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Navodaya Vidyalaya Samit, hencoforhy mentioned 3s NVS, is an autonomous organization under the Ministy of Hunan Resource Dovelopment, Department of [School Edueaton & Literacy, Govt. of India. It has 08 Regnal Ofices at Bhopal, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Patna, Pune & Shillong and more than 630, lawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (INVS) are funeional al over India except in he State fot Tam Nadu. MVS aro co-educational, fully residential schools up to Sonor [Secondary level and are located mainly in rural areas. JNV being fully resiental nstiutons, the toachers aro roquited to stay inthe Vidyalaya campus for wich ront roo accommodations as avalabio is provided. In additon to normal teaching dats, the teachers are required to perform responsibsies attached with residential system of | schoning tke House Mastrshp, remedial and supervisory studies, organization ofc. euricular activities, escorting of students on migration & other ofl purposes and looking tor studonis! wolfare in goneral. During the potod of probaton of the incumbent performance in all ose areas is aso assessed, in addon othe teaching aby to determine sably forte ob. NS invites onne applications from indian cizens for recrufrment on droct basis to the posts of Assistant Commissioner, PCTs, TGTs, Miscellaneous Category of Teachers (Librarian, Ar, Musi, PET-Male, PET-Female), Legal Assictant, Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assiatant and Lower Division Clerk in Jawahar Navodaya idylayas | HO / Regional Offices of Navodaya Vidyalaya Sarit In view ofthe policy that at least 31d students admited are as, efforts wil be made to post mate and temaie teachers in proporton to the numberof git students in INV subject to condition that they fil the normal ehgibity conditions. However, there 1s NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI (An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD) Peet acne eed CA eee Ca ci Peet a ee ec) RECRUITMENT DRIVE 2019 RECRUITMENT OF ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, POST GRADUATE TEACHERS, TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERS, MISCELLANEOUS CATEGORY (OF TEACHERS, LEGAL ASSISTANT, FEMALE STAFF NURSE, CATERING ASSISTANT AND LOWER DIVISION CLERK IN JAWAHAR NAVODAYA. VIDYALAYAS / HG / REGIONAL OFFICES OF NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI Catering Assistant (Group C UR | EWS | OBC | SC | ST] Total] OF | VW | HA | Others | Ex “fo | 7 [a] ol 2% | lo | | o | ‘Lower Division Clerk (Group CL UR | EWS | OBC | SC | ST] Total] OF | V | HA | Others’ | EX | 0 | % | 20 | | 15 [oor] o0 | oo] oo | 1 # Sic posts wil boiled up wiih Porson with Locomotor Disability (BL OL) BL (Both Legs), OL(one Leg affected R and /erL), “As por OM dated 15.01.2018 of DOPT, the following catogries to be given 1% resarvaten (@) autism, intecual ésabites, specific learning cisabldies and menial itness (6) multiple dsabities from amongst persons under clause (a) 0 (3) including deat blindness 3. Deiais regarding essential and desrable qualifications for varous categories of posts, Pay Scales, Age limit, Relaxation of age, Mode of Selection and other related ‘etais are gven below. In addition to the pay scale, selected candidates (in case of PGTs, TOTS and Miscllanecus Catagory of Teachers only) wil be ened to draw admissible allowances besides 10% special pay for performing residential duties. 