactivity - {active, passive} Active LACP is encoded as a 1; Passive LACP is encoded as
a 0.
lacptimeout - {short, long} Short Timeout is encoded as a 1; Long Timeout is encoded as a
aggregation - {true} TRUE (encoded as a 1) indicates that the System considers this link to
be Aggregateable; that is a potential candidate for aggregation.

active (Actadmstate - Lacpactivity)

short (Actadmstate - Lacptimeout)
Modify the LAG port actor admin state.


actporpriority [<value>]


Modify the LAG actor port priority.

4.51.5 Examples

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modifyport actporpriority 1

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modifyport Nokia 1830 PSS

4.51.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create

4.52 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create

4.52.1 Purpose
This command creates a new link aggregation group (LAG) at the 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Create the new LAG Name by user
• Create the new LAG Actor Admin Key
• Create the new LAG Actor System Priority
• Create the new LAG MTU/MRU
• Create the new LAG admin state
• Create the new LAG LACP Enabled
• Create the new LAG Max Port Size
• Create the new LAG ports TPID
• Create the new LAG ports Los propagation
• Create the new LPT consequent action for the LAG ports
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.52.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.52.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create actadmkey actsyspriority

4.52.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1..4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Entry required
Specifies the addressed LAG group.


actadmkey [<value>]

Configures the LAG actor admin key.


actsyspriority [<value>]


Configures the LAG actor system Priority.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..160 characters

Configures the name of the lag.

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admin [<value>]

{up, down}

Entry required
Configures the Administration status.


lacp [enable | disable]


enable - the LACP function is supported

disable - the LACP is not supported and the manual LAG configuration is supported

Entry required
Configures the LACP status.


losprop [laseron | laseroff]


{laseron, laseroff}
Entry required
Configures the lospropagation behaviour.
lptac [noaction | oneshutdown | allshutdown]
noaction - there is no consequent action when detecting a client port failure in peer port
oneshutdown - the laser will be shutdown when any flow in the client port detecting failure
allshutdown - the laser will be shutdown only when all the flows in the client port detecting

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Entry required
Configures the LPT consequent action behaviour.


maxport [<value>]


Entry required
Configures the max ports that the LAG can be supported.


mtu [<value>]


Entry required
Configures the max transport units for the LAG ports.


tpid [<value>]



Entry required
Configures the TPID for the LAG.

4.52.5 Examples

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 create actadmkey 20 actsyspriority 10000 name "lagtest"
admin enable lacp enable losprop laseroff lptconaction allshutdown maxport 4 mtu 9600 tpid

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> create

4.52.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify Nokia 1830 PSS

4.53 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify

4.53.1 Purpose
This command modifies a link aggregation group (LAG) attributes at the 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Modify the LAG Name by user
• Modify the LAG Actor Admin Key
• Modify the LAG Actor System Priority
• Modify the LAG MTU/MRU
• Modify the LAG admin state
• Modify the LAG LACP Enabled
• Modify the LAG Max Port Size
• Modify the LAG ports TPID
• Modify the LAG ports Los propagation
• Modify the LPT consequent action for the LAG ports
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.53.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.53.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify

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4.53.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.


Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1..4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Entry required
Specifies the addressed LAG group.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..160 characters


Entry required
Specifies the name of the lag.


actsyspriority [<value>]


Entry required
Specifies the LAG actor system Priority.

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> modify Nokia 1830 PSS



admin [<value>]

{up, down}

Entry required
Specifies the Administration status.


lacp [enable | disable]


enable - the LACP function is supported

disable - the LACP is not supported and the manual LAG configuration is supported

Entry required
Specifies the LACP status.


losprop [laseron | laseroff]


{laseron, laseroff}
Entry required
Specifies the lospropagation behaviour.
lptac [noaction | oneshutdown | allshutdown]
noaction - there is no consequent action when detecting a client port failure in peer port
oneshutdown - the laser will be shutdown when any flow in the client port detecting failure
allshutdown - the laser will be shutdown only when all the flows in the client port detecting

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Entry required
Specifies the LPT consequent action behaviour.


maxport [<value>]


Entry required
Specifies the max ports that the LAG can be supported.


mtu [<value>]


Entry required
Specifies the max transport units for the LAG ports.


tpid [<value>]



Entry required
Specifies the TPID for the LAG.

4.53.5 Examples

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify actsyspriority 10000

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify name "lagtest"

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify admin up

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# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify losprop laseroff

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify lptconaction allshutdown

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify maxport 4

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify mtu 9600

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 modify tpid stpid1

4.53.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

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866 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.54 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.54.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority for the system timing entity
• Set the line timing reference priority for the output timing entity
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Set the line reference incoming QL Enable/disable
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.54.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.54.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.54.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


lineref{0..3} - line timing reference synchronization


Entry required
Display the line timing reference synchronization type.


admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assPort [<value>]

{C1, C12, BITS2} - for lineRef0

C{1..12} - for lineRef1
L1 - for lineRef2
L2 - for lineRef3
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifies which port can be assigned as
line timing reference for the system timing entity.


priority [<value>]

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0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


priorityForOutputTiming <value>

0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


incssmsupp [enable|disable]

{Enable, Disable}

Enable/disable the line reference incoming QL processing. The value can be:
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


provql [<value>]
Auto - do not override
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3} - SONET mode
Provisioned incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

4.54.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 priorityForOutputTiming 2

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 incssmsupp enable

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 assPort L1

Error: Request Fail - wrong associated Port for lineRef1

4.54.6 Related Commands

show card 11DPE12A <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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870 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.55 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.55.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.55.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.55.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.55.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd [force | lockout | man | clear | clearlockout] switchto [int | lineref0 | lineref1 |
lineref2 | lineref3]

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


Force - forced selection of the inditicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-
Lockout - lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Man - A manual switch command selects the timing reference, assuming it is enabled, not
locked out, not in "failed" signal status ((SYNCREFFAIL and/or SLTMSIG) or unassigned
(SYNCREFUNEQ) or WTR), and has a QL better than DNU in QL-enabled mode.
Furthermore, in QL-enabled mode, a manual switch can be performed only to a source
which has the highest available QL. As such, these conditions have the effect that manual
switching can only be used to override the assigned timing reference priorities. A manual
switch request overrides a previous manual switch request. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Clear - clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference or internal clock.
Clear-lockout - cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference. (Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})
switchto - specifies the AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is
int - Switch to Internal
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef4

int (for allowable switchto)

Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process.
1. lockout is the highest request and always accepted.
2. force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference.
3. man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status
is Normal.
4. For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the
AID of timing reference.
5. The int in "switchto" is the internal clock identifier.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0



syncMsg [enabled | disabled]


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.

Determines if the timing reference selection for system timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not.


wtr [<value>]

{0..12} - gain in minutes


5 minutes
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
Note: This value is only for SDH mode.

4.55.5 Examples

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 5

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is only applicable to

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

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config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is only applicable to


# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

4.55.6 Related Commands

show card 11DPE12A <slot-aid>SYNC0

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874 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.56 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.56.1 Purpose
This command configures the output timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12A.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for output timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Set the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing
• Select the signal for the output timing
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.56.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.56.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.56.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd [force | lockout | man | clear | clearlockout] switchto [lineref0 | lineref1 | lineref2 |

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Force - forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-
out.Note: This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3}.
Lockout - lockout of a line timing reference for system timing.Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3}.
Man - manual selection of the indicated line timing reference for the system timing entity if
the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out and the
priority of the indicated line time reference is higher than the one of the current
reference.Note: This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3}.
Clear - Clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference.
Clear-lockout - Cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference.
lineRef{0..3} - value of switchto. Switchto specifies the AID of the timing reference entity
which the switch command is designated.
0 (for allowable switchto)
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process. This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3}.
• force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference
• man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status is
• For switch command of clear, it is not necessary to follow Swithchto to specify the AID of
timing reference.
• For output timing, this command does not apply to the interal clock (int).
• lockout is the highest request and always accepted
syncMsg [enabled | disabled]

disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection for output timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not. Enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT




{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - When the NE is in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - When the NE is in SONET mode

SEC - for node working in SDH mode


ST3 - for node working in SONET mode

Specifies the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing


outSel [ OUTTIM | SETG]


OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.

SETG - Output is selected from system timing.

Selects the signal for the output timing.

4.56.5 Examples
# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT syncmsg disable

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT qlThd SEC

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT outSel SETG

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is not applicable to int

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto int

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Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is not applicable to int

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is not applicable to int

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

4.56.6 Related Commands

show card 11DPE12A <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

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878 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.57 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.57.1 Purpose
This command configures the ptp system attributes for a card.
Use this command to:
• Set the ptp profile mode
• Set the ptp clock mode
• Select the frequency reference for the local ptp clock
• Select the time reference for the local ptp clock
• set the servo mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.57.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.57.3 Input Format

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.57.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of specified cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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ptpProfile [ ieee1588 | itug8275dot1]


ieee1588 - The PTP profile mode for this card is IEEE-1588-2008 profile.
itug8275dot1 - The PTP profile mode for this card is ITU-T G.8275.1 PTP telecom profile

Specifies the PTP profile mode for the PTP clock.


clockMode [ptpDisabled | ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc]


ptpDisabled - The PTP/1588 function of this card is disabled

ocMaster - The PTP clock of this card is OC-master. The allowed value when ptp profile is
ocSlave - The PTP clock of this card is OC-slave. The allowed value when ptp profile is
bc - The PTP clock of this card is BC. The allowed value when ptpProfile is "ieee1588".
tGm - The PTP clock of this card is T-GM. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A
and ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
tTsc - The PTP clock of this card is T-TSC. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A
and ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
tBc - The PTP clock of this card is T-BC. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A
and ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".

Specify the PTP clock mode for this card.
Note: Change of the clockmode is allowed only from ptpDisabled to any other mode, or from
any other mode to ptpDisabled. Other changes will be denied.


freqReference [layer1a]

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layer1a - The PTP clock uses the physical layer synchronous clock which is syntonized to
the grandmaster.

Selects the frequency reference for the local PTP clock.
Note: This command will be denied when the clockmode is in "ptpDisabled".


timereference [extPps | extTod | ptp | extToD_ptp]


extPps - the PTP clock uses the local free-running time but align to the external 1pps signal
extTod - the PTP clock alignes the time to the external ToD signal
ptp - the ptp clock alignes the time to the grandmaster
extTod_ptp - the ptp clock alignes the time the external ToD signal or to the grandmaster
depending on the status of the ToD signal

Selects the time reference for the local PTP clock.
1. This parameter will be denied when the clockmode is in "ptpDisabled", "ocSlave" or
2. timeRef is not applicable when the clockmode is ocSlave or tTSc.
3. Valid values when clockmode is ocMaster or tGm: extPps; extTod
4. Valid values when clockmode is bc or tBC: extPps; extTod; ptp; extTod_ptp


servoMode [bellLabs | standard]


bellLabs - Set to use Bell Labs' EAPF (Earliest Arrival Packet Filtering) algorithm based
time recovery servo. The allowed value when PTP profile is "ieee1588".
standard - Set to use ITU-T G.8273.2 performance enhanced standard PID time recovery
servo. The allowed value when PTP profile is "itug8275dot1".

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bellLabs - The default value when PTP profile is"ieee1588".

standard - The default value when PTP profile is "itug8275dot1".
Select the servo mode for PTP system.
1. This parameter is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm |
tTsc | tBc.
2. Before set the ServoMode to "standard" mode, the logsyncInterval attribute of all PTP
ports must be set to "-4".

4.57.5 Examples
# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp timeReference extTod

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clockMode bc

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clockMode ocSlave

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp ptpProfile itug8275dot1

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp servoMode standard

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp freqReference ptp

Error: Request Failed - the command is invalid for this clock mode

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp timeReference exTtod

Error: Request Failed - the command is invalid for this clock mode

4.57.6 Related Commands

Show card [11dpe12a | ptpctl] <slot-aid> ptp

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.58 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.58.1 Purpose
This command configures the attributes of a specific ptp clock.
Use this command to:
• Set the domain attribute
• Set the priority1 attribute
• Set the priority2 attribute
• Set the localpriority attribute
• Set the admin state
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.58.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.58.3 Input Format

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.58.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

domain <value>

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{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{24..43} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"

0 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

24 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Set the value for the domain attribute.


priority1 <value>

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{128} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"

255 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

128 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Set the integer value for the priority1 attribute.


priority2 <value>

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tGm" or "tBc"
{255} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tTsc"

255 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

128 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tGm" or "tBc"
255 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tTsc"
Set the integer value for the priority2 attribute.


localpriority <value>

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Set the integer value for the localpriority attribute.
Note: This parameter is valid only when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1", and will be denied
when the PTP profile is "ieee1588".

adminState [up | down]
up - Configure the admin state for the ptp clock to up
down - Configure the admin state for the ptp clock to down
Specifies the admin state for the ptp clock of this card.

4.58.5 Examples
# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 priority1 1

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 priority2 3

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 adminState up

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 domain 2

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 localPriority 127

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 domain 2

Error: Request Failed - the command is invalid for this clock mode

4.58.6 Related Commands

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

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config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port Nokia 1830 PSS

4.59 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.59.1 Purpose
Use this command for a specific PTP clock to:
• Create a ptp port
• Delete a ptp port
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.59.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.59.3 Input Format

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.59.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


create assPort <port-aid>


assPort - Specify the physical port which the ptp port will be associated to.
Create a new ptp port for the ptp clock.
1. The availability of ptp port is controlled by NE. An OC-master/slave clock supports a
single ptp port, and a BC clock supports multiple ptp ports (maximum 14 for
11DPE12A; maximum 6 for PTPCTL).

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2. After the successful setting, response message shall contain the created ptp port
For 11DPE12A, when the clockmode is ocMaster, ocSlave or BC, the assPort shall be only the
intra-card ports, so the <shelf> and <slot> of assPort shall be the same as the card. The
allowed ports are: L1, L2, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12.
For PTPCTL in the PSS-4, PSS-16 and PSS-32 shelf, the assPort shall be only the intra-card
ports, so the <shelf> and <slot> of assPort shall be the same as the card. The allowed ports
are: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6. Different ptp ports shall be associated to different physical ports.
If the specified physical port is already associated to another ptp port, the command will be


delete <value>

<value> - Specifies the index of an existing ptp port.

Delete a specified ptp port.

4.59.5 Examples

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/C2

Request Succeeded - ptp port 1 of clock1 is created

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port delete 5

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/8/C2

Request Failed - this physical port cannot be associated with the ptp port.

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/L1

Error: Request Failed - exceed the maximum number of ptp ports for this clock

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port delete 12

Error: Request Failed - the specified ptp port does not exist

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/C2

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Request Failed - this physical port has been associated with another ptp port.

4.59.6 Related Commands

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

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4.60 config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.60.1 Purpose
This command configures the attributes of a specific ptp port.
Use this command to:
• Set the transmitting interval for the Announce message
• Set the transmitting interval for the Sync message
• Set the receipt timeout value for the Announce message
• Set the transmitting interval for the Delay_Req message
• Set the ptp port role
• Set the localPriority attribute for the ptp port
• Set the masterOnly attribute for the ptp port
• Set the asymmetry correction value
• Set the addressing mode
• Set the VLAN-ID
• Set the destination MAC address
• Set the admin state
• Set the connected timing port of the PTPIO card
• Trigger link asymmetry measurement
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.60.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.60.3 Input Format

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

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4.60.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


port{1..6} - the port range for PTPCTL

port{1..14} - the port range for 11DPE12A
Configure the attributes of a specific ptp port for 11DPE12A /PTPCTL OT.


logAnnounceInterval <value>


0 - the default value when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

-3 - the default value when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Announce message. The input number is
the logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


logSyncInterval <value>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>


{-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}


-7 - the default value when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

-4 - the default value when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Sync message. The input number is the
logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


LogDelayReqInterval <value>

{-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}


Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Delay_Req message. The input number is
the logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


announceTimeout <value>


Specifies the number of announceInterval for receipt timeout of the Announce message.


portRole [auto | master | slave | passive]


auto - the status of the port is determined by the BMCA

master - the status of the port is forced to master
slave - the status of the port is forced to slave
passive - the status of the port is forced to passive

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Specifies the role of the ptp port
1. The portRole is applicable only when clockmode is bc or tBc, setting portRole when
clockmode is ocMaster, tGm, ocSlave or tTsc shall be rejected.
2. When the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1", the valid value is "auto" only, other values shall
be denied.


localpriority <value>


Set the integer value for the localpriority attribute.
Note: This parameter is valid only when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1", and will be denied
when the PTP profile is "ieee1588".


masteronly <value>

{true, false}

Specifies the masterOnly attribute of the ptp port.
1. The masterOnly is valid only when PTP profile mode is "itug8275dot1". Setting
masterOnly attribute when PTP profile mode is "ieee1588" shall be rejected.
2. The masterOnly attribute for T-GM shall always be TRUE, and for T-TSC shall always
be FALSE. Setting masterOnly attribute when clockmode is "tGm" or "tTsc" will be

asyCorrection <value>

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{-100000000, +100000000} - unit in ns.


Specifies the asymmetry correction value (integer) for the ptp port.


vid <value>

{0..4094} - 0 means no tag will be added.


Specifies the VLAN ID which the port will use to transport PTP packets over it.
Note: vid is applicable only when the ptp profile is "ieee1588" and the associated physical port
is an Ethernet port.


addrMode [unicast | multicast | hybrid]


Unicast - The clock uses the provisioned unicast address for this ptp port
Multicast - The clock uses the standard multicast address for this ptp port
Hybrid - The clock uses the learned unicast address to transmit the Delay_Resp message
and uses the standard multicast address for other messages.

Specifies the addressing mode for the ptp port.
1. addrMode is applicable only when the associated physical port is an Ethernet port.
2. When the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1", the valid value is "Multicast" only, other value
will be denied.


destMac <value>

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<mac-address> - the 48-bit unicast destination MAC address when the ptp profile is
"ieee1588" and the addMode is "unicast". Enter a string containing six groups of two
hexadecimal digits when the ptp profile is "ieee1588", separated by colons (:). A valid
example for the MAC address is 01:23:45:B3:F4:65.
{forwardable, non-forwardable} - the allowed values when the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1"
and the addMode is "Multicast"

forwardable - the default value when the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1"


The PTP profile "itug8275dot1" is not applicable for PTPCTL card. The input values and
default value for "itug8275dot1" profile are not valid for PTPCTL card.
Specifies the destination MAC address for the ptp port to send 1588 messages. This parameter
is valid only when the associated physical port is an Ethernet port.


adminState [up | down | maintenance]


up - Configure the admin state for the ptp port to up

down - Configure the admin state for the ptp port to down
maintenance - Configure the admin state for the ptp port to maintenance

Specifies the admin state for the ptp port.


conPtpioTimingPort <port-aid>

<shelf>/<slot>/TP{1..2} - PTPIO timing port

0 - no PTPIO timing port is connected.

Specifies the connected timing port of the PTPIO card for the PTP port.
Note: This parameter can be changed to "0" only when adminState is "down".

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TriggerLinkAsyMeasure [enable | disable]


enable - measure the link asymmetry for the ptp port

disable - don't measure the link asymmetry for the ptp port

Trigger to measure the link asymmetry for the port.
Note: This parameter can be set to "enable" only when the following conditions are met:
• adminState = maintenance
• conPtpioTimingPort is specified (not "0")
• delayAsyMeasureStatus != inprogress

4.60.5 Examples

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logAnnounceInterval 1

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logSyncInterval -7

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logDelayReqInterval 1

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 announceTimeout 5

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 portRole master

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 asyCorrection 100

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 vid 20

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 addrMode unicast

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 destMac 00:15:58:7C:E8:29

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 adiminStat up

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 conPtpioTimingPort 1/8/TP1

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 TriggerLinkAsyMeasure enable

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 localPriority 127

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 masterOnly true

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 895
config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logSyncInterval -8

Error: Request Failed - invalid number

# config card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 TriggerLinkAsyMeasure enable

Error: cannot trigger linkAsyMeasure when adminState is not "maintenance"

4.60.6 Related Commands

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12e

4.61 config card 11dpe12e

4.61.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for 11DPE12E OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the card rate mode
• Set STPIDs attributes when pack is in QinQ mode
• Set flow continuity monitoring attributes when pack is in QinQ mode
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
• Set the Ethernet OAM
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
11DPE12E card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.61.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.61.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid>

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config card 11dpe12e Nokia 1830 PSS

Ethoam md1

4.61.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Display the provisioned information for the current state.



flowcm [<value>]

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APS/PCC - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with OTU2 APS/PCC and it is
used for interworking with 11DPE12 pack.
CCM - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with Ethernet OAM CCM, and it is
used for 11DPE12E packs connection.
CSF - The flow continuity monitoring is implemented with OAM CSF method.

Flow continuity monitoring. It is applicable when the pack is in QinQ mode.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
Sub-command: lineref

Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

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-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


mode [qinq <tpid>]


qinq - The pack provides more than one sub-GbE service on each client port. The CE-
VLAN ID shall be used to distinguish 10 sub-GbE services and. Each line port can transport
up to 100 sub-GbE services using QinQ transporting. (QinQ supports both fullrate and
subrate service).
<tpid> - 0x0001 to 0xFFFF. Default <tpid> is 0x88a8.

Configure the card rate mode


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

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For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current configured value.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 901
config card 11dpe12e Nokia 1830 PSS



stipd [stipd1 <value>] [stipd2 <value>] [stipd3 <value>] [stipd4 <value>]


0xFFFF - range of values for stpid


0x88a8 (stpid1)
0x8100 (stpid2)
0x9100 (stpid3)
0x9200 (stpid4)
The tag protocol identifiers - In QinQ mode, four global STPIDs for SVLAN tag can be
provisioned per pack. Enter the keyword, followed by the stpid value.
To avoid ambiguity in processing the Ethernet frame, we suggest not to use known public
protocol value in the stpid field, such as 0x0806 (ARP), 0x0200 (PUP), 0x8035(RARP),
0x0800(IP), 0x86DD(Ipv6), and so on.
Sub-command: sync0

Configures the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> sync0".
Note: This can not be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.


syncesupp [enable | disable]


enable - Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization attributes
can be configured ("config card 11dpe12a <slot-AID> sync0"and "config card 11dpe12a
<slot-aid> lineref{0..3"} are supported; also the port level parameter ssmtrans will take
disable - Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes cannot be configured ("config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11dpe12a <slot-aid> lineref{0..3}" are not supported; also the port level parameter
synceoppmode and port level parameter ssmtrans will not take affect).

Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status, the value can be enable or disable.

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The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").
Sub-command: Ethoam md1

Configure the Ethernet OAM attributes. See "config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam md1".

4.61.5 Examples

# config card 11DPE12E *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPE12E Up Up
1/12 11DPE12E Up Up

# config card 11DPE12E 1/12 detail

Description : bank-W
Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Mode : qinq
Hightemp : 75°C
Lowtemp : -5°C
Tolerance : 3°C
Stpid1 : 0x88a8
Stpid2 : 0x8100
Stpid3 : 0x9100
Stpid4 : 0x9200
Flowcm : ccm
syncesupp : enable

# config card 11DPE12E 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11DPE12E 1/12 hightemp 75
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 mode qinq
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 stpid stpid1 1234
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 stpid stpid1 1 stpid2 2
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 stpid stpid1 1 stpid2 2 stpid3 3 stpid4 4
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 flowcm ccm
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 ethoam
# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 stpid stpid1 1234

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 903
config card 11dpe12e Nokia 1830 PSS

Error - Request Failed : invalid card rate mode

# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 flowcm ccm

Error - Request Failed : invalid card rate mode

# config card 11DPE12E 1/7 reset cold force

4.61.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11DPE12e
show card

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904 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.62 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.62.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 11DPE12E OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Set the line reference incoming QL Enable/disable
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.62.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.62.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.62.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 905
config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



lineref{0..3} - line timing reference synchronization

Display the line timing reference synchronization type.


admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assPort [<value>]

{C1, C12, BITS2} - for lineRef0

C{1..12} - for lineRef1
L1 - for lineRef2
L2 - for lineRef3
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifices which port can be assigned
as line timing reference for the system timing entity.
priority [<value>]
0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


incssmsupp [enable|disable]

{Enable, Disable}

Enable/disable the line reference incoming QL processing.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.


provql [<value>]

Auto - do not override

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3} - SONET mode

Provisioned incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

4.62.5 Examples

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 incssmsupp enable

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

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config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1 assPort L1

Error: Request Fail - wrong associated Port for lineRef1

4.62.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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908 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.63 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.63.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 11DPE12E OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.63.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.63.3 Input Format

config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.63.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd [force | lockout | man | clear | clearlockout] switchto [int | lineref0 | lineref1 |

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 909
config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


Force - forced selection of the inditicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-
Lockout - lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Man - A manual switch command selects the timing reference, assuming it is enabled, not
locked out, not in "failed" signal status ((SYNCREFFAIL and/or SLTMSIG) or unassigned
(SYNCREFUNEQ) or WTR), and has a QL better than DNU in QL-enabled mode.
Furthermore, in QL-enabled mode, a manual switch can be performed only to a source
which has the highest available QL. As such, these conditions have the effect that manual
switching can only be used to override the assigned timing reference priorities. A manual
switch request overrides a previous manual switch request. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Clear - clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference or internal clock.
Clear-lockout - cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference. (Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})switchto specifies the AID of the timing
reference entity which the switch command is designated.
int - Switch to Internal
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef4
int (for allowable switchto)
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process. Switchto specifies the AID of the timing reference
entity which the switch command is designated.
• lockout is the highest request and always accepted
• force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference
• man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status is
• For switch command of clear, it is not necessary to follow Swithchto to specify the AID of
timing reference.
• The int in switchto is the interal clock identifier.

syncMsg [disabled | enabled]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.When SSM clock
quality selection is enabled, clock references are selected based on clock quality if revertive
mode is configured (See "wtr").

Determines if the timing reference selection for system timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not.
{0..12} - gain in minutes
5 minutes
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references. With step into 1 minute.
Note: This value is only for SDH mode.

4.63.5 Examples
# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 5

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is only applicable to

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is only applicable to

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

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config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to
the working lineref1

4.63.6 Related Commands

show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

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912 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11ope8

4.64 config card 11ope8

4.64.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for an 11ope8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Clear a configmm alarm
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Specify the type of fault reporting used by the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an 11ope8
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.64.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.64.3 Input Format

config card 11ope8 <slot-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 913
config card 11ope8 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.64.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the card-based CONFIGMM (Configuration Mismatch) alarm. If the CONFIGMM alarm is
not currently raised against the card, and the clearconfigmm command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command is accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


faultmode [ieee | itu]


ieee - for IEEE 802.1ag compliant mode

itu - for ITU-T G.8021 compliant mode

Specifies the type of fault reporting used by the card.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11ope8



hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
Sub-command: <lineref-aid>


lineref{0..1} - Configure the line timing reference synchronization attributes.

Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11OPE8 <slot-aid> <lineref-


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.

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config card 11ope8 Nokia 1830 PSS



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
Sub-command: sync0

Configure the timing synchronization attributes.See "config card 11OPE8 <slot-aid> sync0".
Note: This cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.
Sub-command: syncesupp


syncesupp [enable | disable]


enable - the Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can be configured ("config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11ope8 <slot-aid> lineref{0..1}" are supported; also the interface level parameter ssmtrans
will take effect).
disable - the Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can not be configured ("config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11ope8 <slot-aid> lineref{0..1}" are not supported; also the interface level parameter
"synceoppmode" and interface level parameter "ssmtrans" will not take effect).

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11ope8


Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status, the value can be enable or disable.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerence in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.64.5 Examples

# config card 11ope8 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 11ope8 Up Up
1/16 11ope8 Up Up

# config card 11ope8 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11ope8 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11ope8 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card 11OPE8 1/7 syncesupp no

Error - Request Failed : invalid value

# config card 11OPE8 1/7 reset cold force

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config card 11ope8 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.64.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11ope8
show card

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918 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.65 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.65.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 11ope8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.65.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.65.3 Input Format

config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.65.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd force switchto {lineref0 | lineref1}

switchCmd clear

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force - forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled.
clear - clear an active force switch for a line timing reference.
switchto - specifies the AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is
lineRef{0..1} - values of switchto.
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity involved in the system timing
reference selection process.
For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the AID of
timing reference.
A force switch to an unqualified reference (failed / defective, not in service, not assigned) is


syncMsg [disabled | enabled]


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection (QL mode) for system timing is using sync status
messaging (SSM Qualities) or not.
The implementation of Wait-to-Restore (WtR) in the Synchronous Ethernet timing reference
switching logic does not align with the ITU G.781 Recommendation's definition of WtR (Clause
5.9: The wait to restore time ensures that a previous failed synchronization source is only again
considered as available by the selection process if it is fault-free for a certain time.)
The 1830 PSS uses instead the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching
mode, with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
In QL-disabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference.
• If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified
to qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will

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not switch back to the newly qualified reference until there is a disruption to the current
reference or a force command is used.
In QL-enabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher quality (QL) than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference. This is true in both cases when the
WtR value is 0 or infinity.
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same
quality (QL), the active reference will immediately switch to the newly qualified
• If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified
to qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same
quality (QL), the active reference will not switch to the newly qualified reference until
there is a disruption to the current reference, or if the newly qualified reference increases
in quality above the current reference, or a force command is used.
wtr [<value>]
0 - switching is revertive
Infinity - non-revertive
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
The 1830 PSS uses the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching mode,
with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
Refer to the syncmsg parameter description for details on the impact of the wrt timer on the
SyncE Switching.

4.65.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 0

# config card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

# config card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto ref1

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Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is not supported

4.65.6 Related Commands

show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

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4.66 config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.66.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 11ope8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.66.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.66.3 Input Format

config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.66.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


lineref{0..1} - line timing reference synchronization

Display the line timing reference synchronization type.

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admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assport [<value>]

{C(1..2), X(1..6), M(1..4)} - for lineRef0

{C(1..2), X(1..6), M(1..4)} - for lineRef1
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifies which port can be assigned as
line timing reference for the system timing entity.


priority [<value>]

{1..2} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process.

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. To disable a line timing reference set the adminStat to down.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection.


provql [<value>]

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Auto - do not override

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC/EEC1} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3/EEC2} - SONET mode
Provisioned (override) incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

4.66.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

# config card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1 assPort L1

Error: Request Fail - wrong associated Port for lineRef1

4.66.6 Related Commands

show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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4.67 config card 11qce12x

4.67.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for 11QCE12X OT.
Use this command to:
• Clear a configmm alarm
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Specify the type of fault reporting used by the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
11QCE12X card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.67.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.67.3 Input Format

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid>

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4.67.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QCE12X cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the card-based CONFIGMM (Configuration Mismatch) alarm. If the CONFIGMM alarm is
not currently raised against the card, and the clearconfigmm command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command is accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


faultmode [ieee | itu]


ieee - for IEEE 802.1ag compliant mode

itu - for ITU-T G.8021 compliant mode

Specifies the type of fault reporting used by the card.

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hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
Sub-command: <lineref>
Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11QCE12X <slot-aid> <lineref-
lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS
23..194 - temperature range for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS
-5 - for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS
23 - for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.

name [<string>]

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<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
Sub-command: sync0

Configures the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11QCE12X <slot-aid>
Note: This cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.

syncesupp [disable | enable]
enable - the Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can be configured ("config card 11QCE12X <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11QCE12X <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>" are supported; also the port level parameter ssmtrans
will take affect).
disable - the Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes cannot be configured ("config card 11QCE12X <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11QCE12X <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>" are not supported; also the interface level parameter
synceoppmode and port level parameter "ssmtrans" will not take affect).
Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status.

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tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.67.5 Examples
# config card 11QCE12X *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11QCE12X Up Up
1/12 11QCE12X Up Up

# config card 11QCE12X 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11QCE12X 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11QCE12X 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card 11QCE12X 1/7 reset cold force

4.67.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11QCE12X
show card 11QCE12X

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4.68 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.68.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 11qce12x OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.68.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.68.3 Input Format

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.68.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd force switchto [lineRef0 | lineRef1 | lineRef2]

switchCmd clear

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force - forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled.
clear - clear an active force switch for a line timing reference.
switchto - specifies the AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is
lineRef{0..2} - value of switchto.
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity involved in the system timing
reference selection process.
For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the AID of
timing reference.
A force switch to an unqualified reference (failed / defective, not in service, not assigned) is


syncMsg [disabled | enabled]


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection (QL mode) for system timing is using sync status
messaging (SSM Qualities) or not.
The implementation of Wait-to-Restore (WtR) in the Synchronous Ethernet timing reference
switching logic does not align with the ITU G.781 Recommendation's definition of WtR (Clause
5.9: The wait to restore time ensures that a previous failed synchronization source is only again
considered as available by the selection process if it is fault-free for a certain time.)
The 1830 PSS uses instead the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching
mode, with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
In QL-disabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference.
• If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified
to qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will

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not switch back to the newly qualified reference until there is a disruption to the current
reference or a force command is used.
In QL-enabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher quality (QL) than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference. This is true in both cases when the
WtR value is 0 or infinity.
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same
quality (QL), the active reference will immediately switch to the newly qualified
If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same quality
(QL), the active reference will not switch to the newly qualified reference until there is a
disruption to the current reference, or if the newly qualified reference increases in quality above
the current reference, or a force command is used.


wtr [<value>]

0 - switching is revertive
Infinity - non-revertive

Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
The 1830 PSS uses the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching mode,
with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
Refer to the syncmsg parameter description for details on the impact of the wrt timer on the
SyncE Switching.

4.68.5 Examples

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 0

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

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4.68.6 Related Commands

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

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4.69 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.69.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 11qce12x OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority for the system timing entity
• Set the line timing reference priority for the output timing entity
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.69.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.69.3 Input Format

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.69.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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lineref{0..2} - line timing reference synchronization

Configure the line timing reference synchronization type.


admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assport [<value>]

{C(1..12), X(1..4), M(1..4)} - for lineRef0

{C(1..22), X(1..4), M(1..4)} - for lineRef1
{BITS} - for lineRef2
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifies which port can be assigned as
line timing reference for the system timing entity.
• The value of "BITS" is valid only when the direction of BITS port on 11qce12x is
configured to "input".
• The value of "BITS" is applicable for lineRef2 only
• Ports that are equipped with a 1000B-T2 module are not supported, since 1000B-T2
modules do not support SyncE.


priority [<value>]

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{1..3} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process.

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. To disable a line timing reference set the admStat to down.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection.


priorityForOutputTiming <value>

{1..2} - enabled the timing reference for the output timing selection process.

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing selection process.
1. To disable a line timing reference set the admStat to down.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection.


provql [<value>]

Auto - do not override

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC/EEC1} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3/EEC2} - SONET mode

Provisioned (override) incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

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4.69.5 Examples
# config card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 priorityForOupputTiming 2

4.69.6 Related Commands

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.70 config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.70.1 Purpose
This command configures the output timing synchronization attributes for 11QCE12X.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for output timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Set the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing
• Select the signal for the output timing
Note: This command is only applicable to the BITS output port when the direction of the BITS port
on 11QCE12X is configured to "output".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.70.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.70.3 Input Format

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.70.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

switchCmd [force | clear] switchto [lineref0 | lineref1]

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Force - forced selection of the indicated line timing reference for output timing entity if the
reference is enabled.
Clear - clear an active force switch for a line timing reference
lineRef{0..1} - value of switchto. Switchto specifies the AID of the timing reference entity
which the switch command is designated.

0 (for allowable switchto)

Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process. This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..1}.
• For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the
AID of timing reference.
• A force switch to an unqualified reference (failed / defective, not in service, not assigned)
is denied.
• For output timing, this command does not apply to the internal clock (int).
syncMsg [enabled | disabled]
disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection for output timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not. Enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - When the NE is in SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - When the NE is in SONET mode
SEC - for node working in SDH mode

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ST3 - for node working in SONET mode

Specifies the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing

outSel [ OUTTIM | SETG]
OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.
SETG - Output is selected from system timing.
Selects the signal for the output timing.

4.70.5 Examples
# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT syncmsg disable

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT qlThd SEC

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT outSel SETG

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the force switch command is not applicable to int

4.70.6 Related Commands

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

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config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp Nokia 1830 PSS

4.71 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

4.71.1 Purpose
This command configures the ptp system attributes for a card.
Use this command to:
• Set the ptp profile mode
• Set the ptp clock mode
• Select the frequency reference for the local ptp clock
• Select the time reference for the local ptp clock
• Set the servo mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.71.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.71.3 Input Format

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

4.71.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of specified cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


ptpProfile [ ieee1588 | itug8275dot1]

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ieee1588 - The PTP profile mode for this card is IEEE-1588-2008 profile.
itug8275dot1 - The PTP profile mode for this card is ITU-T G.8275.1 PTP telecom profile

Specifies the PTP profile mode for the PTP clock.


clockMode [ptpDisabled | ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc]


ptpDisabled - The PTP/1588 function of this card is disabled

ocMaster - The PTP clock of this card is OC-master. The allowed value when ptp profile is
ocSlave - The PTP clock of this card is OC-slave. The allowed value when ptp profile is
bc - The PTP clock of this card is BC. The allowed value when ptpProfile is "ieee1588".
tGm - The PTP clock of this card is T-GM. The allowed value when ptp profile is
tTsc - The PTP clock of this card is T-TSC. The allowed value when ptp profile is
tBc - The PTP clock of this card is T-BC. The allowed value when ptp profile is

Specify the PTP clock mode for this card.
Note: Change of the clockmode is allowed only from ptpDisabled to any other mode, or from
any other mode to ptpDisabled. Other changes will be denied.


timeReference [extPps | extTod | ptp | extToD_ptp]

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extPps - the PTP clock uses the local free-running time but align to the external 1pps signal
extTod - the PTP clock aligns the time to the external ToD signal
ptp - the ptp clock aligns the time to the grandmaster
extTod_ptp - the ptp clock aligns the time the external ToD signal or to the grandmaster
depending on the status of the ToD signal

extTod for clockmode=ocMaster, tGm, BC or tBc; ptp for clockmode=ocSlave or tTsc

Selects the time reference for the local PTP clock.
1. This command will be denied when the clockmode is in "ptpDisabled".
2. Valid values when clockmode is ocMaster or tGm are:
- extPps
- extTod
1. valid value when clockmode is ocSlave or tTsc is:
- ptp
1. Valid values when clockmode is bc or tBc are:
- extPps
- extTod
- ptp
- extTod_ptp


servoMode [bellLabs | standard]


bellLabs - Set to use Bell Labs' EAPF (Earliest Arrival Packet Filtering) algorithm based
time recovery servo. The allowed value when PTP profile is "ieee1588".
standard - Set to use ITU-T G.8273.2 performance enhanced standard PID time recovery
servo. The allowed value when PTP profile is "itug8275dot1".

bellLabs - when PTP profile is"ieee1588".

standard - when PTP profile is "itug8275dot1".
Select the servo mode for PTP system.

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1. This parameter is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm |
tTsc | tBc.
2. Before set the ServoMode to "standard" mode, the logsyncInterval attribute of all PTP
ports must be set to "-4".

4.71.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp timeReference extTod

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clockMode bc

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp clockMode ocSlave

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp ptpProfile itug8275dot1

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp servoMode standard

# config card 11qec12x 1/7 ptp timeReference extTod

Error: Request Failed - the command is invalid for this clock mode

4.71.6 Related Commands

Show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

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4.72 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.72.1 Purpose
This command configures the attributes of a specific ptp clock.
Use this command to:
• Set the domain attribute
• Set the priority1 attribute
• Set the priority2 attribute
• Set the localpriority attribute
• Set the admin state
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.72.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.72.3 Input Format

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.72.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

domain <value>

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{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{24..43} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"

0 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

24 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Set the value for the domain attribute.


priority1 <value>

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{128} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"

255 - the default value when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

128 - the default value when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Set the integer value for the priority1 attribute.


priority2 <value>

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

{0..255} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tGm" or "tBc"
{255} - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tTsc"

255 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

128 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tGm" or "tBc"
255 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1" and the clock mode is "tTsc"
Set the integer value for the priority2 attribute.


localpriority <value>

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Set the integer value for the localpriority attribute.
Note: This parameter is valid only when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1", and will be denied
when the PTP profile is "ieee1588".

adminState [up | down]
up - Configure the admin state for the ptp clock to up
down - Configure the admin state for the ptp clock to down
Specifies the admin state for the ptp clock of this card.

4.72.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 domain 2

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 priority1 1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 priority2 3

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp clock1 adminState up

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp clock1 localPriority 127

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 clockmode ptpdisabled

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 domain 2

Error: Request Failed - the command is invalid for this clock mode

4.72.6 Related Commands

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

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4.73 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.73.1 Purpose
Use this command for a specific PTP clock to:
• Create a ptp port
• Delete a ptp port
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.73.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.73.3 Input Format

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.73.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
create assPort <port-aid>
assPort - Specify the physical port which the ptp port will be associated to. When PTP clock
runs on the cards, i.e. ocMaster, ocSlave or BC, the assPort shall be only the intra-card
ports, so the <shelf> and <slot> of assPort shall be the same as the card.
Create a new ptp port for the ptp clock.
1. An OC-master/slave clock supports a single ptp port, and a BC clock supports multiple
ptp ports (maximum 12 for 11ope8; maximum 30 for 11qce12x).

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2. After the successful setting, response message shall contain the created ptp port
For 11ope8, the allowed ports are: X1..X6, C1, C2, M1..M4.
For 11qce12x,The allowed ports are: X1..X4, C1..C22, M1..M4.
Different ptp ports shall be associated to different physical ports. If the specified physical port is
already associated to another ptp port, the command will be denied.

delete <value>
<value> - Specifies the index of an existing ptp port number/index.
Delete a specified ptp port.
Note the ptp port number/index is automatically assigned by system when this ptp port was

4.73.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/C2

Request Succeeded - ptp port 1 of clock1 is created

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port delete 1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/C2
Error: Request Failed - this physical port has been associated
with another ptp port.

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/8/C2

Error: Request Failed - this physical port cannot be associated

with the ptp port.

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port create assPort 1/7/x1

Error: Request Failed - exceed the maximum number of ptp ports for this clock

config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port delete 12

Error: Request Failed - the specified ptp port does not exist

4.73.6 Related Commands

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

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4.74 config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.74.1 Purpose
This command configures the attributes of a specific ptp port.
Use this command to:
• Set the transmitting interval for the Announce message
• Set the transmitting interval for the Sync message
• Set the receipt timeout value for the Announce message
• Set the transmitting interval for the Delay_Req message
• Set the ptp port role
• Set the localPriority attribute for the ptp port
• Set the masterOnly attribute for the ptp port
• Set the asymmetry correction value
• Set the addressing mode
• Set the VLAN-ID
• Set the destination MAC address
• Set the admin state
• Set the connected timing port of the PTPIO card
• Trigger link asymmetry measurement
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.74.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.74.3 Input Format

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

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4.74.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1, ptp port. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


port{1..12} - the port range for 11OPE8

port{1..30} - the port range for 11QCE12X
Configure the attributes of a specific ptp port for 11OPE8/11QCE12X OT.


logAnnounceInterval <value>


0 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

-3 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Announce message. The input number is
the logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


logSyncInterval <value>

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{-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}


-7 - when the PTP profile is "ieee1588"

-4 - when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1"
Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Sync message. The input number is the
logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


LogDelayReqInterval <value>

{-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}


Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) to transmit the Delay_Req message. The input number is
the logarithm to the base of 2 of the interval.


announceTimeout <value>


Specifies the number of announceInterval for receipt timeout of the Announce message.


portRole [auto | master | slave | passive]


auto - the status of the port is determined by the BMCA

master - the status of the port is forced to master
slave - the status of the port is forced to slave
passive - the status of the port is forced to passive

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Specifies the role of the ptp port
1. The portRole is applicable only when clockmode is bc or tBc, setting portRole when
clockmode is ocMaster, tGm, ocSlave or tTsc shall be rejected.
2. When the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1", the valid value is "auto" only, other values shall
be denied.


localpriority <value>


Set the integer value for the localpriority attribute.
Note: This parameter is valid only when the PTP profile is "itug8275dot1", and will be denied
when the PTP profile is "ieee1588".


masteronly <value>

{true, false}

Specifies the masterOnly attribute of the ptp port.
1. The masterOnly is valid only when PTP profile mode is "itug8275dot1". Setting
masterOnly attribute when PTP profile mode is "ieee1588" shall be rejected.
2. The masterOnly attribute for T-GM shall always be TRUE, and for T-TSC shall always
be FALSE. Setting masterOnly attribute when clockmode is "tGm" or "tTsc" will be

asyCorrection <value>

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{-100000000, +100000000} - unit in ns.


Specifies the asymmetry correction value (integer) for the ptp port.


vid <value>

{0..4094} - 0 means no tag will be added.


Specifies the VLAN ID which the port will use to transport PTP packets over it.
Note: vid is applicable only when the ptp profile is "ieee1588" and the associated physical port
is an Ethernet port. The vid provisioning here is for ptp port, and independent from service
VLAN ID provisioning.


addrMode [unicast | multicast | hybrid]


Unicast - The clock uses the provisioned unicast address for this ptp port
Multicast - The clock uses the standard multicast address for this ptp port
Hybrid - The clock uses the learned unicast address to transmit the Delay_Resp message
and uses the standard multicast address for other messages.

Specifies the addressing mode for the ptp port.
1. addrMode is applicable only when the associated physical port is an Ethernet port.
2. When the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1", the valid value is "Multicast" only, other value
will be denied.

destMac <value>

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<mac-address> - the 48-bit unicast destination MAC address when the ptp profile is
"ieee1588" and the addMode is "unicast". Enter a string containing six groups of two
hexadecimal digits when the ptp profile is "ieee1588", separated by colons (:). A valid
example for the MAC address is 01:23:45:B3:F4:65.
{forwardable, non-forwardable} - the allowed values when the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1"
and the addMode is "Multicast"

forwardable - the default value when the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1"

Specifies the destination MAC address for the ptp port to send 1588 messages. This parameter
is valid only when the associated physical port is an Ethernet port.


adminState [up | down | maintenance]


up - when a ptp port is provisioned to admin up, it joins the ptp clock and starts to run the
port state machine;
down - when a ptp port is provisioned to admin down, the ptp clock shall exclude the ptp
port, the 1588 packets received at this port shall be forwarded as normal traffic, and no
1588 packet shall be sent out from is ptp port by the local ptp clock;
maintenance - when a ptp port is provisioned to admin maintenance, user can trigger the
automatic link asymmetry measurement if this feature is applicable to this ptp port.
Specifies the admin state for the ptp port.
Note: The admin state of a ptp port is independent from that of physical port on which the ptp
port is created.

conPtpioTimingPort <port-aid>
<shelf>/<slot>/TP{1..2} - PTPIO timing port
0 - no PTPIO timing port is connected.
Specifies the connected timing port of the PTPIO card for the PTP port.

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Note: This parameter can be changed to "0 "only when adminState is "down".

For 11OPE8 card, this parameter is not applicable and shall not be configured.
For 11QCE12X card, this parameter is only applicable to PTP ports created on physical
ports C1~C12. For PTP ports created on any other ports (including M1..M4, X1..X4,
C13..C22), this parameter is not applicable and shall not be configured (may keep as
default value).


TriggerLinkAsyMeasure [enable | disable]

enable - measure the link asymmetry for the ptp port
disable - don't measure the link asymmetry for the ptp port
Trigger to measure the link asymmetry for the port.
Note: This parameter can be set to "enable" only when the following conditions are met:
• adminState = maintenance
• conPtpioTimingPort is specified (not "0")
• delayAsyMeasureStatus != inprogress
For 11OPE8 card, this parameter is not applicable and shall not be configured.
For 11QCE12X card, this parameter is only applicable to PTP ports created on physical
ports C1..C12. For PTP ports created on any other ports (including M1..M4, X1..X4,
C13..C22), this parameter is not applicable and shall not be configured (may keep as
default value).

4.74.5 Examples
# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logAnnounceInterval 1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logSyncInterval -7

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logDelayReqInterval 1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 announceTimeout 5

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 portRole master

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 asyCorrection 100

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# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 vid 20

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 addrMode unicast

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 destMac 00:15:58:7C:E8:29

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 adiminStat up

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 conPtpioTimingPort 1/8/P1

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 TriggerLinkAsyMeasure enable

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 localPriority 127

# config card 11qce12x 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 masterOnly true

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 logSyncInterval -8

Error: Request Failed - invalid number

# config card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port2 TriggerLinkAsyMeasure enable

Error: cannot trigger linkAsyMeasure when adminState is not "maintenance"

4.74.6 Related Commands

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11qpe24

4.75 config card 11qpe24

4.75.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for 11QPE24 OT.
Use this command to:
• Clear a configmm alarm
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Specify the type of fault reporting used by the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
11QPE24 card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.75.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.75.3 Input Format

config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid>

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4.75.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the card-based CONFIGMM (Configuration Mismatch) alarm. If the CONFIGMM alarm is
not currently raised against the card, and the clearconfigmm command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command is accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Display the provisioned information for the current state.



faultmode [ieee | itu]


ieee - for IEEE 802.1ag compliant mode

itu - for ITU-T G.8021 compliant mode

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Specifies the type of fault reporting used by the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
Sub-command: lineref
Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11QPE24 <slot-aid> <lineref-
lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS
23..194 - temperature range for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS
-5 - for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS
23 - for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.

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name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
Sub-command: sync0

Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 11QPE24 <slot-aid> SYNC0".
Note: This cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disable.


syncesupp [disable | enable]


enable - the Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can be configured ("config card 11QPE24 <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11QPE24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>" are supported; also the port level parameter ssmtrans
will take affect).
disable - the Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes cannot be configured ("config card 11QPE24 <slot-aid> sync0" and "config card
11QPE24 <slot-aid> <ineref-aid>" are not supported; also the interface level parameter
synceoppmode and port level parameter "ssmtrans will not take affect).

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11qpe24


Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.75.5 Examples
# config card 11QPE24 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11QPE24 Up Up
1/12 11QPE24 Up Up

# config card 11QPE24 1/12 detail

Description : bank-W
Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Hightemp : 75°C
Lowtemp : -5°C
Tolerance : 3°C
syncesupp : enable

# config card 11QPE24 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11QPE24 1/12 hightemp 75

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config card 11qpe24 Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card 11QPE24 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card 11QPE24 1/7 reset cold force

4.75.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 11QPE24
show card 11QPE24

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.76 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.76.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 11QPE24 OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.76.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.76.3 Input Format

config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.76.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd force switchto {lineref0 | lineref1}

switchCmd clear

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config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


force - forced selection of the indicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled.
clear - clear an active force switch for a line timing reference.
switchto - specifies the AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is
lineRef{0..1} - values of switchto.
Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity involved in the system timing
reference selection process.
Note: For switch command of clear, it is not necessary to follow Switchto to specify the AID of
timing reference.
A force switch to an unqualified reference (failed/defective, not in service, not assigned) is
syncMsg [disabled | enabled]
disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection (QL mode) for system timing is using sync status
messaging (SSM Qualities) or not.
The implementation of Wait-to-Restore (WtR) in the Synchronous Ethernet timing reference
switching logic does not align with the ITU G.781 Recommendation's definition of WtR (Clause
5.9: The wait to restore time ensures that a previous failed synchronization source is only again
considered as available by the selection process if it is fault-free for a certain time.)
The 1830 PSS uses instead the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching
mode, with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
In QL-disabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference.
• If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified
to qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, the active reference will
not switch back to the newly qualified reference until there is a disruption to the current
reference or a force command is used.

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In QL-enabled mode:
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher quality (QL) than the current reference, the active reference will
immediately switch to the newly qualified reference. This is true in both cases when the
WtR value is 0 or infinity.
• If the WtR value is 0 and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same
quality (QL), the active reference will immediately switch to the newly qualified
If the WtR value is infinity and the alternate timing reference goes from being unqualified to
qualified and is of higher priority than the current reference, and both have the same quality
(QL), the active reference will not switch to the newly qualified reference until there is a
disruption to the current reference, or if the newly qualified reference increases in quality above
the current reference, or a force command is used.
wtr [<value>]
0 - switching is revertive
Infinity - non-revertive
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
The 1830 PSS uses the WtR value as an indicator for revertive/non-revertive switching mode,
with possible values of 0 (indicating revertive) and infinity (indicating non-revertive).
Note: Refer to the syncmsg parameter description for details on the impact of the wrt timer on
the SyncE Switching.

4.76.5 Examples
# config card 11qpe24 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 0

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

4.76.6 Related Commands

show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

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config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.77 config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.77.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 11qpe24 OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.77.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.77.3 Input Format

config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.77.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


lineref{0..1} - line timing reference synchronization

Configure the line timing reference synchronization type.

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admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assport [<value>]

{C(1..22), X(1..4)} - for lineRef0

{C(1..22), X(1..4)} - for lineRef1
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifies which port can be assigned as
line timing reference for the system timing entity.
Ports that are equipped with a 1000B-T2 module are not supported, since 1000B-T2 modules
do not support synce.


priority [<value>]

{1..2} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process.

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. To disable a line timing reference set the admStat to down.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection.

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config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


provql [<value>]
Auto - do not override
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC/EEC1} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3/EEC2} - SONET mode
Provisioned (override) incoming SSM value for the line reference.
Note: The parameter can be provisioned only when syncMsg is enable.

4.77.5 Examples
# config card 11qpe24 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 11qpe24 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

4.77.6 Related Commands

show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

4.78 config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

4.78.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for packet switch cards:
• 12ce120 (12x10G Carrier Ethernet Card with 120G backplane capacity)
• 12ce121 (12x1GbE/10GbE Carrier Ethernet Card with 120G backplane capacity)
• 1ce100 (1x100GbE Carrier Ethernet Card with 100G backplane capacity)
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept one of the
dsw packetswitch cards before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid>
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.78.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.78.3 Input Format

config card <dsw-packetswitch-card> <slot-aid>

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4.78.4 Input Parameters



12ce120 - 12x10GbE/OTU Carrier Ethernet I/O Card

12ce121 - 12x1GbE/10GbE Carrier Ethernet I/O Card
1ce100 - 1x100GbE Carrier Ethernet I/O Card

Entry required
Specifies the IO card type


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of dsw packetswitch cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

hightemp [<degrees>]

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-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.
lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C.
23..194 - temperature range for °F.
-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

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config card <dsw-packetswitch-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
Sub-command: rmd-access-interface

Enters the context to configure a logical interface to access remote-managed. Refer to

"Remote-managed-device command" in section "Packet management".
Sub-command: rmd-discovery

Enters the context to initiate the discovery operation for remote managed devices. Refer to
"Remote-managed-device command" in Section "Packet management".


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

4.78.5 Examples
# config card 1ce100 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/2 1ce100 Up Up
1/5 1ce100 Up Up

# config card 1ce100 1/2 description Bank-W

# config card 1ce100 1/5 hightemp 75

# config card 1ce100 1/5 reset cold force

4.78.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
show card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 975
config card PTPCTL Nokia 1830 PSS

4.79 config card PTPCTL

4.79.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for PTPCTL.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Reset the card.
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status.
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock.
• Set the synchronous Ethernet output clock.
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference.
• Set the PTP clock.
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a PTPCTL
card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.79.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.79.3 Input Format

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card PTPCTL

4.79.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPCTL cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Display the provisioned information for the current state.

hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or

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config card PTPCTL Nokia 1830 PSS

°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.
Sub-command: ptp

Configure the Packet Time Synchronization attributes. See "config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> ptp
"(Section 6 OT management command).


reset {cold | warm} [force]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card PTPCTL


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
Sub-command: sync0

Configure the system timing synchronization attributes. See "config card PTPCTL <slot-aid>
sync0" (Section 6 OT management command).
Sub-command: syncout

Configure the output timing synchronization attributes. See "config card PTPCTL <slot-aid>
syncout" (Section 6 OT management command).
Sub-command: <lineref-aid>

Configure the line timing reference synchronization attributes. See "config card PTPCTL <slot-
aid> <lineref-aid>" (Section 6 OT management command).


syncesupp [enable | disable]


enable - the Synchronous Ethernet is supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can be configured ("config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> BITS{1..2}", "config card
PTPCTL <slot-aid> sync0" "config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> syncout" and "config card
PTPCTL <slot-aid> lineref{0..3}" are supported ; also the port level parameter ssmtrans will
take affect).
disable - the Synchronous Ethernet is not supported for the pack and the synchronization
attributes can not be configured ("config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> BITS{1..2}", "config card
PTPCTL <slot-aid> sync0" "config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> syncout" and "config card
PTPCTL <slot-aid> lineref{0..3}" are not supported; also the port level parameter
"synceoppmode" and port level parameter "ssmtrans" will not take affect).
Configure the Synchronous Ethernet function status.

tolerance [<degrees>]

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config card PTPCTL Nokia 1830 PSS


0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.79.5 Examples

# config card PTPCTL *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 PTPCTL Up Up
1/12 PTPCTL Up Up

# config card PTPCTL 1/12 detailDescription : bank-W

Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Hightemp : 75'C
Lowtemp : -5'C
Tolerance : 3'C
syncesupp : enable

# config card PTPCTL 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card PTPCTL 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 syncesupp enable

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 reset cold force

4.79.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface PTPCTL

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card PTPCTL

show card

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 981
config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.80 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.80.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for PTPCTL.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority for the system timing entitiy
• Set the line timing reference priority for the output timing entitiy
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Set the line reference incoming QL Enable/disable
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.80.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.80.3 Input Format

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.80.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPCTL cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Sub-command: <lineref-aid>


lineref{0..3} - line timing reference synchronization

Configure the line timing reference synchronization attributes. See "config card PTPCTL <slot-
aid> <lineref-aid>" (Section 6 OT management command).


admStat [up | down]


down - Configure the line timing reference admin state down

up - Configure the line timing reference admin state up

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference.


assPort [<value>]

BITS2 - for lineRef0

P{1..4} - for lineRef1
P{1..4} - for lineRef2
P{5..6} - for lineRef3
null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifices which port can be assigned
as line timing reference for the system and output timing entities.


priority [<value>]

0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

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Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


priorityForOutputTiming [<value>]

0 - disabled the timing reference from the output timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the output timing selection process

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing selection process.
1. The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.
2. A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value


incssmsupp [enabled | disabled]


enabled - Enable line reference incoming QL processing

disabled - Disable line reference incoming QL processing

Configure the line reference incoming QL processing.


provql [<value>]

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Auto - Enter the value to auto.

{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC} - When the NE works in SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3} - When the NE works in SONET mode
Configure incoming SSM value of a line timing reference

4.80.5 Examples
This section provides an example of the command usage.

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 assPort P1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 priorityForOutputTiming 2

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 incssmsupp enabled

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

4.80.6 Related Commands

Show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.81 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.81.1 Purpose
This command configures the system timing synchronization attributes of PTPCTL.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timg reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.81.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.81.3 Input Format

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.81.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPCTL cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd [force | lockout | man | clear | clearlockout] switchto [int | lineref0 | lineref1 |
lineref2 | lineref3]

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Force - forced selection of the inditicated line timing reference or internal clock for system
timing entity if the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-
Lockout - lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Man - A manual switch command selects the timing reference, assuming it is enabled, not
locked out, not in "failed" signal status ((SYNCREFFAIL and/or SLTMSIG) or unassigned
(SYNCREFUNEQ) or WTR), and has a QL better than DNU in QL-enabled mode.
Furthermore, in QL-enabled mode, a manual switch can be performed only to a source
which has the highest available QL. As such, these conditions have the effect that manual
switching can only be used to override the assigned timing reference priorities. A manual
switch request overrides a previous manual switch request. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Clear - clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference or internal clock.
Clear-lockout - cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference. (Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})
switchto - specifies the AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is
int - Switch to Internal
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef4

int (for allowable switchto)

Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
system timing reference selection process.
1. lockout is the highest request and always accepted.
2. force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference.
3. man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status
is Normal.
4. For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the
AID of timing reference.
5. The int in "switchto" is the internal clock identifier.

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config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS



syncMsg [enabled | disabled]


disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.
Determines if the timing reference selection for system timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not.
wtr [<value>]
{0..12} - gain in minutes
5 minutes
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.With step into 1 minute.
Note: This value is only for SDH mode.

4.81.5 Examples
This section provides an example of the command usage.

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disabled

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 5

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error:Request Failed - the man switch command is only applicable to lineref{0-3}

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto int


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Request Failed - the lockout switch command is only applicable to lineref{0-3}

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to the
working lineref1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0 SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to the
working lineref1

4.81.6 Related Commands

Show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 989
config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT Nokia 1830 PSS

4.82 config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.82.1 Purpose
This command configures the output timing synchronization attributes for PTPCTL
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for output timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Set the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing
• Select the signal for the output timing
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.82.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.82.3 Input Format

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.82.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPCTL cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


switchCmd [force | lockout | man | clear | clearlockout] switchto [lineref0 | lineref1 | lineref2 |

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Allowed switchcmd values:

Force - forced selection of the inditicated line timing reference for output timing entity if the
reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out. (Note: this
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Lockout - lockout of a line timing reference for system timing. (Note: This command is only
applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Man - manual selection of the indicated line timing reference for the system timing entity if
the reference is enabled (that is, provisioned priority is not "0") and not lock-out and the
priority of the indicated line time reference is higher than the one of the current reference.
(Note: This command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})
Clear - clear an active manual or force switch for a line timing reference.
Clear-lockout - cancel the lockout of one specified line timing reference. (Note: This
command is only applicable to lineRef{0..3})default: 0 (no command)switchto specifies the
AID of the timing reference entity which the switch command is designated.
Allowed switchto destination values:
lineref0 - Switch to lineRef1
lineref1 - Switch to lineRef2
lineref2 - Switch to lineRef3
lineref3 - Switch to lineRef4

0 (for allowable switchto)

Performs switch commands for a line timing reference entity or internal clock involved in the
output timing reference selection process.
1. lockout is the highest request and always accepted.
2. force is accepted if no lockout request is present for the timing reference.
3. man is accepted if no lockout or force request is present and current reference status
is Normal.
4. For switch command of "clear", it is not necessary to follow "Swithchto" to specify the
AID of timing reference.
5. For output timing, this command does not apply to the internal clock (int).


syncMsg [enabled | disabled]

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disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. Output timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. Output timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.

Determines if the timing reference selection for output timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not. Enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.



{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - When the NE is in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - When the NE is in SONET mode

SEC - for node working in SDH mode

ST3 - for node working in SONET mode
Specifies the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing.


outSel [<value>]

OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process

SETG - Output is selected from system timing

Selects the signal for the output timing.

4.82.5 Examples
This section provides an example of the command usage.

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT syncmsg disabled

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# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT switchcmd clear lockout switchto lineref1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT qlThd SEC

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT outSel SETG

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the force switch command is not applicable to int

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the man switch command is not applicable to int

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto int

Error: Request Failed - the lockout switch command is not applicable to int

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd man switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to the
working lineref1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd force switchto lineRef1

# config card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT SwitchCmd lockout switchto lineRef1

Request Failed - the lockout switch command can't be applicable to the
working lineref1

4.82.6 Related Commands

Show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 993
config card PTPIO Nokia 1830 PSS

4.83 config card PTPIO

4.83.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for PTPIO.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a PTPIO
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.83.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.83.3 Input Format

config card PTPIO <slot-aid>

4.83.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPIO cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card PTPIO



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Display the provisioned information for the current state.



hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

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-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

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3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.83.5 Examples
# config card PTPIO *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 PTPIO Up Up
1/12 PTPIO Up Up

# config card PTPIO 1/12 detail

Description : bank-W
Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Hightemp : 75'C
Lowtemp : -5'C
Tolerance : 3'C

# config card PTPIO 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card PTPIO 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card PTPIO 1/12 reset cold force

4.83.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface PTPIO
show card

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 997
config card ptpioc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.84 config card ptpioc

4.84.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for PTPIOC.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the working mode for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
PTPIOC card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.84.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.84.3 Input Format

config card ptpioc <slot-aid>

4.84.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPIOC cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

Displays the provisioned information for the current state.



hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance

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lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32/16 and PSS-16II.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32/16 and PSS-16II.

-40 - for °C and °F. Applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-4.

The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]

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cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").
workmode [<value>]


Specifies the working mode for PTPIOC card.

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The functional modules 1 & 2 of PTPIOC are configured as Centralized Clock mode.
The functional modules 1 & 2 of PTPIOC are configured as Lambda Conversion mode.
The functional modules 1 & 2 of PTPIOC are configured as Relay mode.

4.84.5 Examples
# config card ptpioc *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/5 PTPIOC Up Up
1/9 PTPIOC Up Up

# config card ptpioc 1/9 detail

Description : bank-W
Admin state : up
Oper state : up
Workmode : relay
Hightemp : 75°C
Lowtemp : -5°C
Tolerance : 3°C

# config card ptpioc 1/9 description Bank-W

# config card ptpioc 1/5 workmode relay
# config card ptpioc 1/9 hightemp 75

# config card ptpioc 1/9 reset cold force

4.84.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface ptpioc
show card

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1002 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12

4.85 show card 11dpe12

4.85.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 11DPE12 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 11DPE12 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.85.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.85.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12 <slot-aid>

4.85.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.85.5 Examples
# show card 11DPE12 1/12
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11DPE12 (Equipped: 11DPE12)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19
Operational Mode: fullRate

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1003
show card 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS

# show card 11DPE12 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11DPE12 (Equipped: 11DPE12)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19
Operational Mode: subRate

# show card 11DPE12 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11DPE12 (Equipped: 11DPE12)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local) : +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36) : +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19
TPID: 0x8100

4.85.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12

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1004 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a

4.86 show card 11dpe12a

4.86.1 Purpose
Show a list of all 11dpe12a cards on the network element with brief information for each card, or
detailed information for a specific 11dpe12a card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.86.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.86.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid>

4.86.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12a cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.86.5 Examples
# show card 11dpe12a 1/12
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11dpe12a (Equipped: 11dpe12a)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Card Name : Card-1-12

Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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show card 11dpe12a Nokia 1830 PSS

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C

Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

Operational Mode: QinQ

TPID: 0x8100

4.86.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a

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1006 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.87 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.87.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.87.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.87.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.87.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1007
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Shows information about the current selected (active) line timing reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
forcefrng - Forced free-running mode for system timing entity.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Display the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time for all timing references.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1008 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0


Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

4.87.5 Examples
# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNC0 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPE12A (Equipped: 11DPE12A)
activeRef : lineRef1
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : 5
refSwStat : force

4.87.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNC0

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1009
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT Nokia 1830 PSS

4.88 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.88.1 Purpose
This command displays the output timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12A.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the output timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Display the synchronization switch state for output timing entity
• Display the details information of the output timing entity
• Display the quality level threshold of the output timing entity
• Display the output selection of the output timing entity
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.88.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.88.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.88.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1010 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT




Shows information about the current selected (active) line timing reference for output timing

Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for output timing.

Display the current settings for the output timing entity.



Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock

Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Shows the current state of switch command for the output timing entity.
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode
Specifies the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing.

OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.
SETG - Output is selected from system timing.
Shows the selection of the output timing.

4.88.5 Examples
# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 SYNCOUT detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPE12A (Equipped: 11DPE12A)

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1011
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT Nokia 1830 PSS

activeRef : lineRef1
syncmsg : enable
refSwStat : force
qlThd : SEC
outSel : OUTTIM

4.88.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

Release 10.0
August 2017
1012 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.89 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.89.1 Purpose
This command displays the timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority of the system timing entity
• Display the line timing reference priority of the output timing entity
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the state of the line timing reference
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the system timing entity
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the output timing entity
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL status enable/disable
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.89.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.89.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1013
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


4.89.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Show the incoming QL value.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1014 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>



0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Show the line reference incoming QL Status.

Show the line reference incoming QL processing status.


{up, down}
Shows the line timing reference operation status.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing entity.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing entity.
Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.
{Yes, No}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status for the system timing entity.
{enable, disable}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status for the output timing entity.
Not-assigned - Synchronization line timing reference is unassigned.
Normal - Line timing reference is assigned and operating normally without faults.
Signal-failure - Synchronization line timing reference failure.
WTR - Synchronization line timing reference is recovered and the WTR timer is running.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1015
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shows the actual signal status for the line timing reference as forwarded to the system timing.

4.89.5 Examples
# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 lineRef1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPE12A (Equipped: 11DPE12A)
assPort : C5
adminStat : up
operStat : up
priority : 1
priorityForOutputTiming : 1
refstat : NORMAL
reflock : disable
reflockOfOutputTiming : disable
incssmsupp : enable
incssmstatus : valid
incssmmsg :SSU_A
provql :AUTO

4.89.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1016 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid>

4.90 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid>

4.90.1 Purpose
This command displays the LAG attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the LAG name
• Display the LAG actor admin key
• Display the LAG actor operation key
• Display the LAG actor system priority
• Display the LAG actor system ID
• Display the LAG MTU
• Display the LAG admin state
• Display the LAG bandwidth
• Display the LAG ingress/egress available bandwidth
• Display the LAG LACP state
• Display the LAG max port size
• Display the LAG TPID
• Display the LAG lospropagation behaviour
• Display the LAG LPT consequent action behaviour
• Display the LAG mac address
• Display the LAG partner system id
• Display the LAG partner system priority
• Display the LAG partner operator key
• Display the LAG selected ports number
• Display the LAG attached ports number
• Display the LAG primary port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.90.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.90.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1017
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.90.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1-4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Configure the 11dpe12a lag attributes.

Display the information of the provisioned LAG.

4.90.5 Output Parameters

Provisioned lag information
For provisioned lag, the following information is displayed:

Label Description
Actadmkey Show the LAG actor admin key
Actopekey Show the LAG actor operator key
actsysid Show the LAG actor system id
actsyspriority Show the LAG actor system priority
admin show the LAG admin state
bandwidth Show the LAG bandwidth
egravabandwidth Show the LAG egress available bandwidth
ingavabandwidth Show the LAG ingress available bandwidth
lacp Show the LAG lacp state, always enable
losprop Show the LAG lospropagation behaviour
lptconaction Show the LAG lpt consequent action
mac Show the LAG mac address

Release 10.0
August 2017
1018 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid>

Label Description
maxport Show the LAG max port size
mtu Show the LAG MTU/MRU
name Show the LAG name
n_attached Show the number of attached ports in the LAG
n_selected Show the number of selected ports in the LAG
parsysid Show the LAG partner system id
parsyspriority Show the lag partner system priority
paropekey Show the lag partner operator key
priport Show the lag primary port number
tpid Show the lag TPID

4.90.6 Examples

# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPE12A (Equipped: 11DPE12A)
lag number : 1
actadmkey :10
Actopekey :10
actsysid :10:11:22:33:44:55
actsyspriority :32768
admin :up
bandwidth :4Gbps
egravabandwidth :4Gbps
ingavabandwidth :4Gbps
lacp :enable
losprop :laseroff
lptconaction :noaction
mac : 10:11:22:33:44:55
maxport :4
mtu :9600
name :test lag 1
n_attached :4
n_selected :4
parsysid : 10:11:22:33:44:54
parsyspriority :32769
paropekey :30
priport :c1
tpid :stpid1

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1019
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid><lag-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.90.7 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1020 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

4.91 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport

4.91.1 Purpose
This command displays the lag port attributes for 11DPE12A OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the port actor system priority
• Display the port actor system id
• Display the port actor admin key
• Display the port actor operator key
• Display the port partner operation system priority
• Display the port partner operation system id
• Display the port selected agg id
• Display the port attached agg id
• Display the port actor port
• Display the port actor port priority
• Display the port partner operation port
• Display the port partner operation port priority
• Display the port actor admin state
• Display the port actor operation state
• Display the port partner operation state
• Display the port state
• Dislay the port receive LACP pkt number
• Display the port receive unkown pkt number
• Display the port receive illegal pkt number
• Display the port transmit LACP pkt number
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.91.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.91.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1021
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] Nokia 1830 PSS

4.91.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot and lag interface. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and
the slot number, and LAG{1-4} for 11DPE12A cards.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Configure the 11dpe12a lag attributes.


Specify the attached port detail attributes.

Specify the LAG attached port attributes.

4.91.5 Output Parameters

Provisioned lag information
For provisioned lag, the following information is displayed:

Label Description
actadmkey port actor admin key value

Release 10.0
August 2017
1022 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

Label Description
actadmstate Display the port actor admin state
The Actor's state variables for the port,
encoded as
1. LACP_Activity is encoded in bit 0. This flag
indicates the Activity control value with regard
to this link.Active LACP is encoded as a 1;
Passive LACP is encoded as a 0.
2. LACP_Timeout is encoded in bit 1. This flag
indicates the Timeout control value with regard
to this link. Short Timeout is encoded as a 1;
Long Timeout is encoded as a 0.
3. Aggregation is encoded in bit 2. only TRUE
value is supported (encoded as a 1), this flag
indicates that the System considers this link to
be Aggregateable; i.e., a potential candidate
for aggregation.
4. Synchronization is encoded in bit 3. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), the System considers this
link to be IN_SYNC;i.e., it has been allocated
to the correct Link Aggregation Group, the
group has been associated with a compatible
Aggregator, and the identity of the Link
Aggregation Group is consistent with the
System ID and operational Key information
transmitted. If FALSE (encoded as a 0), then
this link is currently OUT_OF_SYNC; i.e., it is
not in the right Aggregation.
5. Collecting is encoded in bit 4. TRUE
(encoded as a 1) means collection of incoming
frames on this link is definitely enabled; i.e.,
collection is currently enabled and is not
expected to be disabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received
protocol information. Its value is otherwise
FALSE (encoded as a 0).
6. Distributing is encoded in bit 5. FALSE
(encoded as a 0) means distribution of
outgoing frames on this link is definitely
disabled; i.e., distribution is currentlydisabled
and is not expected to be enabled in the
absence of administrative changes or changes
in received protocol information. Its value is
otherwise TRUE (encoded as a 1).
7. Defaulted is encoded in bit 6. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the
Actor's Receive machine is using Defaulted
operational Partner information,
administratively configured for the Partner. If
FALSE (encoded as a 0), the operational
Partner information in use has been received
Release 10.0 in a LACPDU.
August 2017 8. Expired is encoded in bit 7. If TRUE
Issue 1 (encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the1023
Actor's Receive machine is in the EXPIRED
state; if FALSE (encoded as a 0), this flag
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
actopekey Display the port actor operation key

Release 10.0
August 2017
1024 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

Label Description
actopestate Display the port actor operation state
The Actor's state variables for the port,
encoded as individual bits within a single octet,
as follows :
1. LACP_Activity is encoded in bit 0. This flag
indicates the Activity control value with regard
to this link. Active LACP is encoded as a 1;
Passive LACP is encoded as a 0.
2. LACP_Timeout is encoded in bit 1. This flag
indicates the Timeout control value with regard
to this link. Short Timeout is encoded as a 1;
Long Timeout is encoded as a 0.
3. Aggregation is encoded in bit 2. only TRUE
value is supported (encoded as a 1), this flag
indicates that the System considers this link to
be Aggregateable; i.e., a potential candidate
for aggregation.
4. Synchronization is encoded in bit 3. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), the System considers this
link to be IN_SYNC; i.e., it has been allocated
to the correct Link Aggregation Group, the
group has been associated with a compatible
Aggregator, and the identity of the Link
Aggregation Group is consistent with the
System ID and operational Key information
transmitted. If FALSE (encoded as a 0), then
this link is currently OUT_OF_SYNC; i.e., it is
not in the right Aggregation.
5. Collecting is encoded in bit 4. TRUE
(encoded as a 1) means collection of incoming
frames on this link is definitely enabled; i.e.,
collection is currently enabled and is not
expected to be disabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received
protocol information. Its value is otherwise
FALSE (encoded as 0).
6. Distributing is encoded in bit 5. FALSE
(encoded as a 0) means distribution of
outgoing frames on this link is definitely
disabled; i.e., distribution is currently disabled
and is not expected to be enabled in the
absence of administrative changes or changes
in received protocol information. Its value is
otherwise TRUE (encoded as a 1).
7. Defaulted is encoded in bit 6. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the
Actor's Receive machine is using Defaulted
operational Partner information,
administratively configured for the Partner. If
FALSE (encoded as a 0), the operational
Release 10.0 Partner information in
August 2017 use has been received in a LACPDU.
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA
8. Expired is encoded in bit 7. If TRUE 1025
(encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the
Actor's Receive machine is in the EXPIRED
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
actporpriority Display the port actor port priority
actport Display the port actor port number
actsysid Display the port actor system id
attaggid Display the port attached agg id
selaggid Display the port selected agg id
paropekey Display the port partner operation key
paropeporpriority Display the port partner operation port priority
paropeport Display the port partner operation port number

Release 10.0
August 2017
1026 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

Label Description
paropestate Display the port partner operation state
The Actor's state variables for the port,
encoded as individual bits within a single octet,
as follows:
1. LACP_Activity is encoded in bit 0. This flag
indicates the Activity control value with regard
to this link. Active LACP is encoded as a 1;
Passive LACP is encoded as a 0.
2. LACP_Timeout is encoded in bit 1. This flag
indicates the Timeout control value with regard
to this link. Short Timeout is encoded as a 1;
Long Timeout is encoded as a 0.
3. Aggregation is encoded in bit 2. only TRUE
value is supported (encoded as a 1), this flag
indicates that the System considers this link to
be Aggregateable; i.e., a potential candidate
for aggregation.
4. Synchronization is encoded in bit 3. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), the System considers this
link to be IN_SYNC; i.e., it has been allocated
to the correct Link Aggregation Group, the
group has been associated with a compatible
Aggregator, and the identity of the Link
Aggregation Group is consistent with the
System ID and operational Key information
transmitted. If FALSE
(encoded as a 0), then this link is currently
OUT_OF_SYNC; i.e., it is not in the right
5. Collecting is encoded in bit 4. TRUE
(encoded as a 1) means collection of incoming
frames on this link is definitely enabled; i.e.,
collection is currently enabled and is not
expected to be disabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received
information. Its value is otherwise FALSE
(encoded as a 0).
6. Distributing is encoded in bit 5. FALSE
(encoded as a 0) means distribution of
outgoing frames on this link is definitely
disabled; i.e., distribution is currently disabled
and is not expected to be enabled in the
absence of administrative changes or changes
received protocol information. Its value is
otherwise TRUE (encoded as a 1).
7. Defaulted is encoded in bit 6. If TRUE
(encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the
Actor's Receive machine is using Defaulted
Release 10.0 operational Partner information,
August 2017 administratively configured for the Partner. If
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1027
(encoded as a 0), the operational Partner
information in use has been received in a
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
paropesysid Display the port partner operation system id
paropesyspriority Display the port partner operation system
portstate Display the port state
UnknownRx Display the number of received unkown pkts in
this port
IllegalRx Display the number of received illegal pkts in
the port
LACPDUsRx Display the number of received LACP pkts in
the port
LACPDUsTx Display the number of transmitted LACP pkts
in the port

4.91.6 Examples

# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 LAG1 attachedport detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 lag 1 attachedport :c1 - 11DPE12A

actadmkey :2
actadmstate :lacpactiviey active
actadmstate :lacptimeout short
actadmstate :aggregation true
actopekey :2
actopestate :lacpactiviey active
actopestate :lacptimeout short
actopestate :aggregation true
actopestate :Synchronization true
actopestate :Collecting true
actopestate :Distributing true
actopestate :Defaulted false
actopestate :Expired false
actporpriority :128
actport : 1
actsysid :101111111111
attaggid :lag 1
IllegalRx :0
paropekey :4
paropeporpriority :220
paropeport : 1

Release 10.0
August 2017
1028 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>]

paropestate :lacpactiviey active

paropestate :lacptimeout short
paropestate :aggregation true
paropestate :Synchronization true
paropestate :Collecting true
paropestate :Distributing true
paropestate :Defaulted false
paropestate :Expired false
Paropesysid : 101111111112
Paropesyspriority :32766
portstate :active
selaggid :lag 1
UnknownRx :0
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 lag 1 attachedport :c3 - 11DPE12A
actadmkey :2
actadmstate :lacpactiviey active
actadmstate :lacptimeout short
actadmstate :aggregation true
actopekey :2
actopestate :lacpactiviey active
actopestate :lacptimeout short
actopestate :aggregation true
actopestate :Synchronization true
actopestate :Collecting true
actopestate :Distributing true
actopestate :Defaulted false
actopestate :Expired false
actporpriority :129
actport : 3
actsysid :101111111111
attaggid :lag 1
IllegalRx :0
paropekey :4
paropeporpriority :221
paropeport : 2
paropestate :lacpactiviey active
paropestate :lacptimeout short
paropestate :aggregation true
paropestate :Synchronization true
paropestate :Collecting true
paropestate :Distributing true
paropestate :Defaulted false
paropestate :Expired false
Paropesysid : 101111111112
Paropesyspriority :32766
portstate :active

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1029
show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport [<interface>] Nokia 1830 PSS

selaggid :lag 1
UnknownRx :0

# show card 11DPE12A 1/7 lag2 c10 attachedport c12 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 lag 2 attachedport :c12 - 11DPE12A

actadmkey :3
actadmstate :lacpactiviey active
actadmstate :lacptimeout short
actadmstate :aggregation true
actopekey :3
actopestate :lacpactiviey active
actopestate :lacptimeout short
actopestate :aggregation true
actopestate :Synchronization true
actopestate :Collecting true
actopestate :Distributing true
actopestate :Defaulted false
actopestate :Expired false
actporpriority :128
actport : 12
actsysid :101111111111
attaggid :lag 2
IllegalRx :0
paropekey :4
paropeporpriority :220
paropeport :10
paropestate :lacpactiviey active
paropestate :lacptimeout short
paropestate :aggregation true
paropestate :Synchronization true
paropestate :Collecting true
paropestate :Distributing true
paropestate :Defaulted false
paropestate :Expired false
Paropesysid : 101111111112
Paropesyspriority :32766
portstate :active
selaggid :lag 2
UnknownRx :0

4.91.7 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> <lag-aid> attachedport

Release 10.0
August 2017
1030 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.92 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.92.1 Purpose
This command displays the ptp system attributes.
Use this command to know the current setting for the following attributes:
• ptp profile
• clock mode
• frequency reference
• time reference
• servo mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.92.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.92.3 Input Format

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

4.92.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of specified cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp Nokia 1830 PSS



ptpProfile [ ieee1588 | itug8275dot1]


ieee1588 - The PTP profile mode for this card is IEEE-1588-2008 profile.
itug8275dot1 - The PTP profile mode for this card is ITU-T G.8275.1 PTP telecom profile
Displays the configured value for the ptp profile attribute.


ptpDisabled - The PTP/1588 function of this card is disabled

ocMaster - The PTP clock of this card is OC-master. The allowed value when ptp profile is
ocSlave - The PTP clock of this card is OC-slave. The allowed value when ptp profile is
bc - the PTP clock of this card is BC. The allowed value when ptp profile is "ieee1588".
tGm - The PTP clock of this card is T-GM. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A
and ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
tTsc - The PTP clock of this card is T-TSC. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A
and ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
tBc - the PTP clock of this card is T-BC. The allowed value when the card is 11DPE12A and
ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
Displays the configured value for the clockMode attribute.


layer1a - The PTP clock uses the physical layer synchronous clock which is syntonized to
the grandmaster.
Displays the configured value for the freqReference attribute. It is valid only the
clockMode=ocMaster | ocSlave | BC | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Note: This command shall be rejected when clockMode is ptpDisabled.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp



extPps - the PTP clock uses the local free-running time but align to the external 1pps
extTod - the PTP clock alignes the time to the external ToD signal.
ptp - the ptp clock alignes the time to the grandmaster.
Displays the configured value for the timeReference attribute. It is valid only the
clockMode=ocMaster | BC | tGm | tBc.
Note: This command shall be rejected when clockMode is ptpDisabled.


bellLabs - the servo mode is set to use Bell Labs' EAPF (Earliest Arrival Packet Filtering)
algorithm based time recovery servo.
standard - the servo mode is set to use ITU-T G.8273.2 performance enhanced standard
PID time recovery servo.
Displays the configured value for the servo mode attribute. This command is valid only when
the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Displays the following information for the ptp system:
• ptpProfile
• clockMode
• freqRef
• timeRef
• servoMode

4.92.5 Examples
# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clockMode

PTP clock mode: BC

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp freqReference

Frequency reference: layer1a

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp timeReference

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show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp Nokia 1830 PSS

Time reference: extTod

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp ptpProfile

PTP profile: ieee1588

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp servoMode

Servo mode: bellLabs

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp detail

PTP profile : ieee1588

PTP clock mode : BC
Frequency reference : layer1a
Time reference : extTod
Servo mode : bellLabs

4.92.6 Related Commands

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.93 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.93.1 Purpose
This command displays the attributes of a specific ptp clock.
Use this command to know the current values for the following information:
• attributes of a ptp clock default data set
• attributes of a ptp clock current data set
• attributes of a ptp clock parent data set
• attributes of a ptp clock time property data set
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster, ocSlave or bc.
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.93.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.93.3 Input Format

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.93.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1035
show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 Nokia 1830 PSS



clockIndex - the ptp clock index in the system

clockID - the ptp clock identifier
domain - the domain that the ptp clock belongs to
priority1 - the priority1 attribute
priority2 - the priority2 attribute
localPriority - the localPriority attribute. It is not valid when the ptp profile is "ieee1588".
clock-class - the clock class attribute. Refer to Section of IEEE1588-2008.
clock-accuracy - the clock accuracy attribute
offsetScaledLogVariance - the offsetScaledLogVariance attribute
two-step-flag - indicate if the ptp clock uses two-step mode or not
number-of-ports - the number of ptp ports
adminState - the administrative status of the ptp clock
Display the default attributes of the ptp clock.


OffSetFromMaster - the time difference between the master clock and the local clock. The
unit is ns.
MeanPathDelay - the mean propagation time between the master clock and the local clock.
The unit is ns.
CurrentTime - the current ptp time of the local clock. The format is as below: 'S.N', where
"S" stands for the second part of time (48 octets) and "N" stands for the nano-second part
of time (32 octets).
ClockState - the status of the local clock. It shows one of the following values:- Unknown:
the local clock is in an unknown state.- FreeRun: the local clock does not synchronize its
time to the network, instead, it generates the time locally.- Acquiring: the local clock is just
starting to lock to the selected reference.- Phasetracking: the local clock is aligning its time
to the reference before going to the locked state.- Holdover: the local clock is in the
holdover status. This value indicates that all time references have failed, and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the locked state) to control
its time.- Locked: the local clock is stablely locked to a ptp port or external 1pps&ToD
LockedPtpPort - the ptp port or ToD port which the d clockStatue = locked. The value of
1021 refers to the ToD1 port while the value of 1022 refers to the ToD2 port.
StepsRemoved - the number of communication path traversed between the grandmaster
clock and the local clock.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

Display the current status of the ptp clock.



clockID - clock identifier of the parent clock

ptp-port-number - the ptp port's number of the parent clock which the local clock is
synchronizing to
statisticCollected - indicate if the parent clock statistics are collected or not
offsetScaledLogVariance - the offset scaled log variance of the current master, observed by
the local clock. It is valid only statisticCollected is true
phaseChangeRate - the phase change rate of the current master, observed by the local
clock. It is valid only statisticCollected is true
grandmasterClockId - the clock identifier of the grandmaster
grandmasterClass - the clock class of the grandmaster. Refer to Section of
grandmasterAccuracy - the clock accuracy of the grandmaster. Refer to Section of
grandmasterOffsetScaledLogVariance - the offset scaled log variance of the grandmaster
grandmasterPriority1 - priority1 value of the grandmaster
grandmasterPriority2 - priority2 value of the grandmaster
Display the attributes of the parent clock and grandmaster clock (which the local clock is
synchronizing to).

CurrentUtcOffset - the current offset between TAI and UTC. Unit is second
CurrentUtcOffsetValid - indicate if the value of the currentUtcOffset is valid of not
Leap59 - indicate if the last minute of the current UTC day contains 59 seconds or not
Leap61 - indicate if the last minute of the current UTC day contains 61 seconds or not
TimeTraceable - indicate if the timescale and value of current UTC offset are traceable to a
primary reference or not
FrequencyTraceable - indicate if the frequency determining the timescale is traceable to a
primary reference or not
PtpTimescale - indicate if the clock timescale of the grandmaster clock is ptp or not- TRUE
= PTP timescale- FALSE= ARB timescale
PtpTimeSource - the source of time used by the grandmaster clock. Refer to Section of IEEE1588-2008
Display the time properties of the ptp clock.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1037
show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.93.5 Examples

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 defaultDS

Clock index: 010701

ClockID: 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-29
Domain: 0
Priority1: 1
Priority2: 2
Clock class: 6
Clock accuracy: 0x21
OffsetScaledlogVariance: 0xFFFF
Two-step flag: false
Number of ports: 16
AdminState: up

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 currentDS

Offset from master index: 30ns

Mean path delay: 95ns
Current time: 98778838 seconds, 3568 ns
Clock state: locked
Locked ptp port: 8
Step removed: 4

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 parentDS

ClockID: 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-32
PTP port number: 2
Statistics clloected: false
OffsetScaledLogVariance: 0xFFFF
PhaseChangeRate: 0x7FFF FFFF
Grandmaster clockID: 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-55
Grandmaster class: 6
Grandmaster accuracy: 0x21
Grandmaster offsetScaledLogVariance: 0xFFFF
Grandmaster priority1: 0
Grandmaster priority2: 1

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 timePropertiesDS

Current UTC offset: 6

CurrentUtcOffsetValid: true
Leap59: false
Leap61: false
Time traceable: true
Frequency traceable: true
PTP timescale: true
PTP time souuce: 0x40

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4.93.6 Related Commands

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1039
show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port Nokia 1830 PSS

4.94 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.94.1 Purpose
This command displays the list of ptp ports for a specific ptp clock. Use this command to know the
ptp ports of the ptp clock.
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.94.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.94.3 Input Format

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.94.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.94.5 Output Parameters

List of ptp ports in this clock
The following information provides the information of list of ptp ports in this clock:

Label Description
port index the port number of this ptp port
assPort the physical port which the ptp port is
associated to
vid VLAN-ID which the ptp port is associated to
Note: the vid is not valid when the ptp profile
is "itug8275dot1".

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

Label Description
portStatus indicate the ptp port status:
- unknown
- initializing
- faulty
- disabled
- listening
- premaster
- master
- passive
- uncalibrated
- slave
adminState administrative state of the PTP port

4.94.6 Examples
# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11dpe12a

Clockindex: 1/7/1
portIndex assPort vid portStatus adminState
1 1/7/2 100 slave up
2 1/7/3 0 master up
3 1/7/4 200 master up
4 1/7/5 300 master up

4.94.7 Related Commands

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1041
show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.95 show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.95.1 Purpose
This command displays the ptp port attributes of a specific ptp clock. Use this command to know
the detailed information for a specific ptp port.
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.95.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.95.3 Input Format

show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.95.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1, ptp port. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


port{1..6} - the port range for PTPCTL

port{1..14} - the port range for 11DPE12A
Configure the attributes of a specific ptp port for 11DPE12A/PTPCTL OT.

