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Research Method

Descriptive method of research was used in this study. It describes and interprets

what is and provides facts with necessary interpretation. The

Research environment

The University of Cebu- Banilad Campus is the environment of the study.

Situated in gov. M. Cuenco Avenue, Barangay Banilad, Cebu City. It is administered

by Atty. Augusto W. Go. The vision of the University is to democratize quality

education, be a visionary leader, and give hope and transform lives. The University of

Cebu is one of the fastest growing University and is also known to be the most

dynamic amongs all universities in Cebu City. Previously known as Cebu College of

Commerce when it opened in 1964, it became the Cebu central Colleges in 1972 and

finally, became University of Cebu in 1992 as a testament of its desire to provide the

best and affordable education to the majority.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are Senior High students of the University of Cebu-

Banilad Campus, from grade eleven- Senior High school; from all strands under the

academic track.

Research Instrument
The researcher made questionnaire was used as an instrument of the study. The

questionnaire was in a form of a checklist. The first and the third questions have the

following choices: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree

(SD), and Undecided (U). The second question has the following choices: Most

Frequently Visited (1), Second Most Frequently Visited (2) and so on and so forth.

ssssswThe fourth question is answerable by Yes or No.

Research Procedure

The research study requires a step-by-step process in completing the tasks in an

orderly and organized manner. Accidental sampling was used in this study. The

researchers determined the problem and did the library research to acquire more

information about the problem and thought of ways on how to solve the problem

determined. After which, the design of the study was conceptualized. The researchers

formulated and prepared the questionnaire. Then, the survey was conducted using the

prepared questionnaire. The respondents read and answer the questions. The

researchers explained the questions to the respondents to prevent possible

misinterpretation and confusion. The questionnaires that contain the necessary

information and data were collected. After, answers are tallied, the researchers

interpreted the data. The researchers determined the conclusions from the findings and

made the recommendations.

Treatment of Data

The weighted mean was used to determine the trend of opinion while the simple

percentage was used to establish a proportion.

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