3.4: POST CODE & ELIGIBLITY CRITERIA: 'A.FOR ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER: (Post Code: 01) PAY SCALE: Lovel -12 (Rs 78800-200200) i tho Pay Matrix UPPER AGE LIMIT: 45 years ho separte reservation for Female Teachers ost ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: 2. cai of Post wse & Catogry wise breakup of tian vacancios (navinctease (Masts Dee in Humaniies!ScencelConmerc ron recognized Inston! cdainase) ave asunder Unwersty sistant Commissioner (Group.8 Parana hela naps ps post ot Poole Love 12 (R700 um [ens | ee [se [St [roar [OH [Wm [AR [ote | at ent yor perce he Lev 10 (Rs 010-7700 an above a at ast years experience inthe Lev an above in oto fo fo | ol fo [wo | ol ‘he Edueabonal Planning andAsministraon nary Govt'Seny Govt/Auenomous Post Graduaie Teachers PGTELGrous-8) Otganzaton 5. |bublect [UR ] EWS ]OBC|SC [ST [Towl/OH] VF [HH Others] DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Ne. ()Expenence of worna in residental schoo! system 7 oy BOTA Ow [| AUT POF |= |=], Reswarch wa doo n te fd of eduaten 2 [oomsiy _[22 | oa | 12 [oe [os | 48 for [or =| SuBJECT:¥IsE POST CODE FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM] POST GRADUATE TEACHERS i SOS GRADUATE Te — Engi Tw | oF [oF [oo] a7 [Or] OF Fost re oe re 5 [Gsowraphy [19 | 02 | 10 [os [oz | 36 for] or =] ee @ Seosreohy oe [7 |fma | ve [on [09 [os | | 38 | Comer ow ‘Computer Science 0 toy Bl @ | 2 [ooo | 40 commerce oe ia 9 as mo | [or [os Engi w Physics @ 7 Phvcs 20-| 02 | 0_[ 05 [07 neh = “Tr [Computer Science] 10 [or [05 [os [or | 20 [or] = [= [=| pay scALe: covers (Re 47600161100) im he Pay Matix Total 16 | 18 | tit | 69 [26 [as fat] 10 | | ~ | UrPeR AGE Limit Not oxcendng 40 yours anad Graduate Teachers (Tal [Group-2 ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: S| Subject [UR | EWS[OBC) Sc |ST|Toul|OH] VHA Other] (4) wo Yeon Pos Gnnte Cous tm Regional Coase Eaton ns. in the concerned subject i a mak in aggoga oR 1 | Eas na [a |e [ar [20 | 270 [06 |v] — >| ae fae [sae [ae 2 ao0 [or [06 | Neer Qae fon ord mest wih eet ok mots ene 3 wae fro fo [arf [eo fon[ oe Tene] post Taser Dae Be sore a 3 Socal Suds [73 | 08 | 42 [24 [12 | ve0-[ 04 | 03 —_e Fe ==] paren —| Braco PER PT ses [S| Suet YOR ]EWS]oRC| Sc [Sr [Tot |OH) WHE Tomer) 755 [PGT (Chonan) | Chamainyiio Chany a arte te het tartarts (0 PT ask | Het osi NeSraRE —_ Se a ae oe ates et {w)_[ PET (Economies) | Eeonomics/Applied Economics/Business Economics T[Petwae [eo | or [ae [afm [wa forpor@] | (2 | Person) | Hon 4 PET Femaio [50 | 0s | 28 [1 [or [vas [a2 | a2 [or ‘oa) | PST Geomaphy_| Geomrenty =| [a9] PGT (Commerce) | Commerce wih AccouningCostAczouring’ Franca 5 [Geraran aa [08 [70 [05 | 70 fos | — = ‘counting aso mayer sujct of sudy. Holds of Torr ar] 26 | us p62 [ao [ese |r2| oF oe) — Deyoo of M.Com. in Agplod Business Economics Female Sia Worse (Groao 8) Stal nat be be UR | EWS | OBC | SC | ST [Tomi] OH | VA | FH[ Omer | [6 | PCT Bioony) | Bony /Zockey Lib Scences/ Bi Sdencest Genetics / Mico Biloy Bio Tecnology’ Molecular z{ {| 4 [w lols [oe | = = ‘Bo‘Ptant Fhysobgy provide at appteart hod AesaLAsaistantGroun G) ‘Sudiad Botany and Zoology at Graduation xo OR | EWS | osc | SC | ST [Teal OW [WH | FR OmeR"] shana oo | 0 [or | 0 | | oF | 00 | 09 | OD OO | (c} Proficiency in Teaching in Hindi and English medium ‘continue DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS (a) Exposionce as TGT in ho recognized isttution in concomod subject. {0} Expentence of working ina residential schoo. fc)_Knowladgo of Computer application (Ka) | PGT (Computer | ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Science) 4. At feast 50% marks in agpregate in any of the following BE or B Tech (Computer Scancel) tro a recognized Unversiyinsttute, OR BE or B Tech (any stream) and Post Graduate Diploma ini Computer Scence ftom a recognzod Univarsiyintiute oR MSc (Computer Soence/T)MCA from a recognized University OR BSc (Computer Sciance)BCA and Post Graduate Degroa in any subject from a recognized University. OR Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science and Post (Graduate Degree n any subject rom a recognized University Insitute, OR 'B level om DOEACCINIELT and Past Graduate Degree in any subject. OR °C level rom DOEACCINIELT Mnisty of Information and Communication Tecnology and Graduation. 