4.95.5 Output Parameters

Data set of specified ptp port
The following information provides the data set of the specified ptp ports:

Label Description
assPort the physical port which the ptp port is
associated to

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Label Description
vid VLAN-ID used by the ptp port in the
associated physical port
Note: vid is not valid when the ptp profile is
logAnnounceInterval transmitted Announce message interval (unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
logSyncInterval transmitted Sync message interval(unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
logDelayReqInterval transmitted Delay_Req message interval (unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
announceTimeout number of Announce message interval for the
receipt timeout
delayMechanism the delay mechanism scheme used for the ptp
port, which is end-to-end, or peer-to-peer
Note: the delayMechanism is not valid when
the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
two-step flag indicate if the ptp port uses one-step or
two-step mode
version the PTP version for this ptp port, 1 or 2
portRole indicate the configured port role of the ptp port
localPriority the localPriority attribute of the ptp port
Note: the localPriority is not valid when the ptp
profile is "ieee1588".
masterOnly the masterOnly attribute of the ptp port
Note: the masterOnly is not valid when the ptp
profile is "ieee1588".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1043
show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
portStatus indicate the ptp port status:
- unknown
- initializing
- faulty
- disabled
- listening
- premaster
- master
- passive
- uncalibrated
- slave
asyCorrection asymmetry correction value of the ptp port.
The unit is ns.
encapType indicate which encapsulation type is used for
the ptp port: Ethernet
addrMode addressing mode of the ptp port
destMac destination MAC address of the remote PTP
peerPathDelay the path delay between the master clock and
slave clock. The unit is ns.
Note: the peerPathDelay is not valid when the
ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
adminState administrative state of the PTP port
conPtpioTimingPort the connected PTPIO timing port which the
associated physical port connects to.
delayAsyMeasureStatus the status of the link asymmetry measure
status, which is:
- noTrigger
- inProgress
- successful
- noMsgReceived
- noMsgReceivedAfterSwap
- oswFailure
- unstableTimestamp
measuredDelayAsy the measured link asymmetry metric. The unit
is nano-seconds.

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Label Description
PTP statistics which includes:
- AnnounceMsgTx
- AnnounceMsgRx
- SyncMsgTx
- SyncMsgRx
- DelayReqMsgTx
- DelayReqMsgRx
- DelayRspMsgTx
- DelayRspMsgRx
- FollowUpMsgTx
- FollowUpMsgRx
Note: FollowUpMsgTx and FollowUpMsgRx
are not valid when the ptp profile is

4.95.6 Examples

# show card 11dpe12a 1/7 ptp clock1 port10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 11dpe12a ptp port10

assPort : 1/7/P2
vid : 100
conPtpioTimingPort : 1/8/TP1
logAnnounceInterval : 1
logSyncInterval : -7
logDelayReqInterval : -4
announceTimeout : 3
two-step flag : false
version : 2
portRole : auto
portStatus : master
asyCorrection : 100ns
encapType : Ethernet
addrMode : unicast
destMac : 00:15:58:7C:E8:35
unicastNegotiate : false
adminState : up
autoAsyCorrection : enable
linkAsyMeasureStatus : successful
measuredDelayAsy : 250ns
AnnounceMsgTx : 230
AnnounceMsgRx : 4
SyncMsgTx : 820

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show card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

SyncMsgRx : 0
DelayReqMsgTx : 0
DelayReqMsgRx : 400
DelayRspMsgTx : 400
DelayRspMsgRx : 0
SignalingMsgTx : 0
SignalingMsgRx : 0
ManagementMsgTx : 0
ManagementMsgRx : 0

4.95.7 Related Commands

config card {11dpe12a | ptpctl} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1046 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12e

4.96 show card 11dpe12e

4.96.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 11DPE12E cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 11DPE12e card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.96.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.96.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid>

4.96.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.96.5 Examples

# show card 11DPE12E 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11dpe12e (Equipped: 11dpe12e)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19
TPID: 0x8100

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show card 11dpe12e Nokia 1830 PSS

4.96.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12e

Release 10.0
August 2017
1048 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.97 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.97.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12E OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.97.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.97.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.97.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1049
show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Shows information about the Current selected (active) line timing Reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
forcefrng - Forced free-running mode for system timing entity.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Display the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time for all timing references.

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1050 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0


Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

4.97.5 Examples
# show card 11dpe12e 1/7 SYNC0
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11dpe12e (Equipped: 11dpe12e)
activeRef : lineRef1
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : 5
refSwStat : force

4.97.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> SYNC0

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1051
show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.98 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.98.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11DPE12E OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the state of the line timing reference
• Display the switch status for the line timing reference
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL status enable/disable
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.98.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.98.3 Input Format

show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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August 2017
1052 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.98.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11DPE12E cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Show the incoming QL value.


0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Show the line reference incoming QL Status.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1053
show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Show the line reference incoming QL processing status.



{up, down}
Shows the line timing reference operation status.

Shows the priority of a line timing reference.


Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.



{Yes, No}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status.


Not-assigned - Synchronization line timing reference is unassigned

Normal - Line timing reference is assigned and operating normally without faults
Signal-failure - Synchronization line timing reference failure
WTR - Synchronization line timing reference is recovered and the WTR timer is running
Shows the actual signal status for the line timing reference as forwarded to the system timing.

4.98.5 Examples

# show card 11dpe12e 1/7 lineRef1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11dpe12e (Equipped: 11dpe12e)
assPort : C5
adminStat : up
operStat :up
priority : 1
refstat : NORMAL
reflock : disable
incssmsupp : enable
incssmstatus : valid
incssmmsg :SSU_A
provql :AUTO

Release 10.0
August 2017
1054 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.98.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1055
show card 11ope8 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.99 show card 11ope8

4.99.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 11ope8 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 11ope8 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.99.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.99.3 Input Format

show card 11ope8 <slot-aid>

4.99.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.99.5 Examples
# show card 11ope8 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11OPE8 (Equipped: 11OPE8)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : FLT
Oper State : Down S/W Load : 1830PSS4-24.8-40

Status LED : Solid Red

Card Name : Card-1-7

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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1056 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11ope8

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 39 'C

Pmax : 160.00 W
Imax : 4.10 Amps

SyncE Support : Disable

Faultmode : ieee

4.99.6 Related Commands

config card 11ope8

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1057
show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.100 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.100.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11ope8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.100.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.100.3 Input Format

show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.100.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1058 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Shows information about the Current selected (active) line timing Reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Displays the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS, TNC, PNO} - the NE works in SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1059
show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
nocmd - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

4.100.5 Examples
# show card 11ope8 1/7 SYNC0
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11ope8 (Equipped: 11ope8 )
activeRef : lineRef0
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : infinity
refSwStat : nocmd

4.100.6 Related Commands

config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> SYNC0

Release 10.0
August 2017
1060 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.101 show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.101.1 Purpose
This command displays the timing synchronization attributes for 11ope8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the present line timing reference lockout status
• Display the switch status for the line timing reference
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.101.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.101.3 Input Format

show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1061
show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.101.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11ope8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Displays which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Displays the line timing reference admin state.


Displays the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Displays the incoming QL value.


0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Displays the line reference incoming QL Status.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1062 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>



{up, down}
Displays the line timing reference operational state.

Displays the priority of a line timing reference.

Displays the manually provisioned incoming QL value.

{Yes, No}
Displays the present line timing reference lockout status.
Forced - forced switch
NR - no request (no switch command active)
Displays the switch status for the line timing reference.

4.101.5 Examples
# show card 11ope8 1/7 lineRef1
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11ope8 (Equipped: 11ope8)
assPort : C5
adminStat : up
operStat : up
priority : 1
Switch Stat : NR
reflock : disable
incssmstatus : valid
incssmmsg :SSU_A
provql :AUTO

# show card 11ope8 1/4 lineref0 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 - 11OPE8 (Equipped: 11OPE8)

Assign Port : M1
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Down
Priority : 1

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1063
show card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Switch Stat : No Command

Ref LockOut : Disabled
Inc SSM Status : Invalid
Inc SSM Msg : not applicable
Provql : AUTO

4.101.6 Related Commands

config card 11ope8 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1064 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x

4.102 show card 11qce12x

4.102.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 11QCE12X cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 11QCE12X card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.102.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.102.3 Input Format

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid>

4.102.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.102.5 Examples

# show card 11qce12x 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11qce12x (Equipped: Empty)
Admin State : Down State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :
Status LED :
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance: 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :
faultmode : ieee
syncesupp: disable

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1065
show card 11qce12x Nokia 1830 PSS

4.102.6 Related Commands

config card 11qce12x

Release 10.0
August 2017
1066 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.103 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.103.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11qce12x OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.103.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.103.3 Input Format

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.103.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1067
show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Shows information about the current selected (active) line timing Reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Displays the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS, TNC, PNO} - the NE works in SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1068 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0


Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
nocmd - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

4.103.5 Examples
# show card 11qce12x 1/7 SYNC0 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11qce12x (Equipped: 11qce12x)
activeRef : lineRef0
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : infinity
refSwStat : nocmd

4.103.6 Related Commands

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNC0

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1069
show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.104 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.104.1 Purpose
This command displays the timing synchronization attributes for 11qce12x OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority of the system timing entity
• Display the line timing reference priority of the output timing entiry
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the present line timing reference lockout status
• Display the switch status for the line timing reference
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.104.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.104.3 Input Format

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1070 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.104.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Show the incoming QL value.


0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Show the line reference incoming QL Status.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1071
show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


{up, down}
Shows the line timing reference operation status.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing entity.
Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.
{Yes, No}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status.
Forced - forced switch
NR - no request (no switch command active)
Switch Status for the line timing reference.

4.104.5 Examples
# show card 11qce12x 1/7 lineRef1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11qce12x (Equipped: 11qce12x)
assPort : C5
adminStat : up
operStat : up
priority : 1
Switch Stat : NR
reflock : disable
incssmstatus : valid
incssmmsg :SSU_A
provql :AUTO

4.104.6 Related Commands

config card 11qce12x <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1072 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.105 show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.105.1 Purpose
This command displays the output timing synchronization attributes for 11qce12x card.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the output timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Display the synchronization switch state for output timing entity
• Display the details information of the output timing entity
• Display the quality level threshold of the output timing entity
• Display the output selection of the output timing entity
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.105.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.105.3 Input Format

show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.105.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11qce12x cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1073
show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT Nokia 1830 PSS



{none, lineRef{0..1}}

Displays the current selected (active) line timing reference for output timing entity.
Displays the sync message (SSM Qualities) for output timing.
Displays the current settings for the output timing entity.
Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Displays the current state of switch command for the output timing entity.
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - the NE works in SONET mode
Displays the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing.
OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.
SETG - Output is selected from system timing.
Displays the current selection of the output timing.

4.105.5 Examples
# show card 11QCE12X 1/7 SYNCOUT detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11QCE12X (Equipped: 11QCE12X)

activeRef : lineRef1
syncmsg : enable

Release 10.0
August 2017
1074 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qce12x <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

refSwStat : force
qlThd : SEC
outSel : OUTTIM

4.105.6 Related Commands

config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1075
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp Nokia 1830 PSS

4.106 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

4.106.1 Purpose
This command displays the ptp system attributes.
Use this command to know the current setting for the following attributes:
• ptp profile
• clock mode
• frequency reference
• time reference
• servo mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.106.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.106.3 Input Format

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

4.106.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of specified cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1076 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp



ptpProfile [ ieee1588 | itug8275dot1]


ieee1588 - The PTP profile mode for this card is IEEE-1588-2008 profile.
itug8275dot1 - The PTP profile mode for this card is ITU-T G.8275.1 PTP telecom profile
Displays the configured value for the ptp profile attribute.


ptpDisabled - The PTP/1588 function of this card is disabled

ocMaster - The PTP clock of this card is OC-master. The allowed value when ptp profile is
ocSlave - The PTP clock of this card is OC-slave. The allowed value when ptp profile is
bc - the PTP clock of this card is BC. The allowed value when ptp profile is "ieee1588".
tGm - The PTP clock of this card is T-GM. The allowed value when ptp profile is
tTsc - The PTP clock of this card is T-TSC. The allowed value when ptp profile is
tBc - The PTP clock of this card is T-BC. The allowed value when ptp profile is
Display the configured value for the clockMode attribute.


layer1a - The PTP clock uses the physical layer synchronous clock which is syntonized to
the grandmaster.
Displays the configured value for the freqReference attribute. It is valid only the
clockMode=ocMaster | ocSlave | BC | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Note: This command shall be rejected when clockMode is ptpDisabled.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1077
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp Nokia 1830 PSS



extPps - the PTP clock uses the local free-running time but align to the external 1pps
extTod - the PTP clock alignes the time to the external ToD signal.
ptp - the ptp clock alignes the time to the grandmaster.
Displays the configured value for the timeReference attribute. It is valid only the
clockMode=ocMaster | BC | tGm | tBc.
Note: This command shall be rejected when clockMode is ptpDisabled.


bellLabs - the servo mode is set to use Bell Labs' EAPF (Earliest Arrival Packet Filtering)
algorithm based time recovery servo.
standard - the servo mode is set to use ITU-T G.8273.2 performance enhanced standard
PID time recovery servo.
Displays the configured value for the servo mode attribute. This command is valid only when
the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.

Displays the following information for the ptp system:

• ptpProfile
• clockMode
• freqRef
• timeRef
• servoMode

4.106.5 Examples

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clockMode

PTP clock mode: BC

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp freqRef

Frequency reference: layer1a

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp timeReference

Time reference: extTod

Release 10.0
August 2017
1078 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp ptpProfile

PTP profile: ieee1588

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp servoMode

Servo mode: bellLabs

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp detail

PTP profile : ieee1588

PTP clock mode : BC
Frequency reference : layer1a
Time reference : extTod
Servo mode : bellLabs

4.106.6 Related Commands

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1079
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.107 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.107.1 Purpose
This command displays the attributes of a specific ptp clock.
Use this command to know the current values for the following information:
• attributes of a ptp clock default data set
• attributes of a ptp clock current data set
• attributes of a ptp clock parent data set
• attributes of a ptp clock time property data set
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.107.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.107.3 Input Format

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.107.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1080 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1



clockIndex - the ptp clock index in the system

clockID - the ptp clock identifier
domain - the domain that the ptp clock belongs to
priority1 - the priority1 attribute
priority2 - the priority2 attribute
localPriority - the localPriority attribute. It is not valid when the ptp profile is "ieee1588".
clock-class - the clock class attribute. Refer to Section of IEEE1588-2008.
clock-accuracy - the clock accuracy attribute
offsetScaledLogVariance - the offsetScaledLogVariance attribute
two-step-flag - indicate if the ptp clock uses two-step mode or not
number-of-ports - the number of ptp ports
adminState - the administrative status of the ptp clock
Display the default attributes of the ptp clock.


OffSetFromMaster - the time difference between the master clock and the local clock. The
unit is ns.
MeanPathDelay - the mean propagation time between the master clock and the local clock.
The unit is ns.
CurrentTime - the current ptp time of the local clock. The format is as below: 'S.N', where
"S" stands for the second part of time (48 octets) and "N" stands for the nano-second part
of time (32 octets).
ClockState - the status of the local clock. It shows one of the following values:- Unknown:
the local clock is in an unknown state.- FreeRun: the local clock does not synchronize its
time to the network, instead, it generates the time locally.- Acquiring: the local clock is just
starting to lock to the selected reference.- Phasetracking: the local clock is aligning its time
to the reference before going to the locked state.- Holdover: the local clock is in the
holdover status. This value indicates that all time references have failed, and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the locked state) to control
its time.- Locked: the local clock is stablely locked to a ptp port or external 1pps&ToD
LockedPtpPort - the ptp port or ToD port which the d clockStatue = locked. The value of
1021 refers to the ToD1 port while the value of 1022 refers to the ToD2 port.
StepsRemoved - the number of communication path traversed between the grandmaster
clock and the local clock.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1081
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 Nokia 1830 PSS

Display the current status of the ptp clock.



clockID - clock identifier of the parent clock

ptp-port-number - the ptp port's number of the parent clock which the local clock is
synchronizing to
statisticCollected - indicate if the parent clock statistics are collected or not
offsetScaledLogVariance - the offset scaled log variance of the current master, observed by
the local clock. It is valid only statisticCollected is true
phaseChangeRate - the phase change rate of the current master, observed by the local
clock. It is valid only statisticCollected is true
grandmasterClockId - the clock identifier of the grandmaster
grandmasterClass - the clock class of the grandmaster. Refer to Section of
grandmasterAccuracy - the clock accuracy of the grandmaster. Refer to Section of
grandmasterOffsetScaledLogVariance - the offset scaled log variance of the grandmaster
grandmasterPriority1 - priority1 value of the grandmaster
grandmasterPriority2 - priority2 value of the grandmaster
Display the attributes of the parent clock and grandmaster clock (which the local clock is
synchronizing to).

CurrentUtcOffset - the current offset between TAI and UTC. Unit is second
CurrentUtcOffsetValid - indicate if the value of the currentUtcOffset is valid of not
Leap59 - indicate if the last minute of the current UTC day contains 59 seconds or not
Leap61 - indicate if the last minute of the current UTC day contains 61 seconds or not
TimeTraceable - indicate if the timescale and value of current UTC offset are traceable to a
primary reference or not
FrequencyTraceable - indicate if the frequency determining the timescale is traceable to a
primary reference or not
PtpTimescale - indicate if the clock timescale of the grandmaster clock is ptp or not- TRUE
= PTP timescale- FALSE= ARB timescale
PtpTimeSource - the source of time used by the grandmaster clock. Refer to Section of IEEE1588-2008
Display the time properties of the ptp clock.

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1082 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1

4.107.5 Examples

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 defaultDS

Clock index : 010701

ClockID : 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-29
Domain : 0
Priority1 : 1
Priority2 : 2
Clock class : 6
Clock accuracy : 0x21
OffsetScaledlogVariance: 0xFFFF
Two-step flag : false
Number of ports : 12
AdminState : up

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 currentDS

Offset from master index : 30ns

Mean path delay : 95ns
Current time : 98778838 seconds, 3568 ns
Clock state : locked
Locked ptp port : 8
Step removed : 4

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 parentDS

ClockID : 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-32
PTP port number : 2
Statistics clloected : false
OffsetScaledLogVariance : 0xFFFF
PhaseChangeRate : 0x7FFF FFFF
Grandmaster clockID : 00-15-58-7C-FF-01-E8-55
Grandmaster class : 6
Grandmaster accuracy : 0x21
Grandmaster offsetScaledLogVariance: 0xFFFF
Grandmaster priority1 : 0
Grandmaster priority2 : 1

# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 timePropertiesDS

Current UTC offset : 6

CurrentUtcOffsetValid : true
Leap59 : false
Leap61 : false
Time traceable : true
Frequency traceable : true
PTP timescale : true
PTP time source : 0x40

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1083
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.107.6 Related Commands

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} 1/7 ptp clock1

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August 2017
1084 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.108 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.108.1 Purpose
This command displays the list of ptp ports for a specific ptp clock. Use this command to know the
ptp ports of the ptp clock.
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.108.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.108.3 Input Format

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

4.108.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.108.5 Output Parameters

List of ptp ports in this clock
The following information provides the information of list of ptp ports in this clock:

Label Description
portIndex the port number of this ptp port:
- For 11ope8, the port range is {1..12}
- For 11qce12x, the port range is {1..30}
assPort the physical port which the ptp port is
associated to:
- For 11ope8, the allowed ports are: X1..X6,
C1, C2, M1..M4
- For 11qce12x,The allowed ports are: X1..X4,
C1..C22, M1..M4

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1085
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
vid VLAN-ID which the ptp port is associated to
Note: the vid is not valid when the ptp profile
is "itug8275dot1".
portStatus indicate the ptp port status:
- unknown
- initializing
- faulty
- disabled
- listening
- premaster
- master
- passive
- uncalibrated
- slave
adminState administrative state of the PTP port

4.108.6 Examples
# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11ope8

Clockindex: 1/7/1
portIndex assPort vid portStatus adminState
1 1/7/x1 100 slave up
2 1/7/x2 0 master up
3 1/7/c1 200 master up
4 1/7/m1 300 master up

4.108.7 Related Commands

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 port

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1086 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.109 show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.109.1 Purpose
This command displays the ptp port attributes of a specific ptp clock. Use this command to show
the detailed information for a specific ptp port.
This command is valid only when the clockMode is ocMaster | ocSlave | bc | tGm | tTsc | tBc.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.109.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.109.3 Input Format

show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.109.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and ptp clock1, ptp port. Currently, only a single ptp clock is supported.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


port{1..12} - the port range for 11OPE8

port{1..30} - the port range for 11QCE12X
Configure the attributes of a specific ptp port for 11OPE8/11QCE12X OT.

4.109.5 Output Parameters

Data set of specified ptp port

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1087
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

The following information provides the information of data set of specified ptp ports in this clock:

Label Description
assPort the physical port which the ptp port is
associated to
- For 11ope8, the allowed ports are: X1..X6,
C1, C2, M1..M4;
- For 11qce12x,The allowed ports are: X1..X4,
C1..C22, M1..M4;
vid VLAN-ID used by the ptp port in the
associated physical port
Note: vid is not valid when the ptp profile is
logAnnounceInterval transmitted Announce message interval (unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
logSyncInterval transmitted Sync message interval(unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
logDelayReqInterval transmitted Delay_Req message interval (unit:
seconds), which is calculated at the logarithm
to the base of 2
announceTimeout number of Announce message interval for the
receipt timeout
delayMechanism the delay mechanism scheme used for the ptp
port, which is end-to-end, or peer-to-peer
Note: the delayMechanism is not valid when
the ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
two-step flag indicate if the ptp port uses one-step or
two-step mode
version the PTP version for this ptp port, 1 or 2
portRole indicate the configured port role of the ptp port
localPriority the localPriority attribute of the ptp port
Note: the localPriority is not valid when the ptp
profile is "ieee1588".
masterOnly the masterOnly attribute of the ptp port
Note: the masterOnly is not valid when the ptp
profile is "ieee1588".

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

Label Description
portStatus indicate the ptp port status:
- unknown
- initializing
- faulty
- disabled
- listening
- premaster
- master
- passive
- uncalibrated
- slave
asyCorrection asymmetry correction value of the ptp port.
The unit is ns.
encapType indicate which encapsulation type is used for
the ptp port: Ethernet
addrMode addressing mode of the ptp port
destMac destination MAC address of the remote PTP
peerPathDelay the path delay between the master clock and
slave clock. The unit is ns.
Note: the peerPathDelay is not valid when the
ptp profile is "itug8275dot1".
adminState administrative state of the PTP port
conPtpioTimingPort the connected PTPIO timing port which the
associated physical port connects to.
Note: For 11OPE8 card, this parameter is not
applicable; For 11QCE12X card, this
parameter is only applicable to PTP ports
created on physical ports C1..C12, for PTP
ports created on any other ports (including
M1..M4, X1..X4, C13..C22), this parameter is
not applicable and may show the default value

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1089
show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Label Description
delayAsyMeasureStatus the status of the link asymmetry measure
status, which is:
- noTrigger
- inProgress
- successful
- noMsgReceived
- noMsgReceivedAfterSwap
- oswFailure
- unstableTimestamp
Note: For 11OPE8 card, this parameter is not
applicable; For 11QCE12X card, this
parameter is only applicable to PTP ports
created on physical ports C1..C12, for PTP
ports created on any other ports (including
M1..M4, X1..X4, C13..C22), this parameter is
not applicable and may show the default value
measuredDelayAsy the measured link asymmetry metric. The unit
is nano-seconds.
Note: For 11OPE8 card, this parameter is not
applicable; For 11QCE12X card, this
parameter is only applicable to PTP ports
created on physical ports C1..C12, for PTP
ports created on any other ports (including
M1..M4, X1..X4, C13..C22), this parameter is
not applicable and may show the default value
PTP statistics which includes:
- AnnounceMsgTx
- AnnounceMsgRx
- SyncMsgTx
- SyncMsgRx
- DelayReqMsgTx
- DelayReqMsgRx
- DelayRspMsgTx
- DelayRspMsgRx
- FollowUpMsgTx
- FollowUpMsgRx
Note: FollowUpMsgTx and FollowUpMsgRx
are not valid when the ptp profile is

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

4.109.6 Examples
# show card 11ope8 1/7 ptp clock1 port10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 11ope8 ptp port10

assPort : 1/7/m2
vid : 100
conPtpioTimingPort : 1/8/TP1
logAnnounceInterval : 1
logSyncInterval : -7
logDelayReqInterval : -4
announceTimeout : 3
3two-step flag : false
version : 2
portRole : auto
portStatus : master
asyCorrection : 100ns
encapType : Ethernet
addrMode : unicast
destMac : 00:15:58:7C:E8:35
unicastNegotiate : false
adminState : up
autoAsyCorrection : disable
linkAsyMeasureStatus : successful
measuredDelayAsy : 250ns
AnnounceMsgTx : 230
AnnounceMsgRx : 4
SyncMsgTx : 820
SyncMsgRx : 0
DelayReqMsgTx : 0
DelayReqMsgRx : 400
DelayRspMsgTx : 400
DelayRspMsgRx : 0
SignalingMsgTx : 0
SignalingMsgRx : 0
ManagementMsgTx : 0
ManagementMsgRx : 0

4.109.7 Related Commands

config card {11ope8 | 11qce12x} <slot-aid> ptp clock1 <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1091
show card 11qpe24 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.110 show card 11qpe24

4.110.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 11QPE24 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 11QPE24 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.110.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.110.3 Input Format

show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid>

4.110.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.110.5 Examples
# show card 11qpe24 1/10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - 11QPE24 (Equipped: 11QPE24)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-10

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qpe24

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73 'C

Pmax : 116.00 W
Imax : 2.97 Amps

SyncE Support : Disable

Faultmode : ieee

4.110.6 Related Commands

config card 11qpe24

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1093
show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.111 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.111.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11qpe24 OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.111.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.111.3 Input Format

show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.111.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.

Release 10.0
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1094 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Displays information about the current selected (active) line timing reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Displays the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - the NE works in SDH mode

{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS, TNC, PNO} - the NE works in SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1095
show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
nocmd - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

4.111.5 Examples
# show card 11qpe24 1/7 SYNC0 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11qpe24 (Equipped: 11qpe24)
Active Reference : lineRef0
Clock Mode State : locked
Sync Status Messaging : enable
Wait To Restore Time : 0
Ref SwCmd Stat : nocmd
System QL : PRC

4.111.6 Related Commands

config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> SYNC0

Release 10.0
August 2017
1096 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.112 show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.112.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 11qpe24 OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the present line timing reference lockout status
• Display the switch status for the line timing reference
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.112.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.112.3 Input Format

show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1097
show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.112.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 11QPE24 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Entry required
Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Show the incoming QL value.

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1098 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>



0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Show the line reference incoming QL Status.


{up, down}
Shows the line timing reference operation status.

Shows the priority of a line timing reference.


Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.



{Yes, No}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status.
Forced - forced switch
NR - no request (no switch command active)
Switch Status for the line timing reference.

4.112.5 Examples
# show card 11qpe24 1/10 lineref1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - 11QPE24 (Equipped: 11QPE24)

Assign Port : None
Admin State : Down
Oper State : Down
Priority : 2
Switch Stat : No Command
Ref LockOut : Disabled

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1099
show card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Inc SSM Status : Invalid

Inc SSM Msg : not applicable
Provql : AUTO

# show card 11qpe24 1/10 lineref1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - 11QPE24 (Equipped: 11QPE24)

Assign Port : C5
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Priority : 1
Switch Stat : No Command
Ref LockOut : Disabled
Inc SSM Status : Valid
Inc SSM Msg : SSU_A
Provql : AUTO

4.112.6 Related Commands

config card 11qpe24 <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1100 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

4.113 show card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

4.113.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all cards of the types below on the network element with brief
information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card:
• 12ce120 (12x10G Carrier Ethernet Card with 120G backplane capacity)
• 12ce121 (12x1GbE/10GbE Carrier Ethernet Card with 120G backplane capacity)
• 1ce100 (1x100GbE Carrier Ethernet Card with 100G backplane capacity)
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.113.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.113.3 Input Format

show card <dsw-packetswitch-card> <slot-aid>

4.113.4 Input Parameters

12ce120 - 12x10GbE/OTU Carrier Ethernet I/O Card
12ce121 - 12x1GbE/10GbE Carrier Ethernet I/O Card
1ce100 - 1x100GbE Carrier Ethernet I/O Card
Entry required
Specifies the IO card type
<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of dsw packetswitch cards

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1101
show card <dsw-packetswitch-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

on the network element by location.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: rmd-access-interface

Enters the context to display the summary information for all access interfaces used to manage
remote devices, and RMD information discovered through an interface. Refer to "Remote-
managed-device command" in section "Packet management".
Sub-command: rmd-discovery

Enters the context to display the configuration information for discovery sessions. Refer to
"Remote-managed-device command" in section "Packet management".

4.113.5 Output Parameters

Table 34 packet switch cards

Label Description
Card Name Displays the configured card name
Card Descr Displays the configured card description
Card Height Displays the height of the card provisioned in
the slot.
Card Width Displays the width of the card provisioned in
the slot.
High Temp Threshold Displays the high temperature threshold value
for the provisioned card in the slot.
Low Temp Threshold Displays the low temperature threshold value
for the provisioned card in the slot.
Temperature Displays the measured temperature value of
the card in the slot.
Temp Tolerance Displays the temperature threshold tolerance
Pmax Displays the maximum power consumption
value (in Watts) of the provisioned card in the
Pmeas Displays the measured power value (in Watts)
of the card in the slot.
Imax Displays the maximum current consumption
value (in Amps) of the provisioned card in the

Release 10.0
August 2017
1102 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

Table 34 packet switch cards (continued)

Label Description
Imeas Displays the measured current value (in Amps)
of the card in the slot.

4.113.6 Examples
# show card 1ce100 1/5

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 - 1CE100 (Equipped: 1CE100)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid GREEN

Card Name : Card-1-5

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 43 'C

Pmax : 192.00 W
Imax : 4.92 Amps Imeas : 4.43 Amps

4.113.7 Related Commands

config card <dsw-packetswitch-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1103
show card PTPCTL Nokia 1830 PSS

4.114 show card PTPCTL

4.114.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all PTPCTL cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific PTPCTL card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.114.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.114.3 Input Format

show card PTPCTL <slot-aid>

4.114.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: ptp

Display the PTP. See "show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> ptp".

Sub-command: sync0

Display the timing synchronization attributes. See "show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0".
Sub-command: syncout

Display the system timing synchronization attributes for PTPCTL. See "show card PTPCTL
<slot-aid> SYNCOUT".

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL

Sub-command: <lineref-aid>

Display the line timing reference synchronization attributes.See "show card PTPCTL <slot-aid>

4.114.5 Examples
# show card PTPCTL 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PTPCTL (Equipped: PTPCTL)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 'C High Temp Threshold: 85 'C
Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C
Temp Tolerance: 3 'C
syncesupp : enable

4.114.6 Related Commands

config card PTPCTL

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1105
show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.115 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.115.1 Purpose
This command configures the timing synchronization attributes for PTPCTL OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority of the system timing entity
• Display the line timing reference priority of the output timing entity
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the state of the line timing reference
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the system timing entity
• Display the lockout status of the line timing reference for the output timing entity
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL status enable/disable
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL Value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.115.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.115.3 Input Format

show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>


4.115.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{unknown, PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, PNO} - SONET mode
Show the incoming QL value.

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show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable
Show the line reference incoming QL Status.

Show the line reference incoming QL processing status.


{up, down}
Shows the line timing reference operation status.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing entity.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference for the output timing entity.
Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.
{yes, no}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status for the system timing entity.
{enable, disable}
Shows the present line timing reference lockout status for the output timing entity.
Not-Assigned - Synchronization line timing reference is unassigned
Normal - Line timing reference is assigned and operating normally without faults
Signal-Failure - Synchronization line timing reference failure
WTR - Synchronization line timing reference is recovered and the WTR timer is running

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Shows the actual signal status for the line timing reference as forwarded to the system timing.

4.115.5 Examples
# show card PTPCTL 1/7 lineRef1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PTPCTL (Equipped: PTPCTL)

assPort : C5
adminStat : up
operStat : up
priority : 1
priorityForOutputTiming : 1
refstat : NORMAL
reflock : disable
reflockOfOutputTiming : disable
incssmsupp : enable
incssmstatus : valid
incssmmsg :SSU_A
provql :AUTO

4.115.6 Related Commands

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1109
show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.116 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.116.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for PTPCTL.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state of the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization switch state of the system timing entity
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level of the system timing entity
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.116.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.116.3 Input Format

show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.116.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


{none, lineRef{0..3}}

Shows information about the Current selected (active) line timing Reference for system timing


locked - the system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal.

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
forcefrng - Forced free-running mode for system timing entity.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Display the current settings for the system timing entity.



Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock

Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the system timing entity.

Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.

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show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - In SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - In SONET mode
Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).
Shows the value of wait to restore time for all timing references.

4.116.5 Examples
# show card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNC0

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PTPCTL (Equipped: PTPCTL)

activeRef : lineRef1
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : 5
refSwStat : force

4.116.6 Related Commands

Config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNC0

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August 2017
1112 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.117 show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.117.1 Purpose
This command displays the output timing synchronization attributes for PTPCTL.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the output timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for output timing entity
• Display the synchronization switch state for output timing entity
• Display the details information of the output timing entity
• Display the quality level threshold of the output timing entity
• Display the output selection of the output timing entity
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.117.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.117.3 Input Format

show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

4.117.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1113
show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT Nokia 1830 PSS



{none, lineRef{0..3}}

Shows information about the Current selected (active) line timing Reference for output timing
Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for output timing.

Display the current settings for the output timing entity.

Force - forced switch to line timing reference or internal clock
Man - manual switch to line timing reference
Auto - automatic system synchronization switch of line timing reference
NR - no request (no switch command is active)
Show the current state of switch command for the output timing entity.
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - When the NE is in SDH mode
{PRS, STU, ST2, ST3E, ST3, DUS} - When the NE is in SONET mode
Shows the quality level threshold value for squelching the output timing.
OUTTIM - Output is selected from output timing selection process.
SETG - Output is selected from system timing.
Shows the selection of the output timing.

4.117.5 Examples
# show card PTPCTL 1/7 SYNCOUT

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PTPCTL (Equipped: PTPCTL)


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1114 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

activeRef : lineRef1
syncmsg : enable
refSwStat : force
qlThd : SEC
outSel : OUTTIM

4.117.6 Related Commands

config card PTPCTL <slot-aid> SYNCOUT

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1115
show card PTPIO Nokia 1830 PSS

4.118 show card PTPIO

4.118.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all PTPIO cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific PTPIO card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.118.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.118.3 Input Format

show card PTPIO <slot-aid>

4.118.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.118.5 Examples

# show card PTPIO 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - PTPIO (Equipped: PTPIO)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 'C High Temp Threshold: 85 'C
Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C
Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

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1116 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card PTPIO

4.118.6 Related Commands

config card PTPIO

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1117
show card ptpioc Nokia 1830 PSS

4.119 show card ptpioc

4.119.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all PTPIOC cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific PTPIOC card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.119.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.119.3 Input Format

show card ptpioc <slot-aid>

4.119.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of PTPIOC cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.119.5 Examples
# show card PTPIOC 1/9

Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 - PTPIOC (Equipped: ptpioc)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green

S/W Load : 1.0-09.10

Card Name : Card-1-9

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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1118 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card ptpioc

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C

Work Mode : relay

Pmax : 30.00 W
Imax : 0.77 Amps Imeas : 0.44 Amps

# show card PTPIOC 1/9

Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 - PTPIOC (Equipped: ptpioc)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-09.10

Card Name : Card-1-9

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C

Work Mode : centralizedClock-centralizedClock

syncesupp : disable

Pmax : 30.00 W
Imax : 0.77 Amps Imeas : 0.44 Amps

4.119.6 Related Commands

config card PTPIOC

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1119
config card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

10G OT card commands

4.120 config card <10g-ot-card>

4.120.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for 10G OT:
• 11dpm12
• 11qpa4
• 11qpen4
• {11star1 | 11star1a}
• 11stge12
• 11stmm10
• 11dpm4e
• 11dpm4m
• 11dpm8
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the clock source selection for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 10G OT
card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.120.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.120.3 Input Format

config card <10g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

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August 2017
1120 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <10g-ot-card>


4.120.4 Input Parameters



{11dpm4e, 11dpm4m, 11dpm8, 11dpm12, 11qpa4, 11qpa4b, 11qpen4, 11star1, 11star1a,

11stge12, 11stmm10}
Specifies the allowed 10G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1121
config card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current configured value.

This parameter is not supported on card 11qpen4, 11dpm4e, 11dpm4m and 11dpm8.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that

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1122 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <10g-ot-card>

provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1123
config card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.120.5 Examples

# config card 11dpm12 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPM12 Up Up
1/12 11DPM12 Up Up

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1124 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <10g-ot-card>

# config card 11dpm12 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11dpm12 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11QPA4 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11QPA4 Up Up
1/12 11QPA4 Up Up

# config card 11QPA4 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11QPA4 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11QPEN4 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11QPEN4 Up Up
1/12 11QPEN4 Up Up

# config card 11QPEN4 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11QPEN4 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card {11star1|11star1a} *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 {11star1|11star1a} Up Up
1/30 {11star1|11star1a} Up Up

# config card {11star1|11star1a} 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card {11star1|11star1a} 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11stge12 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 11STMM10 Up Up
1/13 11STMM10 Up Up

# config card 11stge12 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11stge12 1/12 hightemp 75

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1125
config card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card 11stmm10 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 11STMM10 Up Up
1/13 11STMM10 Up Up

# config card 11stmm10 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11stmm10 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11dpm4m *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPM4M Up Up
1/8 11DPM4M Up Up

# config card 11dpm4m 1/7 description Bank-W

# config card 11dpm4m 1/7 hightemp 75

# config card 11dpm8 *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 11DPM8 Up Up
1/12 11DPM8 Up Up

# config card 11dpm8 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 11dpm8 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 11dpm8 1/12 reset cold force

4.120.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface
show card <10g-ot-card>

Release 10.0
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1126 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <10g-ot-card>

4.121 show card <10g-ot-card>

4.121.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 10G OT cards of the selected type on the network element with
brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific 10G OT card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.121.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.121.3 Input Format

show card <10g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

4.121.4 Input Parameters



{11dpm12, 11qpa4, 11qpen4, 11star1, 11star1a, 11stge12, 11stmm10, 11spm4e, 11dpm4m,

Specifies the allowed 10G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.121.5 Examples
# show card 11dpm8 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPM8 (Equipped: 11DPM8)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1127
show card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Card Name : Card-1-7

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 'C High Temp Threshold: 85 'C
Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C
Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

# show card 11dpm4m 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 11DPM4M (Equipped: 11DPM4M)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 'C High Temp Threshold: 85 'C
Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C
Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

# show card 11DPM4E 1/10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - 11DPM4E (Equipped: 11DPM4E)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : Not Applicable
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-10
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

# show card 11stmm10 2/16

Shelf: 2 Slot: 12 - 11stmm10 (Equipped: 11stmm10)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-2-16
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference: PF-1-19

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1128 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <10g-ot-card>

# show card 11stge12 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 - 11STGE12 (Equipped: 11STGE12)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-13
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 34 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

# show card {11star1|11star1a} 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 -11star1 (Equipped: 11star1)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 43 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

# show card 11QPA4 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11QPA4 (Equipped: 11QPA4)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

# show card 11qpen4 1/11

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show card <10g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 11 - 11QPEN4 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Status LED : Solid Green

Capacity : unknown

Card Name : Card-1-11

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 85 'C

Pmax : 120.00 W
Imax : 3.08 Amps

# show card 11dpm12 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 11DPM12 (Equipped: 11DPM12)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C
Clk 1-19 (ref local): +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local): +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36): +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

4.121.6 Related Commands

config card <10g-ot-card>

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August 2017
1130 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <40g-ot-card>

40G OT card commands

4.122 config card <40g-ot-card>

4.122.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for 40G OT:
• 43sca1
• 43scge1
• 43scx4
• 43scx4e
• 43sta1p
• 43stx4
• 43stx4p
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the clock source selection for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 40G OT
card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.122.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.122.3 Input Format

config card <40g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1131
config card <40g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.122.4 Input Parameters



{43sca1, 43scge1, 43scx4, 43scx4e, 43sta1p, 43stx4, 43stx4p}

Specifies the allowed 40G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
clkswitch [<source-select>]
For PSS-32 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11

This parameter is not supported on card 43scge1

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1132 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <40g-ot-card>

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current configured value.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

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config card <40g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

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1134 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <40g-ot-card>


tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.122.5 Examples
# config card 43sca1 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 43sca1 Up Up
1/16 43sca1 Up Up

# config card 43sca1 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 43sca1 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 43sca1 1/12 reset cold force

4.122.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface
show card <40g-ot-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1135
show card <40g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.123 show card <40g-ot-card>

4.123.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 40G OT cards of the selected type on the network element with
brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific 40G OT card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.123.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.123.3 Input Format

show card <40g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

4.123.4 Input Parameters



{43sca1, 43scge1, 43scx4, 43scx4e, 43sta1p, 43stx4, 43stx4p}

Specifies the allowed 40G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.123.5 Examples
# show card 43sca1 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 43sca1 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Down State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <40g-ot-card>

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-1-7

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Triple

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 221.00 W
Imax : 5.67 Amps
Provisioned Clock Source : Auto
Actual Clock Source :

Card Function Mode : SonetSdh

# show card 43sta1p 6/13

Shelf: 6 Slot: 13 - 43STA1P (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-6-13

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Triple

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

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show card <40g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Pmax : 100.00 W
Imax : 2.56 Amps
Provisioned Clock Source : Auto
Actual Clock Source :

# show card 43scge1 6/5

Shelf: 6 Slot: 5 - 43SCGE1 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-6-5

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Triple

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 271.00 W
Imax : 6.95 Amps

4.123.6 Related Commands

config card <40g-ot-card>

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August 2017
1138 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <100g-ot-card>

100G OT card commands

4.124 config card <100g-ot-card>

4.124.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for 100G OT:
• 112sca1 (1 client port)
• 112sna1 (1 client port)
• 112scx10 (10 client ports)
• 112sdx11 (11 client ports)
• 112snx10 (10 client ports)
• 130sca1 (1 client port)
• 130scx10 (10 client ports)
• 130snx10 (10 client ports)
• 130snq10 (10 client ports)
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 100G
OT card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.124.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.124.3 Input Format

config card <100g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1139
config card <100g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.124.4 Input Parameters



{112sca1, 112sna1, 112scx10, 112sdx11, 112snx10, 130sca1, 130scx10, 130snq10,

Specifies the allowed 100G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


cardmode [<string>]

hundredgbe - sets the card mode to support 100GbE client

otu4 - sets the card mode to support OTU4 client


Applies to 112sca1, 112sna1, 130sca1 cards.

Specifies the card mode. Enter this keyword followed by hundredgbe or otu4.
Setting the card mode parameter is allowed only when there are no connections, and all ports
are unassigned. Changing the card mode parameter is allowed only when there are no
connections and all ports are unassigned. Changing the card mode to a different value
automatically clears any non-default provisioning of firmware release (package identifier) and
automatically triggers a cold restart of the card to download the default version of the firmware
line corresponding to the new card mode.


description [<string>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <100g-ot-card>


<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the

hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance
lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C.
23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1141
config card <100g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

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1142 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <100g-ot-card>


3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.124.5 Examples
# config card 130sca1 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 130sca1 Up Up
1/16 130sca1 Up Up

# config card 130sca1 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 130sca1 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 130sca1 1/12 reset cold force

4.124.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface
show card <100g-ot-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1143
show card <100g-ot-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.125 show card <100g-ot-card>

4.125.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 100G OT cards of the selected type on the network element with
brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific 100G OT card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.125.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.125.3 Input Format

show card <100g-ot-card> <slot-aid>

4.125.4 Input Parameters



{112sca1, 112sna1, 112scx10, 112sdx11, 112snx10, 130sca1, 130scx10, 130snq10,

Specifies the allowed 100G OTs this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.125.5 Examples
# show card 130sca1 5/16

Shelf: 5 Slot: 16 - 130SCA1 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : AINS UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

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1144 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <100g-ot-card>

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-5-16

Card Descr : Hello NEW NEW NEW!

Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 290.00 W
Imax : 7.43 Amps

Card Function Mode : hundredGBE

4.125.6 Related Commands

config card <100g-ot-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1145
config card 260scx2 Nokia 1830 PSS

200G OT card commands

4.126 config card 260scx2

4.126.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for 260SCX2 OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Specify the card mode
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a
260SCX2 card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.126.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.126.3 Input Format

config card 260scx2 <slot-aid>

4.126.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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1146 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 260scx2

followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


cardmode [<string>]

hundredgbe - sets the card mode to support 100GbE client signals

otu4 - sets the card mode to support one OTU4 client on port C1

Specifies the card mode. Enter this keyword without option to display the current setting.
Changing the card mode parameter is allowed only when there are no connections and all ports
are unassigned.
Changing the card mode to a different value automatically clears any non-default provisioning
of firmware release (package identifier) and automatically triggers a cold restart of the card to
download the default version of the firmware line corresponding to the new card mode.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the


hightemp [<degrees>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1147
config card 260scx2 Nokia 1830 PSS


-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 260scx2


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.126.5 Examples
# config card 260scx2 *

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1149
config card 260scx2 Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 260scx2 Up Up
1/16 260scx2 Up Up

# config card 260scx2 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 260scx2 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 260scx2 1/12 reset cold force

4.126.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
show interface 260scx2
show card 260scx2

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1150 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 260scx2

4.127 show card 260scx2

4.127.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 260scx2 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 260scx2 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.127.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.127.3 Input Format

show card 260scx2 <slot-aid>

4.127.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.127.5 Examples
# show card 260scx2 1/4

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 - 260SCX2 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-1-4

Card Descr :

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show card 260scx2 Nokia 1830 PSS

Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 295.00 W
Imax : 7.56 Amps

Card Function Mode : hundredGBE

show card 260scx2 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 260SCX2 Up Down UEQ
5/14 260SCX2 Up Down UEQ

4.127.6 Related Commands

config card 260scx2

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 1dpp24m

Other OT card commands

4.128 config card 1dpp24m

4.128.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for 1DPP24M OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Specify the card mode
• Set the synchronous Ethernet function status
• Set the synchronous Ethernet system clock
• Set the synchronous Ethernet line reference
• Specify the impedance
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
1dpp24mcard before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.128.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
Access Levels: A cold reset is service affecting.

4.128.3 Input Format

config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1153
config card 1dpp24m Nokia 1830 PSS

4.128.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1DPP24M cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


cardmode [master | slave]


Master - 1DPP24M with master mode provides 21 E1 access, one line port (STM-1/OC-3)
as the uplink, clock recovery/distribution and grooms total 42 E1 into one STM-1/OC-3.
Slave - 1DPP24M with slave mode provides 21 E1 access, connects with master mode
1DPP24M in ESSI serial bus through backplane.

The Card Mode parameter determines the operational mode of the 1DPP24M. Two card mode
values are supported.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 1dpp24m



hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


impedance [75ohm | 120ohm]


{75ohm, 120ohm}

Nominal impedance of E1 interfaces.
Sub-command: <lineref-aid>

Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-
Note: For PSS-4, this cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disabled.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

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config card 1dpp24m Nokia 1830 PSS


-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 1dpp24m


3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Sub-command: sync0
Configure the timing synchronization attributes. See "config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0".
Note: This cannot be provisioned when syncesupp is disabled.

4.128.5 Examples
# config card 1dpp24m *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 1dpp24m Up Up

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 description ABC

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 hightemp 75

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 cardmode master

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 sync0

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 impedance 120ohm

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineref0

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 reset cold force

4.128.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 1dpp24m
show card 1dpp24m

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1157
config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.129 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.129.1 Purpose
This command configures the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 1dpp24m OT.
Use this command to:
• Set the line timing reference priority
• Set the port for the association line timing reference
• Set the admin state of the line timing reference
• Manually configure the line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.129.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.129.3 Input Format

config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.129.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1dpp24m cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


lineref{0..2} - line timing reference synchronization

Display the line timing reference synchronization type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>



admStat [up | down]


{up, down}

Specifies the admin state for the line timing reference. Enter the keyword followed by one of the
options below:


assPort [<value>]

C{1..21} - for lineRef0

C{1..21} - for lineRef1
L1 - for lineRef2
Null - no port is associated to the line timing reference

Each line timing reference can be associated to a port. Specifices which port can be assigned
as line timing reference for the system timing entity.


priority [<value>]

{0..8} - Range of Priority

0 - disabled the timing reference from the system timing selection process
{1..8} - enabled the timing reference for the system timing selection process

Set the priority of a line timing reference for the system timing selection process.
The priority "0" means that the timing reference is disabled from the selection process.

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config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

A greater parameter value means a lower the priority for the selection except the value "0"

provql [<value>]
Auto - do not override
{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC} - SDH mode
Provisioned incoming SSM value for the line reference.

4.129.5 Examples
# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1 adminStat up

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1 assPort C1

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1 priority 1

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1 provQL AUTO

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1 assPort L1

Error: Request Fail - wrong associated Port for lineRef1

4.129.6 Related Commands

show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.130 config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.130.1 Purpose
This command configures the Synchronization Ethernet attributes for 1dpp24m OT.
Use this command to:
• Perform synchronization switch command for system timing entity
• Configure the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Set the wait-to-restore time for the system timing reference
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.130.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.130.3 Input Format

config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.130.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1dpp24m cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
syncMsg [disabled | enabled]
disabled - Sync status Messaging is disabled. System timing reference selection is done
only by priorities.
enabled - Sync status Messaging is enabled. System timing reference selection is done by
SSM quality levels as first criteria and by priorities as second criteria.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1161
config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS


Determines if the timing reference selection for system timing is using sync status messaging
(SSM Qualities) or not.

wtr [<value>]
{0-..12} - gain in minutes
5 minutes
Specifies the value of wait to restore time for all line references.
With Step into 1 minute.

4.130.5 Examples
# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 SYNC0 syncmsg disable

# config card 1dpp24m 1/7 SYNC0 wtr 5

4.130.6 Related Commands

show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

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1162 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 4dpa2

4.131 config card 4dpa2

4.131.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a 4DPA2 OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: f you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 4DPA2
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.131.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.131.3 Input Format

config card 4dpa2 <slot-aid>

4.131.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4DPA2 cards on the
network element by location..
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1163
config card 4dpa2 Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.

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The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F

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config card 4dpa2 Nokia 1830 PSS

The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.131.5 Examples
# config card 4DPA2 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 4DPA2 Up Up
1/13 4DPA2 Up Up

# config card 4dpa2 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 4dpa2 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 4dpa2 1/12 reset cold force

4.131.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 4dpa2
show card 4dpa2

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1166 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card 4dpa4

4.132 config card 4dpa4

4.132.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a 4DPA4 OT.
Use this command to:
• Change the card mode.
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 4DPA4
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.132.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.132.3 Input Format

config card 4dpa4 <slot-aid>

4.132.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4DPA4 cards on the
network element by location..

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1167
config card 4dpa4 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


cardmode [dualtran | flexmux]


dualtran - support FC400 client signals only

flexmux - support all client signals, except FC400.
Enter this keyword to display the current card mode.
Setting the card mode parameter is allowed only when there are no connections and all ports
are unassigned.
Changing the card mode parameter is allowed only when there are no connections and all ports
are unassigned.
Changing the card mode to a different value automatically clears any non-default provisioning
of firmware release (package identifier) and automatically triggers a cold restart of the card to
download the default version of the firmware line corresponding to the new card mode.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 4dpa4


90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS.

23..194 - temperature range for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS.
-45..90 - temperature range for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS-4.
-49..194 - temperature range for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS-4.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS.

23 - for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS.

-40 - for °C. Applicable to 1830 PSS-4.

-40 - for °F. Applicable to 1830 PSS-4.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters

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config card 4dpa4 Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 4dpa4

4.132.5 Examples
# config card 4DPA4 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 4DPA4 Up Up
1/13 4DPA4 Up Up

# config card 4dpa4 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 4dpa4 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 4dpa4 1/12 reset cold force

4.132.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 4dpa4
show card 4dpa4

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1171
config card 4qpa8 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.133 config card 4qpa8

4.133.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a 4qpa8 OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a 4qpa8
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.133.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
Access Levels: A cold reset is service affecting.

4.133.3 Input Format

config card 4qpa8 <slot-aid>

4.133.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4qpa8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1173
config card 4qpa8 Nokia 1830 PSS

must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-45..90 - temperature range for °C.

-49..194 - temperature range for °F.

-40 - for °C.

-40 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card 4qpa8


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.133.5 Examples
# config card 4qpa8 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 4qpa8 Up Up
1/12 4qpa8 Up Up

# config card 4qpa8 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card 4qpa8 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 4qpa8 1/12 reset cold force

4.133.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface 4qpa8
show card 4qpa8

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1175
show card 1dpp24m Nokia 1830 PSS

4.134 show card 1dpp24m

4.134.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 1dpp24m cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 1dpp24m card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.134.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.134.3 Input Format

show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid>

4.134.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1dpp24m cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current detailed settings for the card.

4.134.5 Examples
# show card 1dpp24m 1/7
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 1DPP24M (Equipped: 1DPP24M)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :
Status LED : Blink Red
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold: 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 28°C

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1176 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 1dpp24m

Card mode: master

Syncesupp: disable
Impedance: 75ohm

4.134.6 Related Commands

config card 1dpp24m

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1177
show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.135 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.135.1 Purpose
This command displays the line timing reference synchronization attributes for 1dpp24m OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the line timing reference priority
• Display the assigned port for the association line timing reference
• Display the operation state for the line timing reference
• Display the state of the line timing reference
• Display the switch status for the line timing reference
• Display the admin state for the line timing reference
• Display the details information of the line timing reference
• Display the line reference incoming QL status enable/disable
• Display the line reference incoming QL operation status
• Display the line reference incoming QL value
• Display the provisioned line reference incoming QL value
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.135.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.135.3 Input Format

show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

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August 2017
1178 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

4.135.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1dpp24m cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


lineref{0..2} - line timing reference synchronization

Display the line timing reference synchronization type.

Shows admin status for the line timing reference connected port.

Shows which port is assigned as a line timing reference.


Display the current settings for the line timing reference.



{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - SDH mode
Show the incoming QL value.
Note: For lineref1 and lineref1, as they are always assigned to E1 client port {C(1..21)} while
E1 client port does not support SSM monitoring or termination, so parameter "incssmmsg" is
always with value of "not applicable" for lineref0 and lineref1


0 - valid
1 - invalid
2 - not supported
3 - not applicable

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1179
show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Show the line reference incoming QL Status.


Shows the line timing reference operation status.
Shows the priority of a line timing reference.
Show the manually provisioned incoming QL value.
Not-assigned - Synchronization line timing reference is unassigned
Normal - Line timing reference is assigned and operating normally without faults
Signal-failure - Synchronization line timing reference failure
WTR - Synchronization line timing reference is recovered and the WTR timer is running.
Shows the actual signal status for the line timing reference as forwarded to the system timing.

4.135.5 Examples
# show card 1dpp24m 1/7 lineRef1
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 1dpp24m (Equipped: 1dpp24m)
assPort : C1
adminStat : up
operStat :up
priority : 1
refstat : normal
incssmstatus : not supported
incssmmsg :not applicable
provql :AUTO

4.135.6 Related Commands

config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> <lineref-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1180 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.136 show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.136.1 Purpose
This command displays the system timing synchronization attributes for 1dpp24m OT.
Use this command to:
• Display the timing reference source for the system timing entity
• Display the synchronization status message for system timing entity
• Display the synchronization clock mode state
• Display the synchronization switch state
• Display the wait-to-restore timer for system timing entity
• Display the details information of the system timing entity
• Display the system quality level
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.136.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.136.3 Input Format

show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.136.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 1dpp24m cards on the
network element by location.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1181
show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


{none, lineRef{0..2}}

Shows information about the Current selected (active) line timing Reference for system timing


locked - The system timing is locked to a line timing reference signal

autohldovr - Auto hold-over mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and the clock is
using history data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) to
control its output signal.
autofrng - Auto free-running mode for system timing entity. This value indicates that all
timing references available for the system timing selection have failed and that no history
data previously acquired (when it was operating in the normal mode) is available.
forcefrng - Forced free-running mode for system timing entity.
Shows the current clock mode status for the system timing entity.

Display the current settings for the system timing entity.


Shows information about sync messaging (SSM Qualities) for system timing.


{PRC, SSU_A, SSU_B, SEC, DNU} - NE works in SDH mode

Show the value of the system quality level (SSM).

Shows the value of wait to restore time for all timing references.

Shows information about sync switch state for system timing.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1182 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

4.136.5 Examples
# show card 1dpp24m 1/7 SYNC0
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - 1dpp24m (Equipped: 1dpp24m)
activeRef : lineRef1
clkmodestat : locked
syncmsg : enable
wtr : 5

4.136.6 Related Commands

config card 1dpp24m <slot-aid> SYNC0

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1183
show card 4dpa2 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.137 show card 4dpa2

4.137.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 4DPA2 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 4DPA2 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.137.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.137.3 Input Format

show card 4dpa2 <slot-aid>

4.137.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4DPA2 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.137.5 Examples

# show card 4dpa2 1/15

Shelf: 1 Slot: 15 - 4DPA2 (Equipped: 4DPA2)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-15
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 32 °C

Release 10.0
August 2017
1184 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 4dpa2

4.137.6 Related Commands

config card 4dpa2

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1185
show card 4dpa4 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.138 show card 4dpa4

4.138.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 4DPA4 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 4DPA4 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.138.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.138.3 Input Format

show card 4dpa4 <slot-aid>

4.138.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4dpa4 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.138.5 Examples

# show card 4dpa4 1/11

Shelf: 1 Slot: 11 - 4DPA4 (Equipped: 4DPA4)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-11
Card Descr :
Card Mode : Dual Tran
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 32 °C

Release 10.0
August 2017
1186 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card 4dpa4

4.138.6 Related Commands

config card 4dpa4

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1187
show card 4qpa8 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.139 show card 4qpa8

4.139.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all 4qpa8 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific 4qpa8 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.139.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.139.3 Input Format

show card 4qpa8 <slot-aid>

4.139.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of 4qpa8 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.139.5 Examples
# show card 4qpa8 1/12
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 4qpa8 (Equipped: 4qpa8)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 'C High Temp Threshold: 85 'C
Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C
Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

4.139.6 Related Commands

config card 4qpa8

Release 10.0
August 2017
1188 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <csw-card>

Switched card commands

4.140 config card <csw-card>

4.140.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options on:
• 30 port any client card, 300G switch capacity (30AN300)
• 4 port any client card, 400G switch capacity (4AN400)
• 2 port OTN uplink card, 400G switch capacity (2UC400)
• 4 port OTN uplink card, 400G switch capacity (4UC400)
• 20 port mixed OTN uplink or any client card, 200G switch capacity (20UC200)
• 20 port 10G or sub 10G client card, 80G switch capacity (20MX80)
• 20 port mixed OTN uplink or client 10G card, 200G switch capacity (20AX200)
• 1 port OTN uplink card, 100G switch capacity (1UX100)
All these cards are connected to a central switch (csw) and are represented with a common
parameter set.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.140.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.140.3 Input Format

config card <csw-card> <slot-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1189
config card <csw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.140.4 Input Parameters



{30an300, 4an400, 2uc400, 4uc400, 20uc200} - card types in PSS-24x

{1ux100, 20ax200, 20mx80} - card types in PSS-8x

Entry required
Specifies the allowed central switched card the command apply to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the


hightemp [<degrees>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
1190 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <csw-card>


{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1191
config card <csw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current name.
To change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name
of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.140.5 Examples
# config card 30an300 *

Release 10.0
August 2017
1192 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <csw-card>

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 30AN300 Up Up
5/14 30AN300 Up Down UEQ

# config card 4uc400 1/4 name

Card Name: Card-1-4

# config card 4uc400 1/4 hightemp 85

# config card 4an400 1/12 description "Used as pure 100G Ethernet client card"

# config card 20mx80 reset cold

# config card 4uc400 1/4 reset cold force

4.140.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
show card <csw-card>
config interface <csw-card> <port-aid>
show interface <csw-card> <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1193
config card <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.141 config card <dsw-card>

4.141.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for distributed switching cards (dsw-card):
• 12 ports, 120G switch capacity (12P120).
• 1 port, 200G switch capacity (1UD200).
• 20 ports, 200G switch capacity (20P200).
• 5 client, 2 line ports, 500G switch capacity (D5X500)
• 5 client, 2 line ports, 500G switch capacity (D5X500L)
• 13 client ports, 1 line port, 200G switch capacity (S13X100)
• 13 client ports, 1 line port, 200G switch capacity (S13X100E)
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card mode (D5X500 and D5X500L cards only)
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Select the backplane clock reference for the card
• Reset the card
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card mode (D5X500, D5X500L and D5X500Q cards only)
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Select the backplane clock reference for the card
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept the <dsw-
card> card before you can configure the card options. See command "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.141.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.141.3 Input Format

config card <dsw-card> <slot-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1194 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <dsw-card>


4.141.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the distributed switching card the command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all card in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


cardmode [<string>]

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1195
config card <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


100GBE_prop - sets the card mode to support legacy ethernet applications

OTU4_prop - sets the card mode to support legacy OTN applications
100GBE_bkp400 - sets the card mode to support backplane applications
100GBE_bjfec - sets the card mode to support 100GbE SR4 applications using 802.3bj
forward error correction


Applies to the D5X500 and D5X500L cards only.

When cardmode=100GBE_prop:
• If the User attempts to provision an OTU4 client, then this provisioning will be denied
• If the User attempts to provision the backplane ports, then this provisioning will be
When cardmode=OTU4_prop:
• If the User attempts to provision a 100GbE client, then this provisioning will be denied
• If the User attempts to provision the backplane ports, then this provisioning will be
When cardmode=100GBE_bkp400:
• If the User attempts to provision an OTU4 client, then this provisioning will be denied
• If the User attempts to provision physical client ports C1 or C2, then this provisioning will
be denied.
When cardmode=100GBE_bjfec:
• If the User attempts to provision an OTU4 client, then this provisioning will be denied
• If the User attempts to provision the backplane ports, then this provisioning will be
Specifies the card mode. Enter this keyword to display the current cardmode. To change the
cardmode, enter this keyword followed by a value to specify the card mode.
Changing the cardmode parameter is allowed only when all ports are unassigned. Changing
the cardmode to a different value automatically clears any non-default provisioning of firmware
release (package identifier) and automatically triggers a cold restart of the card to download the
default version of the firmware line corresponding to the new cardmode.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
1196 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <dsw-card>


For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching.
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value.
Does not apply to the D5X500 or D5X500L cards.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1197
config card <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C. Applicable to PSS-32 and PSS-16.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F. Applicable to PSS-32 and PSS-16.
{-45..90} - temperature range for °C. Applicable to PSS-8.
{-49..194} - temperature range for °F. Applicable to PSS-8.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32 and PSS-16.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32 and PSS-16.

-40 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-8.

-40 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-8.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)

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1198 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <dsw-card>

must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C.
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F.
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1199
config card <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.141.5 Examples
# config card 12p120 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 12p120 Up Up
1/12 12p120 Up Up

# config card 12P120 1/12 description Switching_card

# config card 12P120 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card 12P120 1/12 reset cold force

4.141.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <dsw-card> <slot-aid>
show card <dsw-card>

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1200 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <csw-card>

4.142 show card <csw-card>

4.142.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all cards of the types below on the network element with brief
information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card:
• 30 port any client card, 300G switch capacity (30AN300)
• 4 port any client card, 400G switch capacity (4AN400)
• 2 port OTN uplink card, 400G switch capacity (2UC400)
• 4 port OTN uplink card, 400G switch capacity (4UC400)
• 20 port mixed OTN uplink or any client card, 200G switch capacity (20UC200)
• 20 port 10G or sub 10G client card, 80G switch capacity (20MX80)
• 20 port mixed OTN uplink or client 10G card, 200G switch capacity (20AX200)
• 1 port OTN uplink card, 100G switch capacity (1UX100)
All these cards are connected to a central switch (csw) and are represented with a common
parameter set.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.142.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.142.3 Input Format

show card <csw-card> <slot-aid>

4.142.4 Input Parameters



{30an300, 4an400, 2uc400, 4uc400, 20uc200} - card types in PSS-24x

{1ux100, 20ax200, 20mx80} - card types in PSS-8x

Entry required
Specifies the allowed central switched card the command apply to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

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show card <csw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.142.5 Examples
# show card 30an300 1/8

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 - 30AN300 (Equipped: 30AN300)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-27.19-35
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-8
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Pmax : 220.00 W
Imax : 5.57 Amps Imeas : 4.56 Amps

# show card 4uc400 *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 4uc400 Up Down UEQ
5/14 4uc400 Up Down UEQ

4.142.6 Related Commands

config card <csw-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <dsw-card>

4.143 show card <dsw-card>

4.143.1 Purpose
This command displays card options for distributed switching cards (dsw-card):
• 12 ports, 120G switch capacity (12P120).
• 1 port, 200G switch capacity (1UD200).
• 20 ports, 200G switch capacity (20P200).
• 5 client, 2 line ports, 500G switch capacity (D5X500)
• 5 client, 2 line ports, 500G, switch capacity (D5X500L)
• 13 client ports, 1 line port, 200G switch capacity w/o encryption card variants - (S13X100)
• 13 client ports, 1 line port, 200G switch capacity with encryption card variants (S13X100E)
This command shows a list of all distributed switching cards <dsw-card> on the network element
with brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific <dsw-card> card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.143.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.143.3 Input Format

show card <dsw-card> <slot-aid>

4.143.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the allowed distributed switching card the command applies to.

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show card <dsw-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf

* - reports a list of all cards in the system

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of cards on the network
element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.143.5 Examples

# show card 12P120 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - 12P120 (Equipped: 12P120)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-12

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C

Pmax : 140.00 W
Imax : 3.59 Amps Imeas : 2.00 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source: Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-36

Clk A (ref local) : +20.1 ppm

Clk B (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk Delta : +2.1 ppm

# show card D5X500 1/5

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <dsw-card>

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 - D5X500 (Equipped: D5X500)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-5

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 49 'C

Pmax : 400.00 W
Imax : 10.26 Amps Imeas : 8.34 Amps

Card Function Mode : 100GBE_bkp400

4.143.6 Related Commands

config card <dsw-card> <slot-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1205
config card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Amplifier card commands

4.144 config card <ld-card>

4.144.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for an amplifier or OSCT/OSCTAPR card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
A2325A, A2P2125, AM2017B, AM2125A, AM2125B, AM2318A, AM2325B, AM2032A, AM2625A,
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.144.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner: all parameters other than those listed below
Administrator: Intrusion-detection, baseline,threshold, pollperiod, clearalarm

4.144.3 Input Format

config card <ld-card> <slot-aid>
intrusion {baseline | clearalarm | detection | pollperiod | threshold}

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1206 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ld-card>

4.144.4 Input Parameters



{a2325a, a2p2125, am2017b, am2125a, am2125b, am2318a, am2325b, am2032a,

am2625a, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, aswg, a4pswg, awbila, awbing, awbegr, osct, osctapr}
Specifies the allowed Amplifier this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected <ld-card> in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of <ld-card> cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - automatic clock selection
PF19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19.
PF36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36.
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - automatic clock selection
PF1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1.
PF11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11.

Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.

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config card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value. To
change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a
description of the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to
specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the
threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance
Sub-command: intrusion
intrusion {baseline [<value>] | clearalarm | detection [on | off] | pollperiod [<value>] |
threshold [<value>]}
Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG or A4PSWG.
Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG, AWBEGR, AWBILA, or

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ld-card>

Enter this sub-command to configure the Optical Intrusion Monitoring feature. Beside enable/
disable the intrusion detection, the threshold for the detection can be set.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.



baseline [<value>]

{1..50} - span loss in dB. Step size is 0.1 dB.

help - display valid and default values.

Specifies the baseline span loss value that is used in optical intrusion monitoring. A value of
-1.0 dB indicates that no baseline value was set initially. Enter this keyword without option to
display the current value.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.


Clears an existing Optical Intrusion Detected alarm.


This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.



detection [on | off]


on - enables the intrusion monitoring

off - disables the intrusion monitoring

Enables or Disables the optical intrusion monitoring feature. Enter this keyword without option
to display the current value.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.

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config card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



pollperiod [<value>]

{20..120} - poll intervall in second.

help - display valid and default values.

Specifies the polling period for optical intrusion monitoring. The span loss is measured and
compared with the baseline once every pollperiod. Enter this keyword without option to display
the current value.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.



threshold [<value>]

{1.0..5.0} - deviation in dB. Step size is 0.1 dB.

help - display valid and default values.

Specifies the allowed deviation from the baseline span loss. If detection is set to on, and the
deviation from the baseline span loss is greater than or equal to the threshold value, then the
Optical Intrusion Detected alarm is raised. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current value.

This parameter do not apply to OSCTAPR card.



lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ld-card>


-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

warm reset does not apply to OSCTAPR card.



tolerance [<degrees>]

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config card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.144.5 Examples
# config card alphg *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 ALPHG Up Up
1/13 ALPHG Up Up

# config card alphg 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card alphg 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card alphg 1/12 baseline 22.5

# config card alphg 1/12 clearalarm

# config card alphg 1/12 reset cold force

4.144.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <ld-card>
show card <ld-card>

Release 10.0
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1212 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <ld-card>

4.145 show card <ld-card>

4.145.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all A2325A, A2P2125, AM2017B, AM2125A, AM2125B, AM2318A,
AWBEGR, OSCT, OSCTAPR cards on the network element with brief information for each card, or
detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.145.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer; only Administator is allowed to view intrusion
related parameters (baseline, clearalarm, detection, pollperiod, threshold).

4.145.3 Input Format

show card <ld-card> <slot-aid>

4.145.4 Input Parameters



{a2325a, a2p2125, am2017b, am2125a, am2125b, am2318a, am2325b, am2032a,

am2625a, ahphg, ahplg, alphg, aswg, a4pswg, awbing, awbegr, awbila, osct, osctapr}
Specifies the allowed Amplifier this command apply to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1213
show card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


This is on when optical intrusion monitoring is enabled or off when disabled.

Optical intrusion monitoring is not available when A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG or OSCTAPR is

The most recently measured span loss is in dB. If detection is turned off, span loss returns NA.
Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG or OSCTAPR.

Shows the current baseline value for the span loss. A value of -1 indicates that the baseline has
not been set.
Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG or OSCTAPR.

Displays the value of the threshold difference between the measured span loss and the
baseline that is used for declaring an optical intrusion.
Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG or OSCTAPR.

Shows the polling period for optical intrusion monitoring.

Intrusion parameters do not apply to A2P2125, ASWG, A4PSWG or OSCTAPR.

4.145.5 Examples

# show card alphg 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - ALPHG (Equipped: ALPHG)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 23 °C
Pump1 Temperature : Pump1 LBC:
Pump2 Temperature : Pump2 LBC:
Pump3 Temperature : Pump3 LBC:
Detection: On
Spanloss: 22.7 dB
Baseline: 21.5 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <ld-card>

Threshold : 2.5 dB
Pollperiod: 30 s

# show card am2032a 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - AM2032A (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Down State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-1-6

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Intrusion Detection : Off

Intrusion Baseline : -1.00 dB
Intrusion PollPeriod: 30 s
Intrusion Threshold : 1.50 dB
Intrusion Span Loss : N/A

Pump1 Temperature : Pump1 LBC :

Pump2 Temperature : Pump2 LBC :
Pump3 Temperature : Pump3 LBC :

# show card am2625a 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - AM2625A (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Down State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-1-6

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Intrusion Detection : Off

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Intrusion Baseline : -1.00 dB

Intrusion PollPeriod: 30 s
Intrusion Threshold : 1.50 dB
Intrusion Span Loss : N/A

Pump1 Temperature : Pump1 LBC :

Pump2 Temperature : Pump2 LBC :
Pump3 Temperature : Pump3 LBC :
Pump4 Temperature : Pump4 LBC :
Pump5 Temperature : Pump5 LBC :
OSC Pump Temperature : OSC Pump LBC :

# show card a4pswg 1/5

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 - A4PSWG (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :
Status LED :
Card Name : Card-1-5
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double
High Temp Threshold: 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

EDFA Pump1 Temperature: EDFA Pump1 LBC:

EDFA Pump2 Temperature: EDFA Pump2 LBC:
EDFA Pump3 Temperature: EDFA Pump3 LBC:

Raman Pump1 Temperature: Raman Pump1 LBC:

Raman Pump2 Temperature: Raman Pump2 LBC:
Raman Pump3 Temperature: Raman Pump3 LBC:
Raman Pump4 Temperature: Raman Pump4 LBC:

# show card OSCTAPR 1/10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - OSCTAPR (Equipped: OSCTAPR)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-10
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 55 'C Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <ld-card>

Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C Temperature: 23 'C

Pmax : 8.00 W
Imax : 0.2 Amps Imeas : 0.16 Amps

# show card awbing 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - AWBING (Equipped: AWBING)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 36 'C

Pmax : 99.00 W
Imax : 2.54 Amps Imeas : 0.82 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source : Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-36

C band Pump1 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump1 LBC : 0 mA

C band Pump2 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump2 LBC : 0 mA
L band Pump1 Temperature : L band Pump1 LBC :
L band Pump2 Temperature : L band Pump2 LBC :
L band Pump3 Temperature : L band Pump3 LBC :
L band Pump4 Temperature : L band Pump4 LBC :

# show card awbing 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - AWBILA (Equipped: AWBILA)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1217
show card <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 36 'C

Pmax : 99.00 W
Imax : 2.54 Amps Imeas : 0.82 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source : Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-36

C band Pump1 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump1 LBC : 0 mA

C band Pump2 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump2 LBC : 0 mA
L band Pump1 Temperature : L band Pump1 LBC :
L band Pump2 Temperature : L band Pump2 LBC :
L band Pump3 Temperature : L band Pump3 LBC :
L band Pump4 Temperature : L band Pump4 LBC :

# show card awbing 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - AWBEGR (Equipped: AWBEGR)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-2

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 36 'C

Pmax : 99.00 W
Imax : 2.54 Amps Imeas : 0.82 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source : Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-36

C band Pump1 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump1 LBC : 0 mA

C band Pump2 Temperature : 24 'C C band Pump2 LBC : 0 mA
L band Pump1 Temperature : L band Pump1 LBC :
L band Pump2 Temperature : L band Pump2 LBC :
L band Pump3 Temperature : L band Pump3 LBC :
L band Pump4 Temperature : L band Pump4 LBC :

4.145.6 Related Commands

config card <ld-card>

Release 10.0
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1218 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ra-card>

4.146 config card <ra-card>

4.146.1 Purpose
This command configures card options on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an RA2P,
RA2P-96, or RA5P card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid>
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.146.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.146.3 Input Format

config card <ra-card> <slot-aid>

4.146.4 Input Parameters

{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
Entry required
Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.

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config card <ra-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of Raman Amplifier cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
{-5..90} - temperature range for °C
{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to
specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the
threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config

Release 10.0
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1220 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ra-card>

Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm}


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.

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config card <ra-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.146.5 Examples
# config card ra2p-96 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 RA2P-96 Up Up
1/13 RA2P-96 Up Up

# config card ra2p 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card ra5p 1/12 hightemp 75

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <ra-card>

# config card ra2p-96 1/12 reset cold force

4.146.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <ra-card>
show card <ra-card>

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show card <ra-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.147 show card <ra-card>

4.147.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all cards of the types below on the network element with brief
information for each card, or detailed information or a specific card:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.147.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer.

4.147.3 Input Format

show card <ra-card> <slot-aid>

4.147.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that it is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all Raman Amplifier
cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1224 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <ra-card>

4.147.5 Examples
# show card ra2p 2/12

Shelf: 2 Slot: 12 - RA2P (Equipped: RA2P)

Admin State : MT State Qualifier : MT
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-21.29-50

Status LED : Solid Off

Card Name : Card-2-12

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 0 'C

Pmax : 49.00 W
Imax : 1.26 Amps

Pump1 Temperature : 25 'C Pump1 LBC : 0 mA

Pump2 Temperature : 25 'C Pump2 LBC : 0 mA

4.147.6 Related Commands

config card <ra-card>

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config card <aa2d-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.148 config card <aa2d-card>

4.148.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for AA2DONW and AA2DONWB.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
AA2DONW or AA2DONWB card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-
aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.148.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
Access Levels: A cold reset is service affecting.

4.148.3 Input Format

config card <aa2d-card> <slot-aid>

4.148.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <aa2d-card>



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display AA2DONW or AA2DONWB card
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

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{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to
specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the
threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F

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3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


reset {cold} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.148.5 Examples

# config card AA2DONWB *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 AA2DONWB Up Up
1/10 AA2DONWB Up Up

# config card AA2DONW 1/10 description Bank-W

# config card AA2DONW 1/10 hightemp 75

# config card AA2DONW 1/10 reset cold force

4.148.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface AA2DONWB
show card AA2DONW

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1229
show card <aa2d-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.149 show card <aa2d-card>

4.149.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all AA2DONW or AA2DONWB cards on the network element with
brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific AA2DONW or AA2DONWB
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.149.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.149.3 Input Format

show card <aa2d-card> <slot-aid>

4.149.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of AA2DONW or
AA2DONWB cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <aa2d-card>

4.149.5 Examples
Commands are shown in bold, responses in plain text.

# Successful Command example

# show card AA2DONWB 1/10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - AA2DONWB (Equipped: AA2DONWB)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-10
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 55 'C Temp Tolerance: 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold: -5 'C Temperature: 23 'C

Pmax : 12.00 W
Imax : 0.3 Amps Imeas : 0.23 Amps

Pump1 Temperature:
Pump1 LBC:
Pump2 Temperature:
Pump2 LBC:

4.149.6 Related Commands

config card AA2DONWB

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config card <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.150 config card <iroadm-card>

4.150.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options on
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, fixed gain (iroadmf)
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, variable gain (iroadmv)
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, variable gain (iroadm9m)
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Configure the Optical Intrusion Monitoring options
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
<iroadm-card> card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.150.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Provisioner: all beside intrusion related parameters (baseline, clearalarm, detection,
pollperiod, threshold). Administrator: all parameters.

4.150.3 Input Format

config card <iroadm-card> <slot-aid>
intrusion {baseline | clearalarm | detection | pollperiod | threshold}

4.150.4 Input Parameters


{iroadmf, iroadmv, iroadm9m}

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Entry required
Specifies the allowed Amplifier the command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of the selected type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of <iroadm-card> cards on
the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
clkswitch [<source-select>]
For PSS-32 shelf:
auto - automatic clock selection
PF19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19.
PF36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36.
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - automatic clock selection
PF1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1.
PF11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11.
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - automatic clock selection
PF1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1.
PF11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11.
For PSS-8 shelf:
auto - automatic clock selection
PF1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1.
PF7 - switch clock to PF in slot 7.

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config card <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current value. To
change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a
description of the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to
specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the
threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance
Sub-command: intrusion

intrusion {baseline [<value>] | clearalarm | detection [on | off] | pollperiod [<value>] |
threshold [<value>]}

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Enter this sub-command to configure the Optical Intrusion Monitoring feature. Beside enable/
disable the intrusion detection, the threshold for the detection can be set.


baseline [<value>]

{1..50} - span loss in dB. Step size is 0.1 dB.

help - display valid and default values.

Specifies the baseline span loss value that is used in optical intrusion monitoring. A value of
-1.0 dB indicates that no baseline value was set initially. Enter this keyword without option to
display the current value.

Clears an existing Optical Intrusion Detected alarm.



detection [on | off]


on - enables the intrusion monitoring

off - disables the intrusion monitoring

Enables or Disables the optical intrusion monitoring feature. Enter this keyword without option
to display the current value.

pollperiod [<value>]
{20..120} - poll intervall in second.
help - display valid and default values.
Specifies the polling period for optical intrusion monitoring. The span loss is measured and

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config card <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

compared with the baseline once every pollperiod. Enter this keyword without option to display
the current value.


threshold [<value>]

{1.0..5.0} - deviation in dB. Step size is 0.1 dB.

help - display valid and default values.

Specifies the allowed deviation from the baseline span loss. If detection is set to on, and the
deviation from the baseline span loss is greater than or equal to the threshold value, then the
Optical Intrusion Detected alarm is raised. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current value.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <iroadm-card>


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.150.5 Examples
# config card iroadmf *

Admin Oper State

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config card <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier


# config card iroadmf 1/12 description West-Side

# config card iroadmf 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card iroadmf 1/12 intrusion baseline 22.5

# config card iroadmf 1/12 intrusion clearalarm

# config card iroadmf 1/12 description West-Side

# config card iroadm9m 1/12 intrusion clearalarm

# config card iroadm9m 1/12 reset cold force

4.150.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <iroadm-card>
show card <iroadm-card>

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1238 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <iroadm-card>

4.151 show card <iroadm-card>

4.151.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all cards of the types below on the network element with brief
information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card:
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, fixed gain (iroadmf)
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, variable gain (iroadmv)
• Integrated Metro ROADM Amplifier, variable gain (iroadm9m)
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.151.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer; only Administator is allowed to view intrusion
related parameters (baseline, clearalarm, detection, pollperiod, threshold).

4.151.3 Input Format

show card <iroadm-card> <slot-aid>

4.151.4 Input Parameters



{iroadmf, iroadmv, iroadm9m}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed Amplifier the command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1239
show card <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.151.5 Examples

# show card iroadmv 1/8

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 - IROADMV (Equipped: IROADMV)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-27.19-35
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-8
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Level in Optical Node : 0

Clk 1-19 (ref local) : +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36) : +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

Pmax : 31.00 W
Imax : 0.79 Amps Imeas : 0.32 Amps

Intrusion Detection : Off

Intrusion Baseline : -1.00 dB
Intrusion PollPeriod: 30 s
Intrusion Threshold : 1.50 dB
Intrusion Span Loss : N/A

OA1 Receive Pump Temperature : 26 'C OA1 Receive Pump LBC : 82 mA

OA2 Transmit Pump Temperature : 27 'C OA2 Transmit Pump LBC : 58 mA

Flexgrid WSS : No
Card WSS granularity : 50.00 GHz

# show card iroadm9m 1/8

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 - IROADM9M (Equipped: IROADM9M)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-27.19-35
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-8

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <iroadm-card>

Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 26 'C

Level in Optical Node : 0

Clk 1-19 (ref local) : +20.1 ppm Clk 1-36 (ref-local) : +18.0 ppm
Clk 1-19 (ref 1-36) : +2.1 ppm Selected Reference : PF-1-19

Pmax : 31.00 W
Imax : 0.79 Amps Imeas : 0.32 Amps

Intrusion Detection : Off

Intrusion Baseline : -1.00 dB
Intrusion PollPeriod: 30 s
Intrusion Threshold : 1.50 dB
Intrusion Span Loss : N/A

OA1 Receive Pump Temperature : 26 'C OA1 Receive Pump LBC : 82 mA

OA2 Transmit Pump Temperature : 27 'C OA2 Transmit Pump LBC : 58 mA

Flexgrid WSS : No
Card WSS granularity : 50.00 GHz

4.151.6 Related Commands

config card <iroadm-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1241
config card mvac Nokia 1830 PSS

VAC card commands

4.152 config card mvac

4.152.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for MVAC single variable attenuator.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element you must configure a slot to accept an MVAC
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.152.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner.

4.152.3 Input Format

config card mvac <slot-aid>

4.152.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mvac

followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

hightemp [<degrees>]
{-5..90} - temperature range for °C
{23..194} - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an

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config card mvac Nokia 1830 PSS

integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.
-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance
tolerance [<degrees>]
{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C
{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mvac

above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [Force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.152.5 Examples
# config card mvac *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 MVAC Up Up
1/30 MVAC Up Up

# config card mvac 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card mvac 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card mvac 1/12 reset cold force

4.152.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface mvac
show card

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1245
config card mvac8b Nokia 1830 PSS

4.153 config card mvac8b

4.153.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for mvac8b single variable attenuator.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element you must configure a slot to accept an mvac8b
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.153.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner.

4.153.3 Input Format

config card mvac8b <slot-aid>

4.153.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.

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1246 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mvac8b

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C

{23..194} - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.

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config card mvac8b Nokia 1830 PSS

Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.

{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance


tolerance [<degrees>]

{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mvac8b

above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.153.5 Examples
# config card mvac8b *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 mvac8b Up Up
1/30 mvac8b Up Up

# config card mvac8b 1/12 description IP-Router

# config card mvac8b 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card mvac8b 1/12 reset cold force

4.153.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface mvac8b
show card

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1249
config card svac Nokia 1830 PSS

4.154 config card svac

4.154.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for SVAC single variable attenuator.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an SVAC
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.154.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.154.3 Input Format

config card svac <slot-aid>

4.154.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.

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1250 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card svac

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
{-5..90} - temperature range for °C
{23..194} - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance
lowtemp [<degrees>]
{-5..90} - temperature range for °C.
{23..194} - temperature range for °F.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1251
config card svac Nokia 1830 PSS


-5 - for °C. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.

23 - for °F. Applicable to PSS-32, PSS-16 and PSS-16II.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword without options to display the
current low temperature threshold. To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an
integer value to specify the temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered.
Specify the threshold in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance



<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card svac


{0..10} - temperature tolerance range for °C

{0..18} - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword without options to display the current
tolerance. To change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify
the card temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature
that must occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is
triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to
below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to
above 8°C. Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on
the NE (see "config admin").

4.154.5 Examples
# config card svac *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 SVAC Up Up
1/30 SVAC Up Up

# config card svac 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card svac 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card svac 1/12 reset cold force

4.154.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid>
config interface svac
show card

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1253
show card mvac Nokia 1830 PSS

4.155 show card mvac

4.155.1 Purpose
This command displays a list of all MVAC cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.155.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.155.3 Input Format

show card mvac <slot-aid>

4.155.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.155.5 Examples
# show card mvac 2/9
Shelf: 2 Slot: 9 - MVAC (Equipped: Empty)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-2-9
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73'C
Pmax : 28.00 W

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mvac

Imax : 0.72 Amps

4.155.6 Related Commands

config card mvac

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1255
show card mvac8b Nokia 1830 PSS

4.156 show card mvac8b

4.156.1 Purpose
This command displays a list of all mvac8b cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.156.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.156.3 Input Format

show card mvac8b <slot-aid>

4.156.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.156.5 Examples
# show card mvac8b 2/8
Shelf: 2 Slot: 8 - MVAC8B (Equipped: Empty)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Status LED :
Card Name : Card-2-8
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73'C
Pmax : 32.00 W

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1256 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card mvac8b

Imax : 0.82 Amps

4.156.6 Related Commands

config card mvac8b

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1257
show card svac Nokia 1830 PSS

4.157 show card svac

4.157.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all SVAC cards on the network element with brief information for each
card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.157.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.157.3 Input Format

show card svac <slot-aid>

4.157.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.157.5 Examples

# show card svac 1/10

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 - SVAC (Equipped: SVAC)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-10
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 33 °C

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1258 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card svac

4.157.6 Related Commands

config card svac

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1259
config card dcm Nokia 1830 PSS

Passive shelf-card commands

4.158 config card dcm

4.158.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a DCM card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Specify the programmed compensation distance
• Specify the fiber type contained in the DCM. DCM ending in Bcontain Fiber Bragg Grating
instead of dispersion compensating fiber.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.158.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Programmed compensation distance will be checked against actual fiber length.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.158.3 Input Format

config card dcm <slot-aid>

4.158.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the DCM cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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1260 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card dcm


<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


distance [<value>]
{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240}
{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140}
{40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240}
{20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120}
{5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40}
Specifies the programmed (expected) compensation distance in km, for comparison the with
actual fiber length in the DCM module. Enter this keyword to display the current programmed
distance. To change the programmed distance, enter this keyword followed by one of the
allowed values.
name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1261
config card dcm Nokia 1830 PSS


fibertype [<value>]
Specifies the fiber type the DCM is designed to compensate. To change the programmed type
enter this keyword followed by SSMF, ELEAF or TWRS for DCM containing dispersion
compensating fiber. Enter SSMFB or ELEAFB for DCM containing FBG. Enter SMFP for DCM
containing positive chromatic dispersion dispersion compensating fiber. Note this parameter
has been overloaded to indicate a type of dispersion compensation module, not necessarily just
the fiber type it is designed to compensate.

