Human Impact On The Earth's Atmosphere

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Humans' Impact on the Earth's Atmosphere

Atmosphere, first of the four subsystems of the Earth. The one regulating the temperature of the Earth and
giving us – humans and all other organisms on Earth the protection we needed from extremely harmful Ultraviolet
rays. But what can you feel these past few days, week, or months? It's awfully hot isn’t it? If before, long time ago,
humans can still go out – work or play outside under the sunlight during middays, it can't be compared today where it
is rare to find someone who will not complain with the sunlight early as 7:30 or 8 o'clock in the morning. Makes you
think what is happening to the atmosphere?

“What humans do are mostly for themselves with the purpose of benefiting themselves – all for their
advantage” is what some people say. Humans think of themselves first even with the small things. Just think of
children playing in the mud, humans have dirtied the Earth’s atmosphere in multiple ways, doing and making things
for the improvement and enhancement of their lives. Leaving negative impacts on the Earth’s atmosphere. In the
article written by Million Kazmeyer, the three human impacts on the atmosphere: greenhouse gasses, depleted
ozone layer and air pollution that lead to long term effects. Green house gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane
contribute to the greenhouse effect, which causes the atmosphere to trap heat, making temperatures rise on the
planet. Scientist attribute this increase to the wide spread combustion of fossil fuels. They also discovered that
something was destroying ozone molecules above Antarctica. Studies traced the destruction to chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals typically found in aerosol spray and air conditioners. Humans also
affect the atmosphere through air pollution, one example is fossil fuel combustion.

All of the activities stated above are for the improvement of humans' lives. It is threatening to see that the
progression of the condition of the Earth’s atmosphere is not towards the positive outcome for the estimation of the
British Antarctic Survey regarding the disappearance of the hole in the ozone layer may take as many as 50 years,
provided that no new threats to the ozone come into play. Not just that but also Earth’s ecosystem reabsorbs carbon
dioxide very slowly, that even if human beings cut carbon output levels by 50%, the Earth’s would still see a net
increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the next century.

It might be threatening but that’s more of a reason for us to make and create much more effort on finding
and creating ways on how to minimize the production of those chemicals that destroy the atmosphere. We can’t
afford for the Earth to be continually destroyed by our foolish works. This is the only planet where we can live. We are
the inhabitants of Earth therefore we – humans who have the knowledge and capabilities of doing incredible works
have the duty to try reconstructing what were destroyed.

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