College Research Reflection

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College Research Reflection

1. List the campuses you plan on applying to or have already applied to. Highlight the three most
important criteria you used in determining where to apply.

A: I currently attend Palomar College but I plan on applying to Cal State San Marcos.

2. Which campus is the one you would most like to attend? Explain why this campus is your first choice
compared to the others.

A: I would love to attend Cal State because of their courses offered and the proximity from house to the

3. What will be your intended education goal? How does this goal relate to your chosen career? What
resources do these campuses have to support you in this career field?

A: My intended education goal is to complete an associate’s degree in psychology at Palomar College

and then transfer to Cal State. These campuses offer great programs regarding my career choice.

4. How do the costs of attendance compare at each campus? How do you plan to cover the costs of
attendance if you are accepted?

A: Palomar College is far more affordable compared to other Universities like Cal State San Marcos. I
plan on applying for financial aid.

5. Do you plan on transferring to a four year college? If so, which campuses are you interested in
transferring to?

A: I am interested in transferring to Cal State San Marcos. My transfer degree would be a BA in


6. Are there transfer agreements available? If so, which agreements do you plan to use to successfully
transfer? What are the requirements of these agreements?

A: Yes, the credits I am completing are transferable. I require 60 credits with a gpa of 2.0 or higher in
order to transfer.

7. Which classes are transferable from the community college you plan to attend to the campus you
plan to transfer to? Are there classes that will not transfer?

A: All the classes I am currently taking are transferable to Cal State. Part of the transfer agreement is to
be in good standing while a Palomar College student.

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