Wotr Profiles - Elven Kingdoms

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The Elven Kingdoms Faction:

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

High Elf Stormcaller 100 - 6/- - - - 1 6 1 Elf / Hero
A High Elf Stormcaller is a Command Company Upgrade available to formations of High Elf Regiments, High Elf Archer Regiments, High Elf
Cohorts and High Elf Knight Regiments
Magical Powers:
A High Elf Stormcaller has a Mastery Level of 1 and knows all the Spells of Command

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

High Elf Knight Regiment 60 12” 6/3+ 3 6 4 2 5 - Rare / Elf / Cavalry / 1-6
High Elf Captain - 7/3+ - - - 2 6 2 Elf / Hero
Wargear: Hand weapons, heavy armor, glaives and lances. They may take shields (increasing their defense to 6(7) ) or longbows for +5pts per
Command: High Elf Commander 50pts
Banner Bearer 35pts
High Elf Hornblower 15pts
Special Rules: Pathfinders (Master), Terror, Expert Riders

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

Lindir, Elf of Rivendell 100 - 6/- - - - 2 6 2 Elf / Epic Hero
Epic Actions:
Epic Strike, Epic Channelling, Epic Defence
Magic: Lindir knows all the Spells of the Wilderness and the Spells of Command. He has a Mastery level of 1.
Special Rules
Wise Counsel, Pathfinders (Master), Terror
Wise Counsel: If Elrond is within 6” of Lindir, Elrond may expend a single point of Might per turn and re-roll a single failed Focus roll per turn.

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

Rivendell Knight Regiment 70 12” 6/- 3 6 4 2 5 - Common / Elf / Cavalry / 1-6
Knight Commander - 7/- - - - 2 6 2 Hero / Elf
Each company has hand weapons, heavy armour, lances and longbows. The entire formation may be given shields – increasing each company’s
Defence to 6(7) – for +5 points per company.
The first company purchased is automatically the command company. The command company may have the following options:
Knight Commander 50 pts
Banner Bearer 35 pts
High Elf Stormcaller 100pts (See another thread)
Elven Hornblower 15 pts
Special Rules:
Expert Riders, Pathfinders (Mountains), Terror

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

Tauriel 105pts - 6/3+ - - - 3 6 3 Elf / Epic Hero
Tauriel Elf Hero –
Epic Actions:
Epic Strike, Epic Rage, Epic Duel
Special Rules:
Terror, Pathfinders (Master), Blade Mistress
Blade Mistress: In combat, Tauriel’s company may make additional D3 attacks per company engaged with her own bar the first one i.e. if there
is one company engaged, she makes no additional attacks, if there are three companies, she makes two additional D3 attacks.

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

Mirkwood Ranger Warband 50 8” 5/2+ 3 4 8 1 5 – Rare / Elf / Infantry / 1-6
Name Race Type Move F S D A R C Mt
Ranger Captain Elf – 6/- - - - 2 6 2 Elf / Hero
Each company has hand weapons, leather armour and longbows.
The first company purchased is automatically the command company and may take the following options:
Mirkwood Ranger Captain 50pts
Elf Hornblower 15pts
Special Rules:
Terror, Pathfinders (Master), Knife Fighters, Ambushers
Knife Fighters: For each enemy company engaged with a formation of Mirkwood Rangers, each company of the formation increases its attacks
by 1, to a maximum of 4 per company.

Name Points M F/A S D A R C Might Race/Type/# of Companies

Palace Guard Regiment 55 8” 6/3+ 3 5(7) 8 1 5 – Rare / Elf / Infantry / 1-6
Guard Captain Elf Infantry – 7/- - - - 2 6 2 Elf / Hero
Each company has hand weapons, heavy armour and shields. They may take pikes for +5pts per company.
The first company purchased is automatically the command company and may take the following options:
Palace Guard Captain 50pts
Banner Bearer 35pts
Elf Hornblower 15pts
Special Rules:
Terror, Pathfinders (Master), King’s Guard
King’s Guard: Formations of Palace Guards within 6” of Thranduil receive a +1 bonus to their Strength value.

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