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Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person


Name:___________________________________________Grade________ Score_______

General Instruction: Choose the correct answer only.

I. True or False: Write A if the the statement is true and B if it is False in the blank
provided before the number.

_________1. To say that philosophy encourages the adoption of a questioning attitude means
that philosophic thinking encourages people to deny the existence of God or traditional moral
_________2. In philosophy the purpose of rational self-examination is to develop arguments
that correct or support beliefs in ways that could be persuasive even to people with different
_________3. Though philosophy is defined as the pursuit of wisdom, it does not investigate
what it means to ask questions in the first place.
_________4. As the pursuit of wisdom, philosophy raises questions about almost everything
except what it means to question in the first place.
_________5. Because philosophy requires that we question our beliefs, it cannot provide
reasons why one set of beliefs should be preferred over another.
_________6. One of the primary aims of philosophy is to see how our beliefs compare with
those of others who can and do raise objections against those beliefs.
_________7. Philosophy attempts to answer questions such as "Why do we exist?" by
examining what it means to ask such questions and to evaluate whether proposed answers to
such questions are justified.
_________8. Philosophical questions are generally more concerned with identifying how beliefs
differ among persons or cultures than with how those different beliefs can be justified.
_________9. Myth provides the vocabulary and grammar in terms of which both philosophical
questions and their answers are intelligible.
_________10. By giving us a sense of purpose and moral value, myth indicates our place in
nature and explains in general why things are the way they are.

II. Identify the types of fallacy do the following statement express. Write the number of
the correct answer.

1. Ad Hominem 5.Fallacy of Composition

2. Appeal to Popular 6. Fallacy of Division
3. Appeal to Emotion 7. Cause and Effect
4. Begging Questions 8 Appeal to Tradition 9. Appeal to Force

______________________11 A politician arguing that his opponent cannot possibly be a good

choice for women because he has a religious conviction that causes him to be pro-life.
______________________12.Grocery store commercial that shows a happy family sitting
around the table at Thanksgiving.
______________________13.Jennifer comes to class just as the bell rings every day.
Jennifer's arrival at class causes the bell to ring.

______________________14.A real estate ad that shows a happy young family with children
moving into the home of their dreams.
______________________15.Commercials that show starving children in Africa before asking
for donations to feed them.
______________________16.Saying that you support a specific candidate for class president,
only because he has recently been diagnosed with cancer.
______________________17.Everyone wants the new iPhone because it is the hottest new
gadget on the market!
______________________18.The 2nd grade at my elementary school buys the most popsicles
at lunch.
______________________19. Women in the United States are paid less than men. Therefore,
my mom must make less money than my dad.

______________________20.A lawyer who argues that his client should not be held
responsible for theft because he is poor.
III. Complete the statement by filling the missing words in the blank.

To really understand this particular subject, we always have to go back to

21__________________. .
We are invited to develop the 22._____________ introduced by Socrates which is
called 23._____________ Elenchus.
It is a continuous process of questioning and answering until we arrive at the
24___________ truth.
We have to develop this way of thinking because 25____________ is basically
True learning is a 27 ______________
This life of virtue, a life of perfection, is called 28__________
If we are confined to our daily routines, to ways we have become used to, we will never
experience the “29_______________________.”
• With this dialogue, we grasp an 30. _________________ to the meaning of life/reality
IV. Identify whose philosophers do the following statement stated.

Albert Einstien, Gabriel Marcel, Raul Ricoeur, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle,

Pythagoras, Jean Paul Sartre, Thomas Aquinas

__________________31. The start of wisdom is docta ignorantia, “to know that you do not
__________________32.My heart is restless until it rests in thee
__________________33. All men by nature desire to know.”
__________________34. Knowledge of all things is the sole privilege of God alone.
__________________ 35. “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.”
__________________ 36. “ What an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is
here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though sometimes he thinks he feels.”
__________________37.we can say that where primary reflection tends to dissolve the unity of
experience which is first put before it, the function of secondary reflection is essentially
recuperative; it reconquers the unity.”
__________________ 38. “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.”
__________________39. The body is not the object of action but essentially the organ by which
human action is fulfilled
__________________40. This is not just “a body”. This is my body

V. Matching type: Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Human d. Interiority g. Externality j. Transcendence

b. Person e. Self-determination h. Dignity
c. Self f. Free will i. Spirit
____41. This term refers to a man as species and distinguishes man from other animals.
____42This refers to the totality of an individual who possess awareness, self determination and
the capacity to interact with others.
____43. This is the capability to act and be aware of one’s action.
____44This refers to the ability of the person to experience an “inner world” that is defined by
personal thoughts and ideas.
____45. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and make self
determination possible.
____46. This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world
____47. This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.
____48. This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms.
____49. This is the intangible element that enable us to exercise thought, posses awareness,
and reach out to the outside worlds and others.
____50. This is the ability to surpass limits.


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