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Procedia Engineering 202 (2017) 183–188

4th International Colloquium "Transformer Research and Asset Management"

4th International Colloquium "Transformer Research and Asset Management"
Three-Phase Shunts for Stray Magnetic Field
Three-Phase Shunts for Stray Magnetic Field
Leonardo Štracaa*
Leonardo Štrac *
Končar Power Transformers, Josipa Mokrovića 12,10090 Zagreb, Croatia
Končar Power Transformers, Josipa Mokrovića 12,10090 Zagreb, Croatia

In the most basic form transformer consists from a primary and secondary winding coupled with alternating magnetic field. Main
parttheofmost basic form
magnetic field transformer
runs through consists from a primary
high permeability ironand secondary
core. However, winding
everycoupled with alternating
transformer also has a magnetic field. Main
stray component of
part of magnetic
magnetic fielddoesn’t
field which runs through
couple high permeability
primary and secondaryiron core. However,
winding. everyin transformer
The losses metal part ofalso has a stray induced
a transformer component of
by the
stray field which
component doesn’t couple
of magnetic field primary andstray
are called secondary
AlthoughThe it losses
inducesin losses,
metal part
the of a transformer
stray induced
magnetic field in by the
stray component
transformer of magnetic
is helpful field
in limiting the are called stray
short-circuit losses.
current Although
in the grid. Toit cope
withlosses, theaspects
negative stray magnetic field
of the stray in power
is helpful in limiting
transformer manufacturers the ashort-circuit
developed current intothe
number of measures grid.the
reduce Toimpact.
cope with
The negative aspects
paper presents waysof the stray field,
to control stray power
outside manufacturers
of winding developed
with increasing theamagnetic
number of measuresactive
resistance, to reduce
and the impact.
passive The paper
magnetic presents
shields. Also ways to controla stray
it is presented case losses
for of winding
three-phase withapplied
shunts increasing
to thethe magnetic resistance,
transformer of 245 kV, active and passive magnetic shields. Also it is presented a case report
500 MVA.
for three-phase shunts applied to the transformer of 245 kV, 500 MVA.
©© 2017
2017 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published byby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
© 2017 The Authors.
Peer-review under Published by
under responsibility
responsibility ofElsevier
of the Ltd. committee
the organizing
organizing committee of of ICTRAM
ICTRAM 2017.2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICTRAM 2017.
Keywords: power transformer; stray losses; magnetic shield; three-phase shunts;
Keywords: power transformer; stray losses; magnetic shield; three-phase shunts;

1. Stray losses in power transformers

1. Stray losses in power transformers
Stray losses in power transformers generally can be separated into two main groups: stray losses in copper parts
(e.g. losses leads
windings, in power
and transformers generally can
connecting conductors) andbestray
losses into twoparts
in steel main(e.g.
groups: stray losses
clamping systeminand
(e.g. windings,
There leadsamount
is also some and connecting conductors)
of stray losses and stray losses
in the transformer core.inBut,
(e.g. clamping
core systemthese
is laminated, and losses
tank) [4].
There is also
typically some amount
considered of stray losses
to be negligible, in the transformer
although, locally, theycore.
can But,
be ofsince the core
interest is laminated,
in terms of heatingthese
the losses are
first core
typically considered to be negligible, although, locally, they can be of interest in terms of heating the first core

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +38513795427

E-mail address:author.
* Corresponding Tel.: +38513795427
E-mail address:
1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1877-7058 ©under
The Authors. of the organizing
Published committee
by Elsevier Ltd. of ICTRAM 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICTRAM 2017.

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICTRAM 2017.
184 Leonardo Štrac / Procedia Engineering 202 (2017) 183–188
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1.1. Stray losses in copper

Stray losses in copper conductors occur due to combined effect of the stray magnetic field of a conductor itself
and due to stray flux of all surrounding conductors. These losses are called eddy-losses. Eddy-losses in windings can
be calculated to an acceptable level of accuracy because of the well-known geometry of conductors and windings.
Windings themselves are a single primary source of the stray field in power transformers. There are several methods
of keeping the stray losses level inside the windings at an acceptable level ranging from conductor dimensioning to
the winding arrangement selection.

3: induced eddy
1: input
4: input current decreased in
the middle

2: magnetic 5: input current increased on the

flux edge

Fig. 1. Explanation of eddy-loss occurrence in a conductor.

Figure 1 explains an eddy currents occurrence in a conductor. On the left side of the picture there is an input
current (1) uniformly distributed across the conductor as if the eddy-effect doesn’t exist. Since the current is
alternating in time, it generates time alternating magnetic flux (2) concentric to the conductor axis. This flux induces
eddy currents (3) which have such direction to generate a flux in the opposite direction. In the middle of the
conductor (4) eddy currents have direction opposite to the input current, so the resulting current is smaller than the
input current. Near the surface of the conductor (5) eddy currents have the same direction as the input current, so the
resulting current is higher than the input current.