4.158.5 Examples
# config card dcm *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 DCM Up Up
26/1 DCM Up Up

# config card dcm 25/1 distance 60

# config card dcm 25/1 fibertype smfp

4.158.6 Related Commands

config shelf
config slot <slot-aid>
config interface dcm
show card dcm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1262 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card {itlb | itlu}

4.159 config card {itlb | itlu}

4.159.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for ITLB or ITLU. Use this command to specify a name and
description for the card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.159.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator

4.159.3 Input Format

config card {itlb | itlu} <slot-aid>

4.159.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card.
Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of
the ITLB or ITLU cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1263
config card {itlb | itlu} Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

4.159.5 Examples
# config card itlb *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 ITLB Up Up
26/1 ITLB Up Up

# config card itlb 55/1 name east

4.159.6 Related Commands

config shelf
config interface itlb
config interface itlu
show card {itlb | itlu}

Release 10.0
August 2017
1264 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card msh8-fsm

4.160 config card msh8-fsm

4.160.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for MSH8-FSM module.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an MSH8-
FSM module before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.160.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.160.3 Input Format

config card msh8-fsm <slot-aid>

4.160.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MSH8-FSM cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1265
config card msh8-fsm Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

4.160.5 Examples
# config card msh8-fsm *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 MSH8-FSM Up Up

# config card msh8-fsm 25/1 description Mesh-8 shuffle

# config card msh8-fsm 25/1 name MSH8-25-1

4.160.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
show card msh8-fsm

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1266 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card psc1-6

4.161 config card psc1-6

4.161.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for PSC1-6. Use this command to specify a name and
description for the card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.161.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.161.3 Input Format

config card psc1-6 <slot-aid>

4.161.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the PSC1-6 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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config card psc1-6 Nokia 1830 PSS


name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.161.5 Examples
# config card psc1-6

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 PSC1-6 Up Up
26/1 PSC1-6 Up Up

# config card psc1-6 25/1 description PSC1-6A

4.161.6 Related Commands

config shelf
config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface psc1-6
show card psc1-6

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1268 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card dcm

4.162 show card dcm

4.162.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all DCM cards on the network element with brief information for each
card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Note that the output Fiber Type corresponds to the DCM module type, and does not strictly reflect a
target fiber type for compensation.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.162.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.162.3 Input Format

show card dcm <slot-aid>

4.162.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all DCM cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.162.5 Examples

# show card dcm 25/1

Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 - DCM (Equipped: DCM)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Card Name : Card-25-1
Card Descr :
Compensation Distance : 20 km
Fiber Type : SSMF

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1269
show card dcm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.162.6 Related Commands

config card dcm

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1270 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card {itlb | itlu}

4.163 show card {itlb | itlu}

4.163.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all ITLB or ITLU cards on the network element with brief information
for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.163.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.163.3 Input Format

show card {itlb | itlu} <slot-aid>

4.163.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all ITLB or ITLU cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.163.5 Examples
# show card itlb 25/1
Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 - ITLB (Equipped: ITLB)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Card Name : Card-25-1
Card Descr :

4.163.6 Related Commands

config card {itlb | itlu}

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show card msh8-fsm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.164 show card msh8-fsm

4.164.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MSH8-FSM modules on the network element with brief
information for each module, or detailed information for a specific MSH8-FSM module.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.164.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.164.3 Input Format

show card msh8-fsm <slot-aid>

4.164.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MSH8-FSM modules on
the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.164.5 Examples

# show card msh8-fsm *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 MSH8-FSM Up Up

# show card msh8-fsm 25/1

Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 - MSH8-FSM (Equipped: MSH8-FSM)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up

Card Name : Card-25-1

Card Descr :

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card msh8-fsm

4.164.6 Related Commands

config card msh8-fsm

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show card psc1-6 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.165 show card psc1-6

4.165.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all PSC1-6 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.165.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.165.3 Input Format

show card psc1-6 <slot-aid>

4.165.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all PSC1-6 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.165.5 Examples
# show card sfd44 30/1
Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 - PSC1-6 (Equipped: PSC1-6)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Card Name : Card-30-1
Card Descr :

4.165.6 Related Commands

config card psc1-6

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August 2017
1274 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <sfd-sfc-card>

Filter card commands

4.166 config card <sfd-sfc-card>

4.166.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for SFDs and SFCs.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Configure one fiber mux or two fiber mode for SFC cards
SFC2 includes SFC2A - SFC2D; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-16 and PSS-32
SFC4 includes SFC4A, SFC4B; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-16, PSS-32, VWM-CW for 1830 PSS-8.
SFC8 includes SFC8 only; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8, PSS-16, PSS-32 VWM-CW for 1830 PSS-8.
SFD5 includes SFD5A - SFD5H; 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32
SFD8 includes SFD8A - SFD8D; 1830 PSS-8, PSS-16, PSS-32, VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFD2 includes SFD2A - SFD2R; VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFD4 includes SFD4A - SFD4H; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8, VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFDC8 includes SFDC8A - SFDC8E; PSS-8
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an SFD or
SFC card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.166.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.166.3 Input Format

config card [<sfd-sfc-card>] <slot-aid>

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config card <sfd-sfc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.166.4 Input Parameters



{sfc1a, sfc1b, sfc1c, sfc1d, sfc1e, sfc1f, sfc1g, sfc1h, sfc2a, sfc2b, sfc2c, sfc2d, sfc4a,
sfc4b, sfc8, sfd2a, sfd2b, sfd2c, sfd2d, sfd2e, sfd2f, sfd2g, sfd2h, sfd2i, sfd2l, sfd2m, sfd2n,
sfd2o, sfd2p, sfd2q, sfd2r, sfd4a, sfd4b, sfd4c, sfd4d, sfd4e, sfd4f, sfd4g, sfd4h, sfd5a,
sfd5b, sfd5c, sfd5d, sfd5e, sfd5f, sfd5g, sfd5h, sfd8a, sfd8b, sfd8c, sfd8d, sfdc8a, sfdc8b,
sfdc8c, sfdc8d, sfdc8e}
Identifies the SFD or SFC card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is
omitted then the card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of equipment sfd or sfc
cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
mode [onefibermux | twofiber]
onefibermux - supports bidirectional transmission over a single fiber
twofiber - supports bidirectional transmission over two fibers

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <sfd-sfc-card>


Specifies the card mode for SFC2, SFC4 or SFC8 cards on universal shelves. SFC on
VWM-CW doesn't support this mode provision.
Enter this keyword without option to display the current value.

name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.166.5 Examples
# config card sfc2a *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 SFC2A Up Up
1/5 SFC2A Up Up

# config card sfc2a 1/4 description west

4.166.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <sfd-sfc-type>
show card <sfd-sfc-type>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1277
config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} Nokia 1830 PSS

4.167 config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

4.167.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or SFD40B. Use this command
to specify a name and description for the card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.167.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.167.3 Input Format

config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <slot-aid>

4.167.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the SFD44, SFD44B,
SFD40 or SFD40B cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}


name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.167.5 Examples
# config card sfd44 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
25/1 SFD44 Up Up
26/1 SFD44 Up Up

# config card sfd44 25/1 description Bank-W

4.167.6 Related Commands

config shelf
config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}
show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1279
show card <sfd-sfc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.168 show card <sfd-sfc-card>

4.168.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all SFD or SFC cards on the network element with brief information
for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
SFC2 includes SFC2A - SFC2D; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-16 and PSS-32
SFC4 includes SFC4A, SFC4B; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-16, PSS-32, VWM-CW for 1830 PSS-8.
SFC8 includes SFC8 only; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8, PSS-16, PSS-32 VWM-CW for 1830 PSS-8.
SFD5 includes SFD5A - SFD5H; 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32
SFD8 includes SFD8A - SFD8D; 1830 PSS-8, PSS-16, PSS-32, VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFD2 includes SFD2A - SFD2R; VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFD4 includes SFD4A - SFD4H; 1830 PSS-4, PSS-8, VWM-DW for 1830 PSS-8
SFDC8 includes SFDC8A - SFDC8E; PSS-8
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.168.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.168.3 Input Format

show card <sfd-sfc-card> <slot-aid>

4.168.4 Input Parameters

{sfc1a, sfc1b, sfc1c, sfc1d, sfc1e, sfc1f, sfc1g, sfc1h, sfc2a, sfc2b, sfc2c, sfc2d, sfc4a,
sfc4b, sfc8, sfd2a, sfd2b, sfd2c, sfd2d, sfd2e, sfd2f, sfd2g, sfd2h, sfd2i, sfd2l, sfd2m, sfd2n,
sfd2o, sfd2p, sfd2q, sfd2r, sfd4a, sfd4b, sfd4c, sfd4d, sfd4e, sfd4f, sfd4g, sfd4h, sfd5a,
sfd5b, sfd5c, sfd5d, sfd5e, sfd5f, sfd5g, sfd5h, sfd8a, sfd8b, sfd8c, sfd8d, sfdc8a, sfdc8b,
sfdc8c, sfdc8d, sfdc8e}
Identifies the SFD or SFC card addressed by the following <slot-aid>. If the parameter is
omitted then the card is identified by already provisioned card in the <slot-aid>.

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <sfd-sfc-card>

followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of equipment sfd or sfc
cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.168.5 Examples
# show card sfc8 1/4

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 - SFC8 (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Down State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down Status LED :
Card Name : Card-1-4
Card Descr :
Card Mode : TwoFiber
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

Pmax : 0.2 W
Imax : 0.00 Amps

4.168.6 Related Commands

config card <sfd-sfc-card>

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show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} Nokia 1830 PSS

4.169 show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

4.169.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or SFD40B cards on the network
element with brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.169.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.169.3 Input Format

show card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <slot-aid>

4.169.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all SFD44, SFD44B,
SFD40 or SFD40B cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.169.5 Examples
# show card sfd44 30/1
Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 - SFD44 (Equipped: SFD44)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up
Card Name : Card-30-1
Card Descr :

4.169.6 Related Commands

config card {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

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1282 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <cwr-card>

Wavelength router card commands

4.170 config card <cwr-card>

4.170.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for CWR cards (colorless wavelength router).
Use this command to:
• Set the power levels for manually managed optical lines.
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
If you are pre-configuring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a CWR8 or
CWR8-88 card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.170.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Sets power levels. Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card
overheating and possible failure.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.170.3 Input Format

config card <cwr-card> <slot-aid>
addpath [channelcount | degreecount | egresspower | targetpower]

4.170.4 Input Parameters


{cwr8, cwr8-88}
Specifies the allowed colorless wavelength router card this command apply to.

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config card <cwr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all colorless wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of <cwr-card> cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: addpath


channelcount [<value>]
degreecount [<value>]
egresspower [<value>]
targetpower [<value>]
Configure the CWR8 or CWR8-88 card add-path bulk power control parameters.


channelcount [<value>]

8..44 - for CWR8

8..88 - for CWR8-88
Specify the number of channel of the add path on the CWR8 or CWR8-88 card. Enter the
keyword without parameter to display the current setting.
degreecount [<value>]


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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <cwr-card>

Specify the number of degrees connected to the card or planned number of degrees that will be
connected to this CWR. Enter the keyword without parameter to display the current setting.


egresspower [<value>]

-35..11 - specify the add path egress power in dBm. Step size is 0.01 dBm.

Specify the egress power of the add path on the CWR card. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current setting.


targetpower [<value>]

-10..10 - specify the add path target power in dBm. Step size is 0.01 dBm.

Specify the expected input power of the add path on the CWR card. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current setting.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

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config card <cwr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be greater than the low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold (lowtemp) plus the temperature tolerance (tolerance)
must be lower than the high temperature threshold (hightemp) minus the temperature tolerance
level [<value>]

{0, 3}

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1286 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <cwr-card>


parameter is applicable for CWR8-88 only.

Configure the level provisioning in optical node. If entered without a value argument following,
displays the current value for level. If entered with a value, sets the level for the card.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword without option to display the current name. To
change the name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of
the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C.

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F.

3 - for °C
5 - for °F

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1287
config card <cwr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp is at 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.170.5 Examples
# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 {cwr8|cwr8-88} Up Up
1/14 {cwr8|cwr8-88} Up Up

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/4 level

Level in Optical Node : 0

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/4 level 3

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/4 level

Level in Optical Node : 3

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/4 level 0

Error: Level cannot be changed when topology is provisioned for ports.

# config card {cwr8|cwr8-88} 1/12 reset cold force

4.170.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface {cwr8|cwr8-88}
show card <cwr-card>

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1288 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <wr-card>

4.171 config card <wr-card>

4.171.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, or WR2-88 wavelength router
Use this command to:
• Set the power levels for manually managed optical lines
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Set the level in the architecture
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a WR8-
88A, WR8-88AF, or WR2-88 card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-
aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.171.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Sets power levels.Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card
overheating and possible failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.171.3 Input Format

config card <wr-card> <slot-aid>
addpath [channelcount | degreecount | egresspower | targetpower]

4.171.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1289
config card <wr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of WR8-88A, WR8-88AF,
or WR2-88 cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


{wr8-88a, wr8-88af, wr2-88}

Specifies the allowed wavelength router card this command apply to.


channelcount [<value>]
degreecount [<value>]
egresspower [<value>]
targetpower [<value>]
Configure the WR8-88A or WR8-88AF card add-path bulk power control parameters.


channelcount [<value>]

8..88 - specify the add path egress power in dBm.

help - display the valid and default values.
To specify the number of channel of the add path on the card. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current setting.
degreecount [<value>]

1..8 - for WR8-88A and WR8-88A. Specify the add path target power in dBm.
1..2 - for WR2-88.
help - display the valid and default values.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <wr-card>


To specify the number of degrees connected to the card or planned number of degrees that will
be connected to this card. Enter the keyword without parameter to display the current setting.


egresspower [<value>]

-35..11 - specify the add path egress power in dBm.

help - display the valid and default values.

To specify the egress power of the add path on the card. Enter the keyword without parameter
to display the current setting.


targetpower [<value>]

-10..10 - specify the add path target power in dBm.

help - display the valid and default values.

Specify the expected input power of the add path on the card. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current setting.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1291
config card <wr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


level [<value>]

{0, 1, 2}


Parameter is not applicable for WR2-88.

If entered without a value argument following, displays the current value for level. If entered
with a value, sets the level for the card.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

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-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

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3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.171.5 Examples
# config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} Up Up
1/14 {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} Up Up

# config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card wr8-88a 1/12 level

Level in Optical Node : 1

# config card wr8-88a 1/12 level

Level in Optical Node : 2

# config card wr8-88a 1/14 level 2

Error: Level cannot be changed when topology is provisioned for ports.

# config card {wr8-88a|wr8-88af} 1/12 reset cold force

4.171.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface {wr8-88a|wr8-88af|wr2-88}
show card <wr-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <wr20-card>

4.172 config card <wr20-card>

4.172.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for a WR20-TF, WR20-TFM or WR20TFML wavelength
router card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a WR20-
TF, WR20-TFM or WR20TFML card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot
<slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.172.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.172.3 Input Format

config card <wr20-card> <slot-aid>

4.172.4 Input Parameters



{wr20-tf, wr20-tfm, wr20tfml}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed wavelength router card this command apply to.

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config card <wr20-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the specified card type
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


clkswitch [<source-select>]

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For PSS-32 shelf:

auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf19 - switch clock to PF in slot 19
pf36 - switch clock to PF in slot 36
For PSS-16 shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
For PSS-16II shelf:
auto - return to automatic clock switching
pf1 - switch clock to PF in slot 1
pf11 - switch clock to PF in slot 11
Select the backplane clock reference for the card. Provided to aid in diagnosis of clock off
frequency fault.
description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F

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90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <wr20-card>

occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.172.5 Examples
# config card wr20-tf *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 WR20-TF Up Up
1/12 WR20-TF Up Up

# config card wr20-tfm 2/9 hightemp 75

# config card wr20-tfm 2/9 reset cold force

4.172.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}
show card <wr20-card>

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show card <wr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.173 show card <wr-card>

4.173.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all CWR8, CWR8-88, WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, or WR2-88 cards on the
network element with brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.173.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.173.3 Input Format

show card <wr-card> <slot-aid>

4.173.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all CWR8, CWR8-88,
WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, or WR2-88 cards on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
{cwr8 | cwr8-88 | wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}
Specifies the allowed wavelength router card and colorless wavelength router card this
command apply to.

4.173.5 Examples
# show card cwr8-88 1/7
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - CWR8-88 (Equipped: cwr8-88)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier : Oper
Oper State : Down S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :

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Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 29 'C
Pmax : 40.00 W
Imax : 1.02 Amps
Provisioned Clock Source : Auto
Actual Clock Source :
Addpath TargetPower : 5.65 dBm
Addpath EgressPower : 0.13 dBm
Addpath TotalChannel : 45
Addpath ReservedDegree: 2
Level in Optical Node : 0
Flexgrid WSS : No
Card WSS granularity : 50.00 GHz

# show card {wr8-88a|wr2-88} 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - WR8-88A|WR2-88 (Equipped: WR8-88A|WR2-88)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-3.6-2
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-3
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 29 °C
Reserved Degree: 1
Level in Optical Node : 1
Flexgrid WSS : No
Card WSS granularity : 50.00 GHz

# show card wr8-88af 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - WR8-88AF (Equipped: WR8-88AF)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-3.6-2
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-1-3
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Double
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 29 °C
Reserved Degree: 1

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show card <wr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Level in Optical Node : 0

Flexgrid WSS : Yes
Card WSS granularity : 12.50 GHz

4.173.6 Related Commands

config card <cwr-card>
config card <wr-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card <wr20-card>

4.174 show card <wr20-card>

4.174.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all WR20-TF, WR20-TFM, WR20TFML cards on the network element
with brief information for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.174.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.174.3 Input Format

show card <wr20-card> <slot-aid>

4.174.4 Input Parameters



{wr20-tf, wr20-tfm, wr20tfml}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed wavelength router card this command apply to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the specified card type
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.174.5 Examples
# show card wr20-tf 1/3

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - WR20-TF (Equipped: WR20-TF)

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show card <wr20-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSSECX-20.31-42

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Double

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 28 'C

Pmax : 57.00 W
Imax : 1.46 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source : Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-19

Clk A(ref local) : -8.2 ppm

Clk B(ref local) : -8.9 ppm
Clk Delta : 0.7 ppm

Flexgrid WSS : Yes

Card WSS granularity : 6.25 GHz

# show card wr20tfml 1/3

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - WR20TFML (Equipped: WR20TFML)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load :

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 28 'C

Pmax : 57.00 W
Imax : 1.46 Amps

Provisioned Clock Source : Auto

Actual Clock Source : PF-19

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Flexgrid WSS : Yes

Card WSS granularity : 6.25 GHz

4.174.6 Related Commands

config card <wr20-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1305
config card opsa Nokia 1830 PSS

Optical protection card commands

4.175 config card opsa

4.175.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for OPSA protection switch.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the protection mode
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an OPSA
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.175.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.175.3 Input Format

config card opsa <slot-aid>

4.175.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card opsa

followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of OPSA cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

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-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

tolerance [<degrees>]

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0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


protectionmode [OCHP | OLP | OMSP]


OCHP - optical channel protection

OMSP - optical multiplex section protection
OLP - optical line protection

Specify the protection mode for OPSA. Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
The protection mode can only be changed if the ports and pack are first completely de-

4.175.5 Examples

# config card opsa *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 OPSA Up Up
1/30 OPSA Up Up

# config card opsa 1/12 description Bank-W

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config card opsa Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card opsa 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card opsa 1/12 reset cold force

4.175.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface opsa
show card opsa

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1310 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card opsb

4.176 config card opsb

4.176.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for OPSB protection switch.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
• Set the protection mode
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an OPSB
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.176.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.176.3 Input Format

config card opsb <slot-aid>

4.176.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of OPSB cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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config card opsb Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

lowtemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C.
23..194 - temperature range for °F.
-5 - for °C.
23 - for °F.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card opsb

The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F

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config card opsb Nokia 1830 PSS

The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

4.176.5 Examples
# config card opsb *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
4/2 OPSB Up Down UEQ
4/3 OPSB Up Down UEQ

# config card opsb 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card opsb 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card opsb 1/12 reset cold force

4.176.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface opsb
show card opsb

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1314 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card opsa

4.177 show card opsa

4.177.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all OPSA cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.177.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.177.3 Input Format

show card opsa <slot-aid>

4.177.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all OPSA cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.177.5 Examples

# show card opsa 2/2

Shelf: 2 Slot: 2 - OPSA (Equipped: OPSA)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS32-2.0-11
Status LED : Solid Green
Card Name : Card-2-2
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 °C Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C Temperature : 30 °C
Protection mode :OCHP

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1315
show card opsa Nokia 1830 PSS

4.177.6 Related Commands

config card opsa

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1316 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card opsb

4.178 show card opsb

4.178.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all OPSB cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.178.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.178.3 Input Format

show card opsb <slot-aid>

4.178.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all controllers in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of all OPSB cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.178.5 Examples
# show card opsb 4/2

Shelf: 4 Slot: 2 - OPSB (Equipped: OPSB)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSS-2.0-11

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-4-2

Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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show card opsb Nokia 1830 PSS

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 30 'C

Pmax : 13.00 W
Imax : 0.33 Amps

Protection mode : OTUP

# show card opsb 4/2

Shelf: 4 Slot: 2 - OPSB (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :

Card Name : Card-4-2

Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 13.00 W
Imax : 0.33 Amps

Protection mode : OTUP

4.178.6 Related Commands

config card opsb

Release 10.0
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1318 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card aar-8a

Miscellaneous card commands

4.179 config card aar-8a

4.179.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for AAR-8A.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
AAR-8A card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.179.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.179.3 Input Format

config card aar-8a <slot-aid>

4.179.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of AAR-8A cards on the
network element by location.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1319
config card aar-8a Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.
hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").

Release 10.0
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1320 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card aar-8a

Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerence in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1321
config card aar-8a Nokia 1830 PSS


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.179.5 Examples
# config card aar-8a *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/2 AAR-8A Up Up
2/3 AAR-8A Up Up

# config card aar-8a 1/2 description Bank-W

# config card aar-8a 2/3 hightemp 75

# config card aar-8a 2/3 reset cold force

4.179.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface aar-8a
show card aar-8a

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August 2017
1322 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <aar2x-card>

4.180 config card <aar2x-card>

4.180.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for dual amplifier array:
• aar2x8a - for the C-Band
• aar2x8al - for the L-Band
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept the aar2x
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").

4.180.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.180.3 Input Format

config card <aar2x-card> <slot-aid>

4.180.4 Input Parameters



{aar2x8a, aar2x8al}

Entry required
Specifies the amplifier array card this command applies to.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1323
config card <aar2x-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the specified card type
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <aar2x-card>


-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1325
config card <aar2x-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerence in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.180.5 Examples

# config card aar2x8a *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/2 AAR2X8A Up Up
2/3 AAR2X8A Up Up

# config card aar2x8a 1/2 description Bank-W

# config card aar2x8a 2/3 hightemp 75

# config card aar2x8a 2/3 reset cold force

Release 10.0
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1326 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <aar2x-card>

4.180.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface {aar2x8a | aar2x8al}
show card <aar2x-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1327
config card mcs8-16 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.181 config card mcs8-16

4.181.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for MCS8-16.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
MCS8-16 card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.181.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.181.3 Input Format

config card mcs8-16 <slot-aid>

4.181.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MCS8-16 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1328 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mcs8-16



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1329
config card mcs8-16 Nokia 1830 PSS



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerence in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]

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1330 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mcs8-16


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.181.5 Examples
# config card mcs8-16 *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/5 MCS8-16 Up Up
2/4 MCS8-16 Up Up

# config card mcs8-16 1/5 description Bank-W

# config card mcs8-16 1/5 hightemp 75

# config card mcs8-16 1/12 reset cold force

4.181.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface mcs8-16
show card mcs8-16

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1331
config card mcs8-16l Nokia 1830 PSS

4.182 config card mcs8-16l

4.182.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for MCS8-16L.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an MCS8-
16L card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.182.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.182.3 Input Format

config card mcs8-16l <slot-aid>

4.182.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MCS8-16L cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1332 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mcs8-16l



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1333
config card mcs8-16l Nokia 1830 PSS



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared. For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at
55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C, the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C.
Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerence in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]

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1334 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mcs8-16l


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.182.5 Examples
# config card mcs8-16l *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/5 MCS8-16L Up Up
2/4 MCS8-16L Up Up

# config card mcs8-16l 1/5 description Bank-W

# config card mcs8-16l 1/5 hightemp 75

# config card mcs8-161 1/5 reset cold force

4.182.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface mcs8-16l
show card mcs8-16l

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1335
config card mesh4 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.183 config card mesh4

4.183.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for MESH4.
Use this command to:
• Set the amplifier gain parameters.
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance.
• Reset the card.
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a MESH4
card before you can configure the card options. (See "config <slot-aid> type")
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.183.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Sets power levels.Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card
overheating and possible failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.183.3 Input Format

config card mesh4 <slot-aid>

Release 10.0
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1336 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mesh4

4.183.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all wavelength router in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MESH4 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1337
config card mesh4 Nokia 1830 PSS


-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1338 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card mesh4

The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

7.00..24.00 - gain in dB
18.00 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1339
config card mesh4 Nokia 1830 PSS




7.00..24.00 - gain in dB

18.00 dB
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.



7.00..24.00 - gain in dB

18.00 dB
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

7.00..24.00 - gain in dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mesh4

Specifies the per channel target power.


-3..0 - gain in dB.
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.

voasetting [<value>]
0..18 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.

4.183.5 Examples
# config card mesh4 *

Admin Oper State

Location ProgrammedType State State Qualifier
1/12 MESH4 Up Up
1/14 MESH4 Up Up

# config card mesh4 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card mesh4 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card mesh4 1/12 reset cold force

4.183.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface mesh4
show card

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1341
config card mon-ocm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.184 config card mon-ocm

4.184.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for the MON-OCM.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a MON-
OCM card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.184.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.184.3 Input Format

config card [mon-ocm] <slot-aid>

4.184.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of mon-ocm cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mon-ocm


Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.184.5 Examples
# config card mon-ocm *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 MON-OCM Up Up
1/5 MON-OCM Up Up

# config card mon-ocm 1/4 description west

4.184.6 Related Commands

config slot type
show card mon-ocm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1343
config card mon-otdr Nokia 1830 PSS

4.185 config card mon-otdr

4.185.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for the MON-OTDR.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a MON-
OTDR card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.185.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.185.3 Input Format

config card [mon-otdr] <slot-aid>

4.185.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of mon-otdr cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card mon-otdr


Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.

name [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters
Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.

4.185.5 Examples
# config card mon-otdr 1/4

4.185.6 Related Commands

config slot type
config interface mon-otdr
show card mon-otdr

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1345
config card <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.186 config card <otdr-card>

4.186.1 Purpose
This command configures card options for the following OTDR card types:
• OTDRWB ( Wide Band OTDR)
• OTDRM ( Metro OTDR)
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card.
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an OTDR-
type card before you can configure the card options. See "config slot <slot-aid> type".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.186.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure. A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.186.3 Input Format

config card <otdr-card> <slot-aid>

4.186.4 Input Parameters



{otdr, otdrwb, otdrm}

Entry required
Specifies the allowed OTDR-type card that this command applies to.

Release 10.0
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1346 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card <otdr-card>



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of OTDR-type cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1347
config card <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.


lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F

-40 - for °C (for PSS-4)

-40 - for °F ( for PSS-4)
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card <otdr-card>


0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").


reset {cold | warm} [force]


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a cold reset without first setting the ports and the card to admin

4.186.5 Examples

# config card otdr *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 OTDR Up Up
2/12 OTDR Up Up

# config card otdrwb 2/10 description Bank-W

# config card otdr 2/12 hightemp 75

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1349
config card <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

# config card otdr 2/12 reset cold force

4.186.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface <otdr-card>
show card <otdr-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1350 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm

4.187 config card wtocm

4.187.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for wtocm OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept a WTOCM
card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.187.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.187.3 Input Format

config card wtocm <slot-aid>

4.187.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of WTOCM cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1351
config card wtocm Nokia 1830 PSS



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

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1352 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (See "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(See "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1353
config card wtocm Nokia 1830 PSS


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.187.5 Examples
# config card wtocm *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/12 WTOCM Up Up
1/16 WTOCM Up Up

# config card wtocm 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card wtocm 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card wtocm 1/12 reset cold force

4.187.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface wtocm
show card wtocm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1354 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocma

4.188 config card wtocma

4.188.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for WTOCMA.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
WTOCMA card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.188.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.188.3 Input Format

config card wtocma <slot-aid>

4.188.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of WTOCMA cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1355
config card wtocma Nokia 1830 PSS



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1356 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocma



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C

23..194 - temperature range for °F

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.


tolerance [<degrees>]

0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C

0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F

3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.
For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1357
config card wtocma Nokia 1830 PSS


cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down


ondemandosnr[start | abort | status]


Start - start the Ondemand OSNR scan for selected channels.

Abort - abort the Ondemand OSNR scan, when the scan is in process.
Status - display the Ondemand OSNR scan status.Refer to "show card wtocma <slot-aid>
ondemandosnr status".
Configure the Ondemand OSNR scan (start/abort/status) for selected channels group. Refer to
"config interface wtocma <in-port-aid> ondemandchannel".

4.188.5 Examples

# config card wtocma *

Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 WTOCMA Up Up
1/12 WTOCMA Up Up

# config card wtocma 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card wtocma 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card wtocma 1/12 osnrmeasure disable

# config card wtocma 1/12 ondemandosnr start

# config card wtocma 1/12 ondemandosnr status

On-demand OSNR scan status: In process

Release 10.0
August 2017
1358 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocma

# config card wtocma 1/12 reset cold force

4.188.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface wtocma
show card wtocma

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1359
config card wtocm-f Nokia 1830 PSS

4.189 config card wtocm-f

4.189.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for WTOCM-F OT.
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
WTOCMA card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.189.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.189.3 Input Format

config card wtocm-f <slot-aid>

4.189.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of WTOCM-F cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1360 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm-f



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1361
config card wtocm-f Nokia 1830 PSS



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F

For PSS-4:
-45..90 - temperature range for °C.
-49..194 - temperature range for °F.

-40 - for °C (for PSS-4)

-40 - for °F (for PSS-4)
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.

Release 10.0
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1362 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm-f

For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.189.5 Examples
# config card wtocm-f *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 WTOCM-F Up Up
1/12 WTOCM-F Up Up

# config card wtocm-f 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card wtocm-f 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card wtocm-f 1/12 reset cold force

4.189.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface wtocm-f
show card wtocm-f

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1363
config card wtocm-fl Nokia 1830 PSS

4.190 config card wtocm-fl

4.190.1 Purpose
This command configures the card options for WTOCM-FL .
Use this command to:
• Specify a name and description for the card
• Set the card temperature thresholds and tolerance
• Reset the card
Note: If you are preconfiguring the network element, you must configure a slot to accept an
WTOCM-FL card before you can configure the card options (See "config slot <slot-aid> type").
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.190.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Temperature threshold values, if set incorrectly, can lead to card overheating and possible
failure.A cold reset is service affecting.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.190.3 Input Format

config card wtocm-fl <slot-aid>

4.190.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of WTOCM-FL cards on
the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1364 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm-fl



name [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string {1..31} characters


Specifies a name for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current name. To change the
name, enter this keyword followed by a character string that specifies the name of the card.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword to display the current description. To change
the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that provides a description of
the card.


hightemp [<degrees>]
-5..90 - temperature range for °C
23..194 - temperature range for °F
90 - for °C
194 - for °F
The high temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature above which the high temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance must be greater than
the low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1365
config card wtocm-fl Nokia 1830 PSS



lowtemp [<degrees>]

-5..90 - temperature range for °C.

23..194 - temperature range for °F.

-5 - for °C
23 - for °F

For PSS-4:
-45..90 - temperature range for °C.
-49..194 - temperature range for °F.

-40 - for °C (for PSS-4)

-40 - for °F (for PSS-4)
The low temperature threshold for the card. Enter this keyword to display the current threshold.
To change the threshold, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the
temperature below which the low temperature alarm is triggered. Specify the threshold in °C or
°F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE (see "config admin").
Note: The low temperature threshold plus the temperature tolerance must be lower than the
high temperature threshold minus the temperature tolerance.
tolerance [<degrees>]
0..10 - temperature tolerance range for °C
0..18 - temperature tolerance range for °F
3 - for °C
5 - for °F
The temperature tolerance for card. Enter this keyword to display the current tolerance. To
change the tolerance, enter this keyword followed by an integer value to specify the card
temperature tolerance. The temperature tolerance defines the change in temperature that must
occur before the alarm is cleared.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config card wtocm-fl

For example, if the high temperature alarm is triggered at 55°C and the tolerance is set to 3°C,
the alarm is not cleared until the card cools to below 52°C. Similarly, where lowtemp = 5°C, the
alarm is cleared when the card warms to above 8°C.
Specify the tolerance in °C or °F, depending on the temperature units configured on the NE
(see "config admin").

reset {cold | warm} [force]
cold - A cold restart reinitializes the card software and hardware, and is service affecting.
warm - A warm restart re-initializes the card software only, and is not service affecting.
force - optional parameter together with cold.
Performs a restart of the card.
The optional parameter force is only allowed together with cold. It allows an user with
administrator rights to perform a reset cold without setting the ports and the card to admin down

4.190.5 Examples
# config card wtocm-fl *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/7 WTOCM-FL Up Up
1/12 WTOCM-FL Up Up

# config card wtocm-fl 1/12 description Bank-W

# config card wtocm-fl 1/12 hightemp 75

# config card wtocm-fl 1/12 reset cold force

4.190.6 Related Commands

config slot <slot-aid> type
config interface wtocm-fl
show card wtocm-fl

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1367
show card aar-8a Nokia 1830 PSS

4.191 show card aar-8a

4.191.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all AAR-8A cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific AAR-8A card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.191.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.191.3 Input Format

show card aar-8a <slot-aid>

4.191.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of AAR-8A cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.191.5 Examples
# show card aar-8a 1/3
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - AAR-8A (Equipped: AAR-8A)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSSECX-16.12-10

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 25 'C

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1368 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card aar-8a

4.191.6 Related Commands

config card aar-8a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1369
show card <aar2x-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.192 show card <aar2x-card>

4.192.1 Purpose
This command shows card options for dual amplifier array:
• aar2x8a - for the C-Band
• aar2x8al - for the L-Band
Use this command to:
• Display detailed information for the card
• Display a brief overview of all cards
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.192.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.192.3 Input Format

show card <aar2x-card> <slot-aid>

4.192.4 Input Parameters



{aar2x8a, aar2x8al}

Entry required
Specifies the amplifier array card this command applies to.


<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of the specified card type
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1370 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <aar2x-card>

4.192.5 Examples
# show card aar2x8a 1/3
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - AAR2X8A (Equipped: AAR2X8A)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSSECX-16.12-10

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 25 'C

Pmax : 47.00 W
Imax : 1.20 Amps Imeas : 1.02 Amps

4.192.6 Related Commands

config card <aar2x-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1371
show card mcs8-16 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.193 show card mcs8-16

4.193.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MCS8-16 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific MCS8-16 card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.193.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.193.3 Input Format

show card mcs8-16 <slot-aid>

4.193.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MCS8-16 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.193.5 Examples
# show card mcs8-16 1/5
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 - MCS8-16 (Equipped: MCS8-16)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSSECX-16.12-10

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 25 'C

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mcs8-16

4.193.6 Related Commands

config card mcs8-16

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1373
show card mcs8-16l Nokia 1830 PSS

4.194 show card mcs8-16l

4.194.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MCS8-16L cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific MCS8-16L card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.194.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.194.3 Input Format

show card mcs8-16l <slot-aid>

4.194.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of MCS8-16 cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.194.5 Examples
# show card mcs8-16l 1/5

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 - MCS8-16L (Equipped: MCS8-16L)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up S/W Load : 1830PSSECX-16.12-10

Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Full Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mcs8-16l

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 25 'C

Pmax :
Imax :

4.194.6 Related Commands

config card mcs8-16L

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1375
show card mesh4 Nokia 1830 PSS

4.195 show card mesh4

4.195.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MESH4 cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.195.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.195.3 Input Format

show card mesh4 <slot-aid>

4.195.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.195.5 Examples
# show card mesh4 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - MESH4 (Equipped: MESH4)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-7
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
Temperature : 73 °C High Temp Threshold : 85 °C
Low Temp Threshold : -5 °C
Temp Tolerance : 3 °C
Current Gain : 23.76 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mesh4

Min Gain : 13.00 dB

Max Gain : 30.00 dB
Input to Output Gain: 22.22 dB
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
VOA setting : 3.0 dB

4.195.6 Related Commands

config card mesh4

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1377
show card mon-ocm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.196 show card mon-ocm

4.196.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MON-OCM cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.196.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.196.3 Input Format

show card mon-ocm <slot-aid>

4.196.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of mon-ocm cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.196.5 Examples

# show card mon-ocm 1/15

Shelf: 1 Slot: 15 - MON-OCM (Equipped: Empty)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ
Oper State : Down Status LED :
Card Name : Card-1-15
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single
Pmax : 0.10 W
Imax : 0.00 Amps

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mon-ocm

4.196.6 Related Commands

config card mon-ocm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1379
show card mon-otdr Nokia 1830 PSS

4.197 show card mon-otdr

4.197.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all MON-OTDR cards on the network element with brief information
for each card, or detailed information for a specific card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.197.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.197.3 Input Format

show card mon-otdr <slot-aid>

4.197.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the <shelf> and <slot> that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf
number followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of mon-otdr cards
on the network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.197.5 Examples
# show card mon-otdr 1/3
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 - MON-OTDR (Equipped: MON-OTDR)
Admin State : Up State Qualifier : FLT

Oper State : Down Status LED : Solid Green

Card Name : Card-1-3

Card Descr :

Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

Pmax : 0.10 W

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card mon-otdr

Imax : 0.00 Amps

4.197.6 Related Commands

config card mon-otdr

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1381
show card <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

4.198 show card <otdr-card>

4.198.1 Purpose
This command shows card options for :
• OTDR - LH operating at 1610nm wavelength
• OTDRWB- LH operating at 1625nm wavelength, used in C+L systems
• OTDRM - Metro OTDR operating at 1610nm wavelength
Use this command to show
• A list of all OTDR and OTDRWB cards on the network element
• Detailed information for a specific OTDR, OTDRWB or OTDRM card
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.198.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.198.3 Input Format

show card <otdr-card> <slot-aid>

4.198.4 Input Parameters

{otdr, otdrwb, otdrm}
Entry required
Specifies the allowed OTDR-type card that this command applies to.
<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Entry required

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1382 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card <otdr-card>

4.198.5 Examples
# show card otdr 1/8

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 - OTDR (Equipped: Empty)


Admin State : Up State Qualifier : UEQ

Oper State : Down S/W Load :

Status LED :
Card Name :
Card Descr :
Card Height : Full Card Width : Single
High Temp Threshold : 90 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature :

Pmax : 29.00 W
Imax : 0.74 Amps
Imeas : NA

4.198.6 Related Commands

config card <otdr-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1383
show card wtocm Nokia 1830 PSS

4.199 show card wtocm

4.199.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all wtocm cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific WTOCM card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.199.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.199.3 Input Format

show card wtocm <slot-aid>

4.199.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.199.5 Examples

# show card WTOCM 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - WTOCM (Equipped: WTOCM)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 85 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card wtocm

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73 'C

4.199.6 Related Commands

config card WTOCM

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1385
show card wtocma Nokia 1830 PSS

4.200 show card wtocma

4.200.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all wtocma cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific wtocma card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.200.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.200.3 Input Format

show card wtocma <slot-aid>

4.200.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.
* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

"Not in progress"
Display the on-demand OSNR scan status.

Display the DSP current state.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show card wtocma

4.200.5 Examples
# show card wtocma 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - wtocma (Equipped: wtocma)

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 85 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73 'C

# show card wtocma 1/12 ondemandosnr

On-demand OSNR scan status: In process

# show card wtocma 1/12 dspstate

Current DSP channel processing state: NEW CHANNEL

4.200.6 Related Commands

config card wtocma

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1387
show card wtocm-f Nokia 1830 PSS

4.201 show card wtocm-f

4.201.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all wtocm-f cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific wtocm-f card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.201.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.201.3 Input Format

show card wtocm-f <slot-aid>

4.201.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.201.5 Examples

# show card wtocm-f 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - wtocm-f (Equipped: wtocm-f)

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green
S/W Load : 1.0-08.20
Card Name : Card-1-12
Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 85 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

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1388 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card wtocm-f

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73 'C

4.201.6 Related Commands

config card wtocm-f

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1389
show card wtocm-fl Nokia 1830 PSS

4.202 show card wtocm-fl

4.202.1 Purpose
This command shows a list of all wtocm-f cards on the network element with brief information for
each card, or detailed information for a specific wtocm-fl card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.202.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.202.3 Input Format

show card wtocm-fl <slot-aid>

4.202.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - specific slot in one shelf.

* - reports a list of all cards of this type in the system.
Specifies the shelf and slot that is reserved for, or contains, the card. Enter the shelf number
followed by a slash and the slot number, or enter a * to display a list of these cards on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.202.5 Examples
# show card wtocm-fl 1/12

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 - wtocm-fl (Equipped: wtocm-fl)

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Status LED : Solid Green

S/W Load : 1.0-08.20

Card Name : Card-1-12

Card Descr :
Card Height : Half Card Width : Single

High Temp Threshold: 85 'C Temp Tolerance : 3 'C

Release 10.0
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1390 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show card wtocm-fl

Low Temp Threshold : -5 'C Temperature : 73 'C

4.202.6 Related Commands

config card wtocm-fl

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1391
config redundancy Nokia 1830 PSS

Redundancy commands

4.203 config redundancy

4.203.1 Purpose
This command configures the redundant equipment and functions.
Use this command to:
• Display the current NE database synchronization status and redundant equipment and functions
activity states.
• Switch between the active and inactive cards of a particular type.
• Switches the WT clock reference for all the cards in the shelf.
• Switches between the active and inactive redundant CRU in the specified shelf.
• Set the working and protection of the redundant F-CRU in the shelf.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
The term "CSW shelf" (central ODU switched shelf) has been defined to reference a set of shelf
types comprising of:
• PSS-24x
• PSS-8x

4.203.2 Command Access Level

Impact: An activity switch may result in unsynchronized databases.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.203.3 Input Format

config redundancy

4.203.4 Input Parameters


clkswitch <shelf-id> {<pfslot> | auto}

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Nokia 1830 PSS config redundancy


For <shelf-id>:
{1..24} - Specifies the target shelf for the WT clock reference switch.

Entry required

For <pfslot>:
{PF19, PF36} - <pfslot> reference to be selected (PSS-32)
{PF1, PF11} - <pfslot> reference to be selected (PSS-16, PSS-16II)
{PF1, PF7} - <pfslot> reference to be selected (PSS-8)
auto - returns the selection to autonomous
Switches the WT clock reference for all the cards in the shelf (to switch the WT reference
selection for one card only, see "config card <card> <slot-aid> clkswitch")
This parameter is not applicable to CSW shelves.
cruswitch <shelf-id> <pfslot>

For <shelf-id>:
{1..24} - Specifies the target shelf for the selected clock reference from one of the two CRU
Entry required
{PF1, PF7} - <pfslot> reference to be selected (PSS-8)
{PF1, PF11} - <pfslot> reference to be selected (PSS-16II)
Entry required
Switches the CRU in the specified <shelf-id> to the specified <pfslot>. You are prompted to
confirm the switch before it is performed.
The role of CRU will switch automatically if later on there are demerits on the active CRU.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1393
config redundancy Nokia 1830 PSS

• This parameter is applicable to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelf types only.
• The redundancy status of the CRU in specified <pfslot> must be inactive and be ready
to protect. If it is active, the command is denied. See "show redundancy <shelf-aid>
• For the F-CRU and S-CRU mixed configuration in one shelf, i.e. one 8DC30T F-CRU
card and one 8DC30 S-CRU card in PSS-shelf, the switch from the active F-CRU to
inactive S-CRU is denied if the "syncesupp" parameter in the "config sync <shelf-aid>"
command is set to "enable".

Synchronizes the inactive/standby database with the active database. The inactive DB gets
overwritten with data from the active DB. If the opposite direction is desired, a "switch"
command must be initiated first.
This applies to the node-level controller on the main shelf.

Displays the current NE database synchronization status and control card activity states (active
or inactive).
Note that the details for fabric protection groups are not displayed since the configuration is
defined in a sub-command that has its own parameter to show the details.
Sub-command: fabric

This parameter is used to configure the fabric protection groups in switching shelves. Due to
complexity, a sub-command has been created. Please refer to the definitions of "config
redundancy fabric" for details.
workingcru <shelf-id> {<pfslot>}
For <shelf-id>:
{1..8} - range for PSS-8 shelf.
Entry required
For <pfslot>:
{PF1, PF7} - <pfslot> reference to be selected as the working role of redundant F-CRU
cards for PSS-8 shelf

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Nokia 1830 PSS config redundancy

Sets the working and protection role of the F-CRU redundancy in PSS-8 shelf. If the F-CRU in
the specified PF slot is configured to working role, the F-CRU in another PF slot will take the
protection role automatically. Once the working and protection role is configured, the working
F-CRU will be assigned as the active F-CRU automatically, and the protection F-CRU will be
assigned as the standby F-CRU. The status of active and standby F-CRU will switch
automatically if later on there are demerits on the active F-CRU.

This parameter is applicable only to PSS-8 shelf types equipped with two F-CRU cards, i.e.
two 8DC30T cards in PSS-8 shelf.


switch <ec-type> <shelf-aid>


{ec | cec2 | 8xcec2} - EC for PSS-32, PSS-16, PSS-8, PSS-16II; CEC2 for PSS-24x,
8XCEC2 for PSS-8x
{1..24} - range for <shelf-aid>. Target shelf for the EC protection switch.

Entry required
Switches between the active and inactive redundant cards in the specified shelf.
You are prompted to confirm the switch before it is performed.
The switch will be forgotten after it has been executed; the related equipment is always in an
"auto"-mode, thus autonomous switching may occur upon status changes of underlying
Note "ec" in the syntax is a generic representation of equipment controller card.
Note that this command does not apply for fabric protection groups since they do not operate
in a 1+1 protection scheme. Please refer in this case to the sub-command "config redundancy
Note for the CEC2/8XCEC2 EQP groups in CSW shelves that the CRU (master/slave
selection) switches along with CPU roles (active/standby). There is no dedicated command for
a CRU switch, thus for a CRU switch the whole CEC2/8XCEC2 card needs to be switched.
There may be scenarios when this strict coupling of states (active CEC2/8XCEC2 to contain the
master CRU) cannot be achieved. In this case, a "Split EQP" alarm will be raised. In addition,
the split CRU and CEC2/8XCEC2 switch states can be observed by the "show redundancy"
command. The "Split EQP" scenario can be temporarily (e.g. due to pending alignment of
databases [CPU related] or alignment of clocks [CRU related]) or permanently (due to double
failures). Because of the combination of the EC and the CRU function within a single board, the
generic syntax "ec" does not apply, instead the special value "cec2" and "8xcec2" have been

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4.203.5 Examples
The following command switches from the active EC to the inactive EC in PSS-32 Shelf 3.

# config redundancy switch ec 3

WARNING: You are about to perform an activity switch. It is recommended

that the databases be synchronized before performing an activity
switch. Enter 'yes' to confirm the activity switch or 'no' to cancel.

Switching clock reference in shelf 1 from the power filter in slot 19 to the power filter in slot 36 in
PSS-32 Shelf 1.

# config redundancy 1 clkswitch PF36

The following command triggers a protection switch of the CEC2 equipment protection group in a
PSS-24x shelf having the shelf number 4. As a result, the roles of the active and inactive CEC2
cards are swapped. This includes a swap of master/slave roles of the CRU being contained on
these cards.

# config redundancy switch cec2 4

WARNING: You are about to perform an equipment protection switch. If the main shelf is
concerned, it is recommended to have the databases being synchronized before executing this
Enter 'yes' to proceed or 'no' to cancel.

The following command sets the role of F-CRU in PF slot 1 in PSS-8 to working.

# config redundancy 1 workingcru PF1

4.203.6 Related Commands

config redundancy fabric
show redundancy

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4.204 config redundancy fabric

4.204.1 Purpose
This command configures the redundancy of fabric cards in centrally switched (CSW) shelves.
Use this command to:
• Display the current status and usage of the fabrics of a switching shelf
• Lockout one fabric from the related equipment protection group
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
The term "CSW shelf" (central ODU switched shelf) has been defined to reference a set of shelf
types comprising of:
• PSS-24x
• PSS-8x

4.204.2 Command Access Level

Impact: A lockout of a switch fabric enforces the use of the remaining cards. If those are partially
failed (fabric time slot or fabric backplane link damaged) then this will impair the associated
transmission signal (probably in both the payload and the overhead transportation). If one of the
remaining cards becomes unavailable (removed or powered-off) then the equipment protection
group will temporarily ignore the lockout command in order restore the complete traffic outage (best
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

4.204.3 Input Format

config redundancy fabric <shelf>

4.204.4 Input Parameters



{1..24} - range for <shelf>. Target shelf for the lockout operation.
Enter the shelf number of a switching shelf with fabric cards to configure the fabric protection


lockout [<value>]

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{FAB07, FAB08, FAB09} - specified switch card to be locked out (PSS-24x only)
{SWCW1, SWCW2, SWCP} - specified switch card to be locked out (all CSW shelves
except PSS-24x)
clear - removes the lockout for the fabric protection group (all CSW shelves)

Performs a lockout of the specified fabric from the equipment protection.
Enter the keyword without a fabric value to display the current parameter setting.
Enter the keyword with a specific fabric value to exclude the related card from transmission and
overhead transportation. The EPS LED will go off once succeeded.
Enter the keyword with the value clear to re-enable all fabrics for transmission and overhead
transportation. It depends whether there is a need to restore transmission/overhead
immediately after the clear, whether the fabric (that was formerly locked out) will be used
immediately or not. If so the EPS LED will indicate green (InUse), if not the EPS LED will
indicate amber (NotInUse).
Note that before a different fabric can be locked out, a present lockout must be cleared.
Enter the keyword "detail" to display the current usage of fabrics, including the lockout status,
the most significant failure status and the EPS LED status.

4.204.5 Examples
The following command performs a lockout of the fabric in slot 9 from the fabric protection in a
PSS-24x switching shelf with the number 1.

# config redundancy fabric 1 lockout FAB09

WARNING: You are about to lockout a fabric from protection. If there are failures associated with
the remaining fabrics, transmission and overhead transportation will be impaired. Enter 'yes' to
proceed or 'no' to cancel:
The following command clears a lockout from the fabric protection in a switching shelf with the
number 2.

# config redundancy fabric 2 lockout clear

The following command displays the fabric protection status in a PSS-24x switching shelf with the
shelf number 3. Refer to the "show redundancy <shelf> fabric" command for the returned output.

# config redundancy fabric 3 detail

SWC Lockout Status: clear

SWC EQP Status: full redundancy available

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Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
3/7 SC96 InUse -
3/8 SC96 InUse -
3/9 SC96 NotInUse Yes

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

3/7 InUse None Solid Green
3/8 InUse None Solid Green
3/9 NotInUse None Solid Amber

The following command displays the lockout status in the PSS-24x switching shelf with the shelf
number 4 if a lockout has been already configured. If all details of the protection group shall be
displayed then use the keyword "detail" instead.

# config redundancy fabric 4 lockout

Lockout Status: FAB09

The following command displays the lockout status in the switching shelf with the shelf number 5 in
case that no lockout is (yet) configured. If all details of the protection group shall be displayed then
use the keyword "detail" instead.

# config redundancy fabric 5 lockout

Lockout Status: clear

The following command performs a lockout of the fabric in slot 7 from the fabric protection in a
PSS-8x switching shelf with the number 6.

# config redundancy fabric 6 lockout SWCW1

WARNING: You are about to lockout a fabric from protection. If there are failures associated with
the remaining fabrics, transmission and overhead transportation will be impaired. Enter 'yes' to
proceed or 'no' to cancel:
The following command displays the fabric protection status in a PSS-8x switching shelf with the
shelf number 7. Refer to the "show redundancy <shelf> fabric" command for the returned output.

# config redundancy fabric 7 detail

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SWC Lockout Status: clear

SWC EQP Status: Redundancy available

Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
7/7 SC16 InUse -
7/8 SC16 InUse -
7/9 SC16 NoInUse Yes

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

7/7 InUse None Solid Green
7/8 InUse None Solid Green
7/9 NotInUse None Solid Amber

4.204.6 Related Commands

config redundancy
show redundancy

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4.205 show redundancy

4.205.1 Purpose
The command displays the status of redundant equipment and functions. It indicates whether
standby equipment/function is ready to take over the active role.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
The term "CSW shelf" (central ODU switched shelf) has been defined to reference a set of shelf
types comprising of:
• PSS-24x
• PSS-8x

4.205.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer.

4.205.3 Input Format

show redundancy [<shelf-aid>]

4.205.4 Input Parameters

<shelf-aid> - target shelf.
It specifies a specific shelf or if omitted it displays a list of all redundant equipment and
functions in the system.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Display the WT clock switch status for all the cards in the shelf.

This parameter is not applicable to the CSW shelves.

Display the CRU clock switch status for all the cards in the shelf.

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This parameter is applicable to PSS-8 shelf types only.


Displays redundancy details of equipment protected card and functions, such as clock
reference selection mode, card activity states and readiness to take over protection functions.
The detailed list of demerits for equipment controller (EC) protection is only displayed if the
related card is present, powered and operational.

Displays the status of the fabric protection group, the fabric usage, the most significant failure of
a fabric member and its EPS LED status.

This parameter is applicable to CSW shelves only.


Displays the working role of F-CRU in the shelf.


This parameter is applicable only to PSS-8 and PSS-16II shelf types equipped with two
F-CRU cards, i.e. two 8DC30T cards in PSS-8 shelf.

4.205.5 Examples
The following command displays the clock switch redundancy status in PSS-32 shelf 1.

# show redundancy 1 clkswitch

Clock Switch: Auto

The following command displays the redundancy details in PSS-32 shelf 1.

# show redundancy 1 detail

Clock Switch : Auto

Activity ReadyTo
Slot Type State Protect
1/1 EC Active -
1/18 EC Inactive Yes

Demerit Demerit
Location Demerit Name Raised Value
1/1 Irreconcilable schemas No 1

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1/1 DB Not Fully Synched No 1

1/1 User-initiated act switch No 1
1/1 No System Timing No 1
1/1 SWL not Synched No 1
1/1 System Timing compromised No 1
1/1 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/1 Startup Diags failed No 1
1/1 Defunct Spi Bus Poll No 1
1/1 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/1 Defunct Pci Bridge No 1
1/1 Defunct Bcm Inter-chip Link No 1
1/1 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
1/1 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
1/18 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
1/18 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
1/18 User-initiated act switch No 1
1/18 No System Timing No 1
1/18 SWL not Synched No 1
1/18 System Timing compromised No 1
1/18 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/18 Startup Diags failed No 1
1/18 Defunct Spi Bus Poll No 1
1/18 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/18 Defunct Pci Bridge No 1
1/18 Defunct Bcm Inter-chip Link No 1
1/18 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
1/18 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1

The following command displays the redundancy in PSS-8 system

# show redundancy

Activity ReadyTo
Slot Type State Protect
1/18 EC Active -
2/1 EC Active -
2/18 EC Unequipped No
3/12 8EC2 Active -
3/1 PF(CRU) Active -
3/7 PF(CRU) Unequipped No

The following command displays the redundancy details of a PSS-24x main shelf with shelf. This
example shows for the EC protection the full set of demerits (including those that are only visible in

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the main shelf). Note that the demerits for the inactive EC are only listed if card is present, powered
and operational. This example shows for the fabric protection group that the protecting fabric has a
partial failure but the operator did not want to use the fabric anymore and locked it out from

# show redundancy 1 detail

SWC Lockout Status: FAB09

SWC EQP Status: Redundancy not available

Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
1/16 CEC2 Active -
1/29 CEC2 Inactive Yes
1/16 CEC2(CRU) Master -
1/29 CEC2(CRU) Slave Yes
1/7 SC96 InUse -
1/8 SC96 InUse -
1/9 SC96 LockedOut No

Demerit Demerit
Location Demerit Name Raised Value
1/16 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
1/16 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
1/16 User-initiated act switch No 1
1/16 No System Timing No 1
1/16 SWL not Synched No 1
1/16 System Timing compromised No 1
1/16 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/16 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/16 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
1/16 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
1/16 GMRE Out of Service No 1
1/16 Control Card Latch Open No 1
1/16 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1
1/29 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
1/29 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
1/29 User-initiated act switch No 1
1/29 No System Timing No 1
1/29 SWL not Synched No 1
1/29 System Timing compromised No 1
1/29 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/29 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/29 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1

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1/29 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1

1/29 GMRE Out of Service No 1
1/29 Control Card Latch Open No 1
1/29 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

1/7 InUse None Solid Green
1/8 InUse None Solid Green
1/9 NotInUse LinkFail Off

The following command displays the fabric protection details of a PSS-24x shelf with shelf number
5. In this case, multiple failures are present that require traffic restoration partially via the protection
fabric. Therefore all fabrics are in use.

# show redundancy 5 fabric

SWC Lockout Status: clear

SWC EQP Status: Redundancy in use

Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
5/7 SC96 InUse -
5/8 SC96 InUse -
5/9 SC96 InUse -

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

5/7 InUse TSFail Solid Green
5/8 InUse LinkFail Solid Green
5/9 InUse None Solid Green

The following command displays the fabric protection details of a PSS-24x shelf with shelf number
6. In this case, one fabric has been locked out and another one has been removed (auto-clear

# show redundancy 6 fabric

SWC Lockout Status: FAB08

SWC EQP Status: Traffic impaired

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Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
5/7 SC96 InUse -
5/8 SC96 LOButInUse -
5/9 SC96 NotInUse No

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

5/7 InUse TSFail Blinking Green
5/8 InUse LinkFail Blinking Green
5/9 NotInUse CardRemoved Off

The following command displays the fabric protection details of a PSS-24x shelf with shelf number
7. In this case, one fabric has been isolated due to a single latch open event.

# show redundancy 7 fabric

SWC Lockout Status: clear

SWC EQP Status: Redundancy in use

Activity Ready To
Slot Type State Protect
7/7 SC96 InUse -
7/8 SC96 NotInUse -
7/9 SC96 InUse -

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

5/7 InUse None Solid Green
5/8 NotInUse LatchOpen Solid Amber
5/9 InUse None Solid Green

The following command displays the protection details of a PSS-24x shelf with shelf number 8. It
includes the list of demerits for the equipment controller being applicable for this shelf. Note for the
EC protection, that some demerits can only be raised in the main shelf (master EC). Note further
that the demerits for the inactive EC are only listed if card is present, powered and operational.

# show redundancy 8 detail

SWC Lockout Status : CLEAR

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SWC EQP Status : Redundancy available

Slot Type Activity ReadyTo

State Protect
8/16 CEC2 Active -
8/29 CEC2 Inactive Yes
8/16 CEC2(cru) Master -
8/29 CEC2(cru) Slave Yes
8/7 SC96 InUse -
8/8 SC96 InUse -
8/9 SC96 NotInUse Yes

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

8/7 InUse None Solid Green
8/8 InUse None Solid Green
8/9 NotInUse None Solid Amber

Demerit Demerit
Location Demerit Name Raised Value
8/16 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
8/16 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
8/16 User-initiated act switch No 1
8/16 No System Timing No 1
8/16 SWL not Synched No 1
8/16 System Timing compromised No 1
8/16 System Timing clock lost No 1
8/16 System Timing HW Failure No 1
8/16 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
8/16 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
8/16 GMRE Out of Service No 1
8/16 Control Card Latch Open No 1
8/16 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1
8/29 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
8/29 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
8/29 User-initiated act switch No 1
8/29 No System Timing No 1
8/29 SWL not Synched No 1
8/29 System Timing compromised No 1
8/29 System Timing clock lost No 1
8/29 System Timing HW Failure No 1

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8/29 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1

8/29 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
8/29 GMRE Out of Service No 1
8/29 Control Card Latch Open No 1
8/29 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1

The following command displays the protection details of a PSS-8x shelf with shelf number 1. It
includes the list of demerits for the equipment controller being applicable for this shelf. Note for the
EC protection, that some demerits can only be raised in the main shelf (master EC). Note further
that the demerits for the inactive EC are only listed if card is present, powered and operational.

# show redundancy 1 detail

SWC Lockout Status : clear

SWC EQP Status : Redundancy available

Slot Type Activity ReadyTo

State Protect
1/2 8XCEC2 Active -
1/15 8XCEC2 Inactive Yes
1/2 8XCEC2(cru) Master -
1/15 8XCEC2(cru) Slave Yes
1/7 SC16 InUse -
1/8 SC16 InUse -
1/9 SC16 NotInUse Yes

Fabric Usage Failures EPS LED

1/7 InUse None Solid Green
1/8 InUse None Solid Green
1/9 NotInUse None Solid Amber

Demerit Demerit
Location Demerit Name Raised Value
1/2 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
1/2 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
1/2 User-initiated act switch No 1

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1/2 No System Timing No 1

1/2 SWL not Synched No 1
1/2 System Timing compromised No 1
1/2 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/2 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/2 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
1/2 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
1/2 GMRE Out of Service No 1
1/2 Control Card Latch Open No 1
1/2 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1
1/15 Irreconcilable schemas No 1
1/15 DB Not Fully Synched No 1
1/15 User-initiated act switch No 1
1/15 No System Timing No 1
1/15 SWL not Synched No 1
1/15 System Timing compromised No 1
1/15 System Timing clock lost No 1
1/15 System Timing HW Failure No 1
1/15 SWL Sync Period Exceeded No 1
1/15 Event Log Sync in Progress No 1
1/15 GMRE Out of Service No 1
1/15 Control Card Latch Open No 1
1/15 OAMP Link Integrity Down No 1

The following command displays the workingcru of F-CRU in PSS-8 shelf.

# show redundancy 1 workingcru

PF1 : Working
PF7 : Protection

4.205.6 Related Commands

config redundancy
config redundancy fabric

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Inventory commands

4.206 show card inventory

4.206.1 Purpose
This command displays remote inventory information for a specific card, or for all cards in a shelf,
or for all cards on the network element.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.206.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.206.3 Input Format

show card inventory <slot-aid>

4.206.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot> - address a single card.
<shelf>/* - address all cards in one shelf.
* - address all cards in the node.
Entry required
Specifies the location of the card you want to query. Enter the shelf number followed by a slash
and the slot number. Or enter the shelf number followed by a slash and a * to display a list of all
cards in one shelf. Or enter a * to display a list of all cards on the network element. See
Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric values of <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type. When a specific <shelf>/<slot> is entered, a full detail, multi-line report will
be displayed. If a wildcard retrieve is requested then a single-line per card report will be

4.206.5 Examples
# show card inventory *

Location Card Type Mnemonic Part Number Serial Number CLEI Pmax (W) Imax (A)
1/4 D5X500 D5X500 8DG62538AAAC01 EZ161041409 WOWUBDVTAA 440.00 11.28
1/6 1UD200 1UD200 8DG62549ABAA02 EZ153830820 WOTRDWJTAB 231.00 5.92

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1/7 260SCX2 260SCX2 8DG62186AAAA01 EZ1342A9908 NOCLEIYET! 286.00 7.33

1/11 11OPE8 11OPE8 8DG61285ABAA01 EZ1635A1847 WOWUBBGTAA 160.00 4.10
1/14 D5X500 D5X500 8DG62538AAAA01 EZ153231390 WOWUBDVTAA 440.00 11.28
1/18 32EC2 32EC2 8DG62635AAAC02 EZ1620A3203 WOCUA6RUAB 50.00 1.28
1/19 PF PFDC50 8DG59242BBAB01 EZ1309A3852 WOPUAC1MAA 10.00 0.26
1/36 PF PFDC50 8DG59242BBAB01 EZ1310A1049 WOPUAC1MAA 10.00 0.26
1/37 FAN FAN32H 8DG59243ABAA01 EZ1311A0279 WOCUASZUAA 255.00 6.54
1/40 USRPNL USRPNL 8DG59240AAAA01 EZ1308A2411 WOCUAKCUAA 6.00 0.15
3/1 20UC200 20UC200 3KC35452AAAA01 BU151400006 ---------- 195.00 5.00
3/5 4AN400 4AN400 3KC50312AAAD01 D0161525773 WOTRD22TAA 192.00 4.92
3/6 4AN400 4AN400 3KC50312AAAD01 D0161525787 WOTRD22TAA 192.00 4.92
3/7 SC96 SC96 3KC35464AAAA01 EZ1448A9905 ---------- 303.00 7.77
3/8 SC96 SC96 3KC35464AAAB01 D0153122656 ---------- 303.00 7.77
3/9 SC96 SC96 3KC35464AAAA01 EZ1444A9971 ---------- 303.00 7.77
3/11 2UC400 2UC400 3KC59824AAAA01 D0154423930 WOTRD5UTAA 384.00 9.85
3/15 30AN300 30AN300 3KC50322AAAA01 D0151520698 WOTRD23TAA 215.00 5.51
3/16 CEC2 CCC 3KC50335AAAD01 D0154223724 ---------- 74.00 1.90
3/20 30AN300 30AN300 3KC50322AAAA01 D0151020394 WOTRD23TAA 215.00 5.51
3/22 2UC400 2UC400 3KC59824AAAA01 NB1523A1018 WOTRD5UTAA 384.00 9.85
3/23 4AN400 4AN400 3KC50312AAAA01 D0144820060 WOTRDHUTAA 192.00 4.92
3/25 4AN400 4AN400 3KC50312AAAA01 D0151720853 WOCUAMYUAA 192.00 4.92
3/26 4UC400 4UC400 3KC59925AAAA01 D0154523940 WOTRD5UTAA 370.00 9.49
3/29 CEC2 CCC 3KC60390AAAD03 ZJ16360006S WOCUA9WUAA 74.00 1.90
3/30 FAN FAN24X 3KC50429AAAA01 ON150850067 ---------- 721.50 18.50
3/31 FAN FAN24X 3KC50429AAAA01 ON140850050 ---------- 721.50 18.50
3/32 FAN FAN24X 3KC50429AAAA01 ON140850052 ---------- 721.50 18.50
3/34 PF PSF24X 3KC50388AAAB01 D0150420185 ---------- 57.00 1.46
3/36 PF PSF24X 3KC50388AAAB01 D0150420183 ---------- 57.00 1.46
3/39 MFC MFC24X 3KC50327AAAB01 D0150220146 ---------- 0.00 0.00
6/1 PF PSF24X 3TD00011AAAA01 DS164500027 ---------- 14.00 0.36
6/2 8XCEC2 XCEC8 3TD00030AAAA01 D0163026410 ---------- 65.00 1.67

# show card inventory 1/1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 1 - EC
Company Identifier : AUSA Unit Mnemonic : EC
CLEI Code : G59241M110 Unit Part Number : 8DG59241AAM110
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : PB
Serial Number : F6081700196 Date : 080505
Customer Inventory Field : M1 1B 400:60:1D:7C:56:A8
Imax : 1.10 A
Pmax : 43 W

# show card inventory 28/1

Shelf: 28 Slot: 1 - SFD44

Company Identifier : AITA Unit Mnemonic : OMD44

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CLEI Code : NGMFB10CRA Unit Part Number : 8DG59248AAAA01

Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : NETC
Serial Number : NE081100003 Date : 080314
Customer Inventory Field : --------------------------------------------
Imax : <0.03 A
Pmax : <1 W

# show card inventory 1/7

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 - SC96

Company Identifier : NOK Unit Mnemonic : SC96
CLEI Code : ---------- Unit Part Number : 3KC35464AAAB01
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : D0
Serial Number : D0151620745 Date : 150506
Extra Data : --------------------------------------------
Imax : 3.85 Amps Pmax : 150.00 W

# show card inventory 1/*

Location Card Type Part Number Serial Number CLEI Pmax(W) Imax(A)
1/3 11STAR1 8DG59249AAAA PB075141081 NG17AFDMAA 47 1.21
1/7 11STMM10 8DG59251AAM120 PB082841827 G59251M120 127 3.26
1/8 11STMM10 8DG59251AAM120 PB082541788 G59251M120 127 3.26
1/16 43STX4P 8DG59251AAM120 PB082541788 G59251M466 147 3.77
1/23 FLC 8DG59241AA10 PB080141299445566 NG45DFGMAA 55 1.41
1/41 FAN 8DG59243AAAA1B PB080141284667788 G59243M11B 255 6.54
1/42 BTC 8DG59249AAAA PB075141089112233 NG17AFDMAA 12 0.31
1/43 BTC 8DG59249AAAA PB075141089111222 NG17AFDMAA 12 0.31
1/44 PF 8DG59242AAAA10 PB080141323223344 G5924AM145 10 0.26
1/45 PF 8DG59242ABAA02 F6081200147334455 G5924AM145 10 0.26
1/11 MT0C 8DG59249AAAA PB075141089008855 NG17AFDMCC 76 1.95

4.206.6 Related Commands

show slot
show card

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1412 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface inventory

4.207 show interface inventory

4.207.1 Purpose
This command displays the remote inventory information for a SFP/XFP/CFP/.. pluggable module
in a port on a card, or for all ports on a card, or for all ports on a shelf, or for all ports on the network
This command displays the remote inventory information for a QSFP/QSFP28 pluggable module in
a port on a card, or for all ports on a card, or for all ports on a shelf, or for all ports on the network
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

4.207.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.207.3 Input Format

show interface inventory <port-aid>

4.207.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - address a single port.
<shelf>/<slot>/* - address all port of a single card.
<shelf>/* - address all port of one shelf.
* - address all ports in the node.
Entry required
Specifies the location of the port you want to query.
Enter the shelf number followed by a slash and the slot number followed by a slash and the port
number to display the details of the addressed pluggable port.
Or enter the shelf number followed by a slash and the slot number followed by a slash and a *
to display a list of all pluggable ports in one shelf.
Or enter the shelf number followed by a slash and a * to display a list of all pluggable ports in
one shelf.
Or enter a * to display a list of all pluggable ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric values of <shelf>, <slot> and <port>
ranges for each supported shelf type and card.
When a specific <shelf>/<slot>/<port> is entered, a full detail, multi-line report will be displayed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1413
show interface inventory Nokia 1830 PSS

If a wildcard retrieve is requested then a single-line per port report will be displayed.

4.207.5 Examples

# show interface inventory 1/*

Location Module Type Part Number Serial Number

1/3/1 2AC100 3KC59929AAAB D0160725365
1/3/2 2AC100 3KC59929AAAB D0160725359
1/3/3 2AC100 3KC59929AAAA D0160224969
1/3/4 2AC100 3KC59929AAAB D0160725347
1/24/2 SXS64.2b 1AB390930014 ALLU14--HL47000042
1/24/7 SXI64.1 1AB390930013 ALLU15--FA39104108
1/24/16 SXI64.1 1AB390930013 ALLU15--FA40109406
1/24/23 SXI64.1 1AB390930013 ALLU15--HL45002255
1/26/1 C4CLR4D 3AL82023AAAA LBALLU-PP153600005
1/26/3 C4CLR4D 3AL82023AAAA LBALLU-PP153600007
1/39/SENSOR TPSC24X 3KC50486AAAB01 LBALLU-D0152822315

# show interface inventory 1/26/3

Shelf: 1 Slot: 26 Port: 3 - 4AN400 Client Port [OTU4]

Module Vendor : NOK Module Type : C4CLR4D
CLEI Code : WOTRDN6TAA Unit Part Number : 3AL82023AAAA
Software Part Number : TRA5E20FNF-LF3 Factory Identifier : -
Module Vendor Serial Num : LBALLU-PP153600007 Date : 150908
Maximum Case Temperature : 75 'C Frequency : 1295
IM/ICS : 01 Acronym Code : C44L2W28G10C
Extra Data : --------------------------------------------

# show interface inventory 1/24/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 24 Port: 2 - 30AN300 Client Port [OTU2]

Module Vendor : NOK Module Type : SXS64.2b
CLEI Code : WOTRC5RTAA Unit Part Number : 1AB390930014
Software Part Number : SPP10SEREDFAAT Factory Identifier : -
Module Vendor Serial Num : ALLU14--HL47000042 Date : 140630
Maximum Case Temperature : 85 'C Frequency : 1550
IM/ICS : S01:01 Acronym Code : S11M40E
Extra Data : -----ETR------------------------------------

# show interface inventory 1/3/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: 2 - 4UC400 Network port [OTU4]

Module Vendor : NOK Module Type : 2AC100

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface inventory

CLEI Code : WOTRD4TTTA Unit Part Number : 3KC59929AAAB

Software Part Number : 3KC59929AAAB01 Factory Identifier : -
Module Vendor Serial Num : D0160725359 Date : 160331
Maximum Case Temperature : 85 'C Frequency : Tunable
IM/ICS : 01 Acronym Code : 2AC100
Extra Data : -----ETR------------------------------------

# show interface inventory 1/39/sensor

Shelf: 1 Slot: 39 Port: SENSOR - SENSOR Port [66]

Module Vendor : AITA Module Type : TPSC24X
CLEI Code : ---------- Unit Part Number : 3KC50486AAAB01
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : D0
Module Vendor Serial Num : LBALLU-D0152822315 Date : 150731
Maximum Case Temperature : Frequency :
IM/ICS : Acronym Code :
Extra Data : --------------------------------------------

4.207.6 Related Commands

show slot
show card

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1415
show shelf inventory Nokia 1830 PSS

4.208 show shelf inventory

4.208.1 Purpose
Display remote inventory information for a specific shelf or for all shelves on the network element.
This command is not applicable for external shelf, such as DCM shelf and so on.
This command applies to PSS-4, PSS-24x and PSS-8x shelves only.

4.208.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

4.208.3 Input Format

show shelf inventory <shelfnum>

4.208.4 Input Parameters

1..24 - Specifies the shelf
* - displays a list of all shelves
Specifies the shelf. Enter the shelf number, or enter a * to display a list of all shelves on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

4.208.5 Examples
Examples for PSS-4:

# show shelf inventory *

Shelf Type Part Number Serial Number CLEI

1 PSS-4 8DG59240AAAA01 EZ091330233 WOCUAKCUAA

# show shelf inventory 1

Shelf: 1 Type: PSS-4

Company Identifier : AITA Unit Mnemonic :
CLEI Code : WOCUAKCUAA Unit Part Number : 8DG59240AAAA01
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : EZ
Serial Number : EZ091330233 Date : 090330

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Nokia 1830 PSS show shelf inventory

Extra Data : -----------------------400:60:1D:7D:B2:A8

Examples for PSS-24x:

# show shelf inventory *

Shelf Type Part Number Serial Number CLEI

1 PSS-24x 12345678901234 123456789012345678 1234567890
3 PSS-24x 3KC50378AAAA05 LBALLU-SH1546MH780 ----------
4 PSS-24x 3KC50378AAAA05 -SH1546MH793 ----------
21 PSS-24x 3KC50378AAAA05 LBALLU-SH1546MH783 ----------

# show shelf inventory 3

Shelf: 1 Type: PSS-24x

Company Identifier : NOK Unit Mnemonic : PSS24X
CLEI Code : ---------- Unit Part Number : 3KC50378AAAA05
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : SH
Serial Number : LBALLU-SH1546MH788 Date : 151109
Extra Data : --------------------------------------------

Examples for PSS-8x:

# show shelf inventory *

Shelf Type Part Number Serial Number CLEI

1 PSS-8x 12345678901234 123456789012345678 1234567890
2 PSS-8x 3TD00072AAAA01 ZJ1546MH780 ----------
5 PSS-8x 3TD00072AAAA01 ZJ1546MH793 ----------
13 PSS-8x 3TD00072AAAA01 ZJ1546MH783 ----------

# show shelf inventory 3

Shelf: 1 Type: PSS-8x

Company Identifier : NOK Unit Mnemonic : PSS8X
CLEI Code : ---------- Unit Part Number : 3TD00072AAAA01
Software Part Number : -------------- Factory Identifier : ZJ
Serial Number : ZJ1546MH788 Date : 161109
Extra Data : --------------------------------------------

4.208.6 Related Commands

config shelf

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1417
show shelf inventory Nokia 1830 PSS

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Nokia 1830 PSS

Part III: Card (core, OT, OTH) management

This part describes the CLI commands related to the functional aspects of all 1830 PSS cards
(core, OT, and OTH) with exception of the packet cards.
Note: The configuration and management details of packet transport are described in Part VI:
“Packet transport service management”.


Chapter 5, Core optics management commands 1421

Chapter 6, OT management commands 2561
Chapter 7, OTH facility management commands 5835

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1419
Nokia 1830 PSS

Release 10.0
August 2017
1420 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Core optics management commands

5 Core optics management commands

5.1 Overview

5.1.1 Purpose
This chapter contains various commands related to core optics management.

5.1.2 Contents

5.1 Overview 1421

Amplifier common commands 1437
5.2 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid 1437
LD-type card 1445
5.3 config interface <ld-card> 1445
5.4 config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state 1447
5.5 config interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid> 1449
5.6 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> 1452
5.7 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm 1456
5.8 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> 1459
5.9 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm 1463
5.10 config interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid> 1466
5.11 config interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid> 1467
5.12 show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid> 1475
5.13 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> 1477
5.14 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm 1480
5.15 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> 1483
5.16 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm 1486
5.17 show interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid> 1489
5.18 show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid> 1490
AAR-8A 1493
5.19 config interface aar-8a 1493
5.20 config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state 1494

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1421
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.21 config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> 1496

5.22 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> 1498
5.23 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing 1500
5.24 show interface aar-8a 1502
5.25 show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> 1503
5.26 show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> 1505
AAR2X-card 1507
5.27 config interface <aar2x-card> 1507
5.28 config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state 1509
5.29 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> 1511
5.30 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> 1514
5.31 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing 1517
5.32 show interface <aar2x-card> 1519
5.33 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> 1521
5.34 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> 1523
AM2032A 1525
5.35 config interface am2032a 1525
5.36 config interface am2032a <port-aid> state 1526
5.37 config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid> 1528
5.38 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> 1530
5.39 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm 1533
5.40 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> 1535
5.41 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1541
5.42 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing 1543
5.43 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1545
5.44 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1548
5.45 config interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid> 1550
5.46 show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid> 1551
5.47 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> 1553
5.48 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm 1556
5.49 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> 1558

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1422 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

5.50 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1561

5.51 show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid> 1563
5.52 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1565
5.53 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1567
5.54 show interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid> 1569
AM2125A and AM2125B 1570
5.55 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} 1570
5.56 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state 1571
5.57 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> 1573
5.58 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> 1575
5.59 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm 1578
5.60 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> 1580
5.61 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm 1587
5.62 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing 1589
5.63 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> 1591
5.64 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1594
5.65 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid> 1596
5.66 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> 1597
5.67 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> 1599
5.68 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm 1602
5.69 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid> 1604
5.70 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> 1606
5.71 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1608
5.72 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid> 1610
5.73 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> 1611
5.74 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-portr-aid> pm 1614
AM2318A 1616
5.75 config interface am2318a 1616
5.76 config interface am2318a <port-aid> state 1617
5.77 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> 1619
5.78 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm 1622

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1423
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.79 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> 1624

5.80 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing 1630
5.81 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1632
5.82 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1634
5.83 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1637
5.84 config interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid> 1639
5.85 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> 1640
5.86 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm 1643
5.87 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> 1645
5.88 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1648
5.89 show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid> 1650
5.90 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1652
5.91 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1654
5.92 show interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid> 1656
AM2625A 1657
5.93 config interface am2625a 1657
5.94 config interface am2625a <port-aid> state 1658
5.95 config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid> 1660
5.96 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> 1662
5.97 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm 1665
5.98 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> 1667
5.99 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1672
5.100 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1674
5.101 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1677
5.102 config interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid> 1679
5.103 show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid> 1680
5.104 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> 1682
5.105 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm 1685
5.106 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> 1687
5.107 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm 1690
5.108 show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid> 1692

Release 10.0
August 2017
1424 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

5.109 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> 1694

5.110 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1696
5.111 show interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid> 1698
ASWG 1699
5.112 config interface aswg 1699
5.113 config interface aswg <port-aid> state 1700
5.114 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> 1702
5.115 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm 1705
5.116 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> 1707
5.117 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm 1714
5.118 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> testing 1716
5.119 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> 1718
5.120 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1721
5.121 config interface aswg <custlan-port-aid> 1723
5.122 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> 1724
5.123 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm 1727
5.124 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> 1729
5.125 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm 1732
5.126 show interface aswg <osc-port-aid> 1734
5.127 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> 1735
5.128 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1737
5.129 show interface aswg <custlan-port-aid> 1739
5.130 show interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid> 1740
5.131 show interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid> 1741
5.132 config interface <aa2d-card> 1742
5.133 config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state 1744
5.134 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> 1746
5.135 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm 1750
5.136 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> 1752
5.137 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm 1756

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1425
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.138 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> 1758

5.139 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1763
5.140 config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> 1765
5.141 config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> 1767
5.142 show interface <aa2d-card> 1770
5.143 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> 1772
5.144 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm 1774
5.145 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> 1776
5.146 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm 1778
5.147 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> 1780
5.148 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1782
5.149 show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> 1784
5.150 show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> 1786
5.151 config interface awbegr 1788
5.152 config interface awbegr <port-aid> state 1789
5.153 config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> 1791
5.154 config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> 1794
5.155 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> 1797
5.156 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm 1808
5.157 show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> 1810
5.158 show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> 1812
5.159 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> 1815
5.160 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm 1819
5.161 show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid> 1821
5.162 show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid> 1823
5.163 config interface awbila 1825
5.164 config interface awbila <port-aid> state 1826
5.165 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> 1828
5.166 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm 1832

Release 10.0
August 2017
1426 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

5.167 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> 1834

5.168 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm 1845
5.169 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> 1847
5.170 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1850
5.171 config interface awbila <custlan-port-aid> 1852
5.172 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> 1853
5.173 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm 1856
5.174 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> 1858
5.175 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm 1862
5.176 show interface awbila <osc-port-aid> 1864
5.177 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> 1866
5.178 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1868
5.179 show interface awbila <custlan-port-aid> 1870
5.180 show interface awbila <otdrrx-port-aid> 1871
5.181 show interface awbila <otdrtx-port-aid> 1872
5.182 config interface awbing 1873
5.183 config interface awbing <port-aid> state 1874
5.184 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> 1876
5.185 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm 1880
5.186 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> 1882
5.187 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> testing 1888
5.188 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> 1890
5.189 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> testing 1896
5.190 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> 1898
5.191 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1901
5.192 config interface awbing <custlan-port-aid> 1903
5.193 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> 1904
5.194 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm 1907
5.195 show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> 1909
5.196 show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> 1912

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1427
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.197 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> 1915

5.198 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1917
5.199 show interface awbing <custlan-port-aid> 1919
5.200 show interface awbing <otdrrx-port-aid> 1920
5.201 config interface osctapr 1921
5.202 config interface osctapr <port-aid> state 1922
5.203 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> 1924
5.204 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm 1926
5.205 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> 1928
5.206 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1931
5.207 config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid> 1933
5.208 config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid> 1935
5.209 config interface osctapr <va-port-aid> 1937
5.210 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> 1939
5.211 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm 1941
5.212 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> 1943
5.213 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1945
5.214 show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid> 1947
5.215 show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid> 1949
5.216 show interface osctapr <va-port-aid> 1950
A2P2125 1952
5.217 config interface a2p2125 1952
5.218 config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state 1953
5.219 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> 1955
5.220 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm 1961
5.221 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> 1963
5.222 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm 1969
5.223 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing 1971
5.224 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> 1973
5.225 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1976

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5.226 config interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid> 1978

5.227 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> 1979
5.228 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm 1982
5.229 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> 1984
5.230 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm 1987
5.231 show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid> 1989
5.232 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> 1991
5.233 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 1993
5.234 show interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid> 1995
A4PSWG 1996
5.235 config interface a4pswg 1996
5.236 config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state 1997
5.237 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> 1999
5.238 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm 2005
5.239 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> 2007
5.240 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm 2014
5.241 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> testing 2016
5.242 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> 2018
5.243 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2021
5.244 config interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid> 2023
5.245 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> 2024
5.246 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm 2027
5.247 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> 2029
5.248 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm 2032
5.249 show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid> 2034
5.250 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> 2036
5.251 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2038
5.252 show interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid> 2040
5.253 show interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid> 2041
5.254 show interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid> 2042
RA-type card 2043

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.255 config interface <ra-card> 2043

5.256 config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state 2044
5.257 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> 2046
5.258 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm 2052
5.259 config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> 2054
5.260 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> 2056
5.261 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm 2059
5.262 show interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> 2061
5.263 show interface ra2p-96 <otdrrx-port-aid> 2063
DCM 2064
5.264 config interface dcm <port-aid> 2064
5.265 config interface dcm <port-aid> state 2066
5.266 show interface dcm <port-aid> 2068
ITLB 2070
5.267 config interface itlb <port-aid> 2070
5.268 config interface itlb <port-aid> state 2072
5.269 show interface itlb <port-aid> 2074
ITLU 2075
5.270 config interface itlu <port-aid> 2075
5.271 config interface itlu <port-aid> state 2077
SFD40|SFD40B and SFD44|SFD44B 2079
5.272 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid> 2079
5.273 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid> state 2083
5.274 show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b} 2085
PSC1-6 2087
5.275 config interface psc1-6 2087
5.276 config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state 2088
5.277 config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid> 2090
5.278 config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid> 2092
5.279 show interface psc1-6 2095
Filter card port interface commands 2097

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5.280 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> 2097

5.281 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state 2103
5.282 show interface <sfd-sfc-card> 2105
CWR8 and CWR8-88 2108
5.283 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} 2108
5.284 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state 2109
5.285 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid> 2111
5.286 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid> 2115
5.287 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid> 2117
5.288 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid> 2119
5.289 show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} 2121
WR2-88 and WR8-88A and WR8-88AF 2124
5.290 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} 2124
5.291 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state 2125
5.292 config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid> 2127
5.293 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid> 2129
5.294 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid> 2131
5.295 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid> 2133
5.296 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> 2135
5.297 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten 2137
5.298 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid> 2139
5.299 show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} 2141
WR20-TFM and WR20-TF and WR20TFML 2146
5.300 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} 2146
5.301 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state 2147
5.302 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid> 2149
5.303 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> 2153
5.304 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing 2156
5.305 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten 2158
5.306 show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} 2160
IROADM-type card 2164

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.307 config interface <iroadm-card> 2164

5.308 config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state 2166
5.309 config interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid> 2168
5.310 config interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid> 2172
5.311 config interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid> 2173
5.312 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> 2175
5.313 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm 2183
5.314 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> 2185
5.315 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm 2193
5.316 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> 2195
5.317 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2199
5.318 config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> 2201
5.319 show interface <iroadm-card> 2203
5.320 show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid> 2205
5.321 show interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid> 2207
5.322 show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid> 2208
5.323 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> 2210
5.324 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm 2213
5.325 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> 2215
5.326 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm 2219
5.327 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> 2221
5.328 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2224
5.329 show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> 2226
MESH4 2228
5.330 config interface mesh4 2228
5.331 config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state 2229
5.332 config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> 2231
5.333 config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid> 2233
5.334 show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> 2235
5.335 show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid> 2237
MON-OCM 2239

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

5.336 config interface mon-ocm 2239

5.337 show interface mon-ocm 2242
5.338 config interface mon-otdr 2244
5.339 show interface mon-otdr 2247
OSCT 2249
5.340 config interface osct 2249
5.341 config interface osct <port-aid> state 2250
5.342 config interface osct <line-port-aid> 2252
5.343 config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm 2255
5.344 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> 2257
5.345 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2260
5.346 config interface osct <sig-port-aid> 2262
5.347 show interface osct <line-port-aid> 2264
5.348 show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm 2266
5.349 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> 2268
5.350 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm 2270
5.351 show interface osct <sig-port-aid> 2272
OTDR-card 2273
5.352 config interface <otdr-card> 2273
5.353 show interface <otdr-card> 2276
OTDR Scan 2278
5.354 config otdrscan 2278
5.355 show otdrscan 2287
5.356 show otdrscan <port-aid> 2289
5.357 show otdrscan profile 2293
5.358 show otdrscan profilem 2295
WTOCM 2297
5.359 config interface wtocm 2297
5.360 config interface wtocm <port-aid> state 2298
5.361 config interface wtocm <line-port-aid> 2300

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.362 show interface wtocm <line-port-aid> 2304

5.363 config interface wtocma 2308
5.364 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state 2309
5.365 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> 2311
5.366 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm 2316
5.367 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> 2318
5.368 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm 2322
WTOCM-F 2323
5.369 config interface wtocm-f 2323
5.370 config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state 2324
5.371 config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> 2326
5.372 show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> 2330
5.373 config interface wtocm-fl 2334
5.374 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state 2335
5.375 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> 2337
5.376 show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> 2340
MCS8-16 and MCS8-16L 2342
5.377 config interface <mcs-card> 2342
5.378 config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state 2344
5.379 config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid> 2346
5.380 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> 2348
5.381 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing 2352
5.382 show interface <mcs-card> 2354
5.383 show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid> 2356
5.384 show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> 2359
OPSA 2362
5.385 config interface opsa 2362
5.386 config interface opsa <port-aid> state 2363
5.387 config interface opsa <sig-port-aid> 2365

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Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

5.388 config interface opsa <a-port-aid> 2367

5.389 config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch 2370
5.390 config interface opsa <b-port-aid> 2374
5.391 config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch 2377
5.392 show interface opsa 2381
OPSB 2384
5.393 config interface opsb 2384
5.394 config interface opsb <port-aid> state 2385
5.395 config interface opsb <sig-port-aid> 2387
5.396 config interface opsb <a-port-aid> 2389
5.397 config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch 2391
5.398 config interface opsb <b-port-aid> 2394
5.399 config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch 2396
5.400 show interface opsb 2399
Optical power management commands 2401
5.401 config interface powermgmt 2401
5.402 config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> 2403
5.403 config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid> 2410
5.404 config interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> 2422
5.405 config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> 2425
5.406 config powermgmt 2429
5.407 config powermgmt anyadd 2431
5.408 config powermgmt anydrop 2434
5.409 config powermgmt egress 2437
5.410 config powermgmt general 2460
5.411 config powermgmt ingress 2467
5.412 show interface powermgmt 2486
5.413 show interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> 2487
5.414 show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid> 2491
5.415 show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> 2495
5.416 show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> 2497

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

5.417 show powermgmt 2499

Wavekey general commands 2508
5.418 show wavekey 2508
5.419 show wavekey unexpected 2510
5.420 show wavekey wtmonitor 2512
5.421 show wavekey wtsource 2519
5.422 show wavekey wtdomain 2521
5.423 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey 2524
5.424 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> 2533
5.425 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> 2541
5.426 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey 2549

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid

Amplifier common commands

5.2 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid

5.2.1 Purpose
This command displays summary information about the flexible grid capabilities of the degree,
viewed at the outside fiber plant facing amplifier card(s).
Use this command to:
• Display a table of list of the flexible grid capabilities of the optical degree.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.2.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.2.3 Input Format

show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid

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show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid Nokia 1830 PSS

5.2.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Specifies the card type for which the command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid


Ports for a2p2125:
Ports for a4pswg:
Ports for a2325a:
Ports for aa2donw:
Ports for aa2donw:
Ports for ahplg:
Ports for ahphg:
Ports for alphg:
Ports for am2017b:
Ports for am2325b:
Ports for am2032a:
Ports for am2125a:
Ports for am2125b:

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show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid Nokia 1830 PSS

Ports for am2318a:

Ports for am2625a:
Ports for aswg:
Ports for awbegr:
Ports for awbing:
Ports for awbila:
Ports for iroadmf:
Ports for iroadmv:
Ports for iroadm9m:
Ports for osct:
Ports for osctapr:
Ports for ra2p:
Ports for ra2p-96:

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid

Ports for ra2p:


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Only ports with topology connected to external (or to OPSA Sig port of OLP mode OPSA
pack) return the flexgrid parameter output.

