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B. Cruz St. Tangos North, Navotas City


Grade 11 – Second Semester

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions. Read each statement carefully and shade the correct letter of the answer on your
answer sheet. ( 50 pts )

1. Carla is doing a research about factory workers. To gather more data, Carla works as a factory worker and
observes her co-workers at the same time. What type of observation was illustrated?
A. Simulation C. Participant Observation
B. Non Participant Observation D. Naturalistic Observation

2. How do phenomenological researchers attempt to understand the universal nature of an experience?

A. By reviewing the data gathered through a quick survey handed out to the research subject
B. By carrying out interviews and examining the views of people who have experienced the phenomenon
C. By immersing themselves into the real world in order to experience the phenomenon for themselves
D. By carrying out statistical analysis of the numerical data gathered in the research

3. Joanne wants to study how people feel after watching the newest animated movie. She asks each person coming
out of the theater to fill out a form, rating the different emotions on a scale of 1 to 3. What type of data
collection instrument did Joanne used?
A. Observation B. Interview C. Survey D. Focus Group

4. Andrew is doing a study on Ilocano’s thriftiness. Which qualitative research approach should he use?
A. Grounded Theory Approach C. Phenomenology Approach
B. Ethnographical Approach D. Case Study Approach

5. Gabbie is doing a research on children with ADHD. Gabbie went to a facility of children with ADHD and
observe Kim as her sole participant. Which qualitative approach should she use?
A. Grounded Theory Approach C. Phenomenology Approach
B. Ethnographical Approach D. Case Study Approach

6. Suppose that a researcher studies one gifted student in order to better understand how this student's school day
differs from that of more typical students.
A. Grounded Theory Approach C. Phenomenology Approach
B. Ethnographical Approach D. Case Study Approach

7. The study of a single individual and his or her experiences as told to the researcher or found in documents and
archival material describes which approach to qualitative research?
A. Case Study C. Grounded Theory
B. Historical D. Phenomenology

8. In which approach to qualitative research do the researchers intend to generate a theory that is based on data
systematically gathered and analyzed?
A. Grounded Theory Approach C. Phenomenology Approach
B. Ethnographical Approach D. Case Study Approach

9. Which of the following is a philosophical assumption of qualitative researchers?

A.Facts and values are distinct from one another.
B. The proper design of research investigations will lead to accurate conclusions about the world.
C. Values are an integral part of the research process.
D.Facts stand independent of the knower and can be known in an undistorted way.

10. Which of the following is not a general feature that characterizes most qualitative research?
A.Inflexible Design C. Naturalistic Inquiry
B. Holistic Perspective D. Personal contact and Insight

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