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Mueller Chemical Company (MCC), is now in a big quibble whether they should stay with

TQM or not. Five years ago, MCC’s biggest customer Ameriton demanded that MCC should
implement the TQM. Now, the Ameriton has gone bankrupt and as a result MCC had to cut
their workforce and senior managers are having a meeting whether they should stay with
TQM or not in the Downsized MCC. The division is more cost efficient; products defects are
nearly non-existent and has a persistent safety record. Ameriton’s Failure is no reason to
admonish the all the things that MCC has built. The other worst impact is on the shareholders
and customers are thinking that MCC will panic.
Horst Koblitz,Director of TQM and Divison Manager Eva Stichen both has voted yes. On the
Other Hand Stichen’s divison,which Never Supplied Ameriton,has turned its process control
systems as the best system into The Company’s all best to TQM. The MCC just needs to
tailor its TQM programme. The CFO Georg Becker doesn’t think that MCC has all the time
for the fine tuning. The TQM is considered as a good long-term approach but probably it
didn’t match with the plans of MCC’s current Predicament.
Approaching Downsizing: The MCC have to plan out all the things is they are going for
downsizing which would include the restructuring of the whole process which would be
having a hefty amount of expenses.
 Rapid Response and better information flow: The MCC should implement the
proper flow of communication and avenues to communicate the Strategic Directions.
 Customer centric approach: The MCC shall also train the employees to gather the
feedback from the customers. The sales people of the MCC deals the customer on the
regular basis and hence they could gather the accurate feedback.
 Use of Existing TQM Tools: The MCC can use the existing tools which can
significantly improve the process and control on the output. Those Tools can also help
in focusing on the smaller organization.

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