5.2.5 Examples
The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINE port of an EDFA amplifier pack:

# show interface ahplg 2/11/line flexgrid

Shelf: 2 Slot: 11 Port: LINE - AHPLG Line Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band Out : False
Flexgrid WSS C band : True
Line minimum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 4
Line maximum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 6
Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band In : False
Granularity factor for optical line C band : 6.25 GHz
OADM or DGE bands supported : C band
DCM exists for degree Out : No
DCM exists for degree In : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEIN port of an EDFA or hybrid
amplifier pack:

# show interface am2318a 1/7/linein flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: LINEIN - AM2318A Line In Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 191525 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band In : True

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show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid Nokia 1830 PSS

DCM exists for degree In : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEOUT port of an EDFA or hybrid
amplifier pack:

# show interface am2318a 1/13/lineout flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: LINEOUT - AM2318A Line Out Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 191525 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band Out : True
Flexgrid WSS C band : True
Line minimum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 4
Line maximum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 6
Granularity factor for optical line C band : 6.25 GHz
OADM or DGE bands supported : C band
DCM exists for degree Out : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEIN port of a Raman amplifier

# show interface ra2p-96 1/2/linein flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Port: LINEIN - RA2P-96 Line In Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band In : True
DCM exists for degree In : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINE port of an EDFA amplifier pack
that is also connected to a Raman amplifier pack:

# show interface ahplg 2/11/line flexgrid

Shelf: 2 Slot: 11 Port: LINE - AHPLG Line Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 196075 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band Out : False
Flexgrid WSS C band : True
Line minimum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 4
Line maximum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 6
Granularity factor for optical line C band : 6.25 GHz
OADM or DGE bands supported : C band
DCM exists for degree Out : No

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEIN port of a Raman amplifier
pack supporting C band and L band:

# show interface ra5p 1/2/linein flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Port: LINEIN - RA5P Line In Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 196075 GHz
Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band In : 186075 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band In : 190875 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band In : True
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels L band In : True
DCM exists for degree In : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEIN port of an EDFA amplifier
pack supporting C band and L band:

# show interface awbila 1/5/linein flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - AWBILA Line In Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 191275 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band In : 196075 GHz
Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band In : 186075 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band In : 190875 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band In : True
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels L band In : True
DCM exists for degree In : No

The following is an example of the flexible grid properties for a LINEOUT port of an EDFA amplifier
pack supporting C band and L band:

# show interface awbila 1/5/lineout flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBILA Line Out Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 191275 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels C band Out : 196075 GHz
Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band Out : 186075 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels L band Out : 190875 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels C band Out : True
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels L band Out : True
Flexgrid WSS C band : False
Flexgrid WSS L band : False
Line minimum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 4
Line maximum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width C band : 6

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Line minimum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width L band : 4

Line maximum number of 12.5G slices allowed in xc width L band : 6
Granularity factor for optical line C band : 6.25 GHz
Granularity factor for optical line L band : 6.25 GHz
OADM or DGE bands supported : none
DCM exists for degree Out : No

5.2.6 Related Commands


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1444 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <ld-card>

LD-type card

5.3 config interface <ld-card>

5.3.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the SIG, LINE, DCM, INV,
OSC or CUSTLAN port.
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.3.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.3.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <port-aid>

5.3.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed. am2017b and
am2325b cards are not supported for CUSTLAN port.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1445
config interface <ld-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state

5.4 config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state

5.4.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.4.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.4.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state

5.4.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.

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config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - optical line port
<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - optical supervisory channel port
* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the selcted cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Set to up to enable the port.
For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSC: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the system.
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.4.5 Examples
# config interface alphg 1/3/line state down

5.4.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card> <port-id> state

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5.5 config interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.5.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to display the current settings for the port
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.5.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.5.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.5.4 Input Parameters


Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.

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* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the DCM port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.5.5 Examples
(config-interface-alphg-1/9/dcm)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 Port: DCM - ALPHG DCM Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down

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Total Power Out :

5.5.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card>

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config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.6 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

5.6.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Define the IP address on any equipped Raman or Booster Amplifiers
• Set the APR hold-off time
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.6.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.6.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

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5.6.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprholdoff [<value>]

{yes, no}

Sets the hold-off time for Automatic Power Reduction. This setting only needs to be changed
when the LD is deployed in a network using Optical Line Protection.When configured to value
yes the hold-off time prior to APR will be applied. When configured to value no the hold-off time
will not be applied prior to APR.

This parameter only applies to ALPHG, AHPHG, AHPLG, and A2325A LD types.

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Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINE port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


deviationout [<value>]

help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-out from the target power per channel.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

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-30..11 - specify the add path egress power in dBm.

help - display the valid and default values
Specifies the target power per channel.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINE port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.6.5 Examples
(config-interface-alphg-1/3/line)# targetpower 0

(config-interface-ahphg-1/4/line)# aprholdoff yes

5.6.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card>

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config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.7 config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.7.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.7.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.7.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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5.7.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin

Configure the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.7.5 Examples
(config-interface-alphg-1/3/line-PM)# clearAll

5.7.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.8 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.8.1 Purpose
Configure the optical supervisory channel (osc) interface port on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• display the current settings for the port
• configure the osc functionality
• configure the state of the port
• configure PM for the port
• configure ospf parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.8.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.8.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

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5.8.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - optical supervisory channel port

* - use this to display information about all ports of this card type
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card types in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the

Display the current settings for the port.

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mode [100BASEFX | OC3 | STM1]


100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal

OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
STM1 - set the port to carry an STM-1 signal

Specifies the port mode for the OSC interface port.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots moduletype [<value>]


SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal

SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
auto - automatic module detection on insertion

Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.

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ots oscmtu [<value>]
Maximum transmission unit. The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
Configure the port state for a specific interface port. See "config interface <ld-card> <port-aid>
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type of the OSC port

5.8.5 Examples
# config interface alphg 1/9/OSC ots moduletype SL-16.2O

# config interface alphg 1/9/OSC type

Type: ots

5.8.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card>

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5.9 config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

5.9.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.9.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.9.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

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5.9.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr

Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt

Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh

Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Sub-command: sonet

Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.9.5 Examples
(config-interface-{alphg|ahphg|ahplg}-1/3/osc)# pm clearall

5.9.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

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config interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.10 config interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.10.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card (<ld-card>):
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.10.2 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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5.11 config interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.11.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (A2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain and the per channel parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
• Set the LOS mode of the amplifier
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.
Note: For additional amplifier provisioning, see "config powermgmt egress" and "config powermgmt
ingress" commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.11.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands

5.11.3 Input Format

config interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

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5.11.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type..
aprenabled [enable | disable]
enable - The optical amplifier will shut down if the fiber span has been cut, and cannot
restart until the span has been repaired.
disable - If the LD is used in an ILA or as an egress LD in an add/drop node, the amplifier
can start up and remain on even if the fiber span has been cut.

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The disable value for this parameter can be applied only to the following LD types: AHPHG,
AHPLG, ALPHG, AM2017B. The optical amplifiers in these LD's do not require APR to
meet safety standards. Attempts to disable APR in other LD types will be denied. Attempts
to disable APR for an LD that is not in an ILA or is not an egress LD will also be denied.
Specifies whether APR is enabled or disabled for an egress LD in an add/drop node, or for an
LD in an ILA. Set APR to disable, if the span is operated without an optical supervisory channel.


0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.

0..10 - gain in dB.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.

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gain [<value>]

For A2325A, AM2325B:

16.00..32.00 - gain in dB
10.00..30.00 - gain in dB
13.00..33.00 - gain in dB
For AHPLG, AM2017B:
6.00..24.00 - gain in dB

16.00 (A2325A, AM2325B)


10.00 dB (ALPHG)

10.00 (AHPHG)

10.00 (AHPLG, AM2017B)

Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.In
auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be set
such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


losmode [<value>]


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This parameter only applies to ALPHG, AHPHG, AHPLG, and A2325A LD types.
Sets the behavior of the amplifier when the input optical signal to the amplifier is in Loss of
Signal state.
This setting only needs to be changed when the LD is deployed in a network using Optical Line
When configured to value auto the LD will take on the normal shutdown behavior for the LD.
When configured to value losn the LD will not shut off when the input optical signal is in LOS.

maxflatgain [<value>]
-5.00..5.00 - gain in dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.
maxgain [<value>]
For A2325A, AM2325B:
16.00..32.00 - gain in dB
10.00..30.00 - gain in dB
13.00..33.00 - gain in dB
For AHPLG, AM2017B:
6.00..24.00 - gain in dB

16.00 (A2325A, AM2325B)

10.00 dB (ALPHG)

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10.00 (AHPHG)

10.00 (AHPLG, AM2017B)

Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.In auto power
management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be set such that
mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
mingain [<value>]
For A2325A, AM2325B:
16.00..32.00 - gain in dB
10.00..30.00 - gain in dB
13.00..33.00 - gain in dB
For AHPLG, AM2017B:
6.00..24.00 - gain in dB
16.00 (A2325A, AM2325B)
10.00 dB (ALPHG)
10.00 (AHPHG)
10.00 (AHPLG, AM2017B)
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.The provisioned
mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.

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In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


0..10 - gain in dB.

Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <ld-card> <port-aid> state".


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - power in dBm

Specifies the per channel target power.


tiltcaldcm [<value>]

0..100.00 - gain in percent

Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.
-3..0 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIG port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

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5.11.5 Examples
(config-interface-alphg-1/3/sig)# gain 20

(config-interface-ahphg-1/4/sig)# losmode losn

5.11.6 Related Commands

show interface <ld-card>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.12 show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.12.1 Purpose
Display the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B),
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM017B) card
Use this command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.

5.12.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.12.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.12.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1475
show interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>

5.12.5 Examples
(show-interface-alphg)# 1/10/dcm detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DCM - ALPHG DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

5.12.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <dcm-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

5.13 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

5.13.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific channel in
the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.

5.13.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.13.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1477
show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.13.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress and
ingress directions. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external, or as the
final port connecting to OPSA Sig port in OLP mode.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.13.5 Examples
(show-interface-alphg)# 1/4/line
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINE - ALPHG Line Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Bidirectional

(show-interface-ahphg)# 1/16/line detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 16 Port: LINE - AHPHG Line Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Target Power : -3.00 dBm
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power In : -16.00 dBm
Total Power Out : Off
GMRE Topology Alarm : No
APR Hold-Off : Yes

5.13.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1479
show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.14 show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.14.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.

5.14.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.14.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.14.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.14.5 Examples

#show interface alphg 1/3/line PM opout

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1481
show interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.14.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
1482 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.15 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.15.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.15.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.15.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.15.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1483
show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: ospf

Display the ospf attributes for a specific interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.15.5 Examples

# show interface a2325a 1/17/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 17 Port: OSC - A2325A OSC Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SL-16.2O

OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC SFP Temperature : 33 'C
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

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1484 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.15.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1485
show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.16 show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

5.16.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.16.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.16.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

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1486 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

5.16.4 Input Parameters



Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface
Display the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr

Display the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Display the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet

Display the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.16.5 Examples
# show interface alphg 1/3/oscsfp PM opr

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1487
show interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.16.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <osc-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
1488 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.17 show interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.17.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card (<ld-card>):
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.17.2 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1489
show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.18 show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.18.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Amplifier, 23dBm power (A2325A)
• Amplifier, 23dBm power, DCM removed (AM2325B)
• Amplifier, low-power, high-gain (ALPHG)
• Amplifier, high-power, high-gain (AHPHG), or
• Amplifier, high power, low gain (AHPLG)
• Amplifier, high power, low gain, DCM removed (AM2017B) card
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Note: a2325a, am2325b, am2017b, ahphg, ahplg and alphg are the LD-type cards.

5.18.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.18.3 Input Format

show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.18.4 Input Parameters


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1490 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

Select one of the amplifier types for which the show command is executed.


Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ld-card> cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Sub-command: srvcactivity


srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>

5.18.5 Examples
(show-interface-ahphg)# 1/16/sig detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 16 Port: SIG - AHPHG Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Target Power : -1.60 dBm
Current Gain : 17.00 dB
Min Gain : 13.00 dB
Max Gain : 24.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Repair Margin : 24.00 dB
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM : 0
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : 1.64 dBm
Signal Power Out : 0.94 dBm
LOS Mode : Auto
APR Enabled : Enabled

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1491
show interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Max Flat Gain : 0.00 dB

Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Calculated Required Gain :

(show-interface-ahphg)# 1/5/sig
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG - AHPHG Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Bidirectional

5.18.6 Related Commands

config interface <ld-card> <sig-port-aid>

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August 2017
1492 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aar-8a


5.19 config interface aar-8a

5.19.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the AMPIN{1-8} or
AMPOUT{1-8} ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.19.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.19.3 Input Format

config interface aar-8a <port-aid>

5.19.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1493
config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.20 config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state

5.20.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on an Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.20.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.20.3 Input Format

config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state

5.20.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.20.5 Examples
(config-interface-aar-8a-1/5/AMPOUT2)# state down

5.20.6 Related Commands

show interface aar-8a

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1495
config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.21 config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>

5.21.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.21.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.21.3 Input Format

config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>

5.21.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state

state [down [force] | up | mt | ains]
Specifies a port administrative state. Enter this keyword followed by additional keywords and
commands to set port state, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
state value. See "config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state

5.21.5 Examples
(config-interface-aar-8a-1/3/ampin1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR-8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Total Input Powe : -18.72 dBm
Input Loss of Signal Threshold : -27.0 dBm
Input LOS Threshold Tolerance : 1.0 dB

(config-interface-aar-8a-1/5/ampin2)# description
Interface Description: input port

5.21.6 Related Commands

show interface aar-8a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1497
config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.22 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>

5.22.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the portNote some parameters are displayed only if the user has
service access level.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.22.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.22.3 Input Format

config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>

5.22.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface aar-8a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Sub-command: testing
Configure the testing feature attributes for the AMPOUT port. See "config interface aar-8a
<ampout-port-aid> testing".

5.22.5 Examples
(config-interface-aar-8a-1/3/ampout1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1 - AAR-8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Pump Temperature : 23 'C
Pump Laser Bias Current : 125 mA
Operating Mode : gain
Gain Setting : 15.0 dB
Power Setting if power mode : 3.0 dBm
Pumps disable on input LOS : Auto
Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm
Signal Power Out : 4.21 dBm
Testing in progress : False

(config-interface-aar-8a-1/5/ampout2)# description
Interface Description : output port

5.22.6 Related Commands

show interface aar-8a

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1499
config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.23 config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing

5.23.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Configure the test settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.23.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.23.3 Input Format

config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing

5.23.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

asemode [cancel | power [<value>] ]

-5..10 - power in dBm

3 dBm
Accesses testing functionality on the port.
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current state of testing functionality on
the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode. Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode
power followed by a value to set the output power level that will be used in ASE output power
mode. Enter without value to display the current value.

5.23.5 Examples
(config-interface-aar-8a-1/7/ampout1)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-aar-8a-1/7/ampout1)# testing asemode

(config-interface-aar-8a-1/7/ampout1)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 3.00 dBm

(config-interface-aar-8a-1/7/ampout1)# testing asemode power 5.0

5.23.6 Related Commands

show interface aar-8a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1501
show interface aar-8a Nokia 1830 PSS

5.24 show interface aar-8a

5.24.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to show the AMPIN{1-8} or
AMPOUT{1-8} port attributes.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.24.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.24.3 Input Format

show interface aar-8a <port-aid>

5.24.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1502 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>

5.25 show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>

5.25.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.25.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.25.3 Input Format

show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid>

5.25.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.
Displays the total optical power for this interface.

5.25.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR-8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1503
show interface aar-8a <ampin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Unidirectional
Description :

(show-interface-aar-8a-1/3/AMPIN1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR-8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : -18.72 dBm
Input Loss of Signal Threshold : -27.0 dBm
Input LOS Threshold Tolerance : 1.0 dB

(show-interface-aar-8a-1/3/AMPIN1)# totalpower
Total Input Power : 4.65 dBm

5.25.6 Related Commands

config interface aar-8a

Release 10.0
August 2017
1504 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>

5.26 show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>

5.26.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on an:
• Amplifier Array - 8 OA (AAR-8A)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.Note some parameters are displayed only if
the user has service access level.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.26.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.26.3 Input Format

show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid>

5.26.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the AAR-8A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.


Displays the total optical power for this interface.

5.26.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1 - AAR-8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1505
show interface aar-8a <ampout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Unidirectional
Description :

(show-interface-aar-8a-1/3/AMPOUT1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1 - AAR-8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Pump Temperature : 23 'C
Pump Laser Bias Current : 125 mA
Operating Mode : gain
Gain Setting : 15.0 dB
Power Setting if power mode : 3.0 dBm
Pumps disable on input LOS : Auto
Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm
Signal Power Out : 4.21 dBm
Testing in progress : False

(show-interface-aar-8a-1/3/AMPOUT1)# totalpower
Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm

5.26.6 Related Commands

config interface aar-8a

Release 10.0
August 2017
1506 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card>


5.27 config interface <aar2x-card>

5.27.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to access subcommands to:
• Configure AMPIN ports
• Configure AMPOUT ports
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.27.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.27.3 Input Format

config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid>

5.27.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.
<shelf>/<slot>/AMPIN{1..4, 5A..8A, 5B..8B}
<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}
* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1507
config interface <aar2x-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

number, a slash, and the port number, or * to display a port list of the specified card type on the
network element by location..
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.27.5 Examples
# config interface aar2x8a *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier

5.27.6 Related Commands

show interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1508 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state

5.28 config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state

5.28.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.28.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.28.3 Input Format

config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state

5.28.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.
<shelf>/<slot>/AMPIN{1..4, 5A..8A, 5B..8B}
<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1509
config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Set to up to enable the port.

down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.28.5 Examples
# config interface aar2x8a 1/5/AMPOUT2B state down

5.28.6 Related Commands

show interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1510 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.29 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.29.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the port description
• Access state subcommand
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.29.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.29.3 Input Format

config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.29.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.
<shelf>/<slot>/AMPIN{1..4, 5A..8A, 5B..8B}
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1511
config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

number, a slash, and the port number.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

The total input power is included in the display. When an A or B input port is chosen, the display
will show the sum of the input powers at the A and B ports. For example, if the AMPIN 5A port is
chosen, the total input power at the AMPIN 5A and AMPIN 5B ports will be displayed.
Sub-command: state

Configure the port administrative state. See "config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state".

5.29.5 Examples

# config interface aar2x8a 1/3/ampin1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR2X8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : -11.72 dBm
Input Loss of Signal Threshold : -22.0 dBm
Input LOS Threshold Tolerance : 1.0 dB

# config interface aar2x8a 1/5/ampin2 description

Interface Description: input port

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1512 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.29.6 Related Commands

show interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1513
config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.30 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>

5.30.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port. Note some parameters are displayed only if the user has
service access level.
• Set the port description
• Access state subcommand
• Access testing subcommand
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.30.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.30.3 Input Format

config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>

5.30.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}

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1514 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
Configure the port state. See "config interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: testing

Configure the testing feature attributes for the AMPOUT port. See "config interface <aar2x-
card> <ampout-port-aid> testing".

5.30.5 Examples
# config interface aar2x8a 1/3/ampout1b detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1B - AAR2X8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Pump Temperature : 23 'C
Pump Laser Bias Current : 125 mA
Operating Mode : gain
Gain Setting : 15.0 dB
Power Setting if power mode : 3.0 dBm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1515
config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Pumps disable on input LOS : Auto

Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm
Signal Power Out : 4.21 dBm
Testing in progress : False

# config interface aar2x8a 1/5/ampout2a description

Interface Description : output port

5.30.6 Related Commands

show interface <aar2x-card>

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1516 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing

5.31 config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing

5.31.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Configure the test settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.31.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.31.3 Input Format

config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing

5.31.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1517
config interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS


asemode [cancel | power [<value>] ]
-5..10 - power in dBm
3 dBm
Accesses testing functionality on the port.
Enter asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output power mode. Enter asemode cancel to
cancel ASE output power mode and return to normal mode. Enter asemode power followed by
a value to set the output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode.
Enter without value to display the current value.

5.31.5 Examples
# config interface aar2x8a 1/7/ampout1a testing
Testing in progress: false

# config interface aar2x8a 1/7/ampout5 testing asemode

# config interface aar2x8a 1/7/ampout1a testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 3.00 dBm

# config interface aar2x8a 1/7/ampout3a testing asemode power 5.0

5.31.6 Related Commands

show interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1518 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aar2x-card>

5.32 show interface <aar2x-card>

5.32.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to access subcommands to
• Display AMPIN port attributes
• Display AMPOUT port attributes
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.32.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.32.3 Input Format

show interface <aar2x-card> <port-aid>

5.32.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select the amplifier type for which command will be executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/AMPIN{1..4, 5A..8A, 5B..8B}

<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}
* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or *.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1519
show interface <aar2x-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.32.5 Examples
# show interface aar2x8a *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier

5.32.6 Related Commands

config interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1520 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.33 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.33.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the total optical power for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.33.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.33.3 Input Format

show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid>

5.33.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/AMPIN{1..4, 5A..8A, 5B..8B}


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1521
show interface <aar2x-card> <ampin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Displays the total optical power for this interface. When an A or B input port is chosen, the
combinded input power at A and B port is shown. For example, if the AMPIN 5A port is chosen,
the total combined input power at the AMPIN 5A and AMPIN 5B ports will be displayed.

5.33.5 Examples
# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPIN1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR2X8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Unidirectional
Description :

# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPIN1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPIN1 - AAR2X8A Amplifier In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : -11.72 dBm
Input Loss of Signal Threshold : -22.0 dBm
Input LOS Threshold Tolerance : 1.0 dB

# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPIN2 totalpower

Total Input Power : -1.65 dBm

# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPIN5A totalpower

Total Combined Input Power : -1.65 dBm

5.33.6 Related Commands

config interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1522 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>

5.34 show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>

5.34.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on the cards:
• AAR2X8A (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - C-Band)
• AAR2X8AL (Amplifier Array - 8 OA - L-Band)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port. Note some parameters are displayed only if
the user has service access level.
• Display the total optical power for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.34.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.34.3 Input Format

show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid>

5.34.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

<shelf>/<slot>/AMPOUT{1A..4A, 1B..4B, 5..8}
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1523
show interface <aar2x-card> <ampout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Displays the total optical power for this interface. When an A or B input port is chosen, the
combinded input power at A and B port is shown. For example, if the AMPOUT 5A port is
chosen, the total combined input power at the AMPOUT 5A and AMPOUT 5B ports will be

5.34.5 Examples
# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPOUT1A detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1A - AAR2X8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Unidirectional
Description :

# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPOUT1A detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: AMPOUT1A - AAR2X8A Amplifier Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up
Oper Capability : Enabled
Description :
Pump Temperature : 23 'C
Pump Laser Bias Current : 125 mA
Operating Mode : gain
Gain Setting : 15.0 dB
Power Setting if power mode : 3.0 dBm
Pumps disable on input LOS : Auto
Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm
Signal Power Out : 4.21 dBm
Testing in progress : False

# show interface aar2x8a 1/3/AMPOUT1A totalpower

Total Power Out : 4.65 dBm

5.34.6 Related Commands

config interface <aar2x-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1524 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a


5.35 config interface am2032a

5.35.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.35.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.35.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <port-aid>

5.35.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1525
config interface am2032a <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.36 config interface am2032a <port-aid> state

5.36.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power
(am2032a) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.36.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.36.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <port-aid> state

5.36.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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1526 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <port-aid> state


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.36.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.36.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1527
config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.37 config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

5.37.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.37.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.37.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

5.37.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state

state [ains | down | mt | up]
See "config interface am2032a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.37.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/9/dcm)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 Port: DCM - AM2032A DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Total Power In : -25.2
Total Power Out : -15.4

5.37.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1529
config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.38 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

5.38.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.38.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.38.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

5.38.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

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config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to make a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2032a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.38.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationin 3

5.38.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

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1532 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.39 config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.39.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.39.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.39.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.39.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1533
config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochin

Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.39.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEIN-PM) clearAll

5.39.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

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1534 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

5.40 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

5.40.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to "config powermgmt egress" and "config powermgmt
ingress" commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.40.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands

5.40.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

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config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.40.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


deltamaxgain [<value>]

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>


Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationout [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


gain [<value>]

26..40 - gain in dB

26.00 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
maxgain [<value>]
26..40 - gain in dB

26.00 dB
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1537
config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.

Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingain [<value>]

26..40 - gain in dB

26.00 dB
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]
<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.
delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm".

splicemargin [<value>]
0..10 - gain in dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.

Sub-command: state

See "config interface am2032a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dB
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configures testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface am2032a
<lineout-port-aid> testing".


tiltcaldcm [<value>]

0..100 - percent

Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


tilttarget [<value>]

-3..0 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

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config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.40.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 30

5.40.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

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1540 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.41 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.41.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.41.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.41.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.41.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1541
config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.41.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEOUT-PM) clearAll

5.41.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
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1542 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.42 config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.42.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Note: This command shall be used with care and by advanced users only.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.42.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.42.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing
asemode [cancel | power]

5.42.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the interface port. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot number, a slash, and the
port identifier on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: asemode


asemode [cancel | power]

Configures the ASE output power mode for testing. To check if testing is active enter the
command without asemode parameter.
Enter asemode without parameters to turn the amplifier in the ASE output power mode with
default output power value (or previously existing value).
Enter asemode together with power parameter to enter the ASE output power mode with the
specified output power value.
Enter asemode together with cancel to quit ASE output power mode.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1543
config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS


Enter this keyword to cancel ASE output power mode and return to normal mode.

power [<value>]
-4.0..10.0 - power in dBm
5.0 dBm
Specifies the output power level used in ASE output power mode. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current value.

5.42.5 Examples
The following example shows how the testing status can be checked:

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing

Testing in progress: false

The following example shows how the asemode can be enabled (error if there are cross-

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing asemode

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing asemode

Unable to complete request.
Error: Request failed - Port has cross-connect

The following example shows how asemode testing is stopped:

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing asemode cancel

The following example shows how asemode output power can be modified:

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing asemode power 3.0

# config interface am2032a 1/14/lineout testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 3.00 dBm

5.42.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a

Release 10.0
August 2017
1544 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.43 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.43.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.43.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.43.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.43.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1545
config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [100BASEFX | OC3]


100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal

OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
Specifies the port mode.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit. The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>


ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2032a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.43.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2032A-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.43.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1547
config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.44 config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.44.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.44.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.44.3 Input Format

config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.44.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.44.5 Examples
(config-interface-ahplg-1/3/OSCSFP)# pm clearall

5.44.6 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1549
config interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.45 config interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>

5.45.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.45.2 Related Commands

show interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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1550 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

5.46 show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

5.46.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.46.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.46.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

5.46.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

5.46.5 Examples

(show-interface-AM2032A-1/10/dcm)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DCM - AM2032A DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Total Power In : -25.2
Total Power Out : -15.4

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1551
show interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.46.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <dcm-port-aid>

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August 2017
1552 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

5.47 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

5.47.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.47.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.47.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

5.47.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2032a <linein-port-
aid> pm".
Display the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross connection
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.47.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2032A LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-am2032a-1/6/linein)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEIN - AM2032A Line In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down

Release 10.0
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1554 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

Opposite direction :
Direction :
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Power Deviation Out :
Total Power In :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.47.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1555
show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.48 show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.48.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.48.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.48.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.48.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Displays the received line optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1556 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.48.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opout

5.48.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <linein-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1557
show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.49 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

5.49.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.49.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.49.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

5.49.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface

Release 10.0
August 2017
1558 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2032a <lineout-port-
aid> pm".
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to make a bi-directional cross
connection point.

5.49.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2032A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-AM2032A-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2032A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Current Gain : 26 dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset : 1.05 dB

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1559
show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Min Gain : 26.00 dB

Max Gain : 40.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 26 dB
Repair Margin : 30.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM : 0.00
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off
Signal Power Out : nil
Supvy Out power : 1.0 dBm
Tesing in progress : False

5.49.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid>

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August 2017
1560 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.50 show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.50.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.50.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.50.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.50.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1561
show interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.50.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2032A-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.50.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1562 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid>

5.51 show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid>

5.51.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.51.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.51.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid>

5.51.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.51.5 Examples

(show-interface-am2032a-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - AM2032A Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1563
show interface am2032a <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.51.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1564 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.52 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.52.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.52.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.52.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.52.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-
aid> pm".

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1565
show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.52.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2032A-1/5/OSCSFP)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - AM2032A Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SEU-1.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 29 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.52.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1566 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.53 show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.53.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.53.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.53.3 Input Format

show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.53.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2032a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1567
show interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.53.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2032A-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.53.6 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1568 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>

5.54 show interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>

5.54.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 20dBm power (am2032a)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.54.2 Related Commands

config interface am2032a <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1569
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} Nokia 1830 PSS

AM2125A and AM2125B

5.55 config interface {am2125a | am2125b}

5.55.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on
• Modular Amplifier, 21 dBm power (AM2125A|AM2125B)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.55.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.55.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid>

5.55.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1570 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state

5.56 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state

5.56.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power
(AM2125A or AM2125B) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.56.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.56.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state

5.56.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1571
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.56.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.56.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
1572 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.57 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.57.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.57.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.57.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.57.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1573
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state

state [down [force] | up | mt | ains]
See "config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.57.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/9/dcm)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 Port: DCM - AM2125A DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Down
Total Power Out :
Total Power In : -25.2
Total Power Out : -15.4

5.57.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
1574 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.58 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.58.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.58.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.58.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.58.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1575
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

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1576 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.58.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationin 3

5.58.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1577
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.59 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

5.59.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power (AM2125A|AM2125B)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.59.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.59.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

5.59.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1578 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochin

Configure the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.59.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.59.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1579
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.60 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

5.60.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power (AM2125A|AM2125B)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.60.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator: All commands
Provisioner: All commands except maxflatgain, tiltcaldcm

5.60.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1580 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

5.60.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1581
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



deltamaxgain [<value>]

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
deviationout [<value>]
0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation-out values used for the adjustment.

gain [<value>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
1582 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>


15..31 - gain in dB

15.00 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


maxgain [<value>]

15..31 - gain in dB

15.00 dB
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
mingain [<value>]
15..31 - gain in dB
15.00 dB
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the

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config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm".


splicemargin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dB
Specifies the per channel target power.

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1584 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface {am2125a |
am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing."


tiltcaldcm [<value>]

0..100 - percent

Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


tilttarget [<value>]

-3..0 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.


voaset [<value>]

0..18 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1585
config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.60.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 20

5.60.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

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1586 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.61 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.61.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.61.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.61.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.61.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.61.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.61.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

Release 10.0
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1588 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.62 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.62.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.62.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.62.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.62.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
asemode [cancel | power [value] ]
-4..10 - power in dBm

5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.
Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.

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Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.62.5 Examples
(config-interface-am2125a-1/14/lineout)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-am2125a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-am2125a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-am2125a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-am2125a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode cancel

5.62.6 Related Commands

show interface am2125a

Release 10.0
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1590 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.63 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.63.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.63.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.63.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.63.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface:

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [100BASEFX | OC3]


100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal

OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
Specifies the port mode.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>


ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.63.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2125A-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.63.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

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config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.64 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.64.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.64.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.64.3 Input Format

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.64.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.64.5 Examples
(config-interface-ahplg-1/3/OSCSFP)# pm clearall

5.64.6 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a|am2125b}

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config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.65 config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>

5.65.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 21 dBm power (AM2125A | AM2125B)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.65.2 Related Commands

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
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1596 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.66 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.66.1 Purpose
Display the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.66.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.66.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

5.66.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

5.66.5 Examples

(show-interface-AM2125A-1/10/dcm)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DCM - AM2125A DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Total Power In : -25.2 Total Power Out : -15.4

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1597
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.66.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <dcm-port-aid>

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1598 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.67 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.67.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power (AM2125A|AM2125B)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.67.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.67.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

5.67.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface {am2125a | am2125b}
<linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.67.5 Examples

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2125A LINEIN Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-AM2125A-1/4/LINEIN)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2125A LINEIN Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEOUT
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

Total Power In :
Total Power Out :
External Input Amp :
External Output Amp :

5.67.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <linein-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1601
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.68 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

5.68.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.68.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.68.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

5.68.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
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1602 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

5.68.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opout

5.68.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <linein-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1603
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.69 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid>

5.69.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.69.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.69.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid>

5.69.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.69.5 Examples

(show-interface-am2125b-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - AM2125B Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1604 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <osc-port-aid>

5.69.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1605
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.70 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.70.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular amplifier, 21 dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.70.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.70.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.70.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.


Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

Release 10.0
August 2017
1606 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface {am2125a | am2125b}
<oscsfp-port-aid> pm".

5.70.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2125A-1/5/OSCSFP)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - AM2125A Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SEU-1.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 29 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.70.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1607
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.71 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.71.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.71.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.71.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.71.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1608 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Display the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Display the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Display the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Display the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.71.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2125A-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.71.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.72 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>

5.72.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 21 dBm power (AM2125A | AM2125B)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.72.2 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a | am2125b} <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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1610 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

5.73 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

5.73.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power (AM2125A|AM2125B)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.73.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.73.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

5.73.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface {am2125a | am2125b}
<lineout-port-aid> pm".

5.73.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2125A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-AM2125A-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2125A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Current Gain : 23.76 dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset : 1.05 dB
Min Gain : 13.00 dB
Max Gain : 30.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 22.22 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

Repair Margin : 30.00 dB

Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM : 0.00
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off
Signal Power Out : nil
VOA setting : 3.0 dB
Supvy Out Power : 1.0 dBm
Testing in Progress : False

5.73.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1613
show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-portr-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.74 show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-portr-aid> pm

5.74.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 21dBm power ({AM2125A|AM2125B})
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.74.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.74.3 Input Format

show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.74.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {am2125a|am2125b} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the received LINEOUT optical channel power group PM. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Display the received LINEOUT optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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1614 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {am2125a | am2125b} <lineout-portr-aid> pm

5.74.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2125A-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.74.6 Related Commands

config interface {am2125a|am2125b} <lineout-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1615
config interface am2318a Nokia 1830 PSS


5.75 config interface am2318a

5.75.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.75.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.75.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <port-aid>

5.75.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1616 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <port-aid> state

5.76 config interface am2318a <port-aid> state

5.76.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power
(AM2318A) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.76.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.76.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <port-aid> state

5.76.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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config interface am2318a <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.76.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.76.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

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1618 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

5.77 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

5.77.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.77.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.77.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

5.77.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network

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config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2318a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.77.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationin 3

5.77.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1621
config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.78 config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.78.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.78.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.78.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.78.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochin

Configure the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.78.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.78.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a <line-port-aid> pm

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config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.79 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

5.79.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.79.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.79.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>


5.79.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


deltamaxgain [<value>]

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

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config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationout [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation-out values used for the adjustment.


gain [<value>]

7..24 - gain in dB

18.00 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
maxgain [<value>]
15..31 - gain in dB
15.00 dB
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.

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1626 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingain [<value>]

15..31 - gain in dB

15.00 dB
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm".


splicemargin [<value>]

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0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface am2318a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dB
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface am2318a
<lineout-port-aid> testing."


tiltcaldcm [<value>]

0..100 - percent

Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


tilttarget [<value>]

-3..0 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>


voaset [<value>]
0..18 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.79.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 20

5.79.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1629
config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.80 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.80.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.80.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.80.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.80.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
asemode [cancel | power [value] ]
-4..10 - power in dBm

5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.
Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.80.5 Examples
(config-interface-am2318a-1/14/lineout)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-am2318a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-am2318a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-am2318a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-am2318a-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode cancel

5.80.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1631
config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.81 config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.81.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.81.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.81.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.81.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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1632 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.81.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.81.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1633
config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.82 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.82.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.82.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.82.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.82.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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1634 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [100BASEFX | OC3]


100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal

OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
Specifies the port mode.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

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config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2318a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.82.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.82.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

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1636 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.83 config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.83.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.83.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.83.3 Input Format

config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.83.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1637
config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.83.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2318A-1/9/OSCSFP-PM)# clearAll

5.83.6 Related Commands

show interface am2318a

Release 10.0
August 2017
1638 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>

5.84 config interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>

5.84.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.84.2 Related Commands

show interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1639
show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.85 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

5.85.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.85.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.85.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

5.85.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface

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August 2017
1640 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2318a <linein-port-
aid> pm".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.85.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2318A LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-AM2318A-1/4/LINEIN)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2318A LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Total Power In :
Total Power Out :

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1641
show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

External Input Amp :

External Output Amp :

5.85.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1642 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.86 show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.86.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.86.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.86.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.86.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1643
show interface am2318a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.86.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opout

5.86.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1644 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

5.87 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

5.87.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.87.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.87.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

5.87.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1645
show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2318a <lineout-port-
aid> pm".

5.87.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2318A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-AM2318A-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2318A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Current Gain : 23.76 dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset : 1.05 dB
Min Gain : 13.00 dB
Max Gain : 30.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 22.22 dB

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1646 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

Repair Margin : 30.00 dB

Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM : 0.00
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off
Signal Power Out : nil
VOA setting : 3.0 dB
Supvy Out Power : 1.0 dBm
Testing in progress : False

5.87.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1647
show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.88 show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.88.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.88.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.88.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.88.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the received LINEOUT optical channel power group PM. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Display the received LINEOUT optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1648 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.88.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2318A-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.88.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1649
show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.89 show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid>

5.89.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.89.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.89.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid>

5.89.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.

5.89.5 Examples

(show-interface-am2318a-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - AM2318A Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1650 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <osc-port-aid>

5.89.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1651
show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.90 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.90.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.90.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.90.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.90.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.


Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

Release 10.0
August 2017
1652 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-
aid> pm".

5.90.5 Examples
# show interface am2318a 1/6/oscsfp detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSCSFP - AM2318A Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SEU-1.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 29 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.90.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1653
show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.91 show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.91.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.91.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.91.3 Input Format

show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.91.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1654 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Display the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Display the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Display the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Display the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.91.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2318A-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.91.6 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1655
show interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.92 show interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>

5.92.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 23dBm power (AM2318A)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.92.2 Related Commands

config interface am2318a <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1656 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a


5.93 config interface am2625a

5.93.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.93.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.93.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <port-aid>

5.93.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1657
config interface am2625a <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.94 config interface am2625a <port-aid> state

5.94.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power
(am2625a) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.94.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.94.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <port-aid> state

5.94.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

Release 10.0
August 2017
1658 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <port-aid> state


down [force]
force - to force the port down.
Set to down to disable the port.This may affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.94.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.94.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1659
config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.95 config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

5.95.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.95.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.95.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

5.95.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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1660 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2625a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.

5.95.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/9/dcm)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 9 Port: DCM - AM2625A DCM Port [OTS]Admin State : Up
Oper State : Down
Total Power In : -20.2
Total Power Out : -15.4

5.95.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1661
config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.96 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

5.96.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.96.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.96.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

5.96.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network

Release 10.0
August 2017
1662 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1663
config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to make a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> PM"
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2625a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.96.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationin 3

5.96.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.97 config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.97.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.97.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.97.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.97.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1665
config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochin

Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.97.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.97.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

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1666 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

5.98 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

5.98.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.98.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: all commands except maxflatgain, tiltcaldcm

5.98.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

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config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.98.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>



0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


gain [<value>]

For am2625a:
16.00..30.00 - gain in dB

16.00 dB (am2625a)
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
maxgain [<value>]
For am2625a:
16.00..30.00 - gain in dB
30.00 dB (am2625a)
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a

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config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

subsequent power adjustment is run.



mingain [<value>]

For am2625a:
16.00..30.00 - gain in dB

16.00 dB (am2625a)
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> PM"
0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2625a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>


targetpower [<value>]
-30..20 - gain in dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.

tiltcaldcm [<value>]
0..100 - percent
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.
-6..-1 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey"

5.98.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 20

5.98.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1671
config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.99 config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.99.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.99.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.99.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.99.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.99.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.99.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1673
config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.100 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.100.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.100.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.100.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.100.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [oc3 | base100FX]


oc3 - to set the port to carry an OC-3 signal

base100FX - to set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal
Specifies the port type.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

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ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFPmoduletype.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> PM"
Sub-command: state
See "config interface am2625a <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]
ots - to set the port to OTS
unassigned - to set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.

5.100.5 Examples
(config-interface-AM2625A-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.100.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.101 config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.101.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.101.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.101.3 Input Format

config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.101.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.101.5 Examples
(config-interface-ahplg-1/3/OSCSFP)# pm clearall

5.101.6 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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1678 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>

5.102 config interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>

5.102.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.102.2 Related Commands

show interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1679
show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.103 show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

5.103.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.103.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.103.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

5.103.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

5.103.5 Examples

(show-interface-AM2625A)# 1/10/dcm detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DCM - AM2625A DCM Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Total Power In : -20.2
Total Power Out : -15.4

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1680 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

5.103.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <dcm-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1681
show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.104 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

5.104.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.104.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.104.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

5.104.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail ]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2625a <linein-port-
aid> pm"
Display the associated LD port that pairs with this port to make a bi-directional cross connection
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.104.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2625A)# 1/4/LINEIN
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2625A LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-am2625a-1/6/linein)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEIN - AM2625A Line In Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down

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Opposite direction :
Direction :
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Power Deviation Out :
Total Power In :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.104.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid>

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1684 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.105 show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.105.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.105.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.105.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

5.105.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Displays the received line optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1685
show interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.105.5 Examples
# show interface AM2625A 1/3/LINEIN PM

5.105.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <linein-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
1686 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

5.106 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

5.106.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.106.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.106.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

5.106.4 Input Parameters


Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface
Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1687
show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2625a <lineout-port-
aid> pm"
Display the associated LD port that pairs with this port to make a bi-directional cross connection

5.106.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2625A-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2625A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Current Gain : 26 dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset: 1.05 dB
Min Gain : 26.00 dBMax
Gain : 40.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain: 26 dB
Repair Margin : 30.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM: 0.00
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off
Signal Power Out : nil
Supvy Out power : 11.0 dBm

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1688 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AM2625A Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

5.106.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1689
show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.107 show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.107.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.107.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.107.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.107.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1690 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.107.5 Examples
# show interface AM2625A 1/3/LINEOUT PM

5.107.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <lineout-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1691
show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.108 show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid>

5.108.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.108.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.108.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid>

5.108.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.108.5 Examples

(show-interface-am2625a-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - AM2625A Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.2 dBm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <osc-port-aid>

5.108.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <osc-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1693
show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.109 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.109.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.109.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.109.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.109.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-
aid> pm".

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>


Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.109.5 Examples
# show interface am2625a 1/7/oscsfp detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: OSCSFP - AM2625A Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SS-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 30 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.109.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1695
show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.110 show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.110.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.110.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.110.3 Input Format

show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.110.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2625a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.110.5 Examples
(show-interface-AM2625A-1/3/oscsfp)# PM

5.110.6 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1697
show interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.111 show interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>

5.111.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Modular Amplifier, 26dBm power (am2625a)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.111.2 Related Commands

config interface am2625a <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg


5.112 config interface aswg

5.112.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.112.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.112.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <port-aid>

5.112.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1699
config interface aswg <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.113 config interface aswg <port-aid> state

5.113.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.113.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.113.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <port-aid> state

5.113.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <port-aid> state


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.113.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.113.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1701
config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.114 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

5.114.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.114.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.114.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

5.114.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1702 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <linein-port-aid>


Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port.

If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

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config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface aswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.114.5 Examples
(config-interface-aswg-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationin 3

5.114.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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1704 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.115 config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.115.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.115.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.115.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.115.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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config interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochin

Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.115.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.115.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

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1706 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.116 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.116.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.116.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, splicemargin,
targetpower, tilttarget, voaset

5.116.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

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config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.116.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
aprmode [auto | force]
auto - automatic shutdown of the EDFA in response to a fiber cut, and automatic restart of
the EDFA after the fiber has been repaired.
force - force a shutdown the EDFA, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic. The port
state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation
from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the optical amplifier, and will have an
impact on service. Do you want to proceed?
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the optical amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationout [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.
gain [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.

7.00 dB (aswg)

Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain

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config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


gainrange [low | high]


high - high gain range, covering gains of 13..29 dB.

low - low gain range, covering gains of 7..22 dB.

low (aswg)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?
maxgain [<value>]
7..29 - gain in dB.

7.00 dB (aswg)
Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB
Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingain [<value>]
7..29 - gain in dB.
7.00 dB (aswg)
Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB
Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]
<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.
delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1711
config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm".


0..10 - gain in dB

splicemargin [<value>]
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface aswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dB
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface aswg <lineout-
port-aid> testing."


tilttarget [<value>]

-4..4 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.


voaset [<value>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>


0..18 - gain in dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
0 dB
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.116.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 20

5.116.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1713
config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.117 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.117.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.117.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.117.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.117.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.117.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.117.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1715
config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.118 config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.118.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.118.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.118.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>
testing [asemode]

5.118.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
testing [asemode [cancel | power [value] ] ]
-4..10 - power in dBm

5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.
Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.118.5 Examples
(config-interface-aswg-1/14/lineout)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-aswg-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-aswg-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-aswg-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-aswg-1/14/lineout)# testing asemode cancel

5.118.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1717
config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.119 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.119.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.119.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.119.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.119.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [100BASEFX | OC3]


100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal

OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
Specifies the port mode.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

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config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface aswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.119.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.119.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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1720 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.120 config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.120.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.120.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.120.3 Input Format

config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.120.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1721
config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.120.5 Examples
(config-interface-ASWG-1/9/OSCSFP-PM)# clearAll

5.120.6 Related Commands

show interface aswg

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1722 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.121 config interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.121.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.121.2 Related Commands

show interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1723
show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.122 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

5.122.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.122.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.122.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

5.122.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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1724 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <linein-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface aswg <linein-port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.122.5 Examples
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - ASWG LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-ASWG-1/4/LINEIN)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - ASWG LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Total Power In :
Total Power Out :

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1725
show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

External Input Amp :

External Output Amp :

5.122.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

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August 2017
1726 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.123 show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.123.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.123.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.123.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.123.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin

Displays the received channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1727
show interface aswg <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.123.5 Examples
(show-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opout

5.123.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <linein-port-aid>

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August 2017
1728 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.124 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.124.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.124.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.124.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.124.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1729
show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


Enter this keyword to display just the total measured output power for the port.

srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.124.5 Examples
(show-interface-ASWG-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - ASWG Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Gain Range : High
Current Gain : 20.12 dB
Min Gain : 20.00 dB
Max Gain : 25.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain: 18.40 dB
Repair Margin : 29.00 dB
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

Signal Power Out : nil

VOA setting : 3.0 dB
Supvy Out Power : 1.0 dBm
APR Mode : Auto
Testing in progress : False

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - ASWG Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

5.124.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1731
show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.125 show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.125.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.125.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.125.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.125.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1732 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.125.5 Examples
(show-interface-ASWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.125.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1733
show interface aswg <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.126 show interface aswg <osc-port-aid>

5.126.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.126.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.126.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <osc-port-aid>

5.126.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Display the current settings for the port.

5.126.5 Examples
(show-interface-aswg-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - ASWG Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

5.126.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <osc-port-aid>

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August 2017
1734 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.127 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.127.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.127.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.127.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.127.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1735
show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.127.5 Examples
(show-interface-ASWG-1/5/OSCSFP)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - ASWG OSCSFP Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SL-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 35 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.127.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1736 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.128 show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.128.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.128.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.128.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.128.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface
Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1737
show interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opr

Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.128.5 Examples
(show-interface-ASWG-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.128.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1738 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.129 show interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.129.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.129.2 Related Commands

config interface aswg <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1739
show interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.130 show interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.130.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.130.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.130.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.130.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.130.5 Examples
(show-interface-aswg-1/6/OTDRRX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRRX - ASWG Otdrrx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: 1/10/P3

5.130.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1740 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.131 show interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.131.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Switched Gain Amplifier (ASWG)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.131.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.131.3 Input Format

show interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.131.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the aswg cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.131.5 Examples
(show-interface-aswg-1/6/OTDRTX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRTX - ASWG Otdrtx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: None

5.131.6 Related Commands

config interface aswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1741
config interface <aa2d-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.132 config interface <aa2d-card>

5.132.1 Purpose
This command to configure interface ports on the following Access Amplifier 2 Degree cards:
• AA2DONW (Access Amplifier 2 Degree, OSC supported, without Wavekey)
• AA2DONWB (Access Amplifier 2 Degree, OSC supported, without Wavekey version B)
Use this command to access subcommands to:
• Configure LINE port settings
• Configure SIG port settings
• Configure OSC port settings
• Configure OSCSFP port settings
• Configure VOA port settings (only on AA2DONWB)
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.132.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.132.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid>

5.132.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

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1742 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card>


<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - signal port
<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - optical line port
<shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP - OSC SFP port
<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - OSC port
<shelf>/<slot>/VA - VOA port on AA2DONWB
* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to display a port list of the specified card type on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
The VA port is supported on AA2DONWB card only. AA2DONW card does not support VA

5.132.5 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1743
config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.133 config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state

5.133.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for ports on an Access Application 2 direction Optical
amplifier with No Wavekey card (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB).
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.133.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.133.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state

5.133.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - signal port

<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - optical line port
<shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP - OSC SFP port
<shelf>/<slot>/OSC - OSC port
<shelf>/<slot>/VA - VOA port on AA2DONWB

Release 10.0
August 2017
1744 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
The VA port only supported on AA2DONWB version. AA2DONW do not support VA port.
Set to up to enable the port.
For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the
down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.133.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/19/LINE state down

5.133.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1745
config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.134 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

5.134.1 Purpose
This command configures the parameter of line ports on an Access Application 2 direction Optical
amplifier without Wavekey card (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB).
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the booster amplifier (Egress) gains
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.134.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.134.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

5.134.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>




Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprenabled [enable | disable]


enable - The optical amplifier will shut down if the fiber span has been cut, and cannot
restart until the span has been repaired.
disable - If the APR is disabled, the amplifier can start up and remain on even if the fiber
span has been cut.


The disable value for this parameter can be applied to AA2DONWB card, the AA2DONW
do not support APR thus do not support the aprenable parameter.
Specifies whether APR is enabled or disabled for an AA2DONWB. Choose disable, if the span
is running without an optical supervisory channel.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

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Displays the current settings for the port.



gain [<value>]

13..23 - gain in dB

18 dB
Specifies the Booster amplifier (Egress) gain in this card. Enter this keyword without arguments
to display the current gain setting.


maxgain [<value>]

13..23 - gain in dB
23 - gain in dB

18 dB for AA2DONW

23 dB for AA2DONWB
Specifies the maximum Booster amplifier (Egress) gain. Enter this keyword without arguments
to display the current gain setting.

For AA2DONWB, autopower management is not supported. This parameter has a fixed


mingain [<value>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>


13..23 - gain in dB
13 - gain in dB
18 dB for AA2DONW
13 dB for AA2DONWB
Specifies the minimum Booster amplifier (Egress) gain. Enter this keyword without arguments
to display the current gain setting.
For AA2DONWB, autopower management is not supported. This parameter has a fixed
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.134.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/10/LINE gain 15

5.134.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1749
config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.135 config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.135.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE interface ports with Performance Monitoring attributes on an
OA with 2-direction amplifying capability, unkeyed card (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB).
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on these line interfaces
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.135.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.135.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.135.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.135.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/10/LINE PM clearall

5.135.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1751
config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.136 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.136.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an OA with 2-direction amplifying capability,
unkeyed card (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB).
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier (PA) gains
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.136.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.136.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.136.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>




Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



gain [<value>]

13..23 - gain in dB

18 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain for Pre-amplifier (Ingress) in this card. Enter this keyword without
arguments to display the current gain setting.


maxgain [<value>]

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13..23 - gain in dB
23 - gain in dB

18 dB for AA2DONW

23 dB for AA2DONWB
Specifies the maximum pre-amplifier (ingress) gain in this card. Enter this keyword without
arguments to display the current gain setting.

For AA2DONWB, autopower management is not supported. This parameter has a fixed


mingain [<value>]

13..23 - gain in dB
13 - gain in dB

18 dB for AA2DONW

13 dB for AA2DONWB
Specifies the minimum pre-amplifier (ingress) gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to
display the current gain setting.

For AA2DONWB, autopower management is not supported. This parameter has a fixed
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

Sub-command: state

For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state".

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.136.5 Examples
# config interface aa2donwb 1/10/sig gain 15

5.136.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1755
config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.137 config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

5.137.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG interface ports with Performance Monitoring attributes on an OA
with 2-direction amplifying capability, unkeyed card (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB).
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on these SIG interfaces
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.137.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.137.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

5.137.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clear all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opin

Configure the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring

5.137.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/10/sig PM clearall

5.137.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1757
config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.138 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.138.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port on a fixed-gain amplifier with 2 direction amplification
capability, unkeyed (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB) card.
Use this command to
• Display the current settings for the port
• Specify a description for the port
• Configure the mode of the port
• Configure the type of the port
• Access ospf sub-command
• Access ots sub-command
• Access pm sub-command
• Access state sub-command
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.138.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.138.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.138.4 Input Parameters



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Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.



Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.

mode [<value>]
100BASEFX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal
OC3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
STM1 - set the port to carry an STM-1 signal
100BASEFX - for AA2DONW card

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config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


OC3 - for AA2DONWB if in ANSI mode

STM1 - for AA2DONWB if in ETSI mode
Specifies the port mode.

AA2DONW only support 100BASEFX oscsfp mode.

AA2DONWB only support OC3 or STM1 oscsfp mode.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.


ots moduletype [<value>]

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Allowed moduletype values for AA2DONW:

SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
auto - automatic detection on module insertion
Allowed moduletype values for AA2DONWB:
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
auto - automatic detection on module insertion

Specifies the SFP moduletype.
Sub-command: pm

Modify monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config interface <aa2d-card>
<oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface AA2DONW <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [<value>]


Specifies the port type.

5.138.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/10/oscsfp ots moduletype SL-16.20

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config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.138.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.139 config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.139.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port with Performance Monitoring attributes on the
AA2DONW and AA2DONWB card.
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.139.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.139.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.139.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.



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config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clear all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: interface
Configures the interface group PM options.
See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter performance monitoring
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.139.5 Examples
# config interface AA2DONWB 1/10/oscsfp pm clearall

5.139.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> ospf

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.140 config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.140.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSC port on a fixed-gain amplifier with 2 direction amplification
capability, unkeyed (AA2DONW and AA2DONWB) card.
Use this command to
• Specify a description for the port.
• Display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.140.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.140.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.140.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1765
config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the
Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.140.5 Examples
# config interface aa2donwb 1/5/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - AA2DONWB Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
OSC input Power : 0.2dBm

5.140.6 Related Commands

show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

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August 2017
1766 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.141 config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.141.1 Purpose
This command configures the VA port on the AA2DONWB card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the expected optical attenuation of the port
• Set the administrative state
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.141.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.141.3 Input Format

config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.141.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

<shelf>/<slot>/VA - Specifies VOA port
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1767
config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



attenuation [<value>]

attn - configure VA attenuation 0.0..10.0 dB with 0.1 dB steps

to - specify the address of associated LD SIG or LINE port

0.0 dB (attn)

null (to)
Sets the VA port optical attenuation related parameters. Optionally followed with attn or to.
Sub-command: state

Sets the port state. See "config interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid> state".

5.141.5 Examples

# config interface aa2donwb 1/8/va attenuation attn 2.1

# config interface aa2donwb 1/8/va attenuation to null

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1768 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.141.6 Related Commands

show interface aa2donwb <va-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1769
show interface <aa2d-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.142 show interface <aa2d-card>

5.142.1 Purpose
This command displays the LINE, SIG, OSCSFP, OSCSFP, OSC, eVOA port on cards:
This command displays the performance monitoring information for the LINE, SIG OSCSFP port on
• AA2DONW (Access Amplifier 2 Degree, OSC supported, without Wavekey)
• AA2DONWB (Access Amplifier 2 Degree, OSC supported, without Wavekey version B)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to show the SIG, LINE, OSC or
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to show the SIG, LINE, VOA, OSC or
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.142.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.142.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <port-aid>

5.142.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

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August 2017
1770 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card>


* - display list of ports
<shelf>/<slot>/VA - VOA port on AA2DONWB
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to display a port list of the specified card type on the
network element by location.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
The VA port only supported on AA2DONWB version. AA2DONW do not support VA port.

5.142.5 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1771
show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.143 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

5.143.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the LINE interface on the cards:
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display the PM for the port.
• Display power and Booster amplifier (Egress)gain information for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.143.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.143.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

5.143.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

number, a slash, and the port number.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of the parameters on this interface.
Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress and
ingress directions. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".
The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external, or as the
final port connecting to OPSA Sig port in OLP mode.
Sub-command: pm
Displays the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-
aid> pm".

5.143.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/LINE detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: LINE - AA2DONWB LINE Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/line detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: LINE - AA2DONWB Line Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Current Egress Gain : 18.00 dB
Min Gain : 13.00 dB
Max Gain : 23.00 dB
APR state : enabled
Total Power In :
Total Power Out :
Signal Power Out :
OSC Transmitted Output Power:

5.143.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1773
show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.144 show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.144.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears performance monitoring information for the LINE port on the
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.144.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.144.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

5.144.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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August 2017
1774 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Display the transmitted line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.144.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/LINE PM opin

5.144.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <line-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1775
show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.145 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.145.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the SIG interface on a BiDi-amplification card:
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display the PM for the port.
• Display power and pre-amplifier (ingress) gain information for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.145.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.145.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.145.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of the parameters on this interface.
Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-
aid> pm".

5.145.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/SIG

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - AA2DONWB SIG Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/SIG detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - AA2DONWB Line Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Current Ingress Gain : 18.00 dB
Min Gain : 13.00 dB
Max Gain : 23.00 dB
Total Power In :
Total Power Out :
Signal Power Out :

5.145.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid>

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show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.146 show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

5.146.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears the performance monitoring information for the SIG port on the
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the received sig-port optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted sig-port optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.146.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.146.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

5.146.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin
Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Displays the transmitted line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.146.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/SIG PM opin raw
Group: OPIN Location: 1/3/sig
Start Time : 2016/09/13 16:08:40 (UTC)
OPIN Min (dBm) : -14.54
OPIN Max (dBm) : -14.73
OPIN Average (dBm) : -19.04

5.146.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <sig-port-aid> pm

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show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.147 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.147.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the OSCSFP interface on a two direction amplifier
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the PM for the port.
• Display the ospf parameters.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.147.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.147.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.147.4 Input Parameters


Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

Entry required

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of all service activities on this interface.
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-
port-aid> pm".
Displays all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.147.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/10/OSCSFP detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: OSCSFP - AA2DONWB Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SL-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 29 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.147.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

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show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.148 show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.148.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears the performance monitoring information for the OSC port on the
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.148.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.148.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.148.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier types for which the command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface
Configures the interface group PM options.
See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter performance monitoring
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.148.5 Examples
# show interface AA2DONWB 1/7/oscsfp PM opr raw
Group: OPR Location: 1/7/OSCSFP
Start Time : 2008/09/13 16:08:41 (UTC)
OPR Min (dBm) : -10.4
OPR Max (dBm) : -9.24
OPR Average (dBm) : -17.53

5.148.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.149 show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.149.1 Purpose
This command displays the details of osc interface ports on cards:
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey (AA2DONW)
• Access Amplifier 2 Degree OSC supported without Wavekey version B(AA2DONWB)
Use this command to:
• Display the current setting for osc port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.149.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.149.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.149.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the amplifier type for which the command is executed.



Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.149.5 Examples
# show interface aa2donwb 1/5/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - AA2DONWB Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
OSC input Power : 0.2dBm

5.149.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <osc-port-aid>

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show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.150 show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.150.1 Purpose
This command displays the configured VA port on AA2DONWB card.
Use this command to:
• Display VOA port detailed settings
• Display the VOA attenuation setting
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.150.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.150.3 Input Format

show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

5.150.4 Input Parameters


Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the command is executed.
<shelf>/<slot>/VA - Specifies VOA port
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current detailed settings for the this port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>


attenuation [attn | to]
attn - display VOA's attenuation
to - display the associated LD <port-aid>
Displays the configured optical attenuation and the address to which the VA port associated.
Optionally followed with attn or to.
If [attn | to] is omitted, this command displays the full information including both attenuation
value and the associated LD port.

5.150.5 Examples
# show int aa2donwb 1/2/va det
Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Port: VA - AA2DONWB VA Port
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : AINS SGEO Oper Capability : Disabled

Description :

AINS : Enabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m

Attenuation : 0 dB
Associated Port : 1/2/Line

# show interface aa2donwb 1/2/va attenuation

The configured attenuation is 0dB; Associated LD port is 1/2/line

# show interface aa2donwb 1/2/va attenuation attn

The configured attenuation is : 0dB;

# show interface aa2donwb 1/2/va attenuation to

Associated LD port is : 1/2/line

5.150.6 Related Commands

config interface <aa2d-card> <va-port-aid>

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config interface awbegr Nokia 1830 PSS


5.151 config interface awbegr

5.151.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to access subcommands to
• Configure the SIGCIN interface (Signal C-Band Input)
• Configure the SIGLIN interface (Signal L-Band Input)
• Configure the LINEOUT interface (Line Ouput)
• Configure the OSC interface (Optical Supervisory Channel)
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.151.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.151.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <port-aid>

5.151.4 Input Parameters

* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <port-aid> state

5.152 config interface awbegr <port-aid> state

5.152.1 Purpose
This command configures the state for a any interface port on a
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.152.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.152.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <port-aid> state

5.152.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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config interface awbegr <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSC: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the system.

down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.152.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBEGR-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.152.6 Related Commands

show interface awbegr

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.153 config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.153.1 Purpose
This command configures the signal C-band input (SIGCIN) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.153.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.153.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.153.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationinc [<value>]

0..10 - deviation in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbegr <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIGCIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.153.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbegr-1/3/SIGCIN)# deviationin 3

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.153.6 Related Commands

show interface awbegr

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1793
config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.154 config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>

5.154.1 Purpose
This command configures the signal L-band input (SIGLIN) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.154.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.154.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>

5.154.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>



description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationinl [<value>]

0..10 - deviation in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface awbegr <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIGLIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

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config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.154.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbegr-1/3/SIGLIN)# deviationin 3

5.154.6 Related Commands

show interface awbegr

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1796 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.155 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.155.1 Purpose
This command configures the line output (LINEOUT) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, see "config powermgmt egress" and "config powermgmt
ingress" commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.155.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, targetpower,
tilttarget, voaset

5.155.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

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config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.155.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
aprmode [auto | force]
auto - automatic shutdown of the EDFA in response to a fiber cut, and automatic restart of
the EDFA after the fiber has been repaired.
force - force a shutdown the EDFA, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic. The port
state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation
from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the optical amplifier, and will have an
impact on service. Do you want to proceed?
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

confirmation from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the optical amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationoutc [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


deviationoutl [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


gainc [<value>]

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config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


7..29 - gain in dB.


7.50 dB (awbegr)

Range for gainrangec = low is 7.5..22.5 dB

Range for gainrangec = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrangec is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


gainl [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.

7.50 dB (awbegr)
Range for gainrangel = low is 7.5..22.5 dB
Range for gainrangel = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gainl value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrangel is changed, and the current value of gainl is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrangel, then gainl is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


gainrangec [low | high]


high - high gain range, covering gains of 13.5..29.5dB.

low - low gain range, covering gains of 7.5..22.5 dB.

low (awbegr)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?


gainrangel [low | high]


high - high gain range, covering gains of 13.5..29.5dB.

low - low gain range, covering gains of 7.5..22.5 dB.
low (awbegr)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?

maxgainc [<value>]
7.5..29.5 - gain in dB.

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config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


7.5.00 dB (awbegr)

Range for gainrangec = low is 7.5..22.5 dB

Range for gainrangec = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrangec, then maxgainc is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


maxgainl [<value>]

7.5..29.5 - gain in dB.


7.5.00 dB (awbegr)

Range for gainrangel = low is 7.5..22.5 dB

Range for gainrangel = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgainl is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrangel, then maxgainl is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>



mingainc [<value>]

7.5..29.5 - gain in dB.


7.50 dB (awbegr)

Range for gainrangec = low is 7.5..22.5 dB

Range for gainrangec = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingainc value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrangec is changed, and the current value of mingainc is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrangec, then mingainc is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

mingainl [<value>]
7.5..29.5 - gain in dB.
7.50 dB (awbegr)
Range for gainrangel = low is 7.5..22.5 dB
Range for gainrangel = high is 13.5..29.5 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrangel is changed, and the current value of mingainl is outside of the allowed range for

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config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

the new value of gainrangel, then mingainl is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


oppdirection [<value> | delete]


value - specify the <port-aid> being monitored

delete - clear a previous value
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbegr <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpowerc [<value>]

-30..11 - dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.


targetpowerl [<value>]

-30..11 - dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface awbegr
<lineout-port-aid> testing."

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>



tilttargetc [<value>]

-4..4 - dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


tilttargetl [<value>]

-4..4 - dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.


voasetc [<value>]

0..18 - dB

0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting for the C band.


voasetl [<value>]

0..18 - dB

0 dB
Specifies output eVOA setting for the L band.

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Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.155.5 Examples

(config-interface-AWBEGR-1/3/LINEOUT)# gainc 20

# config interface AWBEGR 1/3/LineOut detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: LineOut AWBEGR LineOut [OTS]

Admin State:
Opposite direction:
Oper State:


C Band details:

Current Gain C Band:

Maximum gain C band;
Minimum gain C Band:
Deviation out C Band:
Target Power C Band:
Target tilt C Band:
Output Attenuation C Band:

L Band details:

Current Gain L Band:

Maximum gain L band;
Minimum gain L Band:
Deviation out L Band:
Target Power L Band:
Target tilt L Band:
Output Attenuation L Band:

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5.155.6 Related Commands

show interface awbegr

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config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.156 config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.156.1 Purpose
This command configures performance monitoring of the line output (LINEOUT) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.156.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.156.3 Input Format

config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.156.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opoutc

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options for the C band EDFA. See
"config interface awbegr <port-aid> pm opoutc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opoutl
Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options for the L band EDFA. See "config
interface awbegr <port-aid> pm opoutl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.156.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBEGR-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.156.6 Related Commands

show interface awbegr

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show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.157 show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.157.1 Purpose
This command displays the signal C-band input (SIGCIN) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.157.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.157.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

5.157.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only.

5.157.5 Examples
show interface awbegr 1/5/sigcin

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGCIN - AWBEGR Sig Cin Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbegr 1/5/sigcin det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGCIN - AWBEGR Sig Cin Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Direction :
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Total Power In :
GMRE Topology Alarm : unknown

5.157.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr <sigcin-port-aid>

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show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.158 show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>

5.158.1 Purpose
This command displays the signal L-band input (SIGLIN) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.158.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.158.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>

5.158.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only.

5.158.5 Examples
show interface awbegr 1/5/siglin

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGLIN - AWBEGR Sig Lin Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbegr 1/5/siglin det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGLIN - AWBEGR Sig Lin Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Direction :

Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Total Power In :

GMRE Topology Alarm : unknown

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show interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.158.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr <siglin-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.159 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.159.1 Purpose
This command displays the line output (LINEOUT) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.159.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.159.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.159.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

5.159.5 Examples
show interface awbegr 1/5/lineout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBEGR Line Out Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbegr 1/5/lineout det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBEGR Line Out Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Opposite direction : 1/2/LINEIN Direction :

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

Apr Mode : Auto

C Band Details :

Target Power C Band : 3.30 dBm

Gain Range C Band : High
Gain Tilt C Band : -1.47 dB
Actual Tilt C Band : -1.47 dB
Calculated Required Gain :
InputtoOutputGain C Band : 21.00 dB
VOA Set C Band : 0.00 dB
Current Gain C Band : 21.00 dB
Min Gain C Band : 20.00 dB
Max Gain C Band : 21.00 dB
Delta Max Gain C Band : 0.00 dB
Target Tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out C Band : 1.50 dB
Supvy Out Power : 2.21 dBm

Total Power Out C Band : 20.04 dBm

Signal Power Out C Band : 19.69 dBm
Target Output Power C Band : 3.30 dBm
Actual Output Attenuation C Band : 0.00 dB

L Band Details :

Target Power L Band : 3.30 dBm

Gain Range L Band : High
Gain Tilt L Band : -1.47 dB
Actual Tilt L Band : -1.47 dB
Calculated Required Gain :
InputtoOutputGain L Band : 21.00 dB
VOA Set L Band : 0.50 dB
Current Gain L Band : 21.00 dB
Min Gain L Band : 20.00 dB
Max Gain L Band : 21.00 dB
Delta Max Gain L Band : 0.00 dB
Target Tilt L Band : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out L Band : 1.50 dB
Supvy Out Power : 2.21 dBm

Total Power Out L Band : 20.04 dBm

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Signal Power Out L Band : 19.69 dBm

Target Output Power L Band : 3.30 dBm
Actual Output Attenuation L Band : 0.00 dB

5.159.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.160 show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.160.1 Purpose
This command displays performance monitoring of the line output (LINEOUT) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.160.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.160.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.160.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opoutc
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opoutc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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show interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opoutl
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opoutl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.160.5 Examples
show interface awbegr 1/5/lineout pm opoutc

5.160.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr <lineout-port-aid> pm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid>

5.161 show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid>

5.161.1 Purpose
This command displays the optical supervisory channel (OSC) interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to
• Display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.161.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.161.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid>

5.161.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbegr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.161.5 Examples

# show interface awbegr 1/6/OSC detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - AWBEGR Osc Port [OTS]


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show interface awbegr <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Down Oper State : Down

Supvy In Power : 1.9 dBm

5.161.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr <osc-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.162 show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.162.1 Purpose
This command displays the OTDRTX interface on a:
• Wide Band Egress Amplifier (AWBEGR)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.162.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.162.3 Input Format

show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.162.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.

5.162.5 Examples

# show interface awbegr 1/6/OTDRTX detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRTX - AWBEGR Otdrtx Port [OTS]

Associated OTDR Port: None

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show interface awbegr <otdrtx-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.162.6 Related Commands

config interface awbegr
show interface awbegr

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila


5.163 config interface awbila

5.163.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.163.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.163.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <port-aid>

5.163.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1825
config interface awbila <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.164 config interface awbila <port-aid> state

5.164.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Wide Band In Line Amplifier
(AWBILA) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.164.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.164.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <port-aid> state

5.164.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <port-aid> state


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.164.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.164.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1827
config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.165 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

5.165.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.165.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.165.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

5.165.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port.

If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationinc [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


deviationinl [<value>]

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0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbila <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl

This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

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5.165.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbila-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationinc 3

# config interface AWBILA 1/3/LineIn detail

Shelf: 1 SLot: 3 Port: LineIn AWBILA LineIn [OTS]

5.165.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1831
config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.166 config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

5.166.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.166.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.166.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

5.166.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opinc

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opinc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opinl

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opinl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.166.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.166.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

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config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.167 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

5.167.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.167.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, splicemargin,
targetpower, tilttarget, voaset

5.167.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>


5.167.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
aprmode [auto | force]
auto - automatic shutdown of the EDFA in response to a fiber cut, and automatic restart of
the EDFA after the fiber has been repaired.
force - force a shutdown the EDFA, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic. The port
state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation
from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the optical amplifier, and will have an
impact on service. Do you want to proceed?
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:

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config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the optical amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?


0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>



deviationoutc [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


deviationoutl [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.
gainc [<value>]
7..29 - gain in dB.
7.00 dB (awbila)
Range for gainrangec = low is 7..22 dB
Range for gainrangec = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



gainl [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.


7.00 dB (awbila)

Range for gainrangel = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrangel = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


gainrangec [low | high]


high - high gain range, covering gains of 13..29 dB.

low - low gain range, covering gains of 7..22 dB.

low (awbila)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>



gainrangel [low | high]


high - high gain range, covering gains of 13..29 dB.

low - low gain range, covering gains of 7..22 dB.

low (awbila)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?


maxgainc [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.


7.00 dB (awbila)

Range for gainrangec = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrangec = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



maxgainl [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.


7.00 dB (awbila)

Range for gainrangel = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrangel = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingainc [<value>]
7..29 - gain in dB.
7.00 dB (awbila)
Range for gainrangec = low is 7..22 dB
Range for gainrangec = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.

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In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingainl [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB.

7.00 dB (awbila)
Range for gainrangel = low is 7..22 dB
Range for gainrangel = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]
<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.
delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm".

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Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbila <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpowerc [<value>]

-30..11 - in dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.


targetpowerl [<value>]

-30..11 - in dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface awbila <lineout-
port-aid> testing."


tilttargetc [<value>]

-4..4 - dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.
tilttargetl [<value>]
-4..4 - dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

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voasetc [<value>]

0..18 - dB

0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.


voasetl [<value>]

0..18 - dB

0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configure the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.167.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEOUT)# gainc 20

# config interface AWBILA 1/3/LineOut detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: LineOut AWBILA LineOut [OTS]

Admin State:
Opposite direction:
Oper State:


C Band details:

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config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Current Gain C Band:

Maximum gain C band;
Minimum gain C Band:
Out Power deviation C Band:
Target Power C Band:
Target tilt C Band:
Output Attenuation C Band:

L Band details:

Current Gain L Band:

Maximum gain L band;
Minimum gain L Band:
Outpit Power deviation L Band:
Target Power L Band:
Target tilt L Band:
Output Attenuation L Band:

5.167.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

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1844 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.168 config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.168.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.168.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.168.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.168.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1845
config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opoutc

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opoutc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opoutl
Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opoutl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.168.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.168.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

Release 10.0
August 2017
1846 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.169 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.169.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.169.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.169.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.169.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.


ots moduletype [<value>]


SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal


Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface awbila <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.169.5 Examples
config interface awbila 1/7/oscsfp mode oc-3

5.169.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1849
config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.170 config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.170.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.170.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.170.3 Input Format

config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.170.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.170.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBILA-1/9/OSCSFP-PM)# clearAll

5.170.6 Related Commands

show interface awbila

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1851
config interface awbila <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.171 config interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>

5.171.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.171.2 Related Commands

show interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

5.172 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

5.172.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific channel in
the in or out direction.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.172.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.172.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

5.172.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1853
show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Displays the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl
This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.172.5 Examples
show interface awbila 1/5/linein det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - AWBILA Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State :
Opposite direction : 1/3/LINEOUT Direction :

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1854 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Total Power In :
GMRE Topology Alarm : unknown

show interface awbila 1/5/linein

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - AWBILA Line IN Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

5.172.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1855
show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.173 show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

5.173.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.173.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.173.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

5.173.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opinc

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opinc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opinl
Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opinl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <linein-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochin

Displays the received channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.173.5 Examples
(show-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opinc

5.173.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <linein-port-aid>

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show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.174 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

5.174.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.174.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.174.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

5.174.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

5.174.5 Examples
show interface awbila 1/5/lineout det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBILA Line Out Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State :

Opposite direction : 1/3/LINEIN Direction :

Target Power C Band : 2.10 dBm

Gain Range C Band : High
Gain Tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Actual Tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Calculated Required Gain :
InputtoOutputGain : 20.11 dB

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show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

VOA Set C Band : 0.00 dB

Current Gain C Band : 20.11 dB
Min Gain C Band : 13.00 dB
Max Gain C Band : 22.00 dB
Delta Max Gain C Band : 0.00 dB
Target tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out C Band : 1.50 dB
Supvy Out Power : 2.78 dBm

Total Power Out C Band : 3.14 dBm

Signal Power Out C Band : 2.53 dBm
Apr Mode : Auto

show interface awbila 1/5/lineout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBILA Line OUT Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbila 1/5/lineout det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - AWBILA Line Out Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State :

Opposite direction : 1/3/LINEIN Direction :

Apr Mode : Auto

C Band details:

Target Power C Band : 2.10 dBm

Gain Range C Band : High
Gain Tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Actual Tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Calculated Required Gain C Band :
InputtoOutputGain C Band : 20.11 dB
VOA Set C Band : 0.00 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

Current Gain C Band : 20.11 dB

Min Gain C Band : 13.00 dB
Max Gain C Band : 22.00 dB
Delta Max Gain C Band : 0.00 dB
Target tilt C Band : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out C Band : 1.50 dB
Supvy Out Power : 2.78 dBm

Total Power Out C Band : 3.14 dBm

Signal Power Out C Band : 2.53 dBm

L Band details:

Target Power L Band : 2.10 dBm

Gain Range L Band : High
Gain Tilt L Band : 0.00 dB
Actual Tilt L Band : 0.00 dB
Calculated Required Gain L Band :
InputtoOutputGain L Band : 20.11 dB
VOA Set L Band : 0.00 dB
Current Gain L Band : 20.11 dB
Min Gain L Band : 13.00 dB
Max Gain L Band : 22.00 dB
Delta Max Gain L Band : 0.00 dB
Target tilt L Band : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out L Band : 1.50 dB
Supvy Out Power : 2.78 dBm
Total Power Out L Band : 3.14 dBm
Signal Power Out L Band : 2.53 dBm

5.174.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid>

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show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.175 show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.175.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.175.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.175.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.175.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the transmitted line C band optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opoutc
Display the transmitted line c band optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opoutc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opoutl

Display the transmitted line L band optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opoutl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.175.5 Examples
(show-interface-AWBILA-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opoutc

5.175.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <lineout-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1863
show interface awbila <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.176 show interface awbila <osc-port-aid>

5.176.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.176.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.176.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <osc-port-aid>

5.176.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.176.5 Examples

show interface awbila 1/5/osc

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - AWBILA Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <osc-port-aid>

5.176.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

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show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.177 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.177.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.177.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.177.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.177.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

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5.177.5 Examples
show interface awbila 1/3/oscsfp det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: OSCSFP - AWBILA Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SWR-1.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 2815 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.177.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid>

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show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.178 show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.178.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.178.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.178.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.178.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbila cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface
Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opr

Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.178.5 Examples
show interface awbila 1/5/oscsfp pm opr raw

Group: OPR Location: 1/5/OSCSFP

Start Time : (UTC)

OPR Min (dBm) :

OPR Max (dBm) :
OPR Average (dBm) :

5.178.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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show interface awbila <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.179 show interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>

5.179.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.179.2 Related Commands

config interface awbila <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbila <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.180 show interface awbila <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.180.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.180.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.180.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.180.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.180.5 Examples
(show-interface-awbila-1/6/OTDRRX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRRX - AWBILA Otdrrx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: 1/10/P3

5.180.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila
show interface awbila

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show interface awbila <otdrtx-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.181 show interface awbila <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.181.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band In Line Amplifier (AWBILA)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.181.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.181.3 Input Format

show interface awbila <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.181.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.181.5 Examples
(show-interface-awbila-1/6/OTDRTX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRTX - AWBILA Otdrtx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: None

5.181.6 Related Commands

config interface awbila
show interface awbila

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing


5.182 config interface awbing

5.182.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, SigCout,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.182.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.182.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <port-aid>

5.182.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1873
config interface awbing <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.183 config interface awbing <port-aid> state

5.183.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Wide Band Ingress Amplifier
(AWBING) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.183.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.183.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <port-aid> state

5.183.4 Input Parameters



* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <port-aid> state


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.183.5 Examples
# config interface AWBING 1/3/LINEIN state down

5.183.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1875
config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.184 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

5.184.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.184.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.184.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

5.184.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port.

If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



deviationinc [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


deviationinl [<value>]

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config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


0..10 - gain in dB
help - display the valid and default values.

1.5 dB
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbing <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl

This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

5.184.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbing-1/3/LINEIN)# deviationinc 3

# config interface AWBING 1/6/linein detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEIN - AWBING LineIN Port [OTS]


Admin State : Oper State :

Opposite direction : Direction :

Input Power deviation C Band:

Input Power deviation L Band:

5.184.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1879
config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.185 config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

5.185.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.185.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.185.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

5.185.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opinc
Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opinc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opinl

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opinl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochinc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.185.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBING-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.185.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1881
config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.186 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.186.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.186.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, splicemargin,
targetpower, tilttarget, voaset

5.186.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.186.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.

deviationoutc [<value>]

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config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


0..10 - deviaiton in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


gainc [<value>]

8..30 - gain in dB.


8.00 dB (awbing)
Range for gainrange = low is 8..23 dB
Range for gainrange = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
gainrangec [low | high]
high - high gain range, covering gains of 14..30 dB.
low - low gain range, covering gains of 8..23 dB.

low (awning)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?


maxgainc [<value>]

8..30 - gain in dB.


8.00 dB (awbing)
Range for gainrangec = low is 8..23 dB
Range for gainrangec = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
mingainc [<value>]
8..30 - gain in dB.
8.00 dB (awbing)

Range for gainrangec = low is 8..23 dB

Range for gainrangec = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1885
config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbing <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpowerc [<value>]

-30..11 - dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the SIGCOUT port. See "config interface awbing
<sigcout-port-aid> testing."


tilttargetc [<value>]

-4..4 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIGCOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.186.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBING-1/3/SIGCOUT)# gain 20

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.186.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1887
config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.187 config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> testing

5.187.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.187.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.187.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>
testing [asemode]

5.187.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


testing [asemode [cancel | power [value] ] ]


-4..10 - power in dBm


5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.187.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbing-1/14/sigcout)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/sigcout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/sigcout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/sigcout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/sigcout)# testing asemode cancel

5.187.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1889
config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.188 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

5.188.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.188.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, splicemargin,
targetpower, tilttarget, voaset

5.188.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

5.188.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.

deviationoutl [<value>]

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0..10 - deviaiton in dB
help - display the valid and default values.
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.


gainl [<value>]

8..30 - gain in dB.


8.00 dB (awbing)
Range for gainrangel = low is 8..23 dB
Range for gainrangel = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrangel is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
gainrangel [low | high]
high - high gain range, covering gains of 14..30 dB.
low - low gain range, covering gains of 8..23 dB.

low (awning)
Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?


maxgainl [<value>]

8..30 - gain in dB.


8.00 dB (awbing)
Range for gainrangel = low is 8..23 dB
Range for gainrangel = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
mingainl [<value>]
8..30 - gain in dB.
8.00 dB (awbing)

Range for gainrangel = low is 8..23 dB

Range for gainrangel = high is 14..30 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1893
config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface awbing <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpowerl [<value>]

-30..11 - dBm
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the SIGLOUT port. See "config interface awbing
<siglout-port-aid> testing."


tilttargetl [<value>]

-4..4 - gain in dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIGLOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

5.188.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBING-1/3/SIGLOUT)# gain 20

5.188.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1895
config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.189 config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> testing

5.189.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.189.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.189.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>
testing [asemode]

5.189.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


testing [asemode [cancel | power [value] ] ]


-4..10 - power in dBm


5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.189.5 Examples
(config-interface-awbing-1/14/siglout)# testing
Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/siglout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/siglout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/siglout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-awbing-1/14/siglout)# testing asemode cancel

5.189.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1897
config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.190 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.190.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.190.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.190.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [oscmtu | moduletype]

5.190.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.


ots moduletype [<value>]


SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal


Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1899
config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface awbing <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.190.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBING-1/9/OSCSFP)# mode OC3

5.190.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

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1900 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.191 config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.191.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.191.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.191.3 Input Format

config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.191.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1901
config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.191.5 Examples
(config-interface-AWBING-1/9/OSCSFP-PM)# clearAll

5.191.6 Related Commands

show interface awbing

Release 10.0
August 2017
1902 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>

5.192 config interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>

5.192.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.192.2 Related Commands

show interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1903
show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.193 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

5.193.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific channel in
the in or out direction.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.193.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.193.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

5.193.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

Release 10.0
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1904 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".
The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.
srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface
detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm

Displays the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbing <linein-port-aid>
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl
This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.193.5 Examples
show interface awbing 1/3/linein det

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1905
show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Opposite direction : Direction :

Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Total Power In :

GMRE Topology Alarm : unknown

show interface awbing 1/5/linein

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - AWBING Line IN Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional

5.193.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1906 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

5.194 show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

5.194.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.194.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.194.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm

5.194.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opinc

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opinc" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1907
show interface awbing <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opinl

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opinl" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Displays the received channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.194.5 Examples
(show-interface-AWBING-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opinc

5.194.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1908 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.195 show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.195.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.195.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.195.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

5.195.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1909
show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Enter this keyword to display just the total measured output power for the port.

5.195.5 Examples
show interface awbing 1/5/SigCout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGCOUT - AWBING SIG COUT Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbing 1/3/sigcout det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: SIGCOUT - AWBING Sig Cout Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Apr Mode : Auto

Testing in progress : False

C Band Details :

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

Target Power C Band : 2.10 dBm

Gain Range C Band : High
Gain Tilt C Band : -0.50 dB
Actual Tilt C Band : -0.60 dB
Calculated Required Gain C Band :
Current Gain C Band : 19.31 dB
Min Gain C Band : 14.00 dB
Max Gain C Band : 25.00 dB
Delta Max Gain C Band : 3.00 dB
Target tilt C Band : -0.50 dB
Power Deviation Out C Band : 3.00 dB

Total Power Out C band : 4.90 dBm

Signal Power Out C band : 4.76 dBm

5.195.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <sigcout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1911
show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.196 show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

5.196.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.196.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.196.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

5.196.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Enter this keyword to display just the total measured output power for the port.

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1912 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>

5.196.5 Examples
show interface awbing 1/5/SigLout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGLOUT - AWBING SIG LOUT Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

show interface awbing 1/4/siglout detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: SIGLOUT - AWBING Sig Lout Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Apr Mode : Auto

Testing in Progress : False

L Band details:

Target Power L Band : 2.10 dBm

Gain Range L Band : High
Gain Tilt L Band : -0.50 dB
Actual Tilt L Band : -0.60 dB
Calculated Required Gain L Band :
Current Gain L Band : 19.31 dB
Min Gain L Band : 14.00 dB
Max Gain L Band : 25.00 dB

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show interface awbing <siglout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Delta Max Gain L Band : 3.00 dB

Target tilt L Band : -0.50 dB
Power Deviation Out L Band : 3.00 dB

Total Power Out L band : 4.90 dBm

Signal Power Out L band : 4.76 dBm

5.196.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <siglout-port-aid>

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1914 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.197 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.197.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.197.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.197.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.197.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.


Display all OSPF activity on this interface. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

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show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.197.5 Examples
show interface awbing 1/3/oscsfp det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: OSCSFP - AWBING Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SWR-1.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 2815 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.197.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid>

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1916 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.198 show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.198.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.198.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.198.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.198.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the awbing cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1917
show interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.198.5 Examples
show interface awbing 1/3/oscsfp pm opt raw

Group: OPT Location: 1/3/OSCSFP

Start Time : (UTC)

OPT Min (dBm) :

OPT Max (dBm) :
OPT Average (dBm) :

5.198.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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1918 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>

5.199 show interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>

5.199.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.199.2 Related Commands

config interface awbing <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1919
show interface awbing <otdrrx-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.200 show interface awbing <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.200.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Wide Band Ingress Amplifier (AWBING)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.200.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.200.3 Input Format

show interface awbing <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.200.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.200.5 Examples
(show-interface-awbing-1/6/OTDRRX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRRX - AWBING Otdrrx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: 1/10/P3

5.200.6 Related Commands

config interface awbing
show interface awbing

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1920 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr


5.201 config interface osctapr

5.201.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an OSCTAPR card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the SIG, LINE, VA, OSC or OSCSFP port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.201.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.201.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <port-aid>

5.201.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1921
config interface osctapr <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.202 config interface osctapr <port-aid> state

5.202.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on an OSCTAPR card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.202.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.202.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <port-aid> state

5.202.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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1922 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <port-aid> state


Set to up to enable the port

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.202.5 Examples
(config-interface-osctapr-1/3/line)# state down

5.202.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1923
config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.203 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

5.203.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE port on the OSCTAPR card.
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.203.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.203.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

5.203.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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1924 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface osctapr <port-aid> state".

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.203.5 Examples
(config-interface-osctapr-1/3/line)# state up

5.203.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1925
config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.204 config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.204.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE ports with Performance Monitoring attributes on the OSCTAPR
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.204.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.204.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.204.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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1926 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.204.5 Examples
(config-interface-osctapr-1/3/line-PM)# clearAll

5.204.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1927
config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.205 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.205.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port on an OSCTAPR card. Use this command to display
the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.205.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.205.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.205.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

Release 10.0
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1928 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



mode [oc3 | stm1]


oc3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal

stm1 - set the port to carry a stm1 signal
Specifies the port type to be OC3 if ANSI; STM1 if ETSI.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit. The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.


ots moduletype [<value>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1929
config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal

SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
auto - automatic detection on module insertion
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Displays or clears performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface osctapr <port-aid> state".
type [ots | unassigned]

Specifies the port type.

5.205.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/9/oscsfp)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.205.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

Release 10.0
August 2017
1930 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.206 config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.206.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port with Performance Monitoring attributes on the
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.206.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.206.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.206.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1931
config interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.206.5 Examples
(config-interface-osctapr-1/3/oscsfp)# pm clearall

5.206.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr

Release 10.0
August 2017
1932 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.207 config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.207.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on an OSCT card. Use this command to display the current
settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.207.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.207.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.207.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

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config interface osctapr <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface osct <port-aid> state".

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.207.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/sig)# description west

5.207.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

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1934 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.208 config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.208.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSC port on an OSCTAPR card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.208.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.208.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.208.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1935
config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.208.5 Examples
# config interface osctapr 1/5/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - OSCTAPR Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
OSC input Power : 0.2dBm

5.208.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

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August 2017
1936 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

5.209 config interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

5.209.1 Purpose
This command configures the VA port on the OSCTAPR card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the expected optical attenuation of the port
• Set the administrative state
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.209.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.209.3 Input Format

config interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

5.209.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/VA - Specifies the VA port on OSCTAPR to be configured.
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1937
config interface osctapr <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.

attenuation [attn | to]
attn - configure VOA attenuation 0.0..10.0 dB with 0.1 dB steps
to - specify the address of associated OSCTAPR SIG or LINE port.
0.0 dB (attn)
null (to)
Sets the VA port VOA optical attenuation related parameters. Optionally followed with attn or to.
Note: This can only be configured on OSCTAPR.
Sub-command: state
Sets the port state. See "config interface osctapr <port-aid> state".

5.209.5 Examples
# config interface osctapr 1/8/va attenuation attn 2.1

5.209.6 Related Commands

show interface osctapr <VA-port-aid>

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1938 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

5.210 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

5.210.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the LINE interface on an OSCTAPR card. Use this
command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.210.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.210.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <line-port-aid>

5.210.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm".

5.210.5 Examples

# show interface osctapr 1/4/line

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINE - OSCTAPR Line Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1939
show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface osctapr 1/4/line detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINE - OSCTAPR Line Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down

Total Power In :
Total Power Out :
OSC Transmitted Output Power:

5.210.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr

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1940 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.211 show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.211.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears clear performance monitoring information for the LINE port on the
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.211.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.211.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm

5.211.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays he received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout

Displays the transmitted line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.211.5 Examples
(show-interface-osctapr-1/3/line)# PM opin

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1941
show interface osctapr <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.211.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr

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August 2017
1942 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.212 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.212.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the OSCSFP interface on an osctapr card. Use this
command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.212.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.212.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.212.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: ospf

Display the ospf attributes for the oscsfp port. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1943
show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.212.5 Examples
(show-interface-osctapr)# 1/5/oscsfp detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - OSCTAPR OSCSFP Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Module Type : SS-16.2O
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSC Mode : OC3
OSPF Area Id :
Helloint : 10
Deadint : 40
Metric : 10
MTU : 1491

5.212.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr

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1944 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.213 show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.213.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears performance monitoring information for the OSC port on the
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.213.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.213.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.213.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1945
show interface osctapr <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opr

Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.213.5 Examples
(show-interface-osctapr-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opt

5.213.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr

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August 2017
1946 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.214 show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.214.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the SIG interface on an OSCTAPR card. Use this
command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.214.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.214.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid>

5.214.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

5.214.5 Examples
(show-interface-osctapr)# 1/5/sig
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG - OSCTAPR Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Bidirectional

(show-interface-osctapr)# 1/5/sig detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG - OSCTAPR Signal Port [OTS]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1947
show interface osctapr <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State: Up Oper State: Down

5.214.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr

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August 2017
1948 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.215 show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.215.1 Purpose
This command displays the details of osc interface ports on OSCTAPR cards:
Use this command to:
• Display the current setting for osc port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.215.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.215.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

5.215.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osctapr cards on the network
element.See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.
Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.215.5 Examples
# show interface osctapr 1/5/osc detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - OSCTAPR Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
OSC Input Power : 0.2dBm

5.215.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1949
show interface osctapr <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.216 show interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

5.216.1 Purpose
This command displays the configured VA port on OSCTAPR card.
Use this command to:
• Display VA port detailed settings
• Display the VOA attenuation setting
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.216.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.216.3 Input Format

show interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

5.216.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/va - Specifies the VA port on osctapr
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Display the current detailed settings for the this port.
attenuation [attn | to]
attn - display VOA's attenuation of VA port
to - display the associated LD <port-aid>
Displays the configured optical attenuation and the address to which the VA port associated.
Optionally followed with attn or to.