2. Profeency n teaching in HindvEngtch Desirable: 8 Ed Deatee Note: For subsequent promotion the incumbent wil have to acquire B.Ed. doar, ‘©. FOR TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERS “SUBJECT.WISE POST CODE FOR FILLING UP THE "APPLICATION FORM Post ‘POST CODE Enaish 3 ina 14 Maths 75 ‘Saionce 8 Socal Studies W [PAY SCALE: Level-7 (Re 44900-142400) in the Pay Mairi ‘UPPER AGE LIMIT: Not exceeding 35 years [ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION A) Four years integrated degree course of Regional Colege of Education of NCERT \wth at least S0% marks in the concemed subject as well asin the agnregate. Or Bachelors Honours Degree with at least 20% marks in concerned subjeclcombination of subjecs and also in aggregate. Candidate shoud have ‘tucled requiste subjects) for at least 2 years inthe 03 years degree course. Or Bacholor’s Dogroo ftom a recognized Univorsiy with a east 50% marks in to ‘concerned subjecicombinajion of subjects and also in aggregate. The candidate ‘Should have studied the requisite subjects inal ree years of degree cours. Note : Post wise eloctve subjects and Languages inthe combination of subjects are a under 2) For TGT (Hindi) : Hind asa subjctin al the three years of Degree course 'b) For TGT (English: Englsh as a subject in al the thee years of Degree cours. ‘e) For TGT (tats) - {) Bachelor Degree in Maths along with Physics and any one of the following ‘subjocs. Chomsty, Elocvonics, Computer Sconce, Slsbes. |) Incase of such Unversites which prowdo for only two subjects out of ho so as ‘mentioned above in the fal year of graduation, the candidate should have ‘Studied Maths and Physics in tho final yoar of examination and toe subjects, viz, Mains, Physies and Chemisty Elecrones / Compute Science / Statstes 1 frst and second years of graduation ‘Canckdates who have passed B.Sc. degree with Honours in Maths subject would bo considored aligble only if key avo suded Physics and Chemsiry / Elecroncs / Computer Science | Stasis frst and second year of the course ‘Cancidatos wih B.Sc. (Hons.)m Physics or Chomistry are not oso for the post (of TGT (Maths). 1d) For TGT (Science). Botany, Zoology and Chemistry. {) The candidate should have studied Botany, Zoology and Chemistry during al the threo yoars of study in graduation (i) of such Unversies which provide fr enly two subjects inthe ral year of ‘radiaton, the candidates should have studied any of th two subjects Out of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry inthe final year of examinaticr and al the tes subjects, viz Botany, Zoology and Chemistry inthe frst and second yeats of graduation, Incase of Honours Degree in any ofthe above mentioned three subjects, the ‘cancidate must have stutied other wo subjects inthe frst and second year of he (9) For TGT (Social studies): (0) The candiato should havo studied any of tho two subjcts out of tho following ‘subject combination at graduation love {) Histery wth Geography! Ecanemcs! Poitcal Science OR {) Geography with History’ Economics! Political Science (in thor words Candidates should have studied any two subjects out of History, Geography, Economics and Poltical Science, in which one must be ether History of ‘Geography) {l)_History/Geography as above should have boon studied for all the yoars in to ‘Graduation. i) In case. of Honows Dogreo in History the candidato should havo studied ‘Gongraphy’Economics/Pllical Sciance f 1st and 2nd yoars. San in ease of Honours degree in Geograpiy, the candidate shoud have studied History Economies Paliteal Sconce n st and 2nd year. Candidates with & A. (Honours) ‘in Economics or Poiial Science are not eliable forthe post of TST (S SU) Passed the Central Teacher Eigbilty Test (CTET) conducted by CBSE in ‘accordance wi te guidelines Named bythe NCTE, fr the purpose. BEd. Degree ay ay 3 (0) Competence to teach through English and Hindi / concemed Regonal Language fas he case may be. