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a)Define Tuples 1M

b)What exponentiation operator? and evaluate a**b(a=7,b=4) 2M

c)Print the area of a circle of radius 3.75 meters. 2M


a) Write a short note on immutable types in detail 3M

b)How are following two expressions are different? 2M

(i)A=8 (ii)A==8

c)What is Dictionary in python 1M

d)Define logical operator and what are the types of logical operator 3M

e) What is truth value testing 1M


a)Explain core datatypes present in python? 2M

b) Write a short note on mutable types in detail 3M

c) What are the key attributes of variable internals 3M

d)Define Expression 1M

e) What is the symbol of compliment operator 1M


1. ____ is the symbol of compliment operator.

1) @ 2) ! 3)~ 4) ^

2. x+=y=______

1)y=x+y 2) x=x+y 3)z=x+y 4) x+y=x

3. 4**3 evaluates to _____

1)12 2)32 3)16 4) 64

4. What will the output produced by the following code?

A,B,C,D=9.2, 2.0, 4, 21

print (A//4)

1)2.3 2)2.0 3)16.0 4) 1.2

5. What will the output produced by the following code?

A,B,C,D=9.2, 2.0, 4, 21

print (b**c)

1)2.3 2)2.0 3)16.0 4) 1.2

6. The___ of an object is generally the memory location of the object

1)id 2)type 3)value 4)IDE

7. The ____ of an object is the data item contained in the object.

1)id 2)type 3)value 4)IDE

8. The ____ of an object determines the operations that can be performed on the object.

1)id 2)type 3)value 4)IDE

9 A___ in python represents comma-separated values of any datatype between square


1)IDE 2)Tuples 3)value 4)List

10. The ___ is the numbered position of a letter in the string.

1)Index 2)Length 3)String 4)Dictionary


1)3 2)2 3)4 4)2 5)3 6)1 7)3 8)2 9)4 10)1

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