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3rd International Conference on Vocational

Education and Training


Aisyah Larasati 049_ICV

3rd International Conference on Vocational Education and Training Review

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1. Relevance
The topic is relevant to technological and vocational education.

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The paper focuses on the revitalization of higher vocational education, which is really closed to technological
and vocational education.

2. Contribution
Paper is considered to have originality, novelty, and innovation

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

This topic is frequently used by many existing study. To increase the contribution of the paper, the author
may apply a different approach/method other than just descriptive qualitative.
3rd International Conference on Vocational
Education and Training

3. Title
The title is effective and accurately describe the content

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The title is concise and trigger a curiosity about what happens in PoltekBa

4. Abstract & Keywords

The abstract is clear and informative. It provides a clear statement of the problem, the proposed
approach or solution, and point out major findings & conclusions. The keywords are appropriately

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The abstract is clear and informative. It delivers the problem statement, methods and major findings.
However, the suggestion at the last sentence of the abstract looks contradict to the title, which have lead
the reader curiosity
3rd International Conference on Vocational
Education and Training

5. Introduction
The paper contains incisive and plain background of problem, the differences of previous research,
and contribution.

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

Please use Introduction instead of preface terminology. The authors have explain the background of the
problem. However, it also needs to include the differences compared to previous/existing research about
revitalization in higher education.

6. Method
The paper contains research design and procedure. The research methodology for the study is
appropriate and applied properly.

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The paper has described the research design clearly. However, when it comes analysis, the paper does not
explain the analysis procedure clearly. It only mention descriptive qualitative. The author may explain in
brief and clearly, how the descriptive qualitative analysis is conducted. Because the paper uses several
method to collect data, the data analysis explanation becomes crucial.
3rd International Conference on Vocational
Education and Training

7. Results and Discussion

Result and analysis is incisively provided in the paper (Table and/or Figure is available to ease the

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The authors deliver quite nice results and discussion. However, the graphs shown in this section should be
written in English too. It will be more helpful if the author give short explanation on how they come up with
6 aspects in discussing the revitalization.

8. Conclusion
The essence of research or experimental result is properly and plainly concluded.

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The conclusion does not really reflect the result properly. The authors should avoid stating something that
have been a common sense.
3rd International Conference on Vocational
Education and Training

9. References
All references should be to the most pertinent and up-to-date sources. References provided are
referred and corresponded to the paper and in accord with the given rules.

o Poor
o Below Average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

Written Comment

The references contains many sources, however some of them are out dated and comes from a book. It
would be better if the authors cited from a reputable international journal articles. Please follows the
references styles in the author guidelines

10. Suggestion to authors

(how to improve the paper)

The authors may improve the quality of the paper by explaining more detail the differences of their paper
with the other existing paper about revitalization in higher vocational education. The references should
reflects an updated sources and follows the references styles requires by ICOVET committee. The graphs in
the results and discussion should be translated into English.

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