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Name : Citra Kurnia Pramesti

Class : X Ipa 1

Biography of Ade Ayu Rosalia

Her name is Ade Ayu Rosalia, usually called Ade, she was born in Sukaraja
Lama on September 30, 2003, was the youngest of 4 children from Mr. Daruki
and Ms. Yulyati.

in 2008 Ade began studying at Paud Kasih Bunda for 1 year, in Paud she was
often given milk by her teacher because she was able to read when she entered
Paud in the fifth month.

in 2009 she went to state elementary school 08 indralaya selatan for 6 years
from 2009-2015. in the 6th semester of the first semester Ade got 2nd place

in 2015, Ade went on to study in the state 3 South Indralaya junior high school.
during class 1 she sat in class 74 and was ranked 3rd in the first semester and
ranked 1st in the 2nd semester. in the 8th grade she served as vice class
president and got 1st place in the 1st semester and got the 1st place in 2016 at
his school. in 9th grade Ade became the Class Chair in his class.

in 2018 Ade continued her senior high school at the INDRALAYA 1 High
School with Academic and Non-Academic Achievement pathways which are
often known as PMPA. And entered in class X Ipa 1 and most liked the subject
of English and Biology.

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