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Confidence in media

There are many ways to be informed nowadays, and people can find anything they want in
about a second because of great connection between different kinds of media.
You can read articles on the internet, turn on your television and watch the news, turn on
the radio or simply buy good, old newpapers while drinking your coffe and relaxing from all
the stress in your life.
But, people started to complain that media exactly sometimes is cause of their stress,
because people want to be well informed about what is happening in the world, and want to
find it out immediatly after something happened.

People want to keep up with informations around them and they resent some media
because of their flippancy, ways they inform people or their copying news from another
media, which is common case in many newspapers.
Newspapers often offer too much unimportant things, desinformatons, every now and then
you can see big headlines about how celebrities live, where they get their hairs done or
some other pointless things in lifes of many people.
Media's goals nowadays are sensational, bombastic news which are supposed to attract
people to buy, read, watch or listen.

According to research of one market research agency in Zagreb, which was taken in
december last year, 53 % of citizens of Zagreb does not believe in what media says, while
only 21 % of citizens expressed confidence in media, which says that media is in bad
Research is conducted on a sample of 1000 people older than 15 years and media was rated
with a score of 3,3 of possible 7.
Confidence in media was the lowest in june 2012., when only 18 % of people expressed
confidence in media's work.

Despite the fact that new kinds of media, such as Facebook and Twitter are more and more
popular, traditional ways of communicating are still more effective.
Explanation could be that appearances in newpapers, radio or television are more natural,
because person is visually presented, and people want to personally connect with their
Effective communication is very important for leadership.
Many citizens consider that „face-to-face“ communication enable credibility of leadership.

Research showed that ideology of advertising and market influenced on decrease of

confidence in media and that exactly that ideology restricts freedom of journalists and
journalism, and that media which do not depend on advertising have more freedom.

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