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS (a). Exporionco of working ina residontial school (@)Khoeago of Computer appcation 1. FOR MISCELLANEOUS TEACHERS 'SUBJECT.WISE POST CODE FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM ‘WISCELLANEOUS TEACHERS POST POST CODE Muse 78 a 18 PET Wale) 2 PET Female) 2 Tbraran @ PAY SCALE: Level7 (Re, 44900-142600) in the Pay Matrix UPPER AGE LIMIT. Not exceeding 35 years QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS ‘Sr | Post [Essential Qualification No. 1. | mse Desirable Qualification Five yoars stay n Music Inston recognized bythe concerned State Govt as equivalent to Gratuate’ Post Graduate Doaroo. OR /4 Bachelors Dogroo wih Musi tom a recognized university and BEd. OR Finer Socondary/Sr Socondary wit any ono ofthe folowing Sangaet Vsharad examination of [Gandharva Mehaviyaiaya Mandl Bombay or Bhatkhande Sangoct | viyalaypeet, Lucknow or Inia Kala Sangeot Vishwa Vidyalaya, Kharagarh (MP) oF Sangost Prabhakar examination of he Prayaa Sangeet Samii, Alahabad Jor () Working knowodgo ot Engish and Hindi or oer Regional Language (a) Expenonco of wortang in la residential schoo! Following Dagree!Oiploma awarded by Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chand gern fa) Sangeet Bhaskar with Graduation in any dscipine (>) Sangeet Nya Bhushan with araduation in any disepino. (c) Sangeet Bhushan or Sangeet Nitya Visharad with Sr. Secondary! InermediaterPart | examoation of 8 years Degree Course Five years Reeegnized Diploma in any discipline of Fine Arts as Draveng Paning/Sculpture/Grapnic JArsCrats afer passing Secondary Examination (Class X of equvatonl) lor Post Graduate Degree in Drawing and Painang, Fine As rom arocogn- zed Universityinsttuton. OR Four Years Diploma in Fine Aris) [rafts from Vishwa Bhart Shand Niketan OR B.Ed. Degree!Dpioma in Fine ts tom Rogional Colego of Education (Degree oF Bachelor of Fino Arts (@FA) ater class XI willbe cons- dered as equivalent to Five Years Diploma n Fine As ator Cis %) Bachelor's dearee in Physical Education from a recognised inst lion OR D.PEd. tom a recognised Unnersiy! Inston provide thatthe admission |quatcaton forthe coma is atleast a. Universiy’s Desres. Universi” degree in Library Science trem a recognised institution Jor (0) BEd. or equivalent [teaching degree trom recognized Unversity, (1) Working knowledge of Engish and Hind: or otbor Regional Language il) Experience of Working n-a residential Schoal. 3 [Per i) Working knowledge of [Engish and Hind' or other Regional Language 1) Expenince of working in la residential schoo! =| Cran Gy Experience of Working i laresiontal schoo i) Knowiedge of Computer [Graduation with One-year Diploma | Operations in Libcary Seionce ftom a rocognised Instituto 2. Working knowledge of English and Kind or otner Rogionl Language E_ LEGALASSISTANT: (Post Code 23) PAY SCALE: Level-8 (Rs.35400-112400) inthe Pay Matrix UPPER AGE LIMIT: Between 18 to 32 years ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Degree in Law fom a recognized University, DESIRABLE" ‘Three years experience of handing egal casos. FEMALE STAFF NURSE: (Post Code:24) PAY SCALE: Level-7 (Rs 44900-142400) in the Pay Matrix UPPER AGE LIMIT: Upto 35 years

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