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1950 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

If [attn | to] is omitted, this command displays the full information including both attenuation
value and the associated port.

5.216.5 Examples
# show int osctapr 1/2/va det
Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Port: VA - OSCTAPR VA Port
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : AINS SGEO Oper Capability : Disabled
Description :

AINS : Enabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m

Attenuation : 0 dB
Associated Port : 1/2/Line

# show interface osctapr1/2/va attenuation

Attenuation : 0 dB
Associated Port : 1/2/line

# show interface osctapr 1/2/va attenuation attn

The configured attenuation is : 0dB

# show interface osctapr 1/2/va attenuation to

Associated port is : 1/2/line

5.216.6 Related Commands

config interface osctapr <va-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1951
config interface a2p2125 Nokia 1830 PSS


5.217 config interface a2p2125

5.217.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.217.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.217.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <port-aid>

5.217.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1952 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state

5.218 config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state

5.218.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.218.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.218.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state

5.218.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1953
config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.218.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.218.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125

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August 2017
1954 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

5.219 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

5.219.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.219.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.219.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1955
config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.219.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprmode [auto | force]


auto - Automatic shutdown of the Raman amplifier pumps in response to a fiber cut, and
automatic restart of the pumps after the fiber has been repaired.
force - Force a shutdown of the Raman pumps, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port. The port state must be
set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out. An attempt to change the
value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the Raman amplifier. It will have an
impact on service and might cut optical supervisory communication on this line. Do you want to
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the Raman amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

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1956 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



expgainmax [<value>]

0..25 - gain in dB

25 dB
Specifies the maximum expected Raman gain.expgainmin cannot be set above expgainmax.


expgainmin [<value>]

2..25 - gain in dB

7 dB
Specifies the minimum expected Raman gain.expgainmin cannot be set above expgainmax.


fibertype [ssmf | twrs | eleaf]



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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1957
config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies the fiber type at the input to the pack.


initialagc [<value>]

2..20 - gain in dB

10 dB
Specifies the Raman AGC target gain.


initialmidloss [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

0.6 dB
Specifies the target loss between the Raman and EDFA amplifiers for auto power management
mode. The value can be set in manual power management mode, but it will have no effect.


midvoaatten [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the attenuation of the mid-VOA.This parameter can only be specified in manual power
management mode. An attempt to change this value in auto power management mode will be
denied. The value of the parameter can be viewed in either power management mode. If the
parameter setting is changed in manual power management mode, and the new value is set
outside of the range defined by midvoaminatten and midvoamaxatten, then the new values will
be set to the nearest edge of the range.

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1958 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>



midvoamaxatten [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

20 dB
Specifies the maximum attenuation of the mid-VOA.


midvoaminatten [<value>]
0..20 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the minimum attenuation of the mid-VOA.
oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]
<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.
delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm
Displays or clears performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm"
Sub-command: state

See "config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1959
config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.219.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/3/LINEIN)# midvoaatten
Hybrid amplifier port VOA attenuation: 3.50 dB

5.219.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1960 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.220 config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.220.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.220.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.220.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.220.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
element. See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for
each supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1961
config interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochin

Configure the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.220.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.220.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1962 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

5.221 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

5.221.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.221.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.221.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1963
config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.221.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the am2318a cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprmode [auto | force]


auto - automatic shutdown of the EDFA in response to a fiber cut, and automatic restart of
the EDFA after the fiber has been repaired.
force - force a shutdown the EDFA, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic. The port
state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation
from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the optical amplifier, and will have an
impact on service. Do you want to proceed?
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the optical amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?

0..5 - gain in dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.

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1964 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
0..10 - gain in dB
Specifies the deviation-out values used for the adjustment.
gain [<value>]
15..31 - gain in dB
15.00 dB
Specifies the amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1965
config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



maxgain [<value>]

15..31 - gain in dB

31.00 dB
Specifies the maximum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingain [<value>]

15..31 - gain in dB

15.00 dB
Specifies the minimum amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values
for the gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]

Release 10.0
August 2017
1966 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bidirectional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm"


0..10 - gain in dB.


0 dB
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dBm


0 dB
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configure testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface a2p2125
<lineout-port-aid> testing."


-4..+4 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1967
config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays the port type.


0..18 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey"

5.221.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/3/LINEOUT) # gain 20

5.221.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1968 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.222 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.222.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.222.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.222.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.222.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted LINEIN optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1969
config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.222.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.222.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
1970 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.223 config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.223.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Configure testing related parameters of the port
Note: This command shall be used with care and by advanced users only.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.223.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.223.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing
asemode [cancel | power]

5.223.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the interface port. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot number, a slash, and the
port identifier on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: asemode


asemode [cancel | power]

Configures the ASE output power mode for testing. To check if testing is active enter the
command without asemode parameter.
Enter asemode without parameters to turn the amplifier in the ASE output power mode with
default output power value (or previously existing value).
Enter asemode together with power parameter to enter the ASE output power mode with the
specified output power value.
Enter asemode together with cancel to quit ASE output power mode.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1971
config interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS


Enter this keyword to cancel ASE output power mode and return to normal mode.

power [<value>]
-4.0..10.0 - power in dBm
5.0 dBm
Specifies the output power level used in ASE output power mode. Enter the keyword without
parameter to display the current value.

5.223.5 Examples
The following example shows how the testing status can be checked:

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing

Testing in progress: false

The following example shows how the asemode can be enabled (error if there are cross-

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing asemode

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing asemode

Unable to complete request.
Error: Request failed - Port has cross-connect

The following example shows how asemode testing is stopped:

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing asemode cancel

The following example shows how asemode output power can be modified:

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing asemode power 3.0

# config interface a2p2125 1/14/lineout testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 3.00 dBm

5.223.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125

Release 10.0
August 2017
1972 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.224 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.224.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.224.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.224.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.224.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1973
config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



mode [100BASEFX | OC3]


oc3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal

base100FX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal
Specifies the port type.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1974 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>


ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface a2p2125 <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]
ots - set the port to OTS
unassigned - set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.

5.224.5 Examples
(config-interface-A2P2125-1/9/OSCSFP)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.224.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1975
config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.225 config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.225.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.225.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.225.3 Input Format

config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.225.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

Release 10.0
August 2017
1976 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.225.5 Examples
(config-interface-{a2p2125 | ahplg}-1/3/OSCSFP)# pm clearall

5.225.6 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1977
config interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.226 config interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>

5.226.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.226.2 Related Commands

show interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1978 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

5.227 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

5.227.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.227.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.227.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

5.227.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface
Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1979
show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.

Sub-command: pm

Displays the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-
aid> pm".
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.227.5 Examples

# show interface a2p2125 2/2/linein

Shelf: 2 Slot: 2 Port: LINEIN - A2P2125 Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :


(show-interface-A2P2125)# 1/5/LINEIN detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - A2P2125 Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite Direction : 1/4/LINEOUT Direction :

Programmed Fiber Type : SSMF

Maximum Expected Raman Gain : 16.50 dB
Minimum Expected Raman Gain : 12.50 dB
Operating Raman Gain : 16.17 dB
Raman Tilt Target : 0.00 dB
Raman AGC Current Target Gain : 16.00 dB
Raman AGC Initial Target Gain : 16.00 dB
Raman Pump 1 Power : 259mW
Raman Pump 2 Power : 261mW
Total Power In : -12.20 dBm
Raman Total Power Out : -13.80 dBm
Raman Signal Power Out : -16.50 dBm
Raman ASE Noise Power Out : -16.10 dBm

Mid VOA Atten : 0.70 dB

Initial Mid VOA Loss : 1.10 dB
Min VOA Atten : 0.00 dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
1980 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid>

Max VOA Atten : 1.90 dB

EDFA Total Power In : -14.77 dBm

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

APR Mode : Auto

5.227.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1981
show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.228 show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.228.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.228.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.228.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.228.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Display the received LINEIN optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1982 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <linein-port-aid> pm

5.228.5 Examples
(show-interface-a2p2125-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opout

5.228.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1983
show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.229 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

5.229.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.229.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.229.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>

5.229.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface

Release 10.0
August 2017
1984 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid>


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.

Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-
aid> pm".

5.229.5 Examples

# show interface A2P2125 1/5/LINEOUT detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - A2P2125 Signal Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite Direction : Direction :
Target Power : 1.90 dBm
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.00 dB
Target tilt : -1.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 17.12 dB
Output VOA Set : 3.00 dB
Current Gain : 20.12 dB
Min Gain : 20.00 dB
Max Gain : 25.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Repair Margin : 30.00 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : 8.41 dBm
Signal Power Out : 8.39 dBm
Supvy Out Power : 1.0 dBm

(show-interface-A2P2125)# 1/5/LINEOUT

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - A2P2125 Line Out Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

(show-interface-A2P2125-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1985
show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - A2P2125 Signal Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Target Power : 0.60 dBm
Current Gain : 26 dB
Maximum Flat Gain Offset : 1.05 dB
Min Gain : 26.00 dB
Max Gain : 40.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 26 dB
Repair Margin : 30.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM : 0.00
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.5 dB
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : Off
Signal Power Out : nil
Supvy Out power : 1.0 dBm
Tesing in progress : False

5.229.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1986 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.230 show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.230.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.230.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.230.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.230.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opochout

Display the received LINEOUT optical channel power group PM. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout
Display the received LINEOUT optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1987
show interface a2p2125 <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.230.5 Examples
(show-interface-A2p2125-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.230.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1988 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid>

5.231 show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid>

5.231.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.231.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.231.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid> detail

5.231.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.231.5 Examples

(show-interface-a2p2125-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - A2P2125 Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power : 1.9 dBm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1989
show interface a2p2125 <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.231.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1990 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.232 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.232.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.232.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.232.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.232.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-
aid> pm".

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1991
show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: ospf

Display the ospf attributes for the oscsfp port. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.232.5 Examples
(show-interface-A2P2125)# 1/5/OSCSFP detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - A2P2125 Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SS-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 29 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.232.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1992 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.233 show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.233.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.233.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.233.3 Input Format

show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.233.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a2p2125 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1993
show interface a2p2125 <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Display the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Display the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Display the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Display the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.233.5 Examples
(show-interface-A2P2125-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.233.6 Related Commands

config interface A2P2125 <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
1994 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>

5.234 show interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>

5.234.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Hybrid Amplifier (A2P2125)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.234.2 Related Commands

config interface a2p2125 <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1995
config interface a4pswg Nokia 1830 PSS


5.235 config interface a4pswg

5.235.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.235.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.235.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <port-aid>

5.235.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
1996 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state

5.236 config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state

5.236.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier
(A4PSWG) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.236.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.236.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state

5.236.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1997
config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.236.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.236.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
1998 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

5.237 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

5.237.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.237.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services
Access Levels: Administrator: aprmode, initialmidloss, midvoaatten, midvoamaxatten,
Administrator, Povisioner: all other parameters

5.237.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 1999
config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.237.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

aprmode [auto | force]
auto - Automatic shutdown of the Raman amplifier pumps in response to a fiber cut, and
automatic restart of the pumps after the fiber has been repaired.
force - Force a shutdown the Raman pumps, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port. The port state must be
set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out. An attempt to change the
value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the Raman amplifier. It will have an
impact on service and might cut optical supervisory communication on this line. Do you want to
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the Raman amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?
Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port.
If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.

description [<string>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
2000 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



expgainmax [<value>]

0..25 - gain in dB

25 dB
Specifies the maximum expected Raman gain. expgainmax cannot be set below expgainmin.


expgainmin [<value>]

0..25 - gain in dB

7 dB
Specifies the minimum expected Raman gain. expgainmin cannot be set above expgainmax.


fibertype [ssmf | twrs | eleaf]



Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2001
config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies the fiber type at the input to the pack.


initialagc [<value>]

2..20 - gain in dB

10 dB
Specifies the Raman AGC target gain.


initialmidloss [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

0.6 dB
Specifies the target loss between the Raman and EDFA amplifiers for auto power management
mode. The value can be set in manual power management mode, but it will have no effect.


midvoaatten [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the attenuation of the mid-VOA. This parameter can only be specified in manual
power management mode. An attempt to change this value in auto power management mode
will be denied. The value of the parameter can be viewed in either power management mode. If
the parameter setting is changed in manual power management mode, and the new value is
set outside of the range defined by midvoaminatten and midvoamaxatten, then the new values
will be set to the nearest edge of the range.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2002 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>



midvoamaxatten [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

20 dB
Specifies the maximum attenuation of the mid-VOA.


midvoaminatten [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the minimum attenuation of the mid-VOA.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2003
config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.237.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEIN)# midvoaatten
Hybrid amplifier port VOA attenuation: 0.00 dB

5.237.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
2004 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.238 config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.238.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.238.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.238.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.238.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2005
config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opochin

Configures the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.238.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.238.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
2006 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.239 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.239.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the amplifier gain parameters
• Set the re-enable delay
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress and config powermgmt
ingress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.239.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the aprmode can impact services. Changing the gainrange will interrupt service.
Access Levels: Admin: aprmode, deltamaxgain, gain, gainrange, maxgain, mingain, splicemargin,
targetpower, tilttarget, voaset
Administrator, Provisioner: all other parameters

5.239.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2007
config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.239.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprmode [auto | force]


auto - Automatic shutdown of the Raman amplifier pumps in response to a fiber cut, and
automatic restart of the pumps after the fiber has been repaired.
force - Force a shutdown the Raman pumps, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation
from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the Raman amplifier, and will have
an impact on service. Do you want to proceed?
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user. The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the Raman amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?


0..5 - gain in dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
2008 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>


0 dB
Specifies the maximum allowed difference between the provisioned gain and the measured
gain of the EDFA before an alarm is raised.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
deviationout [<value>]
0..10 - gain in dB

1.5 dB
Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment.

gain [<value>]
7..29 - gain in dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2009
config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


7.00 dB

Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current gain
setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the gain,
or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned gain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of gain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then gain is moved to the nearest allowed range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


maxgain [low | high]


low - low gain range, covering gains of 7..22 dB

high - high gain range, covering gains of 13..29 dB

Specifies the EDFA gain range.
The port state must be set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out.
An attempt to change the value of this parameter will require a confirmation from the user. The
confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the gain range will interrupt service. Do you want to proceed?


maxgain [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
2010 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>


7.00 dB

Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the maximum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of maxgain is outside of the allowed range for
the new value of gainrange, then maxgain is moved to the maximum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


mingain [<value>]

7..29 - gain in dB

7.00 dB

Range for gainrange = low is 7..22 dB

Range for gainrange = high is 13..29 dB
Specifies the minimum EDFA gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier.
The provisioned mingain value is only used on optical lines using manual power management.
If gainrange is changed, and the current value of mingain is outside of the allowed range for the
new value of gainrange, then mingain is moved to the minimum gain of the new range.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2011
config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm".


splicemargin [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB.


0 dB
Specifies the splicemargin value used by the system.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - gain in dBm


0 dB
Specifies the per channel target power.
Sub-command: testing

Configures the testing feature attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface a4pswg
<lineout-port-aid> testing".

Release 10.0
August 2017
2012 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>


tilttarget [<value>]
-4..+4 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the amplifier tilt value used by the system.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
voaset [<value>]
0..18 - gain in dB
0 dB
Specifies the output eVOA setting.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.239.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# gain 20

5.239.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2013
config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.240 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.240.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEOUT interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.240.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.240.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.240.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2014 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opochout

Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.240.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEOUT-PM)# clearAll

5.240.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2015
config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.241 config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> testing

5.241.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Configure the testing related parameters of the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.241.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.241.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>
testing [asemode]

5.241.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


testing [asemode [cancel | power] ]


-4..10 - power in dBm


5.0 dBm
Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2016 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword followed by the keyword asemode to turn the amplifier on in ASE output
power mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode cancel to cancel ASE output power
mode and return to normal mode.
Enter this keyword followed by the keywords asemode power followed by a value to set the
output power level that will be used in ASE output power mode. Enter without value to display
the current value.

5.241.5 Examples
(config-interface-a4pswg-1/15/lineout)# testing

Testing in progress: false

(config-interface-a4pswg-1/15/lineout)# testing asemode

(config-interface-a4pswg-1/15/lineout)# testing asemode power

ASE Mode Power Value : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-a4pswg-1/15/lineout)# testing asemode power 3.0

(config-interface-a4pswg-1/15/lineout)# testing asemode cancel

5.241.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2017
config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.242 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.242.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.242.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.242.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.242.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]

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2018 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

mode [100BASEFX | OC3]
oc3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal
base100FX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal
Specifies the port mode.
Sub-command: ospf
Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots
ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]
Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.
ots moduletype [<value>]
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2019
config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies the SFP moduletype.

ots oscmtu [<value>]
1500 Bytes.
Specifies the maximum transmission unit.
The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
See "config interface a4pswg <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
type [ots | unassigned]

ots - set the port to OTS

unassigned - set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.

5.242.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/10/oscsfp)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.242.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
2020 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.243 config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.243.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.243.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.243.3 Input Format

config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.243.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2021
config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.243.5 Examples
(config-interface-A4PSWG-1/10/oscsfp)# pm clearall

5.243.6 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg

Release 10.0
August 2017
2022 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.244 config interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.244.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.244.2 Related Commands

show interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2023
show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.245 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

5.245.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.245.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.245.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

5.245.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.
Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

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2024 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>


The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

5.245.5 Examples

(show-interface-A4PSWG)# 1/4/LINEIN
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - A4PSWG LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State r: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

(show-interface-A4PSWG)# 1/5/LINEIN detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEIN - A4PSWG LINEIN Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite Direction : 1/4/LINEOUT Direction :
Programmed Fiber Type : ELEAF
Maximum Expected Raman Gain : 16.50 dB
Minimum Expected Raman Gain : 12.50 dB
Operating Raman Gain : 16.17 dB
Raman Tilt Target : 0.00 dB
Raman AGC Current Target Gain : 16.00 dB
Raman AGC Initial Target Gain : 16.00 dB
Raman Pump 1 Power : 253mW
Raman Pump 2 Power : 243mW
Raman Pump 3 Power : 203mW
Raman Pump 4 Power : 150mW
Total Power In : -12.20 dBm
Raman Total Power Out : -13.80 dBm
Raman Signal Power Out : -16.50 dBm
Raman ASE Noise Power Out : -16.10 dBm
Mid VOA Atten : 0.00 dB
Initial Mid VOA Loss : 0.60 dB
Min VOA Atten : 0.00 dB
Max VOA Atten : 1.90 dB
EDFA Total Power In : -14.77 dBm
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2025
show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

APR Mode : Auto

5.245.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2026 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.246 show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.246.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.246.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.246.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm

5.246.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Displays the received channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2027
show interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.246.5 Examples
(show-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opin

5.246.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <linein-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2028 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.247 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.247.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.247.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.247.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

5.247.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2029
show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.


Enter this keyword to display just the total measured output power for the port.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-
aid> pm".

5.247.5 Examples

(show-interface-A4PSWG)# 1/5/LINEOUT detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - A4PSWG Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite Direction : Direction :
Target Power : 1.90 dBm
Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Actual tilt : 0.00 dB
Target tilt : -1.00 dB
Input to Output Gain : 17.12 dB
Output VOA Set : 3.00 dB
Gain Range : High
Current Gain : 20.12 dB
Min Gain : 20.00 dB
Max Gain : 25.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB
Repair Margin : 29.00 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Total Power Out : 8.41 dBm
Signal Power Out : 8.39 dBm
Supvy Out Power : 1.0 dBm
APR Mode : Auto
Testing in progress : False

(show-interface-A4PSWG)# 1/5/LINEOUT
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - A4PSWG Line Out Port [OTS]

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:

Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

5.247.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2031
show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.248 show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.248.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the received channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted channel optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.248.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.248.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.248.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opout

Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Display the received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2032 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.248.5 Examples
(show-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/LINEOUT)# PM opout

5.248.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <lineout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2033
show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.249 show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid>

5.249.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.249.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.249.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid>

5.249.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

5.249.5 Examples

(show-interface-a4pswg-1/6/OSC)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OSC - A4PSWG Osc Port [OTS]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Supvy In Power: 1.9 dBm

Release 10.0
August 2017
2034 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid>

5.249.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2035
show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.250 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.250.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the OSC SFP temperature, OSPF area, hello interval, dead interval, and metric
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.250.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.250.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.250.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-
aid> pm".

Release 10.0
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2036 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

Sub-command: ospf

Display the ospf attributes for the oscsfp port. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.250.5 Examples
# show interface 1/15/oscsfp detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 15 Port: OSCSFP - A4PSWG Osc Sfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SL-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 35 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

5.250.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2037
show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.251 show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.251.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.251.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.251.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.251.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2038 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.251.5 Examples
(show-interface-A4PSWG-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opr

5.251.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <oscsfp-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2039
show interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.252 show interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>

5.252.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.252.2 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2040 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.253 show interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.253.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.253.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.253.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.253.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.253.5 Examples
(show-interface-a4pswg-1/6/OTDRRX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRRX - A4PSWG Otdrrx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: 1/10/P3

5.253.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <otdrrx-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2041
show interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.254 show interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.254.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Hybrid Switched Gain Amplifier (A4PSWG)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.254.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.254.3 Input Format

show interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

5.254.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the a4pswg cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.254.5 Examples
(show-interface-a4pswg-1/6/OTDRTX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: OTDRTX - A4PSWG Otdrtx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: None

5.254.6 Related Commands

config interface a4pswg <otdrtx-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2042 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <ra-card>

RA-type card

5.255 config interface <ra-card>

5.255.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN or LINEOUT
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.255.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.255.3 Input Format

config interface <ra-card> <port-aid>

5.255.4 Input Parameters

{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the selected cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2043
config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.256 config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state

5.256.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.256.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.256.3 Input Format

config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state

5.256.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}

Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Set to up to enable the port


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect the service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.256.5 Examples
(config-interface-RA5P-1/3/LINEOUT)# state down

5.256.6 Related Commands

show interface <ra-card>

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config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.257 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.257.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface for a port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the maximum and minimum expected gain.
• Set the fiber type.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.257.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.257.3 Input Format

config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid>

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5.257.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}

Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


2..20 - gain in dB

Sets the Raman AGC target gain. In both auto and manual power management mode, this
target value is applied immediately.
Applies to RA2P only.
aprmode [auto | force]

auto - Automatic shutdown of the Raman amplifier pumps in response to a fiber cut, and
automatic restart of the pumps after the fiber has been repaired.
force - Force a shutdown of the Raman pumps, even if the fiber is currently carrying traffic.
Configures the mode for Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at the port. The port state must be
set to maintenance or down before this command can be carried out. An attempt to change the
value of this parameter from auto to force will require a confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to force will shut down the Raman amplifier. It will have an

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config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

impact on service and might cut optical supervisory communication on this line. Do you want to
An attempt to change the value of this parameter from force to auto will also require a
confirmation from the user.
The confirmation will be accompanied by the following message:
Warning: Changing the APR mode to auto will allow the Raman amplifier to restart
automatically. Do you want to proceed?

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINEIN port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



fibertype [ssmf | twrs | eleaf]



Specifies the transmission fiber type.

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initialagc [<value>]

2..20 - gain in dB

10 dB
Specifies the Raman AGC target gain. In automatic power management mode, if the target gain
is modified, the new target gain is applied when an ingress adjustment is run.

Applies to RA5P and RA2P-96. Does not apply to RA2P.



expgainmax [<value>]

0..25 - gain in dB

25 dB
Specifies the maximum expected gain.


expgainmin [<value>]
0..25 - gain in dB
7 dB
Specifies the minimum expected gain.
operatemode [gain | maxpower]
gain - configure the card to maintain gain
maxpower - configure the card operate in maximum power mode.

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Specifies the operating mode for the amplifier.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: pm

Displays or clears performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: ason

This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl

This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".

The parameter is only applicable for ra5p pack.

5.257.5 Examples

(config-interface-RA2P-96-2/16/LINEIN)# fibertype twrs

(config-interface-RA5P-2/16/LINEIN)# operatemode gain

(config-interface-RA2P-96-2/16/LINEIN)# expgainmax 12

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(config-interface-RA2P-2/16/LINEIN)# expgainmin 8

(config-interface-RA5P-2/4/LINEIN)# detail

Shelf: 2 Slot: 6 Port: LINEIN - RA5P Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Opposite direction : 2/16/LINEOUT Direction :

Operate Mode : Gain

Programmed Fiber Type : SSMF
Maximum expected gain :
Minimum expected gain :
Operating Gain :
Tilt Target :
AGC Target Gain :
Pump 1 Power :
Pump 2 Power :
Pump 3 Power :
Pump 4 Power :
Pump 5 Power :
Total Power In :
GMRE Topology Alarm :

5.257.6 Related Commands

show interface <ra-card>

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config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.258 config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.258.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this LINEIN interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.258.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.258.3 Input Format

config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.258.4 Input Parameters

{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

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Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.258.5 Examples
(config-interface-RA2P-1/3/LINEIN-PM)# clearAll

5.258.6 Related Commands

show interface <ra-card>

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config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.259 config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.259.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.259.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.259.3 Input Format

config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.259.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}

Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface <ra-card> <port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.259.5 Examples
(config-interface-RA5P-2/16/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 2 Slot: 6 Port: LINEOUT - RA5P Line Out Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Total Power Out : -11.03 dBm
Signal Power Out : -11.22 dBm
ASE Noise Power Out : -24.67 dBm

(config-interface-RA2P-1/3/LINEOUT)# operatemode gain

5.259.6 Related Commands

show interface <ra-card>

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show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.260 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.260.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.260.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.260.3 Input Format

show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.260.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}

Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".
The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.
Sub-command: pm
Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-
aid> pm".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
Sub-command: asonl
This subcommand with its parameter is for L-band internal use only. For more details see
Chapter 3, “System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
The parameter is only applicable for ra5p pack.

5.260.5 Examples
# show interface ra2p-96 2/4/linein

Shelf: 2 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - RA2P-96 Line In Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :


(show-interface-RA2P-2/16/LINEIN)# detail

# show interface ra5p 1/2/linein flexgrid

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Port: LINEIN - RA5P Line In Port [OTS]

Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels Cband In : 191675 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels Cband In : 196075 GHz

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Minimum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels Lband In : 186075 GHz
Maximum Limit of Optical Frequency Range for channels Lband In : 190875 GHz
Line has channel monitoring for flexgrid channels In : True

5.260.6 Related Commands

config interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.261 show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.261.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.261.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.261.3 Input Format

show interface <ra-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.261.4 Input Parameters



{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}

Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays he received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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5.261.5 Examples
(show-interface-RA5P-1/3/LINEIN)# PM opin

5.261.6 Related Commands

config interface ra5p <linein-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.262 show interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.262.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface port on:
• RA2P, two-pump Raman Amplifier
• RA2P-96, two-pump Raman Amplifier with 96-channel support
• RA5P, five-pump Raman Amplifier
Use this command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.262.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.262.3 Input Format

show interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid> detail

5.262.4 Input Parameters

{ra2p, ra2p-96, ra5p}
Specifies the allowed Raman card that this command applies to.
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <ra-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface

5.262.5 Examples
(show-interface-ra5p)# 2/6/lineout
Shelf: 2 Slot: 6 Port: LINEOUT - RA5P Line Out Port [OTS]

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Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

(show-interface-RA5P-1/5/LINEOUT)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: LINEOUT - RA5P Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN
Total Power Out : -13.2 dBm
Signal Power Out : -14.9 dBm
ASE Power Out : -18.2 dBm

5.262.6 Related Commands

config interface <ra-card> <lineout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface ra2p-96 <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.263 show interface ra2p-96 <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.263.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Raman Amplifier for 96-channel capability (RA2P-96)
Use this command to display the configuration for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.263.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.263.3 Input Format

show interface ra2p-96 <otdrrx-port-aid>

5.263.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.

5.263.5 Examples
(show-interface-ra2p-96-1/3/OTDRRX)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: OTDRRX - RA2P-96 Otdrrx Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port: 1/10/P7

5.263.6 Related Commands

config interface <otdrrx-card>

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config interface dcm <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.264 config interface dcm <port-aid>

5.264.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on a DCM card. Use this command to display the current
settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.264.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.264.3 Input Format

config interface dcm <port-aid>

5.264.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the DCM cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface dcm <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.264.5 Examples
(config-interface-dcm-26/1/dcm)# type
Type: ots

(config-interface-dcm-26/1/dcm)# type ?
ots Configure the port type to ots

# show interface dcm 25/1/dcm detail

Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 Port: DCM - External DCM InOut Port

Admin State: Down State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional

DCM connects to: 1/2/LINEIN

DCM is line DCM: Yes

5.264.6 Related Commands

show interface dcm

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config interface dcm <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.265 config interface dcm <port-aid> state

5.265.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on a DCM card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.265.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.265.3 Input Format

config interface dcm <port-aid> state

5.265.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the DCM cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port



down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.

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Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.265.5 Examples
(config-interface-dcm-26/1/dcm)# state up

(config-interface-dcm-26/1/dcm)# state

5.265.6 Related Commands

show interface dcm

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show interface dcm <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.266 show interface dcm <port-aid>

5.266.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a DCM card. Use this command to
display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.266.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.266.3 Input Format

show interface dcm <port-aid>

5.266.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the DCM cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.

5.266.5 Examples

# show int dcm *

Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier
26/1/DCM DcmInOut temp Bi Up Up

# show interface dcm 26/1/dcm

Shelf: 26 Slot: 1 Port: DCM - External DCM InOut Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

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Direction : Bidirectional
Description: temp

# show interface dcm 25/1/dcm detail

Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 Port: DCM - External DCM InOut Port

Admin State: Down State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional

DCM connects to: 1/2/LINEIN

DCM is line DCM: Yes

5.266.6 Related Commands

config interface dcm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2069
config interface itlb <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


5.267 config interface itlb <port-aid>

5.267.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on an ITLB card. Use this command to display the current
settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.267.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.267.3 Input Format

config interface itlb <port-aid>

5.267.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ITLB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.

oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]
<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.
delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface itlb <port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.267.5 Examples
(config-interface-itlb-26/1/sig)# detail
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : .

5.267.6 Related Commands

show interface itlb

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2071
config interface itlb <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.268 config interface itlb <port-aid> state

5.268.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on the ITLB card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.268.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.268.3 Input Format

config interface itlb <port-aid> state

5.268.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ITLB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



down [force]

Release 10.0
August 2017
2072 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface itlb <port-aid> state

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect the service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.268.5 Examples
(config-interface-itlb-1/3/sig)# state down

5.268.6 Related Commands

show interface itlb

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2073
show interface itlb <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.269 show interface itlb <port-aid>

5.269.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a ITLB card. Use this command to
display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.269.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.269.3 Input Format

show interface itlb <port-aid>

5.269.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ITLB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.269.5 Examples
(show-interface-itlb)# 26/1/sig
Shelf: 26 Slot: 1 Port: Port: ITLB SIG Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier : SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description :
Associated Port : 1/7/LINE

5.269.6 Related Commands

config interface itlb

Release 10.0
August 2017
2074 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface itlu <port-aid>


5.270 config interface itlu <port-aid>

5.270.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on an ITLU card. Use this command to display the current
settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.270.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.270.3 Input Format

config interface itlu <port-aid>

5.270.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ITLU cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2075
config interface itlu <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface itlu <port-aid> state".
Displays the port type.

5.270.5 Examples
(config-interface-itlu-26/1/sig)# detail
Shelf: 26 Slot: 1 Port: ITLU SIG Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Unidirectional
Description : .

5.270.6 Related Commands

show interface itlu

Release 10.0
August 2017
2076 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface itlu <port-aid> state

5.271 config interface itlu <port-aid> state

5.271.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on the ITLU card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.271.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.271.3 Input Format

config interface itlu <port-aid> state

5.271.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ITLU cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



down [force]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2077
config interface itlu <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect the service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.271.5 Examples
(config-interface-itlu-1/3/sigin)# state down

5.271.6 Related Commands

show interface itlu

Release 10.0
August 2017
2078 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid>

SFD40|SFD40B and SFD44|SFD44B

5.272 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid>

5.272.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44, and SFD44B cards. Use this
command to display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.272.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.272.3 Input Format

config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2079
config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.272.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
<port> range for SFD44:
{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9550, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470,
9460, 9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330,
9320, 9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190,
9180, 9170, OMD}
<port> range for SFD44B:
{9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485, 9475,
9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345, 9335,
9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205, 9195,
9185, 9175, OMD}
<port> range for SFD40:
{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9550, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470,
9460, 9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330,
9320, 9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, OMD}
<port> range for SFD40B:
{9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485, 9475,
9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345, 9335,
9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, OMD}
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or SFD40B
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that

Release 10.0
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2080 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid>

describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface:

Display the current settings for the port.



extrainputloss [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - loss in dB.


0 dB
Sets additional loss added by a fixed attenuator connected to the channel add port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one allowed value.

This parameter does not apply to the OMD port. The value cannot be changed if the port is
involved in an optical cross-connect.

oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]

<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface {sfd40|sfd40b|sfd44|sfd44b} <port-aid> state" for additional details on the
state parameter.
Displays the port type.

5.272.5 Examples
(config-interface-sfd44-26/1/omd)# detail
Shelf: 26 Slot: 1 Port: OMD - SFD MUX Port

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2081
config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO

Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : ..
Average Mux Insertion Loss :
Average Demux Insertion Loss:

# config interface sfd44 27/1/9600 extrainputloss

Extra Input Loss: 0.00 dB

# config interface sfd44 27/1/9600 extrainputloss 5

5.272.6 Related Commands

show interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2082 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid> state

5.273 config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid>

5.273.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on an SFD40, SFD40B, SFD44, SFD44B
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.273.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.273.3 Input Format

config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid> state

5.273.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or SFD40B
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port



down [force]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2083
config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <omd-port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.273.5 Examples
(config-interface-sfd44-1/3/omd)# state down

5.273.6 Related Commands

show interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2084 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b}

5.274 show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b}

5.274.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or
SFD40B card. Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.274.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.274.3 Input Format

show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b} <port-aid>

5.274.4 Input Parameters


* - display list of ports
<port> range for SFD44:
{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9550, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470,
9460, 9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330,
9320, 9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190,
9180, 9170, OMD}
<port> range for SFD44B:
{9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485, 9475,
9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345, 9335,
9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205, 9195,
9185, 9175, OMD}
<port> range for SFD40:
{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9550, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470,
9460, 9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330,
9320, 9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, OMD}
<port> range for SFD40B:
{9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485, 9475,
9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345, 9335,
9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, OMD}
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the SFD44, SFD44B, SFD40 or SFD40B

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2085
show interface {sfd44 | sfd44b | sfd40 | sfd40b} Nokia 1830 PSS

cards on the network element.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.274.5 Examples
# show interface sfd44b 33/1/omd

Shelf: 33 Slot: 1 Port: OMD - SFD44B MUX Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description: OMD

# show interface sfd44b 33/1/omd detail

Shelf: 33 Slot: 1 Port: OMD - SFD44B MUX Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : OMD
Average Mux Insertion Loss :
Average Demux Insertion Loss:
WT Domain Number : NotApplicable

# show interface sfd44b 33/1/9265

Shelf: 33 Slot: 1 Port: 9265 - SFD44B Channel Port

Admin State : Down State Qualifier :
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Enabled
Frequency : 9265
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : ITU#26.5
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.274.6 Related Commands

config interface {sfd40 | sfd40b | sfd44 | sfd44b} <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2086 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface psc1-6


5.275 config interface psc1-6

5.275.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a PSC1-6 card.
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the SIG{A-E} or {A-E}{1-6}
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.275.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.275.3 Input Format

config interface psc1-6 <port-aid>

5.275.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the PSC1-6 ports on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.275.5 Related Commands

show interface psc1-6

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2087
config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.276 config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state

5.276.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a PSC1-6 card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.276.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.276.3 Input Format

config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state

5.276.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the PSC1-6 ports on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Followed by an optional keyword force to force the port down.
This may affect service.

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August 2017
2088 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.276.5 Examples
# config interface psc1-6 25/1/siga state down

5.276.6 Related Commands

show interface psc1-6

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2089
config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.277 config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid>

5.277.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG{A..E} ports on a PSC1-6 card.
Use this command to
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the port description
• Set the port state
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.277.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.277.3 Input Format

config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid>

5.277.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the PSC1-6 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description

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August 2017
2090 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface psc1-6 <sig-port-aid>


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface:
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
See "config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.

5.277.5 Examples
# config interface psc1-6 25/1/siga detail

Shelf: 25 Slot: 1 Port: SIGA - PSC1-6 SIG Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability:
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : ..

5.277.6 Related Commands

show interface psc1-6

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2091
config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.278 config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid>

5.278.1 Purpose
This command configures the A to E ports on a PSC1-6 card.
Use this command to
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the port description
• Set the port state
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.278.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.278.3 Input Format

config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid>

5.278.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the PSC1-6 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently
raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the alarm, the
command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2092 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid>



description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
extrainputloss [<value>]
0.00..10.00 - loss in dB.
0 dB
Sets additional loss added by a fixed attenuator connected to the add port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one allowed value.
The value cannot be changed if the port is involved in an optical cross-connection.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface psc1-6 <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.
Displays the port type.

5.278.5 Examples
# config interface psc1-6 30/1/b1 detail

Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 Port: B1 - PSC1-6 Add/Drop Port

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2093
config interface psc1-6 <AtoE-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description :
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Average Add Insertion Loss : 8.29 dB

Average Drop Insertion Loss : 8.35 dB

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

# config interface psc1-6 30/1/b1 extrainput loss 5

5.278.6 Related Commands

show interface psc1-6

Release 10.0
August 2017
2094 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface psc1-6

5.279 show interface psc1-6

5.279.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of an interface on a PSC1-6 card. Use this command to
display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.279.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.279.3 Input Format

show interface psc1-6 <port-aid>

5.279.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the PSC1-6 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.279.5 Examples
# show interface psc1-6 30/1/sigb

Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 Port: SIGB - PSC1-6 Signal Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface psc1-6 30/1/b1

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2095
show interface psc1-6 Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 Port: B1 - PSC1-6 Add/Drop Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description :
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Average Add Insertion Loss : 8.35 dB

Average Drop Insertion Loss : 8.29 dB

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

# show interface psc1-6 30/1/b1 detail

Shelf: 30 Slot: 1 Port: B1 - PSC1-6 Add/Drop Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier :
Oper State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional
Description :
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Average Add Insertion Loss : 8.35 dB

Average Drop Insertion Loss : 8.29 dB

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.279.6 Related Commands

config interface psc1-6

Release 10.0
August 2017
2096 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid>

Filter card port interface commands

5.280 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid>

5.280.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on an SFC or SFD card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the LOS threshold and tolerance
• Set the port state
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.280.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.280.3 Input Format

config interface [<sfd-sfc-card>] <port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2097
config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.280.4 Input Parameters



{sfc1a, sfc1b, sfc1c, sfc1d, sfc1e, sfc1f, sfc1g, sfc1h}

{sfc2a, sfc2b, sfc2c, sfc2d}
{sfc4a, sfc4b}
{sfd2a, sfd2b, sfd2c, sfd2d, sfd2e, sfd2f, sfd2g, sfd2h, sfd2i, sfd2l, sfd2m, sfd2n, sfd2o,
sfd2p, sfd2q, sfd2}
{sfd4a, sfd4b, sfd4c, sfd4d, sfd4e, sfd4f, sfd4g, sfd4h}
{sfd5a, sfd5b, sfd5c, sfd5d, sfd5e, sfd5f, sfd5g, sfd5h}
{sfd8a, sfd8b, sfd8c, sfd8d}
{sfdc8a, sfdc8b, sfdc8c, sfdc8d, sfdc8e}

Entry required
Identifies the SFD or SFC card addressed in the following <port-aid>. If the parameter is
omitted then the card is identified by already provisioned card in the <port-aid>.


<shelf>/<slot>/<frequency> - channel I/O <frequency>, see Appendix A, “Reference
tables” for name to number mapping
* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <sfd-sfc-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>.


description [<string>]

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<string> - ASCII string 1-255 character

"" - empty string, to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

extrainputloss [<value>]
0.00..10.00 - loss in dB.
0 dB
Sets additional loss added by a fixed attenuator connected to the channel add port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one allowed value.
This parameter does not apply to the SFC card ports nor the SFD OMD, EXP ports. The
value cannot be changed if the port is involved in an optical cross-connection.
losthreshold [<value>]

-32..17 - Range for SFD4. Step size is 0.1 dBm

-32..20 - Range for SFD5. Step size is 0.1 dBm
-32..17 - Range for SFD8, SFDC8. Step size is 0.1 dBm
-26.0..9.8 - Range for SFC2, SFC4, SFC8. Step size is 0.1 dBm
-32.0 dBm for SFD4, SFD5, SFD8, SFDC8
-26.0 dBm for SFC2, SFC4, SFC8

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2099
config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the power setting used for setting the OMD port input LOS alarm.

This parameter is not applicable for SFD and SFC on VWM shelves.


losthresholdout [<value>]

-32..17 - Range for SFD4. Step size is 0.1 dBm

-32..20 - Range for SFD5. Step size is 0.1 dBm
-32..17 - Range for SFD8, SFDC8. Step size is 0.1 dBm
-26.0..9.8 - Range for SFC2, SFC4, SFC8. Step size is 0.1 dBm

-32.0 dBm for SFD5, SFD8, SFDC8

Specifies the power setting used for setting the OMD port output LOS alarm.

This parameter is not applicable for SFD and SFC on VWM shelves.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.

Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.

This parameter does not apply to the SFC card ports nor the SFD OMD, EXP ports.
Sub-command: state

See "config interface <sfd-sfc-type> <sfd-sfc-port> state" for additional details on the state

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2100 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid>



tolerence [<value>]

0.5..6.0 - Specifies the difference above the LOS set and clear points, step size is 0.1dB

2.0 dB
Specifies the difference above the LOS set and clear points in dBm.

This parameter is not applicable for SFD and SFC on VWM shelves.


tolerenceout [<value>]

0.5..6.0 - Specifies the difference above the output LOS set and clear points. Step size is

2.0 dB
Specifies the difference above the output LOS set and clear points in dBm.
This parameter is not applicable for SFD and SFC on VWM shelves.
Displays the port type.

5.280.5 Examples
# config interface sfd5 1/3/omd losthreshold -24.0

# config interface sfd5 1/3/omd detail

Shelf: 2 Slot: 5 Port: OMD - SFD5A

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :

Total Input Power : 3.41 dBm

LOS Set Threshold : -21.00 dBm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2101
config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

LOS Clear Threshold : 2.0 dB

Average Mux Loss : 4.8 dB
Average Demux Loss : 4.2 dB

# config interface sfd5a 1/7/9200 extrainputloss

Extra Input Loss: 0.00 dB

# config interface sfd5a 1/7/9200 extrainputloss 5

5.280.6 Related Commands

show interface <sfd-sfc-card>

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2102 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state

5.281 config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state

5.281.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on an SFC or SFD card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.281.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.281.3 Input Format

config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state

5.281.4 Input Parameters



{sfc1a, sfc1b, sfc1c, sfc1d, sfc1e, sfc1f, sfc1g, sfc1h}

{sfc2a, sfc2b, sfc2c, sfc2d}
{sfc4a, sfc4b}
{sfd2a, sfd2b, sfd2c, sfd2d, sfd2e, sfd2f, sfd2g, sfd2h, sfd2i, sfd2l, sfd2m, sfd2n, sfd2o,
sfd2p, sfd2q, sfd2}
{sfd4a, sfd4b, sfd4c, sfd4d, sfd4e, sfd4f, sfd4g, sfd4h}
{sfd5a, sfd5b, sfd5c, sfd5d, sfd5e, sfd5f, sfd5g, sfd5h}
{sfd8a, sfd8b, sfd8c, sfd8d}
{sfdc8a, sfdc8b, sfdc8c, sfdc8d, sfdc8e}

Entry required
Identifies the SFD or SFC card addressed by the following <port-aid>. If the parameter is
omitted then the card is identified by already provisioned card in the <port-aid>.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2103
config interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


<shelf>/<slot>/<frequency> - channel I/O <frequency>, see Appendix A, “Reference
tables” for name to number mapping
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the SFC or SFD cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>.
down [force]
force - force the port down
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.
Set to up to enable the port.

5.281.5 Examples
(config-interface-sfd5a-1/3/omd)# state down

5.281.6 Related Commands

show interface <sfd-sfc-card>

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August 2017
2104 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <sfd-sfc-card>

5.282 show interface <sfd-sfc-card>

5.282.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a SFC or SFD card.
Use this command to:
• Display the measured power at the SFDx OMD port.
• Display the LOS threshold setting for the OMD port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.282.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.282.3 Input Format

show interface <sfd-sfc-card> <port-aid>

5.282.4 Input Parameters



{sfc1a, sfc1b, sfc1c, sfc1d, sfc1e, sfc1f, sfc1g, sfc1h}

{sfc2a, sfc2b, sfc2c, sfc2d}
{sfc4a, sfc4b}
{sfd2a, sfd2b, sfd2c, sfd2d, sfd2e, sfd2f, sfd2g, sfd2h, sfd2i, sfd2l, sfd2m, sfd2n, sfd2o,
sfd2p, sfd2q, sfd2}
{sfd4a, sfd4b, sfd4c, sfd4d, sfd4e, sfd4f, sfd4g, sfd4h}
{sfd5a, sfd5b, sfd5c, sfd5d, sfd5e, sfd5f, sfd5g, sfd5h}
{sfd8a, sfd8b, sfd8c, sfd8d}
{sfdc8a, sfdc8b, sfdc8c, sfdc8d, sfdc8e}

Entry required
Identifies the SFD or SFC port addressed by the following <port-aid>. If the parameter is
omitted then the card is identified by already provisioned card in the <port-aid>.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2105
show interface <sfd-sfc-card> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot>/<frequency> - channel I/O <frequency>, see Appendix A, “Reference
tables” for name to number mapping

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <sfd-sfc-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>

5.282.5 Examples
# show interface sfd5a 2/5/OMD

Shelf: 2 Slot: 5 Port: OMD - SFD5A Mux Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier : Oper
State : Up Oper Capability : Enabled
Description : Associated Port : 1/7/L1
Status LED :

Total Input Power : 3.41 dBm

LOS Set Threshold : -21.00 dBm
LOS Clear Threshold : 2.0 dB

Total Output Power : 3.41 dBm

LOS Out Set Threshold : -21.00 dBm
LOS Out Clear Threshold: 2.0 dB

# show interface sfd5a 1/7/9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: 9200 - SFD5A Channel Port

Admin State : Down State Qualifier :
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Enabled
Frequency : 9200
Direction : Bidirectional
Description : ITU#20
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

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2106 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <sfd-sfc-card>

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.282.6 Related Commands

config interface <sfd-sfc-card>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2107
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} Nokia 1830 PSS

CWR8 and CWR8-88

5.283 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

5.283.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8) or 88
channel colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card. Use this command to access subcommands
that allow you to configure the CLSn, SIG, INV, OMD or THRU port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.283.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.283.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid>

5.283.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
2108 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state

5.284 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state

5.284.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8)
or 88 channel colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.284.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.284.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state

5.284.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2109
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect the service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.284.5 Examples
(config-interface-cwr8-1/3/SIG)# state down

5.284.6 Related Commands

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2110 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid>

5.285 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid>

5.285.1 Purpose
This command configures the CLS ports on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8) or 88 channel
colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the drop target power
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.285.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.285.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid>

5.285.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2111
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Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the CLS[1-8] port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



droptarget [<value>]

-15..-4 - gain in dBm

Specifies the target drop per channel power level.


extrainputloss [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - loss in dB.


0 dB
Sets additional loss added by a fixed attenuator connected to the colorless port input.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one allowed value.

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The value cannot be changed if the port is involved in an optical cross-connection.



oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.
Sub-command: state

For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-
aid> state".


type [och | ots | unassigned]


och - use when a single channel is connected to the port

ots - use when multiple channels are connected to the port
Configure the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the CLS port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".

5.285.5 Examples
(config-interface-cwr8-1/3/cls1)# description CustomerA

# config interface cwr8-88 2/2/cls1 detail

Shelf: 2 Slot: 2 Port: CLS1 - CWR8-88 Colorless Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2113
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <cls-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Drop Target Power : -12.00 dBm

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

# config interface cwr8-88 2/2/cls1 extrainputloss

Extra Input Loss: 0.00 dB

# config interface cwr8-88 2/2/cls1 extrainputloss 3

5.285.6 Related Commands

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

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August 2017
2114 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid>

5.286 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid>

5.286.1 Purpose
This command configures the OMD port on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8) or 88 channel
colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card. Use this command to display the current settings of
the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.286.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.286.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid>

5.286.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.



description [<string>]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2115
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <omd-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-
aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the OMD port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".

5.286.5 Examples
(config-interface-cwr8-1/12/omd)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: OMD - CWR8 OMD Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier : SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability : Disabled
Description :

5.286.6 Related Commands

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2116 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.287 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.287.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8) or 88 channel
colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card. Use this command to display the current settings for
the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.287.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.287.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.287.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2117
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid>

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the SIG port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".

5.287.5 Examples
(config-interface-{cwr8 | cwr8-88}-1/12/sig)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: SIG - {cwr8|cwr8-88} Signal Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Addpath TargetPower : 1.30 dBm
Addpath EgressPower : -9.00 dBm
Addpath TotalChannel : 12
Addpath ReservedDegree: 2
Total Input Power :

5.287.6 Related Commands

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2118 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.288 config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.288.1 Purpose
This command configures the THRU port on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8) or 88 channel
colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card. Use this command to display the current settings for
the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.288.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.288.3 Input Format

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.288.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the THRU port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2119
config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <thru-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid>
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the THRU port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".

5.288.5 Examples
(config-interface-cwr8-1/12/thru)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: THRU - CWR8 Thru Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled

5.288.6 Related Commands

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2120 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

5.289 show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

5.289.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a colorless wavelength router (CWR8)
or 88 channel colorless wavelength router (CWR8-88) card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a channel in the in or
out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.289.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.289.3 Input Format

show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} <port-aid>
wssrelativeatten <frequency>

5.289.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {cwr8 | cwr8-88} cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2121
show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88} Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
wssrelativeatten <frequency>

Display a listing showing the current relative attenuation applied by the Wavelength Selective
Switch for each channel transmitted from the port. Only applicable channels cross connected
through the port are shown with a value. If freq is given, displays the value for the specified
Note: Applies to the THRU and CLS ports only.

5.289.5 Examples
(show-interface-{cwr8|cwr8-88})# 1/6/sig detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: SIG -{cwr8} Signal Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Port : 1/7/LINE
Addpath TargetPower : 2.50 dBm
Addpath EgressPower : -17.69 dBm
Addpath TotalChannel : 12
Addpath ReservedDegree: 2
Total Input Power : Off

(Show-interface-{cwr8|cwr8-88}-1/3/thru)# wssrelativeatten
Channel Current Wss Applicability
Relative Atten
9170 --- NotApplicable
9175 --- NotApplicable
9180 4.0 Applicable

Release 10.0
August 2017
2122 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}


(Show-interface-{cwr8}-1/3/cls1)# wssrelativeatten 9330

Channel Current Wss Applicability
Relative Atten
9330 5.6 Applicable

# show interface cwr8-88 2/2/cls1 detail

Shelf: 2 Slot: 2 Port: CLS1 - CWR8-88 Colorless Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Drop Target Power : -12.00 dBm

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.289.6 Related Commands

config interface {cwr8 | cwr8-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2123
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} Nokia 1830 PSS

WR2-88 and WR8-88A and WR8-88AF

5.290 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

5.290.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an 8 degree (WR8-88A or WR8-88AF) or a 2
degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card.
Use this command to:
• Access subcommands that allow you to configure the ADDIN[1-8], DROPOUT, MESHOUT[1-3],
SIG, or THRU port on WR8-88A or WR8-88AF
• Access subcommands that allow you to configure the ADDIN, DROPOUT, SIG, or THRU port on
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.290.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.290.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid>

5.290.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/THRU - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/DROPOUT - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/MESHOUT{1..3} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN{1..8} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN - WR2-88
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} cards
on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2124 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state

5.291 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state

5.291.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a 8 degree (WR8-88A or WR8-88AF)
wavelength router card or a 2 degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.291.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.291.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state

5.291.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/THRU - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88

<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/DROPOUT - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/MESHOUT{1..3} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN{1..8} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN - WR2-88
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wr8-88a, wr8-88af, or wr2-88 cards
on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Set to up to enable the port.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2125
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect the service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.291.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/3/SIG)# state down

5.291.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2126 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid>

5.292 config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid>

5.292.1 Purpose
This command configures the ADDIN port on on a 2 degree wavelength router (WR2-88) card. Use
this command to display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.292.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.292.3 Input Format

config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid>

5.292.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR2-88 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the ADDIN[1-8] port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

Displays the current settings for the port.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2127
config interface wr2-88 <addin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface wr2-88 <port-aid>
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the ADDIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.292.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr2-88-1/19/addin)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 19 Port: ADDIN1 - WR8-88A AddIn Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.292.6 Related Commands

show interface wr2-88

Release 10.0
August 2017
2128 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid>

5.293 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid>

5.293.1 Purpose
This command configures the ADDIN[1-8] port on on a 8 degree wavelength router (WR8-88a or
WR8-88AF) card. Use this command to display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.293.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.293.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid>

5.293.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A or WR8-88AF cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the ADDIN[1-8] port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

description [<string>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2129
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <addin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af}
<port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the ADDIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.293.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/19/addin1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 19 Port: ADDIN1 - WR8-88A AddIn Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

5.293.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2130 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid>

5.294 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid>

5.294.1 Purpose
This command configures the DROPOUT port on on a 8 degree (WR8-88A or WR8-88AF) or a 2
degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card. Use this command to display the current settings of the
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.294.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.294.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid>

5.294.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A or WR8-88AF cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.



description [<string>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2131
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <dropout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af |
wr2-88} <port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the DROPOUT port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.294.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/12/dropout)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: DROPOUT - WR8-88A DROPOUT Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :

5.294.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2132 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid>

5.295 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid>

5.295.1 Purpose
This command configures the MESHOUT[1-3] port on a 8-degree wavelength router (WR8-88A or
WR8-88AF) card. Use this command to display the current settings of the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.295.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.295.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid>

5.295.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A or WR8-88AF cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.



description [<string>]

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2133
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af} <meshout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional information on the state parameters, see "config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af}
<port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the MESHOUT[1-3] port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.295.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/12/meshout1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: MESHOUT1 - WR8-88A MESHOUT1 Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :

5.295.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2134 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.296 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.296.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on a 8-degree wavelength router (WR8-88A or WR8-88AF)
card or 2 degree (wr2-88) wavelength router card. Use this command to display the current settings
for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.296.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.296.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.296.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A, WR8-88AF or WR2-88
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2135
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}
<port-aid> state".

type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the SIG port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: wssatten
wssatten [help | <value>]
Configure the wss attenuation (dB) for a specified frequency. see "config interface {wr8-88a |
wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten".

5.296.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/12/sig)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: SIG - WR8-88A Sig Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : 5.97 dBm

5.296.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2136 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten

5.297 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid>

5.297.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on a 8-degree wavelength router (WR8-88A or WR8-88AF)
card or a 2 degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card. Use this command to configure the WSS
applied attenuation for a channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.297.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.297.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten

5.297.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A, WR8-88AF or WR2-88
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

<frequency> [<value>]

<Frequency> - specify the channel to modify by its frequency

0.0..15.0 - specify the attenuation value for the channel to set in dB. Omit this value to
dispaly the value most recently set.
15 dB

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2137
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <sig-port-aid> wssatten Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the frequency of the optical channel to be configured. Following the frequency by an
attenuation value one time sets the WSS relative attenuation to the value entered. Use show
interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf} wssrelativeatten to get the current actual value.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.

5.297.5 Examples
(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/8/sig-wssatten)# 9440
channel wss
9440 15.00 dB

(config-interface-wr8-88a-1/8/sig-wssatten)# 9440 5.0

5.297.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2138 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.298 config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.298.1 Purpose
This command configures the THRU port on a 8-degree wavelength router (WR8-88A or WR8-
88AF) card or a 2 degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card. Use this command to display the
current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.298.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.298.3 Input Format

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid>

5.298.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, or WR2-88
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the THRU port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2139
config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <thru-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}
<port-aid> state".
type [ots]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the THRU port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.298.5 Examples
(config-interface-{wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}-1/12/thru)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: THRU - {wr8-88a|wr8-88af |wr2-88} Thru Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Total Input Power : -6.43 dBm
Total Output Power : -2.02 dBm
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

5.298.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2140 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

5.299 show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

5.299.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on a 8 degree wavelength router (WR8-
88A or WR8-88AF) card or 2 degree (WR2-88) wavelength router card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a channel in the in or
out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.299.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.299.3 Input Format

show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} <port-aid>
wssatten <frequency>
wssrelativeatten <frequency>
wssreference <frequency>

5.299.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/THRU - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/DROPOUT - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF, WR2-88
<shelf>/<slot>/MESHOUT{1..3} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN{1..8} - WR8-88A, WR8-88AF
<shelf>/<slot>/ADDIN - WR2-88
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2141
show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} Nokia 1830 PSS

number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR8-88A or WR8-88AF or WR2-88
cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface



srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
wssatten <frequency>

Displays the last configured user set attenuation value for channel freq.
Note: Applies to the SIG port only.
wssrelativeatten <frequency>

Display a listing showing the current relative attenuation applied by the Wavelength Selective
Switch for each channel transmitted from the port. Only applicable channels cross connected
through the port are shown with a value. If freq is given, displays the value for the specified
Note: Applies to the SIG port only.
wssreference <frequency>

Display the shelf, slot, and port of the LD card that is providing the reference point for WSS
adjustments for each channel transmitted from the port.
Note: Applies only to WR cards at level 0 in the configuration.

5.299.5 Examples

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/sig

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - WR8-88A Sig Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Release 10.0
August 2017
2142 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface wr8-88a 1/8/sig det

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 Port: SIG - WR8-88A Sig Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : 10.00 dBm

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/sig detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - WR8-88A Sig Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
Total Input Power : 4.86 dBm
Total Output Power : 1.56 dBm

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/thru

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: THRU - WR8-88A Thru Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/thru detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: THRU - WR8-88A Thru Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Total Input Power : -6.78 dBm
Total Output Power : -3.39 dBm
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/meshout1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: MESHOUT1 - WR8-88A Mesh Out Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Uni-Tx/Out

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/meshout1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: MESHOUT1 - WR8-88A Mesh Out Port

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2143
show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88} Nokia 1830 PSS

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:

Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/dropout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DROPOUT - WR8-88A DropOut Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Uni-Tx/Out

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/dropout detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: DROPOUT - WR8-88A DropOut Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/addin1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: ADDIN1 - WR8-88A AddIn Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Uni-Rx/In

# show interface wr8-88a 1/10/addin1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: ADDIN1 - WR8-88A AddIn Port
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

(show-interface-wr8-88a-1/19/sig-wssatten)# 9400
channel wss
Manual set
9400 15.00 dB

# show interface wr8-88a 1/3/sig wssrelativeatten

Channel Current Wss Applicability
Relative Atten (dB)
9170 --- NotApplicable
9175 --- NotApplicable

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2144 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

9180 3.0 Applicable


# show interface wr8-88a 1/3/sig wssrelativeatten 9500

Channel Current Wss Applicability
Relative Atten (dB)
9500 0.9 Applicable

5.299.6 Related Commands

config interface {wr8-88a | wr8-88af | wr2-88}

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2145
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} Nokia 1830 PSS

WR20-TFM and WR20-TF and WR20TFML

5.300 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

5.300.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TF, or WR20TFML card.
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the ADT{1..8}, AD{9..20} or
SIG port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.300.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.300.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf |wr20tfml} <port-aid>

5.300.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF, or
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.300.5 Related Commands

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf |wr20tfml}

Release 10.0
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2146 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state

5.301 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state

5.301.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TF, or
WR20TFML card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.301.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.301.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state

5.301.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2147
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.301.5 Examples
#config interface wr20-tf 1/3/SIG state down

5.301.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

Release 10.0
August 2017
2148 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid>

5.302 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-

5.302.1 Purpose
This command configures an ADT or AD port on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or WR20TFML card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the initial drop target power
• Set the express target power
• Set the maximum drop channel target power
• Set the minimum drop channel target power
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.302.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.302.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2149
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.302.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the ADT/AD port.

If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.

dropmaxtarget [<value>]
-20..-0 - power in dBm
Specifies the maximum target power per locally dropped channel.

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2150 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid>

Note: One must be logged in with admin privileges to configure dropmaxtarget.



dropmintarget [<value>]

-20..-0 - power in dBm

Specifies the minimum target power per locally dropped channel.
Note: One must be logged in with admin privileges to configure dropmintarget.


droptargetinit [<value>]

-20..-0 - power in dBm

Specifies the initial target power per locally dropped channel.
Note: One must be logged in with admin privileges to configure droptargetinit.


expresstarget [<value>]

-20..-0 - power in dBm

Specifies the target power per expressed channel.
Note: One must be logged in with admin privileges to configure expresstarget.
Sub-command: state

Configure the state of the port. See "config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf} <port-aid> state"

Displays the port type.

Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the WaveTracker attributes for an AD/ADT port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: wssatten

Configure the initial wss attenuation (dB) for a particular channel frequency. Configure the
attenuation for an AD/ADT port. See "config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid>

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2151
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <add-drop-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.302.5 Examples
# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/adt1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: ADT1 - WR20-TFM ADT Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

Initial Drop Channel Target Power : -8.00 dBm

Reference Express Channel Target Power : -9.00 dBm
Drop Max Channel Target Power : -6.00 dBm
Drop Min Channel Target Power : -12.00 dBm

5.302.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

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2152 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid>

5.303 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid>

5.303.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or WR20TFML card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Specify a description for the interface port
• Access subcommands for configuring parameters for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.303.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.303.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid>

5.303.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2153
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the SIG port.

If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo
command is executed to clear the alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is
actually taken.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: state

Configure the state of the port. See "config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid>
Sub-command: testing

Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port. Configure the testing feature attributes for
the SIG port. See "config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing"
The parameter does not apply to wr20-tf.

Displays the port type.

Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the WaveTracker attributes for the SIG port. See "config interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey"
Sub-command: wssatten
Configure the initial wss attenuation (dB) for a particular channel frequency. Configure the
attenuation for the SIG port. See "config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid>

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2154 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid>

5.303.5 Examples
#config interface wr20-tf 1/12/sig detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: SIG - WR20-TF Signal Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No
Total Input Power :
Total Output Power :

5.303.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr20tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2155
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.304 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing

5.304.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on a WR20-TFM or WR20TFML card.
Use this command to configure the testing related settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.304.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.304.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing

5.304.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20TFML ports on
the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
drop [<value> | cancel]
{adt1, adt2, adt3, adt4, adt5, adt6, adt7, adt8, ad9, ad10, ad11, ad12, ad13, ad14, ad15,
ad16, ad17, ad18, ad19, ad20} - to set the WSS to drop all channels to the port given by
cancel - to cancel the forced drop routing.
Sub-command of testing.
This command forces routing of the WSS in the drop direction to the selected port or cancels
forced routing.

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2156 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20tfml} <sig-port-aid> testing

Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current forced routing for the port.

add [<value> | cancel]
{adt1, adt2, adt3, adt4, adt5, adt6, adt7, adt8, ad9, ad10, ad11, ad12, ad13, ad14, ad15,
ad16, ad17, ad18, ad19, ad20} - to set the WSS to add all channels from the port given by
cancel - to cancel the forced add routing.
Sub-command of testing.
This command forces routing of the WSS in the add direction from the selected port or cancels
forced routing.
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current forced routing for the port.

5.304.5 Examples
# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing
Testing in progress: false

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing drop

Drop disposition to port: not_forced

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing add

Add disposition from port: not_forced

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing add adt5

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing drop adt5

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing add cancel

# config interface wr20-tfm 1/12/sig testing drop cancel

5.304.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2157
config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten Nokia 1830 PSS

5.305 config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten

5.305.1 Purpose
This command configures the initial WSS attenuation for a port on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TFM or
WR20TFML card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.305.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.305.3 Input Format

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten

5.305.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

<Frequency> - specify the channel to modify by its frequency
<flexgridchannel> - C Band
<flexgridchannel> - L Band
0.0..15.0 - specify the attenuation value for the channel to set in dB. Omit this value to
dispaly the value most recently set.
15 dB

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August 2017
2158 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid> wssatten

Specifies the channel to modify by its frequency.

Specifies the frequency of the optical channel to be configured. Following the frequency by an
attenuation value one time sets the WSS relative attenuation to the value entered. Use show
interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} wssrelativeatten to get the current actual value.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.

5.305.5 Examples
#config interface wr20-tfm 1/8/sig wssatten 9440 5.0

#config interface wr20-tfm 1/8/sig wssatten 9440

channel wssatten(dB)
9440 15.00 dB

5.305.6 Related Commands

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2159
show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} Nokia 1830 PSS

5.306 show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

5.306.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of an interface on a WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or
WR20TFML card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a channel in the in or
out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.306.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.306.3 Input Format

show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} <port-aid>
wssatten <frequency>
wssrelativeatten <frequency>
totalpower {in | out}

5.306.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the WR20-TFM or WR20-TF,
WR20TFML ports on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2160 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}


Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

totalpower {in | out}

Displays the total power at the port. Optionally follow with in or out for the input or output

This command only applies to WR20-TFM or WR20-TF or WR20TFML SIG ports.

Sub-command: wavekey

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>
wssatten <frequency>

Displays the last configured user-set attenuation value for channel frequency. Applies to the
SIG port for the add direction and the AD/ADT ports for the drop direction.
wssrelativeatten <frequency>

Displays a listing showing the current relative attenuation applied by the Wavelength Selective
Switch for each channel transmitted from the port. Only applicable channels cross connected
through the port are shown with a value.
Applies to the SIG port for the add direction and the AD/ADT ports for the drop direction.
If frequency is given, displays the value for the specified frequency.

5.306.5 Examples
# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - WR20-TFM Sig Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: SIG - WR20-TFM Sig Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
GRME Topology Alarm : No
Total Input Power : 6.86 dBm
Total Output Power : -11.56 dBm
Testing in progress : False

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2161
show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml} Nokia 1830 PSS

# show interface wr20-tf 1/10/adt1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: ADT1 - WR20-TF ADT Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional

# show interface wr20-tf 1/10/adt1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 10 Port: ADT1 - WR20-TF ADT Port

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
GRME Topology Alarm : No
Initial Drop Channel Target Power : -8.00 dBm
Reference Express Channel Target Power : -9.00 dBm
Drop Max Channel Target Power : -6.00 dBm
Drop Min Channel Target Power : -12.00 dBm

# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig wssatten 9400

channel wss
Manual set
9400 15.00 dB

# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig wssrelativeatten

Channel Current Wss Applicability

Relative Atten
9170 15.00 NotApplicable
9175 15.00 NotApplicable
9180 3.0 Applicable

# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig wssrelativeatten 9500

Channel Current Wss Applicability

Relative Atten

Release 10.0
August 2017
2162 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

9500 0.9 Applicable

# show interface wr20-tfm 1/10/sig totalpower

Total Input Power : 9.65 dBm

Total Output Power : -14.65 dBm

5.306.6 Related Commands

config interface {wr20-tfm | wr20-tf | wr20tfml}

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2163
config interface <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

IROADM-type card

5.307 config interface <iroadm-card>

5.307.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface port on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.307.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.307.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid>

5.307.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the config command is executed.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2164 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card>


<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - optical lineout port
<shelf>/<slot>/linein - optical linein port
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..4} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADMV/F
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..9} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADM9M
<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - optical supervisory channel small form factor transceiver port
<shelf>/<slot>/osc - optical supervisory channel add/drop port
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm - dispersion compensation module port for IROADMV/9M
* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the selcted cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm is not applicable for IROADMF.

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2165
config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.308 config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state

5.308.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.308.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.308.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state

5.308.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the config command is executed.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2166 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state


<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - optical lineout port
<shelf>/<slot>/linein - optical linein port
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..4} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADMV/F
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..9} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADM9M
<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - optical supervisory channel small form factor transceiver port
<shelf>/<slot>/osc - optical supervisory channel add/drop port
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm - dispersion compensation module port
* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the selected cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm is not applicable for IROADMF.
Set to up to enable the port.
For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the
Sub-command: down
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.308.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmv 1/2/lineout state down

5.308.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state

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5.309 config interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

5.309.1 Purpose
This command configures the ADT ports on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port.
• Configure the settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.309.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing optical power level management attributes may cause traffic interruption if not
done correctly.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.309.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

5.309.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card type to be configured.

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<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..4} - access parameters for the ADT port of IROADMV/F

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..9} - access parameters for the ADT port of IROADM9M
* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


addpowermin [<value>]

-20.00..-5.00 - per channel optical power in dBm.


-13.00 dBm
Specifies minimum input power to the ADT port from the add path. Enter this keyword without
arguments to display the current value. Enter this keyword followed by a valid value to change
the setting. If the optical line is auto power managed the change must be applied by running an
egress adjustment.

This parameter can only be configured by Admin users. If port is auto power managed, the
value can be changed only if the multi-node adjuster is disabled for the optical line. See
"optical power management" commands for disabling the multi-node adjuster.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

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Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



expresspowermin [<value>]

-20.00..-5.00 - per channel optical power in dBm.


-13.00 dBm
Specifies minimum input power to the ADT port from the express/through path from another
degree. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current value. Enter this keyword
followed by a valid value to change the setting. If the optical line is auto power managed the
change must be applied by running an egress adjustment.

This parameter can only be configured by Admin users. If port is auto power managed, the
value can be changed only if the multi-node adjuster is disabled for the optical line. See
"optical power management" commands for disabling the multi-node adjuster.
Sub-command: state

For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the ADT port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.309.5 Examples

# config interface iroadmf 1/2/adt2 addpowermin -10

# config interface iroadmf 1/2/adt2 addpowermin

Minimum channel power: -11.89 dBm

# config interface iroadmv 1/2/adt2 expresspowermin

Minimum express channel input power : -13.00 dBm

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5.309.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

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config interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.310 config interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.310.1 Purpose
Configure the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.310.2 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>
config interface <card> <custlan-port>

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5.311 config interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.311.1 Purpose
This command config the DCM interface ports on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port.
• Configure the settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.311.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.311.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.311.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/dcm - access parameters for the DCM port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state".

5.311.5 Examples
# config interface iroadm9m 1/5/dcm detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: DCM - IROADM9M Dcm Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
DCM Power In :
DCM Power Out :

5.311.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

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5.312 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.312.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINEIN on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port.
• Configure the settings for the port.
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the "config powermgmt ingress" commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.312.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing optical power level management attributes may cause traffic interruption if not
done correctly.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.312.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

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5.312.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card type to be configured.


<shelf>/<slot>/linein - access parameters for the LINEIN port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings for the port.

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deviationin [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - gain in dB.


1.5 dB
Specifies the deviation in values used by automatic power management adjustment. Enter this
keyword without arguments to display the current setting.


gain [<value>]

13.00..19.00 - gain in dB
15.00..31.00 - gain in dB
15.00..31.00 - gain in dB

16.00 dB - Valid for IROADMF.


15.00 dB - Valid for IROADMV.


15.00 dB - Valid for IROADM9M.

Specifies the ingress amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier. The provisioned gain
value is only used on optical lines using manual power management. In auto power
management mode, the gain value is adjusted for the IROADMV card, or set to a fixed value of
16.0 dB for the IROADMF card.

The value can only be set if the port is manually power managed.

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ingressamptargetpower [<value>]

-30.00..11.00 - optical per channel power in dBm


0.56 dBm - for IROADMV and IROADMF


0.56 dBm - for IROADM9M

Specifies the per channel target power. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current setting. When the port is auto power managed the system calculates the value.

The value can only be set if the port is manually power managed for IROADMV and
The value can only be set if the port is manually power managed for IROADM9M.


ingressadjtargetpower [<value>]

-10.00..10.00 - modifier in dB

0.0 dB
Specifies the modifier to the system calculated ingress per channel target power. Enter this
keyword without arguments to display the current value.

This parameter is restricted to Admin users.



linedcm [<dcm-port> | notconnected]


<dcm-port> - the <shelf>/<slot>/DCM of a DCM shelf provisioned for the node to associate
with this LINEIN port.
notconnected - clears the association

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Not Connected
Specifies the dispersion compensating module shelf to IROADM LINEIN port association when
the DCM is used between the fiber span and LINEIN port. Value notconnected clears an
association. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current setting.


mingain [<value>]

15.00..25.00 - gain in dB
15.00..25.00 - gain in dB
15.00 dB - for IROADMV
15.00 dB - for IROADM9M
Specifies the minimum gain threshold (used by auto power management). Enter this keyword
without arguments to display the current setting.
This parameter does not apply to the IROADMF card.
maxgain [<value>]
15.00..31.00 - gain in dB
15.00..31.00 - gain in dB
25.00 dB - for IROADMV
25.00 dB - for IROADM9M
Specifies the maximum gain threshold (used by auto power management). Enter this keyword

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without arguments to display the current setting.


This parameter does not apply to the IROADMF card.

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm".


splicemargin [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - difference in dB

0.0 dB
Specifies the threshold below the maximum gain used for alarming when the gain setting is too
near the maximum gain threshold. Used by auto power management. Enter this keyword
without arguments to display the current setting.

This parameter is restricted to Admin users. This parameter does not apply to the
Sub-command: state

For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state".


tilttarget [<value>]

-3.00..3.00 - tilt versus wavelength over transmission band in dB
-3.00..3.00 - tilt versus wavelength over transmission band in dB

0.0 dB
Specifies the gain tilt over the transmission band (versus wavelength). Enter this keyword
without arguments to display the current setting. When the port is auto power managed the
system calculates the value.

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This parameter does not apply to the IROADMF card.



userdcmin [yes | no]


yes - specifies an external DCM exists for the ingress direction of the degree
no - specifies no external DCM exists for the ingress direction of the degree
Specifies an external DCM is connected at the line ingress (not associated using the linedcm
parameter). For advanced users needing to configure parameters used by management
systems. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current setting.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
The parameter is not applicable for iroadm9m packs.

5.312.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmf 1/2/linein deviationin 2.0

# config interface iroadmv 1/14/linein detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: LINEIN - IROADMV LineIn Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite direction : 1/14/LINEOUT Direction :

Connected from Line DCM : Not Connected

Ingress OA Target power : 0.56 dBm

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Ingress OA Target Ppc Adjustment : 0.00 dB

Ingress OA Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Ingress OA Actual Tilt : 0.00 dB
Ingress OA Input to Output Gain : 21.00 dB
Ingress OA Current Gain : 21.00 dB
Ingress OA Min Gain : 15.00 dB
Ingress OA Max Gain : 25.00 dB
Ingress OA Maximum Flat Gain :
Repair Margin : 25.00 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Ingress OA Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Ingress OA Total Input Power : -15.50 dBm

Ingress OA Total Output Power : 6.01 dBm
Ingress OA Signal Output Power : 5.51 dBm

User indicated external DCM In : No

# config interface iroadmv 1/14/linein linedcm

Connected from line DCM: Not Connected

# config interface iroadmv 1/14/linein linedcm 28/1/DCM

5.312.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

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5.313 config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.313.1 Purpose
Configure the performance management parameters on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.313.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.313.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.313.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports

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Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface
Sub-command: opin
Configure the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Configure the received channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.313.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmv 1/2/linein PM clearAll

5.313.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.314 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.314.1 Purpose
Configure the LINEOUT port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port.
• Configure the settings for the port.
For additional amplifier provisioning, refer to the config powermgmt egress commands.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.314.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing optical power level management attributes may cause traffic interruption if not
done correctly.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.314.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2185
config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.314.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card type to be configured.


<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - access parameters for the LINEOUT port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


aprenabled [enable | disable]


enable - The optical amplifier will shut down if the fiber span has been cut, and cannot
restart until the span has been repaired.
disable - The optical amplifier can start up and remain on even if the fiber span has been

Specifies whether APR is enabled or disabled for the egress optical amplifier of the IROADM.
Set APR to disable, if the span is operated without an optical supervisory channel.

This parameter is only configurable by Admin users.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>



description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationout [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - gain in dB.


1.5 dB - valid for IROADMF and IROADMV


1.5 dB - Valid for IROADM9M

Specifies the deviation out values used for the adjustment. Enter this keyword without
arguments to display the current setting.

forcedtargetpower [<value>]

-15.00..10.00 - set forced output power target in dBm

-99.00 - cancel use of forced output power target
-99.00 dBm
Specifies the exact target output power per channel the IROADM degree uses and overrides
the target power that is calculated by the system in auto power managed mode. Cancel the use

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config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

of a forced output power by setting value -99.00. Enter this keyword without arguments to
display the current setting.

The value cannot be set if the power management interface parameter

autoegressadjustenabled is set to true (value of yes).


gain [<value>]

15.00..21.00 - gain in dB
17.00..23.00 - gain in dB
17.00..23.00 - gain in dB

18.00 dB - Valid for IROADMF.


20.00 dB - Valid for IROADMV.


20.00 dB - Valid for IROADM9M.

Specifies the egress amplifier gain. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
gain setting. Enter this keyword followed by help to display the default and valid values for the
gain, or with a valid value to change the gain setting for the amplifier. The provisioned gain
value is only used on optical lines using manual power management. In auto power
management mode, the gain value is fixed at the default value. Change the value only in rare
niche applications where manual power management and restricted channel count are used.

The value can only be set if the port is manually power managed.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid> state".

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>



targetpower [<value>]

-30..11 - power in dBm


-5.50 dBm - Valid for IROADMF.


0.50 dBm - Valid for IROADMV.


0.50 dBm - Valid for IROADM9M.

Specifies the per channel target power. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the
current setting. When the port is auto power managed the system calculates the value.

The value cannot be set if the port is auto power managed.



userdcmout [yes | no]


yes - specifies an external DCM exists for the egress direction of the degree
no - specifies no external DCM exists for the egress direction of the degree

Specifies an external DCM is connected at the line egress. For advanced users needing to
configure parameters used by management systems. Enter this keyword without arguments to
display the current setting.


voaset [<value>]

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config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


0.00..18.00 - attenuation in dB
0.00..18.00 - attenuation in dB
0.00..18.00 - attenuation in dB

4.0 dB - Valid for IROADMF.


0.0 dB - Valid for IROADMV.


0.0 dB - Valid for IROADM9M.

Specifies the output eVOA setting. Enter this keyword without arguments to display the current
setting. When the port is auto power managed the system calculates the value.

The value cannot be set if the port is auto power managed.



wssatten [help]
wssatten <frequency> [<attenuation>]

help - display help text for the wssatten command

For <frequency>:
9170..9605 - in steps of 5, 191.7 THz = 9170
For <attenuation>:
0.0..15.0 - attenuation value for the channel of <frequency> in dB

15.0 dB for <attenuation>

Overrides the attenuation of channel <frequency> to value <attenuation>. Displays the WSS
attenuation override value for the channel of <frequency> if value <attenuation> is omitted.
Note this value is the last written override value; use show command parameter
wssrelativeattenuation to see the current attenuation value. Note that value equal to default
may mean the override value has never been set for the channel <frequency>.

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2190 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

Sub-command: wavekey

Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "config interface
<card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.314.5 Examples

# config interface iroadmf 1/2/lineout deviationout 2.0

# config interface iroadmv 1/2/lineout gain

Egress OA Current Gain : 20.00 dB

# config interface iroadmv 1/6/lineout detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEOUT - IROADMV LineOut Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite direction : 1/6/LINEIN Direction :

Target Power : -4.79 dBm

Forced Target Power : Off
Egress OA Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Egress OA Input to Output Gain : 14.66 dB
Output VOA Set : 5.34 dB
Egress OA Current Gain : 20.00 dB
Egress OA Maximum Flat Gain :
Egress OA Tilt Target : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB

IRoadm Fiber Type : ssmf

IRoadm Fiber Length : 70 Km
IRoadm Egress Ripple Remove : 1.50 dB
IRoadm Egress SpanLossOut : 17.50 dB

APR Enabled : Enabled

Egress OA Total Input Power : -14.90 dBm
Egress OA Total Output Power : 0.09 dBm
Egress OA Signal Output Power : -0.18 dBm

User indicated external DCM Out : No

# config interface iroadmv 1/6/lineout forcedtargetpower -5

Unable to complete request.
Error: Operation not allowed when adjust for downstream set to true.

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5.314.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.315 config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.315.1 Purpose
Configure the performance management parameters on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.315.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.315.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.315.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2193
config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface
Sub-command: opout
Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Configure the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "config interface
<card> <port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.315.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmv 1/2/lineout PM clearAll

5.315.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
2194 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.316 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.316.1 Purpose
Configure the optical supervisory channel (OSC) small form factor pluggable (SFP) interface port
on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• display the current settings for the port
• configure the osc functionality
• configure the state of the port
• configure PM for the port
• configure ospf parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.316.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.316.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.316.4 Input Parameters



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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2195
config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Select one of the amplifier types for which the config command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - optical supervisory channel SFP port

* - use this to display information about all ports of this card type

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: ospf

Configures OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots

ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]
Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>



ots moduletype [<value>]


auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
ots oscmtu [<value>]

Maximum transmission unit.
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface <iroadm-card> <iroadm-port-aid> PM".
Sub-command: state
Configure the port state for a specific interface port. See "config interface <iroadm-card> <port-
aid> state".

type [ots | unassigned]

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config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies the port type of the OSCSFP port

5.316.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmf 1/2/OSCSFP ots moduletype SL-16.2O

# config interface iroadm 1/2/OSCSFP type

Type: ots

5.316.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

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2198 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.317 config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.317.1 Purpose
Configure the OSCSFP performance monitoring parameters on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet/sdh group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.317.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.317.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.317.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the config command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2199
config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS


* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <iroadm-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: interface
Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.317.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmf 1/2/oscsfp pm clearall

5.317.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
2200 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.318 config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.318.1 Purpose
Configure the optical supervisory channel (OSC) port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port.
• Configure the settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.318.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.318.3 Input Format

config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.318.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


* - display list of ports

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2201
config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <iroadm-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies the card description. Enter this keyword without option to display the current
description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a character string that
provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use quotes around the
Displays the current detailed information for the port.
Configure the port type.

5.318.5 Examples
# config interface iroadmv 1/5/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - IROADMV Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down

# config interface iroadm9r 1/3/osc oscvoa

OSC Drop VOA Set : 15.00 dB

5.318.6 Related Commands

show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2202 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card>

5.319 show interface <iroadm-card>

5.319.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface port on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to show the LINEIN, LINEOUT,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.319.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.319.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <port-aid>

5.319.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the IROADM types for which the show command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2203
show interface <iroadm-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - optical lineout port
<shelf>/<slot>/linein - optical linein port
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..4} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADMV/F
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..9} - optical add/drop/through port for IROADM9M
<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - optical supervisory channel small form factor transceiver port
<shelf>/<slot>/osc - optical supervisory channel add/drop port
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm - dispersion compensation module port
* - use this to display information about all ports of the card
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
<shelf>/<slot>/dcm is not applicable for IROADMF.

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2204 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

5.320 show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

5.320.1 Purpose
This command displays the ADT ports on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 ADT ports Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current setting for the ADT[1..N] ports.
• Display wavelength tracker information for the ADT[1..N] ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.320.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.320.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

5.320.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..4} - specify the adt port 1 to adt port 4
* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element
<shelf>/<slot>/adt{1..9} - access parameters for the ADT port of IROADM9M
* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2205
show interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current detailed information for the port.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the adt port. See "show interface <card-type>
<port-aid> wavekey".

5.320.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/5/adt1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: ADT1 - IROADMF Adt Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

Minimum add channel input power : -13.00 dBm

Minimum express channel input power : -13.00 dBm

5.320.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <adt-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2206 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.321 show interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>

5.321.1 Purpose
This command displays the customer LAN (CUSTLAN) port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Refer to "config interface <card> <custlan-port>" command in chapter-3 "Data communication
network commands".
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.321.2 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <custlan-port-aid>
show interface <card> <custlan-port>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2207
show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.322 show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.322.1 Purpose
This command displays the details of DCM interface ports on a:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current setting for the dcm port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.322.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.322.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

5.322.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/dcm - access parameters for the dcm port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.

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August 2017
2208 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.322.5 Examples
# show interface iroadm9m 1/6/dcm detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: DCM - IROADM9M Dcm Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
DCM Power In : -5.79 dBm
DCM Power Out : -5.45 dBm

5.322.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <dcm-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2209
show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.323 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.323.1 Purpose
This command displays the LINEIN port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the detailed information for the linein port.
• Display WaveKey power and gain information for the linein port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.323.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.323.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

5.323.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2210 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>



<shelf>/<slot>/linein - access parameters for the LINEIN port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current detailed information for the port.


Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the ingress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".

The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.

Sub-command: pm
Display the performance monitoring (pm) attributes for the LINEIN port. See "show interface
<iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: wavekey

Displays the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEIN port. See "show interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".
Sub-command: ason
This subcommand with its parameter is for internal use only. For more details see Chapter 3,
“System administration commands”, "ASON or ASONL interface commands".
The parameter is not applicable for iroadm9m packs.

5.323.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/14/linein

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: LINEIN - IROADMV LineIn Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2211
show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

Status LED : Solid Green


# show interface iroadmv 1/6/linein detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEIN - IROADMV LineIn Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite direction : 1/6/LINEOUT Direction :
GMRE Topology Alarm : No

Connected from Line DCM : Not Connected

Ingress OA Target power : 0.56 dBm

Ingress OA Target Ppc Adjustment : 0.00 dB
Ingress OA Gain Tilt : -0.70 dB
Ingress OA Actual Tilt : -0.70 dB
Ingress OA Input to Output Gain : 21.74 dB
Ingress OA Current Gain : 21.74 dB
Ingress OA Min Gain : 20.00 dB
Ingress OA Max Gain : 23.00 dB
Ingress OA Maximum Flat Gain :
Repair Margin : 23.00 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Ingress OA Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Ingress OA Total Input Power : -15.05 dBm

Ingress OA Total Output Power : 7.05 dBm
Ingress OA Signal Output Power : 6.67 dBm

User indicated external DCM In : No

5.323.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid>

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2212 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.324 show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.324.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring parameters of the LINEIN port on a card
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the opin group PM
• Display the opochin group PM
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.324.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.324.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

5.324.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/linein - access parameters for the LINEIN port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2213
show interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin
Displays the received optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochin
Displays the received channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.324.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/2/linein PM opin

5.324.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm

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2214 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.325 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.325.1 Purpose
This command displays the LINEOUT port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current deviation out settings for the port.
• Display the detailed information for the lineout port.
• Display WaveKey power and gain information for the lineout port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.325.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.325.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

5.325.4 Input Parameters

Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2215
show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - access parameters for the LINEOUT port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current detailed information for the port.

Display the current deviation out value.
Displays a detailed summary of flexible grid characteristics of the degree in the egress
direction. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid> flexgrid".
The parameter is only applicable to a port with topology connected to external.
Sub-command: pm
Display the performance monitoring (pm) attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "show interface
<iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the LINEOUT port. See "show interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

wssatten <frequency>
9170..9605 - in steps of 5, 191.7 THz = 9170.
Displays the WSS attenuation in dB for the channel specified by <frequency>.

wssrelativeatten [<frequency>]

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2216 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>


9170..9605 - in steps of 5, 191.7 THz = 9170.

Displays the WSS relative attenuation in dB for the channel specified by <frequency>.

5.325.5 Examples

# show interface iroadmv 1/3/lineout

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: LINEOUT - IROADMV LineOut Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green


# show interface iroadmv 1/6/lineout detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 Port: LINEOUT - IROADMV LineOut Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Opposite direction : 1/6/LINEIN Direction :

Target Power : -4.79 dBm

Forced Target Power : Off
Egress OA Gain Tilt : 0.00 dB
Egress OA Input to Output Gain : 14.66 dB
Output VOA Set : 5.34 dB
Egress OA Current Gain : 20.00 dB
Egress OA Maximum Flat Gain :
Egress OA Tilt Target : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB

IRoadm Fiber Type : ssmf

IRoadm Fiber Length : 70 Km
IRoadm Egress Ripple Remove : 1.50 dB
IRoadm Egress SpanLossOut : 17.50 dB

APR Enabled : Enabled

Egress OA Total Input Power : -14.88 dBm
Egress OA Total Output Power : 0.08 dBm
Egress OA Signal Output Power : -0.19 dBm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2217
show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.325.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid>

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2218 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.326 show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.326.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring parameters of the LINEOUT port on a card
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 ADT ports Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the opout group PM
• Display the opochout group PM
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.326.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.326.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

5.326.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/lineout - access parameters for the LINEOUT port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2219
show interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opout
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opochout
Displays the transmitted channel optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opochout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.326.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/2/lineout PM opout

5.326.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <lineout-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
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2220 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.327 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.327.1 Purpose
This command displays the OSCSFP port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current setting for the oscsfp port.
• Display ospf attributes and pm information for the oscsfp port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.327.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.327.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.327.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - access parameters for the oscsfp port

* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2221
show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current detailed information for the port.

Sub-command: pm

Display the performance monitoring (pm) attributes for the LINEIN port. See "show interface
<iroadm-card> <linein-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: ospf

Display the ospf attributes for the oscsfp port. See "show interface <card> {<osc-port-aid> |
<oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".

5.327.5 Examples

# show interface iroadmf 1/3/oscsfp detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Port: OSCSFP - IROADMF OscSfp Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up

Module Type : SL-16.2O

OSC SFP module Temperature : 30.09 'C
OSC Mode : OC3
OSC Config MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSC Actual MTU : 1500 Bytes
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSPF Area Index : 0
OSPF Area ID :
OSPF Hello Interval : 10s
OSPF RtrDeadInterval : 40s
OSPF metric : 10
OSPF MD5 Status : disable
OSPF MD5 Key :
OSPF MD5 KeyId : 1

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2222 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.327.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2223
show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.328 show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.328.1 Purpose
This command displays the <oscsfp-port-aid> ports performance monitoring (pm) attributes on:
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADMV)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the received optical power group pm options
• Display the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Display the sonet/sdh group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.328.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.328.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.328.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm


<shelf>/<slot>/oscsfp - access parameters for the oscsfp port
* - list all the ports for this card type in the network element
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the ports for this type of card on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface
Display the interface group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Display the received optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Display the sdh group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Disaplay the sonet group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.328.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/2/oscsfp PM

5.328.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2225
show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.329 show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.329.1 Purpose
This command displays the OSC port on a card (<iroadm-card>):
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Fixed gain (IROADMF)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - Variable gain (IROADM9V)
• Integrated Re-configurable Add/Drop Multiplexer - 9 degrees Metro (IROADM9M)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the OSC port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.329.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.329.3 Input Format

show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

5.329.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Selects the IROADM card types for which the show command is executed.


* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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2226 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the <iroadm-card> cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current detailed information for the port.

5.329.5 Examples
# show interface iroadmv 1/5/osc detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSC - IROADMV Osc Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Down

5.329.6 Related Commands

config interface <iroadm-card> <osc-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2227
config interface mesh4 Nokia 1830 PSS


5.330 config interface mesh4

5.330.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a MESH4. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the SIGIN or SIGOUT[1-4] ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.330.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.330.3 Input Format

config interface mesh4 <port-aid>

5.330.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MESH4 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
2228 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state

5.331 config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state

5.331.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a MESH4 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.331.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.331.3 Input Format

config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state

5.331.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the mesh4 cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port



Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2229
config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.331.5 Examples
(config-interface-MESH4-1/3/SIGOUT)# state down

5.331.6 Related Commands

show interface mesh4

Release 10.0
August 2017
2230 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.332 config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.332.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a MESH4.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the re-enable delay
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.332.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.332.3 Input Format

config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.332.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MESH4 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2231
config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state"
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Configures the Wavelength Tracker attributes for the SIGIN port. See "config interface <card-
type> <port-aid> wavekey".

5.332.5 Examples
(config-interface-MESH4-1/3/SIGIN)# description DropEast

5.332.6 Related Commands

show interface mesh4

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2232 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.333 config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.333.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a MESH4.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Configure the settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.333.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.333.3 Input Format

config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.333.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the mesh4 cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2233
config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface mesh4 <port-aid> state"
Displays the port type.

5.333.5 Examples
(config-interface-MESH4-1/3/SIGOUT)# description DropEast

5.333.6 Related Commands

show interface mesh4

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2234 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.334 show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.334.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a MESH4.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.334.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.334.3 Input Format

show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

5.334.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the mesh4 cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.



srvcactivity [brief | detail]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2235
show interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: wavekey
Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>

5.334.5 Examples
(show-interface-MESH4)# 1/4/SIGIN
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - MESH4 SIGIN Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Unidirectional

5.334.6 Related Commands

config interface mesh4 <sigin-port-aid>

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August 2017
2236 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.335 show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.335.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a MESH4.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific ITU
channel in the in or out direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.335.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.335.3 Input Format

show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

5.335.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the mesh4 cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

5.335.5 Examples
(show-interface-MESH4)# 1/5/SIGOUT1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGOUT1 - MESH4 Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down

(show-interface-MESH4)# 1/5/SIGOUT1

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2237
show interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIGOUT1 - MESH4 Signal Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Unidirectional
Total Power Out : 5.0 dBm
Signal Power Out : 4.75 dBm
Input to Output Gain : 23.5 dB

5.335.6 Related Commands

config interface mesh4 <sigout-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2238 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mon-ocm


5.336 config interface mon-ocm

5.336.1 Purpose
Configure the interface ports of the MON-OCM card.
Use this command to:
• Configure or show the description of a port.
• Configure or show the connection address of a port.
• Configure or show the state of a port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.336.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner
Access Levels (view only): Observer

5.336.3 Input Format

config interface mon-ocm <port-aid>

5.336.4 Input Parameters


* - display a list of all ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2239
config interface mon-ocm Nokia 1830 PSS

ranges for <shelf> and <slot>



connaddress [<other-port-aid>]

<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specify a port to associate to

delete - remove association to a port
Relates an In port to the port being monitored, or relates the Out port to the port connected to.
Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot number, a slash, and the port number. See Appendix
A, “Reference tables” for valid numerical ranges for <shelf> and <slot>.

connaddress does not apply to the mon1,mon2, mon3 and mon4 ports.


description [<string>]

<string> - ASCII string 1..255 characters

"" - to clear the description

Specifies the card description. To change the description, enter this keyword followed by a
character string that provides a description of the card. If the description contains spaces use
quotes around the text.
Enter the keyword without options to display the current value.
Displays the current settings for the port.
state [<state-val>]
{up, down, mt}
Configures the port state.

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2240 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mon-ocm

Enter the keyword without options to display the current value.


type [<port-type>]
Configures the port type.
Enter the keyword without options to display the current value.

5.336.5 Examples
#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 connaddress 1/2/lineout

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 connaddress

Assigned Port: 1/2/LINEOUT

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 state up

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 state

Current value: down

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 type

Type: ots

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/mon1 description "monitoring east"

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 description

Interface Description: from east amplifier

#config interface mon-ocm 1/17/out1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 17 Port: OUT1 - MON-OCM Out Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Assigned Port: 1/7/IN3

5.336.6 Related Commands

show interface mon-ocm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2241
show interface mon-ocm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.337 show interface mon-ocm

5.337.1 Purpose
Show the interface ports of the MON-OCM card. Show the attributes of a particular port of the
MON-OCM card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.337.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.337.3 Input Format

show interface mon-ocm <port-aid>

5.337.4 Input Parameters



* - display a list of all ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all ports of this card type in the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” of Command Line Interface Guide for valid numerical
ranges for <shelf> and <slot>

Displays the current value for the port associated with this port.

connaddress does not apply to the MON{1..4} ports.


Displays the current settings for the port.

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2242 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface mon-ocm

5.337.5 Examples
#show interface mon-ocm *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier
1/17/OUT1 output Out Up Up
1/17/IN1 input In Up Up
1/17/OUT2 output Out Up Up
1/17/IN2 input In Up Up
1/17/OUT3 output Out Up Up
1/17/IN3 input In Up Up
1/17/OUT4 output Out Up Up
1/17/IN4 input In Up Up
1/17/MON1 monitor Out Up Up
1/17/MON2 monitor Out Up Up
1/17/MON3 monitor Out Up Up
1/17/MON4 monitor Out Up Up
1/20/OUT1 output Out Down Down
1/20/IN1 input In Down Down
1/20/OUT2 output Out Down Down
1/20/IN2 input In Down Down
1/20/OUT3 output Out Down Down
1/20/IN3 input In Down Down
1/20/OUT4 output Out Down Down
1/20/IN4 input In Down Down
1/20/MON1 monitor Out Down Down
1/20/MON2 monitor Out Down Down
1/20/MON3 monitor Out Down Down
1/20/MON4 monitor Out Down Down

#show interface mon-ocm 1/17/in1 connaddress

Assigned Port: 1/2/LINEOUT

#show interface mon-ocm 1/17/out1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 17 Port: OUT1 - MON-OCM Out Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Assigned Port: 1/7/IN3

5.337.6 Related Commands

configure interface mon-ocm

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2243
config interface mon-otdr Nokia 1830 PSS


5.338 config interface mon-otdr

5.338.1 Purpose
This command configures the MON-OTDR ports.
Use this command to:
• Configure connection relation with the LD ports
• Display the current settings of the port
• Create/delete the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.338.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.338.3 Input Format

config interface mon-otdr <port-aid>
connaddress {<line-port-aid> [<direction>] | delete}

5.338.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OTDR cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: connaddress

connaddress <line-port-aid> [<direction>]
connaddress delete

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2244 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface mon-otdr

Specifies or Deletes the assigned LD port that is connected to the MON-OTDR port.


<shelf>/<slot>/{LINEIN, LINEOUT} - for AM2125A, AM2125B,AM2318A, AM2615A,

<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - for RA2P
<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - for AHPHG, AHPLG, A2325A together with <direction> parameter
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface which is connected to the selected <port-aid>
of the MON-OTDR card.


IN - input direction
OUT - output direction

For bidirectional LINE port of AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A card only. For other <line-port-
aid> it must be omitted.
Specifies the direction of the scan for bidirectional line ports.

Deletes an existing connection address to a line port for a selected <port-aid> of the MON-
OTDR card.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings of the port.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2245
config interface mon-otdr Nokia 1830 PSS


type [<value>]
Configures the port type.
Enter the keyword without options to display the current value.

5.338.5 Examples
# config interface mon-otdr 1/5/SIGIN connaddress 1/6/LINEOUT

# config interface mon-otdr 1/5/SIGOUT connaddress 1/6/LINE IN

# config interface mon-otdr 1/5/SIGOUT connaddress delete

5.338.6 Related Commands

show interface mon-otdr

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2246 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface mon-otdr

5.339 show interface mon-otdr

5.339.1 Purpose
This command displays the port configuration on the MON-OTDR card.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.339.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.339.3 Input Format

show interface mon-otdr <port-aid>

5.339.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, slash, the slot number,
slash and the port name or * to list all the MON-OTDR cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Shows the current value for the port associated with this port.

Displays the current settings for the port.

5.339.5 Examples

# show interface MON-OTDR 1/5/OTDRTX

Shelf:1 slot: 5 port : OTDRTX-MON-OTDR OTDRTX port [ots]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2247
show interface mon-otdr Nokia 1830 PSS

connected OTDR port : 1/8/P1

Line Direction : out

# show interface MON-OTDR 1/5/SIGOUT

shelf:1 slot:5 port : SIGOUT-MON-OTDR port [ots]

connected LD port : 1/6/LINEIN
Line Direction : In

5.339.6 Related Commands

config interface mon-otdr

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August 2017
2248 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct


5.340 config interface osct

5.340.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on an OSCT card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the SIG, LINE, or OSCSFP port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.340.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.340.3 Input Format

config interface osct <port-aid>

5.340.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2249
config interface osct <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.341 config interface osct <port-aid> state

5.341.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on an OSCT card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.341.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.341.3 Input Format

config interface osct <port-aid> state

5.341.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port

For <port-aid> = <shelf>/<slot>/OSCSFP: up to 20 OSCs can be enabled in total for the


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2250 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <port-aid> state

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

5.341.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/line)# state down

5.341.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2251
config interface osct <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.342 config interface osct <line-port-aid>

5.342.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE port on the OSCT card.
Use this command to display the current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.342.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.342.3 Input Format

config interface osct <line-port-aid>

5.342.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

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2252 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <line-port-aid>


<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



deviationin [<value>]

0..10 - specify the add path egress power in dBm

help - display the valid and default values
Specifies the allowed deviation-in from the target power per channel.


deviationout [<value>]

0..10 - specify the add path egress power in dBm

help - display the valid and default values
Specifies the allowed deviation-out from the target power per channel.


oppdirection [<port-aid> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - specifies port being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value.
Specifies the associated LD port that pairs with this port to made a bi-directional cross
connection point.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2253
config interface osct <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface osct <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface osct <port-aid> state".

targetpower [<value>]
-30..11 - specify the add path egress power in dBm.
help - display the valid and default values
Specifies the target power per channel.
type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.342.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/line)# targetpower 0

5.342.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

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August 2017
2254 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.343 config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.343.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE ports with Performance Monitoring attributes on the OSCT card.
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.343.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.343.3 Input Format

config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.343.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: opin

Configures the received line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout

Configure the transmitted line optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card>
<port-aid> pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2255
config interface osct <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.343.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/line-PM)# clearAll

5.343.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

Release 10.0
August 2017
2256 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.344 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.344.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port on an OSCT card. Use this command to display the
current settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.344.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.344.3 Input Format

config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>
ots [moduletype | oscmtu]

5.344.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description

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config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.



mode [base100FX | oc3]


oc3 - set the port to carry an OC-3 signal

base100FX - set the port to carry a 100baseFX signal
Specifies the port type.
Sub-command: ospf

Configure OSPF parameter for a specific interface. See "config interface <card> {<osc-port-
aid> | <oscsfp-port-aid>} ospf" in chapter 3 "Data communication network commands".
Sub-command: ots


ots [moduletype [<enum-value>] | oscmtu [<value>]]

Specifies the interface parameter. SFP moduletype and osc maximum mtu size.


ots oscmtu [<value>]



1500 Bytes.
Maximum transmission unit. The OSC MTU size is fixed at 1500 Bytes in 100BASE-FX mode.


ots moduletype [<value>]

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2258 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>


SS-16.2O - short range OC-3 signal

SL-16.2O - long range OC-3 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3 signal
SS-16.2O - short range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SL-16.2O - long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SUL-1.2O - ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEU-1.2O - enhanced ultra long range OC-3/STM-1 signal
SEUL1.2O - enhanced ultra long haul OC-3/STM-1 signal
SWR-1.2O - 1516 nm wide reach OC-3/STM-1 signal
Specifies the SFP moduletype of the OSC.
Sub-command: pm
Displays or clears performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state
For additional details on the state parameter, see "config interface osct <port-aid> state".
type [ots | unassigned]
Specifies the port type.

5.344.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/9/oscsfp)# ots moduletype SL-16.20

5.344.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2259
config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.345 config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.345.1 Purpose
This command configures the OSCSFP port with Performance Monitoring attributes on the OSCT
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the received optical power group pm options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group pm options
• Configure the sonet group pm options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.345.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.345.3 Input Format

config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.345.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears all bins in all groups on this interface

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2260 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: interface

Configures the interface group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
interface" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Configure the sdh group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Configure the sonet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.345.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/oscsfp)# pm clearall

5.345.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2261
config interface osct <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.346 config interface osct <sig-port-aid>

5.346.1 Purpose
This command configures the SIG port on an OSCT card. Use this command to display the current
settings for the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.346.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.346.3 Input Format

config interface osct <sig-port-aid>

5.346.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

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2262 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface osct <sig-port-aid>


Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface osct <port-aid> state".

type [ots]
Displays the port type.

5.346.5 Examples
(config-interface-osct-1/3/sig)# description west

5.346.6 Related Commands

show interface osct

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2263
show interface osct <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.347 show interface osct <line-port-aid>

5.347.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the LINE interface on an OSCT card. Use this
command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.347.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.347.3 Input Format

show interface osct <line-port-aid>

5.347.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface osct <line-port-aid> pm".

5.347.5 Examples

(show-interface-osct)# 1/4/line
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINE - OSCT Line Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED :
Direction : Bidirectional

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August 2017
2264 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osct <line-port-aid>

Associated Port : 1/7/LINEIN


(show-interface-osct)# 1/4/line detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: LINE - OSCT Line Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
Target Power : -0.90 dBm
Total Power In :
Total Power Out :

5.347.6 Related Commands

config interface osct

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2265
show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.348 show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.348.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears clear performance monitoring information for the LINE port on the
OSCT card.
Use this command to:
• Display the received line optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted line optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.348.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.348.3 Input Format

show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.348.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opin

Displays he received line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opin" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opout

Displays the transmitted line optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opout" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.348.5 Examples

(show-interface-osct-1/3/line)# PM opin

Release 10.0
August 2017
2266 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osct <line-port-aid> pm

5.348.6 Related Commands

config interface osct

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2267
show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.349 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.349.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the OSCSFP interface on an osc card. Use this
command to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.349.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.349.3 Input Format

show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>

5.349.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Sub-command: pm
Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm".

5.349.5 Examples
(show-interface-osct)# 1/5/oscsfp detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: OSCSFP - OSCT OSC Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Module Type : SS-16.2O
OSPF Adj State : Full
OSC Mode : OC3
OSPF Area Id :

Release 10.0
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2268 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid>

Helloint : 10
Deadint : 40
Metric : 10
MTU : 1491

5.349.6 Related Commands

config interface osct

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2269
show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.350 show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.350.1 Purpose
This command displays or clears performance monitoring information for the OSC port on the
OSCT card.
Use this command to:
• Display the interface group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Display the SDH group PM options
• Display the SONET group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.350.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.350.3 Input Format

show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

5.350.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: interface

Displays the interface group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm interface" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

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2270 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface osct <oscsfp-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opr

Displays the received optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Displays the transmitted optical power group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm
opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sdh
Displays the SDH group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sdh" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: sonet
Displays the SONET group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm sonet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.350.5 Examples
(show-interface-osct-1/3/oscsfp)# PM opt

5.350.6 Related Commands

config interface osct

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2271
show interface osct <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.351 show interface osct <sig-port-aid>

5.351.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the SIG interface on an OSCT card. Use this command
to display the configuration for a specific interface port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.351.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.351.3 Input Format

show interface osct <sig-port-aid>

5.351.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the osct cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

5.351.5 Examples
(show-interface-osct)# 1/5/osc
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG - OSCT Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Direction : Bidirectional

5.351.6 Related Commands

config interface osct

Release 10.0
August 2017
2272 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <otdr-card>


5.352 config interface <otdr-card>

5.352.1 Purpose
This command configures the ports on an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)-type card:
Use this command to:
• Provision the associated LD port
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.352.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.352.3 Input Format

config interface <otdr-card> <port-aid>

5.352.4 Input Parameters



{otdr, otdrwb, otdrm}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed OTDR-type card that this command applies to.



Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2273
config interface <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OTDR cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


connaddress [<value> | delete]


<shelf>/<slot>/OTDRRX - A4PSWG, ASWG, AWBILA, AWBING, RA2P-96, or MON-OTDR

<shelf>/<slot>/OTDRTX - A4PSWG, ASWG, AWBILA, AWBEGR, or MON-OTDR card
delete - clears a previous value

Specifies the assigned port that is connected to the otdr port.
If a port on an LD, RA2P-96, or MON-OTDR is connected to the otdr port, the associated port
of the LD or RA2P-96 must be linked to an external fiber span.
If an OTDR port has a connection to an LD or RA2P-96 port, and the link to the external fiber
span is deleted at the LD or RA2P-96 port, then the connection from the OTDR port to the LD
or RA2P-96 port is automatically deleted.
External connection is used for applications not covered by a port association, such as a dark
fiber case, where the connection is set to external and the scan is triggered from the OTDR
For connections to the OTDRTX or OTDRRX ports of ASWG, A4PSWG and RA2P-96, use the
OTDR and OTDRM card.
For connections to the OTDRTX or OTDRRX ports of AWBILA, AWBING and AWBEGR, use
the OTDRWB card.
For external connections and connections to MON-OTDR ports, use either the OTDR or

description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Displays the current settings of the port.
Displays the port type. The retunred type value is: ots

5.352.5 Examples
# config interface otdr 1/8/P3 connaddress 1/4/OTDRRX

#config interface otdrwb 1/8/P3 connaddress external

#config interface otdrwb 1/8/P3 description Dark Fiber East

5.352.6 Related Commands

show interface <otdr-card>

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show interface <otdr-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.353 show interface <otdr-card>

5.353.1 Purpose
This command displays the configurations of the ports on an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
(OTDR)-type card:
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.353.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.353.3 Input Format

show interface <otdr-card> <port-aid>

5.353.4 Input Parameters



{otdr, otdrwb, otdrm}


Entry required
Specifies the allowed OTDR-type card that this command applies to.



Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OTDR cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the current settings of the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <otdr-card>

5.353.5 Examples
# show interface otdrwb 1/9/P3 detail

Shelf:1 Slot:8 Port: P3 - OTDR Port [OTS]

Connected LD OTDR Port : 1/4/OTDRRX
Associated LD Line Port : LineIn

# show interface otdr 1/8/P1 detail

Shelf:1 Slot:8 Port: P1 - OTDR Port [OTS]

Connected MON-OTDR OTDR Port : 1/5/OTDRRX
Associated LD Line Port : 1/6/LineIn

# show interface otdr 1/8/P1 detail

Shelf:1 Slot:8 Port: P1 - OTDR Port [OTS]

Connected external: Fiber Span

5.353.6 Related Commands

config interface <otdr-card>

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config otdrscan Nokia 1830 PSS


5.354 config otdrscan

5.354.1 Purpose
This command configures an otdr scan for the fiber connected to the input or output port of the LD
or fiber connected to an OTDR, OTDRWB or OTDRM port
Valid port values:
• OTDRRX and OTDRTX on the ASWG, A4PSWG, and AWBILA cards
• OTDRRX on AWBING and RA2P-96 cards
• OTDRTX on AWBEGR cards
• LINEIN and LINEOUT ports for the AM2125A, AM2318A, AM2125B, AM2625A, AM2032A,
iROADMF and iROADMV cards
• LINEIN port for the RA2P card
• LINE {in | out} port for the AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A cards
• P{1..8} on the OTDR, OTDRWB or OTDRM cards
Use this command to:
• Choose a scan profile for an OTDR scan, or configure the scan settings
• Launch an OTDR scan
• Display the status of the OTDR
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.354.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner: All commands
Observer: status

5.354.3 Input Format

config otdrscan <port-aid> [<direction>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config otdrscan


5.354.4 Input Parameters


* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the LD cards on the network element.
Port values:
• OTDRRX and OTDRTX on the ASWG, A4PSWG, and AWBILA cards
• OTDRRX on the AWBING and RA2P-96 cards
• OTDRTX on the AWBEGR cards
• LINEIN and LINEOUT ports for the AM2125A, AM2125B, AM2318A, AM2625A and
AM2032A, iROADMF, iROADMV cards
• LINEIN port for the RA2P card
• LINE port for the AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A cards together with <direction>
• P1..P8 on the OTDR, OTDRWB or OTDRM cards. This requires connaddress to be set
to external
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the LD cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Entry required


IN - input direction
OUT - output direction

For bidirectional LINE port of AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A card only. For other <port-aid>
it must be omitted.
Specifies the direction of the scan for bidirectional line ports.

Displays the detailed description of the scan settings.



description [<string>]

<string> - 64 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

An optional string of up to 64 characters to describe the scan.


filename [<string>]

<string> - up to 25 characters consisting of alphabetical and numeric characters and

dashes (hyphens). No other special characters or symbols can be used, and there can be
no spaces in the filename.


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Nokia 1830 PSS config otdrscan

Follow this with a string of up to 25 characters to set the file name for a scan. The file name will
be applied to the next scan that is launched.
The filename can include alphabetical and numeric characters and dashes (hyphens). No other
special characters or symbols can be used, and there can be no spaces in the filename.
If the parameter filename is entered without a string, then the current filename will be displayed.


profile [<id>]


Follow this with a number to choose a scan profile. If the parameter profile is entered without a
number, the profile number that is currently in use will be shown. If the scan settings have been
modified from a standard profile, and profile is entered without a number, then the command
will return none.
profile is a collection of settings for an OTDR scan.

This parameter is applicable to OTDR, OTDRWB



profilem [<id>]


Follow this with a number to choose a scan profile. If the parameter profilem is entered without
a number, the profilem number that is currently in use will be shown. If the scan settings have
been modified from a standard profilem, and profilem is entered without a number, then the
command will return none.
profilem is a collection of settings for an OTDR scan.

This parameter is applicable to OTDRM only.

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config otdrscan Nokia 1830 PSS


Use this to customize the scan settings. If the settings for an existing scan profile are desired,
there is no need to customize the settings with scanset. If a profile has been selected, and any
of the parameters under scanset is entered without a value following the parameter, the
command will return the value that is provided in the profile.


avetime [<value>]

0:05..5:00 - units of min:ss

3:00 or the value provided from the selected scan profile
Signal averaging time for a scan.
pulselength [<value>]

3000 ns or the value provided from the selected scan profile.

The pulse length in nanoseconds.
This parameter is applicable only to OTDR and OTDRWB

pulselengthm [<value>]

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3000 ns or the value provided from the selected scan profile.

The pulse length in nanoseconds.

Applicable only to OTDRM


Lists the OTDR scan files that are currently stored on the network element. Only the files that
are associated with this port are displayed.
File names and the date and time that the file was stored are shown. If file names are reused,
then the different scans can be distinguished by their dates and times.


range [<value>]


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160 or the value provided from the selected scan profile.

The range of the span that is being probed, in km.

This parameter is applicable only to OTDR and OTDRWB



rangem [<value>]


160 or the value provided from the selected scan profile.

The range of the span that is being probed, in km.

applicable only to OTDRM



resolution [<value>]

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5 m or the value provided from the selected scan profile
Distance sampling resolution of the OTDR scan.
applicable only to OTDR and OTDRWB
resolutionm [<value>]
5 m or the value provided from the selected scan profile

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config otdrscan Nokia 1830 PSS

Distance sampling resolution of the OTDR scan.

this parameter is applicable only to OTDRM
The wavelength used for the OTDR scan. The wavelength is 1610 nm for the OTDR and
OTDRM; 1625nm for the OTDRWB card, and is not configurable.

scan [abort]
Runs the OTDR scan using the provisioned profile or customized parameters. Optionally follow
this keyword with abort, to abort the OTDR scan.
If the OTDR is in use, and cannot run the requested scan, it will return a message that it is
busy. The scan command is retried at a later time.
Displays the status of the OTDR to which this port is connected.
If the status is busy, the command will also display the scanning time remaining on the current
OTDR scan. The display is in min:ss. There can be additional processing time after the
scanning has completed before the OTDR is ready for the next scan.
The returned values are:
Available - OTDR is ready to start a new scan
Busy - OTDR is in use and cannot start a new scan

5.354.5 Examples
# config otdrscan 2/6/OTDRRX profile 2

# config otdrscan 1/6/LINEIN profile 2

# config otdrscan 1/6/LINE OUT profile 2

5.354.6 Related Commands

show otdrscan

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Nokia 1830 PSS show otdrscan

5.355 show otdrscan

5.355.1 Purpose
This command is used to access information and settings related to otdr scans.
The command is supported on ASWG, A4PSWG, AM2125A, AM2125B, AM2318A, AM2625A,
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.355.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.355.3 Input Format

show otdrscan <port-aid> [<direction>]

5.355.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Displays the settings for an OTDR scan.

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IN - input direction
OUT - output direction
For bidirectional LINE port of AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A card only. For other <port-aid>
it must be omitted.
Specifies the direction of the scan for bidirectional line ports.
Displays the list of OTDR files stored in the network element.
Displays the number of OTDR files stored in the network element.
Sub-command: profile
Displays standard OTDR profiles. See "show otdrscan profile".
Applicable only to OTDR and OTDRWB cards.
Sub-command: profilem
Displays standard OTDRM profiles. See "show otdrscan profilem.
Applicable only to OTDRM cards.

5.355.5 Examples
#show otdrscan fileNameList

OTDR File Names List:shortscan1_01_04_RX_20140724_09-06-55.sor

5.355.6 Related Commands

config otdrscan

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2288 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show otdrscan <port-aid>

5.356 show otdrscan <port-aid>

5.356.1 Purpose
This command displays the otdr scan settings for the specified LD port.
Port values:
• OTDRRX and OTDRTX on the ASWG, A4PSWG, and AWBILA cards
• OTDRRX on the AWBING and RA2P-96 cards
• OTDRTX on the AWBEGR cards
• LINEIN and LINEOUT ports for the AM2125A, AM2125B, AM2318A, AM2625A and AM2032A,
• LINEIN port for the RA2P card
• LINE port for the AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A cards together with <direction> parameter
• P1..P8 on the OTDR, OTDRWB and OTDRM cards. This requires connaddress to be set to
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.356.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.356.3 Input Format

show otdrscan <port-aid> [<direction>]

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show otdrscan <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.356.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the LD cards on the network element.


IN - input direction
OUT - output direction

For bidirectional LINE port of AHPHG, AHPLG and A2325A card only. For other <port-aid>
it must be omitted.
Specifies the direction of the scan for bidirectional line ports.

Displays the detailed description of the scan settings.


Displays the result of the most recent OTDR scan at that port.
Returned values are:

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Displays the status of the OTDR to which this port is connected.

If the status is busy, the command will also display the scanning time remaining on the current
OTDR scan. The display is in min:ss. There can be additional processing time after the
scanning has completed before the OTDR is ready for the next scan.
Retunred values are:
Available - OTDR is ready to start a new scan
Busy - OTDR is in use and cannot start a new scan
Lists the OTDR scan files that are currently stored on the network element. Only the files that
are associated with this port are displayed.
File names and the date and time that the file was stored are shown. If file names are reused,
then the different scans can be distinguished by their dates and times.

5.356.5 Examples
# show otdrscan 1/4/otdrrx detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 4 Port: OTDRRX - ASWG OTDRRX Port [OTS]
Associated OTDR Port : 1/6/P2
File Name for OTDR Scan : firstfivekm006
Description :
Profile for Scan Settings : None
Scan Settings:
Wavelength (nm) : 1610
Pulse length (ns) : 10
Range (km) : 5
Resolution (m) : 0.08
Averaging time(min:ss) : 1:00
Status : Available
Scan Result : Not scanning

# show otdrscan 2/4/linein status

Shelf: 2 Slot: 4 Port: LINEIN - AM2125A Line In Port [OTS]

Status : Available
Remaining Scan Time : 0:00
Last succesful scan(Local Time) : 2016/04/07 12:56:02
Last successful scan(GMT) : 2016/04/07 17:56:02

# show otdrscan 2/4/otdrrx scanresult

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2291
show otdrscan <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 2 Slot: 4 Port: OTDRRX - ASWG OTDRRX Port [OTS]

File Name : firstfivekm
Scan result : not scanning

5.356.6 Related Commands

config otdrscan

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2292 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show otdrscan profile

5.357 show otdrscan profile

5.357.1 Purpose
This command displays the standard profiles of scan settings for OTDR and OTDRWB.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.357.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.357.3 Input Format

show otdrscan profile

5.357.4 Input Parameters


Returns a brief description of all of the OTDR scan settings profiles that are stored on the node.



Entry required
Returns a detailed description of the OTDR scan settings that are stored on the node for the
specified profile.

5.357.5 Examples
# show otdrscan profile brief
Profile Number Description
1 160 km scan
2 80 km scan
3 5 km scan
4 10 km scan

# show otdrscan profile 1

OTDR scan profile 1
Description : 160 km Scan
Pulse length (ns) : 3000
Range(km) : 160

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show otdrscan profile Nokia 1830 PSS

Resolution (m) : 5
Averaging time (min:ss) : 3:00

5.357.6 Related Commands

config otdrscan

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2294 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show otdrscan profilem

5.358 show otdrscan profilem

5.358.1 Purpose
This command displays the OTDRM standard profiles of scan settings.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.358.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.358.3 Input Format

show otdrscan profilem

5.358.4 Input Parameters


Returns a brief description of all of the OTDR scan settings profiles that are stored on the node.



Entry required
Returns a detailed description of the OTDR scan settings that are stored on the node for the
specified profilem.

5.358.5 Examples
# show otdrscan profilem brief
Profile metro Number Description
1 160 km scan
2 80 km scan
3 10 km scan
4 5 km scan

# show otdrscan profilem 1

OTDR scan profilem 1
Description : 160 km Scan
Wavelength (nm) : 1610
Pulse length metro (ns) : 3000

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show otdrscan profilem Nokia 1830 PSS

Range metro (km) : 160

Resolution metro (m) : 5
Averaging time (min:ss) : 3:00

5.358.6 Related Commands

config otdrscan

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2296 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm


5.359 config interface wtocm

5.359.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCM)
card. Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the input ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.359.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.359.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm <in-port-aid>

5.359.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2297
config interface wtocm <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.360 config interface wtocm <port-aid> state

5.360.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on a WTOCM card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.360.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.360.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm <port-aid> state

5.360.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Set to up to enable the port.

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm <port-aid> state

5.360.5 Examples
# config interface wtocm 1/3/IN state down force

5.360.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2299
config interface wtocm <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.361 config interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

5.361.1 Purpose
This command configures the input port on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCM) card.
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings of the port
• Create or delete the port
• Provision the associated LD port and loss
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.361.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.361.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

5.361.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


connaddress [<value> | delete]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm <line-port-aid>


<value> - specify the <port-aid> being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value
Specifies the assigned LD port being monitored by the wtocm input port.


0..15 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the installed loss between the LD port being monitored and the wtocm input port


channel [summary | <frequency>]


summary - Use keyword summary to list a summary table of channel by channel power and
key status.
9170..9605 - Provide the frequency value of a channel to display its measured power,
wavekey processing state, and programmed expected Wave Keys
Display the channel attributes for the input port. Wave Keys programmed as expected,
measured power, and WT processing state. Displays all channels.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Displays the current settings for the port.

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config interface wtocm <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: state

For additional information on the state parameter, see "config interface wtocm <port-aid> state"


Specifies the port type

5.361.5 Examples

(config-interface-wtocm-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM Input Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :

Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE

Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr (dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent

(config-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel summary

Keys Power Keys Keys Keys
Location Chan Expected Received Processed Received Unexpected
1/14/IN1 9170 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1/14/IN1 9190 No Yes No No Yes
1/14/IN1 9200 Yes Yes No No No
1/14/IN1 9210 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9220 No No No No No
. . .

(config-interface-wtocm-1/12/in1)# channel 9440

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - Channel: 9440

Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -18.79 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.02 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 211

5.361.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2303
show interface wtocm <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.362 show interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

5.362.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the input interface on a WTOCM card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Displays WaveKey and power information for all channels on a specific interface port. You can
optionally filter the results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

5.362.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.362.3 Input Format

show interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

5.362.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.



channel [<frequency> | summary]

Show channel power and WaveKey information. Optionally follow with an integer value for a
channel to display only that channel or summary for a summary of all channels.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocm <line-port-aid>


Show a summary of channels being detected by the WTOCM In port reporting unexpected
channels. This command shows detail for both provisioned channels and unprovisioned
channel slots.

5.362.5 Examples

(show-interface-wtocm-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM Input Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel summary

Keys Power Keys Keys Keys
Location Chan Expected Received Processed Received Unexpected
1/14/IN1 9170 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1/14/IN1 9190 No Yes No No Yes
1/14/IN1 9200 Yes Yes No No No
1/14/IN1 9210 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9220 No No No No No
. . .

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr(dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel 9170

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9170
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -99.00 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -99.00 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : NotProvisionedAndNotPresent

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Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel 9180

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9180
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -14.50 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : 0.25 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 9
Wave Key 2 : 553

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel 9190

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9190
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -15.20 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.45 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndUnexpected
Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -
Unexpected Wave Keys : 250, 785

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel 9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9200
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -27.35 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : Off
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndNotPresent
Wave Key 1 : 188
Wave Key 2 : 732

# show interface wtocm 1/14/in1 unexpected

Detected on Power Unexpected
Frequency (dBm) Wavekey
9220.000 -26.20 524, 1068
9275.000 -26.05 3755, 2219
9550.000 -25.95 3877, 2341

The following example is for a channel provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel 9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9200
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -16.67 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.35

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed

Wave Key 1 : Unkey
Wave Key 2 : Unkey

The following example is for port with some channels provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocm-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr(dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9350 Unkey Unkey -17.0 -2.03 ProvisionedAndConfirmed

5.362.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocm <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2307
config interface wtocma Nokia 1830 PSS


5.363 config interface wtocma

5.363.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor
(WTOCMA) card. Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the input
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.363.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.363.3 Input Format

config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

5.363.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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2308 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state

5.364 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state

5.364.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on an WTOCMA card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

5.364.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.364.3 Input Format

config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state

5.364.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with optional force to force the port down.
This may affect service.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2309
config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.364.5 Examples
(config-interface-wtocma-1/3/in1)# state down

5.364.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocma
show interface wtocma

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2310 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

5.365 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

5.365.1 Purpose
This command configures the input port on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCMA)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Create/delete the port
• Provision the associated LD port and loss
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.365.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.365.3 Input Format

config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>
ondemandchannel [<frequency> | all]

5.365.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2311
config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



connaddress [<value> | delete]


value - specify the <port-aid> being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value
Specifies the assigned LD port being monitored by the wtocm input port.


connloss [<value>]

0..10 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the installed loss between the LD port being monitored and the wtocm input port.


channel [summary | clearOSNR]

Display the channel attributes for the input port.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "config
interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: state

See "config interface wtocma <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


type [ots | unassigned]


ots - create the port

unassigned - port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.
Sub-command: ondemandchannel


ondemandchannel [<frequency> | all]

Configure the specified Channel for Ondemand OSNR scan. Command is when the
OSNRmeasure is disabled on this port.


<frequency> [disable | enable]


9170..9605 - frequency value

enable - optional: channel is selected for ondemand scan
disable - optional: channel is excluded for ondemand scan

Configures the specified Channel for Ondemand OSNR scan.

Configures all the channels in the specified port into Ondemand scan mode.


osnrmeasure [disable | enable]

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enable - activate the OSNR measurement function for this specified WTOCMA IN port.
disable - stop the OSNR measurement function for this specified WTOCMA IN port.

Turn on/off the OSNR measurement on specified WTOCMA IN port.
Once enabled, the WTOCMA will scan channels in this port for OSNR measurement in normal
mode and allow the user to select channels in this port for on demand OSNR scan (See "config
card wtocma <slot-aid> ondemandOSNR [start | abort | status]").
Once disabled, the WTOCMA will not proceed OSNR measurement for any channel in this

5.365.5 Examples

(config-interface-wtocma-1/3/in1)# connaddress 1/14/sig

(config-interface-wtocma-1/12/in1)# type ots

(config-interface-wtocma-1/12/in1)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCMA Input Port

Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCMA Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm
OSNR measurement : disabled

(config-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel

Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocma In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr (dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

(config-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel summary

Keys Power Keys Keys Keys
Location Chan Expected Received Processed Received Unexpected
1/14/IN1 9170 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1/14/IN1 9190 No Yes No No Yes
1/14/IN1 9200 Yes Yes No No No
1/14/IN1 9210 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9220 No No No No No
. . .

5.365.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocma

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2315
config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.366 config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm

5.366.1 Purpose
This command configures the WTOCMA IN[1-4] ports with Performance Monitoring attributes.
Use this command to:
• Clear all bins in all groups on this port
• Configure the optical OSNR group pm option
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.366.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.366.3 Input Format

config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm

5.366.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clear all bins in all groups on this interface.

Sub-command: osnr

Configure the OSNR group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm osnr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

5.366.5 Examples

(config-interface-wtocma-1/3/IN1-PM)# clearAll

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm

5.366.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocma

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2317
show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.367 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

5.367.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the input interface on a WTOCMA card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display the osnr of certain channel
• Displays WaveKey and power information for all channels on a specific interface port. You can
optionally filter the results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

5.367.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.367.3 Input Format

show interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

5.367.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocma <line-port-aid>



channel [frequency | summary]

Show channel power and WaveKey information. Optionally follow with an integer value for a
channel to display only that channel or summary for a summary of all channels.

Show channel power, OSNR and wavekey information for the channels selected for ondemand
osnr scan in this port.
Sub-command: pm

Display or clear performance monitoring information for a specific interface. See "show
interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm".

Show a summary of channels being detected by the WTOCMA In port reporting unexpected
channels. This command shows detail for both provisioned channels and unprovisioned
channel slots.

5.367.5 Examples

(show-interface-wtocma-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCMA Input Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCMA Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCMA Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel summary

Keys Power Keys Keys Keys
Location Chan Expected Received Processed Received Unexpected
1/14/IN1 9170 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1/14/IN1 9190 No Yes No No Yes
1/14/IN1 9200 Yes Yes No No No
1/14/IN1 9210 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9220 No No No No No
. . .

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel

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show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocma In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr(dBm) OSNR(dB) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 21.5 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 22.3 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off 23.0 ProvisionedAndNotPresent
. . .

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# ondemandchannel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocma In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr(dBm) OSNR(dB) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 1276 1760 -19.00 -0.43 19.0 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9380 294 838 -16.50 3.25 21.5 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9390 275 819 -21.20 -1.75 22.3 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9550 1108 1592 -17.25 2.75 23.0 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
. . .

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel 9170

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9170
Channel Power at WTOCMA Port Input: -99.00 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output: -99.00 dBm
Channel OSNR at WTOCMA Port Input: -99.00 dB
Wave Key Presence State : NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -
Unexpected Wave Keys :

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel 9180

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9180
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -14.50 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output: 0.25 dBm
Channel OSNR at WTOCMA Port Input: 21.5 dB
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 9
Wave Key 2 : 553
Unexpected Wave Keys :

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel 9190

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9190
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -15.20 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output: -0.45 dBm

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocma <line-port-aid>

Channel OSNR at WTOCMA Port Input: 22.3 dB

Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndUnexpected
Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -
Unexpected Wave Keys : 250, 785

# show interface wtocma 1/14/in1 unexpected

Detected on Power Unexpected
Frequency (dBm) Wavekey
9220.000 -26.20 524, 1068
9275.000 -26.05 3755, 2219
9550.000 -25.95 3877, 2341

The following example is for a channel provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel 9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9200
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -16.67 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.35
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : Unkey
Wave Key 2 : Unkey

The following example is for port with some channels provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocma-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocma In LD Out
Location Chan Key1 Key2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr (dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9350 Unkey Unkey -17.0 -2.03 ProvisionedAndConfirmed

5.367.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocma

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2321
show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

5.368 show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm

5.368.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a WTOCMA and display the OSNR group PM
This command applies to 1830 PSS.

5.368.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.368.3 Input Format

show interface wtocma <line-port-aid> pm

5.368.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocma cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: osnr
Display the osnr group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm osnr" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

5.368.5 Examples
(show-interface-wtocma-1/3/IN1)# PM osnr

5.368.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocma

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2322 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-f


5.369 config interface wtocm-f

5.369.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor
(WTOCM-F) card.
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the input ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.369.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.369.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

5.369.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2323
config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.370 config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state

5.370.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on a WTOCM-F card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.370.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.370.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state

5.370.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.370.5 Examples
(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/3/in1)# state down

5.370.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm-f

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2325
config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.371 config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

5.371.1 Purpose
This command configures the input port on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCM-F)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Create/delete the port
• Provision the associated LD port and loss
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.371.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.371.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

5.371.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

connaddress [<value> | delete]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>


<value> - specify the <port-aid> being monitored.

delete - clear a previous value
Specifies the assigned LD port being monitored by the wtocm-f input port.


0..15 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the installed loss between the LD port being monitored and the wtocm-f input port


channel [summary | <frequency>]


summary - Use keyword summary to list a summary table of channel by channel power and
key status.
9170..9605 - Provide the frequency value of a channel to display its measured power,
wavekey processing state, and programmed expected Wave Keys
Displays the channel attributes for the input port. Wave Keys programmed as expected,
measured power, and WT processing state. Displays all channels.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2327
config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: state

Refer to "config interface wtocm-f <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state parameter.


Specifies the port type

5.371.5 Examples

(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM-F Input Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM-F Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM-F Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm-F In LD Out
Location Chan Key 1 Key 2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr(dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent

(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel summary

Keys Power Keys Keys Keys
Location Chan Expected Received Processed Received Unexpected
1/14/IN1 9170 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1/14/IN1 9190 No Yes No No Yes
1/14/IN1 9200 Yes Yes No No No
1/14/IN1 9210 No No No No No
1/14/IN1 9220 No No No No No
. . .

(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/12/in1)# channel 9440

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Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - Channel: 9440

Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -18.79 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.02 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 211
Wave Key 2 : 755

(config-interface-wtocm-f-1/35/in1)# channel 9155.625

Shelf: 1 Slot: 35 Port: IN1 - Channel: 9155.625

Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -26.03 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -3.97 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 2437
Wave Key 2 : 2949

5.371.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm-f

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2329
show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.372 show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

5.372.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the input interface on a WTOCM-F card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for all channels on a specific interface port. You can
optionally filter the results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.372.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.372.3 Input Format

show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

5.372.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface


channel [<frequency> | summary]
Show channel power and WaveKey information. Optionally follow with an integer value for a
channel to display only that channel or summary for a summary of all channels.

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2330 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>


Show a summary of channels being detected by the WTOCM-F In port reporting unexpected
channels. This command shows detail for both provisioned channel slots and unprovisioned
channel slots. The reported channel frequencies are approximate for unprovisioned channels.

5.372.5 Examples

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM-F Input Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINE
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM-F Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM-F Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

# show interface wtocm-f 1/35/in1 channel summary

Keys Keys Keys Power Keys

Location Channel Unexpected Received Processed Received Expected
1/35/IN1 9155.625 No Yes Yes Yes Yes
1/35/IN1 9167.500 No Yes Yes Yes Yes
1/35/IN1 9190.625 No Yes Yes Yes Yes
1/35/IN1 9450.000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm-F In LD Out
Location Chan Key1 Key2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr (dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent
. . .

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel 9170

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9170
Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -99.00 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -99.00 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : NotProvisionedAndNotPresent

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show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel 9180

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9180
Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -14.50 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : 0.25 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : 9
Wave Key 2 : 553

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel 9190

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9190
Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -15.20 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.45 dBm
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndUnexpected
Wave Key 1 : -
Wave Key 2 : -
Unexpected Wave Keys : 250, 785

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel 9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9200
Channel Power at WTOCM-F Port Input: -27.35 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : Off
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndNotPresent
Wave Key 1 : 188
Wave Key 2 : 732

# show interface wtocm-f 1/35/in1 unexpected

Detected on Power Unexpected
Frequency (dBm) Wavekey
9155.625 -26.20 2440, 2969
9167.500 -26.05 167, 915
9173.750 -25.95 3553, 4065

The following example is for a channel provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel 9200

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 9200
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -16.67 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.35

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed

Wave Key 1 : Unkey
Wave Key 2 : Unkey

The following example is for port with some channels provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocm-f-1/14/in1)# channel
Measured Measured
Wave Wave Wtocm-F In LD Out
Location Chan Key1 Key2 Pwr(dBm) Pwr (dBm) Applicability
1/14/IN1 9170 - - -99.00 -99.00 NotProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9180 9 553 -14.50 0.25 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
1/14/IN1 9190 - - -15.20 -0.45 ProvisionedAndUnexpected
1/14/IN1 9200 188 732 -27.35 Off ProvisionedAndNotPresent
1/14/IN1 9350 Unkey Unkey -17.0 -2.03 ProvisionedAndConfirmed
. . .

5.372.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocm-f <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2333
config interface wtocm-fl Nokia 1830 PSS


5.373 config interface wtocm-fl

5.373.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCM-
FL) card.
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the input ports.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.373.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.373.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.373.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-fl cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
2334 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state

5.374 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state

5.374.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a port on a WTOCM-FL card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.374.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.374.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state

5.374.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Set to up to enable the port.



Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.

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config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.374.5 Examples
(config-interface-wtocm-fl-1/3/in1)# state down

5.374.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm-fl

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2336 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.375 config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.375.1 Purpose
This command configures the input port on a WaveTracker optical channel monitor (WTOCM-FL)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
• Create/delete the port
• Provision the associated LD port and loss
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.375.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.375.3 Input Format

config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.375.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-fl cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

connaddress [<value> | delete]

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<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - on the AWBEGR, AWBILA

<shelf>/<slot>/SIGLOUT - on the AWBING
delete - clear a previous value
Specifies the assigned LD port being monitored by the wtocm-fl input port.


0..15 - gain in dB

0 dB
Specifies the installed loss between the LD port being monitored and the wtocm-fl input port


channel [summary | <frequency>]


summary - Use keyword summary to list a summary table of channel by channel power and
key status.
9170..9605 - Provide the frequency value of a channel to display its measured power,
wavekey processing state, and programmed expected Wave Keys
Displays the channel attributes for the input port. Wave Keys programmed as expected,
measured power, and WT processing state.Displays all channels


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

Sub-command: state

Refer to "config interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> state" for additional details on the state

Specifies the port type

5.375.5 Examples
(config-interface-wtocm-fl-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM-FL Input Port
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/LINEOUT
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM-FL Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM-FL Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

5.375.6 Related Commands

show interface wtocm-fl

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2339
show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.376 show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.376.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the input interface on a WTOCM-FL card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port.
• Display WaveKey and power information for all channels on a specific interface port. You can
optionally filter the results for the port to show information for a specific channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.376.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.376.3 Input Format

show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>

5.376.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the wtocm-f cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface


channel [<frequency> | summary]
Show channel power and WaveKey information. Optionally follow with an integer value for a
channel to display only that channel or summary for a summary of all channels.

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2340 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface wtocm-fl <port-aid>


Show a summary of channels being detected by the WTOCM-FL In port reporting unexpected
channels. This command shows detail for both provisioned channel slots and unprovisioned
channel slots. The reported channel frequencies are approximate for unprovisioned channels.

5.376.5 Examples
(show-interface-wtocm-fl-1/12/in1)# detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 12 Port: IN1 - WTOCM-FL Input Port [OTS]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: SGEO
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Description :
Associated Monitored Port : 1/8/SIGLOUT
Current Loss LD Port to WTOCM-FL Port: -3.00 dB
Total Power at WTOCM-FL Port Input : -12.00 dBm
Total Power at LD Port Output : 5.00 dBm

# show interface wtocm-fl 1/35/in1 unexpected

Detected on Power Unexpected
Frequency (dBm) Wavekey
8636.250 -26.20 22440, 22969
8646.250 -26.05 20167, 20915
8654.375 -25.95 23553, 24065

The following example is for a channel provisioned as unkeyed:

(show-interface-wtocm-fl-1/14/in1)# channel 8654.375

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 Port: IN1 Channel: 8654.375
Channel Power at WTOCM Port Input: -17.67 dBm
Channel Power at LD Port Output : -0.35
Wave Key Presence State : ProvisionedAndConfirmed
Wave Key 1 : Unkey
Wave Key 2 : Unkey

5.376.6 Related Commands

config interface wtocm-fl <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2341
config interface <mcs-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

MCS8-16 and MCS8-16L

5.377 config interface <mcs-card>

5.377.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to configure the SIG{1-8} or AD{1-16}
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.377.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.377.3 Input Format

config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid>

5.377.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS cards on the network element.

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2342 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.377.5 Related Commands

show interface <mcs-card>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2343
config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

5.378 config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state

5.378.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16,
mcs8-16l) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.378.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.378.3 Input Format

config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state

5.378.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 cards on the network

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2344 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card> <port-aid> state

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Set to up to enable the port.

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This may
affect service.
Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance.

5.378.5 Examples
#config interface mcs8-16 1/5/SIG3 state down

5.378.6 Related Commands

show interface <mcs-card>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2345
config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.379 config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.379.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16, mcs8-16l)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.379.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.379.3 Input Format

config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.379.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.



Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.

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2346 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Display the current settings for the port.
Sub-command: state
Specifies a port administrative state. Enter this keyword followed by additional keywords and
commands to set port state, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
state value. See "config interface {mcs8-16 | mcs8-16l} <port-aid> state" for additional details
on the state parameter.

5.379.5 Examples
#config interface mcs8-16 1/5/sig1 detail
Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG1 - MCS8-16 Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:Oper
State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled

#config interface mcs8-16 1/5/sig2 description to degree

#config interface mcs8-16 1/5/sig2 description

Interface Description: to degree

5.379.6 Related Commands

show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2347
config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.380 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

5.380.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16|MCS8-16L)
Use this command to:
• Display the current settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.380.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.380.3 Input Format

config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

5.380.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.



extrainputloss [<value>]

0.00..10.00 - loss in dB.


0 dB
Sets additional loss added by a fixed attenuator connected to the add port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by one allowed value.

The value cannot be changed if the port is involved in an optical cross-connection.

Sub-command: state

Specifies a port administrative state. Enter this keyword followed by additional keywords and
commands to set port state, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
state value. See "config interface {mcs8-16 | mcs8-16l} <port-aid> state" for additional details
on the state parameter.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2349
config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: testing

Accesses testing related sub-commands. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display
the current state of testing functionality on the port. Configure testing feature attributes for the
AD port. See "config interface {mcs8-16 | mcs8-16l} <ad-port-aid> testing"

5.380.5 Examples

# config interface mcs8-16 3/4/ad2 extrainputloss detail

Shelf: 3 Slot: 4 Port: AD2 - MCS8-16 AD Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Add Insertion Loss to SIG1 : 15.00 dB

Add Insertion Loss to SIG2 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG3 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG4 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG5 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG6 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG7 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG8 : 15.00 dB

Drop Insertion Loss from SIG1 : 15.00 dB

Drop Insertion Loss from SIG2 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG3 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG4 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG5 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG6 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG7 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG8 : 15.00 dB

Testing in progress : False

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

# config interface mcs8-16 1/5/ad2 description customer A

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2350 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

# config interface mcs8-16 1/5/ad2 description

Interface Description: customer A

# config interface mcs8-16 1/5/ad2 extrainputloss

Extra Input Loss: 0.00 dB

# config interface mcs8-16 1/5/ad2 extrainputloss 3

5.380.6 Related Commands

show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2351
config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing Nokia 1830 PSS

5.381 config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing

5.381.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16, mcs8-16l)
Use this command to:
• Configure the testing related settings for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.381.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Photonic cross-connect provisioning using the port is prevented while testing is active.
Access Levels: Administrator

5.381.3 Input Format

config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing

5.381.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> testing


{sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8, blocked}
Sub-command of testing.
Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the currently set target for disposition.
Enter this keyword followed by value to set the target for disposition.
Use related sub-command execute to switch the port to the target disposition.

routing {execute}
execute - to switch the port to the path set by the targetdisposition sub-command.
Sub-command of testing.

5.381.5 Examples
# config interface mcs8-16 1/10/ad1 testing
Testing in progress: false

# config interface mcs8-16 1/10/ad1 testing targetdisposition

Target for Disposition :blocked

# config interface mcs8-16 1/10/ad1 testing targetdisposition sig1

# config interface mcs8-16 1/10/ad1 testing routing execute

5.381.6 Related Commands

show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2353
show interface <mcs-card> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.382 show interface <mcs-card>

5.382.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16,MCS8-16L)
Use this command to access subcommands that allow you to show the SIG{1-8} or AD{1-16} port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.382.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.382.3 Input Format

show interface <mcs-card> <port-aid>

5.382.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.


* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
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2354 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <mcs-card>

5.382.5 Related Commands

config interface <mcs-card>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2355
show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.383 show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.383.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16, MCS8_16L)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.383.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.383.3 Input Format

show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

5.383.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>



channel [summary | <frequency>]


summary - to display a summary of channel utilization on this port and which AD ports add/
drop the channels.
9170..9605 - increments of 5 for mcs8-16 pack
8610..9085 - increments of 0.625 for mcs8-16l pack
191.70..196.05 - to display just the usage of that channel and which AD port adds and
drops the channel in THz for mcs8-16.
186.10..19.085 - to display just the usage of that channel and which AD port adds and
drops the channel in THz for mcs8-16l.
Show channel power and WaveKey information. Optionally follow with an integer value for a
channel to display only that channel or summary for a summary of all channels.

Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.

5.383.5 Examples

#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/SIG1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG1 - MCS8-16 Signal Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional


#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/SIG1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: SIG1 - MCS8-16 Signal Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional

#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/sig1 channel summary

Channel Add Port Drop Port


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2357
show interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

9170 AD1In AD1Out

9180 AD5In AD5Out
9190 NotProvisioned NotProvisioned
9605 NotProvisioned NotProvisioned

#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/sig1 channel 9515

Channel Add Port Drop Port

9515 AD1In AD1Out

5.383.6 Related Commands

config interface <mcs-card> <sig-port-aid>

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August 2017
2358 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

5.384 show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

5.384.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on a:
• Multi-cast Switch 8x16 (MCS8-16, MCS8-16L)
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.384.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.384.3 Input Format

show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

5.384.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Select one of the MCS types for which the config command is executed.


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the MCS8-16 or MCS8-16L cards on the
network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2359
show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays a detailed summary of parameters on this interface.


Enter this keyword to display the current routing for the AD port (a SIG port, or blocked).

5.384.5 Examples

#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/AD1

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5 Port: AD1 - MCS8-16 Add/Drop Port [OTS]
Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional


# show interface mcs8-16 3/4/ad2 detail

Shelf: 3 Slot: 4 Port: AD2 - MCS8-16 AD Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Description :
ExtraInputLoss : 0.00 dB

Add Insertion Loss to SIG1 : 15.00 dB

Add Insertion Loss to SIG2 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG3 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG4 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG5 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG6 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG7 : 15.00 dB
Add Insertion Loss to SIG8 : 15.00 dB

Drop Insertion Loss from SIG1 : 15.00 dB

Drop Insertion Loss from SIG2 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG3 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG4 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG5 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG6 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG7 : 15.00 dB
Drop Insertion Loss from SIG8 : 15.00 dB

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

Testing in progress : False

GMRE Topology Alarm : No

#show interface mcs8-16 1/5/ad1 routing

Current Disposition Add : SIG2
Current Disposition Drop : SIG2

5.384.6 Related Commands

config interface <mcs-card> <ad-port-aid>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2361
config interface opsa Nokia 1830 PSS


5.385 config interface opsa

5.385.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows you to specify the Wavelength Tracker WaveKey properties
on the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.385.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.385.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <port-aid>

5.385.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2362 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <port-aid> state

5.386 config interface opsa <port-aid> state

5.386.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a optical protection switch (OPSA)
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.386.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.386.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <port-aid> state

5.386.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2363
config interface opsa <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

Set to up to enable the port

5.386.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsa-1/3/SIG)# state down

5.386.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

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August 2017
2364 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <sig-port-aid>

5.387 config interface opsa <sig-port-aid>

5.387.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows you to specify the Wavelength Tracker WaveKey properties
on the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.387.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.387.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <sig-port-aid>

5.387.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2365
config interface opsa <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsa <port-aid> state".
type [och]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Specify the Wavelength Tracker properties for all wavelengths passing through the port. See
"config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".
This command is not supported if the protection mode of the pack is OLP.

5.387.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsa-1/13/sig)# detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: SIG - OPSA Signal Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green
Description :
Total Input Power: -5.12 dBm

5.387.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

Release 10.0
August 2017
2366 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <a-port-aid>

5.388 config interface opsa <a-port-aid>

5.388.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows you to specify the Wavelength Tracker WaveKey properties
on the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.388.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.388.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <a-port-aid>

5.388.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2367
config interface opsa <a-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently
raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the alarm, the
command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.
Applicable for A and B ports only.

Display the current settings for the port.


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsa <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: switch
Access sub-command to configure switch threshold, switch tolerance and eVOA attenuation.
See "config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch".
type [och]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Specify the Wavelength Tracker properties for all wavelengths passing through the port. See
"config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".
This command is not supported if the protection mode of the pack is OLP.

5.388.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# description "opsa port A"

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# state up

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2368 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <a-port-aid>

5.388.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2369
config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

5.389 config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch

5.389.1 Purpose
This command configures the switch threshold and tolerance on the A and B ports of an optical
protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the threshold calculation mode to auto or manual
• Set the switching threshold and tolerance for manual configured ports
• Set the transmit eVOA attenuation for manual power managed lines
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.389.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Threshold values specify when the OPSA card performs a protection switch. eVOA
attenuation values affect the transmission power levels.
Access Levels: Service, Administrator: switchthresh, switchtol, voaattenuation
Service: calculationmode

5.389.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch

5.389.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

calculationmode [auto | manual]
{auto, manual}

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch

Specifies the operating mode for the OPSA switch threshold calculations.
When the OPSA card is in OMSP mode,calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
When the OPSA card is in OLP mode, calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
Note: One must be logged in as a service user in order to have access to the OPSA


switchthresh [<value>]

-30..5 - threshold value in dBm, for OCHP and OMSP

-32..5 - threshold value in dBm, for OLP

-30.00 for OCH protection

-28.00 for OMS protection
-32.00 for OLP protection
Specifies the switching threshold to be used when calculationmode is set to manual. The
switching threshold defines the power level below which a protection switch is triggered. Enter
this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold, in dBm. In static networks you
need to calculate this value based on the planned OPSA received power.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only
Note: Entering a switchthresh value is denied if the calculationmode is set to auto.
switchtol [<value>]
0.00..5.00 - value in dB

Specifies the switching threshold tolerance to be used when calculationmode is set to manual.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold tolerance, in dB. Enter this
keyword alone to display the current value.
The switching threshold tolerance defines the level by which the signal must improve above the
switching threshold before the switch is allowed to revert to its original configuration. For
example, if port A is the active port and has a switchthresh of -18.00 dBm, and the input to port

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2371
config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

A goes below -18.00 dBm, a switch will be made to port B. If the switchtol is 1.00 dB, then the
switch will be allowed to revert to port A only if the input power at A is -17.00 dBm or higher.
Switching is not revertive. The switch back to A is made manually or in response to the signal
power at B going below its switchthresh value.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only.
Note: Entering a switchtol value is denied if the calculationmode is set to auto.


voaattenuation [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dBm

-1 - maximum attenuation

Specifies the attenuation value for the VOA in the egress direction for manually power managed
lines. Attempts to enter a voaattenuation value when the line is in auto power managed mode
will be denied.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the VOA attenuation, in dB.
Enter this keyword alone to display the current value.

5.389.5 Examples

(config-interface-opsa)# 1/4/a

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch switchthresh -20

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch switchtol 1.5

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch voaattenuation 5

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch switchthresh

Switch Threshold: -10.00 dBm

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch switchtol

Switch Threshold Tolerance: 2.00 dB

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/a)# switch voaattenuation

VOA attenuation : -1 [Max Attenuation]

Release 10.0
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2372 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <a-port-aid> switch

5.389.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2373
config interface opsa <b-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.390 config interface opsa <b-port-aid>

5.390.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows you to specify the Wavelength Tracker WaveKey properties
on the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.390.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.390.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <b-port-aid>

5.390.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
2374 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <b-port-aid>


Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not currently
raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the alarm, the
command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.
Applicable for A and B ports only.

Display the current settings for the port.


description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsa <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: switch
Access sub-command to configure switch threshold, switch tolerance and eVOA attenuation.
See "config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch".
type [och]
Displays the port type.
Sub-command: wavekey
Specify the Wavelength Tracker properties for all wavelengths passing through the port. See
"config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey".
This command is not supported if the protection mode of the pack is OLP.

5.390.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# description "opsa port B"

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# state up

Release 10.0
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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2375
config interface opsa <b-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.390.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

Release 10.0
August 2017
2376 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch

5.391 config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch

5.391.1 Purpose
This command configures the switch threshold and tolerance on the A and B ports of an optical
protection switch (OPSA) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the threshold calculation mode to auto or manual
• Set the switching threshold and tolerance for manual configured ports
• Set the transmit eVOA attenuation for manual power managed lines
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.391.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Threshold values specify when the OPSA card performs a protection switch. eVOA
attenuation values affect the transmission power levels.
Access Levels: Service,Administrator: switchthresh, switchtol, voaattenuation
Service: calculationmodea

5.391.3 Input Format

config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch

5.391.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

calculationmode [auto | manual]
{auto, manual}

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2377
config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

Specifies the operating mode for the OPSA switch threshold calculations.
When the OPSA card is in OMSP mode,calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
When the OPSA card is in OLP mode, calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
Note: One must be logged in as a service user in order to have access to the OPSA


switchthresh [<value>]

-30..5 - threshold value in dBm, for OCHP and OMSP

-32..5 - threshold value in dBm, for OLP

-30.00 for OCH protection

-28.00 for OMS protection
-32.00 for OLP protection
Specifies the switching threshold to be used when calculationmode is set to manual. The
switching threshold defines the power level below which a protection switch is triggered. Enter
this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold, in dBm. In static networks you
need to calculate this value based on the planned OPSA received power.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only
Note: Entering a switchthresh value is denied if the calculationmode is set to auto.
switchtol [<value>]
0.00..5.00 - value in dB

Specifies the switching threshold tolerance to be used when calculationmode is set to manual.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold tolerance, in dB. Enter this
keyword alone to display the current value.
The switching threshold tolerance defines the level by which the signal must improve above the
switching threshold before the switch is allowed to revert to its original configuration. For
example, if port A is the active port and has a switchthresh of -18.00 dBm, and the input to port

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2378 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch

A goes below -18.00 dBm, a switch will be made to port B. If the switchtol is 1.00 dB, then the
switch will be allowed to revert to port A only if the input power at A is -17.00 dBm or higher.
Switching is not revertive. The switch back to A is made manually or in response to the signal
power at B going below its switchthresh value.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only.
Note: Entering a switchtol value is denied if the calculationmode is set to auto.


voaattenuation [<value>]

0..20 - gain in dBm

-1 - maximum attenuation

Specifies the attenuation value for the VOA in the egress direction for manually power managed
lines. Attempts to enter a voaattenuation value when the line is in auto power managed mode
will be denied.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the VOA attenuation, in dB.
Enter this keyword alone to display the current value.

5.391.5 Examples

(config-interface-opsa)# 1/4/b

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch switchthresh -20

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch switchtol 1.5

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch voaattenuation 5

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch switchthresh

Switch Threshold: -10.00 dBm

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch switchtol

Switch Threshold Tolerance: 2.00 dB

(config-interface-opsa-1/4/b)# switch voaattenuation

VOA attenuation : -1 [Max Attenuation]

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2379
config interface opsa <b-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

5.391.6 Related Commands

show interface opsa

Release 10.0
August 2017
2380 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface opsa

5.392 show interface opsa

5.392.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on an optical protection switch card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific channel in
the in direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.392.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.392.3 Input Format

show interface opsa <port-aid>

5.392.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSA cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]

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brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface
Displays all service activity on this interface.
When the OPSA is not operating in OCHP mode, the command will return, not applicable for
this protection mode.

Displays wavekey information on this interface. See "show interface <card-type> <port-aid>

5.392.5 Examples
(show-interface-opsa)# 1/13/a

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: A - OPSA Protection A/B Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Amber
Description :
Calculation mode : Auto
Switch threshold : -30.00 dBm
Switch tolerance : 2.00 dB
VOA attenuation : 0.00 dB
Total Input Power: -5.12 dBm
GMRE Topology Alarm: No

(show-interface-opsa)# 1/13/a

Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: A - OPSA Protection A/B Port [OTS]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green
Description :
Calculation mode : Manual
Switch threshold : -28.00 dBm
Switch tolerance : 2.00 dB
VOA attenuation : 1.00 dB
Total Input Power: -5.12 dBm
GMRE Topology Alarm: No

(show-interface-opsa)# 1/13/sig

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Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: SIG - OPSA Signal Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green
Total Input Power : -5.12 dBm

5.392.6 Related Commands

config interface opsa

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2383
config interface opsb Nokia 1830 PSS


5.393 config interface opsb

5.393.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSB) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.393.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.393.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <port-aid>

5.393.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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2384 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsb <port-aid> state

5.394 config interface opsb <port-aid> state

5.394.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for a ports on a optical protection switch (opsb) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.394.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.394.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <port-aid> state

5.394.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the opsb cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


down [force]
Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.

Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance

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config interface opsb <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS


Set to up to enable the port

5.394.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb-1/3/SIG)# state down

5.394.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsb <sig-port-aid>

5.395 config interface opsb <sig-port-aid>

5.395.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSB) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.395.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.395.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <sig-port-aid>

5.395.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the current settings for the port.



description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsb <port-aid> state".

type [och]
Displays the port type.

5.395.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb)# 1/4/sig

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/sig)# description opsb port SIG

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/sig)# state up

5.395.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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2388 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsb <a-port-aid>

5.396 config interface opsb <a-port-aid>

5.396.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSB) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.396.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.396.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <a-port-aid>

5.396.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Display the current settings for the port.

description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsb <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: switch
Access sub-command to configure switch threshold, switch tolerance and eVOA attenuation.
See "config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch".
type [och]
Displays the port type.

5.396.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb)# 1/4/a

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/a)# description opsb port A

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/a)# state up

5.396.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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2390 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch

5.397 config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch

5.397.1 Purpose
This command configures the switch threshold and tolerance on the A and B ports of an optical
protection switch (opsb) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the threshold calculation mode to auto or manual
• Set the switching threshold and tolerance for manual configured ports
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.397.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Threshold values specify when the opsb card performs a protection switch. eVOA
attenuation values affect the transmission power levels.
Access Levels: Service, Administrator: switchthresh, switchtol, voaattenuation
Service: calculationmode

5.397.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <a-port-aid> switch

5.397.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the opsb cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


calculationmode [auto | manual]


{auto, manual}
Specifies the operating mode for the opsb switch threshold calculations.

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When the OPSB card is in OMSP mode,calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
Note: One must be logged in as a service user in order to have access to the OPSB


switchthresh [<value>]

-30.00..5.00 - threshold value in dBm


Specifies the switching threshold to be used when calculationmode is set to manual. The
switching threshold defines the power level below which a protection switch is triggered. Enter
this keyword, followed by a value for the switching threshold, in dBm. In static networks, you
need to calculate this value based on the planned opsb received power.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only


switchtol [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - value in dB

Specifies the switching threshold tolerance to be used when calculationmode is set to manual.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold tolerance, in dB. Enter this
keyword alone to display the current value.
The switching threshold tolerance defines the level by which the signal must improve above the
switching threshold before the switch is allowed to revert to its original configuration. For
example, if port A is the active port and has a switchthresh of -18.00 dBm, and the input to port
A goes below -18.00 dBm, a switch will be made to port B. If the switchtol is 1.00 dB, then the
switch will be allowed to revert to port A only if the input power at A is -17.00 dBm or higher.
Switching is not revertive. The switch back to A is made manually or in response to the signal
power at B going below its switchthresh value.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only.

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5.397.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb)# 1/4/a

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/a)# switch switchthresh -20

5.397.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2393
config interface opsb <b-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.398 config interface opsb <b-port-aid>

5.398.1 Purpose
This command configures an interface port on an optical protection switch (OPSB) card.
Use this command to:
• Enable or disable the port
• Display the current port configuration
• Enter a description for the port
• Access a subcommand that allows provisioning the switch parameters
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.398.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.398.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <b-port-aid>

5.398.4 Input Parameters

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the OPSB cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Display the current settings for the port.

description [<string>]

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<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.
Sub-command: state
For additional details on state parameter, see "config interface opsb <port-aid> state".
Sub-command: switch
Access sub-command to configure switch threshold, switch tolerance and eVOA attenuation.
See "config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch".
type [och]
Displays the port type.

5.398.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb)# 1/4/b

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/b)# description opsb port B

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/b)# state up

5.398.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2395
config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

5.399 config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch

5.399.1 Purpose
This command configures the switch threshold and tolerance on the A and B ports of an optical
protection switch (opsb) card.
Use this command to:
• Set the threshold calculation mode to auto or manual
• Set the switching threshold and tolerance for manual configured ports
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.399.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Threshold values specify when the opsb card performs a protection switch. eVOA
attenuation values affect the transmission power levels.
Access Levels: Service, Administrator: switchthresh, switchtol, oaattenuation
Service: calculationmode

5.399.3 Input Format

config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch

5.399.4 Input Parameters



Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the opsb cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


calculationmode [auto | manual]


{auto, manual}
Specifies the operating mode for the opsb switch threshold calculations.

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When the OPSB card is in OMSP mode,calculationmode will always be set to manual. An
attempt to change the value to auto will be denied.
Note: One must be logged in as a service user in order to have access to the OPSB


switchthresh [<value>]

-30.00..5.00 - threshold value in dBm


Specifies the switching threshold to be used when calculationmode is set to manual. The
switching threshold defines the power level below which a protection switch is triggered. Enter
this keyword, followed by a value for the switching threshold, in dBm. In static networks, you
need to calculate this value based on the planned opsb received power.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only


switchtol [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - value in dB

Specifies the switching threshold tolerance to be used when calculationmode is set to manual.
Enter this keyword followed by a value for the switching threshold tolerance, in dB. Enter this
keyword alone to display the current value.
The switching threshold tolerance defines the level by which the signal must improve above the
switching threshold before the switch is allowed to revert to its original configuration. For
example, if port A is the active port and has a switchthresh of -18.00 dBm, and the input to port
A goes below -18.00 dBm, a switch will be made to port B. If the switchtol is 1.00 dB, then the
switch will be allowed to revert to port A only if the input power at A is -17.00 dBm or higher.
Switching is not revertive. The switch back to A is made manually or in response to the signal
power at B going below its switchthresh value.
Note: This command applies to ports A and B only.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2397
config interface opsb <b-port-aid> switch Nokia 1830 PSS

5.399.5 Examples
(config-interface-opsb)# 1/4/b

(config-interface-opsb-1/4/b)# switch switchthresh -20

5.399.6 Related Commands

show interface opsb

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface opsb

5.400 show interface opsb

5.400.1 Purpose
This command displays the configuration of the interfaces on an optical protection switch card.
Use this command to:
• Display the configuration for a specific interface port
• Display WaveKey and power information for a specific interface port. You can optionally filter the
results for the port to show information for the in or out direction only, or for a specific channel in
the in direction.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.400.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.400.3 Input Format

show interface opsb <port-aid>

5.400.4 Input Parameters



* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the opsb cards on the network element.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - displays a brief summary of all service activity on this interface

detail - displays a detailed summary of all service activity on this interface

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Displays all service activity on this interface.

5.400.5 Examples
(show-interface-opsb)# 1/13/a
Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: A - opsb Protection A/B Port [OCH]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State : Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Amber
Description :
Calculation mode : Auto
Switch threshold : -30.00 dBm
Switch tolerance : 2.00 dB
Input power : -5 dBm

(show-interface-opsb)# 1/13/sig
Shelf: 1 Slot: 13 Port: SIG - opsb Signal Port [OCH]
Admin State : Up State Qualifier:
Oper State : Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green

5.400.6 Related Commands

config interface opsb

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2400 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt

Optical power management commands

5.401 config interface powermgmt

5.401.1 Purpose
This command configures the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port
or for an anydirection Add/Drop block.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.401.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the power management options may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: brief,commissioning,type

5.401.3 Input Format

config interface powermgmt <port-aid>

5.401.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress
and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection add/drop block
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

5.401.5 Examples
# config interface powermgmt *
Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2401
config interface powermgmt Nokia 1830 PSS

1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

5.401.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show interface powermgmt
config powermgmt general techtypes

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2402 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>

5.402 config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>

5.402.1 Purpose
This command configures the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Restrictions: The AA2DONW and AA2DONWB card only support manual mode power

5.402.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the power management options may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: brief,commissioning,type

5.402.3 Input Format

config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>

5.402.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - Bi-directional LD cards
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2403
config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.



gainadjtype [no | yes]


{no, yes}

Gain Adjustment Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled - Turns on (yes) or off (no) the automatic gain
adjustment routine. For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


tiltadjtype [no | yes]


{no, yes}

Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled - Turns on (yes) or off (no) the automatic tilt adjustment routine.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


commissioning [completed | inprogress]


completed - sets the commissioning state of the port to completed

inprogress - sets the commissioning state of the port to in progress
Set the commissioning state of the port (this command can be used only on a LINE or
LINEOUT port, and that LINE or LINEOUT port must have its type set to auto), or on a SIG port
of a Level 1 WR8-88A pack for an anydirection Add/Drop block. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current state.

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2404 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>




{-1, hours{0..23} minutes {0..39} seconds {00.0..59.9}}


Gain Adjustment Time Offset Past midnight - For advanced users who need to override EPT
Enter hours {0-23} minutes {0-59} seconds {0-59.9}
{-1, minutes{0..59} seconds {00.0..59.9}}
Gain Adjustment Allocated Adjustment Time - For advanced users who need to override EPT
{-1, hours{0..23} minutes{0..39} seconds{00.0..59.9}}
Gain Adjustment Time Period Between Adjustments - For advanced users who need to override
EPT values.
type [auto | manual]
auto - sets the power management of the port to automatic
manual - sets the power management of the port to manual

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config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Set the type of power management for the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current type.


wtdusage [<value>]

maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the degree. Transition to this value
only permitted from wtocm. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocm. Prompt
requires to confirm with yes or deny with no after entering this value. If no, value is not
wtdonon - All power per channel measurements and channel alarms are detected using the
WaveTracker Decoder (WTD) equipped on the cards. This setting is used for embedded
WT decoding.
wtdoffoff - All WTD in the line will NOT report power per channel or channel alarms. This is
the default value, and this parameter must be set to an appropriate value as part of turning
up the system.
wtdonoff - All WTD in the line will report power per channel measurements and will NOT
report channel alarms.
wtocm - All power per channel measurements and channel alarms are detected on the
WTOCM card and reported at the assigned LD Card port.
Wtdinferred - Reserved for use in ILA nodes. PPC measurements at certain points are
calculated and reported at LD card output port in the amplified direction (Sig Out or Line
Out depending on LD type).

Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current type.

Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocm. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocm.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the degree supports OCh cross-connections.


poweroffsetdata <direction> [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>


For <direction>:
{in, out} - selects the direction being configured
For <OTUBitRate>:
1..9000 - rate enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination with
<Encoding> to identify technology type.
For <Encoding>:
1..9000 - line encoding enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination
with <OTUBitRate> to identify technology type.
For <value>:
-3.00..3.00 - specifies the optical power offset in dB from the nominal value.
0.00 dB
Used to configure the channel target power offset corresponding to a technology type.
Technology types must be previously defined in the technology type table (see "config
powermgmt general techtypes").
• For bidirectional (LINE) ports direction can be in for configuring the ingress direction or
out for configuring the egress direction. For unidirectional LINEIN and LINEOUT ports,
direction must correspond to the port direction.
• See "config powermgmt general techtypes" for definition of technology types in the NE.
If command is given without [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]] argument, the table of data
is displayed.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> <value> - sets the offset value for the technology type defined by
OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are expected).
If the technology is not defined, the NE will report an error.
If value is out of range, the NE will report an error and not set the value.
Technology type using OUTBitRate in range 9001..10000, and Encoding in range 9001..10000
cannot be assigned a value.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> omitting <value> - displays the value for the technology type
defined by OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are
If the technology type is not defined, the NE will report an error.

0..3.00 - gain in dB

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For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Used to record fiber span attenuation
versus frequency tilt for span following egress port.


tiltmaintenancemode [enabled | disabled]

{Enabled, Disabled}

When set to true by giving keyword enabled, sets SCOT in a mode where it does not apply
changes to tilt related parameters immediately when changed. When set to false by giving
keyword disabled, sets SCOT back into normal operating mode where tilt related parameters
will be used.

5.402.5 Examples
# config interface powermgmt 1/2/line poweroffsetdata out 1 1
BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Power Offset
(enum) (enum) Description Description Value (dB)
1 1 nrz otm10G709 -2

# config interface powermgmt *

Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

# config interface powermgmt 1/2/line poweroffsetdata out

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Power Offset
(enum) (enum) Description Description Value (dB)
10000 10000 unknown unknown -2
9999 9999 alien alien -2
1 1 otm10G709 nrz -2
3 1 otm11G096 nrz -2
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 0
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0

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# config interface powermgmt 1/2/lineout poweroffsetdata out 1 1 -2

# config interface powermgmt 1/3/linein poweroffsetdata in 1 1 -2

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/LINE wtdusage maint

WARNING: You are about to change Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage.

This may affect service. Continue?

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

5.402.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show interface powermgmt
config powermgmt general techtypes

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2409
config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.403 config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>

5.403.1 Purpose
This command configures the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port
or for an anydirection Add/Drop block.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.403.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the power management options may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: brief,commissioning,type

5.403.3 Input Format

config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>

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5.403.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - Uni-directional LD cards

<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - IROADM cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - AWBEGR, AWBILA

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the power
management interface egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection
add/drop block power management ports.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.



gainadjtype [no | yes]


{no, yes}

Gain Adjustment Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled - Turns on (yes) or off (no) the automatic gain
adjustment routine. For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


tiltadjtype [no | yes]


{no, yes}

Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled - Turns on (yes) or off (no) the automatic tilt adjustment routine.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

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commissioning [completed | inprogress]


completed - sets the commissioning state of the port to completed

inprogress - sets the commissioning state of the port to in progress
Set the commissioning state of the port (this command can be used only on a LINE or
LINEOUT port, and that LINE or LINEOUT port must have its type set to auto), or on a SIG port
of a Level 1 WR8-88A pack for an anydirection Add/Drop block. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current state.


gainadjsch [<value>]

<value> - enter hours {0..23} minutes {0..39} seconds {00.0..59.9}, e.g. 0 10 30

-1 - clear value and disable usage

Gain Adjustment Time Offset Past midnight - For advanced users who need to override EPT
Enter hours {0-23} minutes {0-59} seconds {0-59.9}


gainadjtmlen [<value>]

<value> - enter minutes {0..59} seconds {00.0..59.9}, e.g. 15 35

-1 - clear value and disable usage

Gain Adjustment Allocated Adjustment Time - For advanced users who need to override EPT


gainadjtmper [<value>]

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<value> - enter hours {0..23} minutes {0..39} seconds {00.0..59.9}, e.g. 1 13 0

-1 - clear value and disable usage

Gain Adjustment Time Period Between Adjustments - For advanced users who need to override
EPT values.


type [auto | manual]


auto - sets the power management of the port to automatic

manual - sets the power management of the port to manual
Set the type of power management for the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current type.


wtdusage [<value>]

maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the degree. Transition to this value
only permitted from wtocm. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocm. Prompt
requires to confirm with yes or deny with no after entering this value. If no, value is not
wtdonon - All power per channel (PPC) measurements and channel alarms are detected
using the WaveTracker Decoder (WTD) equipped cards.
wtdoffoff - All WTD in the line will NOT report power per channel or channel alarms. This is
the default for Greenfield networks until provisioned to another value, except if an IROADM
wtdonoff - All WTD in the line will report power per channel measurements and will NOT
report channel alarms.
wtocm - All PPC measurements and channel alarms are detected on the WTOCM card and
reported at the assigned LD Card port, or at the corresponding IROADM ports.
wtdinferred - Reserved for use in ILA nodes. PPC measurements at certain points are
calculated and reported at LD card output port in the amplified direction (Sig Out or Line
Out depending on LD type).

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wtdonon - Valid for IROADM card.

wtdoffoff - Valid for all other cards.
Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current type.

This command is only applicable to LINEOUT ports of LDs, or to LINEOUT ports of

IROADMs. The value of Wtdinferred is rejected if the LINEOUT port is on an IROADM card.
wtdonon -not applicable to AWB packs
wtdonoff -not applicable to AWB packs
wtocm -not applicable to AWB packs
wtdinferred-not applicable to AWB packs
maint-not applicable to AWB packs
Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocm. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocm.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the degree supports OCh cross-connections.


wtdusagec [<value>]

maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the degree. Transition to this value
only permitted from wtocm. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocm. Prompt
requires to confirm with yes or deny with no after entering this value. If no, value is not
wtdoffoff - All WTD in the line will NOT report power per channel or channel alarms. This is
the default for Greenfield networks until provisioned to another value.
wtocm - All PPC measurements and channel alarms are detected on the WTOCM card and
reported at the assigned LD Card port,
wtdinferred - Reserved for use in ILA nodes. PPC measurements at certain points are
calculated and reported at LD card output port in the amplified direction.

Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>


This command is only applicable to LINEOUT ports of LDs.

wtdonon - not applicable to AWB packs
wtdonoff - not applicable to AWB packs
Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocm. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocm.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the degree supports OCh cross-connections.


wtdusagel [<value>]

maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the degree. Transition to this value
only permitted from wtocm. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocm. Prompt
requires to confirm with yes or deny with no after entering this value. If no, value is not
wtdoffoff - All WTD in the line will NOT report power per channel or channel alarms. This is
the default for Greenfield networks until provisioned to another value.
wtocm - All PPC measurements and channel alarms are detected on the WTOCM card and
reported at the assigned LD Card port,
wtdinferred - Reserved for use in ILA nodes. PPC measurements at certain points are
calculated and reported at LD card output port in the amplified direction.

Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current type.
This command is only applicable to LINEOUT ports of LDs.
wtdonon -not applicable to AWB packs
wtdonoff -not applicable to AWB packs
Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocm. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocm.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the degree supports OCh cross-connections.

poweroffsetdata out [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]]

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For <OTUBitRate>:
1..9000 - rate enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination with
<Encoding> to identify technology type.
For <Encoding>:
1..9000 - line encoding enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination
with <OTUBitRate> to identify technology type.
For <value>:
-3.00..3.00 - specifies the optical power offset in dB from the nominal value.

0.00 dB
Used to configure the channel target power offset corresponding to a technology type.
Technology types must be previously defined in the technology type table (see "config
powermgmt general techtypes").
• out - specify directionality data is set for. For a LINEOUT port the direction can only be
• See "config powermgmt general techtypes" for definition of technology types in the NE.
If command is given without [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]] argument, the table of data
is displayed.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> <value> - sets the offset value for the technology type defined by
OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are expected).
If the technology is not defined, the NE will report an error.
If value is out of range, the NE will report an error and not set the value.
Technology type using OUTBitRate in range 9001..10000, and Encoding in range 9001..10000
cannot be assigned a value.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> omitting <value> - displays the value for the technology type
defined by OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are
If the technology type is not defined, the NE will report an error.


spantilt [<value>]

0..3.00 - gain in dB

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For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Used to record fiber span attenuation
versus frequency tilt for span following egress port.

This parameter cannot be set for an auto power managed IROADM degree.


spantiltc [<value>]

0..3.00 - dB

This parameter cannot be set for an auto power managed IROADM degree.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Used to record fiber span attenuation
versus frequency tilt for span following egress port.
spantiltl [<value>]
-3.00..0 - dB
This parameter cannot be set for an auto power managed IROADM degree.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Used to record fiber span attenuation
versus frequency tilt for span following egress port.
tiltmaintenancemode [enabled | disabled]
{enabled, disabled}
When set to true by giving keyword enabled, sets SCOT in a mode where it does not apply

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changes to tilt related parameters immediately when changed. When set to false by giving
keyword disabled, sets SCOT back into normal operating mode where tilt related parameters
will be used.


autoegressadjustenabled [yes | no]


{Yes, No}

Yes - Valid for IROADM

No - Valid for all other LDs.
When set to true by giving keyword yes, sets SCOT to automatically run a limited egress
adjustment in response to triggers from the downstream degree. When set to false by giving
keyword no, this functionality is disabled. Enter the parameter without following keyword yes or
no to show the current value.


maxchannels [<value>]
Specifies the maximum number of channels the degree is planned to support. The parameter
applies to both ingress and egress directions of the degree, and is used in SCOT power
management calculations. Presently this functionality only applies to IROADM degrees.
This command is only applicable to LINEOUT ports of IROADMs. This parameter cannot be
changed in auto power managed mode if autoadjustenabled is yes; autoadjustenabled
must be set to no to allow setting.

5.403.5 Examples
# config interface powermgmt *
Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon

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1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/


# config interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout tiltmaintenancemode

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout tiltmaintenancemode enabled

# config interface powermgmt 1/6/lineout brief

Interface 1/6/LINEOUT - IROADMV LineOut Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:5:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:45:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:30.0

Span Tilt : 0.00 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage : wtocm
Egress Adjust For Downstream : Yes
Max Channels : 88

# config interface powermgmt 1/7/lineout brief

Interface 1/7/LINEOUT - AM2125B Line Out Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:5:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:25:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:30.0

Span Tilt : 0.00 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage : wtocm
Egress Adjust For Downstream : No

# config interface powermgmt 1/17/line brief

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2419
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Interface 1/17/LINE - A2325A Line Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:20:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:25:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:30.0

Span Tilt : 0.00 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage : wtdPpcOnAlmOn
Egress Adjust For Downstream : No

# config interface powermgmt 1/6/lineout maxchannels 60

# config interface powermgmt 1/6/lineout autoegressadjustenabled yes

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout wtdusage maint

WARNING: You are about to change Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage.

This may affect service. Continue?

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

# config interface powermgmt 1/17/lineout brief

Interface 1/17/LINEOUT - AWBEGR Line out Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:20:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:25:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:30.0

Span Tilt C band : 0.00 dB

Span Tilt L band : 0.00 dB
Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage C band : wtocm
Wavellength Tracker Decoder Usage L band: wtocm

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Egress Adjust For Downstream : No

# config interface powermgmt *

Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/LINEOUT AWBILA Line Out Port Line Auto Completed C band:wtdinferred/L

5.403.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show interface powermgmt
config powermgmt general techtypes

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config interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.404 config interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid>

5.404.1 Purpose
This command configures the power management options for the specified ingress port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.404.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the power management options may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: brief, commissioning, type

5.404.3 Input Format

config interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid>

5.404.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - Uni-directional LD cards

<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - IROADM cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - AWBING, AWBILA, RA5P

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the power
management interface egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection
add/drop block ports.
<linein-port-aid> supports a limited set of commands. See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for
valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.



poweroffsetdata in [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]]

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For <OTUBitRate>:
1..9000 - rate enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination with
<Encoding> to identify technology type.
For <Encoding>:
1..9000 - line encoding enumeration for a defined technology type; used in combination
with <OTUBitRate> to identify technology type.
For <value>:
-3.00..3.00 - specifies the optical power offset in dB from the nominal value.

0.00 dB
Used to configure the channel target power offset corresponding to a technology type.
Technology types must be previously defined in the technology type table (See "config
powermgmt general techtypes").
• in - specify directionality data is set for. When an RA2P, RA2P-96 or RA5P pack is
configured for the line receive direction, the in direction data is configured using the
RA2P, RA2P-96 or RA5P LINEIN port AID.
• See "config powermgmt general techtypes" for definition of technology types in the NE.
If command is given without [<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<value>]] argument, the table of data
is displayed.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> <value> - sets the offset value for the technology type defined by
OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are expected).
If the technology is not defined, the NE will report an error.
If value is out of range, the NE will report an error and not set the value.
Technology type using OUTBitRate in range 9001..10000, and Encoding in range 9001..10000
cannot be assigned a value.
<OTUBitRate> <Encoding> omitting <value> - displays the value for the technology type
defined by OTUBitRate and Encoding (both are enumerated values, and integers are
If the technology type is not defined, the NE will report an error.

5.404.5 Examples
# config interface powermgmt 1/6/linein poweroffsetdata in

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Power

(enum) (enum) Description Description Offset(dB)
1 1 otm10G709 nrz 0.00

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1 7 otm10G709 nrzCFP1 0.00

2 1 otm11G049 nrz 0.00
2 7 otm11G049 nrzCFP1 0.00
3 1 otm11G096 nrz 0.00
3 7 otm11G096 nrzCFP1 0.00
4 1 otm11G27 nrz 0.00
5 1 otm2G66 nrz 0.00
6 1 otm4G55 nrz 0.00
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.00
7 6 otm111G810 cohpmqpskEnhOsnr 0.00
7 8 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.00
7 10 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.00
8 2 otm43G018 pdpsk 0.00
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 0.00
8 4 otm43G018 cohpmbpsk 0.00
9 4 otm44G58 cohpmbpsk 0.00
10 7 otm11G317 nrzCFP1 0.00
11 1 otm10G714 nrz 0.00
12 8 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk 0.00
12 10 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.00
13 9 otm27G952 duobinary 0.00
14 11 otm258G560 cohpm16qam 0.00
15 12 otm268G925 cohpm8qam 0.00
9998 9998 Unassign Unassign 0.00
9999 9999 Alien Alien 0.00
10000 10000 Unknown Unknown 0.00

# config interface powermgmt 1/6/linein poweroffsetdata in 1 1 -1.5

5.404.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show interface powermgmt
config powermgmt general techtypes

Release 10.0
August 2017
2424 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.405 config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.405.1 Purpose
This command configures the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port
or for an anydirection Add/Drop block.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.405.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Setting the power management options may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands
Provisioner: brief,commissioning,type

5.405.3 Input Format

config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.405.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress
and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection Add/Drop blocks
by <sig-port-aid>.<sig-port-aid> (WR8-88A cards) supports a limited set of commands. The
WR8-88A pack must be provisioned as a Level 1 pack. See "config card" command for the
WR8 pack for level provisioning.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.