1.2. Stray losses in steel

Stray losses in steel parts of the transformers occur due to the stray field of the main windings, leads and
connecting conductors. Flux lines of the stray field of a single pair of main windings (same core limb, phase) close
predominantly across the top and the bottom of the windings. In three-phase transformers stray field flux lines of the
main windings can also be compensated through interaction with other phases because the net flux of a
symmetrically loaded three-phase field system is zero.
A part of the stray magnetic flux which enters the core beneath the yoke uses the low magnetic resistance of the
path through yoke to compensate itself between phases. This constitutes a low loss path because the transformer’s
core is laminated and eddy losses due to alternated magnetic field are low (the cross section of the yoke has to be
appropriately dimensioned).
A part of stray magnetic flux which closes outside the yoke has two main streams: one that tries to reach the core,
inducing losses in clamping system elements that are penetrated and the other that closes through the tank inducing
losses in the tank shields and tank. Both clamping system and the tank are typically made of magnetic steel with
much higher permeability than the air and thus attracting the stray field.
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/ Procedia Engineering
Engineering 202 (2017)
00 (2017) 183–188
000–000 1853

Fig. 2. a) Source of alternating magnetic field far from conductive plate.

b) Eddy currents induced in the conductive plate due to presence of alternating magnetic field.
c) Magnetic field of induced eddy currents with the opposite direction of the source field

Figure 2 explains an eddy currents occurrence in a conductive plate. On the left side of the picture (a) there is a
winding that generates the time alternating magnetic flux (blue lines). Winding is far away from the conductive plate
so the flux doesn’t reach the plate. In the (b) part of the picture winding is near the conductive plate and the flux
induces eddy currents in the plate (red lines). Eddy currents in the plate have a direction in order to create a
magnetic flux (yellow lines) with the opposite direction of the flux of the winding (c). Since the plate has an ohmic
resistance, eddy currents generates ohmic losses in the plate.

2. Ways to control stray losses outside of winding

2.1. Increasing the magnetic resistance

One approach to lower losses is to increase the magnetic resistance on the stray field path. This is achieved by
using nonmagnetic steel instead the parts made of plain magnetic steel. This parts can be nonmagnetic inserts on the
thank wall or cover, nonmagnetic clamping plate consoles or even a complete nonmagnetic part such as a turret.
This approach is very effective for smaller stray field sources, depending nevertheless on the geometry of the
system, e.g. tank cover lead exits to bushings etc. Stray magnetic field is prevented to form a full closed path
through the high permeability material, significantly increasing path’s magnetic resistance. In the case of a strong
stray field source such as a winding, stray losses can even increase because if stray field enters nonmagnetic steel
(attracted by the high permeability core material behind it) it will generate higher losses than in the case of a
magnetic steel material due to much higher penetration depth.

2.2. Active magnetic shields

Another concept is to exploit the reactive nature of conductive materials. Whenever the conductive material is
placed in the alternating magnetic field, it will induce eddy currents trying to suppress that alternated field.
Regardless of the magnetic field strength, it will exponentially be attenuated with the depth from the point of entry
(only a negligible amount of the original field would penetrate more than 2-3 skin depths). Increase of the magnetic
field strength will increase the amount of eddy currents induced in the conductive material, but the shielding effect
will remain the same.
This effect can be used to attenuate/prevent magnetic field of reaching shielded parts [2]. Materials commonly
used for active shielding are copper and aluminum as straight plates in front of tank or curved shields around
clamping plates. However, while active shields effectively protect desired parts from losses, the amount of stray
losses in the system needn’t be lower. Also, active shields act as a mirror to the magnetic field which can translate
the problem of stray losses somewhere else inside the transformer.
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2.3. Passive magnetic shields

The best way to control the stray magnetic field is the passive magnetic shield (passive in terms of eddy losses
generation when correctly oriented). Passive magnetic shields are effectively silicon steel sheets that provide low
magnetic resistance path for stray magnetic field. Because passive shields are laminated, very little amount of eddy
current are induced and stray losses are greatly decreased. Passive shields have to be carefully designed in order to
avoid magnetic saturation.

