Mathcad - 06. Analysis of T Beam

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Analysis of T beam

Given Data : Find : ϕMn

Compressive strength of concrete f'c  25 MPa

Yeild strength of reinforcement fy  390  MPa

Effective width of beam be  900  mm

Width of beam bw  400  mm

Thickness of slab hf  100  mm

Height of beam h  600  mm

Effective depth of beam d  h  130 mm

Distance from extreme compression to extreme tension steel dt  h  60mm

π  ( D mm) 2
Tensile reinforcement DB ( n D)  n As  10 DB 25  49.087 cm

1. Define ρ

Equivalent depth factor

β1  0.85 if f'c  28 MPa (ACI.

  f'c  28 MPa 

0.85  0.05   if 28 MPa  f'c  55 MPa
  7 MPa 
0.65 otherwise

β1  0.85

Minimum tesion reinforcement ratio

 f'c 
  MPa 
 MPa 1.4 MPa 
ρmin  max 0.25  (ACI.10.5)
 fy fy 

ρmin  0.004
Maximum Compressive Strain in concrete εu  0.003

Minimum Strain in Steel εt  0.005

Maximum tension reinforcement ratio

f'c εu
ρmax  0.85 β1   0.0174 (ACI.10.3.5)
f y εu  εt

Total tension reinforcement ratio

As  4908.739 mm
ρ  ρ  0.012
be d

As fy
a  a  100.1  mm
0.85 f'c be

a = β1 c

c  c  117.764  mm

Beam  "R Beam" if c  hf  a  hf

"T Beam" otherwise

Beam  "T Beam"

0.85 f'c hf  be  bw  2
Asf  Asf  2724.359 mm

ρf  ρf  0.014
bw d


ρff  0.85 f'c be  bw  
bw d fy
ρff  0.014

Section  "Enough Section" if ρmin  ρ  ρmax  ρf 

"Increase Section" otherwise

Section  "Enough Section"

The depth of equivalent compression rectangular stress block

As  Asf  fy
aw  aw  100.224  mm
0.85 f'c bw

Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis

aw = β1 c (ACI.

c  c  117.911  mm

Strain in compressive concrete

εcu  0.003

Strain in tensile reinforcement

 dt  c 
εt    ε εt  0.011
 c  cu
Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section" if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

"Compression controlled section" if εt  0.002

"Transition region" otherwise

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section"

Strength reduction factors

ϕ  0.9 if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

0.65 if εt  0.002

0.65  
εt  0.002  
250 
 otherwise
  3 
ϕ  0.9

2. Moment capacity

ϕMn = ϕ Mnf  Mnw 
 hf   aw 
 2

Mnf = Asf  fy  d   Mnw = As  Asf  fy  d 

2 

  hf   aw 
  2

ϕMn  ϕ Asf  fy  d    As  Asf  fy  d 

2 

ϕMn  723.56 kN m

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