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config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS



commissioning [completed | inprogress]


completed - sets the commissioning state of the port to completed

inprogress - sets the commissioning state of the port to in progress
Set the commissioning state of the port (this command can be used only on a LINE or
LINEOUT port, and that LINE or LINEOUT port must have its type set to auto), or on a SIG port
of a Level 1 WR8-88A pack for an anydirection Add/Drop block. Enter this keyword without any
parameters to display the current state.


type [auto | manual]


auto - sets the power management of the port to automatic

manual - sets the power management of the port to manual
Set the type of power management for the port. Enter this keyword without any parameters to
display the current type.


wtdusagedrop [<value>]

maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the drop block. Transition to this
value only permitted from wtocm. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocm.
wtdonon - All power per channel (PPC) measurements and channel alarms are detected
using the WaveTracker Decoder (WTD) equipped cards.
wtocm - All PPC measurements and channel alarms are detected on the WTOCM card and
reported at the LD Card port for the drop direction.

This command is only applicable to WR8-88A SIG ports.
Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port in the drop direction of the anydirection
Add/Drop block. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current type.

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Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocm. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocm.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the add/drop block supports OCh cross-

wtdusageadd [<value>]
maint - Suspends channel monitoring and channel power control to allow maintenance
operations involving the WTOCM-type card monitoring the add block. Transition to this
value only permitted from wtocmad. Transition from this value only permitted to wtocmad.
wtdonon - All power per channel (PPC) measurements and channel alarms are detected
using the WaveTracker Decoder (WTD) equipped cards.
wtocmad - PPC measurements and channel alarms are detected on the WTOCM card and
reported at the LD Card port for the add direction. Other WTD locations in the add block
continue to monitor channel powers and alarms.
This command is only applicable to WR8-88A SIG ports.
Set the type of channel power monitoring for the port in the add direction of the anydirection
Add/Drop block. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current type.
Value maint can be set only if present value is wtocmad. Value can be changed from maint
only to wtocmad.
Setting the value to wtdoffoff is denied if the add/drop block supports OCh cross-

5.405.5 Examples
# config interface powermgmt *
Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/sig brief

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2427
config interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Interface 1/4/SIG - WR8-88A SIG Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
WTD Usage Add : wtdonon
WTD Usage Drop: wtdonon

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/sig wtdusagedrop wtocm

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/sig wtdusageadd wtocmad

# config interface powermgmt 1/4/sig wtdusagedrop maint

WARNING: You are about to change Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage.

This may affect service. Continue?

Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

5.405.6 Related Commands

config slot
config card
show interface powermgmt
config powermgmt general techtypes

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5.406 config powermgmt

5.406.1 Purpose
This is an access command that is used to perform an automated power adjustment and configure
the options used when performing an automated power adjustment.
Use this command to:
• Access a subcommand that allows you to configure general data used by power management
• Access a subcommand that allows you to adjust the ingress power
• Access a subcommand that allows you to adjust the egress power
• Access a subcommand that allows you to adjust the add direction power in an anydirection add/
drop block.
• Access a subcommand that allows you to adjust the drop direction power in an anydirection add/
drop block.
• Access a subcommand that allows you to display the settings used when adjusting the powers
Note: The network element topology must be defined before you can automatically balance the
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.406.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changes power settings
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.406.3 Input Format

config powermgmt

5.406.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: general

Allows user to add optical channel technology types. Allows user to add wtocm calibration data
by channel technology type. See "config powermgmt general".
Sub-command: egress

Adjust the egress power and accept the changes. See "config powermgmt egress".

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Sub-command: ingress

Adjust the ingress power and accept the changes. See "config powermgmt ingress".
Sub-command: anyadd
Adjust the add direction power in an anydirection add/drop block, and accept the changes. See
"config powermgmt anyadd".
Sub-command: anydrop
Adjust the drop direction power in an anydirection add/drop block, and accept the changes. See
"config powermgmt anydrop".

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5.407 config powermgmt anyadd

5.407.1 Purpose
This command is used to automatically adjust the power of an anydirection add/drop block in the
add direction.
Use this command to:
• Adjust the add power for an anydirection add/drop block using automatic power management
• Display the status of the power adjustment
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.407.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the power management settings may impact services
Access Levels: Admin: all commands
Provisioner: adjust, detail, gain,maxgain,mingain, targetpower
Observer: detail

5.407.3 Input Format

config powermgmt anyadd <slot-aid>

5.407.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of slots

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot of the WR for the anydirection add/drop block. Enter the shelf
number, a slash, and the slot number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the level 1
packs in anydirection add/drop blocks on the network element.
The specified card must be provisioned as the level 1 pack in an anydirection add/drop block in

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order for this command to be valid.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


adjust [abort | result | status]


abort - abort the power adjustment and return the power levels to their original values.
result - display the result of the power adjustment.
status - display the completion status of the power adjustment.
Adjust the add direction power and amplifier gain to reach the target power specified for the
selected add/drop block.

Display details of the add direction of the add/drop block.


Will display the current gain.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

maxgain [<value>]
Displays the maximum allowed gain or is settable by value. The maximum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

mingain [<value>]
Displays the minimum allowed gain or is settable by value. The minimum gain is determined by
the Engineering planning tool.

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In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

Displays the target channel power or is settable by value. The target power is determined by
the Engineering planning tool.

5.407.5 Examples
# config powermgmt
(config-powermgmt)# anyadd 2/14 detail

5.407.6 Related Commands

show powermgmt

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5.408 config powermgmt anydrop

5.408.1 Purpose
This command is used to automatically adjust the power of an anydirection add/drop block's LD in
the drop direction.
Use this command to:
• Adjust the drop power for an anydirection add/drop block using automatic power management
• Display the status of the power adjustment
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.408.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the power management settings may impact services
Access Levels: Admin: all commands
Provisioner: adjust, detail, gain, maxgain, mingain, targetpower
Observer: detail

5.408.3 Input Format

config powermgmt anydrop <slot-aid>

5.408.4 Input Parameters

* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf and slot of the WR for the anydirection add/drop block. Enter the shelf
number, a slash, and the slot number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the level 1
packs in anydirection add/drop blocks on the network element.
The specified card must be provisioned as the level 1 pack in an anydirection add/drop block in

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order for this command to be valid.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


adjust [result | status]


result - display the result of the power adjustment.

status - display the completion status of the power adjustment.
Adjust the drop direction power and amplifier gain to reach the target power specified for the
selected add/drop block.

Display details of the add direction of the add/drop block.


Will display the current gain.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.


maxgain [<value>]
Displays the maximum allowed gain or is settable by value. The maximum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
Displays the minimum allowed gain or is settable by value. The minimum gain is determined by
the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be

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set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.

Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

Displays the target channel power or is settable by value. The target power is determined by
the Engineering planning tool.

5.408.5 Examples
(config-powermgmt)# anydrop 2/14 detail
Shelf: 2 Slot: 14 - WR8-88A
Anydrop Amp : 2/11 - A2325A
Target Power : 4.90 dBm
Current Gain : 20.20 dB
Min Gain : 20.20 dB
Max Gain : 20.20 dB
Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success

5.408.6 Related Commands

show powermgmt

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5.409 config powermgmt egress

5.409.1 Purpose
This command automatically adjust the NE egress power in one direction and configures
parameters used by the adjustment algorithm.
Use this command:
• Adjust the egress power for optical lines using automatic power management
• Display the status of the power adjustment
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.409.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the power management settings may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands, except: addpath, deltamaxgain, and tiltarget which
require Service user access
Provisioner: adjust, detail, gain, maxgain, mingain, targetpower, gainc, maxgainc, mingainc,
targetpowerc, gainl, maxgainl, mingainl, targetpowerl
Observer: detail

5.409.3 Input Format

config powermgmt egress <slot-aid>

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5.409.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - for card containing the egress port.

* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, and slot of the line driver or IROADM card for the auto power managed
optical line. Enter the shelf number, a slash, and the slot number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Access subcommands for the CWR8 or CWR8-88 pack associated with the egress line for a
TOADM line.
Only a Service user can access these subcommands.
adjust [abort | result | status]
abort - abort the power adjustment and return the power levels to their original values.
result - display the result of the power adjustment.
status - display the completion status of the power adjustment.
Adjust the channel egress powers using the parameters for the egress direction. This command
applies the current parameter values, will set the egress amplifier gain if there is one, and will
re-adjust the channel powers to align with those values.

Displays the actual output amplifier attenuation for the C band module. This value is not
configurable. It is calculated during egress/tilt adjustment.
The parameter applies only to the following packs:

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Displays the actual output amplifier attenuation for the L band module. This value is not
configurable. It is calculated during egress/tilt adjustment.

The parameter applies only to the following packs:



deltamaxgain [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter does not apply to IROADM egress cards.
This parameter does not apply to C+L LD packs.


deltamaxgainc [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

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Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies only to the following packs: AWBEGR.


deltamaxgainl [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies only to the following packs: AWBEGR.

Display details of the egress point.

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deviationout [<value>]

0..10.00 - deviation in dB

1.5 dB
Configures the expected spread of channel powers at the egress location. Used in setting the
WT expected power thresholds for power out of range. Enter the keyword without <value> to
display the current value.

deviationout can only be configured for IROADM egress cards.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs.


fiberlength [<value>]


0..150 - fiber length in km

70 - Valid for IROADMV/IROADM9M

40 - Valid for IROADMF.
Configures the fiber length of the span the degree egress direction transmits into. Used in
power management egress calculations. Enter the keyword without <value> to display the
current value.
Note that this parameter interacts with parameter spanlossdefault; the fiberlength value will be
used by power management to re-calculate the span loss default.

Only applicable to IROADM egress cards.



fiberlength [<value>]

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notConfigured - configure to no specific fiber type

ssmf - configure to standard single mode fiber type
eleaf - configure to enhanced large effective area fiber type
twrs - configure to true wave reduced slope fiber type
dsf - configure to dispersion shifted fiber type
twc - configure to true wave classic fiber type
twp - configure to true wave plus fiber type
ls - configure to SMF-LS fiber type

ssmf - Valid for IROADMF, IROADMV, and IROADM9R cards

Configures the fiber type of the span the degree egress direction transmits into. Used in power
management egress calculations. Enter the keyword without <value> to display the current

Only applicable to IROADM egress cards.


Displays the current gain.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter does not apply to IROADM egress cards.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs (AWBILA, AWBING, AWBEGR)

Displays the current C band gain.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the C band only on the following packs: AWBEGR.

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Displays the current L band gain

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the L band only on the following packs: AWBEGR.


launchatt [<value>]

0..10.00 - gain in dB
0..10.00 - attenuation in dB

Service Launch Attenuation Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.


losstospan [<value>]

0..10.00 - gain in dB

0.50 dB - Valid for IROADM.

0.00 dB - Valid for all others cards.
Tilt Calculation Connector Loss to Span - For advanced users who need to override EPT


maxflatgain [<value>]

-5.00..5.00 - gain in dB

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Maximum Flat Gain Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

maxflatgain is not applicable for IROADM egress cards. Its value is shown as 0.0 dB in the
output from the 'detail' command.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs (AWBING, AWBILA, AWBEGR).


maxgain [<value>]
Displays the maximum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The maximum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter does not apply to IROADM egress cards. Its value is shown as the same as
the egress OA gain value in the 'detail' command output.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBING, AWBILA

maxgainc [<value>]
Displays the maximum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The maximum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
This parameter applies to the C band only on the following packs: AWBEGR.

maxgainl [<value>]

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Displays the maximum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The maximum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the L band only on the following packs: AWBEGR.


mingain [<value>]
Displays the minimum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The minimum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter does not apply to IROADM egress cards. Its value is shown as the same as
the egress OA gain value in the 'detail' command output.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBILA, AWBING.


mingainc [<value>]
Displays the minimum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The minimum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the C band gain on the following LDs only: AWBEGR.

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mingainl [<value>]
Displays the minimum allowed gain or that can be set by value. The minimum gain is
determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the C band gain on the following LDs only: AWBEGR.


ochtargetpower [<frequency>]

Displays the target powers at the adjustment point and the offsets. If frequency is specified,
then the target power, system derived offset, user set offset, and offset in use are displayed for
the specified channel. Otherwise, the data for all channels is returned.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.
ochuserpoweroffset [<frequency> [<value>]]
For <value>:
-3.00..+3.00 - gain in dB
-99 - clear
Configures the user configured offset value at the adjustment point for the target power of the
specified channel. The user can set the offset for a channel by specifying channel and value.
The user can show the value for a particular channel by including the frequency number of the
channel and excluding the value. -99 indicates the user offset is not configured.

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See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.


ripple [<value>]

0..6.00 - peak-to-peak ripple in dB


1.50 dB
Configures the ripple in the transmitted spectrum introduced by the egress OA. Used in power
management egress calculations. Enter the keyword without <value> to display the current
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

Only applicable to IROADM egress cards. This parameter cannot be changed in auto
power managed mode if autoadjustenabled is yes; autoadjustenabled must be set to no to
allow setting.


spanlossdefault [<value>]

0..40.00 - span loss in dB.


17.50 - Valid for IROADMV/IROADM9M

10.00 - Valid for IROADMF.
Configures the span loss of the span the degree egress direction transmits into. Used in power
management egress calculations. Enter the keyword without <value> to display the current
Note that this parameter interacts with parameter fiberlength; if the fiberlength value is different
than its previous value it will be used by power management to re-calculate the span loss
default and update the spanlossdefault. Therefore, if the user wants to use a specific span loss
value, the spanlossdefault shall be set only after an initial egress adjustment has been done
with the fiberlength value.

Only applicable to IROADM egress cards.

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spantiltprecomp [<value>]

0..3.0 - gain in dB

Span Tilt Pre-compensated - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. For fiber
span attenuation versus frequency tilt.

This parameter cannot be set for IROADM egress cards.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBING, AWBILA
spantiltprecompc [<value>]
0..3.0 - tilt in dB
Span Tilt Pre-compensated C band- For advanced users who need to override EPT values. For
fiber span attenuation versus frequency tilt.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBEGR.

spantiltprecompl [<value>]
-3..0 - tilt in dB
Span Tilt Pre-compensated L band - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. For
fiber span attenuation versus frequency tilt.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBEGR.

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srscfc [<value>]

0..1.0 - scaling factor without dimension


C Band Tilt Correction Factor - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Value is
a fraction. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only:



srscfl [<value>]

0..1.0 - scaling factor without dimension


L Band Tilt Correction Factor - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Value is a
fraction. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only:



Displays the calculated common output power per channel including the offset for the C+L
This parameter is not configurable by the user.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBEGR.

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Displays the calculated common output power per channel including the offset for the C+L
This parameter is not configurable by the user.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBEGR.


targetpower [<value>]
Displays the target channel power (not including offsets that depend on bit rate or encoding) or
is settable by value.
The target channel power as determined by the Engineering planning tool.
For IROADM egress cards this value is calculated by the auto power management system, and
shall not be set by the user.
This parameter cannot be set for IROADM egress cards when the
autoegressadjustenabled value for the degree is 'yes'. Additionally, if configured when
autoegressadjustenabled is 'no', the value may be updated by power management through
its calculations.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBING, AWBILA.. For those
packs targetpowerc and targetpowerl are used.
targetpowerc [<value>]
Displays the C band target channel power (not including offsets that depend on bit rate or
encoding) or is settable by value.
The target channel power as determined by the Engineering planning tool.

This parameter is applicable to the following LDs only:


targetpowerl [<value>]

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Displays the L band target channel power (not including offsets that depend on bit rate or
encoding) or is settable by value.
The target channel power as determined by the Engineering planning tool.

This parameter is applicable to the following LDs only:



tiltcal [<value>]


Tilt Calculation Coefficient - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter cannot be set for IROADM egress cards unless parameter fibertype is set
to value notConfigured.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBILA. use tiltcalc/tiltcall
instead for the C and L bands.


tiltcalc [<value>]


Tilt Calculation Coefficient for the C-Band- For advanced users who need to override EPT

This parameter applies only to the following LDs:


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tiltcall [<value>]


Tilt Calculation Coefficient for the L-Band- For advanced users who need to override EPT
This parameter applies only to the following LDs:
tiltcaldcm [<value>]
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.
This parameter is not applicable to IROADM egress cards.
This parameter is not applicable to ASWG, A4PSWG egress LD cards.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBILA.
tiltmult [<value>]
0..3.0 - scaling factor without dimension
Tilt Calculation Multiplier - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Value is a
fraction. For SRS tilt calculations.

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This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBILA.


tiltmultc [<value>]

0..3.0 - scaling factor without dimension


C Band Tilt Calculation Multiplier - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Value
is a fraction. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only:



tiltmultl [<value>]

0..3.0 - scaling factor without dimension


L band Tilt Calculation Multiplier - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. Value
is a fraction. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only:



tiltprecomp [<value>]

0..3.0 - fractional value

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Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is pre-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
Pre-compensated Tilt Fraction - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. For
SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter cannot be set for IROADM egress cards.

This parameter does not apply to the C+Lpacks: AWBEGR, AWBILA.


tiltprecompc [<value>]

0..3.0 - fractional value


Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is pre-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
Pre-compensated Tilt Fraction in the C band- For advanced users who need to override EPT
values. For SRS tilt calculations.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only:
tiltprecompl [<value>]
0..3.0 - fractional value

Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is pre-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
Pre-compensated Tilt Fraction in the C band- For advanced users who need to override EPT
values. For SRS tilt calculations.

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This parameter applies to the following LDs only:



tilttarget [<value>]

-3.00..3.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2325A/AHPHG/AHPLG/AM2032A

-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2P2125/AM2125A/AM2125B/AM2318A/
-6.00..-1.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AM2625A

0.00 dB
Set the initial egress amplifier tilt value. Enter without value to show current value. For
advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter cannot be set for IROADM egress cards.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBEGR, AWBING, AWBILA.


tilttargetc [<value>]

-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AWBING, AWBEGR, and AWBILA

0.00 dB
Set the initial egress amplifier tilt value. Enter without value to show current value. For
advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only:

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tilttargetl [<value>]

-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AWBING, AWBEGR, and AWBILA
0.00 dB
Set the initial egress amplifier tilt value. Enter without value to show current value. For
advanced users who need to override EPT values.
This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only:

5.409.5 Examples
For examples of the output for the "detail" parameter, refer to the "show powermgmt egress"

# config powermgmt egress *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/4 ASWG Up Up
1/15 ASWG Up Up

# config powermgmt egress 1/6 ?

adjust Adjust power with optimization [abort]
detail Display details for egress
deviationout Configure the Egress Deviation Out
fibertype Configure the power Fiber Type Out
fiberlength Configure the power Fiber Length
gain Configure the power gain for egress LD
launchatt Configure the service launch additional attentuation
losstospan Configure the connector Loss to Span
maxflatgain Configure the offset to the flat gain
value used by the egress LD
ochuserpoweroffset Configure the Och user power offset
ochtargetpower Display the Och targetpower
maxgain Configure the power max gain for the egress LD

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mingain Configure the power min gain for the egress LD

ripple Configure the power Egress to remove Ripple
spantiltprecomp Configure the pre compensated span loss tilt
spanlossdefault Configure the Span Loss Out at amplifier LineOut port
targetpower Configure the nominal per-channel power at
amplifier LineOut port
tiltcaldcm Configure the nonlinear tilt calculation coefficient
for DCM of the egress LD
tiltcal Configure the nonlinear tilt calculation coefficient
for the span
tiltmult Configure the tilt multiplier for the nonlinear
tilt calculation
tiltprecomp Configure the pre compensated for the nonlinear
tilt calculation

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 ochtargetpower

System User Offset Absolute
Cal'd Offset Offset In Use Target Pwr Applicability
Chan (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm)
9170 -1.5 -1.75 -1.75 -2.75 applicable
9175 -- -- -- -- NA
9180 -1.5 -99.00 -1.5 -2.5 applicable
9185 -- -- -- -- NA
9190 -1.0 -99.00 -1.75 -2.5 applicable

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 ochuserpoweroffset 9350

User OffsetChan (dB)
9350 -99.00 (unassigned)

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 ochuserpoweroffset 9350 -1.3

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 tiltprecomp

Pre-Compensation Tilt Fraction: 1.00

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 spantiltprecomp 1.0

# config powermgmt egress 1/2 spantiltprecomp

Pre-Comp Span Tilt : 1.00 dB

# config powermgmt egress 1/6 fibertype

Iroadm Fiber Type: ssmf

# config powermgmt egress 1/6 ?

adjust Adjust power with optimization [abort]

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ampactattenc Displays the actual output attenuation for the C band module
detail Display details for egress
deviationout: Configure the Egress Deviation out
gain: Configure the power gain on the egress LD
gainc Configure the power gain for the C band on the egress LD
launchatt Configure the service launch additional attentuation
losstospan Configure the connector Loss to Span
ochuserpoweroffset Configure the Och user power offset
ochtargetpower Display the Och targetpower
maxgain: Configure the power max gain for the egress LD
maxgainc Configure the power max gain for the C band egress LD
mingain: Configure the power min gain for the egress LD
mingainc Configure the power min gain for the C band egress LD
ripple Configure the power Egress to remove Ripple
spantiltprecomp: Configure the pre compensated span tilt
spantiltprecompc Configure the pre compensated span tilt for the C band
spanlossdefault Configure the Span Loss Out at amplifier LineOut port
targetpower: Configure the nominal per channel power at amplifier LineOut port
targetpowerc Configure the nominal per channel power at the amplifier LineOut
port for the C band
targetoutputpowerc Display the adjusted power per channel at the amplifier
tiltcal Configure the nonlineat tilt calculation coefficient for the span
tiltcalc Configure the C band nonlinear tilt calculation coefficient for the
tiltmult Configure the tilt multiplier for the nonlinear tilt calculation
tiltmultc Configure the C band tilt multiplier for the nonlinear tilt
tiltprecomp Configure the pre compensated for the nonllinear tilt calculation
tiltprecompc Configure the C band precompensation for the nonlinear tilt

5.409.6 Related Commands

show powermgmt

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5.410 config powermgmt general

5.410.1 Purpose
Use this command to:
• Access subcommands to provision channel technology types for the node
• Access subcommands to provision wtocm channel power measurement correction by
technology type
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.410.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the power management settings may impact services.
Access Levels: Admin: all commands; Provisioner: techtypes brief; Observer: techtypes brief

5.410.3 Input Format

config powermgmt general
techtypes [create | delete | brief | modify]

5.410.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: techtypes


techtypes [create | delete | brief | modify]

Allows user to define new channel optical technology types for the node. These types must be
defined to support features using the technology types. The information about which technology
types need to be defined for the node will normally come from the Engineering Planning Tool
(EPT). The couple {<OTUBitRate> <Encoding>} must be given to create, modify or delete a
technology. <OTUBitRate> and <Encoding> are enumerated values, therefore integers are

Lists the defined technology types.

See "show powermgmt general techtypes".
Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor -5..+5 dB.
WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor -5..+5 dB.
BitRateTextDescription default is empty string, maximum length is 50 characters.
EncodingTextDescription default is empty string, maximum length is 50 characters.

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create <OTUBitRate> <Encoding> [<WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor>

<WtocmaCalibCorrectionFactor> <Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor>
<WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor>] [<BitRateTextDescription>

<OTUBitRate> and <Encoding>:

1001..9000 - Values outside this range are rejected by the NE.
<WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor> is an optional parameter that provides the correction
applied to the WTOCM pack power readings for this technology type:
<WtocmaCalibCorrectionFactor> is an optional parameter that provides the correction
applied to the WTOCMA pack power readings for this technology type:
<Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor> is an optional parameter that provides the correction
applied to the WTOCM-F pack power readings for this technology type:
<WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor> is an optional parameter that provides the correction
applied to the WTOCMA pack OSNR readings for this technology type:
<BitRateTextDescription> and <EncodingTextDescription> are optional parameters that
provide text descriptions corresponding to OTUBitRate and Encoding:
0..50 - ASCII characters.

0 dB - Valid for <WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor>, actual initial value depends on upgrade

path and software release.
0 dB - Valid for <WtocmaCalibCorrectionFactor>, actual initial value depends on upgrade
path and software release.
0 dB - Valid for <Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor>, actual initial value depends on upgrade
path and software release.
2.5 dB - Valid for <WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor>, actual initial value depends on
upgrade path and software release.
Creates a new technology type entry. If create is attempted and the entry already exists, the NE
rejects the command.

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delete <OTUBitRate> <Encoding>


<OTUBitRate> and <Encoding>:

1001..9000 - Values outside this range are rejected by the NE.
Deletes an existing technology type entry. Deleting a technology type that is in use by a cross
connect on the NE is denied. The user must confirm a technology type deletion after a warning
message is displayed.
WARNING: Deleting a technology type eliminates it from use by this NE.
Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:


modify {<OTUBitRate> <Encoding>}

bitratelabel [<value>]
encodinglabel [<value>]
wtocmcalib [<value>]
wtocmapowercalib [<value>]
wtocm-fpowercalib [<value>]
osnrcalib [<value>]

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<OTUBitRate> and <Encoding>:

1..9000 - allowed range for modification of wtocmcalib, wtocmapowercalib, wtocm-
fpowercalib, and osnrcalib.
1001..9000 - allowed range for modification of bitratelabel and encodinglabel.
bitratelabel [<sring>] is a text to describe the bit rate, omit value to show current value:
<string> - ASCII string
encodinglabel [<string>] is a text to describe the encoding, omit value to show current
<string> - ASCII string
wtocmcalib [<value>] is the power calibration value for the wtocm pack, omit value to show
current value:
-5.00..5.00 - in dB
wtocmapowercalib [<value>] is the power calibration value for the wtocma pack, omit value
to show current value:
-5.00..5.00 - in dB
wtocm-fpowercalib [<value>] is the power calibration value for the wtocm-f pack, omit value
to show current value:
-5.00..5.00 - in dB
osnrcalib [<value>] is the OSNR calibration value for the wtocma pack type, omit value to
show current value:
-5.00..5.00 - in dB
Modifies an existing technology type entry. The entry is identified by the pair {<OTUBitRate>
Modification of the fieldsWtocmCalibCorrectionFactor, Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor,
WtocmaPowerCalibCorrectionFactor, WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor,
BitRateTextDescription and EncodingLabel for an existing technology type is possible.
Provide <OTUBitRate> <Encoding> <WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor> <Wtocm-
fCalibCorrectionFactor> <WtocmaPowerCalibCorrectionFactor>
<WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor> <BitRateTextDescription> <EncodingTextDescription> to
modify all five fields for a technology type.
Use wtocmcalib <WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor> to modify correction applied to WTOCM pack
power readings for a technology.
Use wtocm-fcalib <WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor> to modify correction applied to WTOCM-F
pack power readings for a technology.
Use wtocmapowercalib <WtocmaPowerCalibCorrectionFactor> to modify correction applied to
WTOCMA pack power readings for a technology.
Use osnrcalib >WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor> to modify correction applied to WTOCMA

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pack OSNR readings for a technology.

Use bitratelabel <BitRateTextDescription> to modify the text label for the bit rate.
Use encodinglabel <EncodingTextDescription> to modify the text label for the encoding.
If modify is attempted and an entry does not exist corresponding to <OTUBitRate> <Encoding>,
the NE returns an error.
Modification of <WtocmCalibCorrectionFactor> is only allowed for technology types using
OTUBitRate and Encoding in the 1..9000.
Modification of <Wtocm-fCalibCorrectionFactor> is only allowed for technology types using
OTUBitRate and Encoding in the 1..9000.
Modification of <WtocmaPowerCalibCorrectionFactor> or <WtocmaOsnrCalibCorrectionFactor>
is only allowed for technology types using <OTUBitRate> and <Encoding> in the 1..9000.
Modification of <BitRateTextDescription> or <EncodingTextDescription> is only allowed for
technology types using <OTUBitRate> and <Encoding> in the 1001..9000.
Modifying a technology type that is reserved on the NE is denied. The reserved types use
<OTUBitRate> and <Encoding> in the 9001..10000.

5.410.5 Examples
# config powermgmt general techtypes

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# create 1300 1300 1.2 2.1 4.1 "40G dpsk SR" "40G dpsk

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# create 1350 1350

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# create 1350 1350 1.3

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# create 1350 1350 1.3 2.2

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# create 1350 1350 1.3 2.2 4.1

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# modify 1400 1400 bitratelabel "Router 1"

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# modify 1400 1400 encodinglabel "Router 1"

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# modify 1500 1500 wtocmcalib 0.5

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# modify 1500 1500 wtocmapowercalib 0.9

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# modify 1500 1500 osnrcalib 2.5

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# delete 1500 1500

WARNING: Deleting a technology type eliminates it from use by this NE.


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Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel:

(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# brief

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Wtocm power Wtocma power

Wtocma OSNR Wtocm-f power
(enum) (enum) Description Description Calib (dB) Calib (dB)
Calib (dB) Calib (dB)

1 1 otm10G709 nrz 0.00 0.00

2.50 0.00
1 7 otm10G709 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
2 1 otm11G049 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
2 7 otm11G049 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
3 1 otm11G096 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
3 7 otm11G096 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
4 1 otm11G27 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
5 1 otm2G66 nrz -0.10 -0.
18 0.00 -0.14
6 1 otm4G55 nrz -0.10 -0.
18 0.00 -0.14
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.67 1.19
3.68 0.80
7 6 otm111G810 cohpmqpskEnhOsnr 0.67 1.19
3.68 0.80
7 8 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.75 1.33
3.82 0.89
7 10 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.76 1.35
3.85 0.91
7 18 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-add2l 0.76 1.35
3.85 0.91
7 26 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-1DC100M 0.78 1.40
3.89 0.91
8 2 otm43G018 pdpsk 1.24 2.14
4.64 1.48
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 1.64 2.60
5.00 1.48
8 4 otm43G018 cohpmbpsk 0.53 0.95
3.45 0.63
9 4 otm44G58 cohpmbpsk 0.53 0.95
3.45 0.63

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10 7 otm11G317 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00

2.50 0.00
11 1 otm10G714 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
12 8 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk 0.84 1.50
3.99 1.00

5.410.6 Related Commands

show powermgmt

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Nokia 1830 PSS config powermgmt ingress

5.411 config powermgmt ingress

5.411.1 Purpose
This command automatically adjusts the NE ingress power in one direction and configures
parameters used by the adjustment algorithm.
Use this command:
• Adjust the ingress power for optical lines using automatic power management
• Display the status of the power adjustment
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.411.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Changing the power management settings may impact services.
Access Levels: Administrator: all commands, except: deltamaxgain, deviationin, deviationout,
splicemargin and tilttarget which require Service user access
Provisioner: adjust, detail, gain, maxgain, mingain, targetpower, gainc, maxgainc, mingainc,
targetpowerc, gainl, maxgainl, mingainl,targetpowerl
Observer: detail

5.411.3 Input Format

config powermgmt ingress <slot-aid>

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5.411.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot> - for card containing the ingress port.

* - display list of ports

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, and slot of the line driver or IROADM card for the auto power managed
optical line. Enter the shelf number, a slash, and the slot number.
Note that for an ingress LD preceded by an RA2P, RA2P-96 or RA5P, either the RA2P /
RA2P-96 / RA5P slot or the ingress LD slot can be used. The parameters following refer to the
ingress LD, in either case.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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adjust [result | status]


result - display the result of the power adjustment

status - display the completion status of the power adjustment
Adjust the ingress power to reach the target power specified for the selected card. This
command automatically adjusts the ingress amplifier gain to achieve the desired per-channel
ingress power.


deltamaxgain [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain for LD cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter does not apply to IROADM ingress cards.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA


deltamaxgainc [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

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Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc for wide band LD cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies only to the following LDs: AWBING, AWBILA.


deltamaxgainl [<value>]

0.00..5.00 - gain in dB

Configure the amount of additional gain allowed above the maximum gain value before
The value is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl for wide band LD cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies only to the following LDs: AWBING, AWBILA.

Displays the details of the ingress point.

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deviationin [<value>]

0..10.00 - deviation in dB

1.5 dB
Configures the expected spread of channel powers at the input port of the ingress LD card.
Used in setting the WT expected power thresholds for power out of range. Enter the keyword
without <value> to display the current value.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs.


deviationout [<value>]

0..10.00 - deviation in dB

1.5 dB
Configures the expected spread of channel powers at the amplified output port of the ingress
LD card. Used in setting the WT expected power thresholds for power out of range. Enter the
keyword without <value> to display the current value.
For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter does not apply to the IROADM cards.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs.

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Displays the current gain value.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain for LD ingress cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs:


Displays the current gain value of the C band.

In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc for LD ingress cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBING, AWBILA, and AWBEGR.
Displays the current gain value of the L band.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl for LD ingress cards.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBING, AWBILA, and AWBEGR.
gainadjoff [<value>]

-3.00..3.00 - gain in dB

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Sets the offset applied to the calculation of the required ingress card OA gain setting. Enter
keyword without <value> to display the current value.
Gain Adjustment Calculation Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs.



gainadjoffc [<value>]

-3.00..3.00 - gain in dB

Sets the offset applied to the calculation of the required ingress card OA gain setting. Enter
keyword without <value> to display the current value.
C Band Gain Adjustment Calculation Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT

This parameter applies to AWBING and AWBILA only.



gainadjoffl [<value>]

-3.00..3.00 - gain in dB

Sets the offset applied to the calculation of the required ingress card OA gain setting. Enter
keyword without <value> to display the current value.
L Band Gain Adjustment Calculation Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT

This parameter applies to AWBING and AWBILA only.



headroom [<value>]

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0.00..10.00 - ripple allowance in dB


2.00 dB
Displays the headroom allocated to channel equalization, or is settable by value. The headroom
is determined by the Engineering planning tool.
Note that this parameter is effectively obsolete and is not actually used in the powermgmt
ingress nor egress calculations.


ingressampadjtargetpower [<value>]

-10.00..10.00 - adjustment value in dB


Sets the ingress OA target power adjustment value. If the keyword is entered without <value>,
displays the current value. This factor changes the target power used at the ingress OA output
by offsetting this amount from the system derived target power. Presently this factor only
applies to IROADM ingress cards.
Ingress OA Target Ppc Adjustment - For advanced users who need to override system derived

This parameter is only applicable to IROADM ingress cards.



maxflatgain [<value>]

-5.00..5.00 - gain in dB

Sets an offset to the value the auto power management system considers as the maximum
gain the LD operates at without intrinsic spectrum tilt. Enter keyword without <value> to display
the current value.
Maximum Flat Gain Offset - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

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This parameter is not applicable to IROADM ingress cards.

This parameter cannot be set for ASWG, A4PSWG ingress cards.


maxgain [<value>]

<value> - Minimum gain value possible for OA to maximum gain value possible for OA -
gain in dB in steps of 0.01 dB

33.00 - Valid for AHPHG

24.00 - Valid for AHPLG
32.00 - Valid for A2325A
31.00 - Valid for A2P2125
31.00 - Valid for AM2125A and AM2125B
24.00 - Valid for AM2318A
30.00 - Valid for AM2625A
40.00 - Valid for AM2032A
22.00 - Valid for A4PSWG
22.00 - Valid for ASWG
31.00 - Valid for IROADMV
31.00 - Valid for IROADM9M
Displays the maximum allowed gain that can be set by value. The maximum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain for an LD ingress card.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For an IROADMV/IROADM9M ingress card, the maxgain threshold is only used for alarms and
does not restrict the range in which auto power management will set the ingress OA gain.
This parameter is not applicable to IROADMF ingress cards. Its value is shown as the
same as the ingress OA gain value in the 'detail' command output.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA.

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maxgainc [<value>]

<value> - Maximum OA gain value in dB.


23.00 - Valid for AWBING

22.00 - Valid for AWBILA
22.5.00 - Valid for AWBEGR
Displays the maximum allowed gain that can be set by value. The maximum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc+ deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBING.



maxgainl [<value>]

<value> - Maximum OA gain value in dB.


23.00 - Valid for AWBING

22.00 - Valid for AWBILA
22.5.00 - Valid for AWBEGR
Displays the maximum allowed gain that can be set by value. The maximum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl+ deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA, AWBING and AWBEGR.


mingain [<value>]

<value> - Minimum gain value possible for OA to maximum gain value possible for OA -
gain in dB in steps of 0.01 dB

13.00 - Valid for AHPHG

6.00 - Valid for AHPLG
16.00 - Valid for A2325A
15.00 - Valid for A2P2125
15.00 - Valid for AM2125A and AM2125B
7.00 - Valid for AM2318A
16.00 - Valid for AM2625A
26.00 - Valid for AM2032A
7.00 - Valid for A4PSWG
7.00 - Valid for ASWG
15.00 - Valid for IROADMV
15.00 - Valid for IROADM9M
Displays the minimum allowed gain that can be set by value. The minimum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingain <= gain <= maxgain + deltamaxgain for an LD ingress card.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingain, maxgain, or deltamaxgain, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.
For an IROADMV/IROADM9M ingress card, the mingain threshold is only used for alarms and
does not restrict the range in which auto power management will set the ingress OA gain.

This parameter is not applicable to IROADMF ingress cards. Its value is shown as the
same as the ingress OA gain value in the 'detail' command output.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA.

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mingainc [<value>]

<value> - Minimum gain value possible for OA in dB


8.00 - Valid for AWBING

7.50 - Valid for AWBEGR
7.00 - Valid for AWBILA
Displays the minimum allowed gain that can be set by value. The minimum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainc <= gainc <= maxgainc + deltamaxgainc.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainc, maxgainc, or deltamaxgainc, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBEGR, AWBILA, and AWBING.


mingainl [<value>]

<value> - Minimum gain value possible for OA in dB


8.00 - Valid for AWBING

7.50 - Valid for AWBEGR
7.00 - Valid for AWBILA
Displays the minimum allowed gain that can be set by value. The minimum gain is determined
by the Engineering planning tool.
In auto power management mode, when a power adjustment is run, the amplifier gain will be
set such that mingainl <= gainl <= maxgainl + deltamaxgainl.
Note that this condition is only guaranteed after a power adjustment is run. If the user changes
the values of mingainl, maxgainl, or deltamaxgainl, the above condition may not hold until a
subsequent power adjustment is run.

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This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBEGR, AWBILA, and AWBING.


ochtargetpower [<frequency>]

Displays the target powers at the adjustment point and the offsets. If frequency is specified,
then the target power, system derived offset, user set offset, and offset in use are displayed for
the specified channel. Otherwise, the data for all channels is returned.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.


ochuserpoweroffset [<frequency> [<value>]]


-3.00..3.00 - gain in dB for <value>
-99.00 - clear for <value>

-99.00 for <value>

Configures the user configured offset value at the adjustment point for the target power of the
specified channel. The user can set the offset for a channel by specifying channel and value.
The user can show the value for a particular channel by including the frequency number of the
channel and excluding the value. -99 indicates the user offset is not configured.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.
splicemargin [<value>]
0.00..10.00 - value in dB
0.00 dB
Sets the amount of gain difference in dB below the maxgain value where a warning alarm is

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generated from powermgmt ingress adjustment.

Ingress Splice Margin - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter is not applicable to the following C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA


targetpower [<value>]

-30.00..11.00 - nominal channel target power in dBm


0.00 dBm - Valid for all LDs.

0.56 dBm - Valid for IROADMs.
Displays the target channel power at the ingress OA amplified output (not including offsets that
depend on bit rate or encoding) or is settable by entering <value>.
The target channel power as determined by the Engineering planning tool for LDs, or as
calculated by the system for IROADMs.
This parameter cannot be set for IROADM ingress cards.
This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA.
targetpowerc [<value>]
-30.00..11.00 - nominal channel target power in dBm
0.00 dBm
Displays the C Band target channel power at the ingress OA amplified output (not including
offsets that depend on bit rate or encoding) or is settable by entering <value>.
This parameter applies to the follwoing LDs only: AWBING and AWBILA.

targetpowerl [<value>]

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-30.00..11.00 - nominal channel target power in dBm


0.00 dBm
Displays the L band target channel power at the ingress OA amplified output (not including
offsets that depend on bit rate or encoding) or is settable by entering <value>.

This parameter applies to the follwoing LDs only: AWBING and AWBILA.


tiltcaldcm [<value>]


Sets the tilt calculation coefficient for the DCM. If the keyword is entered without <value>,
displays the current value. This parameter is used in LD tilt adjustment calculations.
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is not applicable to IROADM ingress cards.

This parameter is not applicable to ASWG, A4PSWG ingress LD cards.

tilpostcomp [<value>]
1.0 Valid for IROADMV ingress cards.
0.0 Valid for all other ingress cards.
1.0 Valid for IROADM9M ingress cards.
Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is post-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
Post-Compensation Tilt Fraction - For advanced users who need to override EPT values. For
SRS tilt calculations.

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This parameter cannot be modified for an IROADMF ingress card.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs:AWBING, AWBILA.


tilpostcompc [<value>]


Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is post-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
C Band Post-Compensation Tilt Fraction - For advanced users who need to override EPT
values. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA and AWBING.


tilpostcompl [<value>]


Sets the fractional amount of the span SRS that is post-compensated. Enter without <value> to
display the current value.
L Band Post-Compensation Tilt Fraction - For advanced users who need to override EPT
values. For SRS tilt calculations.

This parameter applies to the following LDs only: AWBILA and AWBING.


tilttarget [<value>]

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-3.00..3.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2325A/AHPHG/AHPLG/AM2032A

-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2P2125/AM2125A/AM2125B/AM2318A/
-6.00..-1.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AM2625A
-3.00..3.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2325A/AHPHG/AHPLG/AM2032A
-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for A2P2125/AM2125A/AM2125B/AM2318A/
-6.00..-1.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AM2625A
-3.00..3.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for IROADMV
-3.00..3.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for IROADM9M

Set the initial ingress amplifier tilt value. Enter without <value> to show the current value.
Target Tilt - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter does not apply to the C+L packs: AWBING, AWBILA.


tilttargetc [<value>]

-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AWBING, AWBILA, AWBEGR


Set the initial ingress amplifier tilt value. Enter without <value> to show the current value.
Target Tilt C band- For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies to the following LDs: AWBING, AWBILA.


tilttargetl [<value>]

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-4.00..4.00 - tilt in dB over transmission band for AWBING, AWBILA, AWBEGR


Set the initial ingress amplifier tilt value. Enter without <value> to show the current value.
Target Tilt L Band - For advanced users who need to override EPT values.

This parameter is only visible and configurable by a Service level user.

This parameter applies to the following LDs: AWBING, AWBILA, AWBEGR.

5.411.5 Examples
For examples of the output for the "detail" parameter, refer to the "show powermgmt ingress"

# config powermgmt ingress *

Admin Oper State

Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/2 ASWG Up Up
1/13 A4PSWG Up Up

# config powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochtargetpower

System User Offset Absolute

Cal'd Offset Offset In Use Target Pwr Applicability
Chan (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm)
9170 -1.5 -1.75 -1.75 -2.75 applicable
9175 -- -- -- -- NA
9180 -1.5 -99.00 -1.5 -2.5 applicable
9185 -- -- -- -- NA
9190 -1.0 -99.00 -1.75 -2.5 applicable

# config powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochuserpoweroffset 9350

User OffsetChan (dB)

9350 -99.00 (unassigned)

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# config powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochuserpoweroffset 9350 -1.3

# config powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochuserpoweroffset 9350

User OffsetChan (dB)

9350 -1.3

# config powermgmt ingress 1/6 maxgain

Maximum Power Gain: 23.00 dB

# config powermgmt ingress 1/6 maxgain 22.0

# config powermgmt ingress 1/6 tiltpostcomp 0.5

# config powermgmt ingress 1/6 ?

adjust Adjust the gain
detail Display details for ingress
gain Configure the power gain for ingress LD
gainc Configure the power gain for the C band on the ingress LD
gainadjoff Configure the power gain adjustment calculation offset
gainadjoffc Configure the power gain adjustment calculation offset for the C
headroom Configure the WSS overhead
ingressampadjtargetpower Configure the ingress OA adjustment target power
maxflatgain Configure the offset to the flat gain value used by the ingress LD

maxgain Configure the power max gain for the ingress LD

mingain Configure the power min gain for the ingress LD
maxgainc Configure the power max gain for the C band ingress LD
mingainc Configure the power min gain for the C band ingress LD
ochuserpoweroffset Configure the Och user power offset
ochtargetpower Display the Och target power
targetpower Configure the nominal per-channel power at amplifier
SigOut|LINEOUT port
tiltpostcomp Configure the post compensated nonlinear tilt fraction
targetpowerc Configure the nominal per-channel power at amplifier
SigCOut|LINEOUT port for the C band
tiltpostcompc Configure the C Band post compensated nonlinear tilt fraction
tiltcaldcm Configure the nonlinear tilt calculation coefficient for DCM of
the ingress LD

5.411.6 Related Commands

show powermgmt

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5.412 show interface powermgmt

5.412.1 Purpose
This command displays the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port, or
anydirection node Add/Drop port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.412.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.412.3 Input Format

show interface powermgmt <port-aid>

5.412.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - Bi-directional LD cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - Uni-directional LD cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - Uni-directional LD cards, RA2P, or RA2P-96
<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - WR8-88A cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - IROADM cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - IROADM cards or RA2P
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - AWBING, AWBILA, or RA5P
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - AWBILA, AWBEGR
* - display list of ports
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress
and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection Add/Drop blocks
by <sig-port-aid>. <linein-port-aid> (uni-directional LD cards, IROADM cards or RA cards)
supports a limited set of commands.
<sig-port-aid> (WR8-88A cards) supports a limited set of commands. The WR8-88A pack must
be provisioned as a Level 1 pack. See "config card" command for the WR8 pack for level
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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5.413 show interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>

5.413.1 Purpose
This command displays the power management options for the specified ingress or egress port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.
Restrictions: The AA2DONW and AA2DONWB card only support manual mode power

5.413.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.413.3 Input Format

show interface powermgmt <line-port-aid>

5.413.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/LINE - Bi-directional LD cards
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress
and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection Add/Drop blocks
by <sig-port-aid>.

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show interface powermgmt <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.


This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the Gain Adjustment Auto Gain Adjustment value Enabled value.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled value.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs, or Level 1 WR8-88A pack
SIG ports.
Display the power management commissioning status.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the Gain Adjustment Time Offset Past Hour value.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the Gain Adjustment Allocated Adjustment Time value.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the Gain Adjustment Time Period Between value Adjustments value.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the power management type on the interface.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the WaveTracker Detector usage value.


poweroffsetdata {in | out}

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{in | out} - in or out specify directionality data is shown for. For (LINE) ports can be in or out.
For unidirectional ports in or out must match supported direction of port, out for LINEOUT,
or in for LINEIN.
This command is not applicable to WR8-88A pack SIG ports.
Used to show the channel target power offset corresponding to each defined technology type.
When an RA2P, RA2P-96, or RA5P pack is configured for the line receive direction, the in
direction data is displayed using the RA pack LINEIN port AID.

This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs.

Display the state of the tilt maintenance mode for the line.

5.413.5 Examples

# show interface powermgmt *

Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder

Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

# show interface powermgmt 1/2/line

Interface 1/2/LINE - ALPHG LINE Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjust Enabled: Yes
Auto Tilt Adjust Enabled: Yes
Gain Adjust Time Offset: 00:08:10.1
Gain Adjust Allocated Time: 00:05:00.0
Gain Adjust Time Period: 00:10:08.3
Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled

# show interface powermgmt 1/2/line poweroffsetdata out

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Power Offset

(enum) (enum) Description Description Value (dB)

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10000 10000 unknown unknown -2

9999 9999 alien alien -2
1 1 otm10G709 nrz -2
3 1 otm11G096 nrz -2
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 0
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0

5.413.6 Related Commands

config interface powermgmt

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>

5.414 show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>

5.414.1 Purpose
This command displays the power management options for the specified egress port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.414.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.414.3 Input Format

show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>

5.414.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - Uni-directional LD cards
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEOUT - IROADM cards
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress

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and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection Add/Drop blocks
by <sig-port-aid>.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.


Display the Gain Adjustment Auto Gain Adjustment value Enabled value.

Display the Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled value.


Display the power management commissioning status.


Display the Gain Adjustment Time Offset Past Hour value.


Display the Gain Adjustment Allocated Adjustment Time value.


Display the Gain Adjustment Time Period Between value Adjustments value.

Display the power management type on the interface.


Display the WaveTracker Detector usage value.


Display the WaveTracker Detector usage value for the C band.


Display the WaveTracker Detector usage value for the L band.



poweroffsetdata out

out - specify directionality data is shown for. For unidirectional ports out must be used for
the LINEOUT port.
Used to show the channel target power offset corresponding to each defined technology type.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid>


Display the state of the tilt maintenance mode for the line.

5.414.5 Examples

# show interface powermgmt *

Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

# show interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout tiltmaintenancemode

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled

# show interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout

Interface 1/4/LINEOUT - IROADMV LineOut Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:0:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:40:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:25.0

Span Tilt : 0.50 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage : wtocm
Egress Adjust For Downstream : Yes
Max Channels : 88

# show interface powermgmt 1/2/lineout

Interface 1/2/LINEOUT - AM2318A Line Out Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : No
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : No

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show interface powermgmt <lineout-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Time Offset Past Midnight : NotConfigured

Time Period Between Adjustments : NotConfigured
Allocated Adjustment Time : NotConfigured

Span Tilt : 0.00 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage : wtdPpcOnAlmOn
Egress Adjust For Downstream : No

# show interface powermgmt 1/4/lineout

Interface 1/4/LINEOUT - AWBEGR Line Out Port

Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
Auto Gain Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Auto Tilt Adjustment Enabled : Yes
Time Offset Past Midnight : 0:0:0.0
Time Period Between Adjustments : 0:40:0.0
Allocated Adjustment Time : 0:30.0

Span Tilt C band : 0.00 dB

Auto Tilt Adjust Maintenance Mode: Disabled
Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage C band: wtocm

Span Tilt L band : 0.00 dB

Wavelength Tracker Decoder Usage L band : wtocm
Egress Adjust For Downstream : No

# show interface powermgmt *

Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/LINEOUT AWBILA Line Out Port Line Auto Completed C band:wtdinferred/L

5.414.6 Related Commands

config interface powermgmt

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2494 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid>

5.415 show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid>

5.415.1 Purpose
This command displays the power management options for the specified ingress port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.415.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.415.3 Input Format

show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid>

5.415.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - Uni-directional LD cards, RA2P, RA2P-96, or RA5P
<shelf>/<slot>/LINEIN - IROADM cards
Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
poweroffsetdata in
in - specify directionality data is shown for. Must be in for a LINEIN port.
Used to show the channel target power offset corresponding to each defined technology type.
When an RA2P, RA2P-96, or RA5P pack is configured for the line receive direction, the in
direction data is displayed using the RA pack LINEIN port AID.

5.415.5 Examples
# show interface powermgmt 1/4/linein poweroffsetdata in

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Power

(enum) (enum) Description Description Offset(dB)

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2495
show interface powermgmt <linein-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

1 1 otm10G709 nrz 0.00
1 7 otm10G709 nrzCFP1 0.00
2 1 otm11G049 nrz 0.00
2 7 otm11G049 nrzCFP1 0.00
3 1 otm11G096 nrz 0.00
3 7 otm11G096 nrzCFP1 0.00
4 1 otm11G27 nrz 0.00
5 1 otm2G66 nrz 0.00
6 1 otm4G55 nrz 0.00
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.00
7 6 otm111G810 cohpmqpskEnhOsnr 0.00
7 8 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.00
7 10 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.00
8 2 otm43G018 pdpsk 0.00
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 0.00
8 4 otm43G018 cohpmbpsk 0.00
9 4 otm44G58 cohpmbpsk 0.00
10 7 otm11G317 nrzCFP1 0.00
11 1 otm10G714 nrz 0.00
12 8 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk 0.00
12 10 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.00
13 9 otm27G952 duobinary 0.00
14 11 otm258G560 cohpm16qam 0.00
15 12 otm268G925 cohpm8qam 0.00
1001 1001 Alien 40G Alien 40G 0.00
1002 1002 alien alien 0.00
9998 9998 Unassign Unassign 0.00
9999 9999 Alien Alien 0.00
10000 10000 Unknown Unknown 0.00

5.415.6 Related Commands

config interface powermgmt

Release 10.0
August 2017
2496 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.416 show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.416.1 Purpose
This command displays the power management options for the specified anydirection node Add/
Drop port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.416.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.416.3 Input Format

show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid>

5.416.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/SIG - WR8-88A cards


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or enter * to display a brief summary for all of the ingress
and egress ports on the network element. * will also display any Anydirection Add/Drop blocks
by <sig-port-aid>. <linein-port-aid> (uni-directional LD cards, or RA2P cards) supports a limited
set of commands.
<sig-port-aid> (WR8-88A cards) supports a limited set of commands. The WR8-88A pack must
be provisioned as a Level 1 pack. See "config card" command for the WR8 pack for level
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display a brief summary for the specified port.

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show interface powermgmt <sig-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS


This command is only applicable to LINE or LINEOUT ports of LDs, or Level 1 WR8-88A pack
SIG ports.
Display the power management commissioning status.

Display the power management type on the interface.

Display the type of power management for the port in the drop direction of the anydirection Add/
Drop block. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current type.
Display the type of power management for the port in the add direction of the anydirection Add/
Drop block. Enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current type.

5.416.5 Examples
# show interface powermgmt *
Location Port Role Power Mgmt Power Mgmt WT Decoder
Type Type Commissioning Usage
1/3/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto In Progress wtdonon
1/11/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Auto Completed wtdonon
1/15/LINEOUT AM2125B Line Out Port Line Manual In Progress wtdonon
1/8/SIG WR8-88A SIG Port AddDrop Auto Completed Add:wtocmad/

# show interface powermgmt 1/4/sig

Interface 1/4/SIG - WR8-88A SIG Port
Power Management Type : Auto
Power Management Commissioning : Completed
WTD Usage Drop: WTOCM

# show interface powermgmt 2/6/sig type

Power Management Type: auto

5.416.6 Related Commands

config interface powermgmt

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2498 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show powermgmt

5.417 show powermgmt

5.417.1 Purpose
This command displays the network element power management status or configuration.
Use this command to:
• Display the current power management configuration on the network element
• Display the status of a power balancing operation on the network element
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.417.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.417.3 Input Format

show powermgmt

5.417.4 Input Parameters



general [techtypes [brief] ]

Displays channel technology types defined for this node.


egress <egress-slot-aid> [ochuserpoweroffset <frequency>]

egress <egress-slot-aid> [ochtargetpower [<frequency>]]
egress <egress-slot-aid> [ampactattenc]
egress <eggress-slot-aid> [targetoutputpowerc]

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<egress-slot-aid> - <shelf>/<slot> value for card containing the egress port.

For <frequency>:
Displays the power management settings for the specified egress point.
• With optional keyword ochuserpoweroffset and a <frequency> value, shows the user
specified target power offset for the egress direction for the given channel frequency.
• With optional keyword ochtargetpower, shows a listing of the current target power for
each channel. Adding addtional optional input of channel <frequency> displays just the
target power for that channel.
• With optional keyword ampactattenc, displays the actual output eVOA attenuation of the
C amplifier module.
• with optional keyword targetoutputpowerc, displays the target output power per channel
of the C band. This parameter is software calculated to adjust power for the C and L
band interactions.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.


ingress <ingress-slot-aid> [ochuserpoweroffset <frequency>]

ingress <ingress-slot-aid> [ochtargetpower [<frequency>]]

<ingress-slot-aid> - <shelf>/<slot> value for card containing the ingress port.

For <frequency>:
Displays the power management settings for the specified ingress point.
With optional keyword ochuserpoweroffset and a <frequency> value, shows the user specified
target power offset for the ingress direction for the given channel frequency.
With optional keyword ochtargetpower, shows a listing of the current target power for each
channel. Adding addtional optional input of channel <frequency> displays just the target power
for that channel.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.


anyadd <anydir-slot-aid>

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2500 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show powermgmt


<anydir-slot-aid> - <shelf>/<slot> value for WR8-88A or WR8-88AF card in add/drop block

with its level parameter set to 1.
Displays the power management settings for the specified anydirection add/drop block, for the
add direction.

anydrop <anydir-slot-aid>
<anydir-slot-aid> - <shelf>/<slot> value for WR8-88A or WR8-88AF card in add/drop block
with its level parameter set to 1.
Displays the power management settings for the specified anydirection add/drop block, for the
drop direction.

5.417.5 Examples
(config-powermgmt-general-techtypes)# brief

BitRate Encoding BitRate Encoding Wtocm power Wtocma power

Wtocma OSNR Wtocm-f power
(enum) (enum) Description Description Calib (dB) Calib (dB)
Calib (dB) Calib (dB)

1 1 otm10G709 nrz 0.00 0.00

2.50 0.00
1 7 otm10G709 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
2 1 otm11G049 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
2 7 otm11G049 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
3 1 otm11G096 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
3 7 otm11G096 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
4 1 otm11G27 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
5 1 otm2G66 nrz -0.10 -0.
18 0.00 -0.14
6 1 otm4G55 nrz -0.10 -0.
18 0.00 -0.14
7 5 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.67 1.19
3.68 0.80
7 6 otm111G810 cohpmqpskEnhOsnr 0.67 1.19

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2501
show powermgmt Nokia 1830 PSS

3.68 0.80
7 8 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk 0.75 1.33
3.82 0.89
7 10 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-hperf2 0.76 1.35
3.85 0.91
7 18 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-add2l 0.76 1.35
3.85 0.91
7 26 otm111G810 cohpmqpsk-1DC100M 0.78 1.40
3.89 0.91
8 2 otm43G018 pdpsk 1.24 2.14
4.64 1.48
8 3 otm43G018 dpsk 1.64 2.60
5.00 1.48
8 4 otm43G018 cohpmbpsk 0.53 0.95
3.45 0.63
9 4 otm44G58 cohpmbpsk 0.53 0.95
3.45 0.63
10 7 otm11G317 nrzCFP1 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
11 1 otm10G714 nrz 0.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
12 8 otm129G280 cohpmqpsk 0.84 1.50
3.99 1.00

# show powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochtargetpower 9185

System User Offset Absolute
Cal'd Offset Offset In Use Target Pwr Applicability
Chan (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm)
9185 -1.5 -1.75 -1.75 -2.5 applicable

(show-powermgmt)# ?
anyadd Display details of the add direction of the add/drop block
anydrop Display details of the drop direction of the add/drop block
egress Display egress adjustments
general Display the defined technology types
ingress Display ingress adjustments

(show-powermgmt-egress)# *
Admin Oper State
Location Programmed Type State State Qualifier
1/2 AHPHG Up Up
1/5 AHPHG Up Up
1/17 AHPHG Up Up

# show powermgmt egress 1/17

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2502 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show powermgmt

Shelf: 1 Slot: 17 - A2325A


Egress Amp : 1/11 - A2325A

Target Power : 0.90 dBm
Current Gain : 18.00 dB
Min Gain : 18.00 dB
Max Gain : 18.00 dB
DeltaMax Gain : 0.00 dB
Span Tilt Precomp : 0.00 dB

Adjust Status : Not In Progress

Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Adjust Status : Completed
Tilt Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Calculation Multiplier : 1.00
Tilt Calculation Coefficient : 2
Pre-Comp Tilt Fraction : 0.00
Connector Loss to Span : 0.20 dB
Service Launch Attenuation : 2.00 dB

Target Tilt : 0.00 dB

(show-powermgmt)# ingress 1/2

Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 - AHPHG
Target Power : 3.57 dBm
Current Gain : 18.76 dB
Min Gain : 14.80 dB
Max Gain : 19.80 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Headroom : 0.00 dB
Delta Max Gain : 2.00 dB
Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.66 dB
Calculated Required Gain : 18.76 dB
Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success
Adjust Target Gain : Success
Gain Adjust Calculation Offset : 0.50 dB
Gain at Commissioning Complete : 18.50 dB

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show powermgmt Nokia 1830 PSS

Maximum Flat Gain Offset : 1.05 dB

Tilt Adjust Result : None
Tilt Adjust Status : Not in Progress
Tilt Calculation Coefficient DCM: 0.00
Tilt Calculation Offset : 0.00 dB
Post-compensated Tilt Fraction : 1.0

(show-powermgmt-egress)# 1/2 ochtargetpower 9185

System User Offset Absolute
Cal'd Offset Offset In Use Target Pwr Applicability
Chan (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm)
9185 -1.5 -1.75 -1.75 -2.5 applicable

# show powermgmt ingress 1/17 ochtargetpower 9350

System User Offset Absolute
Cal'd Offset Offset In Use Target Pwr Applicability
Chan (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm)
9350 -- -- -- -- NA

# show powermgmt egress 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - IROADMF


Egress Amp : 1/6 - IROADMF

Target Power : -1.44 dBm
Current Gain : 18.00 dB
Min Gain : 18.00 dB
Max Gain : 18.00 dB
DeltaMax Gain : 0.00 dB
Span Tilt Precomp : 0.00 dB

Adjust Status : Not In Progress

Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Adjust Status : Completed
Tilt Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Calculation Multiplier : 1.00
Tilt Calculation Coefficient : 99
Pre-Comp Tilt Fraction : 0.00
Connector Loss to Span : 0.50 dB
Service Launch Attenuation : 0.00 dB

IRoadm Fiber Type : ssmf

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Nokia 1830 PSS show powermgmt

IRoadm Fiber Length : 70 Km

IRoadm Egress Ripple Remove : 1.50 dB
IRoadm Egress SpanLossOut : 17.50 dB

IRoadm Target Tilt : 0.00 dB

IRoadm Target PpcOut : -1.44 dB
Egress DeviationOut : 1.50 db

# show powermgmt ingress 1/6

Shelf: 1 Slot: 6 - IROADMF
Target Power : 0.56 dBm
Current Gain : 16.00 dB
Headroom : 2.00 dB

Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB

Target tilt : 0.00 dB
Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB
Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Calculated Required Gain : 16.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM:
Ingress OA Target Ppc Adjustment : 0.00 dB

Maximum Flat Gain Offset :

Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Adjust Status : Completed
Tilt Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Calculation Offset : -0.70 dB
Post-Comp Tilt Fraction : 0.00
Gain Adjust Calculation Offset : 0.00 dB
Gain at Commission Complete : 0.00 dB

# show powermgmt ingress 1/14

Shelf: 1 Slot: 14 - IROADMV
Target Power : 0.56 dBm
Current Gain : 21.00 dB
Min Gain : 15.00 dB
Max Gain : 25.00 dB
Splice Repair Margin : 0.00 dB
Headroom : 2.00 dB

Delta Max Gain : 0.00 dB

Target tilt : 0.00 dB

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2505
show powermgmt Nokia 1830 PSS

Power Deviation In : 1.50 dB

Power Deviation Out : 1.50 dB
Calculated Required Gain : 21.00 dB
Tilt Calculation Coefficient for DCM:
Ingress OA Target Ppc Adjustment : 0.00 dB

Maximum Flat Gain Offset :

Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Adjust Status : Completed
Tilt Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Calculation Offset : 0.00 dB
Post-Comp Tilt Fraction : 1.00
Gain Adjust Calculation Offset : 0.00 dB
Gain at Commission Complete : 22.54 dB

# show powermgmt anyadd 2/6

Shelf: 2 Slot: 6 - WR8-88AF

AnyAdd Amp : 2/8 - AHPLG
Target Power : 1.10 dBm
Current Gain : 16.00 dB
Min Gain : 16.00 dB
Max Gain : 16.00 dB
Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success

# show powermgmt anydrop 2/6

Shelf: 2 Slot: 6 - WR8-88AF

AnyDrop Amp : 2/9 - A2325A
Target Power : 1.90 dBm
Current Gain : 19.00 dB
Min Gain : 18.00 dB
Max Gain : 19.00 dB
Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Adjust Result : Success

# show powermgmt egress 1/15

Shelf: 1 Slot: 15 - AHPHG


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2506 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show powermgmt

Egress Amp : None

Target Power : -9.70 dBm

Egress Wss : 1/4 - CWR8-88

Add Path Egress Power : -8.98 dBm
Add Path Target Power : 1.30 dBm

Add Path Channel Count : 12

Add Path Degree Count : 2

Adjust Status : Not In Progress

Adjust Result : Success
Tilt Adjust Status : Not In Progress
Tilt Adjust Result : Not applicable
Tilt Calculation Multiplier : 1.00
Tilt Calculation Coefficient : 0
Pre-Comp Tilt Fraction : 0.00
Connector Loss to Span : 0.00 dB
Service Launch Attenuation : 0.00 dB

5.417.6 Related Commands

config powermgmt

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2507
show wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

Wavekey general commands

5.418 show wavekey

5.418.1 Purpose
This command displays Wavelength Tracker information.
Use this command to:
• Display the WaveKey properties on an interface port that has Wavelength Tracker monitoring
• Display the power and programmed WaveKeys on the interface ports that generate the
Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys (OT, SVAC, and MVAC cards).
• Display the unexpected WaveKeys detected on a port.
Note: If an optical line has been provisioned to use the WTOCM then wavekey reports will display -
for ports other than LD card LineOut and SigOut.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.418.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.418.3 Input Format

show wavekey

5.418.4 Input Parameters

Sub-command: wtmonitor

Displays the WaveKey properties on an interface port that has Wavelength Tracker monitoring
capabilities. See "show wavekey wtmonitor".
Sub-command: wtsource

Display the power and programmed WaveKeys on the interface ports that generate the
Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys. See "show wavekey wtsource".
Sub-command: unexpected

Display the unexpected WaveKeys detected on a port. See "show wavekey unexpected".

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2508 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show wavekey

5.418.5 Examples
# show interface cwr8 2/5/SIG

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7A Port: 1 - ROADM WDM Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green

Total Power Ingress : Off

# show interface cwr8 2/5/SIG wavekeys in 60

Expected Measured Power Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power Dev Tol
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd(dBm) (dBm) (dB) (dB)
1/7A/1 0 0 UAS No Off Off 2.50 0.00
In C60

# show interface cwr8 2/5/SIG

Shelf: 1 Slot: 5A Port: 1 - BBA-HG Amp Out Thru In Port [OTS]

Admin State: Up State Qualifier:
Oper State: Up Oper Capability: Enabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Green

Total Output Power : 3.41 dBm Measured Amp Temp : 25 'C

Signal Output Power : 3.28 dBm
Programmed Power Gain : 10.00 dB

Amplifier Status: Enabled

Power Management Gain Range : 11.60 dB to 17.00 dB

Auto re-enable Mode : On
Auto re-enable Debounce time : 10 s

5.418.6 Related Commands

config interface

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2509
show wavekey unexpected Nokia 1830 PSS

5.419 show wavekey unexpected

5.419.1 Purpose
This command displays the unexpected WaveKeys detected on a port.
Use this command without any parameters to show the unexpected WaveKeys detected on all ports
on the network element or use the command line parameters as filters to display the current
WaveKey settings for:
• A specific port.
• The in or out direction on the port.
• A specific channel carried over the port.
Note this command does not display unexpected keys for a WTOCM-type port interface directly.
(Unexpected keys detected by a WTOCM-type card port for provisioned channels will be reported
to the monitored port, e.g. LD LINEOUT, and displayed by this command.) See related commands
for WTOCM-type port interface command to display unexpected key information directly at a
WTOCM-type card port interface.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.419.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.419.3 Input Format

show wavekey unexpected
<port-aid> [in | out]

5.419.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - Valid Wavelength Tracker decoder port.

Displays only the unexpected WaveKeys detected on the decoder for the given port for all
applicable directions for the port. Omit this keyword to display all unexpected WaveKeys
detected on the node.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


in [<frequency>]

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For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Displays only the unexpected WaveKeys detected on the decoder for the given direction. Enter
this keyword followed by a channel number to display the unexpected WaveKeys for that
channel only.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

out [<frequency>]
For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Displays only the unexpected WaveKeys detected on the decoder for the given direction. Enter
this keyword followed by a channel number to display the unexpected WaveKeys for that
channel only.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

5.419.5 Examples
# show wavekey unexpected

Power Unexpected
Location (dBm) Wavekey
1/3/LINEOUT Out 9190.625 -3.41 1248, 1732
1/7/LINEOUT Out 9450.000 -3.79 1144, 1628

5.419.6 Related Commands

config interface
show interface
show wavekey wtmonitor
show wavekey wtsource
show interface wtocm|wtocma|wtocm-f <port-aid> unexpected

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2511
show wavekey wtmonitor Nokia 1830 PSS

5.420 show wavekey wtmonitor

5.420.1 Purpose
This command displays WaveKey properties on an interface port that has Wavelength Tracker
monitoring capabilities.
• A specific port.
• The in or out direction on the port.
• A specific channel carried over the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.420.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.420.3 Input Format

show wavekey wtmonitor <port-aid>

5.420.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/<port> - Valid Wavelength Tracker decoder port.

* - display list of ports

Entry required
Enter * to display all of the expected wavekeys for all applicable directions, channels on all
decoder ports.
Enter a shelf, slot, and port to display all of the expected wavekeys for all applicable directions,
and channels on the specified port.


in [<frequency>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS show wavekey wtmonitor


For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Shows the programmed and received WaveKeys and channel power inforrmation for the in
direction on the selected port. Enter this keyword followed by a channel frequency to display
WaveKey information for that channel only, or enter this keyword without any parameters to
display WaveKey information for all channels on the port.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "in" direction.

Displays the expected channels and whether they are missing or not missing. Only provisioned
channels will be retrieved.


out [<frequency>]

For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Shows the programmed and received WaveKeys and channel power inforrmation for the out
direction on the selected port. Enter this keyword followed by a channel frequency to display
WaveKey information for that channel only, or enter this keyword without any parameters to
display WaveKey information for all channels on the port.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "out" direction.

Displays the expected channels and summary of expected keys configured, if channel is
received, and if unexpected channel is received. Only provisioned channels are displayed.

5.420.5 Examples
The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for a port with Wavelength
Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2513
show wavekey wtmonitor Nokia 1830 PSS

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/12/sig

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/12/SIG Out 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes -17.23 -17.

59 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes -17.23 -17.
50 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG Out 9550.000 1110 1594 Down Yes -17.23 -17.
12 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9350.000 1180 1664 Up Yes -0.95
-3.19 4.00 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9400.000 1159 1643 Up Yes -0.95
-3.32 4.00 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9550.000 1108 1592 Down No -0.95
Off 4.00 0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for the receive direction:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/12/addin1 in

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/12/ADDIN1 In 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes -8.02 -11.92 5.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/12/ADDIN1 In 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes -8.02 -9.65 5.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for the transmit direction:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/17/line out

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Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/17/LINE Out 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes 0.90 0.91 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/17/LINE Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes 0.90 0.93 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/17/LINE Out 9550.000 1110 1594 Down Yes 0.90 0.96 2.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a bidirectional port with Wavelength
Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/17/line missing

Location Channel Missing In Missing Out

1/17/LINE 9350.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 - No

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the transmit direction:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/17/sig missing

Location Channel Missing Out

1/17/SIG 9350.000 No
1/17/SIG 9400.000 No
1/17/SIG 9550.000 Yes

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/12/addin1 missing

Location Channel Missing In


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1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/17/line summary

Wavekey - IN Wavekey - OUT

---------------------------- ----------------------------
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/17/LINE 9350.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 Yes No No Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/4/lineout summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/4/LINEOUT 9170.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9180.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9350.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9485.000 Yes No No
1/4/LINEOUT 9500.000 Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/12/addin1 summary

Wavekey - IN
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 Yes No No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 Yes No No

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Nokia 1830 PSS show wavekey wtmonitor

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table with unkeyed channels

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/11/sig out

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/11/SIG Out 9350.000 Unkey Unkey Up Unkey 2.50 2.54 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/11/SIG Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes 2.50 2.49 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/11/SIG Out 9550.000 Unkey Unkey Down Unkey 2.50 2.39 2.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "missing" table with unkeyed channels

# show waveky wtmonitor 1/11/sig missing

Location Channel Missing Out

1/11/SIG 9350.000 Unkey
1/11/SIG 9400.000 No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Unkey

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "summary" table with unkeyed channels

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/11/sig summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/11/SIG 9350.000 Yes Unkey No
1/11/SIG 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Yes Unkey No

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The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table filtered to show a single
channel row

# show wavekey wtmonitor 1/3/lineout out 9500.000

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/3/LINEOUT Out 9500.000 1137 1621 Down Yes -10.38 -10.37 2.50
0.00 NOCMD

5.420.6 Related Commands

config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey
show wavekey unexpected
show wavekey wtsource

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Nokia 1830 PSS show wavekey wtsource

5.421 show wavekey wtsource

5.421.1 Purpose
This command displays the power and programmed WaveKeys on the interface ports that generate
the Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys. These ports reside on SVAC, MVAC and OT cards.
Use this command to:
• Display a summary of the expected and measured output power on all channels with an admin
state of up
• Display all of the programmed WaveKeys on every OT, SVAC, and MVAC port on the network
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.421.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.421.3 Input Format

show wavekey wtsource

5.421.4 Input Parameters

Displays a summary of the expected and measured output power on all channels with an admin
state of up.

Display all of the programmed WaveKeys on every OT and SVAC port on the network element.
The list includes the WaveKey transmitter state and the administrative and operational state of
the port.

5.421.5 Examples
# show wavekey wtsource

(show-wavekey-wtsource)# power

Admin Oper
Location Expected Power Measured Power State State
1/9/L1 -17.59 dBm Up Up

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show wavekey wtsource Nokia 1830 PSS

1/10/L1 -16.45 dBm Up Up

(show-wavekey-wtsource)# keys

WaveKey Admin Oper

Location WaveKey 1 WaveKey 2 Tx State State State
1/10/L1 7 550 Enabled Up Up
1/11/L1 23 567 Enabled Up Up
1/12/L1 40 580 Enabled Up Up
1/13/L1 60 600 Enabled Up Up

5.421.6 Related Commands

config interface
show wavekey unexpected
show wavekey wtmonitor

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2520 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show wavekey wtdomain

5.422 show wavekey wtdomain

5.422.1 Purpose
This command displays the usage of Wavelength Tracker key signatures in the network.
Wavelength Tracker key signatures are allocated to WDM channels based on assignment bins for
ranges of optical channel frequencies. This command's output table shows the start frequency of
each bin. The frequency displayed for each bin is included in the allocation bin. The highest
frequency bin for a transmission band ends 25 GHz above the displayed frequency.
Use this command to:
• Display a summary of Wavelength Tracker signature usage per allocation bin per domain and
transmission band.
• Display a summary of Wavelength Tracker duplicate locked/un-locked state per allocation bin per
domain and transmission band.
• Display the WT signature usage and duplicate locked/un-locked state for the allocation bin
corresponding to a given optical channel frequency.

5.422.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.422.3 Input Format

show wavekey wtdomain <domain>

5.422.4 Input Parameters



0 - WT domain number.
The Wavelength Tracker key assignment domain number. Presently the value is restricted to 0.
When entered with no following key words, displays the full summary table of WT key usage for
the domain number and transmission bands supported by the node.


trxband <band>

{c, l} - the WDM transmission band

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Displays the summary table of WT key usage for the domain number for the transmission band


channel <frequency>

9130.000..9605.000 - An C band channel frequency, in steps of 0.625.

8610.000..9085.000 - An L-band channel frequency, in steps of 0.625.
Displays the WT usage row for the allocation bin corresponding to the frequency entered.

5.422.5 Examples

# show wavekey wtdomain 0

WT Domain Number : 0
Transmission Band : C
WT ID Use WT ID Duplicates
Bin Start Percentage Unlocked?
--------- ---------- ----------------
9128.750 0 no
9131.250 11 no
9133.750 20 no
9136.250 100 yes

9601.250 43 yes
9603.750 20 no

WT Domain Number : 0
Transmission Band : L
WT ID Use WT ID Duplicates
Bin Start Percentage Unlocked?
--------- ---------- ----------------
8608.750 0 no
8611.250 1 no
8613.750 5 no
8616.250 0 no

9081.250 100 yes

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9083.750 39 no

# show wavekey wtdomain 0 trxband l

WT Domain Number : 0
Transmission Band : L
WT ID Use WT ID Duplicates
Bin Start Percentage Unlocked?
--------- ---------- ----------------
8608.750 0 no
8611.250 1 no
8613.750 5 no
8616.250 0 no

9081.250 100 yes

9083.750 39 no

# show wavekey wtdomain 0 channel 9600.625

WT Domain Number : 0
Transmission Band : C
WT ID Use WT ID Duplicates
Bin Start Percentage Unlocked?
--------- ---------- ----------------
9598.750 36 no

5.422.6 Related Commands


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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2523
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

5.423 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

5.423.1 Purpose
This command configures the Wavelength Tracker properties on an optics card interface with
Wavelength Tracker decoder function.
Use this command to:
• Access commands to configure the Wavelength Tracker properties of a channel.
• Display a table of expected channels with indication if the channels are missing or not missing.
• Display a table summary for the expected channels indicated their configuration of keys,
received status and unexpected channel status.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.423.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys must be consistent across the network. Expected power
and power deviations must conform to the link budget.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.423.3 Input Format

config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

5.423.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Specifies the card type for which the command is executed.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2525
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS


Ports for a2325a:
Ports for a2p2125:
Ports for a4pswg:
Ports for ahplg:
Ports for ahphg:
Ports for alphg:
Ports for am2017b:
Ports for am2325b:
Ports for am2032a:
Ports for am2625a:

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

Ports for aswg:
Ports for awbegr:
Ports for awbing:
Ports for awbila:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for iroadmf:
Ports for iroadmv:

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config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

Ports for iroadm9m:

Ports for mesh4:
Ports for opsa:
Ports for wr2-88:
Ports for wr20-tf:
Ports for wr20-tfm:
Ports for wr20-tfml:
Ports for wr8-88a:
Ports for wr8-88af:

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Enters the context to configure the Wavelength Tracker properties for the received channels.
Refer to "config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>".

This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "in" direction.

Displays the expected channels and whether they are missing or not missing.

Enters the context to configure the Wavelength Tracker properties for the transmitted channels.
Refer to "config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>".
This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "out" direction.
Displays the expected channels and summary of expected keys configured, if channel is
received, and if unexpected channel is received.

5.423.5 Examples
# config interface wr8-88af 1/12/sig wavekey ?
in Display only the in direction
missing Display all missing Wavekeys
out Display only the out direction
summary Display a summary of all Wavekey information

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a bidirectional port with Wavelength
Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# config interface a2325a 1/17/line wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing In Missing Out


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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2529
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

1/17/LINE 9350.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 - No

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the transmit direction:

# config interface a2325a 1/17/sig wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing Out

1/17/SIG 9350.000 No
1/17/SIG 9400.000 No
1/17/SIG 9550.000 Yes

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# config interface wr8-88af 1/12/addin1 wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing In

1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# config interface a2325a 1/17/line wavekey summary

Wavekey - IN Wavekey - OUT

---------------------------- ----------------------------
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/17/LINE 9350.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 Yes No No Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# config interface am2625a 1/4/lineout wavekey summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected

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** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/4/LINEOUT 9170.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9180.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9350.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9485.000 Yes No No
1/4/LINEOUT 9500.000 Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# config interface wr8-88af 1/12/addin1 wavekey summary

Wavekey - IN
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 Yes No No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 Yes No No

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "missing" table with unkeyed channels

# config interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing Out

1/11/SIG 9350.000 Unkey
1/11/SIG 9400.000 No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Unkey

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "summary" table with unkeyed channels

# config interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/11/SIG 9350.000 Yes Unkey No
1/11/SIG 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Yes Unkey No

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2531
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

5.423.6 Related Commands

show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey
show wavekey

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2532 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>

5.424 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>

5.424.1 Purpose
This command configures the Wavelength Tracker properties of receive ports with the Wavelength
Tracker functionality on optics cards.
Use this command to:
• Display current Wavelength Tracker settings for a channel.
• Configure expected power for a channel.
• Configure power deviation threshold for a channel.
• Configure power tolerance for a channel.
• Show a list of unexpected Wave Keys received on a channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.424.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys must be consistent across the network. Expected power
and power deviations must conform to the link budget.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.424.3 Input Format

config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2533
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.424.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the card type for which the command is executed.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>


Ports for a2325a:
Ports for ahplg:
Ports for ahphg:
Ports for alphg:
Ports for am2017b:
Ports for am2325b:
Ports for am2032a:
Ports for am2625a:
Ports for aswg:
Ports for awbegr:
Ports for awbing:
Ports for awbila:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for cwr8:

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2535
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

Ports for iroadmf:
Ports for iroadmv:
Ports for iroadm9m:
Ports for mesh4:
Ports for opsa:
Ports for wr2-88:
Ports for wr20-tf:
Ports for wr20-tfm:
Ports for wr20-tfml:

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2536 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>

Ports for wr8-88a:
Ports for wr8-88af:

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Entry required
Specifies the frequency of the optical channel to be configured.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.
Displays the current Wavelength Tracker configuration for the specified channel and measured
channel power.
power [help | <value> | off]

help - display the valid and default values.

-99..11.00 - specify the add path target power in dBm.
off - disable wavekey monitoring.

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config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS


-99 dBm.
Configures the expected power for the channel (dBm).


devpower [help | <value>]

help - Display the valid and default values.
0.00..10.00 - Specify the power deviation threshold in dB.
2.5 dB
Configures the expected power deviation (dB). The deviation is the amount the channel power
can deviate from the expected value before being considered out of range.
tolpower [help | <value>]
help - display the valid and default values.
0.00..5.00 - specify the tolerance value in dB.
0 dB
Configures the expected power tolerence (dB). The expected power +/- the deviation -/+ the
tolerance defines the threshold for considering a channel in range.
Displays a list of unexpected WaveKeys received on the port.

5.424.5 Examples
#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 ?
detail Display current configuration
devpower Configure the expected power deviation
power Configure the expected power
tolpower Configure the expected power tolerance
unexpected Display unexpected wavekeys

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 detail

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2538 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency>

Channel : 9350.000
Channel Status : Up
Expected WaveKey 1 : 1186
Expected WaveKey 2 : 1670
WaveKeys Received : Yes

Expected Power : -17.50 dBm

Measured Power : -17.87 dBm
Power Deviation : 2.50 dB
Power Tolerance : 0.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 devpower help

help Display the default and valid values
<value> Enter the value

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 devpower help

Default value: 2.50 dB

Range: 0.00 dB to 10.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 devpower

Expected power deviation: 2.50 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 devpower 3.0

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power ?

help Display the default and valid values
off Disable wavekey monitoring
<value> Enter the value <-40.00 to 11.00> dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power help

Default value: -99.00 dBm.

Range: -40.00 dBm to 11.00 dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power

Expected power: -17.50 dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power off

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power -18.3

Error example for attempting setting expected power when port is auto power managed:

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 power -15

Unable to complete request.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2539
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey in <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

Error: Request failed - Port is auto-power managed.

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 tolpower ?

help Display the default and valid values
<value> Enter the value

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 tolpower help

Default value: 0.00 dB

Range: 0.00 dB to 5.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 tolpower

Expected power tolerance: 0.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 tolpower 0.5

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey in 9350 unexpected

Power Unexpected
Location (dBm) Wavekey

5.424.6 Related Commands

show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey
show wavekey

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2540 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>

5.425 config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>

5.425.1 Purpose
This command configures the Wavelength Tracker properties of transmit ports with the Wavelength
Tracker functionality on optics cards.
Use this command to:
• Display current Wavelength Tracker settings for a channel.
• Configure expected power for a channel.
• Configure power deviation threshold for a channel.
• Configure power tolerance for a channel.
• Show a list of unexpected Wave Keys received on a channel.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.425.2 Command Access Level

Impact: Wavelength Tracker WaveKeys must be consistent across the network. Expected power
and power deviations must conform to the link budget.
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

5.425.3 Input Format

config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2541
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

5.425.4 Input Parameters




Entry required
Specifies the card type for which the command is executed.

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August 2017
2542 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>


Ports for a2325a:
Ports for a2p2125:
Ports for a4pswg:
Ports for ahplg:
Ports for ahphg:
Ports for alphg:
Ports for am2017b:
Ports for am2325b:
Ports for am2032a:
Ports for am2625a:
Ports for aswg:

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2543
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

Ports for awbegr:
Ports for awbing:
Ports for awbila:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for iroadmf:
Ports for iroadmv:
Ports for iroadm9m:
Ports for wr2-88:
Ports for wr20-tf:

Release 10.0
August 2017
2544 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>

Ports for wr20-tfm:

Ports for wr20-tfml:
Ports for wr8-88a:
Ports for wr8-88af:

Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.



Entry required
Specifies the frequency of the optical channel to be configured.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be configured.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2545
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays the current Wavelength Tracker configuration for the specified channel and measured
channel power.


power [help | <value> | off]


help - display the valid and default values.

-99..11.00 - specify the add path target power in dBm.
off - disable wavekey monitoring.

-99 dBm.
Configures the expected power for the channel (dBm).


devpower [help | <value>]


help - Display the valid and default values.

0.0..10.00 - Specify the power deviation threshold in dB.

2.5 dB
Configures the expected power deviation (dB). The deviation is the amount the channel power
can deviate from the expected value before being considered out of range.


tolpower [help | <value>]


help - display the valid and default values.

0.00..5.00 - specify the tolerance value in dB.

0.0 dB
Configures the expected power tolerence (dB). The expected power +/- the deviation -/+ the
tolerance defines the threshold for considering a channel in range.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2546 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency>


Displays a list of unexpected WaveKeys received on the port.

5.425.5 Examples

#config interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey out 9350 ?

detail Display current configuration
devpower Configure the expected power deviation
power Configure the expected power
tolpower Configure the expected power tolerance
unexpected Display unexpected wavekeys

#config interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey out 9350 detail

Channel : 9350.000
Channel Status : Up
Expected WaveKey 1 : 1186
Expected WaveKey 2 : 1670
WaveKeys Received : Yes

Expected Power : 2.50 dBm

Measured Power : 2.52 dBm
Power Deviation : 2.50 dB
Power Tolerance : 0.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 devpower help

help Display the default and valid values
<value> Enter the value

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 devpower help

Default value: 2.50 dB

Range: 0.00 dB to 10.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 devpower

Expected power deviation: 2.50 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 devpower 3.0

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power ?

help Display the default and valid values
off Disable wavekey monitoring
<value> Enter the value <-40.00 to 11.00> dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power help

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2547
config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey out <frequency> Nokia 1830 PSS

Default value: -99.00 dBm.

Range: -40.00 dBm to 11.00 dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power

Expected power: -1.02 dBm

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power off

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power -2.3

Error example for attempting setting expected power when port is auto power managed:

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 power 0.5

Unable to complete request.
Error: Request failed - Port is auto-power managed.

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 tolpower ?

help Display the default and valid values
<value> Enter the value

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 tolpower help

Default value: 0.00 dB

Range: 0.00 dB to 5.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 tolpower

Expected power tolerance: 0.00 dB

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 tolpower 0.5

#config interface a2325a 1/11/line wavekey out 9350 unexpected

Power Unexpected
Location (dBm) Wavekey

5.425.6 Related Commands

show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey
show wavekey

Release 10.0
August 2017
2548 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

5.426 show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

5.426.1 Purpose
This command displays channel information as detected by the Wavelength Tracker decoder.
Use this command to:
• Display a table of expected channels, their configuration for Wavelength Tracker and current
measured values.
• Display a table of expected channels with indication if the channels are missing or not missing.
• Display a table summary for the expected channels indicated their configuration of keys,
received status and unexpected channel status.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

5.426.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

5.426.3 Input Format

show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2549
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

5.426.4 Input Parameters



Entry required
Specifies the card type for which the command is executed.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2550 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey


Ports for a2p2125:
Ports for a4pswg:
Ports for ahplg:
Ports for ahphg:
Ports for alphg:
Ports for a2325a:
Ports for am2017b:
Ports for am2325b:
Ports for am2032a:
Ports for am2625a:

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2551
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

Ports for aswg:
Ports for awbegr:
Ports for awbing:
Ports for awbila:
Ports for cwr8:
Ports for cwr8-88:
Ports for iroadmf:
Ports for iroadmv:

Release 10.0
August 2017
2552 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

Ports for iroadm9m:

Ports for mesh4:
Ports for opsa:
Ports for wr2-88:
Ports for wr20-tf:
Ports for wr20-tfm:
Ports for wr20-tfml:
Ports for wr8-88a:
Ports for wr8-88af:

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2553
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS


Entry required
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: in


in [<frequency>]

For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Displays the Wavelength Tracker properties for specific wavelengths passing through the port in
the receive direction. If optional value <frequency> is given, only the row for the corresponding
channel is shown.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "in" direction.

Displays the expected channels and whether they are missing or not missing. Only provisioned
channels will be retrieved.
Sub-command: out


out [<frequency>]

For <frequency>:
<flexgridchannel> - selection of the channel.
Displays the Wavelength Tracker properties for specific wavelengths passing through the port in
the transmit direction. If optional value <frequency> is given, only the row for the corresponding
channel is shown.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <flexgridchannel> range. Only
provisioned channels can be retrieved.

Release 10.0
August 2017
2554 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey


This parameter is not available if the Wavelength Tracker decoder for the given <port-aid>
does not support the "out" direction.

Displays the expected channels and summary of expected keys configured, if channel is
received, and if unexpected channel is received. Only provisioned channels are displayed.

5.426.5 Examples

# show interface wr8-88af 1/12/sig wavekey ?

in Display only the in direction
missing Display all missing Wavekeys
out Display only the out direction
summary Display a summary of all Wavekey information

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for a port with Wavelength
Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show interface wr8-88af 1/12/sig wavekey

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/12/SIG Out 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes -17.23 -17.