2.3.1. Tank shields

Passive magnetic shields are most commonly found on the transformer thank wall, either for single-phase stray
field compensation, three-phase stray field compensation or the combination of both [1]. The silicon steel sheets can
be orientated perpendicular to the tank wall or parallel to it in which case sheets have to be narrow enough so that
field can penetrate in every part of the shield while keeping the losses low.

tank tan


Fig. 3. Left: tank shields perpendicular to the tank wall. Right: tank shields parallel to the tank wall [5]

2.3.2. Three-phase shunts

Three-phase shunts are very similar to the three-phase tank shields, but instead of being mounted on the tank
wall, they are positioned beneath and above windings in the level of clamping plates. Ideally, this is the best way to
control stray flux produced by windings.


Fig. 4. Example of three-phase shunts in a transformer.

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3. Benefits and drawbacks of three-phase shunts

Ideally positioned and dimensioned three-phase shunts would collect the whole amount of stray flux from the
main windings allowing the three-phase compensation of the flux. In that case tank shields are theoretically not
needed. Stray losses from the main winding’s stray flux would be decreased only to losses in laminated material of
the shunt. In the end, transformer designer would only need to address the stray flux from connecting conductors. In
reality there are many obstacles from designing shunt ideally. Still, once implemented, they can reduce stray losses
significantly, as it will be shown in the case report.
Three-phase shunts in the ideal position can find themselves in the preferable way of leads or oil ducts. In some
cases there can be the lack of space for shunts due to voltage clearance. Three-phase shunts will then have
insufficient cross section so shunts will be less effective because of the magnetic saturation. Shunts make
mechanical design more complex and increase the price of the transformer. If there is no danger of overheating of
the construction parts, cost effectiveness of three-phase shunts can be questionable because increase of material
costs can be higher than possible savings due to lower stray losses.

4. Case study for three-phase shunts

Three-phase shunts are applied to the transformer of 245 kV, 500 MVA. 3D FEM model was created and eddy-
current losses were calculated in construction parts using time harmonic calculation. This calculation was coupled
with thermostatic calculation in order to determine the temperature rise in construction pars. It was calculated that
with the standard magnetic steel clamping plate maximum temperature rise in the clamping plate (without other
costly measures like increased distance) would be 350 K, which is unacceptable due to several different reasons. To
avoid this, four three-phase shunts were embedded in the transformer, the one for each of the four clamping plates.
3D FEM calculation on the model with three-phase shunts showed the temperature rise of 87 K which is within the
limits for metallic parts in transformer oil. In this case the total mass of the shunts was 11 t. Stray losses outside of
windings cannot be measured directly. During the load losses test in a test bay only total losses are measured and
stray losses outside of windings are calculated by subtracting ohmic and eddy current losses of windings from the
total losses. In that way measurement error is accumulated in the result of stray losses outside of windings.
Therefore, stray losses outside of windings are statistically estimated during transformer design rather than directly
calculated. In this case for the unit without shunts stray losses outside of windings are statistically estimated to
250 kW. However, on the real unit with three-phase shunts measured stray losses outside of windings were 143 kW.
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Fig. 5. Magnetic induction in the three-phase shunts of the 500 MVA transformer.

5. Conclusion

The stray magnetic flux in the power transformer has to be controlled, depending on the level, source strengths
for a manufacturer to be able to produce units with a wide range of short circuit impedance requirements, while
taming the losses that would be generated by high stray flux sources. Stray losses in windings are controlled by
choice of the conductor dimensions or similar techniques, while the most effective way to reduce stray losses
outside of the windings are passive magnetic shields. Such shields are commonly in use for the tank shielding and
this paper presents an example of three-phase shunts usage and their impact on the total stray losses reduction in the
Three-Phase shunts in the presented case study reduce stray losses significantly for 107 kW or 43 %. However,
this reduction of losses comes with a price of 11 t of silicon steel material and some constructional ingenuity needed.
In conclusion three-phase shunts are very effective in reducing stray losses in power transformers. Transformer
designer’s choice of cases when to use them can be restricted due to voltage clearance and winding leads position.
Designers also have to weigh between the benefit of the stray losses reduction and the additional cost of the


[1] M. Moghaddami, A. I. Sarwat, F. de Leon, Reduction of Stray Loss in Power Transformers Using Horizontal Magnetic Wall Shunts, IEEE
Transactions on magnetics, Vol. 53, No. 2, February 2017
[2] D. Chen, H. Yu, J. Yuan, Analysis on the Shielding Effect of the Power Transformer Tank, Piers online, Vol. 3, No. 6, 2007
[3] F. Kelemen, L. Štrac, S. Berberović, Estimation of Stray Losses Outside of Windings in Power Transformers Using Three Dimensional Static
Magnetic Field Solution and Statistics, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines
[4] K. Karsai, D. Kerenyi, L. Kiss, Large power transformers, Elsevier 1987.
[5] M. Krasl, J. Jirickova, R. VLK, Stray Losses in Transformers Tank, KTE 2009.

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