59 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes -17.23 -17.
50 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG Out 9550.000 1110 1594 Down Yes -17.23 -17.
12 2.50 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9350.000 1180 1664 Up Yes -0.95
-3.19 4.00 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9400.000 1159 1643 Up Yes -0.95
-3.32 4.00 0.00 NOCMD
1/12/SIG In 9550.000 1108 1592 Down No -0.95
Off 4.00 0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for the receive direction:

# show interface wr8-88af 1/12/addin1 wavekey in

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2555
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/12/ADDIN1 In 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes -8.02 -11.92 5.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/12/ADDIN1 In 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes -8.02 -9.65 5.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table for the transmit direction:

# show interface a2325a 1/17/line wavekey out

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/17/LINE Out 9350.000 1186 1670 Up Yes 0.90 0.91 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/17/LINE Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes 0.90 0.93 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/17/LINE Out 9550.000 1110 1594 Down Yes 0.90 0.96 2.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a bidirectional port with Wavelength
Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show interface a2325a 1/17/line wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing In Missing Out

1/17/LINE 9350.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 - No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 - No

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August 2017
2556 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the transmit direction:

# show interface a2325a 1/17/sig wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing Out

1/17/SIG 9350.000 No
1/17/SIG 9400.000 No
1/17/SIG 9550.000 Yes

The following is an example for the "missing" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# show interface wr8-88af 1/12/addin1 wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing In

1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show interface a2325a 1/17/line wavekey summary

Wavekey - IN Wavekey - OUT

---------------------------- ----------------------------
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/17/LINE 9350.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9400.000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
1/17/LINE 9550.000 Yes No No Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a bidirectional port with
Wavelength Tracker channel detection in transmit and receive directions:

# show interface am2625a 1/4/lineout wavekey summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/4/LINEOUT 9170.000 Yes Yes No

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2557
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

1/4/LINEOUT 9180.000 Yes Yes No

1/4/LINEOUT 9350.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/4/LINEOUT 9485.000 Yes No No
1/4/LINEOUT 9500.000 Yes Yes No

The following is an example for the "summary" subcommand for a port with Wavelength Tracker
channel detection in only the receive direction:

# show interface wr8-88af 1/12/addin1 wavekey summary

Wavekey - IN
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/12/ADDIN1 9350.000 Yes No No
1/12/ADDIN1 9400.000 Yes No No

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker properties table with unkeyed channels

# show interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey out

Expected Measured Power

Wave Wave Channel Power Power
Dev Tol Synchronize
Location Key 1 Key 2 Status Rcvd (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dB) Power

** means Measurement is not supported for xc type at this location

1/11/SIG Out 9350.000 Unkey Unkey Up Unkey 2.50 2.54 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/11/SIG Out 9400.000 1171 1655 Up Yes 2.50 2.49 2.50
0.00 NOCMD
1/11/SIG Out 9550.000 Unkey Unkey Down Unkey 2.50 2.39 2.50
0.00 NOCMD

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "missing" table with unkeyed channels

# show interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey missing

Location Channel Missing Out


Release 10.0
August 2017
2558 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

1/11/SIG 9350.000 Unkey

1/11/SIG 9400.000 No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Unkey

The following is an example of the Wavelength Tracker "summary" table with unkeyed channels

# show interface a2325a 1/11/sig wavekey summary

Wavekey - OUT
Location Chan Expected Received Unexpected
** means No information is provided for this xc type
1/11/SIG 9350.000 Yes Unkey No
1/11/SIG 9400.000 Yes Yes No
1/11/SIG 9550.000 Yes Unkey No

5.426.6 Related Commands

config interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2559
show interface <card-type> <port-aid> wavekey Nokia 1830 PSS

Release 10.0
August 2017
2560 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS OT management commands

6 OT management commands

6.1 Overview

6.1.1 Purpose
This chapter contains various commands related to OT management.

6.1.2 Contents

6.1 Overview 2561

11DPE12 interface commands 2601
6.2 config interface 11dpe12 2601
6.3 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 2603
6.4 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 2607
6.5 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe 2610
6.6 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm 2613
6.7 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 2615
6.8 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> 2617
6.9 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 2623
6.10 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 2625
6.11 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige 2632
6.12 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm 2635
6.13 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 2637
6.14 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> 2639
6.15 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och 2643
6.16 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm 2645
6.17 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 2647
6.18 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state 2650
6.19 show interface 11dpe12 2653
6.20 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 2655
6.21 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 2658
6.22 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe 2660

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2561
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.23 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm 2662

6.24 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 2664
6.25 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> 2666
6.26 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 2672
6.27 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 2674
6.28 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige 2677
6.29 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm 2679
6.30 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 2681
6.31 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> 2683
6.32 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och 2686
6.33 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm 2687
6.34 show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 2689
11DPE12a interface commands 2691
6.35 config interface 11dpe12a 2691
6.36 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 2693
6.37 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 1gbe 2696
6.38 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> fe 2702
6.39 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> pm 2707
6.40 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 2709
6.41 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> 2712
6.42 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> odu2 2718
6.43 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> otu2 2720
6.44 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> tengige 2728
6.45 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> pm 2734
6.46 config interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 2736
6.47 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> 2739
6.48 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> och 2743
6.49 config interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> pm 2745
6.50 config interface 11dpe12a <tod-port-aid> 2747
6.51 config interface 11dpe12a <bits-port-aid> 2750
6.52 config interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 2756

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August 2017
2562 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.53 config interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> state 2759

6.54 show interface 11dpe12a 2762
6.55 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 2764
6.56 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> 1gbe 2767
6.57 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> fe 2770
6.58 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> pm 2773
6.59 show interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 2775
6.60 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> 2777
6.61 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> odu2 2782
6.62 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> otu2 2785
6.63 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> tengige 2789
6.64 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> pm 2792
6.65 show interface 11dpe12a <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 2794
6.66 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> 2796
6.67 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> och 2799
6.68 show interface 11dpe12a <va-port-aid> pm 2800
6.69 show interface 11dpe12a <tod-port-aid> 2802
6.70 show interface 11dpe12a <bits-port-aid> 2805
6.71 show interface 11dpe12a <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 2810
11DPE12a Eth OAM commands 2812
6.72 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam 2812
6.73 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> 2815
6.74 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> 2818
6.75 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2823
6.76 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2829
6.77 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2832
6.78 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2834
6.79 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2837

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2563
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.80 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2840
6.81 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2842
6.82 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2844
6.83 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2846
proactive-test <value>
6.84 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2849
proactive-test <value> two-way-lm
6.85 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2852
proactive-test <value> two-way-slm
6.86 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2855
proactive-test <value> two-way-dm
6.87 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2858
proactive-test <value> pmon
6.88 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon 2860
6.89 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy 2862
6.90 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy <policy- 2865
aid> tca-15min
6.91 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy <policy- 2867
aid> tca-1day
6.92 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy 2869
6.93 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy- 2872
aid> tca-15min
6.94 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy- 2874
aid> tca-1day
6.95 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy <policy- 2876
aid> tca-continuous
6.96 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy 2878
6.97 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy <policy- 2881
aid> tca-15min
6.98 config card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy <policy- 2884
aid> tca-1day

Release 10.0
August 2017
2564 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.99 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam cfm stack <interface> 2887
6.100 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam 2889
6.101 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> 2891
6.102 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> 2893
6.103 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> 2895
6.104 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2897
6.105 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2900
6.106 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2902
6.107 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2905
6.108 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2907
6.109 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2910
6.110 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2914
6.111 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2916
6.112 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2919
6.113 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2921
proactive-test <value>
6.114 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> <mep-aid> 2926
proactive-test <value> pmon
6.115 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon 2933
6.116 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-lm-policy 2935
6.117 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-slm-policy 2939
6.118 show card 11dpe12a <slot-aid> ethoam pmon pmon-dm-policy 2943
11DPE12e interface commands 2947
6.119 config interface 11dpe12e 2947
6.120 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 2949
6.121 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 1gbe 2952

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2565
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.122 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> fe 2956

6.123 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> pm 2960
6.124 config interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 2962
6.125 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> 2965
6.126 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> odu2 2971
6.127 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> otu2 2973
6.128 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> tengige 2980
6.129 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> pm 2985
6.130 config interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 2987
6.131 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> 2990
6.132 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> och 2994
6.133 config interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> pm 2996
6.134 config interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 2998
6.135 config interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> state 3001
6.136 show interface 11dpe12e 3004
6.137 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 3006
6.138 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3009
6.139 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> fe 3011
6.140 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> pm 3013
6.141 show interface 11dpe12e <client-port-aid> <vtsn> 3015
6.142 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> 3017
6.143 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> odu2 3021
6.144 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> otu2 3024
6.145 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> tengige 3028
6.146 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> pm 3030
6.147 show interface 11dpe12e <line-port-aid> <vtsn> 3032
6.148 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> 3034
6.149 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> och 3037
6.150 show interface 11dpe12e <va-port-aid> pm 3038
6.151 show interface 11dpe12e <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3040
11DPE12e Eth OAM commands 3042

Release 10.0
August 2017
2566 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.152 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> 3042

6.153 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> 3045
6.154 config card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> mep 3049
6.155 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam cfm stack <port-aid> 3053
6.156 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> 3055
6.157 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> 3057
6.158 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> mep 3059
6.159 show card 11dpe12e <slot-aid> ethoam <md-aid> <ma-aid> remote 3062
11DPM4M interface commands 3064
6.160 config interface 11DPM4M 3064
6.161 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 3066
6.162 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3071
6.163 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> fe 3074
6.164 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3077
6.165 config interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> pm 3084
6.166 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> 3086
6.167 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> otu2 3091
6.168 config interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> pm 3094
6.169 config interface 11DPM4M <port-aid> state 3096
6.170 show interface 11DPM4M 3099
6.171 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 3101
6.172 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3104
6.173 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> fe 3106
6.174 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3108
6.175 show interface 11DPM4M <client-port-aid> pm 3111
6.176 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> 3113
6.177 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> otu2 3115
6.178 show interface 11DPM4M <line-port-aid> pm 3117
11DPM8 interface commands 3119
6.179 config interface 11DPM8 3119

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2567
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.180 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 3121

6.181 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3126
6.182 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> fe 3130
6.183 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3133
6.184 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> pm 3140
6.185 config interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> otu1 3142
6.186 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> 3146
6.187 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> otu2 3151
6.188 config interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> pm 3155
6.189 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> 3157
6.190 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> och 3161
6.191 config interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> pm 3163
6.192 config interface 11DPM8 <port-aid> state 3165
6.193 show interface 11DPM8 3168
6.194 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 3170
6.195 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3173
6.196 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> fe 3175
6.197 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3177
6.198 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> pm 3180
6.199 show interface 11DPM8 <client-port-aid> otu1 3182
6.200 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> 3184
6.201 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> otu2 3187
6.202 show interface 11DPM8 <line-port-aid> pm 3189
6.203 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> 3191
6.204 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> och 3194
6.205 show interface 11DPM8 <va-port-aid> pm 3196
11DPM12 interface commands 3198
6.206 config interface 11dpm12 3198
6.207 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3200
6.208 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3207
6.209 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3gsdi 3211

Release 10.0
August 2017
2568 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.210 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 3214

6.211 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> fe 3219
6.212 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> hdsdi 3223
6.213 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3226
6.214 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> otu1 3234
6.215 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> pm 3236
6.216 config interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> sdsdi 3238
6.217 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> 3241
6.218 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> otu2 3246
6.219 config interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> pm 3249
6.220 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> 3251
6.221 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> och 3255
6.222 config interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> pm 3257
6.223 config interface 11dpm12 <port-aid> state 3259
6.224 show interface 11dpm12 3262
6.225 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3264
6.226 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3269
6.227 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> 3gsdi 3271
6.228 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 3273
6.229 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> fe 3275
6.230 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> hdsdi 3277
6.231 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3279
6.232 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> otu1 3282
6.233 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> pm 3284
6.234 show interface 11dpm12 <client-port-aid> sdsdi 3286
6.235 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> 3288
6.236 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> otu2 3291
6.237 show interface 11dpm12 <line-port-aid> pm 3293
6.238 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> 3295
6.239 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> och 3298
6.240 show interface 11dpm12 <va-port-aid> pm 3300

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2569
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

11OPE8 interface commands 3302

6.241 config interface 11ope8 3302
6.242 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> 3304
6.243 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> tengige 3309
6.244 config interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> pm 3313
6.245 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> 3315
6.246 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> odu2 3323
6.247 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> otu2 3325
6.248 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> tengige 3331
6.249 config interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> pm 3337
6.250 config interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> 3339
6.251 config interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> tengige 3344
6.252 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> 3346
6.253 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> och 3350
6.254 config interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> pm 3352
6.255 config interface 11ope8 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3354
6.256 config interface 11ope8 <port-aid> state 3357
6.257 config interface 11ope8 <tod-port-aid> 3360
6.258 show interface 11ope8 3363
6.259 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> 3365
6.260 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> tengige 3368
6.261 show interface 11ope8 <client-port-aid> pm 3370
6.262 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> 3372
6.263 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> odu2 3377
6.264 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> otu2 3380
6.265 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> tengige 3383
6.266 show interface 11ope8 <x-port-aid> pm 3385
6.267 show interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> 3387
6.268 show interface 11ope8 <m-port-aid> tengige 3389
6.269 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> 3391
6.270 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> och 3394

Release 10.0
August 2017
2570 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.271 show interface 11ope8 <va-port-aid> pm 3395

6.272 show interface 11ope8 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3397
6.273 show interface 11ope8 <tod-port-aid> 3399
11QCE12X interface commands 3402
6.274 config interface 11qce12x 3402
6.275 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 3405
6.276 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3411
6.277 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> fe 3415
6.278 config interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> pm 3418
6.279 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> 3420
6.280 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> odu2 3428
6.281 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> otu2 3430
6.282 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> tengige 3435
6.283 config interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> pm 3439
6.284 config interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> 3441
6.285 config interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> tengige 3446
6.286 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> 3448
6.287 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> och 3452
6.288 config interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> pm 3454
6.289 config interface 11qce12x <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3456
6.290 config interface 11qce12x <port-aid> state 3459
6.291 config interface 11qce12x <tod-port-aid> 3462
6.292 config interface 11qce12x <bits-port-aid> 3465
6.293 show interface 11qce12x 3471
6.294 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 3473
6.295 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3476
6.296 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> fe 3478
6.297 show interface 11qce12x <client-port-aid> pm 3480
6.298 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> 3482
6.299 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> odu2 3487
6.300 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> otu2 3490

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2571
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.301 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> tengige 3493

6.302 show interface 11qce12x <x-port-aid> pm 3495
6.303 show interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> 3497
6.304 show interface 11qce12x <m-port-aid> tengige 3499
6.305 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> 3501
6.306 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> och 3503
6.307 show interface 11qce12x <va-port-aid> pm 3504
6.308 show interface 11qce12x <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3506
6.309 show interface 11qce12x <tod-port-aid> 3508
6.310 show interface 11qce12x <bits-port-aid> 3511
11QPA4 interface commands 3515
6.311 config interface 11qpa4 3515
6.312 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> 3517
6.313 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> ddr 3521
6.314 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 3523
6.315 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc800 3525
6.316 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3528
6.317 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> tengige 3533
6.318 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> odu2 3537
6.319 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> otu2 3538
6.320 config interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> pm 3542
6.321 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> 3544
6.322 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> odu2 3550
6.323 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> otu2 3554
6.324 config interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> pm 3559
6.325 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> 3561
6.326 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> och 3565
6.327 config interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> pm 3567
6.328 config interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3569
6.329 config interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> state 3572
6.330 show interface 11qpa4 3575

Release 10.0
August 2017
2572 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.331 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> 3577

6.332 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> ddr 3584
6.333 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 3586
6.334 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> fc800 3588
6.335 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3590
6.336 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> tengige 3593
6.337 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> odu2 3595
6.338 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> otu2 3597
6.339 show interface 11qpa4 <client-port-aid> pm 3600
6.340 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> 3602
6.341 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> odu2 3606
6.342 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> otu2 3609
6.343 show interface 11qpa4 <line-port-aid> pm 3612
6.344 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> 3614
6.345 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> och 3617
6.346 show interface 11qpa4 <va-port-aid> pm 3618
6.347 show interface 11qpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3619
11QPA4B interface commands 3621
6.348 config interface 11qpa4b 3621
6.349 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> 3623
6.350 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> tengige 3626
6.351 config interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> pm 3629
6.352 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> 3631
6.353 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> pm 3636
6.354 config interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> <otn> 3638
6.355 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> 3642
6.356 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> och 3646
6.357 config interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> pm 3648
6.358 config interface 11qpa4b <port-aid> state 3650
6.359 show interface 11qpa4b 3653
6.360 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> 3655

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2573
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.361 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> tengige 3658

6.362 show interface 11qpa4b <client-port-aid> pm 3660
6.363 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> 3663
6.364 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> <otn> 3666
6.365 show interface 11qpa4b <line-port-aid> pm 3668
6.366 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> 3670
6.367 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> och 3673
6.368 show interface 11qpa4b <va-port-aid> pm 3674
11QPE24 interface commands 3676
6.369 config interface 11qpe24 3676
6.370 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 3678
6.371 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3683
6.372 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> fe 3686
6.373 config interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> pm 3689
6.374 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> 3691
6.375 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> odu2 3699
6.376 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> otu2 3701
6.377 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> tengige 3706
6.378 config interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> pm 3710
6.379 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> 3712
6.380 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> och 3716
6.381 config interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> pm 3718
6.382 config interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3720
6.383 config interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> state 3723
6.384 show interface 11qpe24 3725
6.385 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 3727
6.386 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3730
6.387 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> fe 3732
6.388 show interface 11qpe24 <client-port-aid> pm 3734
6.389 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> 3736
6.390 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> odu2 3741

Release 10.0
August 2017
2574 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.391 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> otu2 3744

6.392 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> tengige 3747
6.393 show interface 11qpe24 <x-port-aid> pm 3749
6.394 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> 3751
6.395 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> och 3754
6.396 show interface 11qpe24 <va-port-aid> pm 3755
6.397 show interface 11qpe24 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3757
11QPEN4 interface commands 3759
6.398 config interface 11QPEN4 3759
6.399 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> 3761
6.400 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ddr 3765
6.401 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 3767
6.402 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc800 3770
6.403 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> tengige 3773
6.404 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> odu2 3776
6.405 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> otu2 3777
6.406 config interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> pm 3781
6.407 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> 3783
6.408 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> encrypt 3788
6.409 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> odu2 3790
6.410 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> otu2 3793
6.411 config interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> pm 3797
6.412 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> 3799
6.413 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> och 3803
6.414 config interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> pm 3805
6.415 config interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3807
6.416 config interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> state 3810
6.417 show interface 11QPEN4 3813
6.418 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> 3815
6.419 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> ddr 3822
6.420 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc1200 3824

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2575
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.421 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> fc800 3826

6.422 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> tengige 3828
6.423 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> odu2 3830
6.424 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> otu2 3832
6.425 show interface 11QPEN4 <client-port-aid> pm 3835
6.426 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> 3837
6.427 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> encrypt 3841
6.428 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> odu2 3843
6.429 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> otu2 3846
6.430 show interface 11QPEN4 <line-port-aid> pm 3849
6.431 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> 3851
6.432 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> och 3853
6.433 show interface 11QPEN4 <va-port-aid> pm 3854
6.434 show interface 11QPEN4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3855
11STAR1/11STAR1A interface commands 3857
6.435 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} 3857
6.436 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> 3858
6.437 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc1200 3862
6.438 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc800 3865
6.439 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3868
6.440 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> tengige 3873
6.441 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> odu2 3876
6.442 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> otu2 3877
6.443 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> pm 3881
6.444 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> 3883
6.445 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> odu2 3889
6.446 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> otu2 3892
6.447 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> pm 3895
6.448 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3897
6.449 config interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> state 3900
6.450 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} 3903

Release 10.0
August 2017
2576 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.451 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> 3904

6.452 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc1200 3911
6.453 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> fc800 3913
6.454 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 3915
6.455 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> tengige 3918
6.456 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> odu2 3920
6.457 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> otu2 3922
6.458 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <client-port-aid> pm 3925
6.459 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> 3927
6.460 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> odu2 3931
6.461 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> otu2 3933
6.462 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <line-port-aid> pm 3936
6.463 show interface {11star1 | 11star1a} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3938
11STGE12 interface commands 3940
6.464 config interface 11stge12 3940
6.465 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 3942
6.466 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3945
6.467 config interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> pm 3948
6.468 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> 3950
6.469 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> odu2 3955
6.470 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> otu2 3957
6.471 config interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> pm 3960
6.472 config interface 11stge12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3962
6.473 config interface 11stge12 <port-aid> state 3965
6.474 show interface 11stge12 3968
6.475 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 3970
6.476 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3972
6.477 show interface 11stge12 <client-port-aid> pm 3974
6.478 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> 3976
6.479 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> odu2 3979
6.480 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> otu2 3981

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2577
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.481 show interface 11stge12 <line-port-aid> pm 3983

6.482 show interface 11stge12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 3985
11STMM10 interface commands 3987
6.483 config interface 11stmm10 3987
6.484 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 3989
6.485 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 3993
6.486 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> cbr2g5 3997
6.487 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 4002
6.488 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4005
6.489 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> odu1 4011
6.490 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> otu1 4012
6.491 config interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> pm 4016
6.492 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> 4018
6.493 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> odu2 4023
6.494 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> otu2 4025
6.495 config interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> pm 4027
6.496 config interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4029
6.497 config interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> state 4032
6.498 show interface 11stmm10 4035
6.499 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 4037
6.500 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 4040
6.501 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> cbr2g5 4042
6.502 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 4045
6.503 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4047
6.504 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> odu1 4050
6.505 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> otu1 4051
6.506 show interface 11stmm10 <client-port-aid> pm 4053
6.507 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> 4055
6.508 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> odu2 4060
6.509 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> otu2 4062
6.510 show interface 11stmm10 <line-port-aid> pm 4064

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August 2017
2578 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.511 show interface 11stmm10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4066

6.512 show resource 11stmm10 <slot-aid> 4068
112SCA1 interface commands 4070
6.513 config interface 112sca1 4070
6.514 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> 4071
6.515 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4074
6.516 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4077
6.517 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4078
6.518 config interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4081
6.519 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> 4083
6.520 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4089
6.521 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4091
6.522 config interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4095
6.523 config interface 112sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4097
6.524 config interface 112sca1 <port-aid> state 4100
6.525 show interface 112sca1 4103
6.526 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> 4104
6.527 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4107
6.528 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4109
6.529 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4110
6.530 show interface 112sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4112
6.531 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> 4114
6.532 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4117
6.533 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4119
6.534 show interface 112sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4122
6.535 show interface 112sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4124
112SCX10 interface commands 4126
6.536 config interface 112scx10 4126
6.537 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> 4127
6.538 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4131
6.539 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4134

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2579
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.540 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4139

6.541 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4142
6.542 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4143
6.543 config interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4147
6.544 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> 4149
6.545 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4154
6.546 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4156
6.547 config interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4160
6.548 config interface 112scx10 <port-aid> state 4162
6.549 config interface 112scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4165
6.550 show interface 112scx10 4168
6.551 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> 4169
6.552 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4171
6.553 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4173
6.554 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4176
6.555 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4178
6.556 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4179
6.557 show interface 112scx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4181
6.558 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> 4183
6.559 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4186
6.560 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4188
6.561 show interface 112scx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4191
6.562 show interface 112scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4193
112SDX11 interface commands 4195
6.563 config interface 112sdx11 4195
6.564 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> 4197
6.565 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> ddr 4204
6.566 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 4206
6.567 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <otu-entity> 4209
6.568 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> pm 4212
6.569 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4214

Release 10.0
August 2017
2580 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.570 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> cbr10g3 4217

6.571 config interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> fortyGigeMld 4220
6.572 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> 4222
6.573 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otl4.4 4228
6.574 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otu4 4232
6.575 config interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> pm 4236
6.576 config interface 112sdx11 <port-aid> state 4238
6.577 show interface 112sdx11 4241
6.578 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> 4243
6.579 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> ddr 4249
6.580 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 4251
6.581 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> <otu-entity> 4253
6.582 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> pm 4255
6.583 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> cbr10g3 4257
6.584 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4259
6.585 show interface 112sdx11 <client-port-aid> fortyGigeMld 4261
6.586 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> 4263
6.587 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otl4.4 4266
6.588 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> pm 4269
6.589 show interface 112sdx11 <line-port-aid> otu4 4271
112SNA1 interface commands 4274
6.590 config interface 112sna1 4274
6.591 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> 4275
6.592 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4278
6.593 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4281
6.594 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4282
6.595 config interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> pm 4285
6.596 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> 4287
6.597 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4292
6.598 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4294
6.599 config interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> pm 4298

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2581
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.600 config interface 112sna1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4300

6.601 config interface 112sna1 <port-aid> state 4303
6.602 show interface 112sna1 4306
6.603 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> 4307
6.604 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4310
6.605 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4312
6.606 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4313
6.607 show interface 112sna1 <client-port-aid> pm 4315
6.608 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> 4317
6.609 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4320
6.610 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4322
6.611 show interface 112sna1 <line-port-aid> pm 4325
6.612 show interface 112sna1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4327
112SNX10 interface commands 4329
6.613 config interface 112snx10 4329
6.614 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> 4330
6.615 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4334
6.616 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4337
6.617 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4342
6.618 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4345
6.619 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4346
6.620 config interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4350
6.621 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> 4352
6.622 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4357
6.623 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4359
6.624 config interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4363
6.625 config interface 112snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4365
6.626 config interface 112snx10 <port-aid> state 4368
6.627 show interface 112snx10 4371
6.628 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> 4372
6.629 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4374

Release 10.0
August 2017
2582 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.630 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4376

6.631 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4379
6.632 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4381
6.633 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4382
6.634 show interface 112snx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4384
6.635 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> 4386
6.636 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4389
6.637 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4391
6.638 show interface 112snx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4394
6.639 show interface 112snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4396
12P120 interface commands 4398
6.640 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> 4398
6.641 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> <non-otn> 4407
6.642 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> <otn> 4416
6.643 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> pm 4422
6.644 config interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> 4425
6.645 config interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> och 4430
6.646 config interface 12p120 <backplane-port-aid> 4432
6.647 config interface 12p120 <port-aid> state 4434
6.648 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> 4437
6.649 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> <non-otn> 4444
6.650 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> <otn> 4449
6.651 show interface 12p120 <port-aid> pm 4452
6.652 show interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> 4455
6.653 show interface 12p120 <va-port-aid> och 4458
6.654 show interface 12p120 <backplane-port-aid> 4459
130SCA1 interface commands 4461
6.655 config interface 130sca1 4461
6.656 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> 4462
6.657 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4466
6.658 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4469

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2583
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.659 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4472

6.660 config interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4473
6.661 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> 4475
6.662 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4480
6.663 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4484
6.664 config interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4486
6.665 config interface 130sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4488
6.666 config interface 130sca1 <port-aid> state 4491
6.667 show interface 130sca1 4494
6.668 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> 4495
6.669 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4498
6.670 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> odu4 4500
6.671 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> otu4 4501
6.672 show interface 130sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4503
6.673 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> 4505
6.674 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4508
6.675 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4510
6.676 show interface 130sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4513
6.677 show interface 130sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4515
130SCX10 interface commands 4517
6.678 config interface 130scx10 4517
6.679 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> 4518
6.680 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4522
6.681 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4525
6.682 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4530
6.683 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4534
6.684 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4535
6.685 config interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4539
6.686 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> 4541
6.687 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4546
6.688 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4549

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August 2017
2584 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.689 config interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4553

6.690 config interface 130scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4555
6.691 config interface 130scx10 <port-aid> state 4558
6.692 show interface 130scx10 4561
6.693 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> 4562
6.694 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4564
6.695 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4566
6.696 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4569
6.697 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4571
6.698 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4572
6.699 show interface 130scx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4574
6.700 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> 4576
6.701 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4579
6.702 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4581
6.703 show interface 130scx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4584
6.704 show interface 130scx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4586
130SNQ10 interface commands 4588
6.705 config interface 130snq10 4588
6.706 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> 4589
6.707 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4592
6.708 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4597
6.709 config interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> pm 4600
6.710 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> 4602
6.711 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4607
6.712 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4609
6.713 config interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> pm 4613
6.714 config interface 130snq10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4615
6.715 config interface 130snq10 <port-aid> state 4618
6.716 show interface 130snq10 4621
6.717 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> 4622
6.718 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4624

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2585
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.719 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4627

6.720 show interface 130snq10 <client-port-aid> pm 4629
6.721 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> 4631
6.722 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4634
6.723 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4636
6.724 show interface 130snq10 <line-port-aid> pm 4639
6.725 show interface 130snq10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4641
130SNX10 interface commands 4643
6.726 config interface 130snx10 4643
6.727 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> 4644
6.728 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4648
6.729 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4651
6.730 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4656
6.731 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4660
6.732 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4661
6.733 config interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4665
6.734 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> 4667
6.735 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4673
6.736 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4676
6.737 config interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4680
6.738 config interface 130snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4682
6.739 config interface 130snx10 <port-aid> state 4685
6.740 show interface 130snx10 4688
6.741 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> 4689
6.742 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> fc800 4691
6.743 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4693
6.744 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> tenGige 4696
6.745 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> odu2 4698
6.746 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> otu2 4699
6.747 show interface 130snx10 <client-port-aid> pm 4701
6.748 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> 4703

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August 2017
2586 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.749 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> odu4 4707

6.750 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> otu4 4709
6.751 show interface 130snx10 <line-port-aid> pm 4712
6.752 show interface 130snx10 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4714
1DPP24M interface commands 4716
6.753 config interface 1dpp24m 4716
6.754 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> 4718
6.755 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> e1 4721
6.756 config interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> pm 4723
6.757 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> 4725
6.758 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> pm 4729
6.759 config interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> stm1 4731
6.760 config interface 1dpp24m <port-aid> state 4735
6.761 show interface 1dpp24m 4738
6.762 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> 4740
6.763 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> e1 4742
6.764 show interface 1dpp24m <client-port-aid> pm 4744
6.765 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> 4745
6.766 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> pm 4747
6.767 show interface 1dpp24m <line-port-aid> stm1 4749
1UD200 interface commands 4751
6.768 config interface 1ud200 4751
6.769 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> 4753
6.770 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> state 4760
6.771 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> <otun> 4763
6.772 config interface 1ud200 <port-aid> pm 4766
6.773 config interface 1ud200 <backplane-port-aid> 4769
6.774 show interface 1ud200 4772
6.775 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid> 4774
6.776 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid> <otun> 4778
6.777 show interface 1ud200 <port-aid> pm 4781

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2587
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.778 show interface 1ud200 <backplane-port-aid> 4783

20P200 interface commands 4785
6.779 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> 4785
6.780 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> <non-otn> 4795
6.781 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> <otn> 4804
6.782 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> pm 4808
6.783 config interface 20p200 <backplane-port-aid> 4811
6.784 config interface 20p200 <port-aid> state 4814
6.785 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> 4817
6.786 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> <non-otn> 4824
6.787 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> <otn> 4829
6.788 show interface 20p200 <port-aid> pm 4832
6.789 show interface 20p200 <backplane-port-aid> 4835
260SCX2 interface commands 4837
6.790 config interface 260scx2 4837
6.791 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> 4838
6.792 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> hundredgige 4842
6.793 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> otu4 4845
6.794 config interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> pm 4847
6.795 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> 4849
6.796 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4 4854
6.797 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4x2 4857
6.798 config interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> pm 4860
6.799 config interface 260scx2 <port-aid> state 4862
6.800 show interface 260scx2 4865
6.801 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> 4866
6.802 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> hundredGige 4869
6.803 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> otu4 4871
6.804 show interface 260scx2 <client-port-aid> pm 4873
6.805 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> 4875
6.806 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4 4879

Release 10.0
August 2017
2588 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.807 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> otu4x2 4882

6.808 show interface 260scx2 <line-port-aid> pm 4885
43SCA1 interface commands 4887
6.809 config interface 43sca1 4887
6.810 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> 4888
6.811 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4892
6.812 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> odu3 4896
6.813 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> otu3 4897
6.814 config interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4899
6.815 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> 4901
6.816 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> odu3 4907
6.817 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> otu3 4909
6.818 config interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4912
6.819 config interface 43sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4914
6.820 config interface 43sca1 <port-aid> state 4917
6.821 show interface 43sca1 4920
6.822 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> 4921
6.823 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4924
6.824 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> odu3 4927
6.825 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> otu3 4928
6.826 show interface 43sca1 <client-port-aid> pm 4930
6.827 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> 4932
6.828 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> odu3 4935
6.829 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> otu3 4937
6.830 show interface 43sca1 <line-port-aid> pm 4939
6.831 show interface 43sca1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4941
43SCGE1 interface commands 4943
6.832 config interface 43scge1 4943
6.833 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> 4944
6.834 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> fortyGige 4947
6.835 config interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> pm 4949

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2589
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.836 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> 4951

6.837 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4956
6.838 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4958
6.839 config interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> pm 4961
6.840 config interface 43scge1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4963
6.841 config interface 43scge1 <port-aid> state 4966
6.842 show interface 43scge1 4969
6.843 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> 4970
6.844 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> fortyGige 4972
6.845 show interface 43scge1 <client-port-aid> pm 4974
6.846 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> 4976
6.847 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> odu4 4979
6.848 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> otu4 4981
6.849 show interface 43scge1 <line-port-aid> pm 4983
6.850 show interface 43scge1 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 4985
43SCX4 and 43SCX4E interface commands 4987
6.851 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} 4987
6.852 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> 4988
6.853 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> fc800 4992
6.854 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 4994
6.855 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> tenGige 4999
6.856 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> odu2 5003
6.857 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> otu2 5004
6.858 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> pm 5007
6.859 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> 5009
6.860 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> odu3e2 5014
6.861 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> otu3e2 5017
6.862 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> pm 5020
6.863 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5022
6.864 config interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> state 5025
6.865 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} 5028

Release 10.0
August 2017
2590 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.866 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> 5029

6.867 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> fc800 5033
6.868 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5035
6.869 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> tenGige 5038
6.870 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> odu2 5040
6.871 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> otu2 5041
6.872 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <client-port-aid> pm 5043
6.873 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> 5045
6.874 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> odu3e2 5048
6.875 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> otu3e2 5050
6.876 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <line-port-aid> pm 5052
6.877 show interface {43scx4 | 43scx4e} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5054
43STA1P interface commands 5056
6.878 config interface 43sta1p 5056
6.879 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> 5057
6.880 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5060
6.881 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> otu3 5063
6.882 config interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> pm 5065
6.883 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> 5067
6.884 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> odu3 5073
6.885 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> otu3 5075
6.886 config interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> pm 5079
6.887 config interface 43sta1p <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5081
6.888 config interface 43sta1p <port-aid> state 5084
6.889 show interface 43sta1p 5087
6.890 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> 5088
6.891 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5091
6.892 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> otu3 5093
6.893 show interface 43sta1p <client-port-aid> pm 5095
6.894 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> 5097
6.895 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> odu3 5100

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2591
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.896 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> otu3 5102

6.897 show interface 43sta1p <line-port-aid> pm 5105
6.898 show interface 43sta1p <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5107
43STX4 and 43STX4P interface commands 5109
6.899 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} 5109
6.900 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> 5110
6.901 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5114
6.902 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> tenGige 5118
6.903 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> odu2 5121
6.904 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> otu2 5122
6.905 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> pm 5125
6.906 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> 5127
6.907 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> odu3 5132
6.908 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> otu3 5134
6.909 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> pm 5136
6.910 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5138
6.911 config interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> state 5141
6.912 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} 5144
6.913 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> 5145
6.914 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5147
6.915 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> tenGige 5150
6.916 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> odu2 5152
6.917 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> otu2 5154
6.918 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <client-port-aid> pm 5157
6.919 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> 5159
6.920 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> odu3 5162
6.921 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> otu3 5165
6.922 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <line-port-aid> pm 5167
6.923 show interface {43stx4 | 43stx4p} <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5169
4DPA2 interface commands 5171
6.924 config interface 4dpa2 5171

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August 2017
2592 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.925 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 5173

6.926 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5176
6.927 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5178
6.928 config interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> pm 5180
6.929 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 5182
6.930 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 1gbe 5186
6.931 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5188
6.932 config interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> pm 5190
6.933 config interface 4dpa2 <port-aid> state 5192
6.934 show interface 4dpa2 5195
6.935 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 5197
6.936 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5200
6.937 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5202
6.938 show interface 4dpa2 <client-port-aid> pm 5204
6.939 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 5206
6.940 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> 1gbe 5209
6.941 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5211
6.942 show interface 4dpa2 <line-port-aid> pm 5214
4DPA4 interface commands 5216
6.943 config interface 4dpa4 5216
6.944 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 5218
6.945 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5222
6.946 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 5226
6.947 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <client-signal> 5230
6.948 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5234
6.949 config interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> pm 5241
6.950 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> 5243
6.951 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> otu1 5248
6.952 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> odu1 5252
6.953 config interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> pm 5255
6.954 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> 5257

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2593
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.955 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> och 5261

6.956 config interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> pm 5263
6.957 config interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5265
6.958 config interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> state 5268
6.959 show interface 4dpa4 5271
6.960 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 5273
6.961 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5277
6.962 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <fcn> 5279
6.963 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <client-signal> 5281
6.964 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5283
6.965 show interface 4dpa4 <client-port-aid> pm 5286
6.966 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> 5288
6.967 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> otu1 5292
6.968 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> odu1 5294
6.969 show interface 4dpa4 <line-port-aid> pm 5296
6.970 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> 5298
6.971 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> och 5300
6.972 show interface 4dpa4 <va-port-aid> pm 5302
6.973 show interface 4dpa4 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti 5304
4QPA8 interface commands 5306
6.974 config interface 4qpa8 5306
6.975 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 5308
6.976 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5312
6.977 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> fe 5316
6.978 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5319
6.979 config interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> pm 5326
6.980 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> 5328
6.981 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> otu1 5333
6.982 config interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> pm 5336
6.983 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> 5338
6.984 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> och 5342

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August 2017
2594 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.985 config interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> pm 5344

6.986 config interface 4qpa8 <port-aid> state 5346
6.987 show interface 4qpa8 5349
6.988 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 5351
6.989 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> 1gbe 5354
6.990 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> fe 5356
6.991 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5358
6.992 show interface 4qpa8 <client-port-aid> pm 5361
6.993 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> 5363
6.994 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> otu1 5366
6.995 show interface 4qpa8 <line-port-aid> pm 5368
6.996 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> 5370
6.997 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> och 5372
6.998 show interface 4qpa8 <va-port-aid> pm 5374
D5X500 interface commands 5376
6.999 config interface <d5x500-card> 5376
6.1000 config interface <d5x500-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5378
6.1001 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> 5381
6.1002 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> hundredGige 5391
6.1003 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> otu4 5394
6.1004 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5397
6.1005 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> <encoding> 5403
6.1006 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> pm 5408
6.1007 config interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> state 5412
6.1008 show interface <d5x500-card> 5415
6.1009 show interface <d5x500-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5417
6.1010 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> 5419
6.1011 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> hundredGige 5425
6.1012 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> otu4 5427
6.1013 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5429
6.1014 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> <otun> <encoding> 5434

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2595
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.1015 show interface <d5x500-card> <port-aid> pm 5437

MVAC interface commands 5440
6.1016 config interface mvac 5440
6.1017 config interface mvac <g-port-aid> 5442
6.1018 config interface mvac <g-port-aid> och 5446
6.1019 config interface mvac <g-port-aid> pm 5448
6.1020 config interface mvac <port-aid> state 5450
6.1021 show interface mvac 5453
6.1022 show interface mvac <g-port-aid> 5455
6.1023 show interface mvac <g-port-aid> och 5459
6.1024 show interface mvac <g-port-aid> pm 5460
MVAC8B interface commands 5462
6.1025 config interface mvac8b 5462
6.1026 config interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> 5464
6.1027 config interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> pm 5466
6.1028 config interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> 5468
6.1029 config interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> pm 5471
6.1030 config interface mvac8b <port-aid> state 5473
6.1031 show interface mvac8b 5476
6.1032 show interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> 5477
6.1033 show interface mvac8b <client-port-aid> pm 5479
6.1034 show interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> 5481
6.1035 show interface mvac8b <line-port-aid> pm 5483
PTPCTL interface commands 5485
6.1036 config interface PTPCTL 5485
6.1037 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> state 5487
6.1038 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 5490
6.1039 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 1gbe 5493
6.1040 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> fe 5496
6.1041 config interface PTPCTL <port-aid> pm 5499
6.1042 config interface PTPCTL <bits-port-aid> 5501

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August 2017
2596 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.1043 config interface PTPCTL <tod-port-aid> 5505

6.1044 show interface PTPCTL 5508
6.1045 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 5510
6.1046 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> 1gbe 5512
6.1047 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> fe 5514
6.1048 show interface PTPCTL <port-aid> pm 5516
6.1049 show interface PTPCTL <bits-port-aid> 5518
6.1050 show interface PTPCTL <tod-port-aid> 5521
PTPIO interface commands 5523
6.1051 config interface PTPIO 5523
6.1052 config interface PTPIO <line-port-aid> 5525
6.1053 config interface PTPIO <sig-port-aid> 5527
6.1054 config interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> 5530
6.1055 config interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> pm 5532
6.1056 config interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> 5534
6.1057 config interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> pm 5536
6.1058 config interface PTPIO <port-aid> state 5538
6.1059 show interface PTPIO 5541
6.1060 show interface PTPIO <line-port-aid> 5543
6.1061 show interface PTPIO <sig-port-aid> 5545
6.1062 show interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> 5547
6.1063 show interface PTPIO <itp-port-aid> pm 5549
6.1064 show interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> 5551
6.1065 show interface PTPIO <tp-port-aid> pm 5553
PTPIOC Interface Commands 5555
6.1066 config interface PTPIOC 5555
6.1067 config interface PTPIOC <osc-port-aid> 5557
6.1068 config interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> 5560
6.1069 config interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> ots 5563
6.1070 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 5565
6.1071 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 1gbe 5568

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2597
Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.1072 config interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> fe 5571

6.1073 config interface PTPIOC <port-aid> state 5573
6.1074 config interface PTPIOC <port-aid> pm 5576
6.1075 show interface PTPIOC 5578
6.1076 show interface PTPIOC <osc-port-aid> 5580
6.1077 show interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> 5581
6.1078 show interface PTPIOC <otcline-port-aid> ots 5583
6.1079 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 5585
6.1080 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> 1gbe 5587
6.1081 show interface PTPIOC <otcsig-port-aid> fe 5589
6.1082 show interface PTPIOC <port-aid> pm 5591
S13X100 interface commands 5593
6.1083 config interface <s13x100-card> 5593
6.1084 config interface <s13x100-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5595
6.1085 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> 5598
6.1086 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5612
6.1087 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5618
6.1088 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otn> 5624
6.1089 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5628
6.1090 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> pm 5632
6.1091 config interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> state 5636
6.1092 show interface <s13x100-card> 5639
6.1093 show interface <s13x100-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5641
6.1094 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> 5644
6.1095 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5651
6.1096 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5654
6.1097 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otn> 5657
6.1098 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5660
6.1099 show interface <s13x100-card> <port-aid> pm 5665
SVAC interface commands 5669
6.1100 config interface svac 5669

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August 2017
2598 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS Overview

6.1101 config interface svac <client-port-aid> 5671

6.1102 config interface svac <client-port-aid> pm 5673
6.1103 config interface svac <line-port-aid> 5675
6.1104 config interface svac <line-port-aid> pm 5678
6.1105 config interface svac <port-aid> state 5680
6.1106 show interface svac 5683
6.1107 show interface svac <client-port-aid> 5684
6.1108 show interface svac <client-port-aid> pm 5686
6.1109 show interface svac <line-port-aid> 5687
6.1110 show interface svac <line-port-aid> pm 5689
DSW Packet Switch Cards interface commands 5690
6.1111 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> 5690
6.1112 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> 5692
6.1113 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5698
6.1114 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5702
6.1115 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> state 5710
6.1116 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5713
6.1117 config interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> pm 5716
6.1118 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> 5719
6.1119 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> 5722
6.1120 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5728
6.1121 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <backplane-port-aid> 5731
6.1122 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5733
6.1123 show interface <dsw-packetswitch-card> <port-aid> pm 5736
PSS-<n>x IO card interface commands 5739
6.1124 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> 5739
6.1125 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> state 5753
6.1126 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5757
6.1127 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5765
6.1128 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5774
6.1129 config interface <csw-card> <port-aid> pm 5789

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Overview Nokia 1830 PSS

6.1130 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> 5794

6.1131 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ngige> 5805
6.1132 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <ocn-stmn> 5809
6.1133 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> <otun> 5813
6.1134 show interface <csw-card> <port-aid> pm 5820
Other interface commands 5825
6.1135 config interface extwavekeys 5825
6.1136 show interface extwavekeys 5828
6.1137 show interface brief 5831

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12

11DPE12 interface commands

6.2 config interface 11dpe12

6.2.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the 11DPE12 card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the client C{1-12} ports, the line ports L{1-2} or eVOA
ports VA{1..2}.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.2.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.2.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid>

6.2.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ port 12
<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ port 2
<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the 11DPE12 cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

6.2.5 Examples
#config interface 11dpe12 *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier
3/2/L1 Network Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/L2 Network Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C1 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C2 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C3 Client Bi Up Down SGEO

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config interface 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS

3/2/C4 Client Bi Down Down UAS

3/2/C5 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C6 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C7 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C8 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C9 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C10 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C11 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C12 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/VA1 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/VA2 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO

6.2.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12

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6.3 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

6.3.1 Purpose
This command configures the C{1-12} client ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the 1 Gb Ethernet attributes
• Set the FE attributes
• Set the loopback mode
• Set the performance monitoring
• Set the administrative state
• Set the client port type
• Set the virtual time slot attributes
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.3.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.3.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>
loopback [facility | terminal]

6.3.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

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Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by a string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: 1gbe

Sets the 1Gb Ethernet port attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe"
Sub-command: fe


This sub-command applies only to 1830 PSS-4.

Sets the Fast Ethernet port attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe".
Sub-command: loopback


loopback [facility | terminal]

Configures the loopback.


facility [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the facility loopback

disabled - disable the facility loopback

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Configure the facility loopback of the port. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.


terminal [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the terminal loopback

disabled - disable the terminal loopback

Configure the terminal loopback of the port. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.
Sub-command: pm

Sets the Performance Monitoring attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>
pm" to configure pm attributes.
Sub-command: state

Enable or disable the port. See "config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> state"


type [1gbe | fe| unassigned]


1gbe - for 1 Gb Ethernet client

fe - for Fast Ethernet client (applies to 1830 PSS-4 only)
unassigned - to set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.
Sub-command: <vtsn>

Sets the virtual time slot attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>".

6.3.5 Examples

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1


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6.3.6 Related Commands

show interface 11DPE12 <client-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

6.4 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

6.4.1 Purpose
This command configures the 1 Gb Ethernet client port (C{1-12}) attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set autonegotiation
• Set the transmit frequency for the pluggable module
• Set the loss propagation behavior
• Set the pluggable module type
• Set the timeslot assignment on the line port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.4.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.4.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

6.4.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


autoneg [disabled | enabled]

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config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS


disabled - Configure auto negotiation to disabled

enabled - Configure auto negotiation to enabled

Attribute that controls the status of auto-negotiation.


channel [<value>]

{1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591, 1611} - CWDM

{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Channel Not set
Specifies the wavelength of the pluggable module.Enter this keyword to display the current


losprop [laserOn | laserOff]


laserOn - transmitter stays on

laserOff - turn off the transmitter

Specifies how the near end client facing transmitter port reacts to a Loss of Signal (LOS), Loss
of Frame (LOF) or other defect from the far-end client-facing receiver.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.


moduletype [<value>]

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{1000B-LX, 1000B-SX, 1000B-T, 1000B-ZX, SL-16.2C, SS-16.1A, SS-16.2C} - enter one of

the acceptable Client port moduletype values
auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
user - If the user wants to use a pluggable module that is not on the qualified list of
pluggable modules, without generating an alarm, this attribute is set to user
Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
If it is requested to change the parameter and the port AdminState is UP, then the command
shall be denied.
timeslot [line <line> vts <vts>]
{0..2} - range of values for <line>
{0..10} - range of values for <vts>
Configure the virtual timeslot on the selected line port. Only applicable when the card mode is
set to Fullrate (See "config card 11DPE12 <slot-aid>").

6.4.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 1gbe timeslot line 1 vts 1

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 1gbe timeslot line 0 vts 0

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 1gbe timeslot line 1

Error: insufficient arguments Must enter both line and vts values

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 1gbe timeslot line 1 vts 1

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 1gbe timeslot line 0 vts 1

Error: Odu1 and vts must be both 0 or both non-zero.

6.4.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

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config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe Nokia 1830 PSS

6.5 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

6.5.1 Purpose
This command configures the Fast Ethernet client port (C{1-12}) attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the transmit frequency for the pluggable module
• Set the loss propagation behavior
• Set the pluggable module type
• Set the timeslot assignment on the line port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.5.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.5.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

6.5.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Specifies the wavelength of the pluggable module.Enter this keyword to display the current

channel [<value>]

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{1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591, 1611} - CWDM

{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Channel Not set


losprop [laserOn | laserOff]


laserOn - transmitter stays on

laserOff - turn off the transmitter

Specifies how the near end client facing transmitter port reacts to a Loss of Signal (LOS), Loss
of Frame (LOF) or other defect from the far-end client-facing receiver.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
moduletype [<value>]
{100BFXS} - enter one of the acceptable Client port moduletype values
auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
If it is requested to change the parameter and the port AdminState is UP, then the command
shall be denied.
timeslot [line <line> vts <vts>]
{0..2} - range of values for <line>
{0..10} - range of values for <vts>

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Only applicable when the card "mode" is set to "fullrate" (See "config card 11DPE12 <slot-
Configure the virtual timeslot on the selected line port.

6.5.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/1 fe timeslot line 1 vts 1

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 fe timeslot line 0 vts 0

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 fe timeslot line 1

Error: insufficient arguments Must enter both line and vts values

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 fe timeslot line 1 vts 1

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 fe timeslot line 0 vts 1

Error: Odu1 and vts must be both 0 or both non-zero.

6.5.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

6.6 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

6.6.1 Purpose
This command configures the C{1-12} client ports performance monitoring (pm) attributes on the
11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Clear current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface
• Configure the Ethernet group PM options
• Configure the received optical power group PM options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options
• Configure the PCS group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.6.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.6.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

6.6.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clear current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface

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config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: ethernet

Configure the Ethernet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configure the received optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: pcs
Configure the PCS group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm pcs" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.

6.6.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 pm

6.6.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

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6.7 config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.7.1 Purpose
This command configures the C{1-12} client ports with the CE-VLAN ID map attributes on the
11DPE12 card. This command is only applicable when the card mode is set to Subrate or QinQ
mode (See "config card 11dpe12 <slot-aid>"). Use this command to set the CE-VLAN ID map for
each VTS within the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.7.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.7.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.7.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
{vts1, vts2, vts3, vts4, vts5, vts6, vts7, vts8, vts9, vts10}
Specifies the virtual time slot within the port.
cevlanid [<value>] [direction]
Egress - The mapping direction is out from the port
Ingress - The mapping direction is into the port
IngressAndEgress - Ingress and Egress
Configures the CE-VLAN ID map for the specified VTS within the port.

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Enter the keyword followed by the ID number or ID ranges separated by comma.

In Subrate mode, the client VTS/CE-VLAN ID mapping is bidirectional. Users do not need to
configure the direction.
In QinQ mode, the client VTS/CE-VLAN ID mapping is unidirectional. Users must specify the
CE-VLAN ID map direction.

6.7.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid 1-200,300

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 vts1 cevlanid none

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid 1-200,300 ingress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid none ingress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid 1-200 egress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid none egress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid 1-200 ingressAndEgress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid none ingressAndEgress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 vts1 cevlanid 1-200

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 vts1 cevlanid 1,2,4,1-200 egress

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode. Only QinQ mode needdirection.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 vts1 cevlanid 1,2,4,1-200

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode. QinQ mode must provide direction.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/C1 vts1 cevlanid none

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode. QinQ mode must provide direction.

6.7.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

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6.8 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

6.8.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE L{1-2} ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the description of the interface
• Display the network port settings
• Configure the loopback
• Set the ODU2 attributes
• Set the OTU2 attributes
• Set the tengige attributes
• Set the Performance Monitoring
• Configure the administrative state
• Set the port type
• Overwrite manually the remote connected port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.8.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.8.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>
loopback [facility | terminal]

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6.8.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears the ASONTOPO alarm set against the LINE port. If the ASONTOPO alarm is not
currently raised against the port AID and the clearasontopo command is executed to clear the
alarm, the command will be accepted but no action is actually taken.
Displays the current settings for the port.
description [<string>]
<string> - 255 character ASCII string
"" - to clear the description
Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface,
Sub-command: loopback
loopback [facility | terminal]
Configures the loopback.
facility [enabled | disabled]
enabled - enable the facility loopback
disabled - disable the facility loopback

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Configure the facility loopback of the port. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.


terminal [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enable the terminal loopback

disabled - disable the terminal loopback

Configure the terminal loopback of the port. Enter this keyword without option to display the
current setting.To change the setting, enter this keyword followed by enabled or disabled.
Sub-command: odu2

Sets the ODU2 interface port parameters. See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2".
Sub-command: otu2

Sets the OTU2 attributes associated with the line port. See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-
aid> otu2".
Sub-command: pm

Sets the performance monitoring attributes associated with the line port. See "config interface
11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm".
Sub-command: rmconport
rmconport [<identifier> [force]]
<identifier> - ASCII string 1..64 characters for rmconport identification in the form of <ne-
"" - empty string
force - forcing a rmconport modification in the exceptional situation, when a manual
clean-up is needed
For a port participating in a cluster connection, the rmconport value identifies the remote
connection point with the line NE TID and line NE optical port.

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rmconport is written as a result of "config interface topology" commands executed on the line
Enter the keyword without option to display the current setting.
For exceptional manual cleanup purpose on the add/drop NE, the user can modify the
rmconport locally by entering an empty or modified rmconport value together with the force
option. E.g. to clear the rmconport locally, enter "" and force option.
The user is prompted by a warning message, that the execution can be service affecting. The
command is executed if "yes" is entered.
Sub-command: state
Enable or disable the port. See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> state".
Sub-command: tengige

Sets the tengige attributes associated with the line port. See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-
port-aid> tengige"
type [otu2 | tengige | unassigned]
otu2 - to set the port to OTU2.
tengige - to set the port to tenGige singal
unassigned - to set the port as unassigned
Specifies the port type.
Note: 11DPE12 line port can be provisioned to tengige only when the pack is under QinQ
Sub-command: <vtsn>
Sets the virtual time slot attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>".

6.8.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1
(config-interface- 11DPE12 -1/7/L1)#

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 type tengige

Error: Pack is not under QinQ mode.

# config interface 11DPE12 1/7/L1 rmconport

Remote Connected Port: B09U:SFD-5-3-9550

# config interface 11DPE12 1/7/L1 detail

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: L1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OTU2]

Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : FAF Oper Capability : Disabled
Status LED : Solid Red
Description :

AINS : Disabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m

Received Power : -40.00 dBm

Transmitted Power : -33.01 dBm

Facility Loopback : Disabled

Terminal Loopback : Disabled
Ingress Available Bandwidth : 1000 Mbps
Egress Available Bandwidth : 100 Mbps

OTU2 Settings
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Channel : 1471
Channel Rx : None
Rate : 11.096 Gbps
FEC Mode : EFEC2 Operational Mode : ADDDROP

ODU2 Settings
Mapping Mode : BITSYNC
Payload Type : 133 (0x85)
Payload Type Mismatch Response : Disabled


exp_sapi :
tx_sapi :
trccmp : Disabled Disabled
timmresp : Disabled Disabled
Incoming :

Remote Connected Port : B04L:OPS-1-35-SIG

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# config interface 11DPE12 1/7/L1 rmconport "" force

WARNING : Modifying Remote Connected Port string. Are you sure you want to continue ?
Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

6.8.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

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2622 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.9 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.9.1 Purpose
This command configures the ODU2 attributes for the LINE {L1, L2} ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the payload type filed of the Payload Structure Identifier in the ODUk frame
• Set the Payload Type Mismatch response
• Set the ODU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes
• Set the ODUkp to CBRx mapping mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.9.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.9.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.9.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


pldtype [<value>]


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config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 Nokia 1830 PSS


128 (0x80) - card mode is full rate, otu2 bit rate is 11.049Gbps
131 (0x83) - card mode is full rate, otu2 bit rate is 11.096Gbps
132 (0x84) - card mode is sub rate or QinQ, otu2 bit rate is 11.049bps
133 (0x85) - card mode is sub rate or QinQ, otu2 bit rate is 11.096bps
Specifies the value of the Payload Type field of a Payload Structure Identifier in the ODUk

ptmmresp [disabled | enabled]
enabled - enable the consequent action
disabled - disable (turn off) the consequent action
ODU2 Payload Type Mismatch Response. Specifies whether the OT will take a consequent
action or pass the received signal. Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
Sub-command: tti
Configures ODU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid>
<otun-odun> tti".

6.9.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 odu2 ptmmresp disabled

6.9.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

6.10 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

6.10.1 Purpose
This command configures the L{1-2} ports with OTU2 attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the receive channel frequency
• Set the transmit channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Configure the FEC used
• Configure the moduletype
• Set the OTU2 rate
• Set the OTU2 trail trace attributes
• Configure the virtual time slot
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.10.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.10.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

6.10.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


channelrx [<frequency>]

{1611, 1591, 1571, 1551, 1531, 1511, 1491, 1471} - CWDM

{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470, 9460,
9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330, 9320,
9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190, 9180,
9170, 9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485,
9475, 9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345,
9335, 9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205,
9195, 9185, 9175} - DWDM
{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Not set
Specifies the receive channel frequency. Not settable for internal topology connections. Enter
this keyword to display the current setting.


channeltx [<frequency>]

{1611, 1591, 1571, 1551, 1531, 1511, 1491, 1471} - CWDM

{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470, 9460,
9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330, 9320,
9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190, 9180,
9170, 9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485,
9475, 9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345,
9335, 9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205,
9195, 9185, 9175} - DWDM
{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Not set
Specifies the transmit channel frequency. Enter this keyword to display the current setting.


fectype [rsfec | efec2]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2


efec2 - Enhanced FEC type 2

rsfec - Reed-Solomon FEC

Forward error correction mode. Specifies the type of forward error correction on the interface
If the line port is involved in an OCH cross-connection in either direction, then the command
shall be denied.
If the line port is involved in an O-Conn/Topology of type External and the port AdminState is
not DOWN, then the command shall be denied.


moduletype [<value>]

{10GB-ZR, XI-64.1, XL-64.2C, XL-64.2D, XL-64TU, XS-64.2b, XS-64.2C} - Enter one of the
acceptable Client port moduletype values
auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
user - If the user wants to use a pluggable module that is not on the qualified list of
pluggable modules, without generating an alarm, this attribute shall be set to user.

Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port. Enter this
keyword to display the current setting.
If it is requested to change the parameter and the port AdminState is UP, then the command
shall be denied.


oturate [11.049 | 11.096]


11.049 - OTU1e rate

11.096 - OTU2e rate


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OTN rate. Specifies the line rate.

Sub-command: vts


vts [vts {1..10} ]

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vts1 - configure virtual time slot 1

vts2 - configure virtual time slot 2
vts3 - configure virtual time slot 3
vts4 - configure virtual time slot 4
vts5 - configure virtual time slot 5
vts6 - configure virtual time slot 6
vts7 - configure virtual time slot 7
vts8 - configure virtual time slot 8
vts9 - configure virtual time slot 9
vts10 - configure virtual time slot 10.For each selected virtual time slot (vts{1..10}), select
one of the following:
none - configure the virtual time slot to none.
c1 - configure the virtual time slot to c1
c2 - configure the virtual time slot to c2
c3 - configure the virtual time slot to c3
c4 - configure the virtual time slot to c4
c5 - configure the virtual time slot to c5
c6 - configure the virtual time slot to c6
c7 - configure the virtual time slot to c7
c8 - configure the virtual time slot to c8
c9 - configure the virtual time slot to c9
c10 - configure the virtual time slot to c10
c11 - configure the virtual time slot to c11
c12 - configure the virtual time slot to c12
l1slot1 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot1
l1slot2 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot2
l1slot3 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot3
l1slot4 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot4
l1slot5 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot5
l1slot6 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot6
l1slot7 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot7
l1slot8 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot8

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config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 Nokia 1830 PSS

l1slot9 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot9

l1slot10 - configure the virtual time slot to l1slot10
l2slot1 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot1
l2slot2 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot2
l2slot3 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot3
l2slot4 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot4
l2slot5 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot5
l2slot6 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot6
l2slot7 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot7
l2slot8 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot8
l2slot9 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot9
l2slot10 - configure the virtual time slot to l2slot10
Configure the virtual time slot information. Only applicable when the card mode is set to Fullrate
(See "config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> vts {1..100}").


holdofftimer [<value>]


Specifies whether this port will use a hold-off timer to delay taking a consequent action for line
Sub-command: tti

Configures OTU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes. See "config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid>
<otun-odun> tti".

6.10.5 Examples

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/l1 otu2 vts vts1 l2slot1

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/l1 otu2 vts vts1 c1

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6.10.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2631
config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige Nokia 1830 PSS

6.11 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

6.11.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE L{1-2} ports with tengige attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the receive channel frequency
• Set the transmit channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Configure the pluggable module type
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.11.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.11.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

6.11.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


channelrx [<value>]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige


{1611, 1591, 1571, 1551, 1531, 1511, 1491, 1471} - CWDM

{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470, 9460,
9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330, 9320,
9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190, 9180,
9170, 9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485,
9475, 9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345,
9335, 9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205,
9195, 9185, 9175} - DWDM
{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Not set
Specifies the receive channel frequency. Not settable for internal topology connections.
Enter this keyword to display the current setting.
channeltx [<value>]
{1611, 1591, 1571, 1551, 1531, 1511, 1491, 1471} - CWDM
{9600, 9590, 9580, 9570, 9560, 9540, 9530, 9520, 9510, 9500, 9490, 9480, 9470, 9460,
9450, 9440, 9430, 9420, 9410, 9400, 9390, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9340, 9330, 9320,
9310, 9300, 9290, 9280, 9270, 9260, 9250, 9240, 9230, 9220, 9210, 9200, 9190, 9180,
9170, 9605, 9595, 9585, 9575, 9565, 9555, 9545, 9535, 9525, 9515, 9505, 9495, 9485,
9475, 9465, 9455, 9445, 9435, 9425, 9415, 9405, 9395, 9385, 9375, 9365, 9355, 9345,
9335, 9325, 9315, 9305, 9295, 9285, 9275, 9265, 9255, 9245, 9235, 9225, 9215, 9205,
9195, 9185, 9175} - DWDM
{850, 1310, 1550} - B&W
None - Not set
Specifies the transmit channel frequency. Enter this keyword to display the current setting.

moduletype [<value>]
{10GB-ZR, XI-64.1, XL-64.2C, XL-64.2D, XL-64TU, XS-64.2b, XS-64.2C, 10GB-SR} - enter
one of the acceptable line port moduletype values.
auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept the pluggable
user - If the user wants to use a pluggable module that is not on the qualified list of
pluggable modules, without generating an alarm, this attribute shall be set to user.

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Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port. Enter this
keyword to display the current setting.
If it is requested to change the parameter and the port AdminState is UP, then the command
shall be denied.

6.11.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 tengige

6.11.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.12 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.12.1 Purpose
This command configures the LINE ports {L1, L2} with Performance Monitoring attributes on the
11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Clear current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this line interface
• Configure the digital wrapper group options
• Configure the Ethernet group options
• Configure the received optical power group PM options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.12.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.12.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.12.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Clears current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface.

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config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: dw

Configures the Digital Wrapper group PM options.See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm
dw" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: ethernet
Configure the Ethernet group PM options. See "config interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Configures the received optical power group PM options.See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configures the transmitted optical power group PM options.See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

6.12.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 pm

6.12.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

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2636 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.13 config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.13.1 Purpose
This command configures the L{1-2} line ports with the SVLAN ID map attributes on the 11DPE12
card. This command is only applicable when the card mode is set to QinQ mode (See "config card
11DPE12 <slot-aid>"). Use this command to set the SVLAN ID map for each VTS within the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.13.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.13.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.13.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the virtual time slot within the port.
svlanid [<value>] [direction]
{[1..4095], none} - range of ID numbers
Egress - The mapping direction is out from the port.
Ingress - The mapping direction is into the port.
IngressAndEgress - Ingress and Egress

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config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> Nokia 1830 PSS

Configures the SVLAN ID map for the specified VTS within the port.Enter the keyword followed
by the ID number.
Line VTS/SVLAN ID mapping is unidirectional. User must specify the SVLAN ID map direction.

6.13.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts2 svlanid 1 ingress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts2 svlanid 100 egress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts1 svlanid none ingress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts1 svlanid none ingressAndEgress

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/L1 vts1 svlanid 1 ingress

Error: Request Failed - invalid card rate mode.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/L1 vts1 svlanid 1,2,3,100

Error: Request Failed - invalid svlanid.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/L1 vts1 svlanid 1-200

Error: Request Failed - invalid svlanid.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/L1 vts1 svlanid 1

Error: Request Failed - VTS/SVLAN mapping must provide direction.

# config interface 11dpe12 1/3/L1 vts1 svlanid none

Error: Request Failed - VTS/SVLAN mapping must provide direction.

6.13.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

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2638 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.14 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.14.1 Purpose
This command configures the eVOA ports (VA{1..2}) on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set OCH attributes
• Set performance monitoring attributes
• Set the expected optical power output of the port
• Set the administrative state
• Set the port type
• Overwrite manually the remote connected port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.14.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.14.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.14.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


description [<string>]

<string> - 255 character ASCII string

"" - to clear the description

Specifies a description for the interface port. Enter this keyword followed by string that
describes the interface, or enter this keyword without any parameters to display the current
description for the interface.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: och

Sets the OCH interface port parameters.See "config interface 11DPE12 <va-port-aid> och".
Sub-command: pm

Sets the Performance Monitoring attributes associated with the eVOA port. See "config
interface 11DPE12 <va-port-aid> pm"



-20..-5.5 - gain in dBm


-20 dBm
Sets the transmitted optical output power of the port. Enter this keyword followed by the
expected power value.
Sub-command: rmconport


rmconport [<identifier> [force]]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>


<identifier> - ASCII string 1..64 characters for rmconport identification in the form of <ne-
"" - empty string
force - forcing a rmconport modification in the exceptional situation, when a manual
clean-up is needed

For a port participating in a cluster connection, the rmconport value identifies the remote
connection point with the line NE TID and line NE optical port.
rmconport is written as a result of "config interface topology" commands executed on the line
Enter the keyword without option to display the current setting.
For exceptional manual cleanup purpose on the add/drop NE, the user can modify the
rmconport locally by entering an empty or modified rmconport value together with the force
option. E.g. to clear the rmconport locally, enter "" and force option.
The user is prompted by a warning message, that the execution can be service affecting. The
command is executed if "yes" is entered.
Sub-command: state
Sets the port state. See "config interface 11DPE12 <va-port-aid> state"
type [och | unassigned]
och - to assign the port.
unassigned - to set the port as unassigned.
Specifies the port type.

6.14.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 type och

# config interface 11DPE12 1/8/VA1 rmconport

Remote Connected Port: B09U:SFD-5-3-9550

# config interface 11DPE12 1/8/VA1 detail

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2641
config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 Port: VA1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OCH]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
State Qualifier : Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Description :

Channel : None

AINS : Disabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m

Received Power :
Transmitted Power :

OCH Settings
Expected Network Output Power : -20.00 dBm
Module Type : Auto

Remote Connected Port : B04L:OPS-1-35-SIG

# config interface 11DPE12 1/8/VA1 rmconport "" force

WARNING : Modifying Remote Connected Port string. Are you sure you want to continue ?
Enter 'yes' to confirm, 'no' to cancel: yes

6.14.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

6.15 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

6.15.1 Purpose
This command configures the OCH attributes for the eVOA ports (VA{1..2}) on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to set the pluggable module type.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.15.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.15.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

6.15.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
moduletype [<value>]
sVOA - slow VOA
fVOA - fast VOA
auto - If this value is configured, then the network element shall accept and provision any
qualified pluggable module.

Specifies the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.Enter this
keyword to display the current setting.
If it is requested to change the parameter and the port AdminState is UP, then the command
shall be denied.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2643
config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och Nokia 1830 PSS

6.15.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 och moduletype auto

6.15.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

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2644 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.16 config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.16.1 Purpose
This command configures the performance monitoring attributes on the eVOA port (VA{1..2}) of the
11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Clear current 15-min and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface
• Configure the received optical power group PM options
• Configure the transmitted optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.16.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.16.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.16.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Clears current 15-minute and 1-day bins in all groups on this interface.
Sub-command: opr

Configures the received optical power group PM options.See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Configures the transmitted optical power group PM options.See "config interface <card> <port-
aid> pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2645
config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

6.16.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 pm clearAll

6.16.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

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2646 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.17 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.17.1 Purpose
This command configures the Trail Trace Identifier attributes for OTU2 and ODU2 of the line ports
(L{1..2}) on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Set the expected incoming source access point identifier.
• Set the transmitted source access point identifier.
• Configure the trace identifier compare mode.
• Configure the trace identifier mismatch response consequent action.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.17.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.17.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.17.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


otu2 - address OTU2 facility

odu2 - address ODU2 facility
Specifies the OTUn/ODUn facility

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config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti Nokia 1830 PSS



exp_sapi [<value>]

<value> - ASCII string 1..15 characters, enclosed in optional quotations.


Null character (15 bytes each with hex value 00)

Specifies the expected incoming Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI).


timmresp [enabled | disabled]


enabled - enables consequent action in case of dTIM (e.g. AIS insertion)

disabled - disables consequent action in case of dTIM (e.g. AIS insertion)

Configures the consequent action for dTIM defect (Trail trace Identifier MisMatch RESPonse).


trccmp [enabled | disabled]


enabled - comparison is activated

disabled - comparison is de-activated

Configures the dTIM detection mode for the facility (trace compare). Turns the comparison
between the incoming sapi value and the provisioned (that is, exp_sapi) value as either on or


tx_sapi [<value>]

<value> - ASCII string 1..15 characters, enclosed in quotation marks.

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti


Null character (15 bytes each with hex value 00)

Specifies the transmitted Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI).

6.17.5 Examples
# config interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 odu2 tti trccmp disabled

6.17.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2649
config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

6.18 config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state

6.18.1 Purpose
This command configures the state parameter for the Client/Line/eVOA ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Configure the automatic in-service timer
• Set the state for the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.18.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.18.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state
ains [ainstimer | disabled | enabled]

6.18.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12
<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ 2
<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: ains

ains [ainstimer | disabled | enabled]

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Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state

Set to ains to configure Automatic In-Service.



ainstimer [help | system | <time>]


help - displays default and valid values

system - Configures the AINS timer to use the system value
<time> - set the ainstimer in the format <h> [<m>] to a value ranging between 1m..96h

Set the Automatic In-Service Timer of this port.
Enter number of hours and minutes
For system default value see "config general ainstimer"

Set ains for the port to on.


Set ains for the port to off.



down [force]

force - force the port down

Set to down to disable the port. Follow this keyword with force to force the port down. This can
affect service.

Set to mt to set the admin state to maintenance


Set to up to enable the port.

6.18.5 Examples

#config interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 state down

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2651
config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> state Nokia 1830 PSS

6.18.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12

6.19 show interface 11dpe12

6.19.1 Purpose
This command displays the interface ports on the 11DPE12 card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the client ports C{1-12}, the line ports L{1-2}, or eVOA
ports VA{1..2}.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.19.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.19.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid>

6.19.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ 2
<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the 11DPE12 interfaces on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

6.19.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier
3/2/L1 Network Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/L2 Network Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C1 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C2 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C3 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C4 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C5 Client Bi Down Down UAS

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2653
show interface 11dpe12 Nokia 1830 PSS

3/2/C6 Client Bi Down Down UAS

3/2/C7 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C8 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C9 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C10 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C11 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C12 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/VA1 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/VA2 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO

6.19.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12

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2654 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

6.20 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

6.20.1 Purpose
This command displays the client ports C{1-12} on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display client port settings
• Display the 1 Gb Ethernet attributes
• Display the FE attributes
• Display the performance monitoring
• Display all service activity on this interface
• Display the virtual time slot attributes
• Display CE-VLAN ID map for each VTS within the port
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.20.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.20.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

6.20.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2655
show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: 1gbe

Displays the 1Gb Ethernet port attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe".

Displays the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: fe


This sub-command only applies to 1830 PSS-4.

Displays the Fast Ethernet port attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe"
Sub-command: pm
Displays Performance Monitoring. See "show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm"
srvcactivity [brief | detail]
brief - Display a brief summary of all service activity
detail - Display a detailed summary of all service activity
Displays all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: <vtsn>
Display the virtual time slot attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>".
This entry is applicable when the card "mode" is set to "Subrate" or "QinQ" mode (See
"config card 11dpe12 <slot-aid>").
Display CE-VLAN ID map for each VTS within the port.

6.20.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1
Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: C1 - 11DPE12 Client Port [1GbE]
Admin State: Down State Qualifier: FAF
Oper State: Down Oper Capability: Disabled
Direction : Bidirectional Status LED : Solid Off

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 detail

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 detail

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/c1 detail

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 cevlanid

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 cevlanid

# show interface 1/3/C1 cevlanid

Error: CE-VLAN ID mapping is applicable only in Sub-Rate or QinQ card mode.

6.20.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2657
show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe Nokia 1830 PSS

6.21 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

6.21.1 Purpose
This command displays the 1 Gb Ethernet client port attributes C{1-12} attributes on the 11DPE12
Use this command to:
• Display the automatic In-Service Debounce time
• Display autonegotiation setting
• Display the channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the loss propagation behavior
• Display the pluggable module type
• Display the timeslot allocation
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.21.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.21.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

6.21.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the Automatic In-Service debounce time.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe


Displays auto-negotiation.
Displays the expected wavelength of the pluggable module.
Displays loss propagation behavior status.
Displays the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.
Displays the timeslot assignment on the line port.

6.21.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 1gbe

6.21.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> 1gbe

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2659
show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe Nokia 1830 PSS

6.22 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

6.22.1 Purpose
This command displays the Fast Ethernet client port attributes C{1-12} on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the automatic In-Service Debounce time
• Display the channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the loss propagation behavior
• Display the pluggable module type
• Display the timeslot allocation
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.22.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.22.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

6.22.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Displays the Automatic In-Service debounce time.

Displays the expected wavelength of the pluggable module.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe


Displays loss propagation behavior status.

Displays the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.
Displays the timeslot assignment on the line port.

6.22.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 fe

6.22.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> fe

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2661
show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

6.23 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

6.23.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring data for the C{1-12} client ports on the
11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the Ethernet performance monitoring data options
• Display the received optical power performance monitoring options for this port
• Display the transmitted optical power performance monitoring options for this port
• Display the PCS group performance monitoring options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.23.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.23.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

6.23.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: ethernet

Displays the Ethernet group PM options.See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opr
Displays the received optical power group PM options.See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

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2662 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

Sub-command: opt

Displays the transmitted optical power group PM options.See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: pcs
Displays the PCS group PM options.See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm pcs" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

6.23.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 pm

6.23.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2663
show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn> Nokia 1830 PSS

6.24 show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.24.1 Purpose
This command displays the virtual time slot data for the C{1-12}Client ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to display the CE-VLAN ID map for each VTS within the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.24.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.24.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.24.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ 12

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


{vts1, vts2, vts3, vts4, vts5, vts6, vts7, vts8, vts9, vts10}
Specifies the virtual time slot within the port.

Displays the CE-VLAN ID map for the specified VTS within the port.

Display Egress vts direction within the port.


Display Ingress vts direction within the port.

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2664 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.24.5 Examples
Example of SubRate display

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid

CE-VLAN ID: 1-10

Example of QinQ display

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts2 cevlanid

CE-VLAN ID: 1-10 ingress

CE-VLAN ID: 1-5 egress

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/C1 vts1 cevlanid

CE-VLAN ID: 1-10 ingress

6.24.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <client-port-aid> <vtsn>

Release 10.0
August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2665
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

6.25 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

6.25.1 Purpose
This command displays the configured LINE ports L{1-2} on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the network port settings
• Display the ODU2 attributes
• Display the OTU2 attributes
• Display the tenGige attributes
• Display the Performance Monitoring
• Display all service activity on this interface
• Display SVLAN ID map for each VTS within the port
• Display the current remote connected port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.25.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.25.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

6.25.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

number, a slash, and the port number.

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current settings for the port.

Sub-command: odu2

Display the ODU2 interface port parameters. See "show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>
Sub-command: otu2

Display the OTU2 attributes associated with the line port. See "show interface 11dpe12 <line-
port-aid> otu2".
Sub-command: pm

Display Performance Monitoring. See "show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm".


Displays the current configured remote connected port.



This entry is applicable when the card "mode" is set to "QinQ" mode (see "show interface
11dpe12 <slot-aid>").
Display SVLAN ID map for each VTS within the port.


srvcactivity [brief | detail]


brief - Display a brief summary of all service activity

detail - Display a detailed summary of all service activity
Display all service activity on this interface.
Sub-command: tengige

Display the tengige attributes associated with the line port. See "show interface 11dpe12 <line-
port-aid> tengige"
Sub-command: <vtsn>

Display the virtual time slot attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2667
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

6.25.5 Examples
Example of line information when pack mode is fullRate.

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: L1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OTU2]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
State Qualifier :
Received Power : -10.04 dBm
Transmitted Power : 2.19 dBm Facility Loopback : Disabled
Terminal Loopback : Disabled
OTU2 Settings
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Channel : 1491
Channel Rx : 1471
Rate : 11.096 Gbps
FEC Mode : EFEC2 Operational Mode : ADDDROP
ODU2 Settings
Mapping Mode : BITSYNC
Payload Type : 131 (0x83)
Payload Type Mismatch Response : Disabled
exp_sapi :
tx_sapi :
trccmp : Disabled Disabled
timmresp : Disabled Disabled
Incoming :
Virtual Time Slots
Virtual Time Slot 1: c1
Virtual Time Slot 2: none
Virtual Time Slot 3: none
Virtual Time Slot 4: none
Virtual Time Slot 5: none
Virtual Time Slot 6: none
Virtual Time Slot 7: none
Virtual Time Slot 8: none
Virtual Time Slot 9: none
Virtual Time Slot 10: none

Remote Connected Port : B04L:OPS-1-35-SIG

Example of line information when pack mode is subRate

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2668 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

# show interface 11DPE12 1/7/L1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: L1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OTU2]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : FAF Oper Capability : Disabled
Status LED : Solid Red
Description :

AINS : Disabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Received Power : -40.00 dBm
Transmitted Power : -33.01 dBm

Facility Loopback : Disabled

Terminal Loopback : Disabled
Ingress Available Bandwidth : 1000 Mbps
Egress Available Bandwidth : 100 Mbps

OTU2 Settings
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Channel : 1471
Channel Rx : None
Rate : 11.096 Gbps
FEC Mode : EFEC2 Operational Mode : ADDDROP

ODU2 Settings
Mapping Mode : BITSYNC
Payload Type : 133 (0x85)
Payload Type Mismatch Response : Disabled


exp_sapi :
tx_sapi :
trccmp : Disabled Disabled
timmresp : Disabled Disabled
Incoming :

Remote Connected Port : B04L:OPS-1-35-SIG

Example of line information when pack mode is QinQ and sigType is OTU2

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 detail

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2669
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: L1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OTU2]

Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : FAF

Received Power : -40.00 dBm

Transmitted Power : -33.01 dBm

Facility Loopback : Disabled

Terminal Loopback : Disabled
Ingress Available Bandwidth : 1000 Mbps
Egress Available Bandwidth : 100 Mbps

OTU2 Settings
AINS Timer : System
AINS Countdown : 0m
Channel : 1471
Channel Rx : None
Rate : 11.096 Gbps
FEC Mode : EFEC2 Operational Mode : ADDDROP

ODU2 Settings
Mapping Mode : BITSYNC
Payload Type : 133 (0x85)
Payload Type Mismatch Response : Disabled


exp_sapi :
tx_sapi :
trccmp : Disabled Disabled
timmresp : Disabled Disabled
Incoming :

Example of line information when pack mode is QinQ and sigType is 10GbE

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 7 Port: L1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [10GbE LAN]
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
State Qualifier : SGEO Oper Capability : Disabled
Status LED :
Description :
AINS : Disabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System

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2670 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

AINS Countdown : 0m
Received Power : Facility Loopback : Disabled
Transmitted Power : Terminal Loopback : Disabled
Ingress Available Bandwidth : 1000 Mbps
Egress Available Bandwidth : 100 Mbps
10GbE LAN Settings
Channel Rx : 9170
Channel Tx : 9170
Module Type : Auto

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 svlanid

VTS SVLAN ID Direction
1 1 ingress
1 1 eress
2 300 ingress
10 500 egress

# show interface 1/3/L1 svlanid

Error: SVLAN ID mapping is applicable only in QinQ card mode.

# show interface 11DPE12 1/7/L1 rmconport

Remote Connected Port: B09U:SFD-5-3-9550

6.25.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid>

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2671
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2 Nokia 1830 PSS

6.26 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.26.1 Purpose
This command displays the ODU2 attributes for the LINE ports L{1-2} on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the payload type filed of the Payload Structure Identifier in the ODUk frame
• Display the Payload Type Mismatch response
• Display the ODU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes
• Display the ODUkp to CBRx mapping mode
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.26.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.26.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.26.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the value of the Payload Type field of a Payload Structure Identifier in the ODUk
Display the ODU2 Payload Type Mismatch Response.
Sub-command: tti
Displays ODU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-
odun> tti".

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2672 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

6.26.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 odu2
Payload Type Mismatch Response: enabled

6.26.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> odu2

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2673
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 Nokia 1830 PSS

6.27 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

6.27.1 Purpose
This command displays the LINE ports L{1-2} with OTU2 attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the Automatic In-Service Debounce time
• Display the receive channel frequency
• Display the transmit channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the FEC used
• Display the OTU2 rate
• Display the OTU2 trail trace attributes
• Display the virtual time slot mappings
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.27.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, observer

6.27.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

6.27.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.

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Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


ainstimer [help | system | <time>]

Displays the Automatic In-Service Debounce time.

Displays the receive frequency.


Displays the transmit frequency of the pluggable module.


Displays the forward error correction mode.


Displays the line OTU2 rate.

Sub-command: vts


vts [vts {1..10} ]


vts1 - display virtual time slot 1

vts2 - display virtual time slot 2
vts3 - display virtual time slot 3
vts4 - display virtual time slot 4
vts5 - display virtual time slot 5
vts6 - display virtual time slot 6
vts7 - display virtual time slot 7
vts8 - display virtual time slot 8
vts9 - display virtual time slot 9
vts10 - display virtual time slot 10
Displays virtual time slots. see "show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> vts {1..100}".

Display the status of hold-off timer.

Displays the module type.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2675
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2 Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: tti

Displays OTU2 Trail Trace Identifier attributes. See "show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-
odun> tti".

6.27.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 otu2 vts vts1
Virtual Time Slot 1: c1

6.27.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> otu2

Release 10.0
August 2017
2676 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

6.28 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

6.28.1 Purpose
This command displays the 10GbE LAN line (L{1-2}) port attributes on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the Automatic In-Service Debounce time
• Display the receive channel frequency
• Display the transmit channel frequency of the pluggable module
• Display the pluggable module type
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.28.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.28.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

6.28.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the Automatic In-Service Debounce time.

Displays the receive frequency.

Displays the transmit frequency of the pluggable module.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2677
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige Nokia 1830 PSS


Displays the pluggable module type to be used on the specified interface port.

6.28.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/29/L1 tengige ainstimer
AINS Timer : 10m

6.28.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> tengige

Release 10.0
August 2017
2678 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.29 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.29.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring data for the L{1-2} LINE ports on the 11DPE12
Use this command to:
• Display the digital wrapper group options
• Display the Ethernet group PM options
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.29.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.29.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

6.29.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: dw

Display the Digital Wrapper group PM.See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm dw" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: ethernet
Display the Ethernet group PM. See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm ethernet" in chapter
performance monitoring commands.

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2679
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: opr

Display the received optical power group PM.See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opr" in
chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt
Display the transmitted optical power group PM.See "show interface <card> <port-aid> pm opt"
in chapter performance monitoring commands.

6.29.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 pm

6.29.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> pm

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August 2017
2680 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.30 show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.30.1 Purpose
This command displays the virtual times slot data for the L{1-2} Line ports on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to display the SVLAN ID map for each VTS within the port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.30.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.30.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

6.30.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.


Specifies the virtual time slot within the port.

Displays the SVLAN ID map for the specified VTS within the port.

6.30.5 Examples

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts2 svlanid

SVLAN ID: 10 ingress

# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 vts2 svlanid

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2681
show interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn> Nokia 1830 PSS

SVLAN ID: 10 ingress

SVLAN ID: 15 egress

6.30.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <line-port-aid> <vtsn>

Release 10.0
August 2017
2682 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.31 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.31.1 Purpose
This command displays the configured eVOA ports (VA{1..2}) on the 11dpe12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the eVOA port detailed settings
• Display the OCH attributes
• Display Performance Monitoring data
• Display the expected power setting
• Display the current remote connected port.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.31.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.31.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

6.31.4 Input Parameters


<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

Display the current detailed settings for the port.

Sub-command: och
Display the OCH interface port parameters. See "show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och".

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2683
show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> Nokia 1830 PSS

Sub-command: pm

Display the Performance Monitoring parameters. See "show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

Display the expected optical output power.


Displays the current configured remote connected port.

6.31.5 Examples

# show interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 Port: VA1 - 11dpe12 NW Port [OTU2]

Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
State Qualifier : Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Description :
AINS : AINS Timer :
Use System AINS Timer : AINS Countdown :
Receive Power :
Transmit Power :
Expected Optical Output Power: -5.98 dBm
Pluggable Module Type: sVOA

# show interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 power

Expected Optical Output Power: -5.98 dBm

# show interface 11DPE12 1/8/VA1 rmconport

Remote Connected Port: B09U:SFD-5-3-9550

# show interface 11DPE12 1/8/VA1 detail

Shelf: 1 Slot: 8 Port: VA1 - 11DPE12 NW Port [OCH]
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
State Qualifier : Oper Capability : Enabled
Status LED : Solid Green
Description :

Channel : None

AINS : Disabled
Use System AINS Timer : Enabled
AINS Timer : System

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2684 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

AINS Countdown : 0m

Received Power :
Transmitted Power :

OCH Settings
Expected Network Output Power : -20.00 dBm
Module Type : Auto

Remote Connected Port : B04L:OPS-1-35-SIG

6.31.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid>

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2685
show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och Nokia 1830 PSS

6.32 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

6.32.1 Purpose
This command displays the OCH attributes for the eVOA ports (VA{1..2}) on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to display the pluggable module type.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.32.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.32.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

6.32.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Displays the pluggable module type on the specified interface port
Display AINS debounce time on the specified interface port

6.32.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 och moduletype
Module Type : sVOA

6.32.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> och

Release 10.0
August 2017
2686 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.33 show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.33.1 Purpose
This command displays the performance monitoring attributes on the eVOA ports (VA{1..2}) of the
11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the received optical power group PM options
• Display the transmitted optical power group PM options
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.33.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.33.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

6.33.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.
Sub-command: opr

Display the received optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opr" in chapter performance monitoring commands.
Sub-command: opt

Display the transmitted optical power group PM options. See "show interface <card> <port-aid>
pm opt" in chapter performance monitoring commands.

6.33.5 Examples

# show interface 11dpe12 1/8/VA1 pm opr

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2687
show interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm Nokia 1830 PSS

6.33.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <va-port-aid> pm

Release 10.0
August 2017
2688 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.34 show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.34.1 Purpose
This command displays the Trail Trace Identifier attributes for OTU2 and ODU2 of the line ports
(L{1..2}) on the 11DPE12 card.
Use this command to:
• Display the expected incoming source access point identifier.
• Display the transmitted source access point identifier.
• Display the trace identifier compare mode.
• Display the trace identifier mismatch response consequent action.
• Display the incoming Source Access Point Identifier.
• Display the status of the incoming Source Access Point Identifier.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.34.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner, Observer

6.34.3 Input Format

show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

6.34.4 Input Parameters



<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies the line port 1 ~ port 2

Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number.
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

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August 2017
Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2689
show interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti Nokia 1830 PSS


otu2 - address OTU2 facility
odu2 - address ODU2 facility
Specifies the OTUn/ODUn facility.
Display the expected incoming Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI).
Display the incoming Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI).
Display the status of the incoming Source Access Point Identifier.
Display the consequent action setting for dTIM defect.
Display the dTIM detection mode setting (trace compare).
Display the transmitted Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI).

6.34.5 Examples
# show interface 11dpe12 1/7/L1 odu2 tti trccmp disabled

6.34.6 Related Commands

config interface 11dpe12 <port-aid> <otun-odun> tti

Release 10.0
August 2017
2690 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12a

11DPE12a interface commands

6.35 config interface 11dpe12a

6.35.1 Purpose
This command configures the interface ports on the 11dpe12a card. Use this command to access
subcommands that allow you to configure the client C{1-12} ports, the line ports L{1-2}, TOD port
TOD{1-2}, BITS ports BITS{1-2} or eVOA ports VA{1..2}.
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circuit pack/port applicability.

6.35.2 Command Access Level

Impact: None
Access Levels: Administrator, Provisioner

6.35.3 Input Format

config interface 11dpe12a <port-aid>

6.35.4 Input Parameters

<shelf>/<slot>/C{1..12} - Specifies client port 1 ~ port 12
<shelf>/<slot>/L{1..2} - Specifies line port 1 ~ port 2
<shelf>/<slot>/VA{1..2} - Specifies eVOA port 1 ~ port 2
<shelf>/<slot>/ToD{1..2} - Specifies ToD port 1 ~ port 2
<shelf>/<slot>/BITS{1..2} - Specifies bits port 1 ~ port 2
* - display list of ports
Specifies the shelf, slot, and port of the interface. Enter the shelf number, a slash, the slot
number, a slash, and the port number, or * to list all of the 11DPE12A cards on the network
See Appendix A, “Reference tables” for valid numeric <shelf> and <slot> ranges for each
supported shelf type.

6.35.5 Examples
#config interface 11dpe12a *
Port Admin Oper State
Location Function Description Dir State State Qualifier
3/2/L1 Network Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/L2 Network Bi Up Down SGEO

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Issue 1 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA 2691
config interface 11dpe12a Nokia 1830 PSS

3/2/C1 Client Bi Up Down SGEO

3/2/C2 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C3 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C4 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C5 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C6 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C7 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C8 Client Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/C9 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C10 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C11 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/C12 Client Bi Down Down UAS
3/2/VA1 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/VA2 VOA Bi Up Down SGEO
3/2/tod1 TOD Uni down down UAS
3/2/tod2 TOD Uni down down UAS
3/2/BITS1 BITS Uni down down UAS
3/2/BITS2 BITS Uni down down UAS

6.35.6 Related Commands

show interface 11dpe12a

Release 10.0
August 2017
2692 3KC-69646-KAAA-THZZA Issue 1
Nokia 1830 PSS config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid>

6.36 config interface 11dpe12a <client-port-aid>

6.36.1 Purpose
This command configures the C{1-12} client ports on the 11dpe12a card.
Use this command to:
• Specify a description for the port
• Display the current settings for the port
• Set the 1 Gb Ethernet attributes
• Set the loopback mode
• Set the performance monitoring
• Set the administrative state
• Set the client port type
• Set the virtual time slot attributes
Refer to Appendix A, “Reference tables” for shelf/circ

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